#1 month countdown until Season 2 !!
robotsandramblings · 2 years
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ismyteadoneyet · 21 days
I've ranted a whole lot about the importance of physical media in the past. I love physical media. I have a CD and vinyl collection of stuff from my favorite bands, and am currently getting back into reading and found I vastly prefer physical books over both ebooks and audiobooks. I got the entire DVD box of ATLA last year just so that I can watch it whenever I like.
But it took me until today to realize that the reason why is because of how badly all these digital streaming service-platforms have affected me.
Like, I found art from a webcomic a while ago that I thought looked really interesting, but have been putting off reading the thing for MONTHS. I couldn't quite put my finger on why until I found out yesterday that there are printed, physical copies for sale of the entire webcomic itself in book format. And despite absolutely insane shipping costs, I could at some point buy it, and keep it.
And now I finally started reading it, and I'm loving it.
Turns out, I would rather put myself through sickening, nauseating FOMO than risk the piece of media getting taken off the platform it's available on in the middle of me reading/watching it.
What the fuck.
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czennieszn · 8 months
the magic of christmastime | l. castellan ❆
part 1: s(mitten) for you, luke castellan
child of aphrodite reader (Y/N) x luke castellan (fluff, a bit of angst, some anxiety)
It's Christmastime, the season of magic, miracles, and snow in the city. Celebrating their first Christmas together as a couple, Luke and Y/N are eager to participate in Christmas traditions. And what better way to get in Christmas spirit than going shopping in the Big Red Apple, the splendid New York City. There is only one problem, getting the permission of Chiron and Mr. D.
w.c. 2.5K (let me know if you would fancy a part 2!
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I love Christmastime. From the flurry of people that crowd the malls of New York City, to the actual flurries of soft white snow that encase the concrete, making the Big Apple look like a giant snow globe, it's safe to say that Christmastime sparked a little bit of magic in you. Every year after Thanksgiving, a silent countdown would begin; the countdown until Christmas. Thirty days. Twenty-nine days. Twenty-eight days. Time didn't move any slower. But during these thirty days, the Christmas traditions got you through the month.
Baking and decorating Christmas cookies, wearing matching sweaters, drinking hot cocoa, and watching Christmas movies on your old DVD player, were things that you were anticipating doing this Christmas. Except, this Christmas would be different. It would be a little bit more magical, because this Christmas, you had the golden-eyed curly-haired Hermes boy with a crooked smile to spend it with. And you were delighted.
"Luke..." you gently nudged your boyfriend, teasing him with a smile. He was lying on your bed with his hands stretched out, your monthly subscription to Vogue magazine in his hands. Even under the dimly lit florescent fairy lights, Luke looked magical.  His lips were pursed in concentration, and his faint freckles were dotted across his nose. Eyebrows furrowed, he diverged his attention to you.
"Yes Y/N..." he responded in an equally teasing tone. Turning his head, you softly played with his curls as he rested in your lap. He twinkled his eyes like a newborn puppy, a look he knew was impossible to resist. You tried to endure the nonchalant disposition on your face, but the corner of your mouth gave you away. Smiling gently, you looked away and giggled. The effect this boy had on you couldn't be explained by science, it couldn't be explained by the gods. Gods, you were so in love with each other.
"What if we-" you began to say. He jokingly rolled his eyes. "I can't wait for another one of your "grand ideas" again Y/N. The last time you started with "what if we", we ended up in trouble with Mr. D and had to spend two months on stable duty," Luke laughed.
"No wait I'm serious! I promise we won't have to shovel horse shit ever again!" You said, trying not to laugh. 
"That was miserable, never again," Luke mocked you.
"I'm genuinely being serious, here me out!" You playfully eyed him.
"Okay Princess, what is it?" Luke whispered as he stared at your lips.
"What if we go into the city for some Christmas shopping..." you trailed off, unsure whether he would be willing to go with you. 
"Hmm," Luke closed the magazine and returned it to the magazine rack that Aphrodite gave you for your sixteenth birthday. You remember how elated when your mother met with you on your sweet sixteenth and winked at you, urging you to pursue Luke. Now here you were, two years later, with her advice fully followed through. 
There was a pregnant pause as Luke played with your fingers. "I hope you don't mean Christmas shopping at the camp gift shop," he jokingly said.  You shook your head quickly while you laughed, your curtain bangs swinging from side to side. "I've kind of had enough of the Stoll brothers and their practical jokes on these not-so-practical gifts." Rolling your eyes, you recalled last year when the Stoll brothers had slipped you two love potions, giving you googly eyes for Chiron and Luke groveling at Mr. D. It was a whole fiasco, leaving you and Luke thoroughly embarrassed for a minimum of two weeks.
"Noooo," you dragged on the word as you tilted your head. "I mean like, what if we went into the city to go shopping? Wouldn't that be fun," you suggested. "Do you think Chiron would let us?" You lightly breathed.
"Well, there's no way we'll know if we don't ask," Luke grinned. 
"Wait so you'd be willing to go shopping with me?" you held your breath. 
"Of course, anything for you Princess," Luke caressed your face. You were leaping with joy, and you practically ran out of the Aphrodite cabin to stalk Chiron for his permission. 
"Let's go, let's go!" You attempted to drag Luke as he groaned. "I'm comfy here, can we wait until tomorrow to find Chiron," Luke attacked you with his puppy-like eyes. Nope, you weren't going to fall for that now, no matter how impossible it was. 
"Please Luke we should go now, tomorrow morning is in twelve hours, something bad could happen and he may not let us go," you flashed him your best smile in retaliation. Playfully rolling his eyes, he tugged your hand and you fell onto the mattress. Squealing, you lay on top of him, what a goof. But you are so into this goof. Cheekily smiling, he smothered you in kisses: on your face, on your neck, on your collarbone. Peppering all surface areas of your body with love. 
You were violently blushing, turning a shade of red from your cheeks down to your neck at the sudden PDA. All of a sudden, you were self-conscious of your siblings in the cabin. But, they certainly paid you two no attention as they were used to the displays of affection. Awake and animated, Luke's eyes momentarily flickered animalistically, but they quickly returned to his typical soft-golden retriever demeanor. You both knew what he wanted at that moment, but given the circumstances, ew, gross.
"Okay," he whispered, satisfied at the reaction he got out of you. "Let's go," and he tugged you up suddenly as you guys ran out the door. The run eventually turned into the light jog because (a) you guys had just finished dinner and didn't want indigestion and (b) you had already exercised enough for today (the Apollo kids had run an archery obstacle course that was grueling, leaving a dull ache in your arms and feet)
"Chiron!" Luke called out into the distance, as we saw a faint outline of the centaur's shadow. He was going into the big house, probably to put curlers in his tail before he retired to his bed for the evening (Grover's words, not mine). Before he disappeared into the shadows, he gestured to us, letting us know to enter the Big House. Panting, as you were nearly exhausted at this point (don't get me wrong, I'm not unathletic, but the distance from the Aphrodite cabin to the Big House is quite far) At this point, you were going to get appendicitis before you could step into the Big Apple.
"Luke, wait a minute," you said, running out of breath. For a powerful demigod, you certainly had limited endurance.
"Are you okay Y/N," Luke dramatically gasped as he held your hand.
"I'm perfectly okay, just a tad out of shape," you sighed.
"Well Princess, just a few more steps and then we are there," Luke softly replied. Silently nodding your head to Luke's words of encouragement, you two approached the Big House. Unconsciously, you began to peel your cuticles, and Luke gently pried your hands away from your delicate, beaten skin. You deeply appreciated when he did things like that, paying attention to every detail, focusing on you, and double-checking that you were healthy and mentally okay.
The waning crescent that brightly illuminated the night sky depicted your mood; the fading of a bright idea in an endless world. This feeling wasn't new to you, and you could feel your energy waning. All the bravado that you had previously shown to Luke had wilted. Instead, you were now left uneasy, waiting for Chiron and Dionysus to chagrin you for your dangerously silly idea. A sinking pit of anxiety settled in your stomach. Damn, for how often my anxiety just shows up, it may as well start paying rent, you thought, trying to ease the war of emotions swimming in your mind.
Are you sure that you are okay? Luke bent down his head so he could be at eye level with you.
Yes, hopefully, you silently blinked back. He understood the scope of your anxiety, and during the especially bad days when you were left hugging yourself and biting at your nails, he would hug you instead and play with your fingers. Besides being a great boyfriend, he was an even more understanding person, and you loved that part of him.
Alright, gametime, Luke winked to you, as you two crossed the boundary between fun! rainbows! camp! and imminent doom featuring half a horse and an overgrown drunk toddler. The floorboard creaked as you two entered the Big House. Mustering up the remainder of your confidence, you took a deep breath and entered a book room where Chiron and Dionysus were sitting.
"We have a proposal for-," you gestured before being rudely interrupted by Mr. D slurping his diet coke. He raised an eyebrow, challenging you to continue. You momentarily glared at him before resuming your composure.
"Like I said, Luke and I have been thinking of-," you continued before being rudely interrupted for the second time by the overgrown diet coke-addicted toddler.
"Please, Dionysus, respect for the demigods for once," Chiron rolled his eyes, partially annoyed at Mr. D for acting childish, and possibly because we had interrupted his nighttime routine. Hey, if someone asked me to do something if I was in the middle of a manicure, I would also be thoroughly annoyed.
"To state the point that was never said," you pointedly glared at Mr. D and he tilted his head back at you to say fair point, "Luke and I were thinking of going into the city for one day to do some Christmas shopping."
The room was silent. All you could hear was the crackling of the fireplace, and even then as every log burned a hiss of malice escaped the chimney's base. Then Dionysus let out a big guffaw, startling everyone in the room.
"Oh my gosh you're joking are you? You came all the way to tell us that?" Mr. D gasped for breath and wiped his tears as he was laughing too hard. 
Dead silence echoed (can silence echo?) throughout the room. We were serious (for once). Mr. D could sense that no one else in the room was in a playful mood, and soon shut his mouth, a rare occasion. Under different circumstances, I would have probably pointed that out to Luke and given him a sly look, but tonight was not the night.
"Wait, you two are serious," Mr. D gestured to both of us while giving us both a pointed look of disappointment.
"Please Mr. D, we promise to be safe-" Luke began.
"For two senior counselors who have been at camp for a very long time, might I add, you two surely haven't gained any knowledge for all the time that you've been here," Mr. D frowned. 
"Please, we haven't gone anywhere in years. We promise to be safe and take any precautions needed," you pleaded. You just wanted this one thing. It might have been selfish, putting your lives in danger for a silly whimsical idea of yours, but it would make your first Christmas spent with Luke magical.
"You two are year-long campers for a reason," Mr. D firmly stated. He was correct in that respect, powerful campers like you two attracted monsters from far and wide. With your powerful charm speaking abilities and ability to create illusions of someone's greatest desires, and Luke's incredible sword fighting abilities, and not to mention his ability to bend the air in ripples as a traveling method, you two were quite a dynamic couple.
"Chiron," You pleaded, as you turned to Chiron. Chiron seemed deep in thought, as he pensively stroked his goatee (do I call it a horse-tee? centaur-tee?).
"These two of our campers are some of our best campers. They know how to adequately defend themselves in any situation tossed their way, am I correct?" Chiron turned to you two, the right corner of his mouth fighting a smile. You had never been so grateful for Chiron's existence until that moment (putting aside that time that he taught you the full extent of your illusional abilities, that was amazing of him).
"Yes, yes Chiron," Luke said, as you vigorously nodded your head.
"Yes, we will carry golden drachmas and Iris message you in case anything goes wrong," I tried to persuade them. "Not that we will inherently cause anything to go wrong," you trailed off.
"We will also bring weapons, just in case anything happens," Luke jumped in right away. "We will take care of ourselves, we promise."
"Think of this like a test, if we come back, we live, if not, well, we die. If we can't even handle the city that surrounds us, if we get called to a quest, well, that means we are screwed," you joked, also not joking at the same time. Hoping that this would persuade Mr. D, you gave Chiron a quick thumbs up, a symbol of your gratitude for having trust in you two.
"Hmm," Mr. D hummed for a while. You hoped he wasn't asleep, it was past that groggy toddler's bedtime.
"Well I permit Luke Castellan and Y/N L/N to spend the day in New York City tomorrow, granted they come back with gifts for me as well," Chiron winked.
"Oh yes, yes!" You excitedly said, a wide smile spread across your face.
"Of course, we will buy gifts for you Chiron, and for you as well Mr. D," Luke continued.
"Hmm, alright. And you two promise that you will stay safe?" Mr. D questioned.
"Yes sir," you two responded stoically.
"And within reach at all times?" Mr. D continued.
"Yes sir," you two nodded.
"Well I permit Lukas Clarkson and Y/nN La/N to spend the day in New York City tomorrow, granted they come back with gifts for me as well," Mr. D retorted, horribly butchering our names. Neither Luke nor I corrected him, fearful that he could suddenly have a change of heart and change his mind.
"Thank you so so so much!" You grinned.
"Have a great night!" Luke said, as he practically dragged you out the door.
"We did it! Oh my gosh, we are so good!" You excitedly hugged Luke the moment you exited the Big House. Hugging you and lifting you in the air, you two laughed joyously as you two landed on the lawn. Landing on top of Luke, you played with his hair. You hadn't left Camp Half-Blood without your mother, who would whisk you to some location in New York City for a day-trip gossip session.
"We did amazing, Princess," Luke smiled up at you. He squeezed your waist, causing a tornado of butterflies to travel up your navel.
"Well, we better get a long night's sleep tonight. We have an extremely long day tomorrow," you shyly smiled.
"Great idea babe, but first," Luke cheekily grinned, as he flipped you upside down. Startled, your eyes widened as Luke began to unabashedly pepper kisses across your face, neck, and collarbone. You didn't care that you two were in public, you were just grateful to have a wonderful boyfriend and wonderful people who could trust you two. You couldn't wait for tomorrow. 
comment to be a part of the taglist for part 2!
xoxo, cznszn 𐙚₊❤︎
© czennieszn on tumblr. do not repost, translate, plagiarize, or claim any of my works as your own.
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slowthypiglordblr · 2 years
Toh Theory: Will the Titan aid Luz in the Final Battle, and has he been helping her?
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Throughout the course of the Owl house (especially after the revelations from S2b) a question has been in the back of my mind. Has the Titan of the Boiling Isles been secretly helping Luz this whole time?
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A major element of season 1 and early season 2 was Luz’s uncanny ability to discover and utilize glyphs, something witches and demons didn’t know existed until then. In a matter of weeks, Luz had mastered all four glyphs, and would eventually learn to combine them in only a few months. While this also stems from her artistic ingenuity (and reading some of Philip’s journal), it’s almost like the Titan itself had been guiding her as a sort omniscient second mentor. On the opposite, it took Belos/Philip Witterbane years to figure out the gylphs even requiring Luz to teach his past self the light spell (her first glyph). He even speculated that Titan would have such knowledge to begin with and was actively sabotaging him to prevent him from threatening the people of the isles. It’s fitting that the self-proclaiming “Humble Messenger of the Titan” was actually a false prophet despised by the being he claimed to serve where as Luz was unknowingly the Titan’s true champion.
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Another interesting thing in “For The Future” of all the Hexsquad, Luz was the only one to stuck in the rift (a place she had previously visited in Yesterday’s Lie). The spiritual figure (who I presume is the titan’s soul) is desperately trying to reach, even waving at her to get her attention. Whatever the reason, the Titan clearly wishes to speak with Luz specifically as if he needs her for something important. 
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This is mostly just a guess on my end, but I’m starting to wonder if Dana has been hinting this connection from the beginning. During the countdown for the season 2 premiere, Luz is shown resting inside the skull of a giant beast which seems to greatly resembles a Titan’s head. Another art piece shows Luz playing with a massive paper mache King’s skull, wearing it and even sitting inside of it. 
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In the show proper, in the episode “Thanks to Them”, Luz and Hunter adorn themselves with a King and Owl mask respectively to face what they think is Belos returned. While this was mostly helped to give Hunter a much needed confidence boost, it might also serve as a symbolic function in the narrative. Hunter is revitalizing a part of his former identity as the Golden Guard whereas Luz wears the likeness of someone she views as a younger brother for emotional support. It also may foreshadow Luz drawing strength from the Titan itself in order to be on par with the Collector as what Lilith mentioned in “For the Future”, Titan’s magic can negate Collector magic. (Makes you wonder if instead of a CollectorLuz, we got TitanLuz, but that’s probably just me.)
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.Before we get into Titan’s plans for Luz, we need to take reflect on elements on the small tidbits of information revolving around the Titans in general. As we can recall, the Titans were once the ruling species of the Demon Realm for an unspecified amount of time. One day, the Collectors arrived on their crusade of capturing and taking over other planets for their own agenda. The Titans stepped forth to oppose the Collector and drive them back, with the latter alongside the witches and demons who worshiped them and sought their extinction. This would lead to a long and bloody war which ended in both sides wiping each other out, save a youngster from each opposing species (King and our Collector). 
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During this period of time, it helps to shed a small light on the Boiling Isles Titan likely as a person. While we don’t know much about King’s father, it’s in the face of the war and the slaughter of his kin, a he sought to protect his son (the last Titan) at all costs. He created an island hidden away from the Collector through a protective sigil inside a massive tower which King’s egg would be nurtured. As a last line of defense against any intruder seeking to harm his son, the Titan created an army of golems made from flesh and bone to protect and care for King. This proves to us that regardless of circumstance, King’s father loved and cherished his son more than anything in the world, even before his own life. 
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This leads into the reason for the Titan seeking out Luz, the answer is as simple as it is profound, to be there for King. Ever since Luz arrived on the Isles, she’s had a massive positive impact on the island and it’s inhabitants (despite her believing the contrary). She helped Eda reconcile with her curse and her sister, she helped Willow, Gus, Hunter, and Amity overcome their personal struggles, reforge their friendships and come into their own, as well as play an important role in stopping the Day of Unity. But one of major accomplishments was with King, at the start of the show, he was self-centered attention seeking child lost in delusions of grandeur who often caused a lot of trouble her and others around him. But thanks in part to Luz, King not only learned that actions have consequences and to appreciate what he has, but also resolve his own identity crisis and discover his nature as a Titan. If not for Luz’s influence would’ve never become the mature, responsible, empathetic boy he is by season 3. Through that, it’s easy to see why the Titan would see Luz as the perfect person to watch over King, as well the world he created in his own death. 
While the idea of prophecy and chosen ones does not fit the themes of the owl house, but take away the Titan’s preconceived divinity to the witches and demons of the BI and a new picture is formed. A father who in death left behind a world for his son to call home and a family to cherish, with Luz serving to guide him into becoming a good person in a way he could not. 
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mask-of-prime · 21 days
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TLG: Final 10 Episodes Sketch Dump
September 2nd once again fell on a Labor Day, like it once did when the final 10 episodes of TLG dropped on WatchTLG (due to its early release on the old DisneyNOW app). The alignment of the exact day, month, and holiday five years later put me in the spirit to sketch away as I rewatched these episodes.
I was there when the countdown on the WatchTLG site had about an hour left. I hadn't seen a full episode of TLG until that point because I at the time thought I wouldn't be into it. I saw the synopses for these episodes leaked somewhere online and was doubtful yet VERY hopeful that the one with Vitani's Lion Guard was going to be a real episode simply because I wanted to see her in new content, regardless of my familiarity with the show.
When I binge-watched these final episodes with a friend, my relationship with the show improved as I went to watch the rest of the show over the next few months. I was so grateful to see so much content and worldbuilding for the TLK universe
Sketch descriptions under the cut:
1. Friends to the End
I've said this before in a review of this episode, but whether or not the writers intended this, their portrayal of irritability brought on by an anxiety attack is astounding. Kion's anxiety is piled up more and more when he's in a hurry to find a cure at the Tree of Life, Bunga repeatedly tells him he's becoming like Scar, and the rest of the group just "blind leading the blind"-in their journey SO badly because they're a bunch of unsupervised freshman-aged kids who are in their "Well I wouldn't go THAT far" or "Can I be the devil's advocate" phase.
This situation of fearing becoming like a shitty family member and being told you are by people when you're already in a vulnerable state is just SO vile and unfortunately so real. I found myself relating hard to this episode due to Kion's valid af anger in this episode, which is why I had to draw Kion claiming his "Don't you just wanna go apeshit??" era.
Kion is basically me throughout this episode and the entire first half of Season 3. It is SO HARD to get through this season sometimes when these same couple of lines keep coming at least once per episode. As soon as I hear Fuli saying "Uhh... Kion?" or "KION!!" I know exactly what's coming.
2. The Tree of Life:
Since we never get to see Sahasi and Ananda's color palettes they had in life, I took what I could make out from their spirit forms as well as some creative liberties, and came up with what they may have looked like on Earth.
Ananda is where Baliyo gets his freckles and dull, dark pelt, and where Rani gets her purple pupils, red nose, and dark tail. Sahasi is where Rani gets her richer pelt and where Baliyo gets his nose gradient, multicolored mane, and lighter tail color.
Fun Fact: According to some email responses from a member of the team who worked on TLG, they said that Sahasi was meant to be Janna's son, which for me, puts an end to a debate I had in my head where I was stuck between either him or Ananda being Janna's child: On one hand, I liked the idea of Sahasi and Surak being the foils of Mufasa and Scar, but also liked the idea of Ananda as Janna's daughter and heir since they looked so alike, as well as it solidifying the martriarchy headcanon I have for the Night Pride. Though the team member didn't straight-up provide Sahasi's relation to Janna and Surak as an absolute fact, rather it was simply the gist they got from the creation of Sahasi's character, it's an answer from a team member at all, which I can absolutely settle with. I decided to give him a similar fur color to Surak because of that.
3. The River of Patience:
I just HAD to doodle eepy Kion. It's like the one part of this episode that sticks with me outside the wholesome therapy dynamics and Kion heroically holding the flower between his teeth. This is basically him but if he fully succumbed to falling asleep waiting for the log.
4. Little Old Ginterbong:
Can I just say that I fucking LOVE Mama Binturong's character?? She's absolutely insane and constantly looks like an addict that needs her fix. She makes me nostalgic for some reason, and I think it's gotta do with her Mama Gunda vibes (which is odd because I wasn't even that young when I saw Tarzan II). I had to draw her doing the thing lol
5. Poa the Destroyer:
All I could think about throughout this episode besides the rare Evil Beshte is how insufferable Pinguino is. I mean it in kind of a good way, his personality is so ridiculous that he's made me laugh a few times.
6. Long Live the Queen:
Surprisingly, the sketch regarding this episode is probably the least expected subject matter out of anything I could've put here: An idea that's been forming in my head for a bit now was the idea of Bunga and Binga continuing the fostering/babysitting business of Bunga's "uncles". Bunga is shown to be a natural with young animals in a few episodes, and it continues in the subplot of this episode where he watches over Varya's cubs.
7. The Lake of Reflection:
The one thing that viscerally stuck with me in this episode was the unbelievably cute design they gave bby Cheezi. Had to sketch him.
8. Triumph of the Roar:
Obligatory Askari sketch because I actually love drawing him and making headcanons of his era. Looking back... he kinda looks like he's looking down at the events of the bottom drawing in slight disappointment.
9. Journey to the Pride Lands:
Drew Azaad (for what I think might be the first time) with the only thing he seemed to be doing throughout this episode -- taking any opportunity he can to comment about how much better cheetahs are at basically everything. He's fun to draw and I'd like to do more art of him one day.
10. Return to the Pride Lands
This is a sketch of what I deadass thought was gonna happen during this scene the first time I saw this episode lmao. At the time, the previous two episodes were fresh on my mind so I thought Kion was once again going to spam his tornado ability, but with Vitani as his subject for his demonstration. She already knew so little of the Roar as it was, given her absence throughout most of TLG's storyline, but could you imagine what she must've been thinking seeing how much Kion's Roar evolved?
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reginavulturum · 9 months
Batman Beyond Series Timeline
NOTE: I created this timeline based on the idea that Terry doesn't become Batman until the second half of his sophomore year and then I just sort of pieced everything together from there and it worked out pretty well for the most part. If I've messed anything up though, please let me know. I've included some further explanations for my decisions about this timeline as well as some thoughts about how this timeline effects the series after the read more. Also it might be helpful as you read this to have the episode list on hand.
Between January and May of 2039, during the second half of Terry’s sophomore year, he becomes Batman. This time spans from “Rebirth” to “Earth Mover” with Terry becoming Batman before Spring but after he turns 16. This puts his birthday between January and, at the latest, March, assuming the Spring Fling in “Golem” happens right before Spring break. This means that Spring break of 2039 occurs between “Golem” and “Meltdown”.
Summer break 2039 occurs between mid-late May to mid-late August over the time span of “Joyride” to “Lost Soul”
The first half of Terry’s junior year begins in mid-late August of 2039 and ends sometime in late December. This time spans from “Hidden Agenda” to “Final Cut” with Winter break occurring between “Final Cut” and “The Last Resort”.
The beginning of the second half of Terry’s junior year starts sometime in January 2040 until Spring break. During this time, Terry would have turned 17. This time spans from “The Last Resort” to “Zeta”. Spring break occurs after “Zeta” and ends right around the time of “Plague”. The rest of Terry’s junior year occurs in the time span of “April Moon” to “Ace in the Hole” (approx.  mid-late March to mid-late May) with “King’s Ransom” occurring either right before or right after the beginning of Summer break.
Summer of 2040 occurs from mid-late May to mid-late August. “Return of the Joker” happens sometime after “King’s Ransom” but before “Untouchable” with “Untouchable” being the last Summer episode before the new school year.
The first half of Terry’s senior year begins in mid-late August of 2040 and ends in late December. This time spans from “Inqueling” to “Unmasked”. “Out of the Past” occurs in late October. From “Out of the Past to “Unmasked”, the rest of the season takes place between November and early December. The crossover episode with “The Zeta Project”, “Shadows”, has to occur immediately after “Countdown” in either late November or early December with “Unmasked” happening shortly after that.
The “Static Shock” crossover episode “Future Shock” occurs after “Unmasked”, either right before or right after the beginning of Winter break of 2040 in late December.
The "Justice League: Unlimited" episode "Epilogue" occurs 15 years after "Rebirth" when Terry is 31.
1. The Zeta Problem
(a) In the animated series “The Zeta Project”, we’re told that Zeta (see "Going Rogue" section) broke from his programming and went on the run in early August of 2041. This timeline assumes that that date is incorrect along with any other timeline discrepancies caused by that show. “Zeta” can’t be in August if “Plague” is in March.
2. Assumptions and Explanations
(a) I know some people think that Terry’s exchange with the security guard outside Blight’s office in “Rebrith” (“little early for Halloween”/”just in time for Fall”) means that episode occurs in Fall of 2039, but sometimes a joke is just a joke and it makes more sense for the Spring Fling to occur in “Golem” two episodes later if Terry became Batman only a couple of months at most before that dance.
(b) Max likely discovers Terry is Batman towards the beginning of junior year, around late August to early September at most. I and others place this episode in Fall because a poster for a Homecoming Dance is featured in one scene and those usually happen at the beginning of the school year. I think the GAT is probably a General Aptitude Test given at the beginning of each new school year to determine where students are at academically before finalizing class schedules.
(c) In the episode “Revenant”, Terry’s reference to Willie getting out in time for junior prom after two more months in juvie could be read as “just in time for junior prom [at the end of the school year]” not that they’re necessarily two months away from the end of junior year. With Spring break happening nine episodes later, a lot more time than two months would have to pass for Willie to get out just barely in time for junior prom.
(d) The episode “Eyewitness” most likely occurs in November of 2039 since Sam Young is up for re-election as district attorney.
(e) The reason I set “Out of the Past” in late October of 2040 is because in at least one other Batman cartoon, "The Batman" (2004), Bruce's birthday is in October (see "Trivia" section). If you do a quick google search, there's like three other birthdays/months listed for Bruce across the DC multiverse so I just went with the one that was most convenient to my timeline and I make no apologies. Either way it has to be in Fall or Winter because "Return of the Joker" is in Summer of that year.
(f) I tend to think that “The Call” had to occur during Thanksgiving break because I can’t imagine Mary would have let Bruce send Terry to Metropolis if he wasn't on break, but that’s just an assumption.
(g) I believe Terry’s training with Kairi began around the start of his senior year and continued through until part 2 of “Curse of the Kobra”. I believe the events we see through most of part 1 of “Curse of the Kobra” occurred over the same span of time that passes between “Inqueling” and “Betrayal”. Mostly I believe this is the case because Terry’s training probably would have taken months and thinking of it this way makes the timline a bit tidier.  
(h) I set “Future Shock” right after “Unmasked” because KOBRA has a new leader (Zander is gone) and I kept it in December on the timeline because Terry looks dressed for cold weather.
(i) In the "Justice League: Unlimited" episode "Epilogue", Terry says that he was 16 when he became Batman. Some people think that means he didn't become Batman until the beginning of his junior year, but it's just as possible he became Batman during the second half of sophomore year if he has a birthday between January to March at the absolute latest (see my first bullet point for why). We know "Epilogue" occurs 15 years after "Rebirth" because Dana says she and Terry have been dating for 15 years and we know they likely didn't start dating until just before "Rebirth" when they were 16.
3. Rebirth Recontextualized
(a) Assuming “Big Time” occurs in September to early October of 2040 and we know Charlie Bigelow spent two years in jail, than he and Terry must have gone to prison sometime in September to early October of 2038. This would’ve been during the first half of Terry’s sophomore year and explains why in “Rebirth” he’s been split up from Matt (his parents think he’s a bad influence) and why things are so tense between him and Warren. If Terry was arrested in September/early October and did 3 months then he might not have gotten out of juvie until around late December/winter break, right before the series starts during the second half of his sophomore year. It seems that between his release and becoming Batman is when he and Dana got together since Mary talks like she doesn’t really know her in “Rebirth”. He’s basically just a couple months out of juvie when he becomes Batman.
(b) The first comic featuring Batman was published in March of 1939, so “Batman Beyond” starting around the same time of year in 2039 is really satisfying. As it happened, it was fairly easy to fit a timeline around that start time without too much finagling.
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lgcmanager · 9 months
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
on JANUARY 8, days before VERSUS’ comeback, they met with their manager, KYUHWAN.
during this time, the boys ( including JAESUN ) will be having their music show promotions starting on JANUARY 16 in ‘THE SHOW’. the promotions will go on for three weeks. as for their wins, VERSUS would have won number one in the music charts 4 times ( 2 from THE SHOW, 1 from SHOW! CHAMPION, 1 from M! COUNTDOWN, and 1 from MUSIC BANK; all except the second THE SHOW win were during the second week of promotions. the second THE SHOW win was during the third week of promotions )
ALEX, YEONWOO, and TEE will be making a guest appearance on HANWOO RADIO with BTOB’s EUNKWANG as the DJ for JANUARY 17TH’s episode. during that segment, the members will talk about their thoughts regarding their album, play some quiz games about their group and members, and answer some fan letters.
the three of them will also be featured on the JANUARY 26TH, FEBRUARY 2ND, and FEBRUARY 16TH episodes of ‘STARS’ TOP RECIPE FOR FUN-STAURANT’ as the guest panelists where they will be reacting and commenting on some of the unique dishes made related to the central theme ( for this, it will be SNACKS ). filming wise, all of this will be done over the course of 1-2 days and done whenever all three of them have free days in their schedule.
in between all of this, they will also be having fansign events with their fans which will last until FEBRUARY 3.
a couple of days before LUNAR NEW YEAR ( FEBRUARY 10 ), all of the VERSUS members will be dressed up in traditional clothing and record a lunar new year greeting for all of the fans which will be posted on the V&A’s youtube channel.
“with the release of the OSTs and the start of the animation series, LEGACY has invited the debuted groups to take part in the PROJECT ORIGIN EXHIBITION & SHOWCASE, which is scheduled to happen on FEBRUARY 23. on this day, there will be the unveiling of the exhibition where the costumes used during both the original and second reiteration of the musical will be displayed. among that are some of the memorabilia we have collected from all of the groups participating, so this includes costumes and props used during some of the past future dreams seasons, year end ceremonies and much more.” KYUHWAN continues on while remaining enthusiastic about the whole event. “later on that day, there will be a showcase where the groups will be performing the webtoon OSTs and since this will be happening after the airing of the future dreams season 7 finale, YEONWOO will be given a chance to perform ‘BAD 4 U’.”
the ‘V&A REACTS TO’ series has resumed once again, this time they will be doing it with one video to promote their senior artist, HARU! HARU will be releasing ‘WIND AND WISH’ on MARCH 19, but because of schedules they will be inviting YUSHIN, JIHO, and YEONWOO ( also known as YUJIWON ) to react to their song. the reaction will be posted on MARCH 21 and will include the other legacy artists.
just like YUJIWON had their own podcast months ago, this time around it will be KEEHO, MAXIMILIAN, ALEX, and TEE. this will follow a similar pattern with YUJIWON’s pod in that they will have a set number of episodes and discuss various topics. most of these will be filmed sometime around FEBRUARY to MARCH depending on their schedules.
EPISODE 1 ( KEEHO, MAXIMILIAN, ALEX, TEE / AIRING MARCH 20 ): introduction of the podcast, hobbies that they’re into nowadays, thoughts about the latest fashion trends.
EPISODE 2 ( KEEHO / AIRING MARCH 27 ): getting to know KEEHO. since it’s a solo podcast episode, it would basically be an episode about getting to know him, his interests, his legacy audition, concept(s) you want to try, show that you want to be a part of, etc. 
EPISODE 3 ( MAXIMILIAN / AIRING APRIL 3 ): getting to know MAXIMILIAN. since it’s a solo podcast episode, it would basically be an episode about getting to know him, his interests, his legacy audition, concept(s) you want to try, show that you want to be a part of, etc. 
EPISODE 4 ( KEEHO & TEE / AIRING APRIL 10 ): adapting into the korean culture, differences between their birthplace and korea, foods or drinks that they’ve missed in their birthplace.
EPISODE 5 ( ALEX / AIRING APRIL 17 ): getting to know ALEX. since it’s a solo podcast episode, it would basically be an episode about getting to know him, his interests, his legacy audition, concept(s) you want to try, show that you want to be a part of, etc. 
EPISODE 6 ( TEE / AIRING APRIL 24 ): getting to know TEE. since it’s a solo podcast episode, it would basically be an episode about getting to know him, his interests, his legacy audition, concept(s) you want to try, show that you want to be a part of, etc.
EPISODE 7 ( ALEX & MAXIMILIAN / AIRING MAY 1 ): advantages and disadvantages of learning different languages, moments related to being multilingual, any languages they want to learn in the future.
EPISODE 8 ( KEEHO, MAXIMILIAN, ALEX, TEE / AIRING MAY 8 ): summary of all of the episodes that they’ve filmed and what to expect in terms of V&A schedules and promotions.
for the SOLO episodes, the other members will be present there ( behind the camera ) and give any commentary or ask any questions for the one hosting.
since YEONWOO and TEE have birthdays one day apart ( YEONWOO - FEBRUARY 26, TEE - FEBRUARY 27 ), legacy decided to have a joint birthday livestream for the two of them. on FEBRUARY 26 in the afternoon, the two of them will be having a 45 minute livestream where they will be in a leatherworking studio and create customized wallets to give to 2 lucky fans. during this time, they will be answering fan questions and talking about any moments that have been special to them in the past year or so. near the end of the session, KYUHWAN will be giving them birthday cakes and singing happy birthday for the two idols. 
for ALEX’s birthday ( which is on MARCH 5 ), he will having his birthday livestream with the fans in his studio! during the livestream, ALEX will be playing some online multiplayer games with the fans. in between the waiting and break sessions, ALEX will answer some fan questions about his wishes, goals, and what he would like to accomplish in 2024. the livestream will be around 45 minutes long and near the end of the session, KYUHWAN will surprise ALEX with a birthday cake and sing happy birthday.
later on in the meeting, the VERSUS members are introduced to two new people by KYUHWAN; KUROSAWA AKIO and PARK SEOJIN.
“i believe all of you are familiar with each other thanks to lgc spring boys, am i right?” KYUHWAN looks at both sides for confirmation before jokingly adding, “i guess i can skip the introductions for that.” but he knows with limited time available, he does his best to get straight to the point. “AKIO and SEOJIN will be joining VERSUS so please take this bit of time to help them get adjusted to their new life.” 
KYUHWAN turns his head towards AKIO and SEOJIN, “while it is unfortunate that both of you won’t be able to participate in this month’s gigs due to everything that is going on, the company felt that this would be the best time to start learning and getting well-acquainted with VERSUS discography. in the meantime, all of you are expected to keep this a secret with everyone in legacy until the time comes, which will be in a few months once we get past through the promotions.” 
AKIO and SEOJIN will not be able to participate in OPEN EVENTS 006, 007 or 008 in the meantime and all of their instagram posts for JANUARY-MARCH will be under the LGCENT instagram for now.
sometime around FEBRUARY 5, all of the VERSUS members will be having another short but urgent meeting with KYUHWAN as they are told that JAESUN has left the company. because of the sudden news, there will be some changes made regarding the group positions and dorm arrangements.
for the group positions, it will be the following:
due to the timing of the addition of the new members, the group positions may gradually change over time but this is what the current roles will look like in the meantime.
as for the dorm arrangements, it will be the following:
with the changes going on, KYUHWAN expresses that during this time most of the VERSUS members will be undergoing intensive workshops and training to help prepare themselves from future projects. this will also mean that for ALEX, TEE, and YEONWOO they will be doing individual or group activities with each other or the AGITO members to help VERSUS’ fame after JAESUN’s departure. he will also give feedback to the members, which can be best summarized below ( skills listed to the name are the ones to prioritize in that order ):
YEONWOO: nothing, but ENGLISH is optional
CREAM SODA PROMOS: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines each, 2 posts per mun ) with another VERSUS member about anything related to their schedules ( hanwoo radio guest appearance, stars top recipe for fun-staurant appearance, music show behind the scenes/rehearsals, acceptances speeches for their win, recording lunar new year greetings, etc. ). completing either task will earn you +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +8 NOTORIETY ! ** only for ALEX, TEE, and YEONWOO **
EXTRA TRAINING: for this there are two options. A. continue a thread that started in Q4 2023 by writing an additional 4 posts ( minimum 8 lines each, 2 posts per mun ) to the thread AND/OR B. write a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines each, 2 posts per mun ) with another VERSUS member about anything related to the changes in their new schedules ( eg. helping the new members learn the new songs, adjusting to the new dorm arrangements, etc. ) completing either task will earn you +10 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE ! ** for AKIO and SEOJIN, this can be done twice ( and can be a combination of both options or 2 of one option ) while for ALEX, TEE, and YEONWOO it can be done once **
K2MT POD: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines each, 2 posts per mun ) with your episode partner about the podcast’s episodes for +6 MCING/HOSTING and +6 NOTORIETY ! ** only for ALEX & TEE **
V&A REACTS TO WAW: write a 6 replies ( minimum 8 lines, 2 posts per mun ) with each other about their thoughts and reactions to HARU’s ‘wind and wish’ music video for +6 LYRIC or MUSIC COMPOSITION, and +4 NOTORIETY ! ** only for YEONWOO **
WONTEE’S BIRTHDAY LIVESTREAM: write a 250+ word solo or a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines each, 2 posts per mun ) with the other muse ( YEONWOO/TEE ) about the livestream experience. completing this will earn you +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY ! ** only for YEONWOO & TEE **
K’S BIRTHDAY LIVESTREAM: write a 250+ word solo about the livestream experience. completing this will earn you +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY ! ** only for ALEX **
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:versusmission for the tasks. you have until MARCH 30, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ VERSUS MISSION 004 - CREAM SODA PROMOS: +8 ( skill points distribution ), +8 notoriety [ LINK ] - EXTRA TRAINING: +10 ( skill points distribution ) [ LINK ] - K2MT POD: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +6 notoriety [ LINK ] ** only for ALEX & TEE ** - V&A REACTS TO WAW: +6 ( lyric composition OR music composition ), +4 notoriety [ LINK ] ** only for YEONWOO ** - WONTEE’S BIRTHDAY LIVESTREAM: +5 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety [ LINK ]  ** only for YEONWOO & TEE ** - K’S BIRTHDAY LIVESTREAM: +5 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety [ LINK ] ** only for ALEX **
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openheartfanfics · 2 years
Newly Added Fics
Dec 31, 2022 -  Jan 6, 2023
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Pink Champagne Part 2 - @peonierose 📷
It’s Lunas birthday and bachelorette party.
Can’t Win - @mydemonsdrivealimo ☁
Jensen makes an attempt at teaching Bryce to spar, which goes completely and utterly wrong.
To Be Young - @mydemonsdrivealimo 📚🛸
[extended: wip] An AU in which Jensen had a kid prior to coming to Edenbrook.
Chapter 1
Better Luck Next Year - @socalwriterbee  ☁🎇
With a bit of bad luck to end the year, Tessa tries anything to change that with superstitions and folklore to ring in the new year.
Coffee Love - @liaromancewriter 📷
Cassie shares her love of coffee on Pictagram.
Coming To You - @tveitertotwrites 🛸
Claire is an actress working on a new medical TV show and meets Ethan through it.
Countdown - @potionsprefect ☁🎇
Victoria and Ethan count down the New Year in Dagger Mountain. [Vacation]
Happy 2023 - @ethanramseytwilight ☁
Here's a little peek into what our two favourite people have done for the beginning of an eventful year.
I'd like to be.... - @ethanramseytwilight 🛸
Catherine is at a café, studying when she comes across a mysterious man.
I wish.... - @ethanramseytwilight 🎭
They break up. Set in Book 3, before Ethan's hearing. [3.15; Broke up]
Kicking it Up a Notch - @genevievemd 📱♥
The first time Genevieve sends Ethan a spicy photo, and things go from hot to hotter. [Sexting]
Merry Christmas - @tveitertotwrites ☁🎄
The Ramsey's spend Christmas morning together.
Mistletoe Magic - @headoverheelsforramsey ☁🎄
Three years, three Christmases and three mistletoes.
New Year, Same Us - @heauxplesslydevoted  ☁🎇
A look at the Ramseys' NYE celebration.
Snowy Thoughts - @genevievemd ☁
Gen watches Ethan play in the snow with their niece. [Domestic; Extended Family]
Special Treat - @potionsprefect ☁
Victoria and Ethan buy Luke and Lily a present. [Domestic; Family]
Summer Romance - @liaromancewriter ☁
Ethan and Cassie define their status over breakfast, set early in their secret relationship.
‘Tis the Damn Season - @genevievemd 📚📷 [extended: wip] A look into the final eight months of Ethan and Gen’s first year of marriage.
Warm Comfort - @potionsprefect ☁🎇
Dagger Mountain provided a perfect place for just the two of them. [Vacation]
What Happened in Vegas - @jerzwriter 📚🛸
[mini: wip] Casey & her roommates are heading to Vegas, intent on taking down Declan Nash and Panacea; but this time, Dr. Ethan Ramsey is in tow.
CH 4: We did...
Yoga Fun - @liaromancewriter 📷
Cassie is all about trying new things, until she isn’t.
(Further) Trials & Tribulations - @utterlyinevitable 📚Ⓜ
[extended: wip] Drabbles of what happened immediately following Trials & Tribulations. TW: Depression, toxic relationship Feat. Bryce Lahela, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC, Sienna Trinh, Naveen Banerji
Part 3: Friends Helping Friends [BFF Bryce]
Part 4: Maybe It’s Time to Face the Music [Bryce - Hurt/Comfort, Friends with Benefits; Ethan - The Amazon]
Part 5: A secret shared [Bryce - Hurt/Comfort, Friends with Benefits]
Part 6: A little bomb called Sienna [Bryce - Friends with Benefits, Go on a Date]
Part 7: It’s coming down, now
Part 8: I don’t wanna know [2.1; Bryce - Friends with Benefits; Ethan - The Amazon, Having Issues, Broke Up]
This Life - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚🎭Ⓜ
[extended: complete] All appears well in the Ramsey household until Louise suddenly leaves, throwing life into disarray. TW: Deals with abandonment, Minor character death and other mature themes Feat. Ethan Ramsey, Alan Ramsey, Harper Emery, Naveen Banerji, F!MC, Tobias Carrick
Part 13: The moments I knew
Epilogue: Change of perspective
Kiss Me at Midnight - @liaromancewriter ☁🎇Ⓜ
Max and Sienna enjoy a special New Year’s Eve celebration.
New and Improved - @jerzwriter  📱Ⓜ
Finally together, Tobias and Casey’s morning texts go to a spicy new level.
The Perfect Gift - @jerzwriter ☁
Tobias and Casey welcome their first child into the world and set some ground rules along the way. [Domestic; Family]
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Night 1 in Paris- PSG game-
The reason for the tight travel schedule was we had tickets to the PSG v. Ajaccio game that night. Matt had booked the tickets months earlier when the game was scheduled for Sunday at 3 pm, but a month out they moved the game to Saturday at 8 pm which necessitated some panicked train changing from Matt. We made it to the game fairly smoothly on the Paris Metro and were careful to walk around the outside of the stadium to the exact entrance after not being allowed in one entrance early at the tottenham game (they have stadiums super locked down in europe compared to the US so you can’t really walk between sections inside the game much). We enjoyed seeing parisians sitting in outdoor cafes all around for their version of tailgating and got to the stadium and our seats with only a few minutes to spare before game time. Looking around, the stadium seemed pretty empty…then we noticed there was a countdown clock to game time and the game had been moved (again) to 9 PM unbeknownst to us...so we had an hour to kill. We explored the surrounds and got the kids burgers with he buns stamped with PSG logo as well as sugary drinks so we could get the souvenir cups. 
When Matt booked the tickets months prior he was hoping to be able to see Neymar, Messi and Mbappe all play. In the interim, Neymar had suffered a season ending ankle injury and Messi had been suspended for 2 weeks 10ish days prior due  to taking a trip to Saudi Arabia and missing practice when not authorized by the team. He later apologized to the team and was allowed to return to training after just a week but it was up in the air if he’d actually play in the game. One plus of arriving an hour early is we were in the stadium to hear the starting lineups announced and Henry was very excited to hear Messi would be starting! The rest of the crowd had mixed opinions with about half boos/wolf whistles and half cheers when he was announced. Full support came from the crowd and our family for Mbappe being announced as a starter as well. We also got to watch warmups and see how both Messi and Mbappe were allowed in the backs of their lines during warmup drills and gave minimal effort as superstars do in warmups 😂 (see video). The game was never really in doubt with PSG scoring 2 goals in the first half while playing towards the goal opposite our seats. By the time the second half started it was 10pm and we were starting to have some whining from the youngest 2 children who were tired (and also maybe their mother 😳). We compromised we’d stay until about the 60th minute to get to see some offense in front of us and were glad we did as we got to see an Mbappe brace right in front of us, the first which just trickled under the keeper after lots of slick passing in the box but the second of which was a sweet one touch volley received over the shoulder and rifled into the net. We then headed out and beat the rush home (which was welcome due to the late hour). We later learned we missed a big shoving match after Messi got knocked down which included a red card for each team and an Ajaccio own goal on a deflection for a final score of 5-0. We settled into our beds tired and happy after a long day of travel and PSG supporting.
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911fandomweekly · 2 years
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Hello, 9-1-1 Fandom!
Welcome to this week’s edition of the 9-1-1 Fandom Weekly, where we update you on all of the events going on in the fandom this week!
This Week in 9-1-1 ◈ January 2nd
🔹 Tarlos Weekly Prompts @tarlosweeklyprompts No new prompts until January 8th.
🔹 The 118 Weekly @the118discord New prompts beginning next week. Submissions are always ongoing/welcome.
🔸 9-1-1: Lone Star Big Bang @911lsbb Sign-ups are currently open.
🔸 Tarlos Valentines Fic Exchange @tarlosweeklyprompts Sign-ups open January 6th.
COMING SOON (starting within a month)
🚨9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Countdown - 2 weeks left!🚨
🚨9-1-1 Season 6B Countdown - ?????🚨
If anything is missing from this list, please let us know!
You can also check out our blog for a comprehensive archive of Past Events, as well as all of the Upcoming Events that we know about.
Have a great week!
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44gamez · 9 months
Next Jujutsu Kaisen Episode Countdown – Season 2 Episode 23
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Picture: Mappa Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 23 marks an enormous turning level within the second member of Shonen Leap’s Darkish Trio’s story. Pseudo-Geto’s sinister plans for Japan are about to start in earnest, and an surprising twist concerning Yuji Itadori’s household foreshadows even darker revelations. We’re nearing the finale of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2, however followers nonetheless have loads of thrilling (and heartwrenching) twists to stay up for. Should you’re in it until the tip, right here’s the discharge date and countdown to Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 23.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 23 Launch Date, Time, and Countdown
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 23 can be launched on December twenty eighth, 2023, if all goes as deliberate. Like the remainder of Jujutsu Kaisen Season, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 23 can be out there on Crunchyroll at 10 AM PT / 12 PM CT / 1 PM ET. Nevertheless, it might be delayed on account of web site site visitors. The English dubbed model ought to arrive on the web site two weeks later, on January eleventh, 2024. Associated: Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Launch Date Schedule 2024: When You Can Count on New Chapters Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 23 Launch Date Countdown If you wish to know exactly when a brand new episode of Jujutsu Kaisen will drop in your area, rejoice! Take a look at our in-depth Jujutsu Kaisen time zone launch chart under! Time ZoneLaunch TimePacific Time (Los Angeles, Vancouver)10:00 AM PSTMountain Time (Denver, Calgary)11:00 AM MSTCentral Time (Chicago, Regina)12:00 PM CSTJapanese Time (New York, Toronto)1:00 PM ESTAtlantic Time (Halifax, Fredericton)2:00 PM ASTBrazil (Brasília Time)2:00 PM BSTUK and Eire6:00 PM GMTEurope7:00 PM CESTMoscow8:00 PM MSKIndia10:30 PM ISTVietnam and Thailand12:00 AM ICTPhilippines1:00 AM PHT
RECAP: JJK Season 2 Episode 22 Spoilers and What to Count on in Episode 23
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Picture: Mappa Determined to flee loss of life, Mahtio begs Pseudo-Geto to save lots of him from Yuji. Sadly for Mahito, Psuedo-Geto’s description of “serving to” entails utilizing his innate Cursed Spirit Manipulation approach to soak up Mahito. Unable to battle again, Mahito is consumed, giving Peeduo-Geto entry to all of Mahito’s terrifying talents. Given an opportunity to indicate off his new expertise when the Kyoto Second-Years arrive, Pseudo-Geto effortlessly avoids each assault thrown his means, even after Atsuya Kusakabe and Utahime Iori be a part of the fray. When it seems like issues can’t get any spicer, Choso arrives and protects Yuji from a harmful blow, loudly declaring that the boy is his little brother. Having skilled a false reminiscence of Yuji eating with himself and his brothers, Choso deduces that the being referred to as Peeduo-Geto is and at all times has been Kenjaku, the depraved sorcerer who created him and his siblings. Kenjaku doesn’t trouble denying the allegation, however Uraume freezes Choso in his tracks earlier than he can retaliate. Enraged by the continual interruption of Sukuna’s ressurection, Uraume makes an attempt to complete off all their opponents with an enormous blast of ice. At that second, Yuki Tsukumo arrives and challenges Kenjaku, closing the episode with a nail-biting cliffhanger. - This text was up to date on December twenty first, 2023 About The Creator
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Drew Kopp has been a author at Assault of the Fanboy for 3 months and has coated Baldur's Gate 3, The Texas Chainsaw Bloodbath, and Ahsoka. He has a Bachelor's in Artistic Writing and loves writing about indie video games and superstar gossip. When he is not writing, he may be discovered studying fantasy books or rocking out as Bard in Dungeons & Dragons. Extra on Assault of the Fanboy : Source link Read the full article
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7 Tips for Transitioning Back to School After Winter Break / Fiona Tapp
Kids might struggle to return to normal school routines after a fun winter break. Here's how to make the transition easier for the whole family.
Winter break and the associated holidays—like Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa—inject some fun into an otherwise dull, cold time of year. But when the festivities end in the new year, kids often struggle with the transition back to routine, rules, and homework. Returning to the classroom doesn't invoke the same excitement as back-to-school season in August, and summer break feels overwhelmingly far away.
Return to Bedtime Routines
Although parents may let their kids stay up late or sleep in during special occasions (like winter break), they should transition to their regular sleep patterns before returning to school. That's because quality, consistent sleep is essential to your child's ability to learn.
Too little sleep has been associated with "attention, behavior, and learning problems," according to a statement from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). "Insufficient sleep also increases the risk of accidents, injuries, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and depression."
In the days before classes start, move bedtime back by 15- 30 minutes each night until you're back to their sleep normal schedule. The AASM recommends the following optimal amounts of sleep for children and teens:
Ages 4-12 months: 12-16 hours (including naps)
Ages 1-2 years: 11-14 hours (including naps)
Ages 3-5 years: 10-13 hours (including naps)
Age 6-12 years: 9-12 hours
Age 13-18 years: 8-10 hours
Create a Back-to-School Countdown
Lazy days spent relaxing in pajamas seem to abruptly stop once school starts again. Ease the transition back to class, especially for younger kids, by creating a visual countdown for the end of winter break. That way, the different routine won't creep up so unexpectedly. Older kids can enter the date on their personal calendars, letting them track how much more freedom they can enjoy.
Discuss The Year Ahead
Before school starts in the fall, it's a great idea to chat with your child about expectations for the year ahead. After winter break, parents might presume their children won't need the same amount of preparation, since teachers and classes largely remain the same. But some things will change in the new year—such as the coursework your child will do each day. Talking through any worries or concerns can help them feel more confident. Older kids and teens might want to set some academic New Year's resolutions they can work toward.
Celebrate Their First Week Back
Returning to school after a fun-filled winter break can feel a little disappointing. Help soften the blow by organizing something special to celebrate the completion of their first week back. Some examples: a movie night, special play date, dinner at their favorite restaurant, family game night, or bowling. When math class feels tedious, they can look forward to the upcoming treat!
Stock Up on School Supplies
Start the new year ready for new challenges by ensuring your child has all the resources they need. For younger kids, this might mean a fresh set of sharpened colored pencils, new glue sticks, boxes of tissues, or hand sanitizer. Older kids might appreciate some new reading material, colorful folders, or notebooks.
Make Your Mornings Easier
School mornings can be hectic, especially if kids have gotten used to moving at a slower pace during the holidays. Make the before-school hours run smoothly by prepping a few things in advance. For example:
* Ask kids to organize and pack their school supplies and backpacks before bed.
* Prepare breakfast items or lunches the night before.
* Lay out clothing options.
* Agree on a bathroom schedule if you have a large family.
* Plan to leave a 10-minute buffer to avoid being late on the first day back.
Validate Your Child's Feelings
Just as you might not look forward to your own daily grind after winter break, it's normal for kids to have mixed feelings, too. They might be eager to see their friends and their teacher—or they might feel anxious and apprehensive about the situation. Both reactions are normal and valid. Encourage kids to voice their feelings and listen with patience. When children feel heard, they're more likely to share their feelings and worries. Act as a safe space, and let your kindness help them muster the courage needed to face all of life's challenges.
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hotarutranslations · 2 years
Look Forward to Our Calendar Release From Hagoromo-san
The other day I appeared on, TV Asahi's "Everyone is Horiken's Friend"
If you missed it you can stream and the TVer and such on TERASA 🎈
#53 Fureai Social Studies Field Trip~ Factory of a delicious frozen dumpling company~
#54 Fureai Social Studies Field Trip~ Factory of a delicious frozen dumpling company~
By all means! Please watch it! We did yoga and tennis! (the difference)
Everyone!! Today, it is 1 month until our Nippon Budokan performance!!
I'm thankful, that since I've joined, I've already experienced Budokan many times
Also a a solo live but, how many times I've experienced it,
I'm reallyy thankful, for how it feels each time, what I learn each time......
This time as well, our Nippon Budokan performance, will be streamed so thank you very much for your support 🌷
🌷 details
Also, its close to the release of our single,
the MV is complete!!!!!
Tomorrow, its releasing!!!!!
🔔 Announcement 🔔
Look forward!
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Tokyo Sports note Series   #86 My First Birthday as a Morning Musume
📺 ️
TV Asahi "Horiken no Minna Tomodachi"
🐦️  Official Twitter is Here 🐣  If you missed it, you can stream it here!
10/20 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #1 First Airs 11/3 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #2 First Airs 11/17 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #3 First Airs
12/1 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #4 First Airs
Hello Pro Dance Academy Season 8
Fukuoka Daily       Kitakyushuu Daily   Hiroshima Daily
Morning Musume '22 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Radio Nihon (Sat) 12:00~12:30AM   STV Radio (Mon) 3:00~3:30AM   KBS Kyoto (Wed) 9:30~10:00PM
December 10th (Sat)   Morning Musume '22 Nippon Budokan Performance
December 21st (Wed) New single release "Swing Swing Paradise/Happy birthday to Me!"
Cheki Sign Talk Event Announcement
Announcement of Benefits, First Come First Serve
We’ll be visiting 7 major cities nationwide  from January 2nd to February 25th Winter Hello! Project Concert     2023 winter
⚠️  Morning’s first performance is on the 3rd
see you ayumin <3
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undyingskies · 4 years
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A/N: This one wasn’t a requested but I absolutely loved writing this one. I got the idea from a tiktok, the girl was listening to the song called Fallin’ by Why Don’t We for 3 hours straight. It made me listen to the song and it reminded me of Charlie for some reason which lead to the creation of this fic! To those who have request imagines know I have seen them and will get to them, I got caught up in this fic and another one for Owen, but I promise I’m going to get them out as fast as I can! I really hope you guys enjoy this one, I really love it! xoxo
Warnings: Few curse words.
Here you are again, caught up in the moment not thinking twice. Your sandwiched between the wall and Charlie, your hand tangled in his hair, his under your thighs, and your lips moving fast and passionately against one another.
The adrenaline rushing through your veins, everything frozen except the two of you in that small corridor, hiding from everyone else.
You see this whole thing with Charlie started about a month ago, you had no idea how it started or where it would lead but here you are again, melting into his touch. Even though you always tell yourself that one was the last time when he’s finished with you.
You and Charlie were just two close friends for the longest time. You were hired to work on season two of Julie and The Phantoms as an intern for Soyon. You always loved fashion and wanted to do costume work on sets so this was your opportunity and you weren’t going to let anything get in the way of that. You jumped on the first plane you could get and made your way to Vancouver, Canada. Your three bags in tow, carrying everything you owned.
Kenny and producers had arranged for an apartment for you but it wouldn’t be available until three weeks after you arrived. They underestimated your ability to pack quickly and find a ticket out almost immediately. The only apartment having three bedrooms being Owen and Charlie’s, which they were kind enough to let you use at Kenny’s request.
It all started out so innocent, you and the boys immediately had a connection. You and Owen sharing a similar humor and personality. Charlie and you sharing the same love for nature and love for adrenaline.
You and Charlie quickly started going on adventures with one another. You started exploring the city and the nature surrounding it. Charlie being Canadian came in handy as he was familiar with the hiking trails that surrounded you guys.  
One day he came up to you, about two days before you were finally moving into your own apartment. He told you that he found a new hiking trail with a bridge and on that bridge you could bungee jump off of it. You agreed immediately with no hesitation. That’s the day that changed the dynamic of your friendship.
You felt the adrenaline pumping through your body as you stood at the edge of the bridge. Charlie’s hand in yours, a bright smile on his face.
“You ready?” He leans over and asks you as you start to hear the countdown for the jump.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You tell him back with a similar smile on your face. Hearing the faint count of 3, 2, 1.
That’s when you jumped. Yours and Charlie’s yelling drowning out any other noises. You bounce up and down a few times, laughter leaving the both of you.
As you come to slow down, laughter still erupting from the both of you, Charlie’s eye lock in on yours. His laughter slowly dies down as he stares through what feels like your soul. Before you knew it or could ask him what’s up, you felt his lips on yours. That familiar feeling of adrenaline pumping through your veins. You immediately reciprocate the kiss back.
That’s when it all changed. From that day on it was you and Charlie. Anytime you guys could find, his body was on yours and you couldn’t get enough of each other. On set he would pull you into empty closets, sets that weren’t in use, and every-time that adrenaline would come back pumping through the both of you.
You two had agreed to keep it a secret, it was a part of the fun. Knowing you could get caught. You also agreed that it was just physical nothing else. You never planned for the feelings to come with it, but of course like any story they did. Now here you are a month later telling yourself this was the last time; you wouldn’t let it happen again.
But your hearts beating fast and you can’t help but think why do I love this feeling?
Voices and steps break you out of your thoughts. Charlie’s lips and hands on you, making you feel more vulnerable. Your quick to detach your lips and body from his. That fire feeling fading away in the both of you. He gives you a confused look.
“People are coming Char.” You tell him, you grab his hand to pull him around the corner and out of the now occupied hallway. Your back in the parking lot of the set.
“That was a close one Y/N.” He says with a laugh.
“Ya a close one.” You tell him trailing off, beginning to get lost in your thoughts again. Charlie notices but doesn’t say anything, he had to get back to set to film in Julies garage.
“Well I guess I will see you after we’re done here. Meet you at my car tonight?” He asks you. You reach out to fix the beanie placed on his head, the stylist coming out in you. You start to fiddle with the sleeveless tank on him, trying to make it perfect so no one has an idea of what was just going on.
He laughs at your fiddling hands, grabbing onto them and pulling them away from his body.
“It’s fine they won’t know.” As much as you don’t want to admit it, Charlie knows you like the back of his hand and knows what you’re thinking even if you don’t say it out loud. He places a kiss to your forehead before he’s skipping off to set, sending you a wink before he’s gone. Heat rushes to your cheeks at his actions.
Then you’re left alone standing in the middle of the parking lot looking dazed. Savannah rounding the corner, laughing at the scene in front of her as you come into focus.
“Little sneak away fun with Charlie again?” She says sneaking up on you with a laugh at the look on your face.
“What? No? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You tell her. She smirks at your words.
“Come on Y/N, you don’t think I’ve caught on? You two always disappearing and coming back together. You staying late when you don’t have too and leaving with him. Plus we’re best friends you don’t think I’ve noticed the way you two look at each other? It’s practically heart eyes from both ends.” She tells you, in a serious tone.
“Fine. You’re right but I don’t want to talk about it here.” She nods at your words, agreeing with you.
“My trailer?” She asks you; you follow her as she walks towards it.
That’s when you empty out all your thoughts and feelings to her. You didn’t realize how much you had been keeping in the last month. You told her how it started, the deal you guys made, and your feelings for him. And by the end of your story and all your confessions, all she had to say was,
“I think you should tell him how you feel.”
Did she not hear what you just said? How you guys agreed that this was a no feelings deal, it was for the purpose of pleasure and the two of yours addiction to adrenaline.
“I think you missed the point there Sav. I can’t, I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I would rather end it and keep our friendship than ruin it all.”
“Your delusional if you think he doesn’t like you back, you don’t see the way he looks at you. Everyone else does though.” She tells you and places a hand on your shoulder.
“You should think about it at least.”
“Okay, I will.” You tell her. I don’t think either of you believing your words. Your eyes travel to look at the clock. It read 8:02, you were late meeting Charlie.
“Oh, I got to go. Thanks for the talk Sav, I appreciate it.” You tell her and pull her into a hug.
You make your away around the parking lot pretty quickly, looking to see the mop of brown hair that you really have come to love. You spot him next to the orange car, he refused to admit was a weird color. Your eyes land on him and then quickly to the figure standing in front of him with her hands on his arm laughing.
You stop dead in your tracks, your heart dropping into your stomach. Your throat tightening at the scene, hands sweaty and shaking by your sides. You don’t want to feel like this, you know you two promised each other that what you had was nothing. He was allowed to look and talk to other girls, but you can’t shake the feeling in your stomach.
Charlie looks up and notices you standing back just looking at the scene in front of you.  A smile makes its way onto his face at the sight of you. He quickly moves to the side of the girl, gently pushing her away, and is walking towards you.
“Hey Y/N, ready to go?” He asks you, stopping once he is in front of you. He grabs your hand but you quickly slip yours out of his. He frowns at your action but quickly composes himself.
He places his hand on your lower back and walks you to the car, opening the passenger door for you. You slide in, awkwardly smiling at the girl just standing there watching the interaction between the two of you.
“Well it was nice meeting you Josie, see you around.” He tells her, sending her a quick wave before he jumps  into the driver’s seat of the car and starts the engine. Not looking back at her once.
The two of you sit in silence, you consumed in your thoughts and him just confused by your actions. He tries to place his hand on your thigh but you move it out of reach. Another frown makes his way onto his face.
He makes the drive to your apartment, you agreed to go there tonight because Owen had an early day and would be at the boys apartment. He was already suspicious of the two of you so Charlie didn’t want to risk trying to sneak you in.
You quickly unbuckle your seat belt and hop out of the car. You keep a quick pace as you make your way into your apartment building. Charlie has to jog to catch up with you, seriously confused at your actions. He doesn’t know why you’re acting like this.
As you make your way into your apartment opening the door, Charlie takes the advantage of the moment and presses his body against yours. His lips finding their way onto your neck, trailing kisses up and down them. You freeze at the contact of him against you, basking in the pleasure for a second.
Your thoughts catch up with you and you move fast to get your body away from his. He stumbles at the loss of contact. He tries to reach for you again, the third time that night and you slip out of it again.
Charlie starts to feel frustrated at your actions, not knowing why you’re acting that way and starting to get nervous he did something wrong.
He goes to stand in front of  but you quickly make your way around him and into the kitchen. He’s right on your heel though.
“Okay Y/N what gives? Why are you acting so weird? We were fine earlier so what happened?” He asks you and you can hear the frustration and confusion laced in his tone.
You shake your head, trying to brush it off.
“Nothing, everything’s fine.” You tell him, pouring water into a cup. He takes it out of your hand and places it besides you. He has you turn to face him. The two of you are chest to chest, his arms placed on both sides of you so you can’t escape him or avoid eye contact.
He leans into kiss you but you turn your head fast, his lips making contact with your cheek. The frustration Charlie feels starts to boil over.
“Everything’s fine? Are you sure about that Y/N you won’t look at me or let me touch you!! What is going on?” He asks you, slightly yelling at this point.
You shove him off of you and walk past him. You don’t want to do this with him, not now. Well never really but at some point, you knew you would have too.
You lean your head against your fridge, letting out a sigh before you turn to look back at him.
“I can’t do this anymore Char, we’ve got to stop whatever this is between us.” His face falls at your words.
“What do you mean you can’t do this anymore? I thought we were having fun, just this morning it was fine...” He says slowly taking a step towards you. You put your hand up to stop him from walking closer.
“I know, but the more I think about it the more I need to stop it. Neither of us knew where this would lead when we started it and I just can’t do it anymore.” You let out with a sigh. Charlie feels sadness overcome him; his heart feels like it’s breaking a little bit.
Little did you know how Charlie was feeling. He never wanted to make the deal of keeping it just physical, but he agreed with you not wanting to ruin your friendship or stop what was happening between the two of you. He was just happy that he was getting a piece of you to himself. Charlie had fallen for you pretty much the second he saw you and heard your laugh.
“That doesn’t feel like a real reason Y/N, just an excuse. If you give me the real reason then fine, we’ll end this and we will just go back to being just friends. But I need a reason not an excuse before I leave.” He tells you, sounding desperate.
You don’t want to tell him the real reason. You don’t want to ruin the friendship you two have. It wouldn’t be the same if you told him, you two couldn’t just go back to being two friends if he knew your real feelings.
“That is the real reason Charlie.” You tell him, dropping your hand and looking down at your feet. You couldn’t handle his stare anymore.
You watch his feet walk towards you. His hand being placed under your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. Please just tell me.” He says just above a whisper, he no longer feels upset. He’s just sad.
You just sigh. You didn’t know what to do, the look on his face breaks your heart. You didn’t want to hurt him or make him sad and you can’t understand why this is doing that to him. You can feel the frustration boiling up in you.
You shove him off of you. You start pacing around your island.
“Tell you Charlie! You really want to know why?” This time you’re the one yelling. You can’t help but feel frustrated at your feelings and confusion. All he does is nod yes.
“Because Charlie! You make me reckless! The feeling of you and I together makes me reckless! I’ve been putting my job on the line to sneak around with you, I’m lying to my friends about what I’m doing when I am with you. I’m lying to myself and you!” You tell.
“What does that even mean Y/N, you’re lying to me?” He asks, his voice slightly raised.
“I love you, you idiot! I’ve been lying about my feelings to the both of us! I can’t do this anymore, this no feelings only physical stuff! It’s not fair to me.” You get quieter at the end of your confession.
Silence fills the air, neither of you say a word. He is just looking at you in shock. You standing on the other side of the island, your arms placed limply on the sides of your body. You look completely defeated.
Charlie doesn’t say a word just steps towards again. Again you lift your arms up, hoping to stop him. He grabs your hands.
“Would you just please let me get close to you?” He asks desperate. You let out a sigh and allow him to come closer.
He drops your hands and places his onto your cheeks, not allowing your head to fall so he could maintain eye contact with you.
“You don’t think I feel the same? Something about you makes me feel insane. I can’t control myself around you, I get a rush of adrenaline anytime I’m with you.” His confession being met with another cloud of silence.
You don’t know what to say, you just keep looking at him. You can see his eyes looking at you desperately, looking around your face hoping he could understand what you’re feeling based on your features. He can’t though.
“Please say something.” He practically begs.
“I don’t-, I don’t know what to say...” You trail off.
“Tell me you feel the same, you just admitted you loved me. Why can’t you admit you want more and that you feel the same adrenaline.” He tells you.
“Charlie...” You trail off. “You know I feel the same way about you. This whole time. You’re like a breath of fresh air, it’s never boring with you, the more we got together the more I needed you. I’m scared though, I’ve never felt like this before. Plus there are so many girls who you could get, why me?”
“Why you? Because Y/N, I’ve never met someone like you. You match me on every level, your love for adventure, your humor. You’re so sweet, you never hesitate to act in kindness rather than anything else no matter the situation. I love you. I have loved you pretty much since the minute I saw you.” He tells you. He places his forehead on yours, both of you breathing harder than usual due to the feeling of adrenaline rushing through the both of you because of your confessions.
“Will you please let me kiss you.” He asks you again the desperation laced in his words. You nod your head yes.
That’s when his lips meet yours, in the most passionate kiss the two of you have ever shared. His hands make their way down to your waist pulling you closer, as yours make their way up to the nape of his neck and entangling in his hair. You can feel the both of you pouring all your emotions into this kiss, letting each other know that both of your confessions are true.
You pull apart breathing heavy.
“Make me a promise, tell me that you’ll stay with me.” You tell him, your insecurities getting the best of you for a moment. He smiles at you though.
“Of course baby, I’m not scared to jump in if you want to.” He tells you, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Let’s just keep falling in love for the hell of it.” He tells you as you pull apart, his signature smirk plastered across his face, and he sends you a wink.
You laugh at his words.
“Ya of course, just for the hell of it.” You laugh as you pull him back into you, placing another kiss on his lips.
You pull apart and make your way to sit on the couch to just enjoy the company of each other. He places his head in your lap, you immediately start to run your fingers through his hair as if it’s second nature. He smiles at your actions and leans into your touch more.
“I guess I have to tell Owen he was right. I owe him 10 bucks.” Charlie says breaking the silence.
“What do you mean you owe him 10 bucks??” You say confused.
“Well you see, Owen and I may have made a bet about me falling for you. He said the minute you walked in the door and he saw my face when I looked at you, and he knew I was falling for you. I didn’t believe him.” You nod your head, encouraging him to continue the story.
“Then basically he bet me that I would  fall for you before the end of this year. I didn’t think us hooking up counted since it was a secret so I wasn’t gonna tell him he won. But I guess I have to now.” He says scratching the back of his neck as a nervous habit.
You laugh at his words, only Charlie would make such a bet. The adrenaline junkie and his competitiveness always getting the best of him.
“You’re not mad?” He asks you at hearing your laughter.
“Not at all, that is such a Gillespie move.” You tell him, leaning down to place your lips on his.
You can’t help but laugh at Charlie’s antics, truly he is the only person who would engage in such a thing. But that’s just another reason why you’ve fallen for the boy.
Charlie switches positions so he’s sitting next to you rather laying on top of you. He throws his arm over your shoulders and pulls you into him. You lay your head on his chest, you smile and you feel him press a kiss to your head. This is just another start to a wonderful adventure with Mr. Charlie Gillespie.
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levok · 3 years
There is SO long until season 2 drops 😩 what’s there to look forward to in the meantime??
I know!! Gawd…
But there are some stuff we can enjoy together while we wait:
1. They begin filming: they will post content about that on SoMe. Only 3 months to go 💀
2. The season 2 promo. Interviews, photo shoots, posters.
3. An actual premiere date being announced: We can start the countdown.
4. The trailer being released prior to the premiere. Let the analyzing of every frame begin.
5. Omar releasing more music and him being en melodifestivalen.
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Weekly Report: June 21st, 2022
🐝 What a bee-utiful day it is today, the first day of summer! A bright sunny day ONLY filled with happy memories! Starting today, we will try to issue a weekly report on the events of Cookie Run every Tuesday while the scores for the week’s Guild Battle season are being tallied. For the Editor’s convenience, all recorded times are being posted in EST.
⚔️ Break Your Limits!
June 21st - July 6th, 10:59 PM
🐝 So… you wanna make some happy memories in the Arena? Now’s your chance! Complete these Arena Tasks and advance through the tiers to claim Medals of Victory and some extra goodies to spruce your own home, 60 at a time! You can expect to see these following missions:
Compete in the Arena (10, 20, 30, 50, 80)
Win Arena battles (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
Win with ALL of your Cookies alive (1, 3, 5, 10, 15)
Win Revenge Battles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Win Arena battles with less than 30% of your Cookies’ total HP times (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Complete missions in this event (6, 13, 20, 27, 34)
🐝 Completing enough of these missions will give you hundreds of House Oyster’s Emblems and chests containing an Ancient soulstone from Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry, or Dark Cacao Cookie! It’s your choice in which one you get.
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⚔️ Radiant Heroes Season 1
🐝 Speaking of Arena… the new season is currently ongoing, and it’s the first series to not feature a Legendary or Ancient Cookie in the title! Reach the Master Tier to claim the Slumbering Paladin’s Sanctuary for your kingdom! Or… you could get the Kingdom pass and get the Magic Clockwork Yacht and enough supplies to make Mala Sauce Cookie even stronger! Oh yeah, that… “Old Rags?” Cookie with too many bad memories is the gift Cookie of the Month.
💀 Don’t call me Old Rags Cookie! I am LICORICE COOKIE, and I am this month’s spotlight! All fear me!
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⚔️ Arena Frenzy
🔄 Repeating Event: June 16th - June 24th
🐝 Win or loss, why not compete in the Arena and make some memories for yourself?! Fight 70 battles in the Arena and get rewards just for playing!
💰 Bounty Missions
🔄 Repeating Event: June 20th - June 23rd
🐝 Only 3 days long, complete Bounties (or time-jump them) to get a few more rewards.
🎁 Daily Gifts
🐝 Looking for even more rewards? Log back in every day until June 26th for some free stuff in your mailbox!
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🔥 Cookie Alliance: Season 7
🐝 Rewards are out, now go make some memories with your friends and bring back some relics for your museum!
Season Effects: 💥 Team CRIT Damage +20%, ✊ Charge Cookies CRIT% +10%
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🕰 Incoming Events
🏆 Flawless Victory (6/24 - 7/2)
♦️ Dark Mode Marathon (6/23 - 6/26)
🎈 Balloon Marathon (6/26 - 6/29)
🔜7️⃣ Season 7 Countdown
🐝 There are only 6 days left until Ovenbreak Season 7 starts, and we leave bee-hind that tragic memory they called Invocation Cards in Season 6! Remember those other four dragons? We might be meeting number five with the Ivory Dragon VERY soon… but for now, you can log in and find a special coupon code every day in the events tab! As a result, Team Fight, Peperoncino Cookie’s Trial, and the Essence of Conflagration Trial are all ending once Season 7 goes live!
Fragrant Lotus Paradise will have its weekly rewards postponed to June 27th, 7:00 PM as a result, possibly to make way for a new Breakout Main Episode! Take advantage of the extension if you haven’t run yet!
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🗞 Dev News
🐝 Sea Fairy Cookie celebrates her first anniversary of making landfall in Cookie Run Kingdom today! You’ve met her, right?! I’ve only seen her in panes of sugar glass…
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https://twitter.com/DevMicMac/status/1539055061141032960 Editor here, and I just want to wish CM Mic Mac and his wife a warm congratulations on welcoming a new daughter to the family! As such, he will not appear in the preview video for Season 7 and will be taking some time off work for the time being. Other CROB event dates around this time remain unchanged.
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