#02b || εγλ 1991/1999 [canon verse: soldier / before crisis core]
ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
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"I apologize for the interruption. I'm Sephiroth, one of Hojo's SOLDIERs." He introduces himself with a mechanical bow of his head. "I am in detention for breaking the rules. I was ordered to assist you in any way necessary for the next four hours."
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ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
@soldier-lodbrok || Continued from here~
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"I'm not jealous. Or hairless." A lie could be better hidden if accompanied by at least a factually correct statement; would that Sephiroth's eyes did a better job at playing along, instead of pointing right down at some rock on the ground that suddenly seemed so very interesting to stare at.
"But I never heard of a ritual. What's magic got to do with basic human biology?" He countered that low blow with his own flare of scientific pragmatism. Clearly, a mannerism borrowed by someone whose influence Sephiroth would die denying if necessary. "If you meant to say there's a 'test' involved, on the other hand, bring it on. I can take on anything."
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 months
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In a scenario in which Vincent comes out of the dead people box to find FS-age Sephiroth and whisk him away from ShinRa, I imagine the boy would have some difficulties fully adapting to having a father figure. He wouldn't really know what to do with that aspect.
Over time I think he'd become accepting of Vincent as his father, and even introduce him as such to others. But the chances he'll ever actually call him "Dad" are slim. For my portrayal, I find "Sir" a much more likely way the boy would have to address him.
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ghostofnibelheim · 5 months
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"Whether ShinRa has the best for the Planet in mind or not, that is not our call to make."
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"It is not my call."
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"It is not your call. It is not your mother's call-"
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"-- You should call your mother, though."
Oops. Found his edge and lost it again.
SOLDIER growth pains.
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
@poeticphoenix || Continued from here!
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Genesis had had to change his clothes after working up a sweat in the virtual training room, a way to keep his skills sharp in between missions. He was partway through getting dressed in his other uniform when the only announcement he got that someone else had entered the changing room was Sephiroth speaking his name.
He let out a soft sigh, finishing buttoning up his pants before he turned to face the man, resting his hands on his hips. He still hadn't put any form of shirt on. "Sephiroth... with that look, I almost wonder if you've ever seen someone getting dressed before." Not that he had any particular shame in someone near and dear to him seeing him in a state of undress, but still... "Even so, you should get better at knocking before entering." He had been raised in a world of etiquette and manners.
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"... You've mentioned that before." No apology offered, no excuse provided. Not even an attempt of denial when Genesis' metaphorical finger pointed on one of his known faults. Sheltered and spoiled as the trophy figure as he was atop the massive display case that was ShinRa's SOLDIER's recruitment propaganda, Sephiroth was neither proud nor ashamed by the arrogance he'd developed. It was a mere part of his personality in the same vein as breathing was part of living.
Instead, he cast the matter aside to get straight to the point of his visit.
"I was looking for you. There is something I need you to do. Come with me."
And with that he immediately turned to head out, just as used in not being denied as he was used to give orders. Indeed, having peers of equal rank was a concept that the young man still treated with a strange degree of indifference. Even if to anyone who'd ask, he'd without hesitation call Genesis a friend. Had he and Angeal gotten used to all of his "quirks" yet?
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
"That's dirty" ~Reno
That's Dirty! || Always Accepting
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"I want you."
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
"That's dirty~"
That's Dirty! || Always Accepting
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"Do you accept sexual favors?"
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
“It’s been a long day… let’s take a bath together.” (Genesis)
Fluff Starters || Always Accepting!
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The suggestion had Sephiroth turn his head away from the cave’s entrance for the first time. Even with years of experience in the battlefield of Wutai, lowering his guard was something that did not come natural to him. Prepared to unleash his sword at all times; that was key to survive in these lands.
How come then that in this kind of environment, a completely opposite way of thinking could be fostered? The young SOLDIER had to ponder that whenever his eyes laid on Genesis Rhapsodos.
Compared to his own rigid and cold persona, the young man of Banora behaved like a flame. Seemingly dancing his way around the chaos of war, burning and scorching when necessary, and still radiating an odd warmth even in moments of calm, when the winds of battle quieted down.
Perhaps now was such a time; outside of their improvised shelter, the night had fallen over the mountains. Distant specs of light in the heavens didn’t grant enough visibility for travel; not for them, nor their enemies, hopefully. But to be hopeful did not mean one could be foolish.
At the same time... being holed up a cave with natural hotsprings bubbling peacefully and rising inviting steam did justify the temptation to a degree. Neither of them had had the chance of washing up properly in weeks; Sephiroth didn’t need to look in a mirror to sense the grime mixed with dry blood and dirty that patched his skin all over.
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Together, though?
“Don’t tell me you are concerned with drowning, now. Those waters can’t be deep.”
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
He was seated at his desk, oh, dearest Sephiroth; his back to the man leaning so very casually against the door frame. An important mission report, Roche figured, perhaps some extensive research into his latest obsession.
Not that it mattered, and not that the Third would mind his manners and offer the silver SOLDIER a moment of privacy. That simply wasn't his style~
The approach was swift from the rear, lips zoning in to that sensitive spot right between the neck and the harsh round of the man's shoulder while exploratory hands would cross over Sephiroth's broad frame, and slipped beneath the open and ever inviting leather of his jacket.
"Oh, how I adore your expression of faultless concentration~" a vibrant purr which rumbled against that soft warm skin followed with a nip of blunt eager teeth.
"Though you seem... tense, hm?" and with that does Roche allow a single hand to stroke along the hard valley of his fellow swordsman's abdomen, sinking ever lower and over the slick cloth shielding that insatiable heat he knew this man hid between his thighs. A light teasing squeeze if only to offer his forbidden a fruit a taste.
"I can help with that~"
Sexual Sunday! || Always Accepting!
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Tense, he said.
More like absolutely stiff!
And to make it worse, Roche definitely knew what he was doing here. More than could be said for Sephiroth, SOLDIER First Class sitting at his chair with a blood pressure skyrocketing with each tentalizing prod of his fingers, teeth, and anything in-between.
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“If you choose to play with fire, at least have the decency to do so with your bare hands.” He admonished him, keeping his head facing the paperwork on his desk. Feeling the blood rise to the face, and wanting anything but to grant the Third with the pleasure to see faint traces of fluster on his otherwise stoic features. “You are staining me with motor grease.”
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ghostofnibelheim · 5 months
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"In the autumn of 1883, and for years afterwards, occurred brilliant-coloured sunsets, such as had never been seen before within the memory of all observers. Also, there were blue moons, and the sun looked green."
He looks up from the book he's been reading. Tucked in a corner at the far end of the bench, one could almost miss his presence were Sephiroth's presence so naturally striking.
"And now it's happening again. Can you guess what the cause for this phenomenon might have been back then?"
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ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
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"Today's simulated scenario puts you in the position of a cavalry vidette with a field glass. From the starting point, you can spy a whole army with supports to the east. A solitary chocobo rider dragging ammunition to the north. And lastly, a dummy to the west, set to paralyze the efforts of a corps. There is sufficient energy and time remaining in your comms' battery to report only one of these findings, however."
Arms crossed, the young SOLDIER finally looks up with a focused frown.
"What would you choose to do?"
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ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
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"I didn't think we'd find one here." Sephiroth has come to a stop on their walk to pick up something from the street. He'd seen it come down from the dirt city sky, carried by the wind.
Thin and of a pale green, it sat perfectly in the size of the boy's palm.
"It's a Chocobo Leaf." He explains, looking up at Clive Stanleyson. "If you know how to use it, you can replicate the sounds of all the different chocobos on the Planet with it. It all depends on how you rest it on the mouth."
Holding it gently at the middle of his lips, he closes his eyes and blows. A long, high-pitched whistle temporarily competes against the noise of nearby traffic.
"That should be a River Chocobo's."
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ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
Sephiroth do you have a bucket list of things you want to do if you get fired?
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Until recently, this kind of question would have been brushed off so quickly. Sephiroth, fired from ShinRa? It didn't sound plausible. There was nothing outside of serving the company that the boy knew.
For this reason, he had never contemplated that possibility. But now, due to... certain developments... it was a thought that crossed his mind if only as wishful thinking. A fantasy that no doubt would be choked and extinguished like a flame beneath the heel of R&D leather shoes.
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"Do people really make wishlists like this for something like that?" He was under the impression that getting fired was something bad and that should be avoided. He'd definitely noticed upset on the faces of Hojo's assistants when the man's patience ran thin. But then again, not being SOLDIER would mean...
To be free to do as he wanted. But what was it that Sephiroth wanted? A normal life was easy to say, but impossible to imagine or even describe in less generic detail. Maybe he didn't even really know what that meant. Better find other answers.
"... There's a lot of books from Professor Gast I have yet to read. I'd like to complete my collection of his bibliography." It was the first thing that came to mind. Sephiroth had picked up reading as a pastime in the ShinRa facilities; all of his books were carefully cherry-picked by his guardians, but it was how he'd come to know the name of Hojo's predecessor. His admiration of him ran deep.
"Maybe I could be a biologist like him. I know that requires a lot of studying, but I don't mind that."
And on the crest of that thought, another thing came to mind. Like little links on a chain, his wants were coming to the surface more clearly now.
"I'd like to own a tree, and build a tree house on top of it." Was he getting too old to live in a tree house? What place grew the biggest and strongest trees?
"I would like to travel... and find out where I am from. If I have a hometown somewhere, and relatives." He knew who to blame for this particular wish now. The thought of siblings, aunts and grandparents had never occurred to him until a certain passive model hadn't put the bug in his ear.
What else? Perhaps one more thing, the most childish of all.
"And... I want to swear in front of someone."
Because he had absolutely already tried it by himself. In secret. Just to hear his own voice say it. But nobody needed to know this.
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ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
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"They could have escaped from the south gate and destroyed the bridge to stop our chase." He says with a detached tone while one hand wipes at an itchy spot on his face. The leather of his glove becomes smeared with dark, sticky filth. Ash? Burnt skin? Maybe a bit of both. He's long since learned that pain can take a while to register in his mind while on the battlefield.
"Instead, they chose to stay and defend the town. They knew we were coming. They saw our numbers. Yet, they stayed. The outcome was already clear... I don't understand why."
A single man can make a mistake in judgment. And maybe a couple people can be fooled and agree to an erroneous strategy. But a whole town of them?
What pushed these people into this senseless suicide? He'd never read of nor seen this behavior before. Sephiroth did not understand. And that was frustrating. When people became unpredictable, he sensed the vulnerability of doubt. It left room for error.
And Professor Hojo did not like errors.
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ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
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"Today's simulation introduced a large army scenario. I counted 30 regiments. I reasoned that a single cavalry brigade, if bold, could break its line at the weakest link. The bigger the army, the more devastating it would be for it to be cut off from its sustenance, and force it to fall back. At that point, a well-devised flank attack is sure to inflict a critical blow on numbers and morale."
He said all that in a single breath, but even so, his eyes couldn't leave the PHS device on the table. The only object sitting before him, in the sterile emptiness of the SOLDIER floor.
"I don't think there were any mistakes, but... It's frustrating to not know for certain. My assessment is still pending."
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ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
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"The speed and upkeep of our forces is paramount at this juncture. I'm here to escort the exacting commissariat for the supply of food and equipment." The young SOLDIER presents a missive, bearing all the necessary information: the number of remaining units and the amount of required ammunition.
"My orders are to ensure the safe delivery of the next convoy. What are the conditions of the line of communication to the rear?"
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