#10 Restaurants To Visit This Christmas!
Y'all, I just HAD to share this, because holy shit.
A little background first:
I run the drive-thru cash register window at a fast food joint. One of the shittiest jobs there is because some of the rudest/stupidest people on the planet come through the drive-thru, and one must have near superhuman patience to deal with it. That said, there are customers who come regularly and are not hard to deal with at all. And then there are some-very few and far between-that restore your faith in humanity a little every time they come.
This is about one such customer.
This guy comes every day at about the same time with his grandson (6 years old when this started, recently turned 7) and gets the exact same thing every time. To the point where now either I see their car or I hear the guy say his name (whichever happens first) and I'm already ringing them up. Because of this, the kid now thinks I have weirdly specific psychic powers, and has said he prefers coming to the place when I'm there. He's also decided I'm the best employee this place has. The granddad talks to me like I'm a human, they're always smiling and happy to see me (which means a lot in this line of work, let me tell you) and even on my shittiest days, they've managed to make me smile. I genuinely look forward to seeing these people every day.
Recently, grandson was hella excited to tell me he had a birthday coming up. Reminded me every day "my birthday's coming!" as most 6yo kids do.
Maybe I was feeling a little holiday spirit or something, but one day after work, I went to the Dollar Tree near the restaurant. I picked out a kid's birthday card and a Christmas card. I wrote a message in the Christmas one about what I just explained above, thanking them for bringing some joy to my days, because y'know what? People need to hear that shit. Especially in today's world. And I wanted them to know how much this meant to me. I wrote a little joke in the birthday card about not forgetting the day. Then I looked in my wallet, saw I had a $10 and a $1, and stuck the $10 in the birthday card. Addressed the birthday card to the kid and the Christmas one to kid and grandpa. I give the cards to them on their normal drive-thru visit. They are of course surprised (kid starts yelling "thank you" even though he hasn't gotten to open it yet) but thankful. Then the line moves on.
Fast forward to today.
I see the car come in but I don't start ringing the order up, because it's WAY early for them. I give my usual greeting, then I hear a woman's voice, so I think it's someone in the same kind of car. But when she asks "is this Hal?" I then realize it's the kid's mother, whom he has told all about me and who has come through with him before.
I say yes, and she tells me she's not here to order anything, just to see me, since kid and granddad are sick. I tell her to come on to the window, she does, and hands me a card and a nicely wrapped gift. I asked her to tell them hi for me, she said she would and then the line moved.
I got off on lunch break and opened card and gift.
I was not prepared. At all.
This is the gift...
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...the card (no writing on the front).....
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.....and the typed note inside the card that actually brought tears to my eyes.
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......I'm still not over this. I will be thinking about how this went on for OVER HALF A FUCKING YEAR and I had no idea.
This is the kind of stuff that makes this shitty job worth it. People like this....We need more of in this world. I'm going to hold onto that note so when I feel like shit or I don't matter, I can look at it and know there's a kid out there who I am so important to that he got his dad to write a whole-ass letter, to some random stranger he only knows through his son, inviting me to their fucking house. I'm tearing up again as I write this, just thinking about it.
If that doesn't say "you matter", idk what does.
(And yes, I will go at some point, because how can I not? I'm not gonna dash this kid's hopes and make myself look like an enormous asshole. This is the RL version of being handed a toy phone and told it's ringing)
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adrienneleclerc · 5 months
Meet the Family Part 2
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: after much discussion, Charles flies out Y/N’s parents to Monza so they can meet Charles’s mom before they decide on spending Christmas together in New York
Warning: the usual. IT IS EDITED, I MADE IT LONGER, starting from You
A/N: questions at the end of this imagine, I hope you like part 2 @ilovechickenwings
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“You didn’t have to fly them out first class.” Y/N said in the car.
“They’re your parents, what kind of person would I be if I let them fly coach, knowing I can afford first class.” Charles said.
“True. I can’t believe you invited them to the Monza Grand Prix.” Y/N said.
“Well my family is also coming to this Grand Prix, I figured they could meet. Hopefully they get along so we can spend Christmas on New York.” Charles said. Charles parked the car and he did a lot better than he usually does. They got out of the car.
“Your parking is getting better, muñeco, I am so proud.” Y/N said. “What time does their flight land?”
“Um, it says at that it should have landed 10 minutes." Charles said checking the flight information. They walked into the airport, Charles signing whatever the fans give him, they made it to the gate and Y/N saw her parents.
"Mami, Papi, que gusto verlos. Como estuvo el vuelo?" Y/N asked her parents after hugging them.
"First class es tan fancy, no creo que puedo volver a volar en coach." Elena said breaking the hug with Y/N to turn to Charles and hugs him. "Charles, thank you so much for flying us out, I can't believe we are in Italy, I always wanted to come here." Elena gives Charles a kiss on the cheek before letting him go, Charles blushing a little and laughing.
"It was nothing, I really wanted you two to meet my mom and brothers." Charles said.
"Right, we need to see if we get along before deciding on spending holidays together. A ver Charles, what car did you decide to rent?" Enrique asked.
"Mm, a Mercedes Benz, plenty of space for your luggage. Lets go, I want to invite you guys to eat before heading to the hotel." Charles said, taking Elena's and Enrique's carry on bags, leaving the airport to go to his car.
“Are we meeting Pascale there?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, my mom texted me saying shes on her way to the restaurant so let’s go.” Charles said, putting the carry on bags in his trunk, helping Enrique put the big suitcase in the trunk too before closing it, everyone got in the car.
“Can’t wait to go sightseeing and shopping.” Elena said.
“Oh yes, Monza is beautiful. Tomorrow is media day for me so if you want, you could go sightseeing by yourselves.” Charles said.
“Yeah, that seems fine, will Y/N be with you during media day?” Enrique asked.
“Yes she will.” Charles said.
“Yeah, that seems okay.” Elena said. The rest of the ride to the restaurant was filled with Elena and Enrique talking about what they want to see. Charles made it to the restaurant (I google restaurants in Monza, did you know there is a Peruvian restaurant there? I am so happy about that) and Charles parked his car in the Vecchia Ostuni parking lot.
“Mira eso, Y/N didn’t have to park for you.” Elena teased. Charles looked at Y/N.
“You told them I can’t park?” Charles asked in a whiny voice.
“I didn't tell them anything, they probably saw me parking your car when we visited.” Y/N said.
“Fair enough.” Charles said. They walked made it to the restaurant entrance and saw Pascale. “Maman!” Charles exclaimed before hugging his mother.
“Pascale, it’s good to see you again.” Y/N said, hugging her. “So Pascale, these are my parents Elena and Enrique.
“Nice to mee you.” Pascale said, hugging Elena and Enrique. “Let’s go in, I am starving.” They entered the restaurant, Charles had a reservation for them and they were seated right away. “Elena, Enrique, Can i just say I love your daughter, she is such a sweetheart, perfect for my Charles, I love having her over whenever they’re in Monaco.”
“Oh thank you, we only found out about Charles recently when he came to visit us in New York, but he makes Y/N happy and that’s good enough for us. Plus the gifts, thank you again Charles, I take that bag everywhere.” Elena said.
“It was my pleasure.” Charles said.
You know how sometimes your parents will share stories from your childhood? That’s exactly what happened.
“When Y/N was younger, she would name any animal she saw, whether that is a stray cat in our neighborhood or a mouse caught in a trap.” Enrique said, the three parents laughing.
“She still does that! They were over and we have this garden (I’m making this up) and she found a caterpillar on a leaf, Y/N named it Heimlich.” Pascale said and Y/N covered her face from embarrassment, leaning against Charles.
“Aw, don’t be embarrassed, Mon ange, it’s very cute and endearing how you name random animals.” Charles kissed her forehead.
“I think she got that habit from Lilo and Stitch, she would watch that movie all the time.” Elena said.
“Oh Charles here was obsessed with the movie Cars, I sometimes think thats why he kept karting, to be like Lightning McQueen. I have seen so many posts on Instagram for the fans comparing him to Lightning McQueen.” Pascale said, now it’s Charles’s turn to be embarrassed, he was blushing slightly while Pascale showed Elena and Enrique some of the comparisons. “It doesn’t help that there’s a video of Charles saying ‘kachow’, you know.” Pascale said.
“Our little Disney fans, they’re perfect for each other.” Elena commented.
“They are, they seem so in love. When Charles was first calling me about her, he was so smitten, asking me for advice because he had no idea how to woo her since she’s American.” Pascale said, Y/N turned to Charles.
“I didn’t know that.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, it was actually the first time I got nervous talking to a girl. It’s not like I’ve seen you in Monaco before, you were completely new, you knew nothing about me, I wanted our first date to be perfect.” Charles said, playing with his rings. Y/N kissed his cheek.
“You’re so cute.” Y/N said. The parents kept talking amongst themselves. The check came, Charles paid, Pascale gave Elena her phone number and they started texting on WhatsApp. They said goodbye to each other, went to the parking lot and drove to the hotel they’re staying at.
Charles helped Elena and Enrique to their room, Y/N hugged them goodbye before going to her shared suite with Charles. After Charles helped them with the luggage, he went to his suite and found Y/N splayed across the bed.
“I am so tired.” Y/N said.
“Mon ange, we didn’t do anything.” Charles said.
“I know but we had to listen to our childhood stories.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, that’s true. But I’m glad our parents are getting along, I sense a New York Christmas in our future.” Charles said, getting on the bed and moving Y/N so her back is against his chest. Charles kissed her forehead.
“Same here.” Y/N said and she got a text notification from her mom, Y/N stifled a giggle,
“Whats so funny?” Charles asked.
“Is it true that when you were 4 you opened your closet every night to see if Sulley would be there?” Y/N asked.
“Ugh, maman.” Charles groaned and Y/N was laughing.
“That’s adorable.” Y/N said, kissing him until Charles realized something, holding her back from kissing him again.
“Wait, when we were in Spa, there was a stray dog, did you name him?” Charles asked.
“What? No.” Y/N said. Charles looked at her. “I named him Koda.” Y/N admitted. Charles kissed her.
“Adorable.” Charles said, Y/N pouted but Charles kissed her pout away. "You think we can go to Niso Fumagalli? Its your first time here, I want to do something romantic." Charles said, still kissing her. Y/N pretended to think.
"Would I have to change?" Y/N asked.
"Absolutely not, you look beautiful." Charles said. Y/N smiled.
"You're very sweet, guapo, I'll text my mom to tell her we're going out." Y/N said.
Charles and Y/N spent the rest of the day in the rose garden Niso Fumagalli and they took so many photos together, Charles will definitely post them later after they are editted to match his aesthetic.
The next day was Media Day, Y/N was in the Ferrari hospitality hanging with Rebecca while Charles was answering some questions.
"So Charles, we hear your American girlfriend is here, how is that going?" the interviewer asked.
"Very good, this is her first time coming to Monza, even though she is very new to the world of Formula 1, she is very excited to be here, I even flew her parents out." Charles said.
"Wow, what a considerate boyfriend you are, how are the future in-laws?" The interviewer asked.
"I like them, I really hope they like me as well, my mom loves my girlfriend so I am hoping to have the same connection with her parents." Charles responded sincerely. He thinks of himself as a very nice guy, even though Enrique has said himself that Charles seemed good for Y/N, he doesn't get the feeling that her parents consider him family yet.
"I'm sure you will, whats not to like, the grid loves you." The interviewer said and Charles laughed a little, messing with his shirt collar.
Charles then had another interviewer.
"Charles and Carlos, you two are going to answer whatever questions are written on the piece of paper you pick out of this hat." The interviewer said, Charles went first.
"Who was your celebrity crush when you were younger? Oh, that is such a good question, I'm trying to think, mm, oh, it was (a celebrity you share similar features with, for me it would be Selena Gomez cuz of the round face, dark hair and eyes) I was obsessed with her movies/tv show/music, watched every TV interview she did, my mom would call me every time she was on TV." Charles admitted, completely embarassed he just confessed that.
"Doesn't your girlfriend have the same color eyes, hair, and skin tone?" The interviewer.
"Lord Perceval, who knew you had a type." Carlos joked. "You totally manifested your girlfriend."
"I guess i did. Your turn, Carlos." Charles said.
After many interviews later, he went to the hospitality to find Y/N eating a snack.
"Baby! How were the interviews?" Y/N asked, hugged him, Charles hugged her back twice as hard.
"They were good, a little tiring. Want to go out to eat? There was this peruvian restaurant we could go to, I know you miss Latin food when you're in Europe with me." Charles said.
"Ooh yes, lomo saltado sounds so good right now. I love you so much." Y/N said, kissing him.
"You think your parents like me?" Charles asked.
"What kind of question is that? Of course they like you. Come on, lets get to your car." Y/N said. They were walking to the parking lot.
"Its just yesterday your mom mentioned that she only found out about me recently. She hasn't really complimented me except to tell me she loves her bag." Charles said.
"Well Charles, they don't really know you, it's kinda hard considering they live in New York." Y/N said.
"You're right, we should go to the hotel and pick up ypour parents so we could eat at the Peruvian restaurant." Charles said.
"Oh no need, they're here with Pascale." Y/N admitted.
"Mon coeur, you could have told me before we got into the parking lot." Charles said.
"I'll tell my mom where we are going and Pascale could join them at the restaurant, it will be like yesterday." Y/N said.
"Yeah, that sounds good, you are so smart." Charles said, kissing her forehead.
"Thank you, lets good, I just texted my mom." Y/N said, They get to the car and drove to the restaurant. Pascale showed up with Elena and Enrique a few moments later.
"Why are we here?" Enrique asked.
"Oh, whenever we are travlling for my races, Y/N will miss the latin food that she is used to cooking herself. She gets homesick, latin food helps her, and that is why we are at a peruvian restaurant." Charles said, with his arm around Y/N. Enrique hums approvingly before they entered the restaurant.
During lunch/dinner, Charles did or said little things that won him brownie points with his future in-laws. He knows it might be too soon, but he feels as if Y/N is the one and he needs to know that her parents approved of him.
"Maman, Christmas is a few months away, I was wondering how would you feel about spending it in New York?" Charles asked.
"New York? What about your brother and Charlotte?" Pascale asked.
"They would come too! Imagine spending New Years in New York, watching the ball drop in person..." Charles started.
"Don't do that." Y/N and her parents said.
"It is going to be so crowded, you'll be freezing the entire time, you probably won't even get a good spot to watch the ball drop or the New Years performers." Elena said.
"But we could see the tree at the Rockefeller Center." Charles said, looking at Y/N to make sure that was a good plan and Y/N nodded.
"I wouldn't want to spend Christmas without my parents, but I know you wouldn't want to spend it without Charles either." Y/N said. Pascale doesn't look convinced.
"Pascale, you never travlled outside of Europe, it could be fun. Enrique and I obviously don't have a big house but you can stay in a hotel near us." Elena started.
"Alright, you convinced me, a New York Christmas it is. Would you spend your entire winter break in New York, Charles?" Pascale asked.
"Not the entire break, just 2 weeks." Charles said.
"Alright, sounds good. Let me call your brothers." Pascale said, standing up from the table.
"Tengo que ir al baño, acompáñame, Y/N." Elena said, dragging Y/N to the bathrom, leaving Charles and Enrique alone. There was a moment of silence before Enrique decided to speak.
"You're a good guy, Charles. It may not seem like it, but I like you. You make Y/N happy, she actually started calling us every week to tell us about you and what you did that made her happy that week. You bought her a vase?" Enrique asked.
"Yes, she has been saying that the counter in her apartment looked plain so i bought her a vase and I would bring her flowers so the apartment would look..alive, I guess." Charles responded.
"That's the kind of stuff I want my princess to experience. My wife and I have never fought in front of Y/N, we have never raised our voice at her, hit her, or anything. I'm assuming you would never do that to her either." Enrique said and Charles immediately shook his head.
"of course not, i respect your daughter, I love Y/N so much that I would rather die than even think about doing that kind of thing to her." Charles said.
"Thats exactly what I needed to hear, son." Enrique patted Charles back and he was so happy that Enrique called him 'son". The women came back to the table.
"We were gone a while, what did you talk about?" Y/N asked.
"Nothing, mon ange." Charles said.
"Todo anda bien, princesa." Enrique said, Y/N accepted it but she noticed that Charles had the same gleam in his eyes that he gets from winning. Y/N whispered in Charles's ear.
"He said he liked you, didn't he?" Y/N waited for a response and Charles nodded his head. "See? You had nothing to worry about." Y/N whispered again before deciding to place her head on his shoulder.
The End
HOPE YOU LIKED THE NEW ADDITIONS, I did not know how to write them meeting for the first time, the naming animals habit is actually mine, there are 2 stray cats by my house, I named one Thomas O’Malley and the other is named Fígaro. I also named a mouse Roquefort, I genuinely think I got it from Lilo. Hope y’all liked it! Comments are appreciated.
I have 3 ideas for new one shots
Idea 1: Charles Leclerc and Y/N are married and Y/N has a habit of adopting any dog that “gives her a sign” like it would follow her, whine if she tries to leave, etc. But the catch is, Charles and Y/N already have 8 dogs so when Charles is away at a race, Y/N picks up another dog but she tries to make it seem like she had an affair so the dog thing isn’t so bad. 100 percent inspired by that story Salma Hayek told on Jimmy Fallon. Btw, I got the dogs and names picked out.
Idea 2: there is a Bachelor Auction for charity, Charles is obviously one of the bachelors, Y/N bids on him, they go on a date, have a really good time, Charles wants to go out again.
Idea 3: Charles and Y/N are friends and roommates. Y/N lost her journal/diary, Charles found it in the driver’s room and instead of giving it back, he reads it and discovers she has a crush on an F1 driver. Instead of thinking the F1 driver Y/N writes about is himself, he thinks it’s Lando and is lowkey sad and jealous when he sees Lando and Y/N talk because Charles also likes Y/N.
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strarri · 3 months
here is me just rambling about kimetsu gakuen obamitsu :33 1.6k word vomit i did not reread this whatsoever and i might just continue!!
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obamitsu in the kimetsu gakuen needs more appreciation… i find obanai and mitsuri’s relationship in the kimetsu gakuen just so cute and its tearing me apart GRHAHHHHH
it’s an alternate universe, so just imagine the two in a relationship without demons without trauma. i still don’t get why obanai still wears a mask even though we’ve seen the snake demon in the diner and he doesn’t seem to know her at all so i’m assuming they kept it for his signature designs sake. i understand it since there are alot of writing holes on all of the characters in the gakuen, since you do take away the demons that make them, well them?? small headcanon that obanai is just allergic to everything that it’s embarrassing
he still has issues with eating food in public and still eats small portions or nothing at all, and the writers just stuck with him being aftaid of women?? (shown in chapter 10 and the extra scene in chapter 30) so they really just kept him as obanai iguro with no trauma. it’s kind of sad that the gakuen author never mentioned a reason why he’s still the same but it is just a highschool au and there’s nothing we can do about it either way. i find it rather unfortunate that iguro barely appears in the gakuen at all
i really do love obanai and mitsuri’s wardrobe in this au though, their outfits look really comfy and even matching their personalities. a part of me doesn’t imagine mitsuri to be the type to wear revealing clothing, not that it’s a problem or anything!!!! but her vibes just remind me of a gal who lives in the fifth floor apartment taking care of 23 cats, i think she’s a cat lady. her outfits in the gakuen consists of pieces like turtlenecks, long skirts, jackets, and maybe hats and i LOVE ITT!!! considering she’s an artist as well so her outfit colors are so cute and sandwich well together
and i just love obanai’s wardrobe is like a basic middle aged teacher and it’s so funny he really is just some basic guy with or without demons…. the kind of guy who has “I 🩷 my GF”(mitsuri bought them matching mugs) or “No. #1 Snake Guy” (mitsuri gave him that as a christmas present) imprinted on his coffee mug. or OR his favorite mug is just a cute cat mug.. that mitsuri gave him….
it’s really obvious but i noticed that obanai and mitsuri are actually dating/ and their relationship is so healthy that it’s like “oh my gosh i saw a kite today” and sends a picture to the other person thinking they’d like how it looked, like they talk to eachother about EVERYTHINGG that goes on in their life, because they wish they were together in that moment!!! i think they just communicate alot and it’s adorable.. but i just noticed this cute detail in the chapter where gyomei was trying to get the cat plushy and mitsuri wanted to take a pic of tengen and him and send it to iguro because it was funnyy and the one where she was talking about her lil sushi manga.
i think their occupations in the gakuen are just really silly in general, i can visualize mitsuri stressing about her college terms and part time job and asks obanai to help her😭being a teacher is arduous work as well though so at times their schedules definitely aren’t well fitting so… i’d like to think that they visited each others places to study??work?? or just be in each others presence to lighten the stress <33
mitsuri is the cliche broke college student, working her ass off to pass her class and to pay for her month’s worth of rent soo, buying things for her own accord is probably a rare occasion for her, and obanai probably funds alot of it😭😭mitsuri isn’t the type to ask for things, so obanai probably volunteers to treat her to things like restaurants, get her nails done, buy some materials for her drawings whenever her money is in the slums, though i know mitsuri can handle herself of course!!
in one of the extra panels in chapter 30, though iguro is afraid of women, and especially eating food infront of others, he still tries his best to not upset the students who don’t deserve of it. he still thought of a solution to help the butterfly triplets with their medicine stall even if he himself couldn’t taste test their medicine and it shows that he still cares for his students, though definitely has a bad side with the lousy ones
mitsuris hobbies are like the silliest thing ever and it’s so fitting for her?? she just draws cute little characters just for the sake of making people smile and giggle and i love her for it. i think she’d go to iguro whenever she was facing writers block trying to make an outline for her manga considering he is a teacher and all??? if it were anyone else, iguro would probably think the idea of food manga was silly, maybe childish(?) but it’s mitsuri he has grown to her silliness!! if mitsuri were to ask iguro for critique or advice he’d probably have to broaden his own imagination because obanai seems like the type who can’t even comprehend the idea of walking food.. he is REALLY closed minded
mitsuri has an image of iguro where he’s like the sweetest, nicest, well adored teacher ever(maybe an overstatement?? im totally convinced) and it’s actually so funny.. like what if she found out iguro tied his students up on a daily basis and throws bottle rockets at them just for being noisy?? and even better what if this image of him still remained in her head after knowing that nevertheless??? she’s so hopelessly inlove its pathetic and it’s KILLING MEEE
i’d like to imagine that mitsuri would just text him while he was in the middle of the class and then he’d just run to get his phone the moment his gf texts him, and then someone like zenitsu goes like “mr. igurooo, how d-“ “shut up!” ???? he needs to cut zenitsu some slack but its way too funny
and and!!! even though they have phones since this au takes place in the modern era, they still send love letters to eachother crow style??? and mitsuri’s letters are designed so cutely it actually hurtsss… they’re genuinely so romantic and no shame in that at all!!!! like fuck texts look at them doing traditional romantic gestures:33
this applies to literally any other universe but i still think it’s cute, i don’t think iguro is written to have any trauma in the gakuen but he deals with ed and probably some stress from being a highschool teacher, yet mitsuri is the one person that melts those cold walls of his and he’s able to show vulnerability towards her :(( he really does his best to show how much he loves her by putting so much thought into his gifts and actions, like hell he needed help from two highschool students just to decide a gift for mitsuri but knowing her she would have love him to be with her all the same.
there is clear sign that mitsuri doesn’t doubt that he loves her at all!! there are still steps and layers in their relationship that are yet to be but mitsuri willingly waits for him nevertheless, and of course iguro waits for her as well.
i’m just so happy that there was nothing like demons and trauma to stop them from expressing their love for eachother, in the second fanbook it is mentioned that mitsuri never confessed to iguro due to the trauma from her previous marriage interview (fuck that guy) and that she has always thought he was just nice to others. which probably proves my statement from before? iguro could shoot her ex and mitsuri would still be head over heels for him?? OR MAYBE MORE????
but yeah again their relationship being official in the gakuen brings me pure bliss😭and the two wouldn’t have to embarrassingly pine for eachother until they reached their death bed. i just find their relationship so cute and intriguing, i’m dead glad it’s canon but i really wish there was more content of them shown in the anime in some way. especially mitsuri, she was barely given two minutes of screentime in the hashira training arc and it hurts me, it’s sad because her breathing style is such an awesome concept but it’ll barely be given screen time going forward. i personally love kimetsu no yaiba and its story, and i appreciate that it actually focuses on the fighting elements, but i really wish that they gave a bit more credit to one of their most significant romantic elements.. (includes hakuji and koyuki & amane and kagaya i love them) some more official art would’ve been nice i’d continue talking about this but it’s derailing from the gakuen topic😭
most of my source is just chapter 10 and some mentions from other chapters but… if you need pictures of my points i can provide. mostly?? i really just need more gakuen chapters specifically obamitsu centric it’s not funny anymore. i’d love to know how they got together and as i’m writing this im beginning to scramble my brain for ideas so i could make a fanfic outline that i’d probably just draft again… if someone were reading this post i encourage you to write an obamitsu gakuen au PLEASE.. maybe a long fic haha… but anything is enough for me really, there are barely any fics i find on ao3 considering most of the ones i find are really just obamitsu as a side ship which kinda makes me sad, i do personally aspire to become better at writing so i could start making stuff for others to enjoy as well but my time is diminishing as i have alot to do.
i think this is enough rambling<33 i’d hope to spread the obamitsu brainrot because i dont want to be the only one stuck here
anyways dropping screenshots but just read the kimetsu gakuen😭💗
Chapter 10 is obamitsu centric but there are bits on other chapters! :3
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sreegs · 2 years
Read and comprehend the topic of this post above the "read more" link before attempting to respond. This is your only warning. Violators will be mocked and blocked.
This post is going to cover tipping people in restaurants/eateries and private transportation. Tipping can also apply to many, many other service industries including but not limited to: movers, handypeople, mechanics, etc. Since this is meant to be brief and focused on info relevant to visitors and tourists, I won't discuss that here.
You're tipping 20% minimum on your food and public/private taxi rides (including lyft, uber, etc). Include this in your budget calculations for engaging with these services.
I was going to jokingly just end the post here but let me explain. Minimum wage laws in the US allow employers to pay their employees UNDER FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE if they're in an industry that receives tips on the regular. Taxi drivers are self-employed and have to pay for the costs of the lease on their vehicle, gas, and give a cut to their garage or ride service provider.
Therefore, capitalists have shifted the cost of paying a living wage to these people on to the consumer rather than the employer. No amount of arguments against tipping culture is going to magically fix this overnight. That's the long game and we're trying to abolish this shit. Therefore, you are tipping 20% minimum. Today.
Even if you did not like the food.
Even if the food was cold.
Even if the server didn't seem cheery and smiley.
Even if the taxi wasn't as fast as you wanted it.
Even if the taxi smelled a little funny or the driver didn't talk the amount you like.
If you did not suffer immediate physical harm or harassment or discrimination at the hands of the service person who provided you the service, full tip. Five stars if you have to rate them in an app. Perfect marks.
Does the above statement seem strange to you? It shouldn't, because remember: capitalists have forced you to cover the full cost of the service. THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE SERVICE WORKER.
Cash is King
Tip in cash if you have it. Credit card companies can't take a chunk out of cash tips. And if someone who works a low-paying job can grab a bit of cash under the table, away from the eyes of the IRS, then they will do more economic good with that money than the tax cut that goes to pay for bombing other countries.
How do I figure out a 20% tip?
Easy. Look at the total (THE TOTAL, WITH TAX YOU FUCKING CHEAPSKATE). Double it, then divide by 10 (move the decimal place one over to the left). Round up the remainder to the nearest dollar. That's going to be at least 20%.
What about counter workers?
There is some confusion on how to tip people who work at a counter in cafes and fast food establishments. Because they are not considered tipped employees and they get minimum wage.
The rule is, if during your transaction the POS (point of sale) register asks you to add a tip, you add a 20% tip. If you see a tip jar, you tip. If neither of these things happen, you don't tip
What about food delivery?
20% minimum tip. You called/ordered via an app, and magically food showed up. In any weather. 20% tip.
Bonus Holiday section:
Let's say you're visiting America during the peak American holidays when it's either a common "dining out" holiday or a holiday where you usually spend time at home with family. This includes, in chronological order:
Valentines Day, Fourth of July Weekend (the whole weekend), Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Eve and Day.
You tip even more on those days. 30% minimum. I've tipped 100% on meals and rides on Christmas and Thanksgiving. Because those people are taking the time out of spending the day with friends and family, what everyone else is doing, to make sure they have enough money to pay bills and survive in America. And no you fucking bigot, you don't get to eye up the server and figure out if they celebrate Christmas or not.
I can't afford a 20% tip. How do I pay for this?
You can't afford the full service or experience. You don't buy it. Next question.
Where I come from, we don't tip that much/not at all. Why do I have to do this?
You're in America now. You have to do this. Please, feel free to engage the worker in a spirited debate about tipping culture if you feel like you need more info. I'm sure you'll learn something new.
I have a tipping system. You see, first I start at 10% and for every...
Your system is bad and you're a cheapskate. 20% minimum.
Hey wait a minute, I'm an American and I have strict rules about who I tip and how much. And 20% is too high! What are you talking about?
Every decent human being quietly judges you for being an asshole. You are disliked by the people around you who tip like normal people. You are not going to become rich some day because you saved $5 on a tip. Own up and tip.
I ate at an expensive restaurant. Surely I don't have to tip 20% on a bill like this, do I?
Yes you do.
Holy shit. I'm going to follow this guide but wow. Do you Americans really live like this?
Oh buddy wait till you encounter states that don't list the tax on the price tag.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Timeline: Part 10 - December 11-31 2017
For earlier timeline posts: click here or here.
There's a limit to how many links you can put in a tumblr post. Who knew. Anyway, continuing where we left off...
12/11/2017: Andrew Morton announces new biography of Meghan. Rebecca English writes about Meghan's yoga influencing. Meghan's "Sexy Santa" costume from Deal or No Deal is republished. Kensington Palace announces William and Kate's trip to Sweden and Norway, and The Times debunks The Crown.
12/12/2017: Harry and his friends kill 15 boars during German hunting trip (Meghan's not happy). Harry and Meghan take credit for William and Kate showing a little PDA on an engagement, while Meghan merches her parka. Later, William and Harry attend the Star Wars premiere.
12/13/2017: Kensingon Palace officially confirms Meghan is spending Christmas with the royals. Meghan is revealed as Google's most-searched celebrity of 2017. Meghan merches her handbags, especially Strathberry's, and modernizes the monarchy.
A UK survey finds that a majority of their respondents are unhappy with Harry's engagement:
67% of women surveyed are devastated by the engagement announcement.
20% of overall respondents prefer Harry to be single.
57% of respondents are against Harry marrying Meghan.
And Meghan leaks that Kate has taken her under her wing to protect her from negative parts of royal life. She tells The Express that "Harry is like a brother to Kate and she has never seen him so happy."
12/14/2017: Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, announces that he expects to preside over the royal wedding. In the morning, the royals attend a service for Grenfell Tower at St. Paul's Cathedral (Meghan isn't allowed) and they gather again in the afternoon for The Queen's annual Windsor Christmas luncheon at Buckingham Palace (Meghan is invited). In the evening, the Kensington Palace Christmas party is held at a nearby restaurant that Harry and Meghan may or may not have attended (it's claimed they left early) while William and Kate are papped leaving.
Meghan merches Strathberry again and she is named the #4 Fashion Influencer of the Year, besting Kate who comes in at #5. (I really doubt Kate cares about this.)
12/15/2017: Kensington Palace announces the wedding date. Palace gift shops begin selling engagement memorabilia. Harry visits Sandhurst Academy and awards Cadet of the Year. Idris Elba shows support for Meghan while Meghan merches tea tree oil.
12/16/2017: Meghan teases a Canada tour post-wedding again.
The Daily Mail reminds us that Meghan is attending royal Christmas.
Harry announces that he has interviewed Barack Obama for BBC Radio 4 Today, but the interview won't air until the end of the month.
Meghan used to work at a yogurt store in LA as a teenager and everyone just loved her.
William's diary clash: Harry scheduled his wedding on the same day as the FA Cup Final, which William usually attends.
To prep The Queen and Prince Philip for spending Christmas with Meghan, Harry says he has shown them clips of Meghan in Suits.
Windsor hotels begin to profit off the wedding by marketing Meghan and Harry.
12/18/2017: The Cambridges release their Christmas card photo and Kensington Palace announces that Charlotte will begin nursery school in the new year. Meghan is voted one of the UK's ideal Christmas dinner guests and she leaks that The Queen likes her better than Kate but Buckingham Palace hits back with a denial.
12/19/2017: William and Kate attend the Royal Variety Performance. Meghan tries to ride their coattails by hinting she and Harry may be their guests and Harry is appointed Captain General Royal Marines, succeeding Philip.
Sketches of potential wedding dresses are published/leaked again.
Doria is papped at a LA laundromat.
Meet Meghan's lookalike
Will Meghan have to curtsey to Kate?
Meghan is crowned Hello Magazine's "Woman of the Year."
12/20/2017: Meghan hypes up her Kate-like style makeover from the Windsor Christmas luncheon at Buckingham Palace and merches her dress again. More wedding dress sketches are published.
12/21/2017: The royal engagement photos are published and:
Prince Philip and The Queen leave London for Sandringham.
Meghan modernizes the monarchy.
Meghan merches Ralph & Russo.
Body language analysis
Yorkies are papped at Soho House.
Meghan leaks that The Queen wants her and Harry to have a prenup and that she (Meghan) is hurt the family thinks she has an ulterior motive for marrying Harry. (Well...) In the same article, Meghan teases her and Harry's individual net worths and hints at the wedding budget - £22 million minimum overall cost and her dress budget is £375,000.
Harry debunks Meghan's PR about the prenup, saying no one asked for one and that William and Kate don't have one so they don't need one.
Meghan v Kate fashion showdown over their engagement photos.
Princess Michael's Blackamoor brooch controversy kicks off.
Cambridge vs Sussex engagement portraits showdown
Meghan merches her Ralph & Russo gown again
Press criticism of the engagement photos begin
Meghan takes credit for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner posing together.
12/23/2017: Meghan announces that Guy has broken two legs in an unprecedented Kensington Palace statement and her lookalike does a wedding dress photoshoot.
12/24/2017: Meghan leaks that Harry will not participate in the royal family's Boxing Day shoot because it would upset her.
12/25/2017: Meghan joins the royal family on their Christmas Church Walk. She merches her coat and her hat is the stuff of poo memes.
12/26/2017: Criticism from Meghan's Christmas Church Walk continues with coverage on her curtsey fail and sticking her tongue out. Meghan also merches her outfit again.
12/27/2017: Harry's interview with Barack Obama is finally released. He makes a "we're the family she never had" comment that sets the Markles off. Harry also bans blood diamonds from Meghan's jewelry and Meghan merches her lip gloss.
12/28/2017: Some poor media intern who listened to the Harry/Obama interview realizes that Harry invited the Obamas to the wedding. Meghan deals with more curtsey criticism. She deflects by announcing that she was shortlisted to be the new Bond Girl but she had to give the role up because of her relationship with the Harry. Meghan also merches the Soho House restaurant she and Harry had their first date.
12/29/2017: The royal family's engagement count for the year is released and Harry worked more than William and Kate. The Markles begin popping off about Harry's "we're the family she never had" comment.
12/30/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
12/31/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
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souryogurt64 · 14 days
hi! im the anon who sent the ask about moving to chicago a few weeks ago and i have a few more questions lol
my parents really want me to have a car in case of emergencies but i don't want one, what's it like not having a car
also do you think minimum wage is enough to live off of with a roommate? ive seen a lot of varying opinions on the chicago subreddit
It is very easy not having a car. Only 1 time in 3 years have I even wanted to borrow my parents' car and it was to go to a concert. Both my previous and current roommate brought their car and then ended up returning it to their parents' house after a few months because there is nowhere to park it. If I want to visit family I take the Metra and then they pick me up. Most people I know also Amtrak.
As for money, when I first moved to Chicago I worked in restaurants which pays quite a bit higher than minimum wage. Being a hostess is very easy and usually pays at least $20 an hour. I mostly worked about 4-6ish hour shifts 4-5x a week bussing tables and probably averaged like $1800 a month from that. However, depending on unpaid time off or doing things like bartending for 10 days straight during Christmas pay could be as low as $1,200 or as high as $3,000 a month.
I also was working part-time in marketing for $10 an hour and did freelance projects. This brought in another $550ish a month on average, give or take. This was also extremely variable and could be as low as $300 or as high as $1500 a month.
My budget before I got an adult job from 2021-early2023 basically looked like this:
Rent and utilities $900
Train passes $20 (I walked to work and the animal shelter, I did not need a monthly pass)
Nonessential purchases (including dining out): $350
Savings: $350
Groceries/toiletries/cosmetics $250 (I got a lot of free food and beer from my job)
Cat supplies $50
Subscriptions (Photoshop for work, spotify, etc) $30
Random extra expenses (Ubers, household supplies): $100
Then I was on my parents' health insurance.
This came out to $2,050 a month.
I track everything in Excel so this is real, this is not an estimate.
If it ever didn't work out I would've moved back in with my parents and if I like got hit by a car or whatever they would've helped me out. So I don't want to give the impression I was ever like struggling. However, I did not want to rely on my parents financially and I was determined to make it work, so I did a lot of things like cut my own hair. To be honest, this was a really happy and carefree time in my life for the MOST part.
I also lived as below my means as I could (tbh several hundred dollars), because there were months where stuff happened like during a Covid surge in 2021 restaurants closed down and I made almost no money that month and had to start dogwalking in January.... which I was terrible at.
My strong recommendation would be to work in a restaurant (bc tips and free food) and not bring a car, and also have a parent co-sign a lease. A lot of landlords won't rent to you unless you make 3x the rent, and I didn't. I also recommend breweries-- I mostly worked at Corridor/DryHop and it was awesome.
Also I don't think this lifestyle would've been sustainable forever so make sure you're working towards something. I didn't want to get stuck in Iowa forever in a low paying miserable office job I hated so I was determined to move to the big city and wait for the perfect opportunity. I was lucky enough that it happened, but I think if I hadn't been lucky or was more complacent it would've been easy to like end up as an unhappy adult yk
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harvey-guillen · 10 months
We took our Carol trip!
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December 10, 2023, my good friend Sarah and I piled in my small Kia and made the 1 hr 40 min trip from Indianapolis, IN to see Cincinnati and Chevoit, Ohio shooting locations from 2015's "Carol." It's the only winter movie that matters to me. Here are some of the key locations we visited.
Tagging: @belivet, @pacinos, @lesbin
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Shillito Center and art deco exteriors in Cincinnati.
Shillito Center was a department store with art deco features including the beautiful clock pictured above. This was the exterior of Frankenberg's in the film. The Shillito's department store has closed but the beautiful building has been turned into luxury loft apartments!
The other buildings of note were the Bell Telephone Company's "Cincinnati Bell" building--my friend noticed that the decorative border on the building is comprised of a stone pattern of old rotary telephones! The exterior of the now-Hilton Cincinnati is another Carol shooting site, which doubled as New York City's Drake hotel.
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This is the exquisite Hilton Cincinnati at Netherland Plaza. As you can see, the art deco influence is strong and the rooms are gorgeous and grand. We were hungry and wanted to have lunch but the only available menu was the Dickens breakfast buffet, priced at a formidable $89! So we enjoyed a drink and a bowl of peanuts at the bar. A quartet of professional singers in Victorian costumes sang Christmas Carols beautifully in the background. The bartender was dressed like they used to dress, in a beautiful tailored slacks, shirt, and vest uniform. He did not work at the Hilton in 2014-2015 but was delighted by our quest. The entryway to the hotel is known as the "Hall of Mirrors," inspired by Versailles.
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This is the stone bathroom structure at Eden Park, which was the setting for the Christmas tree farm impromptu photography session. My friend watched Carol to prepare (she called it "fun homework") and I prepared by finding a tam o shanter hat at a thrift store. My parents had the scarf, blonde fur coat, faux fur hat, as part of their repository of items from doing over 25 years of community theater together. The rest of my clothing items are a regular part of my wardrobe. I vacillate between eras but I love 40s, 50s, and 60s best of all. I also think it's likely they filmed the scene of Therese and Richard on bicycle going through a park at Eden Park as well, but can't be totally sure.
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Finally, Maury's Tiny Cove Restaurant in Chevoit, Cincinnati is the setting of the first lunch between Carol and Therese. The booth they used for shooting has been preserved and I reserved it ahead of time, although surrounding booths also have pictures from filming hanging over them. It's been long enough that the server didn't know much about the film but told us that a group of excited college students ate there once and requested the same meal Carol and Therese ordered in the movie. I had lasagna as we had not eaten much all day, and a Santa Cosmopolitan from their holiday menu. The food was wonderful and it was obvious a lot of people are regulars. We noted that there are glass windows over the booths now, unlike in the movie, probably added during the height of Covid.
Bonus, but a disappointment:
Carol & Rindy's beautiful house at Grandin Rd has been completely re-done and now looks nothing like in the movie:
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And, "that's that"! A truly special and memorable experience.
Here is a link to a Google Drive with all of the unedited photos and videos we took if you want to see anything in original quality/detail. We shot video of the photography scene but it was mostly goofy and unusable haha.
We talked about the movie some and Sarah asked me which character was the best fit for my personality. Hands down, Abby. I was wide-eyed Therese once, never glam enough for Carol, but Abby will tell you the truth and not blush from it. My hero!
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snackugaki · 1 year
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now with more Keno and Irma
my tmnt au (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
tmnt au omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
lny visit 1 | 2
87 cartoon spoilers...maybe Secret of the Ooze spoilers, I don’t know which iterations the kids know about or caught up with honestly
my dumbass just now realizing I should’ve put Keno in a wolf cut as a shout out to Kuya Ernie’s righteous early 90s mullet
rewatching as an adult, they did Irma dirty in the 87 cartoon so I’m making her cool as fuck
which means I’m taking heeeavy inspo from Russian Doll’s Nadia as a base because Natasha Lyonne cool as fuck
she deserves
if you went through what 87 Irma did, becoming like Nadia seems like a natural character development tbh, another unflappable new yorker with the stuff to back it up
Keno primarily specializes in arnis, muay thai in that order
spars with Leo since they’re both, technically, dual wielders
also Donnie since they’re both stick wielders
jokes with Mikey she doesn’t need a chain because she doesn’t lose her weapons
still paying for stepping on Raph’s foot That One TIme (nod to SotO)
Irma likes moths, it’s Her Thing, her motif; a nod to the time she was mutated into a moth monster in 87
Keno dressed up as the third Bash Brother for a couple halloweens with Casey and Raph
Irma goes to April’s uncle’s restaurant for Christmas, Venus tags along if she’s in town 
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mulderscully · 11 months
okay whatever i'm high and oversharing, so i am once again thinking about whether closure is something worth pursuing with my ex best friend.
brief summary. ex bestie was always prettier and more popular than me. she is a huge extrovert while i'm an introvert, you know the deal whatever. so somehow we're best friends in 6th grade. like idk in a few months i would've walked over hot coals for this girl. did i have a gay crush on her? i truly do not know. i think abt is constantly and i have no idea! but her love and approval was like... i NEEDED it.
then after a while she would get annoyed with me and drop me as a friend entirely. for months. no contact, nothing. then she'd tell people i was up her ass etc while we weren't friends.
then, she'd come back. she'd start talking to me like nothing happened and i'd come crawling back to her with open arms every damn time.
this went on for YEARS. months of promises to be maids of honor and friends til we die and sleepovers and laughing til we couldn't breathe. then she'd drop me. suddenly and entirely. this went on til the summer my mom died sophmore year.
those last 3 months my mom was alive we were not talking because she was mad at me for god knows what knowing my mom is ACTIVELY DYING. then the night my mom died she was the first person i called and she just immediately knew and RAN over to my house for like the first time ever. and she stayed with me all night and we became friends again.
then she never dropped me again. she went off to college and i stayed at home working and she'd call me every night, she'd come visit me, i would visit her. FOR FOUR YEARS. the longest we ever went.
then she went to grad school in miami and i cried the entire day she moved bc i knew she would never come back. this was her dream and she got it. and she asked me to come with her. for free. i said no, okay. i said no.
then we stopped talking. not a dropped thing just. she got a girlfriend and a busy job and it was just natural. but it hurt to call her and feel like i didn't know this person anymore, esp with how our friendship started and i started getting freaked out tbh.
so one december. i think 2018? i can't even remember! she comes to visit for christmas. we make plans for dinner and i made reservations and like. i'm literally at the restaurant when she texts me that she can't come bc she's too exhausted. and i just immediately started crying and left and decided i would never talk to her again.
and i only really believed that when i checked insta that night and she was out partying instead of with me.
and i was like i'm never talking to her again.
and i never have.
she texts me. says happy birthday. tells me she misses me.
but... i can't talk to her now. because i miss her so much and i hate her so much and i hate that she doesn't even KNOW i'm mad and i'm mad because i feel like she SHOULD KNOW. she should be sorry for EVERYTHING and she just is completely unaware and i don't know if that's unfair or not.
she invited me to her 30th bash in miami this december and i'm like so you still know i exist. what am i to you? did i ever matter to you as you did to me? why did you walk all over me and why did i LET you?
i just so badly want to ask her these things and still never talk to her. but i know... idk she makes me weak in a way i can't even explain to myself so idk if closure is possible or worth pursuing. but if i truly never talk to her again, it'll plague me til the end of my days that i didn't try? god i don't know.
broken hearts on christmas are 0/10 bc it comes back every year
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50calmadeuce · 2 years
~Master List~
Piloting Back into Love
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Pairing: Jake Seresin x reader
Summary: You lost your first husband a few years ago to the war and you weren't looking to find love again until your best friend, Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace begs you to come visit her in Fightertown, U.S.A. While there, you fall for the handsome Jake 'Hangman' Seresin thinking he's not going to want all the baggage you carry, but you're mistaken.
Warnings: Some chapters have sex, so if you're not 18+, please don't read them (if you are and don't see them, go check your settings!). A few chapters also have to do with being held captive and one you are hit in the face. So, if any of those are triggers, please don't read.
Ch. 1: The Introduction
Ch. 2: Outside
Ch. 3: Beach Day
Ch. 4: Walk and Talk
Ch. 5: First Date
Ch. 6: The Landing
Ch. 7: Your Story
Ch. 8: Your History
Ch. 9: Airport
Ch. 10: The Rest of the Week
Ch. 11: Tantrum
Ch. 12: The Ranch
Ch. 13: The Family
Ch. 14: The Bedroom
Ch. 15: Morning
Ch. 16: The Ride
Ch. 17: Lunch
Ch. 18: Surprise!
Ch. 19: Planning
Ch. 20: The Wedding
Ch. 21: Wedding Dance
Ch. 22: The Shower
Ch. 23: Your Worth
Ch. 24: Packing
Ch. 25: Back in Fighter Town
Ch. 26: Deployment
Ch. 27: Home
Ch. 28: Sunday and Dinner
Ch. 29: Court
Ch. 30: Two Weeks Later
Ch. 31: The Doctor's Office
Ch. 32: Thanksgiving
Ch. 33: Flowers
Ch. 34: The Cabin
Ch. 35: Scott
Ch. 36: Hostage
Ch. 37: Going Home
Ch. 38: I'm Home
Ch. 39: Escape
Ch. 40: Found
Holiday Bonus Story
Christmas, Jake, and You
Medicinal Love
You’ve moved to San Diego to pursue your aquatic veterinarian degree, but to pay for school, you got a job as a San Diego Lifeguard for the summer as you work on your residency in laboratory animal and comparative medicine.
After completing a day of training, you go for a run and meet a sexy pilot playing football on the beach. Will you have time for a relationship with all of your training and schooling? And will your past finally catch up to you and destroy your future?
Warning: This story contains abuse and some sex.
Ch. 1: Coronado Beach
Ch. 2: The Hard Deck
Ch. 3: Too Good For You
Ch. 4: The Dream
Ch. 5: Volunteer
Ch. 6: Rejected
Ch. 7: Competition Training Day
Ch. 8: Walk On the Beach
Ch. 9: Gone
Ch. 10: Private Investigator
Ch. 11: New Roommate
Ch. 12 The Bedroom
Remembering The Mandolin Rain
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Summary: You haven't been home in ten years and that was the last time you saw your ex after he just up and left. Going home was going to be filled with memories you just didn't want to remember and you left to get away from them, but your brother calls and tells you that your mother has passed and you're needed. Will going home stir up the memories you don't want to remember and keep you away, or will the memories make you open your eyes and take a new path in life?
Warning: Really there is none. This story is really just about broken hearts that figure out how to be mended.
Ch. 1: Home
Ch. 2: Catching Up On Memories
Ch. 3: Til The Cows Come Home
Ch. 4: Dinner and Breakfast
Ch. 5: Checking Fence
Ch. 6: Mandolin Rain
Ch. 7: Funeral
Ch. 8: The Break Up and Flight
Ch. 9: Jake and The Hard Deck
Ch. 10: Finished Running
Welcome Home
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Ch. 1: Going Home Ch. 2: Two Weeks and Counting Down Ch. 3: Getting Past the Hurt Ch. 4: The Riding Ring Ch. 5: Making Up Is Hard to Do Ch. 6: Confession Ch. 7: The Talk Ch. 8: Invitation Ch. 9: Flying to Texas Ch. 10: Texas Memories Ch. 11: Texas Now Ch. 12: The Ride to Forgiveness Ch. 13: The Conference Ch. 14: The Dance Ch. 15: After The Dance Ch. 16: To San Diego Ch. 17: An Evening At The Hard Deck Ch. 18: His Apartment Ch. 19: A Better Offer Ch. 20: It's Different This Time Ch. 21: Deployment Ch. 22: Back Home Ch. 23: The Holidays Ch. 24: Happy Thanksgiving Ch. 25: Home Between the Holidays Ch. 26: Wyoming Ch. 27: The Hotel Restaurant
Submerged Hearts
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The year is 2030 and the SeaQuest is still in action with Captain Nathan Bridger at the helm. With the SeaQuest still a research and war submarine, things are changing a bit after their return to Earth. Especially for weapons officer Jim Brody. Jim Brody has never had the best of luck when it came to love, but only because his heart still belonged to his old girlfriend fifteen years ago. He finds out that she's the new marine biologist on the SeaQuest and as soon as he sees her, old feelings and memories resurface. Will the two of them find love on this tour or will their past change it?
Link: Submerged Hearts
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unhonestlymirror · 11 months
Rating food of the countries I've been to, from West to East:
Disclaimer: it's veeery subjective
Spain🇪🇸 : 7/10. It's okay. I expected their fish and seafood to be better, tho. A LOT of relatively cheap fresh juices, 10/10 for health. They also make surprisingly amazing pasta and surprisingly average paella.
France🇫🇷: 9/10. Never visited cafes or restaurants there, but Carrefour has an incredible variety of good meat. I love their pineapple pie, too. There are a lot of products for vegetarians, Muslims, and, in general, different people who have different eating styles. There's a lot to see. And omg, their bazaar days are something worth attending: I still regret that I never tried clams with white wine.
UK🇬🇧 : 6/10. Not impressed. Something tells me that they deliberately make fish-n-chips that terrible. But I absolutely loved the strawberries under hot chocolate, which was sold by two cheerful Polish girls near Madam Tussaud museum.
Switzerland 🇨🇭: 6/10. Migros has nice buns with spinach and those Japanese "sandwiches", overall, your whole salary is gonna be spent on food. (Lithuania core lol😭) McDonald's there SUCKS.
Norway🇳🇴: 4/10. I expected a lot for some reason. Prices gonna cause you a heart attack, the quality is gonna give you a second heart attack. Also!!! THERE WAS NO FISH IN THE SHOPS EXCEPT THE CANNED!!! I was deeply injured. Norwegian salmon is super popular in Ukraine, how can they not have any normal fish in the big supermarkets...
Germany🇩🇪: 1/10. I may be just unlucky, but every time I visit Germany and pick a random cafe with lots of people(!), it has the worst food I've ever tasted in my life. It's like that scene from Desperate Housewives: "Really? A woman who orders Chinese food for Christmas dinner cooked a pineapple pie?" I understand now why Ukrainian women often marry Germans. My heart bleeds when I see what exactly you eat. I want to cover you with a blanket and cook you a normal soup.
Czech Republic 🇨🇿: 7/10. The soup was nice, ставлю вподобайку👍
Poland🇵🇱 : 8/10. Soup in bread, my beloved. Doughnuts were some kind of overcooked in oil, tho.
Montenegro🇲🇪: 10/10. I love you. I love your salads, your seafood, and I LOVE YOUR LEMON ICECREAM!!!!!
Slovakia🇸🇰: 7/10. I don't really remember what I ate, I am sorry. But I was really impressed with your supermarkets for some reason. Gotta visit it again.
Hungary🇭🇺: 6/10. It was my first time I've ever tried street food, and I liked it. You guys know how to cook meat.
Greece🇬🇷: 7/10. One day, I'll find the guy who can cook Karavidopsiha and beg them to cook it once again. Nice fish!!! I remember your arbutus honey as old women remember their best lovers. But. One time, a man served my family with unpeeled shrimps in batter. :/ What the hell was that? Is that some kind of a national dish I'm not aware of? Minus three points for such bullying.
Cyprus 🇨🇾: 7/10. I shouldn't be obsessed with your carob tree pastille that much.
Lithuania🇱🇹: 10/10. I love you. Although, I'd love to spend less money on food too. I love your Maxima and Rimi and Iki. I love your cafes. I love your bakery, I love your cocktails, I looooooove your soups, and I love your Asian food too. It's very easy to become an alcoholic with such delicious wines and tinctures.
Latvia🇱🇻: 11/10. Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm on my knees. Your cream chanterelle soup and Lidl croissants and marinated onion and šašlyk and fish and dairy products🛐🛐🛐. You guys know how to serve. I've never seen such pretty food designs anywhere. And of course, Lido. It brings me in tears of joy and makes me remember Puzata Hata. No, for real, is there any dish you don't know how to cook?
Finland🇫🇮: 7/10. That's okay. Nice street food.
Belarus ⚪️🔴⚪️: 9/10. Oh my dear Belarus, you're gonna be the best chef in Europe once you're free from russia. I wish I ate more machanka and drank your pine tincture when I had the chance. I love your chicory, it's a bit greyish, but it's much more delicious than an average chicory. Delicious meat in the shops. Other food is soviet-like, which makes me nauseous.
Ukraine 🇺🇦: ♾️/10. Вітчизно моя! Ти як здоров'я, наскільки ти цінна, тільки той знає, хто тебе втратив. I don't know if my favourite shops still work. I loved every single cafe I've been to, yes, even that shitty prorussian Mafia and Eurasia. I loved Puzata Hata. I loved Khlibna Kava, and its amazing cherry cupcakes. I loved Moloko Vid Fermera. I loved little kiosks with fresh Makadamia nuts and huge variety of vegetables and fruits. I loved Flagman and Silpo, Lvivśki croissants, and chocolate shops. I loved my seafood store. I loved giant frappes in Shevchenko Park. I loved my Continent with its old classical French background songs. I love my Japanese food stores. There are so many places I love. I used to find my bazaar so ugly and dirty, but I would give everything to buy the sea ​​buckthorn jam from the cheerful old lady. But it's not gonna happen. My bazaar was shelled by russians to the ground.
Turkey🇹🇷: 9/10. Your Katmer, seafood soup and baked shrimps(?) are something 🛐.
Jordan🇯🇴: 7/10. Nice! You cook paella better than Spain, be proud of yourself. Although, I'd love to not be scared for my life as a woman all the time. Your bazaar seemed very interesting, but unfortunately, I don't speak Arabic. And I am a woman, which also sucks, I guess. I was totally covered in black, except for the face and hair, and people still stared at me like on a zoo exponate. McDonald's kinda sucks too, but not as much as in Switzerland.
Egypt🇪🇬: 7/10. It's okay. I've tasted only hotel food.
Sakartvelo🇬🇪 : 10/10. Our guide forgot about our existence, and we had to find any source of food to not die from hunger, so we went to your local bazaar and asked to fry some cheap fish. It had lots of bones, and I hate fish with bones, but I ate it all, and it tasted amazing.
Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦: 6/10. Most of the week, I just cooked some simple spiceless products like pasta and eggs from the small store. You are far from the level of grocery stores in Turkey. Although, your cold orange juice bottle saved my life from dying in the middle of the desert.
Qazaqstan 🇰🇿: 7/10. I don't really remember your supermarkets, I guess they were okay. But your bazaars are definitely something worth attending. Millions of varieties of honey with millions of tastes and very salty hard cheese Kurt.
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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December 25: Wakana Activities & 「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」
Note: Okay, I know this is long overdue but I have simply not found the time and motivation to write up a detailed report ever since coming back from Japan. The trip itself was quite exhausting due to a busy schedule and being sick for almost the entire duration of my stay T_T. Then I made the huge mistake of going straight back to work on the 27th so I have just felt utterly drained for the past few weeks. It’s a huge shame because I really didn’t want to wait this long to write down my impressions. I mean, it’s hardly a “first impression” anymore if my thoughts have been marinating in my brain for nearly a month. But hey, better late than never, right? If anyone is interested, here’s a link to my December 17 report. I am definitely planning to write reports of some of my other activities but who knows how long that’s gonna take. Please don’t hold your breath. Without further ado, let’s get to it 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Before the Live
In the morning I went to visit Koishikawa Korakuen with a fellow Kalafina fan (Akuma from Taiwan in case some of you know her). I had already spent all of Saturday doing various Wakana activities with her so it only seemed fitting that we would dedicate the morning of the 25th to a lovely Wakana activity as well. Wakana visited this gorgeous landscape garden back in April 2022 (Source:Wakana Instagram). Koishikawa Korakuen (小石川後楽園) is actually one of Tokyo's oldest and best Japanese gardens so I was excited to check it out. While the late winter scenery is probably the least spectacular, I can still recommend going there if you are ever in Tokyo and want an escape from the hectic city life. It was a gorgeous, sunny day so I got to take some lovely pictures and thankfully, some of the autumn colours still remained. After spending a couple of hours there and basking in the winter sun, I got a little antsy so we decided to head to the venue. In the past, most fans would try to arrive as early as possible to line up for the merch sale. However, lots of things have changed since the pandemic so venues actually discourage people from lining up early in advance. Despite knowing that we wouldn’t be allowed to line up yet, I still wanted to know the venue’s exact location and check whether anyone had arrived yet. When we finally got there, no one was there except us and the door staff told us to come back in two hours XD It was super hard to find a café or restaurant near Kioi Hall so we had to walk all the way back to Yotsuya Station. I felt really sorry for Akuma because I dragged her back and forth, she must have been so exhausted. Guess I can’t help but be one of those annoying people who are low-key control freaks and who won’t leave anything to chance. I’d rather be 2 hours early than even 1 second too late. Anyways, at a tiny shopping mall, we found a small café and had some cake and coffee. We went back to the venue once we saw the first few tweets of other fans starting to line up. Most people got there around the same time so it quickly became quite crowded in front of the venue about 45 minutes before the live. I am glad we ended up being pretty far ahead in the line because I don’t think the people in the back had enough time left to buy anything. It took quite a while for staff members to check our tickets and temperature. Everyone was also taking their sweet time deciding on what merch to get so there were literally only a few minutes left till the live once I had bought everything (I got the shirt/pamphlet set with the postcard, the pink gloves, the little drawstring bag and the keyholder). All items are still available in Wakana’s Official Online Shop so be sure to get them.  
General Impressions
Venue: This was my first time at Kioi Hall. It’s located in a nice area near Yotsuya Station. Venue, You have to walk around 10 minutes on Sophia Dori which is a lovely thoroughfare. I hear it’s super pretty during cherry blossom season. After Opera City, this was only my second time in a classical hall in Japan. Not as big as Opera City Hall but equally impressive in terms of acoustics and grandeur. But oh boy, they really could have lowered the temperatures, it was boiling hot inside. I don’t know how people managed to sit there with their winter coats fom beginning to end. I was literally melting and I didn’t even wear a warm winter jacket. Kioi Hall is a rather intimate venue with a capacity of about 800 seats. None of the balcony seats were occupied iirc but we managed to fill out pretty much the entire central ground floor. So yeah, definitely not a sold-out concert but very well attended nonetheless (which obviously made me happy because I still recall her Voice tour where they had picked venues that were way too big for Wakana’s fanbase). Outfit: Her dress didn’t impress me all that much to be honest. The bold red looked lovely on her but the basic A-line was a little too plain for my taste. No lace, no embroidery, no frills, no layers, no sparkles... I am also not a big fan of straps when it comes to evening dresses. Wakana has the most beautiful shoulders, it’s a crime to not show them off. In my opinion, she should always wear something that is off-shoulder, preferably a majestic ball gown. The highlight of the dress was definitely the back (as seen on the image above). Whenever she turned around to have a little sip of her water we were blessed with the most gorgeous sight.*drools* Wakana truly has a beautiful back and it’s rare that we get to see so much of it XD. Ticket System: As you may know, I’ve had a few issues with SKIYAKI but at the end of the day I have to admit that it is an extremely convenient service. All steps were foreigner friendly and I didn’t run into any issues with the app. Still, I can’t recommend it with a clear conscience because of what happened with my credit card T_T As you know, I got a Christmas Special Fan Club ticket and I was pretty lucky with my assigned seat. Row 4, smack in the middle with a perfect view at Wakana. Thankfully no tall people in front of me.Fun fact, right in front of me there was a woman who wore one of Wakana’s dresses, the EXACT same one I had brought to Japan with the intention of wearing it at the concert. However, a few days earlier I had found Wakana’s red checkered pants and ended up buying them so of course I couldn’t help but wear them to the live. Still, I found it funny that someone had the same idea. She also wore Kalafina’s pinky ring so she was clearly a super obsessed fan.I am still wondering what her username is on Twitter. I guess she must be following me if she knows about all this fashion stuff. Arghhh, I wish I had approached her after the live but as always, I was way too socially inept... Cameras: I am pretty sure I mentioned it already but there were a lot of cameras all across the hall. Not just the tiny ones which are used for news reports and such. They had a whole-ass camera crew on-site. No idea what they are planning to do. Either we will be getting a broadcast sponsored by BS Fuji or they will use the footage for a home video release. They might also add the footage (or at least parts of it) as bonus content for Wakana’s 3rd album. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. There’s no way they hired all those cameramen and equipment for nothing. Vocals: For the most part, Wakana was in great shape. It’s such a pleasure to hear her in a classical hall accompanied by strings and piano. And honestly, a couple of these acoustic arrangements were out of this world. So freaking good! I feel like her microphone was maybe a bit too loud at times or the instruments were simply too quiet but it didn’t really take away from my enjoyment. Plus, they can always fix that with a bit of studio magic if they really end up releasing the concert. Nevertheless, I’d really like to have more strings in future concerts, just to add a little more oomph. Maybe I am the only one but I feel like I need at least a string quartet XD Setlist: Overall, I was quite happy with the setlist since it contained all three of her new songs and some of my faves but I probably would have made some changes if the choice had been up to me. Can’t lie but I was hoping and praying for “breathing” as intro. Instead we got “Yakusoku no Yoake” which is always nice, don’t get me wrong, but meh, we already have a performance of it on DVD/BD and let’s be real here, “breathing” is the superior song, at least in my opinion. Am I the only one who is kinda growing tired of “Ai ni Dekiru Koto wa mada aru kai“? I feel like the song doesn’t have a standard ballad structure so it’s quite hard for me to get into it, especially considering its crazy length. Personally, I would have much preferred her to sing “Inochi no Namae” or “Kimi wo Nosete” from her Cover Album. Also had my issues with “Nagareboshi”. I don’t outright dislike this song but it has always been a bit of a snoozer so naturally. I wasn’t overly excited when she announced she would be singing it as her final song. I mean, it kinda works as a wrap-up for the evening but I would have honestly killed to hear an acoustic version of “Ai no Hana”, it’s literally the perfect winter song!! Such a missed opportunity, I feel robbed.T_T Last but not least. let’s talk about her Kalafina song choice. Wakana often manages to pick my least favourite Kala-songs but I realise that I am pretty much alone with that opinion, especially regarding “Kimi no Gin no Niwa” which is obviously a fan-favourite. To her credit, she pulled it off well but ughhh, I cannot stand that song. I am still salivating when I think about her 2018 Symphony Orchestra Concert where she performed “Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku”. Who do I have to bribe to get something like this on DVD/BD??!! 
Song-specific thoughts
M01 約束の夜明け(Yakusoku no Yoake): As mentioned earlier, I was low-key hoping for “breathing” but I really like “Yakusoku no Yoake“ so it’s not like I was disappointed or anything. It might even be one of my favourite tracks from her 1st album. The beginning always blows me away, it’s by far the best part of the song and Wakana knocks it out of the park every single time. However, I think that some sections of the song aren’t particularly flattering to Wakana’s vocals. I know for a fact that she can handle much higher parts but I guess it’s the singing style she keeps using for this song hat makes it sound like she is out of her comfort zone. Oh well, she still does a decent job of powering through those sections. Overall, I quite enjoyed the performance and thought it was a fitting intro.
M02 442: Absolutely blown away by the acoustic arrangement and Wakana’s powerful performance. They better release the video footage soon because I am dying to hear this again. I am telling you, she SLAYED!  “442″ is undoubtedly one of her best songs that highlights all of her strengths as a singer so it’s always a joy to listen to it.
M03 オレンジ (Orange): Yet another lovely arrangement. Much better than the studio version if you ask me. I can’t remember any details but I definitely liked it.
M04  夕焼け (Yuuyake): Initially I did not care much for this song but every time I hear it live, I fall more and more in love with it. It’s just so precious.
M05 myself: Oh yes!! Jackpot! This was utterly beautiful. It’s the type of ballad Wakana excels in, when all that tragedy is laid on thick and you are being hit right in the feels. Hearing it in a classical setting makes it even more heart-wrenching.
M06 時には昔の話を(Toki ni ha Mukashi no Hanashi wo): This will never get old. There’s a reason they chose this song to promote Wakana’s cover album and it’s because it’s such a perfect fit for her.
M07 愛にできることはまだあるかい(Ai ni Dekiru Koto wa mada aru kai): I guess I already shared my thoughts about this. I think Wakana really likes the song so I feel kinda bad for not being into it. Maybe it’s because I never watched the film? The lyrics are lovely but the song just doesn’t resonate with me. Or rather, I have to be in the right mood for it to resonate with me. Isolated, I believe it can be quite powerful. Despite its understated nature there is a bit of a build-up after all. But it falls a little flat for me if you place the song right after a bunch of other ballads.
M08 君の銀の庭(Kimi no Gin no Niwa): Well, it was unfortunately the wrong Kalafina-“Kimi~” song for me but hey, what can you do about it? Whatever my thoughts might be about this particular song, I truly appreciate the fact that Wakana still makes a conscious effort to include Kalafina pieces in her setlists because on the one hand, she wants to honour that legacy and on the other hand, she knows that it will make her audience happy. During the MC leading up to the performance she actually explained how picking a Kalafina song is always the most difficult part of putting her setlists together. Overall, it was a solid performance. She did quite well covering the other parts.
M09 Winter Wonderland: I definitely did not think that Wakana would sing this. Maybe it’s because I didn’t grow up with them but I have a bit of an aversion to most Anglo-American Christmas songs (including this one) so when she announced the title of the upcoming song, I felt more than a little disappointed.  Especially since I had no idea how it would fit her singing style. However, I am happy to report that I was proven wrong. This far exceeded my expectations and it actually turned out to be a very enjoyable performance. I would say this was only the second song of the night (after “442″) where we got to hear a more fierce and daring approach by Wakana. Still not a fan of the song but damn, Wakana’s version sounds good!
M10 Silent Night: Now we are talking. A Christmas song I actually like. And as expected, Wakana nailed it. I mean, she was literally born to sing songs like this. With everyone always comparing Wakana’s singing to an angel’s voice falling down from the heavens it’s only natural to think that she would do an amazing job with Christmas carols and hymns. A little nitpicking though, I wasn’t fully invested in the arrangement which may or may not have been a bit too pop-ish, I don’t know.
M11 標 (Shirushi): I was really hoping that we would get to hear this brand-new song and I am so glad that my wish came true. Knowing the entire backstory to this and having Wakana share a few bits and pieces again during the concert really made it very hard for me not to cry like a little baby. For those who don’t know yet, this is basically a daughter’s declaration of love to her father (Wakana’s father passed away not too long ago). This song was more or less custom-made for this occasion so it hits a little closer to home than others. While I cannot relate at all to a strong father-daughter relationship, this still hit me right in the feels. I did expect something woeful with heavy strings but it was actually quite understated. Filled with a lot of gratitude and pride. I wish I could say more about it but it’s so hard for me to recall details of a song that I have only listened to once. If I had to compare it, I would probably say it comes closest to “Ato Hitotsu” as far as the overall sound is concerned. It is longer though.
M12 明日を夢見て歌う (Asu wo Yume Mite Utau): I was of course super excited to also finally listen to Wakana’s other new song. This however was a bit of a letdown if I am being honest. It was written by Satoshi Takebe whose collabs with Wakana are always a bit of a hit-and-miss for me. It’s like “Kimi dake no Stage” 2.0. If you enjoy that song you will also like “Asu wo Yume Mite Utau“ I think. The emotion is all there in the lyrics and I can feel what kind of message Wakana is trying to convey to us but meh, the song doesn’t quite hit the mark for me.  Fun fact: For the longest time I thought it was “Ashita” in the title but it’s actually “Asu”.
M13 Flag: Another absolutely gorgeous acoustic arrangement that really blew me away. Right up there with “442″ and “Winter Wonderland” in terms of fierceness.
M14 Happy Hello Day: Can’t believe this was the first time hearing the song live at a venue. Experiencing it right there while breathing the same air is so much different than just watching it on a live stream. As much as I appreciate the influx of online broadcasts, nothing beats the euphoria of actually being there at the venue and enjoying a song that makes you feel so incredibly connected with your favourite artist. I truly had a blast during this performance.
EC01 記憶の人 (Kioku no Hito): What a pleasant surprise. I am very much in love with this song and it’s definitely among my favourite Wakana solo songs so I can never get enough of it. Beautiful performance.
EC02 magic moment: A bit on the fence about it. We all know that I am not the biggest fan of the song’s structure, it starts really melodious with its symphonic grandeur but then it somehow become quite messy to my ears. I can’t explain it very well but there is just a lack of flow. However, that doesn’t mean that I cannot appreciate Wakana’s vocal prowess in it. Just thinking back to her performance during the “magic moment” live tour gives me goosebumps (although I obviously only ever experienced it on blu-ray). I would say that performance still remains her best one yet. This one wasn’t quite as epic but maybe that’s just because of the added studio magic in the blu-ray.
Fan Club Exclusive Part
Very happy to see that almost everyone had bought a special Christmas ticket. At the end of the main part of the concert, audience members were asked to leave the hall if they didn’t have a fan club ticket and only a handful of people actually left. Still surprised that they just trusted us to be honest about this. Typical Japanese mindset I guess. I mean, people could have just remained at their seats, no one would have checked their tickets again. However, I think they had most people with regular tickets seated in the back area so it was easier for staff members to figure out who was required to leave. At this point none of us knew what to expect but I had a feeling we would get a special encore. When Wakana and her musicians returned to the stage in their cute Christmas getup I was pleasantly surprised to realise that we would be getting a little talk corner. Mind you, it wasn’t anything super special, just some random small talk among them, they all basically just shared some Christmas anecdotes but hey, it was fun. I vaguely remember Wakana talking about trying to find the perfect colour for a new winter coat but she ended up with a boring grey one XD I had almost given up hope that they would perform another song when their talk just kept going on and on. It was already way past the scheduled time for the live to end so I thought we would run out of time. But then Wakana surprised us all by announcing that they still had a short performance in store for us. Until the very last moment I had hoped that I would get to hear “Ai no Hana” but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. As mentioned earlier, I wasn’t too thrilled about “Nagareboshi”  but it was a fitting send-off. I believe everyone thought that this would be it but when we left the hall, we were all given a paper bag containing even more awesome goodies. Our Christmas present from Wakana was made up of a postcard with a handwritten message and signature as well as a pretty glass fitting perfectly into her series of previously released glasses. *weeee* All of this was definitely worth the extra money. If you ever wonder if it’s worth going for pricier tickets, here’s your answer: It absolutely is! You typically get a lot of bang for your buck so always go for the expensive option if you have the means. And I am actually so glad that the Christmas present didn’t turn out to be a fugly t-shirt, I am just not a t-shirt person.
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After the Live
One of my Twitter followers had arranged a dinner/after-party with a bunch of fellow Kala-fans. While I am most definitely not very fond of large gatherings like this, it wasn’t too bad. We had some tables reserved at a Chinese restaurant nearby. In celebration of Wakana’s live, we wanted to eat a ton of gyoza and xiao long bao. It was delicious! Sadly I didn’t get to eat all that much because I left quite early (I mean, it felt late to me but who knows how long the others stayed). I was flying back to Vienna the following day so I wanted to get at least a few decent hours of sleep.
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bookgeekgrrl · 8 months
My media this week (4-10 Feb 2024)
top 5 personal HO fave - he was he was super thrilled to be there, had a great time, lost his mind a little & flexed (literally). Incredible.
😊 Throuple Honey (Brent Archer) - short, sweet & simple with lots of domestic details
🥰 "Why Don't We Just Kill the Kid In the Omelas Hole" (Isabel J. Kim) - love a skillful response to the classic original story. I just kept saying 'wow. wow.'
😍😍😍 Reread the entirety of Rachel Reid's Game Changers series. I just love them all SO MUCH!!!! 😍😍😍
Game Changer (Game Changers #1) [Scott & Kip]
Merry Christmas Scott & Kip (Game Changers #1.5)
Heated Rivalry (Game Changers #2) [Shane & Ilya] {here's a really great review of this book, which is THEEEE GREATEST rivals-to-lovers story ever!}
My Dinner with Hayden: A Heated Rivalry Short Story (Game Changers #2.5)
Tough Guy (Game Changers #3) [Ryan & Fabian]
Common Goal (Game Changers #4) [Eric & Kyle]
Role Model (Game Changers #5) [Troy & Harris]
The Long Game (Game Changers #6) [Shane & Ilya, Part 2]
🥰 The Supersoldier's Amnesiac Groom (casspeach) - 48K, very canon divergent arranged marriage AU - reread for Stucky Book Club
A Word on Words | NPT: Starter Villain - John Scalzi
Hot Ones - Tony Hawk
Hot Ones - Sterling K. Brown
Hot Ones - Mark Ruffalo
Hot Ones - John Oliver
Hot Ones - Barry Keoghan
Hazbin Hotel - s1, e2
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Mall Madness" (s21, e5)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Can I Offer You a Nice Shrimp in This Trying Time?" (s16, e5)
Desert Island Discs - Graham Nash, musician
⭐ Up First - The Sunday Story: Tiny Desk, Big Stage
⭐ What Next: TBD - Streaming Is Cable Now
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Taquile Island
Short Wave - Wolves Are Thriving In The Radioactive Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
The Sporkful - Undercover Dining With NY Times Restaurant Critic Pete Wells
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang - The Top 10 Places We Would Love To Visit
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 2024 Grammys Recap
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Audie Cornish
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Moynaq
Shedunnit - The Green Penguin
Vibe Check - Hell Has Flooded
⭐ It's Been a Minute - Sam Reich on revamping the game show - and Dropout's success as a small streamer
Ologies with Alie Ward - Theoretical & Creative Ecology (SCIENCE & ECOPOETRY) with Madhur Anand
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Welcome Home
Short Wave - After 20 Years, This Scientist Uncovered The Physics Behind The Spiral Pass
99% Invisible #569 - Between the Blocks
Switched on Pop - Brittany Howard's Chaos Theory (with Brittany Howard)
⭐ Song Exploder - Green Day "Basket Case"
The Assignment with Audie Cornish - Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce: Cultural Supernova
⭐ Throughline - The Scent of History
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Kam Wah Chung & Co. Museum
Alt.Latino - The greatest Boleros of all-time
The Sporkful - Deep Dish With Sohla And Ham: Tacos Al Pastor
Today, Explained - When one (airplane) door opens …
Dear Prudence - Is My Work Husband Keeping Me A Secret From His Wife? Help!
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Lisa Frankenstein And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - Recess Therapy's Julian Shapiro-Barnum is skeptical of kids becoming social media stars
⭐ Strong Songs - "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel
Today, Explained - Why Taylor left TikTok
Short Wave - Clownfish Might Be Counting Their Potential Enemies' Stripes
You're Dead to Me - Simón Bolívar
Consider This from NPR - What Makes A Football Movie Great?
It's Been a Minute - A Super Bowl in 'new Vegas'; plus, the inverted purity of the Stanley Cup
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Lena Waithe
Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly - Putting the Awe in Audio
The Very Best Of Buddy Holly And The Crickets
My Mix #5 [Simon & Garfunkel, Carpenters, John Denver]
Presenting KISS
Presenting Black Sabbath
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purplesurveys · 5 months
1 - Who was the last person to knock on your door? Were they there to see you?  I asked my mom to help wake me up this morning (in case I fail my alarm) since I had an early calltime for my event today. No, I wouldn't say she was there to see me per se.
2 - Have you left the house yet today? If not, do you have plans to leave the house later on?  Yeah I was out since 8 AM. I was in Trinoma from 9 AM to 6 PM for an event, then I immediately drove to UP to see a wrestling show with Andi.
3 - What’s your favourite brand of chocolate? What type of chocolate bar from that brandis your favourite?  I really like Reese's since it has peanut butter; my favorite is just the classic normal-sized cups.
4 - Have you ever met someone in person who you first met on the internet? Do you have plans to do that anytime soon? Yeah, I met with a fellow wrestling fan once to lend him my copy of Chris Jericho's Undisputed. I ended up not liking his personality and found him (and his friend, who he never mentioned he was bringing) quite rude, so I stopped talking to him shortly after that. Didn't even bother asking for my book back lol.
I used to feel guilty about leaving him hanging, and he even sent a handful of DMs asking what happened and apologizing for whatever he did, but then I just have to remember that he kind of sucked and I stop feeling bad.
5 - What was the last thing you used a blender for?  I don't think I've ever used a blender. We've never even owned a blender.
6 - Have you ever got into an argument with a stranger on social media? Do you remember what it was about?  I've been in a few. They've mostly been sociopolitical.
7 - When was the last time you cracked your joints? Is that something you do often?  Can't remember, and no I don't do it a lot.
8 - What time is it right now? If you weren’t doing a survey, what else would you be doing right now?  10:43 PM. If I wasn't doing a survey rn I'd probably be on Rhythm Hive hahaha.
9 - If you had ten minutes to run around an empty supermarket and fill your trolley for free, what’s the first aisle you’d go for?  My first thought was why would I need to get things if the grocery was empty? but ok it took me longer than I would like to admit to catch your drift haha.
Anyway I'd probably just get thrice the amount of things my mom would get on a usual run to help her out for a few weeks.
10 - Aside from Tumblr, what websites do you visit the most and why?  Continued from Sunday evening. I have YouTube on pretty much as long as I'm awake. I like the background noise.
11 - Has COVID had any impact on your Christmas plans this year? What’s going to change or be different to normal?  If you asked me this in like 2020 or 2021 I would have said yes. But it's been four years since the world's been on lockdown and everything's back to feeling as though we never had a pandemic.
12 - What’s your favourite flavour of cake? Are you any good at making that kind of cake?  I don't really have a favorite flavor, more of a type – I like cheesecake and really it's the only kind of cake I have. No, I've never made one before and will always prefer buying it.
13 - Do you prefer sweet or sour candy? I don't really like candy, but I'll go with sweet.
14 - What colour is your favourite fruit? Is this a fruit you eat often?  I don't like fruits either haha.
15 - Is your favourite restaurant an independent place or a chain? What is it that you love about it so much?  It's a chain. Service is always great, the quality of the food is no different regardless which branch I go to, and they serve unlimited rice, cabbage, and miso soup so what's not to love? Hahaha.
16 - Are you genuinely a fan of Starbucks or do you think it’s all hype?  No, I like Starbucks and go for it as much as possible when I'm looking for coffee.
17 - Do you own a Christmas jumper? What design/pattern does it have on it?  Nope.
18 - What’s your favourite fit/style of jeans?  High-waisted denim.
19 - What was the last non-essential item you spent money on?  Iced coffee.
20 - Are you currently under any COVID-related restrictions where you live? Are people generally following the rules?  We've come a long way folks...
21 - What did you last leave the room you’re in to do?  If I understand this correctly, I went down to the living room for a few hours after work because that's what I usually do in the evening. I had dinner, walked and played with the dogs, and played a game on my phone.
22 - Have you ever read any self-help books? Did you find them useful?  No.
23 - What’s your favourite programme on the Food Network (if you watch it)? If you don’t get that channel, what’s your favourite food/cookery show in general?  I don't really watch cooking stuff anymore, even on YouTube. I used to though, a lot; Buzzfeed's Worth It used to be my favorite.
24 - Do you still watch cartoons?  Every now and then when my sister and I get in the mood, sure.
25 - Who do you know with the most number of siblings? Would you ever want to live in a huge family?  I knew two people from high school who came from a sibling set of 5. My grandpa and his siblings were, if I'm not mistaken, 7 in total. No, I'm fine with what our family size turned out to be.
26 - Are you a fan of garlic bread? I love garlic bread.
27 - Do you own any personalized clothing? What’s the reason for getting it?  I don't think I do, no.
28 - Is anyone else in the same room as you right now? What is that person up to?  It would just be me here.
29 - What colours are you wearing right now? Does your wardrobe contain a lot of those colours?  White and grey. Sure!
30 - Do you like adding condiments to your food? If so, what are some of your favourites?  Yes, I love condiments. Mayo, Japanese mayo, or sriracha.
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eldritchsurveys · 6 months
Questions about random places A themed survey by Guia from scyphozoan
WHERE YOU LIVE: 1) What are the best and worst things about your neighborhood? >> The best thing is that there are multiple stores within walking distance, and the bus stops are plentiful. There are also at least 2 parks within walking distance, and a lot of people have gardens and sometimes fun lawn/porch decor. The worst thing is that it's an urban neighbourhood and therefore subject to urban noise levels.
2) If someone gave you an extra $5,000 for your house and only your house, how would you spend it? >> This confuses me for several reasons. I don't own this house, "extra" in addition to what, where am I going to live...
3) If someone outside of your town or city visits you for the first time, where would you take them out to? >> I think that would depend on what they're interested in, what they want to see and do. I would be a poor host if I just subjected them to stuff I like.
4) If you had to order a quick takeaway for dinner, where would you go to? >> Uhh... I don't know, really. I think that'd depend on how much money I have and what I was in the mood for. Takeaway isn't at all a frequent thing for me, I don't have a ready answer.
5) What’s a random fact about where you live? >> I don't know any random facts, I don't think. I must admit to not being terribly interested in this city.
THE LAST HOUSE YOU VISITED THAT WAS NOT YOUR OWN: 6) Whose house was it? >> Sparrow's parents' house.
7) Why did you visit and how long did you stay? >> It was Easter. About 4 hours.
8) What do you think about this person’s house? >> I have spent way more time inside it than I would ever want to. I don't have any real opinion about it as a location, I just am quite weary of it being a fixture in my life.
9) If you can take or copy something from their house, what would it be? >> I don't want a single thing from that house.
10) What about their house would make it difficult for you to live there if you had to? >> I did live there, and what really made it difficult was the fact that it wasn't a space I had any control in, and I had to live with people I don't even like. Also, the bedroom I occupied was in the basement and I'm not really the basement-dwelling type, I need sunlight in my room and shit.
THE LAST RESTAURANT YOU ATE AT: 11) What is the name of the restaurant, and what kind of cuisine do they serve? >> Uhhhh... was it King Pot? I think King Pot was the last restaurant I was at. They serve hot pot and Korean BBQ.
12) How did you first find out about this restaurant, and what triggered you to try it? >> I don't remember how I found out about it, and I tried it because I love Korean food and fortunately Sparrow's family agreed to take us there for Sparrow's birthday.
13) What did you order and how would you rate it? >> I can't possibly remember all the specific things I ordered, such is the nature of hot pot. I rate it pretty highly, it was delicious.
14) What do you like best about this place? What about it could be improved? >> I don't have any notes. It was just good.
15) Would you go back? If so, what would you order the next time you do? If not, where or what would have been a better option than going there? >> Sure, I'd go again.
THE LAST PLACE YOU VISITED THAT WAS MORE THAN 45 MINUTES AWAY FROM YOUR HOME: 16) Where did you go and what did you do there? >> Hmm... really testing the limits of my memory here. Uh... oh, it might have been Lansing. Went to Lansing on Christmas because Sparrow's family's Christmas dinner was being held at their sister's house.
17) How did you get to this place? How comfortable was the trip? >> Sparrow drove us. The trip was fine, it was like an hour and a half or something.
18) What about this area do you wish exists in or applies to where you live? >> They do have the superior Horrock's over there. Also they have this banger pizza place that I can't remember the name of but I think about constantly.
19) Do you know anyone who lives in this area? >> Yeah, the people we went to visit.
20) If you had to live in this area, what kind of housing arrangement would you choose? >> I don't want to live in Lansing. If I had to live anywhere in Michigan, I'd choose Detroit. Otherwise, send me south. Or west. Hell, east. Anywhere but north, I guess, lmao.
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youllallriseintheink · 7 months
Intervened Intervention
Henry Emily's family grows worried about his maladaptive behaviour in the wake of Charlie's death and try to help him turn his life around. But William wants Henry right where he is and thinks he's best off there, too.
I hope you all enjoy this.
Henry was woken from his nocturnal sleep schedule by the ringing of the phone. The call was from a familiar number that Henry had not received a call from in years: that of his brother, George. Henry ignored it and shuffled back to bed. The call didn't surprise him considering the way he'd acted at a family get-together just a few days ago, an event he certainly didn't want to think about. It also didn't surprise him that he'd stopped calling him for a couple years before this. He'd isolated himself and avoided contact after Charlie's death, unwilling or unable to handle anything but the machines he understood so well. Even going to the get-together had been abnormal for him, and as it turned out, a mistake.
There was a call the next day. And on the third, there was a message left on the answering machine.
“Hey, Henry. This is George. Connor and I are coming over today. We need to talk to you, and this is the last day before we go home. We wanted to give you more notice, but you kept ignoring our calls. We’ll be there at 1:30."
Henry sighed and dragged himself out of bed. His digital clock, the only light in the room, read 10:30 in bright red numbers. Unfortunately, that meant that his chances of getting his house in order were slim to none.
After a shower, Henry’s first order of business was to clear away all the creepy robot and machinery parts from the floor and into the closets, leaving oily smears on the carpet and hardwood where they had been. He removed the sheets of wood from the windows and picked up the pizza boxes and beer bottles on the floor, moving fairly quickly on it considering that he would normally be asleep this time of day and for hours after.
After an over an hour's work, Henry collected a six-pack of beer from the fridge and collapsed onto his couch. The scent of oil, metal, alcohol and stale food was still in the air. Dust, grit, and smears of grease still covered the floors and counters, more than he could clean in- Henry checked the clock- he still had an hour. He didn’t have it in him to get up.
An hour later, there was a knock on the door. He got up and opened the door for his twin brothers. George was carrying a gift basket with Henry’s favourite candy from childhood in it.
“Come on in,” Henry said. He tried not the pay attention to George’s obvious disdain for the house’s state, or how Connor was watching the floor to make sure he didn’t step in any particularly oily areas as they walked to the living room. Once they got there, the brothers sat down on the couch, and George gestured for Henry to do the same. Awkwardly, Henry obeyed.
George sighed heavily. “We’re really worried about you, Henry. I know that Charlie dying was really hard on you, but it's been five years. We never see you anymore, and neither does your ex-wife or Sammy. You know, up until last year, Sammy was asking every time he saw me whether you’d be up to visiting soon. And this year he stopped. He gave up.”
Henry looked away and slugged down more beer.
“Will you listen?!” Connor snapped. “We're trying to help you!”
Henry ignored him. Henry did know about Sammy. Sammy’s ignoring of him is what had driven him to drink so heavily at the Christmas gathering in the first place. He still wondered whether Sammy simply hadn’t recognized him in his degraded state, or if he didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. He didn't want to think about it.
“We think it would be best for you move in with me in Colorado," Connor said firmly. “Staying here can’t possibly be doing you any good. Are you still working?"
"Yes. Same job as before, just from home now."
"We’ll get you set up to work doing something other than holing up at home making robots for the restaurant your daughter died right outside, get you into therapy, and whatever else you need. I’ll even keep booze out of the house if need be. But we don't want to see you like this.”
"Why?" George asked.
Henry thought about how to respond. It was hard to explain, but he was used to his life. Machines, numbing alcohol, and William were his comfort zone, and he felt so delicate that anything else might break him.
George touched his hand. “You know, it would be amazing to see you happy again. You get along so well with kids. I want my kids to be able to meet the person I knew.”
“I’ll do it,” Henry said quickly. His voice lacked conviction, but it seemed like his brothers were willing to take it.
“Great. I’ll get you a plane ticket. And I want you to send your two weeks’ notice now, right in front of me, alright? I don’t want these to be empty words.”
When William first received Henry's resignation letter, he was rather unnerved. What could have caused Henry to want this? He visited Henry’s house the next day. He knew that Henry would most likely be asleep at 11 AM, so it would probably give him a chance to look around for any clues of what had caused Henry’s sudden change of heart. If Henry was awake, he would say that he was here to pick up the Foxy bot that William had sent him to repair. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d come in uninvited for such reasons, and though the deadline he’d given Henry for it was tomorrow, Henry would very easily believe he’d mixed up the days. He’d both done so before and believed William lying about it before.
William used Henry’s spare key, which he’d known for years now was located under his mat, and opened the door.
The first thing that William noticed was that Henry’s house was remarkably tidy compared to usual. That was strange- it happened every now and then in the first couple years of Henry’s grief, but this had to be the first time it had happened in years.
With everything clear of its usual trash, it was very easy for William to find the one-way plane ticket to Colorado on the table. Henry’s brothers were from Colorado. So that was it. Henry’s brothers had given him an intervention. That meant that Henry might very well slip from his grasp, but William wasn't going to give him up that easily. He swiped the plane ticket and left. Henry could easily call the airport and ask for another one to be printed, but that relied on Henry noticing and remembering to, and having the conviction to go through a little extra inconvenience. It wasn't much, but thankfully it was only the beginning of what William could do to prevent this.
That evening, William gave Henry a call.
“Hey, buddy,” he started off. “I got your email. I was hoping I could come over and we could talk about it. Have a little send-off for our partnership.”
“I'd like that,” Henry said. “I want you to know that it’s nothing against you. I just need a change in scenery. That’s all.”
“Of course. You did good work for us. I’d be willing to be your reference if you want. Anyhow, does now work to come over?”
“Sure does.”
“I’ll be right there.”
William showed up with a six pack of beer and two bottles of Henry's favourite whisky in a bag by his side. Henry looked a little more perked up than usual when he greeted William at the door.
“Hey,” William said to Henry, flashing a sad smile.
“Hey,” Henry returned.
The two made their way into Henry’s living room.
“So. Ten years of building robots together. And they were good ones," Henry said, sitting down in a plush chair.
"And four years before that in college," William said, sitting nearby him on the couch. "Wow, we've really only been apart for a few years in our entire adulthood."
"So... what changed?"
"Connor wants me to move in with him in Colorado and help me to get my life together. It's... well, I guess I can't live like this forever."
William nodded in understanding. “I thought you had a system that worked here. But if you're unhappy with how things are, I get it. I just hope you’ll be okay out there. I mean, you’ve barely left the house in years. This is a big jump. I guess I should be proud of you.”
“Thanks. I’m a little proud of me.”
“You should be. I mean, you’re going to have to get a job where you deal with people again. There won’t be any easing into it- you’ll have to deal with people and do well at it or you’ll get fired. And there won't be any more leeway if you mess the days up.”
Henry visibly tensed a little. William handed him a beer, which Henry opened and sipped heavily from. Then, William continued. “I remember how you were in college. I sure hope you haven’t become that person again over these years stuck in your house.”
Henry put the beer can back on the table and gripped it nervously. “I suppose I really do owe you for letting me work from home.”
“It was my pleasure as your friend. It’s a shame that you won’t be making any more of these animatronics that Charlie loved so much. Do you feel like you were doing it in her memory?"
"Yes," Henry admitted. William knew he would. He'd said as much before while drunk.
The two men spent the night drinking and reminiscing. William had already planted the seeds he could, so for the most part, it was a relaxed chat for him. Towards the end of their conversation, William assigned Henry to a heavier-than-usual workload for his last two weeks, and he insisted on leaving the rest of the whisky behind. Both would lower Henry's chances of ordering that new plane ticket.
A few days later, William was at home watching football when he received a call from a worried and intoxicated Henry Emily asking if he could still call William after he moved and if he would rehire him if need be.
"I don't know, Henry. I mean, I can't hold a position open for you while you get your mental health sorted out. And you could call, but I won't have the context of your problems like I do now. You'd be better off talking to your brothers. You've been keeping good touch with them, right? Connor is an understanding man."
The next question Henry asked was even juicier: whether Charlie would forgive him if he stopped making animatronics.
"I'm sure that if Charlie is still around, she loves every animatronic we make," William said, smirking as he laid back on the couch and thought of the puppet's reaction every time a new animatronic became possessed. "Why? Are you having second thoughts about leaving?"
There was a long pause. And then Henry said that he'd think about it.
"Alright, well, keep me posted. I can always cancel your resignation," William said before hanging up.
It was another week before William received a call from Henry asking to cancel his two weeks' notice. And a week after that, William found himself at Henry's doorstep, holding an animatronic head in need of repairs.
Henry opened the door for him. He seemed more glum than usual.
"Henry. Something wrong, buddy?"
"Sort of. I never told my brothers that I changed my mind. I don't know how I'm going to speak to them again, to be honest."
"Oh. Well, let's talk about it," William said, moving inside. Trash was beginning to pile in Henry's house again, including the now-empty bottles of whisky that William had gifted him.
They did talk about it. And most likely, it would be the last time Henry would ever mention his brothers. He'd go right back to where he'd been a month ago: a good worker, numbed with alcohol and with no need to think about his pains, let alone bother William with them. Really, he was doing Henry a favour. It's not like he had it in him to get his life together. William was giving him the best life he could have.
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