#185 049-4
railwayblog-de · 1 year
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185 049-4 Bombardier TRAXX
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deansraspberrypie · 2 years
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#💚 here's to the most adorable prank-loving; handsome human being 💚
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wangwill66 · 1 year
大腦也要「健身」一下! 10 種腦力健身操,讓你記性愈來愈好
1. 分析、批判地閱讀 閱讀中途經常停下來提出問題。 ...
2. 多用「非慣用手」 記住,左腦控制你的右半邊身體,右腦控制左半身。 ...
3. 寫日記 ...
4. 填字遊戲 ...
5. 擴充字彙能力 ...
6. 改善記憶力 ...
7. 學習各種棋類或益智遊戲 ...
8. 運動
9. 學一種樂器
10. 學習語言
Biohack Your Brain: How to Boost Cognitive Health, Performance & Power
推薦序  醫學實證有益的健腦知識——天主教耕莘醫院神經醫學中心神經內科 劉議謙主任 005
推薦序  大腦保健的最佳指南——美國西德斯西奈醫學中心(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center)神經外科部主任兼教授  基斯.布雷克(Keith L. Black)醫學博士 007
前言  認知健康說帖 015
Chapter 1  你可以改變大腦 019
Chapter 2  腦科學入門 041
Chapter 3  健腦飲食法 067
Chapter 4  健腦運動 105
Chapter 5  營養補充大作戰 127
Chapter 6  補水大作戰 157
Chapter 7  抗壓大作戰 183
Chapter 8  思考創造好大腦 205
Chapter 9  真正有益的健腦遊戲 227
Chapter 10  立即生理攻略你的腦 243
結語  21世紀的腦部生理攻略 273
後記  在後疫情時代找到愛與幸福 281
致謝 285
腦部相關縮略詞彙編 288
注釋 291
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orange1896 · 1 year
54A0005 BUSH XGMA XG955
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54A0005 BUSH XGMA XG955
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4130003141 密封件包 4120009863 胶管 4110000917 上盖板 9100000046 大力钳71106 29220030021 8T制动系统线束 FX810-045151 回油管组件D7018-1104240 28809012041 软管LGB164-003060 59446138 软管卡箍C3910509 4110001089101 燃油箱总成 6231000669 板 F4994932 螺栓GB5782-M16*185-10.9 29050036841 轴承 51113 4110001952020 螺栓 4120001819 熔断器 29120036031 侧板 26241023961 防溅裙边 Tennant 1053613 T5e 3190006014 Q-CUT切槽/切断刀柄 4110001523004 夹 29040011681 高压油管129927-59820 4110003492154 左侧板 29370200411 铜管压型具 29380032691 LG953L(II)零部件图册 4110000038031 双联泵JHP2050/2025 LG2926001721 1 转斗滑阀407406 29050036402 直接头LGB177-22622-75 11212648 4-01-901阀 11214912 油管 FXXLGQ 卡箍 6900017933 GAUGE_LEVEL 29170077452 推力片C06AL-1003652+A 2080900288 半轴齿轮 43A0058 4110000907109 右叉齿 21909011681 发动机罩标志包 6263000038 操纵支架焊合件 LGC953N0003 6392201049 发动机电气总成 7100001886 管夹 4120000600102 500小时保养包 F14E7-01550F 螺栓8190-MA-00062 6212000003 转斗联大腔钢管 4014000113113 旋装滤芯PYQ251-1000 29030024381 环 4110002409143 转斗缸小腔胶管 29170113241 支架 29260050925 上安装板 26240011381 接近开关KTLJm18-A8JK1 F11E9-15091F 螺栓M10X25 14504251 O形圈 21907001311 辅助材料(14/65/31/25/26/130/2) 29310029911 套 14551536 螺栓 29250019821 吊钩防脱扣5T 2090900173 后车架JR972 11213103 接触器JCC200/1C 12·48 4110003684001 套筒34543 28180005921 工具箱总成 9451-02229 飞利浦灯泡 400w 28250006811 PLATE_RH T BOX 29240101121 消声器 54501 西府海棠直径2公分 5304000235 软轴固定支架 L0180N3215A36E0 轴4644 351 049 4110003445102 外罩弯板 4110000734 直接头LGB120-22633 29330018671 仪表台线束 54517 12角头螺栓C18AL-1T0765+A 29130100081 密封环 11213718 发动机罩 4110000038042 筋板 29190012221 LG936L机型标识 29030031701 加高接头6C-18-100 29030009231 海绵 29050010701 滤清器滤杯组件1G311-43100 LG2190900650 隔套 11219132 防水手电筒世达,90705 29330061321 锁定阀总成V9605208996 LG9140000086 LG6225E-右履带盒 29170027421 压力板 29120012241 传动油散热器S9115957D 28270007871 护板 4110002557018 右支座 J4110000589016 胶管F781156N242024-2250-SG2250 F330-1111040-179 转动支架Y956(CK).1.3 21906005584 踏板梯2步 26380002241 驾驶篷 2040900047 后车架 F4190001477 GB/T97.2-16-200HV-ZN.D:平垫圈B00001310 21909016741 齿轮(斗山侧移) 21909006831 软管 LGB127-4270 11224714 扁平吊带wh02*8t*6.2m 6264000565 左侧板 11213372 手动换向阀杆ZDF15-02 6430000900 连接器支架 29220016271 翼板 4130015487 内置电气 4110000924058 方钢管 6212000785 驾驶室本体 FKC6410000145 泵轮911-365-111-00009 4110002106102 PLATE 11219817 进气胶管 F29370012841 软管LGB164-010150 29360015381 铲斗上限位 7200002020 LGG8190桥总成检验记录质记122-4号 LG2612000725101 LG968维修工具F/121-WX-01(02) 9300000195 胶管JB8406-B38*420 29290009291 前车架标识包 7200001620 导风罩 6224000079 行星轮架 29010063411 标识_非俄罗斯地区用 11210845 软管129-014R150 F09079 CLAMPING PLATE 19000102 后立柱 6410004193 弹簧 6264000112 补偿阀总成02.02.11.00039 28030002921 FRAME LINK 29030035491 挡圈54 27130004591 筋板 4011000505 820后车架铰接孔防护套 29150036211 滤筒 LB-JZUO-LY 4190004412009 下定位块 6420001620 档位护板 11218121 六角头螺栓90011350093 29190016741 软管LGB128-212177 11212247 一字轴 4180000317 非公路自卸车 4110000846071 调整支柱 77 000 044 4120007339 气门弹簧1000537065 6900018567 压冷管 6228000521 油水分离器支架 26171006561 手脚连动操纵机构 26130027831 铲斗BG190 F31NB-12300 停用-开口节(加厚) 4120017588 驱动链条(XT100,节距50.8,15齿) 21909014961 停用-调温器部件D22-102-05+B 29240026311 破碎锤联过载补油阀07936467(H140) 26330031891 桥油管护板 7200000678 飞轮壳防尘盖板1002071-56D 4120010618 杯座 28230007551 螺钉-内六角圆柱头24TN22805 14405004 28250008061 堵头7123-53200 29130008971 先导控制阀组 11224928 海绵 7200001826 硬管总成 21906003891 非公路自卸车 6232000219 垫片C19AL-M2M5407+A 29220019921 RS8260机械单钢轮振动压路机 29320010202 PLATE_CTR /2.5M ARM 6214000089 圆头 26170005051 加高接头1 1/16-G1/2 14407130 进气温度传感器04216354 4043000191 挖掘液压总成 4190001945005 四叉吊装绳 26350100531 驱动泵保护箱体 26171016511 PLATE 29290030631 框架 29420003693 行星轮架总成 LG2990000105 后车架 6900019826 液压油箱 6900020652 节温器xjau-00173 29260026681 大轴承 4110000696119 空气压缩机总成HA10025221 E6901223AK6 前左组合灯LFLD-24V 28330100011 三角筋板LGB314-50*50* 26281005422 停用-LG953轮式装载机-5302114AK9 6410006308 螺丝夹 26360004801 槽钢100×48×900 11212477 角钢 29170115901 胶管481CACF121205-750 29291015921 后车架附件 29290008641 吸油滤芯总成TF-63*100L-Y 29240023872 螺母 11219364 防尘圈LGB307-60 26090010451 螺钉41010204000 6410001841 接杆GB3390.4-JG12.5*125 26012005271 软管LGB128-005400 6390202057 胶管LGB339-9*1250*65 4110015194093 缓冲套24C058010 6373200328 LG6220(五十铃)2500h保养包 29220015091 堵头 4043003368 O 型圈18125622 11219008 过渡板焊合 4120010443009 排气管衬垫612650110003 26030004481 胶管 2120400364 左门 4120002572 驻车制动总成 29290041311 LG665E宣传单页 4110003210145 汽缸活塞体HP3.5-60-20 29070016461 冲气阀总成E1602-00 F31N6-11102 左护网 2808000066019 型钢 6256000070 左灯架 4110001060008 先导胶管(2A-b2-B2) 4043000616 WIFI 51单片机开发板 IOT智能硬件 14400974 丝堵 14400358 加力器 4120002113029 仪表台线束 4110000129154 胶盖 6215000075 胶管F48192B2040404-3000 2010900136 阀119852-51650 F临工6210门下 水箱支承板 LG7300001122B 右箱骨架 6410005369 连杆机构 6900000812 PLATE 6390300091 多路阀进油胶管 29170098851 液位计YWZ-200T 29020013711 凸轮轴止动板15841-16270 4110003244024 油路块总成 6216000468 LG97X集中润滑系统(标准动臂) 4110000217075 支重轮 26341016411 打印纸旗舰-绿色城堡381-4 4120004678 扭力角度规德国达威力1/2驱动头7380N 29240004141 驾驶室2929003187装配件 4110000561232 动臂油缸HSGK-105*60*725-1155 6618000125 铲斗总成 4120004773 E6360F抓钢机工作装置 29310018611 滤清器至变速箱胶管 28140002921 活塞环 11220257 LGS822 单钢轮机械振动压路机 26370008241 制动法兰 1907000294 胶管F481CACF181810-850 6299000508 支架 4041000945 标志与标识 29340027211 护板 Q7630-006 6213000032 FLANGE SCREW_M10X65 5301000189 齿轮(输出轴低速档)BD08-00021X ZFJ 14406461 蓄能器A4NC0116L1KTF 29240202961 扭力扳手SP67N×22 ZFJ 29290015821 板半成品 4120004400 FRAME_WA RR COVER REAR ZFJ 29290049251 侧板 ZFJ LG5111000830 密封环 FXKAY-00573 左侧内耳轴润滑油管 26141001941 进油接头HA10001543 29230008501 前固定座 29090013362 蓄电池正极线 4120000089061 挡泥瓦 4110002645 油封CK160*80/930 29340042921 L920轮胎式装载机 4120000898008 夹 26130009011 吸油滤芯WU-630x100F-J 4120007127 右侧门 4180000332 螺纹接头 4110002606019 接头 4.110001383201 供气软管LG2402 LGW6150E 后车架 4110001926 缸盖密封包 11215221 VGA接口线 绿联 4120010449006 转斗缸大腔钢管 6370100239 steelQ235B(80*2.4*7.6) 14712911 行车制动总成 Read the full article
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cardest · 4 years
New Orleans playlist
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Hungry for some po boys? Feeling the Mardi Gras vibes for this weekend? This is the ultimate NOLA playlist, right here. Play the songs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC182dTlE-Gii6ZOO5ZrN1Z1T
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Louisiana and New Orleans, all in the one awesome playlist. If there are songs I left out, let me know and I can add those. Or come meet me at Le Bon Temps Roulé  and we’ll listen to this NOLA playlist together with drinks.
001 Bob James - Take Me To The Mardi Gras 002 Earl King - Ain’t no city like New Orleans 003 John Lee Hooker - goin’ to Louisiana 004 Crowbar -  Wrath Of Time By Judgment 005 True Detective - Theme (The Handsome Family - Far From Any Road) 006 EyeHateGod - New Orleans Is The New Vietnam 007 The The Meters -  Chicken Strut 008 Paul McCartney - Live And Let Die (from Live And Let Die) 009 The Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar 010 Lucinda Williams - Crescent City 011 King Hobo -  New Or-Sa-Leans 012 Concrete Blonde - Bloodletting 013 Down - Underneath Everything 014 True Blood Theme Song (Jace Everett - Bad Things) 015 Corrosion of Conformity -  Broken Man 016 The New Orleans Jazz Vipers - I Hope Your Comin' Back To New Orleans 017 Willy DeVille - Jump City 018 Left Side - Gold In New Orleans 017 Necrophagia -  Reborn through Black Mass 018 Johnny Horton -  The Battle Of New Orleans 019 Dr John - Litanie des Saints 020 Foo Fighters - In the Clear 021 Redbone - The Witch Queen Of New Orleans 022 Jucifer - Lautrichienne 023 Danzig - It's a long way back from hell 024 Harry Connick, Jr. -  Oh, My Nola 025 The Gaturs - Gator Bait 026 Jon Bon Jovi - Queen Of New Orleans 027 Cyril Neville -  Gossip 028 Carlos Santana - Black Magic Woman 029 Gentleman June Gardner - It's Gonna Rain 030 Eddy G. Giles - Soul Feeling (Part 1) 031 Tool - Swamp Song 032 Beasts of Bourbon -  Psycho 033 Seratones - Gotta Get To Know Ya 034 Chuck Berry -  You Never Can Tell 035 Grateful Dead - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodleoo 036 Pale Misery - Hope is a Mistake 037 Exhorder - Homicide 038 King James & the Special Men - Special Man Boogie 039 Chuck Carbo -  Can I Be Your Squeeze 040 Amebix - Axeman 041 Tomahawk - Captain Midnight 042 Waylon Jennings - Jambalaya 043 Heavy Lids - Deviate 044 Red Hot Chili Peppers -  Apache Rose Peacock 045 Necrophagia -  Rue Morgue Disciple 046 Johnny Cash -  Big River 047 Albert King -  Laundromat Blues 048 Meklit Feat Preservation Hall Horns - You Are My Luck 049 Le Winston Band  - En haut de la montagne 050 Dr. john - I Thought I Heard New Orleans Say 051 Down -  New Orleans is a dying whore 052 Samhain -  To Walk The Night 053 Creedence Clearwater Revival -  Green River 054 Southern Culture on the Skids -  Voodoo Cadillac 055 Bonnie, Sheila -  You Keep Me Hanging On 056 Warren Lee -  Funky Bell 057 Elf - Annie New Orleans 058 Cannonball Adderley - New Orleans Strut 059 Doug Kershaw - Louisiana Man - New Orleans Version 060 Willy deVille  - Voodoo Charm 061 The Animals -  The House of the Rising Sun 062 Porgy Jones -  The Dapp 063 Lost Bayou Ramblers - Sabine Turnaround 064 IDRIS MUHAMMAD - New Orleans 065 John Lee Hooker - Boogie Chillen No. 2 066 Hank 3 - Hillbilly Joker 067 Nine Inch Nails -  Heresy 068 Talking Heads - Swamp 069 Irma Thomas - I'd Rather Go Blind 070 Mississippi Fred McDowell -  I'm Going Down the River 071 Dee Dee Bridgewater   - Big Chief 072 Dr. John  - Creole Moon 073 Agents of Oblivion -  Slave Riot 074 Steve Vai - Voodoo Acid 075 Saviours -  Slave To The Hex 076 Kris  Kristofferson -  Casey's Last Ride 077 JJ Cale - Louisiana Women 078 Cher - Dark Lady of New Orleans 079 LE ROUX - Take A Ride On A Riverboat 080 The Melvins -  A History Of Bad Men 081 Floodgate - Through My Days Into My Nights 082 Opprobium - voices from the grave 083 Quintron & Miss Pussycat - Swamp Buggy Badass 084 Child Bite - ancestral ooze 085 Sammi Smith - The City Of New Orleans 086 The Explosions - Garden Of Four Trees 087 Bobby Boyd - straight ahead 088 Bobby Charles - Street People 089 Wall of Voodoo -  Far Side of Crazy 090 Rhiannon Giddens - Freedom Highway (feat. Bhi Bhiman) 091 Elton John - Honky Cat 092 Serge Gainsbourg - Bonnie and Clyde 093 Fats Domino - I'm Walking To New Orleans 094 Cruel Sea - Orleans Stomp 095 Down -  On March The Saints 096 Danzig -  Ju Ju Bone 097 The Neville Brothers ~ Voodoo 098 Megadeth -  The Conjuring 099 Miles Davis - Miles runs the voodoo down 100 Elvis Presley - King Creole 101 Led Zeppelin - Royal Orleans 102 The Lime Spiders -  Slave Girl 103 BIG BILL BROONZY  -'Mississippi River Blues'   104 Kreeps - Bad Voodoo 105 Dirty Dozen Brass Band -  Caravan 106 Kirk Windstein -  Dream In Motion 107 Eletric Prunes - Kyrie Eleison - Mardi Gras 108 Merle Haggard - The Legend Of Bonnie And Clyde 109 Corrosion of Conformity -  River of Stone 110 THE ADVENTURES OF HUCK FINN (MAIN TITLE) 111 Zigaboo Modeliste - Guns 112 ReBirth Brass Band - Let's Go Get 'Em 113 Inell Young -  What Do You See In Her? 114 Jimi Hendrix - If 6 as 9 (Studio Version) Easy Rider Soundtrack 115 Deep Purple -  Speed King 116 Exhorder - The Law 117 Crowbar -  The Cemetery Angels 118 A Streetcar Named Desire OST - Main Title 119 WOORMS - Take His Fucking Leg 120 steely dan - pearl of the quarter 121 Tabby Thomas - Hoodoo Party 122 Black Label Society -  Parade of the Dead 123 Dwight James & The Royals - Need Your Loving 124 Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter (2012) The Rampant Hunter (Soundtrack OST) 125 PanterA - The Great Southern Trendkill 126 Ween - WHO DAT? 127 Earl King - Street Parade 128 Ernie K-Doe - Here Come The Girls 129 Dejan's Olympia Brass Band ~ Mardi Gras In New Orleans 130 Body Count -  KKK Bitch 131 Goatwhore - Apocalyptic Havoc 132 C.C. Adcock - Y'all d Think She Be Good To Me (from True Blood S01E01) 133 The Meters - Fire On The Bayou 134 Dr. John - I Walk On Guilded Splinters 135 Balfa Brothers - J'ai Passe Devant ta Porte 136 Ween - Voodoo Lady 137 King Diamond -  'LOA' House 138 Creedence Clearwater Revival - Born On The Bayou 139 Dax Riggs -  See You All In Hell Or New Orleans 140 Professor Longhair - Go to the Mardi Gras 141 Dixie Witch -  Shoot The Moon 142 Ramones - The KKK Took My Baby Away 143 Fats Waller -  There's Going To Be The Devil To Pay 144 Mississippi Fred McDowell -  When the Train Comes Along with Sidney Carter & Rose Hemphill 145 Treme Song (Main Title Version) 146 Tony Joe White - Even Trolls Love Rock and Roll 147 Nine Inch Nails -  Sin 148 Exodus -  Cajun Hell 149 NEIL DIAMOND - New Orleans 150 James Brown - Call Me Super Bad 151 Jimi Hendrix -  Voodoo Child ( Slight Return ) 152 Allen Toussaint - Chokin Kind 153 Dash Rip Rock  - Meet Me at the River 154 Hawg Jaw- 4 Lo 155 Hot 8 Brass Band - Keepin It Funky 156 Hank Williams III - Rebel Within 157 Dejan's Original Olympia Brass Band - Shake It And Break It 158 Jelly Roll Morton -  Finger Buster 159 The Royal Pendletons - (Im a) Sore Loser 160 Little Bob & The Lollipops - Nobody But You 161 Gregg Allman - Floating Bridge (True Detective Soundtrack) 162 Michael Doucel with Beausoleil - Valse de Grand Meche 163 Dolly Parton - My Blue Ridge Mountain Boy 164 Othar Turner & the Afrossippi Allstars – Shimmy She Wobble 165 Jucifer - Fleur De Lis 166 Soilent Green -  Leaves Of Three 167 Ides Of Gemini -  Queen of New Orleans 168 Betty Harris -  Trouble with My Lover 169 Lead Belly - Pick A Bale Of Cotton 170 Candyman Opening Theme 171 Goatwhore - When Steel and Bone Meet 172 Acid Bath - Bleed Me An Ocean 173 Pere Ubu - Louisiana Train Wreck 174 Walter -Wolfman- Washington - You Can Stay But the Noise Must Go 175 Alice in Chains -  Hate To Feel 176 Body Count -  Voodoo 177 Live and Let Die - Jazz Funeral 178 Smoky Babe -  Cotton Field Blues 179 Professor Longhair - Big Chief Part 2 180 Lewis Boogie - Walk the Line 181 James Black - Theres a Storm in the Gulf 182 The Balfa Brothers - Parlez Nous A Boire 183 The Jambalaya Cajun Band - Bayou Teche Two Step 184 The Deacons -  Fagged Out 185 Thou - The Changeling Prince 186 Black Sabbath -  Voodoo 187 King Diamond -  Louisiana Darkness 188 Doyle -  Cemeterysexxx 189 KINGDOM OF SORROW - Grieve a Lifetime 190 Hank Williams III - Louisiana Stripes 191 FORMING THE VOID - On We Sail 192 BUCK BILOXI AND THE FUCKS - fuck you 193 Down in New Orleans - The Princess and the Frog Soundtrack 194 Trombone Shorty & James Andrews  - oh Poo Pah Doo 195 Whitesnake -  Ain't No Love In The Heart Of The City 196 The Dirty Dozen Brass band - Voodoo 197 Joe Simon - The Chokin' Kind 198 Down -  Ghosts along the Mississippi 199 AEROSMITH  - Voodoo Medicine Man 200 Nine Inch Nails -  The Perfect Drug 201 The Byrds - [Sanctuary III] Ballad Of Easy Rider 202 The Iguauas - Boom Boom Boom 203 PJ Harvey - Down By The Water 204 Louis Armstrong - Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans 205 Dr John - Right Place Wrong Time 206 ESTHER ROSE - handyman 207 Lightnin Slim - It's Mighty Crazy 208 Slim Harpo - Blues Hangover 209 Irma Thomas - Ruler Of My Heart 210 WEATHER WARLOCK - Fukk the Plan-0 211 Superjoint Ritual - The Alcoholik (Use Once And Destroy) 212 Stressball - dust 213 Trampoline Team - Kill You On The Streetcar 214 Xander Harris - Where’s your Villain? 215 Dukes of Dixieland - When The Saints Go Marching In 216 Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds - Su Su 217 Danzig - I'm the one 218 EyeHatteGod - Pigs 219 Hank Williams Jr - Amos Moses 220 The Cramps - Alligator Stomp 221 Crowbar - The Serpent Only Lies 222 Shrüm - drip 223 Thou  - The Only Law 224 DR. JOHN - Babylon   225 Garth Brooks - Callin' Baton Rouge 226 Wild Magnolias - All On A Mardi Gras Day 227 NCIS New Orleans TV Show theme 228 Skull Duggery - Big Easy 229 Harry Connick Jr. - City beaneath the sea 230 Elvis Presley - Dixieland Rock 231 Tom Waits - I Wish I Was In New Orleans (In The Ninth Ward) 232 Neil Young - Everybody's Rockin 233 Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals - Delinquent 234 CORROSION OF CONFORMITY - Wolf Named Crow 235 Widespread Panic - Fishwater 236 Lillian Boutté - Why Don't You Go Down to New Orleans 237 Bryan Ferry - Limbo 238 Scream - Mardi Gras 239 EyeHateGod - Shoplift 240 Better Than Ezra - good 241 Duke Ellington - Perdido (1960 Version) 242 Bob Dylan - Rambling, Gambling Willie 243 Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - sAve my soul 244 Le Roux - So Fired Up 245 Concrete Blonde - The Vampire song 246 Boozoo Chavis - Zydeco Mardi Gras 247 Idris Muhammad  - Piece of mind 248 Les Hooper - Back in Blue Orleans 249 Doug Kershaw - Cajun stripper 250 DOWN  - Witchtripper 251 Soilent Green - So hatred 252 Professional Longhair - Big chief 253 Willie Nelson - City Of New Orleans 254 Tom Waits - Whistlin' Past The Graveyard 255 Brian Fallon - sleepwalkers 256 Patsy - Count It On Down 257 Into the Moat - The Siege Of Orleans 258 Bruce Cockburn - Down To The Delta 259 Jello Biafra · the Raunch and Soul All-Stars - Fannie Mae 260 Exhorder - Asunder 261 Cane Hill - Too Far Gone 262 The Slackers - peculiar 263 Crowbar  - A Breed Apart   264 COC - Wiseblood 265 Necrophagia - Embalmed Yet I Breathe 266 EYEHATEGOD - Fake What's Yours 333 Alan Vega - Bye Bye Bayou 666 DOWN  - Stone the crow
I don’t beads by the way! Hit play here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC182dTlE-Gii6ZOO5ZrN1Z1T
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eeraygun · 4 years
Top 246 Sonic Releases of 2020
001. Perfume Genius - Set My Heart On Fire Immediately 002. Splash Pattern - Sentinel 003. Pontiac Streator - Triz 004. gayphextwin & Pépe - gayphextwin / Pépe EP 005. Various Artists - SLINK Volume 1 006. Echium - Disruptions of Form 007. Henry Greenleaf - Caught 008. Sega Bodega - Reestablishing Connection 009. Summer Walker - Life on Earth 010. Charli XCX - how i'm feeling now 011. Various Artists - Physically Sick 3 012. Autechre - Sign 013. Off The Meds - Off The Meds 014. Brent Faiyaz - Fuck The World 015. Luis Pestana - Rosa Pano 016. Reinartz - Ravecoil 017. pent - - 018. Mark Leckey - In This Lingering Twilight Sparkle 019. Various Artists - Sharpen, Moving 020. Vanessa Worm - Vanessa 77 021. Aho Ssan - Simulacrum 022. Lyra Pramuk - Fountain 023. PJ Harvey - Dry Demos 024. Felicia Atkinson - Echo 025. Arca - KiCK i 026. Space Afrika - hybtwibt 027. Ambien Baby - Mindkiss 028. The Gasman - Voyage 029. Inigo Kennedy - Arcadian Falls 030. Raft of Trash - Likeness on the Edge of Town 031. OL - Wildlife Processing 032. Fyu-Jon - Furrow 033. Desire Marea - Desire 034. Octo Octa - Love Hypnosis Vol. 1 035. Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher 036. Jesse Osborne-Lanthier - Left My Brain @ Can Paixano (La Xampanyeria) OST 037. Various Artists - She's More Wild 038. Various Artists - Days Of Future Past [White Material] 039. Foul Play - Origins 040. Late Night Approach - The Naus Investigation 041. Amazondotcom & Siete Catorce - Vague Currency 042. Davis Galvin - Ntih / Icia 043. Patiño - Actually Laughing Out Loud 044. Various Artists - 2nd Anniversary Compilation [All Centre] 045. St-Antoine, Feu - L'eau Par La Soif 046. Xozgk - skllpt 047. Various Artists - The Sun is Setting on the World 048. DJ Python - Mas Amable 049. Peter Van Hoesen - Chapter for the Agnostic 050. Tracing Xircles - Air Lock 051. Ben & Jerry - Formant Fry 052. still house plants - Fast Edit 053. D-Leria - Still Standing 054. Florian T M Zeisig - Coatcheck 055. Hanne Lippard - Work 056. Shedbug & Rudolf C - Honey Mushrooms II 057. Carl Stone - Stolen Car 058. Ruth Anderson - Here 059. Sid Quirk - Ginnel Talk 060. Various Artists - Fluo I [Kindergarten Records] 061. Pump Media Unlimited - Change 062. VC-118A - Crunch / Plonk 063. Beatriz Ferreyra - Echos+ 064. Bearer - Precincts 065. PARSA - PAƬCHƜȜRKZ 1 066. Holly Childs & Gediminas Žygus - Hydrangea 067. Cosmin TRG - Remote 068. Obsequies - Carcass 069. Jake Muir - the hum of your veiled voice 070. No Moon - Set Phasers to Stun 071. Olli Aarni - Mustikoita ja kissankelloja 072. E-Unity - Duo Road EP 073. Benedek - Mr. Goods 074. Extinction Room - Extinction Stories 075. Hodge - Shadows In Blue 076. Various Artists - Tiny Planet Vol. 2 077. Floco Floco - On m'a dit 078. Breather - Ceremonies Of Aporia 079. Unknown Mobile - Leafy Edits Vol. 2 080. Wetman & Sword of Thorns - Apt E Vol 2 081. Borderlandstate_ the Best Kisser in L.A. - Hello Mainframe 082. Kiera Mulhern - De ossibus 20 083. Mads Kjeldgaard - Hold Time 084. Тпсб - Whities 031 EP 085. Network Glass - Twitch 086. a2a - A2A¹ EP 087. Wata Igarashi - Traveling 088. Joey G II - Pub Talk 089. Atom™ - <3 090. Valentina Magaletti & Marlene Ribeiro - Due Matte 091. Ewan Jansen - Island Diary 092. HOOVER1 - HOOVER1-4 093. Nazar - Guerrilla 094. Paradise Cinema - Paradise Cinema 095. Daisies - Daisies in the Studio with DJ Rap Class 096. Alloy Sea - Petrichor 097. Flørist - Intermedia 1 EP 098. Nandele - FF 099. Pro.tone - Zero Day Attack 100. Michael J. Blood - Introducing Michael J Blood 101. Various Artists - RV Trax, Vol. 5 102. DJ Plead - Going for It EP 103. Strategy - The Babbling Brook 104. Various Artists - surf000 105. Deft - Burna 106. Various Artists - WorldWideWindow 107. Lucy Liyou - Welfare 108. O-Wells - Ebecs 109. Special Request - Spectral Frequency EP 110. Anunaku - Stargate 111. Scott Young - Ket City 112. Various Artists - Stir Crazy Vol.1 113. Syz - Bunzunkunzun 114. Oozy Zoo - Sabertooth 115. Vanessa Amara - Poses 116. Carl Finlow - Apparatus 117. Al Wootton - Snake Dance EP 118. Oi Les Ox - Crooner qui coule sous les clous 119. aircode - Effortless 120. Tristan Arp - Slip 121. Andrea - Ritorno 122. Russell Ellington Langston Butler - Emotional Bangers Only 123. The Lone Flanger - The Photon's Path 124. SHelley Parker & Peder Mannerfelt - Decouple ]( Series 125. Esplendor Geometrica - Cinética 126. Casey MQ - babycasey 127. Gacha Bakradze - Western Arrogance 128. Fatherhood - Big Boy 129. Blawan - Make A Goose 130. Roza Terenzi, Roza - Modern Bliss 131. AceMo - SYSTEM OVERRIDE 132. Meitei - Kofū 133. Penelope Trappes - Eel Drip 134. Adult Fantasies - Towers of Silence 135. Plush Managements Inc. - Magic Plush 136. Further Reductions - array 137. Ben Bondy & Exael - Aphelion Lash 138. Pugilist - Blue Planet EP 139. Dylan Henner - The Invention of the Human 140. Cindy - I'm Cindy 141. Ulla - Tumbling Towards a Wall 142. EMMA DJ - PZSÅRIASISZSZ TAPE 143. BufoBufo - Potholing 144. Model Home - Live 5-12-20 145. Low Budget Aliens - Junk DNA 146. Paranoid London - PLEDITS#2 147. Emra Grid - A System A Platform A Voiid 148. J. Albert - Pre Formal Audio 149. Dawl - Break It Down 150. Oall Hates - Tranceporter 151. Mystic Letter K - Cosmic Clearance [MLK4, 2020] 152. Coco Bryce - Lost City Archives Vol 2 153. Hagan - Waves 154. Various Artists - ON+ON+ON 155. INVT - EXTREMA 156. C Powers - Redirections Vol. 1 157. Significant Other - Club Aura 158. Client_03 - Thought disposal 159. Ghost Phone - LOCKDOWN BODY EDITS 160. Two Shell - N35 161. Rhyw - Loom High 162. EAMS - Demode 163. Various Artists - Woozy001 164. Society Of Silence – Réalisme Viscéral 165. HVL - Alignment 166. Alan Johnson - Material World 167. Matthew D Gantt - Diagnostics 168. DJ Detox - RM12009 169. Critical Amnesia - Critical Amnesia 170. Neinzer - Whities 025 EP 171. Despina & Ma Sha Ru - Polychronia 172. Divide - Computer Music 173. URA - Blue [NAFF008, 2020] 174. Forest Drive West - Terminus EP 175. Glacci - Alzarin _ Lavvender Rush 176. Fergus Sweetland - Fergus Sweetland 177. Various Artists - C12 - Social Distancing 1.1 178. A-Sim - The Puppet Master 179. Chlär - Power to the Soul 180. Will Hofbauer - Where Did All The Hay Go 181. Protect-U - In Harmony Of An Interior World 182. Instinct & 0113 - Instinct 11 183. Ribbon Stage - My Favorite Shrine 184. Zenker Brothers - Mad System 185. 2Lanes - Baby's Born To Fish... - Impish Desires 186. Nebulo - Parallaxes 187. Martyn Bootyspoon - Lickety Split 188. Erik Griswold - All's Grist That Comes To The Mill 189. Alex Falk - Movefast 190. DJ SWISHA & Kanyon - Club Simulator EP 191. Happa - Ls14 Battler _ 36Th Chamberlain (Remixes) 192. Svreca - FRUE 193. Anz - Loos In Twos (NRG) 194. James King - rinsed - installed 195. Catartsis & Ōtone - Mechanical Gesture 196. Daniel J. Gregory - Life Is A Bin 197. Desert Sound Colony - Pulled Through The Wormhole EP 198. Floral Resources - TS00000? 199. Alex R - Last Attempt 200. Notzing - The Abuse Of Hypnosis In Dance Environments 201. Brain Rays & Quiet - Butter [SR081A, 2020] 202. Benjamin Damage - Deep Space Transit 203. BROSHUDA - Contemplative Figuration 204. Various Artists - Radiant Love IWD Comp 205. Paradise 3001 - Low Sun Archives 206. 011668 & S280F - Os 207. Kubota, Kazuma - Mind 208. HATENA - HANDZ 209. Leonce - Seconds & Fifths EP 210. Furtive - Sympathies IV 211. French II - Time / Tracker 212. qwizzz - slag ep 213. Gag Reflex - The Fae 214. Luca Lozano & Mr. Ho - Homeboys 215. CONCEPTUAL - Introspective Research 216. Xyla - Ways 217. Minor Science - Second Language 218. Fana - Karantina 219. Current Obsession - XXX 220. K. Frimpong & Super Complex Sounds - Ahyewa 221. Ali Berger - The Stew 222. Sleep D - Smoke Haze 223. Nick León - MAZE 224. DJ Delish - Khadijah Vol. 6 225. Sputnik One - Kerosene 226. OOBE - SFTCR 2 227. Burrell Connection - Breaks That Strung the Camel Back 228. Wayne Phoenix - Soaring Wayne Phoenix Story The Earth 229. D.Dan - Mutant Future 230. Distance Dancer - Distance Dancer 231. Nikki Nair - Number One Slugger 232. Vinicius Honorio - Metamorphosis 233. Tracey - Microdancer EP 234. Ntu - Perfect Blue 235. Bliss Inc. - Hacking The Planet 236. JLTZ - Tools From Another Mother 237. Omnipony - GHOST1 238. WTCHCRFT - ACID EP vol. 2 239. Mike - Weight Of The World 240. Hypnaton - Hypnaton 241. Granary 12 - High 1987 242. Elisa Bee - Orbit EP 243. Stones Taro - Pump EP 244. Alexis - Refractions 245. Ntel - The Dilution Effect 246. X.WILSON - YUK
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ranger-lcat · 5 years
All the Pokémon Masterpost
Because I’ve been working on this on and off for two years and I will finish it eventually...
Pen doodles that will eventually add up to me drawing all the Pokemon. They will be drawn in order, and I will get to the region variants when I get to that generation. Some are better than others.
Gen 1 - Kanto
Part 1 (001-005)
Part 2 (006-010)
Part 3 (011-015)
Part 4 (016-022)
Part 5 (023-028)
Part 6 (029-034)
Part 7 (035-040)
Part 8 (041-049)
Part 9 (050-057)
Part 10 (058-065)
Part 11 (066-073)
Part 12 (074-082)
Part 13 (083-089)
Part 14 (090-097)
Part 15 (098-103)
Part 16 (104-110)
Part 17 (111-115)
Part 18 (118-123)
Part 19 (124-131)
Part 20 (132-142)
Part 21 (143-151)
Gen 2 - Johto
Part 22 (152-162)
Part 23 (163-172)
Part 24 (173-184)
Part 25 (185-195)
Part 26 (196-201)
Part 27 (202-210)
Part 28 (211-219)
Part 29 (220-230)
Part 30 (231-239)
Part 31 (240-244)
Part 32 (245-250)
Part 33 (251-257)
Gen 3 - Hoenn
Part 33 (251-257)
Part 34 (258-262)
Part 35 (263-264)
Part 36 (265-272)
Part 37 (273-275)
Part 38 (276-282)
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anniesaurusrex · 6 years
Amiibo Card Trade (North America)
Please help me finish my collection!
-I’m willing to trade multiple cards for the ones I want.
-Each card will be mailed out in a top loader with a thank you card.
-The number in brackets notes how many of those cards I have.
Series 1:
001 Isabelle
007 Joan
009 Digby
049 Bonbon
054 Deena
063 T-Bone [2]
064 Pudge
074 Cobb
078 Roscoe
079 Truffles
080 Eugene
081 Eunice
084 Benjamin
094 Cyrano
Series 2:
103 Kicks
107 Katie
115 Nat
116 Chip
121 Tia
122 Lucha [3]
124 Harry
131 Pate [4]
140 Avery [2]
142 Peck
157 Moose [2]
160 Pekoe
161 Teddy [2]
165 Filbert
169 Bud
177 Flip
182 Alice
185 Chops [3]
187 Vic
192 Pango
197 Kid Cat
200 Rocket
Series 3:
203 Tom Nook [3]
216 Franklin
217 Jingle
224 Paula [2]
230 Velma
234 Marina
235 Spork
236 Freckles
238 Friga
239 Ricky [2]
245 Mac
250 Ava [4]
251 Chester
270 Rooney
275 Hamlet [2]
276 Astrid
278 Dora [2]
282 Violet
283 Frank [2]
290 Caroline
298 Derwin
Series 4:
303 Katrina
305 Celeste
313 Pave
314 Gulliver
322 Rocco [2]
326 Dizzy
337 Queenie
348 Olaf
363 Celia
365 Peggy
372 Doc
378 Barold [2]
398 Angus
400 Robin
Welcome Amiibo:
043 Sprocket
Series 3:
294 Maple
Welcome Amiibo:
01 Vivian 03 June* 06 Hornsby* 08 Tybalt
13 Carrie* 17 Ursala 22 Bitty 29 Julia*
39 Cashmere* 40 Tad 44 Snooty 46 Dobie
49 Ike*
6 notes · View notes
oem4spareparts · 3 years
ZF Disk / Plate Types
ZF Disk Plate Types
4620 333 184 , 8U9499GETG73265 , 04602157 , 4143351021 , PMSC113-353 , 002124131 , MX152075 , 04602435 , 143.80*204.60*2.00 , 1000001029 , 4474304049 , 185*293*4.50 , 15501082 , 2283371 , 4139 333 009 , 2906462 , 2679171 , 1249306329 , H20/9032301 , AT255589 , 1.222-00029 , 040.690.141 , PMSC089-986 , F178302020130 , F437220 , 4061316179 , 7622600 , 5904657923 , ZGAQ-03063 , 4472 320 105 , PMSC072-036 , 04/604683 , F178.302.020.130 , 04603748 , 6226082 , 999002137 , 04602779 , T197986 , 0501325320 , 82.10*122.60*1.50 / INT TH / DİŞ : 21 , 4131 304 122 , 04603091 , E135165 , 04604564 , AT322031 , 237*306*3.50 / (32)EX TH / DİŞ : 24 , S0643288 , 560836 , 4472347018 , VOE52359760 , 04604906 , 44269 , 8603279 , PMSC088-321 , 262.50*372.50*2.00 / STEEL / EXT LG / TEETH : 20 , 15503070 , 4642 308 331 , F0769129011 , 1313.304.043 , 1168619 , 2383309 , PMSC071-450 , 04/600207 , 2164380 , 7020647 , 0501.323.456 , 4474.304.049 , 4139.334.002 , 4139.333.281 , 1-31-775-178 , 4472.310.061 , PMSC129-123 , 10219179 , 6646210 , 8U-9499 , 0501.326.779 , 4645 351 023 , ZGAQ-00196 , 73140828 , VOE2284548 , 4143 315 025 , 4645.351.036 , H-2000002004 , 1019 327 065 , VOE14560277 , 8U9509 , 0501325244 , 15501085 , E2NN3N258BA , AT339922 , 8603280 , 5904662225 , 01V927137 , 8693999 , S0643468 , 04604565 , 6049175 , 2383308 , 71448952 , 152106 , 11705190 , 8051477 , 72196465 , 4481.345.082 , 238-4685 , AT322010 , ZGAQ-02332 , 3706088894 , H23/9025106 , 14560277 , PMSC069-029 , 52358550 , 152084 , 4128 310 017 , 8030577 , 4143.304.083 , Z72518 , 0501 316 591 , 2284548 , 0009020421 , L229020123 , 85.10*131.10*2 / STEEL / INT TH / DİŞ : 29 , 4434228 , 4460365142 , 143.80*204.60*2.00 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 37 , 7615184 , 04/602747 , 02690005 , 9398105 , 4143 351 025 , 4472 348 023 , 7015914 , 4143352020 , 94833213614 , 052536 , 0501 214 260 , R75839 , 5904658213 , 71448951 , 10028586 , 4132 309 040 , 09398588 , 4472.348.023 , 0501319273 , 04/603747 , 262.00*374.00*2.40 , 1019327065 , 0501 319 273 , PMSC072-784 , 5904646622 , PMSC101-911 , 352150. , 52358534 , 01A7526SM , 8603486 , 4131.304.121 , 4139 333 765 , 0730.365.058 , 0501 321 410 , 52447383 , 4112333560 , 1328302132 , VOE52421589 , 0501 319 854 , 6213493 , 4061.313.114 , 1217635 , ZGAQ-00995 , PMSC088-612 , 4139 333 281 , ZGAQ-02005 , 4131 304 121 , 04/603430 , 1397210714 , SA822012541 , F285102050020 , 0501.314.382 , 140*196.40*3 / STEEL / HARD/BLACK / EXT TH / TEETH : 64 , 352152. , 4472.320.105 , VOE5235638 , 1295 307 391 , F437223 , 60*102*1.5 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEETH : 4 , 4472.347.019 , 12743128 , 4061310265 , 90*130*1.80 / INT TH / DİŞ : 36 , 4143 352 058 , 0009020422 , 1411269302164 , 04/603332 , MX152082 , 04/602779 , 4646351285 , 4061 310 071 , A453378 , AT255586 , 60*102*1.5 , 60*102*1.4 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEETH : 4 , 3380996H1 , 4462.305.075 , 4472.251.047 , 7017362 , 4139333765 , 2530.2, 25302 , F824.100.090.540 , AT321450 , 002164380 , 7015917 , 04/601492 , 0052358534 , 4481 345 081 , 4642.308.332 , 1269 302 164 , 4474.304.048 , 04604706 , 4139333036 , 4481.345.081 , 8054526 , 04603809 , VOE52421716 , ZGAQ02452 , 152082 , H-1000002086 , 04604683 , H209032301 , 4061.310.003 , 1891492 , 04/603091 , 04433929 , 11705852 , 4472320104 , 8X-7883 , 822011890 , 4474352052 , H20/9032300 , 4139.334.004 , F824100360190 , 0501 314 382 , 4131304052 , 4472310061 , 04/603329 , 71448843 , T173638 , 8603218 , 144.2*236*2 / STEEL / IN TH / TEETH : 36 , 2150212700 , 513604 , 7624164 , 85.10*131.10*2 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 29 , 8U-9509 , 4143351020 , 04433930 , 152.1*243.6*2.5 , PMSC129-259 , 8062641 , 8054572 , 4474 304 049 , PMSC106-919 , 1217634BETG19813 , 15500383 , 002171190 , 1218076 , 8603582 , 110-4817 , PMSC070-691 , 4128310017 , 04/602956 , 85.10*131.10*2.50 / STEEL / INT TH / DİŞ : 29 , VOE11705005 , F282300020020 , ZGAQ-00066 , 09398107 , PMSC082-066 , 4472 348 025 , 5904658317 , 8054628 , 0501316592 , 79059369 , ZGAQ00066 , 15501084 , PMSC088-762 , S0643287 , VOE2164390 , ZGAQ01297 , 1 423 374 , 10219213 , 85.10*131.10*1.50 , ZGAQ-02330 , 84.2*111.2*1.2 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT TH / TEETH : 45 , 262*374*2.40 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / DİŞ : 20 , PMSC102-771 , 000,902,0421 , 8054573 , A453381 , 8603278 , K9002704 , 384323A1 , SA 8220-11960 , PMSC104-754 , 1218076BETG27689 , 119.30*208*3 / PLEYT , 11988852 , 1409165 , PMSC107-168 , 85.10*131.10*2.50 , 8X-7876 , S0642761 , 8U9509GETG78066 , ZGAQ-02452 , T229078 , 560890 , 04/602435 , H-1000002088 , 000,902,0430 , 2384686 , 4642308107 , 04602777 , 0501 323 456 , T173842 , 60*84.70*97.20*1.50 / PLEYT / DİŞ : 4 , 822011830 , 15501087 , 15266857 , TTZF200110 , 2045851 , A0002640273 , 120012A2 , S0642931 , 6073838 , 04604537 , 0501316442 , 9697889 , 0501314382 , 4143.352.016 , 2258870 , 04604093 , F824100090540 , 4132309040 , PMSC105-666 , VOE22833706 , 4472 348 024 , MX152074 , 04603332 , H1000002086 , 4143.351.025 , 4061318049 , 0730365058 , PMSC089-142 , 82.40*164.80*2.90 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEETH : 4 , 8X7876 , 4143 301 045 , 132.70*185*4 , PMSC136-414 , 4646 351 174 , 7020652 , 4061313114 , K9004160 , 8781312 , 120012A1 , 4474352157 , 230551A1 , ZGAQ-02331 , S06/43200 , 04/602156 , PMSC129-254 , 4143139001 , 83933807 , PMSC082-607 , 2434-1215600 , 5904662538 , 300*368*4/ EXT LG / DİŞ : 12 , K9001586 , 281908010277 , 310.30*399.50*3 / EXT SL / DİŞ : 14 , 002199490 , 14558961 , 142*232.70*4 , 71448948 , 153*243.5*3 , 94.00*163.00*2.50 , 122200052 , 4642308096 , 9601630 , 0501203135 , 4061313048 , 81908010277 , 8603413 , 4616308035 , 15271545 , 262*374*2.40 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEETH : 20 , 4474352121 , 571618008 , 4149333760 , T158801 , PMSC089-161 , E135225 , ZM 2287667 , H-1000002087 , 026.90005 , PMSC082-597 , 267-9171 , 000,902,0423 , VOE6213493 , PMSC087-742 , 5904660733 , T116585 , 7011448 , 01.A.7526.SM , H239025303 , ZGAQ02005 , S300554 , 30727900 , 1043 326 045 , 4472.310.059 , K9000287 , 10219751 , 04/603787 , 5702743 , ZM 02906463 , 6639279 , 04602765 , 04/602842 , 4061 318 062 , VOE14558042 , VOE2906462 , PMSC111-382 , 4646323017 , 4061310264 , 664424526 , 04603787 , 7015912 , 245-9445 , H239025268 , H239025302 , 237*306*2 / (32)EX TH / DİŞ : 24 , 4143.315.013 , 85.10*131.10*2 , 04/602777 , 04/602841 , 1328 302 132 , H23/9025222 , PMSC071-449 , 189035A1 , 209032228 , 4139.333.759 , 4139333768 , 1313 304 043 , ZGAQ00821 , 122200028 , 04602476 , ZGAQ-00068 , 0501 325 320 , 60*102*1.4 , C77AE91 , SA 8220-11830 , PMSC133-931 , 140*196.4*2.9 / STEEL / HARD/BLACK / EXT TH / TEETH : 64 , 1217635BETG20346 , 04/604680 , PMSC082-632 , PMSC087-638 , 4472 209 002 , 832008960 , 1295307391 , PMSC070-975 , ZGAQ00995 , MX152106 , 4112333562 , 996.325.111.00 , ZGAQ-01299 , 4472 347 018 , ZGAQ01674 , 4139 333 036 , 130*191*2 , 599132880 , 4620.333.184 , 04226923 , 09398589 , 4143.351.011 , 4474 352 160 , 002906462 , VOE2164380 , PMSC102-039 , F. 0769 129 011 , 152083 , 7622487 , 4474.352.157 , ZM 2903059 , 121-7635 , A52022 , 4061318004 , 4139.333.036 , 002164400 , 2150042500 , PMSC102-497 , 11705191 , VOE11705852 , 252110 , 8027480 , 500558677 , PMSC089-984 , VOE52447383 , 301*360*2 / EXT LG / DİŞ : 12 , 0501 331 565 , A453383 , 04/602778 , 7618237 , 8030618 , ZGAQ-02927 , 152373 , H2000002004 , 3150246400 , 87582473 , 04603310 , SA 8220-12541 , 75312030 , S06/43027 , 8054408 , PMSC102-065 , ZGAQ02332 , VOE2164400 , 696468 , 1698398 , 4061.313.113 , F285.102.050.020 , PMSC129-246 , 24341215600 , 99526800 , 102.3*211.2*4.1 , 4433930 , 22833706 , H209032302 , PMSC113-390 , 1414642308331 , 04/601025 , 142,00 X 232,70 X 4,00 / 3 PASS / INT TH / DİŞ : 48 , 0501.316.442 , 04604907 , 943.325.111.00 , 4646 351 287 , PMSC113-394 , PMSC082-604 , 3217611R1 , 2045850 , 8963100148 , 0501 316 442 , 5005586 , 52421716 , 4061.313.048 , 3378000H1 , PMSC107-203 , 15501083 , T197981 , 2164390 , 237.00*306.00*3.00 , H23/9025302 , ZGAQ-01296 , 6089145 , 8603277 , 8U5985BETG62520 , PMSC068-977 , ZM 2258860 , PMSC082-017 , 4061 310 266 , 72.5*100*2 / DİŞ : 34 , 189-1492 , 2052236084 , 7T3302 , 5904662557 , 8054528 , 513606 , 10291725 , 7012525 , 4139333281 , 0501315964 , 4061 310 265 , AT253104 , H23/9025105 , 0730 365 292 , VOE52447375 , 331297A2 , 4462305080 , 0501 348 023 , 002287667 , PMSC114-583 , 140*196*3.3 / STEEL / BLACK / TEETH : 64 , 4645351023 , 8900126638 , 04/604565 , ZM 2903058 , 142.00*232.70*4.00 / PAPER / 3 PASS / INT TH / DİŞ : 48 , VOE11705163 , H239025105 , 4143.351.013 , 4646.351.182 , PMSC090-228 , PMSC113-359 , 4474.352.052 , 0501 316 592 , 8X7882 , 6T6481 , 9571369 , 4472 320 104 , 4646 323 017 , 0422 6923 , 04602778 , 04603329 , C77AE36 , S06/43288 , 10032806 , 9398107 , 04/600063 , 4143352058 , F824.100.360.190 , A52045 , H209032300 , MX352150 , PMSC082-845 , ZGAQ-02026 , 4472320105 , A3401032645 , 0501.325.244 , 0501320481 , 87441328 , 6090229 , 4112 333 561 , 04604536 , 5904658108 , 0501319854 , 11705163 , 85.10*131.10*2.50 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 29 , PMSC090-736 , S0643028 , 1539010C1 , VOE6639279 , 7019639 , 0501.316.592 , 4481313032 , ZGAQ-00853 , 4E2977 , 4061.316.214 , 4143 315 013 , 0501 320 482 , 04602767 , 352366. , 3708051982 , H239025325 , 222200051 , PMSC137-222 , 85.1*131.1*2.5 / STEEL / INT TH / DİŞ : 29 , 4108.302.007 , F168302020110 , 04602747 , 222200027 , 3380997H1 , 331388A1 , 11988971 , PMSC128-293 , ZGAQ01299 , T159409 , MX152083 , 230548A1 , 04602843 , 4620333184 , 4143.352.058 , 4143352016 , 4143 304 083 , 0501 321 598 , 0215339 , 4481345081 , A52044 , T197983 , 0730365292 , PMSC129-263 , 2287667 , 2903059 , 513605 , 4061318048 , 2258860 , ZGAQ02929 , 9398104 , 6088915 , 4061.318.048 , 4061310261 , 4616.308.035 , ZGAQ00065 , 4646 351 285 , H239025106 , 0501 326 779 , 4139 333 263 , PMSC082-049 , 4061.318.004 , 4061 313 113 , A453476 , 0501 315 964 , VOE14558960 , PMSC081-355 , 4143.315.025 , 156.7*247.7*6 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEETH : 8 , 33339 , 44270 , AT179473. , T169754 , 7020592 , A52043 , 4131304121 , 8900125544 , 4149 333 760 , 99632511100 , 1 215 600 , 1414642308330 , VOE2045851 , 0501.211.877 , 4646351182 , 5904662221 , 8054762 , 4061.318.062 , 0501 211 877 , 0501329234 , PMSC070-336 , 153318504 , 8900125545 , 8U9508GETG01041 , 571622708 , 4061.310.265 , 7012020 , 04604432 , PMSC106-520 , SA832018210 , 8027481 , 901216003 , 0501.214.260 , PMSC070-638 , 4061310266 , 4474.352.160 , 4143315025 , PMSC113-388 , 0501.348.024 , PMSC068-976 , 5904662366 , 15272502 , 4139 333 480 , 71448881 , 04600176 , 7622488 , 4061310003 , 4143 352 056 , 04/604564 , VOE12743128 , 04/604432 , 0501.321.598 , 4472310059 , 4143 139 001 , PMSC129-253 , A2464330831 , PMSC093-207 , 04/604536 , PMSC096-662 , 7619479 , 15266855 , AT253103 , 2906463 , 4472348023 , 1390421258 , 4131303194 , 4139 333 768 , 04602433 , ZGAQ00976 , 7015927 , 0501326779 , 4616 308 010 , 153317825 , PMSC125-718 , PMSC088-160 , 4472251047 , PMSC104-199 , 11988855 , 6049171 , 8X7883 , PMSC089-256 , 4472.348.025 , 4645351036 , 04601025 , 4061 318 048 , 0501 348 024 , 131775178 , 8U9508 , MX352152 , PMSC121-100 , PMSC098-081 , H20/9032302 , 2164400 , 62.60*117.50*2.60 , 5904662533 , ZGAQ03010 , 0501323109 , 4460 365 142 , E135224 , 86*131*6 / STEEL / TEETH : 30 , 5904658189 , PMSC102-040 , PMSC102-083 , 1000002088 , 142*232.70*4 / PAPER / 3 PASS / INT TH / DİŞ : 48 , 4472 310 061 , 177732A1 , 1218066BETG27733 , 4472.310.060 , 8054679 , PMSC088-596 , 1100853 , SA 8220-11840 , 5904658212 , 14560276 , 77097500 , PMSC102-495 , 1313304043 , 4132 309 076 , 04601492 , 04600063 , 5235638 , 4368549 , 4061 313 114 , 7622486 , 71448878 , 144.2*236*3 / STEEL / (48)IN TH / TEETH : 36 , 832008580 , 04/602433 , 4143351011 , 83933814 , 4462 305 084 , 7622601 , 1043.326.045 , VOE52446395 , 2171190 , ZGAQ02512 , 050057905 , 8603592. , 822011840 , 4472.347.018 , 4061 318 049 , 4474.352.121 , 1269.302.164 , 6T-6481 , K9004158 , 4061 316 214 , 4112 333 562 , 4061.310.264 , 4143.139.001 , PMSC082-623 , 4061.318.049 , 4131304122 , L22/9020123 , VOE2045852 , 4061318062 , 4112333563 , 0501.325.320 , 0750 140 029 , 8603212 , 4061.310.266 , 152074 , PMSC070-640 , L229030030 , 4481345082 , 0501.319.274 , SA 8320-18210 , 4112.333.562 , ZGAQ00067 , 4474304048 , 7020648 , C77AE90 , PMSC081-635 , H23/9025080 , 0501.315.964 , 4644 230 040 , 82.40*164.80*2.90 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / DİŞ : 4 , AT253102 , 4472.348.024 , 262.5*372.5*4 , 144*236*2.5 / STEEL / IN TH / TEETH : 36 , 04/601282 , 152075 , 4646351287 , PMSC091-525 , 87759447 , 4644.230.040 , 153317351 , 86.8*130.9*1.8 / STEEL / EXT TH / DİŞ : 30 , PMSC071-376 , T229406 , VOE11705006 , 4472 347 019 , 0501.348.023 , PMSC102-522 , 10219749 , 7021009 , F824.100.360.180 , T225919 , 000,902,0422 , 4061 316 179 , S06/43468 , H23/9025268 , ZGAQ01296 , 4E-0705 , PMSC087-640 , 119430A1 , 7009642 , PMSC071-674 , PMSC082-849 , 002124132 , 5214306 , 121-8076 , 4131 303 194 , 04/604537 , 0215344 , 0501 323 109 , 130*191*2.5 / PLEYT , 4462305040 , 10291724 , ZGAQ-01297 , 2903058 , 4642 308 107 , H239025102 , 04/603334 , 4645.351.023 , 002284548 , 71448930 , 04603430 , 09398590 , VOE6639280 , 4E-2977 , F168.302.020.110 , 04434332 , VOE6226078 , 4143.351.020 , 1043326045 , 94.00*163.00*2.00 , 124100013 , 4472348024 , 0501323456 , 7009153 , 4462 305 040 , 4472 310 060 , 8054680 , 7620194 , 143.80*204.60*2.00 / STEEL / INT TH / DİŞ : 37 , 832015000 , 52446395 , PMSC090-309 , 04/603310 , 09399534 , 4644 230 040 FK , 4462305079 , 83933811 , 8X-7882 , 0750140029 , 7012206 , 599132580 , 14558041 , AT253105 , T197984 , 8051982 , 04/604906 , 4061.310.071 , L229020440 , 4061 310 264 , PMSC090-226 , 1.222-00028 , 8U5985 , 04602159 , 8693980 , 04603749 , 22901027 , 04602766 , 04/603749 , 4108302007 , 4616.308.010 , 122-20-0028 , 04/600176 , 0052447383 , 132.70*170*3.50 / INT TH / DİŞ : 45 , 79106692 , 832001310 , 513608 , 75311477 , 1218066 , 5904658262 , 119*208*2.5 / STEEL / (40(IN TH) / TEETH : 31 , 04604680 , 185*293*4 , 4131.304.122 , 832015010 , 0501321410 , 04603334 , ZGAQ-00067 , S06/42761 , PMSC113-355 , 4642308331 , 8U-5987 , 1390 421058 , 7012204 , 0501.320.306 , 832015020 , 3216742R1 , 5904658621 , ZGAQ02927 , PMSC088-617 , 4143.352.056 , 4143.301.045 , 2044990 , H23/9025104 , K9004159 , 04603747 , 04601282 , F184108050030 , 4642.308.330 , ZGAQ03063 , 71448841 , 6089146 , 4433929 , 4139333480 , 132,70*185*3/ STEEL / INT TH / DİŞ : 45 , 5986240 , 2384685 , 1215600 , 4139334004 , S0643027 , 4131.304.052 , 0501320306 , A2464330832 , 9564851 , 0501 325 244 , 139900331134 , 4112.233.116 , 04602156 , PMSC102-496 , 4143 351 021 , 7019640 , 4472.320.104 , ZGAQ-02929 , 4642308332. , 599132680 , 005235638 , 4131 302 102 , 4462.305.080 , 247.00*306.00*2.50 , 09398051 , 04/602765 , 0501320482 , 2045852 , 09398104 , 262.50*372.50*2.00 , 4143 352 016 , 7020436 , PMSC082-616 , 5904662537 , T116586 , 7381131 , 04602842 , 4061316214 , 102.50*167.80*2.50 , 4642308332 , 71448842 , 82.40*164.80*2.90 , PMSC080-050 , ZGAQ02513 , 84.2*111.2*1.4 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT TH / TEETH : 45 , 04/602775 , SA822011890 , 121-8066 , 4139333009 , 4143 352 020 , 04/602157 , 238-3307 , 24341423374 , VOE22901027 , 4139333335 , 04306135 , C77AF44 , 04/604093 , 139900331093 , L22/9030030 , 103038 , 73143009 , 04601026 , F184.108.050.030 , 15503065 , 6090210 , 0501 320 306 , 87521419 , 14001129 , S06/42931 , 8051525 , A453375 , VOE11988971 , 0501.320.482 , PMSC087-558 , 0730.365.292 , 4642.308.331 , 4061 310 261 , ZGAQ02026 , 121-7634 , 4472 251 047 , 04/604907 , 6090075 , 11705005 , 7622638 , 4474 352 121 , 4139 334 004 , SA 8320-01310 , 247.00*30.,00*2.00 , 130.60*189.10*2.50 / (90)EX TH / DİŞ : 87 , 4139 334 002 , 4474305203 , ZGAQ-00976 , 4646 351 182 , PMSC077-693 , 52447375 , 66.80*130*2.30 , 2679170 , 0212 120 315 , 8U9499 , 4061310071 , 04/600418 , VOE14558041 , 4061 310 116 , VOE664424526 , 0501.320.481 , 1019.327.065 , 142.00*232.70*4.00 / PAPER / 3 PASS / INT TH / TEETH : 48 , ZGAQ-00821 , ZGAQ-00065 , 4112233054 , 14558960 , 1423374 , 1168796 , 4143351013 , 050 232 652 , 8603272 , 86.8*130.9*1.8 , PMSC090-301 , 0501319274 , PMSC070-988 , 4434229 , 6090226 , 413 1304 052 , 04/603809 , 4139333187 , ZGAQ01374 , VOE11988852 , VOE2045850 , 4644230040 , 2124131 , 4143301045 , 0501.329.234 , 8055575 , VOE6226082 , ZGAQ00853 , 52512 , 75311445 , 7012205 , ZGAQ-01374 , ZGAQ-02512 , ZGAQ-01674 , 144.2*236*3 , VOE2124131 , 4462.305.040 , 15265475 , 221*281*3 / “M” / EXT TH / DİŞ : 45 , 1269302164. , 04602776 , T205647 , 4139 333 335 , PMSC082-351 , 04600418 , H239025080 , 050.232.652 , 1217634 , 0730 365 058 , 15503302 , T116584 , 571669308 , S0643200 , 4462.305.079 , 0009020430 , PMSC136-402 , 87759452 , 4112 233 054 , 4061310255 , 04602955 , 253020 , 0501214260 , 4131302102 , 8900125546 , 4642 308 330 , 8900125194 , 8U-5985 , K9001888 , PMSC102-498 , 0501 203 135 , 4462305084 , H1000002088 , 15271592 , 0501348024 , 3150375900 , 5904662081 , 4102836A , 560838 , 15272539 , PMSC133-673 , 71448879 , 4472348025 , 6049172 , 262.5*372.5*4 / STEEL / EXT LG / TEETH : 20 , 335162A1 , 002906463 , 7015700 , 4112.333.560 , PMSC070-639 , 2124132 , 4642308330. , 4061 318 004 , 85.10*131.10*1.50 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 29 , 832018190 , ZGAQ02331 , 209032232 , 0501211877 , 4642 308 096 , 8026919 , 570274308 , VOE14560276 , 023057. , 4474 304 048 , 4646 351 181 , 140*196.4*3.5 / STEEL / HARD/BLACK / EXT TH / TEETH : 64 , VOE2906463 , VOE11988853 , 4616308010 , L229020126 , 221.00*281.00*2.50 , 86*131*6 , 822011960 , 4642 308 332 , 4112333561 , PMSC090-304 , 14558962 , VOE15071844 , 3708026919 , 8603387 , ZM 2258870 , PMSC087-647 , 8479280 , 238-3308 , 221.00*281.00*3.00 / DİŞ :24 , 4061.310.267 , VOE14558961 , VOE2044990 , 1699852GETG20287 , 4112 233 116 , 2211880 , 04/604706 , 0501 320 481 , T229079 , 04/602766 , 122200062 , A453380 , 4108 302 007 , 15071844 , 4061310267 , 289,5*289,5 , PMSC129-252 , 4061 313 048 , 04/602955 , L152006 , 122-20-0029 , PMSC082-131 , 5904662541 , 4472209002 , PMSC129-082 , 04/602843 , 4061.316.179 , 4472310060 , 04600207 , PMSC082-044 , 0501.323.109 , 4474.305.203 , 384388A1. , 8062640 , PMSC103-816 , VOE11705190 , 238-4686 , 11705006 , 4139.333.765 , 7008346 , 140*196.4*3.5 , 86.8*130.9*1.8 / STEEL / EXT TH / TEETH : 30 , 122200042 , 4474352160 , 189034A1 , 4061 310 267 , 4416677 , 89.30*129.80*1.50 , 14558042 , 0501.321.410 , 123773A1 , 5904662535 , 4472 310 059 , 4112.333.561 , S06/43028 , 4061.310.261 , PMSC119-439 , 04602775 , 2282695 , A2464330830 , C77AF46 , 4645 351 036 , 122200043 , 2530.2 , 04/602159 , 04/602767 , 5904662082 , 1414642308332 , K9001543 , 153318663 , T116928 , 8U-9508 , PMSC096-562 , PMSC099-452 , PMSC113-147 , L22/9020126 , 5904662556 , 8U2376 , 0212120315 , 4061 310 003 , 1269302164 , PMSC071-676 , ZM 2282695 , 0501348023 , 4139333263 , 4112 333 560 , 4644320040FK , ZGAQ-03010 , AT322033 , T144486 , C77AG07 , 4143352056 , PMSC104-753 , 9564850 , 142.00*232.70*4.00 , 8U5987 , 8054629 , 4143351080 , 230550A1 , 4132.309.076 , 41484 , ZGAQ-02780 , 0009020423 , 267-9170 , 1000002086 , H23/9025102 , 3223459R1 , 10219212 , AT322030 , 7622489 , 04368549 , L22/9020260 , 11988853 , 8963100137 , 33748 , 7018050 , 04603333 , 6639280 , 94332511100 , 4139333759 , 4143.351.080 , 6088894 , ZGAQ02027 , 8900125160 , VOE2171190 , 52421589 , H209032228 , 4416413 , SA 8320-18190 , 4112233116 , Z3282145 , 4139 333 759 , 335159A1 , 142*232.70*4 / PAPER / 3 PASS / INT TH / TEETH : 48 , 7016368 , VOE52421694 , 4143 351 080 , 0501331565 , L22/9020440 , PMSC082-783 , H209032232 , 331895A1 , PMSC108-070 , 4642.308.096 , 2052 236 084 , 35062000 , 4642308331. , 0501321598 , 4E0705 , 822012541 , 122200029 , 0501 329 234 , 10219750 , 384276A1 , ZGAQ-02513 , 1168650 , 04/602476 , 4462 305 080 , VOE6646210 , 230549A1 , 73143008 , VOE11988855 , VOE6226079 , 4143315013 , PMSC129-098 , 102.50*150.90*2.50 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 42 , 87759452/5214306 , 268.00*320.00*3.00 , AT321802 , H23/9025303 , PMSC104-755 , 04602841 , 4112.233.054 , AT179312 , L229020260 , 4143 351 020 , 2383307 , VOE2283371 , ZGAQ-02027 , K9000327 , 570847808 , 832018210 , 2459445 , A52013 , 2434-1423374 , PMSC088-165 , 04/603333 , T161147 , VOE11705191 , 7616354 , 7020650 , 4481 313 032 , H239025104 , H23/9025325 , 4143.352.020 , 4112 333 563 , 8052714 , 81.90801-0277 , 1698398GETG79704 , 0501 319 274 , 49.3*84.5*1.3 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEET , F824.100.360.200 , A453382 , AT322029 , 7381132 , 0501316591 , 6049329 , 7017343 , 1000002087 , 4642308330 , 152.1*243.6*2.5 / EXT TH / TEETH : 81 , S06/43287 , H239025222 , F282.300.020.020 , 4143.351.021 , 4646351174 , 87582476 , E135226 , 500757208 , 09398105 , 110-0853 , 8U5987GETG04998 , ZGAQ02780 , 4474 305 203 , 01V 927 137 , 4149.333.760 , 119*208*3 , 6073837 , PMSC102-036 , 7381130 , K9001587 , VOE14558962 , 52359760 , 122200046 , 4472347019 , 04/601026 , ZM 2906462 , 8054409 , 002164390 , 4132309076 , SA 8320-01300 , H1000002087 , 1104817 , 15501086 , F824100360200 , VOE2124132 , 4481.313.032 , 4061313113 , 4101966A , 102.3*211.2*4 , 508793 , 141181013 , 002044990 , 7624123 , 4462305075 , 3708054409 , 14001560 , 102.50*167.80*2.50 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 42 , 4143 351 011 , 1249 306 329 , 4474 352 052 , 132.70*170.00*3. , 4646351181 , PMSC082-663 , 4462 305 075 , SA 8220-11890 , 102.3*211.2*3.9 , 4462 305 079 , 7619478 , 4474 352 157 , 30728100 , 87521431 , 4139334002 , 52421694 , 04/603748 , 77097400 , 4131.303.194 , 246100002 , 8320-01300 , 153.6*251*4 / STEEL / EXT LG / TEETH : 4 , 2150212800 , 4143351025 , 0052447375 , 238-3309 , 4143 351 013 , 4616 308 035 , ZGAQ00196 , 4061310116 , 4139 333 187 , F824100360180 , 04/602776 , 169-8398 , PMSC087-549 , 4481 345 082 , AT253106 , L35577 , 3235236M1 , 002211880 , 4061 310 255 , 75.3*119.8*1.8 / STEEL / DISHED / EXT TH / TEETH : 30 , 4646.351.285 , 7020814 , 8054630 , 140*196.40*3 , 152.1*243.6*2.5 / EXT TH / DİŞ : 81 , 6049173 , 04602956 , 8051485 , MX152373 , 73140704 , 140.00*196.40*2.90 , 4143304083 , ZGAQ02330
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Sabroe 120 Manual
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Sabroe 120 Manual Pdf
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SABROE prescribes operating limits within which the compressor and any additional equipment must operate. These limits for R717, R22, R134a, R404A, R507 and R407C are shown in the following tables, together with the main data for the compressor. Parts Supply for IR Europe - Sabroe Spare parts manual - SAB 120 and SAB 151 A-Frame 008504 en 2019.12 5/42 Spare parts liste SAB 120, 151 A-frame Abbreviations in this manual include: Ang. Angle OD= outside diameter equal to Ass. Cooling medium refrigerant Cp. Compressor Reg regulating DN (+space).
You can find detailed information on our website: http://coolref.ru/EN
Description of SAB 202
The SAB 202 compressor is a capacity adjustable screw compressor with oil injection. The two rotors are equipped with 4 lobes (male rotor) and 6 lobes (female rotor), respectively, executed with asymmetric profile according to SRM licence. As indicated on the spare parts drawing at the end of this manual, the rotors at the suction end are fitted with slide bearings, whereas the bearing at the discharge end consists of a combined bearing set with slide bearings, absorbing the radial load, and ball bearings, absorbing the axial forces. The axial forces are partly relieved by means of the rotating balance pistons mounted on the rotors. The rotors are designed for both male drive and female drive. The driving rotor is fitted with a shaft.
The compressor is fitted with a large built-in suction filter, which effectively prevents dirt particles from the refrigeration plant from being led with the suction gas into the compressor. The suction filter housing also has a built-in compressor protection valve which - controlled by a pilot valve - safeguards the compressor against any unwanted high compression pressures. For efficient filtration of the oil that lubricates the bearings in the compressor, an oil filter cartridge has been inserted in the compressor block.
Furthermore, the compressor contains a built-in non-return valve, preventing the compressor from running backwards whenever the power to the driving motor is disconnected. The driving shaft is fitted with a shaft seal of the slide ring type, consisting of a fixed cast iron ring with an O-ring sealing against the shaft seal cover and a rotating springloaded carbon ring with O-ring sealing against the shaft. It is possible to regulate the compressor capacity steplessly from approx. 10% to 100% by means of a regulating slide mounted under the rotors. Once the slide has moved away from the slide stop a gap is created so that some of the sucked-in gas is returned to the suction side. The bigger the gap, the lower the compressor capacity. The regulating slide is moved hydraulically by a regulating piston and controlled by a solenoid valve system. The compressor also features a regulating system by which the built-in Vi volume ratio can be adjusted. The result hereof is that the compressor works optimally at varying operational pressures in the plant.
To optimize the compressor volume ratio the position of the Vi regulating slide must be changed whenever the compressor works at max. capacity. This is done by changing the position of the slide stop. At partial load the Vi volume ratio will only be approaching the optimum. Regulating the built-in Vi volume ratio can be done in the following two ways, depending on the compressor type Manual regulation of the Vi slide:
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By turning the spindle, pos. 180, in accordance with the curves in the instruction manual.
By means of the oil pressure and two solenoid valves, controlled by a UNISAB II control system.
Spare parts for compressor SAB 202
Sabroe 120 Manual Pdf
List of parts for SAB 202Relevant drawing 0661-855PosDesignationNoPart noComplete compressor LF, aut. Vi4161-059Complete compressor LF, man. Vi4161-060Complete compressor LM, aut. VI4161-061Complete compressor LM, man, Vi4161-062Complete compressor SF, aut. VI4161-063Complete compressor S F, man. Vi4161-064Complete compressor SM, ant, Vi4161-065Complete compressor SM, man. Vi4161-066Compressor housing10-1Compressor housing (L)13011-00910-2Compressor housing (S)13011-019Bearing cover at suction end20-1Bearing cover, female drive13013-08920-2Bearing cover, male drive13013-11021O-ring dia. 430,66 x 3,53, neoprene11331-11722Innar sleeve, INA IR dia. 17/20 x 1621514-01823Washer dia. 25/16.5 x 442114-04724mreaded plug with cottar 1/211343-02725Dowty ring 02511331-43026Cylindrical screw M16 x 60101413-43627Cylindrical screw M 16 x 3021413-42928Cylindrical screw Ml 6 x 18081413-42830Hose connection11345-143Bearing cover at ditcharge end40Thrust cover/capacity regulating cylinder13013-15041Cylinder screw M16 x 60201413-43642Washer dia. 35/16,5 x 442114-04743O-ring dia. 151,93 x 3,53, neoprene11331-09944Adjusting screwa2111-12845Locking screw M6 x 1041413-23146Cross bar for bearing adjustment13083-13747Cylinder screw M12 x 3061413-36648Inner sleeve, INA IR dia 17/20 x 1621514-01849O-ring dia. 13,94 x 2,6211331-014Cover for capacity regulating cylinder60Cover for capacity cylinder13013-19761O-ring dia. 142,47 x 3,53 - neoprene11331-09662Cylinder screw M12 x 3541413-387Housing for capacity indicator70Housing for capacity indicator13045-00271Cylinder screw M6 x 3041413-34372Cover for capacity indicator13045-00373Cylinder screw M6 x 5041413-34774O-ring dia. 98.02 x 3,53, neoprene11331-08175-1Glass for indicator (L)t3045-05075-2Glass for indicator (S)13045-049Rotors110-1Set of rotors tor SM13024-102110-2Set of rotors tor SF13024-097110-3Set of rotors for LM13024-103110-4Set of rotors for LF13024-095111Journal bearing41515-031112Retaining pin for journal bearing dia, 5 x 4541446-033113Cylinder screw M6 x 4581413-340114Thrust washes23021-029115Cylinder screw M16 x 4521413-433132Four point ball bearing dia. 70/150 x 3521513-040133Set of shims dia. 128/150 for adjusting the clearance between the rotor and outlet port. Comprising: 1 off thickness 5,60 mm 23021-0431 - 5,65 mrr 1 - 5,70 mm1 - 5,75 mm1 - 5,80 mrn1 - 5,85 mm1 - 5,90 mm134Balance piston. drive rotor13025-052135Spacer ring, drive rotor13025-035136Retaining ring 4 x 1011446-012137Balance piston, driven rotor13025-034138Spacer ring, driven rotor13025-036139Retaining pin 5x1611446-021DIscharga ports140-1Discharge port for male rotor .13031-031141-1Discharge port for female rotor13031P032142Cylinder scraw M8 x 19061413-309143Washer for discharge port dia. 16,5 /8,2 x 1062114-045144Cylinder screw M6 x 3021413-343145Pointed screw M10 x 35 - inside adjustment21413-255146Locking screw M10 x 10 - inside adjustment21413-253147Locking screw M10 x 10 - outside adjustment21413-253148Pointed screw M10 x 20 - outside adjustment21413-032149ABlank of screw 3/8' - outside adjustment21343-026149BGasket - outside adjustment21331-427Parts for adjusting rotors153Inner cover23021-030154O-ring dia. 142,47 x 3,5321331-096155Cylindrical steel roll 8H 11 x 8S1514-019Shaft seal160AShaft seal collar 1160BShaft saal seat 1160CO-ring for shaft seat collar 113084-557160DO-rlng for shaft saal seat 1160EPointed screw 3161Retaining pin for shaft seal seat dia. 3 x 511446-005162Spirolox ring (oil thrower)11437-294163-1Cover, F13013-100163-2Cover, M13013-102164O-ring dia, 132,94 x 3,53, neoprene11331-093165-1Cover for shaft seal, F13013-099165-2Cover for shaft seal, M13013-101166O-ring dia, 158,34 x 3,5311331-100167Cylinder screw M12 x 3581413-387168Hose connection branch 1 /4°11345-143169Clear plastic hose11241-190Suction filter170Suction filter13042-075Adjusting system for Vi-slide, AUT352Screw for transmitter M3 x 8 (included in pos. 410)(4)1412-012371Sealing ring OD 7011332-126372Attachment for pin13044-035380Cover tor aut. Vi13013-196381O-ring dia. 101,19 x 3,53, neoprene11331-083382Cylinder screw M12 x 3541413-387384Attachment for sealing ring13044-034385Cylinder screw M4 x 1621413-320386Cylindrical pin dia. 6 x 1621445-076387Cylinder screw M6 x 1211413-339390Spindle aut. Vi13044-063393Ball baaring 620211511-012395Driving disk13044-021396Cylinder screw M4 x 1211413-318400Attachment tor transmitter13044-064401Cylinder screw M6 x 8041413-307402Cover ring for transmitter13045-009403Cylinder screw M4 x 1041413-319405Magnetic coupling13045-062406O-ring dia. 32,99 x 2,62 (incl in pos. 405)(1)1331-133407Hexagon head screw M4 x 16 (inc. in pos. 405)(1)1413-320410Turning transmitter13448-004411Driving lug13044-020412Pointed screw M4 x 511413-211413Clamping pin dia. 1,5 x 1211446-010Adjusting system for Vi-slide, MAN180Spindle man. Vi13044-052181Cover for man. Vi13013-093182Sealing washer for slide stop13044-014183Sealing ring11331-503184O-ring dia. 44,04 x 3,53, neoprene11331-065185Retainer for bearings13044-033186Axial ball bearing dia. 42/25 x 1121512-015187Locking plate12114-043188Cylinder screw M6 x 1211413-339189Thread washer13044-073195Cylinder screw M4 x 3021413-325196Cylinder screw M6 x 3531413-344197O-ring dia. 101,19 x 3,5311331-083198Cylinder screw M12 x 3541413-387Vi-slide190-1Slide stop, S13043-131190-2Slide stop, L13043-130191-1Spring for Vi-slide,L12144-042191-2Spring for Vi-slide,S12144-043192Cylinder screw M 10 x 2511413-371Capacity regulating slide200-1Slide for L13043-113200-2Slide for S13043-125201Piston part inner13043-138202Piston part outer13043-139203O-ring dia. 40,87 x 3,53, neoprene11331-064204Sealing ring dia. 15011332-133206Slotted nut KM811514-200207A-1Piston rod for L13043-140207A-2Piston rod for S13043141207BBushing tor indicator spindle Included in pos. 207A13045-046207CCylindrical pin dia. 6 x 16 Included in pos. 207A11445-076207DSpirolox-ring Inducted in pos. 207A11437-291207ESteel ball 3/8' Included in pos. 207A11514-158208Locking plate for slotted nut11514-070209Tape bearing22132-100311Cap torew M20 x 6011424-289313Clamp13042-054Spindle for copacity indication210Spindle tor capacity indication13045-059216Magnetic coupling13045-061217O-ring dia. 44,12 x 2,62 (incl. in pos. 216)(1)1331-146218Hexagon head screw M4 x 16 (Incl. in pos. 216)(1)1413-320219Hexagon head screw M4 x 20 (ind. in pos. 216)(2)1413-322Capacity indication221Indication disk13045-001223Socket cap screw M4 x 1011413-319224Backing ring 105/90 x 1,612356-155226Locking washer DC 15/8,411437-054227Locking washar DC 8/4,311437-060350Position transmitter13448-004351-1Indicator glass, L (replacing pos. 75-1 when transmitter)13045-048351-2Indicator glass, S (replacing pos. 75-2 whentransmitter)13045-047352Screw for transmitter M3 x 8 (incl. in pos. 350)(4)1412-012Non return valveNon return valve complet3042-172252O-ring dia. 253,37 x 5,33, neoprene11331-181253Intermediate flange13013-288255Valve housing13042-127256Spindle guide13042-125257Retainer13042-126258Hexagon head screw M8 x 12031413-314259Valve cone13042-123260Spindle13042-124261Spring11523-033262Tape bearing dim 10 x 1 x 4612132-114263Tape bearing dim 10 x 1 x 105t2132-096264Hexagon head screw M16 x 7581424-108265Countersunk socket cop. screw M12 x 2511413-115266Hexagon bead scraw M12 x 3021413-386267Shaft nut KM9 - M4511514-201268Seeger ring dia. 14 x 1,0, DIN 47111437-207Oil injection316V-joint 22-RL11349-153317Check valve RVS11364-163318O-ring dia. 33,05 x 1,7811331-123319Valve seat13042-077External oil piping320-1Pipe sat (L)13049-026320-2Pipe set (S)13049-029321Pipe clamp dia. 3 x 1212532-012Oil filter450Oil filter coveri3041-008452O-ring dia. 132,94 x 3,53, neoprene11331-093453O-ring dia. 101,19 x 3,53, neoprene11331-083455Lock nut M1011433-030456Cylinder screw M12 x 3541413-387458Stay bolt for magnet12111-127459Magnets for oil filter41517-022460Intermediate ring43424-039461Rubber ring21334-012462Plug 1/4'21343-025463Dowty ring dia. 20,57 x 13,7421331-428470Oil filter cartridge11517-015475O-ring dia. 63,9 x 3,5311331-071476Cylinder screw M 12 x 3041413-386Oil flow swich500Terminal box11554-001501Cover for flow switch13041-004502O-ring dia. 132,94 x 3,53, nroprere11331-093505Nipple tor ftow switch o12314-106506Dowty ring11331-433507Flow switch with ball11553-024508Washer12114-046509Gasket dia. 19/14 x 1,512356-124510Spring12144-041511Circlip (included in pos. 507)1512Cylinder screw M12 x 3541413-387Plugging520Plug 1/2'11343-027521Dowty ring 02511331-430525Plug 3/4'11343-028526Dowty ring 02711331-433530Plug 1/4'11343-025531Gasket ring 19/14 x 1,512356-124Economizer inlet600Eco-plug13013-111601Cylinder screw M12 x 3041413-386602Cylinder screw M8 x 3021413-358603O-ring dia. 53,57 x 3,53, neoprene11331-058Relief valve700-1Back pressure independent valve. BSV 8-18 bar12416-202700-2Back pressure independent valve. BSV 8-22 bar12416-224Pilot operated valve701-AConnection line for POV 5013049-032701-BConnection line for POV 6013049-033702-ACylinder screw M12 x 2541413-385702-BCylinder screw M 12 x 3041413-388703-AO-ring dia. 63,09 x 3,5311331-071703-BO-ring dia. 88,49 x 3,5311331-079704-APilot operated valve, POV 50 (for R717)12417-046704-BPilot operated valve, POV 80 (for R22 and HCF,s)12417-058Cover for main valve705-ACover for POV 5013013-125705-BCover for POV 8013013-163706Cylinder screw M16 x 4081413-432707O-rlng dia. 253.37 x 5,3311331-181Connection between compr. discharge side and suction side710-AManifold for POV 5013013-124710-BMan (fold tor POV 8013013-157711-AO-ring dia. 85,32 x 3,5311331-078711-BO-ring dia. 86,49 x 3,5311331-079712-ACylinder screw M12 x 11031413-406712-BCylinder screw M12 x 3041413-386715-ACover (for POV 50 only)13013-125716Cylinder screw M16 x 4041413-432717O-ring dia. 164,69 x 3,5311331-101720-APipe conneclion for POV 5013014-002720-BPipe connection for POV 8013013-166721-ACylindar screw M12 x 3081413-386721-BCylinder screw M12 x 4041413-388722-AO-ring dia. 75,79 x 3,5321331-075722-BO-ring dia. 88.49 x 3,5311331-079Releif valve connections725Stud coupling A-12 RL11349-053726Al-gasket dia.24/13 x 1,512356-127727Reducer G3/4 - G3/812312-038729Elbow coupling VB 12-RL11349-210730Union nut G112313-017731Threaded nipple G3/812311-065732Al-gastet dia.30/16 x 1,512356-137733Dowty ring 02311331-427Signal trantducers751Pressure transducer, PT111373-249752Pressure transducer, PT311373-271753Pressure transducer, PT411373-271755Stud coupling21349-137756Stud elbow11349-233761Temperature transmitter, TT611373-264762Temperature transmitter, TT711373-264765Gasket ring21349-135766Reducer G1/2-G1/411349-077
S=L/D 1.7 M=Male drive L=L/D 2,2 F=Female drive
Spare parts survey for SAB 202 unitThe following list comprises all components that can be fitted on a compressor unit. From this list we have selected the components that are used on a particular unit and which are indicated on the piping diagram of this instruction manual. The position numbers on the piping diagram are a reference to the 'Pos.' columns of this list The piping diagram is dedicated to the compressor number stated on page 1 of this instruction manual.The components in the shaded areas are variable. This may be due to voltags, refrigerant, approved pressure etc.On ordering spare parts it may be an advantage to receive them in sets selectedfor your specific compressor unit.A list of sets can had on request from SABROE's local representative.
Pos.DesignationPart no.Regulating & Control deviceUNISAB IlPT1Pressure transducer -1 - 9 bar1373-243PT2Pressure transducer -1-25 bar1373-271PT3Pressure transducer -1 - 25 bar1373-271PT4Pressure transducer -1 -25 bar1373-271TT5-6-7Temperature transducer PT1001373-252TT5-6-7Temperatura transducer PT1001373-264(Avaible after 97.01.20)GT6Position transmittar (capacity)3448-004GT9Position transmitter3448-004UNISAB II Frontpanel1573-0071 CPU-Module1572-0261 Relay print1574-0161 EPROM extractor1613-0021 EEPROM extractor1613-0031 EEPROM1571-0153 Jumpers2 Fuses1572-0181 Screw driverRefrigerant systemSuction:20O-ring dia. 253,37 x 5,331331-181Set of gaskets for SCV 125 (M R717)3184-080Set of gaskets for SCV 150 (M R22/F R717)3184-081Set of gaskets for SCV200 (F R22)3184-0812434-35Sel of gaskets for SNV 82453-05347-48Oil separator, general:22O-ring dia. 164,69 x 3,53 (disch. flange)1331-10130Sealing ring dia. 42/49 x 6,51349-21330Heating rod, 250V3181-038-1Heating rod, 115V3181-039-1Heating rod, 230V3181-04031O-ring dia. 52,07 x 2,62 (Sight glass)1331-140Sight glass1226-01755O-ring dia. 329,57x5,33 (for cover)1331-184Oil separating element1517-079-2Oil return:52Nozzle valve1364-15153Sight glass1226-01453Gasket dia. 40,5/33 x 1,52356-144Discharge:204Set of gaskets for SCV 100 (M)3184-079Set of gaskets for SCV 100 (F)3184-097Safety valves:28DN 40/65Gasket dia. 75/61 x 2,02356-220Gasket dia. 109/95 x 2,02356-222O-ring dia. 91,67 x 3,53 (house)1331-080Conical seal for DN 40/651365-079Spring (for 25 bar opening pressure)1523-02728DN 50/80Gasket dia. 87/73 x 2,02356-221Gaskat dia. 120/106 x 2,02356-223O-ring dia. 117,07 x 3,53 (house)1331-088Conical seal for DN 50/801365-080Spring (for 25 bar opening pressure)1365-05028DN 65/100Gasket da. 109/95 2356-222Gasket dia. 149/1292356-224O-ring dia. 151,99 x 3,53 (house)1331-099Conical seal for DN 65/1001365-081Spring (for 25 bar opening pressure)1523-03528DN 80/125Gasket dia. 120/1062356-223 Gasket dia. 175/1552356-228Gasket for safety valve house DN 80/1251365-082Conical seal for DN 80/1251365-075Spring (for 25 bar opening pressure)1523-036Water-cooled oil cooler OWSG33OWSG 16xxGasket dia. 270/150 x 5,0 2355-171 Gasket dia. 107/61 x 2,02357-014Gasket dia. 36/28 x 1,52356-14133OWSG 21xxGasket dia. 310/205 x 5,02355-172Gasket dia. 142/90 x 2.02356-269Gasket dia, 36/28 x 1,52356-141O-ring dia. 34,52 x 3,531331-02833OWSG 27xxGasket dia.370/255 x 5,02356-173Gasket dia.162/115 x 2,02356-276 O-ring dia. 34,52 x 3,531331-028External oil filter type BGAH39Filter element1517-015O-ring dia. 169,3 x 5,7 (cover)1331-226O-ring dia. 130,2 x 5,34 (insert)1331-169O-ring dia. 109,2 x 5,7 (element)1331-225O-ring dia. 62,14 x 3,53 (collar)1331-077External oil filter type OF210839Filter element1517-015O-ring dia. 170,82 x 5.33 (cover)1331-175O-ring dia. 130,2 x 5,33 (insert)1331-169O-ring dia. 109,2 x 5,70 (element)1331-22538-42 Set of gaskets for SCV 503184-077Flange connection, oil tubeGasket dia. 87/73 x 2,02356-221O-ring dia. 63,09 x 3,53 (compr.)1331-071Oil by-pass (at pump)210Gasket dia. 140/105 x 1,5 (non-return valve)2356-10669O-ring dia. 50,40 x 3,53 (non-return valve)1331-300Thermostatic three-way valve, type RT646O-ring, Neoprene1331-384Thermo element (48 deg. C)1365-08470Solenoid valveValve housing EVM (NC)1372-335Gastet set for EVM1336-024Coil 10 W 220 V 50/60 Hz1372-537 110 V 50/60 Hz1372-538 240 V 50 Hz1372-53971Solenoid valveValve housing EVM{NO)1372-287Gasket set for EVM1336-024-02Coil 10 W 220 V 50/60 Hz1372-537 110 V 50/60 Hz1372-538 240 V 50 Hz1372-539Throttle valve1364-15173Solenoid valve - see pos.7074Solenoid valveValve housing EVM (NO) - see pos.71027B113080-84Gasket set for SVA 15-202453-02281Filter FA15 - When TEAT 20 is selectedGasket set for FA151377-078Repair kit for FA 151377-25081Filter FA20 - When TEAT 85 is selectedGasket set for FA201377-079Repair kit for FA201377-25182Solenoid valve EVRA15 - When TEAT 20 is selectedGasket set (for EVRA 15)1377-093Repair kit (for EVRA15)1377-099Coil 10 W 220 V 50/60 Hz1372-537110V 50/60 Hz1372-538240V 50 Hz1372-53982Solenoid valve EVRA20 - When TEAT 20 is selectedGasket set (for EVRA20)1377-094Repair kit (for EVRA20)1377-069Coil 10 W 220 V 50/60 Hz1372-537110 V 50/60 Hz1372-538240 V 50 Hz1372-53983Injection valve TEAT 20Nozzle insert 20-81371-203Nozzle insert 20-121371-204Nozzle insert 20-201371-206Thermal part 35-65 deg. C1371-25583Injection valve TEAT 85Nozzle insert 85-331371-207Nozzle insert 85-551371-208Nozzle insert 85-851371-209Thermal part 35-65 deg. C1371-257Ecomomizer - ECO - DN 4097O-ring dia. 59,92 x 3,53 (tlange)1331-070120Gasket set for SCH 403184-112133Gasket set for STA 40 (2464,158)2453-030133Filter 2502464-212Ecomomizer - ECO - DN 5097O-ring dia. 59,92 x 3,53 (flange)1331-070120Gasket set for SCH 503184-112133Gasket set for STA 50 (2464,166)2453-030133Fiiter 2502464-212Spare parts set for coupling S952 size 312Sheets, bolts, nuts & slices1524-126Spacer bushing1526-004Stop screw M 10 x 101413-250Combination wrench 5/8'Compr. toolsBox wrench 5/8'Compr. toolsAlignment motor - compressorDisc (motor up to IEC 280)2221-067Disc (motor from IEC 315)2221 -076Tools3183-104
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Tools for compressor SAB 202Line no. A401 = normal set 3083-184Line no. A402 = Extended set 3083-185Line no. B401 = Toois for aligning the coupling 3163-105Line no. B402 = Tools for shaft seal removal, oil pump 3083-160
Tools noDesignationPart no.A401A402B401B4021Thrust plate for puller 40 x 20 x 2003083-17311aPuller for bearings 40 x 20 x 1453083-172113Threaded pins M12/M6 x 2003083-171224Threaded pin M14, Koko1427-037115Thrust plate for mounting the bearings 40 x 15 x 1503083-181116Washer for mounting the bearings dia. 130/17 x 153083-182117Threaded pin M16 x 2003083-180118Long nut M16 x 501432-191119.1Nut M161432-067119.2Nuts M121432-0652210Mounting bushing for ball bearing, inner ring3083-1741111Guide pins for suction- and disharge cover M16 x 3003083-1642212Punch for locking the rotors3083-1831113Plate for locking the rotors 40 x 15 x 2003083-1791114Plate for dismounting the rotors 60 x 25 x 3603083-1771115Bushing dia.25/17 x 153083-1782216.1Cap screw M20 x 1203083-1761116.2Cap screw M16 x 403083-1751117.1Socket cap screws M16 x 601413-4362217.2Socket cap screws M16 x 401413-4322217.3Socket cap screws M6 x 161413-3402218Washer dia 20/17 x 31436-0011119Threaded pin M 16 x 2503083-1681120Thrust plate 50 x 20 x 2703083-1671121Pipe pieces dia. 25.9/21.3 x 1873083-1702222Threaded pins M 12 x 2753083-1692223Gauge dia. 62/17 x 513083-1661124Spring dia. 50 x 9.52142-0601125.1Nuts with collar M121432-1702225.2Nut with ooiiar M161432-1711126Plate with M12 nut 20 x 6 x 1003083-1631127-1Socket cap screw key with handle 5 mm1612-3911127-2Socket cap screw with handle M12 x 1803083-165112BEye-bol M121427-150130Alignment device for coupling3183-105131Feeler gauge (incl in3183-105)1622-050132Tools for shaft seal removal, oil pump3083-1601Consists of:Puller for shaft seal, oil pump3083-1571Cap screw M10 x 751424-2011Threaded pin M8 x 1503083-1563Nuts M81432-0633Punch dia. 18 x 803083-1581Punch dia. 22/16.5 x 1003083-159140.1Combination spanner 19mm140.2Combination spanner 24mm140.3Combination spanner 30mm140.4Combination spanner 36mm141Open end spanner 19/22mm142.2Hexagon bit adaptor 1/2'- 5mm142.3Hexagon bit adaptor 1/2' - 6mm142.4Hexagon bit adaptor 1/2' -10mm142.5Hexagon bit adaptor 1/2'-14mm142.6Hexagon bit adaptor 1/2' -17mm143Rachet spanner144.1Torque wrench 10-60 Nm144.2Torque wrench 50-300 Nm145Pointed screw M 16 x 201413-2622246Box spanner insert 1/2'-36mm147Hook spanner KM8148.1Extension (long)148.2Extension (short)149Puller, kukko 10-20150Dial indicator151Magnetic fixture for dial indicator152.1Retaining pliers J2152.2Retaining pliers A11
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cardest · 4 years
Japan playlist
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Are you turning Japanesa? I don’t think so! This, I believe is the ultimate Japan playlist. One of my favorite countries in the world to visit. it truly is a fascinating place in the world. The music from this region is just so. Crazy even! I have been a few times and cannot wait to get back over there again as soon as Crap-19 takes a hike and leaves this planet already. Meanwhile, here is the Japan playlist to keep us happy. Perfect for those of you out there in lock down.
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I hope you dig the list of songs I put together. You can even let me know what songs or bands I forgot and let me know! 私はあなたがそれを掘ることを望みます Arrigato! Hit play right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_IcliLasW5eajllU8pA5Gh
001 Fantomas - 4-30-05 002 INXS - I Send A Message 003 LADYBABY - candy 004 Babymetal - DoKiDoKi MORNING 005 MOMOIRO CLOVER Z vs KISS - YUMENO UKIYONI SAITEMINA 006 The Cure - Kyoto Song 007  Kill Bill Vol.1 - Isaac Hayes - Run Fay Run 008 CHAI - GREAT JOB 009 Mutant Monster -  Barabara 010 Sigh - Inked in Blood 011 The Vapors - Turning Japanese 012 Fantomas - 4-7-05 013 Ocean Machine -  Night 014 Masayuki Sakamoto - Psy'chy 015 Astro Boy - 1980 English Intro Theme 016 Go Misawa - 悪魔人間 (デビルマン) - 不動明 017 Red House Painters - Japanese To English 018  八十八ヶ所巡礼「仏滅トリシュナー 019 Acid Mothers Temple - Floating Flower Shizuku No Youni 020 Ween - Japanese Cowboy 021 Otoboke Beaver - Don't light my fire 022 Gojira's Godzilla Theme Song 023 Cavalera Conspiracy -  Bonzai Kamikazee 024 Ultra Bide - DNA vs DNA 025 David Bowie - Crystal Japan 026 A Flock Of Seagulls - Tokyo 027 Sakura - Cherry blossoms 028 BON JOVI - Tokyo Road 029 Aneka - Japanese boy 030 Endon - Boy Meets Girl 031 Junko Ohashi - Dancin' 032 Ike Reiko - Yoake No Scat 033 Shohjo-Tai - Flamingo Island 034 Chthonic - Kaoru 035 Herbie Hancock - Nobu 036 Akiko Yano - Dogs Awaiting 037 Inoyama Land - Glass Chaim 038 Fantomas -  4-14-05 039 Hide - Dice 040 Japan - Talking drum 041 Sabbat - Samurai Zombies 042 Brian Ice - Tokyo 043 W.A.S.P. - Tokyos on fire 044 UHNELLYS - SWITCH 045 Boris -  LOVE 046 Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Battle Without Honor or Humanity Tomoyasu Hotei 047 eX-Girl - Pretty You Ugly 048 Gonin Ish - Shagan No Tou 049 Banana Erectors - Fed Up With Highschool Days 050 Strapping Young Lad - Japan 051 Yoshida Brothers - Ibuki 052 Zeni Geva - Total Castration 053 Flower Travellin' Band - Satori, Pt. 1 054 MOMOIRO CLOVER Z - GOUNN - 055 Tom Waits - Big In Japan 056 ABIGAIL - A Witch Named Aspilcuetta 057 Sigh - The Tombfiller 058 Marty Friedman-Dragon's Kiss-Dragon Mistress 059 RIOT - Tokyo Rose 060 Fantomas - 4-13-05 061 Guitar Wolf - High Schooler Action 062 Becoming a Geisha - Memoirs of a Geisha Soundtrack 063 Seven Samurai- Ending Theme 064 Miki Sugimoto - Rei's Ballad (Theme from Zero Woman Red Handcuffs) 065 Yoshida Brothers - Rising from Best Of Yoshida Brothers 066 Ruler - Jeanie Jeanie Jeanie 067 Kill Bill Vol. 1 OST - Twisted Nerve - Bernard Herrmann 068 Fantomas - 4-23-05 069 Shonen Knife - It's a New Find 070 Polish National Radio Symphony OrchestraKrzysztof Penderecki - Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima 071 ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE - Helen Buddha; Miss Condom X 072 Shugo Tokumaru - Decorate 073 PiGu - Bye Bye Honey 074 Hello Kitty Theme Song - Hello Kitty 075 ACUTE -  生き地獄 076 Sabbat - Karmagmassacre 077 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Tong Poo 078 Yojimbo OST -  Main Theme 079 Anpan-man (Red beans bread man)theme song 080 Ex-Girl - The Crown of Dr. Keroninstein 081 Kate Bush - [The Whole Story] Breathing 082 Coffins - Hatred Storm 083 The Books - Tokyo 084 Fantomas -  4-19-05 085 男の一生/松方弘樹 086 Azuma Kabuki Musicians - Dojoji 087 Saxon -  Walking Through Tokyo 088 Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Original Soundtrack - The Flower of Carnage - Meiko Kaji 089 Les Rallizes Denudes - Now is forever 090 G.I.S.M. - Nih Nightmare 091 Mono - Silent Flight, Sleeping Dawn 092 Deftones - Romantic Dreams 093 Strapping Young Lad - Zen 094 Dead Can Dance - Kiko 095 Kinoco Hotel - キノコホテル「キノコノトリコ」 096 Esashi Oiwake - Ensemble Nipponia 097 Naitemo idayoi - bcmomoiro clover 098 Bryan Ferry - Tokyo Joe 099 Suzuki Junzo - Crying Out Double Suicide Blues 100 Iron Maiden - Sun and Steel 101 Kikagaku Moyo - Dripping Sun 102 Fantomas -  4-3-05 103 BARBATOS - Tokyo Rock'N Roll Show 104 BABYMETAL - MEGITSUNE 105 Eternal Elysium - Shadowed Flower 106 The Erections - stupid punk 107 The Seatbelts - Cowboy Bebop (Original Soundtrack 1) 108 Rush - Manhattan Project 109 Today Is the Day - Samurai 110 Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST - main theme 111 Japanese War Music - Samurai Battle March 112 Steel Panther - Asian Hooker 113 The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation -  A Place For Fantasies 114 Guitar Wolf - FIGHTING ROCK 115 HEAVY METAL ARMY - That's Hammurabia 116 Michale Graves -  Godzilla 117 Noriko Miyamoto - My Life 118 Loudness - Ashes in the Sky 119 Mary's Blood- Save the queen 120 Mellvins - One Fine Day 121 High On Fire - Bastard  Samurai 122 Shakuhachi - The Japanese Flute 123 Luna Sea - IN SILENCE 124 Tatsuro Yamashita - Sparkle 125 PIG DESTROYER - Kamikaze Heart 126 Tomoko Kawada - Akanegumo 127 Sodom - Kamikaze Terrorizer 128 Carlos Toshiki and Omega Tribe - Sky Surfer 129 TOKKAEBI - cheon mun 130 Pere Ubu - 30 Seconds Over Tokyo 131 Wanda Jackson - Fujiyama Mama 132 Witch Cross - Night Flight To Tokyo 133 F.O.E. - Total Eclipse 134 Coffins - The Frozen Styx 135 Sword of Doom (1966) - Main Theme OST 136 Sigh -  The Transfiguration Fear 137 Yondemasu Yo, Azazel san - Opening song 138 Thundercat - Tokyo 139 GHOST IN THE SHELL O.S.T.2 - i can't be cool 140 Japandroids - No Allegiance to the Queen 141 YAMANTAKA - SONIC TITAN - Hoshi Neko 142 Doraemon 2005 Opening - Sha La La 143 Akira Soundtrack - Kaneda's Theme 144 Anatomia - Morbid Hallucination 145 Traditional Japanese music - Honno-ji 146 Kodo - Lion 147 Tomita Planets - Mercury, The Winged Messenger 148 Yuji Ohno - Lupin The Third Theme '78 149 Ninja Scroll TV Series Soundtrack - Jubei's Theme 150 OKAWARI_BOY show me your space 151 Boris - The Woman on the Screen 152 Sepultura - Kamaitachi 153 X Japan - X 154 L'Acephale - Hitori Bon Odori 155 Zilch (hide) - Inside the Pervert Mound 156 Fantomas -  4-12-05 157 Kodo - Akatsuki 158 Sigh - Hunters not horned 159 Pucca Theme song 160 Tujiko Noriko - Solo - Magic 161 MYSTERY KINDAICHI BAND - THEME OF KOSUKE KINDAICHI 162 Akiko Yano -  クマ 163 Sooo Baad Revue - バッド・レビュ 164 Pharoahe Monch - Simon Says (instrumental) 165 Imaginary Flying Machines - Sanpo (My Neighbor Totoro) (feat. Living Corpse & Yoko Hallelujah) 166 Mutant Monster - kamisama o negai - pv with romaji lyrics 167 Mount Fuji - Neun 168 Kumi Sasaki - Tanchame Bushi 169 Yakuza - Yama 170 Chai - Choose go! 171 Goto Mariko – Drone 172 Blue Oyster Cult  - Godzilla 173 Kinoco hotel –  F No Junkai 174 ASS BABOONS OF VENUS - Jet Unchi 175 James Bond you only live twice OST - Aki, Tiger and Osato 176 PJ Harvey -  Kamikaze 177 BABYMETAL - Awadama Fever 178 Alcatrazz - Hiroshima Mon Amour 179 Tokyo Blade - Warrior of the Rising Sun 180 TIK & TOK - TOKYO GIRLS 181 Queen - Hammer To Fall 182 Nana Kitade - Kibou No Kakera 183 Gallhammer - Blind my eyes 184 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Kai-Koh 185 Chikyuu Kyoumei  Resonance of the Earth 186 Hoodoo Gurus -  Tojo 187 John Waite - Euroshima 188 Tommy Snyder / Yuji Ohno) - ザ・マリン・エクスプレス (The Marine Express) 189 Boris - Riot Sugar 190 Yellow Machinegun - Again 191 Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Original Soundtrack - The Lonely Shepherd 192 Church of Misery - Chilly Grave 193 Jimmy Takeuchi  - Yasuki bushi (Shimane) 194 Yuji Ohno "Andromeda no kanata ni" - (OST - Captain Future) 195 Bo Ningen - Henkan 196 Blood Stain Child - Electricity 197 Crime - Yakuza 198 Tatsuya Yoshida & Satoko Fujii - Feirsttix 199 Ike Reiko - Kokotsu No Sekai 200 Fantomas -  4-9-05 201 David Bowie - It's no game 202 Manon - xxFANCYPOOLxx 203 Sparks - Here In Heaven 204 MAD SPYAIR - samurai heart Gintama 205 Terror Squad - Nightmare Rider 206 Fantomas -  4-6-05 207 Mutant Monster - Hanabi 208 Jimmy Takeuchi - Akita obako 209 NAKED CITY - OSAKA BONDAGE 210 Death Panda theme 211 Crossfaith -  Monolith 212  OMD - Enola Gay 213 Dir en Grey - Obscure 214 LADYBABY Age-Age Money 215 Fantomas -  4-17-05 216 S.O.B. - Deceiver (Napalm Death cover) 217 Jimmy Takeuchi - Time Of The Season 218 Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy - Thy Sarcophagus & Unwritten Symphony 219 Laurie Anderson -  Kokoku 220 THOMPSON TWINS  - TOKIO 221 Electric Eel Shock - Killer killer 222 Kodo - Nanafushi 223 Ningen Isu - Heartless Scat 224 Amachi Shigeru – Showa Blues 225 BlackLab - Insanity 226 TENGGER - achime 227  Riot - Narita 228 Martin Denny - Japanese Farewell Song (Sayonara) 229 LADYBABY - Renge Chance 230 Tokyo Electron  - She Keeps Me Shut 231 Kan Mikami - Anata Mo Star Ni Nareru 232 Kraftwerk - Radioactivity 233 CHAI - N.E.O. 234 Fantomas - 4-27-05 235 Gacharic Spin - Next Stage 236 Loudness -  Crazy Nights 237 David Bowie - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence 238 The Presidents of the USA -  Japan 239 Fantomas -  4-4-05 240 Kyary Pamyu P - Fashion Monster 241 Wagakki Band - Senbonzakura 242 Deep Purple - Woman From Tokyo 243 Krokus - Tokyo Nights 244 Kyoto - Venetian Blinds 245 Happy End - Natsu nandesu 246 Motohiko Hamase - Plateau 247 Boris - Tokyo Wonder Land 248 Asia - Countdown to Zero 249 Hiiragi Fukuda - Me And My Marshall Amp 250 Marty Friedman -  Ai Takkatta 251 Kodo -  O-Daiko (japanese drummers - Taiko - tambours geants Japon) 252 Sonic Youth - Tokyo Eye 253 Otoboke Beaver - Anata Watashi Daita Ato Yome No Meshi 254 Y&T - Midnight in Tokyo 255 Metalucifer -  Heavy Metal Samurai 256 Urami Bushi - Meiko Kaji 257 Alphaville -  Big in Japan 258 M.O.D. - Godzula 259 Akiko Yano - Hitotsudake 260 Japan - Life in Tokyo (Giorgio Moroder Version) 261 Boris with Merzbow - Sometimes 262 Dragonforce - Power Of The Ninja Sword 263 Fantomas -  4-10-05 264 The Guyver Dark hero Theme song 265 Minami Deutsch / 南ドイツ - Futsu Ni Ikirenai 266 Yukihiro Takahashi - Drip Dry Eyes 267 ZooBOMBS - Doo Bee 268 SIGH -  Shingontachikawa 269 Burt Bacharach - Me Japanese Boy I Love You 270 Kay Cee Jones - Japanese Farewell Song 271 Dhidalah - GRB 272 Kikagaku Moyo - tree smoke 273 The Fall - I Am Damo Suzuki 274 Ryuichi Sakamoto - Thousand Knives 275 Yasuaki Shimizu - kakshi 333 Godiego - The Birth of the Odyssey (Monkey Magic) 666 BABYMETAL -Headbanger
Here are the songs to listen to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_IcliLasW5eajllU8pA5Gh
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dalongmao · 4 years
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台湾百佳200CD(1975-2003) 简介:       台湾媒体发起,由大家评选出从1975年到1993年这十八年台湾歌坛“黄金岁月”中,最好的专辑。评选的范围是从1975年杨弦的专辑《中国现代民歌集》开始到1993年1月出版的所有专辑。有人把1975年到1993年这十八年,称作是台湾歌坛的黄金岁月,因为在此期间不仅出了李泰祥、李寿全、罗大佑、李宗盛、小虫等堪称台湾歌坛领军人物的著名制作人、作曲家,还出现了诸如齐豫、蔡琴、潘越云、费玉清、黄莺莺、苏芮、童安格、齐秦、王杰、庾澄庆、姜育恒等无数个性鲜明、实力非凡的歌手,随之而诞生的更是一大批影响深远的专辑与歌曲。他们的出现不仅为台湾歌坛注入了无限活力,使得台湾流行音乐的创作达到一个空前活跃优产的黄金时期,同时也为现今台湾歌坛乃至整个中文流行歌坛的发展奠定了坚实的基础。 在这十八年间,台湾歌坛历经了民歌、校园歌曲、乡土摇滚、台语民谣、商业流行等数度创作风潮的更替,推出了数千张风格各异的专辑,可谓精彩纷呈。为了纪念台湾歌坛这一段闪亮的日子,向所有为之努力过的音乐工作者致敬,也为了向年轻一代的歌迷推介他们不一定会注意到的这些优秀音乐,台湾著名电台节目主持人陶晓清女士发起了“台湾流行音乐百张最佳专辑”的评选活动。此次评选的范围是从1975年杨弦的专辑《中国现代民歌集》开始到1993年1月出版的所有专辑,前后两次的评审共邀请了台湾音乐界、传媒界及其他有关人士约150多人参与,而评选的标准则以整张专辑在原创性、词曲、演唱等多方面的综合表现作为考量,以务求评选的公正性与客观性。对于此次评选,所有的参与人员都投入了极大的热忱并付出了艰辛的劳动,从而使得最终出炉的这份榜单显得尤为珍贵和极具价值。
专辑列表: (台湾百佳001)罗大佑:之乎者也(K2版) (台湾百佳001)罗大佑:之乎者也(滚石) (台湾百佳002)苏芮:搭错车电影原声专辑(香港版) (台湾百佳003)齐豫:橄榄树(1979) (台湾百佳004)潘越云:天天天蓝(滚石) (台湾百佳005)李宗盛:生命中的精灵 (台湾百佳006)林强:向前走 (台湾百佳007)李建复:龙的传人(新格唱片) (台湾百佳008)崔健:一无所有(台湾可登版) (台湾百佳009)罗大佑:未来的主人翁 (台湾百佳010)黑名单工作室:抓狂歌 (台湾百佳011)潘越云、齐豫:回声(滚石) (台湾百佳012)许景淳专辑(点将唱片) (台湾百佳013)1982-丘丘合唱團-就在今夜(百佳013).APE (台湾百佳014)金韵奖纪念(新格唱片) (台湾百佳015)[杨弦-中国现代民歌集[WAV] (台湾百佳016)陈小霞:大脚姐仔(EMI) (台湾百佳017)蔡琴:此情可待(飞碟唱片) (台湾百佳018)红蚂蚁合唱团(滚石) (台湾百佳019)张艾嘉:忙与盲(滚石) (台湾百佳020)张艾嘉:童年(K2版) (台湾百佳020)张艾嘉:童年(滚石原版) (台湾百佳021)童安格:其实你不懂我的心(宝丽金) (台湾百佳022)陈淑华:跟你说听你说(滚石) (台湾百佳023)蔡琴:出塞曲(lp转) (台湾百佳023)蔡琴:出塞曲(飞跃首次发行CD) (台湾百佳024)李寿全:8又二分之一(飞碟) (台湾百佳025)优客李林:认错(1991点将唱片) (台湾百佳025)优客李林:认错(点将) (台湾百佳026)陶大伟:孙越专辑(滚石) (台湾百佳027)蔡蓝钦:这个世界(飞碟) (台湾百佳028)江蕙:酒后的心声(点将唱片) (台湾百佳029)潘越云:情字这条路 (台湾百佳029)潘越云:情字这条路(滚石K2) (台湾百佳030)郑怡:小雨来得正是时候(拍谱唱片) (台湾百佳031)潘越云:旧爱新欢-左右手原创 (台湾百佳032)赵传:我很丑可是我很温柔(滚石唱片) (台湾百佳033)滚石群星:快乐天堂(滚石) (台湾百佳034)薛岳:生老病死(新笛唱片,再版) (台湾百佳035)齐豫:你是我所有的回忆 (台湾百佳036)陈明章:下午的一出戏 (台湾百佳037)罗纮武:坚固柔情 (台湾百佳038)陈升:拥挤的乐园 (台湾百佳039)蔡琴、李建復:一千个春天 (台湾百佳040)李建复:柴拉可汗(四海唱片) (台湾百佳041)张洪量:蜕变(滚石唱片) (台湾百佳042)罗大佑:爱人同志 (台湾百佳043)苏芮:蓦然回首 (台湾百佳044)费玉清:变色的长城(东尼原味再现发烧系列三) (台湾百佳045)邓丽君:环球复黑王系列-淡淡幽情 (台湾百佳046)薛岳:天梯 (台湾百佳048)庾澄庆:让我一次爱个够(福茂唱片) (台湾百佳049)陈芬兰:杨三郎纪念专辑(吉马唱片) (台湾百佳050)罗大佑:家 (台湾百佳050)罗大佑:家(滚石) (台湾百佳051)林忆莲:爱上一个不回家的人(飞碟唱片) (台湾百佳052)潘越云:胭脂北投 (台湾百佳053)黄舒骏:马不停蹄的忧伤(歌林) (台湾百佳054)周治平:岁月的歌 (台湾百佳056)黄舒骏:雁渡寒潭(歌林) (台湾百佳057)潘越云:电影音乐,桂花巷(滚石唱片) (台湾百佳058)1979-叶佳修-赤足走在田埂上 (台湾百佳059)王海玲:偈(新格唱片) (台湾百佳060)郭子:儿童乐园 (台湾百佳061)顶尖拍档(福茂唱片) (台湾百佳062)吴俊霖:爱上别人是快乐的事 (台湾百佳063)薛岳:摇滚舞台(拍谱唱片) (台湾百佳064)黄韵玲:平凡(滚石唱片) (台湾百佳065)黄莺莺(阮玲玉电影原声):葬心 (台湾百佳065)黄莺莺:葬心(滚石唱片) (台湾百佳066)王杰:一场游戏一场梦(国语) (台湾百佳067)郑怡:心情(可登唱片) (台湾百佳068)唐朝 (台湾百佳069)黄大炜:让每个人都心碎(可登唱片) (台湾百佳070)凤飞飞:浮世情怀(吉马唱片) (台湾百佳072)周华健:让我欢喜让我忧 (台湾百佳073)齐秦:狼的专辑(综一股份) (台湾百佳074)薛岳:灼热的生命(新笛唱片)2cd (台湾百佳075)新宝岛康乐队第1集k2版 (台湾百佳076)费玉清:梦驼铃(东尼唱片) (台湾百佳077)娃娃:四季(滚石唱片) (台湾百佳077)娃娃:四季-孙嘻嘻自抓原版 (台湾百佳079)罗大佑:原乡 (台湾百佳080)王芷蕾:王芷蕾的太空(飞碟) (台湾百佳082)黄莺莺:只有分离(LP转) (台湾百佳083)凤飞飞:想要弹同调 (台湾百佳086)马兆骏:我要的不多(日本天龙版) (台湾百佳087)潘越云:我是不是你最疼爱的人(滚石唱片) (台湾百佳088)侯孝贤、林强、吴俊霖、BABOO:少年吔,安啦!(1992) (台湾百佳089)施孝荣专辑(新格唱片) (台湾百佳090)张清芳:光芒(点将唱片) ���台湾百佳091)黄小琥:不只是朋友(可登唱片) (台湾百佳092)黄露仪(黄莺莺):天使之恋 (台湾百佳093)张艾嘉:爱的代价(滚石唱片) (台湾百佳094)唐晓诗专辑 (台湾百佳095)伍思凯:爱要怎么说 (台湾百佳096)周华健:心的方向(滚石) (台湾百佳097)张清芳:激情过后(点将唱片) (台湾百佳098)郑智化:老么的故事 (台湾百佳100)陈升:我喜欢私奔和我自己(滚石) (台湾百佳101)海洋-_陳建年[FLAC] (台湾百佳102)蔡琴:你不要那样看着我的眼睛 (台湾百佳102)胡德夫 -《匆匆》2005 (台湾百佳103)齐秦:冬雨(台湾综一原版.日本三洋首版) (台湾百佳103)伍佰-浪人情歌 (台湾百佳104)纪晓君-圣民歌 (台湾百佳105)伍佰.-.[树枝孤鸟] (台湾百佳106)金門王與李炳輝-流浪到淡水.[台語] (台湾百佳107)陶喆.-.[DAVID.TAO].专辑.台湾原版.(APE) (台湾百佳108)顺子 -《回家》1997 (台湾百佳109)2005年10月《华丽的冒险》/陈绮贞/艾回 (台湾百佳110)张惠妹.-.[姊妹].专辑.(APE).rar (台湾百佳111)潘越云:纯情青春梦 (台湾百佳112)五月天 -《第一张创作专辑-疯狂世界》1999滚石 (台湾百佳113)朱哲琴--阿姐鼓 (台湾百佳114)周傑倫《範特西》專輯 (台湾百佳115)杨乃文《ONE》 (台湾百佳115)曾淑勤:一个人游游荡荡(点将唱片) (台湾百佳116)王菲-《天空》台湾福茂MP内圈首版 (台湾百佳117)黑名单工作室.-.[搖篮曲].专辑.(FLAC)【滚石唱片】.rar (台湾百佳118)2000.06.-.孙燕姿-同名专辑 (台湾百佳119)张学友.-.[吻别].专辑.(ape) (台湾百佳120)巴奈.-.[泥娃娃] (台湾百佳121)范晓萱-《我要我们在一起》 (台湾百佳123)林強 - 娛樂世界 (台湾百佳124)周傑倫《JAY》專輯 (台湾百佳125)蔡琴:人生就是戏(飞碟原版) (台湾百佳126)张惠妹--Bad.Boy (台湾百佳128)罗大佑:闪亮的日子(8CD豪华精装 20世纪限量3万套珍藏版) (台湾百佳129)齐豫.-.骆驼.飞鸟.鱼 (台湾百佳130)陈升:贪婪之歌 (台湾百佳131)罗大佑-恋曲2000专辑 (台湾百佳133)姜育恒:爱我.孤独之旅 (台湾百佳135)张艾嘉:也许 (台湾百佳137)自然卷.-.这就是生活 (台湾百佳138)凤飞飞:好好爱我(凤起云拥版) (台湾百佳139)陈绮贞《还是会寂寞》【魔岩唱片】.rar (台湾百佳140)陶喆.-.[黑色柳丁].专辑.台湾原版 (台湾百佳141)张雨生_1997.10_口是心非 (台湾百佳144)1996.06 王菲-《浮躁》 (台湾百佳145)姜育恒:但愿长醉(日本版) (台湾百佳147)陶喆.-.[I__m.OK].专辑.台湾原版 (台湾百佳148)王力宏_公转自转 (台湾百佳151)1994.04 王菲-《迷》 (台湾百佳153)2002年4月《菊花夜行军》/交工乐队/大大树 (台湾百佳154)那英-征服 (台湾百佳155)自然卷.-.大卷包小卷 (台湾百佳157)许美静 -《遗憾》1996上华 (台湾百佳158)陈升《恨情歌》 (台湾百佳159)1999.09 王菲-《只爱陌生人》 (台湾百佳160)莫文蔚.-.[十二楼的莫文蔚] (台湾百佳161)陈奕迅.-.[Special.thanks.to...] (台湾百佳163)张震岳《秘密基地》 (台湾百佳164)梁静茹 -《勇气》[APE] (台湾百佳166)許景淳-天頂的月娘 (台湾百佳167)陈升-风筝-APE (台湾百佳169)张楚.-.[孤独的人是可耻的 (台湾百佳170)交工乐队 - 我等就來唱山歌 (台湾百佳171)1997年10月 《王菲》王菲.科艺百代EMI (台湾百佳172)周傑倫《葉惠美》專輯 (台湾百佳174)2005年3月戴佩妮《爱疯了》 (台湾百佳175)陶喆-太平盛世 (台湾百佳177)罗大佑-美丽岛 (台湾百佳178)范晓萱《DARLING》 (台湾百佳179)陈奕迅.-.[黑白灰] (台湾百佳181)潘丽丽.-.[画眉.公开情书 (台湾百佳182)F.I.R. - 飞儿乐团同名专辑 (台湾百佳184)黄大炜《秋天1944》 (台湾百佳185)陈珊妮-完美的呻吟 (台湾百佳188)1994年8月卡拉OK·台北·我 (台湾百佳190)陈珊妮《华盛顿砍倒樱桃树》 (台湾百佳191)林忆莲.-.[铿锵玫瑰] (台湾百佳192)五月天-爱情万岁 (台湾百佳193)陈绮贞-吉他手.rar (台湾百佳193)陈绮贞_-_吉他手(APE).rar (台湾百佳195)优客李林 -《少年游》1993 (台湾百佳196)苏打绿-《苏打绿》2005林暐哲音乐社 (台湾百佳197)蔡健雅-《呼吸》1999环球 (台湾百佳198)五月天-时光机 (台湾百佳199)伍佰的LIVE-枉費青春 (台湾百佳200)周蕙精选 缺少列表: 旧百佳 46、《梳子与刮胡刀》(李丽芬) 55、《杨芳仪、徐晓菁重唱专辑》(杨芳仪、徐晓菁) 71、《包美圣之歌》(包美圣) 78、《祭文》(张洪量) 81、《心事谁人知》(沈文程) 84、《郑怡/王新莲/马宜中专辑》(郑怡、王新莲、马宜中)   85、《365里路》(文章) 99、《洪荣农专辑之三》(洪荣农) 新百佳 22 1993年12月 《化妆师》 陈小霞 科艺百代EMI 27 1994年04月 《我是神经病》 猪头皮 滚石唱片  32 2005年03月 《找一个新世界》 董事长乐团 典选音乐  34 2003年09月 《一侪花树下》 谢宇威 威德  36 1997年10月 《希望》 乱弹 华纳唱片 42 2004年11月 《临暗》 生祥&瓦窑坑 大大树     43 1999年08月 《乱弹》 乱弹 博德曼BMG  46 1999年01月 《完美小姐》 何欣穗 喜乐音  49 2003年08月 《Life's A Struggle》 宋岳庭 原动力     50 2000年01月 《横跨黄色地球》 郭英男&马兰吟唱队 魔岩唱片    52 2000年05月 《方向感》 1976 水晶唱片   56 1995年01月 《生命的太阳》 蔡振南 飞碟唱片 62 2004年02月 《拜金小姐》 拜金小姐① 荒岛网络科技 65 2005年11月 《国际漫游》 李欣芸 滚石唱片  68 1993年11月 《去听美人鱼唱歌》 叶树茵 波丽佳音  73 1999年10月 《脸颊贴紧月球》 雷光夏 新力SONY  76 2003年01月 《平衡》 阿弟仔 锐音  80 1998年07月 《烦》 林晓培 友善的狗唱片公司 83 2004年12月 《走风的人》 王宏恩 喜马拉雅  86 2002年09月 《大地》 陈建年 角头音乐 87 1995年07月 《鸽子与海》 郭子 东达 89 2000年11月 《青春鸟王》 糯米团 魔岩唱片   94 1995年12月 《肛门乐欲期作品集》 浊水溪公社 友善的狗唱片公司 下载地址:台湾百佳160CD[APE+CUE].rar: http://qiannianhupo.ctfile.com/fs/h6O163629041(链接已失效)
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allthefactorials · 7 years
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eeraygun · 7 years
000. Charli XCX - Number 1 Angel (also Pop 2 & "Boys"!!) 001. LCD Soundsystem - American Dream 002. Various Artists - Mono No Aware 003. Jesse Osborne-Lanthier - Unalloyed - Unlicensed - All Night 004. Bjork - Utopia 005. STILL - I 006. SZA - CTRL 007. Oneohtrix Point Never - Good Time...Raw 008. Arca - Arca 009. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked At Me 010. I Hate Models - "Eternal Loneliness" 011. Perfume Genius - No Shape 012. M.E.S.H. - Hesaitix 013. Kelman Duran - 1804 KIDS 014. Bernard Parmegiani - Rock (Bande Originale Du Film) 015. Lee Gamble - Mnestic Pressure 016. Frank Ocean - "Chanel" 017. Radio Slave - Another Club - Feel The Same 018. MAXIMUM JOY - I Can't Stand It Here On Quiet Nights (Singles 1981-82) 019. Zuli - Numbers 020. Niña de la Puebla - I'm Always Crying 021. Sophie - It's Okay To Cry 022. Félicia Atkinson - Hand In Hand 023. Migos - Culture 024. Blawan - Nutrition 025. Julia Brouk - Hearing Music 026. Neil Young - Hitchhiker 027. TML - No Memory 028. Om Alec Khaoli - Say You Love Me (2017 Reissue) 029. Regal - Acid is the Answer 030. Arttu - Walking on a Fine Line 031. Yung Lean - Stranger 032. Coby Sey - Whities 010 033. Laszlo Hortobagyi - Transreplica Meccano 034. Pharmakon - Contact 035. Various Artists - Klockworks 20 036. Chino Amobi - PARADISO 037. Lorenzo Senni - XAllegroX - The Shape Of Trance To Come 038. Ryuichi Sakamoto - async 039. Second Woman - S-W 040. Sote - Sacred Horror in Design 041. DJ Bone - "Shut the Lites Off" 042. Moniek Darge - Sacred Balinese Soundies, Mauro's Song 043. Jaap Vink - Jaap Vink 044. Danny L Harle - 1UL 045. J.G. Biberkopf - Fountain of Meaning 046. Jim Coulter - Haar 047. Caterina Barbieri - Patterns of Consciousness 048. Animal Collective - Meeting of the Waters 049. Ploy - Unruly 050. Bonebrokk - Hollow Systems 051. Pan Daijing - Lack 052. RAMZi - Pèze-Piton 053. ASDA - The McDonald's Prayer 054. Mark - Here Comes a Fucking Startup Campus 055. Samuel Kerridge - "Ascension" 056. Vanligt Folk - Palle Bondo 057. Koehler & Stabudown Productions - Jim v Dan 058. Mhysa - fantasii 059. Volte-Face - Murmuration 060. POBBLES - "POBBLES" 061. Yaeji - "Last Breath" 062. Joda Clément - TIME + PLACE 063. Lanark Artefax - Whities 011 064. Errorsmith - Superlative Fatigue 065. John Wiese - Escaped Language 066. Various Artists - Contemporary Dance 067. Autechre - JNSN CODE GL16 - spl47 068. Young Thug - Beautiful Thugger Girls 069. ROD - Klockworks 19 070. Florian Hecker - A Script For Machine Synthesis 071. Roland Kayn - A Little Electronic Milky Way of Sound 072. Klein - Tommy 073. Bruce - HEK027 074. The Caretaker - Everywhere at the End of Time, Stage Two 075. Dean Blunt & Joanne Robertson - Wahalla 076. Cadans - 1 Bar FU 077. Demdike Stare - Circulation 078. Antigone - Ostinato 079. Leafar Legov - Family 080. Gaika - The Spectacular Empire I 081. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. 082. Deep’a & Biri - Basic Cycle 083. Judith Wegmann - Le souffle du temps - X (Rétro-) Perspectives 084. Architectural - Elastic Layouts 085. Fatima Yamaha - "Araya" 086. Burial - Pre Dawn - Indoors 087. Helm - Rawabet 088. Inland - Coriolis 089. Marcel Dettmann & Ben Klock - Phantom Studies 090. Various Artists - Decon-Recon #2 091. Jan St. Werner - Spectric Acid 092. Lag – All The Children Are Insane EP 093. AFX - "4x Atlantis take1" 094. Coucou Chloe - Halo 095. Havah - Contravveleno 096. Lucy - Blawan Remixes 097. Bruce Ditmas - Visioni Sconvolgenti 098. Dedekind Cut - Expanding Domain 099. Deapmash - Halcyon EP 100. Litüus - 2236 S Wentworth Ave 101. Serena Butler - Konstrukt 007 102. Deepbass - Gateway To Hyperspace EP 103. Various Artists - Where The Mountains Meet The Sky - Folk Music Of Ladakh 104. Various Artists - Collective Endeavours 01.2 105. Grouper - Children 106. Elemnt - Elemnts 107. X-Static - My Inspiration 108. Mica Levi - Delete Beach 109. DJ Deep - "New Horizon (Roman Poncet Steps Remix)" 110. Basil Kirchin - Is My Friend 111. Kelela - "LMK" 112. Arcade Fire - "Creature Comfort" 113. Honzo - Distopia "Un Mondo Indesiderabile" 114. Vanessa Rossetto - Rocinante 115. Cosmin Trg - Sportiv 003 116. Bambooman - Shudder EP 117. Stephen Brown - LF RMX 002 118. Konrad Sprenger - Stack Music 119. N.E.R.D - "Lemon (feat. Rihanna)" 120. Annea Lockwood - Tiger Balm Amazonia Dreaming Immersion 121. Yak - "Mido" 122. Sufjan Stevens - Tonya Harding 123. Justin Bieber & Bloodpop - "Friends (Remix)" (Feat. Julia Michaels) 124. Ursula Bogner - Winkel Pong 125. Borderland - "Transport (Carl Craig Remix - DJ Deep & Roman Poncet Rework)" 126. Joe - "MPH" 127. Niki Istrefi - Euromantic001 128. Bjarki - Geothermal Sheep EP 129. Fis & Rob Thorne - Clear Stones 130. Oto Hiax - Oto Hiax 131. Finn - Sometimes The Going Gets A Little Tough 132. Hodge & Peder - All My Love 133. NH - Nihil 134. Kalla - Enter The Sponk EP 135. Juxta Position - Failsafe 01 136. Reeko – La Mala Educacion 137. Mella Dee - Warehouse Music 001 138. F Ingers - Awkwardly Blissing Out 139. D. Glare - 4 oscillators & 130 samples at 130 bpm 140. Sigha - Metabolism Remixes 141. Manse - MNSWHT001 142. KYO - I Musik 143. Grey Branches - Neuroclaps 144. Abdou El Omari - Nuits de Printemps avec Abdou El Omari 145. Native Instrument - Camo 146. Dj Normal 4 & Bufiman - The 5 Elements EP Pt. 1 147. EJECA - Dance Trax, Vol. 7 148. Nahid Akhtar - I Am Black Beauty 149. John Maus - Screen Memories 150. H4L - Wild Hunt EP 151. JASSS - Weightless 152. Mr. G - 50-50 EP 153. Dario Zenker - Trivin Fields 154. Kobosil - 105 155. Sampha - Process 156. Not Waving - "Where Are We" (feat. Marie Davidson) 157. N1L - Mud Diver 158. Various Artists - ÆX002 159. PTU - A Broken Clock Is Right Twice A Day 160. Future - FUTURE 161. Donato Epiro - Rubisco 162. Alpha Tracks - Blue 163. Restive Plaggona - Leaving the Body 164. Ben Frost - The Centre Cannot Hold 165. Basic Rhythm - The Basics 166. Rrose - The Ends of Weather 167. Hiver - Air Castles EP 168. Timothy 'Heretic' Clerkin - Serenade EP 169. Charlotte Gainsbourg - "Rest" 170. WK7 - Rhythm 1 171. Jasmine Guffond - Traced 172. Unknown Archetype - Tripp EP 173. Kara-Lis Coverdale - Grafts 174. Prayer - I/II 175. Kamaiyah - Before I Wake 176. Killawat - 47010 177. Nina Kraviz - Pochuvstvui 178. Joachim Nordwall - The Ideal Black 179. Mike Dunn - DJ Beat That Shhh - Move It, Work It 180. Bicep - "Glue" 181. The Body & Full of Hell - Ascending a Mountain of Heavy Light 182. Alderaan - The Idea Of Having A Soul 183. Hyph11e - "Unknown Number 未知 (M.E.S.H. Remix)" 184. Obscure Shape & SHDW - Himmel Und Erde 185. Machine Woman - When Lobster Comes Home 186. Paradon't - Thrd Mpct 187. Bullion - Whities Dubplate 04
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savetopnow · 7 years
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4620 333 184 , 8U9499GETG73265 , 04602157 , 4143351021 , PMSC113-353 , 002124131 , MX152075 , 04602435 , 143.80*204.60*2.00 , 1000001029 , 4474304049 , 185*293*4.50 , 15501082 , 2283371 , 4139 333 009 , 2906462 , 2679171 , 1249306329 , H20/9032301 , AT255589 , 1.222-00029 , 040.690.141 , PMSC089-986 , F178302020130 , F437220 , 4061316179 , 7622600 , 5904657923 , ZGAQ-03063 , 4472 320 105 , PMSC072-036 , 04/604683 , F178.302.020.130 , 04603748 , 6226082 , 999002137 , 04602779 , T197986 , 0501325320 , 82.10*122.60*1.50 / INT TH / DİŞ : 21 , 4131 304 122 , 04603091 , E135165 , 04604564 , AT322031 , 237*306*3.50 / (32)EX TH / DİŞ : 24 , S0643288 , 560836 , 4472347018 , VOE52359760 , 04604906 , 44269 , 8603279 , PMSC088-321 , 262.50*372.50*2.00 / STEEL / EXT LG / TEETH : 20 , 15503070 , 4642 308 331 , F0769129011 , 1313.304.043 , 1168619 , 2383309 , PMSC071-450 , 04/600207 , 2164380 , 7020647 , 0501.323.456 , 4474.304.049 , 4139.334.002 , 4139.333.281 , 1-31-775-178 , 4472.310.061 , PMSC129-123 , 10219179 , 6646210 , 8U-9499 , 0501.326.779 , 4645 351 023 , ZGAQ-00196 , 73140828 , VOE2284548 , 4143 315 025 , 4645.351.036 , H-2000002004 , 1019 327 065 , VOE14560277 , 8U9509 , 0501325244 , 15501085 , E2NN3N258BA , AT339922 , 8603280 , 5904662225 , 01V927137 , 8693999 , S0643468 , 04604565 , 6049175 , 2383308 , 71448952 , 152106 , 11705190 , 8051477 , 72196465 , 4481.345.082 , 238-4685 , AT322010 , ZGAQ-02332 , 3706088894 , H23/9025106 , 14560277 , PMSC069-029 , 52358550 , 152084 , 4128 310 017 , 8030577 , 4143.304.083 , Z72518 , 0501 316 591 , 2284548 , 0009020421 , L229020123 , 85.10*131.10*2 / STEEL / INT TH / DİŞ : 29 , 4434228 , 4460365142 , 143.80*204.60*2.00 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 37 , 7615184 , 04/602747 , 02690005 , 9398105 , 4143 351 025 , 4472 348 023 , 7015914 , 4143352020 , 94833213614 , 052536 , 0501 214 260 , R75839 , 5904658213 , 71448951 , 10028586 , 4132 309 040 , 09398588 , 4472.348.023 , 0501319273 , 04/603747 , 262.00*374.00*2.40 , 1019327065 , 0501 319 273 , PMSC072-784 , 5904646622 , PMSC101-911 , 352150. , 52358534 , 01A7526SM , 8603486 , 4131.304.121 , 4139 333 765 , 0730.365.058 , 0501 321 410 , 52447383 , 4112333560 , 1328302132 , VOE52421589 , 0501 319 854 , 6213493 , 4061.313.114 , 1217635 , ZGAQ-00995 , PMSC088-612 , 4139 333 281 , ZGAQ-02005 , 4131 304 121 , 04/603430 , 1397210714 , SA822012541 , F285102050020 , 0501.314.382 , 140*196.40*3 / STEEL / HARD/BLACK / EXT TH / TEETH : 64 , 352152. , 4472.320.105 , VOE5235638 , 1295 307 391 , F437223 , 60*102*1.5 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEETH : 4 , 4472.347.019 , 12743128 , 4061310265 , 90*130*1.80 / INT TH / DİŞ : 36 , 4143 352 058 , 0009020422 , 1411269302164 , 04/603332 , MX152082 , 04/602779 , 4646351285 , 4061 310 071 , A453378 , AT255586 , 60*102*1.5 , 60*102*1.4 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEETH : 4 , 3380996H1 , 4462.305.075 , 4472.251.047 , 7017362 , 4139333765 , 2530.2, 25302 , F824.100.090.540 , AT321450 , 002164380 , 7015917 , 04/601492 , 0052358534 , 4481 345 081 , 4642.308.332 , 1269 302 164 , 4474.304.048 , 04604706 , 4139333036 , 4481.345.081 , 8054526 , 04603809 , VOE52421716 , ZGAQ02452 , 152082 , H-1000002086 , 04604683 , H209032301 , 4061.310.003 , 1891492 , 04/603091 , 04433929 , 11705852 , 4472320104 , 8X-7883 , 822011890 , 4474352052 , H20/9032300 , 4139.334.004 , F824100360190 , 0501 314 382 , 4131304052 , 4472310061 , 04/603329 , 71448843 , T173638 , 8603218 , 144.2*236*2 / STEEL / IN TH / TEETH : 36 , 2150212700 , 513604 , 7624164 , 85.10*131.10*2 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 29 , 8U-9509 , 4143351020 , 04433930 , 152.1*243.6*2.5 , PMSC129-259 , 8062641 , 8054572 , 4474 304 049 , PMSC106-919 , 1217634BETG19813 , 15500383 , 002171190 , 1218076 , 8603582 , 110-4817 , PMSC070-691 , 4128310017 , 04/602956 , 85.10*131.10*2.50 / STEEL / INT TH / DİŞ : 29 , VOE11705005 , F282300020020 , ZGAQ-00066 , 09398107 , PMSC082-066 , 4472 348 025 , 5904658317 , 8054628 , 0501316592 , 79059369 , ZGAQ00066 , 15501084 , PMSC088-762 , S0643287 , VOE2164390 , ZGAQ01297 , 1 423 374 , 10219213 , 85.10*131.10*1.50 , ZGAQ-02330 , 84.2*111.2*1.2 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT TH / TEETH : 45 , 262*374*2.40 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / DİŞ : 20 , PMSC102-771 , 000,902,0421 , 8054573 , A453381 , 8603278 , K9002704 , 384323A1 , SA 8220-11960 , PMSC104-754 , 1218076BETG27689 , 119.30*208*3 / PLEYT , 11988852 , 1409165 , PMSC107-168 , 85.10*131.10*2.50 , 8X-7876 , S0642761 , 8U9509GETG78066 , ZGAQ-02452 , T229078 , 560890 , 04/602435 , H-1000002088 , 000,902,0430 , 2384686 , 4642308107 , 04602777 , 0501 323 456 , T173842 , 60*84.70*97.20*1.50 / PLEYT / DİŞ : 4 , 822011830 , 15501087 , 15266857 , TTZF200110 , 2045851 , A0002640273 , 120012A2 , S0642931 , 6073838 , 04604537 , 0501316442 , 9697889 , 0501314382 , 4143.352.016 , 2258870 , 04604093 , F824100090540 , 4132309040 , PMSC105-666 , VOE22833706 , 4472 348 024 , MX152074 , 04603332 , H1000002086 , 4143.351.025 , 4061318049 , 0730365058 , PMSC089-142 , 82.40*164.80*2.90 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEETH : 4 , 8X7876 , 4143 301 045 , 132.70*185*4 , PMSC136-414 , 4646 351 174 , 7020652 , 4061313114 , K9004160 , 8781312 , 120012A1 , 4474352157 , 230551A1 , ZGAQ-02331 , S06/43200 , 04/602156 , PMSC129-254 , 4143139001 , 83933807 , PMSC082-607 , 2434-1215600 , 5904662538 , 300*368*4/ EXT LG / DİŞ : 12 , K9001586 , 281908010277 , 310.30*399.50*3 / EXT SL / DİŞ : 14 , 002199490 , 14558961 , 142*232.70*4 , 71448948 , 153*243.5*3 , 94.00*163.00*2.50 , 122200052 , 4642308096 , 9601630 , 0501203135 , 4061313048 , 81908010277 , 8603413 , 4616308035 , 15271545 , 262*374*2.40 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEETH : 20 , 4474352121 , 571618008 , 4149333760 , T158801 , PMSC089-161 , E135225 , ZM 2287667 , H-1000002087 , 026.90005 , PMSC082-597 , 267-9171 , 000,902,0423 , VOE6213493 , PMSC087-742 , 5904660733 , T116585 , 7011448 , 01.A.7526.SM , H239025303 , ZGAQ02005 , S300554 , 30727900 , 1043 326 045 , 4472.310.059 , K9000287 , 10219751 , 04/603787 , 5702743 , ZM 02906463 , 6639279 , 04602765 , 04/602842 , 4061 318 062 , VOE14558042 , VOE2906462 , PMSC111-382 , 4646323017 , 4061310264 , 664424526 , 04603787 , 7015912 , 245-9445 , H239025268 , H239025302 , 237*306*2 / (32)EX TH / DİŞ : 24 , 4143.315.013 , 85.10*131.10*2 , 04/602777 , 04/602841 , 1328 302 132 , H23/9025222 , PMSC071-449 , 189035A1 , 209032228 , 4139.333.759 , 4139333768 , 1313 304 043 , ZGAQ00821 , 122200028 , 04602476 , ZGAQ-00068 , 0501 325 320 , 60*102*1.4 , C77AE91 , SA 8220-11830 , PMSC133-931 , 140*196.4*2.9 / STEEL / HARD/BLACK / EXT TH / TEETH : 64 , 1217635BETG20346 , 04/604680 , PMSC082-632 , PMSC087-638 , 4472 209 002 , 832008960 , 1295307391 , PMSC070-975 , ZGAQ00995 , MX152106 , 4112333562 , 996.325.111.00 , ZGAQ-01299 , 4472 347 018 , ZGAQ01674 , 4139 333 036 , 130*191*2 , 599132880 , 4620.333.184 , 04226923 , 09398589 , 4143.351.011 , 4474 352 160 , 002906462 , VOE2164380 , PMSC102-039 , F. 0769 129 011 , 152083 , 7622487 , 4474.352.157 , ZM 2903059 , 121-7635 , A52022 , 4061318004 , 4139.333.036 , 002164400 , 2150042500 , PMSC102-497 , 11705191 , VOE11705852 , 252110 , 8027480 , 500558677 , PMSC089-984 , VOE52447383 , 301*360*2 / EXT LG / DİŞ : 12 , 0501 331 565 , A453383 , 04/602778 , 7618237 , 8030618 , ZGAQ-02927 , 152373 , H2000002004 , 3150246400 , 87582473 , 04603310 , SA 8220-12541 , 75312030 , S06/43027 , 8054408 , PMSC102-065 , ZGAQ02332 , VOE2164400 , 696468 , 1698398 , 4061.313.113 , F285.102.050.020 , PMSC129-246 , 24341215600 , 99526800 , 102.3*211.2*4.1 , 4433930 , 22833706 , H209032302 , PMSC113-390 , 1414642308331 , 04/601025 , 142,00 X 232,70 X 4,00 / 3 PASS / INT TH / DİŞ : 48 , 0501.316.442 , 04604907 , 943.325.111.00 , 4646 351 287 , PMSC113-394 , PMSC082-604 , 3217611R1 , 2045850 , 8963100148 , 0501 316 442 , 5005586 , 52421716 , 4061.313.048 , 3378000H1 , PMSC107-203 , 15501083 , T197981 , 2164390 , 237.00*306.00*3.00 , H23/9025302 , ZGAQ-01296 , 6089145 , 8603277 , 8U5985BETG62520 , PMSC068-977 , ZM 2258860 , PMSC082-017 , 4061 310 266 , 72.5*100*2 / DİŞ : 34 , 189-1492 , 2052236084 , 7T3302 , 5904662557 , 8054528 , 513606 , 10291725 , 7012525 , 4139333281 , 0501315964 , 4061 310 265 , AT253104 , H23/9025105 , 0730 365 292 , VOE52447375 , 331297A2 , 4462305080 , 0501 348 023 , 002287667 , PMSC114-583 , 140*196*3.3 / STEEL / BLACK / TEETH : 64 , 4645351023 , 8900126638 , 04/604565 , ZM 2903058 , 142.00*232.70*4.00 / PAPER / 3 PASS / INT TH / DİŞ : 48 , VOE11705163 , H239025105 , 4143.351.013 , 4646.351.182 , PMSC090-228 , PMSC113-359 , 4474.352.052 , 0501 316 592 , 8X7882 , 6T6481 , 9571369 , 4472 320 104 , 4646 323 017 , 0422 6923 , 04602778 , 04603329 , C77AE36 , S06/43288 , 10032806 , 9398107 , 04/600063 , 4143352058 , F824.100.360.190 , A52045 , H209032300 , MX352150 , PMSC082-845 , ZGAQ-02026 , 4472320105 , A3401032645 , 0501.325.244 , 0501320481 , 87441328 , 6090229 , 4112 333 561 , 04604536 , 5904658108 , 0501319854 , 11705163 , 85.10*131.10*2.50 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 29 , PMSC090-736 , S0643028 , 1539010C1 , VOE6639279 , 7019639 , 0501.316.592 , 4481313032 , ZGAQ-00853 , 4E2977 , 4061.316.214 , 4143 315 013 , 0501 320 482 , 04602767 , 352366. , 3708051982 , H239025325 , 222200051 , PMSC137-222 , 85.1*131.1*2.5 / STEEL / INT TH / DİŞ : 29 , 4108.302.007 , F168302020110 , 04602747 , 222200027 , 3380997H1 , 331388A1 , 11988971 , PMSC128-293 , ZGAQ01299 , T159409 , MX152083 , 230548A1 , 04602843 , 4620333184 , 4143.352.058 , 4143352016 , 4143 304 083 , 0501 321 598 , 0215339 , 4481345081 , A52044 , T197983 , 0730365292 , PMSC129-263 , 2287667 , 2903059 , 513605 , 4061318048 , 2258860 , ZGAQ02929 , 9398104 , 6088915 , 4061.318.048 , 4061310261 , 4616.308.035 , ZGAQ00065 , 4646 351 285 , H239025106 , 0501 326 779 , 4139 333 263 , PMSC082-049 , 4061.318.004 , 4061 313 113 , A453476 , 0501 315 964 , VOE14558960 , PMSC081-355 , 4143.315.025 , 156.7*247.7*6 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEETH : 8 , 33339 , 44270 , AT179473. , T169754 , 7020592 , A52043 , 4131304121 , 8900125544 , 4149 333 760 , 99632511100 , 1 215 600 , 1414642308330 , VOE2045851 , 0501.211.877 , 4646351182 , 5904662221 , 8054762 , 4061.318.062 , 0501 211 877 , 0501329234 , PMSC070-336 , 153318504 , 8900125545 , 8U9508GETG01041 , 571622708 , 4061.310.265 , 7012020 , 04604432 , PMSC106-520 , SA832018210 , 8027481 , 901216003 , 0501.214.260 , PMSC070-638 , 4061310266 , 4474.352.160 , 4143315025 , PMSC113-388 , 0501.348.024 , PMSC068-976 , 5904662366 , 15272502 , 4139 333 480 , 71448881 , 04600176 , 7622488 , 4061310003 , 4143 352 056 , 04/604564 , VOE12743128 , 04/604432 , 0501.321.598 , 4472310059 , 4143 139 001 , PMSC129-253 , A2464330831 , PMSC093-207 , 04/604536 , PMSC096-662 , 7619479 , 15266855 , AT253103 , 2906463 , 4472348023 , 1390421258 , 4131303194 , 4139 333 768 , 04602433 , ZGAQ00976 , 7015927 , 0501326779 , 4616 308 010 , 153317825 , PMSC125-718 , PMSC088-160 , 4472251047 , PMSC104-199 , 11988855 , 6049171 , 8X7883 , PMSC089-256 , 4472.348.025 , 4645351036 , 04601025 , 4061 318 048 , 0501 348 024 , 131775178 , 8U9508 , MX352152 , PMSC121-100 , PMSC098-081 , H20/9032302 , 2164400 , 62.60*117.50*2.60 , 5904662533 , ZGAQ03010 , 0501323109 , 4460 365 142 , E135224 , 86*131*6 / STEEL / TEETH : 30 , 5904658189 , PMSC102-040 , PMSC102-083 , 1000002088 , 142*232.70*4 / PAPER / 3 PASS / INT TH / DİŞ : 48 , 4472 310 061 , 177732A1 , 1218066BETG27733 , 4472.310.060 , 8054679 , PMSC088-596 , 1100853 , SA 8220-11840 , 5904658212 , 14560276 , 77097500 , PMSC102-495 , 1313304043 , 4132 309 076 , 04601492 , 04600063 , 5235638 , 4368549 , 4061 313 114 , 7622486 , 71448878 , 144.2*236*3 / STEEL / (48)IN TH / TEETH : 36 , 832008580 , 04/602433 , 4143351011 , 83933814 , 4462 305 084 , 7622601 , 1043.326.045 , VOE52446395 , 2171190 , ZGAQ02512 , 050057905 , 8603592. , 822011840 , 4472.347.018 , 4061 318 049 , 4474.352.121 , 1269.302.164 , 6T-6481 , K9004158 , 4061 316 214 , 4112 333 562 , 4061.310.264 , 4143.139.001 , PMSC082-623 , 4061.318.049 , 4131304122 , L22/9020123 , VOE2045852 , 4061318062 , 4112333563 , 0501.325.320 , 0750 140 029 , 8603212 , 4061.310.266 , 152074 , PMSC070-640 , L229030030 , 4481345082 , 0501.319.274 , SA 8320-18210 , 4112.333.562 , ZGAQ00067 , 4474304048 , 7020648 , C77AE90 , PMSC081-635 , H23/9025080 , 0501.315.964 , 4644 230 040 , 82.40*164.80*2.90 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / DİŞ : 4 , AT253102 , 4472.348.024 , 262.5*372.5*4 , 144*236*2.5 / STEEL / IN TH / TEETH : 36 , 04/601282 , 152075 , 4646351287 , PMSC091-525 , 87759447 , 4644.230.040 , 153317351 , 86.8*130.9*1.8 / STEEL / EXT TH / DİŞ : 30 , PMSC071-376 , T229406 , VOE11705006 , 4472 347 019 , 0501.348.023 , PMSC102-522 , 10219749 , 7021009 , F824.100.360.180 , T225919 , 000,902,0422 , 4061 316 179 , S06/43468 , H23/9025268 , ZGAQ01296 , 4E-0705 , PMSC087-640 , 119430A1 , 7009642 , PMSC071-674 , PMSC082-849 , 002124132 , 5214306 , 121-8076 , 4131 303 194 , 04/604537 , 0215344 , 0501 323 109 , 130*191*2.5 / PLEYT , 4462305040 , 10291724 , ZGAQ-01297 , 2903058 , 4642 308 107 , H239025102 , 04/603334 , 4645.351.023 , 002284548 , 71448930 , 04603430 , 09398590 , VOE6639280 , 4E-2977 , F168.302.020.110 , 04434332 , VOE6226078 , 4143.351.020 , 1043326045 , 94.00*163.00*2.00 , 124100013 , 4472348024 , 0501323456 , 7009153 , 4462 305 040 , 4472 310 060 , 8054680 , 7620194 , 143.80*204.60*2.00 / STEEL / INT TH / DİŞ : 37 , 832015000 , 52446395 , PMSC090-309 , 04/603310 , 09399534 , 4644 230 040 FK , 4462305079 , 83933811 , 8X-7882 , 0750140029 , 7012206 , 599132580 , 14558041 , AT253105 , T197984 , 8051982 , 04/604906 , 4061.310.071 , L229020440 , 4061 310 264 , PMSC090-226 , 1.222-00028 , 8U5985 , 04602159 , 8693980 , 04603749 , 22901027 , 04602766 , 04/603749 , 4108302007 , 4616.308.010 , 122-20-0028 , 04/600176 , 0052447383 , 132.70*170*3.50 / INT TH / DİŞ : 45 , 79106692 , 832001310 , 513608 , 75311477 , 1218066 , 5904658262 , 119*208*2.5 / STEEL / (40(IN TH) / TEETH : 31 , 04604680 , 185*293*4 , 4131.304.122 , 832015010 , 0501321410 , 04603334 , ZGAQ-00067 , S06/42761 , PMSC113-355 , 4642308331 , 8U-5987 , 1390 421058 , 7012204 , 0501.320.306 , 832015020 , 3216742R1 , 5904658621 , ZGAQ02927 , PMSC088-617 , 4143.352.056 , 4143.301.045 , 2044990 , H23/9025104 , K9004159 , 04603747 , 04601282 , F184108050030 , 4642.308.330 , ZGAQ03063 , 71448841 , 6089146 , 4433929 , 4139333480 , 132,70*185*3/ STEEL / INT TH / DİŞ : 45 , 5986240 , 2384685 , 1215600 , 4139334004 , S0643027 , 4131.304.052 , 0501320306 , A2464330832 , 9564851 , 0501 325 244 , 139900331134 , 4112.233.116 , 04602156 , PMSC102-496 , 4143 351 021 , 7019640 , 4472.320.104 , ZGAQ-02929 , 4642308332. , 599132680 , 005235638 , 4131 302 102 , 4462.305.080 , 247.00*306.00*2.50 , 09398051 , 04/602765 , 0501320482 , 2045852 , 09398104 , 262.50*372.50*2.00 , 4143 352 016 , 7020436 , PMSC082-616 , 5904662537 , T116586 , 7381131 , 04602842 , 4061316214 , 102.50*167.80*2.50 , 4642308332 , 71448842 , 82.40*164.80*2.90 , PMSC080-050 , ZGAQ02513 , 84.2*111.2*1.4 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT TH / TEETH : 45 , 04/602775 , SA822011890 , 121-8066 , 4139333009 , 4143 352 020 , 04/602157 , 238-3307 , 24341423374 , VOE22901027 , 4139333335 , 04306135 , C77AF44 , 04/604093 , 139900331093 , L22/9030030 , 103038 , 73143009 , 04601026 , F184.108.050.030 , 15503065 , 6090210 , 0501 320 306 , 87521419 , 14001129 , S06/42931 , 8051525 , A453375 , VOE11988971 , 0501.320.482 , PMSC087-558 , 0730.365.292 , 4642.308.331 , 4061 310 261 , ZGAQ02026 , 121-7634 , 4472 251 047 , 04/604907 , 6090075 , 11705005 , 7622638 , 4474 352 121 , 4139 334 004 , SA 8320-01310 , 247.00*30.,00*2.00 , 130.60*189.10*2.50 / (90)EX TH / DİŞ : 87 , 4139 334 002 , 4474305203 , ZGAQ-00976 , 4646 351 182 , PMSC077-693 , 52447375 , 66.80*130*2.30 , 2679170 , 0212 120 315 , 8U9499 , 4061310071 , 04/600418 , VOE14558041 , 4061 310 116 , VOE664424526 , 0501.320.481 , 1019.327.065 , 142.00*232.70*4.00 / PAPER / 3 PASS / INT TH / TEETH : 48 , ZGAQ-00821 , ZGAQ-00065 , 4112233054 , 14558960 , 1423374 , 1168796 , 4143351013 , 050 232 652 , 8603272 , 86.8*130.9*1.8 , PMSC090-301 , 0501319274 , PMSC070-988 , 4434229 , 6090226 , 413 1304 052 , 04/603809 , 4139333187 , ZGAQ01374 , VOE11988852 , VOE2045850 , 4644230040 , 2124131 , 4143301045 , 0501.329.234 , 8055575 , VOE6226082 , ZGAQ00853 , 52512 , 75311445 , 7012205 , ZGAQ-01374 , ZGAQ-02512 , ZGAQ-01674 , 144.2*236*3 , VOE2124131 , 4462.305.040 , 15265475 , 221*281*3 / “M” / EXT TH / DİŞ : 45 , 1269302164. , 04602776 , T205647 , 4139 333 335 , PMSC082-351 , 04600418 , H239025080 , 050.232.652 , 1217634 , 0730 365 058 , 15503302 , T116584 , 571669308 , S0643200 , 4462.305.079 , 0009020430 , PMSC136-402 , 87759452 , 4112 233 054 , 4061310255 , 04602955 , 253020 , 0501214260 , 4131302102 , 8900125546 , 4642 308 330 , 8900125194 , 8U-5985 , K9001888 , PMSC102-498 , 0501 203 135 , 4462305084 , H1000002088 , 15271592 , 0501348024 , 3150375900 , 5904662081 , 4102836A , 560838 , 15272539 , PMSC133-673 , 71448879 , 4472348025 , 6049172 , 262.5*372.5*4 / STEEL / EXT LG / TEETH : 20 , 335162A1 , 002906463 , 7015700 , 4112.333.560 , PMSC070-639 , 2124132 , 4642308330. , 4061 318 004 , 85.10*131.10*1.50 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 29 , 832018190 , ZGAQ02331 , 209032232 , 0501211877 , 4642 308 096 , 8026919 , 570274308 , VOE14560276 , 023057. , 4474 304 048 , 4646 351 181 , 140*196.4*3.5 / STEEL / HARD/BLACK / EXT TH / TEETH : 64 , VOE2906463 , VOE11988853 , 4616308010 , L229020126 , 221.00*281.00*2.50 , 86*131*6 , 822011960 , 4642 308 332 , 4112333561 , PMSC090-304 , 14558962 , VOE15071844 , 3708026919 , 8603387 , ZM 2258870 , PMSC087-647 , 8479280 , 238-3308 , 221.00*281.00*3.00 / DİŞ :24 , 4061.310.267 , VOE14558961 , VOE2044990 , 1699852GETG20287 , 4112 233 116 , 2211880 , 04/604706 , 0501 320 481 , T229079 , 04/602766 , 122200062 , A453380 , 4108 302 007 , 15071844 , 4061310267 , 289,5*289,5 , PMSC129-252 , 4061 313 048 , 04/602955 , L152006 , 122-20-0029 , PMSC082-131 , 5904662541 , 4472209002 , PMSC129-082 , 04/602843 , 4061.316.179 , 4472310060 , 04600207 , PMSC082-044 , 0501.323.109 , 4474.305.203 , 384388A1. , 8062640 , PMSC103-816 , VOE11705190 , 238-4686 , 11705006 , 4139.333.765 , 7008346 , 140*196.4*3.5 , 86.8*130.9*1.8 / STEEL / EXT TH / TEETH : 30 , 122200042 , 4474352160 , 189034A1 , 4061 310 267 , 4416677 , 89.30*129.80*1.50 , 14558042 , 0501.321.410 , 123773A1 , 5904662535 , 4472 310 059 , 4112.333.561 , S06/43028 , 4061.310.261 , PMSC119-439 , 04602775 , 2282695 , A2464330830 , C77AF46 , 4645 351 036 , 122200043 , 2530.2 , 04/602159 , 04/602767 , 5904662082 , 1414642308332 , K9001543 , 153318663 , T116928 , 8U-9508 , PMSC096-562 , PMSC099-452 , PMSC113-147 , L22/9020126 , 5904662556 , 8U2376 , 0212120315 , 4061 310 003 , 1269302164 , PMSC071-676 , ZM 2282695 , 0501348023 , 4139333263 , 4112 333 560 , 4644320040FK , ZGAQ-03010 , AT322033 , T144486 , C77AG07 , 4143352056 , PMSC104-753 , 9564850 , 142.00*232.70*4.00 , 8U5987 , 8054629 , 4143351080 , 230550A1 , 4132.309.076 , 41484 , ZGAQ-02780 , 0009020423 , 267-9170 , 1000002086 , H23/9025102 , 3223459R1 , 10219212 , AT322030 , 7622489 , 04368549 , L22/9020260 , 11988853 , 8963100137 , 33748 , 7018050 , 04603333 , 6639280 , 94332511100 , 4139333759 , 4143.351.080 , 6088894 , ZGAQ02027 , 8900125160 , VOE2171190 , 52421589 , H209032228 , 4416413 , SA 8320-18190 , 4112233116 , Z3282145 , 4139 333 759 , 335159A1 , 142*232.70*4 / PAPER / 3 PASS / INT TH / TEETH : 48 , 7016368 , VOE52421694 , 4143 351 080 , 0501331565 , L22/9020440 , PMSC082-783 , H209032232 , 331895A1 , PMSC108-070 , 4642.308.096 , 2052 236 084 , 35062000 , 4642308331. , 0501321598 , 4E0705 , 822012541 , 122200029 , 0501 329 234 , 10219750 , 384276A1 , ZGAQ-02513 , 1168650 , 04/602476 , 4462 305 080 , VOE6646210 , 230549A1 , 73143008 , VOE11988855 , VOE6226079 , 4143315013 , PMSC129-098 , 102.50*150.90*2.50 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 42 , 87759452/5214306 , 268.00*320.00*3.00 , AT321802 , H23/9025303 , PMSC104-755 , 04602841 , 4112.233.054 , AT179312 , L229020260 , 4143 351 020 , 2383307 , VOE2283371 , ZGAQ-02027 , K9000327 , 570847808 , 832018210 , 2459445 , A52013 , 2434-1423374 , PMSC088-165 , 04/603333 , T161147 , VOE11705191 , 7616354 , 7020650 , 4481 313 032 , H239025104 , H23/9025325 , 4143.352.020 , 4112 333 563 , 8052714 , 81.90801-0277 , 1698398GETG79704 , 0501 319 274 , 49.3*84.5*1.3 / STEEL / HARDENED / EXT LG / TEET , F824.100.360.200 , A453382 , AT322029 , 7381132 , 0501316591 , 6049329 , 7017343 , 1000002087 , 4642308330 , 152.1*243.6*2.5 / EXT TH / TEETH : 81 , S06/43287 , H239025222 , F282.300.020.020 , 4143.351.021 , 4646351174 , 87582476 , E135226 , 500757208 , 09398105 , 110-0853 , 8U5987GETG04998 , ZGAQ02780 , 4474 305 203 , 01V 927 137 , 4149.333.760 , 119*208*3 , 6073837 , PMSC102-036 , 7381130 , K9001587 , VOE14558962 , 52359760 , 122200046 , 4472347019 , 04/601026 , ZM 2906462 , 8054409 , 002164390 , 4132309076 , SA 8320-01300 , H1000002087 , 1104817 , 15501086 , F824100360200 , VOE2124132 , 4481.313.032 , 4061313113 , 4101966A , 102.3*211.2*4 , 508793 , 141181013 , 002044990 , 7624123 , 4462305075 , 3708054409 , 14001560 , 102.50*167.80*2.50 / STEEL / INT TH / TEETH : 42 , 4143 351 011 , 1249 306 329 , 4474 352 052 , 132.70*170.00*3. , 4646351181 , PMSC082-663 , 4462 305 075 , SA 8220-11890 , 102.3*211.2*3.9 , 4462 305 079 , 7619478 , 4474 352 157 , 30728100 , 87521431 , 4139334002 , 52421694 , 04/603748 , 77097400 , 4131.303.194 , 246100002 , 8320-01300 , 153.6*251*4 / STEEL / EXT LG / TEETH : 4 , 2150212800 , 4143351025 , 0052447375 , 238-3309 , 4143 351 013 , 4616 308 035 , ZGAQ00196 , 4061310116 , 4139 333 187 , F824100360180 , 04/602776 , 169-8398 , PMSC087-549 , 4481 345 082 , AT253106 , L35577 , 3235236M1 , 002211880 , 4061 310 255 , 75.3*119.8*1.8 / STEEL / DISHED / EXT TH / TEETH : 30 , 4646.351.285 , 7020814 , 8054630 , 140*196.40*3 , 152.1*243.6*2.5 / EXT TH / DİŞ : 81 , 6049173 , 04602956 , 8051485 , MX152373 , 73140704 , 140.00*196.40*2.90 , 4143304083 , ZGAQ02330
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