carbone14 · 4 months
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Artillerie allemande pilonnant la ligne Métaxas avec un obusier Skoda de 150 mm sFH 37(t) – Bataille de Grèce – Campagne des Balkans – Grèce – Avril 1941
Photographe : Bauer
©Bundesarchiv - Bild 101I-163-0319-07A
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dream-in-fall · 2 months
What happened in the 1920s?
There are only 2 small mentions of the 20s in the series:
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00:29:19 S1E1
"I have several very nice bottles of Chateauneuf-du-Pape in the back. I picked up a dozen cases in 1921, and there's still some left for special occasions."
00:38:04 S2E1
"You see, the record shop was opened by my great grandmother in the 1920s. Originally, our shop was in a corner of Mr. Fell’s bookshop."
I didn't find anything else. But it seems to me this time and the event that happened then are important.
In 1920s, great-grandmother Maggie's record store appeared at the Aziraphale bookshop. In 1921, Aziraphale somehow gets several bottles of French wine (it is stored in the back room, that's the name of Maggie's store). Who was Maggie's great-grandmother?
This wine is for special occasions. Aziraphale and Crowley drink it in 1941 in a romantic candlelit setting. The second time they drink it is in S1E1, when they decide to act together. (Even in the final episode of S1, they drink regular champagne at the Ritz.)
Everything French in the film is connected with love. And Aziraphale has certain difficulties with this. He talks easily about divine love for people and the like. But when it comes to romantic love, it confuses him. (and he couldn't learn French.)
In general, I would be interested to find out more about the events of the 1920s and I hope to see this flashback in S3.
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edit 16/04: pouring one out for the bullet theory, you were fun whilst you lasted babes x
okay ive remained sceptical about the 'something in the mouth' thoughts making the rounds but you know what, i love a batshit theory (exactly how batshit, remains to be seen - im fully prepared to eat my words) as much as anyone, so let's take a look.
first off, i truly just thought it might have been a wee bit of slobber. that's fair, right? saliva on aziraphale's tongue, catches the light, whatever. but it's the frame before that one that has me wondering how much weight the theory has:
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because in that first one, just as aziraphale's mouth opens, you can see that there is - what looks like - a dark, round object. it doesn't match the surrounding colour and texture of aziraphale's tongue, and then in the next few frames it catches the light in the same exact spot. the highlight is also curved, in such a way that, yeah, it definitely looks like a metallic object.
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i know im not breaking new ground when suggesting it contains memories. idk if the object itself is:
a bullet from the rifle in 1941 (although i do doubt it; the calibre it would take would be rather unwieldy to hold in your mouth like this? plus: copper plating - this looks to be steel)
a pistol round from the hitherto-unseen derringer (more likely than the above, and in terms of potential significance of s3 would fit rather nicely in with a 1941 spec of mine regardless: potential crowley discorporation but. it's purely hypothetical), or
a ball bearing (which seems like it would just be a bit anomalous in terms of what props we've seen so far, but who knows. and i feel like if any prop was going to be at most risk of being swallowed accidentally, it's this)
but my current favourite is the derringer round so far. which would indicate that if - big if - crowley were discorporated in 1941, he could potentially have the bullet on him that 'killed' him, so to speak, for the time that follows afterwards.
i'll come back to what memories would be contained within it in a sec, because first, there's the question of whether aziraphale accessed them. if this theory is true (im fully taking this all with a pinch of salt, idk how i actually feel about it yet), i think aziraphale probably accessed them right then and there, as soon as crowley kissed him.
as soon as crowley kisses him, aziraphale looked mighty confused - arguably because of the kiss itself (im predominantly in this camp for the moment), but also possibly because he's just been volleyed something in this wild-ass game of tonsil tennis - before he begins to relax into it. potentially, as he relaxed, that could be when the memories first begin to 'play'.
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and then we have the video below - sharpened and at 0.2x speed - that captures after the kiss breaks:
there's a moment, after his mouth presumably is handling around said object and sliding it under his tongue, that his expression clears, and - im sorry, but i'll die on this hill - instead takes on a look of betrayal. it's almost a realisation, a near instantaneous revelation. so let's say he does access the memories during the kiss, has been 'watching' them since the kiss first made contact/the object switched over... what would make aziraphale take on that expression, and react in betrayal and with an 'i forgive you'?
well, i have my thoughts, but let's go back again to the kiss itself. y'all remember this, right?
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it suddenly feels a liiiiittle more deliberate that a) aziraphale would reach for crowley's wings, and b) the camera would capture this particular angle. maybe it's not, but again - humour me a sec.
so in terms of what the memory is? that crowley would place inside said object, would make aziraphale reach for crowley's wings, and result in aziraphale's initial upset and then expression of betrayal? the damning "i forgive you", and crowley's responding look of dejection and resignation, followed by "don't bother"? the memory that crowley would see fit to impart in the context of aziraphale choosing to return to heaven - the memory that would fit the scenes that have come before the kiss?
im wondering if it was the fall.
aziraphale sees crowley's fall, responds in sympathy and sadness in the back touch, but then perhaps remembers now/knows now the potential part crowley had to play in it.
now, it could be crowley's own account of the fall that he watches, sure. but we haven't seen that as a possible mechanic in the show - being able to access someone else's memories. we've only seen gabriel accessing his own. but that doesn't preclude that it's possible. however, that would suggest that crowley himself now can't remember his fall etc, which would be weird and potentially open too many loopholes.
alternatively, as others have put forward and would be logical, crowley accessed the records whilst in heaven and found that aziraphale's memories were incomplete. that, for me, would be the more plausible, because im not convinced that aziraphale does remember the fall. he makes references to crowley having 'been an angel once', and that he remembers 'the angel you were', and frankly it's all a little loosy-goosey. it would make wider narrative sense, too, that aziraphale can't remember - heaven doesn't want dissent to become an institutional problem, after all; so what do you do? you wipe away the crucial information that would give the angels any ideas in rebelling just like the fallen did.
if crowley did in fact have something to do with the genesis of the rebellion in heaven, instigated it or played an active, crucial part in it... and aziraphale can't remember that... maybe that is where the 'i forgive you' originates. and why crowley would reply with 'dont bother'. he attempts to make aziraphale understand why he can't go back, and why aziraphale shouldn't go back either, but all aziraphale can now concentrate on is the part that crowley had to play in it... the part that, for good reason, crowley has kept from him all this time.
again, idk how i feel about all this, but i do have to eat humble pie on my initial reservations about the narrative value of the theory and admit that it's compelling. especially as it would have aziraphale return to heaven with full understanding as to what heaven did in cause of, leading up to, and in response to, the rebellion - knowledge that presumably the metatron does not know he has... dangerous for the metatron especially, when you consider that he may have had a bigger hand in it than aziraphale previously thought.
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cruciatusforeplay · 1 year
Hello I have Good Omens Brainrot like the rest of us, and I had a spare afternoon, so here is
Crowley and Aziraphale's Canonical Chronological History
(watching-guide with media timestamps so you can watch it all develop in order)
It's long so it's going under the cut. Let me know if there are errors beyond being out by a second or so. Also speedrunning two series of this show in an afternoon made me So Unwell (emotionally). I would absolutely recommend it.
I've broadly only included only clips that featured either one or both them as a focal point, or where the events would have informed their relationship, plus the option of the S2 finale in its entirety.
**Before the beginning, nebula** S2E1 0:00- 6:20 (up to opening credits)
**Just after the beginning, Garden of Eden, 4004BC** S1E1 1:55 (or 3:25 to skip Adam and Eve)-6:04 (opening credits)
**Noah's Ark, mesopotamia 3004BC** S1E3 0:00-2:47
**Job, 2500BC** S2E2 0:00-5:35, 22:30-40:01, 44:10-46:49 (end of episode)
**Crucifixion of Jesus, Golgotha, 33AD** S1E3 2:47-4:28 (continues directly to)
**Rome 41AD** S1E3 4:28-5:31 (continues directly to)
**Knights, kingdom of Wessex, 537AD** S1E3 5:31-7:56 (continues directly to)
**Bastille, Paris, 1793** S1E3 11:53-15:31
**The Globe Theatre London, 1601** S1E3 7:56-11:53 (continues directly to)
**Edinburgh, 1827** S2E3 8:34(post credits)-12:56, 17:38-22:10, 24:28-33:59
**St James' Park London, 1862** S1E3 15:31-17:29 (continues directly to)
**The Blitz, London, 1941** S1E3 17:29-24:07, recap can be skipped that can be skipped: S2E4 5:10(post credits)-6:14, 8:24-37:59
**Soho, London, 1967** S1E3 24:07-28:38 (opening credits)
**The M25 meeting, Hell, 1970s** S1E5 21:21-22:27
**The Antichrist, near Tadfield airbase, "11 years ago" ~2008** S1E1 7:32(post credits)-14:24, (optional baby drop off with Crowley) 19:24-20:14, 25:59-29:59, 30:14-32:24, 33:35-35:04 (continues directly to)
**Antichrist upbringing, "5 years later" ~2013** S1E1 35:04-39:30
**6 days before the end of the world, Monday, 2019** S1E1 40:45-43:19 (continues directly to)
**3 days before the end of the world, Wednesday, 2019** S1E1 43:19-44:08, 44:38-45:52, 48:01-49:11(to end credits)
**2 days before the end of the world, Thursday, 2019** S1E2 0:00-3:56, 21:16-23:33, 26:24-27:54, 31:04-32:10, 34:14-44:40, 45:36-46:21, 48:05-54:01 (to end credits)
**1 day before the end of the world, Friday, 2019** S1E3 30:07-31:14, 35:27-36:49, 38:48-41:30, 43:39-45:51, 49:41-49:53, 50:39-53:11
**The last day of the world, Saturday, 2019** S1E4 4:01-5:42, 8:15-9:28, 29:06-29:48, 33:29-42:00, 48:47-54:06 (to end credits)
**5 Hours and 48 Minutes to the End of the World, 2019** S1E5 0:00-1:32, 3:17(after credits)-4:17, 6:11-8:49, 11:01-13:25, 17:47(or 20:18 to skip the spirit of Ron)-21:00
**1 Hour and 43 Minutes to the End of the World, 2019** S1E5 21:00-21:21, 22:28-25:07, 26:49-31:43, 36:59-37:31
**17 minutes to the end of the world (and the rest ofbthat day), 2019** S1E5 46:24-49:25 (end credits), S1E6 1:53(2:35 to skip repeat section)-4:39, 8:19-9:49, 10:44-12:49, 14:02-27:10
**The very last day of the rest of their lives, 2019** S1E6 27:10- 28:07, 31:02-32:58, 0:00-1:46, 32:58-36:26, 42:33-45:45, 48:40-52:17
**London, present day (S2E1), ~2023** S2E1 7:48-13:15, 13:47-29:59, 33:00-36:13, 37:39-38:00, 38:19-42:41
**London, present day (S2E2), ~2023** S2E2 5:35-8:53 (to opening credits), 10:21-22:30, 40:04-43:28
**London/Edinburgh present day (S2E3), ~2023** S2E3 1:14-6:35, 6:47-7:07 (to opening credits), 12:57-14:36, 16:09-17:38, 22:11-24:27, 33:59-42:05(to end credits)
**London, present day (S2E4), ~2023** S2E4 0:00-3:42 (opening credits), 41:08-41:46, 42:02-43:09(end credits)
**London, present day (S2E5), ~2023** S2E5 0:48-2:57, 3:43-5:24, 7:07-8:04, 8:31-10:12, 12:29-13:32, 13:57-17:57, 19:33-29:52, 30:24-40:38
**London, present day (S2E6), ~2023** S2E6 0:00-4:52(to opening credits), 6:20-(optional 21:06-27:31 for Gabe and Muriel memories, otherwise continue to)end of ep
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margotfonteyns · 2 months
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Bewitched: Ladies Sing Rodgers & Hart
01 - Ruth Etting - Ten Cents A Dance (1930) 02 - Helen Ward - Blue Moon (1935) 03 - Maxine Sullivan - Spring Is Here (1938) 04 - Helen Humes - Sing For Your Supper (1939) 05 - Bea Wain - I Didn't Know What Time It Was (1939) 06 - Adelaide Hall - The Lady Is A Tramp (1940) 07 - Helen Forrest - Bewitched (1941) 08 - Lena Horne - Where Or When (1941) 09 - Hazel Scott - Dancing On The Ceiling (1947) 10 - Lee Wiley - Manhattan (1950) 11 - Betty Carter - I Could Write A Book (1955) 12 - Helen Merrill - Wait Till You See Him (1955) 13 - June Christy - You Took Advantage Of Me (1956) 14 - Peggy Lee - It Never Entered My Mind (1956) 15 - Jeri Southern - He Was Too Good To Me (1956) 16 - Ella Fitzgerald - A Ship Without A Sail (1956) 17 - Sarah Vaughan - A Tree In The Park (1956) 18 - Abbey Lincoln - This Can't Be Love (1956) 19 - Carmen McRae - Isn't It Romantic? (1958) 20 - Billie Holiday - Glad To Be Unhappy (1958) 21 - Blossom Dearie - To Keep My Love Alive (1960) 22 - Anita O'Day - Johnny One Note (1960) 23 - Nancy Wilson - Little Girl Blue (1962)
Bonus Tracks:
24 - Mary Lou Williams (piano) - Lover (1954) 25 - Dorothy Ashby (harp) - Thou Swell (1956)
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1941 04 Italians in the Balkans in WWII - Giuseppe Rava
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linesandmarksonpaper · 8 months
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Milton Caniff - Terry and the Pirates Sunday 04/20/1941
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superherobriefings · 1 year
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Mr. Justice
Creator(s): Joe Blair, Sam Cooper
Alias(es): Prince James Of England
1st Issue w/Uniform: Blue Ribbon Mystery Comics #11
Year/Month of Publication: 1941/04
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terminusantequem · 1 year
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Latiff Mohidin (Malaysian, b. 1941), Voyage Rimbaud II, 2003-04. Oil on canvas, 147 x 152 cm
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cobalt-axolotl · 7 months
Birthdays in my AU’s
Edwin Alastair Carter (12/13/1890)
David mobi carter (01/13/1941)
Nikki Bora Carter {Maiden name is Cho Nikki Bora} (04/08/1953)
Kasey Roxanna Carter (05/06/1971)
Cassidy Noelle Carter (05/06/1971)
Nickolas Alastair Carter (06/16/1983)
Clover Makenzie Carter (06/16/1983)
William Alexander afton (06/21/1941)
Michael ray afton (07/07/1969)
Evan Fredrick afton (10/27/1971)
Elizabeth grace afton (02/01/1983)
Henry Lorenzo Emily (06/21/1941)
Charlotte valentine Emily (02/14/1969)
Andrew Montgomery Emily (08/09/1971)
Sam Giuseppe Emily (09/05/1983)
Vanessa michelle Afton-Emily (05/18/1993)
Gregory Anne Afton-Emily (02/14/2009)
Cassie Maxine Carter (01/12/2009)
Benjamin Mason afton (01/12/1995)
Adriana smith (03/07/1983)
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"La tierra es insultada y ofrece sus flores como respuesta”.
- Rabindranath #Tagore (1861-1941), poeta y filósofo bengalí, Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1913.
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Soldats de la Luftwaffe endormis sur des side-cars BMW R 75 - Campagne d'Afrique du Nord - Mars-avril 1941
Photographe : Erich Borchert
©Bundesarchiv - Bild 101I-782-0041-32
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1945 04 P-51D Mustang 'Big, Beautiful Doll ' Col. John Landers 357 FG - Stan Stokes
Col. John D. Landers, the pilot of the Big Beautiful Doll, was born in 1920 in Wilson, Oklahoma. He attended Texas A & M and Arkansas State University before joining the Army Air Corp. In March of 1941 Landers graduated from aviation cadet training and was commissioned as a second lieutenant. With America thrust into WWII following the attack on Pearl Harbor, Landers was assigned to the 49th Fighter Group and set forth to Australia. Flying a Curtis P-40 out of bases in Darwin and Port Moresby, Landers became an ace by downing two Betty bombers and four Mitsubishi Zeros. When his first combat tour ended, Landers returned to the States as a P-38 Lightning instructor. During a second combat tour Landers was assigned to the European Theatre as Commander of the 38th Fighter Squadron of the 55th Fighter Group. On June 25th 1944 Landers downed his first German aircraft, an Fw190. Several days later he would bag three Me110s on a single day. Later in 1944 Landers was made acting Commander of the 357th Fighter Group. Flying a P-51 Mustang for the first time he obtained an aerial victory on November 18th. Landers returned to America for a brief rest following completion of his second combat tour. However, by January of 1945 he was back in action as C.O. of the 78th Fighter Group which flew out of Duxford, England. Landers attained 3 ½ additional confirmed aerial victories and destroyed many additional enemy aircraft on the ground. In fact the 78th Fighter Group destroyed 125 German aircraft on the ground on April 16th 1945, which is a record for one day. After V.E. Day Landers was given command of the 361st Fighter Group which he was preparing to take to the Pacific when the war ended. Officially credited with 14 ½ aerial victories, Landers decorations include the Silver Star with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the Distinguished Flying Cross with three OLCs, the Purple Heart, the Croix de Guerre, and the Air Medal with twenty-one OLCs. The ace returned to civilian life after the war where he was active in the pipeline business in the Southwest. He retired in 1975, and passed away in 1989 from complications during surgery. The P-51 Mustang played a major role in the Allied victory in WWII. The P-51 was the first fighter with the range to accompany bombers into Germany, and tangle with the best of the Luftwaffes fighters on an equal basis. Many Mustangs carried unique personalized paint schemes. The Big Beautiful Doll is considered by many to be one of the classics with its checker board cowling, black rudder, and red accents.
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ladypolitik · 2 years
Warning: repetitious flashing/pulsing lights
When DJ Cab Calloway drops a fire track and the entire club loses its collective mind on the dance floor:
"[Bring The Noise], Ain't That Somethin' " - a Beastie Boys/Stormy Weather (1943) mashup. 
Previous episodes:
15. Beyonce + Cabin In the Sky (1943)  14. Usher + Bye Bye Birdie (1963) 13. Quad City DJs + Nicholas Brothers (1941) 12. Ginuwine + The Pirate (1948) 11. Benny Benassi + Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (1954)  10.Post Malone + Fred Astaire (1970) 09. House of Pain + Singin’ In the Rain (1952)  08. Missy Elliott/Ludacris + Sound of Music (1965) 07. Dr. Dre + Thoroughly Modern  Millie (1967) 06. Missy Elliott + Singing in the Rain (1952) 05. Missy Elliott + Sound of Music (1965) 04. Jay-Z/Kanye + Mary Poppins (1964) 03. Flo Rida + The King and I (1956) 02. Kstylis + Darling Lili (1970) 01. DJ Khaled/Rihanna + My Fair Lady (1964) 
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notpulpcovers · 2 years
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Saturday Evening Post v213 n27 [1941-01-04] cover https://flic.kr/p/2nyBMmH
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margotfonteyns · 9 months
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At The Christmas Ball: A Vintage Xmas Anthology
01 - At The Christmas Ball - Bessie Smith (1925) 02 - Santa Claus, Bring My Man Back To Me - Ozie Ware (1928) 03 - Papa Ain't No Santa Claus - Butterbeans & Susie (1930) 04 - It's Winter Again - Isham Jones & His Orchestra (1932) 05 - Jingle Bells - Benny Goodman & His Orchestra (1935) 06 - There's Frost On The Moon - Artie Shaw & His Strings (1936) 07 - I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm - Mildred Bailey (1937) 08 - Christmas Morning The Rum Had Me Yawning - Lord Beginner (1939) 09 - Winter Weather - Fats Waller & His Rhythm (1941) 10 - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters (1943) 11 - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Judy Garland (1944) 12 - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! - Connee Boswell (1945) 13 - Boogie Woogie Santa Claus - Mabel Scott (1948) 14 - Baby, It's Cold Outside - Pearl Bailey & Hot Lips Page (1949) 15 - All I Want For Christmas - Nat King Cole Trio (1949) 16 - What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - The Orioles (1949) 17 - Midnight Sleighride - Sauter-Finegan Orchestra (1952) 18 - Silent Night - Dinah Washington (1953) 19 - White Christmas - The Drifters (1954) 20 - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - The Cadillacs (1956) 21 - Warm December - Julie London (1956) 22 - Love Turns Winter To Spring - June Christy (1957) 23 - The Secret Of Christmas - Ella Fitzgerald (1959) 24 - The Christmas Song - Carmen McRae (1961) 25 - A Christmas Surprise - Lena Horne (1965) 26 - Santa Was Here - Lorez Alexandria (1968)
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