#1st: no tree 2nd: cherry blossom tree 3rd: purple tree
pixanefan · 6 months
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The tree in front of the monastery changed so much. My favorite is the cherry blossom one, probably because it is the tree that was behind P.I.X.A.L and Zane’s picture 🤭. But, I do like the purple one, too.
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libraford · 5 years
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Rose Profiles Part 3! (Here are Part 1 and Part 2) 
As always, tag yourself, your friends, and your OC’s at your own risk. There are many, many different kinds of roses. 
1st photo: 
Explorer (red, left) 
Green Tea (green, right) 
2nd photo: 
Lola (hot pink, top left) 
Free Spirit (pink-orange, top right) 
Shimmer (peach, bottom right) 
High and Magic (red tip orange, bottom left) 
Marzipan (light pink, center) 
3rd photo: 
Carrousel (hot pink, left)
Lighthouse (yellow top)
Purple haze (lavender, right)
Starlight (yellow, bottom.)
4th photo: 
Clockwise from the top. 
Limbo (yellow green, top) 
Saga (medium pink, right) 
Frutetto (pink-green, right) 
Roseberry (magenta, bottom right)
Heart (dark red, bottom left) 
Nectarine (left) 
Deep Purple (top left)
Jade (center)
5th photo: 
Queen Mary (hot pink
6th photo: 
Shocking Versilia (Bright pink, left)
Hummer (yellow, right)
Profiles below!
Explorer disappears off of their social media accounts for months, even years, only to resurface again with a completely different personality, in a different state, and having ‘been through it.’ Won’t share their stories because they just want to be over it and move on, but if you get them alone they will tell you every single trauma. Rumors of their death have been greatly exaggerated, but appreciated. 
Green Tea would like to adopt you and be your grandma. Grows all their own food and over-estimates just how much they can eat and is excited to share the rest. Swears every year that they’re done with zucchinis, but ends up growing them anyway. Can make zucchini bread blindfolded, as a result. 
Lola is a stage presence even when they’re not on stage. Grand entrances. ‘Grandma-ma, its me: Anastaaaaaahsia.’ Best jokes without even trying. Loves the attention, needs to learn how to deal with loneliness. 
Free Spirit doesn’t have to be born in late autumn to be a Sagittarius. Wears sandals everywhere and hates that places require shoes. Would be a nudist if people would stop calling the cops about it. Ignores bad news, plans to live on a compound with 20 or so close friends- presumably who are also down with nudity. 
Shimmer is very pretty but is only just now realizing it. Incredibly strong- can lift most things that other people their size/age cannot, and for awhile thought that this was their only good trait. Doesn’t even work out, just is Like That. Prone to posturing about it. 
High and Magic has read every book on the occult that you can think of and about a billion others. However, it’s not clear on whether they actually absorbed the knowledge of them or read them for the sake of having read them. Owns many robes, but thinks wizard hats are hokey. 
Marzipan has to have someone else accompany them anywhere because they get so nervous at the check-out counter that they forget how to talk or do math. Very sweet, but very shy. 
Carrousel would eat only candy if it were allowed and that is why they are not allowed to go to supermarkets unsupervised. Kind of cranky, but the nap does nothing. Hasn’t bought new shoes in five years because ‘they just need a new insole!’ Sore. 
Lighthouse is an optimist that means it. Party healer. Rants about essential oils, but not in the way you think they do. The person you come to when you want to talk to someone. Will keep your secrets for you, but will also insist you find help. 
Purple Haze is hurt easily- emotionally and physically. They’ve tried to develop a thick skin, but it’s been decades now and it’s just not going to happen. Tries to take on other people’s burdens, gets burnt out easily. Early 2000′s emo music is their guilty pleasure. 
Starlight was obsessed with the X-Files, but mostly because they had a crush on one (or both) of the protagonists. This lead to a life-long dedication to the paranormal (and also shoulder pads). Joined the local ghost hunting chapter, but isn’t convinced that they’re legit. Has seen an actual UFO, swears by it. 
Limbo will read anything by HP Lovecraft and can connect any world disaster to Cthulu’s awakening. Will play more than three tabletop campaigns at one time and manage not to get any of the plotlines confused. Has to explain a lot of things to a lot of people. 
Saga wears haute couture no matter how ugly the dress is. Attracts photographers to them even in the middle of the street.  Loves the camera, camera loves them. Walk, walk, fashion baby. 
Frutetto is in their Sweet Lolita phase and will probably continue to wear it as long as they make cute clothes in their size. Parasols, cherry blossoms, fake eyelashes, actually uses their matching tea sets. 
Roseberry will fucking fight you. Tell them they can’t do something and they will make you eat your words by shoving it down your throat, mother fucker. Often will go out of their way to do something out of spite just because someone said they couldn’t. Forbid them to do something, I fucking dare you. 
Heart accidentally faked their own death and just kind of let things happen from there. Never actually revealed that they were alive, went the extra mile and bought a clever disguise to fool their family and friends for awhile. It... almost worked. Almost. 
Nectarine would happily become a homemaker, spend the day cleaning and tidying, gardening and cooking. Has a million projects they’d love to do if they had the time, but unfortunately they have to work and make money. Waiting to win the lottery so they can just stay at home for the rest of their life. 
Deep Purple joined a girl gang once, but no one believes them when they tell people that, so they just don’t talk about it. Had a wild time in college, doesn’t remember most of it. Keeps a running list of places they’re not allowed back to. 
Jade wants world peace, but oh my god- will they gossip and get in your business. Honestly, the worst at talking about people behind their backs, but if you ask them what they want for Christmas, the answer is always ‘world peace.’ 
Queen Mary has been fighting for so long and the fight goes on forever. All they want to do is rest, but there is so much work to do. Terrible about their own self-care, but will tell other people to stay hydrated. What’s the phrase? “Never set yourself on fire to keep others warm?” Should have listened to that earlier. 
Shocking Versillia has a purse to match every outfit and if they don’t have one that matches they will find one. Same goes with shoes. Thrived in the late 1990′s, now is just trying to stay happy. 
Hummer will chop down a tree just because they feel like it. Impulsive, bad decisions, and a couple broken bones. Learns what they can do by figuring out what they can’t. Knows how to set a splint because they’ve had to do it by themselves; that one time when they went hiking on that unmarked trail and ended up skittering down the side of a cliff? Woops. But hey, that’s one more thing for the list. 
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Get to know me tag
Rules: answer these 84 statements about yourself then tag people
Tagged by: @yeaimfishboi
Drink: Urm water?? Boring I know
Phonecall: probably my nan yesterday?
Text message: Leah (if kkt counts?)
Song you listened to: Drive by Shinee
Time you cried: Urm a couple weeks ago idk?
Dated someone twice: nope
Kissed someone and regretted it: yup
Been cheated on: yup
Lost someone special: I don’t think so
Been depressed: lol yeah. Nearly 10 years I think
Gotten drunk and thrown up: once. Only once. And it was only because I mixed way to many drinks
Favourite colour: (idk why it’s here seems Randi and it was written three times???) black, turquoise
In the last year have you:
Made new friends: obviously
Fallen out of love: nope
Laughed until you cried: yes
Found out someone was talking about you: not that I remember
Met someone who changed you: hmmm yes
Found out who your real friends are: yeah
Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: lol no
How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: At least 75% Idk?
Do you have any pets: I have a cat called Squishy
Do you want to change your name: I already have
What did you do for your last birthday: probably nothing? I can’t remember
What time did you wake up today: like 7am?
What were your doing at midnight last night: scrolling through my chat with Lizzy
What is something you can’t wait for: meeting Raegan
Last time you saw your mother: Sunday
What are you listening to right now: SHOT by Ravi
Have you ever talked to a tom: in school yeah?
Most visited website: tumblr?
Hair colour: natural is dark brown and I hate it. It’s currently pastel blue with a bit of pink, purple and blonde mixed in <it was pastel purple but faded>
Long or short hair: it’s currently short
Do you have a crush on someone: yes
What do you like about yourself: my eyeesss and sass
Want any piercings: no more than what I have now
Blood type: no idea
Nicknames: leilei, Ash, Leigh, panda, <maybe others that I can’t remember>
Relationship status: single
Zodiac: Aquarius
Pronouns: she/her/they/them
Favourite tv shows: rick&morty, Big Bang theory, riverdale, <maybe more?>
Tattoos: currently 3 getting fourth in August
1st: feather on my right collarbone
2nd: music note into life line thingy on my right wrist
3rd: cherry blossom tree/branch on left ribs
4th: bonsai tree with deconstructed yin yang mirrored across the top to the same effect as moon phases
Right or left handed: left ~but right handed with scissors
Ever had surgery: no?
Piercings: two on each ear and nose
Sport: I used to be on the rounders team in school, and I use to dance
Vacation: I’ve never really been on vacation? But I’m planning to go see Raegan. Also wanna go see kait. And Lizzy.
Trainers: the ones I’m currently wearing are vans. I also have converse.
Most general
Eating: last thing I ate is an Oreo Mcflurry. But my fave thing to eat is pasta or pizza
Drink: lemonade
I’m about to watch: nothing right now? Later probably random kpop videos on YouTube
Waiting for: Lizzy to answer <spend about 80% of my life waiting for that hoe to reply>
Want: to be recognised for all my hard work and everything I’ve put in to getting ahead
Getting married: maybe one day
Career: no idea. Would love something to do with writing OR acting OR being able to learn/teach/translate different language OR something related to being a stylist or make up artist?
Which is better
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Lips or eyes: eyes
Shorter or taller: taller
Older or younger: preferably older. But no more than two years younger
Nice arms or stomach: arms? Idk
Hook up or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: both? Like it depends on the situation
Have you ever
Kissed a stranger: yes
Drank hard liquor: maybe? Depends what classes as hard liquor?
Lost glasses: no! I leave them behind but I’ve never lost them
Turned someone down: yeah
Sex on the first date: no
Had your heart broken: yes
Been arrested: not officially
Cried when someone died: no-one close to me has died
Fallen for a friend: yes
Do you believe in
Miracles: Idk
Love at first sight: yes
Santa Claus: no but he is based on a real person
Kiss on a first date: it depends
Angels: I don’t know
Best friends name: Raegan, kait, Lizzy
Eye color: hazel. But more green or brown depending on the light
Favourite movie: Disney, Harry Potter, anything marvel, lord of the rings
Favouite actor/actress: Will Smith, Emma Watson <probably others?>
Tagging: @kpopmainlizzy @kimg-doyoung @fef65b-felix @darkaegyo @gayandallthatjazz
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