#10 hosts review top web
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There are many web hosting companies to choose from if you're taking the plunge into making your own website with a comic content management system (CMS) like ComicControl or Grawlix, a Wordpress comic theme like Toocheke or ComicPress, or a HTML template to cut/paste code like Rarebit. While these solutions are generally free, finding a home for them is... generally not. It can be hard to choose what's best for your webcomic AND your budget!
We took a look at a few of the top hosting services used by webcomics creators using webcomic CMSes, and we put out a poll to ask your feedback about your hosts!
This post may be updated as time goes on as new services enter the hosting arena, or other important updates come to light.
💻 I can get a free account with Wix/Squarespace/Carrd, could I just use those for my comic? - Web hosts like this may have gallery functions that could be adapted to display a series of pages, but they are very basic and not intended for webcomics.
📚 Wait, I host on Webtoon, Tapas, Comic Fury, or some other comic website, why are they not here? - Those are comic platforms! We'll get into those in a future post!
🕵️‍♀️Why does it say "shared hosting"? Who am I sharing with? - "Shared hosting" refers to sharing the server space with other customers. They will not have access to your files or anything, so it is perfectly fine to use for most comic CMSes. You may experience slowing if there is too much activity on a server, so if you're planning to host large files or more than 10 comics, you may want to upgrade to a more robust plan in the future.
Web Host List
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Basic plan pricing: Free or $5/month. Free plan has more restrictions (1 GB space, no custom domain, and slower bandwidth, among other things)
Notes: Neocities does not have database support for paid or free accounts, and most comic CMS solutions require this (ComicCtrl, Grawlix, Wordpress). You will need to work with HTML/CSS files directly to make a website and post each page.
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Basic plan pricing: $11.99/month or $7.99/month with four year commitment (monthly, 1, 2, and 4 year plans available).
Notes: Free domain for the 1st year. Free SSL Certifications. Weekly backups.
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Basic plan pricing: $8.95/month or $7.99/month with four year commitment (monthly, 1, 2, and 4 year plans available).
Notes: Free DDOS protection. Free SSL Certifications.
InMotion Hosting
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Basic plan pricing: $12.99/month or $9.99/month with three year commitment (monthly, 1, and 3 year plans available).
Notes:  Free SSL Certifications, free domain names for 1 and 3 year plans. 24/7 live customer service and 90-day money-back guarantee. Inmotion also advertises eco-friendly policies: We are the first-ever Green Data Center in Los Angeles. We cut cooling costs by nearly 70 percent and reduce our carbon output by more than 2,000 tons per year.
👍“I can't remember it ever going down.”
👍“InMotion has a pretty extensive library full of various guides on setting up and managing websites, servers, domains, etc. Customer service is also fairly quick on responding to inquiries.” 👎“I wish it was a bit faster with loading pages.”
Ionos Hosting
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Basic plan pricing: $8/month or $6/month with three year commitment (monthly, 1, 2 and 3 year plans available).
Notes: Free domain for the first year, free SSL Certification, Daily backup and recovery is included. Site Scan and Repair is free for the first 30 days and then is $6/month.
👍“Very fast and simple” 👎“Customer service is mediocre and I can't upload large files”
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Basic plan pricing: $15.99/month or $4.95/month with three year commitment (monthly, 1, 3 year plans available).
Notes: Free domain and SSL certificates (for first year only). 24/7 Customer Service. Built to handle higher traffic websites. Although they specialize in Wordpress websites and provide updates automatically, that's almost a bad thing for webcomic plugins because they will often break your site. Their cloud hosting services are currently in early access with not much additional information available.
👎"The fees keep going up. Like I could drop $100 to cover a whole year, but now I'm paying nearly $100 for just three months. It's really upsetting."
👎"I have previously used Bluehost’s Wordpress hosting service and have had negative experiences with the service, so please consider with a grain of salt. I can confirm at least that their 24/7 customer service was great, although needed FAR too often."
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Basic plan pricing: $7.99/month or $5.99/month with three year commitment (monthly, 1, 3 year plans available).
Notes: Free SSL Certificates, 24/7 support with all plans, 97-day moneyback guarantee. Not recommended for ComicCtrl CMS
👍“They've automatically patched 2 security holes I created/allowed by mistake.” 👍“Prices are very reasonable” 👎 “back end kind of annoying to use” 👎 “wordpress has some issues” 👎 “it's not as customizable as some might want“
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Basic plan pricing: $11.99/month or $9.99/month with three year commitment (monthly, 1, 2, and 3 year plans available).
Notes: Free 24/7 Customer service with all plans, Free SSL Certificates for 1 year, free domain and site migration.
👍Reasonable intro prices for their Economy hosting, which has 25GB of storage 👍Migrated email hosting service from cPanel to Microsoft Office, which has greater support but may not be useful for most webcomic creators. 👎 Many site issues and then being upsold during customer service attempts. 👎 Server quality found lacking in reviews 👎 Marketing scandals in the past with a reputation for making ads in poor taste. Have been attempting to clean up that image in recent years. 👎 “GoDaddy is the McDonald's of web hosting. Maybe the Wal-Mart of hosting would be better. If your website was an object you would need a shelf to put it on. You go to Wal-Mart and buy a shelf. It's not great. It's not fancy. It can only hold that one thing. And if we're being honest - if the shelf broke and your website died it wouldn't be the end of the world.The issue comes when you don't realize GoDaddy is the Wal-Mart of hosting. You go and try to do things you could do with a quality shelf. Like, move it. Or add more things to it.” MyWorkAccountThisIs on Reddit*
Things to consider for any host:
💸 Introductory/promotional pricing - Many hosting companies offer free or inexpensive deals to get you in the door, and then raise the cost for these features after the first year or when you renew. The prices in this post are the base prices that you can expect to pay after the promotional prices end, but may get outdated, so you are encouraged to do your own research as well.
💻 Wordpress hosting - Many of the companies below will have a separate offering for Wordpress-optimized hosting that will keep you updated with the latest Wordpress releases. This is usually not necessary for webcomic creators, and can be the source of many site-breaking headaches when comic plugins have not caught up to the latest Wordpress releases.
Any basic hosting plan on this list will be fine with Wordpress, but expect to stop or revert Wordpress versions if you go with this as your CMS.
🤝 You don't have to go it alone - While free hosts may be more limited, paid hosting on a web server will generally allow you to create different subdomains, or attach additional purchased domains to any folders you make. If you have other comic-making friends you know and trust, you can share your server space and split the cost!
Want to share your experience?
Feel free to contribute your hosting pros, cons, and quirks on our survey! We will be updating our list periodically with your feedback!
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homestuckreplay · 2 months
Webcomic 'Homestuck' Canceled For Promoting Bad Password Security
(page 456-459)
8/10/2009 Wheel Spin: Parent Bad :( Verdict: INCORRECT
8/11/2009 Wheel Spin: being silly :3c Verdict: CORRECT, but behind at least 10 layers of irony
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In the far future, somebody might call this update a time capsule of the 2000s. If computers change significantly, or something. page 456 comments on Dave's bro's computer being password protected, suggesting that this isn't a cultural norm - the newly-released Windows 7 still doesn't require user accounts to have a password. In Homestuck, the password is used to protect 'incredible top secret shit,' so password protecting a personal home computer might be associated with shadier online behavior.
Bro's password is six characters, and is 'the most awesome thing it can be' according to Dave and his bro, so it's probably lilcal. (It could also be puppet, but personally my passwords are always specific characters, song titles etc, not general concepts. I don't know if other people are different. for what it's worth lilcal is also a slightly more secure password than puppet which is A SINGULAR DICTIONARY WORD). Bro also trusts Dave with his password - either because he doesn't think Dave will do anything to mess up his computer, or because he's daring Dave to use it, similar to leaving the Xbox switched on mid-game.
On page 457 we see Bro's desktop, which we can compare to Dave's desktop on page 323. They both have wallpapers from And It Don't Stop, showing us a chain of game recommendations from Bro -> Dave -> John. Dave, like Rose and John, has some character in the names of his desktop folders, while his bro has seven identically named New Folders scattered around the screen. This adds to the sense that Bro is paranoid about people looking at his computer - he's purposefully making it impossible to navigate. The hidden-identity hat and dark glasses iconography on the password entry screen has the same effect.
Bro also has a program called Delirious Biznasty, which has a rad skater dude for its icon. This could be a web browser, but I think it's more likely some kind of torrenting application, I think that'd fit his vibe. The web browsers we know are Typheus, Cetus and Hephaestus, which are all Greek mythological references with cartoon-styled icons, and Delirious Biznasty doesn't fit the pattern. Based on Dave's relationship to his bro, Bro probably uses Hephaestus too and just doesn't have a desktop shortcut.
Dave and his bro both use the Complete Bullshit content aggregator, which we are forced to witness on pages 458 and 459. Content aggregators are pretty common customizable feeds that people use to keep up with a lot of websites at once, when checking 20+ separate sites a day gets too time consuming. RSS readers are a common form of this that can host a lot of different types of content, but there are also aggregators specifically for webcomics. These are controversial - they're generally well intentioned projects made for free by webcomic fans who want to check for updates easily and keep up with a lot of stories, and want to help other fans do the same. However, they can redirect traffic away from actual sites that host webcomics, meaning that independent webcomic artists might miss out on ad revenue or merch sales, or are less likely to sell ads because their sites don't look as well-trafficked as they are. I don't know if Andrew Hussie has a strong opinion on comics aggregators, but it's possible this terrible to use, unstable and unreadable version is a criticism of the concept.
Complete Bullshit also feels like Dave's bro's equivalent of Serious Business, as they're both digital programs with adjective-noun titles. I wonder if Rose's mom will get her own software.
It's sweet that Bro keeps up with Dave's projects, including Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff and his GameBro review blog. It shows that their relationship isn't 100% one sided, Bro cares for Dave and/or thinks he's cool at least a little bit. It's also fun that Dave is checking to see if his own webcomic has updated, which could be bad memory due to having a lot of projects on the go, or could be Dave checking to make sure his update has gone through and posted successfully. Very reasonable, as it must be a challenge to upload such high quality images.
I will probably make a post digging into Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff at some point, but I'm still peeling the onion of its irony right now so I'll just say: when exactly did Dave find the time to make these comics?
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thehenrythomas · 7 months
Maximizing Traffic in 2024: Top SEO Techniques
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, staying at the forefront of SEO techniques is paramount for boosting website traffic. Here, we explore the top strategies that will dominate in 2024, focusing on content, user experience, and technical optimizations to drive sustained and targeted traffic.
1. High-Quality and Relevant Content:
Content continues to reign supreme in SEO. Craft compelling, relevant, and informative content that addresses user queries. Leverage multimedia elements, including videos and infographics, to enhance engagement and provide a comprehensive user experience.
2. Featured Snippets Optimization:
Targeting featured snippets is a strategic approach to increase visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). Optimize content to answer commonly asked questions concisely, increasing the likelihood of being featured in position zero, the coveted spot above traditional search results.
3. Voice Search Optimization:
As voice search usage continues to rise, adapt your content for natural language queries. Incorporate conversational phrases and long-tail keywords to align with the way users interact with voice-activated devices, ensuring your content is voice-search-friendly.
4. Mobile-First Indexing:
Mobile-friendliness is a non-negotiable factor in SEO success. With Google's mobile-first indexing, prioritize responsive design to ensure seamless experiences across devices. Fast loading times and intuitive mobile navigation are crucial for maintaining and improving search rankings.
5. User Experience (UX) Enhancement:
Prioritize a positive user experience to keep visitors engaged. Improve page loading speeds, streamline navigation, and create a visually appealing design. Search engines reward websites that provide excellent user experiences with higher rankings.
6. Video Content Optimization:
Video content continues to captivate audiences. Optimize video content by providing accurate metadata, including relevant keywords, captions, and transcripts. Hosting videos on platforms like YouTube and embedding them on your website can enhance visibility.
7. Secure and Accessible Websites:
Secure websites (HTTPS) are favored by search engines. Ensure your website has a valid SSL certificate for encrypted connections. Additionally, prioritize accessibility by creating an inclusive experience for users with disabilities, improving SEO and user satisfaction.
8. E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness):
Emphasize E-A-T principles in your content creation. Establish expertise by showcasing credentials and industry knowledge. Build authority through high-quality backlinks and transparent authorship. Instill trust by providing accurate information and fostering a reliable online presence.
9. Core Web Vitals and Page Experience Update:
Google's focus on user experience includes Core Web Vitals, which measure aspects like loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Stay ahead by optimizing these factors to align with the Page Experience update, enhancing your website's overall performance.
10. Local SEO Strategies:
For businesses targeting local audiences, partnering with a specialized SEO company in Delhi is crucial. Optimize Google My Business listings, encourage customer reviews, and ensure accurate business information across online directories. Local SEO enhances visibility for location-based searches.
11. Long-Form Content and Topic Clusters:
Google values comprehensive, in-depth content. Create long-form content that thoroughly covers topics, incorporating relevant keywords. Implement topic clusters by linking related content, signaling to search engines the depth of your expertise on a specific subject.
12. AI and Machine Learning Integration:
Leverage AI and machine learning tools for insights and optimizations. AI algorithms analyze user behavior and preferences, helping tailor content and user experiences. Stay abreast of AI advancements to refine your SEO strategy.
As we navigate 2024, a holistic approach to SEO that integrates content, user experience, and technical optimizations is essential for increasing website traffic. For tailored solutions and expert guidance, consider consulting an SEO company in Delhi to ensure effective implementation and sustainable growth.
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sendmyresignation · 2 years
Hiiii, so I just read your mcr metal essay and I enjoyed it so much!! (Also the accompanying it’s soo good as well) im not well versed in metal myself but I would love to look more into it, do you happen to have any recs to look into the history of the genre? (I know that might be a broad subject sorry in advance, just anything helps)  
hey thank you!! im glad you enjoyed it <33
as far as intros to metal's history, there's been such a proliferation of genre that its really hard to pin down definitive histories but some good places to start are:
- Ian Christe's Sound of the Beast (book) is probably your best bet for truly introductory level understanding; its a summation of metal (though very euro/american centric) from its origins to 2003 - Louder than Hell is an oral history of metal, its interviews are particularly expansive. given the nature of oral testimony, its not completely accurate so i'd supplement it with other stuff but this thing is a heafty resource if you can get a copy (i don't have one yet :(( ) - highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the Encyclopaedia Metallum (or the metal archives). there's truly nothing like this in any other genre, just a giant database of metal bands to search through. obv the moderators have their faults about what is and is not accepted on the site but its still a really amazing resource i use all the time - RYM (rate your music) sucks because of its culture/userbase but there are a lot of really good lists put together by passionate people, esp in genres outside the RYM wheelhouse that you can trawl for recs- here's a good example or here -there's also a lot of metal-specific sites, most of them are review-oriented, but places like Ride Into Glory focus on guides/discovery. in general, i think you could argue metal sites are some of the last hold-overs of web 2.0 in terms of design and function -speaking of, there are quiet a few fanzine archives but the two most extensive are the corroseum and send back my stamps if you want a look into the scene as it was developing - Banger TV has an ongoing series called Overkill Rewind which are community-curated top 10 lists of releases in years past. i disagree with a lot of them but they're a really great place to start, both in terms of conceptualizing metal linearly and in terms of consensus on the Classics. I also really like Martin Popoff, who usually hosts, he's got weird-ass taste but refuses to compromise without being an ass so at the end he always gives a few lesser-known releases from each year. - and finally, honestly the best place i can suggest people start is find one band you Really like and use it as a jumping-off point. if you love maiden, watch their documentaries and liveshows and learn about the genre/sound they were a part of and go from there!
hopefully, there's someplace for you to go from here!!
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billconrad · 1 year
Bill’s Guide to Book Marketing
    I am a self-published author and have attempted to market my books, but the results have been less than successful. So why read a book marketing guide by somebody like me? The principles I will describe still apply, and I have made many mistakes that you will know how to avoid. Remember, you learn more from failure than from success. Does that mean I have learned a lot in my life? Hmm.
    At this point, you have written a book, had it professionally edited, a professional cover designed, an ISBN, an Amazon AISN, it’s formatted for ebook and print on demand. It is for sale on Amazon, Kubo, Apple Play, Google reads, Smashwords, Barns, and Nobel. Wow, quite an accomplishment! The problem is that 200+ people a month also released their first book. (Plus, established books are re-released as “new.” So annoying!) Many new books belong to authors with multiple books, and their readers are eager to read more. YOUR GOAL is to convince people to click “buy it now,” and here are the basic book marketing steps (not necessarily in the proper order):
To get attention, you must attack this problem on several fronts. Let’s start with the most important one. YOU NEED AMAZON REVIEWS! LOTS OF THEM! The first part of the plan is to send a copy of your work to every friend you have. Then, two months later, pester them for a review. This initial foundation of positive reviews is critical to your success.
Put your book info on Goodreads and any other site hosting information about your work.
Get a disposable email account like Yahoo. Search for free book promotion sites and put your book there. They will need a bio, picture, ISBN, amazon link, AISN number, Kubo, Apple Play, Google Reads, Smashwords, and Barns Nobel link. Important tip. I have one file with all this information, including all the links. Note that these free sites will spam the email account you provide to death. Here are a few areas to check out:
Sneaky tip. Go to Barns and Nobel every week and load your book onto all their Nook readers. Perhaps write a five-star review… Perhaps one on each tablet… Perhaps if you are on vacation… Perhaps if you have friends or relatives in other cities…
Should you buy book reviews? I found one site (I will not provide the link because it looks shady) where you can buy Amazon reviews. $300 gets up to 10 (why not an exact number?) badly written reviews. Should you do this?
    I do not recommend buying reviews unless you use a professional review service ($1K) that Amazon will allow a “review transfer.” Also, Amazon will likely find and sue these shady sites. Then Amazon will ban all the authors. Or they could try to shake you down. “Hey, you paid us for a review. Now pay us $$, or we will tattle to Amazon!”
If you read and followed my previous blog, you have written at least 200 book reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. Consider posting these reviews to Barns and Nobel, and Kubo. Your new goal is to get more reviews, and there is a group of motivated people who will do a review exchange. Authors!
    How to find willing (desperate) authors? First, look for new books on Amazon with a few reviews. Then, comb through them to see if they have a website or some other external way (Facebook) of contacting the author. Email/message them and ask them to do a review exchange. This means you offer to buy their book/ebook on Amazon, read their book, and write a review on Amazon and Goodreads. The other (potential) author will look at your 200 reviews and feel they are getting a good deal.
    Is this ethical? Yes, because you are only doing a review exchange. No money is changing hands. Both people paid for the book and are writing an honest review. But, do not contact authors through Goodreads or Amazon because both sites monitor their internal communications for review exchanges.
Look for Facebook review exchange groups.
Keep a log of all your reviews. Keep in yearly contact with your old review exchange authors. That way, you can contact them again when you come out with a new book.
Develop a dedicated website for your work. On it will be your books, your extended biography, a way to contact you, sample pages of your book, updates, and your blog. Many great website hosting companies have great online free website building programs—for example, Godaddy.
    Of course, I chose not to use a free online website builder. Why? I am old school and wanted to make a site on my computer that I could endlessly edit offline. My other motivation was that if the hosting company did not work out (like upping their cost), I could move my = domain to any other web hosting company. Yes, I am a control freak.
    So, my quest began. My first stop was to buy a copy of the gold standard for website development, Microsoft Front Page. To my utter surprise, it is no longer supported. What the heck? Well, I still had the silver standard Corel website creator. Wow, it has become awful. So, I went through every program from Adobe, Google, and many others. Pure junk. (How do companies make their sites? I do not know.) Fortuitously, I found a free program called Rocketcake. It was easy to use, fast, and produced excellent results. The downside is the lack of power. (It did not support splashy features. Only basic website stuff.) But there was an exciting upside. It generates tiny webpages that display lightning fast.
    There was another benefit to Rocketcake that no other website builder had. It (accurately) showed how my website looked on mobile devices, and I could tweak the pages to look good on all platforms. Godaddy and other online-generated web pages look awful on small devices. Do people browse the web on their phones? Hmm. Perhaps there was some logic to my crazy decision.
    Then I needed a hosting company and found WHP. Incidentally, WHP is the least expensive, and their service is decent. Coincidence?
Get a Facebook personal account and then make a separate page for your author’s activities. Make it look professional by examining what other authors have made their page look like.
Generate buzz on popular social sites groups like Twitter and Instagram. How does this work? I do not know. Twitter and Instagram are not my scene, but I know there are promoting guides on these sites.
Send out free books/ebooks. Several sites let you post your work for free to generate buzz. KDP select allows you to do this, but in my case, fifteen people downloaded my book and… Nothing.
There are a few (odd) free sites. The deal is that if you post an Amazon review, you get to read more free books. The problem is that all reviews read “…good book… I posted this review to claim the free book on XXX site, and this review is of my own volition.” What the heck? Stay away from those sites. Amazon will eventually take down all those phony reviews and punish the author.
Hire a publicist. I have investigated several and failed to find a good one. Why? When you hire somebody, you need a measure of their success. “You are a housepainter? Can you give me the address of a recently painted house so I can look at it?” Makes sense. “You are a publicist. Can you show me a book that somebody paid you $100 to promote, and they got $1000 in sales? You can’t?” Hmm.
    I find publicists are glorified spammers. They take your $ and send out spam, Twitter spam, Instagram spam, text spam, website banners, or other spammy muck. There is no way they can directly show how our hard-earned $$ leads to reader interest or sales. Plus, spam angers potential customers.
    I read stories of miracle publicists on the Facebook group Writers Helping Writers. After inquiring with the author about them and contacting the publicist, I learned they were riding on the coattails of a successful book.
    Side note. There is a business here, but I have yet to crack the nut that will lead to successful promotion.
Start a blog on your website, Facebook, Goodreads, and any other site you can find. Keep your blog fresh, post at least once a week, and mention your book often. Your topics should be books, writing, life, and light topical subjects—no heavy stuff like politics.
Make a YouTube promotion video of your book. Or beg your famous YouTube friend who knows the trade. The problem is that ~10K videos come out weekly, making it hard to stand out.
There are Facebook groups for authors and books. For example, Writers Helping Writers. Post as often as you can, but don’t be a pest, and do not directly plug your book, or you will be booted off.
There are online reading groups. Tread lightly when you make your plug so they don’t kick you off.
Pay for an advertising campaign on Amazon to up your search ranking. Paying them seems counterintuitive. Amazon is supposed to do this for free because they are the retailer. If they promote new books and authors, they will sell more books.
    Alas, no. Amazon makes you fork over money to up your search rankings. I have not tried paying Amazon because I want 100 reviews first. Nobody will buy an unreviewed book, no matter how often it appears in searches.
Do an advertising campaign on Barns and Nobel or Kubo. They seem to be much better at promoting books.
Keep a record of all your advertising efforts for taxes and understanding what works and what does not.
Last but not least, write more books. The more you have, the more you can market on the same dime. It only takes one success! “Hey, I loved Bill’s book Interviewing Immortality. Why not read his other book, Pushed to the Edge of Success or Cable Ties.” See what I did there? I snuck in a plug. Plug, plug, plug! Everywhere you can! This is a numbers game!
    Unfortunately, that’s all I have about book promotion, and I feel your anger. “There have to be more options. When I search on ‘book promoting,’ I get a hundred hits.”
    Let’s explore what these sites offer. 90% do two things. First, they spam. Do you read spam? Do you want your brilliant book to be associated with that kind of “gray” marketing? Second, they “tweet to 10,000 followers.” How does this help you? Having 10,000 nobody’s Tweet to 10,000 nobody’s. Do these people even speak English? Are computers tweeting to computers? Where is the proof they did what they claim? A computer printout? An angry letter from Twitter telling them to stop spamming?
    When paying for advertising or promoting, understand the Return On Investment. This is the relationship for advertisement payments and your profit. All established marketing companies 100% understand this question, and 40% can competently answer it. If they cannot, you are wasting your money.
    You may find a website that offers to promote your book on their “heavily visited site.” When you pay, you will see your book on their front page. Here is the issue. The only place readers go to find out about what books to read is Goodreads or Smashwords. (Umm, perhaps Amazon.) They do not care about other sites. Those “heavily visited sites” only exist to extract money from authors. If you look, you will see they all look the same, and I suspect one company runs them.
    Many sites offer package deals. A combination of the Tweet/spam/put your book on their worthless site. Or they “manage” your Amazon advertising campaign. Or they “promote you on Google.” You can pay Google and Amazon directly to up your rank and do not need help.
    Side note. If you have a unique title like Interviewing Immortality (see, I plugged my book again), then it will usually pop up first. Having your book for sale on many sites greatly helps. For example, I pay nothing, and my book is the first hit when I google “Interviewing Immortality.” See, I plugged my book a third time. This is a numbers game!!
    I was Facebook messaged today by a guy who wanted to “up my brand awareness.” Here is his run-on sentence pitch:
    I will do a strategic awareness your brand on some high-score social media platforms to increase awareness of your brand, generate real, active, and organic traffic from any country of your choice (USA, UK, Germany, Spain), and so on targeting those who will be particularly interested in the genre of book of your book . You will also gain a wide range of other effective results through my work.
     “High-score social media platforms” = SPAM And the mathematically backed return on investment report is… Did you spot the extra space before the period?
    What about book bloggers? They certainly can promote your work. The problem is that they require $$ without guaranteeing they will even read your book. Plus, they are arrogant and will give you a rotten review even after you pay. If you read/watch one of their negative reviews, you will see their sense of pride as they tear a book apart. Study their online content first, and be careful!
    What about getting your book on a list of “100 outstanding books you have to read.” Hard to say, but it is worth investigating. Make sure you are not paying for this option. Your work should stand on its own.
    In 2021 somebody reached out to interview me on the radio! Of course, I was interested!!! Turns out… For only $60, they would turn my book cover into a 3D animation that loops on a YouTube video. The audio (read by a computer) was me answering (over email) six questions I asked myself.
    I searched YouTube and found several videos posted by the person who messaged me. She uploaded the first in 2015. Guess how many views it got by 2021? Two! This person’s most popular video (an odd religious rant in English and Italian) received eight views. (It was eight because I accidentally clicked on it twice.) The lesson is to be careful. Many people want to separate you from your cash.
    Wait, I know what you are thinking. “Bill probably does not know a thing about internet marketing because his sales are in the toilet.” Well, I am not bragging, but I do.
    The entire purpose of those patents was to define, clarify, justify, quantify, and improve one number. Return On Investment (ROI) And, if my boneheaded partner did not have a mental breakdown because he feared success, I would be a multi-billionaire. Yes, this is 100% true. Did I mention he was a BONEHEAD!!!!! I want to repeat it. John, you are a complete BONEHEAD!!!!! Hey blog readers, thanks for letting me vent.
    I know, not inspiring you. Book promoting is a tough road. More challenging than selling a product or service. I started this journey with the idea that I would instantly get popular (because I wrote a fantastic book), and the checks would roll in. I now understand how profound this fantasy was. Yet, things are not as bad as they seem. You now know the pitfalls, the questions to ask, where to market, and how much effort is required.
You’re the best -Bill
April 08, 2023
 Hey book lovers, I published three! Please check them out.
 Interviewing Immortality is a psychological thriller about a 500-year-old woman who forces a disgraced author to interview her.
 Pushed to the Edge of Survival is a drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
 Cable Ties is a classic spy novel about two hunters discovering that government communications are being recorded and the ensuing FBI investigation.
 These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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I tagged 128 of my posts in 2022
#the q - 7 posts
#homestar runner - 5 posts
#website - 5 posts
#halloween - 4 posts
#calorific rays - 3 posts
#daily facts - 3 posts
#alt rock - 3 posts
#picrew - 3 posts
#look at him go - 2 posts
#internet - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 46 characters
#even if you cant fix him you can draw him well
My Top Posts in 2022:
Happy Labor Daybor!
22 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
38 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Yahoo come check out my first Picrew! you decorate pumpkins! 
41 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
This Halloween I’m gonna help my friend Joey on a personal lost media search! Check out what info we got so far and stay tuned for more details!
46 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I’m proud of how this one came out so I’m making sure to share it
50 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sarthakhosting · 2 years
Top Hosting Service To Choose In 2022
Top 5 Best WordPress Web Hosting Services To Choose In 2022
What Is WordPress?
WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for website structure since it doesn’t bear advanced specialized knowledge. Still, suppose you want to develop a WordPress point for your business or begin a particular WordPress blog. In that case, you should consider which WordPress Hosting Provider suits your requirements.
The stylish WordPress hosting services should offer fast pets, one-click WP installation, free SSL instruments, uptime trustability, and point security. But with so many WordPress hosts, the number of choices is inviting.
To help you find stylish WordPress websites through Web Hosting Providers, we took the time to probe the most popular Hosting services. We rated each company on various factors, including features, pricing, security, speed, and reviews.
you now better understand some of the Best Web Hosting Services In 2022.
How to Choose the Best Web Hosting for WordPress?
You now better understand the top options for hosting your WordPress site. Finding the best web hosting is too hard now with a lot of competition & good hosting services. Some important points to choosing the Best hosting service are :
Speed — The server load speed should be under 300 ms.
Uptime — A reliable hosting service will have at least 99% availability.
Customer Service — For help with WordPress-related questions.
Your Needs — The hosting service should work according to your business, Niche, and type.
Why is good hosting important?
In Simple language, when you buy a web host, you are purchasing server space where you can upload and store all your website files. Whenever any online user tries to access your website, they make a request to your website, and in return, your web host delivers the requested files to the user. A good and reliable web host can benefit your online business by providing the following website-related services:
High website speed and performance, improving your incoming traffic and engagement.
High website uptime: Your users can access your website 24/7 and 365 days a year.
24/7 customer support: You can respond to any technical and non-technical queries or complaints that you may have.
Cost-effective pricing: That ensures you do not spend a lot on website hosting and other related services.
 Keeping these points in mind, let us now get to 10 of the best hosting providers in India.
We picked the best hosting providers in India based on the following criteria.
Customer support
Here are our top picks for the stylish 5 Top WordPress hosting services for 2022 
A2 Hosting
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Connect With More Clients: Our Partner Directory Has Arrived
Connect With More Clients: Our Partner Directory Has Arrived Since we launched the Automattic for Agencies program earlier this summer, we’ve helped agencies save thousands of dollars and countless developer hours. Today, we’re making it easier than ever for agencies to connect with potential clients by presenting the new WordPress.com Partner Directory. This directory lists top-tier agencies for our customers who are looking for a partner for their web development projects. If your agency’s growth is top of mind, there’s no better time to join Automattic for Agencies. In addition to saving time and money, your company could be eligible for a listing in our official partner directory, paving the way for more qualified leads and, ultimately, happy clients. Get your agency in front of eager customers  When someone needs a professional website, it can be hard to find the right agency to work with. Sifting through search engine results and going through credentials takes a lot of time and energy, which can leave them exhausted before they even get to your digital door. With the launch of the partner directory, we’re making it easier for consumers to find and connect with vetted, talented agencies—like yours. When you apply to the agency directory, your application will be reviewed to assess critical areas like security, performance, and adherence to different business requirements. Accepted agencies can showcase their profile across the Woo, Jetpack, and Pressable brand directories via a single listing. Visit our knowledge base for information about detailed application steps and criteria for inclusion as well as agency tiering and benefits. Join Automattic for Agencies today In addition to our curated directory, the Automattic for Agencies program brings together powerful hosting and a professional suite of plugins and tools in a flexible platform that allows your team to focus on building beautiful and functional websites. At its core, Automattic for Agencies allows for the bulk purchasing and reselling of WordPress.com hosting plans (along with WooCommerce and Jetpack plugins). Our platform also equips you with direct referrals and invoicing, license management, and monitoring tools to assess security and performance needs across all your sites. As an added bonus, Automattic for Agencies gives your agency access to volume discounts for your clients. Your first WordPress.com site starts at $30 per month; but with ten or more sites, the price drops to just $10 per site, per month. (All WordPress.com sites purchased through the agency program are on our powerful Business plan.) Those savings coupled with our referral incentives make Automattic for Agencies a potent combination for growing your agency’s offerings and profitability. Get started today and connect with new clients Ultimately, our goal is to funnel more business your way, so that you can keep doing what you do best. Join Automattic for Agencies Tags and categories: Resources, Automattic for Agencies, WordPress, WordPress developers via WordPress https://ift.tt/VJIc9Q1 September 16, 2024 at 05:35PM
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webtechnicaltips · 25 days
[Tested]Best Web Hosting For WordPress, 365 Days Solid Comparison
I invest lots of money & time almost 365 days to compare top 10 web hosting companies. Now its time to final review and comparison. Don't waist your time and money to test it, just watch this detailed video and after that you can able to select best web hosting for your website.
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thetravelerbd · 29 days
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Discover the 10 Best Web Hosting Services for 2024! Review leading providers to choose the best fit for your needs, offering top-notch features, security, and exceptional uptime.
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hostingfoxy · 2 years
When it comes to choosing the top 10 VPS hosting companies, you might find it hard to choose the right hosting server, but don't worry, HostingFoxy has the best VPS hosting companies reviews and VPS hosting website collection. At Hostingfoxy you can find the right VPS hosting server that best suits your business and budget.
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gsinfotechvispvtltd · 1 month
Top Website Maintenance Tasks You Shouldn’t Ignore: A Comprehensive Checklist
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Maintaining a website is crucial for ensuring its performance, security, and relevance in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Just like a car requires regular oil changes and tune-ups, your website needs consistent maintenance to function optimally. Here’s a comprehensive checklist of essential website maintenance tasks that you shouldn’t ignore.
1. Regular Software Updates
Keeping your website’s software, including the content management system (CMS), plugins, and themes, up to date is vital for security and performance. Outdated software can lead to vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit. Schedule regular updates to ensure that you benefit from the latest features and security patches.
2. Backup Your Website
Regular backups are essential for protecting your data. In the event of a cyberattack, server failure, or accidental deletion, having a recent backup allows you to restore your website quickly. Implement an automated backup solution that saves your data at regular intervals, and ensure that backups are stored securely, preferably offsite.
3. Monitor Website Performance
Website speed is a critical factor for user experience and SEO. Regularly monitor your site’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix. Identify areas for improvement, such as optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing HTTP requests, to enhance loading times.
4. Check for Broken Links
Broken links can frustrate users and negatively impact your SEO. Regularly audit your website for broken internal and external links. Tools like Screaming Frog or online link checkers can help identify these issues. Fixing broken links not only improves user experience but also helps maintain your site’s credibility with search engines.
5. Review and Update Content
Fresh, relevant content is essential for engaging visitors and improving search engine rankings. Regularly review your website’s content to ensure it is up to date. Update outdated information, refresh blog posts, and add new articles or resources to keep your audience engaged and informed.
6. Enhance Security Measures
Website security should be a top priority. Implement security measures such as SSL certificates, firewalls, and malware scanning tools. Regularly check for security vulnerabilities and address them promptly. Consider using a web application firewall (WAF) to protect against common threats.
7. Optimize for Mobile Devices
With an increasing number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, ensuring your site is mobile-friendly is crucial. Regularly test your website’s responsiveness on various devices and screen sizes. Use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to identify areas for improvement.
8. Analyze Traffic and User Behavior
Understanding how visitors interact with your website can provide valuable insights for improvement. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to track user behavior, traffic sources, and conversion rates. Regularly review this data to identify trends and make informed decisions about content and design.
9. Check Domain and Hosting Status
Ensure that your domain name registration is up to date and that you are aware of its expiration date. Additionally, monitor your hosting service for uptime and performance. A reliable hosting provider is essential for maintaining your website’s availability and speed.
10. Conduct Regular SEO Audits
Search engine optimization is an ongoing process. Regularly conduct SEO audits to assess your website’s performance in search rankings. Check for keyword optimization, meta tags, alt text for images, and overall site structure. Staying on top of SEO best practices will help maintain and improve your visibility in search results.
Regular website maintenance is essential for ensuring your online presence remains strong, secure, and effective. By following this comprehensive checklist, you can enhance user experience, improve search engine rankings, and protect your website from potential threats. Investing time and resources into regular maintenance will pay off in the long run, helping you build a successful and sustainable online presence.
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kevineleven0011 · 3 months
EverHost Review: Is It Worth To Buy Now
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Introduction EverHost Review: Is It Worth To Buy Now?
Welcome to my EverHost Review I'm Riddhish, an affiliate marketer in this industry for the last 5 years.
Abhijit is the creator of this EverHost!
In today's digital era, establishing a strong online presence is crucial for any business. However, the success of an online business heavily relies on three key pillars: good web design, effective search engine optimization, and robust web hosting. Among these, having a solid web hosting provider like EverHost is essential to ensure your website is fast, secure, and reliable. Without quality hosting, even the best-designed websites can suffer from poor performance, leading to a negative user experience and potential business losses.
Product Overview:
✅Front End Price: $19.00
✅Money-Back Guarantee: 30-Days
✅Recommendation: Highly Recommended
✅My Product Rating: 9/10
✅Official Website: >> VISIT HERE <<
Why is EverHost Recommended?
You will get the following things in EverHost:-
Host Unlimited Websites & Domains
Unlimited Free End-To-End SSL Encryption
Unlimited Bandwidth With Unlimited Databases
Super-Fast & Secure Servers for Lightning Fast Site Loading Speed
Get Your Own Personalized Email Account
One-Click WordPress Installation
100+ 1-Click Script Installers
Better & Easy To Use A-Panel (Alternative Panel)
Completely Newbie Friendly And No Prior Experience Needed
And So Much More…
How Does EverHost Work?
Step 1: Click Domain Connect
Login to our ultra-secure EverHost AI account and insert your domain name. You can add unlimited domains & unlimited websites.
Step 2: Manage your Hosting Account Using Cutting Edge A-PANEL Technology
Start managing your hosting account from our user-friendly & powerful control panel in just minutes.
Step 3: Install 100+ Web Apps In 1 Click
Web apps for protection, for seo, for traffic, for Design, For IMAGES, And More, All in 1 Click, AUTO Activate!
EverHost Benefits:
Host Unlimited Sites & Domains
You only have to pay once to profit forever. At just one-time payment, you can host unlimited websites and domains … No restrictions, no limitations, and no monthly charges ever.
Fast & Reliable Server
Our cutting-edge compression algorithm helps to load your sites & pages at lightning-fast speed with no downtime.
Unlimited Free End-To-End SSL Encryption
All your precious data and websites are protected by our end-to-end SSL encryption. Also, you can get unlimited free SSL certificates
Unlimited Bandwidth & Database
Get unlimited bandwidth to provide consistent site performance even with high traffic or large media files. Also, you can create and manage unlimited MySQL database at no extra cost.
Personalized Email Accounts
You’ll get your own personalized email accounts to create and manage your professional emails easily.
1-click WordPress Installation
Install WordPress on your sites in just one click. Create beautiful sites and make them live in just minutes.
100+ 1-click Script Installer
100+ Top Script apps for all your needs that you can install in just 1-Click.
Easy-To-Use A-Panel
Our cutting-edge compression algorithm helps to load your sites & pages at lightning-fast speed with no downtime.
Upload & Manage All Your Domains, Site Files & DNS Records
All-in-one software that lets you upload and manage all your domains, website files, and DNS records from anywhere, at any time.
100% Cloud-Based
There’s nothing to install or download, it is 100% cloud-based. That means you can host and access your websites from anywhere in the world, at any time, on any device.
Round The Clock Support
No need to wait for days, we have a dedicated support team to answer all your queries and resolve your issues on time.
One-Time Fee
Say goodbye to forking out a huge chunk of your hard-earned profits for monthly hosting subscriptions. EverHost AI provides you an extensive array of features, at just a low one-time price.
What Will You Get Inside In EverHost?
Host Unlimited Websites And Domains On Cloud Hosting Servers At Low One-Time Price
Unlimited Free End-To-End SSL Encryption To Protect You And Your Websites.
Unlimited Bandwidth So Websites Can Handle High-Traffic Without Compromising Site Performance
Blazing Fast Servers To Load Pages At Bullet-Speed For Higher Conversion Rate
Your Own Personalized Email Account To Create & Manage Emails
One-Click WordPress Installation With Powerful & Easier A-Panel (Alternative Panel)
100% Cloud-Based & Reliable Server To Optimize Your Site Performance & Functionality
100+ One-Click Script Installer For All Your Needs
Unlimited Database To Manage & Create MySQL Database
Unlimited Free SSL Certificates For All Your Sites
Edit/Add DNS Records Of Your Account
Upload & Manage All Your Site Files and Domains From Anywhere In The World
Round-The-Clock Expert Support & Step By Step Tutorials
Bid Farewell To Limited & Expensive Monthly Subscriptions Platforms
EverHost Bonus:
✅AMD EPYC™ CPUs Website Hosting - Value $399
✅Host Domains + Sub-Domains - Value $399
✅Unlimited Free SSL Certificates - Value $399
✅Unlimited Bandwidth - Value $399
✅Free Pre-built Templates  - Value $499
✅On-Demand Backup  - Value $299
✅AI Website Creation  - Value $399
✅eCommerce Features  - Value $299
✅Malware Scanner  - Value $199
✅Secure Access Manager  - Value $199
✅Personalized Email Accounts - Value $199
✅1-click WordPress Installation - Value $99
✅Secure & Fast Servers - Value $179
✅1-Click Script Installer - Value $999
✅MYSQL Database - Value $199
✅Easy-To-Use A-Panel - Value $299
✅Unlimited Free SSL Certificates - Value $149
✅DNS Records Manager - Value $79
✅Site Manager - Value $299
✅24*7 Customer Support - Value $99
✅100% Cloud-Based - Value $99
✅Global Data Centres - Value $199
✅Priority Support - Value $99
✅4 Premium Bonuses - Value $500
Total Value Of Everything You Get Today $4545
>> BUY EverHost <<
EverHost Final Opinion:
In conclusion, EverHost stands out as a comprehensive and reliable web hosting solution, offering an impressive range of features at an unbeatable price. With unlimited hosting capabilities, enhanced security, and user-friendly management tools, it ensures your website performs optimally without recurring costs. For anyone serious about maintaining a robust online presence, EverHost is a highly recommended choice that combines affordability, functionality, and exceptional support.
FAQs about EverHost:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is EverHost suitable for beginners?
Yes, EverHost is completely newbie-friendly with an easy-to-use A-panel and no prior experience needed.
Does EverHost offer customer support?
Yes, EverHost provides round-the-clock support to help you with any issues or queries.
Can I host multiple websites with EverHost?
Absolutely, EverHost allows you to host unlimited websites and domains with no additional charges.
>> BUY EverHost <<
Affiliate Disclosure: Affiliate links are used in this content. I will receive a little commission if you purchase any product using one of the links in this post. But there are no additional costs for you.
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marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
ProfitStays Review – Build Automated DFY Travel Affiliate Sites in Seconds
Welcome to my ProfitStays Review Post, This is a genuine user-based ProfitStays review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how ProfitStays can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. Brand New AI-Powered Software Creates Completely Automated Affiliate TRAVEL Websites Stocked With 950K+ Hotels, 6.6M Homes & Apartments And 128K Attractions Worldwide, In Seconds!
Have you ever dreamed of owning your own travel agency, but the idea of setting up shop and dealing with logistics seems daunting? ProfitStays might be the solution you’ve been waiting for. This software program promises to revolutionize the travel industry by allowing anyone to create a fully automated travel agency website in a matter of minutes. But before you jump on board, it’s crucial to delve deeper and understand what ProfitStays offers, its potential benefits and drawbacks, and ultimately, whether it’s a legitimate opportunity or simply too good to be true. So, buckle up and get ready to explore the world of automated travel agencies! We’ll also address some of the key questions surrounding ProfitStays, including its pricing structure and whether it’s a genuine solution or just another overhyped marketing gimmick.
ProfitStays Review: What Is ProfitStays?
ProfitStays is a software program designed to streamline the process of creating a travel agency website. It caters to individuals with no coding experience by offering a one-click website builder. This pre-built website comes loaded with millions of travel deals from various sources, including hotels, airlines, cruises, car rentals, and attractions.
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ProfitStays leverages affiliate marketing, allowing you to earn commissions whenever someone makes a booking through your website. In essence, it provides a platform to showcase travel options and earn a commission on converted sales. While ProfitStays promotes the idea of a fully automated system, user reviews suggest additional effort might be required to optimize your website and marketing for success.
ProfitStays Review: Overview
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Creator: Mike & Radu
Product: ProfitStays
Date Of Launch: 2024-Jun-20
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Code: “PROSTAYS5” To Get $5 Off Full Funnel!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
<<>> Click Here & Join Now ProfitStays Get Access Now <<>>
ProfitStays Review: Features
Build a completely automated DFY travel agency in seconds.
Web-based app, so there’s nothing to install (hosting included!)
Get discounts on your own holidays & even travel for free
Get paid when friends and family travel
Loaded with 1M+ hotels, 4,000 airlines, plus cruises, car rentals, restaurants, tours & more
Get paid whenever someone books through your travel agency
Monetize your travel website with hotel booking affiliate program, banner ads and Google Adsense
Automatically creates blog posts for your site using our dfy blog builder module
The AI posts daily viral lists like “top 10 places to go to Europe in June” with your affiliate link auto-added
Series of in-depth training videos shows all the ins and outs of the software.
Special bonus: get reseller license if you purchase today.
We send you free traffic every day
100% newbie friendly, powered by ChatGPT
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
ProfitStays Review: How Does It Work?
You’re just 3-clicks away from starting a completely automated travel agency & making insane profits
Step #1: Login To Our Cloud Platform & Create Your Travel Agency
(You can create & host unlimited travel websites from dozens of templates!)
Step #2: Enter Your Desired Name for Your New Travel Business
(Watch as the app instantly creates a completely automated travel agency for you in less than 60 seconds!)
Step #3: Relax & Let Our TravelGPT Do All the Work for You
(It automatically loads up 1M+ hotels, 4k+ airlines and 100k+ different other experiences with YOUR affiliate link!)
<<>> Click Here & Join Now ProfitStays Get Access Now <<>>
ProfitStays Review: Can Do For You
Tap Into This $1.9 TRILLION Annual Industry!
Fully-Fledged, Cloud-Based Mainstream Travel Platform KILLER!
Start Selling Stays, Attractions & Flight Bookings To Other People!
Your Powerful New Stays & Flight Booking Website Is Fully-Automated!
Millions Of STAYS (Hotels, Apartments, Villas) & FLIGHTS!
Access To Your OWN Affiliate System!
Pay Rock-Bottom Prices For Yourself (Only Pay Registration Fee!)
Monetize Further With Ads Or Additional Upsell Offers!
Unlimited Traffic Built-In!
AI-Powered For Full Automation!
Blazing Fast Server Ensures YOUR Site Has A 99% Uptime!
One-Time Payment Only…NO Monthly Fees!
Comes Complete With Quality Video Tutorials & More!
24/7 Support From Marketing Experts!
Perfect For Affiliates, eCom Sellers, Offline…Everyone!
100% Newbie-Friendly, Easy-To-Use Software!
Full Commercial Rights — Offer This Incredible Service To Clients!
Gives YOUR Customers The Best Software Experience Possible!
ProfitStays Review: Verify User Feedback
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ProfitStays Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Digital Product Sellers
Business Owners
Bloggers & Website owners
Email Marketers
Social Media Marketers
Online Courses and eBooks
E-Commerce Store Owners
And Many Others
ProfitStays Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Add My Bundle Coupon Code “PROSTAYS30″ — For $30% Off Any Funnel
Front End Price: ProfitStays ($17)
OTO 1: ProfitStays PRO ($32 — $42)
OTO 2: ProfitStays Enterprise ($42– $62)
OTO 3: ProfitStays DFY ($19 — $39)
OTO 4: ProfitStays Reseller ($67 — $197)
OTO 5: ProfitStays IMX ($47 — $97)
<<>> Click Here & Join Now ProfitStays Get Access Now <<>>
ProfitStays Review: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle
My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest ProfitStays Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
ProfitStays Review: Money Back Guarantee
Our 100% Risk-FREE, Iron-Clad 30 Days Money Back Guarantee!
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase within 30 days of buying ProfitStays, we will refund 100% of your money, no questions asked. However, we are sure that you’ll love AI Viral Kids Stories so much and see the value in it that you won’t ask for a refund. Nothing could be more fair than that.
<<>> Click Here & Join Now ProfitStays Get Access Now <<>>
ProfitStays Review: Pros and Cons
Ease of Use: One-click website creation and pre-loaded travel deals simplify setup.
Passive Income Potential: Earn commissions on bookings made through your website.
Wide Travel Inventory: Cater to diverse customer needs with a vast selection of travel options.
Multiple Monetization Options: Go beyond affiliate marketing with banner ads and Google Adsense.
You cannot use this software without an active internet connection.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Is ProfitStays Cloud-Based?
Yes, ProfitStays is a cloud-based travel agency creator easy to access from anywhere. Works with Mac, PC and mobile.
Q. Are Others Using ProfitStays Already?
Yes — we have over 7000 travel websites on our servers already. We know what we’re doing & you can rest assured your sites will be safe on our servers. Some of the feedback from our users is being represented on this very same page.
Q. Does ProfitStays Cost a Monthly Fee?
When you act now, you’re getting one-time access to ProfitStays without EVER having to pay a monthly fee
Q. Do I Need Any Tech Skills or Experience to Make This Work?
NO — ProfitStays is seamless and 100% newbie friendly.
Q. Is Support & Training Included?
Absolutely. By purchasing today, you can get instant access to the training portal and the 24/7 support desk.
ProfitStays Review: My Recommendation
ProfitStays offers a convenient entry point for building a travel affiliate website. However, remember, success relies heavily on your marketing efforts, content quality, and travel industry knowledge. If you’re a complete beginner willing to invest time and effort in learning affiliate marketing, ProfitStays could be a starting point. But for those seeking complete control and established affiliate networks, explore alternative platforms. Ultimately, the decision hinges on your goals and what you’re willing to invest in terms of time and effort.
<<>> Click Here & Join Now ProfitStays Get Access Now <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: Covert AI Review, VidFusion AI Review, Dream AI Review, SEOBuddy AI Review, MediaGuardAI Review, & AI MarketingHub Review.
Thank for reading my ProfitStays Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
This review is based on publicly available information and is not intended as an endorsement or promotion of ProfitStays. Users should conduct their own research and due diligence before making any purchasing decisions.
Note: Yes, this is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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jcmarchi · 4 months
10 Best Reseller Hosting Companies
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/10-best-reseller-hosting-companies/
10 Best Reseller Hosting Companies
Ever thought of owning your own hosting company? 
Luckily, it’s not all suits and ties. You can own and manage your own hosting service from the corner of your bedroom and earn some profit. This is termed ‘reseller hosting,’ a type of hosting that allows you to buy a bulk hosting plan from a full-scale web host and resell it to your customers based on their needs or demands. For many years, it has served as a source of passive income to agencies and digital entrepreneurs and is still profitable today. 
As a reseller, you’re probably looking for the best reseller services that are budget-friendly yet have excellent performance, robust security features, unlimited or sizable bandwidth and space, quality customer support, etc. But with countless web hosts making bold claims about their services, finding the right fit can get tricky.  
No need to fret! Instead of sifting through thousands of reseller hosting providers online, we have done the heavy lifting to rank the top ten reseller providers based on their unique strengths. 
But before we get started…
Top 10 Reseller Hosting Companies At A Glance
SiteGround – This is where Unite.ai is hosted.
What is Reseller Hosting and How Does It Work?
Reseller hosting is a web hosting service where you become a (mini) web host yourself. Here, you purchase or rent web hosting resources from a web hosting provider, such as space and bandwidth, and sell them (for profit) to a third party. The profit you make comes from the difference in the cost and selling prices.
In this type of hosting, you are assigned a client admin area called the WHM (web hosting manager), where you can manage all your hosting services. This administrative control enables you to create hosting plans and customer accounts, share hosting services, etc. You can also create separate control panel accounts for your customers on this platform. This way, they can manage their hosting needs end-to-end without your help.  
The best part is that you get a white labeling option that enables you to customize the hosting services to your preferences. You can add your brand logo, sell the services under your brand name, design the dashboard to be consistent with your brand colors, and so on.  
Tip: Most reseller hosting providers also give you access to WHMCS or Blest to receive and manage payments. Not all web hosts are compatible with both platforms, so ensure you confirm this before committing to any plan. 
Who is Reseller Hosting For?
Reseller hosting is for people who want to own and run their own hosting companies without purchasing or managing the underlying server infrastructure. This makes it a great option for web developers, designers, IT guys, and freelancers who want to sell web hosting as a complementary service to their core offerings. 
Because of its low-cost entry barrier, it poses an attractive option for digital marketing professionals looking to expand their service portfolio and generate additional income streams. 
These Are The Very Best Reseller Providers
In this section, I ranked the best ten reseller hosting providers based on their unique advantages. It’s subjective and will likely be different from other hosting reviews. Let’s go! 
SiteGround tops my list of best reseller hosting providers. With over two decades in the hosting industry, they have continually refined their service offerings to provide scalable, performance-focused hosting to all their users. In all their plans, including reseller hosting, you get free emails, daily backups, free CDN integration, a free SSL certificate, and unlimited bandwidth. 
So many things attracted me to SiteGround, but their commitment to providing reliable performance and robust reseller tools at an affordable price stood out to me. You’ll love their Google cloud-hosted servers, out-of-the-box caching, customization options (private DNS and white labeling), 99.9% uptime guarantee, and blazing speed. They also offer priority support on their top plans, ensuring you get the best assistance when needed. 
Why choose SiteGround?
Their servers are built on Google Cloud.
They offer access to over 30 developer tools for easy management 
You can create as many professional emails as you want
Robust security tools on every plan
Daily and automatic backups on all plans 
Overall, SiteGround is an excellent choice for an affordable reseller host with outstanding performance and reliable customer service. 
Read Review →
Visit SiteGround →
It’s not common to see a web host with 4.9-star reviews on TrustPilot, which is why I graded StableHost the best-rated reseller hosting provider. A majority of their reviewers gave good comments about their excellent customer support.  
StableHost offers a wide range of hosting solutions, including VPS, shared, and dedicated hosting. All their plans are flexible, scalable, and built on enterprise-grade SSD drives and dual cores for reliable, high-performance websites. On each plan, you have access to a robust security system (free SSL certificate, WAF, and anti-spam), unlimited bandwidth, and an in-built drag-and-drop website builder to create your own website for free. 
Why should you choose StableHost reseller hosting services? If you’re tired of web hosts with unreliable customer service, this provider is for you. They use cluttered hosting—a technology that allows servers to share resources and workloads—to improve website performance and speed. This clustered setup ensures no single server is overwhelmed, leading to faster processing and improved performance. If one server fails, the others take over automatically, minimizing downtime and ensuring that your clients have access to their website at all times. 
Why choose StableHost?
They use enterprise-grade SSD storage and LiteSpeed servers for fast loading times and optimal performance. 
cPanel and WHM for easy access and client management 
They offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee to ensure your client’s website is always accessible. 
They provide 24/7/365 customer support on different levels – live chat, phone calls, emails, and even physical mailing services.
45-day money-back guarantee to give you a satisfactory look at all their features and tools 
In summary, StableHost is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable, high-performance reseller hosting provider offering scalable features and quality customer support. 
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3. Cloudways  (Most user-friendly)
Tired of the traditional cPanel providers? Checkout Cloudways, a reputable cloud hosting provider with a custom control panel. Their goal is to simplify website building and management, especially for users without technical experience. How? Let’s start with the basics – the Cloudways platform. 
The Cloudways platform is intuitive and beginner-friendly, allowing you to perform intensive activities in just one click. For instance, you can create, clone, or scale servers without hassles. Of course, you’ll get the customary hosting features on Cloudways, such as a free SSL Let’s Encrypt certificate, automated backups, a dedicated OS-level firewall, and more. 
You can also add team members (this feature is absent on cPanel) for easy collaboration and monitor all your client’s websites from one dashboard with their 24/7 real-time server monitoring service. You can see why I ranked them as the easiest to use.  
I love that their service offerings are unique, too. Instead of VPS, shared or dedicated hosting services, their packages are priced based on your chosen infrastructure. For example, if you’re deploying your website on the Digital Ocean, you’ll pay $54/month for the lowest plan and $36.56 for the AWS server.  
Cloudways’ focus on usability and performance makes them an excellent choice for resellers. For each reseller hosting plan, you can add unlimited sites and apps (without worrying about the extra costs of an upgrade), access to their proprietary control panel, dedicated firewalls, staging environment, and advanced caching functionalities. They also handle every server-related issue and simplify workflows so that you can focus on business logic rather than cloud server hassles or managing your client’s websites. 
Why choose Cloudways? 
Their modern control panel is sleek and easy to use
Cloudways use cloud-based, enterprise-grade servers for fast and reliable website performance 
The hosting resources are completely scalable  
Free SSL and CDN on all plans
Hourly and monthly payments available 
Overall, Cloudways provides easy-to-use, high-performance hosting solutions with scalable reseller hosting features, making it an excellent choice for all resellers – IT guys, digital marketing entrepreneurs, or online business owners. 
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4. Verpex (Best managed hosting)
Verpex is another young web hosting provider gaining mainstream adoption because of its reliability and versatility. This less-than-a-decade-old host currently hosts over 200,000 websites worldwide. Yes, totally amazing! 
Verpex offers myriad web hosting services—shared, VPS, cloud, WordPress, etc. Although they don’t have email hosting (which is common to hosts in this category), they complement that with other unique hosting services such as eCommerce, WooCommerce social media, SaaS, and CRM hosting. 
Each plan features unlimited bandwidth, cPanel, SSL certificates, unlimited migrations, NVMe SSD storage, and more. Remember what I shared earlier about AMD EPYC processors? This web host also provides nest-generated AMD EPYC CPUs for more efficient website performance. 
One of the advantages of switching to this web host is their fully managed service approach. As a reseller for their hosting packages, they handle your server’s technical aspects, including server maintenance, upgrades, and security. This allows you to focus on non-technical issues and expand your business accordingly. 
Verpex’s best reseller hosting plans, which start at $20/month, allows you to create up to 50 cPanel accounts. You enjoy 250GB NVMe SSD disk space, unlimited bandwidth, and a free domain transfer. The plan also helps reduce latency and improve user experience with Anycast DNS, a networking technique that spreads DNS requests across various servers globally. This means no matter where your clients are located, they can enjoy faster and more responsive website performance. 
Why choose Vertex?
Vertex provides round-the-clock support with expert technical support to answer all your queries
They offer free automated daily backups 
WHM and cPanel for hosting management 
Their servers are in over nine countries worldwide, including London, New York, etc. 
They provide robust security features such as Immunify 360, SSL certificates, and SPAM-free email servers.
In summary, Verpex offers comprehensive managed hosting services for anyone looking for reliable and efficient hosting services for their clients.  
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There are hosting providers that prioritize paid users over unpaid ones. However, Inmotion Hosting stands out by offering support to all types of users, including those who are yet to commit to their plans. This means even though you’re an unpaid user, you have full access to their customer support team whenever needed. Their commitment to excellent customer service and fast response times made me categorize them as one of the best web hosts with quality customer support. According to Sunil Saxena, Inmotion’s cofounder, they’re a customer service company that happens to offer web hosting.
They’re a privately owned company providing managed, cloud-based web hosting services to businesses of all sizes. They have been in the hosting industry for over two decades and proudly manage over 170,000 websites hosted on their platform. They use green data centers that are wholly owned and managed by them. All their plans boast 99.99% uptime, over 500,000 WordPress installations via Softwaculous, SSL certificates, NVMe SSD storage, etc.
As a customer-focused company, they offer managed reseller hosting to help you save time on routine server tasks. Whether you want to migrate all your clients’ websites without hitches or install custom software configurations, their managed services cover all technical aspects while you focus on growing your business. 
Why choose Inmotion Hosting?
Custom nameservers are available for all plans 
Free domain reseller account that allows you to sell and register domains to your clients 
Free WHMCS to manage, automate, and receive payments from your customers 
Reseller VPS hosting is available for users in need of dedicated resources 
On-demand backups on all plans 
90-day money-back guarantee, offering more time to test if they’re a good fit
Free website builder on all plans 
Overall, Inmotion Hosting is a customer-centric hosting provider with state-of-the-art functionalities that guarantee your success online. Compared to other providers I reviewed in this piece, Inmotion only offers 80GB SSD storage at $0.99/month. Although, this plan renews at $35.99/mo. 
Visit Inmotion →
6. A2Hosting (Most comprehensive)
When I first tested A2 hosting services, I was awestruck! They offer myriad hosting features on all plans, making it one of the most versatile providers in the hosting industry. A2 Hosting provides high-performance servers, free site migrations, daily backups, unlimited SSD storage, and a free SSL certificate for all plans. Their turbo servers, SSD NVMe and LiteSpeed Turbo Caching, available on higher plans, can deliver up to 20X faster speed and performance for an enjoyable user experience and higher conversion rates. 
Whether you’re a veteran reseller or just looking to start your journey, A2 Hosting has a tailored plan for you. Each reseller hosting package contains SSD storage, white-labeled WHM and cPanel, WHMCS or Blesta for payments, automated daily backups, CloudFlare CDN, and DNS management. 
Under the smallest plan, you can create up to 30 client accounts and offer customized hosting packages. I love that all their plans come with fully managed server management services, so you don’t have to worry about server maintenance or updates. 
Why choose A2 Hosting?
Their LiteSpeed servers are built to handle high traffic without stress 
They offer scalable server resources, allowing you to scale effortlessly without downtime or service interruptions 
Your clients can keep track of their web performance via the website statistics feature 
24/7/365 reliable customer support 
Unflinching 99.9% uptime guarantee
Wide server locations
In summary, A2 Hosting is your best bet for resource-filled hosting services. 
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7. Chemicloud (Best new web host)
Chemicloud is less than a decade old but is fast growing to become one of the best web hosting providers in the industry. When I first encountered them, I was skeptical about their promises and guarantees (common to new hosts to get your money). But I’m happy that Chemicloud leveraged its newness to carve a distinct niche in the hosting industry.  
Like other A-list providers, Chemicloud offers free SSL certificates, domain registration, daily backups, and a free CDN. Its servers are hosted on the cloud, coupled with NVMe storage, LiteSpeed, and Turbo caching for maximum performance. 
Even on their smallest reseller hosting plan, which starts at $19.95/month, ChemiCloud gives you up to 60 GB NVMe storage with 3TB bandwidth! The same is offered for  $22.99/month on A2 hosting. Another advantage is that you can create packages and accounts that exceed your account limits—sell more, earn more! 
ChemiCloud also offers a domain reseller program, an offshoot of the reseller hosting plan, where you can sell top-level domains for profit. Like reseller hosting, you can customize your pricing packages, install WHMCS/Blesta for payments, and manage your clients from one dashboard. It’s completely free for all reseller hosting plan users. 
Why choose Chemicloud?
They have data centers dispersed in over seven locations across the globe
They’re eco-friendly 
Their platform is mobile responsive and easy to use
White Labeling option available on all plans 
Overall, Chemicloud surpassed my expectations with its simplified, resource-rich hosting solutions for its users.  
Visit Chemicloud →
Looking for a budget-friendly option with good qualities? Check out KnownHost, a fully managed web hosting provider in the US. For them, offering affordable hosting services isn’t low quality. For only $6.97/month, their basic reseller hosting plan features the AMD EPYC platform and powered enterprise NVMe storage. In lay terms, their servers are built to handle high traffic volumes effortlessly and minimize downtime, ensuring your client websites remain fully accessible and functional. 
You may ask, what’s the benefit of choosing them as your preferred provider? 
In addition to excellent performance features, KnownHost is also known for its robust security features. They offer basic SSL certificates and DDoS protection. But you’ll also benefit from their advanced security system (Immunity 360), which keeps track of malicious traffic before it affects your website. 
Why choose KnownHost?
They offer LiteSpeed, LSCache, and MVMe technology for optimized performance 
White-label WHS for branding 
99.99% uptime guarantee 
Fully managed reseller hosting services 
Dedicated IPv6 address support 
One-click installs for over 400 applications 
Free website migration 
In summary, KnownHost is a good option for anyone wanting to try reseller hosting for the first time without overcommitting costs.  
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9. Greengeeks (Most eco-friendly)
GreenGeeks is a web hosting provider that stands out for its reliable, high-performance services and unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability. I believe that influenced their name, ‘GreenGeeks.’ Cool. 
Their hosting platform is designed with sustainability, ensuring they don’t pollute the environment with carbon emissions from their data centers. 
For each hosting account on their platform, they partner with a One Tree Planted non-profit to plant trees where needed around the globe. Because of this, the United States Environmental Protection Agency recognizes them as a partner for their sustainability practices. 
GreenGeeks’ reseller hosting plan features all the essentials—white-label hosting cPanel, WHM, WHMCS, domain registration, etc. I love that you can integrate other payment processors such as PayPal, Authorize.net, and 2Checkout, which means your clients have flexible payment options. They also offer a domain reseller service where you can buy and register your customers’ domains for more profit.
Why choose GreenGeeks?
Managed reseller hosting for all paid users 
They offer a 30-day money-back guarantee 
Offer up to 25 cPanel accounts on the lowest plan 
You’ll also enjoy private DNS nameservers for more customization 
24/7/365 customer service 
In summary, GreenGeeks combines reliable, high-performance hosting services with an unparalleled commitment to environmental sustainability, making it an excellent choice for eco-conscious resellers.  
Isn’t the best always saved for the last? 
Visit GreenGeeks →
Blazing speed and reliable performance are excellent. However, security is a non-negotiable factor that should always be prioritized when selling web hosting services. As a reseller, you’re responsible for hosting and managing your clients’ sites, and they trust you to keep their websites secure at all times. If anything goes wrong, you’re at risk of damaging your reputation or, worse, inciting lawsuits from the victims. This is why you need to partner with a secure web hosting provider.  
HostArmada excels at many things but shines the most in providing a robust security system for all sites hosted on its platform. They have one goal: to provide a fast, secure, and reliable web hosting service. As a result, they have continually refined and upgraded their hosting solutions to ensure every website hosted on their platform is protected against security threats. 
Like other A-list providers, HostArmada offers VPS, shared, dedicated, reseller, and WordPress hosting plans. Its services are powered by cutting-edge cloud technology to reduce downtime and data loss due to latency. 
A provider committed to security should expect robust security features out of the box. I’m glad Hostarmada didn’t disappoint. Their web hosting environment is layered with multiple security firewalls to prevent malicious attacks. 
Beyond the usual SSL certificate, automated backups, and DDoS protection, they have a web server security fleet that surveys web traffic to identify and block any malicious attack on your site. They also have an ‘Environmental Security Fleet’ that identifies and mitigates security threats across all their servers. 
Why you should choose HostArmada: 
They offer LiteSpeed web servers and  an LS Cache plugin for blazing-speed
Access to Memcached, an object caching technology that serves database queries faster  
They provide WAF protection, malware detection & cleanup, etc., for site security
White-labeling WHM service for customization  
In summary, I was pleased with HostArmada’s features. Their commitment to security without sacrificing performance and reliability makes them a good choice for resellers. 
Visit HostArmada →
How We Chose The Best Reseller Providers
Before evaluating each host, I laid out some criteria peculiar to running a successful reseller hosting business:
Unbeatable Reliability and performance: 
This is a no-brainer. To attract and keep clients as a reseller, you need a provider with reliable performance and high speed. The provider should have all the required features for optimal performance and at least a 99.9% uptime guarantee to keep your customers’ websites running smoothly and accessible at all times.
Another thing I considered is the cost. The truth is, in the hosting industry, expensive doesn’t always mean better. Sometimes, smaller hosts offer better service. This is why I understudy each pricing package to know if the specs included worth the price and don’t have hidden fees. 
As your client base increases, you need a provider with scalable servers—that is, one that offers the opportunity to scale seamlessly as you grow. For the purpose of this review, I chose web hosts with expandable storage, bandwidth, and a variety of scalable features. 
Before choosing a web host, I look for providers with robust reseller features. This includes the basic reseller functionalities – WHM, WHMCS, cPanel, site migrations, unlimited bandwidth and storage, SSL certificates, etc. I also considered the availability of advanced features such as integrated CDN services, developer tools like SSH access, staging environment, automated backups and white labeling options. 
24/7/365 Customer Service: 
As a reseller, you’re expected to provide quality, on-demand support to your clients. But sometimes, they experience issues outside your control or skill set. In this review, I prioritized providers with a verifiable reputation for delivering quality customer support to avoid hiccups. These providers offer varying levels of support, from phone calls to emails and (or) live chat. 
What is the best reseller hosting? 
The best reseller hosting provider offers reliable performance, blazing speed, a 99.9% uptime guarantee, cPanel or other related control panels, white labeling, and a quality customer support team. 
I’ll choose Siteround as the best reseller hosting for 2024 because it provides all these features (and more) at an affordable price. Their platform is intuitive and easy to use. 
Can you make money reselling hosting? 
Yes, you can make a ton of money selling web hosting services. However, this depends on your chosen web host, pricing structure, and customer base.  Choosing a reliable provider coupled with competitive pricing and good customer support is an excellent way to win the hearts of your customers fast. They’ll likely recommend you to their network, which means more revenue for your business. 
How to set up reseller hosting? 
Setting up reseller hosting differs based on the web host you choose. Generally, the process goes like this: 
Choose your preferred provider. 
Find the reseller hosting plan on their website (it’s most times listed under ‘hosting’) 
Sign up, make payments, and set up your reseller hosting. 
Head to the client area (WHM or others) to customize your hosting services. You can also leverage the white labeling opinion (if included) to add your brand elements. 
Promote your business to reach new customers. 
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ear-worthy · 4 months
TIL Climate Podcast Latest Season: Answering Climate Critics
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What would you say if I told you that science geeks from the science geek capital of the world, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently launched season six of its highly entertaining climate podcast called TIL Climate?
You're probably saying, "Season six? Where was I for seasons one through five?" You can check out their archives and then strap in for season six.
 TIL Climate positions itself perfectly: "Climate change is confusing. This award-winning MIT podcast breaks down the science, technologies, and policies behind climate change, how it’s impacting us, and what we can do about it. Each quick episode gives you the what, why, and how on climate change -- from real scientists -- to help us make informed decisions for our future."
In each 10-minute episode, host Laur Hesse Fisher speaks to an expert from the MIT community to break down a clear, focused question related to climate change. 
The podcast is part of a broader ESI project called MIT Climate, a community-building effort built around a common web portal where users can share climate change-related projects, news stories, and learning resources at MIT and beyond. MIT Climate is intended to draw individuals and groups working on climate issues at MIT closer together, and eventually become a platform for worldwide, science-based learning and engagement on climate change. You can see a prototype of the portal at climate.mit.edu.
“We named the podcast TIL Climate after the popular Reddit hashtag TIL, which stands for Today I Learned,” says host Laur Hesse Fisher. “We hope to signify that these episodes are accessible. Even if you have no prior knowledge of climate science or policy, after 10 minutes you know enough to start being a part of the conversation.”
“There’s a lot of information out there about why climate change is happening, how it will affect human life, and the solutions that are on the table. But it’s hard to find sources that you trust,” says Fisher, who is also program director for ESI. "There are still a lot of jargon and technicalities that you have to wade through. We’re trying to solve that problem."
 Season six began in late March with a trailer that announced, "this time we’re doing something a little different. People all around the world write into our team with questions about climate change. So this season, we’re working with scientists and experts at MIT and beyond, to answer those questions in language we can all understand."
What MIT doesn't say is that the questions seems to be posed by climate deniers, who live in their own bubble, where climate change is a hoax to force them to buy LED bulbs, electric cars, and stop eating red meat. They listen to the Congressman who, a few years ago, brought a snowball into Congress to "debunk" climate change.
In my initial review of TIL Climate I lauded the hosting skills of Laur Hesse Fisher. She's an incredible host. In season six, Fisher is at the top of her game. I don't know if there's a spring training for podcast hosts like in major league baseball, but I believe Fisher must have been practicing because she has hit hosting home runs in every episode in this season.
My favorite episode is "Do wind turbines kill birds?" because this is a constant refrain from Trump supporters who listen to Trump complain about wind power because the Scottish government built a wind farm next to his golf course there. 
In the beginning, Fisher asks that question about killing birds and answers it by saying that wind turbines kill about 100,000 to 700,000 birds a year. Then, taking a breath, she says, "But don't stop the episode here because that's not the whole story."
"The whole story" includes a solution to reduce bird deaths by painting one fan blade black, which has reduced bird deaths from wind turbines by 70 percent.
Fisher and Howland explain that birds are killed by the millions by high-rise buildings with birds smashing into them. The biggest threat to birds? It's cats, who, by one estimate, kill over a billion cats each year.
In the episode preceding that one, the MIT scientists debunk the misinformation spread by Texas Governor Greg Abbott that wind turbines freeze up in cold weather in 2021. As MIT professor Michael Howland explained, wind turbines operate efficiently in places as far north as Norway and Alaska. They simply need to be winterized, which the Texas government failed to do.
The episodes on hydrogen energy is especially eye-opening because the understanding of how it works is low, comparing "green" hydrogen to hydrogen from natural gas.
What I enjoyed in the last season and still today, even more so, is the treatment of climate change in the podcast by experts on each episode.  These smart people offer information cleanly and without proselytizing. These experts often explain the tradeoffs and ambiguity inherent in climate change initiatives. 
Some people will never be persuaded. Facts don't matter because climate denialism is woven into their worldview. For those people who heard Texas Senator Ted Cruz earlier this year cast doubt on climate change because "It was cold in the winter," and thought that made sense, TIL Climate is not for you. Yet. 
For those who trust what their senses tell them about a hotter, more unstable world, listen to the TIL Climate podcast. 
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