#17 Februari 2024
royalarchivist · 7 months
Quackity, Tubbo, Etoiles, Cellbit, Tina, Foolish, and Niki were featured in Twitch's Instagram story!, and Niki were featured in Twitch's Instagram story!
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yukipri · 8 months
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💙❤️Happy Valentine's Day!❤️💙
This year, decided to do a set!
"Spice" - Alpha-17 x Obi-Wan
"Sugar" - Fordo x Obi-Wan
Do you prefer your romance to be Sweet❤️ or Spicy💙?
PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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atthebell · 7 months
no words for this entire interaction just obsessed with this energy
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icedbatik · 7 months
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brian-in-finance · 7 months
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Remember the 2024 Charles Finch & Chanel 2024 Pre-BAFTA
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lotussart · 1 month
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The lesser of the two evils
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somedaylazysomeday · 7 months
Bodyguard - Part Three
Alpha is moving on to another assignment. That's bearable only because you are, too. And you have an idea how to spend your last week together...
Alpha-17 x fem!reader
Rating: Explicit. Minors, please do not interact.
Word Count: 4,200
Warnings: Mentions of past trauma and peril, language, mentions of secret workplace relationships, mentions of future dangers, inappropriate workplace activities, unprotected sex.
Previous | Masterlist
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“I expect you to get your work done,” Senator Julgum’s hologram reminded. Fortunately, it was a pre-recorded video, or he would have definitely objected to the rude noise you made in response to that. “Though I will not be there to supervise, I assure you that I will be checking in on your progress throughout the week.” 
You made a face as you let the rest of the recording play, internally deriding everything the senator had to say. Just the fact that he had seen fit to record a holomessage for you showed that he had clearly misunderstood his own role in the office. 
When the recorded message finally flickered twice and went dark, Alpha huffed a sigh beside you. If your expressions and reactions had been unprofessional, Alpha’s had been actively disrespectful, if not fully hostile. 
“Supervision,” Alpha finally growled. “What kind of supervision do you reckon he thinks he’s doing?” 
“I have no idea,” you said, shaking your head. “Hard to supervise when you spend most of your time fundraising or trying to ingratiate yourself with other senators.” 
“Doesn’t work.” Alpha wore a smug smile. “I’ve heard the chatter. No one can stand Julgum.” 
“Shock,” you said lightly, shuffling some flimsi around on your desk in an effort to neaten things up. “Ah, well. How many more days?” 
“Too many. Four. And you?” 
You didn’t even have to think about it. “Six. At least Julgum isn’t here.” 
“Be careful,” Alpha warned sternly. You frowned, waiting for his warning. Only a twinkle in his eyes gave his teasing away. “Julgum will be checking in throughout the week.” 
You pretended to gasp. “In that case, you’d better leave. I have work to do.” 
“Yeah, it’s busy around here,” Alpha scoffed, gesturing at the empty office around you. “So many people begging to work with the senator on his next well-thought-out proposal for a bill.” 
With a laugh, you said, “Oh, I see what happened. You’re thinking of your next job. When you work with Senator Amidala, you’ll be spending most of your time screening visitors and trying to keep her from getting into blaster fights with bounty hunters and war criminals.”
“I’ve heard. The jetii may not get the most reliable intel, but they try to prepare us when they can.” 
“Just promise me you’ll stay safe,” you requested. 
Alpha gave you an unimpressed look. “The day I get taken out by some Seppie aiming for Amidala is the day I deserve to go.” 
“That’s not a promise.” 
“It’s not.” Alpha gave you a calculating glance. “But if you’re so concerned, let me pull some strings. I can get you a position as one of Amidala’s aides. That way, you can keep an eye on me.” 
It was an old argument. You weren’t going to let him win it, but you had to appreciate his persistence. “Again, Senator Amidala only hires aides from Naboo. Even then, she gives priority to anyone who used to work as one of her decoys. I wouldn’t get an aide position with her, and that’s fine. Anywhere is better than here.” 
“I still don’t like the idea of you working for that maniac,” Alpha grumbled. 
You laughed openly. “Senator Organa is not a maniac. He’s outspoken, but he gets in fewer blaster battles than Amidala. Plus, they work together a lot. We’ll still spend a lot of time around each other.” 
Alpha frowned. “Are they fucking?” 
“Classy,” you remarked, already shaking your head in answer. “Senator Organa is famously devoted to his beautiful wife, and all of us aides think Senator Amidala has a secret boyfriend she sneaks around with.”
“Secret boyfriend?” Alpha repeated, a glimmer of interest in his expression. He claimed to be above petty things like gossip, but the captain loved ferreting out whether there was truth in a rumor. He didn’t necessarily tell anyone what he found, but he needed to know. “Maybe I’d better keep an eye out. He could be a security risk.” 
“Or you could leave it alone.” He didn’t seem convinced, and you shrugged. “Just saying, maybe we aren’t the ones who should be looking too deeply into secret relationships.” 
“Secret?” Alpha gave you an incredulous look. “Mesh’la, the only people who don’t know we’re dating are the ones who don’t pay any attention.” 
Arguing with Alpha was often less effective than trying to elbow through a durasteel wall, but you stood your ground. “Still, Julgum would have done his best to fire us both if he had known we were together. Maybe Senator Amidala is dating someone who would be considered inappropriate for some reason. Better to let them have their privacy.” 
“We’ll see,” was Alpha’s only answer. It was as good as him saying that he didn’t want to keep discussing it, and you weren’t willing to get into an argument over a senator’s love life, so you let it go. “And Julgum might have tried to get rid of us, but I was appointed by the Jedi.” 
“Nice for you,” you remarked, craning your neck to look at him. While you had occupied yourself by cleaning out your desk, Alpha had opted to pace around the small receiving area. “But I would have been out of a job.” 
“Maybe, maybe not.” Alpha’s smile was sharp, more a baring of teeth than an actual smile. “I can be very persuasive.” 
“Like that time you persuaded that delivery droid through the window?” 
“I didn’t like the way it kept buzzing around here,” Alpha said defensively. “And what did it turn out to be in the end?” 
“A Separatist spy droid,” you admitted readily. 
There was no point in denying it; that incident was legendary among the Senate aides. Not only had Alpha kept Senatorial secrets from being captured by the Separatists, he had used himself as a shield when the spy droid had tried to come after you. Half the aide pool had fantasized about Alpha for a month afterward. It had been hell. 
From the subtle grimace on Alpha’s face, he hadn’t forgotten the constant admiration either. Neither one of you had enjoyed that level of attention, but it had driven the two of you to be more openly affectionate. The teasing you had gotten from your coworkers and all of Alpha’s brothers had been worth it to stop watching everyone hit on your boyfriend. 
“Speaking of Julgum,” Alpha said, interrupting your tangled thoughts, “When is he supposed to be back?” 
“Three weeks from yesterday,” you answered automatically. 
Alpha snorted. “Not too concerned about being here for our last week on staff, is he?” 
“No.” You sighed. “At least we don’t have to deal with him. And my replacement will have some time to get used to the job before he gets back.” 
“Did they find someone for the position?” Alpha asked. 
“Absolutely not.” Idly, you picked up an outdated flimsi memo and tossed it into the wastebin. “Last I heard, they weren’t going to force any Senatorial aides into working with him. I guess word of the crash on Bogden got around.” 
“Of course it did,” Alpha confirmed. “I made sure it would.” 
“Alpha!” you chided, already laughing. “I told you not to do that!” 
He looked utterly unrepentant. “You did. I don’t know what you expected. He left us behind at a crash site. I know he didn’t come looking for us - I was conscious the whole time. I was designed to be left behind, but you? You’re defenseless. It was cowardly, not looking for you. Julgum and the pilot, but I already told the pilot what I thought of him.” 
“Is that why he quit?” Julgum’s pilot had suddenly given his notice and left before anyone could ask any questions. You had thought it was strange at the time, but you hadn’t followed up. 
“It’s a wonder Senator Organa agreed to take me on,” you muttered, gathering a pile of flimsi to be discarded. 
“He’d be stupid not to,” Alpha told you. The path he had been pacing through the room led him up to you. “Everyone knows what Julgum put you through. You’re the best aide the Senate has. Organa’s not the only one who knows it, either. You were getting out of here one way or another.” 
You stared at him. “And you didn’t think to tell me this before?” 
“I didn’t want that little ego to get out of control,” Alpha told you, tapping a spot at the dead center of your forehead. “‘Sides, isn’t it better that you waited for a position you actually want instead of one that’s just less bad?” 
“I guess,” you admitted begrudgingly as Alpha’s heavy hand settled on your shoulder. “Still would have been nice to know. It might have made it easier to put up with Julgum for the last few weeks.” 
The senator had been awful, even worse than his ever-horrible self. You and Alpha had planned to give him the news of your new assignments as late as possible and you still regretted giving that much notice.
“He’s been a real shabiir, hasn’t he,” Alpha mused idly. His fingers traced gentle circles over your collarbone, dragging the delicate material of your blouse along with the motion. “I might have to think up something special for him on our way out.” 
“I have something in mind.” Keeping a neutral face was difficult and you couldn’t be sure that Alpha didn’t see straight through your efforts, but you did your best. “But I would need your help.” 
You watched the struggle on Alpha’s face as he tried to figure out your game. Eventually, he took the bait. “Yeah? What were you thinking?” 
“I think…” You lost the battle, letting your lips slowly curl into a dirty smile. “I think we should spend a little quality time on Julgum’s desk.” 
Alpha’s blank face was much more difficult to read than yours, but you waited him out. “Did I ever tell you you’re clever for a civilian?” 
You beamed. “Not recently.” 
“You’re so smart, I can hardly stand it, mesh’la,” Alpha said. It didn’t sound like an exaggeration, and his eyes glittered with a new appreciation. “I think that would be the perfect way to get Julgum back.” 
“I agree,” you said, hastily shoving flimsi and datapads out of the way so you wouldn’t leave your desk a total mess. “Should we-? Oh. Wait. Julgum has cameras in his office. If he finds out about it, he’s the type to follow up and get us in trouble even after we leave. 
“Don’t worry,” Alpha told you. That wasn’t reassuring, especially when he patted a pocket. “I have a little friend with me.” 
You frowned, racking your brain for what he could possibly be referring to, but coming up blank. “I’m… sorry?” 
Alpha held up a small white puck, held between two fingers. “A video/audio disruptor. Temporarily shorts out all recording devices within a twenty-yard radius.” 
“That is helpful,” you agreed, reaching for it. 
As you plucked it from his fingers, Alpha frowned. “What did you think I was talking about?” 
The tone of his voice told you clearly that he thought you had assumed he was referring to his cock. No one blessed with multiple brain cells could see Alpha nude and claim that any part of him was ‘little’, so you had to stifle a grin. “I assumed you meant a condom.” 
“I have one of those, too,” Alpha told you, fishing in another pocket until he was holding a condom. “Preparedness is key.” 
“Of course,” you agreed, openly laughing then. “I’ll need a second to unlock Julgum’s door, but then we should be good to go.” 
“Bet I could slice that osik lock faster than you could use the code,” Alpha muttered. 
Twenty minutes ago, you would have taken him up on that bet as a way to alleviate the horrible boredom you were suffering. However, you had a much more enticing offer and you ignored him in favor of unlocking the door yourself. 
Julgum’s office was as plain and bland as it ever was. When you first started with him, you had expected it to be filled with the trinkets and displays of a vain man obsessed with his own power, but you had been wrong. Julgum didn’t spend enough time in his office to worry about frivolous things like decor. 
Alpha followed you into the office, closing the door behind you. He tapped at his vambrace for a moment, then pulled his helmet on. 
“What are you doing?” you asked curiously. 
“Checking the recording devices in the room,” Alpha told you, still wearing his helmet. The narrow slit of his visor was intimidating, even when you couldn’t be less intimidated by the man behind it. “None are active. We’re good to go.” 
“Perfect, now take it off.” 
“What’s wrong, mesh’la?” Alpha teased. “Don’t want to look at my pretty bucket up close?” 
“It’s a nice helmet,” you admitted. “But we both know I like how you kiss.” 
The helmet was removed in an instant, tossed almost carelessly onto the floor. Alpha ignored the way you chided him in favor of stripping off the plates of armor attached to his body glove. When he was finally standing in front of you in the form-fitting black suit, you only had a moment to admire him before he was kissing you.
You hadn’t been lying about the way Alpha kissed. His lips were gentle but insistent, drawing you further and further into him until kissing him felt more important than breathing. You ended up plastered against Alpha, his muscular arms wrapping around your back in a cradling type of support that left you drowning in his heat. 
Your hands weren’t nearly as steady or still - you were exploring every bit of him that you hadn’t gotten to properly appreciate in his body suit. His muscles swelled and dipped beneath the thin, flexible material, and you could feel his eagerness as he responded to your touch. Your hands traced a trail down to the center of his trim waist, meeting at the place where his spine met the swell of his ass. It didn’t take much to pull him more solidly against you. 
His length prodded against you and you started rocking against him. It turned your kiss from heated to burning. A surprised noise escaped you as Alpha’s arms suddenly tightened against you. He picked you up, depositing you gently onto Julgum’s desk. 
Immediately, the angle of your craning neck was eased, which gave you the ability to concentrate on other things. Like unbuttoning your top. Alpha’s harsh groan told you exactly when he saw your exposed chest, and he reached for you with reverently trembling fingers even as you pushed yourself into the gentle heft of his hand. 
From the moment he stroked your nipple and pulled a moan from you, Alpha’s hands seemed to be everywhere. For all you could figure, only seconds had passed before you were fully naked. Stars bless ARC trooper efficiency. 
“Off,” you commanded, plucking at Alpha’s body suit. 
He smirked. “Demanding little thing.”
Despite that, Alpha immediately began stripping the body suit away, exposing tan skin and toned muscles. Your mouth watered at the sight, and he was still trying to take off the lower half of the glove when you started kissing down his chest. You liked to think that your occasional pauses to suck a mark into his torso spurred him to move faster. 
“Killing me, little one,” he rumbled when he was finally done. 
You gave a curious hum, tilting your head like you didn't have a clue what he could be talking about. “I just didn't want you to feel unappreciated.” 
“By you?” Alpha pressed his forehead to yours. “Never.” 
How could you help but kiss him when he said things like that? You leaned up to him, he leaned down to you, and you met in the middle with greater force than either of you could have accomplished alone. 
You weren’t quite sure who started moving first. More than likely, one of you had and the other one had picked up on it, but it felt as if your bodies started moving at the same time, rocking into each other. Your legs had parted to allow Alpha’s hips between them, and the incredible heat of him was engulfed by the fiery wetness of you. 
He didn’t slip inside you immediately. No, he was far too big for that to happen often. Instead, you were caught there, poised on the edge of penetration but too engrossed in the sensation of his length slipping between and spreading your lips. When he rocked against you, he caught your clit with his head. When you rocked against him, you smoothed more slick down his length. It was a vicious, delicious cycle. 
And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the gentle rocking wasn’t nearly enough for you. It took an ugly amount of effort to pull yourself away from Alpha’s kiss, but you managed. “Alpha, please-” 
“I know, mesh’la,” he soothed, withdrawing only far enough to position himself at your entrance. “Let me make it better.” 
You stared at each other as he sank deeper and deeper inside of you, pushing that impossible length into your core until it seemed like he would embed himself in your lungs. You certainly felt like he was there with the way you were gaping. Fortunately, Alpha was overwhelmed enough that his eyes fluttered closed before he could see you looking so fucked-out already. 
Alpha was a big man in every respect, so fucking him was always intense. Your body had slowly gotten used to him over your time together, but there was never any consistency to when you could be alone together. Without a steady schedule, your body’s reaction to taking Alpha varied. The saving grace was that he always worked to make sure you were prepared for him. 
And that he felt so amazing inside of you, but that was practically a given. 
You had hardly been inexperienced before you and Alpha had gotten together. You had even had a few long-term relationships. But Alpha was unique. Most of your lovers had started to take you for granted after you had slept together more than once. Alpha continued to take your intimacy seriously, ensuring that you were never left unsatisfied in any way when you were together. 
It only made sense that you do the same for him, and it spurred your relationship to get stronger over time. That was how you knew that Alpha’s mouth dropping open would be followed by a soft curse in Mando’a. It was how he knew that you would relax around him if he toyed with your breasts. It was how you knew that grabbing his ass would make him buck, pushing himself deeper in you. 
“You ready for me to move?” he asked, voice gravelly. 
“More than,” you reassured, getting in another grope for good measure. 
Alpha’s jaw flexed. It was the only warning you got before he was withdrawing for a quick thrust. He bottomed out in you hard enough to make your teeth rattle together. You stared up at him, shocked and more than a little intrigued. He was usually careful with you - almost too careful - but something was different. Maybe the reminder that this was your last week working together was making him feel more bold. 
Whatever the cause, the speed of Alpha’s hips picked up to a bouncing rhythm. Your hand that wasn’t on his ass had been planted on the desk behind you, but you found that it couldn’t keep you still on the smooth surface. Instead, you wrapped your other hand around Alpha’s bicep, clinging to his bulging muscle as you tried to get some kind of leverage. 
It didn’t work, and Alpha’s thrusts were pushing you further and further back from the edge of the desk. You made a small, frustrated noise and Alpha smiled. “Too far away, mesh’la. Guess I’d better keep you in place.” 
A gentle but firm hand wrapped around your shoulder and pushed you backward even as it controlled how quickly you descended. You jumped a little as your shoulder blades made contact with the cold surface of the desk, but the heat came roaring back as Alpha pulled your hips back down toward him. 
“Stay right there, little one,” Alpha requested. His eyes were roaming over your body, but paused most frequently on your face. “I’ll take care of everything.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist. “Deal.” 
Alpha’s smile turned into a sharp grin as he nodded and gripped your hips a little tighter. Your legs around his hips kept him from withdrawing very far, but the short, grounded strokes he gave were just as good. If you were being honest, they were a little better because he never fully left you. You still got all the benefits - the shifting levels of fullness, constant touches to your clit, occasional brushes over your g-spot - while getting to be even closer to Alpha. 
The only drawback was that you couldn’t quite reach him, not stretched out as you were on Julgum’s desk. But that was possibly a good thing. With the way your curled fingers were clutching at the desk at the intensity of the pleasure, you probably would have left marks on Alpha. He never seemed to mind them, but you always felt a little guilty. 
Instead, you had to settle for lifting your hips to urge him deeper inside of you. That, along with a squeeze of your inner muscles when Alpha was fully thrust into you, seemed to spur him on. Alpha let out a hoarse groan, his pace picking up even further. 
This whole thing had been your idea, but you hadn't expected to come in Julgum's office. You had imagined it would feel too exposed, too risky. The lack of professionalism was more a thrill than a negative, but you had taken it into account as well. 
To your surprise, you felt the pleasure begin to build, solidifying into something hot and desperate in your lower belly. You arched your back again, meeting Alpha at the top of his stroke. You let out matching groans as the collision of your bodies thudded through you. 
“You close?” Alpha asked. It was hardly a question - he could read the signs of your impending orgasm on your face, just as you could read them on his. 
“Yes,” you breathed. Even as you did, your hand dropped between you to play with your clit. 
Alpha's lips parted, his gaze fixed on the motions of your fingers. His grip on your hips tightened until it was almost painful, but in the crash of sensation, it only added to your pleasure. 
“Al- I'm going- Alpha!” Your warning abruptly turned itself into a desperate cry of his name as your orgasm overtook you, rising that last bit even faster than expected. 
Alpha said something, but the rushing in your ears was too loud for you to hear him. Your body arched, reaching for him as your inner muscles clenched and pulsed and milked over him. 
Alpha relented, leaning forward and supporting himself over you even as he pulled out. From the flex of his ab muscles against you and the pace of his hot breath against your neck, he had come as well. You had an implant, but he preferred not to come inside of you. He didn't trust implants. 
He also liked to say that if you were going to try for a baby, he wanted to mean it. You weren't sure if that was a joke or not, but it made your heart ache with longing. It wasn't the time, clearly, but the idea of a future with Alpha was a powerfully enticing one. 
When he finally relaxed, laying more heavily over you, Alpha released a shuddering breath and moved to rest beside you. He started to trace gentle patterns on the skin over your ribs, keeping you connected as you caught your breath.
“Well, meshla?” Alpha asked at last, gently smoothing a bead of sweat from your forehead. “Was that as good as you imagined?”
“Mmm,” you hummed. “Better. I almost wish we had used his chair, though. I haven’t gotten to be on top in a while.” 
Alpha glanced backward over his shoulder, eyeing the chair in question. “Still time.”
You laughed. “Give me a minute and we’ll see. I have to remember how to use my legs first.”
“If it means we can do that again, I'll take over your PT myself.” 
You didn't get the jargon, but the fervent tone in Alpha's voice told you clearly enough what he meant. You rested a hand on his shoulder and let your eyes fall shut for a moment. “We're in no rush, Alpha. There's something important you need to remember: we're on the clock.” 
Alpha's rumbled laughter made you smile even as you slipped toward a well-earned nap.
Author's Note - This is probably the end of this pairing since I am officially out of ideas for them.
If you read my Alpha-17 series (Gar Cabur/Gar Cyare), good news: I'm picking it back up again! I hope to start posting new chapters relatively soon.
If you don't read my Alpha-17 series, good news: I usually write much better than this. This particular work was my last for Fanfic February 2024 and you can tell I was getting burnt out. If you're interested in seeing other Alpha-17 x fem!reader works from me, those two are a good place to start.
Thanks for reading!
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ldshadowdoodles · 7 months
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[86] in the midst of making a druid lizzie design, probably a lot will change from here but i like the dress
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samirafee · 8 months
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#TOMMY👁️🧡👁️ME…tucked in on the garden bench😸📶
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royalarchivist · 7 months
QT swinging at a hornet's nest for a laugh and then IMMEDIATELY SWINGING AT A NUKE—
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shinigami-striker · 7 months
Luke Sullivan B-Day!! | Saturday, 02.17.24
Happy birthday to Luke Sullivan from the Street Fighter series!
Street Fighter 6 is available now!
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monster-every-day · 7 months
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day 48 - 2/17/24 - pot of excitement
what an excitement! these surprising snakes slithered out of this pot you found in a mirage temple (well, maybe slithered isn't the right word - more like bolted!) and now they're all over the place. they keep slipping out from under your steps and bouncing off the walls! before zipping back into some unknown crevice. this place is a lot livelier now that they're free; it's probably better this way. :]
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icedbatik · 7 months
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Mario Lexieux, Jaromir Jagr and Ron Francis February 17, 2024 Legends Dinner Pittsburgh
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brian-in-finance · 7 months
Cait and Tony - Charles Finch & Chanel Pre-BAFTA Party. ❤️
Well, well, well… 😂 Thanks for the message, Anon. 😃
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Update — Source
I don’t like to post images without providing a source, but since I currently should be enjoying sweet dreams, I’ll pretend I’m posting this one while sleepwalking. 💤💤💤
Remember when chatter about his absence was misguided?
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persistentrain · 7 months
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baubeautyandthegeek · 7 months
Unseen Pleasure - Alex Blake/Erin Strauss
A/N: Day 17 for @fluffyfebruary
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The door to the office is shut, nobody will see Erin’s head between Alex’s thighs. Alex, head tipped back, is a picture of unrestrained pleasure, her body arching desperately to Erin, her breathing escaping her as soft, wanting, pants of pleasure. Pleasure, for them, is secret. A secret they would never deny but also don’t feel a need to share. Pleasure, for them, is love and lust and need and want all in one. It’s enough, for them. It’s always enough. That is all they need to do. Pleasure one another, love one another, heal. Always heal. Love is their binding force, pleasure their reward. It is enough for them.
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