#18trip translation
patibato · 4 months
Day2 Main Story [Bitter Sweet Sixteen] Translation Masterlist (In Progress)
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This story is fully voiced with Live2D in game, and I highly recommend reading along with it - it adds a lot that can't be done with only text!
Side-A - A01 | A02 | A03 | A04 | A05 | A06 | A07 | A08 | A09 | A10 | A11 | A12 | A13 | A14 | A15 | A16 | A17 | A18 | A19 | A20 | A21 | A22 | A23 | A24 | A25 | A26 | A27 | A28
Side-B - B01 | B02 | B03 | B04 | B05 | B06 | B07 | B08 | B09 | B10 | B11 | B12 | B13 | B14 | B15 | B16 | B17 | B18
Note: I play with the female MC, and so refer to them as Momiji - however, I've otherwise elected to keep things gender neutral wherever possible.
Disclaimer, terms, and "schedule" under cut v
- This translation is done by a single, self-taught person, and may contain errors in both translation and grammar. Any and all corrections, concerns, or queries are more than welcome - I want to give people the best experience of Day2 I can, after all!
- You may share screenshots, link to this translation, and use quotes for bots and such with credit. You may not repost this translation in full in any form without permission
- The chapters will be posted in batches that I feel appropriate as "sections" of the story, meaning there is intended to be a period of a few weeks between updates
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jujumin-translates · 4 months
[18TRIP] Ten Murakumo | [SSR] Crow Under The Full Moon | Two/Faced
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Characters: ☁️ Ten Murakumo
Location: HAMA Tours - Office Floor
Momiji: Alright, finally done…!
Momiji: (I know it was a bad idea to work overtime, but it just didn’t sit right with me to rest with paperwork left to do.)
Momiji: Now I can just take it easy tomorrow…
Ten: Good work, Chief.
Momiji: Oh, Ten-kun. I thought you left already… Did you forget something?
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Ten: Well, I guess you could say that. More importantly, are you done working?
Ten: Want to go out for a drink now? I’d love to treat you to a good drink as a reward for working so hard this late.
Ten: Sound good? Let’s go.
Momiji: (...This is a little suspicious. Since when has Ten-kun been the type to say something so admirable like that?)
Momiji: (But since he’s gone through the trouble of asking me…)
Momiji: Alright, but just one drink.
Ten: That’s the answer I was looking for. Miss, if you’d like to follow me.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Location: Bar
Momiji: It’s so quiet in here…
Ten: Have you been here before by any chance? Right. This is Kuguri-san’s favorite bar.
Ten: Last time he brought me here as a “reward”, I got totally hooked.
Bartender: Sorry for the wait. Here’s your Hungarian wine and Klondike Highball.
Momiji: Thank you very much.
Ten: Alright, a toast to all the hard work and effort done by you, Chief… Cheers.
Momiji: C-Cheers.
*Glasses clink*
Ten: Must be a lot having to deal with so many different types of members. Now’s a good opportunity, so if you want to complain about any of them, I’m all ears.
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Ten: I am always on your side, after all.
Momiji: I know and I thank you for that.
Momiji: (Ten-kun feels a little closer today than he usually is… He’s a lot more touchy-feely than usual too.)
Momiji: (He even playfully hugged my shoulders on the way here… Just what is up with him?)
Momiji: …Mhm, the wine is really good.
Ten: Right? You don’t have to keep it to one glass, you know. Drink as much as you want.
Ten: It’s on me today, so don’t hold yourself back.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Momiji: (Yikes… I feel a little dizzy.)
Momiji: (I think I ended up drinking too much because Ten-kun kept encouraging me. Thank God I have the day off tomorrow…)
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Ten: Are you drunk? Your face is so red. Cute.
Momiji: (Isn’t he way too close? I can really see how long his eyelashes are like this…)
Momiji: (Huh? Did he just glance at someone behind me?)
Momiji: (Nobody’s there… Maybe I just imagined it.)
Ten: …Ah.
Momiji: What’s wrong?
Ten: I think I’m a little bit drunk too…
Ten: Why don’t we go outside and get some fresh air?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Location: Wharf
Momiji: Alright, keep steady. Just walk straight ahead.
Ten: Haha, you’re sooo warm, Momiji-san.
Ten: I just want to borrow your shoulder and keep walking like this forever…
*Fabric rustles*
Momiji: Uwhoa!?
Ten: Since there’s no one to disturb us, that means I’m allowed to indulge myself at least for today, riiiight?
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Ten: Let me hug youuu.
Momiji: Hold on, you’re all over the place…! Be careful! I’m going to go get you some water, so just go and sit on that bench over there, and—.
Momiji: (Footsteps? Someone’s coming up to us…!)
Unknown Woman: Haah, haah… Ten…!
Ten: …You’re finally here. Took you long enough.
Momiji: Huh? W-What do you mean…?
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Unknown Woman: Ten… Who is that? Is she…!?
Momiji: (S-She’s glaring at me really intensely!)
Momiji: Who is this woman…?
Ten: My ex-girlfriend.
Momiji: What?
Ten: I’m going to let you in on a “little secret”, so just listen to me for a moment, okay?
Ten: She started stalking me after we broke up. She’d always be following me around, whether I was going to campus or working part-time for HAMA Tours.
Ten: I really wish she’d just give it a rest already~. Maybe if she sees I have a new partner, it’ll snap her back to reality.
Momiji: …I see. So you’ve been putting on a show for her.
Momiji: Does that mean your drunkenness was just an act too? Did you really have to go that far?
Ten: It’s gotta be realistic. Doing stuff like that is important. Please keep up the good work for me~, Chief.
Ten: Even though I just work part-time, I’m still a member of HAMA Tours. Isn’t caring for my mental health part of the job?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: Play along with Ten’s act.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Momiji: (I’m really curious to know about the kind of breakup that would lead to this kind of thing happening, and I’m really curious about his relationships too, so…)
Momiji: There’s no avoiding it… If you’re in trouble, I’ll help you, Ten-kun.
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Ten: That’s what I was hoping to hear. That’s what I love about you, Chief.
Ten: Alright, follow my lead. I’m going to hug your shoulders, so cling to me with everything you’ve got, okay?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 2: It’s better to be honest.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Momiji: …If that’s your plan, then I can’t help you. You should just be honest and talk to her properly.
Ten: I thought you’d say that.
Ten: So that’s the kind of person you are, Chief. You’re one of those people who think they can understand almost everyone if you just talk to them.
Momiji: I didn’t mean to sound that naive, I just…
Ten: I’m not so sure about that~. You’ve always been so carefully protected, so you probably wouldn’t understand…
Ten: Don’t you know that there are some things in this world that can’t be solved with lip service?
Ten: And that’s why I’ve got to reject your opinion, Chief. The show must go on.
Momiji: (H-He put his hand on my waist…!!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Hey, stop being so secretive and say something already! Who is she!?
Ten: Do you really not get it unless I spell it out for you? You’ve been watching us all this time, so you should get it by now.
Ten: She’s my new partner.
Momiji: (He’s nuzzling his cheek against mine. Isn’t this a bit much…!?)
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Ten: That’s why you need to just give up and move on to someone else.
Momiji: Be careful with what you say! You don’t want to provoke her too much…!
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: …Y-You don’t have any clue how I was feeling…!!
Momiji: (This is bad, she’s rushing at us…!)
Momiji: Watch out, get away from—.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Ughh, you should’ve just said so from the beginning~!! As long as you’re happy, Ten, then everything’s okay!
Momiji: (She’s smiling happily and giving us a thumbs up!?)
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Ah, I’m so sorry for misunderstanding. I—.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: I was just so, so worried about whether or not you were happy after we broke up. I guess I just ended up following you around by accident.
Momiji: Huh?
Momiji: What!?
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: This one here’s got a nice face, but he’s kind of a mess, isn’t he? And on top of that, he’s got no real life skills, he’s like the epitome of a sugar baby.
Momiji: (That sure is a whole lot something that she’s saying…)
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: But. He was really kind to someone like me. I just wanted him to be happy.
Ten: …Huh.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Looks like everything’s okay. I’m glad. I’ll never follow you around again, don’t worry.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: I… Hope things last between you and her for a long time. I wish you both the best!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Ten: …Haah. That’s finally over with.
Momiji: Having a stalker like that is hard to believe. But I’m glad there’s someone who cares about you that much.
Ten: I didn’t ask for that, though.
Momiji: Even so, you should be more happy to see such a wonderful person, Ten-kun.
Ten: Ohoho, giving me advice, are we? So you’re talkative when you’re drunk, huh~? If you keep on talking, I might have to shut that mouth of yours myself.
Momiji: How can you even do that?
Ten: …
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Ten: It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. It’s not fun when drunk people take things so seriously.
Ten: Good work, Chief-san. Let’s call it here for today.
Ten: I’ll repay you for this eventually.
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shunin-gumis · 3 months
Nagi Birthday(2024) SSR Story
Best Wishes Snap
Happy Happy Day! (1st part)
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The Yellow and white marker is Toi, Red is Ryui, Beige over black is Yodaka, Neon Pink is Netaro, and the All-black is (probably?) oshisha-sama (iykyk)
Messages Toi: Happy Birthday Nagi-kun! We love you 💖 Ryui: Happy B Day, show some energy. 🐙 Netaro: Birthday Boy 🌟🌟🌟 Yodaka: All happiness on your birthday ✨ Oshisha: My pet ➡️ Fun fact the rat ears doodled on Nagi is in reference to his radio persona named 'Nure Nezumi' meaning Drowned Rat!
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Nagi: Haa.....
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Boy: Mama, that man on the swing set has been staring at the ground for so long now.
Mother of the boy: It's not good to stare, we should leave him alone.
Nagi: I couldn't tell anyone it was my birthday today in the end.
Nagi: The "Random Present System"... I wonder if I was counted in it too.
Nagi: I'm sure the person who was selected to gift me a present has been decided, but no one actually knows it's my birthday today.... Besides, it must have been a hassle to get me something when the system was only just implemented....
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Nagi: ...... Well, I guess it's fine even if my birthday isn't celebrated.
Nagi: Sonia sent me off with a smile and told me to enjoy the party, so I can't just go back to the shop now. I'll just return to Hama House, take a nice hot bath and sleep.
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Nagi: I'm ba...ck?
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Ryui: Finally! Where the hell were you off to all this time? You're late!
Nagi: Huh? Um, I'm... sorry?
Momiji: Welcome back, Nagi-kun.
Yodaka: We were just about to set off to find you.
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Yodaka: It wouldn't do for the birthday boy to be absent for his own party, now would it?
Nagi: But I thought no one knew my birthday...
Netaro: What a silly goose you are Gii~ Surely you must remember the fact that you had to note down your birthday on your profile.
Momiji: It was in the company's documents too.
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Nagi: Ah... you're right.
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Toi: Ushio-kun prepared the cake -"Blooming Happiness ⭐ Full Bloom Flower Cake"! The flowers on top of the icing are all edible, isn't that amazing?
Nagi: Not just that, the entire table is packed with all kinds of food...
Nagi: You prepared all this... for me...?
Momiji: Nagi-kun, I've prepared a ton of vases so I can receive as many flowers as you want to give me later, so enjoy tonight as much as you want!
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Nagi: ....!!
Everyone at Hama Tours: Happy Birthday!!
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Renga: As fellow team leaders... let's do our best to get along and hype up HAMA.
Renga: This pink rose is my birthday gift for you.
Renga: It's thanks to your advice that my roses grew so beautifully, so you can have this one.
Nagi: ....hic.....
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Renga: ...Wait, huh!? Are you crying!?
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Ten: Ah... look at those tears. Renga-san, how could you do that to him....
Renga: Is this my fault!?
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Renga: It's not like it's something specia- I mean, I did put a lot of thought into it, but!
Renga: O-Oi, stop crying already...!
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Nagi: ....hic, I've never seen such a beautiful rose before. It's the most beautiful one in the world, no, in this entire galaxy!
Renga: I-Is that so...!
Muneuji: Hachinoya-san, please accept this watering can from me. I hope you can make use of it at your store. I wish for 'Flower Laundry' to continue to flourish and prosper.
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Nagi: I-I promise to make my store one that everyone loves for the next 1000 years.
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Liguang: ... He keeps crying every time someone greets him.
Ryui: He's a pain...
Nagi: Liguang-san, and Ryui... Even the two of you prepared a present for me?
Liguang: That's right. Grease and cloth included, I've prepared a maintenance tool set that you can use on your beloved bike.
Nagi: Thank you very much....
Ryui: This is a little something to ward of bad luck.
Nagi: Band-aids? It's even got a nice design...
Ryui: It's because you keep getting hurt all the time and getting Toi all worried. And stop bawling so much it's gross.
Nagi: ... Thank you for getting someone like me a gift. It's the first time my birthday's been celebrated like this...
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Chihiro: Oh em gee, isn't Nagipeko crying a lil too much tho? You'll shrivel up at this rate!
Nagi: It'll be ok if I drink water right after letting it out.
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Raito: Haha, guess I should prepare a pitcher for you in that case.
Nagi: I would really appreciate that.
Nagi: I want to give back all this gratitude I'm feeling. So that all of you can smile just like I am-
Nagi: I'll do a stand-up comedy right now.
Momiji: Eh, all of a sudden?
Tao: That's not what I was expecting from that speech!
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Nagi: Even if you feel like cringing, please don't look away. I'd like you to accept my honest feelings of gratitude.
Momiji: Huh, wait, Nagi-kun...!
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Nagi: Presenting my short skit, "How I surprised myself on my own Birthday."
Part 2
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aoharushiyo · 3 months
[masterlist] the recipes for... | kurama ushio novel translation [18trip]
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Foreword: Ushio often uses fandom slang or terminology. These have been appropriated to English-speaking fandom terms to the best of my ability. While his novel does not contain explicit spoilers for the main story, it reveals much-needed context for how he acts.
Content Warnings are present where necessary at the beginning of each chapter.
Track 1 | Chocolate Pudding Track 2 | Gâteau au Chocolat Track 3 | Chocolate Ganache Track 4 | Orangette Track 5 | Fondant au Chocolat
Translation: en Proofreading: aca, dimi, kimi, myun, jay, jelly
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[18TRIP Translation] Chapter 002 - Bitter Sweet Sixteen Masterlist
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✈︎ Summary: In order to find the candidates for next Ward Mayors, Kaede comes to Hama’s largest mammoth school…
✈︎ Characters: Akuta, Nanaki, Kiroku, Ushio, Muneuji, Kafka, Yukikaze, Renga, Ten, Netaro, Sakujiro, Hiroshi, Nayuki, Yachiyo
✈︎ Translation: Sunni (kfkr1ze)
Side A
A01 ・A02・A03・A04・A05・A06・A07・A08・A09・A10・A11・A12・A13・A14・A15・A16・A17・A18・A19・A20・A21・ A22・A23・A24・A25・A26・A27・A28
Side B
B01・B02・B03・B04・B05・B06・B07・ B08・B09・B10・B11・B12 ・B13・B14・B15・B16・B17・B18
✈︎ I am playing as the male MC and will be referring to him by his canon name, Kaede Hamasaki. I will also be using he/him pronouns. The story stays the same regardless of which protagonist you choose!
✈︎ I highly recommend reading alongside the story in the game! Everything is fully voiced, and the live 2d is awesome! The models are very expressive, and there's a lot of tone that's hard to convey in just text. So, if you can, reading along is encouraged!
✈︎ It has been said that you can read any of the chapters in any order, though Chapter 001 - Sun will R1ze! has a lot of lore and world building in it.
✈︎ Day2 is read as “Days”
✈︎ Personally, I am only translating this chapter and none of the others, sorry! I'll try to upload every 1-3 days, but this is not guaranteed! All links get updated the moment they're published, though!
✈︎ I’m not fluent in Japanese, this is not proofread, and I’ll probably make some edits here and there if I want to change anything. 
✈︎ Day2 are 16 year olds and they use phrases like GOAT, so I’m probably going to localize a little bit. Not by much though, as I’m not too confident in my ability to do this yet. Just keep in mind that they’re younger! Akuta, Ushio, and Nanaki are the ones who use slang the most.
✈︎ Sometimes, words are highlighted in green / red / pink in the game! This tends to signify important terms to remember! I’ll be doing this in purple to match my site theme!
I might update the notes too if I forgot anything!! Thank you~
HAMA nice trip !
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azurecrystalz · 4 months
[Translation] Come, Towards the Sound of Applause
From Domeki Kuguri's "Melody of Decadence" 18Trip SSR! Characters: Domeki Kuguri, Hamasaki Momiji (MC) Location: HAMA
Translation link here !!
Brief Synopsis: While out trying to research hidden gems in the HAMA area, Momiji catches sight of Kuguri. Little did she know of the hectic day that was in store...
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r1zingclouds · 2 months
Today, while I can still remain here - Nishizono Renga Birthday SSR Card Story Translation
Happy Birthday, Renga!
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(Translation notes at the end)
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Renga: (Today’s the birthday of “Nishizono Renga”.)
Renga: (I heard from my manager that there's a leading role lined up that only I can play.)
Renga: Alright, my looks are on point.Time to go.
Yukikaze: Renga. 
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Yukikaze: Target secured.
Renga: Hah!?
Renga: …
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Muneuji: Hachinoya-san. Excuse me, can you raise the rightmost decoration by 2 millimeters? It’s sloping ever so slightly.
Nagi: Got it. Still, it’s really pretty, this ornament.
Muneuji: According to Lu-senpai, it’s customary for celebrations in China. Certainly, the golden glow creates a festive atmosphere.
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Renga: ………..
Kafka: Chief-chan, is that the last dish? The drinks have already been brought over.
Chief: Yup. All that’s left is the cake! Yuki-nii is doing a final inspection on it.
Shuumai: Woof. Woof, woof.
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Renga: What’s going on?”
Renga: Chief and Yukikaze brought me to the living room all of sudden, sat me down on the sofa with Shuumai, and now a party’s starting!?
Ten: Renga-san, looking good~ That “Today’s protag” sash suits you.
Renga: Hey, Ten! Don’t tell me… No, there’s no doubt…!
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Ten: That’s right~. Everyone’s been working hard all night to celebrate your birthday, Renga-san.
Ten: Your manager did us a favor and freed up your schedule for today. Man, everyone’s going at it.
Renga: My manager was in on it…! I had no idea at all…
Renga: (Just when I thought I wouldn’t be able to celebrate today because of work…! So this is what my manager meant with the “leading role only I can play!”)
Renga: That means… all this food and decorations are for me?
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Toi: Need to align them by height a bit better… there. Acrylic stands and Uchiwa fans go over here…
Renga: …Hm? What is Toi doing?
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Kafka: Making a shrine. It's a custom among fans who want to do something extravagant for their favorite celebrity's birthday, and Toi can relate all too well.
Kafka: Hand-making goods and amassing official ones... He’s been arranging merch and fan letters that arrived at your office since morning.
Renga: Since morning!? Then I should he…!
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Liguang: Hold it.
Renga: Uwah! What’s wrong with you, Liguang, pushing me onto the sofa all of sudden!
Linguang: Stop messing around and sit down like a guest of honor should. It pisses me off to look at you.
Renga: You, you didn’t have to put it that way!
Shuumai: Woof!
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Renga: …Are you saying I should sit down too, Shuumai?
Shuumai: Woofwoof!
Renga: …! I, I see. Got it.
Renga: (Since I’m playing a role no one else can do, I should act the part… everyone's be happier that way, right?)
Renga: …
Toi: Whew… Is this the last one?
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Toi: Ah? There’s still one box left! I need to open it quickly!
Renga: That’s it, I can’t do it anymore!
Renga: Toi! Let me give you a hand!
Liguang: Tsk.
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Ten: My, my.
Yukikaze: Sorry to keep you waiting. Please, give it up for the “Golden Sunrise Celeb Rose Cake”.
Kafka: We’re all finished here, what about you?
Toi:  All done! Thanks to Renga-san, we’ve completed the shrine!
Chief: Then, let’s get the party started!
Chief: Renga-kun.
HAMA Tours: Happy Birthday!
Renga: Tha…thank you.
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Ten: Here, for you. It’s a dog toy.  Go nuts and play with Shuumai until it breaks. 
Nagi: I chose shears for pruning roses. Feel free to ask for gardening advice anytime. 
Yukikaze: My present is a travel bag. It has a large capacity and many pockets, so it can fit  plenty of snacks, tissues and the like. I hope it comes in handy for both studio and location shooting.
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Renga: (All of these presents have so much feeling behind them. I can tell how much they thought of me when choosing these.) 
Yukikaze: …Is someone at the door?
Toi: Ah… I’ll get it!
Toi: Uwah!?
Muneuji: There was a huge noise.
Renga: What happened, Toi?
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Toi: We’ve a p…problem! The gift box got stuck in the door!
Courier: A parcel for Nishizono-sama. Please sign here. 
Kafka: With this volume, it can hardly be called a present, can it? It’s more like a shipment of goods for a sales event.
Nagi: The door is creaking. Better use the front entrance.
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Yukikaze: It’s from Renga’s father. The note says “To Renga, and the HAMA Tours employees who always look after my son.”
Yukikaze: What a kind parent.
Chief: Amazing, Renga-kun! You received such a huge present!
Renga: Well, I guess? Once you get on my level, that's normal…
Toi: I wonder if I can carry it somehow…
Renga: Hey, Toi! Don’t try to carry it alone!
Ten: Is it okay for today’s protag to be such a busy bee?
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Liguang: Tsk, he doesn’t realize he’s just causing extra headaches on the organizers’ side.
(the Live 2D animations (wordlessly) show that Renga tries to help Toi, starts shaking, probably because he can't handle the weight, but Yukikaze and Nagi catch and stabilize him)
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Chief: Ahaha… Isn’t that just like him, though?
Part 2
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Renga: Nom, nom… The cake Ushio made is really tasty….
Renga: I feel like I’ve heard enough “congratulations” today to last me a lifetime.
Renga: The birthday party was fun, too.
Nanaki: Then, it’s a promise. On our next day off?
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Renga: Ah, yeah. Thanks for the invite, Nanaki. Can’t wait for the live soccer match.
Nanaki: I’m glad you’re on board. I have two replica uniforms, so let's wear them when we go.
Nanaki: Sunglasses will be a must for you, though… It’d be something else if people realized you’re at the venue, Nishizono-san. 
Shuumai: Woofwoof, woof!
Renga: What’s up, Shuumai, you want to go, too?
Renga: Too bad, you can’t enter the stadium. Cheer up, I’ll toss you the ball I got from Ten…
Yachiyo: R-R-R-Renga-san! Renga-sa-!
Yachiyo: Uwa-!?
*sound of things falling over*
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Nanaki: He fell head first into a cardboard box…
Renga: Yachiyo, you alright?
Yachiyo: S-sorry! I tried, but I couldn’t pull the brakes fast enough!
Renga: Why’re you in such a hurry?
Yachiyo: W-w-well, there was a letter for Renga-san left at the door, so I wanted to deliver it…
Renga: A postcard? Wonder who sent it…
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Renga: (Happy Birthday to the both of us)
Renga: …!
Renga: I see. Thanks for bringing it to me.
(flashback ends)
Renga: It was a good day.
Renga: Who’s it?
Kinari: Nishizono-sama, excuse me for bothering you during your rest.
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Kinari: I have been designated as your gift-giver as a part of the Random Gift System.
Renga: I-it’s time!
Renga: Much appreciated. Well, come in.
Kinari: Understood. Then, if you would accept this item.
Renga: A rose shaped… earring?
Kinari: After receiving the order, I discovered it while searching for a gift that would be suitable for Nishizono-sama.
Kinari: The initial search returned 27506 results. Subsequently, the list was narrowed down to 18549 options.
Kinari: I’ve heard from the Master that Nishizono-sama is partial to roses, which is why I’ve chosen this accessory.
Renga: You also put lots of thought into it. I really appreciate that.
Kinari: Happy Birthday, Nishizono-sama. May you be loved by many people from now on, as well.
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Renga: I-idiot! That much is a given!
Renga: After all… After all, I’m Nishizono Renga!
Renga: (Up until now, I’ve always tried to act in a way that’d befit [Nishizono Renga])
Renga: But today is a little different than usual. I feel like they’re also celebrating [me]).
Renga: I’m glad I could stay here.
Staff: Time for a commercial!
MC: Renga-kun, wasn’t it your birthday the other day? Congrats.
Renga: Yeah, thanks.
MC: I’ve been wondering, are these earrings something you brought from home? They look great on you!
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Renga: Right? It’s because they were chosen by an important friend… as a gift that suits me best! 
You can read my translations of the Mayors and Yachiyo's voice lines for Renga's birthday here!
Translation notes:
The card story title: ここにいらえる今日を, is cut off: it's missing a verb that should go after を, so the information what is exactly done with/about this day (ここにいらえる is modifying, or describing what kind of "today" it is, instead). This is possibly to make it more ambiguous in meaning and slightly foreboding. You could put fill the blank in different ways, but since there's no clear indication and the difference in sentence structure would place the missing verb at the beginning, I decided to leave it out altogether to avoid further confusion.
Some possible ways to complete the title would be, for example: to celebrate, to cherish, to remember; or it could also be a toast, if you added 祝して、乾杯 at the end, as in "Cheers to today"
Renga's manager: As far as I know their gender isn't known, so I tried to avoid personal pronouns.
Renga shrine: Japanese fans are known for their extravagance while practicing this custom, such as renting a whole studio room and lining up hundreds of items, so I took some liberties with Kafka's first line to emphasize that - he only mentions fans who "want to celebrate" and that doesn't really relay the scale of what seems to have been going on, what with Toi having multiple boxes of stuff prepared.
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716chr · 4 months
Chihiro Natsuyaki SSR Story “Dazzling Dancing!” - Part 1
#ちぃとデートなうに使っていいよ /#Feel_Free_To_Use_This_Pic_Like_Ur_On_Date_With_Chii_Right_Now
(TL Note: The hashtag above roughly translates to “Feel free to use this picture (with the hashtag) "On a date with Chii right now”. This (デートなうに使っていいよ) is a common hashtag on X/Twitter where users will save existing photos under the tag to pretend they’re going out with their lovers)
Location: HAMA House
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Chihiro: OMG, yay! Mega win for Chii~☆
Kaede: Did something good happen, Chihiro-kun?
Chihiro: Mana-pii*! Guess what, guess what!?
TL Note: So Chihiro (and a few others) call Kaede “主任”. This title can be translated to the following: “person in charge”, “senior staff”, “chief”, “manager”. I picked “Manager” because it flows off the best, hence, Chihiro’s nickname for Kaede (主任ぴ) will be translated as “Mana-pii” in my translations since I don’t feel particularly fond of keeping it as “Shunin-pi”
Chihiro: So, like, that one pancake cafe that’s been makin’ the big buzz lately is doin’ a collab with Chii’s fav brand, TuRyStA, and——
Chihiro: Chii managed to snag reservation ♪ So now Chii can totes go eat those super adorbs TuRyStA bear pancakes
Kaede: That’s good to hear!
Kaede: I knew pancakes are trendy lately due to the retro boom, but collabs like this is totally unexpected…
Chihiro: They’re not just retro anymore, y’know. ‘Cause pancakes nowadays are steppin’ up their game ♪
Chihiro: Check out this site, Mana-pii. Like, pancakes and fruits are makin’ all the big boom now. That fluffy and creamy, melt-in-your-mouth feeling is totes to die for, ya feel~?
Kaede: Woah, they look so good!
Kaede: Ugh…. Hearing Chihiro-kun talk about this is making me crave something sweet now
Kaede: And I just had dinner too
Chihiro: Ahaha, it happens to the best of us~!
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Chihiro: Heard that Kirokkuma’s gonna go with his lil sis to this collab
Chihiro: It, like, just gives Chii the total sniffies* 🥺 at the thought of goin’ there alone, so Chii’s plannin’ to invite someone too, since 2 reserved seats already in the bag
TL Note: I decided to ‘translate’ マジぴえん / Maji Pien into “total sniffies” for dramatic effect lol
Chihiro: Hey, Mana-pii. Ya free this weekend? Let’s go indulge in sweets with Chii!
Chihiro: Also…. How ‘bout we grab some puddings for dessert right now?
Chihiro: Chattin’ with Mana-pii got Chii cravin’ for some sweets too ♪
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Chihiro: Y’know, as celebration for our reserved seats…. What’d ya think?
Kaede: Uh, but…. I’ve been eating too much lately….
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Chihiro: Y’know there’s always room for desserts, right? Like those that’re extra creamy, with nata de coco on top….?
TL Note: Here Chihiro used the kanji “別腹” which basically stands for “dessert stomach”/“having extra room in your stomach for dessert despite being full”
Kaede: Hnng…. Got it! I’ll have pudding with you today and pancake with you next week as well!
Chihiro: Now that’s the spirit! Mana-pii’s the best, you always get it~☆
Chihiro: Aight, don’t forget our weekend plans, ‘kay? If you forget, Chii’s gonna cry for real!
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Location: Cafe
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Chihiro: Cake ♪ Cake ♪ Pancake ♪
Kaede: Geez, I can already smell it…. I can’t wait for it to arrive
Chihiro: Totally! Chii’s secured the merchs, so now it’s just pancake-munching time!
Kaede: But… This really is a popular collab, isn’t it?
Kaede: It’s thanks to our reservations that we can just waltz right in, but there’s quite the line outside….
Kaede: Somehow, I feel kinda bad
Chihiro: Don’t sweat it, it’s totes fine. Enjoyin’ things like tasty treats and cool places also includes waitin’ in line as part of the fun!
Chihiro: ‘Cause nowadays, there’s even a system that lets you wait in line without actually physically wait in line, right?
Chihiro: But still, if ya linin’ up in front of the cafe, that means that was a deliberate choice!
Chihiro: And, like, just waitin’ for the pancakes to be served while chattin’ you like this, Mana-pii, is already so much fun for Chii…
Chihiro: Chii is sure that everyone outside waitin’ in line is having a good time like us too ♪
Kaede: I see. I guess you’re right
Kaede: Thank you. I was kinda nervous about coming to such a trendy place like this alone…
Kaede: When I’m with you, Chihiro-kun, even waiting is fun
Chihiro: …..!
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Chihiro: Damn, that’s, like, the ultimate compliment ever……
Delivery Drone: Thank you for waiting. Here are your “Stakichi Pancake” and “Turysuke Pancake”
TL Note: It’s probably obvious already but I’m just gonna point it out here just to be sure. “Turysuke” and “Stakichi” are just the word Turysta split in half, with common Japanese name suffix (-suke and -kichi) attached, making them into names
Chihiro: It’s here~!!
Chihiro: No way!? It’s this cute!? It’s so totes adorbs that Chii’s feelin’ like freakin’ out right about now!?
Chihiro: Mana-pii, don’t eat yet! Chii wanna snap a quick pic of Stakichi and Turysuke layin’ side-by-side!
Kaede: Of course. If I’m not mistaken….. This purple one’s called Stakichi, right?
Chihiro: Yep, yep! And, this red one is Turysuke, Chii’s fav bear!
TL Note: Chihiro used “推しクマ” and I debated whether or not I should keep it “oshi” as is but ultimately decided to just use “fav” instead. Since I dunno if everyone knows the whole culture behind “oshi” completely or not (plus, I guess it flows a bit better than writing “oshi bear”)
Kaede: Both of them are so cute… Ah, is this spot good for the drinks?
Chihiro: Okie-dokes. That’s the sweet spot!
Chihiro: First thing’s first, gotta snap some pics for SNS….
Chihiro: ‘Kay, Mana-pii get in-frame next! Let’s take a two-shot together to commemorate our outing!
Kaede: O-Okay
Chihiro: Thanks, Mana-pii!
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Chihiro: Woah~…. This place is, like, seriously Chii’s vibes
Kaede: (Chihiro-kun looks so happy. Just looking at him makes me happy too)
Kaede: (I’m glad we went here together….)
Chihiro: Let’s save the dazzle postin’ for later. Sorry to keep ya waitin’, Mana-pii. Shall we dig in now?
Kaede: Yeah. Let’s dig i——
Chihiro: Actually, pause! We gotta drop a message to the work chat so everyone at HAMA Tours can know ‘bout our date….
Kaede: Th-That’s embarrassing, wait!
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Part 1 | Part 2
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memrysetls · 4 months
Hachinoya Nagi [SR] - I'm sure that if I can control it... [Part 1]
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Nagi: Phew....... talk about a sudden downpour. But today went by without anything going wrong. I'm safe.
Yodaka: Welcome back, Nagi. Did you get rained on? Is this you being an unlucky guy again, I wonder? Here, a towel.
Nagi: Ah... Yodaka-san, thanks.
Yodaka: Still... you're always getting caught up in something unfortunate, I do worry.
Nagi: Nah, it's fine. I'm used to it... but also, when something unlucky does happen, there's also a prerequisite, so I can be prepared for it.
Yodaka: Hmm, a prerequisite?
Nagi: Yeah, atmospheric pressure. Of course, this is just my own experience and there's no actual evidence for it, but I feel like bomb cyclones are especially bad. (T/N: bomb cyclones are "a severe storm that develops very fast, in which the air pressure at its centre falls quickly by a large amount")
Yodaka: Atmospheric pressure... Ah, speaking of, you're always looking at that object and going "the air pressure's good".
Nagi: This? It's called a storm glass. The solution inside it moves when the air pressure changes, it's a super convenient item.
Nagi: Ah, there are various theories about storm glasses, even outside of air pressure, but I still try and check it every day. Just about.
Nagi: If I notice something, my expression changes, kind of like with flowers.
Yodaka: ...Seems like everything is gathered at the bottom right now. I can see something sparkling like crystals through the opening.
Nagi: That's a sign that it's going to rain.
Yodaka: Other than that, when there are only big crystals at the bottom it means it's going to snow, when they're scattered about loosely it means there's going to be a storm, and so on. There are various patterns, since air pressure usually changes along with the weather.
Nagi: For me, this is like an instrument to predict my own bad luck.
Yodaka: So, it became something with that kind of purpose for you, Nagi.
Nagi: Ah, of course there's also the weather forecast, and I can check the temperature too, but as someone working at both a flower store and a laundrette, this is the strongest item for me.
Yodaka: Fufu, so it's a reliable partner for you. Even with bad luck, if you can predict it, there are lots of ways you can try and prevent it.
Nagi: Wow... it's just like you to be so attentive, Yodaka-san. Of course, I have plenty of ways of dealing with it.
Yodaka: Hmm, such as?
Nagi: Oh, like-
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pukanavis · 4 months
[18Trip] Toi Shiramitsu Mayor Novel "The Day I Became an Angel" Chapter 1 | The Ritual Room
Part 1 | Part 2
*Before you choose to continue, please note that the novels contain major spoilers for the main story of the game, and it is recommended that you only read them once you have finished the main story!
There’s a ritual that Grandfather told me about, one that the heads of the Shiramitsu family have passed down for generations.
It’s a mandatory process in order to be blessed with the powers of an angel, apparently.
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Subsequently, I was determined to try my hardest. Once the 9 day long ritual ended, they said that an angel—Oshisha-sama—would settle within my body. I told myself without a shadow of doubt, that I would make it through.
When they first locked me away, I felt scared, panicked, I called out for my brother to save me, and wept for hours. When I no longer had the strength to even cry, I finally began to feel a semblance of peace. I was cold, tired and starved, but I promised myself I would persist. At times, I couldn't hold back the strange groaning sounds that slipped out. And yet, and yet…
The mucous membranes in my parched throat dried out, making it painful to even draw a breath. I was so thirsty that spots began to fill my vision.
I told myself to keep going.
My fingers, devoid of nearly all their strength, clawed at the ground. There was a strange design painted across the floor. Mother said it was a summoning circle that would bring forth Oshisha-sama.
I scratched at the circle, almost as if I were tracing the lines.
In order to earn Oshisha-sama's favour, it is imperative that one must be near death. Oshisha-sama won’t come otherwise, they say.
“Does...Oshisha-sama like it when...people are on their deathbed…?” 
My voice was hoarse. It didn’t sound like it belonged to me. It reminded me of the wailing ghosts I saw around town, the ones that had suffered miserable deaths.
I thought it was a little strange that Oshisha-sama liked people on the drink of death. He is an angel, after all. I had always imagined angels as beings that saved those in need.
“Ah, ah…aah…”
Even so, Oshisha-sama was going to save me from this pain. He and I would form a bond and then…and then…uhm…?
My head was screaming. I struggled to form a coherent thought. I was trying my hardest not to fall asleep, but my consciousness began to slip away from me. My body was trying to make me rest, but I couldn't. It was the one thing I couldn't let happen.
I leaned against the wall in an attempt to keep myself awake but with no strength left in my frail neck, my head slumped backwards.
My eyes landed on the sole tiny window in my cell, the only thing that allowed light to seep through. 
The dark, cloudy sky beyond it seemed to go on forever.
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They say that the family my brother and I were born into—the Shiramitsu family—have been possessed by angels for generations.
Many of their children showed a sense for the paranormal and possessed clairvoyance, psychic abilities and a talent for divination…they used these powers to provide aid to others and steadily amassed a following of believers.  Mother and Grandfather say that our family is famed within those areas.
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“It is the duty of the Shiramitsu family…to help people.”
Just as they had told me, I too had psychic abilities. I could see ghosts and phantoms and even speak with them if they were open to it.
Ani-sama doesn’t have any psychic power…I must have hogged it all to myself while we were in Mother’s tummy.
Instead, all the masculinity and coolness that I lack went to him. Ani-sama has always been my very own shining hero…
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My thoughts were a scattered mess and it began to feel like I may never again be the way I once was.
Maybe I really had been just a step away from reaching my limit. I could feel unconsciousness creeping up the longer I remained in that state. Grandfather warned me not to fall asleep, but what fate would I meet if I happened to faint?
Would I become a failure if I lost consciousness? Would they be mad at me?
No, no, I’m not afraid of anyone being upset with me. What scares me is failing and not being able to become a source of help for everyone.
I have to keep going. I have to do this, for everyone. I have to.
But…but my body, it wants so so desperately to just—
—The sight I saw at that moment…
“Toi, are you okay!?”
The sight beyond that little window—
Before I knew it, the skies had cleared and light began to pour past the glass.
The shadows cast by the barred window piled onto one another, swallowed by a single silhouette. Backed by the gleaming moonlight, was my brother—
“Toi, Toi…!”
It was as if a new God had just descended onto Earth.
Oh no…what do I do now? I was waiting for Oshisha-sama, but God had shown up ahead of the angel. Maybe I had already died… No, that couldn’t be right.
“Ani…sama…!” I called back.
My brother's face crumpled with guilt. He called my name in a pained voice. Ani-sama was distressed…because of me.
Please, don’t make that face. Don’t feel sad over me. I’m okay.
I wanted to hold him in my arms.  I wanted to assure him everything was okay. I wanted dearly to touch him one more time.
I wanted to take away my brother’s pain, no matter what may happen to me. I wanted to heal his sorrow.
I didn't even need to be the one to do it. Please, someone, anyone—
And then it happened.
“Are you my next host?” a voice echoed in my head.
Part 1 | Part 2
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patibato · 3 months
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A13 - Singing a Story to You
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Momiji: Haa, haa…! Thank goodness…
Nanaki: -Chief is always running after someone, huh.
Momiji: Ahaha, because I'm surrounded by uncontrollable, adorable problem children.
Now then, we have to get back quick, but… the road is submerged in the sea, so let's wait for a ferry to come and find us.
Nanaki: …Yeah.
Momiji: …
Nanaki: …
Momiji: (I wonder if it would be okay to ask why he's been off today. I don't want to be insensitive, so I'm a little worried…)
Nanaki: … It's just.
Momiji: Yeah?
Nanaki: Everything's just- become such a pain.
Momiji: Hm… like what?
Nanaki: …Like, having lots of secrets.
Momiji: Secrets?
Nanaki: For example, why I - one of those "problem children" -
Was at the old school building that night, and stuff.
Momiji: …
Nanaki: You haven't asked about that at all, have you, Chief? Don't you want to know?
Momiji: I do, but I've got no intention of forcing it out of you. So even now, I'll listen only to what you want to tell me.
Nanaki: …Right. So-
It's the most annoying story ever. I want to tell it, so I will.
I'm basically the ultimate "whoever I like is my type" guy.
On top of that, I fall in love easily and I'm bad at controlling my emotions, so I'm always and only falling for people who'll never like me back.
Essentially, I'm predisposed to impossible love.
Momiji: Hm…
Nanaki: Even though I know reciprocation is hopeless, and don't want to like anyone, my feelings alone expand-
And even though I should understand that I won't be rewarded, my head gets all stupid.
So I found myself thinking… maybe this time, it'll work out.
Momiji: …
Nanaki: Controlling that feeling of anticipation is really difficult, you know. So that day-
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Nanaki: Hey, so tonight-
Could you come to the rooftop of the old school building for me? I've… got something I want to talk about.
??: …I'll think about it.
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Nanaki: I'll say this upfront just to be clear, but it wasn't Akuta or any of the others. They all just happened to be there with me.
Momiji: So then, you had no reason to all be together on the day of the explosion-
Nanaki: Nope, we ran into each other by pure chance. Everyone had their own reasons.
You won't be hearing about their circumstances from my mouth.
Momiji: (So that means…)
The object of your unrequited affection…
Nanaki: Didn't come. Probably made a few guesses based on how I was acting?
I got messages saying "I won't meet up with you", "You should watch the movie with someone else" …Right at the time we promised to meet.
Momiji: …
Nanaki: They cut ties indirectly, without letting me express my feelings.
Momiji: That's so…
Nanaki: Don't make that face now. I- well, I understand.
I know that feelings of love can become a deadly weapon. There's no resentment at all.
Just- the heartbreak alone remains, no matter what. It takes a lot of power to overcome.
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Nanaki: That's why I don't want to fall for anyone. Don't want to get too close to anyone.
My "love" will surely mess with and break me.
Momiji: (I somehow feel like I can see the reason Nanaki-kun tends to keep people at a distance.)
(He was purposefully trying not to get deeply involved. Because he doesn't want to be hurt…)
Nanaki: But eventually, I'll probably end up falling for someone again. That's just how I was born.
And when my heart is broken like this once more, I'll probably feel this pain again too.
Momiji: …
Nanaki: We've gone so far away, yet just talking about a movie we were going to see was enough to make me frazzled.
Even though it'd be best to forget quickly. …Even though I've tried my hardest to forget.
Momiji: That's not it.
Nanaki: Huh?
Momiji: I think it's fine if you don't try so hard to forget. Even if it's heartbreaking, I'm sure it's a pain you want to keep.
You can't forget, because that's just how serious you were. They're your own precious, treasured feelings.
That's why - I want you to treasure that pain.
Nanaki: …
Momiji: You're surely a deeply loving person, Nanaki-kun.
Nanaki: …I wonder. Not that it matters without a partner to understand.
I know that in this life, I'll continue to suffer from this curse-like love. But-
Connecting with someone from the heart, loving and being loved… I honestly can't imagine it.
Momiji: I get that. I can't imagine it myself.
Nanaki: …
Momiji: Nobody knows what'll happen in the future.
But that's precisely why. You have to love yourself the most first, so that when your special someone appears one day, you can love them at full power again.
Nanaki: … You…
Momiji: Yeah?
Nanaki: …Mmm, it's nothing. Thanks for listening.
Momiji: (Ah, he smiled a bit… thank goodness.)
…I know. You like music, right, Nanaki-kun?
Nanaki: Huh? …Well. I do… or rather, I make it.
Momiji: Huh, you can make it!? That's amazing!
Nanaki: … Do you want to listen?
Momiji: Can I?
Nanaki: As a special privilege.
Momiji: Thanks!
Nanaki: Alright. Excuse me for only using one earphone, though.
Momiji: … …
Nanaki: How is it?
Momiji: A-amazing…! What a wonderful song… It sounds so professional…!
Nanaki: Yeah. …Like unlove, right?
Momiji: Huh?
Nanaki: That's my second secret. That I'm unlove.
Momiji: HUUUUUUH!? You mean the anonymous artist who made the song for our hospitality live!?
Nanaki: That's right.
Momiji: Wait, no, wait, that's way too shocking to learn…!
Nanaki: So you didn't know. I figured as much.
Momiji: (That wasn't recorded anywhere in the documents…! This must be Kafka's doing…!)
The Morning Team's song was really, truly beautiful! Loads of customers fell in love with your music!
Nanaki: …Do you also like my songs, Chief?
Momiji: I love them!!
Nanaki: …!
(…My hand, they're…)
Momiji: I'm sure even people who don't know your true identity deeply love your talent!
And that's all the more reason for you to treasure and love yourself more, Nanaki-kun! Right!?
Nanaki: … …Your hand.
Momiji: Ah, sorry. Wasn't thinking.
Nanaki: …It's fine, no need to apologise. I have a low body temperature, so we can keep holding hands.
Momiji: Huh?
Nanaki: Your hands are warm, Chief. We can stay like this just a bit longer-
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Ushio: Uwaah… We came to get you with the ferry, but really, what are you doing? Are you going back like that?
Momiji: Akuta-kun and Ushio-kun!
Akuta: No fair! I wanna hold hands with Sensei and Nanaki too!
Squeeze squeeze! Squeeze squee~ze!
Nanaki: What's up. Did you turn into some hand-holding yokai?
Momiji: Owowowow…! Akuta-kun, don't push on the eye pressure points in the confusion…!
Ushio: Sigh… it doesn't matter, so let's head back already.
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Momiji: Wow… the night makes the scenery look so magical.
Akuta: Ah, this scene kinda reminds me of that movie…
Ushio: Yeah, that famous one.
Momiji: I've seen it too! Now that you mention it, this kind of scenery was in the last scene. The heroine leaps from the boat-
Nanaki: I've not seen that one yet, but… the promise is null and void.
Momiji: Ah… sorry! Did I spoil it!?
Akuta: You spoiled the very end~!
Ushio: Guilty.
Momiji: I-I'm sorry… really…
Nanaki: Hahaha…!
I'm the type who can enjoy something even with spoilers, so it's fine.
…But this time, could we watch it together?
Momiji: (Nanaki-kun's face is bright. If I helped him out a bit, I'm glad…)
Of course!
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Momiji: (Phew… that was a nice hot bath. I should probably record a cassette tape for Kafka before going to bed.)
Travel Diary. The sky was blue today too. From the morning, we received training from our coordinator, Gannosuke-san-
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Akuta: Snork, zzz… can't eat… any more…
Nanaki: Zzzzzz…
Kiroku: … …
Sakujiro: Oh my, are you done?
Momiji: Yeah, thank you. …There's a lot of snack wrappers, huh. Everyone's fast asleep.
Sakujiro: They appear worn out from playing. Once I've cleaned, I shall have to take them to their rooms.
Momiji: I'll help!
Sakujiro: I appreciate it. …Oh my, what's this now.
Momiji: (Ah, that's…! The pouch with the very possibly indecent thing in it!)
Th-that must be, someone's, private belongings! I'll return it tomorrow, so-
Sakujiro: Is that so? I'll leave it in your care, then.
Momiji: Got it!
(Uu… what? It's heavier than I thought…! I'm gonna drop- ah!)
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Momiji: What's this… an egg…?
Akuta: M~m… what~… heard a loud sound-
Momiji: An egg…
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
[18TRIP] Ten Murakumo | [SR] Black Melting Into the Hustle and Bustle | You Can Drink, But Don't Get Drunk
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Characters: ☁️ Ten Murakumo, ☔️ Kafka Oguro, ☀️ Renga Nishizono
Location: HAMA House - Tiger Room
*Drink being poured*
Kafka: You’re having a nightcap again today too, Ten?
Kafka: Maybe it’s fine once in a while, but don’t you think you should hold back from having one every night? It tanks the quality of your sleep, y’know.
Ten: C’mon, stop worrying so much, Prez. This is just what works for me.
Ten: (I can’t have him messing with my routine.)
Renga: Exactly, Kafka. Ten likes to drink, and it’s not like he drinks recklessly.
Renga: And when we go out for drinks together, I think he always seems fine! You don’t gotta worry.
Kafka: I see. If my drinking buddy Renga says so, I guess it’s fine.
Ten: (...Never thought I’d have Renga-san to back me up.)
Ten: Cool, with that settled, to doing this again…
*Ten taps his glass on the table*
Renga: …
Ten: …
Ten: …Renga-saaan, don’t stare at me like that. I thought drinking wasn’t your strong suit.
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Renga: Ah, my bad! Don’t worry about me, just enjoy your drink!
Ten: I’m only saying that because I care.
Renga: No, I was just thinking that I’d be able to drink like you do someday, Ten…
Ten: Ah~, you do get hammered in no time, don’t you, Renga-san?
Renga: T-That was just last time! I was more tired than usual, so…
Ten: Haha, you sure about that~? It would’ve been pretty dangerous for you if you were a girl.
Renga: Whatever, there isn’t anything wrong with me watching! All I’m doing is watching you drink!
Ten: (Just watching’s not gonna make you a better drinker… Well, it’s all according to plan. That’s just how much you’re fascinated with me.)
Ten: Alright, just for today?
Renga: Yeah! Thanks!
Kafka: (Hehe. There’s something pretty interesting about those two.)
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Location: Shirohori Studios
Staff: That’ll be it for today’s shoot, Renga-san! Thank you very much!
Staff Members: Good work!
Renga: Heh, I’m looking forward to seeing the finished thing.
Capable Producer: Do you drink wine, Renga-san? We prepared a vintage for today’s shoot.
Renga: Huh? Yeah… Thanks.
Renga: (Maybe it’s because of the last variety, but I’ve been getting a lot more gifts like this…)
Capable Producer: Don’t doubt it. It’s a genuine vintage, okay? There’s that famous saying… “I only want the real deal”.
Staff: Well, you heard the producer. This is undoubtedly the real deal.
Renga: H-Haha… Fair enough.
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Renga: (I’m grateful, but what am I supposed to do…? Ah, I wonder if Ten would like it if I gave this to him.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Location: HAMA House - Tiger Room
Renga: I’m back~... Wait, where’s Kafka?
Ten: Ahh, Prez is working late tonight.
Renga: Gotcha… Ah, I’ve got a gift for you today, Ten.
*Renga takes something out of a bag*
Renga: …Ta-da!
Renga: It’s a vintage wine. It was given to me by a producer, and I think it’s a good one! Hey, let’s drink it together!
Ten: Ah, sorry, I’m not really a wine guy.
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Renga: YOU’RE NOT!!?
Ten: (Wine’s the only thing that gets me really wasted… Still, I’m pretty confident that I’ve got a better tolerance than him.)
Ten: Alright, how about I drink my sake and you drink that wine, Renga-san?
Ten: That way, we’re still technically drinking together.
Renga: That’s true! Alright, let’s do that!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Renga: ‘Cauuuuse~! That’s the kinda shoft-heartednessh that proves that you’re sucha good guy, Ten!
Ten: I know, that’s the third time you’ve told me that.
Ten: (Not even a full glass and he’s already like this.)
Renga: Noooo! I shtill haven’t gotten the point acrossh! Despite how you seem, you’re sucha good guy, Ten…!
Ten: Ow, wasn’t that like sorta a diss?
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Renga: Mn~mh… Mmmhmnh…
Ten: Renga-sa~n, if you sleep with your stomach exposed like that, you’ll catch a cold.
Renga: I’ll show you the roshes when they bloom, Ten…
Ten: (Roses? The hell is he going on about?)
Ten: Jesus Christ.
Renga: Ten, let’sh have another drink together again~...
Ten: … Alright, I’m gonna tuck you in now.
*Sheets rustle*
Ten: (Goddamn, this guy is hopeless…)
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shunin-gumis · 3 months
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11thwardtls · 4 months
Memory Defrag | TRACK 1 - Regular Maintenance | Azekawa Kinari's Ward Mayor Novel Translation
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Warnings and Disclaimers:
This translation is not professionally done and is not proofread. Edits and clean-ups may come at a later date.
Not a 1:1 translation either and some liberties into localization were taken into account.
This novel will contain spoilers for the Ev3ns Main Story: "Chained Up Scarlet".
Appropriate Content and Trigger Warnings will be added if needed.
May be used for quotebots/masterlists etc.
I am not fluent and self-studying Japanese (albeit at turtle speed), this was translated by ear and with the help of a JP dictionary, so please feel free to point out any errors!
“You know, other than the members of the Evening Group, you kind of behave like a stranger to everyone else.” 
That day, in HAMA House’s living room, where the employees and ward mayors of HAMA lived together, it was the leader of the Morning Group’s Nishizono Renga-sama who told me this. 
“Is that the case? As reference, may I ask which part of my manners made Nishizono-sama think this way?”
“See, that’s it, that way of speaking[1]. I mean that, it’s not only with me specifically, but you also use that ‘-sama’ honorific and sort of formal language[2] with all of the other Ward Mayors.”
Nishizono-sama sat down next to me as his tone of voice gradually softened. His eyes darted around the place, occasionally stealing a glance at me. 
According to the data I have previously collected while living with Nishizono-sama, he seems to make these sorts of expressions and gestures when he wants to get to know the other person better. 
“When I returned from the study trip, I received instructions from Master on how to interact with members other than the Evening Group. Master requested me to maintain a reasonable sense of distance and courtesy, thus I found it appropriate to maintain polite behavior with everyone.”
As I explain the reasoning behind my attitude,
“I… I see. If you’re comfortable that way then…” Nishizono-sama appeared dejected and said so as he left the living room. 
Have I made a mistake in the way I handled things?
As I was checking our conversation in my head, Nishizono-sama’s facial expressions, tone of voice, body gestures and such, Master suddenly called out to me, “Kinari-kun.” 
Master’s facial expression displayed a tinge of impatience. 
“I overheard your conversation with Renga-kun just now…”
“Yes. I believe I had made a mistake in how I should have responded.” 
“I don’t think that was the case, though. I just simply thought that the order I might’ve given you was wrong.”
“Master did not make a mistake in this matter.”
But Master kept on telling me, “I… really don’t think that was the case here.”
“Regarding how you treat other groups’ members, everyone’s just moved into the dorms and weren’t used to things yet, so I was worried in the case of trouble happening. That’s why I asked you to maintain some sense of distance and courtesy. But now, everyone has begun to open up to each other more and more, haven’t they?”
“Yes. Even looking at the gathered data, the frequency of interactions that are not bound by their respective group is increasing on average.”
“Right so, Kinari-kun, I thought that it might be a good idea to slowly drop the honorifics and formal language and speak more naturally the same way you do with the Evening Group. Of course, with the right timing on your part…”
“Is this an order, Master?”
“Not that it is, but if it makes things easier for you then think of it like one.”
“Then when should I stop using honorifics and formal language?”
As I asked, Master appeared puzzled. 
“...Mm, for you, Kinari-kun, I think it’s best to interact with everyone one by one and then drop when you think it’s okay to do so.”
Master had said something difficult.
“Ambiguous instructions may lead to behavioral errors……..”
“Ugh… I’m really sorry. Although, Kinari-kun, during your idol activities with Ev3ns, you’ve started to change in the way you sing and you could smile naturally too now, right? I’m sure time will come where you’ll find more things change within yourself, so when that happens, I want you to go along with those changes. I’m fully aware that it will be a difficult task, but I think you can do it, Kinari-kun.”
I understood the true meaning behind Master’s words.
Master wants me to change, with my words and actions ‘according to how I feel’.  
As I spent more and more time with Master, I have begun to learn the mechanism behind their words and their deeds.
They constantly treat me as if I were a human being and not an android. 
Unlike androids, humans do not follow orders and instead have their own reason and logic. 
That, and emotions result in a change of behavior.
I suppose Master wants this for me as well. 
———The developer… It was also what my “Father” wished for me, too. 
I remember the words that my Father had left on that cassette tape. 
He told me that he wanted me to sing the way I wanted to and to live my life freely.
Acting upon emotions is the most difficult thing for androids to do. 
However, the most important order that keeps me alive is the same one Master told me, 
“Please give it your all in singing, dancing, your idol activities and live happily!” 
In order to fulfill such an order, changing in my words and actions ‘according to my feelings’ is necessary. 
As I nod my head, I look back into Master’s precious eyes and say, 
“Your order has been accepted, Master.” 
“Ok~ay, maintenance has been completed.”
Oguro Kafka-sama—who had accessed my body from the outside, checked the brain construction and internal communications systems, closed his laptop as he had said this. 
The only people who knew that I was an android would be the members of the Daytime Group and Oguro-sama, who usually did my maintenance.
Since Raito kept this a secret from then on, other people do not know of this fact yet. 
Since today is scheduled for regular maintenance, Oguro-sama dropped by our shared dorm room.
As for my roommates, Raito is currently at work, and Kuguri has gone somewhere I did not know so he was not present either. 
“There are areas in your brain where access errors would occur. But since these errors seem to be left unfixed on purpose, I didn’t poke around it any further. Please make sure to organize your other memory data, ‘kay?” 
“Understood. Thank you for your time.”
“Your formal language and honorific usage is the same as ever.”
“Yes. Nishizono-sama had also pointed this out.”
“Ah, didn’t Renga say this because he wanted to be friends with you?”
“It is inferred in that way. Master also took that chance to give me the new order of changing the way I address other people.”
“That’s so Chief-chan-like of them to do so.” 
Oguro-sama is great at creating hypotheses, so he simply shrugged his shoulders as if he completely understood everything with what little explanation I gave him. 
“I have a question for Oguro-sama. To fulfill Master’s new order, I came to the conclusion that I needed more emotional data. 
Fragments of emotions are beginning to form within me.
Unfortunately, this is not enough to go off of.”
“You’d like to know if you could increase its frequency of forming?” 
“I’d like to ask for your advice on how to raise emotional sensitivity, rather than simply accumulating data as done previously.” 
Oguro-sama placed his finger to his mouth and thought for a while.
“Sensitivity, huh? Emotions are often born from having human bonds in the first place.
Perhaps communicating with a large sample of people would be the best choice after all.”
Oguro-sama added that, “This begs the question, about what ‘emotions’ are in the first place”.
“For starters, it’s something that pops up within the depths of your heart. Through what they experience, humans tend to name and categorize it, such as ‘joy’ or ‘anger’. Still, this way of functioning does not always work properly. We may mistake sadness for anger, or come into contact with emotions that cannot be named based on past experience alone.” 
“In a situation such as that, what procedures shall be done?” “It depends on the person, but introspection—self reflection is one way of doing things. First things first, you analyze and think of the emotion that comes to mind, then give it a name. You could also put it into words if you wish to do so.”
“Of course, verbalizing it is in no way necessary, it’s merely a way to clarify what it is that you felt in your heart. 
Sorting those emotions into random boxes of words can come across as ‘cheap’, won’t it? 
In your case, Kinari, I do think it’s faster if you properly put what you feel into words.”
I recorded each and every one of Oguro-sama’s words within the ‘Important Matters’ memory storage.
“For example… Ah, that’s it. You have a lot of past records left in your memory storage, so I wonder if there’s a way to access and view them, then for you to verbalize your feelings as you watch at the same time…”
“It takes a specific measure to do so, but I think it’s possible to carry out.”
Oguro-sama simply smiled and said, “Well, don’t get too fired up[4] as you do that.” while he left the room. 
Translation Notes: 
1 - Renga says 「だからそれだよ、それ。」 which wouldn’t really translate well literally so I added the context of Kinari’s formal speech pattern. 
2 - literally 敬語 (keigo), was unsure to leave it as is but opted to translating it anyway
3 - for fluidity’s sake, MC/Chief will be referred to with they/them pronouns for readers to interpret which sibling
4 - lit. 気負い, not sure how to translate the word, but its something related to being excited or a similar mood so i worded it as that
ps. opted to keep the honorific use in this translation despite how wonky it may seem as they are pretty important for how this novel starts.
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A13] The Story I Sing to You
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede finds Nanaki, who ended up getting separated from the rest on Angel Road. Nanaki shares a couple of things with him that he has been keeping a secret.
Characters— ✈︎ Sakujiro, Akuta, Kiroku, Nanaki, Ushio
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Location: Angel Road in Shodoshima
Kaede: Haa, haah…! Thank goodness…
Nanaki: ーーChief, you’re always chasing someone around huh.
Kaede: Ahaha, well, it’s because you’re all a bunch of cute, free-spirited troublemakers!
Now then, we have to hurry up and get home but… The path connecting the islands ended up disappearing into the sea again. Let’s wait for one of the arranged ferries to come by.
Nanaki: … Mhm.
Kaede: ……
Nanaki: ……
Kaede: (I wonder if it’d be okay for me to ask what’s been bothering him today. 
I don’t want to be insensitive, so I’m a little worried about what to do.)
Nanaki: …… For some reason.
Kaede: Yeah?
Nanaki: For some reasonーー Everything is just becoming troublesome.
Kaede: Mm… Like what?
Nanaki: … Like having to hide various things, and stuff.
Kaede: Having to hide things?
Nanaki: Like that night. How I, one of the “problem children”ーー
How I ended up in the old building that night, for example. Having to hide things like that.
Kaede: ……
Nanaki: You haven’t heard a single thing about that night Chief. 
Don’t you want to know?
Kaede: Even though I want to know what happened, I don’t want to force any of you to tell me if you don’t want to. 
It’s the same now. I’ll listen to anything that Nanaki-kun wants to tell me.
Nanaki: … I see. Thenーー
The story that’s troubling me the most. 
I want to tell you, so I will.
I’m the epitome of “the person I fall in love with is my type.”
On top of that, I have a hard time controlling my emotions, and I fall in love really easily. I end up falling in love with people who never reciprocate my feelings.
Basically, I’m just a hopeless romantic who always ends up falling for someone.
Kaede: I see…
Nanaki: I know that I’ll never be able to find someone who likes me back, so I don’t want to fall in love with anyone, but no matter what happens, my feelings end up growingーー
I know my feelings will never get reciprocated, but my mind gets stupid.
I thought that, maybe this time… maybe this time it’d work out in the end.
Kaede: ……
Nanaki: To have to sit on that feeling of hope was really hard for me. 
So on that day ーー
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Nanaki: Hey, tonightーー
Could you come to the rooftop in the old building?
I have something I wanna tell you…
???: …… I’ll think about it.
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Nanaki: Just to clarify, it wasn’t Akuta or any of the others. We just happened to meet each other in the end. 
Kaede: So, on the night of the explosion, you all weren’t planning on gathering togetherーー
Nanaki: It was just a coincidence.
Everyone has their own reasons for going to the building that night.
It’s not my place to talk about anyone else’s reasons though. 
Kaede: (So that’s how it is…)
So the person you had feelings for…
Nanaki: They didn’t come.
They probably ended up figuring it out. Maybe because of my vibe?
On PeChat, they texted things like “I can’t make it tonight” and “I’m planning on seeing that movie with someone else” … Right after the time we promised to meet.
Kaede: ……
Nanaki: I ended up getting cut off completely over text, so I couldn’t even express my feelings to them.
Kaede: That’s so…
Nanaki: Don’t make that kind of expression.
I’m just… Well, I’m content with this type of ending.
I know that feelings like love can be a dangerous weapon, so I’m not holding any grudges against them. 
It’s justーー That bitter, painful feeling is still here.
It takes a lot to get over something like that.
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Nanaki: That’s why, I don’t want to fall for someone again. 
I don’t want to get close to anyone. 
My “love” is bound to end up messing things up again, and it’ll just end up destroying me. 
Kaede: (I’m starting to understand why Nanaki-kun has been keeping his distance and acting indifferent now.)
(He’s purposely trying not to get too close to someone. He doesn’t want to get hurt again…)
Nanaki: But, I’m sure that I’ll end up falling in love with someone again. That’s just the way I was born. 
And every time that happens, I’ll end up getting heart broken again. I’ll end up feeling this pain again. 
Kaede: ……
Nanaki: Even though I managed to get this far without thinking about it, the movie we promised to see together got brought up. It got harder to bear.
That’s why it’d be better if I could just forget it all. 
… It’s why I’m trying so hard to forget about it.
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Kaede: I don’t think you should.
Nanaki: Eh?
Kaede: I think that you don’t have to try so hard to forget about it. I’m sure it’s painful, but it’s the type of pain that you should keep with you. 
Those feelings were your genuine feelings, so that pain is something that will stick with you. Because “Nanaki-kun's feelings” are important and precious. 
Soーー I think that even painful feelings are something you should value. 
Nanaki: ……
Kaede: I’m sure that you’re a very loving person, Nanaki-kun.
Nanaki: … I don't know about that.
But, I can't reach an understanding with the other person about those feelings, then what’s the point?
I know that in the future, I’ll have to endure another cursed love like this again, butーー
Being able to have that type of connection with someone… If I’m being honest, I can’t imagine loving someone and having that love be returned back to me.  
Kaede: I get it. I also can’t imagine myself in that type of situation at all.
Nanaki: ……
Kaede: There’s no one out there who knows what will happen in the future. 
But, because you don’t know what will happen in the future, you need to love yourself before you love anyone else first. So, when that important person appears in your life someday, you’ll be able to love them with your entire heart.
Nanaki: …… You……
Kaede: Yeah?
Nanaki: …… Nah, nevermind. Thank you for listening to me.
Kaede: (Ah, he was able to laugh a little… I’m glad.)
… Oh yeah.
Nanaki-kun, you said that you liked music right?
Nanaki: Eh? … Well.
It’s less that I like it and more… I make it.
Kaede: Ehh, you can make music!? That’s amazing!
Nanaki: … Do you want to hear it?
Kaede: Can I?
Nanaki: I can allow it this time.
Kaede: Thank you!
Nanaki: Okay. Sorry about the low-quality earbuds though.
Kaede: …………
Nanaki: What do you think?
Kaede: T-This is amazing…! It’s such a good composition…
It’s like you’re a pro…!
Nanaki: Yeah.
……Specifically, unlove.
Kaede: Eh?
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Nanaki: That’s my second secret.
I’m… unlove.
Kaede: Ehhhhhh!? That underground artist that made the music for the hospitality live!?
Nanaki: That’s right.
Kaede: Waiー, holdー, hold on a second, I’m super shocked right now…!
Nanaki: So you really didn’t know huh. Well, I thought that was the case.
Kaede: (But I didn’t see anything like that in the documents…! Kafka must’ve done something…!)
The Morning Squad’s song was really… really amazing! There were a lot of guests who fell in love with Nanaki-kun’s music!
Nanaki: … Do you also like my music, Chief?
Kaede: I love it!!
Nanaki: ……!
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Nanaki: ( …He’s gripping… my hand…)
Kaede: Even though they don’t know the real you, I’m sure there are a lot of people out there who deeply, deeply love “Nanaki-kun’s talent”!
That’s why you should cherish and love yourself even more, Nanaki-kun! Okay?
Nanaki: …… Hand.
Kaede: Ah, I’m sorry, I just unconsciously grabbed it.
Nanaki: … It’s fine, you don’t have to apologize.
I have a low body temperature, so it’s okay if you keep holding it.
Kaede: Eh?
Nanaki: Chief’s hands are so warm. 
It’s fine if we can stay like this, for just a little longerーー
Ushio: Wow… We came to tell you that the ferry came to pick us up, but… Just what were you doing?
Should we just go home?
Kaede: Akuta-kun and Ushio-kun!
Akuta: That’s so unfair! I wanna hold Sensei and Nanaki’s hand too! 
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Akuta: Squeeze squeeze! Squeeze Squeeze〜!
Nanaki: What’s up with this? Have you become a youkai who holds hands with people?
Kaede: Owowow…! Akuta-kun, don’t press the pressure points by our eyes while we’re confused! 
Ushio: Sigh… Whatever, let’s just hurry up and go.
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Location: Beach in Shodoshima
Kaede: Wow… A view like this is truly wonderful at night.
Akuta: Ah, y’know, it looks like a scene from this movie…
Ushio: Ah yeah, that famous one. 
Kaede: I saw that one too! Now that you mention it, the last scene did have a view that looked like this one huh. When the heroine jumped off the shipーー
Nanaki: Actually, I haven’t seen that movie…
Now the promise I made got broken.
Kaede: Eh… I’m sorry! Did I spoil it!?
Akuta: The movie’s ending got spoiled〜!
Ushio: Guilty.
Kaede: I-I’m sorry… really…
Nanaki: Hahaha…!
It’s okay. I’m the type of person who can enjoy a movie even if I get spoiled.
… But next time, can you watch it with me?
Kaede: (Nanaki-kun has a refreshed expression. Even if it was just a little, I’m glad I could help out…)
Of course!
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Location: Otomari Chuuzaemon Inn in Shodoshima
Kaede: (Whew… The water was nice and warm. Before I go to sleep, I think I’ll record another cassette tape for Kafka.)
Travel Diary. It was a sunny day today too.
We had a training session in the morning today. The coordinator, Gannosuke-sanーー
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Akuta: Snore snore… I can’t eat… anymoreee…
Nanaki: Light snoring…
Kiroku: …………
Sakujiro: Oh? You’re still up?
Kaede: Yes, thank you.
… There’s a lot of trash and candy wrappers around huh. Everyone had a great time. 
Sakujiro: They seem to have tired themselves out after playing around. 
I will take them up to their rooms when I am finished cleaning up.
Kaede: I’ll help you!
Sakujiro: Thank you very much. …Oh? This is…
Kaede: (T-That's…! That drawstring bag that probably has something shady in it!)
T-That’s um… If I’m remembering correctly, it’s someone’s personal stuff! Tomorrow, I’ll return it to the owner soーー
Sakujiro: Is that so? Then, if you’ll please.
Kaede: Yes!
(Uu… What is this? It’s… heavier than I thought it’d be…! It’s slipping from my handsーー Ah!)
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Kaede: What is this… An egg…?
Akuta: Ngghh…  What is it~? … I heard some kinda loudーー
Kaede: An egg…
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azurecrystalz · 3 months
[Translation] Domeki Kuguri Novel "S.139, R.2B"
Spoiler Warning: Kuguri’s novel, as well as all other 18trip novels, contain major main story spoilers and is better read/understood after the main story.
⚠️ Please heed the CWs present at the beginning of certain chapters and read at your own comfort/discretion
Translation directory can be found here.
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