#...unless the reason we dont see the ears is because someone on the uh
lunar-wandering · 1 year
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kzele · 2 years
The Man Behind The Spider 5(?)
@hermesserpent-stuff and I did a back and forth convo. I was Peter and they were Tombstone. This is legit copy-pasted from our chat with their permission.
Tombstone: how much does the spider pay u?
Peter: What? That's. . .Look, it's really not about the money, alright?The Bugle pays me for Spider-man photos. That's it.
Peter: *not liking the sound of that* You have something to say? Not everyone is in it for the money, you know.
Tombstone: then why cover for him? Why do you make his gear, take his photos, and presumably do other things for a person who seems more of an endangerment to you and yours than any sort of benefit?
Peter: Because he's also saved me and mine a lot. Before either of us had anything to do with the Bugle, he saved Mr. Osborn from dying and Harry got to still have two parents. If I can help make sure that no one else has to get hurt, I will. Money or no money.
Tombstone: ah I see.
Peter: *raises a disbelieving eyebrow* You do?
Tombstone: somewhat. Blood loyalties are the hardest to break. Especially among good men. And I think you are a good man at heart Peter.
Peter: *flushes* I, uh, thank you? But I think just about anyone could do the same.
Tombstone: *shaking his head slowly* I can count on my hand the men who would rather fight and die for loyalty. The number that would turn against their own brother or anyone who's saved their sorry skin is akin to the number of stars in the sky.
Peter: You're getting pretty philosophical. Maybe you don't see many of them with your lifestyle, but they are there. It sucks you haven't been able find them around you, though.
Tombstone: Im not sure if your optimism is born of youth, foolishness, or is some inherit personal trait. And perhaps your right. But I've lived many lives with many faces. Trust that I might have picked up some wisdom along the way.
Peter: Don't see what's foolish about finding a reason to get out of bed in the morning. My aunt and uncle are *pause* and were good at finding a way of looking up, so it's definitely not an age thing. And besides, isn't the whole point of wisdom knowing you haven't experienced everything yet?
tombstone: *there is a note of delight in his smile* it seems you have had some very valuable teachers. And youre not incorrect. Wisdom relies on learned experience and seeing that you have not experienced all there is to learn. Though patterns tend to speak for themselves. as they say: history does not repeat itself. but it often rhymes.
Peter: *relaxes and smiles back a little* The best teachers. Makes learning from experience much more fun. Glad we're on the same page with something, then.
Tombstone: *immensely pleased* Indeed.
Peter: Sooo, where do we go from here? How are you going plan around me now? Since you decided not to threaten me and stuff.
Tombstone: *he lets out a hum of consideration* I think it would be unwise to tell you. You have the ear of my enemy after all. But rest assured, my network wont bother you. Unless strictly necessary.
Peter: *rolls eyes* That's all I wanted to know. I'm not dumb enough to think you'll just let me in on your detailed plans. But what exactly do you mean by *air quotes* strictly necessary?
Tombstone: I dont think Ill elaborate. I do believe you would find reason to be irritated with the guidelines I have in mind
Peter:. . .How do I know if I crossed a line then? *frowns* Also, how did you come across me at all today? I would have thought I was too far beneath you for you to notice me.
Tombstone: *sidestepping the first question* I make it a goal of mine to keep a thumb on the pulse of the underground. and you have entered one of her main arteries. Working for spiderman will gain you many eyes. Including mine
Peter: *narrow eyes* That's not an exact answer for my second question and you didn't even answer my first. Did you talk to someone I know about me and they told you where to find me?
Tombstone: So you wont turn on spider-man but you expect me to turn on my source of information? *teasing* For shame.
Peter: *crosses arms* When it concerns people I know, yes. It's not like I'm asking you for a list of underworld informants. Was it Jonah? I know he donates to your charities. Or what about Mr. Osborn? You two run into each other from time to time and catch up on rich people things?
Tombstone: What benefit does it give me to tell you who my informant is?
Peter: . . .Are you actually saying you want something in return for that info? You're the one who cornered me using someone I know as an informant.
Tombstone: *shaking hsi head slightly* no. I did not mean to imply that. Rather, that would end in a burnt bridge where i get no more information from that source for other things. Though the bridge may be burned anyways, given that we have spoken, despite their... reservations
Peter: *thinking it over* Not Jonah, then. He's totally bought into your public persona. Same with May. I can't see Captain Stacy being happy about giving you info but I can't see that being called a burnt bridge either, since you two don't hang. I'm not in contact with the Connors now since I was let go. Burnt bridge crosses out anyone my age, which leaves Mr. O?
Tombstone: *smiles with a little more teeth, definitely pleased* Oh, you are quite quick on your feet. Im not going to confirm or deny. But your logic is sound.
Peter: *sighs* I'm quick enough to know that's as close as I'm going to get to a yes.
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enchantedblackrose · 3 years
All the Pieces Pt 3
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Gif not mine. Full credit to the owner. Taken from Google Images
All the Pieces
Sirius Black/Fem Reader
Warnings: unedited, mild language, alcohol consumption, brief mentions of underage drinking, small mention of bullying. Lengthy author's notes at the end. Also this was a huge PIA to write so hopefully it doesn't read too disconnected
Part 1|| Part 2|| Part 4|| Part 5
Part 3 of ?
When you touch me gently I remember how you know And the sun shines rings around your smile And I'm here laughing like a child -Pieces, Dan Powell
If it was any other person on your doorstep, you'd probably berate them for inducing that almost heart attack you just experienced. Instead you grab the familiar face by the sleeve of his worn jacket, pulling him into your living room.
"I could deck you, Remus John Lupin. I thought someone came for him. Ugh. Come here." Your arms wrap  around him for a tight hug, which he returns. "He's here, Remus. He's safe." You feel Remus let out a deep sigh of relief. Pulling away, you look at him with gentle scrutiny, knowing what a toll last night took on him. "You look awful. Did you walk far? You should've told me you were coming. I could have met you."
Remus shakes his head. "I caught a train and apparated most of the way."
"Stop fussing over him, y/n. Let the poor man get past the door."  Sirius's teasing voice calls out from behind you; no doubt his canine ears allowed him to hear the familiar voice even through the closed bedroom door and knew it was safe to come down.
The two men embrace; this encounter being much more relaxed than their last. No Peter, no warranted need for revenge, no threat of execution.
As you all stand in your living room, a haunting thought hits you: you three are it, the last of your true friends. Peter is the traitor. You suppress a shudder, swearing to make the most of this moment.
"You know," you say with a grin, "I happen to have a large bottle of firewhisky. Fancy a drink, boys?" Sirius's grin mirrors your own. Remus has a small tentative smile, but it's all the encouragement you need to send you to the kitchen to fetch the bottle.
The small, quaint kitchen appears even smaller with the disregarded dishes from breakfast still sitting out on your table. The sight causes a small frown to appear on your face. All the rest of the morning and most of your afternoon had been lost to the unplanned nap with Sirius. You fill your sink with soap and hot water. A few flicks of your wand and your dirty dishes are submerged in the water, scrubbed, and rinsed. The process begins again as now clean plates make their way to the drying rack, which is concerning because you dont believe you cast a spell for that. Confused, you turn to see Remus in the kitchen. He winks and wordlessly reaches your top cabinet without so much of a stretch to retrieve the bottle of firewhisky. You follow him back to the livingroom, toting three glasses.
"Cheers to freedom," you say once everyone has a full glass, "and to being reunited with old friends."
"You hear that, Remus? She thinks we're old." You roll your eyes good naturedly. Remus rests a hand on Sirius's shoulder, giving it a brotherly pat. "We are old," he says simply, before all three of you raise your glasses to your lips, sipping at the burning liquid. You each settle comfortably in your living room. Remus sits in the armchair, leaving the overstuffed couch for Sirius and you. You sit at an end, while he opts for the middle seat, but in a respectable distance of your space. The bottle of alcohol sits in arms reached on the coffee table.
"I thought you swore off this stuff y/n." Remus says with a twinkle in his eye as he takes another drink from his glass. "You know, considering your history with it.." You groan and Sirius throws his head back in laughter.
"I almost forgot," Sirius says breathlessly from laughing. "Was that seventh year?"
"Sixth. Just before we got together. I suppose I was trying to impress you," you tell him.
"You matched me drink for drink that night."
"Which was mad seeing how I never had a drink before. I spent all next morning and afternoon in bed, throwing up. It was awful."
"You're forgetting the best part," Remus interjects.
"Dancing on top of that old table in the Shrieking Shack, singing the chorus of "Rock and Roll all Nite" at the top of my lungs was far from the best part. I only wish I could forget it."
"That wasn't singing, love. More like cats dying," Sirius quips while he and Remus laugh. You say nothing, well aware how accurate the description fits. You take a long drink from your glass.
"Yes, well as, uh, entertaining as that moment was, I wasn't referring to it," says Remus. You look at him questioningly. "Have you forgotten sneaking into the Slytherin boys' dorm, stealing all their robes, turning them hot pink, changing the crest to a mountain troll, and then returning them to the dorm?"
"Oh,  Merlin. That was the same night wasn't it? James had never been so keen on lending me his invisibility cloak until I concocted that plan!" The two men laugh and you join in.
"You know most of my other friends thought I was strange for being into muggle music." You say as the laughter dies down.
"Lily shouldn't have?" Sirius asks after he swallows his drink.
"No. You're forgetting Lily and I weren't friends first. We didn't really talk or hang out until she and James started dating."
"That's right. I forgot. I remember the two of you constantly together."
"Because we bonded over you two idiots. Prior to that, she never came out and said it, but I think she thought I was daft hanging around you lot most of the time. The other girls were more forgiving, but they had crushes on you all." You give a careless shrug. It was no secret how sought after the boys had been in their schooldays.
"I never quite understood how you became friends with us," Remus says.
"It was easy with you. You were so nice, calm, dependable, and not obnoxious. Peter…" you pause, choosing words carefully, not wanting present feelings to influence memories. "He was quiet and lonely. Pretty much agreeable. Again, easy. James and Sirius? I was determined to never speak to either after that boat ride our first night."
"We saved your life that night!" Sirius interjects.
"You two were the reason it needed saving! Standing up in a fucking boat because you two saw whatever in the lake. James knocking me overboard in the process."
"It was a giant squid and we rescued you."
You roll your eyes. "I was drenched, freezing and completely mortified. And as apologetic as James was, he kept calling me the wrong name." You all laugh. 
"It wasn't until second year that I thought they might be okay. We had already become friends," you say looking at Remus. "I missed about a week of classes due to acute bronchitis. You spent time with me afterwards, helping me catch up. When you missed later that month, I was ready to return the favor."
Remus nods, remembering the time fondly. "You were an excellent note taker. Much better than the other three."
"Did you even take notes?" You ask with a playful glance to Sirius.
"In second year? Probably not." He grins ever so cheekily. You shake your head, but are smiling.
"So we became friends and you befriended James and Sirius by default?" Remus muses.
Sirius feigns hurt. "Are you implying we were some sort of consolation prize?"
"Actually," you interject, "They saved me once again. A group of four older boys were harassing me, just dumb taunts and knocking my books out from my hands. They came right over, not caring about being outnumbered. Got the gits to leave me alone. James finally learned my name and I realized Potter and Black weren't so awful after all."
"Those guys were jerks. It didn't sit well with us to see anyone bullied like that."
"Unless of course it was Snape," you counter.
"That was different," Sirius's free hand clenches into a fist as he takes a hard drink.
Remus is quick to change the subject. "Do you still have that remembrall?"
"The one we enchanted to go red only for James? Mhm! It's at my flat in the city."
"Do you mean our flat?" Sirius asks.
Your smile falters. "No. Sirius. I got a different place. After…everything. It was too hard."
A deafening silence falls. Each of you taking long sips from your glasses.
"Oh!" You jump up suddenly, which given your somewhat inebriated state is not the brightest idea. You stumble slightly, but Sirius steadies you, grabbing you by your hips. His fingers linger and your eyes meet. You lose yourself; for a moment you're sixteen again and his touch is more intoxicating than the alcohol. His gaze tells you he feels the same.
Remus clears his throat loudly before taking a drink from his glass.
"Thanks," you mumble, setting your glass on the table.
Sirius releases you from his grasp, though you still feel the ghost of his touch. "'Tis no trouble, darling." You sense his eyes on you as you disappear from the room, heading upstairs. Your head is buzzing, but you blame that on the alcohol…
You return downstairs to the living room, the fetched item tucked securely out of sight under your arm, and find the boys, men talking with easy smiles. It makes you so happy to witness and spend this time together. Your presence has their full attention.
"Follow me, please." You fill your glass with more firewhisky. Sirius mimics the gesture and offers Remus a refill, but he just shakes his head no and silently indicates to the liquid still in his glass. You grab your wand and lead your little group outside to the backyard. The sun sits low in the west, the sky becoming more plum and black than pink and gold. Buckbeak sits on the ground near your shed, one wing tucked over its head.
You hand Sirius your wand and then produce his prisoner robes. He laughs and even Remus looks as if he approves. Sirius waves your wand and the dingy, tattered garment is set ablaze. 
After a while, you all make your way back inside. You prepare a light dinner and the eating and drinking continue with more laughs and shared memories. Hours pass. The contents of the bottle nearly drained signal the night coming to an end.
"I'm one drink away from dancing on tabletops and singing, or, screeching some A-ha, or something equally as embarrassing." you laugh. "I'm going to bed. Remus, I offered Sirius your room, but you're welcome to the couch. There are blankets and pillows in the hall closet." 
"Thank you, y/n. But I should be going."
"What? No. Stay. I insist. I need to see your bemused face sipping tea when I come downstairs with a bloody hangover and you're just fine."
Remus grins. "I hate depriving you both of such a moment, but I have an appointment tomorrow morning. I've already rented a room." You frown but don't press the issue any more. "Though if you don't mind, I thought I'd travel by floo."
"Of course. Help yourself. Powder is on the mantle." You hug him close and kiss his cheek. You excuse yourself, giving the other two time to say goodbye.
As you head for the bathroom, you pause hearing their low voices.
"I'm so sorry, old friend, for believing you... betrayed them. I should have known better. I-"
"There's nothing to forgive. I doubted you, too. The war made us all fear the worst.."
Mentally, you chastise yourself for eavesdropping and begin washing your face.
Sirius has made his way upstairs. In passing his room, you say goodnight. You're about to close the door to your bedroom when he calls your name and you turn to see him stepping towards you. Without warning his lips crash down on yours. Your fingers intertwine in his dark curls at the nape of his neck as you let the kiss deepen. His hands grip your waist and he hoists you up off your feet with little effort just as he did many times all those years ago. Your legs wrap themselves around his waist as he carries you to your bed. He drops you gently and only breaks the kiss to look at you. Still hovering over you, his gray eyes search your face for the answer to an unasked question. You nod in response, but he continues to gaze at you longing to hear you say it.
"I want you."
A slow breath of relief leaves him and his mouth finds its way back to yours. 
The night ends with two former lovers once again completely losing themselves in a perfect moment.
There's an unspoken understanding that the night you and Sirius shared together was more than a drunken hookup after a long night of reminiscing. But you don't repeat the night, though you share your bed with him. Nights are hard for him. Sleep doesn't always come easy and he often wakes in the middle of the night screaming, or panicked with sweat pouring off his body. But your presence brings him a comfort he can't otherwise achieve. And so, you spend your night together in your bed. Sleeping.
As days turn into weeks, a comfortable routine has set. Remus visits about once a week. Surprisingly, Sirius has taken to caring for your garden. You go into town as needed and you and Sirius cook dinner together most nights. Buckbeak, now known as Witherwings per a letter from Hagrid that reached Sirius, roams your yard freely, occasionally taking flight in the safety of the countryside night skies, always returning by daybreak. As precautions for the hippogriff and Sirius you casted Protego totalum over the cottage and yards. 
During this time together, Sirius learns how you took over your parents' shop*, how you've taken on a promising young woman who mostly looks after it, leaving you to spend more time here at the cottage, which also belonged to your parents. With tears in your eyes, you told him how they died months apart just over two years ago. He comforted you, remembering them both fondly and told you they'd be proud of you.
The day is still young when you tell him you have to go to the shop to take inventory. Before you leave you call out to him.
"Since it looks like rain, can you please go through some of your things in the attic?"
"Yes, dear," he uses the term mockingly and you playfully glare back at him.
"Try not to burn the place down while I'm gone." With that, you close the door behind you.
It's late afternoon when you return home. Sirius is waiting for you. A midnight blue box in his hand.
"Will you marry me, y/n?"
*a/n: I kept this vague so you can imagine a shop that fits your personality/likes/whatever. I'll only specify this later if needed for storylines. I wanted something where you could be allotted time off easily. Personally I imagine maybe an apothecary? Or maybe an antique shop. What about you?
2: I'm thinking of writing a prequel? More like blurbs, highlighting moments between you and Sirius. But I need to know what you want to read. First engagement? First kiss? When Sirius realizes he's in love? Time at Hogwarts? Post Hogwarts but pre Azkaban?
Taglist <3:  @oingo233 @marimorena06 @medalloway-blog
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afoolnottoloveu · 4 years
maybe i’m imagining things ♡
Summary: You don’t really feel like you belong at the BAU just yet (WC: 2.1k) {Masterlist <3}
Pairing: Spencer Reid x gender neutral!Reader
TW: smoking, mentions of death, swearing, mentions of alcohol
A/N: i dont smoke so theres highkey gonna b smth wrong with the description,,, but it just felt right okay, also it was a song reference as well >:(( also, this is for lucy’s fic contest! congrats on 3000 sweetheart <3
Song Pairing: Why Am I Like This? - Orla Gartland
You could remember the feeling, how it started that night at the bar. Despite the conversations of your new team swirling around you, you felt like a stranger. You didn’t think much of it at first, you just thought you were imagining things. You’ll grow into it, you told yourself. 
After exactly a year at the BAU, you still couldn’t decisively say you were part of the family. As cases came and went, you felt the same. An outsider. A guest living with a family. You couldn’t blame them, really. As you should, right? They weren’t like this with any of the other newbies; it was you who intruded.
The last case felt no different. It was a family annihilator, and all you could think about were the victims. Unbeknownst to the team, except Aaron, you knew almost exactly what the family of the victims were going through. Your feelings were taking a toll on you, and everything from the jet ride to heading back to the office was a complete daze. Your mind was somewhere far off in the distance, only snapped back by the soft touch of JJ placing her hand on your shoulder before you could walk through the glass doors.
“Are you coming tonight?” She asked as if you already knew of what was happening tonight.
“Uh, w-what’s tonight?”
“We’re going to-”
“O’keefe’s!” Penelope squealed, running out of her batcave with the clicks of heels following.
“Oh, um-” you hesitated, but you remembered how badly you wanted to be a part of their family, and a drink didn’t sound too bad at the moment, “yeah! Yeah, I’ll just meet you guys there alright? M’gonna just grab some stuff.”
“We’ll see you down there!” Penelope bubbled, before sweeping everyone else into the elevator. You gave a small smile and wave, catching Spencer’s gaze  just as the doors shut. Maybe you had learned to hide it well after all these years, but for profilers, they really had no idea what was going on inside your head.
You couldn’t help but glance up at Aaron’s office through the glass doors. Everyday you debated if the BAU was really for you, every day for a year, now. Not knowing if this was a mistake or not, you slipped through the bullpen and made a beeline for his office. Relatively quickly, you found the papers you were looking for after a quick search through his cabinets. You didn’t want to have the conversation with Aaron, but he was the only person on this floor with them. You shoved them in your purse, just in case. In case of what? You didn’t know either.
You tried to enjoy yourself, you really did, but your head was just filled to the brim with thoughts you couldn’t bear. The fuzzy, stuffy feeling of the bar would usually help you blend right in, but right now it made you sick. You excused yourself from the table, not like you were part of any of the conversations that were happening anyways, and stepped out.
Through your work blouse and slacks, the October wind nipped at your skin. You opened your purse and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Your habit started young, smoking being one of the only things that could effectively calm you. Your dad was a smoker, but he really tried his best to stop. He wouldn’t be proud of you for following in his footsteps, but so be it.
Placing the cigarette between your lips and lifting your lighter to the end, you failed to notice someone approaching from behind you.
“6 minutes.” 
Startled, you fumbled and dropped your cigarette from your lips and it hit the concrete, causing you to loudly mutter a curse. You whipped around to cuss out whoever made you drop it, but you’re met with the same eyes you saw before the elevator closed.
“Jesus Christ, Spencer. I just lit that!” His expression doesn’t change, so you rummage through your purse pulling out the box of cigarettes once again. “And I know what that means, 6 minutes off my life for every cigarette I light.” Faced towards the street, you tried to light it, but failed. As the wind kept blowing out the tiny flame, you kept trying. “To be frank, 6 minutes isn’t a whole lot of time in the grand scheme of things. It’s like, one less shower. I could live with that I think.”
Still not hearing a reaction from him, you turn his way, naturally. He seems to be finding your purse very interesting, and for a moment you think, is pretty boy gonna rob me?, but you finally realize he can see the bold print title and FBI logo on the papers that you grabbed sticking out from your purse.
“Why?” is all he asked, his voice dripping in devastation. You look up to meet his eyes and there’s a gloss over them that you know too well. “Why would you wanna transfer? The BAU is-”
“-the crown jewel of the FBI. I’ve heard it.” You take the cigarette out of your mouth to reply. Unable to meet his eyes anymore,  you fixed your eyes on the street once again, but you minded your voice, careful to not let it crack nor reveal too much, “I can’t explain it, Spencer.”
“I think you can, but you don’t want to.” The hurt in his voice was still evident and you had to wonder, why was it there in the first place? He doesn’t really care, his family’s inside the bar.
You brought the joint back to your lips and tried to light it one last time, and you successfully did so, inhaling the smoke and letting it encase your lungs like a blanket. “It’s just-” A long pause lingers in the air before you come to your senses, removing the cigarette from your lips. Blowing out a cloud, the wind carried the gray smoke down the sidewalk, with your eyes trailing. “You know what? No, nevermind. It’s nothing, Spence. I might not even transfer.”
“You wouldn’t grab the papers unless you were seriously considering it, Y/N,” he huffed, intent on finding out the real reason, “Come on, you were gonna have to tell us at some point. Why not start small? Why are you leaving us?” You were getting frustrated from the simple fact that he was right, and suddenly you were very sick of the cigarette you were holding. 
“Fine Spencer, if you wanna know so goddamn bad then I’ll just tell you! I just- the BAU isn’t for me! And it’s not the job, it’s- it’s you! It’s all of you! I can’t be in the same room with all of you for anything other than a debriefing without feeling like I don’t fucking belong! You guys are a family, and I still feel like it’s my day one. If you guys can do this job so well without me, then why shouldn’t- why should I even be here?” You didn’t know when the tear slipped, but they just kept coming, and you were over this cigarette, throwing it to the ground and stomping on it a little too hard.
There was a silence. A cold, heavy silence, filled with nothing more than the gentle breeze, a couple cars passing in the distance and leaves falling. You suppressed your sobs as much as you could and wiped your face repeatedly. 
Oh god, you thought, did I really just say that? Fuck, fuck, shit, why am I like this-
“If I asked you to stay,” His voice was soft- you knew your response wasn’t the one he was expecting. All you could do was glance at him, not knowing where he was going with this. “Would you?”
“What’re you talking about?” The words were a whisper, you wouldn’t be surprised if he thought it was just the wind. You genuinely didn’t understand what he meant, but in your head, you had already answered his question.
“Y/N, I--I just wanna talk, okay? Can you listen? Is that alright?” His voice was comforting, and with the way you were feeling, it was music to your ears. It reminded you of the way he spoke to children, but you were just too damn exhausted to call him out on it; so you nodded, but you kept your eyes on the street in front of you, watching a taxi pass by.
“You know, when I first asked you ‘why?’ a few minutes ago, when I was saying that the BAU was the crown jewel of the FBI? Well, that wasn’t what I was going to say at all. I was gonna say that the BAU is where you belong, Y/N. We don’t only want you to stay, we need you to stay. You were the one who talked down that unsub today. You can defend yourself better than almost any of us. You treat us like family, with the coffee every Wednesday and checking on all of us regularly. We notice these things, Y/N. Do you? Because it’s almost like it’s second nature to you.”
You had to take several deep breaths before you could gather yourself enough to respond; you closed your eyes as you spoke. “Do you know why I so badly want to be so close to all of you? My- my parents were both killed by- by a sociopath. I was 15. I started smoking then. My aunt took me in and I lived with my cousins. They were closer to each other than to me, though. I- I don’t know, I had a family, I guess. I mean, my aunt and her two daughters were my family, but- I don’t know, I’m not making sense.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t know that at all, I thought they were your sisters. I get it. Well, I don’t, but I know what you’re trying to say. You didn’t have one as a teenager, but you have one now. Everyone inside of that bar thinks of you as their family. I know you don’t see it, but I can assure you that they do.”
You forgot your eyes were closed. They opened to the touch of Spencer’s hand on your arm, and there he was, standing in front of you. You wanted to cry more, but the sight of Spencer in front of you made you smile and your heart swell. You knew every word that left his mouth was genuine, full of love and understanding. You rushed forward and hugged him, burying your face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and cradled your head. It was almost funny, you were sure this was the most you had touched the germaphobe like, ever.
Into his sweater you sniffled and mumbled, “What about you Spencer?”
He pulled away from the hug, both of you still clinging to the other, but enough to have to look in each other’s eyes. He tilted his head as if he were asking what you meant.
“Do you- are we family?”
His only response was an airy chuckle and a swift, soft peck to your forehead. Huh, that’s new. You weren’t saying you didn’t like it though, no, not at all. He pulled you back into the hug and said into your hair “We don’t have to talk about that right now. But honestly? I think of you as something else, Y/N/N.”
And that was okay. The warmth of his breath on your hair and his sweater wrapping you neatly like a gift, it was more than okay.
Spencer led you back into the bar after you had fixed your makeup. Luckily, the wind actually helped to dry your tears pretty quickly. The team was gathered around the table, blocking something from your sight. As the two of you approached, you heard Penelope say “Oh, oh oh! They’re here! Y/N’s here!”
The rest of the team turns to you and in front of you, JJ is holding out a red velvet cupcake with a candle in it. “Happy one year!” The team cheered as a chorus. Your eyes widened and your face lit up. Your shock rendered you almost speechless.
“How’d you remember? Oh my gosh, you guys!” you smiled. With everyone egging you on, you blew the candle out, causing an array of cheers and claps.
“Honestly, some of us didn’t. But you know who did remember?” Morgan commented with a wink. You turned to see Spencer scratching his neck, smiling down at you, the look making your heart swell just a lil’ bit more. 
You grabbed his arm and pulled him over with you to the table, the team clearing a spot for the two of you. Conveniently, shots for everyone had already been poured out, readily awaiting your consumption. You grabbed the shot glass and raised it towards the middle of the table.
“To family,” you beamed. Maybe I was just imagining things.
Taglist (send an ask to be added): @prettyboy-reid @eusuntgroot @veraiconcos​ (congrats on 3k again!)
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8makes1cheese · 4 years
f2l with Song Mingi♡
Pairing: Mingi X Reader
RoommateAU, (and like High SchoolAU in the beginning and kinda CollegeAU?)
Tags: cursing, shitty attempts at comedy, fluff, kinda sorta suggestive?, ig drug use and drinking?(booze and weed)
Words: 2.5k
A/N: Okay so, this is my first bullet scenario thing? and its weird...like this is so weird but I tried XD it ended up this weird mix between bullet scenario and oneshot fic and i-
...............all I can do is practice and try to get better but yeah. SO HERES THIS :D (im srry don hate me T-T)
-Finding Your Best Friend-
this bb would be the best-est friend you would have in this world
probably why you fell for him in the first place, but let's not get to ahead of ourselves
you guys met freshman year of high school
your guys' mutual friend Yunho is really the reason why
you just moved to town, and since said town was small, it was clear to you that everybody knew everybody else
you felt pretty lonely on the first day because of that
second day of freshman year is where is all started to come together
you were looking for a nice spot to sit and have your lunch outside because you didn't want to look like the weird loner person eating by themselves in silence
you found a pretty spot under a big tree near the track field, you put a random cool cake making tutorial on your phone and ate your lunch
the video was at a part where they were placing intricate designs in frosting all over the cake when you hear "Whoa, that is so cool!"
you jump about 3 feet in the air and immediately gather up your phone and get up to spin around to see who interrupted your quiet time
a young man, not sure his grade, with peach colored hair and a worried expression on his face, raises his hands in a surrender pose
'okay but what the hell was he doing, watching my phone behind the tree?'
well reader, we'll never know
"I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to scare you that bad! Really, I am so so so sorry!"
you, still in shock, just nod at him
now you're both just standing in front of each other
not saying anything
this is awkward
"I-I'm Yunho...by the way."
you clear your throat, not sure why, nervous habit
"So, uh... Haven't seen you around here before.."
once you explained you were new, and new to the town in general. There was no escape.
you were now best friends with the giant teddy bear and there was nothing you could do about it
yunho immediately took you under his wing and showed you around the campus. Then the town itself after school was out.
but Ro this seems to be turning into a yunho x reader fic/ bullet scenario
stfu I'm getting there
what did this turn into even
so now you and Yunho are bffs
enter giant teddy bear 2.0
you and yunho are hanging out at lunch, it's become a usual for the past two weeks
and Yunhos other bff is becoming sus about why Yunho hasn't been eating with him at lunch or doesn't seem to have as much time after school for him
that's when giant teddy bear 2.0 (if you don't know that its Mingi then idek-) finds his bestie with some random chick
a really adorable random chick
"So this is where you have been?"
you and Yunho start, not expecting someone to find your guys' spot
Also, deja vu, amiright?
"Oh, hey Mingi!" Yunho greets the tall dirty blonde haired teddy bear
And you're totally not sitting there thinking, 'holy shit, he is...wow.'
and that's how it all started
he stayed and introduced himself and you hit it off just as well as you and yunho did
maybe even better..
he started showing up everyday, at the what was dubbed 'The Cool Kids Spot™️' by you all, with yunho
even tho we all know you guys were NOT the cool kids
then it went to him being at the spot before everyone showed up
so he could see you first
then it turned into him meeting you up after class so you both could grab your food together and meet up Yunho at The Spot™️
before you could even realize it, he became your person
you were the first person he ran up to and hugged after him and Yunhos dance group took home 1st place at a competition
he was the first person you called when you were told that your poem won an award
you were the person he'd come to if he needed any kind of advice
and he was the first person you went to if you needed to get out of your head or your anxiety was getting to you
the high school years went by so fast
a lot changed
but what never changed was Mingi, he may have grown
and damn he grew
but he was your constant (and yes, yunho too, we can't forget yunho bro)
-Knowing They're The One-
high school came and went
Mingi and Yunho were accepted by a prestigious performing arts school
you, however, were going to just a regular college
luckily, both schools weren't terribly far from each other
which is why, instead of suffering in dorms, you and Mingi decided to get a apartment together, not far from both schools
yunhos ass stayed with his parents because they live like right next to the school, lucky hoe
you all still make time for each other
but you and Mingi prefer to stay in, order takeout and watch random stuff on YouTube
whenever you or Mingi went out it was always together (unless it was classes)
Grocery shopping? Together. Doctors appointment? Together. Girls night? Together. Guys night? Together.
"So, you must be suffering right now" his friend Yeosang said to him on a rare guys night that didn't involve you.
Mingi looked at Yeosang perplexed, ignoring whatever Wooyoung was talking to him about
"What are you talking about?"
"You and [Y/N] are literally always together, the fact she isn't here surprises me."
Mingi laughed. "We're not always together."
A cacophony of "LIES" and "BULLSHIT" filled the air as all of Mingi friends called him out on his bullshit
Mingi could feel his face heating up
"W-well, so what if we are! Were best friends AND roommates."
"And lovers~" his friend San whispered in his ear from behind and laughed, dancing away before Mingi could hit him
"We're not together!" Mingi exclaimed, rolling his eyes.
"But you want to be."
Mingi turned to look at the owner of the voice. It was Yunho, leaning against the entrance of the kitchen everyone was gathered in
He was looking at Mingi with a smirk
Mingi knew Yunho knew how he felt about you
and not because he told him
well...he kinda did
it was your guys' high school graduation
more specifically, the night of, and you were all partying and yunhos house
celebrating the fact that you all were officially adults now
lol you thought
and what better way to celebrate that than with underage drinking
be safe kids, don't drink irresponsibly
and Mingi. Got. Wasted.
by the end of the night, he was crying (and maybe puked once or twice...) in Yunhos arms about how beautiful you were, and how amazing and talented you were
wouldn't shut up about how soft and perfect you feel in his arms when he hugs you or vice versa
"She is my soulmate." After every other sentence mentioning how perfect you are
but wait, where were you while Mingi was crying and puking you ask?
That night you met Yeonjun, who is now one of your closest friends
  at first, a friend of Wooyoungs, who you all became friends with junior year, along with his best friend San
Yeonjun, who went to a different school across town, was invited along by Woo and San
you and Yeonjun hit it off so well, drinking and laughing, and talking about how much he loves his boyfriend Soobin, and maybe you drunkingly going on about how amazing Mingi is
however, Mingi didn't know Yeonjun
and what he saw that night was you, enjoying your time with someone who wasn’t him, laughing at jokes that weren't his, hanging all over someone who could never know you as well as he did (and that totally wasn't the reason that Mingi drank like 2 bottles of straight vodka, not at all)
and at that moment
he knew
he fucked up
he was in love with you
Mingi wasn't sure what to say
he could deny it sure, but he knew it was useless
not after every person in the room gave him a knowing smirk after Yunhos comment
“She doesn't-”
“Oh, whatever. you guys are literally already a couple. And dont even try to deny that. If she was here right now, she’d probably be on your lap and you two would be sitting in some corner of the house whispering some weird drunk lovey shit to each other.”
Mingi really didn't have a argument for that
that night he came home sober
but you didn't know that until months later when he told you he wasn't actually drunk
anyways when he got home you were sitting in the living room
music playing away on YouTube while you type away on your laptop
you didn't hear him come in, softly singing along to the song under your breath
he stood there for a moment and just..looked at you
your hair was a mess
you had on the same clothes as yesterday
probably haven't done a skincare routine in months
you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life
he felt so much love swell in his chest
hes known it for a while now but at that moment all that was going on in his head was
“That’s my soulmate. I love her. I love her so much.”
he wasn't sure if he had said it loud enough but apparently he had because you flinched and turned to see who the ‘intruder’ was
“Oh, Mingi! Shit, you scared me...” you laughed. “How was guys night?”
He made his was over to sit on the couch as you told him how your paper was coming along and then waited for him to answer your question
he sat for a good minute not saying anything
he looked at you
“you okay hun?” you asked, placing your hand on his cheek
and then he kissed you
it was so quick, you had no time to register that it was happening at all
and he left just as quickly
slamming the door to his bedroom and leaving you flustered and panicked
the morning after the kiss was the most awkward moment that you and Mingi had ever had
luckily it didn't last long at all
you two were silent, awkwardly making breakfast
then Mingi busted out with “Man, I’m so hungover! I barely remember anything from last night!”
“Do...do you remember anything from when you came home?”
“No, to be honest, I don't even remember coming home...”
-cue forced laughter-
-cue Mingi not trying to be disappointed when you looked relieved-
 he asked you if anything happened and tried not to feel sad about the fact you were going on about how nothing happened and he just came home and went to bed
why wouldn't you mention the kiss? maybe everyone had it wrong, you didn't feel the same. why else would you avoid it?
but everything went back to...normal
you two would cuddle every night on the couch
you showed up to every guys night like usual
(there may or may not have been more knowing smirks thrown Mingis way)
he showed up to the rare girls nights you'd have with your (like 2) girlfriends
(they literally just consisted of everyone chilling in some secluded spot and sparking up a blunt or two and bull-shittng)
but everything wasn't normal
because even though it lasted 0.0002 seconds long
Mingi cannot stop thinking about that kiss
neither can you for that matter
that's when you confided in your bestie Yeonjun
who knew all about your love for your other bestie
you went to Yeonjuns one Saturday afternoon without mingi
its been a month since the kiss and Yeonjun is only disappointed in the fact that you didn't tell him sooner
his solution was simple, just tell him how you feel
its so god damn obvious he feels the same
but who are you to do the simple thing right?
so what do you do?
you go with Soobins idea
and :) you:) go:) on:) a:) blind:) date:) with one of soobin and yeonjuns friends:)))))))
at least you were supposed to..
the night comes when you were supposed to meet at a nice cafe with their friend Beomgyu
you. were. lookin. FIRE BABY
you were in the kitchen grabbing your keys
and maybe prolonging the fact that your going out with someone who isn't MIngi
when Mingi walked out to heat himself up a noodle cup
and maybe one for you too because he didn't think you were going anywhere and was going to ask if you wanted to chill in his room and play mario kart
his jaw DROPPED when he saw you
he felt like he was just kicked in the gut, all breath left his lungs
and he may or may not have gotten an instant boner but-
he cleared his throat to get your attention
“You look...nice.” wow, Mingi, smooth
“O-oh, thanks, um... ill be back later okay?”
when Mingi asked where you'll be going and you said you had a blind date, he swears to this day he blacked out for a moment
next thing he knew he had you pushed against the counter
“You don't have a date.”
“But I do-”
then his lips were pressed against yours
and unlike the first, this one lasted a hell of a lot longer than 0.0002 seconds
it wasn't fireworks or butterflies or a sudden realization of unconditional love
it was rough and messy and filled with so many emotions including relief that your love for each other can finally blossom
you didn't say a word to each other when you parted
you stared at each other for a while, panting with big smiles on your faces
once your breathing returned to normal you gently pushed him back so you weren't pressed against the counter anymore
“I’m going to change in PJ's.”
Mingis smile lit up his whole face. “But I thought you had a date..”
“No, I don't.” you kissed his cheek and left to change.
so you guys never really sat down and were like ‘hey so are we...?’
because you both knew you just....were
after that night you guys started acting like you had been dating for months
it was just like before
because of course, like always, Yunho was right
you guys already acted like you were dating
now kisses and a lot more were added to the mix
which just made everything 1000x better
everyone knew it was just a matter of time
you loved waking up to his arms wrapped around your waist and him softly snoring in your ear
he loved waking up to you peppering kisses all over his collar bones and neck
your loved bloomed♡
A/N pt2: Im sorry if the end seems so rushed as well, I started running out of steam and my mind blanked but I didn't want to prolong this and never post it...like i do with everything...
Thank you for reading!
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calumcest · 4 years
you and i were fireworks that went off too soon - chapter four
ok remember when i said this isnt going to be a long fic and now here we are at like 26k. never listen to me when i say anything is the moral of the story here clearly ! also i promise you i have an actual plot in mind we’re getting there i’m just very slow-burny with this but please dont think every chapter is going to be more of the same and get bored i promise you it is actually going somewhere in the next chapter
also tw: mentions of suicidal thoughts
Luke’s week is filled with research. 
He wakes up with bated breath, checking the tattoo in his bathroom mirror just to see whether it’s grown any more but still unable to breathe easy when he finds it hasn’t. The black ink bleeding across his pale skin makes his heart twist every time he sees it - it’s a beautiful reminder of the most terrible time of his life. Luke’s pretty sure he didn’t really understand the meaning of the word bittersweet until the tattoo appeared on his shoulderblade. 
Every spare moment of his day is spent reading scientific reports with words that he has to Google and make his head hurt. He scrolls through pages and pages of studies looking for any explanation of tattoo growth that isn’t it’s going to grow indefinitely unless you sort something out with Ashton, which seems to be what the London study was concluding. He looks into people who don’t have tattoos, into people whose tattoos are unfinished, into people whose soulmates have died, into people whose soulmates are violent criminals (which makes Luke feel a little melodramatic, for the first time, because there are people who actually want to be with their soulmate but find out their soulmate’s a serial killer, while Luke’s all torn up about his just because he broke Luke’s heart). He reads journal after journal detailing research into how the tattoos form, how they grow, what happens on people’s eighteenth birthdays, but nothing mentions the tattoos growing after that point. Everything seems to start and stop on people’s eighteenth birthdays.
Calum and Michael help, because of course they do. Lunchtimes and evenings are spent huddled around phones and computers, occasional mumbles of “This one says...oh, wait, no, never mind,” punctuating the silence. Luke’s not sure whether the lack of information on tattoo growth should make him feel better or worse, give him hope or discourage him, but it kind of manages to do both. 
The following Tuesday, Michael decides to suggest something they’ve all been thinking, but none of them have wanted to say, because uncertainty might be better than its potential consequences. 
“You should email the researchers,” he says. He doesn’t need to say which ones, even though they’ve looked into endless researchers over the past week. Luke sighs, and lets his eyes flutter shut. He knows. They all know. 
“I know,” he says. “I should.” He can hear the trepidation in his own voice. 
“We can write it together,” Calum says, rubbing at his eyes, because he’s been staring at screens on Luke’s behalf since the minute he woke up. 
“What do I even say?” Luke says, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. “‘Hi, my soulmate is my archnemesis and my tattoo grew, tell me how to stop it?’” 
“Archnemesis?” Michael says, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Well, who else would my archnemesis be?” 
“Whoever originally named Clifford?” Calum offers. 
“Hey,” Michael says, pointing at Calum accusingly. “That might be your surname one day.” Calum scoffs. 
“Calum Clifford? Are you insane?” 
“What, like Michael Hood is any better?” 
“Not my fault you have a shitty name,” Calum says, with a shrug. Michael makes a noise of outrage, like he’s gearing himself up for a point-evidence-explain destruction of Calum’s point, and Luke busies himself with opening up his email. The idea of Calum and Michael getting married is more than enough to bring that bitter taste back into his mouth, to make him have to forcibly quash down envy and sadness and anger. Calum seems to sense it, because he shoots Michael a look and turns back to Luke. 
“Have you got their email?” he asks. Luke clicks back onto the report that he hasn’t shut for over a week, scrolls to the bottom and nods. 
“What do I say?” he asks. His stomach is churning, already nervous for the response to the email of which he hasn’t even typed a single word yet. He might not even get a response, he tells himself. They’re busy people. They might not have time to read their emails. Or maybe ‘[email protected]’ is embarrassing enough to get sent straight to junk mail. 
“Describe the situation,” Michael says, scratching Clifford behind his ears. Clifford almost purrs, leaning into Michael’s touch. “Say you dated, and it didn’t work out, and you both know you’re soulmates but given that you’ve tried it and it didn’t work you’re not sure why your tattoo has grown.” Luke nods, typing as Michael speaks. 
“It might help if you gave the reason,” Calum says, a little tentative. Luke’s fingers hesitate over the keyboard. “I mean, like, if you specifically say Ashton fell out of love. That’s got to mean something, right, given that they’re soulmate tattoos?” Luke hesitates another moment, considering - he’s not really a big fan of sharing all this personal information, but Calum’s right, he might get a more accurate answer the more he shares - before nodding and typing. 
From: <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>  Subject: Soulmate Tattoo Growth
Dear Mr Johnson and Ms Newbury,
I recently stumbled across your soulmate tattoo growth study and was hoping you could provide some insight into my own situation. My soulmate and I dated prior to the tattoos appearing, which ended due to him falling out of love with me. Both of us are aware that we are soulmates, and we have had a conversation about what this means for us and ultimately decided to remain apart. However, since this conversation, and having had a chance meeting, both of our tattoos have grown. Given that we have already dated and it did not work out, I am looking for an explanation and, if possible, a method for preventing it growing any further. 
Yours sincerely,
Luke Hemmings
He reads it out to Michael and Calum, who both nod thoughtfully. 
“Sounds good,” Calum says. Michael nods his agreement. Luke presses send before he can reconsider, and then slams his laptop shut and stands up, stretching. Clifford jumps off Michael’s lap and runs over to Luke, wagging his tail. 
“Thanks for helping me,” Luke says, bending down to pat Clifford’s head and trying his best to push the email out of his head. There’s nothing he can do about it now, he tells himself, willing the knot of anxiety in his stomach to loosen.
“Don’t worry, we didn’t do it for free,” Michael reassures him. 
“We’ll be calling in this favour at some point,” Calum adds. 
“As long as it’s not for doing the Wellson report for Chris,” Luke says, cracking his back and relishing the way it makes Michael wince. Calum winces too, but Luke thinks that’s probably more to do with the Wellson report than his back. “Fuck, I can’t be arsed to cook. Pizza?” 
“Why even bother phrasing that as a question with him in here?” Calum says in exasperation, nodding at Michael as Michael’s eyes light up. 
“Fuck you,” Michael says, but there’s no heat behind the words and he’s already pulled his phone out. “Arty’s?” Calum and Luke nod, because where else would they order from, and Luke flops back onto the sofa with a heavy sigh. 
“I’m not letting you bring a Hawaiian pizza into my house, though,” Luke warns Michael. Michael blinks innocently at him. 
“Hi, I’d like to order three pizzas,” he says, maintaining eye contact with Luke. “Two pepperoni, and one with ham and pineapple.” Luke rolls his eyes and flips him off. “Oh, is that a Hawaiian? I had no idea. Yes, just one, please.” 
“Dickhead,” Luke says, and Michael smiles at him sweetly as he flips him off in return. 
 On Friday, Luke oversleeps. 
That’s not particularly out of the ordinary, except this time, Luke really oversleeps. Like, he-should-be-at-his-desk-by-the-time-he-gets-out-of-bed kind of oversleeping. 
He swears under his breath as he fumbles with his phone, firing off a text to Calum to cover for him if Phil happens to walk into their office and ask where he is, and tries to pull his clothes on as he’s brushing his teeth. He doesn’t have time to check whether or not he’s got everything he needs, just tears out of the house and sprints all the way to the station. There’s a train to Central idling at the platform, looking like it could close its doors any minute, so Luke legs it onto the nearest carriage, swinging himself into the first empty set of seats he can find and trying to catch his breath. 
The train doors close about twenty seconds later, when Luke’s breathing is starting to even out, but Luke barely notices, already engrossed in his phone. He’s so engrossed in sending Calum a text to say he’s on his way, in fact, that he doesn’t notice someone looming over him, until he hears a “Luke?” that startles him into looking up. His face drops into a scowl almost immediately as his stomach plummets, because what the fuck. 
It’s Ashton fucking Irwin. 
“What the fuck?” Luke says, not sure whether he’s saying it in surprise or anger. 
“Hi,” Ashton says, and he’s definitely just surprised. “You’re not usually here.” 
“I woke up late,” Luke says, even though he doesn’t owe Ashton an explanation for his movements. 
“Can I sit down?” 
“No,” Luke says, because it’s early, he’s frazzled, and he’s late for work. “The train is empty. Sit somewhere else.” 
“We should talk,” Ashton says, which seems to be, like, the only fucking sentence he’s capable of saying. 
“About?” Ashton stares at him like he’s an idiot. 
“Uh, the tattoos growing?” he says, and, yeah, okay. That’s kind of fair. Luke had hung up on Ashton mid-conversation, after all, and then sent off an email about their situation to some researchers without telling him. 
“Fine,” Luke says, indicating the seat opposite him with one hand and placing his phone on the table between them with the other. Ashton slides into the seat opposite him, raking a hand through his black hair, and Luke can’t help the way his eyes are drawn to Ashton’s biceps with the movement. He’s definitely more muscular than he’d been the last time Luke had seen him. Well, not the last time, but the last-last time. Actually, it’s the last-last-last time, now. Luke doesn’t like that.  
“I’ve been looking it up,” Ashton begins, and Luke waves him away. 
“The London study?” he says, cutting to the chase, because he really doesn’t want to talk to Ashton any longer than he has to. Ashton bites his lip, and nods. ��Yeah. I emailed them.” He waits for the frown, for the you told them? Luke, I really would have liked to have been part of that decision, but it never comes. 
“Me too,” Ashton says. Luke frowns. It’s hypocritical, but that doesn’t sit well with him. It makes his skin crawl, that Ashton’s emailed them too, because he’s probably spun the story in a way that makes him sound better. 
“What did you say?” Luke says, a little sharply. Ashton shrugs, but Luke sees the edge of tension in his posture. He pushes down the discomfort that arises at the realisation that he still knows Ashton’s mannerisms, that the little twist of his mouth means he’s uncomfortable about something. 
“I told them the truth,” Ashton says. 
“The truth?” Luke says, arching an eyebrow. “Or your truth?” 
“I told them my side of the story,” Ashton says, which means he’s given them this whole I was just scared of commitment, I still loved you bullshit, with maybe a smidge of I tried to win my soulmate back over but he wasn’t having it. “Wait, what did you say?” 
“That you fell out of love with me.” Ashton stares at him for a moment, and then shakes his head. 
“Fuck,” he says, and Luke thinks that summarises it pretty aptly. “Have you heard back?” Luke shrugs. He never really checks his non-work emails - it’s usually full of junk he signed up to ten years ago and has never been bothered to unsubscribe from. 
“Haven’t looked,” he says. 
“I haven’t,” Ashton says, even though Luke hadn’t asked. 
“Good for you.” Ashton bites his lip, like he wants to say something else, but then sinks back into his seat, like he’s thought better of it. Luke’s glad - this morning has been shitty enough without having another lengthy conversation with Ashton about their feelings, or whatever. 
Ten minutes pass, and Luke unlocks his phone to do something, anything other than give Ashton any indication that he’s open to another conversation, ending up playing Tetris and shielding it from Ashton’s view so it looks like he’s possibly texting a cute guy, or something. He’s actually doing pretty well, getting close to beating his high score, when Ashton says: “What’s yours?” 
“Huh?” Luke says, momentarily distracted. He drops the piece in the wrong place, and swears under his breath. Fucking Ashton. 
“What did you get?” Ashton presses. “When it grew?” 
“Spot,” Luke says. 
“Oh,” Ashton says, in a small voice, like it’s an answer he hadn’t wanted to hear. That piques Luke’s interest, despite himself. 
“I- uh.” Ashton looks out of the window at the grey buildings bathed in summer sun. “Mine’s your dog. Clifford.” 
“Right,” Luke says slowly, because he feels like he’s missing something here. 
“Do you think-” Ashton says, and then cuts himself off, biting his lip. 
“Do I think what , Ashton?” Luke says, a touch irritably. Ashton shrugs, and Luke’s about ready to throttle him. “Spit it out, Jesus Christ. I don’t have time for this.” 
“It’s just- we got them after meeting in the dog park,” Ashton says, all in a rush. “Do you think it’s going to happen every time we bump into each other?” Luke blinks at him. 
“What, you think I’m going to get a fucking train on my back now?” he says sarcastically. 
“I don’t know,” Ashton says thoughtfully, completely ignoring Luke’s sarcasm. It makes Luke’s blood boil a little bit, that Ashton’s disregarding him like that, and he clenches his teeth. Professional. Arm’s length. No emotion. “But it seems a bit coincidental, doesn’t it?” 
“No,” Luke says, through gritted teeth. “There’s only so many things about you the universe could turn into a tattoo. Spot’s one of them.” 
“What if whenever we see each other-” 
“Jesus, Ashton, it doesn’t matter ‘what if’, because we’re not going to see each other anymore, are we?” Luke snaps. “I think I’ve made myself pretty clear.” Ashton looks a little taken aback, blinking at Luke. 
“Luke,” he says slowly, patronisingly, like Luke’s a child that needs something obvious explaining to him, as the train starts to slow down. Luke’s going to dust off his old boxing skills and break Ashton’s nose. “We broke up two years ago. How many times did we see each other in those two years?” 
“None, until a month ago, which is what I fucking wa-” 
“Exactly,” Ashton says calmly, cutting Luke off. The train judders to a halt, as Luke stares at Ashton furiously, trying to work out what he’s saying. He’s so fucking full of himself, honestly - exactly, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? He’s always liked speaking in tongues, making himself feel intelligent, like he’s better than Luke- “This is your stop, isn’t it?” 
Luke grinds his teeth, but Calum can only stave Phil off for so long, so he gets up and gathers his things together, grabbing his phone and bag and getting up while counting down from ten in his head to stop himself saying something he regrets. 
“Bye,” Ashton calls, when Luke rounds the corner to the doors, like they’re fucking friends. 
“Go fuck yourself,” Luke spits back, earning himself a shocked look from the guy he shoulders past to get off the train. It’s not professional, it’s not arm’s length, and it’s definitely not devoid of emotion, but fuck, it feels good. 
 “What the fuck crawled up your arse?” Calum asks, when Luke snaps at him for the fifth time in about half an hour. Luke sighs, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. 
“Ashton was on my train this morning.” 
“What?” Calum’s irritability is suddenly replaced with pure shock. “Is he stalking you?” 
“Possibly,” Luke says. “God. I fucking hate him, Cal.” 
“What’d he do?” 
“He always thinks he’s better than me,” Luke says angrily. “Like, he’s always been the one that’s into philosophy, reads seven hundred newspapers every morning, does yoga and reads religious texts and all that, and he’s always looked down on me for not doing that, like that somehow makes me less intelligent than him. He talks to me like I’m a fucking kid , talks to me in riddles because he likes it when I have to ask him what he means, likes the fucking power trip-” 
“Hey,” Calum says, cutting Luke off, and Luke stops, breathing heavily. “I know.” 
“I hate him,” Luke says again, but it’s smaller this time, and he feels tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. Jesus. He’s so over crying over Ashton Irwin. 
“I know,” Calum repeats, gentle and calm. “You want to get some fresh air?” Luke doesn’t, really, because it’s about thirty-five degrees outside and it’s hot enough in the air-conditioned office, but he nods anyway. Calum scrapes his chair back and follows Luke out of the office, down the stairs to the fire exit that Chris had disabled the alarm from so that he could go out to smoke and only told Calum and Luke about, and Luke gulps down breaths of the muggy December air as soon as they’re outside. It helps to ground him, feeling the hot breeze stealing across his face, and he closes his eyes and tilts his head into the bright afternoon sun, letting spots dance across the inside of his eyelids. 
“What’d he say?” Calum asks, after a few minutes have passed and Luke’s breathing is steady and even. 
“Some fucking bullshit,” Luke mumbles. “He got Clifford, and apparently that means something, because we didn’t see each other for two years. Like, what the fuck is that, a cryptic crossword clue? Does he think I work for ASIS?” There’s a pause, and then the pause becomes too long to be comfortable, and Luke cracks open an eyelid. Calum’s staring at him, something between shock and horror etched across his features. “What?” 
“Jesus, Luke,” Calum says. “Fuck.”
“What, Cal, I’ve fucking had it with this cryptic bullshi-” 
“What if the tattoos are going to grow every time you bump into each other?” Calum says. 
“Yeah, Calum, I got that, I’m not that fucking stupid,” Luke says, exasperated. “He said that, but I pointed out that it doesn’t matter either way, because I’m not going to see him.” 
“That’s exactly his point,” Calum says. “You haven’t seen him in two years, and now you bump into him twice in the space of a couple of weeks.” And, oh. 
“What the fuck?” Luke demands, because he can’t think of anything better that sums up all the thoughts racing through his mind right now. 
“I mean, think about it,” Calum says slowly, a little hesitantly, like Luke’s about to bite his head off. 
(Luke might bite his head off.) 
“I’m thinking,” Luke says, and it comes out almost a growl. 
“The tattoos, they come fr- well, we think they must come from the universe, right? So what if the universe is pulling the strings so you’re bumping into each other now?” Luke stares at him in disbelief. 
“That’s the worst theory I’ve ever heard,” he says after a moment. “If the universe was pulling any fucking strings it wouldn’t have let me and Ashton date in the first place, and it definitely wouldn’t have let Ashton break up with me in a way that nearly made me kill myself.” 
The words ring harsh in the thick December air, and Luke wants to claw them back as soon as they leave his lips. It’s an unspoken rule that they don’t talk about it, they don’t say that Luke nearly killed himself over Ashton. They can allude to it, make polite euphemisms, but they don’t say it. 
“Luke,” Calum says, and his tone is soft, and Luke doesn’t want his pity. 
“No, Cal,” Luke says, and it’s a little too harsh. “Sorry.” Calum tries to protest, but Luke cuts in first- “No, I’m sorry. I’m just- it’s not been a good day, but that doesn’t mean I get to take it out on you. I know you’re only trying to help. I just...I’m sorry. Let’s not talk about it.” He exhales, raking a hand through his hair, and Calum puts a hand on his forearm. 
“Hey,” he says, calm, reassuring. “It’s okay, Luke.” 
It’s not, Luke thinks, as he tries for a weak smile. It’s not okay, because it’s Ashton, and he doesn’t know when it’s going to be okay again. 
 A text arrives from Ashton when Luke’s packing up to leave. 
Ashton Irwin I was right. 
Luke blocks his number. 
 Luke changes his routine, after that. 
Blocking Ashton’s number made him feel kind of worse, kind of jumpier and leaves a twist somewhere deep in his gut which he doesn’t really understand, so he unblocks him after a bottle of red wine on Saturday night. He steadfastly refuses to look in the mirror, though, because the more he’s been thinking about Calum’s (and, he supposes, Ashton’s) conspiracy theory, the more it seems to root itself in his mind, twining itself around all of his thoughts. It’s just easier not to think about it, to focus on the fourteen thousand other things he has to do and ignore the way his back feels like it’s on fire whenever he devotes any attention to it. 
He finally checks his emails on Sunday evening. He’s got twenty minutes before he needs to be at Calum’s, so he figures it’s a good time to see whether the researchers have got back to him since he can’t sit and freak out about it, and he’s got Clifford curled up on his lap serenely, so he feels grounded enough to look.
There’s a bunch of shit, as he’d expected, and he sits with his finger on the backspace key for about five minutes, deleting all the Nike subscription list emails (why the fuck do they send out so many?), until one catches his eye. 
RE: Soulmate Tattoo Growth  
Luke’s palms are immediately slick with sweat, heart pounding in every inch of his body as he clicks the email open. Clifford rolls over in his lap with a small whine, resting his head on Luke’s thigh, like he can sense Luke’s anxiety. 
From: <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Cc: <[email protected]>  RE: Soulmate Tattoo Growth
Dear Mr Hemmings, 
Thank you very much for your email. Apologies for the length of time it took to send a response, but as you can imagine we are currently inundated with queries. 
Your case is of particular interest to us. Though we cannot currently provide you with any concrete answers, there are many elements to your particular situation which we would like to explore and perhaps discover answers to, if you would be willing to be a part of our study. I will attach both mine and my colleague’s contact details should you decide to take us up on our offer. 
We believe your soulmate contacted us too, and we have made the same offer to him. 
Kind regards, 
Colin Johnson  
Beneath the email are two sets of phone numbers, emails and addresses to a university in London. 
Luke swallows, hard. It’s far from the answer he had wanted, although he’d known deep down that expecting a don’t worry, everything will be fine response had been wishful thinking on a new level. He’d never expected them to want to study him, though, to be reduced to some kind of scientific experiment. Something about that doesn’t sit quite right with him. 
He closes his laptop, not wanting to think about it anymore, and tips Clifford off his lap. 
“C’mon, Cliff,” he says. “Let’s go to Calum’s.” 
 “You’re a fucking cheat,” Michael yells, when Calum scores again, and Luke can’t help laughing at the look of pure outrage on his face as he rounds on Calum. “How the fuck did you do that? How the fuck did you do that?” He’s shaking his controller in Calum’s face, but Calum just laughs, eyes crinkling at the corners. 
“Pure talent,” he says, grinning at Michael. Michael scoffs, somehow managing to sound furious while doing it. 
“You’re cheating,” he insists, and Calum laughs harder, curling in on himself on the sofa. “Luke, help me out.” Luke holds his hands up, laughing as he shakes his head. “You fucking bastard. What do I keep you around for if not to gang up on Calum with me?” 
“To stare at my arse,” Luke says, because Michael stares at his arse a lot. 
“You do stare at his arse a lot,” Calum tells Michael. Michael squawks, incensed. 
“You’re not allowed to gang up on me!” he says indignantly. “Cliff, you’re on my side, right? You think Cal’s a dirty cheat, don’t you?” Clifford just stares up at Michael, wagging his tail happily. “He thinks you’re a dirty cheat, Cal.” 
“That’s funny,” Calum says conversationally, “because I think he was actually saying Mike, you’re a sore loser?” 
“I heard something that sounded like Michael’s just not very good at Fifa?” Luke adds innocently. Calum nods, mock-thoughtful. 
“I’m pretty sure that was in there somewhere,” he agrees. 
“Fuck you both,” Michael says, glaring at each of them in turn. “I’m good at Fifa. I’ve been playing it since Fifa 06.” 
“On the fucking Wii, Mike, that doesn’t count,” Luke says. 
“Maybe Fifa 22 just isn’t for you,” Calum says with a shrug, eyes gleaming. 
“They’re all the fucking same, Calu-” Michael starts, before he seems to realise what Calum’s suggesting. “Fuck you, fucking-” He doesn’t finish his sentence, choosing instead to launch himself at Calum, who squeals, laughter turning to gasps for air and frantic pleas of stop, please, Mikey, please, stop, Luke, help me. Luke takes a wary step back - there’s no telling who Michael’s going to attack when he feels slighted by both of them, and Luke’s even more ticklish than Calum, so he’s not taking any chances, thank you very much. 
Eventually, Michael relents, and Calum wheezes, red-faced and panting, chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. Michael sits back, pushing his fringe out of his face with a satisfied look on his face. 
“Fuck you,” Calum manages, gazing at the ceiling. Michael grins. 
“If you ask nicely,” he says. Luke pulls a face.
“See if I ever suck your dick again,” Calum says, still speaking to the ceiling, and Luke can’t help the choked noise that escapes his throat. Calum pulls his head up, like he’s just remembered Luke’s there, and Michael’s grin widens at the horrified look on Luke’s face. 
“Okay,” Luke says, as Calum struggles to push himself back into a seated position on the sofa. “Ground rules. I don’t want to hear about your sex life.” Michael rolls his eyes, still grinning. 
“Prude,” he says, but he doesn’t mean it. Luke just flips him off. 
“Can I lay a ground rule?” Calum says. “Michael has to admit he’s bad at Fifa before I consider making you all dinner.” Michael crosses his arms. 
“Firstly, that’s not a ground rule,” he says. 
“I’m not taking criticism,” Calum says. 
“Secondly,” Michael continues breezily, like Calum had never spoken, “I respect you too much to lie to you.” 
“Good, because I’m starving,” Luke says, looking at Michael expectantly. Michael scowls. 
“Let’s settle this in a real football match,” Calum says. “Five a side next Saturday.” Michael doesn’t look too keen on the idea, and even Luke hesitates. 
“It’s fucking December, Cal,” he says. “I’m going to keel over from heatstroke after twenty minutes.” 
“You’re going to keel over from heatstroke?” Michael says. “I’m probably not going to even make it onto the pitch.” 
“Hey,” Calum says. “You both owe me favours. I’m calling them in.”
“What fucking favour do I owe you?” Michael says indignantly. 
“You know,” Calum says pointedly. 
“I don’t,” Michael says. Calum’s making a face at him, one that Luke doesn’t have to be his soulmate to read, a you know what I’m talking about, get the hint, I can’t say it in front of Luke. 
“Yes, you do,” Calum says, eyes flicking to Luke. Michael follows his gaze, and then realisation dawns on his face. 
“Oh,” he says, sounding distinctly annoyed about it. “Fine. But I’m only playing one half.” 
“I don’t owe you any favours,” Luke says confidently, when Calum’s gaze slides over to him. 
“Think again,” Calum says, grinning. “I told you I don’t help with emails for free.” Luke groans. 
“That was a joke,” he says. 
“Nope,” Calum says cheerfully. “Five a side. Saturday. Ten o’clock.” 
“Ten?” Luke’s not sure who sounds more scandalised, him or Michael. 
“Ten,” Calum confirms, and Luke’s own groan is drowned out by Michael’s. 
 On Tuesday, Luke finally snaps. 
He’s somehow managed to pull his pyjama top off in his sleep, finding it discarded and drenched in sweat on the floor when he wakes up. There’s no point putting it back on, because it’s fucking boiling, so he just pads into the bathroom shirtless, yawning and scratching his arm. 
He brushes his teeth, washes his face, puts on his moisturiser, and then turns to wipe his hands clean - and catches a flash of black ink as he does so. 
Wet hands forgotten, he turns back to the mirror, staring at himself. He watches his own blue eyes blink back at him as he weighs up his options. He could keep ignoring it, pretending it’s not there, and he’d probably be okay at it, for a while. He could probably go another few weeks pretending nothing’s happened, distracting himself like he has been for the past five days - especially with Christmas just around the corner - but, when he’s honest with himself, he knows it’d always be there, at the back of his mind. 
It can’t hurt to look, he tells his reflection. Mirror Luke just blinks at him, looking lost and confused, frown lines that weren’t there eight months ago etched into his forehead. It can’t hurt to look, because it won’t change anything. Whatever is there is there, whether or not Luke’s aware of it. His ignorance won’t make it go away, or stop it changing. 
Taking a deep breath, he steels himself, keeping his eyes locked on his reflection, and turns around.
He immediately sees four numbers in an arc above the moon, and his heart sinks. 09:47. 
He’s not entirely sure what the numbers mean, but he can hazard a guess. With one final glance at the tattoo, now taking up a large portion of his shoulderblade, he turns back and grabs his phone off the sink, scrolling back through his conversation with Calum to Friday morning. 
Me I’m on the train. 
He remembers sending that text. He’d sent it just as the train had started pulling out of the station, just before Ashton had appeared. With trembling fingers - which, okay, he thinks is fair given the situation he’s in - he swipes to the left on the message to see the timestamp. 
The numbers blink back at him, grey on white, like they don’t know they’ve just confirmed something that cannot, cannot be true. 
Luke cannot have his two options be work something out with Ashton or become a canvas for Ashton. There’s got to be a third option, a get-out-of-jail-free clause, something that isn’t telling him he’s either doomed to spend eternity with the last person he ever wants to see again, or become a mess of black ink and have his body display Ashton rather than being his own. 
He barely even knows what he’s doing until the phone is at his ear. 
“You finally looked?” Ashton says, and Luke hates it, hates that Ashton knows he’s tried to pretend it wasn’t happening. 
“It can’t be right,” Luke says, voice too loud in the small bathroom, bouncing off all the tiles and feeding back into his own ears. 
“What’s yours?” 
“The time the train left,” Luke says, and his voice sounds a little shaky. He hopes Ashton can’t hear the tremors. 
“Mine’s the time it arrived,” Ashton says, even though Luke hadn’t asked, he never fucking asks, because he doesn’t want to know. 
“Shit,” Luke says, and he hears a quiet whine and some scratching at the bathroom door. He doesn’t have the energy to let Clifford in though, can barely even keep himself upright, steadying himself on the sink with the hand that isn’t clutching his phone.
“I know,” Ashton says. “Did they email you back?” Luke doesn’t have to ask who they are, just nods, numbly. 
“Yeah,” he says. 
“Do you want to do it?” 
Luke hesitates. He hadn’t thought about Ashton even giving him a chance - he’d assumed Ashton would say whatever Ashton said, and Luke would say whatever Luke said. He hadn’t considered their answers not being separate. 
“I don’t know,” he says truthfully. 
“Okay,” Ashton says. “I mean. It’s a big decision.” 
“I know, Ashton,” Luke says, frustrated that this is what Ashton wants to focus on, like they don’t have bigger things to worry about, like Luke’s skin becoming a museum to Ashton Fletcher Irwin. “I just- I don’t have time to think about it right now, okay?” 
“Hey,” Ashton says, voice kind, gentle, soothing. “It’s okay. You’re okay. We’ll get through this.” 
A sudden wave of calmness surges through Luke’s veins, loosening his lungs, his heart, his mind. It’s like nothing Luke’s ever felt before, like falling asleep when he’s comfortably tired and waking up slowly and the sensation of the sun on his skin all at the same time. 
It’s the scariest fucking thing Luke’s ever experienced in his life. 
“Jesus Christ,” he gasps out, heart constricting, lungs tightening, mind narrowing, and he stabs the ‘end call’ button as he sinks to the floor. His phone clatters onto the tiles, and Luke vaguely registers that it’s probably cracked, and the whining and scratching outside the door is getting louder and louder and Luke can’t fucking think, can’t fucking breathe because everything is Ashton, and nothing is Luke. Everything is Ashton, like he’s twenty-four all over again, sobbing on this bathroom floor after throwing up God knows how much alcohol. 
It’s that thought that focuses him, sobers him, pulls him back to reality and away from his racing mind, because he’s not going to do that this time. Ashton’s taken enough from him, taken love and happiness and tears and almost his fucking life, and Luke’s not going to do that this time. 
His vision swims back into relative clarity as he focuses on his breathing like his therapist always said - in, hold, out; in, hold, out - and he wrestles himself to his knees to pull down the door handle. As soon as there’s a crack in the door, Clifford’s racing through, and Luke releases the door handle with a bang and falls back against the bathtub as Clifford climbs all over him, still whining, licking every inch of Luke’s skin. Luke wraps his arms around him, and Clifford carries on licking, warm and rough against Luke’s skin. It grounds him, reminding him that he’s here, he’s alive, he’s got Clifford to look after, he’s got the cool bathtub pressed uncomfortably against his spine. His shaky breathing evens out, and he feels colour returning to his face. Clifford begins to settle a little, only licking at Luke’s chin, and when Luke thinks about the fact that he’s now going to have to shower and be late for work the tightness in his chest loosens a little. 
Work. That’s a safe thought. That’s somewhere Ashton can never touch him. That’s all Luke. 
Luke sets Clifford down, much to Clifford’s discontent, and gets to his feet, a little unsteady. He pulls his phone off the floor with him - great, there’s a new crack running smoothly from the top left corner to the middle of the right hand side of the screen - and unlocks it, typing out a message to Michael and Calum with only slightly trembling fingers. 
Me I think I just had my first soulmate experience.
taglist: @glitterlukey @hey-its-grey 
chapter five
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chlodani · 4 years
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This is my new smau. It's a Sokka x F!Reader pairing smau. Title: More Than A Roommate
Trigger warning: Mature! Slight swear warning! If your sensitive to mature language and swearing, I've warned you ahead of time. Fluff warning!
Y/n's new roommate seems intensely interested in her life and wants to know everything about her. She's flattered and a little freaked out, but it’s nice to have someone to talk to. Though she thinks it's a problem that he's so handsome and their living together. But what will he do when he finds out Y/n's a Firebender? Will he accept her for who she is or will he shut her out because of his bad past with the Fire Nation?
Special Edition Part 8. . .
Part 9 coming soon. . .
Y/n's P.O.V.
I sighed as I set my phone down on the couch beside me. I turned my phone down to vibrate. After Jet I honestly don't want to talk to anyone else tonight. Maybe spending this time with Jet will help me. I know we broke up, but honestly it was my fault why we broke up. I dumped him. And that was because I was leaving the Freedom Fighters and I couldn't stay with him. I had duties in other places and I had to leave. I made Jet think it was his fault. Mainly because it was too painful to tell him the truth. Now things are just too complicated. I still have feelings for him, and I have feelings for Sokka. I dont know what I'm supposed to do as of right now. I was afraid Sokka was gonna be mad at me and now I dont know what to do. The doorbell sounded throughout the apartment. I took in a deep breath before walking over to the door. I was nervous to open it. I haven't seen Jet in a few years. But as I said, maybe it'll help me. I opened the door to Jet standing there with a six pack of dt. Pepsi cans, and a bag with chips, popcorn and chocolate. He smiled as he held them up.
"Hey, I brought your favorite," he told me with a smile.
Without knowing what I was doing at that moment, I attacked him, by throwing my arms around his neck, hugging him. It took him way by surprise as he accidentally dropped the bag of snacks. Though he didnt hesitate to put his free arm around me, pulling me closer to him. He practically buried his face in my neck.
"Thanks for comin' Jet," I said to him on the verge of tears.
Jet took in a deep breath.
"I missed you so much," Jet said to me softly.
After realizing I was still hugging him, and now things were awkward as hell, I cleared my throat moving away from him.
"Well, please step into my apartment," I said to him.
Jet picked up the bag.
"Gladly," he spoke seeming happy.
I closed the door as he walked in.
"I see you've got most of the place set up," Jet said to me as he set the stuff on the coffee table in front of the couch.
"Yeah, - I've got Ghost Hunters qued up on the DVR, - and also blankets on the couch -"
"So we can cuddle?"
I gave him a cocky look.
"So we can comfortable, -"
Jet gave me a devious smile. I laughed as I walked over to the couch.
"Dont be an a*s," I told him as I sat down.
I picked up one of the blankets, covering myself. I shivered as Jet stood behind the couch, directly behind me.
"I'm gonna go freshen up in the bathroom, - Where is it?" Jet asked me leaning closer to me.
"Uh, just down the hallway, next to Sokka's room," I answered.
Jet gently and on purpose, touched my shoulder as he walked away. I think he knew I still had feelings for him and he was gonna do everything he could to prove that to me. I sat there waiting almost impatiently for him too return. I found myself wanting him to be in the room with me. I thought about checkin my phone but I didn't. Tonight I just wanna forget about my troubles. As Jet stood back in the living room, he turned the lights off. Leaving just the lights of the tv in the room. I looked back at him, just staring at him.
"What? It makes watching the TV that much more entertaining," Jet said to me in an innocent tone.
"Mhmm, and is there any reason why you're wearing your shirt unbuttoned?" I asked him.
"Its hot in here,"
I scoffed, "It is not hot in here, I have the AC on,"
"Oh, then it's just me,"
I smiled as I rolled my eyes.
"Get your dumb a*s over here before I change my mind and make you leave,"
Jet moved around to sit next to me. My stomach jumped as he did.
"Na, you couldn't - You need someone right now,"
I pressed my lips together in slight annoyance.
"Yeah, - Sadly you're right - Its too bad it had to be you,"
Jet pretended to be offended.
In a soft gesture, he put his arm on the back of the couch, motioning that he wanted to put his arm around me. I dont know why I did it, but I moved closer to him, snuggling up next to him, letting him put his arm around me. I remember when this was me and Sokka. I'm afraid he wont be coming back. I let myself get closer to Jet. I'm afraid this wont end well.
Later that night. . .
I leaned away from Jet, sitting back up on the couch. Jet had a concerned look as he looked at me.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Jet asked me concerned.
"Yeah, - I think so -"
I looked at him as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Jet I want to thank you for spending time with me tonight. I didn't really wanna hang out with anybody, but you've helped me forget about my problems, pretty easily," I said to him in a soft voice.
"It always was easy for me to help you forget about your problems, -"
I looked at him as he moved closer. He used his finger to move a piece of my hair from my eye.
"Especially the way I used to do it," Jet said to me as he rested his hand on the side of my neck.
He moved even closer, almost touching his lips to mine. I moved away from him slightly. He backed away. I thought he would feel embarrassed, but he didnt.
"Listen Y/n, one of the reasons I wanted to find you was to tell you that, I really miss you, and that I love you. I want us to get back together," Jet explained to me confidently.
"Jet, I don't-"
"Y/n, I know the real reason you broke up with me,"
An oh sh*t look crossed my face.
"You do?"
"You broke up with me because you were leaving and you were going to miss me. You only made it seem like it was my fault, because you thought it wouldn't hurt as much. - I know you still love me, just as much as I love you- You cant deny it,"
I scoffed, adding a laugh.
"Yes, I can,"
Jet moved closer, putting his hand on my knee.
"Tell me you dont feel anything when I touch you,"
He didnt move his hand from my knee. My stomach was turned inside out. I tried to lie to him. Though I couldn't look him in the face.
"I dont feel anything for you anymore,"
"You're lying to me,"
"No, I'm not,"
Jet moved his hand farther up my leg. I could physically feel the shivers.
"Then look at me,"
I still didnt want to. I didnt want him to win. He moved his hand resting it on my hip.
"You sure you dont feel anything?"
I still said nothing. He moved even closer, running his hand slowly and softly up and down on my arm.
"What about now?"
I quickly put my hand on the side of his neck, connecting our lips, kissing him passionately. He seemed satisfied as he smiled into our kiss, moving even closer to me. He moved close enough to hover above me, holding himself up with the arm of the couch. In a quick instant he took off his shirt, tossing it to the floor. I might've given him the wrong impression.
. . .
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Sokka's P.O.V.
I was very curious as to why Y/n wasn't answering my texts. I thought at least she would want to try to fix our relationship - our friendship. She means the world to me. I admit I'm a huge a*s for ignoring her and getting mad at her. I was just upset that she lied to me. I dont care that she's a Firebender. She's still amazing, and caring and loving. Even more than Zuko. Honestly, I would love to see her practice her Firebending. As long as she doesnt set our apartment on fire. I dont think we have the insurance for that. I quietly unlocked the door. Only to have my heart ripped out, when I saw her kissing a shirtless guy on our couch. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't get the words out. I didnt want to, but I couldn't help myself as a single tear fell from my eye. I slowly turned around and walked back out of the apartment.
If you dont want to be a part of the taglist let me know and I will remove you. I will not unless you ask me to.
If you want to be apart of the taglist message me or reply. I'd be happy to add you
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eagesoldartblog · 5 years
Have you ever been so not proud of something like what happened here
Day four of Whumptober!!! Aw yeaHHH!!
Human Shield 
Above all else, there’s a tense silence. Neither person spoke, focused only on the other. Taking in their facial features and body language, gauging each other based on the small actions and twitches of their hand. 
How exactly did Death expect either to respond. One a towering spectator with a thirst for blood and a coward dressed in yellow. 
The walls exudes a sinister scent. Nearly frigid. 
The specter- Lewis glares at Arthur, doing nothing to conceal the fury burning in them. Infact- their fists smoked and burned, their plates of bone glowing pink. Resisting every temptation to subject Arthur to the peril they planned. 
The only reason Arthur wasn’t burnt to a crisp right there-
Was because Death forbade it.
Death, Arthur swallows tightly, blinking back a shudder as he thinks back to the numbing void outside of the walls, an all powerful being who- for some reason- patiently waits for all the souls to return to them. The one who brought both him and the dead spectator into its walls. 
*Why... is it because this spectator wants to kill him?* 
Arthur didn’t know how much of that glare he could handle. 
“S-So...” Arthur swallows, remembering how Death *promised* that no harm shall come to Arthur within their home, but this is a risk sigh the probability of a bomb exploding, but he needed to know, “Why are you after us...?” 
The spectator blinks, pink rings flaming. The fire within them growing by the pinkish glow now coming into their sockets. Muscles tightening, it speaks, “You have a lot of nerve to ask such a thing, Arthur.”
Voice gravely, echoing and sharp, the familiarity punches Arthur in the gut. It was so close to Lewis... Please don’t do this to me And yet, the only thing Arthur can ask himself is Why does it know his name?
“Is it?” Arthur challenges shakily, “you’ve been following us for a while. Are you - you’re after me at least, right?” 
”Who else?” It snaps.
Don’t flinch, Arthur. Don’t flinch. Stay strong.
“The girl.”
”Vivi,” Fuck it knows HER name too? ”I must say, I’m horribly disappointed in you. Disrespecting her that way.” The ghost scowls- seems to, and Arthur can’t help his flinch. 
“If you know anything about the world of supernaturals, then you know the importance of a name.” 
Eyes widen, the spectator tenses, now anxious and ... embarrassed? Holy shit did I actually manage to one up them??
They also notice Arthur’s victory, ”Fine. Whatever.” hissing, the flame of his hair ignites, growing tall and gaseous, ”You’re correct, I have business with you first and foremost.”
“O-kay!” His spine strains from tension, “Well. Uh- who are you?”
”You know who I am.”
Arthur bites his lip, swallowing back, “Mmm... no, no I don’t. Unless it’s from a case that I forgot! Then maybe?” He shrugs, really really hoping that the spectator doesn’t break its one restriction. 
”Excuse me?”
Should he say this? Should he really- oh well! “We- we lost our memories a while ago! A lot of past cases are completely gone for me, and - Vi doesn’t even remember one of our members or-“
”Which.” They take a step closer to him, far too close than Arthur would have liked.
They’re practically chest to chest, and Arthur needs to strain his neck to look past their tie. 
He didn’t know what compelled him to say it, share this crucial information with someone so dangerous.
“Our best friend. He went missing the same night we lost our memorie- AH!” 
When they snatched his wrist, Lightning bolts shoot through his arm. Amplified by the metal joints twisting under the iron grip of the spectator. His wrist now arms length away forcing Arthur impossibly close.
”Why should I? Your best friend is missing? You coward! Parading around like you’re innocent! And you feigning ignorance won’t get you anywhere, you knew who I was in the cave, so what’s different?”
The shooting ripples of pain rocket through Arthur’s arm, electrifying his fingers and frying the nerves of his shoulder, but it was far easier to deal with in comparison to the heart pounding anxiety coursing through the rest of him. 
The chase, the drive. Each horrible second of running down that horrifically warm cavern, met only to the blood stained, magenta burnt stalagmites that seared themselves to his memory. Overlapped with the horrible night where Lewis’s screams echoed through every wall. Where the only thing he felt was a cold numbness and endless agony.
What was different? What WAS different?
Voice strained and shrieking, Arthur squints through the tears, “Stop it! Death will-“ 
”I’m already DEAD, Arthur! I fell to your hand, why do you keep running from the truth-?!” Lewis’s burning scalp burst into flame, melting away to reveal the same face Arthur winced at many times before- from photographs, to missing photos, to voicemails, to the cave.
His grip didn’t falter. 
“Lewis, have you already forgotten our deal?”
Lewis’s grip on his arm releases, allowing Arthur to tumble back- landing on his ass and pinning his metallic arm to his side, praying he could make the electrical sparks hurt any less. So much so that he completely missed the parental tone whispering in his ear. Soothing him with comforting words and encouraging him to- 
Not thinking straight, Arthur lets his metal arm fall numb- ignoring its jittery sparks- and reaches to his prosthetic shoulder. Disengaging the locks far quicker than he should have been able to. 
None of those thoughts came to mind, not until the arm clatters to the floor, and Arthur is left weak and gasping and sobbing from the electrifying burns encapsulating his bones and heart.
“Didn’t I make my conditions clear, Lewis Pepper? Bring you two here, to allow you both peace. And yet, you’ve broken my only rule. What do you have to say for yourself?”
Arthur does his best to not fall over, the horrible pain barely subsiding and offering any leeway for him. 
In fact, if he didn’t hold his breath, he wouldn’t have heard Death’s voice surrounding him. 
Something grazes his fried shoulder, what felt like a hand. Anywhere it’s palm rubs, a soothed feeling simply... took the pain. Relaxed his heart. Brought the overwhelming thoughts to a soft hum and not a powerful shriek. 
Allowed him the strength to turn back and see what scene had taken shape around them. 
No longer was their wall paper and stained glass murals on the wall, instead, everything took on a much more... angelic appearance. Each wall covered in faintly drawn eyes, all blinking and focusing on them all. 
”I must say, I am disappointed in you.”
”And?” Lewis dared, and it became noticeably more twisted, long, draping wings of all kinds lining the walls like curtains. 
And for once, Arthur wasn’t fearful. 
But Lewis sure was.
Crouched over on himself, Arthur blearily glances around the new interior of the room. Everything was reflective, and thus shone a brilliant purple and pink as Lewis's flame lit up their surroundings. 
Lewis was... closer to him. Arthur didn't even realize it at first until he realized he was trapped in the immense shadow towering over him, but Lewis's back was turned to him. 
The golden heart, at Arthur's side. 
Breathlessly, Arthur switches from the golden- *brilliantly* beating heart, and Lewis's furious stance- his shoulders tense and feet planted apart, both fists clenched and enveloped in fire and burning flames. 
"Who are you? Why do you stop me?" Lewis demands, his voice and anchor crack in equal measure. 
Arthur grabs it, confused and compelled, the fear radiating from it drew him closer. Maybe this can give us an advantage..? Maybe-
The wings bristle, puffing up, and Arthur shudders. A warm wind washing over them. An even calmer chuckle tickling his ears. 
Oh Lewis, you misunderstand. You too perished far too early, and that is why I wish to do everything I can for you to get the justice you deserve. But Arthur, is innocent. In terms that he did not commit the act of judgment, but one of my own. 
The stained glass dyes red. And all at once, the walls, glass, and floor, shatter.
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roseamongroses · 5 years
Antithesis (6): “...”
Summary: For their Junior project, Roman is unceremoniously paired with Dmitri.
He’s hardly interacted with the guy, a strange occurrence since Virgil has had a weird/unexplained hate-hate relationship with him since middle-school. But it isn’t like he’s complaining. Dmitri’s cute, he compliments Roman, and damn can he paint.So Roman may or may not catch feelings, and he may not be wiling to uncatch them anytime soon.–Dmitri returns the sentiment.
[General Warnings:] Misgendering, Past Misgendering, Past Bullying, Mild Sexual Content,  implied emotional abuse, Cursing [Tags/mood:] highschool au, project troupe, fluff and angst but its all good, chat fic, teen stress, its flordia no snow we die like men [Pairing:] Roceit (Roman Sanders/ Deceit Sanders), hinted future/possible logince/roloceit/loceit [Characters] Roman Sanders/Deceit (Dmitri) Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Remy (Sleep) Sanders, Nate Sanders, Dragon Witch (Diana)
(1)(2)(3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: Dm you up for this weekend
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: Bro diane’s gunna be mad if you don’t
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: wow you really playing with fire
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: You still mad about that?
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou:Fuck dude it's literally not that big of a deal??cmon it's not fun unless youre there to piss off
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: and dont just say it's cause youre stufying/ doing work cause thats bs, your just fcking around with that dude
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: it's been a straight up semester cmon
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: dmitri?
Dmitri scanned the bustle of the afterschool crowd, the dismissal bell still ringing in his ears. With the grace one would expect from a gangly teen, he caught up to the flash of red as easy as one with expect. Only a couple people scowled.
“Roman,” He said breathless, slowing to match their pace, “You free for valentines?”
Roman shifted the bag on his shoulder, “It’s still January, Dee,” He said, bemused, but eyes tired.
“Uh, well,” He glanced away, “Are you free though?”
“Well perhaps if I ask my secretary to reschedule th-” He blinked hard, nearly stumbling into a kid lugging a trombone case, “Fuck, I forgot,”
Dmitri’s eyebrow’s drew together with a frown, “Forgot what?”
“I,” He winched, “I fuckin forgot, every year we take my Mom out to dinner for valentine’s day, “ he said, voice adopting a somber tone, “It’s her wedding anniversary and god-- I’m a dumbass how did I forget-- sorry.”
“Roman, you’re not a dumbass,” Dmitri said, “A dumbass sure, but not a dumbass,”
“That actually makes no sense, I applaud you,” Roman rolled his eyes, mouth still pinched. They stopped to sit on the short brick wall lining the sidewalks to the parking lot, so Roman can wait for his ride.
Roman took the chance to groan into his hands.
Glancing around to see no administrators around that would care about a little PDA, Dmitri draped his around around Roman’s shoulders, pulling him into his chest with little protest.
“Hey are you…?”
Roman voice was muffled, him refusing to look up.
“Roman you aren’t stupid,” Dmitri said, softer, “Roman,” he pushed back Roman’s hair, searching their face. Roman blinked fast, eyebags blending effortlessly into his makeup.
“I fuckin forgot Dee, how is that not stupid.” Roman said, sour, “First I mixed up the deadlines, and just had to slack off, and now I’m behind. To top it all off, I’m a shit son. ”
“You’re doing your best and your grades can afford a hit, ”
“I could do better though,” Roman stressed, looking increasingly desperate, “And I shouldn’t deal with hits, I never see Logan deal with-” He shut his mouth, eyes bright and wide, “Forget that, It’s nothing.”
Dmitri studied him, “You don’t think it's fair.”
“That’s, that’s--” Roman sputtered, “That’s not what I said Dee, it's fair, he’s earned it.”
“He has earned it,” Dmitri agreed, “That doesn’t mean you don’t want it too.”
Roman squinted at that, “Y’know, maybe you getting into philosophy wasn’t such a good idea,” He mumbled, “I expect kisses, not accurate call out posts.”
“So, I’m right?” Dmitri laughed, pinching Roman’s cheek, much to their distress, “You know, you both are in mostly the same classes, it wouldn’t be strange to ask him to help you out and vice versa?” he idly suggested, “Y’all both are ride and die, so it’d be mutually beneficial.”
Roman patted his face with a pout, “No,” he sniffed.
“Why not, you’re friends, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, but he’s closer with Virgil then he is with me, “ Roman shrugged, “Otherwise I think we’d eat each other alive before sophomore year,” he then added, a bit quieter, “So I doubt he’d want to put up with me anymore then he has to.”
“I don’t think that’d be the case,” Dmitri said, “Teaching’s a form of studying, so It’s not like he’d be wasting time.” Someone shouted Roman’s name, and he looked up, finding Remy gesturing to the car that he assumed Virgil was already in. Roman shouldered his bag, “Maybe...I’ll talk to him,” He said, kissing Dmitri’s cheek and hopping to his feet.
“Oh and try to get some fucking rest,” Dmitri called out, grabbing his own keys.
“Sure, sure, sure, ” Roman called back with a wave.
Theactualdragonthatistillhaventblocked: bitchhhhhhhh
Theactualdragonthatistillhaventblocked: wtf dmitri? Can you take that stick up your ass out for one second??it wasnt even about you??
Theactualdragonthatistillhaventblocked: everybody's so sensitive nowadays fuckin hell??dude you missed my birthday. It shouldn't be that deep we've been friends for years??
Dmitri carefully gathered his freshly snipped roses into the vase, a small smile on his face. Roman had painted the vase earlier that week, the swirling blues and yellows of A Starry Night effortlessly covering up the vase’s cracked and abused exterior. All that was needed was the flowers, which Dmitri graciously volunteered.
He stood, tucking a smaller flower in his front pocket before brushing the dirt from his jeans As soon as he opened the screen door, he froze.
“Dmitri, get in here, we have company!” His aunt called from the other room. Sighing he readjusted the vase in his arms, thoughtlessly following her voice to the living room with a tight lipped smile.
His smile became painted as he realized who the company was, “Diana,” he greeted, her blue eyes narrowing on him pleasantly from behind her tea-cup.
“You didn’t tell me that red-head was Diana?” His aunt faux whispered, her hair piled limply on top of her head, lips a cherry red, and nails done, and she looked genuinely pleased to see him despite being covered in dirt and probably making tracks on her carpet. She must’ve made up with her boyfriend.
Diana batted her eyes pleasantly, “Oh he didn’t tell you?” She said, and his blood ran cold, “ We have a date today, but I guess he was embarrassed,” she leaned in close to hisaunt, “Afterall I had to make the plans, he is rather shy.” His aunt frowned at that, “Poor boy doesn’t have a proper father -figure,” she shook her head, “He was a… crier… when he was younger.” she finished, distaste clear.
It took more effort then he should’ve have to not retort with ‘he doesn’t have a proper mother figure,’ either, but he likes his evenings scream free.
Diana took that time to finish her tea cup, “But don’t worry ma’am, we’ll have a good time,” She stood, slinking to his side, too close for comfort, her arms linking with his.
“Hopefully not too good of a time,” His aunt winked, as Diana none too gently dragged him out the door. As soon as the door slammed behind him, Dmitri yanked his arm from her hold, readjusting his grip on the vase.
“What the fuck, Dmitri?” She spat, face inches from his, “You missed, my birthday, my birthday.”
“What do you want?” he said.
“I want a fuckin’ explaination,” She scowled, looking him up and down, “We want our friend back, not acting pissy and giving us the silent treatment of all things.”
“We?” Dmitri raised his eyebrow, “Nate isn’t even here.”
“Don’t be a smartass, he’s at work, I think. It's Nate, so who knows,” She flipped her hair, “Plus his heart’s too weak for direct action.”
“You mean invading my house?” Dmitri said, irritation rising, “Or perhaps your direct action was quite literally bullying Emile out of our school? You know, Emile who gave you his shoes because you stepped in dog shit, the Emile who baked us cookies for our birthdays? Ring a bell?”
“Your little girlfriend could never take a joke,” She scowled, before insisting, “It was just a joke!”
“It was not a joke,” Dmitri hissed, “You guys tried to fuck over him over for whatever god-awful reason and just laughed at the results.”
“Sure, fine, we’re bullies,” She shrugged, face pinched, “But you were there too, so pull that stick out your ass. You laughed when we laughed, hell, you don’t even defend yourself.”
“‘I’ what? Sure you came out , introduced your little ‘boyfriend,” she bared her teeth, “But you still let that woman walk all over you, still smiled to our faces, then went to bitch about it elsewhere like we didn’t exist. You always fuckin cared more about little Emile, right? Right?” Diana’s voice was strangled, blinking rapidly, “Don't even bother to tell me to fuck off, just don’t. I get the message,”
She turned around, stiff, “You’re a two-faced bitch, Dmitri. ”
Dmitri didn’t say anything to that.
He never does.
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purplebenjy · 5 years
1997 Part Three
Ollie starts kissing his neck and Benjy drops his controller. He laughs when his boyfriend picks it up and places it in his hand.
“Keep playing.”
Benjy sticks out his lower lip “but I wanna kiss you.”
Ollie smiles at him and tugs at the back of Benjy’s white tank top, pulling it over his head and pressing a kiss to his collarbone.
“You can kiss me in a minute. I wanna see how long you can last playing the game with me distracting you.”
A thrill shoots through Benjy at that, Ollie’s light eyes suddenly quite dark.
“Um, okay...”
He hits start, and when his screen pulls up the beginning of the level, Ollie starts too. He settles on his knees between Benjy’s legs, kissing down his chest.
“You’re killing me.
Ollie laughs. “You’re so dramatic.”
Benjy watches as Mario flashes twice before falling off the screen.
“I mean literally. In the game.”
They both laugh but Benjy’s turns into a gasp as Ollie presses a kiss just above the top of his jeans.
“What are you doing?”
“Eyes on the screen, Fenwick.”
Benjy groans slightly but does what he’s told, his hands tightening on the controls when Ollie undos his jeans and presses a kiss to his erection over his boxers.
“Jesus Christ.”
His voice is too loud, it echoes in his room. Ollie pauses.
“You’ve got to be quiet, Benj. Unless you don’t want me to do this?”
“I’ll be quiet, I’ll be quiet. Please don’t stop-“
Ollie smirks at him from his position between his legs. It’s the hottest thing Benjy has ever seen.
“I wont stop if you don’t stop. Keep playing.”
Benjy takes a hand and cups the back of Ollie’s head for a minute, takes a breath, and turns his attention to the screen. Ollie keeps kissing him over his underwear, and Benjy heats him chuckle softly when he grows harder at the attention. Benjy lifts up his hips when Ollie starts tugging at his boxers and soon enough he’s naked, playing fucking Super Mario, and trying not to come right there.
“You get to the checkpoint yet?”
“Uh...yeah?” Benjy says, his voice shaking with lust. Without warning, Ollie licks a stripe up Benjy’s shaft, making him moan.
He whines before he can stop himself, forcing himself to keep his eyes on the screen. Ollie laughs softly.
“Did you just whine?”
“God that was hot. You’re so fucking hot, Benjy.”
A noise of need escapes him but he falls totally silent when Ollies lips close around the head of his cock.
“Oh my god-“
He tries to keep playing, his hands shaking so badly the control can’t keep still. Ollie lets out a breath close to a laugh and his hand catches Benjy’s wrist, gently pushing the controller away. It clatters you the floor loudly, but Benjy doesn’t even notice. His hands fist in Ollie’s hair and Benjy forces himself to keep his eyes open so he can take it all in. Ollie’s breath is hot and wet and his mouth feels so perfect-Benjy doesn’t last long. He watches in disbelief as Ollie swallows his cum and collapses against Benjy’s legs. Benjy flops backwards onto the bed, spent and soon enough he feels Ollie get on the bed with him too. “I didn’t last long”
Ollie picks up his hand and kisses his knuckles.
“That’s okay.”
“I meant in the game.”
Ollie laughs and Benjy lolls his head to the side to smile at him.
“That’s okay too.”
Ollie looks so beautiful just then that Benjy almost wants to cry. His hair is framed perfectly by the dark green of Benjy’s comforter, his smile coming to him easy. His smile that’s just for Benjy. He’s not in love with him, but for the first time, Benjy wonders if he could be some day.
“I’m nicer than you.” Benjy says, sitting up on his elbows. Ollie’s smile clouds with confusion.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
Benjy slides off of the bed onto his knees.
“Cause I’m gonna blow you and I’m not gonna play games.”
Ollie’s laugh seems to get stuck in his throat as Benjy starts undoing his pants.
“Ollie did the FUNNIEST thing yesterday-“
“You never shut up about that kid.” Curt says, cutting Benjy off. “You a fruit for him or something?”
It’s Sunday, which means all of his siblings are there to witness Benjy turn bright red.
“You never shut up about him. It’s kind of f*ggy isn’t it? You’ve got a crush, sounds like.”
“Hey man, fuck you.” Robbie says, almost spitting at their step dad, before Benjy can get another word in.
“He was in the middle of a story.”
“Robbie-“ Suki says, her voice dangerous.
“Ma, I’m not gonna let this dipshit you married disrespect my brother like that.”
“Robbie, cool it on the swearing maybe?” Jules says, her hands over Izzie’s ears. She catches Benjy’s eyes and smiles at him.
“What was funny, Benj?”
“Forget it.” He says, looking down at his plate. He feels Mack hit him with her foot but he doesn’t say anything.
“Ma, I dont understand why you got married again.” Leo pipes up, his mouth full of potatoes.
“I wont be disrespected in my own house!” Curt says, his pale skin flushing with anger. Drew laughs, nudging Robbie. “His house, you hear that? Hilarious.”
“Enough!” Suki shouts, causing everyone at the table to turn to her in surprise. She never raised her voice.
“Curt is my husband, and as long as you are in MY home, you will treat him with respect.
“That’s the thing Ma, I don’t exactly respect him.”
“Then you can get the hell out of my house, Robert Muhammad.”
The anger in their mother’s face is unnervingly palpable. Robbie sucks his head, his voice low.
“Alright, alright. I’m sorry.”
“He was picking on Benjy.” Mack speaks for the first time that night. Her hair has purple in it on the bottom, Benjy just noticed. “You never would’ve let that happen before. You wouldn’t let anyone treat us like that. Not before him.”
His sister pushes her chair back so violently it falls over, her fork clatters onto the plate and she stomps off down the hallway towards the back door.
“I’ll go.” Benjy says, setting her chair upright and following before anyone else can say anything. He walks out onto the back patio and sees his sister sitting beside the pool, her head in her hands. Benjy rolls up the legs of his skinny jeans and crosses the yard, sticking his feet in as he sits beside her. Wordlessly, Mack puts her head on his shoulder.
“I miss dad.”
Benjy hears the tears in her voice without even needing to look at her.
“I know.”
“You don’t, Bb-“ BB standing for Baby Brother, a nickname he’d only recently grown to like. Usually.
He inches away from her, hurt filling him suddenly.
“Just because I dont remember him doesn’t mean I dont miss him! Do you have any idea what it’s like? Living with fucking Curt? It makes me miss Dad so much cause like-I can almost see what it would’ve been like. But it’s not. Not even close. He’s such a dick. And you all treat me like I’m a stupid baby who can’t stand up for myself or-“
“Hey.” His sister turns to him and takes one of his closed fists in her hands. She rubs on the back of his palm until he starts to relax, just like she used to when they were little kids.
“You’re right Benj. I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair of me. I wish he was he here. God. He loved us all so much. You look like him the most I think. He would’ve loved that. He always used to joke that we were all Mom’s clones.”
Benjy smiles slightly, turning so he’s the one resting against his sister. He kicks his feet slightly and makes waves in the pool.
“You can come live with me.”
Benjy snorts. “Funny.”
He glances over at his sister and sees how serious her expression is.
“Mack. You live in a studio apartment.”
“We could make it work.”
“How would I get to school?”
“I could drive you.”
He thinks about it. He lets himself picture it. They’d drive each other nuts, but they’d have a lot of fun. He lets it go.
“I dont want to leave mom alone with him.”
“It’s that bad?”
Benjy shrugs. “I mean they fight constantly? About a bunch of different shit. It’s never gotten you know, physical-“
“I don’t think he’d still be alive if it did.” Mack says with a laugh. “Mom isn’t one of those weak people who stays with someone who hits her.”
Neither of them know it yet, but in a few years, Benjy will play this sentiment over and over in his head. It’ll be the reason he keeps his first ever secret from his sister. Now though, Benjy decides Mack can be the one to know the truth.
“He was right though.”
“Curt. I uh, have a crush on Ollie.”
Mack tucks some of his hair behind his free ear.
“Yeah? Are you...are you gay?”
“Nah.” Benjy sits up to look at her. Her expression is soft but hard to read.
“I’m bisexual. But uh, even though I like girls still I...I think I like boys more?”
He hadn’t told anyone that part. Mack takes his hand and squeezes it.
“Whoever you like is okay as long as they’re nice to you. Do you think Ollie likes you back?”
“Well he gave me a blowjob yesterday so I’m thinking yes?”
Mack laughs and smacks his shoulder. “Don’t tell me that! You’re like, eight still. You don’t know what blowjobs are.”
“Hmm except I knew what they were then too cause I heard Robbie and Drew talking about if they thought Drew Barrymore would give good ones.”
“Oh my god.”
“He’s my boyfriend, Mack. I mean, as much as he can be with me not uh, telling anyone.”
His sister raises her eyebrows. “Mom doesn’t know?”
Benjy shakes his head. “No uh, I dont want to be the subject of more fights with her and Curt. And uh...”
He didn’t wanna lose his mom too. He’s too afraid to say it. Even to Mack.
“I’m just not ready.”
“So I’m the first person you’ve told?”
His sister pulls him into a bone crushing hug, her feet knocking against his in the water.
“I’m so proud of you, BB.”
Benjy squirms out of her grasp and fixes his hair.
“Thanks? I mean, I didnt like, decide this or anything.”
“I know. So what was this funny thing your boyfriend did the other day?”
Benjy feels warmth spread through him at Mack’s easy acceptance. At how she doesn’t even have to tell him that she’ll keep his secret. At how she’s still got her hand over his as she looks at him, waiting to hear his story.
“He uh, used both of our skateboards like skis and made me push him around the park.”
“Jesus. He sounds perfect for you.”
“Benjy!” Ollie waves him over from his car on the street. Instead of skating into the park, Benjy skates up along side him.
They look each other up and down. Benjy lets himself imagine a time in the future where he could greet him with a kiss.
“You up for an adventure today, Fenwick?
Benjy’s face breaks into a wide grin.
They chat about nothing and everything as Ollie drives them to their mystery destination. Benjy sings along terribly to Nirvana and makes Ollie laugh. As they get closer to the ocean, Benjy’s curiosity gets the best of him.
“Where are we going?”
“We’ve never been on a real date.” Ollie says as he slows at a stop light. “Thought I’d change that with the beach.”
Benjy’s heart stops. A date at the beach. Out in the open. Where people can see them together. Where people can see them together and start talking. Where they’re out in the open.
“It doesn’t have to be the beach, we can go anywhere really-“
“I can’t.”
As Benjy says that, they pull into a parking lot covered with sand. Ollie doesn’t say anything until he parks. When he turns to face Benjy, pain is obvious on his face.
“How is this different than us meeting at the park?”
Benjy shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “I dunno. It just is.”
“Is it cause I called it a date?”
Ollie doesn’t believe him. He nods once, his mouth twisting to the side, upset.
“I’m sorry.” Benjy says, almost a whisper.
“No, I’m sorry. Really.” There’s no malice in Ollie’s voice, which almost makes it worse. He’s not pissed-just sad. “You told me you’re not ready. I shouldn’t have pushed it.”
He backs out of the parking space, Benjy’s hand tentatively comes to cover Ollie’s. He watches him smile slightly in profile.
“I want to go on a beach date with you so badly. So bad, Olls. But I-“
“Can’t. I know, Benj. It’s alright. I should’ve said something before I drove out here.”
They don’t say much on the drive back, but Benjy’s hand never leaves his. He was going to tell Ollie that he’d come out to Mack, but it seemed out of place now. When they get to Benjy’s house, instead of pulling in the driveway, Ollie idles on the curb.
“I need to get home. My dad and Chris are uh, leaving for vacation tonight and I wanna see them before they go.”
Benjy hopes his face doesn’t look as crestfallen as he feels.
“Oh okay.”
Another silence.
“Can I kiss you?”
Ollie sighs and smiles at him.
“Of course you can. I’m not being fair.”
Benjy kisses him deeply.
“Maybe not. But you’re allowed to be upset.”
They kiss for several minutes, the strangeness between them disappearing as they bite at each other’s lips.
“I’d come in, Benj. But Chris and my dad really are leaving.”
Benjy laughs. “I believed you.” He kisses him again as the thought crosses his mind.
“So with your sister at camp...you have the house to yourself?”
Ollie’s eyes glint. “I do.”
“Could uh, I come over? Is it rude to invite myself?”
Ollie kisses him. “Absolutely and absolutely.”
Benjy laughs, his hand closing on the door handle as he gets out to grab his skateboard. He walks back to the open passenger door and looks at Ollie, his eyes flitting to his kiss swollen lips.
“Well good. Cause uh, I’m not ready for a date. But I think I’m ready to be done with this whole “Virgin” thing.”
Ollie groans. “Oh my god.”
“If you’re okay with that.”
“You’re something else, Benjy. You know that?”
Benjy grins at his boyfriend, wishing fiercely he could be everything Ollie needs, but glad he can at least be something else.
“Oh, I’m well aware. See you tomorrow, baby.”
Benjy blows him a kiss and turns on his heel to all but skip up the driveway. When he looks over his shoulder, Ollie is still parked, watching him. He waves, his heart skipping a beat, realizing that before tomorrow was over, everything would be different.
He had no idea how right he was.
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zombeamik · 6 years
okay so spoilers again lol
okay so i thought when you played the scret ending 1? riaks backstory was free? e-e
HAHA NVM WAS JUST THE FIRST EPISODE time to go buy 330 hour glasses ANYWAYS
okay seriosuly thing for people who dont like Rika, for what she did. You should honestly play her backstory.. it really could clear some things up for you, and it may chnage your mind, just abit hopefully.
you shouldnt just say no to story, just because you don’t like her.
Of course, if you really dont want to read it fine, but it can probably really help.
Episode 1
this god lady sounds like Jaehee tbh SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OH Mina is Rikas real name :3 How cute already liking this. WONT BE ABLE TO AFFORD THE RETS OF IT THOUGH
Mina/Rika, they really didnt deserve what happened to them.
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okay gotta buy 330 hours glasses but THEN ILL CONTINUE MY REACTION
the game didnt like me buying more hourglasses o it decided to messwith mu audio.
okay had to restart my phone THANKS ANOTHER SETBACK
Episode 2
okay so, i like Mika back here. BUT WHAT I SAW IN THE V ROUTE, thats not cool Mika. you were kinda okay? you were already a little manipulative to a three year old. “My little sister, should always have short hair” how about you shut up. Twins? All she ever wated was to be loved and not taken away from her “Twin”, Maybe thats why she cared so much for Saeran and Saeyoung before she ddi what she did. Mika no, no. You’re the one who put those awful things in Minas/Rikas mind ugh okay i go back to not liking her, that was very fast.
Okay grown up Rika/Mina, okay rika i like you when you arent doing ur creepy eyes. UGH honestly im so mad at Mika, honestly the fuck. CUTE PICTURES OF V AND RIKA YES okay i know, i like V and all but tbh they were cute together.
excuse me V you shouldve said THATS WHY I ADORE UR SUN BC THATS ALL SHE NEEDED TO HEAR, she didnt want to hear that you loved her because of her darkness.  She wnated someone to love her, or show her a tiny bit of warmth so she could find the light inside her. So, so far, Mika is the one who introducded her to this “darkness” SO UNLESS RIKAS BACKSTORY CAN GIVE ME A REASON TO NOT DISLIKE MIKA AND FORGIVE HER I WILL GLADLY TAKE IT.
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Episode 3
sorry what?
Mina, Serena
Im glad she went with Rika, I like Mina, but Rika ive gotten used to it. Maybe she’ll go back to Mina one day?
Oh. Okay i dont like Rika/Mina/Serena’s Mother. and the pastor, no wonder she started a cult, i mena look at his outfit. WHAT KIND OF SHITTY PASTOR ARE YOU
“NEEDS ALOT OF PRAYERS” how about you shut up, man,  Pastor my fucking ass, Devil worshipper is more fucking likely.
excuse me pastor, your voice in my ears IS FUCKING CREEPY DO YOU MIND
“ your body has grown, is it satan?” HOW ABOUT YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND LEAVE HER ALONE
yep, i fully understamd now why she created a cult. okay im only on 3 of 8 but still
oh, her dads the head of the hospital, okay. all good.
she just wnated to be free from hatred? 
okay gone back to not liking Mika just abit
now i dont know?
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Episode 4
Mika had cacner in her eyes.
Mika lived a while though, so her dad must have paid the bills.
Did she really grow up at the orphange? PROBABLY FUCKING NOT
I was just feeling sad for her, but then she did that.
so she made V blind because of that?
okay no, no new puppy then.
no v, shes brainwashed him.
No V you should focus on saeyoung because ive turned saeran into somebody i regret now.
Rika no.
you didnt have to shut everyone out, 
he asked you to leave?
Ugh im so confused?
right yeah, she only separated saeran and saeyoung because of their parents.
Mika, why. 
she didnt have to lie about the orphanage, and then why you said you made Rika think it was all her fault, and then ugh
the pastor is a creep, a pervert, child molester
dont fucking freak out, you told her to leave because you didnt want sally in the house and now your like THE FUCK YOU GOING SERENA HUH? ugh
Rika no, that isnt the right choice.
oh bad momesnt to mention sally being cute.
listen, all rika every wanted was to love someone.
defo a cult, Believer’s? This some sort of god cult.
oh she was 16.
oh dear.
well that was a roller coaster
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Episode 5
great she started working a church, and became a nun. even more fantastic
I do like the names Mina and Serena but still Rika.
well wjat she thought she was doing was okay. Not wanting anyone to be abandoned?
she just uh turned it into something alot bigger than helping out at a church
She only treated people the way she did was because she didnt know how loving parents acted, so what she thought she was doing was right to her, since she didnt know anything else.
okay so shes 18.
and she wnated to shoe people her light instesd fo her darkness
OH THE CLOUD PHOTO, man when she looked at it she said Mother, because thats the first thing that came to mind. 
yeah she thought that of she didnt protect saeyoung he’d rot just like Mika.
she could see her and mIka in him so she grew attached
she onyl wanted to do good
Rika the Angel but she thought of herself as Rika the Devil ok
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Episode 6
okay so she didnt want yoosung to find out about her darkness
Rika honey, its okay. he still would ahve loved you.
Okay so Oh got it okay.
Yoosung is the son of rikas mothers sister,
she couldnt feel anything? well V is both light and dark rika.
man v still doesnt know rikas real name BUT WE DOOOOO
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episode 7
Man v ur kinda smooth with words but at the same time like you just met.
okay so she modelled for V and then when she was doing that they didnt talk much? man V atleast tell her she did good. how rude.
v the fuck you didnt even say goodbye, just IM GONNA GO GRAB MY CAMERA AND THEN FCUKING WALK OFF
V no.
you didnt even compliment her or anything, you just said heres lets take pictures but we aint gonna talk and thn when your done, i aint gonna say you did well or anything like that.
V you kinda an asshole.
okay shes fine.
V was just curious about me because im not like the rest”
kinda sounds like it,
oh so it was Mina that wanted to be loved.
well shes still a prt of you rika, so that measn you wanted to be loved aswell.
okay so she stopped visiting V
V came to visit her
make up your fuckingmind V
“Heathen Cult”
well yeah basically.
“ can you show me how dark you are?”
okay all good
she told V everything
and she scared she;ll end up like Mika.
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wow thats fast.
okay so saeyoung went abroad and then she stopped disagreeing when saeren was saved
then she met Jumin a year later, sweet.
okay so then she got her aparement
and then she dint know if things to turn to the worst or the best
well id say the worst but you did save alot of people.
you may have brainwashed them but they would ahve probably died without her help.
Mina believed her.
so she agreed.
“I must not use that boy. I must save him”
what kind of bullshit is that.
mika is the dark
mika just please shut up.
okay she died. thats sad but like
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thst was um
one crazy ride
so glad i read it.
even if you dont like rika at all
please do
its worth it.
as you can see my thoughts were jumbled in the actual live reaction
but it makes alot of sense kind aof?
im to lazy to write a review so thats the best you’re gonna get.
Its really good, to actually understand why Rika/Mina/Serena turned out the way she was.
i mena i already forgave her in the V ending
but even though she did those bad things, if someone just loved her and didnt feeed her with horrible views of the world, she was still a caring girl even though the darkness took a hold of her,
Im not glad of what happened to her, but if it didnt we would have never even met anyone. so as mucha s i hate to say it, im glad of what happened, and 100% glad we could help her through with it.
Okay, well that was fun.
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danielleelesterr · 6 years
Survival of the Fittest Part 1
Hi! This is my very first time posting one of my phanfics. I never wanted to because I was too frightened, but I finally built up the courage! This is something I once wrote at 5 am on a school night and I have no idea if it’s any good, but I enjoyed writing it. So thank you for reading and let me know if you’d like for me to post part 2!
Word Count: 3.2k
Trigger Warnings: Sexual Content, Suicidal mentions, Prostitution, Swearing, Violence
Summary: Daniel Howell is all alone in the world and has to sell his body to survive. Philip Lester is rich and can't seem to make up his mind.
"Disgusting," a middle aged woman mumbled as Dan strutted past her. He made sure to twist his hips more than usual and to ignore her venomous glare. This wasn't unusual. In fact, Dan was used to this by now. Having people call him out or bluntly insult him for his 'job'. It wasn't like Dan wanted to live on the streets and sell his body in order to survive at all. But they didn't care. They never would and they'd never be able to understand. They had families and jobs to give them a reason to live. Dan never bothered any one else, but everyone always bothered him. At first, it had drove Dan to the edge of insanity and he hated himself. But now, he realized that they were in the wrong just as much as he was and should just brush off their hateful comments. Besides, he needed the money. Dan never graduated high school and with his record, he'd never be able to have a normal life. He could never just drop prostitution and try to succeed in the real world no matter how hard he wanted to. He saw himself as unworthy and worthless. That this was what he deserved and that he'd never be able to find anything better.
The wind fought against Dan's greasy curly hair as he walked to the end of the alleyway. Dan didn't have a certain location he needed to be and didn't have any specific objective for the night. He never did. He drifted from shady neighborhood to shady neighborhood, hoping he wouldn't be caught. There was also always the fear of someone from high school wanting to buy him for the night or recognizing him as they drove past. Hopefully, no one ever would. His life was already embarrassing enough and he could handle the occasional insult thrown at him, but being targeted by someone he knew would be too much for him. The sound of Dan's large black heels began to echo and grow louder as he neared the end of the street corner.
This should be good enough. He thought to himself as he came to a sudden halt and leaned against the street lamp. Even though he had been wearing heels consistently for about 8 years, they still hurt like hell. However, they really screamed 'prostitute' for men driving by for some reason. Days when he wore them he seemed to get more business compared to the days that he didn't.
Dan reached into his purse and pulled out his portable blush compact to perfect his appearance. He opened it and brought it up to his face. Eyebrows recently plucked, grey eye shadow still in tact, eyeliner still making a grand cat eye, blush still rosy, and red lipstick hadn't smeared yet. He was in good shape and was ready for the long night to begin. Each day got easier for him, but it also got more difficult. Dan hated every moment of being handled by a stranger in ways that strangers shouldn't handle you. But Dan was brave and good at what he did. So therefore, why should he stop if it was bringing in the money he needed for food and clothing?
Dan glanced one last time at his reflection and attempted to make his hair look presentable when he noticed a black Mercedes approaching him.
The car rolled by to his side and rolled down the passenger seat window. Dan sighed before pulling on his signature smirk and preparing to win whoever this was over.
"Can I help you, Sir?" Dan asked smoothly as he bent down to lean inside and peer at the man. However, when Dan made eye contact with this man, he nearly lost his ability to act. He was incredible and took Dan's breath away. Raven black hair that went up into a high quiff on the top of his head and deep ocean blue eyes that had traces of yellow and green in them. Dan had seen thousands, maybe even millions, of men before, but none of them even came close to the one set in the drivers seat across from him.
"Uh," He paused to awkwardly cough. "Yes, please."
Please? Please.
No one had asked Dan for his services as politely and quietly as this man was. Nobody really even asked. They drove up, demanded Dan get into the car, drive off till they find a place they deem safe enough, have meaningless sex, pay Dan, and drop him off. That's how it always went.
"Hmmm," Dan looked Phil up and down. "Just for you, I'll give you a discount for 65 pound," Dan winked and leaned further into the window, allowing his butt to be prominent to Phil.
"Yeah, of course, thanks," He said all in one breath and Dan had barely anytime to process his words. "Is it okay if we-um-go to a hotel?"
Dan had had a couple of customers who wanted to try and dignify their reasons for buying a hooker. Dan liked it when opportunities like this arose, and even though he was losing money, it was less men he had to please.
"Sure, anything you want, Daddy," Dan threw in the last word just to see how the other man would take it. He watched as he flinched at the name and swallowed thickly. Dan knew he was an amateur to this and it was obvious he had no clue as to what he was doing. He was probably just lonely and needed to interact with someone. Dan gave him a seductive grin and batted his eyelashes before opening the car door and slipping into the passenger seat.
The ride to the hotel was silent and the tension in the air was ridiculously high. Once they had finally reached their destination, Phil jumped out immediately after parking and waltzed over to Dan's side to open the door for him.
Was this guy insane? Was he expecting some sort of date with a hooker?
Dan nodded at the man in thanks before stepping cautiously out of the car in astonishment.
"I-uh-um-I'll get a room," He informed Dan before scurrying off to the office. Dan waited patiently while leaning against the car. What exactly was this guy expecting? Was he some sort of undercover cop? No, he would've arrested Dan the moment he entered the car. Was he just a clueless virgin who finally gave up searching for the right one? No, that'd be impossible with how gorgeous he is.
Dan thought and thought until the man returned by Dan's side, key now held firmly in his hand. Dan nearly jumped out of his skin when the man took his hand and interlocked their fingers. Nobody had never held Dan's hand while on the clock unless it was to keep Dan from squirming during sex. As the man directed Dan to the correct room, Dan couldn't help but stare at their hands intertwined and grin. This guy was not only sexy, he knew how to treat a man. It was really cute and amazing to Dan. He wished he could get this type of physical affection more often, especially from this beautiful man.
Once they reached the door, the man opened it and walked in with Dan in towe. Once they were fully in, he closed the door and lead Dan to the bed, never breaking the grip he had on Dan's hand. His skin was warm against Dan's and made his heart beat speed up to a rapid pace.
"I'm Phil."
Dan's eyes widened in pure shock. There had only been a hand full of people who had actually given Dan their real name. When Dan didn't respond, Phil spoke up at an attempt to clear up the confusion.
"What's your name?" He asked, his voice soothing.
"Dan," Dan responded, almost sounding dumbly because of how awestruck he was by Phil.
"You're really gorgeous, Dan."
Dan felt his cheeks flush red as he shyly looked down at the ground. No one called him that. Ever. Why did this guy have to be so nice and completely catch Dan off guard?
"Thank you. I could say the same about you," Dan flirted, leaning in closer to Phil. "What do you want me to do to you?"
Phil stared at him as if he had just just given him an hundred step algebra equation. "Oh-um-I-You could-I dont know-give me head?"
Phil looked almost ashamed and could no longer meet Dan's eyes.
"Just lay back and relax and I'll give you a special treat," Dan cringed at himself and reluctantly released his grip on Phil's hand. Phil nodded and complied by doing exactly what Dan had instructed him to do. Or at least tried, his chest was still heaving. Dan went to the end of Phil's feet before crawling up his body slowly. He softly pressed his lips to Phil's and instantly was put into a trance. His lips were so perfect and fit perfectly with Dan's even when they were slightly quivering. Dan wanted to make Phil feel at ease and needed foreplay to warm him up. Dan pecked Phil's lips a couple of times to allow him to adjust before sliding his tongue against Phil's bottom lip. Phil quickly opened his mouth and granted Dan access. Dan and Phil's tongues met and swirled in perfect rhythm together. Dan felt himself growing underneath of his black skirt and knew Phil had to be doing the same inside of his jeans. Dan pulled away and Phil let out a groan at the loss of contact.
"Have you done this before?" Dan questioned, a smirk hinting at the corners of his lips as he began to unbutton Phil's shirt. Phil paused for a moment before shaking his head no. So Phil was a clueless virgin who had given up on finding the right one. This only made Dan want to pleasure this gorgeous man even more. Once Dan had fully taken off Phil's shirt, he admired his bare beauty. Phil looked insecure and acted as if he wanted to cover himself from Dan's lurking eyes. This made guilt rise up in the pit of Dan's stomach and he learned down to Phil's ear to whisper something to make him feel better.
"You're perfect. I love your body." When Dan pulled away for a brief moment just to gauge Phil's reaction, Phil was as red as a tomato. A sudden wave of courage washed over Dan as he realized how much power he had over this man. He leaned down to give Phil one last kiss before trailing his lips down the center of his chest to his stomach to his happy trail. Phil arched his hips and was begging to be touched. Dan grinned widely in triumph before helping Phil discard his jeans and boxers. Dan felt himself salivate when Phil's huge hard leaking cock popped up and slammed against his stomach. Dan generally despised participating in sexual acts with strangers, but this man was perfect in every way. How could Dan not enjoy himself?
Dan wrapped his hand firmly around Phil's cock and Phil hissed in response.
"Fuck," He muttered as Dan begun to slowly stroke him.
"Mmm, Daddy, you're already so hard for me," Instead of flinching at the nickname, his cock twitched eagerly in Dan's hand. Dan pumped him a few more times and licked up the pre-cum leaking out from Phil's tip, but getting into a better position and attaching his mouth to Phil.
"Ah!" Phil groaned once Dan had taken every inch of Phil into his mouth and he was now pressed against the back of Dan's throat. Dan was very skilled at deep throating with the amount of practice he had had, but Phil was huge. Taking his cock this far brought tears to Dan's eyes, but that didn't stop him. He begun working wonders on Phil's cock, making Phil thrust upwards craving more. Dan had to press down firmly onto Phil's hips in order to steady him and to take his cock at a better angle. Dan hallowed out his cheeks and worked his trained mouth to the best of his ability.
"Oh-my-god! How are you so good at this?"
Dan chuckled, the vibrations going right through Phil and making him let out a sudden moan. Dan pulled off of Phil, making a loud popping sound. "I can't help myself. I love taking your massive cock in my mouth."
"Oh fuck," Phil murmured out as Dan reattached his mouth to Phil's dick. Dan quickened his pace from before, each time Phil's tip pounded against the back of Dan's throat. Dan never choked once though. "I'm going to-" Phil trailed off, not even able to finish his sentence before he was shooting his sticky white liquid inside of Dan's mouth. Dan grinned and continued to move to help Phil finish off his orgasm before swallowing every last drop.
"That was... amazing. Thank you."
Dan pulled off of Phil's cock and smirked when he realized Phil was still half hard and that he wasn't going flaccid anytime soon.
"Do you want to put your huge cock inside of me, Daddy?" Dan purred, his words once again going directly to Phil's cock.
"I-I-I," Phil tried to form a sentence, still trying to come down from probably the high of his lifetime.
"Shh, it's okay, I know what you want," Dan turned himself around and lifted up his skirt to fully expose his behind to Phil. Dan knew Phil's eyes would immediately look at the shiny red jewel buttplug. "I'm already stretched for you, see Daddy, I know."
"I-," Phil tried to speak, but got distracted when Dan let out a small groan as he pulled out the buttplug and reached down to stroke Phil a couple of times. Phil released small moans as leftover cum spurred out of his growing cock. Dan angled himself up with Phil's dick and caught Phil off guard when he begun to lower himself. One moment Dan was being stretched by Phil's amazing cock, the next he was being shoved off of the bed.
"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Phil shouted loudly. "I can't lose it to someone like you."
Dan felt his heart shatter and fall from his ribs to the very bottom of his stomach. Dan should've figured that Phil had been pretending that Dan was his date and that they were making love. Dan felt like he had fucked up everything and that he shouldn't have failed to please Phil.
"I thought this was what you wanted."
"Yeah, well so did I until it actually started happening."
"Was I bad?" Dan felt tears well up in the corners of his eyes. He had never once left a customer feeling disappointed, they had all been pleased by his skill.
"What? No? Course not!" Phil exclaimed. "I just can't have sex with you! Hard to tell what shit you have!"
Dan felt so tiny and disgusted with himself, he wanted to throw up.
"I don't, I promise!" He cried.
"God, this is absolutely sick! What the fuck am I doing picking up a cross-dressing whore?"
"I'm not a whore!"
"Yeah right, you'd have to be to do this for a living. You let strangers do whatever they want to you and I bet you like it!"
"No! Stop!"
"You're a fucking dirty whore, just admit it to yourself already!"
"No, please, stop!"
"I can't believe myself for doing this! You can't even admit to yourself how much you like being a cockslut!
Dan broke down at that. Something deep inside of him had finally snapped in two. Tears immediately fell from his big brown eyes. He didn't want to do this-god how he didn't want to do this! How he wished he had choices of his own and a life worth living. All those times stranger's hands had wondered down his body and touched him wherever they pleased. They way Dan had let them and then got paid afterwards. Phil was right. Dan was a whore and nothing but it. But he didn't want to be. He didn't want to accept that he was a whore either. He hadn't even thought about what exactly he was until now.
"You asshole!" Dan stuttered through tears. "You come pick me up and take up my money-earning time and I give you a pretty decent first blowjob! And this is how you treat me?
"Oh! Excuse me for taking up the sweet time you need to get pounded in the ass! And how you expect me to treat a hooker? You were basically begging to suck my cock anyway!" Each one of Phil's words really got underneath of Dan's skin and triggered something deep inside of him.
"I don't want to, okay? You already proved your fucking point! I get I'm a whore!" Dan tried to yell louder than Phil, but his voice gave out on him and cracked mid sentence.
Phil seemed to soften at this and pulled up his boxers before standing up to sit beside Dan. Dan was a mess. He was sobbing so hard, his body was beginning to rock back and forth on its own accord. His legs were pulled tightly to his chest as he cried into his knees. Phil was terrified and didn't know what to do.
"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I was just angry," Phil tried, but failed horribly. Phil didn't even think Dan could hear him as he begun to unravel. "Hey, it's okay! I'm sorry!" Phil begun to cry too, bewildered by Dan's unsteady breaths and constant whimpering.
"I don't want to!" Dan repeated himself, making guilt punch Phil directly in the face.
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry. Please calm down," Phil tried a different approach by pulling Dan out of his defensive position and placing his head gently into Phil's lap. Dan gripped tightly onto Phil's bare leg and scrunched his body up. "Shhh, it's okay. I've got you," Phil begun to rub Dan's back in a comforting manner and was glad to see Dan was slowly, but surely, relaxing.
"I don't want to," Dan mumbled out one last time before his vision went black and he passed out in Phil's lap.
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higgins5 · 6 years
Tag game
Oof, this is so so late, but I am doing it! And thank you to the lovely @foxsoulcourt for tagging me!
drink: Water, we are being healthy children here 
phone call: My District Manager at work to discuss my transfer
text message: One of my best friends about his terrible life choices (jk but really binge watching a show for 14 hours straight? Boy get to sleep!)
song you listened to: I’m Over You by Bryan James (it may or may not have been on loop for a while)
time you cried: Last Thursday 
dated someone twice: Haha, yep. Didn’t work out, but we’re still friends
kissed someone and regretted it: Not yet!
been cheated on: Unfortunately
lost someone special: I think we all have, but such is life
gotten drunk and thrown up: Oh god no
fave colors? Sea green, storm gray, oh I can’t believe i almost forgot! Really any deep blue or purple, like how the night sky gets just before it’s almost black
made new friends: Multiple, and i am so greatly for all of the lovely people who have graced my life
fallen out of love: Not so much people. But things I believed I loved turned a little false, yes
laughed until you cried: Gosh, all the time. It’s awful, I call it my seal laugh because I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe and i’m just doubled over hitting a table or my leg to express my joy because that’s all I can do
found out someone was talking about you: Just two weeks ago! And honestly I hate that. Like if you’re gonna talk bad about me just do it to my face. I’ll find out one way or another, might as well be from you
met someone who changed you: Some good people, some not so good people. But I believe it was all for a reason
found out who your friends are: Yes
kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: Hmm... Well, I do not actually have a Facebook so I guess that would be a no
how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I guess I can clarify about FB here. My parents were always freaked out about the internet so never let me get one, and being a good child I never did- plus I was just not interested, so I just... never got around to it in adulthood. AND like whenever I needed to talk to a friend through FB I just used my parents page cause that was their solution, so there was no real need. But like, from the friends I had on my mom’s page yes, I know all of them irl
do you have any pets: SEVERAL AND I LOVE ALL OF MY FURRY CHILDREN! I have an 11yo poodle/terrier mix (mom was a poodle, dad was the terrier next door. Truly a scandal) named Bear and i love my grumpy old man to death; a 2yo boxer/husky mix we rescued that was originally supposed to be a lab which was a total lie named Nutmeg, but it’s okay I love my babe even if i can take her on a 3mi run and she’s still ready to run 3 more; an 8yo wonderfully affectionate and beautiful tabby cat named Willow; a 6 year old (oh my god, she’s 6, it feels like yesterday she was a satellite dish in a collar that meowed) purring machine tabby cat named Sage; and two beautiful girls. Lagertha and Gwenievere are two very playful and loving one year old dumbo eared rats
do you want to change your name: Eh, not really. I’ve had it for this long, might as well keep it
what did you do for your last birthday: Oh that was so fun. I went to the Melting pot (this fancy fondue place, so good) With a couple of friends and had a really great time, even though someone got me crayons as a gag gift (I.... hate, crayons with a PASSION, but she’s known me for like 10 years so of course I accepted.... hesitantly)
what time did you wake up today: Like 7:30? but i didn’t actually leave my bed until 9ish because don’t be fooled, I am not a morning person. I just run because I’m an idiot
what were you doing last night at midnight: Sleeping
what is something you can’t wait for: Figure out where life is taking me and then be a bomb ass bitch at it
what are you listening to right now: X&Y by Coldplay
have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I have, and he is a lovely person. Go talk to a Tom everybody, nice people
something that gets on your nerves: Horrible people. Like just those people that are horrible for no absolute reason. Like grow up, get a life, why do you have to make other people just because you’re unhappy. there are many people you could see for help and I have a number you can call if you need a recommendation 
most visited website: Probably a tie between Tumblr, Youtube, and Spotify
hair color: Well, naturally I am blonde but rn it’s a reddish auburn color (but hey, people ask me all the time if it’s my natural color so who knows maybe i was destined for this shade)
long or short hair: ish? It’s growing from a pixie (that I might go back to soon) so its like... not quite shoulder length yet but give it another month and we might be there
what do you like about yourself: You know what, i’m gonna give myself some love and say everything. Lol, but as a serious answer probably my personality/nature. I have a very big heart but am also incredibly sarcastic so it is a delicate balance 
want any piercings: SO many. I’m saving up to get my nose done soon (nostril) and later I’ll get my daith, helix, third piercing in my lobe, tragus, and maybe rook
blood type: Some kinda O? Honestly for someone who donates blood as much as I do, I should really know (but important blood donation note, if you wish to make sure not to do it too frequently! Healthy people = healthy blood = healthy donation receivers!)
nicknames: Gosh, too many to type. Apparently I’m just nick namey. But uhhh, the most common: Ash, Ashbash, Higgins, Higgy, Higgs, Figgins, Chief 
relationship status: Single
zodiac sign: I’m one of the twin fish babes, Pisces all the way
pronouns: She/Her
fave tv show: Don’t watch as much tv as I used to but Supernatural is always a good go to (recently I’ve been watching a lot of HGTv and doctor Phil and Hallmark with my mom though, if that’s anything)
tattoos: None (yet)
right or left handed: right handed, I’m basically useless with my left (unless an instrument is involved)
ever had surgery: Nope, and hopefully we keep that trend goin!
piercings: two ear piercings 
sports: Uh... in High School I was pretty active and track and I was a competitive shooter (air rifles- but I’m from Texas so). Nothing in college at the moment, I might try out for the track team just cause i miss bein a part of stuff
vacation: I am broke, I can only dream (but I do really wanna travel, so gotta save up!)
trainers: my totally stylish suede brown vans are my go to, but Adidas for running
eating: Currently? Nothing, but I did have some steamed broccoli and carrots&rice, and grilled chicken for dinner
drinking: Orange Juice
I’m about to watch: Absolutely nothing
waiting for: Didn’t I already answer this? it’s so much pressure. Uh... change?
want: To be successful in whatever I 
get married: Eventually
career: Haven’t gotten there yet, but everyday is one step closer
hugs or kisses: Depends on who and when
lips or eyes: Eyes. First thing I notice
shorter or taller: At 5′3 I don’t think I can even pretend to say i’m tall
older or younger: I probably fall more on the younger spectrum
nice arms or stomach: Yes
hookup or relationships: I am a committed relationship kinda person all the way. Never really understood the whole hookup thing but to each their own
troublemaker or hesitant: A hesitant troublemaker is probably more me. I say I try to stay out of trouble, but it just kinda finds me
kissed a stranger: No
drunk hard liquor: Yes
lost glasses: Ugh, all the time, worst is when I lose my contacts AND glasses
turned someone down: Yes
sex on the first date: Not my style
broken someone’s heart: Yes
had your heart broken: In love and life
been arrested: Nope, and i’d like to keep it that way!
cried when someone died: Yes
fallen for a friend: Yes
yourself: Well someone has to, so might as well be me!
miracles: I do. And if they aren’t true, at least the belief of their existence helps make their outcome possible
love at first sight: In some fairytale world maybe, but for me, nah
kiss on the first date: Possibly
angels: Yes. Of what way and form I think that’s for you to decide
best friend’s name: I have a couple because there is too much life to only need one person in it! Lexi+Brittany+Mauricio+Imaya from all the way back to middle school and Ronan (a recent addition)
And even if we don’t talk every day of our lives I know they’ll always be there for me when I need them. Good or bad. And they know I would do the same. That’s all that really matters in the end. They’re my little chosen family
(oh that got a bit sappy, okay moving on)
eye color: Light blue? Blue? I dunno, people say it’s pretty so I go with it
fave movie: Don’t really have one...
favorite actor: Yeah... same with movies, don’t have one of those either
extrovert or introvert: I like to call myself an introverted extrovert
favorite flower: white peonies 
favorite hello kitty character? I wasn’t aware there were characters aside from hello kitty....
oof this is a long post, but very fun to do! Hopefully y’all haven’t done this yet but if so well I’m gonna tag you anyways @i-h8-u-no-u-dont @pansexualpandion @rvmengf @egglorru @it-has-the-gay-fanfiction and really @ anyone who wants to do this! I’d love to see your versions!!
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rusticpumpkin-blog · 6 years
Beyond Love | Paul Lahote | 3 |
This is a longer chapter and I dont really like it all that much but I’m not realy one for angst. 
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The ride back to Forks was silent as I sat in the passenger seat of Pauls old White pickup truck, it was dirty but it was actual dirt and according to the tool belt that he had to move out of my way to the bed of the truck he worked construction. Something to warrant the callouses that I felt on his hands.
That thought along with all of the not so subtle sideways glances he’d been shooting at me was enough to make my face about 3 shades redder.
"This is it right?" He asked pulling to a stop in front of Charlie's place house, our home. I nodded moving to unbuckle my seat belt.
"Hey Kat." He said getting my attention as he put the truck into park making me glance over at him as I reached for the door handle.
"Yeah?" I asked a little wearily.
"Are you single?" He asked the question so blatantly it made me replay it in my mind in case I wasn't hearing it right.
"Uh, Yeah, I am but you do realize that we met like 5 hours ago right?" I scoffed rolling my eyes threw the blush at the face that formed on my face. He looked like I’d just ran over his dog or kicked his grandmother or something like that, completely deflated. For some messed up reason I felt bad about it too.
"Thanks for the ride Paul." I sighed opening the door and nearly having to jump to get out of his truck.
I decided to move my bedroom around again, my mind clinging to everything that happened today, all the looks and things like that. I’d never really had a guy look at me like that before.
Hell even the guy at the gas station didn’t try to hide the way he looked me up and down.
I didn’t know how much I liked it, less than 6 months ago I was the ass end of a very bad prank where I was a joke date to the prom. The guy was stunning, nothing like Paul or any of the Quileute boys.
He’d fooled me into actually thinking he had feelings for me, I’d made my parents go out and pay for this stupidly expensive dress for him and his friends to ruin it by dumping punch all over me. I’d already spent the night thinking that he’d stood me up, then he and his friends had to add insult to injury and make it a point that he would never go out with a fatass like me.
Like I was.
I stopped looking in the mirror of my closet door lifting my shirt and looking at my stomach if I looked at it from the right side I looked… good. Not too skinny, not to fat there were a few stretch marks and I was pail on my tummy but I wasn’t as bad as I was right? I don’t look bad enough to do that again right?
I started physically hurting, my mind going to places it had no right going. Worrying about things that didn’t make sense. I shouldn’t be worried about never seeing Paul again, he's a 20-minute drive away. I had a thousand other things to worry about at this moment but here I was having an emotional freaking break down over the possibility of this being just another fucking joke.
I didn’t even take the time to change out of my clothes, take the shower I wanted or crawl under the comforter before I went to sleep.
I drug my feet as I sauntered downstairs at around 1 in the afternoon my hair still a mess and in my PJ's. "Late night?" Charlie scoffed at my appearance.
"Yeah." I grumbled walking to the fridge.
"Already turning heads are you?" He asked as I sat at the table with all the things I needed to make a sandwich. I glanced up at him confused.
"Paul Lahote came by this morning on his way to work, dropped off the stuff you left in his truck last night." He said eyeing me like he caught me doing something wrong. "It's not like that.” I shrugged as I started making my food.
"You should have seen the look on his face when I told him you weren't out of bed yet." He scoffed making my face warm up again bringing back the events of the night before and the feelings that came with them.
Charlie sighed standing up making me notice that he was still in his work uniform. "I only came home for lunch, pizza sounds good for dinner?" He asked sounding tired.
"Yeah, are you ok?" I said kind of concerned with how tired he seemed. Wanting to take the focus off of myself just for a bit at least.
"Animal attacks happening again, it’s been a few years but this time we're gonna find them." He said like he was trying to assure me.
"Animal attacks?" I asked.
"Yeah some kind of mountain lion or something, don't worry about it. Just stay out of the woods." He sighed before he walked out the door.
I saw my bag and hoodie sitting on the couch. I sat down turning on the TV and getting into my bag for my phone, I honestly can't believe that I didn't notice that it was missing last night.
I just scrolled through my news feed for a while listening to the travel channel drone on about aliens getting bored quickly. I pulled out my sketchbook flipping to the next clean page thinking that drawing would help clear my mind. Seeing scrawled on a fresh page in heavy-handed letters a phone number and Pauls name with a note that said 'call me' Making my face instantly heat up and a pit form in the bottom of my stomach at the same time.
The whole situation just seemed like it would be best if I just left it alone and didn't bother. That way I won't get hurt if it is a prank. Besides Paul could do so much better than me, according to the way he looks he probably has done better than me. So even if this isn’t a prank, I’m doing him a favor leaving him alone.
I didn’t recognize the number that called me but it was a local one with a Forks area code. So I answered it and to my honest surprise it was the gas station that I’d applied at yesterday, I wasn't expecting a response at all to be honest let alone one so quick.
The older gentleman asked a few questions over the phone and asked me if I would be interested in the job. Of course I was, I wanted money to start saving up for a car of my own. I didn’t want Charlie getting the idea that he should use the money to buy me one.
He also explained that the payment was under the table so I would get paid with a personal check every week that he told me I could cash at a local grocery store. The great thing is that it was more than minimum wage and I would be working alone after training.
I was given Tuesday as a start date and like that I had a job.
I scoffed to my self after the phone call looking at the receiver as another feeling crept into my stomach. The guy didn’t ask many personal questions about work history or education anything like that and I had a feeling that the guy from the night before with wondering eyes, pushed them to hire me anyway. It made me a little sick but he was going to school soon so I wouldn’t have to deal with him forever.
My thoughts were broken when someone knocked on the door behind me. I thought that Charlie must have ordered the pizza already which confused me because he watched me eat like 2 sandwiches like an hour ago. I grabbed my wallet and walked over to the door anyway preparing to pay the pizza guy.
But it wasn't the pizza guy at the door, it wasn't the pizza guy at all.
Unless Pauls job was to deliver pizza in which he failed because he didn't have any pizza inside. However for some reason, the pressure that I felt on my shoulders and the pit in my stomach lessened instantly at just seeing him standing there in a red flannel and jeans. He’d obviously even taken the time to slick back his dark hair.
"Hey." He smiled at me, my fuzzy mind still wasn’t working right. The only thing I wanted to do was hug him and it made absolutely no sense at all.  
"Hey, Paul." I mumbled absentmindedly moving to tuck some flyaway hair behind my ear.
I almost lost my shit when I realized my hair was tied up and he could clearly see the scars on my head and face. My smile dropped and I turned that side of my face away from him.
"I um, brought your stuff back." He said, sounding nervous probably completely regretting the choice to come back and see me again. Why else would he be nervous around someone who looks like me?
"Thanks, Charlie told me." I muttered absent-mindedly folding my arms over my chest.
"I have another question." He said sounding like he was doing his best to sound confident, even though the last time he asked a question it didn’t go so well for him. 
Please, don't ask about my scars.
"Hm?" I asked still not looking at him. "Are you busy?" He asked confusing me making me look up at him.
Does he not see my face? Can he not tell that I'm not the type of girl that he would want to take anywhere? When I made eye contact he glanced down at his boots patiently waiting for my answer.
"Because if you want I was wondering if you would let me take you to dinner." He continued a little shakily said obviously this guy was blind or thinks I’m a complete idiot.
"Why?" I asked wanting to know what he was playing at. Did he think I was that much of a fool?
"Well, last night I was kind of upfront and really fucking creepy. I thought you would like it better if you got to know me first. I know this really good place on the edge of town, best burgers on the peninsula. I was hoping you would let me take you out." He said really quickly his nerves apparent it made me blush for no reason what so ever.
"Paul, are you blind or do you think I’m stupid?" I scoffed he looked at me his eyebrows arching in confusion.
"Uh, no actually I have pretty good eyesight. And you’ve never given me the I’m a fucking dumbass vibe, why?” He said confused.
"So you're just going to ignore my face then?" I asked pointedly.
"No... I don't get what you're asking, or why." He said sounding so hopelessly confused that I almost laughed at him.
"I'm not the type of person someone like you should be seen with." I scathed moving to shut the door but he held up a hand stopping me from doing so and looking at me confused.
"Why?" He asked sounding desperate to know.
"What do you mean why? Dude, look at my face. I'm pretty sure that you can get plenty of other girls who are more on your level." I said my voice dripping with venom because more and more it was looking like another prank at my expense.
"I honestly don't know what you're talking about 'on my level'. I get it I was weird before but I’m being honest when I say I wanna take you out. If you don’t now that’s fine, I can wait until your cooler with it or whatever." He said pointedly in an almost forceful tone that quite frankly caught me off guard. This guy really was going gung-ho about this whole dinner thing.
"Look, dude, I'm skating by at a weak 4 and your a solid 11 out of 10." I said making him scoff at me. I watched as the color darkened on his cheeks as he shuffled his feet.
Did I just make this dude blush?
"Well whoever told you that is wrong." He said. "I don't need anyone to tell me anything, I can look in the mirror you know." I retorted sharply getting annoyed that he was making me actually think he was being serious about all this.
"Well, you're wrong." He said simply. 
Oh that smooth, cheeky, bastard.
I couldn't even think about a valid come back from that comment and my face just kept getting warmer and warmer.
"Has anyone ever told you how cute you are when you're frustrated? but anyway about that dinner." He said smirking triumphantly at me.
"And what if I say no?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him a matter of factly.
"Then I go home cry about it for about 3 hours, drink myself to sleep and then try again tomorrow." He said as smoothly as if he had it already planned out but he continued. "And the next day, and the next day and then if its still no then I will try the day after that. Then If its still no I might take a break for one day where I sit in my bathtub, waisted out of my mind contemplating what aspects of my life I would need to change to get you to go to dinner with me." He rambled on jokingly earning a short laugh and a 1/2 hidden smile from me.
"Come on Kat, what could it hurt?" He asked continuing on with the joke.
"A lot more than you think, you’ve still not really given me an answer as to why. Every girl in town already heard your pick up lines?" I chatted having no doubt in my mind that Paul was a player. He just looked like he could have any female he wanted sitting at his beckon call, why he was wasting time on me I couldn’t tell you.
"Normally, I don't even have to bother asking if they're single or not." He shrugged bitting his lip and winking at me like that was supposed to make me feel better.
"Uh-huh... maybe I should keep playing hard to get then. Since, that's the only reason I have your attention apparently." I said raising my eyebrows at him threateningly and kind of feeling empowered by the look of horror that washed over his face momentarily making me actually laugh.
"Come on, please, I’m begging here." He whined in a fake begging tone. I sighed glancing outside behind him it was a gloomy day perfect for a hoodie and jeans.
"I guess." I muttered not wanting to admit that he was getting to me. The way his face brightened up told me that he didn't hear my apprehensive tone.
"Stay right here I'll be down in 5 minutes." I said before leaving him at the door.
Within 3 minutes, I was internally screaming at myself as I attempted to tame my hair that was wild and poofy from me not brushing it after my shower this morning.
There is absolutely no way I'm going to have it managed in 5 minutes. I gave up, braiding it back loosely enough to hide my scar and getting dressed in jeans a t-shirt and a hoodie.
I wasn't expecting the dazed look on his face when I walked downstairs he stood right at the door where I left him.
"Are we going or?" I asked walking up to the doorway pulling my bag over my shoulder he hadn't moved at all.
"Yeah, sorry." He said. He was acting like a gentleman the whole time, opening the door and everything it felt like it was a bit much. Forced, and that made me nervous about the whole situation. I could tell he was still nervous especially the way he kept fixing his hair or checking to make sure his shirt was still buttoned.
The ride was silent and again somehow he was able to get to my door and open it before I had the chance to myself.
"Dude, were at a burger place, not some fancy restaurant." I scoffed as he closed the door behind me. "I just want everything to be perfect." He said quietly. Putting a hand on my shoulder and leading me inside as it started sprinkling.
I was on edge, just waiting for someone to jump out and tell me I’ve been punked or something. But by the seconds that his hand was on my shoulder the feeling was melting away and it was nearly all gone when we sat at a booth and he instantly reached for my hands.
God why is his hand so warm? And, why am I comfortable with him touching my hands like this?
I can't explain it at all, the way he was making me feel. Comfortable? At ease? Like we’ve done this a million times and it was just another Saturday night.
“You see this?” He asked as he examined my palm trailing his finger along a line there a smile playing on the corner of his mouth that I couldn’t read as his dark eyes flicked up to mine.
If I didn’t know better I would think that his breath caught just the same as mine as I watched in the fluorescent lights his pupils blow out almost completely covering his chocolate colored irises. I almost didn’t get the chance to make out the flecks that were the color of brown sugar before they were flattened around pupils.  
“Yeah.” I breathed completely lost in his eyes. A small part in the back of my mind somewhere was freaking out about the kind of look he was giving me. A look that was so… intense that it didn’t make sense it made me feel comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. Like I wanted to see that look on his face every time I saw him it was so in love.
In love and he’s known me for about 24 hours. How stupid is that? Why does the idea make me feel so warm and content? So at ease about this completely unrealistic situation that would no undoubtedly be swept out from under my feet at any second.
Sometimes I hate how right I am.
"Paul?!" a voice chimed gaining the attention that he had been giving to me so easily that it smacked me back to reality a lot quicker than it should have. I pulled my hands away from his and back into my lap on my side of the booth where they should have been to begin with.  
It made me want to smack the shit out of the pretty waitress that walked up to the table. She was the Barbie doll kind of perfect I dreamt about being when I was little. Perfect blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a figure that put mine to shame.
Even her smile was flawless as she beamed at Paul, making me want to just disappear into the seat and never, ever admit that I thought for a bit that I had his attention. It was a stupid idea.
I glanced at Paul even though I knew better, I knew it would sting if he was looking at her thinking the same things I was and those thoughts would be clear on his expressive face.
It wasn’t him looking at her like he had been me though. Confusion was one thing on his face, annoyance was another. The waitress whose name was Tiffany according to the nametag on the front of her apron.
"Since when do you work here?" Paul asked the annoyance from his face in his voice, it was sharp and cut me to the bone even if it wasn’t directed at me. Tiffany didn’t act like it bothered her one bit as she shrugged saying something like last week or something like that trying to start a conversation by asking why it been so long since he’s been here.
I just looked down at the table while he ordered his food from memory the way she giggled while writing everything down made me feel like some sort of awkward 3rd wheel. She just made a comment about how she should know exactly what he wants with how often they ate here and the worthless feeling that I had before was starting to change into something else.
The confidence I felt just seconds ago was still there surprisingly and I had to fight not to tell her to go away and leave us alone, but that wasn’t my place. I didn’t know her enough to be as angry as I was at her right then.
"And what does side piece of the week want?” It was the first thing that she said directed at me. I was still processing what she’d said wondering if she really just decided to talk to me like that when Paul spoke.
“What in the fuck is wrong with you?! You can't just fucking talk to her like that Tif WERE CUSTOMERS.” Paul snarled at her as I stood and walked past her.
“Oh no, I’ve hurt her feelings, poor thing should know better.” Tiffany sneered, loud enough for me, and everyone else on this side of the dinner to hear clearly. “Besides what is she like 15? Not like you to go for the young one's baby.” She added as I pushed past the door and out into the rain.
“Kat!” I heard Paul shouting over the fat cold raindrops as I walked towards the edge of the parking lot. I’d decided about 4 yards ago that I wasn’t going anywhere with him.
“Babe comes on, don’t b-.” He started as he caught up to me. I whipped around faster than he could finish stabbing him in the chest with my finger. “Don’t you fucking dare call me that!” I hissed before continuing on walking.
“Kat, please, I didn’t know she worked here!” He said grabbing my arm yanking me to a stop and to be honest it hurt but I wasn’t about to let him know that I just ripped it out of his grip glaring up at him. “Would it matter?!” I snapped. “Would it honestly matter where we went because I would be willing to bet that anywhere between here and fucking port Angles we would be running into someone that wasn’t supposed to be there!” I shouted at him. Not really knowing where all of the anger was coming from but it was here and the more he tried to get me to stay and talk the worse it got.
“Just stop and listen to me for a second, it's not like that!” He said clearly getting angry himself. “Fuck off, Paul. Leave me alone!” I shouted still and again he grabbed my wrist twisting it as he pulled me back to face him but the second that he saw my face he let go of my arm.
“I’m sorry!” He gasped as I turned on my heel again and started walking towards what I hoped was home, I still don’t really care as long as it was away from him.
“No, Kat I- I didn’t mean to, please just let me explain what happened back there and then I can drive you home or we can grab drive threw whatever you want!” He begged getting in front of me and I just sidestepped him. “What I want is for you to leave me the hell alone! I don’t know what in the hell made me think for a fucking second that you were actually interested in anything other than getting laid.” I scathed not looking at him.
“You thought that because that’s not what I want, I mean eventually but not right now, not ever if you don’t want just give me the chance to-.” “The chance to what Paul? The chance to make me look and feel like the biggest fucking fool on earth? Or the chance for me to actually fucking believe you before you find a new side chick for the week?” I snarled.
“The chance to show you that’s not how it is!” He shouted back at me. “What do you mean that’s not how it is Paul? YOU MET ME YESTERDAY!” we were both just screaming back and forth at each other at this point. It hurt.
It hurt a lot more than it should looking at him right now.
The way he looked halfway between exploding and breaking down crying at the same time.
“It was fucking mental. Psychotic. Completely unrealistic that you would be this upset about someone you just met yesterday. Do you not understand that Paul. Do you understand why just from this right here I should never fucking talk to you again?!” I shouted at him and he froze the anger that had taken over some of his features drained and his face paled even in the dim street lights.
“Well do you?” I asked because his face made me feel like a fucking monster for saying something like that too him.
I saw his lip quivering as he breathed deeply before answering the most mournful “Yes.” I’d ever heard in my life and it almost made me want to apologize… almost.
“I’m glad we're on the same page then.” I hissed before turning away from him and continuing through the rain.
I walked for a few yards expecting and half wanting him to follow after me but he wasn’t there, he wasn’t even on the road back towards where his truck was parked, like he just disappeared. I was left alone on the forested road with nothing but a few streetlamps that did nothing but make the forest around me look more ominous.
The howl that I heard way too close made me jump even if it sounded sad. The fact that Charlie had told me that there were killer mountain lions out in the trees made me want to sprint back to Pauls truck but I refused to. I hated the fact that I wanted to go back to where he was to feel safe.
It was stupid.
This date was stupid.
This whole situation was so fucking stupid.
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
A Boy Named Box - Part Two (2)
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(this is my second time writing this. i had finished this, all done, until my internet crashed and i lost all of it. hopefully, this one will be as good as the lost part.)
(the second part of a request from an anon! where the reader is Juice’s twin brother that moved away from Queens to Charming for a new start and falls for a certain sandy haired son)  
also this part is dedicated to @marcus-demitri455 and @samcro-saint99 who were so lovely when i was so heartbroken about this, love you my angels! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
p.s legit thought that this was only going to be 3 parts max but I didn’t factor in the fact that i always get carried away and that this is all so cute that it is consuming me more than i ever thought possible? so this is going to be part 2 of 4 (for now but knowing me i’m going to turn it into a whole McFreakin’ book or some shit)
Tig was trying to rile you up, you knew he was, but that didn’t stop you giving him exactly what he wanted. You grabbed him by the front of his kutte and you couldn't give a shit about disrespecting the leather and sons of Anarchy colours when he was disrespecting you like he was. You had had enough of your sexuality being the butt of all of his jokes. You knew he was joking and he didn’t mean it, not really, but that didn’t stop it from offending you. Juan was getting sick of it too but he let you fight your own battles now you were both adults.
“Say that again,” you hissed lowly, “you bastard.”
“I said,” Tig said loudly with a laugh, “I’m not gonna let a gay kid beat me in the ring. Unless you’re scared-”
You bashed him roughly against the brick wall of the work bay while he grappled at your hands and work shirt; trying to get you to release him but his attempts proving fruitless. His eyes showed panic and pain, there was blood running from his nose and down his chin from where you had punched him to try and get him to shut up. Despite the expression on his face, he laughed as you were wrenched away from the older man. 
You struggled against Kozik’s grip. He had pulled your arms behind you, almost like a police grip, and was pulling you away. Even though he was strong, he was struggling to do so. Kozik practically threw you into the parking lot then pushed you back by the chest when you had rounded on him to get back to Tig.
“That’s enough!” Chibs commanded from where he had been watching the brawl and walking over to you, “Stop this now. You know he doesn’t mean it!”
“I don’t give a fuck if he means it or not,” you growled at the Scottish man, “I’ve had to deal with that shit all my life. I’m not dealing with it here, get it?”
“Alright, alright,” Chibs sighed with an understanding nod at you before turning to Kozik, “go deal with that dickhead. I’ll get the kid calmed down.”
“I’m not a kid!”
“Yeah? Then stop fucking acting like one!”
He grabbed you by the scruff of the neck and started walking you off but you fought him off. Chibs let go and put his hands up in surrender but followed you anyway. When you cast a glance back, Kozik grinned at you then turned back to go have a look at Tig’s face. 
“I’m takin’ bets on a fight night,” Chibs told you and took a drag of his cigarette, “first match is you against him. If you’re willing to clear the air in public.”
“If he’s not scared of losing to a fa-”
“Enough Box! Are you in? I’m sick and tired of you bein’ at each others throats all the time.”
“Yeah,” you spat, “I’m in.”
“Right. 2 weeks time, you and him in the ring then all this gets put to rest. Yeah?”
You had been sleeping peacefully, in a drunk and stoned stupor, snoring away when you were woken up by a voice in your ear.
“Box,” you heard them whisper in your ear, “time to get up.”
When you opened your eyes you saw Kozik stood over your bed, with his arms folded and that stupid grin on his face, you sat up with a gasp and pulled the blankets up over your naked body and stared up at him with wide eyes.
“What the fuck man?!” You shrieked hoarsely, “get out!”
Kozik laughed at your now bright red face but didn’t leave. When he didn’t say anything you shook your head in a ‘what the fuck’ kind of way. You knew you weren’t the most attractive person while you were sleeping, especially after a night of drinking and smoking. You hastily wiped the drool off of your cheek and tried to fix your bedhead.
“You know you snore?” He asked with a laugh.
“Yeah, thanks,” you said with a scoff.
“Get up now; we’re going training.”
“Yeah. I bet $64 on you winning and I’m not gonna get it back with that right hook so get up, get dressed.”
He picked some shorts and a black shirt from a pile of clothes from the pile of clean washing on the desk chair to throw them at you. He then stood looking around and the room that you were sleeping in.
“Uh, kinda naked here bro,” you said and held the blankets tighter to your bare chest, “you wanna leave?”
Kozik smirked, knowing he had already seen everything, but turned to leave anyway. Once the door was shut, you checked the time and groaned, standing up and pulling on the clothes.
“Are you joking?” You asked him as you stormed through to see him sat drinking coffee at the little dining table in the kitchen, “it’s 6-fucking-05 in the morning. What is your problem?”
“Gotta get there before the crowds. Come on. Let’s go, we’re jogging to the gym.”
He stood up and hit you on the bicep as he walked passed you and out the front door. You sighed and followed him, stretching and yawning as you went.
Evidently, you weren’t as fit as you thought you had been. You had been jogging for a total of 10 minutes and you already needed to sit down since you were puffing, panting and sweating profusely. You grabbed the back of Kozik’s shirt and braced yourself on your knees before collapsing on some nearby grass. Your running partner chuckled then same to sit by you. Luckily, it was still morning and reasonably cool out.
You had only been in Charming for about 6 weeks but you were already sick of the heat. You were so used to the chillier, grey weather in Queens and you hadn’t yet acclimatised to it like Juan had but then again, he was always a fan of warmer weather. You used to say he was like a lizard.
“Come on Box,” Kozik groaned once you had caught your breath, “we’ve been sat here for 20 minutes and I actually want to get to work today.”
“I still have to go to work after the gym?” You huffed then rolled onto your side and curled up in a ball when he nodded.
“Stop being a drama queen.”
“Who are you calling queen?” You asked venomously.
“You know I didn’t mean it like that! Fuck you’re grouchy in the morning!”
You sat up to glare at him and saw that he was already stood up and was holding his hand out you to help you up. You sighed in defeat, taking his hand and letting him help you stand and you weren’t sure but maybe he held it for a second too long when you were on your feet. And maybe there was that mischievous glint in his blue eyes but you couldn’t know for sure because as soon as you had thought you had seen it he had turned around to run on ahead of you.
Training with Kozik was simultaneously the toughest but most entertaining thing you had done in your life, kind of. You had got a chance to talk to him properly about everything you had been through and it was nice to open up to somebody that wasn’t Juan. As much as your brother loved you, you knew he was getting fed up of hearing about your ex. He would never say anything to you about it but you could just tell. That twin intuition, you know?
Kozik had listened patiently to your worries while you battered the punching bag. He eased your concerns that the guys hadn’t accepted you as yourself and still just thought of you as one half of The Juice Box, that they all thought you were running away from your past, that they didn’t accept you for your sexuality with them being a biker gang and all.
“You know the guys talk shit but honestly Box... listen to me. They love you, alright? We all do besides, we all got our thoughts on Tig. Nobody gives a fuck if you’re gay. And yeah, you’re Juice’s brother but you’re also Box. We get you’re a different guy all together. Got better hair for a start,” Kozik had told you, ruffling your sweaty hair and making you laugh; diffusing the tense atmosphere you had brought with you that one particular day, “and don’t worry about running from where you came from; we all got something we’re running towards. You know?”
You hadn’t been ashamed to wipe away a few tears when he told you that; you needed to hear that and it meant so much coming from him. But as he patted you comfortingly on the shoulder you couldn’t help wondering what it was that he was running to. 
On the plus side, you hadn’t been in better shape for a long time. You were waking up at 6am every morning without needing him to barge into your room and drag you out of bed. He had given you special instructions not to drink, smoke, do drugs for the entire 2 weeks you had been training with him and he had even put you on a special diet. This mostly consisted of you sharing his lunch, normally some kind of salad with lean meat or pasta, while you were working and him bringing you the food for your dinner. It was nice to have someone looking out for you every now and again.
You had a good little routine going too, wake up at 6 then run to the gym with Kozik at 6:30; work out and train until 8 so you were all ready to hit the showers and seeing him in just a towel afterwards was always a bonus, not that you would tell him that of course; he was already big-headed enough. 
The buzz around TM and the club house was electric on the day of the fight. Word had got out that Kozik was training you up and teaching you the way that Tig fought so he had enlisted the help of Chibs. This meant that it was no longer just a competition to see who was the better fighter but also who was the better coach too. The animosity and fighting talk was so bad between the two teams that Clay had to schedule the shifts so that neither team was mixed together. You had tried to defend yourselves and say that it was all friendly but Clay was having none of it.
You had also been promoted to “mechanic’s assistant” which essentially meant you were Kozik’s own personal go-fer boy and he was loving it; he was asking you to get any number of different things that he could easily get for himself. Every time you complained about it, he would remind you that Clay was keeping an eye on you to see if you were worth keeping on the team which would make you grumble but kick him the wrench that was about 3 inches away from his hand.
The sound of a motorcycle drew you out of your angry thoughts and you turned to see Juan climbing off of his motorcycle wearing his Sons of Anarchy kutte and sunglasses. He carried himself differently when he was wearing the vest and you kind of wanted one too but you had a feeling that regardless of how accepting they were as people, the other charters and club rules probably wouldn’t allow a gay man into the club. It didn’t stop you craving the sense of belonging that your brother had found with them though.
You were leaning casually against the front of a green dodge charger, beside Kozik as he was under the hood of the car, as you ate the rest of the blonde man’s chicken salad, when Juan came sloping over to you with his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face. You sent your twin a quizzical look which he returned sarcastically.
“You ready for tonight little brother?” Juan asked you, “you think you’re gonna win?”
“Uh yeah,” You scoffed, stuffing another bite in your mouth, “why? You got no faith in me?”
“Nah, obviously I do. I just mean that Chibs is a good coach, that’s all.”
With that comment, Kozik raised himself from under the hood of the car and stepped in front of you, between you and Juan, with his arms folded and his chest puffed out. Juan tried his best not took look threatened but his small step backwards betrayed his smug face. You peeked over Kozik’s shoulder and smiled around another bite of salad. Your brother looked between you and Kozik with a knowing smile but said nothing, turning to head into the clubhouse.
You knew Juan knew about your teeny tiny, minuscule crush on your fighting coach. Again the twin intuition, but knew better than to call you out on it. 
“You wanna pass me that wrench?” Kozik asked you once you had clipped the lid back on his tupperware tub.
He was pointing to a black handled tool in the tool box. All he had to do was bend down and grab it but he really was loving having you as his personal servant. With a sigh, you bent down to grab it and give it to him but he stood with his hand out stretched until you had placed it in his palm but even then he didn’t close his fingers around it.
“I meant the other one, the one next to it,” he said, that mischievous glint back in his eyes.
You sighed and raised your eyebrows at him before grabbing the other wrench and swapping it for the next size down. 
“No, the other one,” he grinned.
“Are you fucking kidding?”
“Less of the attitude mister,” he hit you in the chest with the wrench you had just given him before turning back into the car, “Clay is always watching you. You wanna be my butler forever?”
“If I don’t kill you first,” you muttered but turned away when you saw Clay peering at you through the blinds in the office.
“Nothing man, just saying how much of an honour it would be.”
“Yeah. That’s what I thought you said.”
You laughed with him and brushed your shoulder against his as you lent under the hood to watch what he was doing, sharing a look with him before he turned back to his work with a smile on his face.
(legit have no idea how to write guys, i’m sorry!!)
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theuniverseisher · 6 years
Hostage Negotiation
In which Tumblr absolutely dunks on the Discord formatting, starring:
@sunlight-magnificence @fouramour @sixpinsdie @itsjacktheknife @lassofthelaw @cautionarylaw @fastestshadeofgreen @undertakinggraveshift @dilldaydreamer @aceoflaw
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:04 PM
08: @Law
08: ;) ((for those who can't get on tumblr just now))
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:08 PM
WK: ....Release her. NOW!
Percy (06/💀)Today at 10:09 PM
She already had her relea--))
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:09 PM
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:09 PM
((don t do  th i s
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:10 PM
08: ;) You know my demands.
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:14 PM
WK: You want me to beg, you FILTHY URCHIN?! Please, come here so I can hear your carapace CRACK under my foot.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:15 PM
08: Would somebody please inform His Royal Marshmellow why, precisely, that's ill-advised?
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:17 PM
WK: No, you won't die. I shall just remove every joint from it's socket until you're a shell with a still-beating heart. You will not GET to die.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:18 PM
08: Still not a good idea, cupcake!
Resh (NB)Today at 10:19 PM
NB: Sir! Wait! Wait, she’s, well apparently she’s got the universe inside her! If you kill her, or damage her, maybe, reality itself may break. If the universe dies, we, goddamnit, we all die.
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:22 PM
WK: You're with the Felt then? I will end each and every one of them unless you return here with my wife, NOW.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:23 PM
08: Yawn! 08: Really, you're cute.  Thinking that bothers me. 08: Is that all you've got?  You must really not care about your wife. 08: My husband would have bent over backwards to get me back. ;)
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:25 PM
WK: How DARE you imply that I do not care. WK: Is that what you want? Wherever you are, bring me there.
Resh (NB)Today at 10:26 PM
NB: Sir!? What the hell are you thinking we need to plan this!
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:26 PM
08: No. 08: I want you to beg. 08: Before all your people.  I want them to see you on your knees. 08: Show me how much you want her back, Wilhelm.
ave (PS/Sol)Today at 10:28 PM
PS: Snowman.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:29 PM
08: :)
Percy (06/💀)Today at 10:31 PM
06: Hey 06: I'm innocent. 06: Why are we threatening my life, I'm not involved in this. You should consider anger therapy. 06: Your wife gets kidnapped one time and suddenly it's an everyone problem.
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:31 PM
SS: oh there you are SS: left me on read you bitch SS: ....but this is pretty great not gonna lie
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:32 PM
08: 💋
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:33 PM
WK: >You kneel where you stand, in the middle of the street in the city. Where everyone can feel your unbridled rage around you at the epicenter. You don't know how or if she could possibly see you, but you're kneeling now WK: PLEASE.(edited)
Percy (06/💀)Today at 10:34 PM
06: Haha.
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:34 PM
SS: wow
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:34 PM
08: Someone get there and Skype me.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 10:34 PM
04: on it.
Percy (06/💀)Today at 10:34 PM
06: Bitch we use discord now get with the times ))
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 10:34 PM
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:34 PM
SS: cant wait to see this shit in the papers
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:35 PM
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 10:35 PM
04: is it just gonna be really obvious where he is, or should i close my eyes and assume i'll end up there.
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:35 PM
((pesterchum or bust))
fuck this shit (01/AR)Today at 10:35 PM
uninstall AOL messenger u cuck))
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:36 PM
08: Probably obvious! A little limited at the moment myself. FINE AIM ME YOU FUCKS))
fuck this shit (01/AR)Today at 10:37 PM
01: yo 01: snow 01: ill pay you for pics
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 10:38 PM
> Clover manages to find the king in record time, as he do. > There's now a livestream in-chat.
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:39 PM
SS: ha!
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:39 PM
08: 3 favors for a set of 5.  5 for 10. 08: Ohh, this is good. 08: Now, see? That wasn't so hard.
fuck this shit (01/AR)Today at 10:40 PM
01: mmmmm 01: yo WK how much you think snuff of your wife is worth just wondering
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:41 PM
08: I also have a cashapp.
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:41 PM
SS: id pay for it
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:41 PM
WK: Don't! Please.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:44 PM
08: Now, see, this is fun! 08: On the one hand, there's the good, sweet husband and law enforcement, who surely wouldn't want queenly blood on their hands--given how Beloved she is to the ruling planet--no matter whether they personally care for her or not. 08: On the other, snuff of a Queen is once in a lifetime. 08: Race to see who has the better offer.
fuck this shit (01/AR)Today at 10:44 PM
01: definitely rather pay cash i dont trust your uh 01: creativity 01: on favors and shit
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:45 PM
SS: really snow? youre thinkin of leaving her alive?
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:45 PM
08: I'm all ears! Auction starts now. 08: 💋
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:46 PM
WK: Anything you want. Anything. WK: I will do whatever you ask.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:46 PM
08: Anything is dangerous, sweet Marshmallow. 08: Are you absolutely certain of that?
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:47 PM
WK: If you return her, yes.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 10:47 PM
04: ooooh.
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:47 PM
SS: didnt she take everything from you SS: what fun is it to let her go now that youve got her SS: you should do to her what she wasnt able to do to you SS: cull that bitch SS: and her husband too
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:48 PM
WK: I swear on my life that I will do whatever you ask so long as you return her. Please.
fuck this shit (01/AR)Today at 10:48 PM
AR: you should also refrain from bribery. and threats. and kidnapping. AR: on a public forum.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:48 PM
08: Oh, darling, sweet Regulator. 08: Eat me. 08: Now then!
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:48 PM
SS: haha
fuck this shit (01/AR)Today at 10:49 PM
cop dad banging pots and pans SCATTER))
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:49 PM
SS: he said you could return her so SS: just return her body SS: everyone wins
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:50 PM
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:50 PM
SS: aw see now youre asking for a lot
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 10:51 PM
(( doin this for quick not-worth-a-dm-channel exchanges )) [04->08: i dunno, 'on death's edge' is still alive. :P]
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:51 PM
[08->04: ;)] [08->01: You'll get your photos.  $Sn0wbitch send the cash.]
Percy (06/💀)Today at 10:53 PM
Death: Perhaps not my place, being human, but... there has already been one war between Derse and Prospit. Wouldn't murdering her constitute a second war, and are we all willing to cause a second war over this? I feel you have already... pushed good reason for such.
fuck this shit (01/AR)Today at 10:53 PM
[01->08: god bless you ya crazy c*nt.]  [-Transfers 4k, because this is an investment mon dude.-]
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:54 PM
WK: Do you accept my offer?
Bunny (SS)Today at 10:54 PM
SS: freedom doesnt come cheap SS: kill the tyrants
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 10:55 PM
[04->08: you deserve more than just 'please', in my opinion!]
fuck this shit (01/AR)Today at 10:55 PM
[AR may or may not have just....closed the chat. T-minus 45 minutes for guilt and doing the right thing but I'm going to have a GRAND forty five minutes thank YOU.]
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 10:55 PM
[45 minutes is a long time to allow murder]
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:57 PM
[08->01: I'll send them once we're done here.] 08: Here's what I'm thinking, Wilhelm. 08: Immunity for this little debacle.  No arrests, no charges--I walk out of this scot-free, as do my fine band of merry gentleman.  No legal retaliation. 08: And I will have my ring back. 08: How's that sounding so far?
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:57 PM
WK: Done.
fuck this shit (01/AR)Today at 10:57 PM
[AR awknowleges the narrator's point with a steven universe struggling not to crack gif. Time is adjusted accordingly.]
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 10:58 PM
08: Ho. 08: Also this story is going to the press as we've written it, and none of your heroic-twist style narratives. 08: For that little extra salt in the wound.
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 10:59 PM
WK: I don't care. Return her immidiately, or bring me there.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 11:02 PM
08: No, I won't be bringing you here. 08: And I will return her, when I am good and ready. 08: The drop off with be in front of the Regalia Hotel, two hours from now. 08: There will be no police presence. 08: Only you, and Mister Four of my outfit. 08: Any breech of this contract, and I'll slit her throat before you even get a shot off. 08: Are we perfectly clear on that?
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 11:03 PM
04: 🕓🕗✌💋
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 11:03 PM
WK: Yes. WK: Is everyone clear? Do. Not. Follow. Me.
Percy (06/💀)Today at 11:05 PM
06: That was easy.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 11:05 PM
04: requesting permission to end stream, boss?
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 11:05 PM
08: Permission granted. 08: Be sure to save that.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 11:06 PM
04: wouldn't dream of otherwise.-- The video stream cuts off. --
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 11:07 PM
08: A pleasure doing business with you, as always, Wilhelm!
pixel~! (04/Dualscar)Today at 11:07 PM
04: ✨
Imagine Dragons (09/WK)Today at 11:07 PM
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 11:07 PM
PI: -Pembrooke Ingleton has signed off-
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 11:07 PM
08: Oh! Yes, Clover,you're quite righht. 08: ✨
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