#10/10 would follow hero into battle anytime
chaoticallyfluffy · 4 months
"What are you, a cop?" and "Now you see me now you don't" both sound interesting
For "What are you, a cop?"
Billy is deaged (actually deaged. He goes from 15 to 10 or something and doesnt remeber the league) during a mission. He suddenly woke up in the middle of a battle so he's freaked out. the Justice League take down the threat then try to calm the boy down, explaining that theyre heros and here to help.
Billy takes a moment to take that in... then bolts.
It takes a bit to catch the kid, he's surprisingly agile for his concerningly small size, but they manage to get him into the jet and hes pouting in the corner looking angrier than the league has ever seen him.
They try to ask questions. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why are you so thin? Is there anyone we should call? But Billy stays silent and his glares stay intense until he finally speaks.
"I don't talk to pigs." he spits out, giving them the nastiest look as if his glare alone could poison and kill them.
They stare at him for a moment, processing that.
"We're not cops???" Clark says, unconvincingly. Hes never been more confused in his life and has definitely never been confused for a cop.
"Whats wrong with being a cop?" Barry, the forensic scientist, pouts.
They knew that Marvel had a bit of a weird relationship with cops but they didn't realize he hated them, and especially not with such a passion!
The league spends the whole jet ride back to the tower trying to convince Billy that not only are they not cops, but that cops shouldn't be something to be afraid of anyway.
Billy spends the whole trip explaining ACAB to them and that yes, they are in fact cops, and here's all the things that the police system has done wrong that the league have probably also done or been complicit in..
I just want to write Billy radicalizing the Justice League and the league helping to reform the police system.
For "Now you see me, now you dont"
In the original comics Billy can and will transform in front of anyone at anytime and they wont realize that it was a transformation. Why?because plot armor. They will just think that the boy ran away right as Captain Marvel appeared or something, and when Billy reappears they don't question it either.
In the fic, its a magic perk that came with the whole Champion of Magic package and its a perk he uses often and irresponsibly. He takes it to the extremes by transforming in front of large crowds (no one questions it), while being recorded (The camera shorts out and stops working completely), and even in front of villains (they curse when the captains escapes yet again, completely ignoring the little boy standing in the middle of their secret base)
The last one is how he figured out that even if he is very much Not supposed to be somewhere, he wont be questioned as long as the only people who see him there also saw Marvel transform in that area. If someone who didn't witness the transformation were to see him, they would realize he wasn't meant to be there and call him out which would cause the witnesses to notice it as well. Leaving the room and then returning would also snap them out of it and he would be questioned.
Its a pretty overpowered ability for a child to have access to and when your a street kid without any video games to play who gets chased out of public parks for being too 'dirty' and can't afford any toys, you have to get creative with your entertainment.
Billy wants to see just how far he can take this power, and decides to transform in front of as many people in one day as possible while on the most highly secure facility in earths orbit- the Watchtower.
Follow Billy as he stretches his powers to their limits by transforming in front of the Justice League while praying he doesn't get caught and see what pranks he's able to pull off in that time!
I really like both of these ideas and I definitely want to write them someday. I already have lots of ideas for ways Billy can abuse that particular power! For now I am focusing on a few other fics but these ones are somewhere in the queue.
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timothyjimothy74 · 4 years
Smirk Part 2 - Matthew Tkachuk ft. Brady Tkachuk
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Part One
A/N: Thank you all for the love on part one!! It was my first fic so I was blown away so many of you seemed to like it. I decided to turn it into a series because I couldn’t help myself. I hope you love it!
Summary: It’s time for Y/N’s first chirp-filled family dinner with the Tkachuks where she gets to meet Taryn and Chantal.
Word Count: ~3,000
A few hours later, Y/N sat at home with her brother watching an NHL Network special with highlights from the season, but she couldn’t concentrate. Her mind kept wandering to Matthew. That infamous smirk was still stuck in Y/N’s mind. Then suddenly, as if the NHL Network could read her mind, a clip from a Battle of Alberta game played and she was watching him trade punches with Ethan Bear.
Y/N’s brother smiled at her from across the room knowingly. She blushed and silently wished she wouldn’t have told him who she met that day.
“When are you going to post that photo?” He asked for at least the 10th time that day.
“I think enough time has passed now that I can post it,” Y/N said.
“I still don’t understand why you didn’t post it right away. That’s what I would have done,” he said.
“I told you I didn’t want to come off creepy or too interested,” Y/N replied.
“Girls make no sense,” he replied and rolled his eyes.
Y/N went to her room so she could freak out in private, opened up Twitter and wrote, “Just a casual day out in St. Louis” and tagged Matthew and Brady. They liked it almost instantly, as if they were waiting for the notification. It only took a few minutes for the chirps to start in the comments.
Matthew Tkachuk @TKACHUKycheese_
Replying to @Y/T/H
Walt is STILL talking about how much cooler you are than me
brady tkachuk @BradyTkachuk71
Replying to @TKACHUKycheese and @Y/T/H
           Oh whatever, we all know it’s you who won’t stop talking about her
Y/N liked both comments as she laughed to herself, thinking Brady was just joking as all the Tkachuks seemed to do. When she checked the rest of her notifications, she noticed that Brady had followed her just like he said he would. But another notification caught her off guard.
Matthew Tkachuk followed you
Y/N caught herself smiling for what seemed like the millionth time that day. She knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help it.
Her jaw dropped a few seconds later when she got another notification.
Brady Tkachuk
Matt really won’t shut up about you and my mom and sister really want to meet the girl that can out-chirp Matt ASAP. Wanna replace Matt at our family dinner Saturday night?
Duh! Send me the details and I’ll be there.
Y/N’s thoughts started spiraling. He was really talking about her to his whole family? What did this mean? She didn’t have much time to freak out, though, because soon enough she received a message from another Tkachuk.
Matthew Tkachuk
Brady’s tweet was wrong, you know. I swear it’s my dad that’s been talking about you
Oh, really? Because Brady just told me your mom and sister have heard all about me from you and are dying to meet me. I’m replacing you at dinner Saturday night
Matthew Tkachuk
…No one told me we were having family dinner Saturday night
Exactly. Have fun stuck at home!
Matthew Tkachuk
We’ll see about that
While Y/N was getting a lot of enjoyment out of her childhood hero saying he liked her more than his own son, she did wish Matthew would be there Saturday too so she could see that smirk again in person, but she kept that part to herself.
When Brady told Y/N they were going to Charlie Gitto’s, she swore her stomach growled in that moment. Two things filled her mind as she was getting ready Saturday: the toasted raviolis she would demolish and the small hope that Matthew would weasel his way into dinner anyway.
Either way, she was going to look good. Charlie Gitto’s wasn’t very fancy, but she still wasn’t sure what she should wear out to eat with the Tkachuks so she texted Brady, who had given her his number to discuss the details of family dinner easier. They fell into an easy friendly conversation and hadn’t stopped talking since.
Can you ask Taryn what she’s wearing? I don’t want to overdress or underdress
Brady Tkachuk
Giving the phone to her as we speak
Hi, Y/N! I’m just wearing a yellow sundress and sandals. You can wear whatever you want though, I’m sure you’ll look great. I can’t wait to meet you!
Thanks, Taryn!! I can’t wait to meet you too, sis!
Brady Tkachuk
Sista, sista!
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This conversation definitely eased some of Y/N’s nervousness for the evening and she was able to enjoy getting ready. She danced around her room to her favorite Lady Gaga song as she curled her hair, put on some light makeup and put on a light blue sundress with multi-colored flowers and sandals.
As she drove to the restaurant, she started to get nervous again. Before when she was debating whether she should talk to the boys or not at Ted Drewes, she had nothing to lose if they said no. Now, she felt like she was becoming friends with Brady and she was nervous that Chantal wouldn’t like her. She was also nervous Matthew didn’t like her like she wanted him to, but she still didn’t want to admit that.
Y/N’s thoughts were interrupted as she heard her phone go off. She made sure she was parked safely before she even looked at it.
Brady Tkachuk
Hey, we just got here. You close?
Just pulled in
Y/N scanned the parking lot for a second before she saw Brady running over to her car. He was opening her car door and pulling her in for a hug before she could even step out.
“Whoa, someone’s excited. What’s up with you?” Y/N asked cautiously.
“My mom felt bad for making Matthew stay home so she let him come to dinner. He has been getting on my nerves all day laughing because my plan failed so I have really been looking forward to you roasting him,” Brady explained.
Y/N tried to hide her excitement that Matthew was there by sharing a laugh with Brady. But she still had her concerns.
“Not that I don’t enjoy roasting Matthew, but I feel like me and you have become friends in the last few days and I’m afraid to do something that will make your mom not like me,” Y/N said quietly.
She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t for Brady to laugh, but he did.
“Y/N/N, first of all, we are most definitely friends. Second, my mom can be protective over us, but Matthew gets on her nerves too. Literally no one we’ve ever met can roast him as hard as you do. He’s finally getting back what he dishes out and we live for it. Mom already loves you, you have nothing to worry about,” he replied, knowing just what to say to comfort her.
“Thanks, Brades. I needed to hear that,” Y/N said and sighed in relief, finally feeling better.
“Anytime. Now, let’s go. I’ve been waiting for this all day,” he said as he put his arm around her and almost ran towards the rest of the Tkachuks on the other side of the parking lot.
“Y/N!” Walt shouted as he saw you both approaching. Brady dropped his arm so Walt could hug her. “It’s nice to see you again,” he said with a huge smile on his face.
Y/N smiled back at him after the hug, but before she could even respond, Taryn was squealing and pulling her in for a hug. “HI, sis!” Y/N and Taryn shared a laugh.
“I’m happy to finally meet you, sis,” Y/N replied before it was Chantal’s turn for a hug.
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” she said as she looked over at a slightly pink Matthew. Y/N looked at him briefly, but tried not to let her gaze linger. “I’m so glad to finally meet you,” she said with a genuine smile. “It’s nice to meet you too. Thank you for letting me intrude on your family dinner,” Y/N said with a smile.
“You’re not intruding, honey. We’re all happy to have you here,” she said with another pointed look at Matthew.
Y/N smiled. She felt herself become more relaxed for a second before she realized that everyone was glancing between her and Matthew.
“Y/N,” Matthew said her name formally as a way of greeting her and looked into her eyes.
“What, cat finally got your tongue after talking about me all week?” Y/N smirked at him, turned on her heel and headed for the restaurant. She could hear all the Tkachuks laughing at Matthew behind her. Damn, that felt good. The only thing Y/N enjoyed more than Matthew’s smirk was his pink cheeks after she teased him.
Dinner was better than what Y/N expected. The Tkachuks asked Y/N a lot of questions about her life, Matthew would try to chirp her, she would chirp him back even harder without even trying, everyone else would laugh and that would shut him up for about 10 minutes before he got the nerve to try to chirp her again. She never wanted it to end.
“Can we have a family game night tonight?” Taryn asked just as they were finishing up dessert, seemingly reading Y/N’s mind.
“Absolutely, we haven’t had one in forever,” Walt answered.
“Can Y/N/N come?” Brady asked.
Walt nodded, but Matthew spoke before he got the chance to respond outloud.
“If she wants to lose, she’s more than welcome to come,” Matthew said with his signature smirk.
But Y/N’s comeback rolled right off her tongue. “What, like you’re going to be able to concentrate enough to win anything with all the beer you’ve had?”
Matthew was about to argue with her, but Taryn could feel like he was going to say something mean and interrupted. “We always play Skip-Bo. Have you ever played?”
“Once or twice,” Y/N replied. Matthew laughed at this. So did Y/N, but for a different reason.
Brady, who was completely oblivious, said, “I’ll teach you. You can be on my team.”
“Thanks, Brades. It can’t be that hard if Matthew can do it,” Y/N chirped and gave Matthew a smirk. He looked back at Y/N and smiled just like he had the day they met at Ted Drewes. Y/N was so lost in his eyes that she missed the rest of the Tkachuk family laughing and patting her on the back for her latest chirp at Matthew.
Y/N looked back down at the piece of gooey butter cake sitting in front of her and tried to keep her thoughts from spinning.
Thankfully, Chantal piped up, “You’re more than welcome to spend the night after, Y/N. Our game nights usually last all night.”
“Yeah, you can stay in my room!” Taryn said excitedly.
“That would be great, thank you guys!” Y/N responded. “If someone wants to give me your address, I can take my car and meet you there.”
“Taryn and I will go with you and give you directions,” Brady said as Taryn’s face lit up.
“Well, they both have a terrible taste in music so you’ll need a good DJ on the way there. I can help you there” Matthew said. There was that smirk again. Although she liked it more than she wanted to admit, it was getting a little annoying. She had the sudden urge to wipe it off his face.
“You can come, but I’m giving the aux to Taryn,” Y/N replied, which earned a cheer from Taryn and an eye roll from Matthew.
After dinner was over, Y/N thanked Walt for paying for it and led the Tkachuk siblings to her car. Y/N got in first and expected Taryn to get in the passenger seat since she told everyone she was getting the aux, but Matthew appeared smiling next to her and Taryn got in the back seat, clearly annoyed. Y/N looked between the two of them, clearly confused.
“He pushed me out of the way. I fell and scraped my knee,” Taryn explained.
That’s all Y/N needed to know before she hit Matthew across the chest. “What is your damage, dude?”
Matthew put his hand over where she hit him and sighed dramatically. “She’s just being dramatic because she lost the race here and-” he tried to explain before Y/N cut him off.
“Apologize and switch seats with your sister or I swear to god, I will leave you at this restaurant and you can Uber home,” Y/N said as Brady and Taryn cheered.
Matthew turned around and glared at them both before switching seats with Taryn. “Listen, I’m really sorry, Taryn. I just wanted to play one song.”
“You’re so dramatic. Play your stupid song and then let Taryn have the aux. Now, someone please lead me to your house so we don’t stay in this parking lot all night,” Y/N sighed. Taryn started leading her to their house while Matthew tried to find the song he wanted to play.
When it started playing, Y/N thought her heart stopped beating. It was the very same Lady Gaga song she had listened to while she was dancing around her room earlier in the day. This felt like a sign. She tried to even her breathing so she could sing along quietly.
After the song ended, Brady said, “Out of all the songs in the world you could have picked, you pick You and I? That’s so lame, dude.”
He must have been oblivious to the fact that Y/N was singing along too, but something told her Matthew knew. She looked up at him in her rearview mirror and he looked back at her when he said, “It’s my favorite song.”
Nothing could hold back Y/N’s thoughts now. The way he had been looking at her all night, the way it took almost nothing for her to get his cheeks to turn pink, the way he played that freaking song. Did he like her?
Taryn played the Jonas Brothers and U sang along, trying to act like she was playing her favorite song in the world and that Matthew hadn’t just played it minutes ago.
As soon as she took two steps into the Tkachuk house, Walt was insisting on giving her the grand tour. Brady and Matthew followed when Walt took her downstairs to show her all the hockey memorabilia in the basement.
They hadn’t talked about hockey much yet, but Walt could tell she loved the game and was trying to hold back on the fangirling. He was proven correctly when he showed her his game-worn jersey from his last NHL game in 2010 and started to talk about how he played that day, but Y/N remembered.
“I actually went to that game with my family. We wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I remember you had two assists and the Blues won that day. I thought it was so cool that Brady, Taryn and Matthew went on the ice with you. I think it’s even cooler now that Brady and Matthew are in the NHL themselves.”
Even Walt didn’t remember that he had two assists that day. He, Brady and Matthew exchanged glances. They were all impressed at her knowledge.
Just then, Chantal called downstairs. “You guys will be down there all night if I don’t stop you. Come upstairs, let’s play Skip-Bo!”
“Clearly we need to talk about hockey more often, Y/N,” Walt said. “You’ve been holding out on us.”
“I’d love that. I didn’t want to come across as a fangirl, but hockey is a huge part of my life,” Y/N replied.
“You fit right in, Y/N/N,” Brady said and everyone laughed. Well, everyone but Matthew laughed. Matthew was oddly silent. Y/N braced herself for a reaction that didn’t come.
As soon as they got upstairs, the boys went to change and Brady motioned for Y/N to follow him. “Here, let me get you sweats and a t-shirt. We’ve gotta be comfy if we want to beat dad and Matthew,” Brady said seriously.
Y/N decided now was a good time to let him in on her plan. “Brades, I play Skip-Bo with my family all the time. I’m kind of an expert,” Y/N whispered. “But don’t tell anyone, I want to wipe that stupid smirk off Matthew’s face and kick his ass. He’s been so annoying tonight. ”
Brady’s eyes got bigger than his head. “You are my favorite person ever. This is about to be a very fun night,” he said and you both laughed.
“I’m gonna go change and I’ll meet you there, partner,” Y/N said.
What Y/N didn’t expect was that Y/N was going to wipe the smirk off Matthew’s face before the game even started. When Y/N met Brady in the living room, both of them wearing Senators shirts, she felt like someone was staring at her. She turned around to see Matthew giving her a death glare. She didn’t understand so she looked at Brady, who was trying to contain his laugh as he pointedly said, “Looking good in Senators gear, Y/N/N!” just loudly enough that Matthew would be able to hear him. Matthew stormed into the dining room where they would be playing.
“What was that?” Y/N asked Brady.
“I was just testing a theory,” he said casually as if that was supposed to explain it all. It did, but she still wanted to hear Brady say it.
“Do you think he-“ Y/N started to ask before Brady cut her off.
“Obviously. Do you-“ he started to ask, but it was Y/N’s turn to cut him off.
“Obviously,” Y/N replied.
“Oh, this is going to be so much fun!” Brady exclaimed before dragging Y/N into the dining room.
Part 3
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alyss-spazz-penedo · 3 years
Okay, so life has gotten STUPID stressful of late, and these days I have basically no time to indulge happy daydreams AT ALL.
Thus: screw pacing, I'm just gonna toss up this mostly-completed 11th part of the unedited v!Wind fic and then blow through the rest of this fic sometime in the next few weeks, bc I’m not adding any more content to what I’ve already got (or at least not anytime soon).
So yeah, @w1lmutt, expect a larger and more chaotic worddump than usual eventually! (I figure I can worry about proper scenes and editing nonsense if/when I ever move these words over to AO3 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
<<First Part 10 Final>>
(I made a Masterpost for this!)
They drag the big doors open.
The inside of the cave is poorly lit and offers little in the way of room to stand; a pathway of those monster-built walkways follows the wall around to the back of the cove, but otherwise the space is all open water with an impressive ship bobbing at the center.
Tetra lets out a grunt of approval when she sees it, though she scowls at the massive cage that's been built on its deck. It’s a crude thing, large and runed with ominous symbols meant to contain the imprisoned, but otherwise the ship itself seems surprisingly understated and not-evil for the primary vessel of someone who’d conquered as much of the sea as Phantom had boasted.
At first, things seem fine. Quiet. The ship is untouched, all gangplanks pulled up and cannons pointed out but otherwise unharmed.
Then one of the pirates peeks their head over the railing and spots them.
"Boss! Swabbie! Is that you?" Niko yells, and there's blood all down his side. "Look out! Monsters afoot!"
"Niko!" Tetra calls in alarm, and the pirates who are able to scramble to lay out a plank for them to board. Phantom doesn't bother waiting, yanking his mask on and clearing the side of the ship in a single bound.
"Who did this," he begins, voice distorted by magic and fury.
Then the monsters attack, dropping from the ceiling and rising out of the sea. Every one of them bleeds black.
The heroes fight, of course. The crew has taken a beating, and the gathered Links do their best to defend the exhausted sailors—Phantom most fervently of them all.
It's hard battle. What footing there is is unstable, and their enemies many. Most of them are not suited to aquatic battles, and the waters of the cave are treacherous. They take injuries, all of them.
But when he's standing between their injured and their enemies, when his eyes are clear and sharp and his strikes deadly precise—for the first time, the gathered Links can see the look of a hero about their youngest.
Of course, he proceeds to thoroughly ruin that impression by the time the battle draws to a close.
The monster he's chosen is not a type of creature he recognizes—green, reptilian, fast in the water. Phantom's cut it's legs out from under it, quite literally, and so it writhes on it's elbows and stomach across the wooden deck as it tries to escape him. Outside of their little corner of the ship, the last of its comrades fall to the blades of the traveling heroes.
"Who sent you?" Phantom demands. When he doesn't get a response he likes, he drags his blade through the side of it's belly, long and nonfatal. It squeals in agony.
"You're going to die here," he observes, soft. He stomps on the wound, heedless of the dark blood splashing his sandals. "But it's going to take time. Quite some time, if you so choose. Answer me: who is your master?"
The creature gibbers. Phantom tilts his head, somehow divining meaning from the nonsensical noises of terror.
"A shadow?" he murmurs. "What-?"
Someone steps in. “What are you doing?!”
And it's only because it’s Hyrule—Hyrule who tried to help, Hyrule who’s lightning magic Phantom can still feel painful echoes of in his bones—that Phantom stays his blade. “Get out of my way,” he growls, which is better than the stabbing any of these other interlopers would’ve gotten.
A hand lands on his shoulder. Phantom's sword swings around, action to reaction with no pause for thought in between. The edge stops a hair's breadth away from Tetra's scowl.
"That's enough," she says, and shoots the lizalfos in the head.
Phantom scowls at the dead body, then at her. "I was not finished," he growls.
Tetra yanks on his ear.
"Ow! Hey!" He flails. "Leggo leggo!"
"We have more important things to worry about!" She yells, dragging him around to look at the sorry state of her crew. "Genzo needs a splint! Niko needs stitches and more bandages than we have! Everyone is beat to shit! And only one of us can fly, idiot!"
She lets go of his ear to shove him forward. Phantom stops. He looks.
"Oh," he utters, and he notices for the first time that he has blood dripping down his shield arm. He shakes his head, once, like a dog, and clutches at the wound. He feels very cold. "...Oh."
As though it had merely been waiting for his permission, the lizal corpse finally explodes into dark smoke.
"Right," he breathes. "Right."
"What were those," Phantom demands.
The pirates have been left in the care of the brothers who'd first opened their dojo to the traveling heroes, recuperating from their various injuries. Fortunately, none of the damage seems permanent. A few fairies, some liberally applied first aid, and all the crew should be at least back on their feet within the week.
This, however, has left the group of heroes with nowhere to stay, which led to Phantom reluctantly opening his own home to them. They're packed in there now, sprawled about both floors and generally tending to themselves with experienced hands.
"What do you think?" Legend replies snippily. Phantom scowls at them all, pacing back and forth restlessly in the tight space by the front door.
His glare lands on Four, helping Twilight wrap his wrist—on Wild getting scolded while Legend rests his ice rod on the Champion's ankle—on Hyrule tutting over Sky while Warriors dramatically bemoans his black eye—
He takes in the group's injuries with a dissatisfaction that very, very poorly covers his unease.
"You're not weak," the boy asserts. Time wonders who he's trying to convince. "You wouldn't have beaten me if you were weak. Why was this battle so difficult?"
"You didn't get off lightly yourself," Time points out, nodding to the thick mess of gauze on the boy's arm. At a guess, the boy had tried to block a blow with his shield and forgotten he wasn't wearing one. Fortunate that there's a fairy fountain on the island, or Phantom might've lost strength in that limb.
Phantom waves him off. "I was handicapped," he dismisses, not denying that he wasn't fighting at his best. Time frowns at the excuse. "I'll figure something out to compensate for it, and this won't happen again."
He gets a lot of dubious looks at that; none of them have forgotten that what he's trying to 'compensate for' is the loss of that parasite. Time's almost dreading what the boy might scrounge up to replace that.
Phantom turns away from them sulkily, unable to defend himself and unwilling to look all that suspicion in the face.
"To answer your question," Four starts, with the air of someone steering the conversation back to safer waters, "that's just the kind of journey we're on."
Sky swings his previously-dislocated shoulder in a testing motion that immediately gets him a cease-and-desist look from Hyrule, before he adds, "Those were pretty standard for black-blooded monsters, I'd say."
Twilight, catching the look on Phantom's face, rolls his eyes. "Did you think something the goddess summoned eight heroes to fight would be easy?"
Phantom scoffs, arms crossed. "It took eight of you to fight me," he grumbles, and there's the arrogant little brat they'd met at the start of this. Hopefully that means the kid's feeling better, if he's up to sassing them like that again.
Time rather doubts that—Phantom IS a Link, after all—and so the one-eyed hero makes a mental note to follow up on that later.
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➹ PROMPT LIST [ 200 ] ➷
200 prompts-ish for 200 followers ( event closes on 3/27/21! )
fandoms: boku no hero academia + haikyuu!! rules are here 
rules: pick one trope, up to two dialogue prompts, genre is optional, and for formatting, if you don’t write it, i’ll do whatever i think fits best! anything works, bby, go for whatever you’d like!
to clarify for song prompts: i usually just base my ideas off of the song instead of writing in the actual lyrics in the fic, but i can write this in songfic format if you’d like!
* = mandatory 
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➳ “ tropes/AUs „ 
1. enemies to lovers
2. and then they were roommates (i expect someone to say the next part)
3. coffee shop au <3
4. body swap
5. arranged marriage
6. blind date
7. sharing a bed
8. royalty au
9. high school au
10. college au
11. they hurt you
12. zombie apocalypse
13. major character death
14. love triangle
15. hurt/comfort
16. hanahaki
17. rivals to lovers
18. amnesia
19. sick reader/character
20. other!
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➳ “ dialogue prompts* „
21. “can you just... hold me? please?”
22. “you’re gonna catch a cold.”
23. “shut up and kiss me.”
24. “i trusted you!”
25. “no no no, please don’t cry,”
26. “a hotdog is not a sandwich!”
27. “i know you meant every last word.”
28. “...can we, uh, do that hug thing again?”
29. “nononono, stay with me, come on, wake up!”
30. “i forbid you to die, you hear me? i forbid you to die!”
31. “shhhh.. just breathe with me, okay?”
32. “aw, you’re adorable. now shut up, idiot.”
33. “are you- wait, shut up- shut UP, are you blushing right now? that’s so cute!”
34. “don’t even try to double-back, i already despiiiise you.”
35. “babe, i’m in a meeting! just- shh, go back into your room.”
36. “why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”
37. “no, how about you shut up for once?”
38. “it’s not even that hard! you carry the x variable to the other side. then you divide it to isolate the variable.” “mhm. yeah. okay, i get it.” “i- are you even paying attention??” “...probably not.”
39. “it’s raining again?”
40. “don’t- don’t touch me, get away from me, get away from me!”
41. “you have the most beautiful eyes i’ve ever seen.”
42. “but that’s the best part?? i don’t- i don’t understand???”
43. “are you... crying?”
44. “babe, you’re having a nightmare, it’s okay,”
45. “i hate you.”
46. “i-i i didn’t mean it! i didn’t think you’d actually leave!”
47. “hey, it’s just me, shhh... it’s just me. you’re okay. you’re okay.”
48. “would you even care if i died? no, be honest, would you?”
49. “we go down together.”
50. “I HATE YOU! I trusted you, I sacrifced everything for you, and what do I get in return?”
51. “hold on for me, okay?”
52. “c’mere. i’ve been told that i give the best cuddles, hope i live up to your expectations!”
53. “i love you.”
54. “i’m just... tired of being tired.”
55. “i loved you, you know that?”
56. “say it, say something, say you hate me!”
57. “you have the most beautiful voice.”
58. “aaaah, you’re going to look fabulous!”
59. “hey, i’m (name) but you can call me anytime ;)”
60. “...why are you wearing my makeup?”
62. “hi, i don’t care. shut up before i gouge your eyes out and shove them down your throat so you can see me rip out your heart.
63. “we shouldn’t be doing this. oh boy. we shouldn’t be doing this.”
64. “help me! i’m sorry, okay? just get me out of here!”
65. “i hope that golden metal on your neck was worth the price of losing me.”
66. “you sing?? I DIDN’T KNOW THAT-”
67. “nonono, these are battle scars! you must have fought a lot of battles, but you are my hero. okay?”
68. “...that’s my idiot. one sec.”
69. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "i’m not allowed to sneak out, moron.”
70. “will you marry me?”
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➳ “ genres/themes „
71. angst
72. comfort
73. reverse comfort 
74. breakup
75. fluff
76. hurt/comfort
77. first time meeting
78. established relationship 
79. reuniting
80. argument
➳ “ formatting* „
81. headcanon to fic 
82. headcanon to blurb 
83. full-fledged fanfic 
84. headcanons 
85. blurbs 
86. one-shot 
87. imagine + moodboard + playlist
88. if you’re okay with anything, just be sure to put that in your ask! <3
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➳ “ songfics/prompt ideas „
89. say you won’t let go -> james arthur
90. heaven knows -> five for fighting
91. this is home -> cavetown
92. perfect -> ed sheeran
93. this side of paradise -> coyote theory
94. heather -> conan gray
95. line without a hook -> ricky montgomery
96. arcade -> duncan laurence
97. ballerina -> jeremy shada
98. riptide -> vance joy
99. someone you loved -> lewis capaldi
100. idk you yet -> alexander 23
101. a thousand years -> christina perri
102. love story -> taylor swift
103. i love you -> billie eilish
104. jar of hearts -> christina perri
105. castle -> halsey
106. lucky -> jason mraz, colbie caillat
107. thinking out loud -> ed sheeran 
108. mr loverman -> ricky montgomery
109. the one that got away (cries in bokuaka) -> katy perry
110. she -> dodie
111. sunkissed -> khai dreams
112. train wreck -> james arthur
113. stranger -> jeremy shada
114. king -> lauren
115. wish you were sober -> conan gray
116. falling for u -> peachy!, mxmtoon
117. unlove -> lyle kam
118. coffee -> beabadoobee
119. lovesick girls -> blacpink
120. spring day -> btw
121. dancing with your ghost -> sasha sloan
122. you broke me first -> tate mcrae
123. drivers license -> olivia rodrigo
124. if the world was ending -> JP saxe, julie michaels
125. hold on -> extreme music or chord overstreet
126. ocean eyes -> billie eilish
127. when we were young -> adele
128. ghost of you -> five seconds of summer
129. i like me better -> lauv
130. pierre -> ryn weaver
lmao i know a lot of songs (as you can see), so if you have any suggestions, lmk bby!
➳ “ characters i prefer to write for „
(but don’t be afraid to request others!! i still love writing for any, these are just the ones that make it easiest for me to write for :D please keep in mind that i’m not completely caught up with haikyuu!!)
131. literally all of karasuno istg
132. kiyoko, yachi, keishin yukai
133. tetsuro kuroo, taketora yamamoto, kenma kozume, lev haiba, so inuoka
134. toru oikawa, hajime iwaizumi
135. kotaro bokuto, keiji akaashi
136. katsuki bakugo, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hanta sero, mina ashido
137. izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, ochako uraraka, tenya iida
138. aizawa, hawks
139. hitoshi shinsou
140. dabi, shigaraki
lol sorry couldn’t get to 200-
request here! 
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Abridged: 1981 - Bonus: Avengers Annual 10/What If? 27
The X-Men, those Claremontian mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. Want to unravel this tapestry? Then read the Abridged X-Men! [more here]
(Avengers Annual 10 & What If? 27) - by Chris Claremont and Mary Jo Duffy, Michael Golden and Jerry Bingham
Avengers? You’re not here for Avengers! Let me make the following counterpoint:
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Holy eye shadow, Rogue!
See, Avengers Annual 10 is less about the Avengers and more about three other things:
The rehabilitation of Carol Danvers who, after this, has had her fill of the Avengers and becomes an honorary member of the X-Men;
Spider-Woman and the X-Men trying to figure out what has happened to Ms. Marvel;
Mystique trying to spring her Brotherhood from prison, using a secret weapon: Rogue.
Depending on my mood that day, I might name Rogue as my favourite-ever X-Man, so I really could not skip her debut issue. Instantly iconic, all of this:
Her streak;
Her signature green outfit with hoodie;
Her accent.
I love how Claremont once again almost effortlessly introduces a strong female character, one that single-handedly takes down three of the strongest Avengers. Also note how free Rogue still is with her powers: fun, flirty, without the tragic can’t-touch-anyone-angle that will define her for the next three decades.
I’m sorry, am I getting ahead of myself?
This story begins as a whodunit: who pushed an amnesiac Carol Danvers off the Golden Gate Bridge and stole her mind? For that matter, where did she came from? Wasn’t she happily married and pregnant in some alternative dimension last time the readers saw her? Spider-Woman rescues her from the choppy water and calls Professor Xavier to help out. He manages to retrieve the Jane Doe’s identity and knows who attacked her: a woman named Rogue.
Rogue, meanwhile, skulks about the Avengers Mansion, first taking out Captain America and then attacking Thor.
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Considering what this comic is about, I don’t believe Hawkeye’s throwaway mysognism is accidental here.
Rogue’s powers work as follows: through touch, she can steal other people’s powers and memories. The longer she touches someone, the longer she’ll have them - with the looming threat of the theft becoming permanent.
After absorbing Thor, Rogue is faced with three Avengers who’s powers she can’t absorb - Spider-Woman (covered in a suit); Vision (robot) and Wonder Man (being of pure energy? Idk, I’m not really familiar with him other than his bromance with Beast). Hoping the three powers she has in her arsenal - Ms. Marvel’s, Thor’s and Cap’s - will be enough, Rogue flees.
Mystique, meanwhile, has duped Iron Man by pretending to be the Wasp and has paralysed Tony Stark in his suit with some sort of device. She picks up the powered-up Rogue and their plan becomes clear:
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Rogue immediately earns her place in my heart by using billionaire Tony Stark the way the Coyote uses anvils. (Also note the odd way of spelling ‘sugah’.)
I love how both the Brotherhood and the X-Men continually pull focus from the Avengers: for an Avengers-comic, it's surprising how much they're pushed to the background. Again, this makes sense if you know what this issue really is about, but that won’t become clear until the epilogue. I don’t mind, it means we get a ton of great moments, like the Blob calling Mystique ‘Misty’:
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My God, this era’s Destiny/Mystique is even more obvious than 90’s Rictor/Shatterstar.
A battle erupts. One funny moment is actually seeing Destiny fight. I’ve never really read comics about this incarnation of the Brotherhood and my collection mostly takes off after Legion Quest, so I mostly know Destiny posthumously. I always figured that, as a villain, she stood somewhere off on the side, delivering cryptic messages. I never realized she was the one to almost shoot Senator Kelly, nor that her powers are this practical.
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X-Men drinking game rule 11: Drink anytime someone fatshames the Blob.
The fight is pretty evenly matched until Spider-Woman releases Iron Man from Mystique’s little trap. Soon, the Avengers overwhelm the Brotherhood. While Mystique and Rogue manage to flee, Destiny, Avalanche, Pyro and the Blob are detained again.
With the main antagonists sorted, we return to the actual storyline: the rehabilitation of Ms. Marvel. Professor X has managed to tease her out of her catatonic state and offers her therapy to restore her missing memories and powers. (The ones stolen by Rogue.) The Avengers, not fully understanding why Carol won’t ask them for help, eventually come by for a house call.
Carol asks the X-Men to leave while the Avengers gingerly confront her. It’s very awkward.
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“Fuck the Avengers. Taking my beer.” - Wolverine, probably.
See, what all this refers to is the rape of Ms. Marvel. I haven’t read the particular comic in which this happens (Avengers 200), so if you want all the details, I’ll refer you to this article. Before I get into the details, it’s important to note that Claremont was the writer for Carol Danvers in her solo-series, giving her agency and turning Ms. Marvel into a three-dimensional character. The title was then cancelled and Carol was shuffled off to the Avengers. (Rogue was, in fact, planned to make her debut in that the solo-Ms. Marvel series, as one of Ms. Marvel’s new antagonists. Presumably, Rogue would steal her powers there, too. We all know Claremont loves to strip his heroes and heroines of their powers to show they’re even more badass without them.)
As an Avenger, Carol was wooed by some other-dimensional dude/entity named Marcus. He courted her by giving her flowers, worshipping the ground she stepped on and, oh yeah, ‘subtly’ influencing her mind to make her fall in love with him and consequently impregnating her.
Now, Claremont is no stranger to putting his characters through their paces and he gleefully makes use of the whole mental manipulation-trope. In fact, telepathically coercing someone to fall in love with you is absolutely what Mastermind did to Jean Grey: he probably violated her just as much as Marcus did Carol. The difference is how it’s treated in the narrative: Mastermind’s actions are never laughed away or apologized for and are the direct cause for his downfall. They help trigger Jean’s transformation to the Dark Phoenix, whose first deed is taking out her fury on ‘Jason Wyngarde’.
That’s… not what happened with Ms. Marvel. There, the narrative condones Marcus’ actions by framing it as ‘her happy ending’ (married and pregnant, yay!), something which is celebrated by the Avengers.
This is where Carol calls them out for their bullshit.
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We call this ‘The Reason You Suck’-Speech. It’s a thing of beauty.
The Avengers depart, tail between their legs, and Carol hangs out with the cool X-kids from now on. For now, at least.
So, this issue is not only a landmark because it’s where Rogue debuts, but you can also see Chris Claremont going to bat for one of characters: he (presumably reluctantly) gave back the character of Carol Danvers when her solo was cancelled, proceeded to see how terribly they massacred his girl and then claimed that ownership right back.
Good for you, Claremont.
The “What If… the Phoenix Had Not Died”-issue is kind of boring, because it’s basically a rehash of the Phoenix Saga. Why am I paying attention to it? Because of the (mild) gore (and because the Avengers Annual wouldn’t fill a whole post). Anyway, it’s like watching a Final Destination-movie: it’s silly, light on plot and never a particularly thought-provoking movie, but it’s still fun to see all those people inventively but haplessly die.
Plot! Instead of committing suicide on the moon, the Shi’ar strip Jean of her powers after her trial. Jean is trapped in a barren mental state, almost feeling like she's a veggie. But Jean's powers refuse to remain dormant: slowly, her telepathy returns.
When Galactus threatens the Shi’ar homestead, Lilandra summons the X-Men as her champions. Jean embraces her Phoenix-side and defeats Galactus. Everyone is grateful and super-convinced Jean can handle the Phoenix this time! Yay!
And, because that battle with Galactus took a lot out of her, Jean decides she can have a little asteroid. As a treat. She keeps slipping up on her diet, supping on the occasional meteor and lonely planet to keep her power levels up. It turns out to be a slippery slope: finally, she consumes another star (in an uninhabited system! And a small one! How dare you judge her!), but when she returns to the mansion…
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The absolute worst moment to forget you have powers, Kitty.
Xavier attempts to bind the Phoenix, but last time, Jean helped him fight from within. This time, there's not much Jean left. Without breaking a sweat, the Phoenix wipes his brain. But she doesn’t stop there. Maybe the Phoenix remembers that, last time, she was undone by the principles of “friendship is magic”. This time, she’s determined to not let it get so far.
It’s absolutely bone-chilling.
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And the stars blinked As they watched her carefully Jealous of the way she shone - Atticus
I wonder if there’s a rhyme or reason to the way Jean murders her friends: is it random? Does she go for the ones she loves the most first? Does she save Cyclops for last, knowing killing him might trigger Jean to respond?
The narration mentions that the three remaining X-Men are the most powerful ones: Polaris, Havok and Cyclops. (I would’ve swapped in Storm for Cyclops, but whatever.) They have formulated a quick plan: Polaris pulls focus while Havok and Cyclops shift into position. Phoenix disintegrates Polaris while Havok and Scott try and blast Phoenix to smithereens.
But at the last moment, Scott can’t. Havok’s blast alone is not enough. Phoenix shoots him through the heart and then, finally, kills Cyclops. That’s when Jean resurfaces, realizing what she’s done. She can’t take it - she’s in the mood to dissolve in the sky, as per Virginia Woolf - and she lets the Phoenix take over.
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Phoenix finally lives up to her potential: The End of All That Is.
It's a mediocre plot with a lame ramp-up to a terrifying conclusion. In the regular universe, the thing that triggers the Phoenix is the utter violation of Jean’s body and mind; here, it’s being confronted by Kitty. One is the proverbial red cloth in front of the bull, the other is being assaulted by an ineffective wet cloth. The Phoenix Saga is iconic because all the pieces were carefully put in place; this just feels rushed an unearned.
Also, the Watcher is full of shit. You can’t say you don’t pass judgment whilst simultaneously comparing the merits of one tragedy to the other. Shut up, Uatu.
Check back next week for your regularly scheduled X-Men Abridged! It’s time for 1982 and the brood saga!
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darth-schism · 4 years
Evidence to Suggest that Luke was NOT all that he seemed in TLJ
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Luke Skywalker may have isolated himself because of his guilt/depression. But I also believe he did it for practical reasons, and that his “totally given up” act, was just that, an act. Evidence for this Head-cannon/interpretive take:
1. He made a map to his location
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Not only that, but it was so specific, it was literally called “The Map to Skywalker.” The only way it would have gotten a name as tailored as that is if someone else had found him before Rey, or, if he told people about it himself. In any event, to whatever varying degree, Luke wanted to be found and/or influence the galaxy around him.
One piece of the map was  tossed around to all sorts of corners of the galaxy, while the rest of it was entrusted to R2D2. 
2. This was a deliberate combo to serve two different purposes
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          - Keep Snoke distracted: The entirety of TFA was Kylo and Snoke obsessing over Luke’s location. Their preoccupation with it was evident and, instead of letting them focus on relentlessly attacking the New Republic, Luke gave them a reason to go on wild goose chases. Consider that Snoke doesn’t go ‘all in’ on trying to destroy the Resistance until after he realizes he lost the race to get to Skywalker. Which shows just how much stock he had put into that singular Jedi. What’s more, even if they had succeeded, they’d only have a useless fraction with no reference as to where in the galaxy Luke’s secret location actually was.      
          - Meanwhile, R2D2 would also play the role of a “given up/powered down” hero: But we see that, soon as the coast is clear, and some plot heroes arrive with the map, he assessed the situation, turned on, and sent them right to Skywalker. I think it’s safe to say that R2D2 was merely in ‘sleep mode,’ as opposed to ‘shut down.’ However, despite all this, the element of being powered down/unassuming was still crucial because... 
3. Snoke made it abundantly clear that when he found Skywalker, he’d blow up the entire landmass he was found, or even theorized to be, on
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Luke would never put a population of innocents at risk of complete annihilation just because someone might to recognize him at a local market. So it’s no wonder he chose a place as isolated as he did (On top of that, considering his critical stance towards the Jedi Order by 28ish ABY, it wouldn’t necessarily be a heartbreak to him if the island did end up getting destroyed, or one to anyone else really, because of how obscure/unknown it was...or so he convinced himself).
4. He was picking his battles
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If Luke Skywalker wanted to be found. Then why was he so dismissive of Rey? There’s no solid evidence here (aside from the whole existence of the map scheme), but I think there’s good reason to believe that Luke’s instant stand-offish behavior is one of caution and assessment not dissimilar how how Yoda and Kenobi put up an initial façade when they were discovered in exile (but more on that later). In any event, this approach would give him the means to offer personalized help to those who ended up on his doorstep. It honestly didn’t take Luke long to go from tossing his father’s lightsaber, to offering Rey the three lessons she needed to understand the force better. Although I believe Rey’s visit to Luke was far different than what others had probably been but (again) more on that later.
5. He was able leave anytime he wanted
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The very clear image of Luke’s submerged X-Wing in the ocean painted a picture of cut ties, and a “no going back” stance. However, it wasn’t the first time that starfighter had been at the bottom of a water bed, and clearly it wasn’t the last. I’m inclined to believe that this is another part of Luke’s deliberate presentation of a hero who had lost all hope. But all speculation aside, there was nothing to physically stop Luke from leaving that island whenever he wanted. There’s nothing to say that he didn’t break form/character operate to find a way to undermine Snoke further.
6. He was actively protecting others close to him
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There was a reason Luke getting Grogu at the end of Season 2 of The Mandalorian caused such a stir in Disney, and caused Kennedy to go for Faverau’s throat. All “who’s idea was who’s” arguments aside. At the end of the day it created two possible outcomes for this element of the Star Wars franchise: Either Grogu died in Kylo’s attack. Or there were survivors. Since killing the money making Baby Yoda isn’t necessarily on Disney’s to do list, it’s a reasonable bet that he survives the slaughter (unless he’s returned to Din’s side before Kylo goes ballistic, in which case he avoids it all together). But even if that does happen, this theory still holds a little water). Luke lying low, and operating in secret may have been the only way he was keeping himself, the galaxies citizens, and his few remaining students from getting hit with an orbital strike. 
7. He was never fully disconnected from the force.
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Perhaps, somewhat disconnected, but it’s clear that Luke hasn’t cut himself off from the force as much as he, perhaps, wanted to admit. Luke is still able to effortlessly summon a weapon, keep control of the duel between himself and Rey, and gently lower his body to the ground when he loses his footing. Despite his stance on using/taking ownership of the force in TLJ, it seems as though Luke kept just enough around so that he could still fight. This theory is more optimistically minded than some of the others, but I still can’t help but think that Luke kept these reserves of power ready, because he already had to use them more than once during his supposed isolation.
8. Rey’s visit was different than the others who had come before.
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“You went straight into the Dark. It offered you something you needed, and you didn’t even try to stop yourself.” 
“I've seen this raw strength only once before, in Ben Solo. It didn't scare me enough then. It does now.”
Other plot heroes/adventurers may have come, gone, or even convinced Luke to help them in secret. So assuming all, or even some, of the above is true, then that means Luke wasn’t just pushing to dismiss Rey, but also disillusion her. I think this is because Rey wasn’t there to get help with a specific mission, rescue, etc, but there to have Luke become the public symbol of hope again. And we’ve already listed the reasons why this couldn’t happen. On top of that, this push was done in a way that directly conflicted with all the “none theorized” reasons Luke had isolated himself. Luke knew he couldn’t accommodate this. He sensed the darkness in Rey. He sensed her connection to Kylo. In many ways his lessons also doubled as a means to properly evaluate Rey, and confirm his suspicions. In any event, all of this brought up an element of his isolation that no one else knew. He already had the, half truth, story as to what happened to his temple well rehearsed. But it was Rey’s visit that dragged out his greatest regret, which was his near attempt to take Ben’s life, due to both the mind bending fear Snoke had manipulated into palce, and the hypocritical, and self destructive Jedi philosophies that had been drilled in to his head. This was the final straw that made him want to destroy the Jedi texts. But it was also the push he needed to find inner peace, and think of the means to make one last public appearance, without endangering anyone.  
9. In no interpretation is Luke an attempt child killer 
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This is more of a bonus point in nature. I think so many people were caught off guard by the narrative choice Luke undertook in this part of the film, that it painted the whole ordeal in a far more unfavorable light than it actually was. For starters: Ben was no child. He was 23 years old when he fell to the darkside. Luke was saw the images of planetary destruction, and the deaths of friends and family alike at the hands of an adult. But even at that, Luke’s ligthsaber had already lowered, and his face expressing that of shame and sadness, when Ben glances over, and decides to take up his lightsaber, and make the first strike. Luke doesn’t even ignite his lightsaber in response until after Ben swings it. The influence Snoke had over Ben, and the mental attack he lured Luke into suffering, to make this moment come to pass cannot be understated.   
 - This also means that Luke’s isolation lasted only 7 years. Not twenty, not even 10. Just 7. Which is less than half the time both Yoda and Obi Wan imposed on themselves.
10. He was following in the footsteps of his masters
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I think Luke’s response to trauma is a little unfair in some ways. Obi Wan and Yoda witnessed genocide, and imposed exile on themselves for twenty years. Now, in film, we know that Obi Wan, while playing the part of a delusional hermit, worked to protect Luke as he grew up on Tatooine, and that Yoda, playing the part of a silly swamp kook, did...something...on Dagobah (?), waited for Luke to grow up so he could train him for a few weeks at most (?). 
Those are two pretty limited things, and yet they don’t catch near as much flack for “abandoning the galaxy to the Empire” as TLJ Luke does, after he also witnessed slaughter, and went into isolation for only 7 years. But, of course, we know Obi Wan did more during his time in the desert, and that Yoda did more during his time in the swamp. So why can’t Luke have also done more while on his island? Everything about the parallels here point to Luke, despite his own misgivings, applying what he learned from his master. All three Jedi isolated themselves because of their personal tragedies. All three greatly reduced their presence in the galaxy. But all three had no choice, and all three still did what they could despite their circumstances.    
11. Luke may have been overcome with grief. But he hadn’t truly changed
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Now, I fully admit that this is a very optimistic way of looking at things. But some of these points also have more weight to them than others. I also cannot stress enough that even though I think some of what Luke was doing was an act, I also know it was equally proportional to the very real, emotional reasons, and struggles he faced. I also definitely do NOT think Kennedy/Johnson meant for any of these possible theories to have any validity to them. But with how they are presented, they also can’t be disproven. 
If Favreau doesn’t formally put the sequels in it’s own little pocket universe, then I really hope he takes the opportunity to make something like ^the above^ happen. It could easily be established in one to two episodes in a live action show. Lots of things could be done to make the sequels a more bearable set of movies to watch. And as much as I’m worried that hoping for this is simply too optimistic, at least now there is a justifiable interpretive take that has both in film evidence to support, and a lack of otherwise to refute.  
At the end of the day (and as usual) the important part here is to see that Luke hadn’t given up. Struggling, disillusioned, forced into a tough spot, willingly keeping himself scarce, etc. All bearable. But knowing he hadn’t given up is super important to the character and fanbase, so hopefully we get something that makes that cannon. In any facet really.  
*Reblogged with new gifs and information
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years
Chapter 10
Pairing- Loki x Reader x Steve (one side)
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.
Your Alter ego name- Red Wing
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Iron Man arrives at  Stark Tower where Selvig, activates the CMS device, holding the Tesseract.
“Sir, I took off the arc reactor. The device is already self-sustained.” Jarvis informed Tony.
“Shut it down, Dr. Selvig.” Tony ordered Erik.
“It's too late! It can't stop now. He wants to show us something! A new universe.” Erik explained.
“Okay.” Iron Man aims his hands toward the CMS and fires. The energy from his boosters shatters with a deafening crack! Erik falls backwards. Down below, the citizens of New York look up at Stark Tower. Iron Man stares in disbelief at the CMS ... unharmed.
“The barrier is pure energy. It's unbreachable. The Mark VII is not ready to be deployed.” Jarvis  explained.
“Skip the spinning rims. We're on the clock.” Tony lands his  suit and goes through the gauntlet and unsuits  him. Loki  looks up at him, smiling. They proceed to walk into  the penthouse.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Loki walks in, holding the scepter. Tony casually walks down the  steps, towards the bar.
“Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity?” Loki wondered.
“Uh...actually, I'm planning to threaten you.” Tony stated.
“You should have left your armor on for that.” Loki remarked.
“Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage. You've got the blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?” Tony asked as he walks over to the bar.
“Stalling me won't change anything.” Loki made known.
“No, no, no! Threatening. No drink? You  sure? I'm having one.” Tony said pouring himself a drink.
“The Chitauri are coming, nothing will  change that. What have I to fear?” Loki asked.
The Avengers.” Tony stated as Loki looks at him, confused. “It's what we call ourselves, sort of  like a team. `Earths Mightiest Heroes' type of thing.”
“Yes, I've met them.” Loki grinned.
Tony looks at Loki smiling. “Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one.....But, let's do a head count here. Your brother, the demi-God; a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend; a man with breath-taking anger management issues; a woman who can control and move stuff with her mind, a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them.”
“That was the plan.” Loki disclosed.
“Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you.” From underneath the bar table, Tony pulls on colantotte bracelets, a honing device.
“I have an army.” Loki announced.
“We have a Hulk.” Tony replied.
“I thought the beast had wandered off.” Loki claimed.
“You're missing the point. There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it.” Tony declared.
Loki slowly walks up to him; raising the scepter. “How will your friends have time for me,when they're so busy fighting you?” Loki taps Tony on the chest with his scepter. Ping! Nothing. Confused, Loki tires again. Ping! Nothing.
“It should work.”
“Well, performance issues. You know?” Tony said sarcastically.
In anger, Loki grads Tony by the throat and flings him across the room.
“Jarvis. Anytime now.” Tony mumbled.
Loki grabs Tony by the throat again. “You will all fall before me.”
Loki throws Tony out the window. Tony freefalls  down the tower. From behind Loki, an elevator opens and a red pod shoots out. The pod laser signals the colantotte bracelets on Tony. The pod begins to transform into the MARK VII suit. It latches onto Tony.
The suit flies up before he hits the ground or the gazing people. Loki looks up, angry. “And there's one other person you pissed off! His name was Phil.”
Loki raises the scepter. Iron Man fires at Loki, sending him on his ass.
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Selvig looks up at the sky. The Tesseract's energy beams  into the sky. The beam then forms a vortex, which then opens up another portal. Y/n flies towards Stark Tower and see Erik on the roof lands next to him.
”Erik...what is he done to you?” Y/n asked with concern in her voice.
“He showed me the world universes. Y/n he can show you to.” Erik grinned.
“I’ll see it on my own time..how do you stop this?” Y/n asked.
“You can’t it’s too late they’re coming.” Erik voiced.
A hole in space rips open, and from it, the Chitauri army spills  out in flying chariots, carrying energy rifles with a bayonet on the end. Y/n flies up near the the portal and holes out  her hands and direct most of her telekinesis  to try to close the portal. It doesn’t even seem like it’s trying to close.
“Right. Army.” Tony murmured.
Iron Man flies up towards the Y/n.
“Can you see if you can try to close it with your powers?”
“I already tried is did nothing.....you got anything lethal in there?”
From his shoulders, a miniature multiple rocket launcher, pops out and fires. Like the Jericho missile, several targets are taken down unlike no missile. It's useless. Thousands of Chitauri  fly out. Iron Man and Red Wing flies towards the city.
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The Chitauri unleash. New Yorkers fill the streets, staring at the fire fight in the distance. Boom!!! The Chitauri unleashes blasts as it goes, blowing up cars, setting storefronts aflame. Loki walks onto the balcony as the sounds of the Chitauri rings out. He admires his soon to be kingdom. Thor lands on the tower. Loki turns to his enemy.
“Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll  destroy it!” Thor demanded.
“You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war!” Loki grinned.
“So be it.” Loki and Thor rush at each other. They and their weapons collide. The two battle -- Loki unleashing another pent-up rage and jealousy, Thor having no choice but to defend himself.
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Soldiers and cops have taken positions covering the streets. They see from the sky, Iron Man and Y/n leading a trail of Chitauri towards his tower.
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The Quinjet booms  into the city.
“Stark, we're heading north east.” Natasha informed.
“What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you.” Iron Man replied.
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Iron Man banks around his tower. Sees Thor and Loki still going at it. Iron Man swoops down the street, causing a Chitauri to crash. Flying up, Iron Man puts the following Chitauri in view of the Quinjet. Red Wing takes out five Chitauri fliers with a Single lightning bolt. Black Widow takes out machine gun and fires at the Chitauri.
“Sir, we have more incoming.” Jarvis announced.
“Fine. Let's keep them occupied.” Iron Man  heads back to the portal.
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Thor and Loki battle savagely. Loki fires energy from the,scepter, sending Thor sliding across the floor. Loki about to walk over to his brother to finish him  off but he feels someone behind him so he turns around.
“Y/n?” Loki voiced.
“You killed Coulson.” Y/n stated.
“You mean The Agent. Was he’s important to you?” Loki asked.
“The  ”the Agent” had a name and it was Phil.” Y/n said with fire.
When Loki looks down he realize Y/n  holding a sword.
“I will not fight you.” Loki declare.
“You took someone I cared about from me and in return I’m going to kick your ass.” Y/n proclaimed.
“Are you really.” Loki smirked.
“With out a shadow of doubt.” Y/n grinned.
Loki smirks. “I am very skilled swordsmen.”  
Y/n  begins walking forward towards Loki And he raises up he scepter. Robin fully unsheathed her Sword.
Just like Arata taught me
“When you are using the Japanese combat artist holds both arms straight out on your sides, Sword in one hand - Wood sheath in the other, like a bird.” Arata told Y/n.
Y/n  takes the stands knowing that she makes her phoenix proud of her. Loki and Y/n  circle each other. They Swing,Clash, Dance Separate...Circle...
Y/n leaps  in the air does a Somersault over the Loki's head, landing behind him.
She brings her Sword down in a Slashing Swing but Loki blocks it (barely). The Blades Clash and Lock. Loki and Y/n  faces come together as the Blades become entangled.
“Your footwork is exquisite.” Loki praised.”
“You keep talking like that you’re gonna make me blush.” Y/n confessed.
Y/n moves her arm in a counter-clockwise motion that loosens the grip enough to bring her sword handle hard into Loki's mouth Knocking him backwards.
Part 11
Kuddly Krab: @aesthethickks​
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olivarryprompts · 3 years
Fanfic Friday #12
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I post a new here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read and save it on A03 here https://archiveofourown.org/works/34123603
{whatever it is a scar rememebers}
Ships: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes
Warnings: mentions of underage drinking, smoking, swearing, mentions of canon typical violence. it's a fluff piece tho :)
“She’s just a little girl. Come on Buck, we have to help her,” Sam said, cuddling into Bucky’s side. “Sam, she’s, she’s our enemy.” “That depends on how you view it.” “Come on.” “Buck, please. She is just trying to make a statement. She hasn’t done any real bad yet.” “Yet, Sammy, see how you said yet. You know how much she is capable of.” “Yes, without our help and guidance. She’s just, just lost.” “I will always back you. Always. It’s not me you need to worry about.” “This is our mission. We get to decide how it gets done, the other avengers have their own.” “That’s directly ignorant of the fact we all need to sign off on mission plans. That’s the deal, that’s why we get to operate in our wide jurisdiction.”“Baby, step back. Look at this for real.” “I know Sammy, I swear. She’s just a girl, and you’ve always had more compassion than me. So convince all the Avengers and I will follow you wherever.” “I’m putting together the mission plan, and I will get it signed.” “Good. Now, can we please go to sleep.” “Yes. Love you.’ “Love you more.”The next morning when they awoke, Sam did not bother waking for Bucky to wake up. Naturally, when Bucky did wake he reached over for Sam and did not find him. Bucky panicked, they had fallen into an unbreakable routine. Sam would always wait up for him. What had happened to his boy? “Friday, is Sam okay?” he asked, panicked. “Yes, he is just on a run with steve. He asked me to inform you that he was planning to get Steve to sign first.” “Oh, oh, thanks Fri,” he said, and then under his breath muttered, “I’m going to kill him.” “Kill who?” Sam said, entering all sweaty. “Samuel Thomas Wilson, how dare you?” Buck said, only half joking. “What baby?” “I woke up without you next to me.” “Had things to do sweetheart,” Sam explained, changing into some sweatpants and a hoodie. “More important than cuddling me.” “Unfortunately so,” he said, putting deodorant on. “You're supposed to say nothing is more important than you.” “Buck, cut the melodramatics.” “Sam, you stole my morning cuddles from me. That is a serious offense.” Sam climbed back into bed and pulled bucky in. “You okay now?” “Yes.” “Got all the Avengers signatures.” Bucky just smiled. Sam and his determination. “When do we leave?” “Two days time. Flight out at 8 O’clock in the morning. We got intel Karli will be stationed in Latvia.” “Okay, guess we’re going then.” “Yes we are.”Somehow they ended up with Karli in custody, and as negotiated by Sam, she would be staying in the compound under his guidance, following a strict routine each day. “So, in the morning you will be woken at 8 am sharp. Breakfast is from 8-8:30, then your school day starts. School is from 8:30 till 2 Monday through Friday. After that there will be therapy for an hour. After that you have training for 2 hours. Any additional activities you wish to take can be negotiated.” “Sounds like hell,” she commented. “Hey it’s either this or prison, pick your poison.” “Oh how I wish it were poison. What does training mean?” “Learning to fight with control and releasing your anger.” “Sounds alright.” “Good.” “And I’m off the hook anytime after 5?” “Yes. Free to do what you wish on the compound. You’ve been fitted with a GPS, that’s the bracelet, and so you can’t really leave.” “Is this legal?” “Yes, very. Oh and you’re required to be at dinner, whatever time that may take place.” “Dinner?” “Avengers are a family, and we have family dinners. Sort of.” “That’s uncomfortable.” “Get used to it.” “No thanks.” “You need help getting settled in?” “Nope.”It was her third day and it was 8 in the morning and she was being woken up. “JUST FUCK OFF YOU STUPID MACHINE,” she yelled. Bucky almost instantly showed up at her door. “Aren't you supposed to be awake right now?” “Everyone needs to fuck the hell off before I beat the shit out of you.” “Alright girlie, calm down. I’m a super soldier too ya know.” “What the hell.” “Take a chill pill.” “Did you really just say that?” “Yes. Now what is going on? Use your big girl words.” “I swear to god.” “What?” “Everything is so goddamn structured
here. Family dinners are so awkward. Therapy is downright stupid, and school, school just sucks.” “Fair enough. It’s your own fault though.” “Huh?” “Shouldn’t have gone for the whole terrorist vibe. Anyway, the more days you complete, the more freedom you get. We have some kids in the compound. Get to know them, they’re a good time. Especially Peter. They have their own thing, and they have a good time together.” “Are you actually dumb? They don’t want to be my friend.” “On the contrary. Most of them understand youth discussion and want to make the world a better place.” “Everyone here is so nice, what the fuck. You’re supposed to hate me.” “I’ve done enough hating for a lifetime. Plus, everyone here is supposed to hate me, too. Turns out that’s not how it works. I’ve become a big brother, a boyfriend, a friend. They make you better, just let them. Let Sam. He really does care about you kid, he put in a real shift to get you here. He gets it.” “I-” “Don’t worry about words. Get ready for school, see you at breakfast a bit, yeah?” “Yeah.” she said hesitantly.Bucky went back into his and Sam’s room. “To think you said you were bad with kids.” “I- eavesdropper.” “More like an attentive listener.” “I just told her what she needed to hear.” “You made yourself vulnerable to make her feel less vulnerable.” “Sure, whatever.” Sam leant into Bucky for a kiss, glad to have him backing his plays. Always.After some time, Karli was seemingly getting the hang of this whole new life. She was saying more than a word per day, actually doing the work assigned to her, and finally she was speaking to some people around the compound. “Hey Karli, how’s the day?” Peter said, swinging round to the gym she was training at. “Yeah alright. How ‘about you spiderboy?” “Heyyyy it’s man.” “Sure, sure.’ “It was fine, too. Pretty easy to be honest.” “You’ve got to help me get this maths shit sorted.” “Wanna head to the lab?” “Gotta finish up two hours, almost done though.” “Haven’t you got a trainer?” “Yeah, used to. Prefer doing it alone, sparing with you and nat on occasion.” “Makes sense. Never liked the guy to be fair.” “See you in the lab in 20?” “Sure thing. Bring your books.” “Alright,” she said, and Peter began to leave. “Hey Peter.” “Yep?” “Thanks, really. For all of this.” “Course, your family now, aren't ya.” Karli just smiled. Then, once Peter had left, she let the few tears that were welling up fall.“Dinner’s in 10,” Sam said, entering the lab. “Fanks Sam.” “Yup.” “What do you think it is?” “One can only hope Loki cooked.” “Hmn. And that Doctor Banner didn’t.” Peter laughed then agreed. “We should go up and help with the set up,” Karli suggested. “Yeah sounds good. I’ll meet you up there, just gotta finish this blueprint” “See ya mate.” “See ya.”So, Karli was settling into her new life with her new people. It was scary. She wasn’t used to being cared for and looked after. If she drank too much one night, no one would care. If she smokes, no one gives a crap. If she never did her homework, it didn’t matter. Those things took some getting used to.“No, it is a big deal.” “It was a drunk night, come off of it Sam.” “Come off of it? What do you think this is?” “What? I’m legal in England, drunk all the time before.” “This ain’t before anymore. Plus, you are not legal in England, you’re seventeen.” “Yeah, I can get a drink at a pub with a parent's consent,” Karli muttered, fighting a meaningless battle. “Well you don’t have that consent.” “Good thing I don’t have a parent,” she rolled her eyes. “Come on kid! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a parent, you have a family. A family that cares a lot about you. They don’t want you to drink to be happy or smoke and get yourself cancer. How hard is that to understand?” “We ain’t a family.” “What are we then? Last time I check we qualify for a stupid, messed up, family.” “Just fuck off about it,” she said, trying to end the conversation. “Why? Why Karli? Because it’s so hard to imagine that we love you and value you in our lives.” “Yes! All that shit!” “Oh for fuck sake. Bucky, then Steve, fucking
Peter, you’re all the same.” “What are you on about?” “You don’t think you deserve it.” “I-i-” “You don’t think you are good enough for all this.” “Cause I’m not! I’m not like you guys, I’m not good. I’m not a hero.” “Why? Because you were a kid and you made some dumbass mistakes. Because you’re more a pessimist than an optimist. Last time I checked, that does not make you a bad person.” “Whatever.” “Not whatever Karli. You did and do want to help people, that makes you a hero.” “Not how I did it.” “Maybe not. But how you are doing and how you will do it. That does. And none of that shit matters anyway, you belong here, with us. In this family. And you, more than anyone, deserve it.” “Fine.” “Fine?” “Yes, alright. Thank you,” Karli said, finally smiling, “Don’t get all sappy on me.” “Wouldn’t dream of it, kid.” “I love ya.” “I love you, too,” he said, giving her a hug. “We done with this self-hate thing?” “Workin on it, alright?” “Alright.” So, Sam left with a smile and headed downstairs to get some actual work done.
Read and save it here on A03 https://archiveofourown.org/works/34123603.
*Also this was posted many days late and it's deffo not a friday, sorry :)
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dailyexo · 5 years
[INTERVIEW] EXO - 191213 Billboard: “EXO Talk 'Obsession’ Album & Future: 'I Hope that the Name of EXO Can Grow’”
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"It’s been seven years since EXO arrived with 2012's MAMA EP, and since then the boy band has spent much of its time atop of the South Korean music scene, with hits like 2013’s “Growl" and 2015’s “Love Me Right” setting them up as a dominant act throughout much of Asia. Last month, they unveiled their sixth LP, Obsession, ending the year -- and the decade -- with both a new sound and a hint towards what the future will bring for the men of EXO.
Fronted by a lead single also dubbed “Obsession,” the 10-track album is bookended by Korean and Chinese versions of the song, which turns the group towards hip-hop-inspired sampling and an intense Auto-tuning, blending their more typical R&B and electro-pop styling with musical elements that at first seem anachronistic and jarring. But it’s the perfect way to set up the story they’re trying to tell.
For EXO, the majority of their musical releases have been tied into fictive narratives revolving around the members and fantastical, sci-fi plot lines, ranging from the extraterrestrial to the supernatural. For Obsession, which peaked at No. 198 on the Billboard 200 chart dated Dec. 14, EXO presented oppositional sides to themselves through a series of teaser images and videos ahead of the album’s release, setting up an epic battle between EXO and their X-EXO clones, which played out in the music video for their single. The song’s apparent disjointment on first listen is meant to go alongside the visual elements, representing a dialogue between the two warring parties.
“Honestly, when we look into a song we think about what kind of performance will work and whether a song will fit the kind of performance we want to put on,” Kai tells Billboard. “So when we heard this song, we thought it was a really good fit in the sense that for the Auto-Tune it matched the idea of the two different EXOs, EXO and X-EXO. The Auto-Tune kind of gives us the vibe of communication between the two different parties having a conversation, so it was a very specific move that we took.” He said he thinks EXO will win the fight, eventually, “Because anytime you watch a movie or read a comic the hero does win. X-EXO is temporary so they’re going to disappear anyway.”
The idea behind the storylines that EXO utilizes to promote their music is to better get their music across to fans -- known collectively as EXO-L -- and also to better relay content in the age of digital media, where visuals are just as important as audio elements. It’s been something the group has been utilizing since their earliest days, and each member has supernatural powers associated with them that often are featured in their branding. “We’re not just a group that sings and dances,” says Chanyeol. “For people watching us, of course they know the storylines are fake. But like watching a movie, it's another way for people to fall for us more deeply. It gives people a back story about how we were formed. Our storyline isn't just incorporated into our music or videos, but it's incorporated really well into our concerts as well. We do feel that it really allows people to become properly immersed.”
Kai and Chanyeol are two of six EXO members that participated in the album, alongside Baekhyun, Chen, Sehun, and Suho, following the enlistment of Xiumin and D.O. in South Korea’s military, fulfilling the country’s mandatory draft requirements, and Lay focusing on a solo career in China. The six other members are expected to similarly enlist and take temporary hiatuses from the industry in the near future.
The new dynamic has given EXO’s members opportunities to explore different sides of themselves, and Chanyeol says that it’s also opened their eyes to how they work together and cover for one another in case of any issues. Each member "has to pull their weight so whether in singing or dance, there are parts that won’t be hidden,” he says. “It would be a really big problem [if we made a mistake] because it would be really obvious.” For Suho, who is EXO’s leader, the diminishing numbers makes him reflective. “The fact that we’re unable to perform with all the members is a little bit sad, so when we look at old videos we do feel like, ‘Oh, there are a lot of members in the group’ and we’d like to come together as a full group.”
As all able-bodied South Korean men are expected to take time off from their lives to fulfill the country’s draft requirements, EXO knows it will be seeing more such changes in the near future, and the act will likely not look the way it once did for sometime. But rather than dwell on the past, the men of EXO are looking towards the future, and 2019 saw many of them work on alternative projects, where it was releasing solo music, such as Chen, Baekhyun, Xiumin, and D.O., or working with new units, like Sehun and Chanyeol’s EXO-SC and Baekhyun and Kai in SuperM, along with numerous other professional activities. “We’ve received so much love for our units and solo projects, but at the end of the day the most important thing is the team and group’s performances,” says Baekhyun. “The fact that we’re able to show all these different sides to us also allows us to show different sides of EXO as a group and show how diverse we are, and how each of us have our own talents.”
When asked how they feel about their career over the past decade and what they hope for the future, Chanyeol responds that the members of EXO feel that they’re focusing on the present and facing each moment on its own. “To be honest, when we do interviews when we’re working we realize that as a group we’ve become very comfortable. Rather than us having to go out of our way to go do something, it’s become very natural for us. It’s grown with time and come naturally, this sense of maturity.”
Though EXO and X-EXO battle it out over the Obsession album, the duality of the release is also reflected in the members’ struggles to explore their identities as individuals beyond the act: how to be both a member of EXO and a man in his own right. As EXO have grown in their career, they have also grown up: youngest member Sehun debuted as a teenager but is now 25-years-old. Unfortunately ill on the day of the interview, he was silent throughout much of the discussion and his health hung over the act like a cloud, with frequent references to how, as they get older, they need to take care of themselves better. “These days, seeing that our physical health is part of our workload, I feel that a healthy life, health in general, is very important,” says Baekhyun. “Rather than thinking about more of what we can do to grow as a group, I feel that we all have begun to focus on seeking individual happiness. Right now, a lot of our focus is on how each person is able to find their own happiness and health, and use that when we come together as a group to move in the right direction.”
Suho echoes this, saying that their branching out as individuals beyond the group is a way to take care of themselves as individuals after years of focusing on the collective well-being. “In the past, EXO’s schedule didn’t allow a lot of individual talents to be focused on but starting from the beginning of this year we were given the time to really focus on ourselves, whether it was internally or externally. It’s not just us as a group, but I think everybody needs that kind of self-care. It was good for everybody.”
Even as they focus on themselves, the group is still the focal point of EXO’s identity. “We came together, got very close, and without the passion that we had as a group I don’t think we would have made it as far as we have come,” reflects Baekhyun. “When it comes to being satisfied, as people I think that we’re never 100% satisfied.” This passion towards improving and always seeking something closer and closer to perfection, but recognizing that is impossible and that there is always something more to be done, is emphasized by the members’ responses when asked what their obsessions are: Kai says he’s a workaholic, and Chanyeol says his competitive nature is to the degree that it could be considered an obsession. (Meanwhile, Baekhyun’s obsessed with games, and Kai jokes that Sehun is obsessed with alcohol, as it is well-known he’s one of the group’s members who enjoys drinking.)
One place where Chanyeol at the very least is satisfied in is EXO’s music. “When it comes to our music, I’m 100% confident that we release quality music,” he says with pride. “It’s almost like we’re not following trends but we don’t fall back behind either.” He and Sehun tried to push their artistic side in a new direction with EXO-SC’s What a Life EP in July, and there was a bit of a negative response from some fans over the title song’s music video, which featured the pair partying it up with female dancers. But he says it’s all good, as there’s no moving forward without trying new things, and it’s always good to hear differing opinions. “We wanted to do something drastically different. You could say it was so completely different from what EXO typically releases. It was a very dramatic challenge for us, and even though there was some backlash from fans, for me personally it was a big motivating factor, that I need to show more new sides and that there are many new challenges to take on.”
It’s important to EXO that their audience takes in all the different sides to themselves that they have to offer, and Chen says he hopes that listeners recognize that there’s a difference between an artist releasing a single and an album. “If you listen to the whole album beyond ‘Obsession,’ you’ll recognize that all of the songs are good,” he says; his personal favorite is “Groove.” “I feel that there is a tendency that people just listen to the title track, but it would be really great if people can listen to the whole album because every song is really great.”
Moving forward, EXO knows they’re shifting into a new era of their career, but they express a desire to always remain as one. “I hope that EXO is able to continue just the way it does right now, but beyond the group I hope that each individual member is able to find his own happiness,” says Baekhyun. “We may not go on music performance shows all the time in 10 years, but we hope that we can release albums here and there. In that we can all live our own lives and come together, happily, as a group.” He pauses, and adds with a wry expression, “I think that in 10 years, hopefully we’ll be able to release something like a ballad or an R&B-heavy song where we can just stand around rather than dance.” Other members quickly jump in and refute this though. “That’s not EXO’s thoughts, that’s Baekhyun’s thoughts,” Sehun says with a laugh, while Chanyeol adds that he hopes EXO is “a very cool group” 10 years down the road; Kai adds that he would like to continue dancing as long as his body allows for it.
“As time passes, like our members, our fans are going to start pursuing their own lives as well,” says Kai. “As they fall into their own lives, when they suddenly have a thought of EXO, I hope that one thought that comes to their mind is, ‘It was a really good memory being their fan.’” Suho echoes this, repeating “A good memory” in English with a nod of his head. Baekhyun agrees with this desire for their time together with fans to be thought of warmly, but follows up with the suggestion that the idea of being a memory, while heartwarming, is limiting. “I really hope that we aren’t a group that is remembered as a group that’s part of the past, because when you think of that you think about these groups that don’t really promote and they don’t really do anything as a team. I hope that, whether individually or as a group, we continue to promote and that the name of EXO can continue to grow.”"
Photo links: 1
Credit: Billboard.
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“Without this album, I don’t know where I would be right now, I don’t know if I would still be around. I was that low.” Death, tragedy, substance abuse – in the 4 years since her last album for The Pretty Reckless, to say Taylor Momsen has been through a lot would be an understatement. After the passing of her long time friend and collaborator, Soundgarden’s Chris Cornell, who tragically died while touring with the band, followed by the death of their producer Kato Khandwala, her album “Death By Rock and Roll” essentially became a lifeline for her, pulling her out of a deep depression, where she had lost all hope or desire to live. She was brought back by listening to her favorite heroes including The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and The Who, while songwriting her way back to life. What has been borne out of her darkness is an incredibly mature sound, a more sophisticated look, and soulful personal awakening that has skyrocketed the album’s title track “Death By Rock and Roll” to No 1 on the radio charts. The full album was released on February 14th, hitting No 1 on iTunes in the United States, UK, Australia, Canada, and more.
The Pretty Reckless was never the average rock band by any means. Since forming in 2008 they have had the distinction of being the first female-fronted band to have back-to-back No. 1 singles at the active rock format and the first female-fronted act to have five No. 1 singles on the Billboard chart. Momsen’s last album “Going to Hell” released in 2016 crashed the Top 5 of the Billboard Top 200, including three No. 1 hits – a feat that had not been accomplished by a female-fronted group since The Pretenders in 1984. With over half-a-billion streams, The Pretty Reckless have headlined countless sold-out shows and toured with the likes of Guns N’ Roses. “Death By Rock and Roll” marks a new era for the band, as they continue to propel themselves forward despite the pandemic or any other obstacle that may have been in their way. “I think anytime you go through loss and trauma, and one hit after the other, when life is just feeling like it’s beating you down… it forces you to grow up whether you want to or not.” Momsen was “reborn” wiser and stronger, with the music literally “pouring” out of her, “I think that this album is really, in my humble opinion, the best album we’ve ever made because it was created from such a raw and vulnerable, honest place that you can’t manufacture…”
The Untitled Magazine’s Indira Cesarine caught up with The Pretty Reckless’s frontwoman Taylor Momsen for an in-depth exclusive about her personal journey from darkness and tragedy to healing through music, how she navigated making a new album and music videos amidst the pandemic, as well as what has inspired her latest tracks, new look, and fiery, raw new direction.
I love the title of your new album “Death by Rock and Roll,” what was the inspiration behind it?
“Death by Rock and Roll“ started out as a phrase that Kato, our producer who passed and who was my best friend in the world, used to say all the time. It was kind of an ethic that we lived our life by, back in 2008 when we formed the band. It was this code of “Death by Rock and Roll” which was not morbid at all – it came from a place of “ live life your own way, go out your own way, don’t let anyone tell you differently – rock and roll till I die..”. So it’s very much like a battle cry for life. And when he passed that phrase just kept ringing in my head and I couldn’t get it out. It just made a lot of sense. It was the start of this album. I can say this is probably the first album that I had titled before I had actually written all of the material for it.
I understand you had back-to-back tragedies in your life between Chris Cornell and your producer Kato Khandwala both passing, did those experiences impact the writing on the album?
100%. Not to immediately get very heavy, but there is no way to speak about this record without talking about it. We were on tour with Soundgarden which was just the most amazing experience of my life. I’m the biggest Soundgarden fan in the world so to be opening for them and to be on that tour was absolutely incredible and then to have it end so tragically – a shock is an understatement. We were all just devastated. We were still in the middle of touring at the time, we were promoting our last record and we had another year of touring planned. We played a few shows after that but I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t in a good headspace to be public – I couldn’t get on stage every night and fake my way through a show when I was dealing with my own personal grief. So I took a step back and I canceled everything. I needed to go home to process this in my own time and not in front of the entire world. So we did that and left touring – which was not the best business decision but it was something that I really needed to do. Chris’s passing really affected all of us deeply. Soundgarden was one of the reasons we all bonded in the first place over 10 years ago. It was The Beatles and Soundgarden – so we were all going through it together. I started to write again and I was calling them [the band] and I was saying we need to move forward, let’s get in the studio – I have a few songs I don’t know what they are for, I don’t know if it’s for a record or an EP or just maybe nothing but let’s start doing something.
As soon as we started to put those plans in motion I got the phone call that Kato had died in a motorcycle accident and that was just the fucking nail in the coffin for me. I couldn’t process it. I went extraordinarily downhill very quickly into this dark headspace of just depression and substance abuse and everything that comes along with loss and grief and trauma. I didn’t really know how to get out of it. I think the bigger thing is that I didn’t know if I wanted to. I had kind of thrown my hands up into the air and was like “I quit life”. I felt like “everything I love is dead, I don’t see a future here” and that’s a really dangerous headspace to be in. To make a very long story short it took months and months and months for me to wrap my head around it and I still don’t think I have my head wrapped around it fully, but I finally got to a place where I needed music. I had shunned music for a while just because everything I listened to – no matter what the band or what the artist was – brought back some sort of memory that I wasn’t equipped to deal with –  it all brought back some sort of emotion which was just too painful.
I finally hit, I don’t want to say a rock bottom, but one of the bottoms. I needed music again so I started by listening to what made me love music in the first place – the simple answer was The Beatles. I started by listening to the Beatles again and basically started from the beginning to rebuild my love of music from scratch, from the start. I started by listening to all the Beatles records from front to back and delving into all the demos and then the anthology and from that, it turned into Led Zeppelin and The Who and Pink Floyd and eventually leading to me being able to listen to Soundgarden again and have it bring me some joy instead of just painful memories. That was the turning point for me. I eventually started to pick up a guitar.
This record is very different from our previous albums in the sense that I didn’t have to try to write it. It just poured out of me whether I wanted it to or not. It was like I opened the floodgates and this record was just born. Normally when you go to write a record or write anything you have to search for inspiration. It’s a very tortuous process – not knowing if it’s going to come or not. In this case, inspiration had been pounding me in the face and I had just been ignoring it and repressing it. So when I finally opened the floodgates it was like a dam being broken. That was really the start of the healing process where I just allowed it to flow. I wasn’t writing with any purpose, like thinking anyone would hear it, or even thinking far enough that we would even record these songs. It was just something I needed to do for my own catharsis and my own healing process. That was the start of getting my shit together or at least attempting to. So as cliché as it might sound, this music is my life. Without this album I don’t know where I would be right now, I don’t know if I would still be around. I was that low. So it really does prove the point that music saves – and it has healing power, unlike any other art form, in my opinion. I think that this album is really, in my humble opinion, the best album we’ve ever made because it was created from such a raw and vulnerable, honest place that you can’t manufacture and can’t duplicate.
So what was the first song that came out of you as you were working on it? Was it 25? What was the first track that got you rolling?
“25” was one of the first ones. It was kinda a combination. “Death by Rock and Roll” the song was something we had been working on and started writing 10 years ago but never finished. That was something we revisited early on. Finishing the lyrics and finishing writing that. But 25 was certainly the first song that I had really completed. I wrote the song when I was 24 and we recorded it right after I turned 25. It was the first song recorded for the record. That was a moment where I was in a very reflective state. It’s a very autobiographical song in a lot of ways. Just me looking back on my life. I think everyone does when they have a birthday coming up! And going through my life, where I’m at now. Even though it was written from a dark place it’s actually quite a hopeful song. It tells my life story in a metaphorical way. When I finished it, I took a step back and I looked at it and I went, I think that this might be really good, I think I might have just gotten way better. I think I might have taken a step forward in my writing. That was the start that spearheaded the rest of the record. “Death by Rock and Roll” and “25” are the two that we really started with.
Having been to your previous performances and familiar with your prior music, “25” seems like a far more mature song in many ways. It definitely seems like you’re coming from a place that’s, I don’t want to use the word “grown-up,” but it comes from a far more sophisticated point of view. And with the music video, I feel like you pushed your work in a more sophisticated direction than you have in the past. It definitely seems like a turning point for you, that song.
Thank you, and I think it certainly was. That came from just all the shit we went through, I think anytime you go through loss and trauma, and one hit after the other, when life is just feeling like it’s beating you down – that eventually your not living in a child’s mindset anymore. It forces you to grow up whether you want to or not. I feel like I grew. I aged quite a few years in a very short period of time, I guess if you want to put it that way. Cause you know when you’re confronted with death and things like that are so heavy and so real, there is no avoiding them even if you as much as you may try. It ages you. It’s just a part of life. I grew up exponentially. I don’t want to say quickly – you know I started at 24 and I’m now 27 – so it took a while, but in one way it feels like it was overnight. I think that is a huge part of that, just a lot of growth that happened in my own life very quickly that just made me start seeing things from a wiser, more grown-up perspective.
I would have to say considering you started working at the age of 2, you probably already have a more experienced view of the world than the average person. The average kid does not start working as a model and actor at 2 years old or go through the things that you went through at such a young age. If age were the sort of thing we could quantify based on experience and wisdom you probably are much older than your years.
I hear that a lot, it’s something people have told me throughout my life, “you’re so much older than your age.” I always take that with a grain of salt. Yeah, I’ve lived a very strange life. It’s not exactly average, and all of those experiences lead to who I am now. It’s all a combination of growth. I only know me so to compare myself with someone else in retrospect, it’s like well am I older or am I younger? Somedays I feel like I’m 107 and somedays I feel like I’m a 2-year-old child again. It kind of depends on the day. I never really know what I’m doing. I’m just kind of living and trying to constantly grow as a person and grow as an artist and just better everything that I do. If the last thing was great the next thing has to be better. If we were on tour and we had a great show the night before the next shows got to be better! We have to keep moving forward. I think as soon as you start to feel stagnant or you come to a conclusion that this is the best I can be, that is the death of an artist. You always have to be thinking ahead and thinking forward. As soon as you’re comfortable I feel like that’s the death of art right there.
Yeah art often comes from angst.
Yes, art comes from everywhere! Look at any artist and any sort of pain or trauma. It doesn’t always have to be negative. Positive things that have happened in one’s life, that all is a part of who you are and you have to indulge all sides of that. You have to draw from all aspects of life and sometimes that means going to the darker sides of life, subject matters that are uncomfortable to talk about. If you limit yourself in any way, like I’m just going to write about this side of things or that side of things, then you’re stunting yourself. And that’s never a good thing. You really have to be an open book which is sometimes difficult.
What is your process for writing songs, do you do it in solitude or do you work with the band while you’re writing?
There is no process! Believe me, I wish there was, it would make it a lot simpler. The only kind of constant is that Ben and I are the two songwriters of the band and we write separately but we always come together at the end. The only thing that is consistent is that it starts with an idea, and that has to be an inspired idea. It can’t be something that’s manufactured. I could sit down and craft you a song, but that’s not the kinda art that I want to put out into the world. I’m trying to make something that’s going to last a lifetime, an eternity, not something that’s just going to be a fleeting moment. That can be a struggle sometimes especially now we’re living in such a fast-paced world. Something comes out and people have already moved on before it’s been released. It’s a very A to Z society especially with social media and the way music is put out now. It’s very single-based. Call it old school if you want, I still very much love the album. To me, the album is the highest art form. An album encapsulates a moment in an artist’s life. Sometimes it’s a long moment, sometimes it’s a short one, but it encapsulates a time period. Cherry-picking songs and singles have always been a challenge for me because it doesn’t tell the whole story. You really have to listen to the whole album from front to back to get the whole picture. I can’t write with people. There’s a lot of people who do writing sessions where you sit in a room with lots of people and brainstorm ideas. That has never made sense to me. It takes isolation for me. It takes time with your own thoughts. Sometimes the song can come in 5 minutes and that’s amazing when that happens. Sometimes you spend months or years working on something. So there is no process. The only constant is that it’s me and Ben and we have a really symbiotic relationship that just works and that’s just a very lucky and fortunate thing where we’re always in sync with each other.
You can definitely tell that when the two of you are together. You don’t even need to speak, you can tell there is a sort of unspoken communication.
We definitely have that going on, and Kato was a part of that. He never wrote the songs, but he was a part of that kind of symbiotic relationship. When the band formed, I met Ben and Kato at the same time. When the three of us met it was just this kismet relationship that none of us were expecting. You meet a lot of people in life and none of us were expecting to all just click in this weird way. We felt like we had all known each other forever. In past lives, in future lives, like ‘I’ve known you my whole life’ and were just meeting. That’s something that is just so lucky. It was a very weird thing to lose him. It felt like losing a piece of myself because we were all so close. There wouldn’t be a Pretty Reckless if I had never met Kato. I met Mark and Jamie shortly after I met Ben and Kato, but he was essentially the fifth member of the band he just didn’t tour with us.
Let’s talk about your track “And So It Went,” which I understand is about the state of civil unrest. Tell me about the inspiration for the song as well as the video where you are wearing that awesome pink suit?
It’s kind of crazy looking back at it now. The song was written and recorded way before the pandemic, so it’s insane to me how relevant some of those lyrics are in particular to what’s going on in the world right now. I think that’s something that happens a lot in art.  Does life imitate art? Does art imitate life? I think it’s probably a combination of both. That song came about a few years back when I was feeling like the world was starting to feel a little off. You could just kind of feel that tug where civil unrest was starting and the world was kinda starting to go crazy. So then I wrote about it. It’s very socially driven, the song itself. I don’t want to get too detailed into it. I don’t like doing that with songs because I think it’s unfair to the listener.  I just think that it takes away an element. I always say the music is mine, it’s like my child and it’s mine. It’s my baby and I raised it and I gave birth to it and all those things. But once you put it out into the world it doesn’t belong to you anymore. It’s like sending a kid off to college or something – you have to say goodbye and you know I hope I did a good job but now it’s up to you. Since the album is just coming out I don’t want my personal take to take the song away from the listener. It doesn’t matter what it’s about to me anymore, it’s about how you relate to it and how you connect to it, and how you associate it with your own life. That’s the pinnacle right there. I think it’s strange to talk about music. It’s not meant to be talked about, it’s meant to be listened to and everything I have to say is within the song itself. I don’t really consider myself a good speaker, I’m a songwriter.
You are a very good speaker!
Thank you, but you know what I mean. Everything I’m thinking and my point of view is the way I see things. It’s all in the song that’s all right there for you to interpret but it’s not my place to preach my point of view at you.
With regards to the video, I noticed that you had these contrasting personalities – the persona in the pink suit with the crown and then the persona of you with the fishnet headgear. What was your inspiration in regards to those choices of styling? I felt like there must be something specific that you were going for?
I’m not entirely sure where all of that came from but I was really specific about it. I don’t know if it came in a dream, but I saw it in my head. Like my songs, I spend a lot of time conceiving them, as well as the videos and picturing what they should be. Then you get on set and you have to shove it all in one day. It’s a lot of prep work of me mentally working out what this video should look like and how it should flow. It’s always kind of a challenge, especially with rock music, to make a video that feels like the song. You don’t want to make something that overshadows the song and you don’t want to make something that’s completely contrasting to it. You want to make a visual representation that accentuates the music and is somehow entertaining but also makes you think and maybe listen to the song again and take it from a different perspective. I was going through and watching tons and tons of videos and was like ok, what are the best videos? it doesn’t matter the time period. I was watching a lot of Madonna and Micheal Jackson and epics like “Thriller”. Videos that were really the turning point in the music video game and how can we attempt to make something that is that visually entertaining and still hold the integrity of the music and really just put rock music back on the map again. It used to be something that was so powerful but that’s kinda dwindled over the years. I wanted to make the rock video something that was relevant again. That’s my goal with all the videos we’ve made and the ones we’re going to continue to make. To make something that holds artistic integrity and also is entertaining at the end of the day. The suit idea came from watching Annie Lennox. Her song actually has a lot of strange structure to it and an outfit that fits that kind of powerful condition that the song conveys. I don’t think I’ve ever worn a suit in my life, and you can’t go wrong with Versace. The video featured a juxtaposition with kids showing innocence and violence at the same time and how you transform over the years as you get older. There are a lot of elements to it.
I have a feeling that a lot of people are going to try to read a lot into it, with the kids with the masks, you and the crown, and your sort of snaky persona. There’s a lot of strong references going on there that definitely could warrant all kinds of interesting storylines.
I rarely read comments so when I do and read someone who’s written a whole exposé on what everything means I’m like, that’s awesome! I love reading people’s interpretations of it, it’s so fun.
Yeah, it’s great to throw it out into the world to be taken in as they will.
Yeah, and make something that’s just fun to watch and goes with the song in the best way possible. I have a lot of different sides to my personality so reflecting that in a video is important. I’m not just one-dimensional. With “25” I was sort of doing the same thing – showing different versions of myself. A woman at a bar telling her story to a ghostly bartender and a woman on a jazz stage singing to this kinda absent and ghostly audience. The rooftop scene is essentially a woman on a rooftop waiting for her lover. In “25,” I really wanted to make New York City the love of the video because I’ve had a love affair with New York since I was a baby. It felt like that was the right thing instead of making it a person.
Are you currently in New York?
No, I’m back in Maine which is good, but it’s fucking cold in February. I miss New York desperately. Even during COVID – just being there a week and a half, even though we were working nonstop – just to feel a little bit of the energy again was like a breath of fresh air. I haven’t left Maine – we made the record here and so I’ve been in Maine for quite a while. I’m a New York girl. That’s where I primarily live but I feel like it made sense to stay in Maine during all of this madness.
Do you have a studio in your house?
I don’t have a studio but I do have a little recording setup that I’ve had to figure out. That was my biggest challenge of COVID was figuring out how to record myself from home because I don’t do that, I’m not an engineer. I write songs, I play the songs, I sing the songs. I am not a recording engineer by any means. I’m very technologically challenged. It was probably the first time I’ve opened a computer in 8 years while figuring out how to do a zoom meeting. Trying to record on the computer, I gave up on that really quickly. It just didn’t feel organic. I didn’t like it so I went back to how I used to record myself when I was young with my battery-packed analog four-track. That’s how I’ve been making all of the songs and recordings that we’ve done during the pandemic – which is probably not the easiest way, but it works for me.
Is the whole band recording at the house in Maine or are you guys separated and coming together to work on stuff, how do you have it set up?
No, we’re all separated. But we are all relatively close. The whole reason I got a house in Maine in the first place was because of the band. Ben and I live in New York but Mark and Jamie live in New England and our rehearsal stage is up here. We were supposed to be going on tour back in the beginning of 2020. After the record cover photoshoot which was back in March, I was coming back up here to rehearse. We were starting rehearsals and the pandemic hit and the lockdown hit. I just got stuck up here and decided to stay. I love Maine. Maine and New York are kind of the perfect juxtaposition of each other because one has such energy and one has such isolation – it’s great for when you just need to get inside your own head. I’m a huge Stephen King fan and it made a lot of sense for him that he had a place where he wrote all his masterpieces. And I have always loved England and have wanted to move to England, so New England is a good first step.
So you came to New York for a week or so and shot all of your videos back to back. How was that experience? Was it incredibly overwhelming to deal with that level of interaction with people and intensity? It must have been one extreme to the other to be in Maine and then to come to New York to work on all those productions.
It was like jumping into the deep end again. It was really fun though. Even though we weren’t playing a show and we were making videos – you know those drums are still real, Jamie’s still hitting the drums. The amp is still plugged in. It was almost a celebration in one way because it was the first time I’d seen the guys in over a year. That alone was just super fun. I’m such a hypochondriac, so the weeks leading up to it I was freaking out a bit about having to be around all those people. We took every safety protocol possible. We had COVID officers on set, with every test possible – 48-hour tests, 24-hour tests, 12-hour tests, and 15 minute testing on set. You were cleared before you were allowed in the building every day. It was a lot of prep work to make sure everyone was as safe as possible. Once I cleared that out of my mind, I just went into work mode. I almost got tunnel vision where I can’t see anything but what’s in front of me which is creating something amazing or at least attempting to. The fear of [Covid] kinda drifted away. My mindset went to art immediately. Once I’m in that mindset it’s hard to get me out of it. It was hard to come back to Maine afterward, I was on such an adrenaline rush. It took me two weeks to be able to calm down. To come back to complete isolation – like I was in the middle of nowhere on an island off the coast of Maine – it’s that remote. So to come back to that after all that excitement was a little like, I don’t know what to do with myself now!
Are you planning any interesting activations with the new album due to the pandemic with tours on hold? I’m assuming you can’t tour at the moment?
We can not. We keep booking tours and they keep getting postponed. So we’re kind of in the same boat as every other band right now, it’s just a waiting game. I just don’t know when it’s actually going to come back, I’m hopeful that it will be sooner than later, but who knows. I miss it desperately, so fingers crossed. it’s very strange times we’re living in and you got to ride out the storm.
Are you doing any virtual programming aside from the music videos and track releases?
It’s certainly something we’ve been talking about and depending on how the world continues to go it’s something that we’re considering at this point. But it’s not the same as singing in the room with a live show. It’s one night where your relationship with your instrument, the band, being on stage, that symbiotic relationship you get with the fans is unlike anything else. It’s like a drug, it’s like a high you can’t get anywhere else. During the lockdown, just to keep my creative juices flowing, I’ve been doing quite a few acoustic things on our own songs. I’ve done a piano version of “House On a Hill,” which is something I’ve been wanting to do for many years but had never gotten around to it. So in one way, it’s kind of a blessing in disguise where I’ve gotten to do collaborations and covers of songs which is not something I generally gravitate towards doing. I covered the “Keeper” with Alain Johannes and “Half Way There” with Matt Cameron. Most recently I was just a part of the David Bowie tribute concert. Things like that have been keeping me going. As much as I love acoustic guitar I’m desperately missing electricity! I’m looking forward to the day where I can just get back in a rehearsal space with the four of us. Let’s just start there where we can actually plugin and turn it up, because there is nothing else like it. The deprivation of that is starting to wear on me – like it is for everyone. I’m not the first person to say this. I think everyone is missing it. So fingers crossed for the future!
I’m really excited for people to hear this album. We have worked so incredibly hard on it and I’m so, so proud of it. I’m really excited for it to be out in the world and for everyone to be able to listen to it.
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Animal Adventure X Episode 8: Get Ready To Get Schooled! (SCRIPT)
It’s been a while since I posted any Animal Adventure related content. But luckily, I found something that’s pretty interesting. A script for the 8th episode of Animal Adventure X! (At least, the script for the English dub.)
The script ends pretty abruptly nearly halfway through. But what we have so far is good enough to give us some insight as to how the episode itself would’ve played out. (Along with giving us a glimpse into what the Animal Adventure X TV series is like.)
With all that said, let’s dive in!
(Strikethrough text reflects the pieces of dialogue that were cut out.)
                                             ANIMAL ADVENTURE X
Episode 8: Get Ready To Get Schooled!
Narrator: Another day begins in the Aeros region. As our heroes--
(The camera pans to Velocity, Alex, and Amy who are still sleeping)
Narrator: Still sleeping...
(Chi bursts through the door. Cheery as ever.)
Chi: Wake up guys, it’s time to start the show!
(The others ignore her and continue sleeping)
Chi: I said... WAKE UP!!!
Velocity: What did you do that for?
Alex: Yeah sis, you I was having a great dream about a rice ball until you showed up.
Chi: Well, I’m sorry that I woke you up from your “PERFECT DREAM”. Besides, you’ve got three have a serious day of Stamp collecting ahead of you.
Amy: That’s right!
Velocity: We still gotta get the 3rd Aeros League Stamp!
(The three of them run oAfter eating their breakfast, Velocity, Alex, and Amy run off into New Leaf Town wh unaware that they’re being watched by Dr. Dogman and Britty.) who are watching the trio from a nearby tree.)
Britty: Well, whatever are they doing now?
Dogman: Looks like those fools are headed for the town. Probably for another Stamp.
Britty: Which should be the perfect time for an ambush!
Dogman: Precisely! Now let’s follow them and see find what out what else they’re up too!
Both: Huzzah!!
(Before setting out to follow Velocity and friends, both their stomachs start to grumble.)
Dr. Dogman: After we get something to eat...
Britty: Nya...
(The next scene switches back to Velocity, Alex, and Amy as they continue to walk around the Town)
Alex: Says here that the next Stamp tent should be in Neon City.* [EMPIRE CITY]
Velocity: Great! That means th should get me even closer to the Aeros Leagues!
Amy: Don’t forget about us!
Alex: Yeah Velocity, do you even have some type of strategy to take on Bijou?
Velocity(Baffled): Bijou?
Alex: Says here that she’s supposed to be the Stamp Holder there. The guidebook also says that she uses lightning fast attacks against her foes.
Velocity: Lightning fast? Pssh, I can take her on anyday.
Amy: Well Your missing the point Velocity. Georgi and Colette Chi might have been easy, but Bijou is a whole nother 10 times different.
(Velocity soon understands how strong Bijou is)
Velocity: I guess you’re right... But, what can I do in order to prepare for Bijou?
Amy: Well--
???: Are you three talking about Stamp Holders?
Velocity: Yeah. L- Wait a sec, who said that?
???: I did!
(Suddenly, a man wearing a purple uniform approches the duo)
Alex: Who are you?
Piggleston: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Piggleston and I run the Piggleston Battle Academy here in New Leaf Town!
Alex: Battle Academy?
Of course
Piggleston: In my The Battle Academy is a special school where students can learn how to take on Stamp Holders with using by using the best battle strategies that there are!
Piggleston: And the best part, is I’m that I’m the Headmaster!
(Piggleston begins to twri twirl around in a purple leotard while dancinc laughing.)
Velocity: Uh, does that mean you’re also one of the teachers there?
Piggleston: Yep!
Amy: That’s great!
(Pats Velocity and Alex’s backs) before firmly p
My name’s Amy and, me and my friends here could really learn a thing or two from you.
Piggleston: Does that mean you’re all interested into enrolling into my academy?
Amy: Of course! We’d be glad to join.
Piggleston: Wonderful!
(Piggleston : continues to dance while Velocity and Alex begin to get angry at Amy)
Velocity: What was that all about?
Amy: You should be thanking I don’t know why you two are angry at me, you should be thanking me for what I just did back there.
Alex: I guess you’re right...
Velocity: Those lessons could help out us come up with a way to beat Bijou.
Alex: So where is your Battle Academy Piggleston?
Piggleston: It’s right near Route 1! Follow me!
(The trio then follows Piggleston to his Battle Academy. Mea While that’s happening, Dogman and Britty pop out of a nearby bush.)
Dogman (Baffled): Battle Academy?
Britty: Looks like the twerps off to hit the books again.
Dogman: Figured. That feline pest is more suited for school higher grades
Britty: rather than Stamps.
Britty: You know, you could probably learn a thing or two from that same school Dogman head, that way, you won’t fail anymore!
Dogman (Ticked off): I’d watch my mouth if I were you. I can disassemble you anytime I want.
Britty: *sigh* Sometimes I wish I wasn’t a robot...
(The camera cuts to Velocity, Alex, Amy, and Piggleston who are all on their way to the Battle Academy)
Amy I think I’m starting regret to regret my decision...
Alex: Come on Amy, this was YOUR idea.
Velocity: Yeah! We’re not
Velocity (Continued): going anywhere until we learn a bit about Stamp Holders Bijou.
Piggleston: Ah, here we are!
(Piggleston runs off in front of the school) Feast your eyes on the Battle Academy!
Velocity, Alex, and Amy: Woah!
(The trio is amazed by the scope of the Battle Academy)
Velocity: This place is huge.
Alex: I wonder how much money went into making this school.
Piggleston: About 500′000′000 dollars. But enough about that, please come in!
(The four enter the Battle Academy)
SO, you three want to know how to beat Bijou right?
Velocity: That’s kind of the whole reason why we came here.
Piggleston: Well lucky for you, there’s a class about Bijou right down the hall! Now, let’s get going!
(Piggleston then pushes Velocity, Alex, and Amy into the classroom while that’s happening, Dogman and Britty follow them inside)
Dogman: This place is huge!
Britty: I bet’cha the Headmasters loaded.
He’s probably swimming through a pool filled with his money as we speak.
Dogman: If he’s that rich then, he must have something valuable.
Britty: And whereever we  find something valuable, we take it!
Dogman: Exactly!
(The camera then cuts to Velocity, Alex, and Amy. Who are escorted into a by Piggleston into a classroom)
Velocity: This classroom is huge!
Alex: I guess that’s what happens when you have 500′000′000 dollars.
Piggleston: Alright, you three can take a closer seat over there while I begin the lesson.
(Piggleston clears his throat before greeting the class)
Piggleston: Good Morning class!
Class: Good Morning Mr. Piggleston!
Piggleston: Today, we’re going to learn about Stamp Holders. Now before we get started, I would like to introduce you to our temporary students for today. Please give a warm welcome for Velocity, Alex, and Amy!
(The entire class turns around to greet the trio)
Class: Hello, welcome to the Battle Academy!
Amy: Wow, the students here are so lively.
Alex: They really must enjoy being here.
Piggleston: Now that that’s out of the way, it’s Time to start today’s lesson! Today, we are going to clearn about Stamp Holders. As many of you may know, Stamp Holders are people who challenge anyone who steps into their Stamp Tents in order for to test their opponent’s strength. Once they have been defeated in a battle, the challenger is awarded with a Stamp! Unlike your average Stamps, these Stamps are gi special as they give you access to are proof of your victory against the Stamp the various Stamp Holders across the region. an One example is the Basic Stamp which is given out by Chi, who is the Stamp Holder of our very own New Leaf Town.
Alex: That’s my sister!
Piggleston: Now we will discuss on how to beat a Stamp Holder. Our subject for today will be Bijou from Empire City.
Velocity: Finally time to learn something about Bijou.
Piggleston: Bijou is known for her lightning fast agility and dazzling attacks, which could do be disasterous if you’re not quick enough.
Student 1: So, what should you do?
Piggleston: Good question Kenta! The first thing you need to do is to watch her moves so you can se what she will come up with next. The next thing you should do is to counter against her with a Protective attack or by using a Ground technique technique which should the latter should come in handy i when Bijou comes in for a close range attack.
Student 2: What happens if you defeat her?
Piggleston: I was just about to get to that Chip! If you remember what y I have taught you today and successfully defeat Bijou, then you will be rewarded with the Pop Star Stamp!
(The class is then impressed by a picture of the Pop Star Stamp)
Velocity: So that’s the STamp I’m aiming for.
Alex: Yep! Says so right here in the guidebook.
Piggleston: Now before we end today’s lesson, I want all of you to take a 2 page quiz on what you learned today.
(Velocity, Alex, and Amy are Velocity: What, a quiz?
Alex: Nobody said anything about a test!
(Piggleston co walks over to the trio to ensure them)
Piggleston: You don’t have three d Relax Alex. You three aren’t a part of this school which means, that you don’t have to take the quiz.
Amy: *sigh* That’s a relief...
Piggleston: I’d As much as I would love to guide you three around the school, I have to stay here in the classroom and take care of the class. But because of your interest in this is the Battle Academy, I’ll assign two of my students to give you a tour. Ricky? Momo? Could I please have a minute of your time?
(Two children get up from their seats and s walk over to Piggleston)
Piggleston: Velocity, Alex, Amy, allow me to introduce you to Ricky and Momo.
(Momo a callico cat that wore a white dress and a pink skirt along with a red bow on the back of her head, begins to greet the trio)
Momo: Nice to meet you!
And, THAT’S the whole script. Like I said earlier, the script ends pretty abruptly. Ending right after Momo introduces herself to the main trio. (We don’t even get any dialogue for Ricky.)
I remember reading this a few years back and remembering that there was more content written. With Velocity and the gang hearing a loud blast while eating dinner. (Which probably would’ve lead to the big confrontation between the heroes and Dogman for the episode.)
From a critic’s point of view, this episode does a good job at elaborating more on how the battles in this show work alongside the Stamp challenge. There’s some pretty funny lines in here too! (I find Piggleston to be the funniest out of most of the characters in this episode.) The dynamic between Velocity, Alex, and Amy is pretty solid with each of them retaining their personalities from the video games while also fitting in some new ones that make them play off of each other very nicely.
Hopefully, the full script (or better yet, the ACTUAL episode.) is out there somewhere and someone can finish up what I never got to write.
(I should get going now. It took me nearly an hour to write this...)
0 notes
Rodimus writes a list of all the reasons why he hates Thunderclash, then leaves it in his desk drawer. One of the others sneaks into his room, finds the list, and reads it over the ship's intercom system. Rodi is furious - not only has his privacy has been violated, but everyone is focusing on the fact that he "said" such nasty things about Clash instead of WHY he "said" them (since he mentioned all of his insecurities and the fact that Clash is so much better than he will ever be in the list).
Howdy, so first time doing this, and kinda excited but still nervous, let me know what you think! I also wanted a bit more angst being that I have no self control.
Lost Light, a ship full of mechs who had fought through 4 million years of war, highly qualified for anything the known and unknown universe would throw at them. But then again being on a ship for so long could only result in some sort of ‘horseplay’. For the most part the day was as normal as ever, simple routine, checking the mission log, and progress. And then it happened, it felt like he was going 100 mph and slammed into a concrete roadblock.    The ship’s internal speaker screamed to life, halting the crew, every mech stopped and listened. Rodimus’ peds slammed into the floor so hard that sparks shot up, Drift did the same and they turned to the tiny wall speaker.    “To the crew, a tiny memo from our beloved captain,” The speaker whined as the mech cleared his intake. “‘A list of what I hate about Thunderclash:”
   He couldn’t tell what happened first, if his optics popped out of his helm, or if he changed into his alt-mode and flew down the hall. Drift was right on his bumper the whole way.    “1:Thunderclash has this horrible paint job, what did he do? Blindfold himself and chuck a bunch of darts at a color wheel?Not only that but red? Red optics? Wow that’s sooo friendly, 10 out of 10, goes with the slag color scheme.” They passed Swerve and Ten who almost dropped their new shipment. “2: Why is he even a ‘hero’? So what, you were shot in the spark and lived, who hasn’t been shot in the spark? I don’t understand why everyone looks up to him? He’s just like everyone else and has a bad paint job.” They drifted around the corner, scaring Brainstorm, who attached his harness to the ceiling and lifted himself out of their way. “3:And then there’s this stubborn ‘fan club’, always following him around, stalking him, kinda feel bad for the guy, like hello? Give the poor mech some space to at least walk?” They slid into the lift Drift typed in the code, tapping his ped. “I’m thinking whoever is behind this, they’re going on the next mining shore leave with Megatron.” He hissed. “Why’d you write that?” Rodimus’ engine roared, praying to Primus that the lift would just move a little bit faster! “I couldn’t recharge that one night when I was paired up with Thunderclash on shore leave, and I had a quick com session with Rung, and he suggested I write down what I don’t like. Kinda helped me out. It’s not supposed to be read out loud.” The lift came to a stop and as soon as the doors were open enough for Rodimus’ alt-more to fit he floored it. “But that’s not the worst thing about Thunderclash, I think the absolute worst thing would be his oblivious nature. It’s bad when he hardly notices everyone falling onto their knees to kiss his aft. But it’s really bad when he can’t simply read the signs.” “Frag, frag, frag.” Rodimus hissed, spotting the captain’s office just ahead, a group of mechs jumped seeing his frame speeding right towards them with no indication of stopping. He started taking names of all of them, let Megatron sort them out. “I get it, honestly, he’s got this stupid puppy love crush on me, and it’s honestly embarrassing that he can’t simply take a very, VERY, clear ‘no’.” The mech snorted. “It’s kinda pathetic, thinking that I would be caught dead with that-” The door opened when he sent the code, changing into his root-mode and using his servo to catapult himself, then landing on his peds and front flipping into the office. “-the absolute wreck of a Prime.-” His ped smashed into Getaway’s golden battle mask, Getaway was thrown to the ground Rodimus’ peds firmly planted on his helm. With a flick of a digit he shut off the internal comm system, and turned his attention to the mech under him. Getaway was knocked out, then again having your helm slammed into the floor so hard that it creates a mini creator can do that to a mech. Rodimus spun around seeing a sea of not so happy optics glaring at him. “Frag.” He ducked as an empty cube was thrown at him, Drift sliced it in half and shut the door. Rodimus sunk behind his desk, wondering if the door was going to hold, and what to do with a knocked-out Getaway?
He vented again, his whole system wheezed, peeling open his optics once more with a slight inhale. His systems reported that he was dangerously low on washer fluid and that was bad, and he didn't want to replace his ‘friendly’ optics anytime soon. With a huff he pulled himself out of his berth, rubbing his faceplates, he could still feel the moisture that clung to his cheek plating. Nothing like doing a double shift and getting ready to recharge and then you hear everything one of your captains hate about you being broadcasted over the whole ship.    It felt like another fusion cannon to the spark, but this time it was Rodimus pulling the trigger. With a vent he pulled himself to the washroom, giving himself a good splash of cleaning fluid to the face. Then he stared at himself, eyeing his white orange, gold, blue and light teal, and to top it all off, his flashy decal. Admittedly the whole speech hurt, and he could grin and bear it, but what hurt was the last comment. “‘It’s kinda pathetic, thinking that I would be caught dead with that absolute wreck of a Prime.’” He quoted his captain, feeling his spark plummet again and his optics sting from the lack of washer fluid. “I-I suppose it is ‘puppy love’.” He forced himself to smile. “I’m sure the crew-no my…’fan club’? Is giving him a hard time.” Thunderclash vented turning away from the mirror.    He jumped hearing a ping at his door, giving himself a quick shake, and trying to put on a tired-looking face, he opened the door.    Riptide and Velocity briskly stepped in, Riptide pulled him back into his hab while Velocity glared out the door and locked it behind them, his two blue friends spun around and stared at him. “Did you hear it?” They both asked at the same time.    “Honestly? Yeah.” He chuckled, it was dry and hurt his intake.    “Thunders, honey.” Velocity pulled him into a hug.    “Don’t you mind that.” Riptide patted his back.    “Yeah, don’t let that get your down, alright?” Velocity pressed a kiss to the side of his helm.    Riptide fell onto his back giving him a strange but loving hug. “Yeah, don’t let yourself get wrapped up in that.”    He smiled. “Thank you, both of you. I’m more worried about the captain.”    Velocity grit her denta. “What?”    “Why?” Riptide asked his rudder snapping back and forth.    “Well, it’s no secret that I’m more liked and my ‘fan club’ is going to be coming for his helm. Not only that but he’s the kind of mech that will beat himself up over this.”    “Oh, so what are you planning on doing?” Riptide asked.    “I was thinking if there was a way to tell the ‘club’ to leave it? And if he asks about it I’ll just say I was in recharge.” Thunderclash shrugged. “And I’ll just leave him alone, give him his space.” That did hurt, like stepping first into acid, he didn’t mean to crowd the captain, he just wanted to know Rodimus a bit better. Normally watching him from afar, and now he would just not watch the brilliant captain in action. “Oh well, I’ll be fine.” He grinned as it felt like another shot tore through his spark.
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pathogenic · 4 years
Chapter 2: The Prophet
Shorter than Chapter 1, but let’s fucking goooooo
Chapter 1: The Necromancer
Chapter 2: The Prophet
Chapter 3: The Hag
Chapter 4: The Brigand Vvulf
Chapter 5: The Brigand’s Cannon
Chapter 6: The Drowned Crew
Chapter 7: The Siren
Chapter 8: The Swine God
Chapter 9: The Formless Flesh
Chapter 10: The Ancestor
Be weary, there is a violent death here.
Our frontline fighters still needed time to recover as they were just as badly burned as I had feared. I knew Reynauld would be fine. He was a young and healthy man and was capable of recovering quickly, but I had to admit that I was worried if Baldwin would come out the other side of this. Burns on top of his condition was a recipe for disaster, but I should not have doubted him. His will is the strongest I have seen in any man and I had to wonder if he was even human.
Still, I did not feel it was right to send them out to battle just yet. I would rather allow them to rest before I ask them to put their lives on the line again. Besides, it seems that until then, they’ve picked up things to do around the Hamlet to keep their mind off of the stress. Some may be a little less than honorable, such as Dismas and Reynauld’s less than honest gambling, but Julia, Baldwin, and Paracelsus have been seen around the Hamlet either aiding repairs or offering service to the townsfolk to help them. It warmed my heart to see the town starting to recover and heal from the tragedies they have seen.
With them out, however, I have been forced to keep a look out for more heroes to aid our quest. One came to us late in the evening. He said his name is Alhazred and that he is an esteemed professor from a distant University. Further research indicated this to be true, but I was not overly familiar with his studies as I never truly even touched occult studies before I arrived at the Hamlet. After our adventures against the Necromancer, however, how could I turn him down? He would know far more on the topic of the arcane and the supernatural than I ever would. The fact that he was capable of combat despite his frail appearance was just another point in his favor.
Once he was hired, he set upon his work, requesting access to the library that my Ancestor had made. I granted this, but I told him there wasn’t much to see that I was aware of. He was understandably disappointed, but still, he has been there every day I have not called upon him, diligently working away. I also managed to get the old books from the dungeon pulled and brought to him. He seemed more satisfied with those, despite being as damaged as they are.
Alhazred was not the only person to arrive to my Hamlet, however. A brash woman who announced herself as Boudica came in one day and loudly challenged Reynauld. He, thankfully, refused, but an older gentleman that had arrived earlier that day that I had not had the chance to meet with just yet. Reynauld told me that the fight was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The man Boudica had challenged is an old war veteran by the name of Barristan, so it was a battle of old knowledge versus young wit. Boudica came out on top, but just barely. Despite blowing through a table (which they mercifully paid for), I allowed both of them to serve the Hamlet. I admit that I was hesitant with Boudica, being as young and brash as she is, however a conversation with her laid my fears to rest. Despite her behavior, it appears she had nowhere else to go and genuinely wished to help. Perhaps she hoped her earn her keep into the Hamlet, and I found it heartless to say no.
With a new crew assembled of Barristan, Boudica, Julia, and Alhazred, we headed for the dungeons once again with the intent of making sure there was nothing undead left behind within them. As we ventured deeper, we did find some more of the cultists. However, since I did not see anymore moving skeletons, I think it is safe to assume that while they do have some dark arcane powers are their beck and call, they are not capable of Necromancy. The idea brought me some peace.
We traveled beyond the chamber we fought the Necromancer and his minions in and found some undead shambling further within, but with no master they were disorganized and disorientated. I was fooled into thinking this was going to be a simple task as we cut through their ranks. By the time we reached the last door that we left unopened in the dungeons, I had put the prophet out of my mind. What a mistake that was.
I opened the doors to a grimy old man sitting upon the floor. His head and one hand were firmly locked inside a stockade. His other was free and was closed in front of him in a gentle fist. I came to the conclusion that he must have been holding something fragile, but at the same time he did not want the world to see what he was holding. When we entered, he lifted his head. There were old wraps that draped from his head and over his eyes. There was blood over where his eyes were, and I had a sinking feeling about what he was holding.
For a moment, his expression was blank before there was a look of contempt on his face. He asked if I knew what I had done the moment I set foot in the Hamlet. I had to admit, I did not know how to respond to such a question and begged for his pardon. This did not seem to be the answer he wanted as he pushed himself onto his sinewy legs. I asked for him to explain further since I was uncertain as to what he was talking about. This irritated the man and he flew into a tirade about how he tried to warn my Ancestor once, but “look what happened now”. He even claimed that short-sightedness must run in my family for me to arrive here.
Then all of a sudden, his rant was done before he gave a sigh. A smile crept upon his face. He claimed that he “would end the cycle”, though at the time, I had no clue what this meant. All I know is that he held out his free hand and exposed his two gouged eyes to us. He claimed that he could see the ceiling of the dungeon caving in and would cause grievous injury. I was about to speak once more when I suddenly felt Barristan rush and grab me. He pulled me close and held his shield over our heads as a boulder collided. I could hear him cry out in pain from the weight, but we were alive.
Julia, on the other hand, was crushed under the weight as Boudica could do nothing but move out of the way before it got the both of them. The sound of her body breaking is not one I would forget anytime soon.
I admit I did not pay much attention to the battle from there as I was so shaken by the death of Julia to notice much. I had experienced loss prior to this, but never something so sudden and violent. I can’t say I know of anyone who was able to process the first time they saw someone die like this. The idea that perhaps I could have done something to protect her played in my mind on a loop despite the fact that I know it was not something I could have prepared for. How could I have known the Prophet had such terrifying abilities?
What I do know is that eventually there was a hand upon my shoulder. Barristan pulled me away from the side of the boulder, away from what I could see of Julia’s body. I looked over and saw the corpse of the Prophet laid open, wondering when the world had moved on without me. He never took his hand off of me as he helped me out, leading me back towards the Hamlet. No one said much of anything during that trip back.
It took me a few days to truly process what had happened. We eventually sent in Reynauld, Boudica, Dismas, and Barristan in to fetch what they could of Julia’s body. Her grave now is by the Abby that she tried her best to tend to. Reynauld picked up that duty in her stead.
As for me, I attended the service, and then I found Barristan and Reynauld and made a request of them. I do not want to leave the heroes I have employed on their own. I plan to travel with them as often as I can as it is my duty to ensure the corruption here in the Hamlet is driven out. I did not want to be dead weight to them any longer. I asked for them to teach me how to use a blade and how to be a tactician. They seemed to understand why I was asking this of them and agreed to my requests.
In the following weeks, Barristan taught me the basics of planning ahead for these types of battles. He taught me how to think about formations, weighing out our fighter’s strengths and weaknesses, and how to read the enemy. Reynauld drilled me in the ways of a sword and helped me be fitted for some basic armor so I would be less of a liability.
While I know that what happened to Julia was not the result of me being inept as a fighter, it did bring me some comfort to know that no one else would die because I couldn’t even raise a blade to defend myself. I suppose a way, it was me trying to do better for everyone in the Hamlet.
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New Year Love
((Since this is the true conclusion of 2020 despite of all the gun violence, pandemic, deaths, sadness and such. But now, everyone begins with a new chapter for 2021. For this story, humans and reploids are more prepared for the millennium of a lifetime, saying goodbye to the old year by making way for the true beginning of the future. While the two Maverick Hunters are, on the other, are enjoying their new year celebration by spending with each other in private at HQ, especially Zero's room. Before reading, it involves yaoi. So if you are not a fan, then you don't have to read this fiction. But, if so, you're welcome to enjoy this story. Anywho, without further ado, please enjoy reading and Happy New Year! 😊🎉🎉🎉🎇🎇🎇))
Midnight has slowly made its way by the appearance before the starting event of this evening's New Year extravaganza party here in Abel City, where the white diamond orb of light ascended into the middle of the dark sapphire skies, sided with a few stars twinkling beautifully like the precious gems or the clear oceans. Crickets created a quiet chirping sound for the soothing mood when it comes to nighttime, fireflies brighten their bottoms into the flashy shade of green for an even more peaceful atmosphere all across the earth. Humans, along with reploids, are surely hyped up for the conclusion of this previous year due to the endless cycle of maverick revolution ruled by the infamous king of all irregularities and former commander of the band of hunters, Sigma.
Few or many lives have been revoked into death, cities crumbled from certain attacks, and to cease the existence of all mankind to all the strongest robotic kind to rule the universe for eternity.
With every bit of hope have almost been decreased hastily, but thankfully, a duo of elite crime busting hunters have intervene the former mad commander's ambitions as well as to destroy his schemes in puny smithereens. One of them is the pure hearted B Class gun user who despises the unyielding feud between machines and man with the possessed potential. The other one is the serious, too cool for school A Class beam saber wielder with a non reckless strategy and lacks the practice of mercy towards enemies. Together, they're known as Maverick Hunters. Humanity's last hope for achieved freedom from disasters. Battling their paths throughout a horde of those who would follow their master's footsteps, especially the eight criminals that use to be hunters from before. Dueling against the arrogant rabble rouser in purple named Vile, and finally, ending the nightmarish nightmare by defeating the big boss himself. Numerous times in fact, no matter how many times he resurrected himself, but always dismantled by the irregular hunting crusaders. Peace has been restored at last, cleansed by the virus of villainy, where everyone began to applaud towards the hunters of foiling their enemies dreams. And this, where it all began, the true combination of both reploids and mankind living as one.
Meanwhile, back at the present time where everyone, as well as the Maverick Hunters, have began their special occasion at the Hunter HQ garden fields. Decorated everyone including the new year drop ball for the later countdown. While the guests are partying, having a wonderful time together, chatting, enjoying foods and drinks, taking turns with their speeches about others who made their lives even better if it wasn't for them during the crazy year, and lastly, telling of their new years resolution. Folks and reploids are remaining by having a blast. Even the rousing young prototype who is now a hunter, Axl.
Elsewhere away from the gang, the two droids, X and Zero, are relaxing in one piece alone inside of each other's room, enjoying their new year solo time in the dark. Mouth connected all night long without ever wanting to stop, caressing their backs smoothly, grinding on one's  armored bodies to force out the satisfy moans from the lower part of their stomachs.
"U...Unh~ Oh Zero~ Please don't stop yourself from polishing my body~ I... I kinda love it when you massage me~" Moaned the shy hunter of the 17th unit, intrigued by his crimson partner's soft touch across him. Letting out his pinkish tongue before panting, pleading for more.
"X~ You know I love it when you're enjoying my hands placed on your gorgeous little ass along with your body~" Aroused the blood colored mentor, kissing his lover's entire body with a starving attitude. "I want more of you, baby~ Your softness and nature have cured my cursed bloodlust from the past~ I lost control of myself, but now that you're here by my side, I felt peacefully comfortable around you~"
"Zero~ Zero~ I don't wanna live in this new year without you~ You're even more important to me that lifted my spirits~ Reminding me of your inspiration has made me the symbol of peace, helping others in need and beating Sigma with my full power and your courage that help me succeed~ It's all thanks to everyone who guided me, especially you, my love~"
"X~ You also done the same thing when I was acting too serious during my missions~ Refusing to accept anyone's help but to work on my own turfs, becoming stubborn every time someone wanted to help, and I'm very sorry for calling soft because of your emotions and sympathy towards your foes~ It really inspired me to be myself and still as cool thanks to you~ Nothing would put a smile upon my face more than your words of kindness which filled my cold broken heart~ So, thanks again, baby~ You really made my day~"
Influencing each other with the gallon of appreciation, sided along a plate of love, the cuddling couple resuming their enjoyment together by lip sucking like there's no tomorrow or next time. Making out all crazy on the bed, tongue kissing, giving one a naughty spanking for being a bad reploid. Comforting each others well beings or souls by their warmth, ignoring useless judgements by flushing them, along with hatred, down the toilet where it belongs. Living within their less colder shadows with full confidence, snuggle into one's shoulders without getting lost in the middle of nowhere but ridicules from anyone possessing a haughty personality. Watching out or got their backs when it comes to danger, filling in due their absence from missions or meetings.
"Zero~ What would be your new years resolution~?" He asked, but was already aware of that answer.
"It's obvious, babe~ To stay by your side for as long as it takes~ Cause I'm not going anywhere now that you're alone with me~" The upperclass hunter replied, pulling his cerulean closer to him for a deeper smooch as well as the desperate taste.
"I would think of doing the same thing~ I felt very strong hearted around you, Zero~" The kind spirited lower class smiled, responded with a kiss while being pulled towards.
Their longing silent mouth connections have shut off the horrible memories that bother them, as well as their focuses, replacing all of it with each other's images to help them relax and regain control once again. Leaving everything in the past behind them or to never look back. For a harmonious year to come very shortly, two hearts have finally conjoined into one.
"Zero~ I love you~ With all my heart~"
"I love you, X~ Even if it means to sacrifice my life to protect you~"
"And I will always be your guardian angel to help you rise up when you're going to give up~"
"And I'll be your undying strength when you're giving out~"
Outside the Hunter Base, the entire crowd is completely prepared for the exciting countdown to be announced. Their hearts began to pump a rapid beat to helping the blood increase greatly. Even the teen shape shifter has felt this hyped up since his first promotion of becoming an irregular destroyer. They all have directed their attention upwards the skies for the fireworks to burst after the millennium ball has descended.
Inside, both the maverick stoppers wrapped themselves into each other's arms for a permanent embrace. Cherishing their hearts with tenderness and softness clothing their surroundings to form a private barrier around them without interruption from anybody.
"Thanks for being here with me all these years, Zero~ Having you by my side has really put a grin on my face~" X said gladly, feeling the endless warmth from his mentor's hand keeping him company.put
"Anytime, X~ You've done the same for me since we met~ Everything would be a living hell without you~ I'm glad that peace has been brought back because of you~" Replied Zero, smiling towards his young lover into his grasps. Happily being with one another forever, away from the densed insults showering them. But to be praised by those with positive traits around them that assist their mysterious potential to proceed further instead of stopping. Earning complements and friendships that never ends. Also, to be there for all reploids and humans.
"And mostly ~.... "
"But most of all~...."
And finally, the backwards counting has commenced as everyone joined in. While the two lovers would approach each other for a new year kiss.
The crowd starts to count: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
Both irregular fighters have reached into their faces saying this before the reunited lip mashing.
"You are my everything~"
"You are my everything~"
The entire audience have shouted "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!" as they cheer roaringly, while both lovers have kissed at last. Hearing the booming effects of the bursting fireworks into the air, lighting on their armors into the middle of a occasional deep smooch. All kinds have continued their fun during the beginning of the new millennium, hoping for it be far more better than this year. And as for the B and A Class heroes, well, everyone is already aware of their new year resolution: Staying by each other's side no matter, even when it means to sacrifice their lives.
"Happy New Year, Zero~"
"Happy New Year, X~"
"And... I love you~..."
"I love you too, baby blue~... Never forget it~"
"Oh Zero~"
"Oh X~"
"Zero~..... " Whispered the peace admiring buster bearer, proceeding his face towards his loving partner closely.
"X~...." Same goes for the scarlet swordsman, meeting his cute teammate's face for a preparing lip to lip sucking as well.
The duo are now continuing their holiday moment with each other alone by meeting lips once more, allowing the rest to enjoy their evening as well. Hopefully, this new and improved chapter will become much more tranquil than the unending disasters happening from the old year. Wherever there's trouble hidden itself out of suspicion without ever to become noticed, the inhuman hunting dream team will always get the job done quickly and over with. All humans and reploids will forever live as one, no matter the difference or appearances, everything will be possible.
The End
Happy New Year, everyone!
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Pet!Kwami AU
(temporary title, I still might rename it)
In this AU, kwami powers work slightly differently
1. The kwamis (kwama? kwami? kwamies? What’s even the plural?) can’t talk. They can still communicate with their owners through body language or squeaks or whatever and they also have an empathetic link with their owners so they can communicate emotions, but they can’t say words out loud or write them down. This leads to some challenges in figuring out the kwami’s name and transformation/ power up words, as you’d imagine. They have to get creative a lot.
2. Instead of eating cheese/cookies/etc. to power up, the kwamis (still don’t know the plural) literally run on the power of love. The more time the owners spend cuddling/talking to/playing with/etc. their kwami, the more charged the kwami will get. At first the kwamis aren’t very connected with their owners,  so they can’t get very charged (Ladybug isn’t even able to use the Miracle Cure every akuma battle at first, and she and Chat can only stay transformed for 10-15 minutes before their kwamis give out, even if they don’t use any powers) but as time passes they get closer and start building endurance, so they can spend more time transformed and eventually can recharge mid-battle with a quick cuddle.
3. The kwamis still can use their powers themselves but with less control than their owners (just like canon), they’re still immortal, and they still can’t be captured or photographed. However, instead of looking like little floating magical creatures, they look exactly like the animal they represent, and also act much the same. Plagg looks just like a normal black cat and purrs/meows/eats cat food, and Tikki looks just like a normal ladybug and so on. It’s easier for Marinette, who can still just keep Tikki in her bagm but it causes a lot of trouble for Adrien, who has to hide the fact that he has an entire cat living in his room, and who has to sneak that cat with him anytime he goes anywhere (school, photoshoots, etc.) if he wants to still be able to transform.
How Origins Part 1 plays out in this AU:
Hawkmoth, being the same Gabriel Agreste as canon, obviously hasn’t treated Nuruu very well, so they don’t have as strong of a connection as Gabriel would like.   However, he’s been with Nuruu for a very long time, and slowly worked to earn Nuruu’s trust to the point where he can actually transform and make akumas.   (Gabriel’s still an horrible abusive excuse for a person in this AU but also he has some ability to do subtlety just like in canon, so Nuruu’s kind of got a similar set of issues to Adrien in this AU, where he blames himself for upsetting Gabriel and just wants to make him happy at this point). On the other hand, all of the other Miraculouses (except Dusuu) haven’t had any human contact in over 100 years, which means they’re all very weak.   So Hawkmoth and Mayura are, at this point, way stronger than any other superhero could be for a while. It usually takes years of bonding with a kwami before a new superhero is allowed to actually transform, but when Hawkmoth starts becoming active and attacking the town, master Fu decides to just hand out the Cat and Ladybug Miraculouses and hope for the best (all the other kwamis are in a kind of hybernation because they haven’t had owners for so long, but as long as Tikki and Plagg are together their magical “batteries” stay just a little but charged because power of love and all that).
The initial boxes are delivered much the same way as in origins, to Adrien and Marinette who’s stories have been the same as in canon up to this point.    However, when Adrien and Marinette open their boxes, their kwamis are obviously unable to talk to them and explain how to transform.   So it takes a lot of effort on Tikki and Plagg’s parts (Plagg screeches a lot, Tikki buzzes in Marinette’s ear and right by her eyes until she pays attention, and there’s a lot of gesturing at books and other objects lying around), but eventually Marinette makes herself a makeshift mask out of an old tshirt and Adrien puts on an oversized hoodie and sunglasses and the two of them sneak out while following their kwamis, and the two end up meeting in an alleyway. They come up with their super hero names just like canon, although of course they haven’t transformed yet.  
Then they go to try and figure out how to fight the akuma.   Marinette doesn’t have Ladybug vision to help, and it takes much longer than in canon, and also they both get pretty injured and frustrated, but eventually they figure out that Stoneheart is really overprotective of something in his hand and that whatever it was would probably be the key to defeating him. Tikki figures she might as well just use her powers herself and hope for the best, because their was no way she was going to be able to communicate exactly what to do to Marinette, and also she wasn’t even sure if she had the power to do a Lucky Charm, let alone transforming Marinette. So Tikki uses her Lucky Charm, which makes a scuba suit just like canon, and then promply passes out.   Marinette hands Tikki to the nearby Alya to keep her safe, and she’s too busy worrying about the battle to care that Alya’s livestreaming this all from her phone (of course later she’ll see that for some reason her ladybug and the other hero’s cat don’t appear in any of the footage). Then, they use a combination of Chat Noir running around and the suit and a hose flying through the air (no superpowers so Ladybug can’t literally throw Chat this time) as a distraction. Stoneheart drops the akumitized object, Marinette crushes it and frees the butterfly, obviously unaware that she has to deevilize it and unable to do anything anyways because Tikki’s knocked out, Alya records the whole thing and creates the Ladyblog, and the two superheroes call it a day and head home, coming up with a time and place to meet up the next day and promising to give each other actual contact information once they figured out how to do that without sacrificing their secret identities.
Let me know if you’re interested or want to hear more! I’m still working on figuring out some parts of the plot but I have a pretty good idea of where I want this to go!
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light-and-heartful · 4 years
Nutri Ventures - Hulu Kids - Trailer
I always had this idea of an RPG video game based off the Healthy Eating cartoon from Portugal, Nutri Ventures, where it would have the same battle system as "South Park the Fractured But Whole" (a very simple tactics battle system) (they’d even pitch it as the family friendly alternative to that game as well as it would be the world's first Edutainment RPG Video Game), and by the way the battle system would be the same as that game, but the overworld system won't it would be top down, with the same animation as in the show, and even voice acting during the text boxes that you can turn on and off (the voices) at anytime] and it'll be not just for younger players but also older and more experienced players as well, here's some ideas that you can even submit them to Ubisoft (since they're really good with RPGs made in the Western Region) to make it for a game for the Nintendo Switch, so please listen to these ideas and consider them
it would follow the story of the show (with some minor changes to make it follow a game more, but we'll get to that), will have ONLINE Player-VS-Player battles in the form as a device from one of the scientists in Grandland HQ, who's good friends with Theo's Grandfather, that you can find in the Grandland labs & can let you battle with yourself from different universes (aka different playthroughs of the game by different people), it will also have a mini-game multiplayer mode (for offline & online) that has up to four players play the mini-games in the game's story mode such as
the Candy Bowl where it plays just like the show and has the move around the game in a camera view where it focus on the screen moving side to side as it shows them moving in circle while keeping the view front side in a continuous moving track shot (with you passing the Goal Bowl of the game at top at certain times), think of it as like NBA Jam if it was for Candy Bowl
the Pod Races where it's a basic Mario Kart racing game (with two different versions, one that has it just on the ground and you can only turn left & right to race and another where you're underwater and you can move left, right, up, & down to race
the Deep Fryer Rally where it’s like that Mario Party 6 Mini-Game “Treasure Trawlers”, where you move topdown by pressing the L&R buttons together repeatedly and turn by pressing ether L or R repeatedly, and you’d aim your position on the paddle boat in order to try to scoop up the Fried Foods with a crane (but the scoop is a fry strainer) by pressing one of the d-pad buttons in order to score points, and it would use the rumble feature as a way to tell where’s the fry food is in the grease (with the more it rumbles the closer you’re at your mark) the player with the most points wins
the Veggie Games where it features all the events from the Green Kingdom chapter
Jousting where it's a four way Joust (or three way in story mode) where players has to charge into other players in order to take down one of his/her hit points while also controlling their horse, last player standing wins
and the Oracle's Quiz (that game is the final test to get the everlasting fruit in the Orange Kingdom Chapter) where the Oracle gives you questions related to food, cuisine, health, recipes, things like that
and the main feature of the game has the players gaining different status effects happen to them when they eat certain foods that's are each based off of their health benefit, like:
Meat & Eggs give you extra attack power cause it's for force for muscles
Dairy Products give you extra defense power cause it's for protection of bones
Vegetables give you extra maximum health cause it's for healing
Wheat & Grains give you extra mana for attacks cause it's for energy
Fish & Seafood gives you extra Experience Points cause it's for Intelligence
Legumes give you extra turns cause it's for boost
Fruit cures ailments cause it's helps with sicknesses
also I'd change the names of the Bad Kingdoms cause I feel like that's fair
Sugar Kingdom would be the Pink Kingdom
Fats Kingdom would be the Bronze Kingdom
Fried Kingdom would be the Gold Kingdom
Salt Desert would be the Silver Kingdom
(also the story behind the Bad Kingdoms is that the rulers of them were also scientists in Nutri-land, but cared more about making the food taste good rather than being nutritious, this lead to many of the other guardians experiments being ruined and the citizens loving their food but kept experiencing the effects of eating them to much, so the Nutri-Guardians kicked them out, and Alex made them into his main four guys for coming up the recipe for Gen-X 100 when he otherthrew Nutri-land and called themselves the big four, and were a team for a while until Alex had enough of the ingredients for Gen-X 100 to run for years, so they went their separate ways)
there are other features include:
-a pit of 100 trials-esc optional enemy gauntlet where you go through a tower of 100 floors with something to fight on each floor in order to progress, & each 10 floors there's a boss [the first 7 being a hologram of a guardian of a kingdom, the 8th being holograms of the rulers of the bad kingdoms all at once, the 9th being a hologram of Nexus, and the last one being hologram of a younger teen version of Merdock (who looks similar to Theo)] in order to get rare and powerful weapons for each character
-extra bosses in the Orange Kingdom, Red Kingdom, & Green Kingdom chapters if you lose the mini-games of those chapters [like if you lose the Candy Bowl, you'll have to fight Candyman, if you lose the joust Theo has to fight the winner, if you lose the Deep Fryer Rally Theo, Ben, & Lena would have to fight Fritz & Fritz Jr. (but you’ll still get chased out regardless)  & if you lose the Veggie-Games you have to fight, the team leader of the winning team with Lena, Ben, Nina, & Inca]
-the bosses added as the final boss to the chapter include:
the Mind Control machine turning into a giant baker robot in the Orange Kingdom chapter
Jomanda betraying the Red Kingdom by summoning a Hydra to attack the village after the big fight with Alex in the Red Kingdom chapter
a mechanized dinosaur tank that has the big laser cannon that Alex used to almost destroy the legumes on it's head and two small ones on it's arms (kind of like the Barrel Dragon from Yugioh) that the scientists made Alex that'll you'll have to defeat it on the train before it crashes into the castle in the Brown Kingdom chapter
a powered up Alexander Bluebeard who's gone mad with Nutri-Power (like he eats a big platter consisting of a Grilled Shrimp, Bell Pepper, and Steak Kabob, a bowl of Red Beans & Rice as for a Side, and a Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie as a Drink, and this fills his the Nutri-Powers to the max, and will use more foods in the fight to boost his stats) in the Blue Kingdom chapter
& that Two-Headed Dog from the first episode of Season 6 breaking in through the ceiling of the pyramid just as they were forming the Triads of Light & Darkness to attack the heroes in the Green Kingdom chapter
-Some of the timelines would be connected together to match the form of play, in the Red Kingdom chapter, at the end of the section where Theo, Genevieve, and Nose crash into the salt desert and have to reach the dragon, it would have Theo talking to the dragon, and then cuts to Genevieve & Nose waiting near the Volcano, fire coming out the top, and the Dragons coming after them and then cuts to black and you’d to a few moments earlier where it has the Red Kingdom preparing to defend the kingdom and have the big battle between Alex, with a neverending heard of G-Squads coming during the fight, until it’s interrupted with Theo, Genevieve, & Nose coming in riding on the dragon, and Theo & Genevieve joining the battle & in the Brown Kingdom chapter, it’ll have you play through Theo, Ben, & Guardian Brown getting trapped in the mine first, and when it gets to the point where Theo gets knocked out from exhaustion in the desert, then it cuts to earlier in the day where you play as Nina and go with Johnny to find the treasure and as the two fights Curling Stone & Betty, it would be interrupted with Theo coming in still unconscious as his medallion drags him into it, where Nina & Johnny gives him some Water, Theo joins the fight, and the battle continues, and then it would lead to Theo, Lena, Ben, Nina, & Johnny getting together to go deal with the war only when they get there they discover Alex using the weapon he got from his Father’s Diary on the Legumes
-the Pink Kingdom wouldn't do that whole alternate vision thing where everything is good when you're hypnotized but gross when you aren't, it would all look good, smell good, and taste good (which is how they get the people to be hypnotized by it), but still give you the negative effects of eating too much sugar (even when Lena & Nina enter it for the first time, and your playing as Lena you have the option to keep trying the candy from the Mistresses over and over again until you say no and trigger the first fight with the matrons or until a sudden snap happens and it shows that Lena's lost a tooth, and it would lead to her getting so disgusted at everyone's teeth and big bodies that she just yells everyone to stop, and that triggers the first fight between the Lena and the mistresses, with it later in the fight having it introduce Sid as he jumps into battle)
-whenever you are at sea (floating or diving) in the Blue Kingdom chapter, it would have you doing a board game esc movement, where you draw where you want to go, and it will move in that path, and as you move enemies can move in you too and can cause battles, it kind of works like "Star Fox Command" on the Nintendo DS
-the game has you leveling up your party members of Theo, Lena, Ben, & Nina in order to improve their stats, but there's also Guest Party members who can't level up and are part of certain parts of the story or when you find and meet up with them after you completed a chapter (but they'd leave if you leave the area too far), and they include
Sid for the Orange Kingdom chapter (he's a healer like Nina)
Genevieve (or the Black Knight early on) for the Red Kingdom chapter (she's a fighter like Theo)
Johnny for the Brown Kingdom chapters (he's a shooter like Lena)
Alexander Bluebeard for the Blue Kingdom chapters (who's only available when you have your pact with him) (he's a Brawler like Ben)
Inca for the Green Kingdom chapters (she's a shooter)
Fritz Jr. for the Dragon’s Fury Challenge section in the Red Kingdom chapter (where it would have more enemies there than puzzles and traps) & the Submarine and Neptune’s Trials part of the Blue Kingdom chapter (he's a fighter)
and FYI, the different classes each shows different ways of fighting and different weapons, this is the list of them:
Fighters like Theo uses Swords and other Melee weapons and attacks by pressing certain buttons with certain timing
Shooters like Lena uses Arrows and Guns and attacks by aiming at the right target by trying to keep the cursor in the center of the circle as the cursor moves on it's own
Brawlers like Ben uses Shields and Heavy Swords and attacks by holding a button down and letting go in the right time
Healers like Nina uses water to help other party members regain their health, and doesn't need to press buttons to attack
also all each character’s attack moveset would be determined on the weapon they use (which the weapons you can use are determined by a character’s Level an whenever if it has a “G” on it so that Guest Party Members can use it), as it has different attacks and added effects for it, and an added move specific for each character, Theo can get charge his attack for two turns, Lena can analyze the enemy to reveal it’s stats (including showing the amount of Health it has left onscreen), Ben can guard with his belly, and Nina can use her cuteness to try lower the opponents defenses
-the whole quest would have it not only regaining the seven kingdoms but also to find all the stones from the start, not just starting at the end of the Red Kingdom chapter [so in the beginning of the game Theo already has the White Stone but gets it's power after talking to a Kangaroo Rat in Racing Gear as one of the Guardians of the Temple of Nutrition, he finds the Yellow Stone from a tower in the Yellow Kingdom that used to bring the people hope but worn out when Ty-Paw’s army kept attacking, and after a vision with a Journey to the West-esc monkey in the Temple of Nutrition about never give up doing what's right, Theo gets the stone and uses it's powers to defeat the invading army, and in the Orange Kingdom chapter (where it would have the 2nd test be facing the Magician Rabbit from episodes 1 & 2 of Season 6 instead of fruit bats, cause the beginning of the Black Kingdom chapter would have it start with them using Theo’s pendant to power up the Rocket into Space) the Orange Stone is in the tower used to power the Antenna for the hypnosis machine, and after a vision from the Stone Monster in the Temple of Nutrition (when it had the pendant force Theo onto the stone when it looked like he tripped when they were trapped in the iron capsule) where he talks about trusting others and try listening to what they have to say, Theo gets the stone after he and his friends getting free from being locked up in the iron capsule thanks to Guga and uses the power of the stone to turn the Pink Kingdom into a Giant Fruit Filled Garden (as shown by a cutscene of all the buildings from the Pink Kingdom being crushed and destroyed by vines & growing trees and it having a shimmer of light peek from the cloudy skies and keeps growing more and more until the sky is completely bright and blue)], and each time the players complete a chapter and get the stone & gain it's power, you get an extra special move you can do by filling up a gage by doing good button commands when attacking to do special things to happen to attack foes or help yourself (like the Star Spirits or the Crystal Stars from "Paper Mario")
-there would be a travelling chef character in towns all over the kingdoms where you can make different recipes using different foods (which all the kingdoms will have food from all the different food groups from the start, cause they'd like to keep in touch with eachother) to turn and combine ordinary foods you have into better foods to the increase the amount of stats you'd gain (for example, if you have an Egg you can eat for extra attack power, but when you give it to the chef along with a Wedge of Cheese & a Grilled Ham Leg, he'll make it into an Omelette where it would not only give you tons more attack power than a regular egg but also extra health as well and extra defense too) and it will even have a recipe log with tons & tons of different recipes
-and lastly in the beginning of the game when you start a new save file, you may not be able to change the characters' names, but you'd be able to explain a little bit about you the player, including your name, what kind of playstyle you want to do for button commands (which are described by Theo's Grandfather as an Easy Game or to play a Little Bit Harder) so all players can enjoy it, and you'd also put which food group your favorite food is (which will give a slightly more better chance at getting extra stats when you eat a food), and it would be a profile for each time you'd do a PvP battle or play an online minigame with someone, they're kind of like street passes
I just think it would be a perfect fit, don’t you think?
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