2005jesuschrist · 2 years
“    do you want to get a drink or something?   ”       said   @1nfects​
you were obsessive.    every day that had passed from the moment your father had been shot dead had been planned to each minute detail;      the lack of control in your formative years still made skin itch,    the delay in your plans,    the delay in finding justice in the senseless killing.     you were just a kid then,    unable to act,   unable to do anything;   but he had been there— -            almost a knight in shining armour,     an honest man who followed the duties he had been assigned. it had taken you years to follow in his footsteps— - to craft a plan, change your name to remain a faceless blur within the force until the time was right, until the dominoes would fall into place that would allow you to be partnered with him, to start yourselves on a wild chase for some copycat— - that’s what they are saying. another jigsaw copycat, ruthlessly⁽ᵎ⁾ targeting cops. that’s what they don’t get, what they would never be able to understand. those people, they were not without faults, their corruption ran deep into their bones, infected the city and the people in it. left children fatherless, shoving blood money into wallets without a second thought. and now, a drink, after refusals of coffee and hesitance at a new partner. an invitation to friendship, a sense of trust building between you that only urged you further, knowing he was one of the good ones.
" a drink? sure, the little man is probably already in bed anyway, won’t miss me too much. " faked a glance at watch, not really caring what the time was. had thought it fitting, the life perfectly crafted for yourself to blend seamlessly into the background was built upon banks' past, and it leaves you wondering if he thought about your father too— - the name charlie tattooed on your arm acted as a constant reminder of who you were doing this for. " first round is on me, as a thank you, for taking me under your wing. "
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1 waz talk1ng abt this w my mutuals but um is it ok to ship fish (the npc) with other npcs…./g/gnq/gen/nm/question/notproshipper
… I started shiping f1sh x dr retro cuz cat x fish but 1 waz told 1t waz a prosh1p.. idk how thatz a prosh1p when 1nfected x unpleasent 1z Right There… /g/nm/gq…/neu/neg?
(Translation, for those who can't read:
I was talking about this with my mutuals, but is it ok to ship fish (the npc) with other npcs? (i am not a proshipper)
… I started shipping fish x dr retro cuz "cat x fish," but i was told it was a proship... idk how thats a proship when infected x unpleasent is Right There… (genuine confusion, slightly disgruntled about the whole affair) )
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1nf3ct3d-x3 · 5 months
*1nfected d1dn't kn0w th1s, but 1t 1s 3XTREMELY h4rd t0 g3t B1tCrusher t0 cry 4round... 4nyone r3ally- s0 B1tCrusher tru5ts 1nfected 3nough t0 cry w1th h1m...*
[ She's not doing well right now, but maybe she's starting to feel a bit better. ]
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ask-alphakill · 1 year
"I feel you all, agonizing, because of me... hehehe" - V-1infected
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Quick and bad art of V-1nfected.
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tutchando74 · 1 year
Alphakill (Alphatale AU) (Ultrakill AU)
Had an idea for a bad AU of Alphatale and Ultrakill. Basically an AU where some characters of Alphatale take the places of the characters in Ultrakill.
I don't own Alphatale, Shadikal15 created this amazing story.
I don't own Ultrakill, Hakita created this amazing game.
V-1nfected (V1 + Infected)
I'm swapping V1 with Infected, because Infected in the beggining of the story, and for a good part of it, had only one goal, cause havoc in the Undertale Multiverse, and that's exactly what V1 is doing, causing havoc in hell, so, for me, they fit each others role.
V-202 (V2 + Error 404)
I'm swapping 404 with V2, because 404 and Infected are similar in the beggining of the story. Both cause havoc in the Undertale Multiverse and treat it like their plaything, the only difference being their end goals, so they are very similar to each other, the same way V2 and V1 are the same, both want the same thing, yet, they're against each other. So that's why 404 takes V2's role.
YHWH (Gabriel + Omnipotent)
Omni has a hero complex, he wants to be the hero of the story, the same way Gabriel thinks he's the hero of his own, but not only that, both try to hide their emotions from the world, thinking it will get in their ways. We see that Gabriel only broke his mask in his second encounter, in ACT 2, when he starts ejoying the fight. Omni is the same thing, so the role fits for me.
-Alpha (King Minos + Alpha)
King Minos wanted to do good, to be good for his people, but was crushed by the forces of the word, forcing him to retaliate the same way, that's why he tries to kill V1 when he encounters his prime soul, claiming it to be for a greater good. The same happened to Alpha, he had a good heart, that was broken by the word, forcing to act correspondingly, but he doesn't want to believe that he is bad, so he coats his actions in a cloak of lies, to keep himself as moraly superior.
Astral Rock (Sisyphus + Astral Mother)
Both of these characters made horrible things in their past, trying to be in control of something (I'm assuming that Sisyphus from Ultrakill made the same actions as Sisyphus from the myths, since we don't have that information) and were punished by that, one had to carry rocks, monuments and other things in a desert of burning sand, while the other lost everything she had, but, even after the punishment, they didn't stop, they wanted more, even if it cost everything they had left, and in the end they don't regret anything they did.
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1t's 1nfected fr0m regretev4t0r!!!1!11
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1-n-f-e-c-t-e-d · 4 years
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+Omori waiting for something to happen?+
If you haven't played this game, I suggest you play it. It's so wonderful, funny and sad ;w; If you got weak nerves like me, you'll find it a bit scary also. I just noticed, I mixed up Omoris clothes with Sunnys clothes >.>
Comment if the game made you cry.
Date: 2021-01-27 OMORI © OMOCAT Art - 1-N-F-E-C-T-E-D
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po57c0nt3n7 · 3 years
69, 62, 66, 58, 63
62. (landdwellers only:) how often do you swim? do you think it’s dangerous?
> Sw1mm1ng 1n the 0cean 1s danger0us, sw1mm1ng 1n a r1ver 0r lake 1s h0w y0u d0n't get 1nfected. M1ss a g00d sw1m...
66. tight clothes, or loose clothes?
> 1 really l1ke f0rm f1tt1ng cl0thes! But hav1ng s0meth1ng baggy 0vert0p 1s g00d.
58. how violent are you on a scale from troll 1 to troll 10?
> 1'm def1n1tely n0t D0c1le L0L! But 1n terms 0f g01ng 0ut 0f my way t0 hurt tr0lls wh0 haven't pr0v0ked me... l1k3 a f1ve. F1ve p01nt f0ur. 1sh.
Start1ng f1ghts was m0re Lulu's th1ng.
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hearty-an0n · 4 years
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bullflight · 4 years
nah it’s def cuz you’re always turning people into robots dude. ppl here love coldbloods
Nah man that's just part of 1t. 1 got th1s we1rd mean streak ever since God t1er. Wanna 1nfect t1mel1nes to help them grow and advance, wanna plant seeds of progress and see more of my alternates succeed qn the1r endeavors.
Butt somet1mes... 1 wanna f1ght. 1 get that troll1sh urge... and 1t meshes so we1rd w1th my various "powers" or whatever you wanna call them. Fuck... Handy sa1d 1t had so.ethqng to do w1th my class and aspect.
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2005jesuschrist · 2 years
“     i think you treat love too much like a reward.    and then,    by not accepting it from the people around you,    a punishment.      you’ve…     given more than enough of yourself.      when do you get to live?     ”       said      @1nfects​ .
there is so much in your life still to atone for,     actions quit and those 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚗 left a cavern of regret inside you,    left you to be haunted by what you did and what you weren’t ever brave enough to do.      it is not simply a life for a life,    there is no making up for the bloodshed at your hand,     supplies stolen and worthy lives left for dead in the time after the stadium:       you have to remind yourself in the dead of night that you are not her,     that grief was not all you would ever be,      that one day calloused palms may one day find peace that was not from the cool touch of sharpened metal.       and you did,    𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 peace came back to you when you never thought it possible,    when all else was lost,    a piece of yourself from before—      someone who knew at least part of who you were before the loss returned in the shape of a ghost haunting you.     (this haunting became a love story—),      however twisted and unorthodox it may seem.        you thought he should hate you too—         his family,    his friends,    his home.. the blood stained your palms even now,    dried in the curve of your own life line whilst theirs had been severed in the pantry when there had been no way out.     you often questioned what made you survive,     time after time?          why it was always you,     why you had buried your brother and mother’s memory and yet you still lived,   𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏-𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚍 𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚘.       if you could forgive,   why could you not find it within you to forgive yourself?      his response leaves you stunned,      and you sit in the silence that followed it,    combing over each word as if english was a foreign language,     brow furrowed as you make more sense in the pattern of disturbed dirt beneath your feet.                                                 “      er  ..            ”
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a blink,    absentmindedly beginning to twist fingers around themselves,      searching for an answer you weren’t sure you had.        “   it’s not that easy,   it’s    ...              it’s not about me living,     if i stop 𝑜𝑟 i slow down then the people out there,   our family here,     desperately holding onto whatever hope they have left?       they might as well be dead.     i’ll carry it,     i’ll..   continue not accepting if it means they get to see another sunrise.       ”         you knew your own selfish nature,    how easy it would be to settle now—        this love is new to you,     and you would throw everything else away for him in an instant if he asked you to simply stay,    𝚝𝚘 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚎.            “     they need me.    ”
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574rc45m · 7 years
@wa2p replied to your post “hewwo! I wike youw vwiwtuwaw weawity hewmet ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚★ ~☆*・°☆.。”
ii hope ii don't get thii2 two?
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1nf3ct3d-x3 · 5 months
*B1tCrusher, 4lthough n0rmally t0uch 4dverse, g3ntly hugg3d 1nfected 1n 4n 4ttempt t0 c0mfort th3m*
[ They were shook at first, but eventually softened and let BC hold them for a moment, wrapping their tail around them slightly. ]
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ask-alphakill · 1 year
V-1nfected and V-202, do you remeber the ones who made you?
V-1nfected: ... Ha... haha, hahahahhahahahahahahhaha
V-202: Not much, but I can tell you of what I remember.
(The story is told in a different post)
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tutchando74 · 1 year
Alphakill objectives and fun facts (Alphatale &Ultrakill AU)
The objectives of the characters and some little fun facts about them. Probably the last post about this AU.
I don't own Alphatale, Shadikal15 created this amazing story.
I don't own Ultrakill, Hakita created this amazing game.
He doesn't really have an objective, he just wants to cause havoc through hell and even more. He just likes to see other suffer.
The souls of those he kills are trapped inside his personal hell, that is inside his head, thus why some hands can be seen there.
He gets stonger with each person he kills.
He wants to get stronger to bring his creators back. He doesn't know if that is possible, but he doesn't care.
He wants to bring peace to the word by killing those who opose his law.
He's not omnipotent
He wanted to make everyone in the rings of hell happy or, at least, in a better mood.
The swords in his head, were the ones used to kill him and trap his soul.
He is constatly crying because he feels like he failed his people.
The Astral Rock called him beta when they were alive.
Astral Rock
She wanted to have control over all of existence.
Her mind was split into 4, since she was too smart and would find a way to escape if her mind was complete.
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1-n-f-e-c-t-e-d · 4 years
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+Omori and something+
I watched the trailer of the game and felt like drawing "something" : ) Date: 2021-01-29 OMORI © OMOCAT Art - 1-N-F-E-C-T-E-D
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