#170620 nonno magazine jikook
stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi this isn't a memories ask but I've been seeing many anti-jikookers and tkkrs (same thing really) use this one quote as proof jikook aren't a thing which is: "The maknae who has worked harder from a young age than any of the other members. Perhaps because he's the same age as my actual (biological) brother so I often look after him, but at some point I began to see him as my real brother. He's cute no matter what he does." First of all I was wondering if you knew when/where this was? I tried looking it up and found only a taekook blog and quora talking about it and didn't want to click those links and also was wondering if he says nam-dongsaeng there if you know? Either way I don't really think it changes much I mostly just wanted to check.
Sigh... I never enjoy it when you guys bring me things asking for sources from tkkrs. Lol BUT I genuinely am always very happy to help find original content. But I won't lie and pretend like I'm not happy that I'm doing this when my asks off because *certain* people take advantage of the anon option way too frequently. Lol
This was from a Japanese Magazine issue in 2017. 170620 Non-no Magazine issue to be specific. You can watch the making film here
And I'll attached the scans of the Magazine here too as well, jikooks cuts
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Jimins interview answers
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Jungkook's Interview answers
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Now the part in question comes from the segment where 2 members each said something about one of the other other members. Original scans here
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I found two translations of this moment, one being one the one that gets used most often as a "gotcha" by tkkrs. Both I found here:
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So sources given, and now I'm also going to give my opinions over it all. Even though no one asked me to. Its my blog so I get to share my thoughts if i want to. Lol and I actually talked with and ran my thoughts by and got opinions from @marengogo as well and I be referencing that conversation as well. I asked them about it because they speak fluent Japanese and I do not and considering its a Japanese interview, i wanted to make sure I didn't over step.
To preface, once again, these are MY thoughts. My PERSONAL OPINIONS. Not fact, not right or wrong. Not anything other than opinions that are free for interpretation and everyone is welcome to disagree or whatever. But this is also not me opening up this subject for further discourse either.
To ME PERSONALLY, this reads a bit as translator nuance. When you take an interview that goes from Korean to Japanese for publication, and then goes from Japanese into English by volunteer translators for I army, sometimes, things get unintentionally wonky. Because language is nuanced by itself, especially languages that deal so heavily in honorifcs and deal with those honorifics differently, like Korean and Japanese, and then bringing all that into English, where most of those words aren't *really* translatable. So TO ME it reads a lot like translator nuance honestly. And like he was comparing him to his brother with the age thing and the cute thing, not necessarily saying "we are like real brothers" but I can also recongize my possible bias here. Lol but even if he really did say in early 2017 that he thinks of JK like a real brother, I can see it as JK changing his mind (because I do think JK would have had to put in that work) or honestly also just Jimin downplaying their relationship, like he often does and did while trying to describe how close they are. (Aka hyuna and e'dawn "he's like my brother" comments before revealing their relationship.)
And what I'm talking about with the difference in honorifics between the 2 languages, ones dongsaeng might get combined with another's jitsu otouro. How many people have added "real" younger brother in English when translating things where Jimin has said dongsaeng, and he didn't ever actually say real, but it got added in an effort to explain the untranslatable word in English to I armys. I'm curious because if he said dongsaeng in Korean, would it have been translated to otouro in Japanese? Like how so many translators here will say my little brother/real younger brother/sibling when jimin says dongsaeng in English?
Like I feel like it could be so easy for Jimin to say, he is the same age as my actual little brother and at some point I really started thinking of him as a dongsaeng. And for that to get mixed up a bit with all the different types of honorifics between languages who have their own rules for that stuff and have it come out this way too. @marengogo explained all the different Japanese honorifics rules to me and while they have *similar* rules to Korean honorifics with things like hyung/dongsaeng, they are also very different. And I'm open to learning more if someone has more to teach about the language here too. But I just feel like it's a easy translation context to get mixed up between 3 different translations. It's impossible to know without Jimins original answer to this interviewer, if he meant Chindongsaeng or if it got a bit twisted around during translations. Based off EVERYTHING else, I personally don't think he meant Chindongsaeng. But I'm also not Jimin and I don't actually know. That's just me, my guesses and my thoughts over the matter personally based on everything else we know and other context.
@marengogo also added during our conversation a tidbit about translating they noticed while watching memories, where jikook were sitting on the couch before Jimin got called away for his makeup. Their exact comment was: "During the conversation, towards the end everyone was translating what JK said as “with who?” But I was looking at the Japanese subs and he was saying “where are you going?” So who was right? Translating is … an art of understanding, waiting and analysing (just knowing vocabulary is not enough, culture, history etc is needed) we really just have to take our time and analyse. Eventually when you heard jk properly he did say 어디가 which is “where are you going?”"
Interesting thoughts about things that are easy to happen during interviews and events that take place in languages that aren't your native tongue. It's also easy to mix up your words and honroifcs when speaking a language that is not your own as well without necessarily realizing right away. Language is hard. Translating is hard. I have so much respect for the people who do translate for us. And regardless, like I said before, even if it was meant Chindongsaeng, it doesn't change my thoughts much about their relationship as a whole.
Hope that helps. Sorry for my essay at the end but thank you for asking and for trusting me to deliver you to proper sources and content that is out there! That makes me happy 💜💜 Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day! And thanks to @marengogo once again for helping me with my Japanese questions!!
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