#1 day insurance for new driver
briancampbell0706 · 6 months
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Get the flexibility you need with temporary car insurance from Tempcover Now. Whether it's 1 day business car insurance, coverage for learner drivers, or short term van insurance, we've got you covered. With options for new drivers and young drivers, our short term policies offer peace of mind for any situation. Explore our range of short cover car insurance and temporary bike insurance solutions tailored to your needs. With Tempcover Now, you can get the coverage you need, exactly when you need it, in the United Kingdom. Visit us at https://tempcovernow.com/temporary-car-insurance/ to find the perfect temporary insurance plan for you.
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southislandwren · 2 years
today on things im FREAKING THE FUCK OUT about is my car being basically wrecked and now i have a loaner car until monday. and also i didnt have a chance to get any of my stuff out of my car so i dont have my derby stuff or my knife or my protection sigil or my farm boots or my ice scraper etc etc
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that-punk-adam · 8 months
This is not at all a new take on life here in the US of A however I feel as though I will peel my skin off if I don’t say it;
People are seeing death as a valid option to the current state of the world + the future and now I am fully understanding why.
There is no more ‘village’. There are no reliable social safety nets installed that are realistic or easy to access. You H A V E to drive EVERYWHERE if you’re even able to drive. If your area has a bus it has to fight on the road with every other driver. To get 9 miles away from point A to B takes 2 hour out of your day. No one is hiring or they are paying minimum wages for you to run their whole circus operation damn near by yourself. Average 1 bedroom apartments are $1.1k a month for 500 sqf and if you SOMEHOW get a roommate and get them to agree to split rent and utilities then y’all are going to battle for personal space. A 2 bed is out of the question bc there is no way in hell that you can save anything if you are spending more then half of your wages on rent. You want to go out and have a sense of what it means to be fulfilled as a human? Don’t even dream about it, you have your bills coming up.
Get a second or 3rd job? Wait… you were able to find one? They didn’t ghost? Lucky you; now you are better off & you can now sleep knowing that the 2nd job will be able to pay for the gas ($3+/gal), insurance (3X what it used to be but still making you open up ur wallet before they step in), and your car note! (Wayyy too much for a used).
What is fun? What are get togethers? What is a ‘cheap meal’? What’s a bucket list? What’s a vacation? What’s a hobby? Wait, you can afford to replace items and not get anxiety over it? You can afford more then an arm full of groceries?? Will you be able to retire by the time you’re 60 with enough money in the bank to not just exist, but to do the things you’ve always wanted to do during those working decades? What will elder and death care look like? Will your children be able to not live in poverty?
We as young people are seeing death as a valid option because we know we will NEVER see an adult life like those before us prior to the 90’s. Starting a family or adding on to your family will put you in poverty. Buying a house if you’re fortunate enough will put you in poverty. Renting will put you in poverty. Working more jobs will put you in poverty. Having a car will put you into poverty, not having one will keep you from ever getting one. We will just work and work to never ever have anything to show for it. This is not the lifestyle that I’d doom more life to do for the rest of their lives. Something’s gotta change sooner rather then later and it’s gotta be grass roots. We have to be willing to break some rules to get to where we need to be.
Things. Must. Change.
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What were the 11 other Bruno car accidents???
For the record these accidents were caused by him being in the drivers seat, there were many more he was in where he was a passenger.
1. When he was 12 and had first joined the mafia they made him drive for the first time. His feet couldn’t reach the pedals comfortabley quite yet and he sucked at driving so yeah. Crash.
2. He was running late for an event and was simultaneously trying to put his pants on and drive at the same time and it was this awkward thing where he was steering with his knees for a bit and not looking at the road. Yeah you know how that ended.
3. He had an urge to hit a specific guard rail.
4. He was ordered to hit some guy with his car who owed polpo money. In the process he crashed the car.
5. He was teaching Fugo how to drive and Fugo had a panic attack because he messed something up and almost caused an accident and felt like a failure. To calm his nerves Bruno was like “oh don’t worry that can happen to anyone” and he purposefully “accidentally” drove into a telephone pole to make him feel better.
6. He fought a stand that caused you to get into car accidents if you were in a one mile radius from it.
7. Polpo told him that he had a new young person pass his test that would join his team named “Narancia”. While he was driving Narancia to his teams house that night he got into a car accident because he got a bit distracted from yelling at him.
8. Next day Narancia was like “this is my stand Aerosmith watch it shoot” while Bruno was driving. Narancias first week on the team was rough, especially for Narancia. And especially for Bruno. And especially for Bruno’s car insurance bill.
9. He was listening to jazz music and felt like doing a donut right there in the middle of the busy highway.
10. Some bitch cut him off but ended up side swiping him
11. Fugo and Narancia were bickering and Mista was panicking about the number 4 and the pistols we’re trying to get their user to feed them because they were starving and Bruno had an 104 degree fever but wasn’t telling anyone and then he crashed the car
These were the accidents that pre dated the Mistas jams accident :)
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dollsonmain · 4 months
After me saying "Been crunching numbers, looking at rent, looking at mortgages, looking at our current monthly expenses and I'd need to earn about $24/hr full time just to be able to afford to pay rent/mortgage, bills, owning a car, and food with nothing left. NO BODY'S PAYING THAT MUCH." on facebook, one of my old high school friends tried to encourage me by saying that I'd qualify for programs like SNAP and might qualify for Section8 housing and if I'm earning $15/hr and work 40 hrs a week no, I wouldn't.
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In my state:
LIHTC cutoff is $14k/year
SNAP is $19,578
Section 8 housing cutoff is $29,150 for one person and $33,300 for two, and we'd have 2 adults being myself and my son. I don't know if Son will be able to work since he does have some trouble with being interrupted or being told to do something he doesn't want to do, but a the same time I don't know if he'll qualify for disability due to autism because he's low support needs. The single apartment complex that accepts Section 8 is for elders and full, anyway.
Despite being too much to qualify for assistance, it's still not enough to survive on because our current expenses wouldn't change much considering That Guy doesn't eat at home mostly (he barely eats at all, really) so the grocery bill is mostly Son and me, and has no creative hobbies that cost money outside of the occasional pricey LEGO set and a $60 video game lasts him a few months so I picked an average for the credit card bill:
Mortgage: $2000/mo (1 bedroom apartment rent averages $1500/mo while the least expensive house on the market right now says to expect to pay $2k)
Water: $60
Power: $130
Internet: $90
Phone: $170
Propane: $280
He pays for everything like car-gas, groceries, toiletries, all my pony salon supplies, etc. on his credit card and that averages $1700/mo.
Our car is paid off so we don't have car payments but I would have car payments. No idea how much that would be.
That doesn't include the auto insurance because he pays that direct-pay with the bank, which is $78/mo for 3 drivers on a single sedan.
$54,096/year. He does NOT pay for my dolls other than the occasional cheap playline doll.
What of that could we do without?
We don't go on day trips, go on vacation, buy new clothes when our clothes wear out and if we do it's thrifted or from the discount store (like Goodwill, TJMaxx, Marshall's, or Gabe's), don't go to the salon or barber, eat Taco Bell once a week for $25 and rarely go anywhere else, I don't get my nails done, do them myself, or wear makeup which is a huge expense, don't buy expensive electronics or home theater equipment, don't buy home decor, don't pay for repairs, have low-end cheap computers, wait for our phones to no longer be supported before upgrading, wait for ANYTHING to break before replacing it...
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maryellencarter · 5 months
jesus fuck.
so. having acquired new phone (with new number). and having failed to acquire any more money. i went for to pause the autopay on my car insurance so i can have more time to acquire money.
car insurance will Not let me pause autopay without two-factor verification to my old number, which i can't get back. they have directed me to upload my driver's license, which i did, and then wait 1-3 business days for a callback.
the autopay comes out on monday.
the bill is $83 usd. i do not have anywhere near $83 usd. also i still need food money because i haven't managed to get on food stamps yet.
i could really fucking use some help. my paypal is ethanrabbits at gmail dot com, or my ko-fi is justiceturtle . feel free to signal boost and whatever. i'm just so tired
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oneangrydwarf · 2 years
Rescue us from the worst birthday!
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My wife, Terana ( @im-a-blackstar​ ), and I --two humble queers-- set out to have a nice vacation for our birthdays and 3 year anniversary. We decided to go to Florida to go to Halloween Horror Nights, a horror convention, and visit my mother (who has been having a rough time the last few years). All did not go well and we need help. 
The brakes went out on our car due to ABS unit failure ($2070)
My mother’s car’s timing belt broke on the highway ($500+)
My mother’s car was towed and impounded ($500+)
We need to buy my mom a new car ($1500)
We had to get an emergency flight home ($600)
We need to fly back to FL to pick up our car and drive home ($300)
Unrelated and not included in total: Our heating fuel and car insurance bills are due ($1500) 
Needed: $4470   Recieved: $2050
If you can help at all it would be amazing! Even just a reblog!
Venmo: @NixHunter
CashApp: $DoktorNix
Keep reading for the full, ridiculous story of how my birthday went. 
Our trip started out lovely! We were staying in a nice resort in Orlando, we went to see a Gorillaz concert, and the convention was fun! Then, on my birthday, we drove down to Melbourne, FL to visit my mother and have dinner with some of my old friends. (Yay, more good times!)
On the way back to my mother’s house from dinner, the brakes gave out on my 4Runner. (Boo. Super bad times!) I was able to coast it into a gas station parking lot and we requested a tow through AAA. After 3 hours of waiting and calling repeatedly, it became clear there were no tow companies open at that hour of the night (I had so many slurpees at that 7-11 where we waited). We decided to leave the car and come back in the morning. To save us the cost of an uber, my mom agreed to come pick us up and take us to her house just 20mins away. 
On the way to my mother’s house, just 1 mile from her exit, her car stopped getting gas. It started slowing down and we pulled off on the side of the highway where it gave out completely and would not start again. We called a friend and got a ride the rest of the way to the house. It was officially a very shitty night. 
In the morning, we took an uber back to the 7-11 to get our car. We got a tow from AAA to a mechanic my mother uses. The mechanic told us the ABS unit had gone out and repairs would be $2k and take a week to do. Super. We had to be back home in 4 days for work and because our dog sitter would be leaving. Mild panic attacks ensued. 
We went back to my mom’s house and waited for a friend to get off work so we wouldn’t have to guide an uber driver to a random spot on the side of the highway. We drove out to her car and called her roadside assistance. We were then informed (wait for it) that no tow trucks were available after 5pm. We took a picture of the sticker highway patrol had put on her car saying she had 48hrs to remove the car, then went back to her house. 
In the morning, we got a very expensive uber back to our hotel ($100, but if we didn’t get back that morning for a timeshare pitch, they would have doubled the cost of our room). While we listened to a sales pitch we couldn’t afford and didn’t want, my mom got another ride to her car. Or tried. When she got there, the car was gone and had been taken to impound. 
Mom called to argue that the sticker said she had another day to move it, and after being transferred through several people, she was told the fine print said if she was on a “low access highway” (I still don’t know what this means) she only had 6hrs to move (with the lack of tow companies and time of night we stopped, this would have been literally impossible). Now she was stuck with a $400 cost to get the car out of impound. 
Meanwhile, Terana and I still needed to get home! We put out a call for help and gathered some funds. We decided to try and rent a car since we had so much luggage. We checked apps and called around most of the day and found out that no car lots in the area would rent a car to go out of state. We would have to take a plane. (You have no idea how much I hate flying.) 
The cheapest way to get a flight home was going to require we also  add a night to our hotel stay. Altogether this was over $600, but still cheaper than an earlier flight with our amount of baggage. Things continued to suck. 
We put out a call for help on our Facebook pages and we were able to get enough money for the hotel stay, the flight, and a portion of the repair fees. (We are very lucky to have good friends!) We made it home in time for work and to relieve our dog sitter. 
Now, however, we still need to get back to Florida and get the repaired 4runner from the shop and drive it back to NC. My mother has had her car inspected and found the timing chain went out. No clue what other damage it may have done. Impound fees have now mounted to over $500 and repairs will be a $500 minimum. Her car only cost $1000. She plans to leave the car in impound, but they still want $300 (at least) if she abandons it and she will need another car. My mother lives on social security and I have to send her around $500 a month just to cover her basic bills... I will have to help buy her a car. 
Any help at all is appreciated and I thank you if you even just managed to read all of this. I am in constant panic mode right now and don’t know how we’re going to make it through this. It is already an expensive time of year when we need to pay $1000 for heating fuel for the year and $500 for car insurance. 
Venmo: @NixHunter
CashApp: $DoktorNix
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Tips for new drivers
As someone who has seen so many people not know how to drive- and watched people get in wrecks for doing stupid things
1. Do NOT fuck with semi-trucks
I don’t care how Savvy of a driver you think you are, or if they’re driving like an ass
Do not drive next to them (this is annoying for people trying to pass, and dangerous. You ever see those big chunks of rubber on the side of the road? Yeah that’s because sometimes semi truck tires blow out.)
Do not break check them
Do not ride super close behind them
They are much bigger than your car or truck or van, they have massive blind spots- If you get onto an accident with one YOU are going to be the one injured or dead. Pass them quickly.
2. Use your turning signal
Even if you don’t think any one is close enough to you for it to matter- use it. All it takes is one car to come flying up from nowhere and if you try to get over and they don’t know, they will hit you.
3. Give motorcycles some space
this is the opposite of the semis- I don’t care how much of a dick that guy on a bike is being. Give him space- because if you get into a collision, you could kill them. Even if it’s not your fault- you will feel HORRIBLE about it for the rest of your life. Give them space, do not try and cut them off, do not break check them, etc.
4. Slow DOWN in bad weather
I know people who thought they were safe in their big four wheel drive trucks who then spun out on the ice and smashed into a railing.
If it’s pouring, if it’s icy, if it’s snowing- SLOW DOWN! Put your hazards on if you have to and stay to the right. Hell- pull over if you feel like you need to.
Let people honk their horns at you and flip you off. Getting home safe is more important than anything else. It’s not uncommon for people to go pretty slow in bad weather- just stay out of the passing lane
5. Assume everyone else is the world’s worst driver
You need to be ready for people being horrible drivers. Always. Check to make sure someone isn’t going to run that red light before you go, give that car ahead of you some extra space in case they don’t use their turning signal or suddenly break, do not ride next to other cars in case they swerve.
I do not care if the accident wouldn’t be your fault- you may think
“Oh I’ll let them hit me- their insurance might just pay for me to get a new car!”
You could die. You could get seriously injured. That irresponsible driver might have kids in their car that could get hurt. And yeah- that’s not your fault, but why wouldn’t you want to try and avoid that from happening if you can?
6. Get off your phone
Even if you think you’re the best person in the world at texting and driving- all it takes is one little thing. One kid darting across the road, one car slamming on their breaks, one especially deep puddle, or something in the road- and suddenly you’re driving headfirst into a tree or ditch.
7. Driver to driver communication
Sometimes- people will make gestures. They mean different things in different situations
-flashing your brights or hazards, this could indicate a ‘thank you’ for letting someone get over or merge. Or it could be someone trying to let you know of an animal crossing the road- and or other hazards
-waving at stop signs or intersections etc, this usually means someone is giving you the right away. This also applies to pedestrians at crosswalks. It’s a simple ‘go right ahead’, but if you take too long they might go anyway.
-Horns. Horns don’t always mean ‘Fuck you’, although they might! They might also be someone trying to alert you of an imminent hazard- especially during the day. If you think you’re doing everything right and someone honks at you- take a look around. There might be something they see that you don’t
-revving engines. This could either be them showing off- or if they seem to be looking and trying to talk or gesture to you- especially at a stop light, they might be trying to race you. Do not race people. This is in fact- illegal and dangerous
8. Don’t slow down on the highway to exit UNTIL you enter the exit lane/ramp
This is more of a personal thing than anything- but this was also told to me by both my drivers instructor and the class I took.
If you are getting off the highway- don’t slow down ON the highway. There are people BEHIND YOU, a lot of which will probably have cruise control on. Wait until you enter the Exit lane and then slow down.
Ideally you wait until all four tires are in the lane- if the lane is too short for you to slow down fast enough- at least get over quickly and try not to slow down too far ahead. If you must, make sure you have that turning signal on so people know you might slow down.
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twinxleaf · 1 year
LA County deputy faces possible charges in off-duty traffic deaths of two Marines-CHP investigators have recommended that vehicular manslaughter charges be considered against Deputy Michael John Miscione
327 days ago, my entire world changed. My parents drove to my job in Wilmington to inform me that my 20 year old brother and his friend had been killed in a car crash. We were initially told by the police force there that they had 30 days to complete the accident report. Then it became they had 3 months. And then…we found out that a member of law enforcement was the driver. James and his two friends were awaiting a tow truck after their car had become disabled after being side swept. They were waiting in their car in an HOV lane. California Police Officer Michael John Miscione, dob 1/11/1997, fell asleep while accelerating onto the highway, and crashed into the back of their disabled car, at 88 mph. Miscione crashed into them at least 33mph faster than the posted speed limit of 55mph. James and Samantha sustained many fatal injuries, but their COD is listed as blunt force trauma. After the crash, Miscione walked out of his own car and was found by the law enforcement first responding, where he was taken to the hospital. Miscione only listed injuries were “complains of pain to head, left hand, and left quadricep”. He was also not relieved of his policing duties during the 313 days we had been waiting for answers. To my understanding he has been on desk duty, and our families were unable to talk about the accident publicly as it took the department 313 days to complete their officer-involved accident report.
We know for a fact that the Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer has the accident report. We still need your help in encouraging them to make the right decision in prosecuting Deputy Miscione for vehicular manslaughter. Charges have been recommended, but we all know that can mean delay/delay/delay/coverup coverup/coverup when said charges are recommended against law enforcement. They need to know that the Pattons might be 2,600 miles away, but there is a zero percent chance their burying this report and transferring Miscione to a new department. They can be reached at this link - https://orangecountyda.org/contact/
I'm glad the article mentions that California Highway Patrol listed Deputy Michael John Miscione address and phone number as the one of the Century Sheriff Station - about 50 miles away from the crash site. The accident report also stated that Miscione did not have car insurance, which is its own legal issue. (However, he does have car insurance. They just wanted identifying the driver to be harder on the victim's families.) I wish the Orange County Register article had included that their vehicle got immobilized after being side-swiped against a wall by another vehicle that did not stop. I just don't want there to be any room for any speculations of victim blaming. It's clear all of this is part of a nearly year long coverup to protect Deputy Michael John Miscione from the consequences of taking two lives. Why is his future more important than the futures he ended due to his OWN gross negligence. My life has been in complete turmoil during the past year. I have been in so much emotional pain and anguish over the death of my brother, James Robert Patton. My older brother is struggling deeply with this tragedy. Samantha Berrios has three younger siblings who are also going through hell. We all saw our sibling's coffin being shut, and we've been waiting almost a year for California Highway Patrol to offer some sort of explanation. All of our futures need to be considered when deciding to prosecute Deputy Miscione for the crash on 11/05/22. How are the five of us supposed to go on believing in the legitimacy of any of our criminal justice systems if Miscione does not go to prison for taking the lives of our siblings?
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How would you like to get started on learning Human Design?
????? what the heck is that ??????
My Story
In December 2017, I was on a call with one of my teachers from the group Trillium Awakening. They asked me for my birthday, time and place of birth, and sent me my Human Design body graph. They talked about how I was a projector, and they were too, how it was a rare type, and that I had a lot of open centers, meaning, I was really open to conditioning from the outside world.
They suggested I check it out and some of its free resources. A small tool too accelerate my spiritual process. Which, by the way, could take up to 7 years.
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Yikes! This is cool, but heck if I had the time or money for more of that!
I hardly had enough money to pay for our weekly group calls in a women’s circle - that put a price beyond compare - but stretched me, even at the discounted rate they offered.
No one in my family had put money into spiritual or personal development work, while I was knee-deep in the stuff. To be honest, I didn’t really feel like I had a choice.
Doing work on spiritual development was a choice between “This stuff is so expensive. If I do this I won’t have any money and I will die” and “This stuff is absolutely what I need at this point in my life and that the world needs to evolve so if I don’t do this…I will also die.”
So? It was, as one of my teacher’s Marc Gafni would call, an erotic double-bind.
I made the choice to go knee-deep in work towards spiritual evolution.
I left the teaching world and I worked in the “gig economy.”
My resume had 5 different education companies.
I worked between 1-40 hours a week, and spent half of it driving.
For months at a time I did what I loved - working with kids - and had no “boss” to call me to the office.
Sounds good, right?
Finally free from educational institutions, I saw how life really worked in people’s homes. I saw the truth of District public and charter schools, and, no matter where I went, I taught kids in the way that felt good to me.
Of course, not everything ended well, and some parents and classroom teachers asked me to *get out* on the first day! But…the recognition of my abilities as a teacher *direct* and *instantaneous.* The progress of the children showed in their creativity.
Let’s get real though about this so-called “gig economy” that promised millennials freedom. No boss meant no W-2. No health insurance. No retirement plan. No coffee breaks. No co-workers.
The road was lonely.
Between driving to tutor or babysit kids at their home, substitute teach at a random school in Maryland, or attend a retreat in New Jersey, I started to feel less like a teacher and more like a truck driver. I took up bad habits that I never imagined as a yogi. I ate protein bars with more sugar than a Snickers and smoked the more the occasional American Spirit that even listening to Adi Da podcasts could not save me from.
I felt sad - but who else could see me but myself?
Some of my friends from my “previous life” no longer spoke to me. I felt ashamed I had left the active lifestyle I once had of biking, walking and yoga, but I knew I could not afford it. I paid for retreats by offering to cook batch meals for the sangha.
I lived in a basement apartment in a house owned by an electronic musician that hosted bands from all over the country. My next door neighbor was an indie musician as well with a great wardrobe and occasional clothing swaps with her New Zealand friends. My closest friend made her own jewelry and tye-die. Two blocks away from the thrift store! So… Major perk - getting to listen to and play music on the reg. and get free, cute clothes. Major downside - working all the time with hardly enough cash to pay the rent to show for my good deeds, and sometimes looking “woke up like this” and other time looking like I hadn’t changed out of my pajamas.
Okay, cool. So back to the start of the story. My teacher gave me a tool and I don’t think I looked at it for two years.
But then …. the covid, the lockdowns, the confinement , and suddenly we all had no where to go, everywhere to be (on Zoom) and time, too much of it.
How was I ever going to ‘be’ someBODY?
I won’t go into the depth of “the lockdown” story because at this point, we all have one.
But lockdown story did not produce the kind of “free time” that one might really hope for, unless, of course, you enjoy “free time” like a character from a Albert Camus novel.
Coincidantalment**, I spent the entire time of “confinement” in two foreign
No exit. Like - am I ever going to get out of this? Am I ever going to escape this like square box my form is trapped inside of, speaking to people in a language no one understands?
Okay. I am going to revisit this Human Design stuff. I am going to learn a language that describes the programming of the human body.
No, this isn’t some weird genetic altering stuff. Au, the contrarie!
A system of empowerment that came along at the right time.
When we are, as David A Temple puts it posed between utopia and dystopia. We are getting the call to know ourselves - NOW - in a progressively globalizing and demanding world. And not just globalizing in terms of “oh maybe this bag of chips I’m eating right now came from a Uyghur death camp and perhaps its made of sawdust.” Okay…maybe that too…but really…Globalizing in terms of the planet - the “PLAN-(N)ET” - has a plan to catch us and we best follow her word…or…else.
So I spent…every day of French class, every morning, looking at the transits (both astro and HD), recording my dreams, reading my graph, reading the Cross of the day, the Gate, drawing the iChing…taking a university-levelcourse on iChing…ok…maybe there was some magic involved…and many sleepless nights…and…yes…going down to the depths of the bottom of the bottom…the rabbit hole…the worm hole…the brain hole…you name it…its the the “dark night of the soul “ and there ain’t no batman to help you sidekick robin so you better be the hero of your own story and save the day.
I can tell you. I’ve been there. There’s no going back. 
…..*di di di di*** the song of “why do I like Human Design so much” ***do do do do**….
I like Human Design because it is a very transparent system. If you’ve gotten a reading in astrology or tarot, the “method” or “magic” is usually a little hidden from the person receiving the reading. This is more “Teach yourself your Self” and a reader is more like a guide.
Like a contractor explaining the blueprint of a house from the day it was built. You might not of had the tools to build the house - but you get it. The plan is clear.
It’s not like Enneagram or Myers-Briggs where you take a quiz and find out a type, only to have it change again half-way through your life. Those tools of human development are well and good (but are subjective), and you should use those too. But that’s not what this is.
This system starts with the objective.
And then you have to test it out.
2 - the 100% USE FOR 100%…KIDS
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This system, for as weird as the origin story may appear, was built by a teacher. It was built for children and the generations to come.
Anyone who has ever been a teacher (*and hopefully left the profession because they KNOW how the conditioning is happening) for kids under 7 can SEE how easily children and manipulated and cohereced into a “not-Self” program.
They are literally “programmed” to not-love themselves! The sh*t people are paying beaucoup bucks for to *fix* them later in life!
So let’s cut that s-t out before it beings. Let’s raise a generation of kids who don’t need to go to therapy when they grow up to un-do all the trauma that came from their conditioning.
And for you - “grown up” let’s help you re-parent your inner child.
(People always told me I needed to do that. I had no idea how, or the privilege, I felt, to do it.)
Let’s help you learn to “be alone” with your “Self” as you already are - whole.
Okay, let’s talk religion - if you grew up Christian (like “me” yay****) confirmed in the Christian church…yadda yadda…you probably have SOME trauma from that stuff. Don’t really care if you go to church every Sunday, are a flat-out atheist or extreme right..some body has GOT to say it…
Everything you have been brought up believe is not the meaning of the Christ.
With a little toe-dipping into esoteric Christianity…
The current image of “Jesus on the Cross” is no more than a sacrificial lamb that has you totally tricked into thinking you need to “die” (to the empire) in order to be “saved.”
No. You are a unique balance of light and dark. Although these do move in the 4 directions, they do not always look like a perfect “cross.” More on that later. 
BUT The beauty of it …is also that THERE IS a cross. And you can understand it. And you can be and become your own Christ. 
Your own Savior. And take back the power into your own life.
I don’t care if you can name me every book of gospel or if you tell me that Jesus was a historical figure or in fact never lived and is a myth in our imagination. Or if Jesus is coming back down from the heavens tomorrow so repent your sinners or oh shit maybe the world really *IS* on fire and maybe the highest court in the land (the UN) and now has “Inner Development Goals” and realizing that maybe infrastructure is not just made of things. It’s made of people. Who hurt. Who feel. Who laugh. Who cry. And is telling people that maybe they should consider working on themselves. 
In other words: It’s not just the third world world that needs supported. 
I’m not even sure if this has everything or nothing to do with a guy named Zeus with a big white beard who lives in the sky (although, I have had a couple teachers with big white beards that could compete quite fairly with Grandaddy Marx see “The Stoa” for reference)…but I do know this has everything to do with YOU and your unfolding FATE and DESTINY to live a radical life among the stars.
 Yeah…there. I said it. 
I’m prothetlytizing on the sidewalk sweeties and its time to convert.
Burn me for it. It’s okay. 
Joan was a 5/1. She dressed up as a boy.
They canonized her has a saint. 
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Let’s see what the rest of us can do. 
This knowledge is not free. So I do charge.
It’s an Interior Science. No one will do it for you.
It takes time. You have to test it out for yourself.
Let me ask you this: If you didn’t have a story before…do you have one now?
Try Human Design. 
My Design - A Poem
I’m a Savior, but not a Saint.
But the crisis is urgent. And the task is real.
There’s a Devil in command, and I’ve trained him to be quiet.
Wearing masks, playing charades, yet we know it’s all a game. 
Yes, it’s all an illusion of MAIA. She’s the goddess. The veil of illusion.
She’s written these words and she’s ended my confusion. 
Her values will break you apart and make you whole again.
Come home, and be your Self. No one else will do it for you. 
 ~*~ b3 @uTh3nTiC ~*~
**Spell check (?) You can send me a French dictionary later
***HD uses Kabbalah, iChing, Western Astrology, and the Chakra system.  
**** For the Americans out there, Labour Day in the rest of the world is May 1st
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briancampbell0706 · 8 months
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Secure your drive with Tempcover, the go-to destination for temporary insurance solutions in the United Kingdom. Whether you need temp day cover or temporary insurance for provisional drivers, we've got you covered. Explore learner driver temporary insurance and 1-day insurance options for new drivers with provisional licenses. With our user-friendly platform, getting provisional temporary insurance is quick and hassle-free. Drive confidently with the protection you need. Visit https://tempcovernow.com/ for instant quotes and flexible options tailored to your requirements. Trust Tempcover for convenient and reliable temporary insurance solutions across the United Kingdom.
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What to expect when buying a car (from someone who bought a car recently and had no idea what the process was supposed to be):
Looking for a car:
1. Decide what type of car you want, as well as your price range. I needed some sort of smaller SUV that got good gas mileage.
2. Decide whether you want a new or used car. If you’re going used, figure out what range of years and mileage you are willing to buy. For example, Honda CR-Vs from 2017 are known for having engine issues, so if you’re looking at Honda CR-Vs you may want to exclude those from your search.
3. Look online for cars of that type in your area. AutoTempest is really good for getting an idea of what the prices are in your area because it aggregates from a bunch of different sites.
4. I ended up going to a Carmax that had a bunch of the types of cars I was interested in so I could test drive them. Not all of them were in my price range, but it was good to help narrow down my search (ie I was able to determine that I did not want a Mazda CX-5 because I hated the way that it drove).
5. If the car is at a dealer a lot of the time they will have CarFax or something similar for you to view for free. This will tell you whether the car was in an accident, and how many owners it has had. If you see a car that’s super cheap, check the CarFax because a lot of the time it has been in an accident.
Visiting the dealer:
1. Before you go to a dealer to check out a car, you can make an appointment with a salesperson. This person will be able to answer your questions and show you to specific cars on the lot that you are interested in.
2. Also before you go to the dealer, look at their website and find the specific car or cars you are interested in. Some dealers have a vehicle id number for each car, so you can write that down. Or just have the webpage for each car pulled up on your phone.
3. If there is a car you are interested in, you can ask to test drive it. Usually they’ll have you sign something saying that you won’t crash the car, and if the salesperson won’t be riding with you, they will usually take a scan of your drivers license and insurance card.
4. You can also ask the salesperson if they have any other similar cars that they expect you might be interested in.
Buying a car:
Note: this process might differ from dealership to dealership. Some dealerships (ie carmax) don’t bargain.
1. The salesperson will sit down and say “here’s what we’re offering for the car.”
2. You can try to bargain if the dealership allows that. If they’re offering $16,000 for the car, you can counteroffer and say that you can do $15,000 or something like that. If there’s some sort of damage on the car or on the CarFax, you can use that as leverage.
3. The salesperson will go back to talk to their manager or something, and then come back with their offer. You can try to keep talking them down, or act conflicted about whether or not you can afford it. I managed to get them to throw in tinting the front two windows of my car, since they weren’t already tinted and I was going to be in the south.
4. Eventually when you decide on a price, you get to fill out a ton of paperwork. They’ll need some form of ID, your SSN (if you’re in the US, idk about other countries). Then you fill out a bunch of paperwork.
5. After that (and this was the part that confused me the most), you have to wait for the person in the back that does the paperwork to enter your paperwork. For me there was 2 people there before me, so I had to wait for about an hour. While I waited, I made small talk with the salesman about where I was going to be interning and my college and stuff.
6. After the person doing the paperwork approves the deal, you get more paperwork, and then after that you get the car.
7. The place I went to is going to take about 45 days to mail me my registration. I don’t know if that’s standard, but keep that in mind if you’re going to be moving to another state soon and are buying a car.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert on this.
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"Hi Watermelonsmellinfellon!
I know what it's like to be homeless, especially with this inflation BS. The gist of what I shared was about gig work, specifically UberEats, DoorDash, Grubhub, etc. While the latter two take a while to be approved, UberEats is pretty quick, you just provide a picture of your drivers license and vehicle registration/insurance. I got approved in about 5 days, but some people get approved even sooner. Most of the time you pull up to a fast food/normal restaurant and pick up food that is already bagged up and ready to be delivered. The main thing is getting a insulated bag to hold the food in. Then you drive to the customers address and drop it off. Doing those dropoffs should help you all get money for gas quicker. You can link your debt/bank account for payouts. If you do instant payout it will take $0.85, otherwise there is no charge for automatic payments on Monday's. I definitely recommend looking at YouTube videos under 'gig work', 'First day with UberEats', etc.
Also, another thing that could help you and your family is looking at the Facebook and Craigslist marketplace listings for houses/trailers. I have seen plenty of trailers or rooms for rent for under $1,400. Sometimes even if you qualify for it, the state run programs just can't help, you have to find a place for you, and your family. I also wanted to mention Amazon has a section for submitting your own fanfiction/stories under there Kindle Direct Program (KDP). Pretty much everything is free to use it, you only get charged a fee for selling a story or book. Also, the reviews for books can be kind of brutal.:/
Finally, have you considered using Airbnb? There are many options depending on how long you would like to stay while waiting for a spot to open. I lived for half a year with my mom at a condo by the beach with 3 beds, free wifi, and washer/dryer for about $4-5,000 all together. I don't know where you are in that state, but from doing a quick check I came across an affordable condo in Maryland, Ocean City for $1,427 based on if you checked in tomorrow until 3/18 next year. The guy who is listing it is called Nicholas. I don't personally know him, but on the listing it does say long stays are allowed, free washer in dryer in unit, and 3 bedrooms with four baths. There are plenty of other listings like that as well, I don't mind trying to help you through online searching to find a place you guys could stay. Getting a place this time of year tends to be cheaper as well in the more seaside areas as it's off the 'peak' seasons.
I don't know how to use Tumblr, but I think there's a way to add each other and talk through it? We can keep talking through here if you want. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!"
This was left as a comment on my new fic where I did not even mention that I'm homeless because it's a new fic in a ship that my readers don't care about so it'll probably only be seen by new people who won't give a damn about my personal problems.
I deleted the comment but saved the contents because the intentions were good even if the execution was terrible. And it's also incredibly difficult to maintain composure and a pleasant attitude when you become irrationally pissed off all of a sudden.
One thing that needs to be made clearer. I can't get a job. Why? Mom is too disabled to be by herself for any period of time. And when even Dave cannot get a job because even the businesses around who will look past his knee brace won't accept a P.O. Box and want you to be living in a house with an address, I know I have no chance in hell cuz I'm in the same boat. That's why I started Ko-Fi.
Mom is disabled. She gets benefits from that. With Dave jobless because of his knee, we've been knocked down from a $18K yearly family, to an $8K yearly family. To put it into perspective, to qualify for housing in half of Delaware, their idea of the poverty level is a family of 4(1 child, 3 adults) making a minimum of $25K yearly. We are nowhere near that and because of that, we don't qualify for low income housing.
As for Craigslist and FB, they simply cannot be trusted. We've already done the promised 'meet-ups' and searching through both sites and it's all scams. And Dave falls for every single one and give's mom's phone number to every damn person he talks to and she's gets nothing but scam calls all day long(we know they're scams cuz when she calls back suddenly the number is no longer in service or doesn't exist anymore).
Airbnb is for people who make at least five figures a year. Mom did look into it under Bethy's pleading and for the size of our family and the specifics as well, everything was over $2K a month. Even when she lessened up on specifics, they either stayed that price or listings stopped appearing. We also can't leave Delaware because while Bethy's case worker is no longer hounding us, the case isn't closed yet. Something Dave cannot seem to grasp. We can't leave or mom and Dave will get in trouble.
The Amazon thing seems worth a try but honestly Patreon seems like it'd be easier.
I've already explained the van's condition and so that's out as an option too.
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oof ok did not sleep well and that 6:30am alarm was brutal. my carpal tunnel continues to be so painful it wakes me up throughout the night and then every time I get up to shake out my numb arms the dogs think it’s TIME FOR BREAKFAST and jump off the bed to sit by the door and whine. aaaaaaaa it’s ok it’s ok I can face the day.
up at 6:30 / log on by 7
email SO
request AM appt
send LF draft to 91
coffee/slowly wake up for a bit/take dogs out
8-9 shower, get ready, emails
9-9:30 AS mtg
9:30-10:30 PH mtg
10:30-11:30 email MC back, email NK, start laundry, call VSP to cancel old insurance, call COA about $110 charge, research prior authorization process for new insurance, email AU to confirm mtg, email LC for appt
11:30-12 NG mtg
12-3ish work on projects but also run to post office to mail keys, reschedule driver’s license appt, finish editing podcast round 1, answer two anons, unpack last two boxes
3-3:30 lie around
3:30 phone with Alejandro
4:30 phone with Liz / long walk with dogs
tonight: set up for an hour of podcast editing
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
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Yeah when I got into the shower earlier I started thinking about this post. But I have been going none stop since! I've put ~50 miles just for bloodwork & lunch. 🙄🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
I started singing the air force song.. flying high into the sun... & then giggling. As I used to know all of them, ranks for all, & a lot of ribbons too. Only can remember green E right now. Sigh. But I realized how much a nerd I am!
One of the new regional eatery places that's opened up is in the main flight path for a municipal airport so while everybody else there is oblivious.. I'm staring at jets all the way down to single prop Cessna's coming in! Close enough watching them deploying landing gear! I love it! Course it also reminds me of C.A.P. & then high school. Sigh. Memories.. & goals!
And then remembered while at the pizzeria today. [Half the bread, 4 fries & all the meat! Good kat!😁]
that as much as I detest the mark of the beast the cgm is to me.. when I'm asked about it I stop whatever I'm doing & talk to the person. People wanna know, they're scared & if I can help with my own experiences belay their fears then I will.
It's very simple, 1 poke, 10 days of wear, & 288 tests [every 5 minutes] in 24hrs vs the 4 test strips insurance allows with regular meter usage. It gives the wearer more knowledge & control over their eating habits.
Heck, it's showing me just how much stress affects blood sugar! When I saw endo after my sunburn/poisoning in August, they could see my shoulders, arms & toe. They reminded me of this. Stress effects ABSOLUTELY freaking everything! Blood sugar, pressure, heart rate, breathing, etc. Like D'oh t! I knew, I grew up around people that lost vision, toes, even life. Because remember.. too much sugar in the blood stream. Heck, it's affect is on psoriasis too! And since mine is mainly on my face, neck, & ears I see the evidence in the mirror & can't do a dang thing about it but to watch my food & stress. And yes, not eating also causes blood sugar to rise. The body thinks it's in starvation mode & that's where gut eright comes in. Until that has gotten as far ad the body is ok with then goes to other areas. Me, its trunk. A bit of cellulite arms & legs. But I have the "fat that kills."
Why do I talk about all this stuff?
So anyone that has questions or needs to know these things doesn't feel alone.
It sucks to have the alphabet soup.. pcos, ibs, complex headaches, dm2, cdk, psoriasis... "hyperactive immune system" allergies thru the roof!, asthma induced by allergies & more but. These are my trials.
And I bow to God's Wisdom & Grace.
He alone can Guide me to His healing. & Miracles!
And I can overcome all the mirade issues I have. It takes hard work, dedication & discipline.
I realized last night that I got depressed & lazy because of my circumstances.
Let's just say.. that put my hackles up. And really f*ckin pissed off Tijgeress. At me! I don't like that. At all. This is a huge part of my daily struggle, to fight what I am around.
To be the woman that I am. The one that doesn't go out without brushing hair, teeth, washing face, at least sponges bath, & putting on "public clothes" & showing that I care about myself.
I have gotten to the point that I rarely wear makeup though. It bothers my skin. And I even tried Its cosmetics 'Bye Bye' moisturizer! It felt heavy to me. People gonna just see my rosy complexion & lip balm. Unless I feel fancy like..🎶 grinning. Right now though.. Levi's & tees.
Long haired country girl with a lead foot. Shoulda seen me driving though! Windows down, radio jacked up, hair flying everywhere & flying the currents.. grin. That's me.
I am me.
I'm a nice woman to everybody I encounter. And I had to tell myself when I saw what looked like a traffic accident & grass fire while driving 80mph in a clump of cars that I saw the drivers, & they were mobile. And that emergency personnel had been called. But I feel like shit. I should've turned to get there & helped. Sigh.
Yes. That's me too.
Did I ever say I'm not complex?🤨🤔🤓🙄🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Anyways.. that's been my day.
I know most think I'm crazy, treating this like my diary. But I'm not. Well no more than the next empathetic, infj, overthinking, marshmallow hearted woman! Lmao! Yeah.. ok. I'm unique! 😁
Anyways! I do this so wherever & whomever the heck my soul's mates are.. he knows what's happening in my life! Well I mean I think knows more than these writings.. that's my gut, intuition & soul's feelings anyways. So I write to my loves & I write to help others. Otherwise... crickets. There are days when I talk to my cat & have to clear my throat because I haven't spoken in so long! Lol!
Now that the chauffeuring is done.. back to work! I gots plenty of both daily chores & tasks to my goals to get done!
Discipline & sacrifice t. Not to mention life goals. And making God happy to have Created me! And that He will Bless my life by the work I do in His Name!
If that won't move my butt to swishin nothing could! Grinning.
Yes. I'm in a good mood today!
I was able to take a hot shower & not trip!😎 I feel better about myself for every righteous thing I accomplish!
Yes, as I look out at my huge pine & other trees, seeing the sunlight, listening.. I feel better. I much rather go out into the forest & not hear people but be rejuvenated by nature!
Yes. I love planes & flying too!
Yep. Right now.. put me in as hot tub to soak my bones then stand in the cold air & watch the goose pimples! I think that would energize my butt! Lmao!
Ok. Deep breath. Gotta get back to it.
Wherever & whomever the heck You are!
I freakin love & adore you!
And I miss you so badly I'm ready to scream, roar, hiss, growl, & shout down the mountains.. that I could fly my Phoenix wings to you!
So. God Knows. And I believe you do too.
I pray to get my life right so I am made aware, more than my senses.. so that I am face to face with you. Sharing breath.. heartbeats.. drowning in your eyes. You are everything to me. And I'm sick to death of being separated from you!
Daughter... patience.
Bowing my head. Yes Father.
Deep breath. Focus. Calm. Breathe. Relax. Get my butt moving. Repeat.
I will not ever give up.
I believe. In God. In Love. In us.
I work as I move my butt & await.. God. & you.
~True love never dies & true love always waits.~
Your faithful complex warrior queen daughter.
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺
👩🤓⚓🙏🙇‍♀️💡☔🌂🔗⛓🧰⚙⚒🛠⚔⚖🗽🦅🥧🍁🧣🥾🍎🥤🍋🥮🍯🍼☕🍫🍑🍒 🐯🐾🐐🦉🐢🐛🦋🌱🌺🌹🌻🌷🌳🧶🧵 ⌚⚡🌠🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🧩♠️♾🎯🧭🕯🎶💋
Fr.10.21.2022 4.01pm est.
Yeah.. "love is in the air", usaf anthem, No Body by Blake Shelton.. bunches of goodies today! Makes for happy kat! 😎🥰😁🎶
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cdl-360 · 2 days
Know About FMCSA New Entrant Safety Audit
A New Entrant Safety Audit is a requirement for new motor carriers operating in the U.S. It is part of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)'s New Entrant Safety Assurance Program. This audit ensures that the carrier is following safety standards and regulations related to the operation of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs). Here's an overview:
1. Who is it for?
New motor carriers (both interstate and intrastate) applying for a U.S. DOT number are required to undergo the audit within their first 12 months of operation.
It applies to passenger carriers, hazardous material carriers, and general freight carriers.
2. What is the process?
After applying for a U.S. DOT number, the carrier is placed in a New Entrant Program, and within 12 months, they will undergo a Safety Audit.
Carriers operating passenger transport or hazardous materials need to complete the audit in 120 days.
3. What does the audit check?
The audit evaluates the carrier’s compliance with key FMCSA regulations, including:
Driver qualifications (medical exams, commercial driver’s license, etc.)
Hours of service (driver logs, adherence to work/rest time rules)
Drug and alcohol testing (for drivers)
Vehicle maintenance (inspection, repair, and maintenance records)
Accident register and records
Insurance coverage
4. Types of Audit
Off-site audit: Carriers with smaller operations or low safety risks may be eligible to submit documents electronically.
On-site audit: Conducted at the carrier’s place of business for those who require closer scrutiny or cannot complete the audit off-site.
5. Consequences of Failing the Audit
If the audit reveals non-compliance, the carrier will receive a corrective action plan (CAP).
Carriers who fail to correct the issues may be placed out of service and have their DOT number revoked.
6. Passing the Audit
Successfully passing the audit moves the carrier into permanent status, though they will still be subject to regular FMCSA oversight.
Would you like more specific details on how to prepare for the audit or the documents needed? Here get more information about New Entrant Safety Audit.
Blog Source: https://sites.google.com/view/newentrantsafetyaudit/home
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