#12f big deal
turboemmy · 6 months
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found some old art ^_^
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juxtp0se · 2 years
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this friendly freak just wants to be loved 
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the-squinkle · 5 years
Big Deal was becoming even more useless by the day. His eggs always came up empty, no matter what she did. She tried letting him sleep in the bed, letting him brush her hair, she even praised his horrid cooking. Nothing.
The Witch still needed him, however. It took two to tango, as the kids liked to say. “Big Deal, come here.” She called, sitting in her side chair. A plastic baggie, a pair of gleaming silver scissors, and a mirror lay on the table beside her.
The little purple gremlin crept forward, wringing his tie as he eyed the very, very sharp scissors. “Ma’am, do you want me to cut your hair?” He asked, his eyes wide with hope and awe.
“Of course not. I’m perfect just as I am.” She narrowed her eyes into white slits, then picked up the scissors with two delicate fingers. Her other hand took the baggie, and she leaned down to Big Deal’s level.
He started to shiver, sweat glistening on his brow and cheeks as the sharp blades came inching closer to his neck. “M-Ma’am?” He croaked, his throat suddenly dry.
“Quiet. I don’t pay you to ask questions.” The cold blade touched his flushed cheek, and he winced, squeezing his eyes shut. He whimpered, his knuckles turning white as he wrung out his little tie.
“Y-You don’t pay- “
“You are repaid for your servitude by the honour of serving me. Is that not enough for you?”
Snnip. A single clump of green hair fell from just under his chin, into the open baggie waiting underneath. The Witch was silent as she worked, the scissors kissing his cheek as she moved for different angles, cutting under his jawline ever so carefully. He could feel her breath on his cheek as she switched sides, trimming his little green tufts down until they were just fuzz underneath his neck.
“Give me that.” She scolded, smacking his tense hands. He released his tie in a gasp, opening his eyes and watching the Witch’s face as she pulled his tie to its full length. He felt it tighten around his neck slightly, and he was pulled forward, inching closer to her face. Her breath. Her scent. His eyes glanced down to her lips, a single bead of sweat dripping down his cheek.
Snip. She cut the tie just beneath the knot and dropped it into the baggie. She stood up, setting the scissors down and closing the plastic bag. She waved him away dismissively, then moved to the kitchen. “That will be all.”
Big Deal swayed where he stood, breathless and flushed. He fell back to his bum, panting as his tie slowly grew back to its original length. He blushed to himself, rubbing the green fuzz where his tufts used to me.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ In the dead hour of the night, the Witch began to work. She had to be up at this ungodly hour because Big Deal was so horribly thoughtful and considerate that he made breakfast at the crack of dawn, even though she never woke up before noon. Even now, she had to be careful about how loud she was being, or she would wake the little snoring blob in the bird cage.
It had been a long time since she’d baked anything, it was a marvel she could still remember the recipe. In the liquid ingredients, she dropped in Big Deal’s green hair, and a lock of her own luscious mane. She shredded his tie into tiny pieces, then stirred them in over a pot on the stove, letting the ingredients melt and blend together before adding it to her dry bowl. She worked the dough, her eyes narrowed in determination, her forearms already starting to burn from the labour.
“Six little soldiers marching one by one, Know that any cost, the war must be won Six will beat Twelve, and win Mother’s pride Borne from the flames, let rage be your guide!”
She murmured to herself before sliding six perfect little rolls into the oven, slowly letting them rise. A half hour before dawn, she took out the buns, a devilish smile crawling up her face as she admired her own work. The crusts were a crisp, golden brown, and they smelled heavenly, like only freshly baked bread could. She crept towards Big Deal’s cage, the pan in one hand, the other rooting around underneath him for eggs. She took out everyone, replacing them quickly with a warm bun. He snorted and stirred in his sleep, and she froze, her teeth bared as she scrambled for her excuse.
Then he drifted off to sleep again. Her shoulders sagged in relief, and she carefully replaced all his eggs with the little buns. She pulled back, exhausted and satisfied. She hid the pan, the eggs and dirty dishes under her bed, then crawled under the covers for a rest.
“Ma’am, Ma’am!” Something was on her bed. A very heavy, very loud something. The Witch opened her groggy eyes to see Big Deal sitting at her feet, the six buns in his lap. “Ma’am, something’s wrong! These aren’t eggs!”
“Of course they are, you moron. You’d laid again, just like yesterday. And the day before. And the day before… Mmph.” She groaned, tossing the blankets up over her head. “This is no excuse for waking me up. Go away.”
“This is bread! This isn’t… I mean, this isn’t what I expected!” He stammered, wringing his tie again, then slowly picking up one of the buns. It was just smaller than his head, and it felt so heavy in his hands. He smiled through his tears, nuzzling it gently. “Th-They’re still warm.”
“Of course they are, your fat little rump has been sitting on them all night.” The Witch grumbled under her covers.
Big Deal pulled back with a pout, staring at the lump under the blankets. He sighed, then carefully, gingerly picked up his new nest, and carried them down to the floor. He set them down in a careful pile, then counted them again.
His hand caressed one of the golden buns as if it were the most precious thing in the world, his vision blurry with tears, his nose already starting to run. Maybe it was an impossible dream. Maybe he and the Witch couldn’t really make something so wonderful happen. Still, it was nice to hope.
His hand jerked back with a gasp. A crack formed just underneath where his palm used to be. He looked to the others and saw more splintering cracks spreading over the crust. “Ma’am!” He yelped, scrambling backwards.
The Witch peeked her head out from under the covers, taking a long whiff, her snake tongue dancing in the air. She started to laugh, rolling out of bed and rising to her full height, her hands on her hips. “Finally.” She said in a low, deep voice, advancing on the shaking, cracking buns.
Big Deal scrambled to his feet, then ran behind his Ma’am, placing one hand against the side of her thigh as he peeked out. “Wh-What’s happening?”
“What’s happening? Why, your eggs are hatching, Big Deal.” She chuckled, approaching the nest with a wide grin, her red pupils dilating in a hypnotic pattern. “Of course, I added a little of myself into them. A lot of myself. My strength, my magic, my incredible powers… And of course, their father’s devotion to their mother.” She started to laugh louder, suddenly landing on all fours, leaning down to one of the rapidly cracking eggs. “Yes, yes! My own biological weapons against Twelve, the perfect killing machines! With these, Big Deal, we’ll finally take back what is rightfully mine.”
Chips of the crust fell away. The bun shook and rolled over to one side, the sight of a little reddish tail poking through. The Witch caught a glimpse of beautiful white hair. “Cheep.” Went the bun.
“Cheep?” The Witch blinked.
Four little arms broke free from the crust, and out tumbled a six-legged, tubby baby. It had white hair like its mother, a thick, chubby little body, wings on it’s first pair of arms, and a little red bow just between her horns. She shook herself off, then opened her wide, red eyes, sitting back on her rump. She tilted her head to the side. “Cheep?”
“No. No, what? Uegh!” The Witch grimaced, then rushed to another shaking bun. Behind her, Big Deal shakily approached the baby, his eyes more tears than eyeballs. He sobbed, falling to his knees and scooping the little chirping hatchling into his arms, babblings sounds that were attempting to be words.
“No!” The Witch called from another bun, which had hatched into a four-legged little tubster with a bowtie and very wide, hopeful eyes. It giggled as the Witch hissed, then plopped down to its belly, waving its little arms and legs around.
“NO!” The Witch sat back on her heels, tearing at her hair.
Out of the largest bun plopped out the fluffiest baby, it’s eyes still closed. It slowly sat up on its rump, it’s bowtie crumpled and still dusted in flour. Its long tail flicked behind it like a contented cat, and its short arms rested on its pudgy belly.
Another six-legged child was hatched, but only about halfway. It chirped and panicked inside of its crust, it’s short little arms too weak to break through all the way. Big Deal scrambled to free it, scooping it up into his arms and sobbing uncontrollably, kissing the new hatchling just between the horns. The newest sibling squeaked, its neck covered in green fur just like it’s father, a little pink bow resting on one of its horns.
A very pretty hatchling toddled around on her hind legs already, giggling and laughing, throwing about bits of the crust around at its siblings. It had six arms, and a very wide bow on the back of it’s neck that it primped and preened whenever it felt particularly beautiful.
“All of them. Every last one.” The Witch sat with her head in her hands, her shoulders slumped as Bid Deal scrambled to hold every hatchling in his arms at the same time, which proved to be quite an issue for the especially squirmy ones. “They’re all useless and cute and disgusting. This was a complete failure.” She dropped her hands to her lap, her head bowed in defeat.
Her head suddenly snapped up. She frowned, turning to her left shoulder. The last hatchling, the smallest of them all, was biting and snarling on her shoulder, its little claws scraping her red skin and it’s mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. Its little insect wings were buzzing as hard as the hatchling could muster, it’s tail wagging hard from side to side. Its pupils were already dilating in a hypnotic pattern during its rage.
The Witch started to smile, reaching down and pinching the hatchling behind the nape of its neck. It went limp, panting and growling as she held it in front of her face. “Congratulations, Big Deal. I have a child.” She chuckled, standing up straight and cradling the still growling hatchling in one arm. “I don’t care what you do with the others. Just make sure they don’t get on my bed.”
Big Deal couldn’t answer. He was buried under a pile of chirping, giggling hatchlings, wailing like a child. The room was filled with the sickly smell of love, but the one in the Witch’s arms was so full of spite and rage that it almost made it all worth it. She’d never been a mother before. This could be a lot of fun.
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cabu12 · 5 years
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This took all of thirty minutes. Thirty minutes I could have spent...I dunno? Doing something worth while? 
Oh and it was GREEN lipstick, yo. 
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baeklooming-day · 4 years
Blue Violets | 01
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♢ 01 → ?
♢ SUMMARY: The one where you encounter someone you wished you never met, someone who makes your heart flutter involuntarily despite you trying to erase the unknown blooming feeling in it.
♢ GENRE: crush!AU, song lyrics AU, Fluff
♢ WORD COUNT: 1.7k
♢ A/N: I wrote it almost immediately after I listened to Bungee for the first time, that song owns my soul lmao also this is heavily based on how I met my crush in real life. I found it in my drafts and well I’ll just leave it here~
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“Filters, you can use them on Snapchat, but not in real life.”
You casually said, interrupting the discussion between the two of your friends. You didn’t even look away from your phone’s screen, already knowing their bewildered expressions.
You lazily ran your fingers through your soft hair, making the long locks fall gently on your left shoulder soaked in the afternoon sunlight beaming through the large window in the room.
“Easy for you to say, Y/N.” Said your friend. “You have everyone falling in love with you, so you don’t need to plan all the way to state your real feelings to your freaking crush who never talks to you.”
You finally put your phone away, shaking off the loose strand of your hair of your dewy cheek. “I’ve told you thousand times, just deal with it and be straightforward. You will save yourself the time and the nerves.” You gave her a questioning look. “Y’all can come up with every genius undercover plan you want, but what’s the real thing is simply approaching him and asking him out on the spot.”
“Yeah, alright, but first I need to know if he even sees me like that.”
“Ask him.”
“Y/N.” Your friend exhaled deeply, causing her charcoal black bangs to fly up. “I’m not you, Queen Straightforward.”
“Of course you are not me, but you are you and this is all you need to go through with this.” You said. “You do know that making all those strategies takes more of your energy than just going to him and getting straight to the point?”
“Y/N, I swear to the heavens-”
“Do you want to live in denial?” You asked.
You were aware that apparently not everyone was gifted with that fearless straightforwardness which you cherished about yourself so much, but you still tried to encourage everyone else around you to beeline to their point whatever their point was, instead of wandering in circles around it.
You were that person who never wanted to lose time, whatever you were doing in that moment.
Like that one time when all you did was walk through the town on a warm day without a care in the world, when you noticed him in one of those crowded lovely coffee places, smiling to the customers from behind the counter.
A boy with amazingly handsome features and deep, black almond shaped eyes which looked at you from underneath his equally black locks which managed to gently fall on them, sliding to the left and to the right with his every movement.
You still remembered exactly how flabbergasted, but in the first line how captivated that view left you.
Your first thought was that you just MUST talk to him.
And you weren’t even a tiny bit modest when whenever telling that story you always said how proud you were of yourself and of your capacity to rule over the fear of a simple rejection.
There would always be someone who may view this whole thing as a little careless, given that you didn’t even know if he was taken or not, god, you didn’t even know his name or age because it was literally the first time that you saw him.
You saw him, and in the moment you did, you decided that you liked what you see, and when you see something that you like you usually wanna have it right?
You loved recalling that magnificent moment when you decisively marched up to him when it was your turn to order and without thinking twice just asked the question, the super simple yet so difficult for many people ‘will you go on a date with me?’
The circumstances weren’t actually so optimal, given that his boss was right next to him to witness everything, plus the crowd of other girls in line behind you, but you owned that moment because he said yes.
That was the day when you started to believe that being straightforward and fearless would get you far in life.
“Y/N, I’m just scared to ask him, alright?” She said.
“The world belongs to the courageous ones.” You tapped on the back of your phone, noticing the little annoyed look in her eyes before they flickered away to the big window which was letting the gentle sunlight dance on your loose hair. “I wouldn’t wait.”
“Well-” She started. “We’ll see what you would do when you finally meet someone who isn’t just a fling for two days. Someone who you take really seriously.”
You let out a soft laugh. “Like I said, I wouldn’t wait. Words spill just like that. And I’m straightforward enough in order to be able to pull this off right away.”
Or so you thought.
“Listen you two, I need to run.” You then said, looking at your phone and slowly standing up, fixing your white skirt.
“Oh, the famous language exchange everyone’s been talking about?”
“Yeah, duty calls.” You replied smiling. “I’m supposed to be Julia’s backup there because, you know, the crush that she’s always mentioning will be there too.” You flipped your hair back, sending your friends one last cheeky look. “Take her as a good example, she’s actually taking action.”
“Later queens!” You said laughing, finally leaving without saying anything else.
Luckily, your usual hangout spot wasn’t too far away from your school where that whole event took place, so you managed to arrive there quickly.
You were supposed to meet with your friend inside the building already, and knowing that it was on the last floor, you dashed to the door and to the elevator as soon as you spotted the big crowd of other students directing themselves to the entrance of your school.
Probably everyone came here for the same purpose.
Well, maybe not wholly the same, given that you were merely playing the backup for your friend.
To your delight, the school was still quite empty inside except for some students who were just standing here and there, quietly chattering with each other.
You walked up to the elevator, pressing the button to call it down.
A brief moment later, you felt a presence next to you.
You looked to your left, coming to a view of a boy you’ve never seen before, with dark satiny hair and a remarkable, beautiful sharp jawline.
The boy looked to his right, meeting your eyes. For a brief moment you were just there, both looking at each other without saying anything.
For some reason, your eyes flickered to the ground, taking a good look at your own and at the same time at his shoes, realizing one thing.
Your shoes were the exactly same model.
And there would be nothing particular or weird about it, if not the obvious to you fact that your big white sneakers with notable violet print which said T O K Y O on each side of them were a presale limited model, which exclusively the violet card members of your beloved now clothing line could buy. It was a rare item and knowing that, as weird as it was, that there were only two pairs of them available you wondered if this boy also sat awake for the whole night clicking on the violet field thousand times in a minute to make sure none else orders the one pair first.
It looked like he was asking himself the same question, judging by the surprised look fixed on your shoes.
You both looked up, your eyes meeting again with unfiltered question marks visible in them.
“Who the freak are you?” Asked the boy, with a velvet like smooth voice.
“Who the freak are YOU?” You replied, mirroring him.
“I asked you first.”
“I asked you second.”
Awkward pause. Just when he opened his mouth to say something again, the sound of the elevator door opening interrupted him in whatever else it was that he wanted to say.
The two of you entered the small elevator space, trying not to give each other any more glances.
“Which floor?” You asked, given that you ended up being the one next to the buttons with floor numbers.
“The twelfth.” Came an immediate response.
The twelfth floor. So he was going to the language exchange as well, knowing that the twelfth floor was also the last one in the building.
You decided to stay quiet nonetheless, pressing the silver button labeled ‘12F’ and putting your hand back on your bag.
After not more than five seconds, a smooth voice filled your ears again. “Are you going there too?”
“I asked if you’re going to the twelfth floor as well.” The boy was looking directly at you again. “And also, you didn’t answer my previous question.”
You scrunched your nose. “For the twelfth floor, then yes, I’m indeed going there too, as for the who the freak are you, I’m literally the second person who managed to get the violet card sneakers.”
The boy’s eyes wandered from your face to the ground. “Uhm, yeah, maybe that wasn’t the politest way to start a conversation.” He said, brushing off some loose dark locks from his forehead.
You let out a soft chuckle.
Well, maybe it wasn’t the politest beginning, but scoring in your straightforwardness scale it surely was a smooth ten.
“I’m Y/N.” You finally said.
“Beautiful name.” He mirrored your chuckle. “I’m Baekhyun.”
A beautiful name yourself, you thought.
And as you looked more closely, you noticed yet another thing which, to be honest, surprised you that you didn’t acknowledge it earlier when you locked your eyes with Baekhyun by the elevator door. “Wait, are these contact lenses?” You asked, pointing at his unnaturally sapphire blue irises.
“Yeah, I wanted to make myself appear a little bit more vivid.” Came a soft reply.
“It looks interesting.”
“Does it?”
I get a bit frustrated when my eyes meet yours
I want to get a look deep in your mind but I can’t
When your fingers as much as brush past mine
My heart grows faint
That’s why I called you so late last night
If only you knew that this encounter would affect you so much in the future, you probably wouldn’t have even gone to that event in the first place.
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Leave me your opinions 💜
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mychlapci · 4 years
I (12m) want to stay in a rural town to research interdimensional annomalies with my great-uncle (60m) and my twin sister (12f) claims I'm 'abandoning her' and 'replacing her'. I made her cry before our 13th birthday, which is apperently a big deal to her and now she's run off into the deep Oregon woods and obviously won't talk to me. AITA?
Update: We have just caused the End of the World.
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toydrill · 5 years
answering your questions!
thank you all so much for the 12f asks and interaction... this is really new to me and i’m over the moon that so many people enjoy my content and want to talk to me about it! i have a lot of feelings about buttdeal and im glad that other people do too... i feel like i could write an essay about how a redemption arc could go...
so without further ado... i will answer your questions... :)
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i’ve seen people refer to her as full grown because of that piece of merch! i’m not sure if i believe it just yet... but it’s certainly a cool idea!
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i think reggie’s crush on conelly is really cute-- i want to draw content of them soon, but i’m not sure if i ship them in a requited way, just because reggie still has a lot of character growth to go through before she even admits that love is anything but a Boring Life Ruiner. i would like to explore some aspects of conelly though since we haven’t really seen much of her!
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umm ABSOLUTELY. most of bw’s interaction with other people on endless is being insulted and rejected, and i feel like she’s started to internalize that somehow (if her conversation with brown roger before transforming him means anything)... i really want to see more of her vulnerability in that way
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@softballmaster21 i’m feeling... okay! not entirely great but not unbearable like the past couple days. hopefully whatever is ailing me will get out before my new college semester starts
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i definitely think that his feeling of isolation among the citizens of endless is a part of why it was so easy for him to attach to BW... he seems like one of the characters that could have once been a person who simply stayed in endless (or the universe in which endless resides) to escape something. 
once idea i have is that he was on one of the different islands that elmer talked about and ended up on endless somehow and so that maybe is why he’s so isolated ... the deterioration of real-world people on these islands is different depending on environment...
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ABSOLUTELY!!! i love them with all my heart and i want to listen to them forever
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Stop listen. reggie empathizing with big deal falling in love with someone he feels like is out of his league or unattainable and is like. God. fuck. dammit. shit. UGH
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(read from bottom to top)
buttwitch is unable to communicate any kind of personal and vulnerable feelings she has to other people. we know this. she feels abandonment issues, possibly because of reggie wanting to refuse and repress her existence-- she doesn’t want to grow up, she finds disgust in the idea of maturity, which is the core of bw’s being, and fights her every step of the way to an inevitable end. 
in that way i find that buttwitch for a while is really easy to empathize with. she, while abrasive and arrogant, is the personification of something that is GOING to happen, regardless of reggie wanting it or not. the other option, staying in endless and never aging, is degenerative and will cause her psyche to go into the fucking gutter. even todd and esther, while understanding reggie’s feelings, know this in their hearts and push back against her on it. BW is trying to meet reggie on her own playing field for most of the series-- shenanigans ramping up in silliness that make reggie come face to face with her own flaws and problems and have to accept them and mature. but she never does.
the negativity worms giving BW more power may be a part of that line of thinking too-- like the negative conflict that’s like. obviously about the issues reggie and her friends are having in relation to maturing at different levels makes BW stronger. 
big deal is fucking terrified because he doesn’t understand BW’s intention. she wants to destroy the island because she wants reggie to grow up. she wants the citizens of endless, especially those who are lost in escapism, to realize how futile running away from their problems is. but i dont think he realizes that? i think he sees it as completely anarchistic and with no real reason but to destroy twelve entirely, which scares him. he may be working against reggie, but he also respects her because everyone else does. 
that leads to big deal’s confession being the only thing that saves BW being a perfect subversion of BW’s understanding of why he follows her in the first place. like sure at first it might have been a baser physical attraction but he seems legitimately interested in what she has to say, her opinions, her feelings. reggie sees that and may not understand WHY but relates to it as someone fighting with her romantic feelings with connelly, and so she lets BW go 
anyway this probably doesnt make any sense but im baby and i love them a lot.
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Thank you for letting me live vicariously through both of these characters at the same time JGKDFJLKGLJDKF
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  4) Bring your clothing line to life with The Fashion Mogul Clothing Line Start-Up Kit 2020 Edition - 10 Awesome Items To Help You Launch Your Line!
Includes Digital Fashion Pro Industry Edition + How To Start a Clothing Line Business Kit & Manufacturing Contacts! This Is The Total Solution - Everything You Need to Build, Design, Launch & Grow Your Fashion Brand!
. Fashion Business / Clothing Line Entrepreneur Essentials: Get Tools to Help You With Starting A Clothing Line, Designing Your Clothing, Getting Your Line Made & In Stores! Includes: Step by Step Clothing Start-Up Business Guide + Software to Design Your Clothes & Outfits + 500 Clothing Manufacturing Contacts In This All-In-One Complete Package! This is the Perfect / #1 Clothing Line Business Kit / Fashion Design Software For Beginners! . On Sale Today For $475 During Our Super 1 Day Sale! Save Over 50% Off Regular Price! Don’t Miss This Super Deal! Regular Price $1248. Plus You can write this package or any Digital Fashion Pro package off on your taxes once you start your business. You can't lose! . Perfect for Menswear, Women's Wear, Children & Baby Apparel, Footwear & Accessories Markets. Includes DFP Industry Edition Fashion Design Software So That You Can Design Your Clothing. + You Get Fashion Business Tools to Help You Launch Your Line Effectively! + List Of 500 Global Apparel Manufacturers to Help You Find Manufacturers For Your Clothing Line! List has manufacturers from over 30 countries including China, Hong Kong, USA, Australia, UK, Canada, India, Turkey & More! You can use this list to get your clothing manufactured in small quantities at competitive prices, sample making, pattern making services & more. .
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. This complete package walks you through starting your clothing line, the tools to design it, getting it made & in stores! Get proven tips / key information on how to make money with your own clothing line while avoiding common and not so common mistakes. This package covers the true fundamentals & insider insight on launching a fashion label from the ground up from a true beginner's perspective on a small budget. Complete Guide to Fashion Business Practices, Marketing Your Brand, Sourcing, Sampling & Production, Packaging, Shipping, Warehousing, Wholesaling, Retailing, Working With Sales Reps, Pricing and More! Go From Beginner to Fashion & Clothing Line Pro with the Fashion Mogul Kit 2020! . Designing Your Line: Get All The Basic V9, Business Class & Industry Edition Features! Templates for Jeans, T-shirts, Pants, Shorts, Polos, Tank Tops, 2 T-Shape Model Poses, Step by Step Training + Ability to Design Dresses, Skirts, Hoodies, Coats, Jackets, Sportswear, Sweaters, Tops, Button Downs, Swimwear, Shoes, Handbags, Designer Denim, Baby Clothing + 1400 Extra Digital Fabric Files + How to Create Technical Sketches & Work With Artwork / Graphics Training + Fabric Pack 12F. .
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         . Package Includes 10 Items: 1. Digital Fashion Pro V9 Industry Edition Fashion CAD Software (6 Items) ($824 Value) 2. The Official Step by Step Guide to Starting Your Own Line Course (Physical Book) ($125 Value) 3. Fashion Business Center (FBC) ($125 Value) - Spec Sheet and Business Templates for Getting Your Line Made 4. SCL Clothing Manufacturers and Fashion Suppliers Contact List eBook 2019 – 500 Manufacturers Worldwide ($125 Value) 5. Digital Fabric Pack 12F - ($49 Value) Note: When purchasing this package – 10 items (USB with 9 items on it + Official Step by Step Guide to Starting a Clothing Line Book) will come in the mail to you. On Sale For $475 Today! Order Now! + Free Shipping Today! .
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  5) Buy: Go Big With The Style Blast Suite - 2020 Edition – The 18 Item Super deal! Design Over 1,000 Styles! Super Sale Price: On Sale Today For $575! Start Your Clothing Line Today Utilizing This Empowering Package!
. Package Includes Everything In The Fashion Mogul Edition + Get 8 Additional Items: . Storyboard Creator Upgrade (Features 2 Extra Models – Runway & Side View Pose + Supporting Templates) + Dress 2B Upgrade, Mega Vector Art Pack (200 Art Files to Use In Your Designs) + Digital Prints Pack Fabrics + Red Carpet Pose & Supporting Templates + Women’s Heels 2 Upgrade + Style Pack 2 Upgrade (Rompers, Wrap Dresses, Blouses) + Unisex Dress Suit Jackets & Blazer Collection . + Get All of the Digital Fashion Pro Models – Basic T-Shape, Runway Walk, Red Carpet Pose, Edge of Runway Side Pose . + Artwork For Your Designs: One of the best upgrades in this Suite is the Mega Vector Art Upgrade. You get over 200 files of royalty-free Vector Art to incorporate Into Your Designs. Plus you can customize / alter / change any of the artwork. You can group them together & more! This item sales for $150 by itself and you get it free in the Style Blast Suite. . Regular Price When Each Item is Totaled Separately: $1624. Don’t miss this incredible deal today! Sale price & offers are subject to change or end without notice. . Super 1 Day Sale Price: $575 Today! + Free Shipping Today! Order Right Now to Save Over 60% Off! Regular Price $1624. Note: When purchasing this package – 18 items (USB with 10 items on it + Official Step by Step Guide to Starting a Clothing Line Book) will come in the mail to you. The other 7 Electronic items will be sent to you via email download after product registration / verification. Product Ships From The USA. .
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konapony · 5 years
“i love you!”
“well, that’s unfortunate.”
-big deal and butt wizard, twelve for ever, s1e16 “not twelve forever”
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bangzchan · 7 years
So where I live it’s currently 12F/-11C but I have to go get a manicure/ pedicure for a wedding I have Sunday. And I’m in an actual panic that I’m going to have to wear flip flops to my hair cut after. And that people are going to be judging me....I fucking hate my brain sometimes. No one else on earth would care. Would brush it off and I’m like analyzing all the things people will think about me.
aww i feel u, i hate my brain so much for makig a big deal out of everything.. idk how much it helps but yeah i can assure you no one will care. They might take a glance but will probably forget it in 5 seconds. im only worried about ur feet gettin cold
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✨✨✨THAT’S RIGHT!✨✨✨ . ✨ALL OF OUR BEST-SELLING SUPER SHARP, STERILE DISPOSABLE PENS ARE ALSO THE BEST PRICED IN THE MARKET! 🎉🎉🎉 . ✨The ENTIRE Onyx family is invited to this party including: . ✨Onyx Classic 9, 12 & 14 C as well as 18U blade pens ❤️ . ✨Onyx Sterling Stainless Steel 12C & 16U blade pens 😍 . ✨Our Onyx Shader Collection 5R, 12F & 19R shading pens 🙌🏻 . ✨Our newest Onyx family member the incredible custom-made 0.15mm diameter 20U Nano Blade Pen for the loveliest precise & curved strokes! 😎 . ✨ALL ONYX ALL WEEKEND $4.95 CAD! So tap👆🏻that link in our bio to get shopping right now!!! If you want to be a REALLY great friend, tag your PMU pals and share this awesome deal with them too ❤️ . ✨ALSO BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING VERY SOON! So while you’re in our bio or on our website, please don’t forget to sign up for our e-mail newsletter coming out next week to be the VERY FIRST to know our game-changing announcements AND get exclusive deals!!! 🤩🤩🤩 . . . #pmu #microbladecanada #repost #microbladingeyebrows #microblading #brows #cosmetictattoo #elevate #microbladingcanada #beauty #pmuartists #microbladingusa #digitalmarketing #instagramers #ladyboss #bossbabe #women #community #pmu #marketing #love #communityovercompetition #photo #tribe #sisterhood #mbctribe #onyxcollection #onyx
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juxtp0se · 3 years
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BY POPULAR(?) DEMAND i’m making a new full grown & big deal sticker! stay tuned and i’ll post when i’ve got them in my hands :- ] 
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ijustwant2ride · 8 years
The view of the show from up high
Debbie and I went to the Washington DC International Motorcycle Show on the 8th of January.  But before I tell you about the show I have to tell you about the adventure we had just getting to the show. 
On a Sunday morning, barring accidents, it can take about 45 minutes to get to the Washington DC convention center from our home by car.  The problem is that parking in DC is very bad on the very best day, so we elected to take the metro/subway instead.  That was a big mistake! 
First and foremost we forgot that system was undergoing major overalls on the rail lines.  Second the trains are less frequent on weekends and third it was 12F and windy.  Sooooo, we quickly learned that we should have just driven in by car.
 The long story short is that we changed trains 5 times had to leave the subway to take a bus for 3 stops and walked several blocks to wait in stations for the next train to arrive.  At one point I think we were within a mile of convention center but at 12F the remaining 30 minute train ride was a better deal.  All in all just over 2 hours after boarding the first train we arrived at the convention center where we then had to walk to blocks, in doors, to get to the exhibit center. 
Well once there we had a great time.  This here the show was a bit smaller than those of the past.  Honda and KTM were not present thus the number of makes were down by at least two.  Last time we were there on a Saturday so I do not know if the crowd was smaller but it felt well attended to me.   
We wondered around the exhibits looking at the new bikes, checked out the JP Cycle motorcycle show contestants (I should enter my Army bike) and talked with the representatives. I had a nice conversation with the CEO of Southeastern Virginia Indian out of Newport News about what he and Indian are doing.   
I also had a good conversation with the marketing director of Royal Enfield USA.  She knew about the DawgHouse Motorcycle Radio show and stated that if any of us got to Milwaukee we had an invitation to ride the new Royal Enfield Himalayan adventure bike.  It is not yet available in the US but of course the HQ of Royal Enfield has a few on hand! 
After about 2 hours we knew we had to pack it in, even if we were not ready because we had a 2 hour train/bus/walking trek ahead of us.  So we packed our swag and headed out. 2 hours later we were in our car warming up and head to the house. 
All in all this year’s IMS Washington DC event was worth the 4 hour travel!
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
The 3d printing of the new Harley Davidson Milwaukee 8 engine.
Me on my next bike???
The elusive “Red Ninja”!
BMW had a VR system to “try out” their bikes. The line was to long.
There were several custom Sling Shots or T-Rexs on display.
Our wonderful adventure 2017 International Motorcycle Show Debbie and I went to the Washington DC International Motorcycle Show on the 8th of January.  But before I tell you about the show I have to tell you about the adventure we had just getting to the show. 
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juxtp0se · 3 years
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juxtp0se · 3 years
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i'm in a sticker frenzy 🦎 https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Full-Grown-and-Big-Deal-by-v-diggety/79833347.EJUG5
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juxtp0se · 5 years
i just realized that at 0:49 he says “oh god! help!”(???) she was WRONG FOR THAT🥺 but the boss-battle arc was really cool so i put these 2 together. 
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