davehodgetts-blog · 5 years
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The sky was perfect. It wasn’t all blue. The blinding-white clouds formed interesting figures and were moving at slow pace. It provided a minute shade every time it hovered above our smoothly-moving fast craft. The sea, on the other hand, was completely placid, reflecting the exact copies of the figures above it. The minor distortions created by the surface swimmers are very evident – I could see the finest ripple.
It was our fast craft’s horn that woke me from that real daydream. We were approaching Liloan Pier in Santander, so I had to get myself ready. In a moment, we were all allowed to disembark. I alighted last to avoid troublesome passengers rushing their way out of the boat.
When I stepped on the port, the squeaky-clean water below reminded me of my fantasies. I was thinking for an adventure. Since it was too early to return to the city, I decided to spend a good time nearby.
Way to Dao Falls
I reached Samboan town proper in less than 30 minutes. I was walking under the scorch when Kuya Arnold approached me, and then offered a ride to 4 waterfalls including Ponong Lake for ₱500. I asked other drivers too, and it seemed that they had standardized the rate. That wasn’t a bad price. The downside, however, is that I was alone. It would be perfect if I had someone with me to share the expenses with, as well as the experience.
Before reaching Dao Falls, this blue pool graces every traveller
Since I got no other option, I accepted the guide who was assigned to me. I did not let him carry my backpack because I knew I could not give him a decent amount. I just followed him in a very obvious pathway. Kuya Arnold, by the way, was left in the drop off area.
We crossed a river, trekked along a muddy slope, and shook our way across a bamboo-made hanging bridge.
I was completely awed when I finally had the glimpse of the waterfalls. The water slides peacefully through the slanting ravine, thus the plunge pool is shallow and calm. There wasn’t enough flat space for picnickers though. However, with just a little tactic, you can find a good place under any shade.
The main Cascade of Dao Falls
After taking some photos, getting a quick dip, and munching for a snack, I headed to my next stop
Trekking against the waterfall current at Aguinid Falls number 3
You need a little work out at falls number 3. You have to climbed against the rolling waters to get to falls number 4. Since this is a one-way climbed, you have to wait until a batch of those going down is done with their descent.
Entrance at Aguinid Falls for locals is also ₱20. The guide fee depends on how much you can shell out.
Getting a waterfall massage at Aguinid Falls no. 4
A small falls greets you before seeing the hidden falls of Binalayan
Before reaching the main cascade of Binalayan, a not-so-high falls greeted us.
The was water was cold as expected. The breezy surrounding complimented well, and gave me gooseflesh.
Similar to that of Dao Falls, the plunge pool of Binalayan Hidden Falls is also not that deep, so be extra careful when doing an undaunting stunt. I almost broke my heel bone here when I jumped.
Binalayan Hidden Falls
Ponong Lake
There are no ATMs in the town, so make sure that you bring enough cash for the entire trip.
Bring swimming attires to experience the cold and pampering pool below the cascades.
Mobile signal reception is decent in the town proper but is poor in remote areas like the waterfall vicinity.
To fully explore Aguinid Falls, you need to climb against some steep rocks with running water. Make sure that you always follow your guide’s direction.
You can do picnic at the floating raft in Ponong Lake. Bring food to share.
Waterproof your gadgets.
Travel in group to save on transport and guide fees.
Closest accommodations are available in Badian and Oslob.
You may also consider spending a beach camp in Moalboal or getting enough adrenaline rush by joining the Canyoneering in Badian.
Waterfalls hopping in Samboan: Dao, Aguinid, and Binalayan Hidden Falls appeared first on Freedom Wall.
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alzhelpnow · 4 years
Local Dementia-friendly Activities
A Critical Component Of A Dementia Friendly Community
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Every part of the community has a unique role in fostering meaningful access to and engagement in community life for people living with dementia and their family and friend care partners. You can become a Dementia Friend by attending an hour-long information session in your community, or online, and join over 17 million people worldwide who are changing the way people talk, act and think about dementia. A dementia friendly community is one where people with dementia are enabled to live as independently as possible and to continue to be part of their community, but at the same time, are met with understanding and given support when needed. Dementia Friendly San Antonio offers workshops to teach people about dementia, how to recognize it, how to communicate with somebody who has it, and how to help. A dementia-friendly community is a city, town or village where people with dementia are understood, respected and supported. A Dementia Friend is someone who, through viewing a series of online videos or attending an in-person session, learns about what it is like to live with dementia and then turns that understanding into action.
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People Living With Dementia And Other Support Needs
Dementia Friendly are a registered charity dedicated to supporting people with dementia to get outdoors. The emails can support you if you have just found out, or accepted, that you or a loved one has dementia. Living with dementia can often feel isolating so having the opportunity to meet others in the same position can be comforting. A couple came to a group and went away saying, Were going to get out and join in, rather than hiding ourselves away. During the past seven years the charity has provided support to more than 85 local families. Many people are too embarrassed to take their loved ones affected with dementia out into the community but a dementia friendly community can be welcoming.
Kingfishers Residential And Nursing Care Home
Care at home enables your loved one to remain in their own home and maintain their independence. Care at home is becoming the preferred option for many older people who can be frightened by the idea of moving into a residential care home. As you care for someone with dementia, you may not be taking as much care of your own emotional, mental or physical wellbeing. Care at home is an attractive option for thousands of elderly people who would prefer to remain in their own homes, rather than moving into residential care. For people with dementia and their loved ones to receive high quality, compassionate support from people skilled in delivering dementia care. Although long-term care insurance is usually a great way to receive the care you need, it is an option that many people have not taken full advantage of.
Several Streets Surrounding The Park
Dementia cafes are set up specifically with the needs of people with dementia in mind. Walks will last about an hour and will begin and end at the River Road Park Annex. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, cramping and breathing difficulties, so make sure you are proactive about keeping it at bay. Adjusting to your diagnosis of dementia may be a challenge, but remember, you are not alone. One challenge family caregivers typically agree on is just how difficult it can be to find meaningful, stimulating activities for senior loved ones who have dementia. Pitsmoor Adventure Playground is now run by a charitable organisation set up by local people, and is as popular as it is ever been.
Assisted Living And Personal Care Homes
Residents in Oklahoma personal care centers have access to their medical records and can request a copy of all or a portion of their medical records. Depending on where you live, local government consists of at least one or two tiers of authorities. Life as a senior can be lonely, especially if the individual has lost a spouse. Rose Lodge has been full for six months,with a solid waiting list of full-fee residents. Despite the upheaval, the Madison Reading Project continues to grow and will be expanding to a larger facility in 2021. To help both of you to begin to think about the different options available to you, the NHS have put together a dedicated guide.
Direct Care And Support
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You can choose between a carer with a licence and a carer with a car. You will need to have settled status to claim benefits like Pension Credit and Housing Benefit. You can live outside the UK for up to 5 years in a row without losing settled status. A carer is able to identify, clean and cover minor cuts, applying antibacterial creams, such as Savlon, as appropriate. Depending on the terms of your policy, there may be the ability to cash it out through what are called accelerated, or living benefits. As a carer of someone with dementia, you will probably have to learn to listen more carefully.
Innovative Research In Care Practice For Older People
A timely diagnosis of dementia and early treatment is a critical component of a dementia friendly community. An Occupational Therapist may be able to help with identifying hazards and suggesting appropriate modifications. As the symptoms become increasingly acute, so does the level of care that is required. A care receiver with dementia may not want to do what is needed, such as eat breakfast or go to the doctor. For many care providers, the need to make services more efficient, less paperwork heavy and more data-driven has always been there.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/3jGjw1z via Alzheimer's Help and Resources
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reborg-blog · 7 years
Exploring the memoize function
*In this article we will explore some concrete examples of the many uses and intricacies of the memoize function from the Clojure standard library. If you enjoy this article, you might very well enjoy the Clojure Standard Library book: save 37% off the book with code fccborgatti. *
memoize is a function in the Clojure standard library that adds caching capabilities to another existing function using the invocation arguments as key. When the wrapped function is invoked with the same list of arguments, the result is returned immediately from the cache without any additional computation. The effects of memoize are readily visible if we print any message from the wrapped function:
(defn- f* [a b] (println (format "Cache miss for [%s %s]" a b)) (+ a b)) (def f (memoize f*)) (f 1 2) ;; Cache miss for [1 2] ;; 3 (f 1 2) ;; 3 (f 1 3) ;; Cache miss for [1 3] ;; 4
The first invocation generates the message (the following invocations don’t), confirming that the wrapped function f* is not invoked again. Conventionally, if the wrapped function is not meant to be used directly, the star * character gets added at the end of the name, while the "memoized" version is named without one.
"Memoize" invocation contract
memoize formal specification of the function signature is as follows:
"f" needs to be a function and is mandatory, so (fn? f) should return true. You can still provide memoize with a non-invokable object but the resulting function would be useless and throw an exception.
ClassCastException if "f" is not invokable.
A new function of a variable number of arguments. memoize will eventually delegate the call to the wrapped function, so the number of arguments passed to the generated function needs to be compatible.
memoize works well for non-trivial computations accepting and returning values with a relatively small memory footprint. The following example illustrates this point. The Levenshtein distance (this Wikipedia article contains a good introduction to the Levenshtein Distance algorithm) is a simple metric to measure how different two strings are. Levenshtein distance can be used, for example, to suggest corrections for the most common spelling mistakes. The Levenshtein distance is straightforward to implement, but becomes computationally intensive for longer strings (above 10 characters long). We could use memoize to save us from computing the distance of the same pair of strings over and over again. The input (the strings arguments) and the output (a small integer) are relatively small in size, so we can cache a large amount of them without exhausting memory (assuming the list of words with which the function is invoked is a finite number that we can estimate).
To feed our example we are going to use the dictionary available on Unix systems at "/use/share/dict/words" which is a plain text list of words. If we were asked to implement an auto-correction service, it could work as follows:
The user inputs a misspelled word
The system checks the distance of the word against the words in the dictionary
The results are returned back in order of smaller distance
Although, in our example, we are just implementing the essentials, concentrating mainly the application of memoize, we are also going to pre-compute a dictionary of words starting with the initials of the word, a technique to further speed-up the Levenshtein distance calculation:
(defn levenshtein* [[c1 & rest1 :as str1] ; 1. [c2 & rest2 :as str2]] (let [len1 (count str1) len2 (count str2)] (cond (zero? len1) len2 (zero? len2) len1 :else (min (inc (levenshtein* rest1 str2)) (inc (levenshtein* str1 rest2)) (+ (if (= c1 c2) 0 1) (levenshtein* rest1 rest2)))))) (def levenshtein (memoize levenshtein*)) ; 2. (defn to-words [txt init] ; 3. (->> txt slurp clojure.string/split-lines (filter #(.startsWith % init)) (remove #(> (count %) 8)) doall)) (defn best [misp dict] ; 4. (->> dict (map #(-> [% (levenshtein misp %)])) (sort-by last) (take 3))) (defn dict [init] (to-words "/usr/share/dict/words" init)) (def dict-ac (dict "ac")) ; 5. (time (best "achive" dict-ac)) ;; "Elapsed time: 4671.226198 msecs" ; 6. (["achieve" 1] ["achime" 1] ["active" 1]) (time (best "achive" dict-ac)) ;; "Elapsed time: 0.854094 msecs" ; 7. (["achieve" 1] ["achime" 1] ["active" 1])
The Levenshtein algorithm presented here is a variation of the many available on-line. The important aspect to remember is that it grows roughly as O(n*m) where m and n are the length of the strings, which is O(n^2) in the worst scenario.
This def actually builds the wrapping function through memoize, conveniently called levenshtein without the final * that is reserved for the non-memoized version.
to-words is a helper function to prepare the dictionary filtered by the initial string. to-words is part of the "static" or "learning" phase of the algorithm, since we can prepare words by initial off-line and store them for later use.
The best function is responsible for the application of the levenshtein memoized function to the words in the dictionary. It then sorts the results with sort-by and returns the lowest distances.
The def invocation defines a filtered dictionary starting by "ac" so it doesn't need to be computed multiple times. This also prevents the time function from reporting on the time needed to read and process the file.
The first invocation to search the best matches for the misspelled word returns in almost 5 seconds.
The second invocation returns much faster.
The memoized version of the Levenshtein distance function is storing each new pair of strings as key and the returned distance as the value of an internal map. Each time the function is invoked with the same arguments, the return value is looked up inside the map. Comparing long strings seems to benefit from caching intermediate results and the elapsed confirms the theory.
This example also shows the way the memoized Levenshtein distance is "trained" before actual use. The application could pre-compute the set of dictionaries by initials (similar to the indexing happening inside a database). This technique contributes to the speed-up seen in our Levenshtein implementation, but consider that there are also other algorithms out-performing Levenshtein (See the list of metrics available on Wikipedia).
What's in a name: memoize?
There is a reason why storing arguments and return values is called "memoization" instead of just "caching". Memoization is more specific because it implies two features normally present in functional languages: pure and higher order functions.
Pure functions The wrapped function needs to be referentially transparent. If there was a way for the output to be influenced by factors other than the function arguments, then cached results could be different depending on the context. The cache would then need to be aware of the context and use it as part of the key. Memoization becomes straightforward in functional languages supporting referential transparency.
Higher order functions "Higher order" refers to the property of a function to be treated as a value. As such, the function can be stored, passed to other functions or returned. Not all languages offer higher order functions, although it is now more common to offer this feature. By describing this kind of caching as "memoization" it is implied that a function can be transparently decorated with caching capabilities. "Transparently" in this context means that the original wrapped function remains untouched.
See Also
These are other functions in the Clojure standard library that have a similar or related use to memoize.
lazy-seq creates a "thunk" (wrapper function around a value) that evaluates its content on the first access and return a cached version on following calls. When the thunks are joined together in a sequence they form a lazy sequence. Lazy sequences are comparable to a cache where the order and value of the keys is predetermined. An "evaluate once" semantic on collections could be achieved with lazy-seq. Since all Clojure sequences are lazy, you might already be using a "cached data structure" without knowing it.
atom creates a Clojure Atom, one of the possible Clojure reference types. Atoms are used by memoize to store intermediate results. Use an atom directly if the memoize implementation is too restrictive for the kind of caching you need to implement. You can, for example, look into something different than a Clojure hash-map to store items in the map, like a mutable Java map with soft-references (there are several examples of use of SoftReference for caching in Java. This is a good starting point. Keep in mind that there are already libraries like core.cache to provide common caching strategies if this is what you're looking for.
Memoize Performance and Implementation Details
O(1) steps (function generation)
O(n log n) ** steps (generated function), n number of unique keys**
O(n) ** space (generated function), n number of unique keys**
The main aspect to consider about memoize, is that it stores cached items indefinitely. Constant accumulation of new cached values will eventually exhaust memory. memoize users should pay attention to these facts when designing their solution, more specifically to the prospected distribution of keys in the cache. memoize should not be used in cases of long-running services when the amount of argument permutations is potentially infinite or not easy to predict.
We can gather some statistics about the key distribution with some changes to the original memoize function. The following memoize2 contains additional atoms to collect data cache hits, misses and total number of calls at run-time.
(defn memoize2 [f] (let [mem (atom {}) ; 1. hits (atom 0) miss (atom 0) calls (atom 0)] (fn [& args] (if (identical? :done (first args)) ; 2. (let [count-chars (reduce + (map count (flatten (keys @mem))))] {:calls @calls :hits @hits :misses @miss :count-chars count-chars :bytes (* (int (/ (+ (* count-chars 2) 45) 8)) 8)}) ; 3. (do (swap! calls inc) ; 4. (if-let [e (find @mem args)] (do (swap! hits inc) (val e)) (let [ret (apply f args) (swap! miss inc)] (swap! mem assoc args ret) ret)))))))
Along with the actual cache, additional counters are added to the initial let block.
:done is a sentinel value that can be used to extract statistics during run-time.
This is an estimate of the amount of memory necessary to store the keys given the number of chars footnote:[A good enough formula to estimate the amount of memory necessary to store strings in Java is: http://www.javamex.com/tutorials/memory/string_memory_usage.shtml].
Additional swap! operations are performed to update counters.
By accessing the additional stats at run-time, we can estimate the key-space size or the memory footprint. For example, if we run the previous Levenshtein memoize example replacing memoize with memoize2 we can extract the following results:
(def levenshtein (memoize2 levenshtein*)) (best "achive" dict-ac) (["achieve" 1] ["achime" 1] ["active" 1]) (levenshtein :done) {:calls 400, :hits 0, :misses 400 :count-chars 5168 :bytes 10376} (best "achive" dict-ac) (["achieve" 1] ["achime" 1] ["active" 1]) (levenshtein :done) {:calls 800, :hits 400, :misses 400 :count-chars 5168 :bytes 10376}
As you can see, the first time the best function is invoked it generates 400 misses, while the second time it results in all hits. We can also estimate the memory taken by the strings stored in memory which is around 10Kb.
The second aspect to consider when using memoize is the additional hash-map assoc operation and atom swap! that is added for each new key combination presented as input. The hash-map adds O(n log n) steps to add a new key while the atom could under-perform under heavy thread contention. Depending on the application requirement, memoize could be built on top of a transient data structure to avoid the performance penalty of filling the cache. Another option to consider, when possible, is "warming the cache": while the application is still not serving live traffic, the cache could be populated artificially with the most common keys.
Now that you know some of the ins and outs of using memoize, perhaps you’re more interested in learning more about the Clojure standard library. If so, download the free first chapter of Clojure Standard Library and see thia Slideshare presentation for more details.
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tm360blog-blog · 6 years
OPPO F9 PRO Specifications, Price Leaked Ahead of India Launch
Chinese smartphone maker, OPPO recently announced the company’s latest flagship offering the OPPO Find X in India on July, 12. the company has already shifted it gears and is soon going to announce the Oppo F9 Pro in India. it has already started teasing the device through its social accounts in the country.
As per latest…
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davehodgetts-blog · 5 years
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We’d barely slept the night before. A friend and her daughter missed their flight so they had to re-book an alternative route. Aside from the extra chunk of cash that they needed to shell out for re-booking, the hassle of transferring to another airport and the struggle to get a seat at the busiest time of the busiest day at Cebu South Bus Terminal was a hell of peskiness. I could understand the troubles of the mother trying to secure her child a comfortable journey while keeping all the cumbersome backpacks.
While the first batch arrived early in Oslob, where they would spend their night, they could not rest until Nalie and her daughter arrive from the metro, as I pleaded. They were all gathered only after midnight.
In a parallel time at a different location, I was busy closing my projects for the week while keeping in constant communication with Nalie to guide her. From work, I immediately headed home, packed my stuff for the long weekend trip, and tried to have a power nap before taking the 2:30AM bus to Oslob.
I met the team at their hotel in Oslob around 6:30AM. The other batch from Dumaguete joined us after 30 minutes. We had our breakfast before moving to our first stop, whale shark watching in Barangay Tan-awan. Yes we did, and it was because we were too curious. I will tell you more about it in my future article.
Canyoneering was already part of our plan, but getting to the drop off point from Tan-awan wasn’t fixed yet. We thought of trying our luck with public transport. But later, we realized that it could cause us delays.
We asked around for options. With the help of some accommodating folks from BCD’s Place, we were able to rent a multicab, which was enough to carry the ten of us, for only ₱2,500. By the way, I ask the driver’s contact number but he wasn’t able to provide me one. He’s probably not interested of getting blogged.
Anyway, we met Kuya Ronald’s team, around 11:00AM. He, Cyrus, and one Kuya (sorry, I forgot his name) would be our guides for the canyoneering. We headed to his place to put on our life jackets, helmets, and trekking shoes. These stuff are already included in the package. You can also bring your own trekking sandals or shoes. Finding a suitable and comfortable size may not be easy.
canyoneering. It was cancelled because of the typhoon that struck Visayas days prior my arrival. So, when I got a new schedule, I contacted him again.
After the preparation, we took a habal-habal (extended motorcycle) to the drop off point. No one was allowed to go canyoning without undergoing the safety orientation. We had it at the drop off point.
Canyoneering orientation at the drop off point
Going to the next challenge
Getting ready for the slide
After that awesome jump, we carefully followed the current downstream. We climbed on a slippery rock, managed to get to the higher portion, and then slid. Again, that was awesome! Watch the video below.
Our guide was waiting for us below to teach us on how to counter the current. The waterfall beside the slide could imperil us if we would not execute the escape tactic properly. The undercut of the opposing rock was menacing. It was rainy season by the way, so the river current and waterfall plunges were double in strength.
The amazing canyon
Seems that the guys are worried
There was an area where our guides had to set up ropes for us to hold while getting to the steeper section of the cliff; for us to land safely in the water once we jumped. We had inexperienced members in the group, and jumping off a sloping cliff could be very risky. Those who couldn’t push themselves to a perfect projectile might hit the rocks below.
We jumped four waterfalls, climbed challenging boulders, swam across strong currents, trekked on the edge of a cliff, and crawled on a makeshift bridge.
The third Falls of Kawasan
Kuya Ronald allowed us to fix and wash at his humble abode. When everybody was ready, we boarded the multicab that brought us in Matutinao to bring us to Liloan Port in Santander. We went to Dumaguete afterwards where the continuation of our adventure was waiting.
Kuya Ronald Diluvio Contact Number: +63 905 968 2225 | +63 916 988 7319 Package Fee: ₱1,500/pax Package inclusions: Life vest, helmet, guide, environmental fees, habal-habal ride to the drop off point, dry bag, trekking shoes (if you forgot to bring one), drinking water, and a set meal
04:00AM   Leave Cebu City. Take a Bato-bound bus with via Barili Route at Cebu South Terminal
07:00AM   Arrival in Matutinao, meet up with your guide, and breakfast. Note that breakfast is not included in the package.
08:30AM   Proceed to Canlaob to start with Canyoneering
12:30PM    Finish Canyoneering and lunch at Kawasan Falls
02:00PM   Enjoy rafting at Kawasan Falls.
04:00PM   Take a Bus back to Cebu City.
There is a decent cellphone signal in the village.
Accommodation are available at Kawasan if you plan to stay overnight. Fan room rentals start at ₱900/night.
Before you do the canyoneering, make sure that you are fully hydrated – there is higher risk to cramps when you spend more time in the canyon.
Follow your guides instructions at all times. They know exactly how to get you to safety. Remember, overconfidence could cause you harm.
The post Cebu Canyoneering and Kawasan Falls Travel Guide: Beyond the Canyons and Waterfalls appeared first on Freedom Wall.
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davehodgetts-blog · 5 years
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As a home to pristine beachfronts, awesome rock formations, and scenic countryside, Pagudpud awes every travelers, first timers or not. The inviting Saud Beach and Blue Lagoon are more than enough to entice you to visit. Likewise, the Kapurpurawan rock formations, the Kabigan Falls, the wind farm in Bangui, and the secrets of past of the neighboring towns are equally intriguing – you will surely find your way to the northernmost municipality of Luzon island.
Paoay Church or with the antiques displayed at Malacañang of the North. You must not skip sand surfing at the Sand Dunes or view the other angles of the martial law years at Marcos Museum and Mausoleum.
Blue Lagoon, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte
Now, when you are planning to experience Pagudpud, here’s a travel guide for you. The contents of this article are divided into the following sections:
things to do in the municipality.
The enchanting Kapurpurawan Rock Formations
Plan your travels ahead and cross out the items in the list below on your Pagudpud visit.
Blue Lagoon (Maira-ira Beach) and Hannah’s Zip line—The blue lagoon is more of a cove or bay than a lagoon. It is a host to a long strip of white shoreline named Maira-ira beach. Hovering it is the 1.2-kilometer Hannah’s zip line, famed to be the world’s longest in the “over water” category.
Patapat Viaduct—Patapat Viaduct bridges the highway that connects the provinces of the North. Patapat stands 31 meters and is 1.3 kilometers long. It is an architectural prowess built on a rocky beach.
Saud Beach—Saud beach is popular for its long strip of powdery, white-sand beach and calm and squeaky-clean water fronting it. Yes, Saud Beach is one of the most stunning shorelines in Luzon. Open up your beach umbrella, lay on your tanning bed (sunbed), take a glass of piña colada, and forget about everything else – then your Saud beach experience will be all about relaxation and happiness.
Kapurpurawan Rock Formation—The postcard-perfect Kapurpurawan Rock Formation is the most-photographed spot in Pagudpud. These rocks had been chiseled naturally by strong tidal forces. This monumental calcium carbonate figure glows white under a strong sunlight and turns ivory in a gloomy day. Whatever the weather is, Kapurpurawan will always be a perfect backdrop of your selfies and groupies.
Bangui Windmills—At first, this is just a noble government project. There’s no greener than harvesting wind energy and eventually turning it to electricity. Truly noble, truly renewable. However, the proponents of this project never expected that this wind farm would turn into a major tourist attraction. I know, you also wanted a photo beside these gigantic electricity-generating fans.
Cape Bojeador Lighthouse—Built in 1887 by Martin Pers, the Cape Bojeador Lighthouse stands 20 meters. The octagonal main tower is made of stones and bricks and is topped with bronze dome or copula. It also has a viewing gallery that is surrounded with decorative iron grill railings.
Kabigan Falls—A 1.8 kilometer trek may disappoint some but if you are persistent to see the waterfalls, I assure you that it has more to offer than the photos. You will forget all the efforts once you take a dip to its cold and indulging waters beneath.
Bantay Abot Cave and Timmangtang Rocks—Bantay Abot Cave is not a cave but an opening created by two leaning rocks or hills. The hole was formed from an earthquake that happened decades ago. Just few meters from Bantay Abot is Timmangtang Rock which you may find intriguing and mysterious.
Dos Hermanos Islands—The twin islands of Dos Hermanos protrude from the shallow sea at the end of the Maira-ira beach. Having a photo with them as your backdrop is worth a page on your memory books.
Paoay and Batac—You may include in your things to do the must-visit places in the municipalities south of Laoag. In Paoay, you can go sand surfing; pay a visit to San Agustin Church, a word heritage site; or explore within the corners of Malacañang of the North. You can also get a glimpse of history at Marcos Museum and Mausoleum in the municipality of Batac.
Pagudpud Tour Cycle.
The stunning Kabigan falls
The Pagudpud Tour Cycle costs ₱600 per tour and this is good for 3 persons for one whole day of awesome experience. It is divided into two major tour routes and the stops are as follows:
Pagudpud Tour Cycle – Northbound Tour
Kabigan Falls
Patapat Viaduct
Agua Grande
Patapat Viaduct
Paraiso ni Anton
Timmangtang Rock
Bantay Abot Cave
Blue Lagoon
Dos Hermanos Islands
Pagudpud Tour Cycle – Southbound Tour
Bangui Windmills
Bangui View Deck
Cape Bojeador Lighthouse
If you want to go to Kapurpurawan Rock Formations, you can ask your southbound tour cycle guide/driver to bring you there but this w should be compensated with an extra cost. You may add ₱100 to ₱200 to the standard ₱600 tour fee.
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A resort near the strip of white beach would be a perfect place to stay in Pagudpud. If you have no plans to frolic around the town, then a staycation near the shore would be the best choice. Nothing beats the sojourn bliss of having your own beachfront sunbed under the shade of palm trees complimented with a glass of your favorite cocktail.
Saud Beach, Pagudpud
Here are the recommended resorts and hotels in Pagudpud:
Near Blue Lagoon
Casa Consuelo Resort – Island reef – Stay in a relaxing and elegant beachfront casas of Casa Consuelo. Their accommodations are built from native materials but of modern interiors and designs, a pretty sophisticated contrast. If you are looking for a quiet yet noteworthy stay, then Casa Consuelo Resort would be best for you. Address: P. Paterno St., Sitio Baniaran, Balaoi, Pagudpud
Hannah’s Beach Resort and Convention Center – Location-wise, Hannah is quite a perfect choice. Fronting it is the Blue Lagoon at the stunning Maira-ira Beach. It also offers a ride to world’s longest zip line over water at 1.2 kilometers.
Dos Hermanos Island Emprise Beach House – At the farther end of Blue Lagoon it seats, offering you a noteworthy stay. Fronting the resort is the famed Dos Hermanos Islands and is pretty close to the stunning Maira-ira Beach. A room for 4 starts at ₱3,000. However, you can find competitive rates at Agoda when you book in advance during off-peak season. Address: Sitio Baniaran, Balaoi, Pagudpud
Near Saud Beach
Palm Grove Saud Holiday Complex Hotel – Just few meters from Saud Beach, Palm Grove is a good choice for group or family travelers on a tight budget. Address: Sitio Jupiter, Barangay Saud, Pagudpud
Terra Rikka Beach & Dive Resort – The resort is designed for both business and leisure. Terra Rikka stands pretty close to Saud beach so beach bumming is just footsteps away. Address: Saud, Pagudpud
Near the Surfing Area
Kingfisher Sand Sea Surf Resort – Located in an area that is a constant target of the north wind, Kingfisher is a resort of choice for surfing enthusiasts. They have ocean view huts and casitas available to answer your discriminating accommodation needs. Room rate starts at ₱2,500. You can also get discounts at Agoda. Address: Sitio Ayoyo, Brgy. Caparispisan, Pagudpud
Villa del Nico Beach Resort – Villa del Nico is bit far from the beach but they have one of the most competitive rates. They also have a nice swimming pool. A room for 4 starts at ₱2,000 per night. Address: Sitio Aprot, Caparispisan, Pagudpud
If you plan to visit Laoag, Paoay, and Batac, you can also book your accommodation in Laoag. Competitive rates and advance bookings are available at Agoda.
Fort Ilocandia Resort Hotel Address: Brgy. 37 Calayab, Laoag City Proper
Laoag Parklane Hotel Address: Barangay 55 Barit – A, General Segundo Avenue, Laoag City Proper
Isabel Suites Address: Brgy. 11, Gen Segundo Ave., Laoag City Proper
Plaza Del Norte and Convention Center Address: 41 Balacad, Laoag City Proper
Pamulinawen Hotel Address: National Highway, Brgy. 22, 2901 San Nicholas (near the airport)
Vigan and its neighboring towns. If you need a list of things to do in Vigan, you can check the article entitled: “Things to do in Vigan, Ilocos Sur“. If you arrive early in Vigan, you immediately check Calle Crisologo. It is more awesome at night. Better yet, book a hotel near the historical street.
Return to Manila
Pagudpud, The Wonder of the North: A Travel Guide appeared first on Freedom Wall.
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alzhelpnow · 4 years
Alzheimer's Association Chicago
Multidisciplinary Clinical Diagnosis Of Alzheimer Disease
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All participants receive regular care related to the trial and opportunities to talk to clinical trial staff. Dementia care is a daunting task, but may not be as challenging as you expect. Having a schedule can reduce the time you spend figuring out what needs to be done and when, and makes you more successful in accomplishing your goals and limiting mistakes. When your memory is in good working order, you can recall most things without always having to write them down or be reminded. In order to participate, physical clearance from a primary care physician within the last year is required. You have the right to expect the services you hire and the products you purchase to help you, not harm you.
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Alzheimer Disease Or Other Related Memory Loss Diseases
Neurodegenerative disease is the group of condition or disease which mainly affect the neurons of the brain. Many teams are named in honor of a loved one who suffers from the disease. Participants complete each one, every day, in four short sessions, and do that for a week. Much of the increase will be in developing countries like Western Europe and North America. When you are thinking hard, your brain may use up to 50 percent of the fuel and oxygen. The diameter of the reactor has been increased by about 12 percent, but little else has changed, Greenwald says.
Diagnosis Of Alzheimer Disease Or Mild Cognitive Impairment
Many people have amyloid plaques in the brain but have no symptoms of cognitive decline or Alzheimer's. Schneider thought the speed of the cognitive and structural brain changes indicate the two may be linked. People who had had symptoms for more than five years, or signs of another neurodegenerative disorder, were excluded. The success of the Alzheimer Association, which now sponsors the largest and most impactful international scientific meetings on the disorder, cannot be overestimated. A clinical report is any variety of clinical analysis together with people, paying very little heed as to if it is Associate in Nursing an intercession. Over the last 40 years, disparities among people with developmental disabilities have been one of the main issues.
Primary Goal Of Attending An International Conference
Clinical trials are part of clinical research and at the heart of all medical advancement. Neurological manifestations may happen because of the contamination itself or because of a safe reaction. To better comprehend the premise behind medication advancement, one should first see how neurons speak with each other. In the current version of Chicago, the 17th version, ibid is accepted but not preferred. Based on the results, the vaccine will continue to be studied in the next level of clinical trials. A greatly little extent under five level of neurodegenerative infections are caused by hereditary changes.
A Research Scientist At The University
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Penn Medicine is committed to improving lives and health through a variety of community-based programs and activities. Penn Medicine is powered by a talented and dedicated workforce of more than 43,900 people. Whether your loved one is still living or has passed on, you can show your appreciation. You will feel energized and rejuvenated to return to the university and continue with the job after attending the conference. You will need time to adjust your lifestyle and to find help when you need it. The course of dependence Dependence may get worse, remain stable, or get better over time.
Full-text Biomedical Journal Articles
Clinical trials are research studies conducted with human volunteers to determine whether treatments are safe and effective. No unexpected impediments or surprises have shown up, and the remaining challenges appear to be manageable. Clinical trials are one of the final stages of a long and careful research and development process. The process often begins in a laboratory, where scientists first develop and test new ideas. There has not been enough scientific research to establish an appropriate dose of superoxide dismutase. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use.
Scientific Research And Development
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All services are designed to help families meet the challenges and opportunities of later years. The most important think really is to be gentle both on yourself and on the person affected directly, trying to see things from their, now increasingly limited perspective. You may already be aware of changes in your ability to complete daily tasks that once came naturally to you.
Self Care In Health Policies And National Healthcare
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Comparison of prevalence of dependence among older people between high income and lower income countries 3 a lower prevalence of chronic diseases that contribute to disability and dependence. Drug development pipelines are full but mostly focus on potentially profitable diseases that mainly affect high-income countries. The instructors are very well trained and responsive to the needs of an older population. With an increasing older adult population and people with disabilities living longer, the need for caregiving is growing. Older adults with dementia are vulnerable when hospitals are unable to meet their special needs.
Increasing Blood And Oxygen Flow In The Brain
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Previous research has suggested a link between type 2 diabetes and an increased risk of dementia. The test must now be studied on many more people to make sure it is as accurate as it appears. The risk of developing AD rises after age 65, and rises sharply after age 75. Animal models are important for research, particularly in testing some of the potential therapeutic approaches. The researchers have dubbed the recombinant seed competent and inert monomers Ms and Mi, respectively.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/3nF76tN via Alzheimer's Help and Resources
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alzhelpnow · 4 years
Dementia Care Plan
The Main Focus Of A Nursing Care Plan
Services in a nursing home include various levels of nursing care as well as physical therapy in some facilities. The main focus of a nursing care plan is to facilitate standardised, evidence-based and holistic care. The most important part of the care plan is the content, as that is the foundation on which you will base your care. A nursing care plan provides direction on the type of nursing care the individual/family/community may need. The key to a successful dementia care plan is to focus not only upon effectively managing the immediate symptoms of the condition, but also build the plan around the individual themselves. Under certain circumstances, assisted living facilities may provide skilled nursing care, dementia care, respite care or hospice services.
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Skilled Nursing Care In A Nursing Home
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Skilled nursing care in a nursing home is the most expensive of all options and the one that offers the most medical support. The nursing process was used to standardize and define the concept of nursing care, hoping that it would help to earn professional status. The mission is to provide appropriate, safe, and cost-effective care throughout the course of the disease. In a memory-care residence, the number will be close to 100%, while in a nursing home it will be much less. Over the long and unpredictable course of most dementias, care is often provided in a variety of settings, from home to hospice. Having a signed will in place soon after diagnosis, if one is not already present, is vital.
Home Care Of Your Loved Ones
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Home care aides are able to assist in patient care under the direction of a registered nurse. Couples who choose to move into a care home are likely to have different care needs. Home care offers one-to-one, personalised care in which a carer can provide you assistance at every opportunity. With the care and support of a live-in carer, you can both continue to live life your way with the reassurance that you are getting the very best one-to-one care that meets both your needs, around the clock. The award-winning Good Care Group specialises in helping people with dementia to live happy and fulfilled lives in their own home by offering fully personalised care and support. With end-of-life care the emphasis changes to ensure you are able to end your days as you wish whilst receiving sensitive and dignified personal care and much-needed emotional support, in the place you want avoiding unnecessary hospital admission.
The Care Plans Given In Nursing School
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One of the advantages of becoming a registered nurse is that there is a wide variety of settings you can choose to work from. Working with the victims of trauma can be emotionally draining and anyone who is preparing to become a forensic nurse, besides being compassionate, should be resilient and emotionally stable. The test is incredibly brief, only taking about three minutes, and easy to administer at home. Dementia patients may no longer be able to walk, sit up, or hold their head up. Between trying to administer medications, documenting, performing skills, and admitting and discharging patients, you can feel as though you cannot come up for air. In the United States, there were over five million patients in 2015, and new patients develop the disease every sixty-seven seconds.
Assisted Living Care
People who can no longer live independently move to the assisted living facility or sometimes receive home care in their independent living unit. When you are selling your home, you need to choose the right realtor, of course. Assisted living is for people who need help with daily care, but not as much help as a nursing home provides. Compared to the flat rate you pay when you move into a care home, the cost of moving into a retirement home is not nearly as prohibitive as it might look on the surface. Living in a residential care home is often half the cost of nursing home care, and in some states, it is even more affordable than assisted living care. When searching for an assisted living facility or a memory care unit, it is important that one thoroughly researches options.
Nursing Homes And Memory Care
Adult day care centers can provide care and companionship for older adults who need help and supervision during the day. As for as your loved one goes, one of the chief benefits of adult day care is that it will allow them to participate in stimulating activities and stretch their wings. To get Medicaid coverage, though, you must need help with the activities of daily living. Each policy is different, so one will need to determine if their specific policy will indeed pay relatives for providing care. One of the key parameters of getting Medicare coverage on in-home care is that health care needs to be skilled care. Although Medicare is designed to be as affordable as possible, there are financial aid options if you are in need.
Staff Working With Older People In Care Homes
Suggested priorities include quality improvement and research funding to establish effective strategies to achieve them. An inductive approach was used to develop the outcomes based on current practice and research. Current practice has no empirically based guidelines but anecdotally, clinical experience suggests that seating is suboptimal and may lead to poor outcomes. The Diploma of Dementia Care is a fully online, eight-unit program, specifically focused on dementia. The need to better understand implementing evidence-informed dementia care has been recognised in multiple priority-setting partnerships. The Israel National Dementia Plan has engaged major stakeholders, and has generated effective partnerships projects.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/3lxKg5p via Alzheimer's Help and Resources
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alzhelpnow · 4 years
Difference Between Dementia And Alzheimer's
Mental Wellbeing Of Older People In Care Homes
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Trained staff refers to staff who have been trained to recognise and record the symptoms and signs of physical problems when caring for older people. Staff should be continually alert to new physical problems and should monitor existing physical problems. Recognition of an infection is critically important because some infections, detected early enough, can be halted or even reversed. Staff should be alert to the presentation of new symptoms and signs and aware of existing conditions. Many people living with dementia in Europe are still not diagnosed, and often the diagnosis comes too late. Although often confused, dementia and schizophrenia are two distinct illnesses, with different causes and symptoms.
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Symptoms Based On The Underlying Disease
Symptoms of vascular dementia vary depending on what part of the brain is affected and the cause of the vascular dementia. Vascular dementia and Alzheimer disease are the most common causes of dementia, and may occur together. Signs and symptoms can vary depending on the type of dementia a person has, as well as the area of the brain the dementia is affecting. Different symptoms are associated with each type of dementia and many symptoms overlap, making the exact type of dementia difficult to diagnose. Strokes often cause physical symptoms, depending upon what part of the brain is affected, but mini-strokes may happen without obvious external symptoms. Damage can occur many years before the first symptoms appear, and once the disease is set in motion, it is impossible to treat, although some of the symptoms can usually be allayed, at least for a time.
The Demands Of Home Care For Seniors
Most of the support provided to older adults and persons with disabilities is provided by unpaid family caregivers and friends. Depending on the outcome, your loved one may receive complete, partial or no social services funding. Patients with moderate and advanced dementia cannot adequately care for themselves and usually require around-the-clock care. Live-in care is the new standard in elderly support, and a safer, affordable alternative to the care home. You lose the ability to speak altogether, and after a few years, your brain is totally destroyed, so that you cannot even take care of basic needs such as swallowing. Alvita Care pays particular attention to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of both your loved one and the extended family.
The Difference Between Alzheimer And Dementia Cases
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Imaging of the brain and various laboratory tests may be done to diagnosis the type of dementia a person has. You'll need as many specifics as possible to participate in clinical trials, including exactly which type of dementia is present. Behavior begins to alter, problems with sleeping occur, getting lost or wandering, and increased aggression are just a few of the dementia symptoms one may face. Taking breaks and prioritising your own self-care is not selfish, and it is certainly not something that should make you feel guilty. A person with severe dementia may show poor judgment and behave inappropriately, even in public places. Traumatic brain injury injures your brain even if you do not lose consciousness and your symptoms clear up quickly.
The Senior Living Industry
Active screening of residents and health care personnel for fever and respiratory symptoms is being implemented. When a senior has always been independent, active, and healthy, it can be easy to overlook the hints that could suggest a decline in abilities. Even when you do not live nearby, you can be actively involved and take on meaningful roles. Even if there is no medical staff, your senior will benefit from receiving prepared meals and housekeeping. Person-centered care is all about the person living with the disease, and not the disease itself. You should expect to learn about how the community is striving to meet the social, emotional, physical, and mental needs of their residents year-round.
Multiple Books And Research Publications
Dementia Australia is made up of passionate staff and volunteers who work together united in a single cause. The cause of LBD is not clear, so there is no known method of prevention. The person with LBD who receives even a small dose of an antipsychotic medication can become profoundly stiff, sedated, and more confused and agitated. Depending on the underlying cause of dementia, there may be symptoms related to the physical causes. Goals for research continue to be aimed at identifying causes of dementia, as well as possible actions to avoid dementia, and eventually find a cure. As mixed dementia cannot be cured or slowed, risk reduction is currently one of the most important areas of dementia research.
The Side Effects Associated With Prescription Drugs
A number of basic socioeconomic variables are known to influence measures of cognitive and functional ability and to be associated with the risk of AD. One of the best features of AI, especially when used for science, is that it is fast and efficient. Both genetic and environmental variables are believed to play a role, including early life exposure to lead. Relatively quick and inexpensive, the case-control design is a standard epidemiologic approach used to identify potential risk factors and to determine whether more extensive studies are warranted. The Checklist should be taken when the long-term implications for your health become more apparent.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/34fpXma via Alzheimer's Help and Resources
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alzhelpnow · 4 years
Mild Cognitive Impairment
Memory Loss And Other Mild Cognitive Impairment Symptoms
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Four studies on hearing impairment with mild cognitive impairment and 7 studies on hearing impairment with dementia were included in the meta-analysis. Although there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against screening for cognitive impairment, there may be important reasons to identify cognitive impairment early. The diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia is based mainly on the history and cognitive examination. In the presence of cognitive impairment, clinicians need to distinguish between a diagnosis of MCI and one of dementia, although the boundary is not always clear. The prognosis for mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia is an important motivation for diagnosis because in both, there is a heightened risk for further cognitive decline. People living with mild cognitive impairment may either revert to normal, remain stable or progress to dementia.
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Memory Problems Or Other Mental Functions
Analyses for dementia only were performed as well because dementia is a more robust outcome than MCI. When your loved one does not act the way you want or are used to, it can be frustrating, upsetting, and confusing. In the periods between attacks the prescribed medications include meclozine, phenobarbital, diazepam, dimenhydrinate, promethazine, diphenhydramine, etc. Unlike in the stratified analyses, in the regression analyses, each participant was used only once. Lockdown may be easing, but people living with dementia and their families are still struggling. The visual hallucinations often come back again and again, and typically are of people, children or animals.
Patients Experiencing Mild Cognitive Impairment
Global cerebral blood flow was lower in subjects with mild cognitive impairment compared with cognitively normal. The 18 subjects who developed cognitive impairment had slower finger tapping and took longer to walk 30 feet before or at the time of cognitive impairment. Though persons suffering from mild cognitive impairment are at a greater risk of developing dementia, being affected by mild cognitive impairment does not necessarily mean that it will lead to dementia over time. Brain shrinkage is one of the symptoms of mild cognitive impairment, which often leads to dementia. Although patients with mild cognitive impairment have an increased risk of developing dementia, the condition does not always worsen and growing research aims to determine the underlying mechanisms linking the two. The patients suffering from mild cognitive impairment should be evaluated every 6 months to check the increase or decrease in the cognitive function.
Individuals With Mild Cognitive Impairment
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Repeated measures linear mixed model analyses will be used to determine differences between the cognitive impairment versus no cognitive impairment groups for secondary outcomes. Descriptive statistics will be generated for all relevant primary and secondary outcomes at all time-points. As with any neuroimaging procedure, you will need to lie as still as possible so that the machine can obtain accurate pictures. For secondary outcomes a Linear Mixed Model and Generalized Mixed Model analysis will be used for continuous and categorical variables respectively. Nonamnestic single-domain MCI was diagnosed only if a single domain other than memory was impaired. The most frequently measured domain in PLWD was cognition/memory, which was measured 219 times across the 93 included studies.
Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment
All studies included both female and male participants and 10 studies reported prevalence data stratified by sex. Only studies conducted in the hospital setting, sampling from unselected, elective inpatients older than 64 were considered. In case of mixed settings, studies were excluded if no separate data was presented for outnumbered elective inpatients. Additional studies are needed to allow the clinician to differentiate among the screening instruments assessed in the various studies described above. Although the two concepts may, at times, be interchangeable, there are some key differences that clearly distinguish one from the other. Building on the differences explored in the previous sections, further distinctive elements are analyzed in the table below.
The Patients Suffering From Mild Cognitive Impairment
Studies evaluating associations between cognitive factors and gait performance in older people with MCI are limited. Among the 3-domain MCI patients, 3MVL-MCI did not show significant cortical thinning, while 3MVF-MCI showed bilateral frontal cortical thinning. A very small number of people, around one in 100, may be able to go through life without any cognitive decline whatsoever. Mark experiences more discomfort than in the past, but can still lead a normal and independent life. Although long-term studies are unavailable, 6-month studies suggest a possible benefit of twice-weekly exercise for cognition in MCI. The 4-domain aMCI patients showed cortical thinning in almost the entire cortex, sparing the primary visual cortex.
The Risk Of Mild Cognitive Impairment And Dementia
An active lifestyle during middle age reduces dementia risk but it remains to be determined if increased activity reduces dementia risk when MCI is already evident. Baseline depression was associated with prevalent mild cognitive impairment and dementia, as well as an increased risk of dementia. The rationale was to target a group who were still relatively able, but who were at high risk of functional deterioration. Between the ages of 65 and 75 women seem to be more at risk for MCI, which may be related to menopause. Depression with mild cognitive impairment may raise dementia risk and accelerate brain aging in the elderly. Survivor bias may have influenced prevalence data for both dementia and cognitive impairment, since individuals who are more vulnerable to cognitive impairment and poor health would be less likely to survive into old age in sub-Saharan Africa.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/36bnSKL via Alzheimer's Help and Resources
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alzhelpnow · 4 years
Hoarding And Dementia
A Woman With Breast Cancer
Cells in the lungs may become cancer cells after going through a series of mutations that transform them into cancer cells. Overview Breast cancer is a type of cancer which is formed in the breast cells. In the United States, lung cancer has surpassed breast cancer as the most fatal cancer in women. The lung cancer is the primary diagnosis, while the metastasis is considered the secondary diagnosis. Resistance gets stronger for senile persons with dementia, who may become confused and more agitated. The average step up is between three and seven inches, although some wheelchair-accessible ones are lower.
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A Team Of Home Care Professionals
Hospice supports both the patients and their families by offering both comfort care and support. When you think of your elderly parents or grandparents, you want to picture them happy, fulfilled, and enjoying life. Unlike adult day care which is restricted to 4-12 hours per day, respite care can extend to overnight care and include 24-hour care. When you become a client of Home Care Assistance, you do not just get matched with a caregiver. The goal of palliative care is to make you comfortable, improve your quality of life and give support to family and friends who are caring for you. The initial and ongoing collaboration of the care team, the resident, and family is key to the quality of care.
Skilled Nursing Care In A Nursing Home
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Skilled nursing care in a nursing home is the most expensive of all options and the one that offers the most medical support. Respite care can occur in any type of care setting such as a nursing home, residential center or at home. When more than respite care is needed, seniors with financial need may get home care subsidies. Respite care is an economical way to provide supervision and personal care for an elderly loved one, preventing the need for permanent long-term care away from the home. Applying tax deductions, while not technically a way to be paid for providing care, is a way to offset the cost of care. Whether you chose to be a caregiver because of home care cost, or simply out love, it is not an easy task.
Compulsive Hoarding Disorder
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Hoarding disorders are characterized by the excessive saving of items ranging from clothing and magazines to boxes and even trash. The hoarded items are often stacked in passages and hallways and often moved to create space for more items. In the United States and Europe, compulsive hoarding is more common than popular culture would suggest. The compulsive hoarding of items coupled with the inability to get rid of them is a typical disorder that is linked to OCD and anxiety. Shame and embarrassment are heavily integrated into hoarding disorder and can lead to feeling overwhelmed and avoiding dealing with the growing hoard. Frost and Hartl proposed the first systematic definition and diagnostic criteria for compulsive hoarding disorder.
Almost All Senior Or Assisted Living Residences
Long-term residents typically stay for the rest of their lives and require constant care and supervision. Many residents choose not to own a car, and the city is certainly navigable without one. For a quieter and more historic getaway, stop by Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach. As the largest city on the West Coast, Los Angeles is filled with arts and cultural opportunities that can be found nowhere else in the world. The city tends to have a short, wet spring and a brief but beautiful fall. The need was met by acquiring previously neglected, historically significant properties which were then totally rehabilitated and reintroduced to continue to serve the community.
Cognitive-behavioral Group Therapy For Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
People with severe hoarding disorder tend to be easily distracted and have a hard time focusing and concentrating. Whether you have just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or are concerned you, or someone you love, might have it, you are probably confused and scared. The Center for Research and Education specializes in developing, testing, implementing and training others to deliver evidence-based programs. Treating the underlying comorbid psychiatric disorder is recommended, and individualized, tailored therapy is suggested based on the overall clinical scenario. People with bipolar sometimes feel like a burden, so let them know you love them and you are there to listen, without judgment. People can live with frontotemporal disorders for up to 10 years, sometimes longer, but it is difficult to predict the time course for an individual patient.
People Seeking Home Care Nurses And Health Aides
Focus on the passion food can evoke in people rather than just the nutritional value of food. Food intake can be enhanced by catering to food preferences as much as possible and by avoiding therapeutic diets unless their clinical value is certain. Mr B simply could not see or hear verbal cues as to when the next mouthful was coming and what food and fluid was being offered. People experiencing socio-economic deprivation are often more isolated than people from more affluent backgrounds, and may feel public services are judgmental rather than supportive towards them due to their circumstances. Adequate access to nutritious and appetizing food should be assured for patients of various cultural backgrounds and in all settings. From help with paying for food to prescriptions to medical care and more, you might be surprised at what is available.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2ROWJoJ via Alzheimer's Help and Resources
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alzhelpnow · 4 years
Vascular Or Multi-infarct Dementia
High Risk For Vascular Dementia
Vascular dementia is caused by a reduced blood supply to the brain due to diseased blood vessels. VaD may be caused by a stroke, in which the blood supply to the brain becomes blocked, resulting in permanent brain damage. An individual having a silent stroke may not even know it is happening, but over time, as more areas of the brain are damaged and more small blood vessels are blocked, the symptoms of MID begin to appear. Surgery and vascular procedures can be used to prevent stroke, treat stroke, or repair damage to the blood vessels or malformations in and around the brain. Vascular dementia may be diagnosed when there is evidence of vascular brain damage and symptoms of dementia, and the evidence suggests a link between the vascular disease and the dementia. Damage may cause a blockage or allow blood to leak into the brain tissues, resulting in insufficient blood reaching the brain cells and causing them to die.
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Disease Directly Contributing To Dementia Symptoms
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Treatment of dementia in a person with a history of traumatic brain injuries varies depending on the type of dementia diagnosed. The precise symptoms vary with the type of dementia, stage of disease, and from person to person. As symptoms of dementia become more severe, especially in the later stages of the disease, sleeping more during both day and nighttime is common. The person with dementia may lose interest in once-pleasurable activities and become more passive, depressed, or anxious. When a person is affected by more than one dementia disorder, the dementia can be referred to as a mixed dementia. The combination of the two types of dementia most commonly occurs in advanced senior years, often indicated by cardiovascular disease and dementia symptoms that get worse slowly over time.
The Conference One
A reduction of CBF and a series of molecular events precede the major ischemic events in vascular cognitive impairment. The symptoms are very individual, in keeping with the pathological process, and can vary day-to-day. Depression frequently coexists with vascular dementia and can contribute to, or worsen, vascular-based cognitive symptoms. Vascular dementia is the second most common cause of dementia, accounting for about 20% of cases6. Depending on the person, and the severity of the stroke or strokes, vascular dementia may come on gradually or suddenly, and can range from mild to severe. The stroke causes parts of the brain to die, which is what leads to dementia.
The Major Ischemic Events In Vascular Cognitive Impairment
A cognitively impaired patient with vascular risks factors but no history of cerebrovascular disease is most likely to have Alzheimer disease. When the disease is diagnosed, nothing can be done about the damage that has occurred. Once brain cells die or cease to function properly there is no way to replace them. An unfortunate consequence of aging, even if the brain remains relatively healthy, is that sleep becomes harder. From a methodological perspective, animal experiments should be standardly and appropriately designed and transparently reported. Dementias caused by abnormalities in the structure of the brain are not preventable as of 2002.
The Optimal Dose Ratio And Dosage Regimen
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Suitable excipients which result in improved pharmacokinetic profiles of SAMe are preferably included in non-parenteral formulations of the invention. In some exemplary embodiments, the improved pharmacokinetic SAMe may be divided into two or more daily doses. In additional exemplary embodiments, the effective dose is administered on a once a day basis. In preferred embodiments, dosages up to 48 mg/day orally or 54 mg/day transdermally are preferably used.
Vascular Dementia Secondary To Small Vessel Disease
All the parameters of cerebral atrophy studied showed a statistically significant correlation with the presence of dementia. The patient groups were dichotomised as VaD or mixed dementia compared to AD or other diagnoses. The usual mechanism is thought to be leakage from small intracerebral arteries damaged by chronic hypertension. Cortical infarctions were defined as the presence of large cortical-subcortical infarctions resulting from the occlusion of large cerebral arteries.
Multi Infarct Dementia Multiple Microinfarcts
Decreases in life expectancy are associated with multi-infarct dementia in around half of all male patients. The prognosis of multi-infarct dementia is generally poor and the 5-year survival rate is very less compared to other dementia. The onset of multi-infarct dementia often goes unnoticed in the early stages, particularly if the strokes are minor. Vascular dementia is subclassified into vascular dementia of acute onset, multi-infarct dementia, subcortical vascular dementia, and mixed or unspecified types.
The Correct Coding Of Dementia
People with vascular dementia and their caregivers should talk with their healthcare providers about when to call them. Vascular dementia and Alzheimer disease are the most common causes of dementia, and may occur together. After the assessment, the consultant will draw together all the results and determine what is happening. The consultant will conduct a full assessment to try to establish the cause of the symptoms.
A Diagnosis Of Major Or Mild Vascular NCD
Certain conditions have both an underlying etiology and multiple body system manifestations due to the underlying etiology. Epidemiology Ariboflavinosis has been seen in both developed and developing countries, and across the socioeconomic spectrum. A new diagnosis of MCI for yourself or a loved one can be difficult to accept. In the next few posts, well take a look at a few of them, along with Alzheimers Disease, which is a distinct neurological diagnosis from dementias.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/3kfEDZd via Alzheimer's Help and Resources
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alzhelpnow · 4 years
Animal Models Of Alzheimer Disease
A Central But Controversial Issue
A disease characterized by a progressive decline in the structure and function of brain tissue. At Autumn Leaves of Fossil Creek, you can feel confident that your loved one will receive unparalleled, compassionate care. People with the disorder may become confused, suspicious, agitated, depressed, fearful, anxious, withdrawn, or angry. Not allow for the collection of any epidemiological data and are not representative of the general population. You should consider whether your family wants to know all of the information available, so be thoughtful about sharing it. The effects could be very specific to a certain function, or it may be a general dementia that results.
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Brain Inflammation And Disease Progression
One of the benefits of being more focused on own thoughts is the improved creativity. The Neuropathology Core arranges and performs autopsies on clinically well-characterized participants who agreed to autopsy. Participants must be between sixty and seventy-nine years old and have a close relative with memory impairment. About 30 million people are estimated to develop the disease in the next 30 years and the financial as well as social burden will be of immense size. Because the disease tends to progress stealthily with very subtle signs at first, many scientists are focused on finding ways to identify the disease in its earliest stages. One in eight Americans will develop the disease at some point, while more than six million are affected in Europe.
First Disease Symptoms
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Total support around the clock is needed for all functions of daily living and care. For a very long time, little was understood about the brain, and even less was known about the conditions that interfere with its ability to function properly. Patients slowly lose the ability to recognize their loved ones, their surroundings, and how to communicate. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks. Problems carrying out sequential tasks, including cooking, driving, ordering food at restaurants, and shopping are common. Many of the residents were quite restless, and there was nowhere else to go, so people did walk by fairly often.
Academic Journal Publishers
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Dementia was required to be present for at least six months of follow-up before the diagnosis was confirmed. Potential anti-inflammatory, anti-adhesive, anti/estrogenic, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activities of anthocyanins and their gut metabolites. In the midst of a crisis, big or small, you may find yourself feeling afraid of what is next because things seem uncertain. Both may have a negative impact on health and would not necessarily better the creativity. Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses are being applied to compare 5xFAD and non-transgenic mice across the lifespan. An application does not need to be strong in all categories to be judged likely to have major scientific impact.
Journal Alerts And Information
Indiana University School of Medicine is comprised of 25 academic departments that cover basic science and clinical science areas of medicine. The extent of retrograde amnesia can be relatively short and encompass only one or two years, or it can be more extensive and cover decades. Although the field of iPSCs has developed rapidly in the past several years, the field remains relatively young and holds many questions to be answered. The severity and extent of retrograde amnesia is determined by the locus and extent of damage. One can learn how to ride a bicycle but be unable to describe what has been learned, at least not in the same sense that one might recall riding a bicycle on a particular day with a friend. You will not be able to change your text after it has been converted to outlines.
Mice Overproducing Both Mouse And Human Peptides
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A handful of human studies have linked poor sleep with greater measures of beta-amyloid in neuronal tissue. Two more obstacles will need to be overcome when dealing with both hiPSCs and hESCs. One of the most important aspects of hiPSC technology is modeling human diseases using patient-derived hiPSCs. Because the heterologous promoters chosen are typically strong, the transgenic protein is often expressed at levels higher than would be present physiologically. Congophilic dense-core plaques are abundant, with lower levels of diffuse plaques and some cerebral amyloid angiopathy. NrCAM levels were comparable in all groups, but correlated positively with total tau and phosphorylated tau levels.
Neuronal Connections And Brain Cell Function
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Individuals at risk for AD have sleep challenges throughout their lives and have reduced melatonin signaling systems in their brain. None have successfully replicated the complex microenvironment of the human brain or the precise pathophysiological conditions of AD. The physiological and biochemical changes observed in AD point to a brain that is struggling to maintain its viability. A sedentary lifestyle reduces cerebrospinal fluid flow and can lead to increased oxidative stress in the brain.
Animal Model Research On Novel Therapeutics
Monitoring of data integrity and patient safety are required aspects of NIH and NINDS trials. Much of the data on Lando suggests a significant role in neuro-inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Both extensive human and animal testing is required by law before a drug can be approved.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/34iitkd via Alzheimer's Help and Resources
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