#100 player challenge Wilbur
simbur-enthusiast · 2 years
Same anon that asked about you writing for other bursonas! Was wondering if you'd be willing to give some headcannons about how a possessive Wilbur from his 100 player challenges would act with a reader who's pretty defiant and overall likes to mess with him and the way he's running things? This is of course as an au where Wilbur is actually just basically a god and Minecraft is just,, more realistic?
I don’t know much about what the fandom thinks 100 player challenge Wilbur is like but I tried my best, hope you like it!
He likes it more than most ‘gods’ would
It just makes you more fun, more entertaining. If you just sat there and did anything he said than you would just be one in the crowd, he wouldn’t have noticed you.
But you had fun with breaking rules, you liked to cause chaos. And he liked to cause chaos. Match made in hell am I right?
Also if you tell him some of the crazy/fun ideas you have, you bet he’ll try to make it a reality. Cause if you have your own 100 player challenge idea, why not make it, just to see how it goes down
He can get upset if you continuously defy him, there need to be a point where you listen.
If he were to work hard on creating something and you messed it up, yeah, he’ll be pissed. He loves you. But if you destroyed one of his projects then he will get mad at you. Nothing you can’t work through and get passed, but there should be some limits set between you two.
So on to his possessiveness.
Now, he can get possessive. Not in the type of way like ‘I own you’ or ‘your not allowed to talk to anyone but me’. But if someone’s flirting with you? They will have to face HIM.
He wants people to know you’re with him. He chose you as the person he wanted to be with and he will not have much mercy for anyone who tries to change that.
He loves you and others are not allowed to have you in the way he does. He get to see every, chaotic and loving and every other, side of you. That’s for him.
(I hope this was ok, I tried)
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klesek · 11 months
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novem-bur day 6 (oops i missed it): 100pbur! silly freak. one of my favorite unethical scientists <33
prompt list
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ghostburgay · 1 year
100pbur being silly asf pretty please :3 (enamored with him)
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100pbur working on a command block for a new experiment :D
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cupcraft · 10 months
Okay it's time. to poll the wilburians.
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espionn · 7 months
im not gonna say that much about this. i didnt think i'd say anything about it at all. but im too angry, and too fucking sad. i wont get too personal but this isnt gonna be like my usual posts so be warned if you follow me for more lighthearted stuff.
i also just wanna say, i talk about myself a lot in this post. *obviously*, i am not the victim here. i have never been a victim of this situation. but it's caused me grief and fury, and this is an outlet. we should be supporting shubble and all other victims. i don't really expect anyone to read this. i just needed to write it for my own sake.
the whole wilbur soot situation is devastating. when i first heard about it, like a lot of others, i immediately shut myself into denial. i have watched this man since he joined the dream smp in 2020. i was there through the entire server, through his 100 player challenges, the sbi mccs, all of it. i was a lovejoy fan from the moment one day came out - hell, i hoped to see them in concert someday. i did countless (though probably shitty) art and writing pieces inspired by his work. it wasn't that hard to tell that he isn't someone with flawless mental health by any means. but i never thought anything like this would happen.
when i accepted that he was the abuser shubble had talked about, i was upset and confused and unhappy. but i also had hope. i hoped that maybe this had served as a wake-up call, that maybe he was getting the help he needed. maybe he'd take a break, come back with a genuine response, and then make his mental health and personal morals a priority. i hoped he was better than this.
needless to say, i am furious. "disappointed" doesn't begin to scratch the surface. i'm angry. i'm insulted. i'm embarrassed to have ever looked up to him. his response was robotic, emotionless, and gave no indication of remorse or accountability. he didn't even apologize. he claimed that he had already received help. if he has, then it clearly wasn't enough. this is not a man who's ashamed and looking to better himself, this is a man who is going to keep hurting people. and that is terrifying. i genuinely can't connect this with the person i've kept up with for 4 entire years. i can't believe it. i really can't.
this response has corporate PR bullshit dripping right off of it. this so clearly did not come from wilbur soot himself. he might not have been involved at all, beyond a glance over and an okay to whatever team did the writing. and that's the most insulting part of all. he didn't even type this up with his own words. he didn't even have the balls to make his own response. and that pisses me off.
he abused someone. probably more than one. and he didn't even acknowledge her. the 4 paragraphs of nothing are addressed to the wider audience, not shelby, the person this should be about. if this is the best he can do, i'm genuinely shocked he developed such a loyal and amazing fanbase. fucking revolting.
with all that said, i'm probably going to stop listening to lovejoy. that hurts me, a lot. that's a hard choice for me to make. but there need to be repercussions. and this is what i hope: i genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, hope he gets help. i hope he wakes up and realizes he isn't ok, and takes genuinely strives to better himself. i hope he grows and improves and becomes better for the people around him. and i hope he leaves social media permanently. that hurts me to say, but i don't think i could ever really trust him after this, and i don't think it would make his situation any better. i hope he leaves, and i hope he makes a better life for himself. it's an optimistic hope, considering how much evidence is pointing to his unwillingness to change. but i won't let go of it.
that's pretty much it. i've said my piece. i'm angry. i'm sad. i wish this was all a dream and no one ever got hurt. but shelby did get hurt, and others almost certainly did too, and no nice fancy corporate words will change that. good-bye, wilbur soot. the memories were good. i won't let you taint them. but there's no going back from this, at least on the internet. i hope you make a better life, and i hope you do it far away from anyone you have hurt or could hurt.
what a waste.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
hear me out,, 100 player challenges with a possessive mad scientist Wilbur, and (gn) y/n is one of the test subjects,,, just Will being a bit (little more than a bit) of a sadist and fucking with his darling in any way he can to get their attention, or maybe he takes them into a private cell or something to "talk" (more so mess with, physically and emotionally) with them occasionally
if you have any additional headcannons i would love to hear em
havnt done an ask like this in a while but the idea intrigued me too much not to oblige myself
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• Let's start off with some simple facts about our favorite mad scientist shall we?
• He had always been fascinated with—er—strange things as a child so to speak
• Enjoyed catching tadpoles at the lake with other kids, but would often send them away screaming with snot and tears streaming down their face as he cut the animals in half with a pair of safety scissors he'd swiped from the arts and craft drawer the other day
• His little habit of finding dead animals and bringing them home was something that sent his parents into a frenzy, the little hobby carrying on throughout elementary and all the way to high school. Especially after they found him cutting into a rotting deer one summer, garage smelling of deaths putrid stench as he happily worked away
• Was interested in science and the medical field all through his school days. Anytime someone would ask him what his dream job was, Wilbur'd blandly respond with the answer of a mortuary assistant. The conversation wouldn't last much longer past that
• College was when things really took a turn for him, though
• While highschool and all else had been a big blur filled with uninteresting people and their uninteresting lives, college provided him with a new perspective on life
• Wilbur began to notice how exactly unique people could be when given freedom. Skateboarding, partying, studying, singing in the hallways—
• His mind started to put together the similarities of the classmates around him and those animals he would slice into not so long ago. Caged untill they weren't. Wild but domesticated by the simplest of urges
• No less halfway into his second year of university, he dropped out. Er, stepped showing up at least. Of course, calls and letters were sent to his parents to inform them of his sudden absence, but by the time that had happened Wilbur was long gone. Ideas already forming inside his mind with disgusting glee
• Rats! That had been the word he had been looking for all along. That's what the world reminded him of. People scurrying amongst their day to day life like rats, desperately running a pointless race to get to their goddamned cheese. It brought a sick sort of amusement to him to watch it all unfold day after day
• Maybe it was about time the rats had an owner to take care of them
• His apartment was filled wall to wall with plans. Blueprints overlapped more blueprints, documents both typed and written out rambling about mazes. Mazes, mazes, mazes
• Wilbur, had gone for a lack of better words, mad
• Somehow, through the magic of online contracts and the copious amounts of charm he could posses, Wilbur managed to find one hundered people to participate in a little experiment. An overjoying occasion for him as he stood up from his lab table with a yelp of excitement, eyes crazed and mind already racing to think about his next move
• So the day of the experiment came
• And that's when he met you
• At first you had been just a name on his screen made up of a few pixels. Then nothing more but a human being he observed—amongt ninety nine others—as they tripped and tumbled through a carefully built maze
• It wasn't untill you had refused to play that you really garnered his attention
• While the others fought and claimed over each other to win the ten thousand dollars he had promised the winner, which in fact didn't exist, you simply sat down after the first obstical, twiddling with your thumbs
• That's okay, Wilbur had thought. In these things there's always going to be an outlier. Something or someone that strays from the rest of the group. That's science
• What he didn't account for was the way that he got so caught up on you. Why were you just sitting there? What made you tick? What did you sound like? Smell like? Why wasn't he watching any other of the cameras now, instead focused solely on you?
• What would your blood look like dripping down the cracks in his fingers?
• Before he knew it, he found a too-wide-to-be-natural grin setting on his face. Nimble hands ran through his hair and down his face as he zoomed in on you, tounge darting out and wetting his lips
• He might have to keep this rat
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 11 months
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stimboard for : 100pbur (Wilbur Soot's 100 players challenges; introject) with themes of experimental epcot/progress city, white, and angels
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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colossal-red · 2 years
have some g/t fundy questions to clash with your no motivation!! answer whenever you have the time :)
do you see fundy as more of a tiny or a giant? or perhaps a mini-giant or sizeshifter? :0
what's your favorite g/t au/oneshot with fundy in it? ps. i'd be hype to find some fics if you'd like them :]
how are fundy's borrowing skills? is he more clumsy or put-together? ramble about borrower!fundy headcannons, please /nf
if fundy were to be a borrower, who's house would he live in? why?
if fundy were a giant, who would he acquire as his tiny friend?
do you have any fic/au ideas with g/t fundy??
are you pleased or offended by the g/t fundy content in this fandom?
if g!fundy were to be put into a situation where he was offered to be paid handsomely in return for using his size difference for evil, would he accept or decline, do you think? why?
and finally, have a quick lil scenario: t!fundy hitching a ride on a fox :D maybe if we're talking about a dsmp setting, he'd ride it around l'manburg & manburg in the early days >:D
i hope this has helped your oddly specific no-motivation :D
Oh wow, thanks for the questions Brick! :D
I personally see him as more of a giant, tho Sizeshifter and tiny Fundy are pretty great as well I think :D
Definitely, @blurrybunnie 's Lost Kin fic, its what brought me to this community and is just really good in general and I'd definitely recommend it. :D (Also I'd absolutely love if you were to find fic's for me @w@/nf)
I'd say that he might not be the best at borrowing XD He'd probably be the type of borrower to pull off a convoluted prank and end up getting a bit too close to a Bean and caught- xd I think that he might be the type to take a bit-too-much food from the Bean and getting noticed, and I think he'd be a bit more of a loner for the most part :D
Now this is a good question @w@ I think one of the more obvious options is putting him in Wilbur's house with the Father-Son Duo even if they wouldn't be Father and Son in the au. An alternative option could be the homes of the Las Nevadas crew, or JSchlatt's home in an AU, I feel like those would be the best although it would be interesting to try out others than those XD I do have an idea for another guy who Fundy could live with... but I dunno if they're good with Fanfiction of themselves yet so I'm holding off of it for now- xd Oh and also H-bomb, tho without the Cat Maid Sona for, fairly obvious reasons I think O_o
Who would Fundy gain as a Tiny friend-? Well, I feel like it could be similar to the previous options with who he'd borrow from, Wilbur, and the Las Nevadas crew, I also feel like H-bomb would be a good fit for this, though without the Cat Maid sona, for fairly obvious reasons- O_o
I have my AU SRBF already made, with tiny!5-up and giant!fundy, but other than that I don't have very many ideas sadly ;-; Hmmm, tho I do think something related to him imitating Wil's 100-player challenges using borrowers could make an interesting fic concept >:D
I wouldn't say I'm pleased, and I definitely wouldn't say I'm offended, I'd say I'm more, hopeful for Fundy in this community, there already is a bit of g/t Fundy out there, but it just needs to be expanded upon and explored further, I think there's potential here @w@
I think it depends, if he already has some tiny friends then he would probably decline, tho probably just barely... and if he didn't then he'd definitely accept the money I think XD After all, I heard that before it was retconned and he was made Wilbur's son in DSMP He originally joined L'manburg because they seemed wealthy xd tho this was retconned and changed to him being Wil's son.
:0 Oooooo, that is a pretty good scenario, would definitely make a good art piece XD I wish I was a good enough artist to draw that @w@
Thanks for the Ask Brick! :D
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finnitesimal · 2 years
ALSO. I know it's probably a pretty popular game type but the only thing I was thinking of watching grian's game was the wilbur soot 100 player challenges
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vgilantee · 2 years
Gamer!BF Ethan hc's?
streamer bf!ethan?????
(instead of answering this combo ask, i got distracted then fell asleep...)
idk if you guys know miniminter, but he does a weekly video with his fiancee. ethan does this with you. once a week, he does a stream with you and everyone is very excited for you to be there
chat loves you. i have nothing more to add to this. chat loves you, sometimes jokingly asking for you to replace him as their streamer
drawing more comparisons from real life streamers i like; philza minecraft and his wife kristin. she comes into stream sometimes with a nerf gun and shoots him. you do that to ethan all the time. especially when he's engrossed in a game.
streamer ethan has many dono sounds that are designed to jumpscare him, one of them is your scream from when y'all played a horror game together
when he plays fps games like valorant and fortnite, he is such a tryhard. utterly cracked
fanart!! obviously different games garner different communities, and some are more likely to make fanart than others, but because he is a Variety Streamer, he's got very talented fanart folks in his community
whenever fanarts draw y'all together, they draw you taller, even if you aren't
"doing my partner's makeup" stream is chaos because even though he does know how to do it well, he decides to get... creative with it.
one day, on a day usually scheduled for ethan to stream, he has an unavoidable commitment. but instead of tweeting out that he can't stream, you tweet from his account "i've broken into eth's stream and am taking control for today! - y/n"
everyone likes this stream a lot, seeing you play slime rancher and name every. single. slime. and all get named after a chat member. and when ethan gets back next stream, chat jokes about wanting you back. you're in chat promising to babysit them next time ethan can't stream
he also has a youtube channel to post edited down vods (with subtitles) and vlogs, including cooking videos, couple challenges, and other fun chaos that my brain can't come up with right now
he probably also has a minecraft server where he does challenges with his audience (like wilbur soot's 100 player challenges)
did i spend 2020/21/22 watching mcyt streamers including that one server? yes. covid was hard for some of us... /lh
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peskyrequeskys · 2 years
Hello! Welcome to our blog!
This is a blog for multifandom requests!
This blog is primarily focused on IRL's, Kin, and Systems.
We respect all System origins here, if you do not, please block us and move on with your life.
This blog is run by the system @the-luminary-network .
We run this on mobile! I'm sorry for any formatting errors!
Feel free to add image IDs to any of our posts!! We are really bad at making them, so I apologize for that!
Request Types:
Name Ideas (Includes at least 10 names)
Neopronoun Suggestions (Includes 5 sets of Pronouns)
(Fandoms below the cut! Current hyperfixations are in Green, Past hyperfixations are in Yellow/Orange, sources we know enough but not super well are Red)
OriginsSMP s1 (haven't watched s2 yet)
EmpiresSMP (Season 1 and 2)
Hermitcraft (Season 6 through 9)
Third Life
Last Life
Double Life
Limited Life
Secret Life
Tales from the SMP
The Wilbur Soot 100 Player Challenges
Grian's 100 Hours Hardcore
Minecraft Manhunt
FNaF World & FNaF AR
Five Nights At Freddy's (1, 2, 3, 4, SL, FFPS, HW, SB, Ruin)
Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Movie
The FNaF Trilogy, Fazbear's Frights, Tales of the Pizzaplex
Sanders Sides (TSS)
Steven Universe (+ The Movie and Future)
Pokemon (No non-canon or human requests pls. Spoilers are okay.)
Miraculous Ladybug (No ship content for this one)
General Minecraft
Warrior Cats
Wings Of Fire
Anon List:
📖🌕 Anon / c!Ranboo Anon
🌾🪶 Anon
💌📎 Anon
Moon Anon
📺💭 Anon
☕️🌿 Anon
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angelsandarsenic · 1 year
I really think Wilbur Soot needs to be characterized as more sociopathic and sadistic in fanfics. Like when he did the 100 player challenges and the social experiments. Just for fun not as a real reflection of his character but there definitely the basis to do it.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Play the pawn
by sircantus
“Congratulations to all the lucky players in this forest-- you have been chosen!” Techno cranes his head back, and past the leaves, he can see Wilbur high, high up, looking so tiny from where he’s looking down at all of them. Tommy is near him, seeming distracted with other things. “Through a complicated and thorough process that definitely wasn’t just taking people at random from their worlds, you’ve all been brought together for the sole purpose of an experiment. A social experiment. An experience, I like to call it!”
Wilbur sounds thrilled at telling all of them this. Technoblade wishes he would fly back down so he can put his knife to good use. He didn’t sign up to be a random lab rat.
(Or, Techno winds up in one of Wil's 100 player challenges. He's just aiming to get out alive. Wil and Tommy of course have other ideas.)
Words: 4983, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Tommyinnit & Wilbur Soot, Technoblade & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Video Series: Wilbur Soot's 100 Player Challenges, WOO YEAHH i love this AU, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, Dark Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Piglin Hybrid Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Blood and Violence, Wilbur Soot Has a God Complex, TommyInnit Has Issues (Video Blogging RPF), They're both kinda unhinged ngl, Technoblade isn't perfect either that man is also unhinged but he's like. secretly unhinged, Possessive TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Animal Instincts, Crack Treated Seriously
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aresonist · 2 years
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cruel god, previously sky gods' favourite toy
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ghosted-jazz · 3 years
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Guess which Wilbur series I’ve been rewatching  
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Oreli (from Wilbur's 100 player challenges) absolutely would've won the L'manburg election had he been on the dsmp. Having said that, he would then immediately turn down the position and log off like a bad bitch.
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