#1048 miles morales
mustasekittens · 4 months
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the spider-society sounds so sick man!
textless + close up below :)
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i literally started this drawing right after watching atsv and when msm2 dropped i realised i had to update them to their new suits. original drawing is pretty cringe bc it was my first time drawing maskless insomnipete and i #hate it. this piece has been sitting as a wip for nearly a whole calendar year and its finally done.
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mediocre-breadcrumbs · 11 months
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Guys Spider-Man 2 was so fucking GOOD-
(Do NOT tag as ship, thank you.)
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spider-man-sass · 1 month
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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (2023) #1
Peter continues to be an old man.
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volos-wish · 3 months
Kraven: I've invited you here because I crave the deadliest game...
Miles, nodding: Knife Monopoly.
Kraven: I was actually going to hunt you for sport, but now I'm really interested in whatever knife Monopoly is.
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wrnkzk · 3 months
Marvel Spider-Man 2 PS5 - Photo mode
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"I learned how to be a hero from my dad."
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goldenhawk-k · 10 months
I have such a vivid image in my head of Miles being so incredibly nervous about telling Peter he's bi and he's just stuttering like "Pete.. I... I gotta tell you something..." and Peter is just mentally like "jesus christ please tell me the raft didn't have an escape again"
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milimeters-morales · 9 months
Spider-Man (Peter) talking to a reporter to let them know to avoid an area and when he walks away the camera sees a sticky note with a dick drawn on it that Spider-Man (Miles) placed there a few hours ago and forgot about
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maroonmused · 5 months
stand unshaken – chapter 3 (spiderverse/insomniac spider-man crossover)
Miles shrugs. “My Wednesdays used to be Tekken with Ganke. Now they’re…well, still Tekken. And rhinos. Crazy blending with normal ‘till it’s…all normal. I guess.”
“Sure. Tekken and rhinos and alternate universes. Parameters of spider stuff are pretty flexible.”
“Exactly.” Miles blinks, his smile fading. “Hold up, did you just say–“
“That the multiverse is real?” Peter blurts out. “Now I did.”
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synth-spinner · 2 years
In my head Peter and Miles aren't overly excited to encounter spiders since yknow a certain life changing experience but since superior never directly got bit (even if he has a memory of it), and also since he found the powers pretty interesting to study at first he is much more excited about spiders :3 mostly in a purely scientific sense but they've seen him gently and carefully carry a few and talk to them while carrying them away from danger before ^_^ Anna maria finds this very sweet :] actually no peter and miles think spiders r super cool too but u get what I'm layin down right superior is like the resident spider lover <- definitely not biased just coz I love angry guys being niceys to critters
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museincarnate · 4 months
The Tangled Web
(A Spider-Man original storyline, featuring @dragvnsovl)
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Earth-1048: Chinatown District, New York - Near F.E.A.S.T...
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Perched upon a rooftop near the F.E.A.S.T shelter, the younger Spider-Man of this New York had managed to distance himself from the crowd on the sidewalk below; their chatter somewhat confusing and bewildering Miles Morales, as what was being said... Just didn't quite add up. Moreover, what it all could mean for himself, and his mentor elsewhere was a perfectly justifiable reason to call said mentor and tutor, even if he was part of something bigger now, and entrusted Miles to take care of the city in his stead... Right? Totally!
"Yo, Pete! I know you're like... Super busy and all, but... U-Uh... I'm hearin' some pretty freaky stuff near F.E.A.S.T, and it might be more than a Spider-Man problem..."
Knowing that Peter wasn't too busy to at least answer a phone call, especially since he said it was still okay to call him for advice once in awhile, whenever Miles got that part of things out of the way, he'd tell the OG Spider-Man what was going on.
Earth-928: Nueva York - Spider Society HQ
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Taking a quick breather from helping out Miguel with keeping things under control, so that the future Spider-Man of 2099 could take it just a bit easier since they began their shared endeavor, Peter Parker of Earth-1048 felt his phone buzzing; bringing the screen into view, to see who exactly was trying to contact him. Once he saw that it was his successor and fellow Webhead, Miles, the red and blue clad Webslinger would swipe to answer the incoming call; a jovial tone initially put in his words, to greet his pupil.
"Hey, Miles! What's-" Right off the bat, Miles's tone and rush into why he called had the Queens-born Wall Crawler silencing himself; furrowing his brow as he listened to what the other had to say. 'More than a Spider-Man problem', he'd thought to himself, before the undisclosed details seemed to leave Peter speechless for a moment or two, before he snapped out of his disbelief. "Y-Yeah, Miles! I'll be on my way there in just a sec. Stay calm, and tell MJ to get a hold of Gloria. Maybe we can figure out when this all started. See you soon." Somber in tone, a near-vacant stare and slack jaw were parts of the face Peter now wore, as he ended the quick phone call with the Harlem-born Spider-Man; putting his breather to an end rather early, and turning back around to find Miguel... Urgently.
Once he did so...
"Miguel... Something's going on back home, that Miles just called me about. I know that I promised that he could handle things, and that we'd handle this stuff together, and I'd be right here to take some of the weight off your shoulders but..." A fist clenched, as his breathing became a touch more frantic; unease, heartache and confusion, above all else, laid heavy in his inflection. "Something's wrong, and I need to get to the bottom of it. I'll be back as soon as I can... Promise."
He would only wait long enough to hear what Miguel had to say over the matter, even if it was reprimanding or comforting; Peter's mind being made up from the moment he got further details from Miles Morales, just moments ago. Whenever Miguel would finish speaking, it was likely that Peter wouldn't have anything else to say; probably, then, turning away to use his wrist gadget to open one of those portals to his home: Earth-1048. Still, it would take him a few moments to configure the contraption, since he was in a hurried and stressed state of mind.
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mustasekittens · 1 year
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anyways peter only has time to nap in his suit sometimes so miles brings a blanket and a spider plushie for spider power naps
im coping with these crumbs from trailers dude.
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Also known as the Insomniac Universe and PlayStation Spider-Man Universe. A video game-like reality home to two Spider-Men; Peter Parker and Miles Morales.
First mentioned/appearance: Marvel's Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover (2018)
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mediocre-breadcrumbs · 11 months
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Attacking him
(Don't tag as ship)
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silent-raven13 · 8 months
Miles 1610 meets Miles 1048
Hobie slouching on his Sunflower, while they finally meet Miles 1048.
Miles 1610 eyes at Miles 1048's Spider-man suit with bright sky blue with the bright red and black combo: Dude, what is that? -then his honey-brown eyes looks at the Adidas sneakers- What are those!
Hobie 138b chuckles: I dunno. It's different, I like the challenge... but what's with that bucket mask, mate?
Miles 1048 pout: What? What's wrong with this look? This is the Morales Specialty! -He stood proudly on his creative suit-
Miles 1610 winced: Ehhhh, don't let Miles 42 see you.
Hobie 138b nodded quickly: Oh yeah, mate. Don't let that lil devil see you with that suit.
Miles 1048 frowns: Huh? Why! I think this outfit looks dope!
Miles 1610: Dude, we are Nike lovers! Where's your Jordans! The Air Forces? That's the culture! Adidas? You picked Adidas, and out of all the designs those funky colors?
Hobie 138b: I dunno, luv. The colors aren't bad- maybe it's too much brightness? Maybe more black.
Miles 1048 huffed: Not my fault I thought these were cool. What you think this was any better? -Being a a Video Game world, he quickly was able to change his suit into Miles 1610's black and red suit- Really? Bleeding from the armpits?
Miles 1610 dramatically gasps: Oh no, you didn't! This suit is a classic! The black and red is totally me! The designs represents my Uncle Aaron's suit design. it's a homage!
Hobie 138b: Now you done it.
Miles 1048: Well it's not a good design!
Miles 1610: At least, my mask doesn't make me look like a french fry box with dreads looking like soft sad fries
Miles 1048 gasps: You take that back!
Miles 1610: Make me!
Hobie 138b being in the middle: Oi, relax. It's just suits. Our confidents is what rocks it.
Miles 1610 pouts at his boyfriend: Stay out of it, Hobie. This personal!
Miles 1048: Yeah, man. You don't get it. -He changes back into his new suit- This is a cool combo! Neon sky blue with bright red and black! Plus the hoodie?
Miles 1610: I dunno, man... less is more. Those Adidas are fucking fugly, man. Ughh, did the other Miles see you yet?
Miles 1048: Man, you're just hatin'. I don't need this. My shit is dope, man! It's fucking fire. Watch I'ma go find the other Miles and see what they have to say. -he left with a huff-
Hobie 138b saw him meeting the other Miles, Miles 1048 happily said: Hey guys, what do you think my new fit?
All the Miles in the group: DUDE WHAT ARE THOSE! YOOO!
Miles 1610 looks at his boyfriend: I try to warn him!
Hobie 138b: Luv, I think you might need to help him make a new suit, because they are tearing it up... -he winced seeing the group of Miles critiquing the hell out of that suit-
Miles 1610 pulls out his sketchbook: Already on it. Maybe buy him some damn Jordans. It's like his world only Sponsored Adidas!
Hobie 138b: Luv, he is in a video game world...
Miles 1610: More to break the system. I ain't wearing no damn Adidas.
Hobie 138b turns pink: God, I fucking love you, so much.
Miles 1610 giggles: I love you, too, bae!
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volos-wish · 7 months
Honestly in the Insomniac universe I wouldn't be supprised if basically everyone in Miles' literal neighborhood knew his identity as Spiderman. I mean, in his game like half the people go watch his mom freak out over him after he nearly died (and he was un masked) and in the second game when you finish his school quests he gets a very specific suit from the students as a gift tailor made for him.🤔 (I'm pretty sure Beck figured out his identity as well.)
Peter being outed as Spiderman: Oh we hate that guy!!
Miles being outed as Spiderman—Everyone who knew collectively: Who's Miles? Who's Spiderman?
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 | Gameplay Reveal
Introducing Kraven the Hunter
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will launch for PlayStation 5 in Fall 2023.
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Latest details via PlayStation Blog
It’s a banner day for Spidey fans! We’re delighted to finally show you the first-ever gameplay of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the next installment in our original Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise, which will launch in Fall 2023. There’s a lot to unpack about today’s gameplay reveal, so let’s highlight some of the big stuff…
The Great Hunt begins
As many sharp-eared Spidey fans noticed in our announcement trailer in 2021, Kraven the Hunter. This version makes his debut appearance in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and he’s in search of an equal. That spells bad news for the inhabitants of Marvel’s New York including a rogue’s gallery of villains and the Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Between the start of Kraven’s Great Hunt and an all-new Symbiote threat to Earth-1048, our heroes have their work cut out for them.  
Setting the stage for our gameplay reveal: Kraven’s Hunters, a new enemy faction, are in pursuit of Dr. Curt Connors, AKA The Lizard, and Peter needs to stop him. We kick things off at Connors’ home across the East River in Queens, one of the all-new playable and explorable boroughs we’re introducing in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
Let’s get Symbiotic 
We don’t waste any time: bursting through basement doors is Peter Parker, our original Spider-Man in this story, who needs no introduction. But what he’s wearing perhaps deserves one: he’s donning the highly coveted, iconic, and beloved Black Suit and he’s more than ready for a fight.
Beyond serving looks, our Symbiote-bound hero has some new tricks up his sleeve. We’re no stranger to Spider-Man knocking heads, but never like this: he’s much more aggressive and punches certainly aren’t being pulled. Symbiote tendrils aggrandize Spider-Man’s silhouette, slamming foes against hard surfaces, dealing no mercy to Kraven’s Hunters.  
My advice: get cozy with the L1 button because you’re gonna love it.
The super-popular suit can strike fear in almost anyone who comes face-to-face with it, but Kraven isn’t just anyone and his highly trained Hunters aren’t afraid of a brawl. Fret not! New combat abilities can neutralize our new headstrong opponents with a little finesse. Strike back with aggressive parries to gain the upper-hand, or cast a web to shunt enemies between a hard place and a harder place. You can also activate a classic dodge to get out of danger – but don’t get too comfortable; some attacks can’t simply be dodged and will require a parry to properly evade them!  
Our animators put the work in to deliver a much more impulsive Peter Parker, fitting for the symbiote bonded to his person, without sacrificing his combative finesse. New takedowns humble even the most rugged enemies, and new combat animations push Spider-Man’s limits. I mean, did you see what Spider-Man did to this guy? 
In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’re putting respect on the Black Suit and giving it the story it deserves. In this installment, we’re really delving into Peter’s personal relationship with the Symbiote and how it affects those closest to him…
More Miles per hour
Speaking of which, this sequel features not one but TWO playable Spider-Heroes, as Miles Morales returns in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and is a key player in our story. In this demo, Miles is in Harlem hot on Lizard’s tail. Speed is of the essence in many ways than one.
First, get a glimpse at the near-instant switching between both our playable Spider-Men. And if that wasn’t enough, traversal gets a significant speed boost in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2! Cue the Web Wings, which can be deployed by either Spider-Man to move about the city swiftly and urgently. Use wind tunnels between skylines to move with haste and behold the capabilities of the PS5 console’s SSD as you soar above the concrete jungle, zipping past all manner of cars, buildings, and people (and pigeons). If you thought traversal in our first two games was exhilarating, just wait until you experience it firsthand in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
Bringing down the warehouse
After a brief flight across town, Miles has tracked Connors inside the Harlem Fish Market. By the looks of it, Kraven’s hunters are making a move on him, so it’s time to clear them out.
In Marvel’s Spider-Man fashion, players can approach encounters with stealth or fists of fury, or both. Regardless of your approach, there are new gadgets and abilities that complement different playstyles. One of the new gadgets we’re excited about is the Web Line, a new way to sneak around the environment to get the drop on enemies. Cast a line over a couple of Hunters and watch as Spider-Man performs a dual takedown… a Marvel’s Spider-Man first!
Like his mentor before him, Miles Morales also has some new abilities and gadgets at his disposal. On the gadget front, we showed off the Web Grabber, a new gadget that pulls enemies together to an isolated spot. This allows Miles to chain one of his new abilities, the Thunder Burst, unleashing an electrifying ground-pound against a group of foes. You also saw a glimpse of the Chain Lightning ability, which has a shocking radius of effect on any nearby enemies.
Between Peter’s new Symbiote abilities and Miles’ newfound blue bioelectric powers, each Spider-Man has their own unique set of skills that can be upgraded via all-new individual skills tree. Our heroes share technology and train together, too, so we also included a shared Skill Tree that offers parallel upgrades for both.
The Lizard’s in the details
As Miles tracks Lizard through the Fish Market, our environments are sure to activate your Spidey senses: our world is richer, denser and packed with details from particles to improved textures. Lighting also gets an upgrade, casting more dramatic shadows and reflections along walls and pipes; meanwhile spatial 3D audio creates unique soundscapes all around you. Further, we’re upping the immersion in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 with our signature use of the DualSense wireless controller, including a range of haptics and spectacular use of the adaptive triggers.
Whether you’re sneaking through interiors or exploring our city streets, Marvel’s New York is brought to life in ways only possible on PlayStation 5 console.
Be greater together
Working together, the Spider-Men must pursue Lizard and fight the Hunters who seek his capture. Unfortunately for them, Kraven is well-equipped: boats, aerial transports, and weapons are all-eyes on Lizard. The Great Hunt continues along the East River, one of the new areas you can traverse in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and the action is tight: Miles dismantles vehicles in his wake while Peter Parker leads the chase from afar.  
You’ll seamlessly switch between both Spider-Men across a variety of story moments in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. We want players to bask in iconic team-ups elevated by our signature set piece moments, and experience the story from the perspective of each Spider-Man.
Give me what I desire….
There’s no combination of words that can wholly convey how excited we are to finally show you Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 after all this time. We’re excited to give you this first-ever glimpse at what we’ve been working on all these years, and we hope you’re as thrilled as we are.
We know you have been patiently awaiting more information about the game, including when you will be playing it at home. While we can’t confirm a date today, we are on track for Fall 2023, and hope to be able to share a final release date soon. Stay tuned for future updates on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, including edition information and pre-orders.
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