#...which is why she has them because I'm always like 'omg beautiful'
jaeyunwon · 1 month
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synopsis :: secretly dating your boyfriend Jake for 4 months, no one knows other than your long time best friend. It made you feel wary of her when rumors started spreading around about her and jake dating, she promised you she has nothing to do with Jake, and your boyfriend claims he doesn't even like your best friend... Who will you believe tho? will the truth come to light? How did these rumors even begin?
pairing :: jake sim x female reader
warnings :: highschool au, angsttttt, fluff, comfort, happy ending, cheating, cursing, reader's best friend is a bitch :/, jake and reader are both so inlove, like they're down bad for eachother, reader overthinks alot.
a/n :: I got this idea while rewatching 'marry my husband' so- I'm kinda proud of this one idkkk. please don't forget to like and reblog :)
taglist :: @luvvsnae @lovelymelon
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It's already been 4 months since you and Jake started dating, it isn't a lot but Jake never made you regret dating him, he shows his love for you in so many unique ways which only made you love him for it. You both have been taking it slow and not rushing anything, as you discussed with him how you wanted to keep the relationship a secret, he didn't mind it at all as long as everyone knew you were taken somehow.
As you were making your way to the last class for today you saw Jake running your way which made you stop in your tracks, he came up to you and pulled you in the nearest storage room looking around the hallway making sure no one saw you both before closing the door, you saw him trying to speak but kept getting interrupted trying to catch his breath. “Jake, are you okay? what happened?” as he caught his breath he looked at you with his shining beautiful brown eyes “ do you think you can come watch me practice after class? you know, with the tournaments coming up. and after I'm done with practice I'll even take you out”
He said with a wink ending his sentence, you chuckled before answering “of course I'll come I love watching you play even though I get bored waiting all alone..” you paused before you thought of something “maybe I'll bring nayeon to keep me busy while waiting for you.” When you ended your sentence Jake's smile slowly faltered which made you hurriedly say “only if it's okay with you, I still see how quiet you get around her. you know? if you're uncomfortable with me bringing her around I can stop.”
“oh no it's okay.. I don't really mind, don't worry about it”
“okay! I'll see you at practice then, I'm gonna be late to class”
he pulled you in a brief kiss, “bye babe.” he said as he watched you leave the storage room with a smile on his face
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When school finished and you were going out of class after you finished packing up, you saw Nayeon waiting for you, you were going to run up to her when you heard two girls talk about Jake, but that wasn't what caught your attention but rather hearing your boyfriend and best friend names together. “omg! In math class I heard somin say that Jake and nayeon are dating"
"huh? really?”
“yes, I won't be surprised if they actually are they would make such a cute couple”
“mhm, they're both so pretty but i didn't hear anything about them dating, how did somin get to know this”
“apparently someone caught them both together alone at sunghoon's party”
when you heard the last sentence you felt speechless, this must be some joke… Jake won't do this to me.. not even nayeon…. would she? your thoughts stopped as soon as you saw nayeon running up to you, you dried your unshed tears in a hurry and heard nayeon ask “are you okay? why are you crying?”
“crying? I'm not, something just came in my eyes but don't worry about it, Jake said he wanted me to wait for him at practice because he's taking me out after, come wait with me?”
you heard nayeon scoff and say jokingly “I wanted to stay over at yours today, why does Jake always have to come in between my plans” you laughed “maybe another time.”
When you made your way there, you can already hear the sound of the ball hitting the ground miles away. You got in and found a seat to wait at while searching for Jake. When you locked eyes with him you smiled at how enthusiastic and pretty he looked while playing, though your thoughts got cut off when you heard nayeon say “I'm still here you know!” you felt your cheeks heat up and you quickly apologize “right- I'm sorry I just can't help it” you saw her roll her eyes and that's when you remembered what those girls were gossiping about and thought “nayeon loves me I don't think she would do that to me, maybe it's just a stupid rumor someone made up” you looked up at nayeon and smiled widely and started talking about the school work.
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When Jake was done with practice he went into the locker room to freshen up, but stopped as soon as he saw who was standing there. “What are you doing here Nayeon?” he declaimed “I came to see you, you looked so cool out there I couldn't just stay back” Nayeon said with a pout on her face as Jake's face scrunched up in disgust at her words.
Jake loves you. He loves you so much he never thought of cheating on you and he never will, but he also doesn't want to see you sad he knows you and nayeon have been best friends since you were in middle school so if he tells you how Nayeon is a liar, a fake friend, and how she keeps flirting with him, you'll probably be heart broken. And he has no problem comforting you if word ever comes out but he would rather die than be the reason for your and nayeon's friendship's downfall. He told Nayeon off many times but she only seems to get bolder everytime.
he stared at her for a while before he sighed “what do you not understand of ‘i'm not interested in cheating on y/n’? I do not like you and I never will, what makes you think I won't tell y/n about your acts” he heard her laugh “I'm her best friend did you forget? I can just tell her you're lying. Who do you think she'll believe? Her long time best friend that she knew since forever or some random guy she started dating not long ago? I think we both know the answer to that so unless you want to lose y/n forever you better think twice before saying anything.” And that was the second reason why Jake was hesitant in telling you about nayeon's deceiving actions, he trusts you of course but it hasn't been long since you both started dating, you're still building each others trust so he won't blame you if you believe Nayeon over him but he would rather not lose you.
He felt frustrated with everything, especially with himself, he knows he's not the one in the wrong but he still blames himself for this continuing, if he just had the courage to tell you about it he wouldn't have to deal with this situation almost every day. With his anger and frustration building up he was seconds away from taking it all out on Nayeon but he held himself back and tried calming himself down “get out.” he heard her snicker before she started walking out.
Once he was left all alone he finally let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, and suddenly remembered his promised date with you, he freshened up in a hurry and ran to the school entrance. When he arrived he saw you there with your back turned towards him with no sign of nayeon “hey babe!” Jake said with a kiss on your cheek “hii! you looked so cool I couldn't wait for you to finish” even tho it's been 4 months since Jake made you his you never failed to make him feel flustered and feel butterflies in his stomach just like when he used to and still have a crush on you but it's not like he's complaining about it, he chuckled before he replied “so are you ready for our date?” he pulled you to his car feeling excited to finally spend some time with you alone “yes! Where are you taking me?”
“It's a secret” he laughed.
- 2 weeks later -
Your school's basketball team has just won the year's tournament which means the basketball captain, Heeseung, will be throwing a big party to celebrate their win, which also means nayeon trying to force you to go. It's not like you hate parties. You went to a lot of parties when you and Jake started dating in your first month but they're not really your vibes. “please, please, please just this once go with me” you heard nayeon whine and beg over and over “you know it's not really my type of thing, and I don't even have a dress ready and the party is tonight” you saw nayeon's eyes light up already dreading what she's about to say knowing you don't have any more excuses “I have the perfect dress for you to wear!” You sighed and huffed “okay fine.” nayeon hugged you and started rambling about how you're the best.
as you and nayeon arrived to the party, you tried searching for jake since he's apart of the basketball team of course he'll be here and that's when you both made eye contact and saw him make his way to you but before you can say anything to him nayeon cut you off “hi Jake! congrats on your win” she hugged him and you felt a bit off about her action.
this is normal right? they're friends… and friends hug it's totally normal.. right?
maybe if these rumors that have been going on for quite some time about your boyfriend and best friend you wouldn't have these thoughts, and you felt bad to think they'll do this to you they're your closest people they wouldn't hurt you… right?
your thoughts went into a halt as you saw Jake was talking to you, you smiled and congratulated him about his win and gave him a peck on the lips before Jake smiled and said “I'll go get us drinks okay?” you nodded before your best friend said she'll need to use the bathroom, so here you are now alone in the middle of the party waiting for them to come back before one of your friends, Yunjin, comes up to you and greets you.
as you were both talking you felt your boyfriend and best friend take a lot of time to come back even though you wanted to trust them that they won't ever hurt you in any kind of way, you couldn't help but go check up on them, with the thought of them being alone in a room. Just like how you heard the rumor, you told Yunjin to wait a bit before you left her to go to the drink aisle to try and find your boyfriend.
as you got there you saw a group of people gathering around something, even tho you wanted to keep searching curiosity got the best of you and you decided to make your way through the crowd while pushing around the crowd you kept hearing stuff like “I told you they were together” or “omg you saw them kiss right? So the rumors are true after all” when you finally made it your eyes widened at the scene In front of you.
your best friend, nayeon, on the ground and your boyfriend, Jake, standing right at her feet looking like he's about to hit her. You made eye contact with nayeon and you saw her smirk before she got up and got a hold of Jake's collar and smashed his lips against hers, you felt your heart slowly break, it's like you could hear it break into tiny, tiny pieces. What hurts is that they're the two people you trust the most but what hurts more is the fact you saw the sign but stayed in denial because you didn't think your favorite people would betray you just like that.
When Jake pushed away from nayeon he was about to walk away from her but he stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing in front of him, though the crowds voice is very loud Jake felt like he couldn't hear anything right now, he wanted to do a lot of things all in the span of one minute. He wanted to make nayeon pay for this, he wanted to pull you into him, he wanted to apologise for this big BIG misunderstanding, he wanted to yell at himself for not seeing this coming, but he couldn't do any of this when he couldn't feel his legs anymore.
you felt your eyes tear up, pools of water felt like they're about to burst out of your eyes any second now the longer you stared at Jake, you quickly turned around ready to bolt out of here, to get back into the comfort of your apartment and just let go of this overwhelming feeling, but it all stopped when Jake grabbed your wrist and turned you around.
“y/n it isn't what it looks like, please—” you cut him off not ready to listen to anything right now, your brain feeling like it could shut down from everything “i saw it with my own eyes, don't you dare lie to me” you yelled “no, it's a misunderstanding, just let me take you home and explain please.” you couldn't hold back your tears anymore and just let everything out you wanted to scream, shout, yell, cry, and cry, and just cry till you couldn't anymore you kept hoping that this is all just a big nightmare and none of it is true.
you were about to respond to Jake when suddenly you heard the last voice you wanted to hear right now “jakey! baby why did you leave so suddenly, come on let's go home, you said you'll sleep over tonight.” nayeon said while looking at you smirking.
nayeon didn't want to do this to you. But you made her do it, she loved Jake first, she was supposed to be the one in your place, everytime you and Jake hung out with her she felt like she could tear you to pieces, you stole Jake from her. So she's gonna steal him back, while making you feel just like how she felt even if it meant losing you, at least she'll get back what was supposed to be hers from the start.
“Would you fuck off nayeon, you've already did enough can you stop with your fucking lies.” Jake yelled but you couldn't even listen to them when all you wanted was to leave, so when they were both arguing you took the chance to get out of the party before you felt like collapsing from the lack of oxygen, you took an uber and went straight to your apartment not able to deal with anything right now.
As you made your way home, you felt your legs giving up on you once you got in, now that you're in your home with all the lights turned off, your makeup ruined from all the crying you did from heeseung's house to your apartment, and the tears still spilling you started thinking of everything. How you should've listened to the rumors, you should've seen it all coming…but why though.
Were you not enough for Jake, did you do something to upset nayeon, maybe the only reason Jake dated you was because he wanted to get closer to nayeon and now that they're alone at the party they were probably laughing at your stupidity. “fuck.. why am I such an idiot.” was the last thing you said before you stopped overthinking, you didn't have the energy to get to your bed so you found yourself making your way to the couch and closed your eyes.
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It's been one week since you've gone to school, you went back to your parents house to take a small break from everything that happened and since you knew you don't have the heart to confront Jake or nayeon so you took your time and thought of everything at your parents house.
Jake couldn't take this anymore, he needed to fix this, asap. He tried so many things, he tried going to your apartment knocking on your door day and night hoping you'll open up and listen to him but you didn't even open the door or showed any signs that you're at home, he tried texting you, calling you, emailing you, but all of it was in vain, he even waited In front of your classes but all he heard from your classmates is that you didn't come today.
As he was making his way to the school entrance Jake just wanted to get back home, he wanted the day to end even though it just already started. He knows if he shared his thoughts with anyone right now they would call him dramatic and that he should just move on, but how can he move on when you have his heart, his soul, and his mind, he can't go on with his day without thinking about you.
When he was about to walk in front of your locker he stopped immediately when he saw you standing right there, he thought his eyes were deceiving him, and maybe it's all just a dream, or maybe he finally went crazy and he's hallucinating, but when he tried hitting himself you were still standing there taking out your books looking very beautiful while doing so— he stopped abruptly when he just realized you're finally In front of him he can finally talk to you and get everything back to normal.
He didn't waste any second as he bolted to your locker scared that if he wasted any more time you'll vanish, “y/n? It's really you, you look beautiful as ever.” He blushed when he noticed he said that out loud not being able to focus on anything right now other than you.
You wanted to laugh, Jake has always been like this. he would always say the most random things and you loved that about him but you held yourself back when you remembered what you went through last week and it was all because of him and nayeon, you wanted to ignore him that was your plan from the start to tell him to leave you alone and never see his face again.
But your mind felt blank, forgetting everything you wanted to say when you looked at him. The effect Jake has on you will never be explainable; he can just make you weak in the knees by doing nothing. But you tried focusing again, not letting him take over your brain “Jake.. we need to talk.” You managed to say without stuttering over your words, “yes, right we need to talk” he was about to hold your hand to take you to the storage room nearby but you were much faster than him as you walked away.
He followed behind you getting ready for things to get back to normal, to get you back in his arms, where you belong. You were about to speak but he cut you off “look… what ever you saw at the party it was all a misunderstanding I promise, please I was going to tell you about nayeon but I didn't have it in me to ruin your friendship, I know she means alot to you so I let her do what she wanted I thought she'll stop when she realizes i don't like her in that way, I didn't think she'll do something like that, I'm really sorry I felt nervous and scared that if I told you, you'll think I'm trying to ruin your friendship with nayeon and you'll believe her over me, I didn't want to lose you, I'm really sorry.”
By now Jake was full on crying, his movements were slow as he was breathing fitfully, you couldn't process the new information that was given to you “ruin our friendship? Jake, you know I'm not like that if you just talked to me about it we could figure something out together… I didn't know you were going through all of that alone.” You felt confused, sad, frustrated, but especially mad. You were mad at yourself, if you took actions before maybe this wouldn't have turned out this way.
Jake felt better, he finally got out everything he wanted to say since the start of your relationship, he took your fingers in his hands, hesitant, trying to comfort you even tho he looks like he needs more comforting than you do right now, you laughed at his antics and walked closer to him holding his hand fully, you looked up at him looking at his puppy eyes “if you really are saying the truth… maybe, we can start again. I tried moving on from you but it seems much harder than I thought when my mind is occupied with you 24/7” he giggled at your confession feeling giddy “I guess we both have something in common.”
he hooked his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer you felt goosebumps all over your body with every touch you glanced at his lips, you leaned closer until you felt his soft, tender lips against yours. It felt familiar and gentle, you missed this.. you missed him your body felt like it could give up on you any second now, you felt Jake's hand ride up in your shirt as he kept pulling you closer, you gently tug at his collar to pull away for air when you suddenly heard him say “do you want me to stop?” you quickly shook your head and said “not really.. maybe the opposite, please.” he smiled at your response before pulling you back into the kiss.
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it was almost the end of the school day when you pumped into nayeon, the minute she saw you she just kept laughing at you calling you pathetic which made the feeling of wanting to hit her more and more appealing, you glanced at her seeing her smirk reminding you of the day of the party
“why..?” She scoffed at your question and laughed “why? Are you for real? What don't you understand? Jake is mine, he should've been mine but you stole him from me so I'm taking back what you stole.” Oh, so that's what this is about “yours? If Jake was yours he would've chosen you, but he didn't. Kinda sad don't you think” you chuckled, nayeon was raging by now “you little bitch— I don't care, shut up” nayeon looked at you in disbelief.
“I should have seen it coming, but I didn't think we would argue over a boy.. at least tell me our friendship was real.” Nayeon laughed again, gritting her teeth “you’re so pathetic, if you want the truth no. None of it was real. I just befriended you because you looked lonely, I felt bad for you.” you felt a lump in your throat and your eyes tearing up but you held it all back not wanting to show a sign of weakness right now, you're done with this conversation “hah you're finally showing your true colors and they're an uglier shade than I wanted to believe, don't talk to me again, ever.”
You turned around and started walking away you heard nayeon scream your name but you just ignored her and went on, you're done with this chapter of life and you'll start a new chapter with Jake with nothing to come in your way, even if any obstacle comes in your and Jake's way you know you'll both figure out a way to get through it.
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jaeyunwon 2024 © all rights reserved
498 notes · View notes
cutielando · 7 months
goals | o.p.
social media au
synopsis: in which everyone is jealous of your relationship
my masterlist
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liked by landonorris, mclaren and 2,194,572 others
yourusername life lately 🩷 tagged: oscarpiastri
view all 391,724 comments
oscarpiastri ❤️
landonorris why are you doing this?
yourusername doing what?
landonorris making me feel single
yourusername you are single?🤔
landonorris ...not the point😠
logansargeant cute liked by oscarpiastri and yourusername
user1 they are too cute ❤️
nicolepiastri my children ❤️ i miss you guys
yourusername we miss you too, nicole ❤️
oscarpiastri we'll visit soon ❤️
mclaren 🧡 liked by oscarpiastri
lilymhe ❤️❤️❤️
yourusername ❤️
user2 our favorite grid couple ❤️
user3 we love y/n feeding us oscar content during the winter break 🥳🥳
yourusername i got your back 🫶🏻
user3 omg 😭😭
user4 will you come to more races next season? ❤️
yourusername i'm going to do my best to attend them all !! even though Oscar has offered to make me a full-time WAG, i do love my job haha
user4 hahahaha we love Oscar😩
landonorris you're welcome, btw
oscarpiastri for what?
landonorris i took all of these pictures when i was third-wheeling with your asses 😒
yourusername sounds like a you problem
landonorris you always bully me 😔
yourusername sucks to suck
user5 seeing Y/N and Lando bicker like siblings is my favorite thing 😭
user4 fr, they get along so well and i'm sure it's making Oscar's experience more enjoyable and easier because of that
user3 it's amazing to see how much she supports him though
user4 i know, she's been with him for a long time. it’s cute to see how proud she is of him 🥹
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liked by yourusername, nicolepiastri and 1,824,715 others
oscarpiastri back to work, always with me💗 tagged: yourusername
view all 417,583 comments
yourusername always ❤️
oscarpiastri ❤️
landonorris wasn’t i third-wheeling enough during the break?
yourusername you’re the one tagging along
oscarpiastri she has a point 🤷🏻‍♂️
landonorris i like hanging out with you guys :(
yourusername then why are you complaining?
landonorris …i don’t know
nicolepiastri ❤️my beautiful son
oscarpiastri i miss you mum 🧡
nicolepiastri we’ll see you soon ❤️❤️
user1 i dream of having a relationship like their when i grow up 😩😩
user2 their love makes me believe in fairytales 💗💗
user3 how long have they been together?
user2 close to 3 years. they are childhood best friends as far as i know
user3 ooh, thank you. i was just wondering because they seem very happy together ❤️
logansargeant you never pay attention to me when she’s with you😭
oscarpiastri that’s not true
yourusername i’m just too cool 😎
logansargeant i don’t know about that
oscarpiastri watch it😠
yourusername my knight in shining armor 😩💗
alex_albon are you trying to be aesthetic?
yourusername we’re not trying, we already are
oscarpiastri i’m surprised you know what that is
alex_albon haha, funny
user4 forever thankful for these 2 🥲❤️❤️
user5 i want someone to love me like Oscar loves Y/N 😩😩😩🧡🧡🧡
user6 they are goals 🥹🥹🥲
yourusername has added to their story
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seen by 98K
caption: my outfit for today’s race 🧡
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liked by landonorris, mclaren and 1,927,481 others
yourusername proud doesn't even begin to describe how i feel 🧡 tagged: oscarpiastri
view all 471,824 comments
oscarpiastri you were my lucky charm, couldn't have done it without you 🧡
yourusername you're gonna make me cry baby 😭😭😭😭
yourusername i love you so much🩷🩷🩷
oscarpiastri i love you more❤️
landonorris i was on the podium as well :(
yourusername i congratulated you too 🥹
landonorris but why does he get special treatment?
yourusername because he's my boyfriend...?
oscarpiastri watch it, mate
landonorris i was just saying :/
nicolepiastri 🧡🧡🧡🧡 liked by yourusername and oscarpiastri
user1 he did so well for her 😭😭🧡
user2 i want a relationship like theirs 🫶🏻😍
user3 the way he looked at her when he was on the podium >>>
user2 i need someone to look at me like that 😩
user4 girl, same
georgerussell63 well done, mate! well deserved💪🏻
oscarpiastri thanks, george!
logansargeant making the Aussies proud, I see
yourusername he never disappoints
oscarpiastri not when i have you with me
logansargeant why do you always have to flirt in the comments?
yourusername we’re giving the people what they want to see
mclaren proud of you, Oscar! what a stellar weekend! 🧡
yourusername i love you, admin 🥹🧡
mclaren ilyt😉😉
oscarpiastri should i be concerned…?
landonorris they’re taking over. run for your life
yourusername 😒
yourusername you need to step up your game, babe
oscarpiastri are you seriously suggesting i’m losing you to the mclaren admin?
mclaren she’s not suggesting it, it’s already happening
oscarpiastri on it yourusername 🫡
lilymhe you were gorgeous, babe❤️❤️
yourusername i could say the same about you❤️
francisca.cgomes we stole the show
alex_albon ...
pierregasly ...
oscarpiastri ...
yourusername sorry boys
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liked by yourusername, nicolepiastri and 3,018,472 others
oscarpiastri we celebrated in style last night tagged: yourusername
view all 724,019 comments
yourusername yes we did 🥵🥵
oscarpiastri 😘🫶🏻
landonorris you two are disgusting
yourusername no, u
logansargeant i hope you used protection
oscarpiastri mate, wtf
yourusername don’t worry, eagle. we did
oscarpiastri babe, did you have to say it?
yourusername you know i had no choice
mclaren you’re not making our job any easier, y/n - PR
yourusername ooops 🤭
user1 Oscar is wilding man 😭😭
user2 this is the dirtiest post we’re gonna get from him and i’m here for it 💀
oscaaaaahpastry not y/n being scolded by McLaren 💀💀💀😭
lando.norrriiiiizzxxx imagine the PR nightmare she causes behind closed doors we don’t get to see 😭
user3 she’s a menace and i’m here for it 😉😉
user4 we love seeing Oscar being dirty 😩😩
yourusername same
user5 😭😭
user6 she is so unhinged and i love it 😭😭
landonorris atta boy
mclaren Lando, please, don’t make it worse 😭
oscarpiastri 🫢🤭
yourusername we’re sorry, McLaren admin :(
mclaren no, you’re not
yourusername no, we’re not
oscarpiastri we’re really not
maxverstappen1 these photos aren’t doing the night any justice…
yourusername 🤭
oscarpiastri you weren’t any better, shut up
maxverstappen1 🤐
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
923 notes · View notes
leclercsluvs · 5 months
CL16/DR3 | Already Over | smau
part 6 | masterlist
an: i'm not really sure who she should end up with in the end, so if please do let me know if it should be charles or daniel pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader, daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
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(time stamps aren't that important)
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 2.985.572 others yourusername got a few photos this weekend (don't let him tell you otherwise, he was NOT asleep in the last photo) tagged: danielricciardo
danielricciardo now why woud you lie? i very much was asleep.
yourusername no one looks that cute (except for maybe lando) asleep. dont deny it. you asked me to take a photo of you pretending to sleep danielricciardo wow why dont you go be with lando then 💔 landonorris well you can't deny, i do look adorable when i sleep danielricciardo do not start, or i'll take away your trophy. landonorris yourusername i don't look cute when i sleep yourusername fine danielricciardo we can pretend you were asleep
ricsbestglam he's literally shining! haven't seem him this happy since he was in red bull with max
wrldof3 no literally like they seem so happy! i love them so much 🥹
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liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and 3.736.193 others yourusername went on a nice little vacation in between races, he got us matching hoodies 🥰 tagged: danielricciardo
danielricciardo couple goals fr 🤗
yourusername the exact reasoning you gave me to get permission to buy the hoodies (i don't know why you felt you needed permission LMAO) danielricciardo i'm just very considerate :) landonorris unlike other people 👀
sharlslvr charles is back in the likes????
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liked by leclvr, sharlswiftie and 825 others f1wagsupdate charles has been looking extra happy lately, however his girlfriend has not been seen lately, though he's always smiling at his phone. do we think they're texing? tagged: charles_leclerc
leclvr want me to be honest? i think they broke up. she went to every single race before, and now she doesn't? if my sources are correct, she hasn't been to 4 races atp, which seems a little weird since she went to all the previous ones.
scfty/n my theory is he's texting yourusername trying to win her back. he started liking her posts again. i even caught him using a song of hers in his story. leclvr wait are you fr?? no way!! lowkey praying it's her i loved seeing her support him 😍 y/nswrld no because same!! and her and daniel does look happy, but i miss seeing her in ferrari and red 😔
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liked by carlossainz55, arthur_leclerc and 2.364.923 others charles_leclerc sent some flowers to my favorite girl today. hope you like them <3
carlossainz55 they are lovely mate! who were they truly for?
charles_leclerc my girl. as i said carlossainz55 not girlfriend? charles_leclerc if she would let me, i'd call her my wife, but i probably need to put in some work for that carlossainz55 you did not answer my question 🤨 charles_leclerc can't call her my girlfriend yet 🤷‍♂️
sharlswrld GUYS ARE WE SEEING HIS AND CARLOS LITTLE CONVO???? does this mean he sent flowers to someone else? someone he want to call his WIFE?? him and his girlfriend like JUST broke up and he's already moved one?? good riddance LMAO
scfty/n omg now stay with me. what if he's talking about yourusername???? like he's been back liking her posts (which he stopped during after their breakup) and he broke up with his girlfriend who we never got a name for? were they even that serious? y/nsnonsense omg no because we all saw the posts he made for y/n and he never made any for his girlfriend after? and he did never take those photos down. i'm thinking pr relationship 🤷‍♀️ y/nswrld omg you're so right! but heres the problem.. y/n and daniel are still together. so why would he be sending flowers to her? scfty/n to win her back ofc duuuh
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 3.729.391 others yourusername got sent some beautiful flowers in my favorite color the other day. couldn't resist making a little photoshoot. 📸 yourbff tagged: yourbff
danielricciardo god how do you manage to look so gorgeous all the damn time? 🤩
yourusername i was just born like that i guess yourbff we love a supportive boyfriend yourfriend do you not remember him literally chanting and hyping her up behind the camera? yourbff i do indeed
landonorris those look suspiciously a lot like the flowers from charles' post 🤨
yourusername are you being fr right now? landonorris wait you didn't know who sent them? yourusername no clues at all landonorris you have to go check out his post. they're like identical
scfty/n did lando just confirm that charles did in fact send these to y/n???
sharlvr i think he did. i don't know how to feel about this ngl y/nsleclerc omg omg omg it's happening THEY'RE GETTING BACK TOGETHER scfty/n hmm think about the fact y/n has a new boyfriend and charles treated her horribly while they were together. chill a little lmao
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part 7
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Love and War (Lucy Bronze x Ona Battle x Reader)
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Warning: Swearing, Angst, Fluff and Smut
Request: "PLEASE can we have a threesome with one batlle and lucy MF BRONZE. please omg I'm so done bad. Like poly relationship and shit "
Your heart was racing, you were running to the craized cheers of the Madrid faithful and jumped into the crowd. You let emotion take over you and celebrate. Kids, Men and Women all hearing your name as your found yourself being carried out and dog piddled by your teammates. Them praising you
"Unbelievable scenes here. 2-0 to Barcelona at halftime only for the super sub F/N L/N to score the Hat Trick and snap the unbeaten streak of Barcelona Femeni. The Barcelona players cleary upset with the loss but we can't underrate the fire that L/N and the Madrid gave in the second half.
As you stood up alongside Oroz who gave you a peck in the top of your head as you went to shake hands with your rivals, you saw Alexia walk up to you "Good game, we will make you pay next time" She ruffled your hair. She clearly was upset with the lost but you two had a good friendship going since you got together with Ona and Lucy. Speaking of which you see Lucy sitting on the ball as Ona talked to her clearly mad about the defeat. You approached the duo, you loved them but come on. You were gonna rub this in thier face later. You squat down next to them "Hey good game girls, you were tough as always" you say trying to lighten the mood. Ona looked at you with a concerned smile as Lucy kept her head down. "See you at home L/N" that's not good. She got up and walked off. "Get home safe amor" Ona said quietly before chasing Lucy.
You knew Lucy hated losing. The fact she called you by your last name hurt and pissed you off. She has beaten you before and you never reacted like that even if you mad as hell. You shook you head before walking towards Mapi Leon and embraced your long time frienemy.
Lucy was fuming, She lost, She was the last line of defence and still let the ball passed her. Lost at the Camp nou, Lost to Real Fucking Madrid. Of the teams that could of beat them it was them!. They Lost because of you!. The image if your face flashed in her mind as she made her way back to the locker room. Your beautiful face. She loved waking up to it in the morning and falling a sleeping staring into your eyes. But she can't help but want to punch you right now. She wouldn't but it was how she felt.
Ona was worried. Lucy was silent with a noticeable scowl on her face. The last time Lucy lost a game was the World Cup final and she didn't treat Ona like this. In fact the roles of you and Ona were swapped, Yours and Lucy's team lost and you didn't treat Ona like this, well she thought. She didnt know why this lost hurt lucy more then the finals. Sure Ona was fustrated but thats the game and all three of you were in a relationship you would think Lucy wouldnt be mad that her partner won a match. She'walked besides her as they entered the locker room hoping she cooled down.....
Much later that night back at Lucy's house, Lucy was still in the same mood. Ona had watched her pace back and forth. Ona was waiting for you to arrive as you promised the girls you have one or two drinks to celebrate. "Lucy, my love but please sit down, it's annoying when you pacing back and forth" Lucy with her hand on her hips sighed before sitting down on the couch. "Where are they?" Lucy said cleary irritated. "They should be-"
*Door key noises*
The duo turned to the door to see the handle pushed down and open to reveal you still in your Madrid top and for you to see them still in thiers. "Hola my lovlies" you say before shutting the door and making your way to Lucy and got ready to sit next to her. You though wrong as you went to sit down "Don't touch me" She got up with a annoyed face, as you stopped on the couch with one knee on it and standing with the other leg "Excuse me?"
"You heard me L/N" She said crossing her arms at you. You gave her a suprised lock before glaring. Again with the last name "What is your problem Bronze" Her annoyed face shifted as you said her last name. "You are my problem, you don't talk to us for 3 days and then come up to us and act like nothing is wrong?" You gave her a raised eyebrow "You do realise we are involved in the of the biggest rivalries in history right? We did the same thing last time aswell. We cut contact so we could focus. So I will ask again" You step infront of Lucy. You staring into her soul "What. Is. Your. Problem........Bronze" You said in a tone neither of the girls have heard before. Lucy kept a straight face but didnt want to admit her bitterness. Ona would stand in between as soon as you mention her last name again and feeling the tension "Ok OK that's enough. We all had a tiring day. Let's relax and getting some rest" She said trying to defuse the situation. You backed up as Ona turned to Lucy "Calm down ok?" She would ask the Lioness.
"Oh of course you would bloody check on her first" You threw you hands in the air as you turned and walked to the kitchen. This time it was Ona and Lucy's turned to have confused faces. The duo followed you "What do you mean by that?" Ona would say. "Oh come on, anytime something happens that involves me and Lucy, you go to her first and treat me like an after thought." Ona looked at Lucy before back at you. Lucy was trying to recount these supposed events you mentioned. "I love both of you Y/N, equally. I always try to get to both of you when some-"
You lifted a middle finger that caught both of them off, even Lucy eyebrows raised "One. When yours truly was kicked in the by Caldentey and was semi conscious, you two were two busy protesting rather to check on me." The duo looked down, that was at the start of the relationship and it was something they regretted and hoped that it didn't hurt you but you broke that hope. "Nope you were too busy trying to convince the ref it wasn't a foul"
You held up your index finger giving them the classic two fingers. "Two. Last week when you beat my team, did either of you come up to me and say anything or shake my hand" Ona sighed and Lucy was uncomfortable "Nope, you both celebrate shook a few hands and went out to celebrate. Ignoring my texts and calls and left me alone outside until I had to walk home an sleep worrying that you two didn't get home safe" Ona was now scratching her arm, she knew that the action of that would send you paranoid and she didn't want you to think like that. It was for that reason she gave you keys to her and Lucy's house. Lucy had her hands in her pockets, she felt horrible because she would always insist that you call or text her if you needed anything and the one time you did, she wasn't there. Feeling the remorse she approached you"F/N. I'm so so-"
"Three" you cut her off as you held up a third finger and taking a swig of the beer you had opened when you entered the kitchen. Your attention fully on Ona"Back in Australia. When we lost. When me and Lucy were down. Who did you go to?"
"Lucy" She said quietly, you nodded "of course I'm not saying Lucy didn't need the comfort but when did you come to me?" You said in a innocent voice. Guilt and a sick feeling built up in her gut.
"I didn't" You smiled " Thank you." You then looked at Lucy before taking a swig if beer "And you, you said you would be there for me" You slowly step towards her "I can forgive being excited about a win and getting caught up in the fun or getting caught up in the heat of the game." You said your voice now in a tone that could be described as you are regretting your actions and even though I am pissed, I'm loving it. You stepped again "When my world was shattered and I felt like shit feeling the world watch me cry. And countless teammates and Spaniards were trying to comfort me and I saw my two girlfriends smiling at each other." You stood nose to nose with Lucy. Who calm demeanor showed signs of breaking "When we stood shoulder to shoulder and watch Ona lift the cup. What did you say" Lucy felt nauseous, one of the biggest regres in her life was what she said to you. Ona was uncomfortable and scared at the thought of whag Lucy did "What"
Lucy breathed in "I said"
"We would of won if Keira was on the pitch instead of you"
Ona jaw hung low at the confession. Lucy's tried to remain calm shook her head cleary disgusted with letting her anger get the best of you. You put your drink down.
"And you are telling me, That even though I can handle all that shit that has happened. That you can't handle one fucking loss to me?" Lucy looked ashamed before you looked towards Ona who looked at Lucy with shook before locking eyes with you. "Do you think I'm in the wrong for being pissed off" She looked down and shook her head.
You walked past the duo and headed out of the Kitchen but stopped "Anyone else would leave you two if they were me you know" the two looked at you with worry "But I love you two so much that, that if I did leave. It would hurt more then the 3 reasons I just stated, combined.
You headed to the bedroom Leaving the duo, you felt light headed. Was that the right thing to say. You let months of anger out on them even if you felt justified you still didn't like to see them hurt, you took off your trousers and threw them across the room then proceeded to look for a pair of shirts to put so you could sleep. You found a old pair of England shorts and put them on before going to bed, hoping the next day wouldn't be as bad. You layed battling the emotions that were making you tired, You expressed your feelings but it left a worrying thought that you may have hurt your partners deeply with you words and attitude.
Lucy felt Ona's eyes burning into her head. Not only did Ona have to listen to someone she loves became angry and hurt, a side of you she or Lucy have never seen before but she finds out what Lucy said to you. Lucy felt sick ever since she said that, as soon as those words left her mouth she wanted to apologise and hold you close but was Stubborn. In her anger and looking for someone to blame, you were the closest and the reason at the time. She knew that you were scared of replacing Keira not on the pitch as a partner. You worried about living up to Lucy's standards after she been in a long relationship with your teammate. Her knowing this she decided to use it as ammo in the moment and hit the target. She felt a growing sense of regret for her words and actions. She knew she had taken her anger out on you unfairly then and now. Her stubbornness in the heat of the moment had caused unnecessary pain. The thought of you leaving them had struck her hard and it was a wake up call to revaluate her behaviour.
Ona, who was caught in the middle of the fight, couldn't ignore the rift that had developed between you and Lucy. She loved both of you deeply and wanted nothing more than to see harmony in your relationship. The fact that you had revealed your hurt and frustration was both eye opening and heart breaking for her. She realized that she needed to step up her game in terms of being there for you. She loved you deeply and she couldn't bear to see you hurt, especially when it was because of her negligence. She knew she had to make an effort to be more attentive and supportive in the future.
Lucy sat down in the living room couch, leaning forward with her hands together. Ona was sat next to her resting her head on Lucy shoulder. "I'm such a fucking idiot" Lucy said in a broken voice "Out of all the things I should have said. I said that." Lucy spoke with great disappointment in herself, She felt Ona rub her arm "And tonight i hurt them again" She buried face in her hands. "You are right, we should of been there more. We should of been celebrating now, but we ruin F/N's moment with this Lucia" Ona said in a ashamed voice as Lucy began fight back emotions. "What if they want to leave? I don't know how i can fix this." Ona now sat up and hugged the Lionesses side.
"Listen to me, Y/N loves us deeply. They have shown that countless times. I don't think they want to leave. Like they said leaving us would hurt them more then anything." Ona cupped Lucy cheeks "Lucia, F/N is strong, but they are a human and humans can only take so much before snapping. We just need to be there for F/N when they are ready" Lucy looked into the women's eyes "Maybe its because there are three of us in a relationship, It means more commitment and love from each other. We expect more from each other. We should be supportive, especially when one of us succeeds, just as we comfort each other in defeat." Lucy held back her tears hearing Ona speak like this made her captivated before closing the distance and kissing Ona, who responded back before pulling apart and resting each others head against each other.
Lucy sighed "You're right, Ona. I need to apologize to Y/N and make things right." Ona smiled "We, We need to apologise" Lucy gave a sad smile. "We need to let Y/N know that we love them and we're here to support and understand each other, no matter what Lucia."
You open your eyes slowly feeling something run through your hair and something playing with your hand. As the blurring vision cleared you saw Ona laying next to you playing with you hand "Morning amor" You looked up to see Lucy playing with your hair "Hey sleepyhead" You felt so happy that your girls were still there but still felt sad you may have hurt them "How was your sleep?" Ona asked kissing your hand, you glance at the window. Still dark must be early in the morning"Honestly, Nice" You gave a blunt response making the duo know you were still hurt. You felt Lucy move beside you and cupped your cheeks "Y/N," she said, her voice filled with sincerity and remorse, "I'm so sorry for what I said and how I acted last night. It was unfair, and it was a terrible way to treat you after winning the game. And for what i said at the World Cup that was sick of me to say. Please forgive me. I love you, and I never want to hurt you like that again." For the first time you saw Lucy looking like a lost puppy. She looked distraught after speaking and was waiting for a reply from you.
You felt a hand on your shoulder "Y/N," Ona began, "I apologize as well for not being there when you needed me. You're right, I should have checked on you during the World Cup. I promise to be more attentive in the future." You heard the honesty in her voice. She said it with clear passion in her voice. You looked back at Lucy who looked like she was going to cry a storm. It was clear the aftermath of last night was a wake up call to the girls. Your heart ached with a mix of emotions as you couldn't bear it anymore. You one arm each of Lucy and Ona pulling them into embrace, Ona gladly accepting, Lucy accepting and holding you in a tight grip. "I love you two." You felt Lucy soften" And I forgive you" Lucy started to slowly cry into you shoulder as Ona rubbed her back and you place a hand on the back of your head. It felt like hours you guys sat there just holding one another.
As the embrace broke. Lucy wiped her eyes as you pushed the strands of her hair out of her face, You loved it when her hair was down. Ona rested her head on your shoulder. You noticed both still had there Barca shirts on. They clearly didn't change. "Y/N, you were absolutely incredible last night," Lucy beamed, her eyes filled with admiration. "I've never seen someone turn a game around like that. You're amazing." You smiled sheepishly as Ona chimed in "Yes, you were the hero of El Classico. You made us so proud amor. You couldn't help but blush at their compliments, feeling their love and support wash over you. It was moments like these that reminded you why you cherished your relationship with them so much.
You felt Lucy's fingers graze your your thigh, giving you slight shivers. Her eyes turned evil. "But i must say" She leaned in pecking you jaw line before whispering "You may be wearing a Madrid top but you are Barca property" She said as she started to peck you neck. You felt a shiver shoot up your spine. Lucy knew how to make you submit to her advances. You tried to respond but her pecks made you stammer Ona couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange. She knew how much Lucy's teasing affected you, and she enjoyed the playful banter between the two of you. She leaned in and whispered, "Lucy's right, you did look stunning in that jersey. But don't forget who owns you. okay?" Ona then decided you attack the over side of your neck sending you into euphoria. You breath was caught in your throat as the two made break as you gave a audible moan. Lucy smirked but notice Ona.
The Lionesses grip the back of Ona hair and pulled her away from you "Did i say to do that?" You bit your lip as your favourite side of Lucy came up. Ona whilst Lucy was holding her hair gave Lucy a smirk that screamed brat. You then felt Lucy grip your jaw and aggressively kiss you and you responded lucy didn't even have to try you let her tongue overpower you within seconds. You faintly hear Ona chuckle before Lucy stopped and let go of Ona and pushed you onto bed like a Lion finding its prey and used her teeth to mark you. The intensity made you gasp with pleasure as a wetness form between your legs. As you let Lucy clam your neck Ona layed next to you, She loved to Lucy make you hers. She was like a hyena, she would try and try to have a bite of Lucy's food and pick off the left overs.
"Papi" You moaned as Lucy responded by licking your neck and gripping you jaw making her stare at you "Say it pup" she growled you as you feel her hand roam under your shirt
"Say it"
*Smut Incoming*
"Fuck me Papi" you said in a submissive voice as Lucy's smirked with fire in her eyes.. She lifted your Madrid top over you head and held it against you wrists and held your wrists with one hand above your head. You couldn't see clearly through the sheet and excitement ran throughout your body. You loved being Lucy's plaything. You heard lips smacking, knowing Lucy she is marking Ona's neck. "Do it brat" You heard Lucy say calling Ona a brat. But all of a sudden you feel a wet sensation on your left nipple making you gasp and arch up. you legs rubbing against each other as you moaned. "Good Girl" you hear Lucy say through your moans. You couldn't concentrate feeling Ona tongue flick and make circle around your nipple as you felt her leg wrap around one of yours and feeling another body most likely Lucy layed on your right side holding you down copying Ona. You then screamed with pleasure feeling Lucy's mouth on your right nipple, licking and sucking like an animal.
These girls were sending you into a moaning mess, you were tortured by your girlfriends for what felt like hours. To be honest you didn't care you loved this feeling of being controlled by two Barcelona girls. You felt Lucy leave your nipple as you felt Ona roughly pulled off you. You shirt was pulled down you see Lucy smirking holding Ona by the back of her head, holding her head between your legs. "Time to eat brat" Lucy said to Ona before pushing her head down on you. Making you moan, feeling Ona's mouth, her licks, her kisses, treating you like a meal that has even kept from her all month. Lucy laugh would send electricity through you. Lucy push Ona harder and Ona pulled your legs towards her, showing she needed your taste on her tongue. You felt the texture of her tongue run up and down you as she chuckle. Starting to feel you body. "Papi" you said looking at Lucy, She smirked at you knowing you were close. "Yes Pup?" You shiver as she traces her fingers down your waist. "I i I go- ugh gonna cum" She smiled devious "Not yet pup, not till Papi says. You start to squirm with pleasure and excitement, hearing the slurps and licks from Ona makes you feel more alive.
"Say the magic word puppy" You bit your tongue and shook your head "N-no never" She gripped your jaw making you more close "Say it now" she growled. You couldn't, you can't break your loyalty. "If you don't say it" She gripped harder. But you felt it coming in the moment you said the words that Lucy didn't want you to say. As you the orgasm take over you arched up and during released said
Dazed from the amazing orgasm, you couldn't see Lucy's furious face. How dare you say that in her house. Ona's was chuckling as she licked up every essence of yours. "You fucking pathetic bitch" you knew you fucked up but you didn't care you would never pledge love towards Barcelona. "BRAT!" Ona looked up deeply breathing "Hold them" Lucy said in a tone you both understood well. You gulped as Ona pounced on you, pulling you on her and wrapping her arms and around you. "You shouldn't have said that my pet" She said before placing her lips on yours and staring to make out with you. You both battle trying to over come.
"Fucking dumb bitch" You hear before a overwhelming force entered you, you eyes bulging and you screamed into Ona's mouth. You felt you hair pulled as Lucy made you look up into her eyes "You are going to pay for saying that word in my house, you pathetic galáctico" She said before thrusting again. Making you shake on her strap. You couldn't help but love when Lucy brought your team rivalry in it, it made things spicier.
You couldn't to jolt everytime you felt Lucy pound into you, the sounds of slapping skin, Ona licking your nipples in a teasing matter. You hear Lucy groan and grunt as she found a rhythm. You knew she had a vibrator behind her strap. You feel her push your head down and without hesitation you start to make out with Ona. You moan and scream as you are being pounded into a weakened state. You feel Lucy body weight onto you making you stop kissing and gasp more as she picks speed "Who do you belong to" Lucy said as you feel her hot breathe on the back of your neck. "Who do you belong Pet" Ona said in a seductive tone. "Y-ah ah uh Y-"
"Wrong answer pet" You feel Ona bite the right side of your neck and start to mark. Lucy now growling in you ear as she thrusted harder and place her hand of the back of Ona's head and pulled her into your neck"Who do you belong too puppy" she slowly liked your ear before biting town on your left side neck and Ona holding Lucy's head
"AHHH MY OWN-ERS I BELONG TO YOU, I BELONG TO YOU" You repeat and repeat you couldn't take it, you squirmed as you release at the same time as does, making her bite down enough to draw blood. You collapsed as Ona and Lucy continue to mark your neck for another minute. You don't move you just let it happen. The two girls making sure you and others who see your neck, that you are property of Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze and Ona Batlle Pascual.
Lucy sighs and falls off you as you then fall off Ona. As you lay there mind broken, you glanced to the side, seeing Ona wasting no time as she climbed on a spent Lucy and began to ride her. You stared at the two girls you loved, you couldn't imagine not having them in your life. It was heaven. Lucy now regaining her composure started to move ger hands up and down Ona and thrusting upwards. You slowly scooted towards Lucy and draped your arm across her chest. She looked at you. "You did good puppy, stay by my side and rest" She pecked your head as you slowly fell into slumber letting the two others finish.
*Smut End*
You woke up groggily. You felt arms around you, you opened your eyes to see Lucy sleeping in front of you. you felt arms behind you, you knowing it was Ona spooning you. Thought still all naked, the covers were dropped over all three of you. This is what you needed, what you always looked forward too. Being sandwiched by the two most important and beautiful beings in the universe.
You feel back asleep, knowing you were protected in the arms of Ona Batlle and Lucy Bronze
The end
Holy shit, my first smut. I hoped it worked if not I apologise. I don't write smut so let me know how I did,it would REALLY help me knownif I did a good one or not .
How was the story too? What about Keira insult from bronze? Bringing the team rivalry into the dynamic.
Let me knownif you guys want more Ona and Lucy
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zombiigrll · 3 months
ENID my love can you do something for her where she goes to the hilltop to help maggie but winds up bumping into reader and they start developing a little relationship ooh 👻👻
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SAFE WITH ME. ⋆。°✩ enid rhee x fem!reader
.ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 1.6K
꩜ .ᐟ WARNINGS ⭑ use of y/n, blood mention, reader has anxiety + fear of blood and angsty backstory!! oooo!! kissing, swearing, kind of a bad ending im so sorry </3
.ᐟ SUMMARY .ᐟ ⭑ you had always been a quiet person. that was until you met the girl who saved your life, and helped you out of your shell.
꩜ .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ HELLO AURA!!! im so sorry this came out so late omg... i hope you like it!!! i lost ALL MY PROGRESS ON THIS THE OTHER DAY </3 I HAD TO REWRITE IT COMPLETELYYYY so i'm so sorry if it seems a bit rushed T_T but again i hope you like it ily!!! <33
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you were running for what felt like forever. your feet were swollen, they felt as if they were bleeding from how fast you were running. you could tell your shoes had holes in them because after a bit of running, you felt rocks under your feet and felt air brushing past. your throat burned as you gasped for air while you were sprinting. you felt like you were going to pass out at any minute.
why were you running though? and what from?
well, you were apart of a group. a nasty group. you were just passing through, and they decided to recruit you. you were never fond of groups, in the mindset that they'd all end terribly from your past experiences.
you finally got an opportunity to run, so, you did.
they had taken almost everything from you. your backpack, warm clothes, your boots, all that stuff. you were left in a tank top and shorts, along with really shitty sneakers.
after maybe 30 minutes of non-stop sprinting through the woods, your legs gave out. you fell, but instead of your hands landing on hard rocks and sharp sticks, it landed on some sort of gravel.
you were at the side of what looked like an endless road. your palms were bleeding, along with your knees as they fell onto the gravel and the tiny rocks dug through into your skin.
"fuuck.." you silently cried, squeezing your eyes shut through the pain.
you moved over to the hard concrete road and sat down, looking at your bloody palms and knees.
the rocks were into your skin, deep. and you couldn't stand the sight of your own blood. your head felt like it was spinning as you attempted to stay awake.
and just as you felt your body starting to go limp, you heard a voice.
"hello? are you okay?" a girls voice asked. you only let out a inaudible mumble in response. "oh, you're bleeding!"
as she came closer to you, you noticed her features. she had long brown hair and beautiful eyes. she looked around your age, too. she kneeled down and pulled bandages out of her bag. "don't worry, you're safe with me. try and stay awake, okay? i'm gonna bandage you really quick, then we can go back to my community. it's not too far from here."
you nodded and attempted to stay awake, but seeing your blood dripping down your knees was too much. your vision went blurry before everything went black.
"you check her for bites?" you heard a womans voice ask as you came back to your senses.
"of course. i checked right as she passed out." the girl from before spoke up.
you started fluttering your eyes back open, looking at the two girls who were hovering over you, talking to one another. there was a woman with shorter hair and blue eyes, then the girl from before.
you silently sit up, which surprises the two girls.
the woman stares at you intently before speaking up. "who are you?"
you were anxious to respond, looking at the girl from before who simply gives you a nod with a comforting smile. "my name is y/n." you mutter just loud enough for the two to hear.
"what were you running from?"
"an old group." you start messing with your hands. "i didn't mean to intrude."
the womans face turns a bit more soft. "i'm maggie."
"i'm enid." the girl who saved you speaks up with a wave. "if you, uh, don't mind me asking.. why were you running from your old group?"
"because they were falling apart, like every other group." you blankly responded. "they took everything from me."
maggie and enid exchange a somber looked before facing you again.
"you can stay here for a bit if you'd like. hilltop's got a couple places you can sleep at." maggie offers with a smile.
"i wouldn't want to be a burden.."
"you're not a burden if i'm offerin'." she pats your shoulder.
"...alright. i'll be out of your hair soon, though." you caved, giving a soft smile back to the two.
you thought that you were going to be out of hilltop quick. you never liked groups, but something was different about this one.
it was probably enid. she drove you crazy. not in a bad way, but the way that her hair perfectly framed her face, the way her eyes glistened in the sunlight, the way her voice played through your ears on loop even if you two weren't hanging out... it made you insane.
you never felt this way about anyone. maybe you were just thankful that she saved your life? but it felt like more than that.
you and enid were attached to each others hip. you'd gossip together- well, mostly enid.. you'd play games together, go on runs together, you did everything together.
today, there was a small campfire at hilltop that some of the residents were talking around, and enid dragged you to it despite knowing you were anxious around the others.
people were talking about their lives, before and after the apocalypse, their hobbies, the saviors.. lots of random, all-over-the-place type stuff.
"yeah, even through all these years, i still get scared when i see a few roamers.." one person spoke.
you had a cup of water in your hands, taking sips while your leg anxiously bounced up and down. enid was right by your side and placed a comforting hand on your knee, looking up at you.
"you okay?" she whispered, just loud enough for only you to hear.
"mhm. i'm good." you nodded before taking a quick sip. you brushed her off just to simply hide that fact that your heart was pounding out of your chest. she was just being a good friend, but it made your mind race.
she nodded understandingly. she knew you better than anyone, she knew you just needed to be alone, and that you'd be too stubborn to leave the campfire despite not wanting to be there in the first place.
but eventually, everyone began dispersing back to their homes, leaving just you and enid alone at the camp fire together.
she turned her chair so she could face you. "you didn't answer any of the questions."
"hm?" you raised an eyebrow, setting your, now empty, cup onto the floor by your feet.
"the questions. we were going around and answering different questions, you just spaced out." enid reminded.
"oh. sorry." you gave her an apologetic look, nervously rubbing the back of your neck.
"..do you want to answer them now? just the two of us."
you looked away in thought for a moment, staring at the burning logs before looking back at her. "sure."
"alright, first question. and, feel free to say skip to any of the questions if they're too much." enid clasped her hands together ecstatically, happy that you agreed. "who were you with at the very beginning of all this, who were you with?"
"my siblings." you reminisced to the beginning. "it didn't last long, though."
"... i get that." enid looks at you, sympathy in her tone and eyes. "well, next question. "what's your favorite part about the hilltop?"
you awkwardly looked away before answering. "you, probably."
"me?" she let out a soft laugh, the laugh you adored so much. "why me?"
"because you're the only reason why i'm still at hilltop." you clarified with a smile. "i wasn't planning on staying here this long, but.. you being here, helping me.. all that stuff. it made me want to stay."
enid smiles, her face a bit pink as she lets out a more breathy laugh and looks away. "well..." she pats hers knees rhythmically before speaking again. "i'm glad you stayed. hah.. next question?"
"next question." you repeated with a smile.
"...ever kissed a girl before?" she looks at you, her face looking somewhat devious and joking, but you know her too well, immediately being able to tell it's a genuine question.
"did they really ask this?" you let out a short laugh.
"maybe, maybe not. maybe i'm just curious."
your eyes widened, and you felt your face growing a bit hot. "uh.. well, no. i haven't."
"have you wanted to?" she raised an eyebrow, her face growing softer as she looks into your eyes.
you simply look at her speechless. your face was probably red as hell, but the way your features softened as you looked back at enid, your eyes trailing from her lips to her eyes.. it answered her question.
she got up from her chair moved closer to you. her eyes looked down at yours and she tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear before leaning her head down to kiss you.
a million thoughts were running through your head as you anxiously returned the kiss, your hand meeting hers.
you couldn't tell how long the kiss went on for, it felt like forever, but it also felt like it left too soon. as the two of you separated, you looked at each other with reddened cheeks and big, bright smiles.
"..holy shit." you finally spoke up, a breathy chuckle escaping through your words.
you looked down, and your hands were interlocked. when did you two do that? you guys were too lost in the kiss to realize, i guess.
the two of you giggled about it for a second, not knowing what to say.
enid was your first real friend, you thought. and your friend partner, too.
"are you okay?" she smiled, looking down at you as if you were an angel.
"yes." you nodded, responding instantly. "yes, i am. thank you."
"for what?" enid cupped your face in her hand, her gorgeous smile remaining on her face.
"everything." you brought your hands up to the hand on your face, leaning into it. "just everything."
she leaned down and kissed you on your forehead. "well, of course. thank you for everything, too."
─────────────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────────────────
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familyvideostevie · 11 months
hi hi lovely first of all i would LOVE to read your fluffy joel fic with no smut, i love your writing a lot and it’s just perfect and so comforting. also, if it is okay i would like to request a joel fic where the reader is someone who gets cold really easily and he’s always being a bit bossy and grumpy with her because she doesn’t wear enough layers or always gives him their blankets, and just like very fluffy very cute vibes! i love youuuuu
omg. yay!!! congratulations you are my first joel request!! thank you very much, this was a lot of fun. it's very short and a bit sweet and i hope you like it! (hope you like the fluffy joel fic, too!) joel doesn't get why you won't wear your damn gloves. fluff, jackson au, 0.8k
It starts with gloves.
"You okay?" Joel asks. Well, grunts, more like. You're on patrol which is serious business so you're getting serious Joel.
"Uh, yeah," you say. "Why?"
His jaw shifts like he's grinding his teeth. "You look..."
You try not to smirk too much. "How do I look, Joel?"
The two of you have been doing...whatever it is you're doing for a few months now. Gentle flirting turned to drinks turned to dinner turned to nights in his bed or yours, whispers in your hair and lips on your skin, his steady, solid presence at your side around town.
It's nice. You're enjoying it. And, perhaps most of all, you're enjoying how Joel Miller continues to surprise you. The depth of his worry and care, the jokes he tells out of nowhere, how his nostrils flare when he's trying to hide his smile.
You knew him to be a man capable of violence. You're all capable of violence. You've seen it, done it. That's life. It hardens you.
And while Joel is grumpy a lot of the time for good reason he also knows how to laugh loudly and is learning a song you love and haven't heard in twenty years so he can play it for you on his guitar.
So his unamused glare delights you more than anything.
"You look cold," he huffs.
"Well, it is fall in Wyoming, Joel," you say. "It's cold outside and we're outside." You sweep your arm in a wide arc at the beauty of the valley. Your horse snorts as if agreeing with you. He's right, though. You're cold but it's bearable. You get cold pretty easily, in fact, but Joel has no reason to know that. The weather just started to change.
"Well," he says, mocking you. "Why don't you have gloves or a hat or somethin'?"
He knows why. Because you left for patrol from his house without stopping at yours. You know he's going to find a way to make this his fault, for not checking that you had everything you needed, for not offering you the clothes on his back. You also know he's going to file this away and make it his new mission.
"Because I'm fine, that's why." Your tone leaves no room for argument but Joel tries anyway.
"Your hands are red."
"Joel," you snap. "I'm fine. Leave it."
Sometimes it's overwhelming to be cared about by a man with his intensity. He doesn't do things by halves. You're still learning what it means for him to be all in on you.
He says nothing. You glance at him and see he's holding out a pair of leather gloves you recognize.
"I'm not taking your gloves --"
"Just fuckin' take 'em, alright? If your hands are cold then you can't shoot and I don't want to have to leave you out here because someone got the jump on us. Ellie would kill me."
Typical Joel. Covering up his concern with gruffness. But you know better than to take it personally by now -- you see him with Ellie, see him with people in town. You know what he's like in your bed when he wakes up, the way he strokes your jaw and presses his lips to your temple. You know what's underneath this exterior.
So even if it's a little overwhelming you take the gloves and work them onto your hands. But you don't say thank you because you can't let him win everything.
But after that patrol Joel does make it his mission to ensure you're not cold. It's a little overbearing but you know he likes to be useful so what do you do? You lean into it. You do get cold easily, after all. You let him drape his flannels around you when you don't wear enough layers on the way to his house. You let him tug the hat on your head over your ears. You let him tuck a blanket under your feet on the couch. You let him take care of you.
"Feels like you're doin' this on purpose," he grumbles one night as you walk back from The Tipsy Bison. There's a bite to tonight's wind and he's got his arm around your shoulders so you're pressed into his side. You aren't wearing a coat warm enough for the chill.
"Doing what?"
"Being a pain in my ass. Givin' me grey hairs with your fuckin' determination to get frost bite."
"Well if you hate it so much --" You pretend to pull away from him but his doesn't let you go far.
"Didn't say that. Just think you should dress properly for once."
You laugh and pull him to a stop, turning so you're pressed against his chest.. "Why do I need more layers when I have you?"
"I see how it is," he drawls. "Usin' me for my warmth, are you?"
Joel isn't big on public displays of affection. He's a private man and likes to keep his cards close to his chest. But it's nighttime and there's hardly anyone out, so when you lean close he allows it, brushing your noses together.
"Course I am," you whisper.
He huffs. His palms press into your back. "Figures."
The kiss he gives you warms you all the way down to your toes.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here!
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onyour-right · 11 months
Y'all, I don't know what made Gen V writers think they had the right to hurt me this badly. PLEASE, WHAT WAS THIS EPISODE??? The way this episode tugged at my heartstrings was unforgiveable.
My precious baby girl Cate, she did many things wrong but at the same time did absolutely nothing wrong and I need for her to know that. Her mother was trash to the core & needs to choke. What she needs now is a good ole hug and some hot cocoa because the way she must have been suffering all those years knowing so much and having nobody to tell... I'm glad she now has Marie. Also, now that she's off those pill blockers or whatever they were, the full range of her powers is gonna be immenseeee.
Jordannnnnn my beloved, the love of my life. Nah, the way it hurt me to see him crying. Derek Luh you were phenomenal. Like, they've literally never done anything wrong EVER. They are so precious to me. The guilt they must have been carrying knowing that they saw the interaction between Luke and Brink but bought into the lies & manipulation. At least they questioned it though, some people would have just outright ignored it.. I also kinda feel like Marie reminded them of their original goal to be a hero and what it truly meant and how detrimental being selfish is which is why they were so ruffled by her. Also, Andre can choke for the way he spoke to Jordan... "just always looking out for yourself" EXCUSE YOU, THE PERSON FUCKING HIS BFFs GIRLFRIEND!!!
Andre, bruhhhh. Like I get why he was mad but he was acting like the moral police meanwhileeeeeeee absolute trash. I actually for one second thought him, Cate & Luke were in some polyamorous relationship kinda thing BUT they werent.. he just is "that guy". The only good thing he did was telling Cate to wake tf up. Also, the tone he took with Marie too, like boy if you don't sit your ass down somewhere.. You're on thin ice pal!!
Marieeeee, my precious angel, my beautiful baby girl. She is the definition of a girl's girl. I love her so much omggggg and the fact her sister thinks she's a monster makes my heart break for her. Also love that she was the only one to stand up for Cate and openly give her another chance!!! Jaz absolutely killed it.
Marie/Jordan. THE EYES NEVER LIE. These two kept looking at each other, standing next to each other... like, it's married couple material right there. The both of them need to sit down and talk but I also love that they're going the slow burn route with them.
Emma and Sam were cute but reallyyyyy?? Everyone's fighting for their life but they're just having sex lmaoooo. Good for them though.
Shetty needs to die, as does the Dr. Sorry, I make the rules. It would be poetic justice for Sam to be the one to kill them after all the shit they've done to him.
Also, next week's episode is titled 'Sick'. I have a feeling that the supes (the main 6) are gonna be infected maybe at the end of the episode & Marie will have to find a way to save them. Because of her blood powers she might not be susceptible to catching the disease, which is why the Dr wanted to test on her so badly. OMG WHAT IF JORDAN STARTS SHOWING SYMPTOMS WHILE THEM AND MARIE ARE DOING DETECTIVE THINGS. Thats honestly fanfic material right there...
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sebfreak · 9 months
Do not change Maomao!
This is the title of this long post. Omg the fanservice we got, the beautiful scenes in which we could see Maomaos happy face. Ahhhh I loved it again.
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Make it obivous who he is, right? At this point we all should have a clue and to be honest this scene was also very interesting. The relationship between them is better described with "icy cold". Yeah, you see a smile on Jinshis face but he is more distant towards him.
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She and her herbs. Her passion is so real and i can understand her 100%. Herbs are so interesting, I can´t wait to find out more about it. Maomao is a teacher to us and we can learn a lot from her. <3
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He is truly a real father. The why I cried a little bit during this scene. This is Maomaos home, she is always welcomed and can go back anytime. He doesn´t have much but he has a lot of love for her. <3
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Lol the way he blushed. Jinish-sama everything is written on your face. You can´t hide it anymore lol.
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The way everyone blushed when they saw Maomao. It´s really interesting that a little change can activate this reaction and it was really obvious that Jinshi was getting annoyed by it and JEALOUS!!! OH HE IS SO JEALOUS AND REGRETS IT THAT EVERYBODY COULD SEE MAOMAO THIS WAY!!!!
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His order was absolutely not a surprise. Now he understands why she puts freckles on her face. XDDDDDDD Oh my man.... aaaahhhhh I love him so much and I love it that he falls for Maomao more and more. My boy you can´t escape anymore but I truly doubt he wants to escape.
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This face and we all know that he is planning something that Maomao won´t like. ahahahahahaha XDDDDDDDD
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The fanservice was so real in this scene. They really went hard with Jinshi-sama in this scene. BUT I´m not complaining, keep going... I really really like it. (and everybody: when will we get our Jinshini hm? XDDD)
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Wasted sex appeal... XDDDDD ah it´s so cute how Maomao doesn´t know it but it makes it so much funnier. XDDD
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I bet for Jinshi it´s also very stressful when you can´t behave around people in a normal way without them to lust over you. I know it´s complaining on a very high ground but sometimes even a Jinshi doesn´t want to be reduced on his appearance. But the fact that Maomao explained it with insects made me cry. Oh my dear... XDDDDD
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Weeellll my dear Maomao I won´t say it... you have to find it out for yourself but it´s great that she is questioning it because it´s very unnormal for his position or more like it´s something Maomao seems as unnormal.
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Go away motherfucker. <---- no respect here. Just.... go away you creeper.... On my Blog and I'm aware of his story but i can't seem to like him, but i am a Person who can respect that people like him but for me there are some things that are not okay and this was way too much in my eyes. his obsession is too much because I look from the childs perspective (MaoMao) and I could understand her traumatic feelings. So don´t come at me and try to convince me to like him. It won´t work.
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Oh they really went hard with Jinshis fanservice even in the ending and loved the change here. Beginning it´s dark and gives you a sad aura but after meeting Maomao his world becomes bright and sunny. Oh my gosh I´M NOT CRYING OKAY!!!! ( okay i´m crying)
All in all a very good episode. 10/10 and it was a great start for the second part. Ah, it will be dramatic again and I can´t wait to witness it with you. <3
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How Do i even post about it ...
Ok so i mentioned in my previous post how two hummingbirds were circling me today when i got to the summit of the mountain, and i knew it was my father. But in that moment i was thinking, who is the 2nd one? And my thoughts were, Oh it must be another angel who's following him around
Well. I just opened up youtube and saw my favorite psychic posted a new reading, the title something like "Your father's spirit called upon an angel for your healing" .. I got shivers .. for context, i don't watch very many psychics as i don't find many of them to be trustworthy, but this girl is like on a totally different level her readings are always extremely specific & her energy is soooo beautiful like truly ethereal she is a true channeler , she also barely ever posts , you can tell it's not like a 'hustle' to her like she hadn't posted anything in like a month before this, idk she's just very sincere
the basic gist of the reading was, she said she sees "your father standing there, and to the side of him, a much larger figure, an angel" .. And he has called upon the angel to assist him, in assisting me, in healing this wound, as well as communication, because he does not have the power to heal it himself. (At one point she mentioned how he was not a spiritual person in life, he does not have psychic gifts, which is why he had to call upon this angel, which made me laugh cus it's true as fuck my dad hated all things woo-woo)
But i was like oh my god.... that was the 2nd hummingbird i saw earlier... i heard it in my mind.. There's another angel with him, but i didn't know who, and i even wondered why i didn't know who, because usually i know, when i see something and it has a message for me i know who it's from...
It's so crazy, she specified that "you lost your father very young" but also "you moved around a lot, part of the wound is that you've never been able to root in your life, you desire to root and establish something for yourself but the wound has kept you from this and that's what he's called upon this angel to heal for you" she also said the word "nomad" and i was like fully sobbing at this point cus. that's been my WHOLE life like from early childhood up until this exact moment, before and after he died, i move and move and move i never stay still ..
i've never had roots and when i'm feeling sorry for myself that's where my mind goes, "You never got to have roots". I see & know so many people who just have that they just have a home and a family they have a hometown they take it quite for granted to be known and familiar. it's like yeah i'll never see any of my childhood homes again even from the outside. i have like 5 childhood homes split in different countries. i dream of them and that's all there is.
But ok, she said like, omg dude. She said the angel is bringing you "freedom". And i fucking gasped even though that sounds vague as fuck, i have been repeatedly praying lately for My Perfect Freedom. Every night. A few weeks ago i finally took action into seeking legal help for my immigration situation and since then i've been receiving nothing but good news about it, better than i ever imagined. Especially in the past week. I'm not rly trying to talk about it online but i feel like it's important to note for the timing of this message that i literally AM getting my freedom and it's FELT angelic.
Like i've been feeling this new sense of vitality and hope and optimism in my heart that i can stay. I can just stay here. I never have to move again. I literally can root. i've been walking with denji every night, and i just look around at the neighborhood and the sky and the trees, i listen to the cicadas, i'm like holy shit, this is it, this is what it means to have joy, this is what it means to be present, nothing feels mundane, i'm just so happy to be here, i'm giving thanks every moment, i'm seeing my future unfold, the way i can get a job again, actually start saving up for a life that's real, tangible, the uncertainty i've lived with for my entire adult life is fading away, literally so recently like so so recently
and today at the mountaintop felt like a climax of this feeling, the gratitude, the panorama of opportunities, angels communicating, presentness, just not wanting or needing to be anywhere else, not needing to run away anymore
She said about how "you were best friends with your father" which i was, and she said "you share your gifts but he acknowledges you do it better than him" which cracked me up cus like. My father looooved drawing and photography which are obviously big things for me too, part of our friendship was that he pushed me to do art and make a real career of it like he wanted to.
i think i've spoken of this on here before but taking photos is something i do with him, not even like "im honoring him" but we literally do it together, it's a form of channeling. i think sometimes i channel him when i draw too but mostly my grandpa. My grandpa had very similar drawing style to me but my dad's was a little different. However when i see my dad's photography it's like yeah, we have the same eyes, physically and spiritually, same vision
Lol ok last thing she said that freaked me out was that i have a son waiting to be born who will be either my grandfather or great-grandfather reincarnate. And no joke i HAVE ALWAYS THOUGHT THIS !!!! Like its really the biggest reason i feel strongly compelled to have a child. I always thought it will be my great grandfather who died a few months before i was born. i really feel i have a son and a daughter waiting to come through and i can't deny them. i can't say it's true confirmation since it hasn't happened yet but it was just weird to hear her say that when it's something i've never even spoken of just a total hunch.
And having my children will be a huge milestone in healing this wound of almost 18 years since my dad's been gone. plus the lifelong wound of yearning to "root".
Like if what she says is really true that a new force has been summoned recently to assist me with this, it explains so much of what i've felt lately. i feel it's only come in in the past few weeks, definitely after pochita's surgery, maybe that's where my dad drew the line and said THAT'S IT WE'RE CALLING IN REINFORCEMENTS
She said whoever this father is he has a very sarcastic dry sense of humor about him. Just another lil confirmation idk hehe. The hummingbirds rly told me everything i needed to know though. in that moment i knew it was one of the craziest things that's ever happened to me even before seeing the reading but wow i rly didnt expect this. She said so much in the reading that felt like it was literally specific just for me. There's probably more i'm forgetting
Wow this is became a looooong post :) Don;t mind me. i've just.... i've been doing a lot of secret practice lately, a lot of things i don't talk about on tumblr, or tell anyone at all, because the silence gives it power. But this one i just felt called to document here for some reason. i don't question it. Goodnight fr this time....
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Omg hi I love your blog too, iminyourwalls—
I've been dying to share my thoughts with someone:
• I think I already put this in a hashtag somewhere, but when Artemis said "yes my brave one, they're beautiful tonight" she was looking at Zoë not the actual stars
• Also the 'timestamps' series + 'uniform upgrade' and 'cypress' fanfics are exactly how I envisioned not only Artemis/Zoë but also their relationship in general with the hunters and their respective roles
• They definitely love to play with the Goddess-Liutenant dynamic
• I also feel like they wouldn't put a label in their relationship, like they know they love eachother and that's enough (ofc they talked boundaries like exclusively and all), their love is free, wild and unrestrained
• And they wouldn't really try to keep it a secret but wouldn't actively tell everyone about it, but they don't need to, everyone knows
• I'm torn between the idea that a) Artemis (and the hunters) saved Zoë while she was running from the monsters Atlas had sent after her and b) young Artemis exploring the mortal world and meeting Zoë by chance and creating the hunters together
• I do firmly believe that Zoë was Artemis' first lieutenant, whether because she was her first huntress or she created that position a while after and Zoë was chosen for it
• If I recall correctly one of the things Thalia didn't like about Zoë is the way she -literally- worshipped Artemis and I think that was a bit of jealousy actually—
• Also there had definitely been hunters crushing on Zoë and her having no idea. Artemis thinks is funny but also has suddenly more -openly- affection strikes, just to remind everyone
• As far as I know Artemis was born after the titan war and Zoë being atlas' daughter was born before, making her older than Artemis and she likes reminding everyone about it every once in a while
• I feel like Zoë would have had a competitive relationship with Callisto
• Zoë is always worrying about the hunters and while Artemis loves her for that, she takes her on hunting trips together (just the two of them) and plays around with her, she loves seeing her free like this
• I actually don't think there was a confession per se but they were sharing an intimate moment together (non sexual) and they just kissed, they don't know who started it, but they didn't care
• No matter how much centuries pass, Artemis knows that there will never be anyone like Zoë, and no matter what happens, even when she's fading and the millennia are blurred together she can never forget her
• When the whole Roman thing happened and she was confused, desoriented and in unbelievable pain, her Roman and greek forms trying to take control she called for Zoë, she always helped her when the civil wars happened, when the roman empire rose, Zoë was there for her, to calm her, ground her and take care of her, loving and devoting herself to both Artemis and Diana
• Zoë sometimes sings the song of the Hespérides only for Artemis and no one else
• Zoë is supposed to have her own tent, but she always stays at Artemis'
• When there alone in their tent, Artemis sometimes turns into a wolf and starts to randomly (and gently) chew on Zoë, who at this point barely even notices
• Artemis took Zoë to hunt with her and her mother Leto once (she approves of her, Zoë is very nervous tho and overly formal with her)
• After Orion was stung by the scorpion, he went mad and tried to attack Artemis, but she defeated him with Zoë, which is why it was Zoë who was always sent to hunt him every time he returned
• Artemis brings Zoë to Olympus as her representative in meetings and companion to parties
• When she died Artemis was trying her best not to lose it in front of her, so she didn't have to worry, so she would go in peace
• Artemis is always staring at the twilight, as if she could see her, as if she could reach her. It's the time of the day she feels the loss all over again, only worsened by the stars of course, the stars
• Zoë went for reincarnation and reached the isle of the blessed and Artemis asked she be turned to a minor goddess for her achievements (kinda like Hercules)
• She does and comes back to Artemis' side, but this time it's forever (delusional)
This got a bit too long but I think that's all, if I think of anything else I'll make another post
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boringmarinn · 5 months
Why do you ship Sans x Frisk? As a person who ships them myself, what do you see in them, like about them? Personality traits, situations, tropes etc, anything that comes to mind, what makes you enjoy them and continue to breathe life to them?
Omg ok sooo... When I realized I was already shipping Sans and Frisk, maybe because I love the trope of the funny ironic character who has secrets and the silent protagonist who have a lot of will and power. I also have a soft spot for monster x human interactions, relationships and seeing several AUs with the two of them was what made me like it even more.
I think I liked them visually because the sprites in the game are so cute and the same size and the colors match and so on. I also see Sans more as a teenager and Frisk as well so i almost always draw and write them close. Frisk have a lot of secrets that Sans knows about and vice versa, and both have this drama about fate, about powers that can destroy, judgment and guilt, responsibility and determination i found super interesting.
I absolute love the concept of Frisk being a "more than a simple human" thing, a deity, some powerful force that can be either benevolent or dangerous when in contrast with Sans that's "just a normal boss monster" or something like that. I'm in love with Frisk being a god what just wants to live a normal life, having a normal family and a happy life and find this wish coming true with their monster family, and they find love with that one monster who has kept his eye socket on them all this time, seeing the sweetness and love that they share.
I also love the angst in the forbidden love thing, like, monster and human love being a taboo...
Frisk It's a character that ended up growing in my hand while I was drawing and creating, so to speak. I didn't want to let Frisk become that cliché of cute and lovable, so she/they transformed a little too quickly hehe. Today It's very different and that adorable cover is just a disguise for the real Frisk. Which isn't a terrible evil being either, it's just harder to comprehend and morally gray. They're determined still, to being a better person and changing the order of things and changing fate.
Sans I don't even know where and how to start because he has been my main and if not my most intense and prolonged hyperfocus. I have a lot of fun writing and drawing it in many different ways, with my favorite being this ironic, calm and funny little guy, but who carries a huge weight on his shoulders for the people he loves, a guy who worries too much about simple things and is a bit anxious and uncertain about the future.
Soo... Well i think that's a lot of reasons people like them two. They're two little guys, they go around the time and space, (like sans can teleport in space and frisk teleports in time thats so cool aaaa) them both like papyrus and toriel very much, they two are poker faced deadpan funny faces
I find them fun and even more fun is seeing other talented artists in the community doing their own interpretations of them in such unique ways. I love seeing fans making content for fans and how the characters change drastically in each person's hands, it's beautiful
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d011zk1ll · 4 months
I have very strong opinions on the Heros season 6 designs and I'm not afraid to share them.
Let me start this off by saying, I do understand that It will look better in motion!! I am extremely hopeful this is the case and I don't necessarily distrust that this is the case, and actively wish it to be. I've seen the clips so far and they're gorgeous (Alya's bob omg <3333) so i do hope it looks better in the actual show. I love this show, a lot. Like a lot a lot, and this isn't any form of hate just my opinions!!
Okay, lets go left to right with what we've seen so far hero wise.
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You know what? I don't hate it. He looks a younger than before but then again, they're only 14/15 so hey! I like how it didn't change that much, and i like the additions. They kept the hood and googles, the pattern is similar and all together they didn't change him much. They could have done more, but with his shell this will look pretty nice! And i love the way part of his suit juts out for texture difference!! 2. Ladybug
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It's not that bad. I do think the spandex is still weird, and wish she had some cool jacket and it doesn't seem like she has actual shoes (some combat boots would be FIRE) but i like the black. It's different but not overwhelmingly so and her hair being a bit longer reminds me of the anime PV ladybug (who was still quite awesome). Her iconic ribbons and her gloves reign supreme. I wish she could have some extra layers or cool textures but compared to the following two she isn't all around that bad.
3. Chat noir
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Wow. I know he's a twink but wtf guys. That's not even his face shape he looks so strange. His hair looks tamer which i hate so much because he's supposed to be wild and scraggly. AND THEY KEPT THAT GOD DAMN BELL. It's pretty much the same, but TWINKIER??? And i'm a twink, i love the twink vibes but they fucked him up SO bad its painful oh my god. Why. Please. I do not like Chat's design his face shape is really putting me off. :((( BUT it will probably grow on me. I just hope they don't fuck up felix :(((
4. Rena rouge
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Look. I love her. She's gorgeous. But. Wow. I cannot belive they made her skinny. as a chubby person, i want her to be like, back to how she was as ALYA in season 1-5. I'm so upset they didn't keep her body shape it's so upsetting. I hope they don't do anything like this to Mylene. Other than that, i love her. Her ears are so cool, pointy and almost look like a bow. Her hair looks gorgeous, stunning, beautiful. It's so cool. I love how they kept her suit similar because i've always adored her suit. I like the white palms and her flute looks a lot nicer now. The only qualm i have with her really is how they made her skinny.
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I had to add this in there, just because i love it so much, Look at her hair oh my god. Short hair Alya is something I never knew i needed and they kept her clothes similar <33333 (I adore her outfit as is) gosh i cant wait to see her.
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deadpool15 · 1 year
Myra's Pov
"And that's exactly what I told your ass, stop hitting up the dude with the weird shaped hairline because if they can't take care of that, then they obviously don't care about themselves". Myra says as she is on the phone with her bestie Sonhee.
"I know, I know, wait a Damm minute speaking of hair isn't today like, what do you call it, ummmmmmm can you help me put Myra god," Sonhee says, frustrated while laughing. "It's called Myra's national wash-day, you bottom, literally knows nothing about me. And for your information, I'm simply waiting for my lovely girlfriend/help that doesn't know she is my help to pull up. " Sonhee looks at her with a face of curiosity, "You did not tell Bada to come to your house to help you with her hair, Myra Celine Johnson. "
"Omg, first of all, why are you out here saying my government name? That's like treason bitch, we are in foreign waters I told you about this. I don't even let people say my government name in America, now you out her in Korea saying my name knowing Damm well I'm not supposed to be here". Sonhee shakes her head and laughs, " You need to stop telling people you ain't supposed to be here before you get deported".
The front door bell rings continuously, letting Myra know that Bada has arrived and is tired of standing outside. "Welp, I got to go. My wife is at the door, girl, see you never. Sonhee just nods, " I'll pull up later to access the damage that you're about to put that poor girl through with all that thick ass hair you got bestie, byee love you."
Bada's Pov
Bada is standing at the door with a bag full of snacks and a bunch of combs that Myra needed for some reason. " Hey, my lovely Ocean, you look amazing, come on in." Myra says as Bada goes to sit on the couch until she realizes. "You only call me ocean when you need something, and here I was thinking we were just gonna relax." Myra sits on Bada's lap and grabs her face. " Baby, my beautiful ocean, the love of my life, the apple to my fruit." Bada grabs Myras' hips and smiles, " That's not even how you say that last phrase, sweetie, but what do you need, just lay it on me. Myra jumps up and grabs the snacks, setting them out on the couch, " so you know how I always struggle with my hair and my mamma is always like well if she came back home then you would struggle but you wanted to go to Korea for school and that badminton girl". Bada looks at you smiling, trying to hide her hurt expression with a bit of humor." Ouch, badminton really, thought she was finally coming around to me". Myra stops what she is doing immediately and grabs both of Bada's hand in hers. " Hey, hey look at me, my mom can be a bitch sometimes but that doesn't make you any less amazing then you already are ok . She isn't even upset with you she mad at me, because I chose to come to Korea for college instead of staying with her and going somewhere in Georgia, where she could literally sit there for the rest of my adulthood keeping tabs on me. She just thinks bad mouthing my amazing girlfriend, will make her feel slightly better", she then holds Bada close, " but we aren't gonna feed into that negative energy she has, my mom doesn't want any of is to grow up which is understandable, but we have to". Bada smiles at Myra with admiration, " so you think I'm amazing, huh?"
Myra just looks at her with the biggest smile on her face and says, " That entire conversation, and of course, the only thing you caught was how amazing Bada Lee is, just wow, babe. But you know what would make you more amazing helping wash and twist up my hair, you literally would have the wifey of the year award". Bada still in a daze just happily agrees, " sure babe". Myra jumps up again and skips to her room, " sit right there I'll get everything ready sweetie, I love you my ocean", Myra yells out in the room.
"I love you too, babe, so so much more that you'll ever know." Bada sits there thinking about how amazing her life has been since Myra has entered it. "My beautiful girl"......
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lily-alphonse · 14 days
for the rarepairs:
hear me out, Haley x sandy, they just have so much potential omg.
also another ship that has been on my mind is robin x Haley, I don't even know why.
After getting this ask I edited my masterlist post to specify only one ship at once bc these posts would be way too long otherwise, so Im glad someone else asked for Haley x Sandy so I could answer both of these! Check that one out here for the first part of your question.
Haley x Robin
Making Haley a homewrecker smh lol
I'm wracking my brain rn trying to think of when they would literally ever even cross paths, Haley doesn't even go to the saloon. They have no reason to speak to each other. Haley doesn't hang out with Seb or Maru. She wouldn't need Robin to build anything.
Ok mind is taking me to Robin's friends. The aerobics class. And they gossip outside all the time in the square. Ok ok ok getting somewhere, I think.
Haley has another fight with Emily about not pulling her weight and how she has to grow up and do something with her life. In an effort to prove that she can be mature she joins Caroline, Robin, and Jodi outside to chat thinking its gonna be boring as hell but it's NOT.
It starts out that way. Boring and awkward because the women aren't sure how to be around her at first. Jodi asks Haley if she's doing anything for work and that goes about as well as expected. But Robin asks about her photography and Haley lights up, talking about how she got a new lens that can take macro photos of flowers and insects and she's having a great time with it.
Things are less tense then, and the ladies end up gossiping, and it's actually kind of fun. Robin is the coolest of the bunch, Jodi talks the most but she's so judgemental (which can be fun in small doses but gets old) and Caroline is the quietest and most high-strung. They invite her to aerobics class and she gives a noncommital answer.
But she keeps joining them outside to chat, and it's nice. She doesn't always have much to say but Robin at least always engages her, and she finds herself gravitating towards her. When Caroline brings out teas for all of them, she feels really included and adult.
She joins them for aerobics and its the first time Haley starts to consider she might have a thing for Sebastian's mom. Not only is she fit as hell (those carpentry arms go crazy) but she's silly and fun and gets Haley dancing around without doing any particular moves and just vibing. Haley's got heart eyes for her by the end of it. Watching her leave, she decides to jog up next to her, asking if they can walk together since she could go for a walk in the fresh air to wrap up the workout. Robin obviously accepts and they finally have a moment to talk alone.
When Haley asks her where she learned to dance like that, Robin laughs. She got around in her day. It turns out, a young Robin was quite similar to Haley. And it's easy to believe. She's still gorgeous, and has this sort of effortless cool girl energy that has only gotten mellower with age.
Conversation flows as they talk about their exploits, and the walk ends too quickly. The lake near Robin's house is beautiful, and Haley suggests she might have to come take some pictures up here sometime. It's only a little stretch of the truth...
Haley continues to meet with the women of the town, actually beginning to feel more mature. She's inspired to start looking into college courses. The aerobics class is the highlight of her week, because she gets to let loose. Afterward she makes a habit of walking Robin home, sometimes even challenging her to a race, and Robin even feels a little younger for it.
Sometimes she comes across her when she is up on the mountain taking pictures, and Robin invites her in for lemonade.
On one occasion taking pictures of a nesting falcon by the lake, Robin storms outside, slamming the front door behind her and stomping into the woods. She doesn't see Haley at first, and crouches behind a tree with her head in her hands.
“Robin?” Haley approaches hesitantly, stowing her camera.
Robin starts with a sniffle, quickly wiping her face. “Oh! Haley! Hi, you surprised me.” She clears her throat.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh,” Robin shakes her head and waves her away, “Nothing, I’m being silly.” She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. “I don’t suppose I can convince you to just forget you saw this?”
“No, what’s wrong? You know you can talk to me.” Haley sits next to her in the grass, giving her an encouraging smile when she looks at her again.
“No, it’s… adult stuff. Nothing I should be telling you.”
Haley is a bit hurt at that. Robin has always treated her like an adult, encouraged her even, when she felt like she wasn’t mature enough to handle what life through at her. “Are you saying I’m not an adult now?”
But from Robin’s perspective, how are you supposed to explain you can’t vent about marriage trouble to a girl your son’s age. It wouldn’t be right. She sighs. “No, Haley, that’s not what I’m saying, I’m sorry. You’re right, and we talk about adult stuff all the time, this is just… this is personal.”
“We talk about personal stuff all the time, too,” Haley encourages.
Robin looks down at the grass for a beat, thinking. “Just… marital stuff. Marriage… shit. Arguing.” She growls and put her head down on her bent knees.
Haley scoffs. “Boys.”
It makes Robin laugh and lift her head again. “Except not, since, you know, adults.”
“Boys never mature,” Haley shot back snidely, to Robin’s amusement.
“I’ll give you that!” And then she’s quiet again, chin resting on her knees now to look out at the lake in reflection. “Don’t get married, Haley,” she murmurs. “And don’t get stuck here. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you.”
“And you don’t?” Haley asks right away, catching Robin off guard.
She lifts her head to look at Haley again. “Well… no, I don’t think so. I’m stuck.”
“Um, excuse me, who are you and what have you done with the badass woman I know? From where I’m standing I feel like you could do anything you wanted.”
“That’s really kind of you to say, Haley,” she responds with a sad smile.
“I’m not kind. I don’t say things to be kind, I say them because I mean them.”
Robin’s smile widens. She’s always liked Haley’s spunk. “I know. Thank you, anyway.”
“Why did you get married?”
She sighed again, her smile dropping. “Being a single mom is so hard. Don’t do that either, by the way. I actually… I would’ve been happier, I think, if Demetrius was alright being my boyfriend instead. I didn’t want to get married again, but image is so important in small towns, you know? And especially with young kids it just makes life easier.”
“You don’t have young kids anymore. And you don’t actually strike me as someone who gives a fuck about her image, no offense.”
Robin is quiet again for a while, mulling over her words. “You’re right.” She stands and Haley follows suit. “Sorry again you had to see this.”
“Don’t apologize.”
“Okay,” Robin huffs a chuckle. “Thank you?”
“You’re welcome.” Haley smiles, and Robin suddenly reaches out and hugs her tightly. She smells like sweat and pine and wood shavings and Haley wants to burn the feeling of her flannel into her skin.
Haley wraps her arms around her waist, her face in the crook of her neck, and squeezes her close, and suddenly the air has changed. It doesn’t feel like a platonic hug anymore. But neither of them are letting go and it’s gone on a second too long.
Haley clutches at the back of her flannel. Lifts her head to be level with Robin, cheek to cheek. She can hear Robin’s shallow breathing.
“Haley…” Robin says hesitantly. Almost a warning, if it wasn’t dripping with a breathless lust.
Haley pulls back, just enough to kiss her.
Nyaha chew on that lmao pls note I do not hate Demetrius/Robin in any way I think theyre good together but you see how the asks force my hand! I only do what the little anon faces ask so nicely for me to do
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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ladysomething · 2 months
I know I said I wanted it to be bigger than I love you but I also said I trusted you even if it was and as always you delivered because my heart was absolutely broken with how raw his confession was and how it was answered and I think maybe because just like Charles I didn't fully understand how bad it was, it's like I could see why he was scared for Charles but I couldn't fully understand it but this chapter it finally clicked.
I feel like Charles will be pushed into retirement after this season wether he wins it or not and what happened this chapter will be used against him.
Also I think Jean luc is on Max's side but he can also understand Charles that's why everytime he does one of his stupid plans he doesn't yell at him, sure he tells him Max is good but he doesn't show much anger towards him because he can see the fear Charles is dealing with, but I think this time he's gonna be upset with Charles because of what he said to Max.
It would be nice if once Sophi is talking about being an omega with Charles, she also mentions the part that Max is conflicted to show Charles, the part that despite showing it in the past and revealing the reason behind it Charles through his anger and fear completely ignored it and I don't think he's gonna get this part of Max back easily, he absolutely shattered his heart into pieces and destroyed his trust, worst than that he compared him to his dad. Max have had all these insecurities about wether he turns into a monster like Jos or not and despite working hard and believing in himself for all he's done what Charles said it's gonna break him.
I kinda wanna smack Charles because of what he said to Max after Max pour his heart out for him but at the same time I can see why he acted the way he did, he's already confuse and scared and suddenly everything he knew was wrong, he has been taking care of himself on his own for too long that he only believes in what he thinks is right and having Max of all people caring for him, loving him is far from a truth he used to believe in. And everyone constantly keeps everything from him to protect him in their words which makes the truth more unbelievable for him.
And Max, god the way you wrote him and his confession made me almost crying for him I mean I did cry a bit cause the way he knows Charles won't love him back,the way accepted that and then Charles once again accuses him of being someone, something he hates the most in the world and that's where it breaks him and we see the look of betrayal he felt in that moment.
I just want to hug them and give them a happy moment like I don't even know if Max will be in Charles dream this time or if Charles can finally try to understand Max, if he will try to reach him this time. And it's just so heartbreaking seeing their pain being mostly cause by the world around them but consciously and unconsciously they are the ones who twist the knife more and hurt each other more.
And omg the team with that contract,like wtf I wrong with you all,I kinda wish Max would have told him despite Charles believing it or not, he deserved to know what was happening to him and his life especially after Max realized Charles is gonna doe everything to be out of that contract,I know he wanted Charles to want this himself and believed him when he was sweet to him even if a part was actually the truth,and completely understand why he kept it secret but the way Charles realized how far everything about his life was out of him hands now god that was hurtful almost as much as his cruel words towards Max...
This was such a beautiful Chapter that I'm at awe. I don't what to say to show much I loved it I don't think if I can find enough words for, I just know that I'm gonna start the next Chapter with watery eyes while feeling anxious for what would be the next step fro them. Thank you so much for this beautiful chapter the way each part of can make me feel emotional is truly an art. Your writing style is also beautiful💛
I've been waiting for you anon!!! I was desperate to know what you thought, and whether I'd earned your trust!!
I can't say anything re retirement the season obvs, but you would be right in assuming that the stakes are that high.
JL has kind of become the meat in the sandwich tbh. I feel for the poor guy. justice for jean-luc!
and Charles definitely went too far, but then again, Max certainly didn't give him any reasons to pull his punches. he said "you have all these terrible qualities but its ok I still love you :)" and then expected Charles to be nice about it??? come on now.
but then again, Max is just trying his best. he's a fucked up little dude, and doesn't really understand what Charles' problem is - refuses to understand what Charles' problem is - so if he doesn't want to meet Charles halfway, then why should Charles be the one who has to do it?
but!! they're getting there. at least now Charles actually knows some stuff, and he has space to think about it a bit more.
and thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them very much.
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thisismeracing · 10 months
Wolff!reader and Mick thought:
I’ve always imagined that with a good team and the right support that Mick has just as much potential as Lewis and have my fingers crossed that when a seat a Mercedes opens Mick would be able to take it. And I can see Toto being conflicted about the relationship, worried about how it affects interpersonal relations in the company, but also the emotional/relationship stress that his daughter dating a driver would cause her (even though Mick is a sweet angel baby. I’m sure it’s still tough between the travel/distance and negativity from “fans”) which is exactly what happened when news leaks of their relationship and because I’m a sucker for the accidental pregnancy trope in a fic Little Wolff and Mick find out they’re expecting. And they keep it hidden. This is something they they’re not telling anyone. Not family not friends. This is a Mick/Little Wolff/Angie secret. And maybe Toto overhears them mention their baby. Assumes that they’re talking about Angie (they nearly gave him a heart attack the first time that they referred to the sweet doggo as such so he’s since learned to not jump to conclusions). Thankfully their due dates is during break. They have a beautiful healthy baby in Switzerland where they live. They invite Toto and the family up for a visit. They’re very insistent won’t take no for an answer. Toto is curious, he’s fully except to be told that Mick has finally popped the question. And while he would have liked if Mick spoke to him about the matter, he also knew that he had no say, but that was still his baby. So when they turn up and it’s Mick that meets them at the door, without Little Wolff and leads them into the master bedroom to see his little one hold a little one. Toto heart just stops. He’s too stunned to speak. While he kinda wants to smash another set of headphones just to help process his emotions, his little Wolff looks up with watery eyes and then holds out her hand and he’s just making these long strides to her bedside and kneeling down. 1st questions is if she’s okay. then the questions about if the baby is okay. then the questions of why they kept it a secret. they give the above mentioned reasons. And he’s just melting. Man is ready to retire on the spot. Doesn’t want to travel for Mercedes anymore. Wants a room in the house so he can stay with the two while Mick is away.
yes!!!!!! you just added a new layer to this hehehe you're convincing me to the accidental pregnancy trope though it's not my fav. I don't know if they would keep it a secret like that, I see wolff!reader and mick very much into their family, it's something important for them, and especially wolff reader, she would share a lot with her dad. So I think they would tell toto, susie, corinna and gina, and that's it. maybe keep it a secret for a couple of months, but not during the whole pregnancy cuz I think this would somehow hurt them, not have the opportunity to experience such an intimate and vulnerable moment of their lives.
Man is ready to retire on the spot. // omg yes hahaha grandpa wolff is ready!
(you described it with so many details that now I'm thinking about this scenario and how maaaaaaybe they would keep ti a secret indeed *eyes emoji*)
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