#2 parts vodka 3 parts soda
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"No worries, darling..."
(a snippet)
A dignified and not unattractive drag-queen of a certain age, handling her Rose Kennedys very well, affectionately revisits her Democrat activist years for some admiring young gays, as they sit together in a bar.
She gets tearful remembering Bobby Kennedy, and you surprise yourself wondering if that’s Balmoral pink you see, carefully applied to her now slightly trembling lips.
Suddenly, a rude comment disrupts the atmosphere. What a heel, one who manages to insult her age, her sexuality and her political identity all at the same time!
They stand up, the heel and the young gays, a chair toppled down, and the bartender calls: “Hey! No brawls in my bar!”
The ”Rose Kennedy” drag-queen lady gets up as well, planting her feet well on the ground, and facing the man who insulted her. She tilts her head, addressing the bartender: “No worries, darling! And we’re ready for another round, here!”
Then, she half turns in a fluid instant gesture, scooping up energy, and her right-hand fist whams forward like a truck against the offender’s jaw.
Among laughs and catcalls, some acolytes stand in shame by their felled group-leader, who barely manages to get up, before the general counting declares him a knock-out. The group wisely retreat toward the exit, while the bartender puts another glass in front of the drag-queen lady:
“Here, this one’s on the house.”
This little thing I wrote was inspired by a dear friend’s cocktail choice, which made me dream up a fierce and powerful figure, to celebrate this Pride month.
How did that come about?
The cocktail’s name called back for me the memory of Lady Pearl in the old Altman’s movie “Nashville”, when she says: - Only time I ever went hog-wild, around the bend, was for the Kennedy boys. But they were different. -
And then I made her into a transwoman lady, as dignified as Bernadette in “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert”, and in my writing I made her victorious over brutal ignorance.
In real life, I just had to watch in rage a video where three bulky urban police agents beat up and pepper spray transwoman Bruna they were arresting, apparently because she was agitated and causing a ruckus in the street. The fact is unclear. But that violence? See for yourself:
It happened in Milan, on May 25. Now Bruna is looking for justice.
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leclercstars · 9 months
ROCKSTAR [pt. 2]
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Lando Norris x Reader
Summary: Things heat up in your hotel room after Lando and Oscar signed your tits at COTA. It’s okay to drunk text a celebrity… right?
Warnings: 18+ alcohol, sexting, masturbation implied
this one is so fun i cant even lie
You flopped lazily onto your hotel bed. It was almost 1, and you were basically hammered after spending the night in downtown Austin. You got plenty of wide-eyed stares when people noticed the famous signatures prominently displayed on your cleavage. You were still in shock about that whole situation- and it felt like a dream in your drunken haze
You opened your phone to give your best friend back home an update on your weekend- when you suddenly saw the unsaved number in your phone. Fuck. You had ACTUALLY forgotten about that part of your day. You groaned with exhaustion and confusion. What the hell were you supposed to do with Lando’s number? Especially after that comment he made about “saving the pictures for later”
Whatever. You could worry about that in the morning. The vodka sodas spilled all down the front of you coupled with the faded and smeared signatures had you looking like a wreck. You stumbled to the bathroom to get in the shower- hoping that would help you clear your head.
You stripped down and then turned to face the mirror- the signatures now even more visible in your nakedness. You were feeling bold.
“Finally about to wash you off of me lol” you texted Lando. You hastily set the phone face down on the counter- but it buzzed back at you almost immediately.
“Oh yeah? Let me get one last look before you do” Lando responded.
“Is he asking me for nudes right now? What in the actual fuck is my life,” you thought.
You posed in the mirror- leaning forward to push your tits together so the signatures were extra visible. Your nipples were piqued from the coldness of the hotel- but you were so drunk you couldn’t really tell if you actually looked good. Fuck it. You hit send.
A minute passed. Two minutes passed. Your heart was thumping.
“Fuck baby,” was the response you saw on your glowing screen.
“Baby? I can’t believe he’s just coming right out of the gate with the pet names,” you thought.
Was he touching himself right now? You sort of hoped so. You put your phone on silent and jumped in the shower. Why not leave him wanting more? Besides- your drunk brain was not fit to be sexting a famous person.
Part 3 from Lando’s POV???
part 1
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cmncisspnandmore · 10 months
One Night Stand; Part 3
Pairings: Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Reader
Warnings: OOC Simon (kinda?), fluff, alcohol, pregancy, talks of abortion, vomiting,
Summary: Its been 3 months since your night in the sheets with Simon and your life just got a whole lot more complicated.
A/N: I know, I know. okay. I get it. Not everyone like the pregnancy trope, so if you dont im sorry. If i lose some readers for this then im sad to see you go but i hope to see you in future writings i do for the COD men. This is not going to be like other pregnancy tropes that get all mushy and fluffy and light after. This story will be filled with dark themes coming in later chapters that i hope will keep people interseted. We all know Simon Riley's life cant be easy, so if you're still here after this part. Buckle up. Its a wild ride.
Word Count: 5,015
New to the Series? Catch up here: Part 1, Part 2
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The bar looked exactly the same as it did three months ago. The music wasn't as loud, but that was probably because it was still early. Many people were still at work at 5pm on a Thursday.
Not you, you had found a job working online, writing articles for business pages. It wasn't the most exciting thing in the world but it paid well, and it occupied most of your time. An added bonus of not leaving for work was you never had to worry about coming home from the office to find someone on your couch. You shake your head trying to clear the thoughts. You weren't even 100% sure why you were here, the chances that Soap even knew Simon were slim. But he had said he knew almost everyone that came to the bar. 
So there was a chance.
One you couldn't pass up, you had to at least try.
Wrapping your coat around you tighter, you walk into the bar. The dim lights reflect off the shiny tables. A few people sit at them, watching a replay of a game on tv. You glance around behind the bar, looking for the familiar mohawk. 
It pops up from behind the bar towards the end, Soap holds a bin of limes in his arms. He sets the bin down on the shiny black countertop, pulling a small cutting board out from the top of the bin and a knife. He slices a lime in half as you slide into the seat in front of him. His blue eyes meet yours and a smile breaks out on his face. 
“Lass! Good to see ya, you disappeared on me the last time ye were here!” He smiles, turning the lime and cutting it again. 
“Sorry about that, I needed to clear my head, I hope I didn't upset you,” you smile back, placing your hands on the bar.
“Nay, what can I get for ye? Vodka Soda?” he asks, setting the knife down as he turns towards the shelves of alcohol behind him.
“Uh, actually, can I just have water instead?” You bite your bottom lip and Soap nods, grabbing a glass and filling it. He slides the glass of water in front of you, and you stare down into it. 
“Everything okay?” he asks, looking at you with one raised eyebrow. 
“Oh yeah, I'm fine. Early day tomorrow ya know? Don't want to be hung over is all.”
“Aye i get that, so what brings you here?” Soap leans his forearms against the bar, “Miss me?” He smiles.
You can't help but roll your eyes, “Oh totally,” you laugh.
“I knew it, not many women can resist the MacTavish charm,” Soap grins, he stands back up and picks up the knife. He cuts each lime into wedges before putting them in the bin, you reach over grabbing one from the cutting board and squeeze it into your water. 
“Aye! Paw off,” Soap smiles, shaking the knife at you. A smile of your own breaks out on your lips as you watch him. 
“You have plenty to spare, plus someone around here has to keep you busy.”
“I assure you Lass, the folk around here keep me plenty busy,” Soap points over your shoulder where Price and Gaz are walking in. They’re deep in a conversation as they make their way over to where you are sitting in front of Soap. 
Kyle is the first to notice you, and he pauses looking at you over. “Y/n, it's good to see you again, not going to lie. I was kinda sad you left without a goodbye last time,” Gaz takes the seat on the left.
“Sorry about that, I promise to say bye this time. I don’t want to bruise your ego,” You say over the rim of your glass. 
“Good, I don't think I can hear him wallow about it anymore,” Price says as he sits in the stool on your right. “So what do you think of London? Everything you could’ve imagined?”
“It’s alright… It rains a lot more than I'm used to, but it's not too bad. Definitely different from the small town I'm from,” you look over at him. He gives you a small smile, and turns towards Soap. 
“Soap, we ship out tomorrow morning, be ready at 0600 hours,” Price grunts as Soap puts the last lime into the bin. 
“Yes sir,” Soap turns towards the bottles of liquor on the shelf and grabs a bottle of bourbon. He sets it down on the counter with a soft thud, he then grabs two glasses for them, pouring each man two fingers. He slides the glasses across the bar to them, the acidic smell of the bourbon makes your stomach turn. Saliva pools in your mouth as you desperately try to swallow. 
“Oh uh, Soap, I wanted to ask if you knew someone actually,” You take a sip of water, your eyes following him as he moves behind the bar. Soaps bright blue eyes look over at you, his brows furrowed together. 
“I might,” he smiles. A loud noise from behind you startles you, and a drunken man tumbles into the back of your stool. His drink spilling down your back as he leans against the back of the barstool, the smell of the alcohol hits your nose. 
“Oops,” the drunken man mumbles, his breath wafting over your face.
Your stomach rolls, as Price and Gaz help the man up. Gaz and Price half drag him away from you as he continues to mumble about his drink. Gaz says something and pats him on the chest as they pull him to the door. You stand from the chair, the fabric of your coat and shirt now sticking to you. Nausea rolls through you as you try to breathe through your mouth. 
“You alright lass? You look a little green,” Soap is now standing in front of you, a clean bar towel in his hands. He gently pats the towel against your soaked shirt and coat trying to soak up some of the liquid that's seeping into your skin. 
You can't answer, if you open your mouth you’re sure you’ll throw up so you push past Soap and hurry towards the bathroom. Soap follows behind you, pausing at the door to the women's room. You shove open one of the stall doors and drop to your knees. The cold tiles bite through the fabric of your jeans, as the contents of your stomach is emptied into the porcelain bowl. It takes you several minutes to stop dry heaving, your stomach clenching painfully with each contraction of your abs. When the feeling settles you stand, before rinsing your mouth out with some water from the tap. You grab a paper towel, wiping your hands and mouth.
“You alright in there?” Soap calls through the door, his voice laced with concern. 
“Yeah..” you call back, tossing the paper towel into the bin and pulling open the door, “Sorry about that.” You shove your hands into your pockets as you come face to face with Soap. His eyebrows knit together in worry as he looks over you, one hand hovers in the air as if hes going back and forth on if he should touch you or not.
“You su-” he pauses looking over your shoulder, his eyes widened slightly.
“MacTavish, the bar can't run itself…” A familiar voice rumbles, the hair on the back of your neck stands on end. Memories of your night 3 months ago rushes back, that same voice that murmured praise to you as he pounded into you. 
You whip around, at the end of the hall stands Simon, his black hoodie pulled up over his head, his mouth and nose covered by a skull print face mask. His brown eyes widen slightly as he sees you. “Y/n…” he whispers. 
“You two know each other?” Soap muses from behind me, his hands coming to rest on my shoulder as he walks by. An uncomfortable silence settles over the hallway and Soap slips by, muttering “I’ll leave you two alone…” 
Simon takes a few steps towards you, and it seems like he takes up the whole hallway. You look up as he towers over you, his face is unreadable, he lifts a hand, brushing his fingertips across your cheek. It sends electricity skittering across your skin, your breath catches in your throat.
Over the past 3 months you have tried to forget about the man whose brown eyes haunted your dreams. Whose touch caused your mind to go blank. Like someone wiping a harddrive. But there was no forgetting, not anymore. He was here in front of you, sure, you had come to ask Soap if he knew him. But you hadn't expected to run into him tonight. You still had no idea what you were going to say to him. How do you justify just leaving his house at 3am?
“You could've said goodbye, you know… You didn't have to sneak out and call an Uber at 3am..” Simon whispers, and guilt slams into you. He knew you left. He wasn't asleep like you thought…
“I-I..” you stumble over your words, unsure what to say. There wasn't anything you could say really. You knew you should’ve just waited, dealt with the awkward small talk. Maybe even exchange numbers you would never plan on using. But nope.
Instead you fled. Just like you fled after your sister's funeral.
At least you were consistent. 
“I’m not upset, I understand.” Simon adds after a moment, his hands shoved deep in his pockets of his hoodie. 
“Simon.. I.. I’m sorry.. I’ve been going through a lot. And i didnt .. I couldn't face you after that. Not, not that you did anything wrong. Because you didn't! I mean you were great. I just,” You run a hand through your hair. “God, this is not how I wanted this to go.” 
“Breathe. Love, breathe.” Simons hands cup your face and you freeze. “It’s okay, like I said I'm not upset with you,” he lets his hands drop, and you nod. 
“I didn't know you knew Soap,” He muses, leaning against the wall. You shuffle your feet, taking a deep breath.
“Yeah… I met him the same night I met you… You know him too, yeah?” 
“Soap, Gaz, Price and I all serve together,” Simon rubs the back of his neck with his hand, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“Oh! I don't know how I didn't pick up that you were military,” You bite your lip looking down at his black boots. 
“We didn't exactly get to know each other very much that night..” Simon says, and a small blush creeps up your cheeks at the mention of your night together. “So what brings you here tonight?” Simon asks.
The familiar feeling of nausea swirls in your stomach again, you clench your fists, nails biting into your palm. Something you have come to do a lot over the past few months. “I came here to ask about you, actually. I needed to talk to you..” You whisper, and Simon's brows furrow.
“Well you found me.. What did you need to talk about?” He asks, as you chew your bottom lip. Anxiety creeps into your chest, wrapping itself around your lungs like an icy hand. The air rushes from your lungs, your eyes burning with tears.
 How the hell could you turn this man's life upside down?
“Hey, hey,” Simon whispers, his large hands clasp your shoulders steadying you. The world feels a million miles away, like you were floating out in space untethered. Everything sounds muffled, and the lights are suddenly too bright in the hallway. You raise your shaky hands, running them through your hair. A large hand guides you down the hall a little until the bitter cold air of winter in London hits you. You gasp, your lungs filling with the cold air, goosebumps break out along your heated skin. 
The world slowly comes back into focus, soft murmuring in your ear as large arms wrap around your middle holding you against a solid chest. “Breathe, you’re alright, you’re okay… Just breathe, Love.” Simon murmurs into your ear. Tears fall from your eyes, trails of hot tears stream down your cold cheeks. 
“I’m sorry I left that night…” you gasp in between sobs, “and i am so sorry im going to say this…” You whisper the last part. At first you aren't sure Simon heard you but after a moment he turns you around. His arms are still around you as he looks down at you, your teeth starting to chatter from emotion and the wind.
“Whatever you have to say can't be that bad, love. Did you find out you had some like STI or something? Do I need to get tested?” He asks, his brown eyes searching your tear stained face. His hands moving up and down your body in an attempt to warm you up and comfort you at the same time.
You shake your head, if only an STI was the least of your problems. “N-no, i didn't give you anything like that…” you choke out.
Simon watches you as you stand face to face with him in the same alley you met him in 3 months ago. Although this time you’re different, instead of the woman who was caught in her own head. Who was running from demons he couldn't see, trying her best to show the world it couldn't break her. Instead standing in front of him was a woman who was scared, who looked so lost in the world, like she was barely hanging on. He studies you, even as you stand in front of him crying, your entire body shaking. You were still beautiful, and he would be lying if he said he didn't think about you. 
You had haunted him every moment since he heard you leave the apartment. When he heard the door click shut it took everything in him not to follow you out. But he didn’t, he laid there staring up at the ceiling until almost 5, before he got up and started making himself some tea. It was then he noticed the note you left your swirling handwriting on the scarp paper wishing him well. He was saddened to see you hadn’t left a way to contact you, but part of him understood. He had offered you a chance to get out of your head for a while. He hadn’t asked you on a date. He DIDN'T date. 
The onslaught of disappointment was tough for him to swallow. Simon was never upset when a woman he brought to bed left with no goodbye, and a hasty note. Simon preferred it that way, it was better if the one night stands didn’t stick around but for some reason Simon couldn’t stop thinking about you. About how your curves felt beneath his palms. The silky smooth expanse of your skin. The way your moans stirred something deep in him, or the way your eyes told him more than you ever would. 
Now as he looked down at you, standing in the darkened alley way. He knew whatever you wanted to say was about to bring his world crashing down. But instead of the overwhelming feeling to flee, that he normally had when confronting emotional issues like this. Simon wanted to hold you close and tell you that it was okay, that whatever it was you could face it and make it out the other side. During his years of doing interrogations and studying people he had learnt the signs of when someone was teetering on the edge. It was clear in your face and body language that you were one gentle gust of wind from toppling over. Crumbling into pieces he wasn’t sure anyone could put back together.
“What is it then Sweetheart? I’ll help you figure it out, whatever it is.” He whispers, pulling you closer to him, his body heat seeping into you, as the wind blows. You sniffle, your shaking hands coming up to swipe at the tears under your eyes. You take one last breath, eyes closed as you brace yourself.
“I’m pregnant.” 
It’s like the world stopped spinning.
Time was suddenly suspended, as you pried your eyes open to look at Simon. His brown eyes were guarded. His brows pulled together, as his hands stopped their motions for a fraction of a second. Your lungs burned from holding your breath, your throat tight. Every muscle in your body was tense, as you waited for him to say something. Do something. You needed some sort of reaction from him. Yelling, screaming, swearing, anything was better than the earth shattering silence that took place after you muttered the two words you hadn’t yet said out loud since you found out.
It wasn’t like you planned on getting pregnant by your one night stand. Hell. It was the LAST thing you wanted. You were always careful to get your birth control shot every 3 months. But with the chaos of the last few months, somewhere along the line you must’ve missed your last appointment. It wasn’t until you went into your appointment earlier today to get a shot that they had informed you they couldn’t administer it. That you were already pregnant.
The word shocks you, and for a moment you aren’t sure you hear him right. You raise an eyebrow, as you look at Simon.
“Okay?” You ask.
“Yeah, okay. We’ll figure it out.” Simon states, his hands resuming their soothing motion up and down your sides.
“You’re not.. not going to freak out?” You whisper.
“There’s nothing to freak out about, this isn’t just going to go away. So we need to talk about our options, and we will. Just got standing in the back alley of a pub.”
“Okay…” you whisper, as Simon’s hands guide you towards the emergency exit door that he brought you through. The inside of the bar is louder than before, more people have shown up. Soap, Gaz and Price are all talking at the end of the bar. Your glass of water is filled and sitting on a napkin. They all look over when you two walk over.
“Ghost, Soap was just telling me that you and y/n know each other. Small world isn’t it?” Gaz smiles, his brown eyes looking between us. 
“We do,” Simon turns to Price, “I’m going to be bringing her home, I’ll see you at 0600 tomorrow, Captain.” 
There’s a look that passes between Price and Simon, but he just nods, then turns towards you. “I hope to see you again, dear, maybe next time we can all have a nice meal.” 
“Maybe,” you smile, after waving goodbye to Soap and Gaz, Simon leads you out to the street where the cars are parked. 
“Did you drive here?” He asks, looking down at you.
“No I took the bus,” you shove your hands into the pockets of your coat. It was still wet from where the guy spilt his drink, and you shivered.
“I’ll drive you home,” Simon takes your hand, pulling you towards his truck. He pulls open the passenger door and waits for you to get settled in the seat before shutting it. You run your hands together as Simon climbs into the driver's seat. He starts the truck, turning the heat on high.
“Where do you live?” He asks, as he turns on the headlights. 
“On Ashton street, the apartment complex there” from the corner of your eye you see Simon visibly stiffened, but he doesn’t say anything as he pulls away from the curb. The ride is mainly quiet, neither one of you having much to say. As you get closer to your apartment your anxiety starts to grow again. What if he tells you to get rid of it? 
Is that what you wanted? What if he decided he would rather give it up for adoption? Would he help you find a family? Maybe he would tell you he didn’t want anything to do with a baby? Could you deal with a baby? Bile burns in the back of your throat, and you try to swallow it back down. You weren’t about to throw up all over his nice truck. The grimy bathroom of a bar was one thing, but Simon’s leather interior of his car was not an option. Simon turns down a side street, there weren’t many streetlights on this stretch of the drive. You try to focus on the passing shadows but the rolling and twisting in you hug doesn’t let up.
“Can you pull over please?” You whisper, and Simon glances at you. Your hands bunched in the fabric of your coat, your eyes closed as you take deep breaths. Simon eases the car over, barely putting the car in park before you flung the door open and hop out. You move a few feet into the woods, your hands scraping against the tough bark of a tree, as you get sick. Bile burns your throat and nose, tears stream down your cheeks. 
Warm hands gather the hair from your face and hold it back. Holding your hair back with one hand the other rubs up and down your back. It takes several minutes of dry heaving for you to be able to stand up. A handkerchief is suddenly floating in front of you. You take it and wipe your mouth with it, shoving it into your pocket after.
“You okay?” Simon asks, as you take a deep breath.
“Yeah, I’m okay, sorry..” you mumble, as you turn back to the car and climb back in. Simon doesn’t say anything as he climbs in and continues to drive to your apartment. As he parks his car, he glances around, his eyes resting on the boarded up windows of the glass door.
“Everything okay?” You ask, noticing as he stares at the glass like he’s trying to get it to tell him what happened to it.
“Yeah. Sorry, let’s go inside,” he mumbles, climbing out and coming to your side. He pulls open your door and offers you a hand. You walk towards the building Simon’s entire body is tense as some residents barrel out of the door. They’re shouting and swearing as they stumble out, a lit cigarette dangling from their fingers. Simon pushes you behind him, as they pass, he watches as they head over to a parked car and continue arguing in front of it.
“They’ll stop arguing after a while. They do this often..” you mutter to Simon as you take his hand pulling him towards the door. He grunts and follows you up the three flights of stairs to your apartment. You hesitate, your hand on the knob as you take a deep breath. Entering was always the hardest part now, every time your hand touches the handle the images of your family break through the mental box you shoved them into. You let out the breath you were holding and pushed open the door. Flicking on the light switch next to the door. 
Your eyes falling on the empty couch against the far wall in the living room. Some of the tension leaves your shoulders as you stare at the threadbare fabric. You step further into the apartment allowing Simon to slip in behind you. He turns the locks on the door, and reaches down unlacing his boots. 
“I don't have much to offer.. Is water okay?” You ask as you shrug off your alcohol stained coat. The fabric is a sticky mess, the fabric ruined from the drink spilt on it at the bar. Tossing it onto the counter, you head over to the cabinet and take down two glasses. 
“Water is okay,”  Simon walks into your living room and takes a seat. He watches you fill the two glasses with water and you come and sit on the other side of the couch, handing him the glass. 
“When did you find out?” Simons asks, taking his face mask off and shoving it into his pocket and taking a sip of water. 
“This afternoon… I went in to get my birth control shot and they make you do a pregnancy test…” You pull your legs up to your chest, holding the glass of water in one hand. The other hand wraps around your shins keeping them pulled up to your chest.
“Did they tell you how far along you are?” He asks, “So we know what our options are, I mean.” 
“They said based on the blood work, 12 weeks. But I have to go in to get an ultrasound next week..” 
“Okay, so we don't have a lot of time to make a choice… have you thought about what you want to do?” Simon sets his glass down on the table next to the couch.
“I .. I don't know.. I was waiting to hear what you had to say before I made up my mind.” You mumble, your eyes trained on a spot of carpet that is fraying.
“If I'm being honest, I never wanted kids. They were never in my cards… I'm not saying I don't like them, kids are great, I just never pictured myself having any,,” he admits.
Your heart sinks.
Here we go, he's going to tell you to get rid of it, and tell you to delete his number, forget he exists and move on with your life. 
“But, with you, it feels right.. There's just something about you that I can't get out of my head and at the risk of sounding like a total barbarian. The thought of having you in my life until I die because of this baby fills me with excitement. I wanted to go after you when you snuck out of my apartment but I didn't want you to be uncomfortable. The night I spent with you was one of the best nights I've ever had. So if you would like to, I would love the chance to raise this baby with you. Even if it's as friends and nothing more. Because I know that you were put into my life for a reason, and I'm going to take any chance I can get to keep you around,” Simon finishes, his hand coming to rest on your ankle. 
You sit there for a few moments, mind reeling with everything he just said to you. He wanted to raise a baby with you? Just so he could get to know you? Did you really have that much of a profound effect on him? Would he still feel the same when he found out what had happened to you? Could you do this? I mean really do this?
Babies are huge commitments. They were for life; there was no backing out. But the way Simon was looking at you, like he would take on the world for you with barely knowing you. It made you feel like you could do it. As long as you didn't have to do it alone, well, at least not completely. You chew on your bottom lip for a few more minutes, the thoughts rolling around in your head as Simon's eyes trail around your apartment. 
“Okay…” you finally whisper and Simon's head whips towards you.
“Yeah, okay. I-i don't think i can get rid of it anyway… The thought makes me feel sick,” you confess and the tension in Simon's shoulders all but disappears. 
“Alright, we can figure this out. No pressure for us to be together, we can just start by becoming friends, and seeing where things go okay?” He smiles, and its a real genuine smile. Your heart stutters in your chest, and you can't help your own smile that spreads across your lips. 
“If we’re being honest here,” you sigh, wringing your hands together in your lap,”I couldn't stop thinking about you either… I mean, even before all… yeah.. You know.”
Simon's hand comes over to rest on the side of your face, and he leans forward pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only one with lingering thoughts,” he chuckles.
Simon drops his hand and looks around your place once more, a furrow deep in his brow. He opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it, before he notices the time on the clock hanging on your wall. It was almost 10 and he needed to check over his gear before he shipped out in the morning. 
“I hate to do this… but I have to go,” his lips pulled down into a thin straight line.
“Oh right.. You told Price you would see him in the morning…”
“Yeah… Look, i can't tell you much, but i don't know how long i’ll be gone…” he looks around, and grabs the notebook you write your ideas for articles down in and scribbles on a spare piece. “This is my number, i won't promise i’ll respond while i'm away, but if anything happens, call this number 3 times in a row and you’ll get through to someone who can get a message to me okay? But that is only for emergencies, otherwise just text me and i’ll do my best to get back to you, alright?” He tears the paper out, coming to stand in front of you. He presses the paper into your hand. It crumples slightly as you close your hand around it.
“Okay,” you murmur, looking up at him from your spot on the couch. His fingers crush along your cheek as he brushes a strand of your hair back from your face. 
“Be safe, keep the door locked… i’ll be back soon and we’ll go do something fun and get to know each other.” Simon smiles, as he takes a few steps backwards towards the door. 
“I’ll hold you to it,” you smile, “Be safe out there.”
The only response is the soft click of the door.
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Next: Part 4
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dks-smut · 11 months
Somebody… Part 1
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Pairing: Kyungsoo x female reader
Rating: Mature, Explicit af
Word Count: 9,290 (I edited it down)
Genre: Smut, Romance, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers
Warnings: Too many to name. Alcohol, name calling, fucking, choking.
Wanting to give in to temptation; your self-control ran out the back door under the flickering exit sign. Your thoughts are fuzzy as you throw your head back drinking in another abysmally overpriced whiskey sour.
At first, you only came out to listen to a new jazz collective that was stopping by your city. Then, as your tab reaches new heights, a mysterious man comes up to the bar and orders a vodka soda. You roll your eyes as you spot the serious and dark figure turn around and glance at his watch.
The bartender places a napkin down and gently sets his order on the splintered oak counter. He never flinches and purposely turns and clasps his slender fingers around the already dripping glass. Your head starts to get fuzzier as you secretly watch from your periphery, this mysterious figure glancing at his watch yet again.
You huff out at how ridiculous this man looks in this shithole of a bar in the bad part of town. He definitely stuck out like a sore thumb, but in this instance, he too seemed to have a darker wanton side.
He grabs onto your wrist as you set your glass down. Your eyes meet when his other hand, after placing his glass down, lightly traces up your thigh. He smirks, his head tilting low. His eyes release a yearning hunger. His fingertips then travel higher to where you are throbbing and his chest deflates letting out a deep but barely there moan.
You try your hardest to stand and pull your wrist from this mysteriously handsome stranger. His dark fitted suit matching his hair that was pushed back reveals his brown almond-shaped eyes. You twist your torso to try and gain momentum to pull your wrist back again. He pulls harder and you spin back around facing him, his large dark eyes making your thighs press together.
As you stand paralyzed, he leans into your neck; his plump wet lips meet your earlobe. You’re weak and drunk from the night’s previous events which had you getting ditched by coworkers going to see a different local band at another bar nearby. You preferred the quiet and this bar was just that. And yet the stranger whose hand was still up your skirt was the complete opposite, loud. Loud in your head, loud to your eyes, and loud to your pussy.
He whispers, “I bet I can make you come with just my hands.” He wraps his other arm around your nape, his fingers sliding through your hair. Goosebumps form on your arms and scalp; you shiver.
He sees your reaction even under dim lighting. The bartender tries not to notice how close you two have become even though you haven’t spoken a word to each other until seconds prior. You’re strangers, and now his hand slides up farther, barely touching his fingertips to your inner thigh. And higher he goes. His fingers meet your underwear and he ghosts a fingertip over your slit.
He brings his face closer to you, maybe for a kiss but then moves closer to your ear and relishes in seeing the way your breath has been stolen from your lungs. His hand moves out from under your skirt. Your eyes roll back and you blink. You feel as if you could fall into his deep dark eyes. He whispers again, in his baritone voice, “I told you.”
He never backs away from you until the bar starts getting crowded. The table closest to you was vacant, but is now seating six people. You’re feeling exposed now, still standing by the stools at the bar. You are obviously unable to move with his hand still on your nape and his mouth close to your ear.
You hear the patrons pulling out their metal chairs which are scrapped across the uneven planks below. Voices started to rise and the din got louder. And now the bar was no longer quiet, neither was your mind.
The abruptness of the noise startled you causing you jump which in turn caused his hand to lose his grip on your neck. You’re shaking, your knees are weak, and yes, your pussy is dripping. Finally falling into his deep eyes, you grab his wrist toward the exit sign. He moves away from his barstool, grabbing your arm and interlocking it with his. He steps slowly out of the bar and onto the sidewalk. It was now raining, but neither of you had an umbrella.
You both walk quickly down the block until you find an awning in front of a hardware store. There is an awkward silence. You don’t know where this is going, but right now, you couldn’t go anywhere. The rain had you both trapped. Now was as good a time as any to ask his name. His serious, dour, and brooding features made you a little uneasy. The alcohol coursing through your body made you feel a bit safer but standing on a dark, wet street block with hardly any pedestrians next to a stranger was still perilous.
You glance over at him and at the same time his head turns towards you. The night has a slight chill and with the rain, you brush off the drops and shiver slightly. He stares you down and follows your every movement. He starts removing his suit jacket and silently places it around your shoulders. You nod politely and then hesitantly say, “Thank you, sir.” His plump lips turn to a smirk and he says, “Call me Kyungsoo. And it’s a pleasure.”
You’re unable to tell if he can see the pink tint spread across your cheeks. He’s still smirking and staring you in the face as you turn to look down at the sidewalk in embarrassment. It wasn’t just from now knowing his name, a beautiful name, but how his voice rang out deeply afterwards … It's a pleasure.
To shake the feeling you grasp at your purse out of nervousness and shuffle around inside for your cigarettes. You take out the pack, open the flap and take a cigarette from it. While closing it, you hold up the pack towards Kyungsoo and ask, “I know it’s an awful habit. Would you like one?” Smoking while drunk is one of the best feelings other than smoking after a meal or having sex. He nods and expertly grabs one from your pack. While placing the cigarette pack inside your purse, you start rummaging around for a lighter. Kyungsoo notices your frustration and places his hand in his pocket retrieving his lighter. He flips the zippo top and flicks it, the spark igniting into a flame. This noise surprises you and you look toward him with the cigarette dangling from your lips. You lean in while he holds his lighter closer and it’s successfully lit after two drags. He does the same for himself.
You speak after finally inhaling the nicotine, letting the stillness and calm overtake you, “I guess this is where I tell you my name.” Kyungsoo’s eyes grow wide then hooded. He tilts his head back and exhales smoke with his strong jaw jutting out. You're transported back to the reverie of what happened at the bar. You wonder if those thoughts are swimming around in his head as well.
Breaking free of self-consciousness, you tell him your name. His head turns and starts to smile, making a heart shape. He then licks his plump lips to say, “Do you want to go somewhere?” At that moment the rain finally lets up, not completely but enough to see where this night leads.
Still drunk and not sure of how to reply to his question, you stumble against the hardware store window, slipping a bit. The streetlights start to blur creating beautiful patterns that look like fireworks. You almost collapse to the sidewalk. Kyungsoo immediately places his hand above your elbow saving you from ruining your skirt on the dirty sidewalk. He backs away from you while still holding your arm and asks, “Are you all right?” His eyes are tracing you up and down just to be sure you’re not going to tumble forward.
You eventually balance yourself and take another heavy drag from your cigarette. You throw the rest into the gutter on the street. You sigh and reply, “Yes, I am fine. Still a bit drunk. Wanna grab a bite? Maybe to help sober up?” His face is delighted. His eyes turn bright and wide. Again, you both link arms with him taking the lead. Not sure of where he had in mind to eat.
He ends up stepping to the curb and with his free hand, waves to hail a cab. Within a handful of seconds, you see a yellow taxi pull up and stop. Kyungsoo opens the door for you and you step forward and duck into the backseat. He goes around to the other side and slips in next to you. He speaks to the driver in his deep tone expelling a name and address that you didn’t recognize. He slips back into the seat and the car takes off.
You look out your window feeling nervous. You’re not sure why you’ve become so trusting of a complete stranger. Again, not completely strange since he had touched your most intimate area. You’ve maybe spoken a couple dozen words to each at this point, but you felt a longing and a need to be longed for. There was a mysteriousness within Kyungsoo, and you could only presume you were alike and needed companionship. Or just to be in the same space as another human being.
You finally speak up, taking your gaze away from the passing traffic lights that were still blurry due to your drunkenness and the raindrops dotting the window, “Where are we headed?” He peeks over at you, but it’s hard to tell how he takes your question since the car’s interior is quite dark. He slowly lets out, “A diner just not too far away.” It’s barely loud enough to hear even while sitting so close to him.
He then rests his hand on the empty space between you two, and you can slightly feel his fingertips make contact with your thigh. The ride is bumpy, so you are unsure if this is intentional or not. You feel warm and gutsy, so you place your hand on your thigh and slide it down to meet the top of his hand. Such games were usually reserved for nervous teens, but you did not care one bit. You wanted to get closer, closer to him, closer so you could smell him.
Finally arriving at said diner, you both hop out opposite sides of the cab. He places his hand on your lower back to usher you towards the entrance. You both scan the diner; it’s quite empty, but the atmosphere is perfect and intimate. You find a table for two, and take a seat. You have your back to the entrance, while his back is facing a wall. The server comes to greet you two, and asks for drink orders. “Water and coffee, please,” you say out loud while he looks up from the menu and says, “I’ll have the same.” The server nods and says, “Coming right up,” and she walks away.
Alone again, you gaze intently into his eyes trying so hard to understand what he sees in you, a drunken stranger. He matches your gaze until he finally speaks, “Your eyes are the most vivid green I have ever seen. Has anyone told you that?” He never looks away, still with his sharp, round eyes piercing into you. “Is this what you tell all of the women whose skirts are short enough to get your hand under?” You ask him, breaking your stare to see the server walk up to your table with the drinks.
Once the server places your drinks down, she takes your food order. Once she disappears again, he replies to your question, “Really, I don’t normally act this way. I am not the type of person you think I am.” This is the most words he has spoken to you all at once since meeting. You are just falling more and more for him.
His chesty, deep tone is such a turn on and it helps that the voice does not seem to belong to him just by his looks. “So what type are you then?” you ask him in your quiet, but honest tone. “Just a lonely person trying not to feel lonely anymore. Honestly, when I saw you sitting at the bar alone, I wanted to buy you a drink, but that seemed too forward and a bit cliche.”
Your eyes grow large at this confession and you say in reply, “And sticking your hand up my skirt wasn’t too forward? What made you think that was okay and not offering to buy me a drink?” He responds without hesitation, “That’s not what I meant. Really. I’m sorry if I came off too strong and assaulted you. I know you’re a person with feelings and not an object to feel up.” You sit back and in your chair while sipping your coffee. Once you swallow you say, “Thank you. I accept your apology. And by thank you, I mean for doing what you did to me. This has never happened to me before, and to be frank, I really liked it.” A smirk adorns his face almost instantly once he hears your reply.
“So, since you’re still here, sitting with me and having dinner at 1:30am, I am going to say that you like me.”
“Well, that is quite presumptuous.” you say with an air of disgust. “And I assume the feeling is mutual?” you say to qualify your previous statement as not to come off as too angry.
“It is. I like being with you,” he simply replies while taking a sip of coffee. “I’m glad you’re here, and I’m glad you’re still here.” You smile and start to blush. You wipe your mouth and place the napkin on the table and say, “Me too. Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom. Be right back.”
He nods and continues eating. He wantonly watches as you walk toward the bathroom and notices the way your skirt sways in opposition to your hips. Oh god, I am enamored by this woman. I can’t help but think of what her breathy moans sound like, especially in ecstasy. I want to hear her say my name in between whines and exhales, thinking to himself.
He clears his throat and takes a sip of coffee to shake his thoughts. He didn’t want you to come back and see him this way.
As you reach the bathroom, you shut the door and lock it. You rest your hands on the counter and look at yourself in the mirror, trying to catch your breath. I can’t believe this is happening. He chose me. How is this happening? you think while splashing cool water on your cheeks. I wonder why he kept glancing at his watch. Did he get stood up and think I was the next best thing to get his dick wet on? You dry your hands and shake those thoughts, straighten your outfit, and walk out.
Just in time, he straightens himself out and starts to unbutton his cuffs to roll his sleeves up, you saunter back to your seat. You notice his precise movement; his sinewy arms make you force your thighs together. You had just finished freshening up, but the sight of his bare forearms will cause another mess to clean up.
You perk up and say to him, “Something on your mind?” he responds with just a nod, so you press further, “Well, you wanna share?” He repeats the same question back to you which causes you to lean forward, resting your elbows on the table. “Maybe there is. I’m not sure how to say this. It's quite embarrassing.” you say, careful so other patrons cannot hear. “Try me,” he stated. His eyes never budged from your stare. “I am completely turned on by you. I’ve always wanted somebody…” you trailed off. “Somebody who?” he responds, waiting for you to continue your thought. You are unable to finish and just asked, “You ready? I’m full and feeling sleepy now.”
He nods and says, “Sure. Let’s go. Where do you live?”
“Very close actually. I’m surprised I never noticed this diner before. I have to be at work pretty early. I can walk,” you hinted. “Would you like for me to walk you home?” he offers with concern in his eyes, not ready for this night to end. “Please, that would be wonderful.” you reply, eyes sparkling. He smiles his beautiful smile, his lips shifting into a heart.
You both make your way down the damp sidewalk toward your apartment. You offer his suit jacket back, and he says, “No, please keep it. I hope to get it back when I see you again,” smirking again. Nearing closer and closer to your building, you sigh, which he notices immediately. “God, it’s been such a long yet surprising night,” you mumble as you search for your keys.
“It’s been a night to remember,” he concurred. He follows you up the stairs to the lobby door. You turn away from him and start to enter the passcode when he suddenly places his hand over yours to bring it to his chest. You spin around suddenly facing him. He brings your hand up to his full, plump lips to place a kiss on your palm. You are swooning and step closer to him.
He releases your hand, but you don’t want this to end. You fill the empty space between you two and just stare into his beautiful eyes. He leans in closer and places his lips onto your cheek, then lower onto your neck. You gasp from his surprising movement, and a moan escapes your throat. You can then feel his lips turn to a smile moving lower from your neck to your collarbone. He is definitely enjoying this, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t.
You separate and he takes his phone out then asks for yours. You trade phones, and type your number into his. You name your contact with just a heart emoji. You swap phones and see he names his contact in your phone as, ‘Somebody…’.
“I hope we can see each other soon,” you blurt out and quickly enter your passcode and disappear behind the double doors. You try your hardest not to look back as you wait for the elevator.
Once you enter your dark and quiet apartment, you collapse against the wall adjoining your bedroom. You think to yourself, how is this possible? Who was this man? I cannot believe this just happened. How can I know this is real?
After a shower, you fall into bed ready for your dreams to overtake you. You remember his suit jacket, and go and grab it from the kitchen counter where you threw your purse. You place it on your face and inhale deeply. God, he smells so good. Just as you are about to actually fall asleep, hugging his jacket, you hear your phone vibrate. A text from Kyungsoo reads, “I hope you sleep well,” then another text with just a heart emoji.
You awake the next morning and before climbing out of bed, you suddenly remember the past night’s events, thinking it was all a dream. You go about your daily routine at work. Not a moment goes by without thoughts of his beautiful round eyes, plump lips, and amazing smile. You take a peek at his text to you from last night. Each time, a smile forms and you become lost in a reverie.
You think to send a text back at that moment saying, “I hope you’re having a lovely day.” You press send, then start typing another message, “I cannot stop thinking about last night.” Once you send that text, you immediately see that he is typing a response. You anxiously await while tapping your foot on the ground. Finally, you read it, “Likewise. I cannot wait until my lips are back on you.” You look up from your phone and blush, hoping your coworkers don’t notice.
You see him typing another message, “Can we see each other tonight?” Just then your boss comes over to ask about an assignment, you quickly place your phone face down on your desk. The day gets away from you since it has been pretty hectic at work. You realize you never responded to Kyungsoo. While walking out at the end of the work day, you hurriedly type a reply to his question, “I am so sorry, work was crazy today. Yes, please. Let’s meet up tonight. My place? Nine o’clock?” You press send.
Once you get to your place, you start to feel nervous but excited. You remember the way he smells just then and your knees get weak. You snap out of it, yet again, and let the warm water of your shower wash over you. Your mind starts to churn with all the thoughts of what tonight may hold.
You’re twiddling your thumbs, sitting on your couch, when your phone buzzes. You see it’s Kyungsoo calling. You take a deep breath and answer, “Hey you.” Your tone is bright, but not too bright. You don’t want to seem too excited or eager. He responds with a bass laden voice, “Hey you, too. Is it okay if I come by soon? And I really wanted to hear your voice.”
A huge smile covers your face, “Please do. I love hearing your voice too. It’s so fucking hot.” Thinking you said too much he chuckles and it deeply resonates, going straight to your throbbing pussy. “I’m glad you think so. Be there soon, sweetie.” He hangs up and you place your phone down. His using a term of endearment furthers your anxiousness.
Now slightly drunk on thoughts of him, you decide to pour yourself a glass of red wine. You grab another glass in preparation for his arrival. When is ‘soon’? I hope it’s sooner than now.
After taking a couple of sips from your glass, sitting in the silence of your apartment, you hear a ding from the intercom system. You buzz him up. You start to pace around, from your couch to the front door and back.
You hear three knocks on your door. You take a deep breath and open it. He’s wearing something more casual than yesterday, a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. He looks delicious. Black is definitely his color, it matches his tan skin tone so well. The outline of his pecs through his shirt is something to behold as he steps inside.
“Miss me?” he chuckles while walking toward your couch. You point to the empty glass sitting on the coffee table. He nods and you sidle between the coffee table and couch to sit next to him. You pop the cork off the bottle while he holds up the glass for you to start pouring.
“It would be a lie if I said I didn’t,” you say cautiously while bringing the glass to your lips. You place your knees to your chest and rest your feet on the couch, getting quite comfortable and facing his direction, an empty space between you two. Kyungsoo turns his torso to match your direction. He sips his wine and his lips turn burgundy. He sets the glass down on the table and says shyly, “I definitely missed you even though it hasn’t even been 24 hours since we first met. You have such a hold on me. Shall we get to know each other?”
“Yes, I would love that. What would you like to know?” you ask and then he abruptly speaks without room for silence, “I want you to finish the sentence you started last night at the diner. You know, when you said ‘somebody…’ and started to trail off. Please elaborate.”
“Well, I wanted to say what was on my mind but felt that since we were strangers, I had to have a bit of self preservation. I’m scared. Us meeting in the bar the way we did scares the hell out of me. I don’t want to get hurt and broken.”
“Why would you think I’d hurt you?” he asks quixotically.
“Every time I’ve put myself out there, I’ve been burned and had my heart smashed,” you say, “You must understand. Every heart that’s been loved has been broken in one way or another. I wanted to save myself from that,” you say, and guzzle the rest of your wine down.
“Please tell me. I’m here and I’m listening,” he quickly responds. He fills your glass up and tops his off.
“I’ve always wanted somebody to love me for me. With all of my faults, idiosyncrasies, and ugliness. Wanted isn’t the correct word. I need somebody. I am willing to do the same. I am looking for a missing puzzle piece, I suppose,” finally responding to the question that has apparently been eating at him since last night.
He closes in the distance between you two on the couch and his hand rests gently on your shoulder. Your head drops to the side nuzzling his hand and you’re finally touching. You have longed to be in his presence since departing last night, and your wish has come true. You feel safe and warm (not the wine talking) being near him. Now it’s time for you to ask him questions. “Tell me about yourself. I want to know every thought that went through your head when you first saw me in the bar.”
Removing his hand from your shoulder, he sits up, preparing to bare his inner thoughts. “I felt a connection before I even saw your face. There was a loneliness, like I said before, that I was feeling and could tell there was a somewhat hidden melancholy about you too,” he finally says. “I’m sorry if that doesn’t make sense, but it’s something I’ve never felt in another’s presence. I felt like we needed each other, to lean on, to talk to, to count on.” he says. He laid his soul bare, and likewise with yours. You start getting closer and closer to one another on the couch. You both tip your glasses back and finish off the rest of the wine; the bottle is empty.
You’re about to get up from the couch and ask if he’d like for you to open another bottle, but he puts a hand on your leg and shakes his head. “I want to remember everything.” he says in a hushed tone. His smooth yet husky tone rang in your ears. You coyly smirk at him and nod.
You gather your courage and reach over to him and place both arms around his neck, resting on his shoulders. “I do too,” you respond quietly. You’re both gazing into each other's eyes again, because god, his eyes are so clear, but dark, and wide, it’s so easy to get lost. You finally embrace passionately, lips meeting at long last. He starts to bite your lower lip which causes you to moan out, a little surprised but mostly turned on. He opens his eyes for a moment only for you to close the gap this time and press your lips to his, continuing at a fevered pace. Neither of you are able to contain the excitement, and his tongue swirls around your lips wanting to meet yours. You oblige and exhale a quiet whine which causes him to lower your back down on the couch.
Both of you break apart just long enough to catch your breath, and then he’s hovering over you again. His large, plush lips glide down your neck to your sternum. Your legs are pressing together to gain some friction in the area you need most. He is balancing himself on his hands with his legs on either side of yours. His lips are back on your neck and his hand reaches for your waist, and slides his fingertips beneath your shirt.
His slender fingers rest on your ribs and stop. His hot tongue pressing more passionately within your mouth while also groaning when you twitch from his hand going higher to meet your breast over your bra. Your arms wrap around his neck pulling him even closer. Then you drop your hands and reach behind his back to start lifting his black tee up. The air becomes stifling, the atmosphere suffocating.
He rises to his knees, and lifts his shirt up and off himself, throwing it on the floor. You’re still lying there, staring in awe at his physique, toned but not muscular. He’s honestly perfect. His eyes grow wide at you staring up at him. You love the expression on his face, half surprise and half mirth.
He kneels down toward your body again and places more and more soft kisses across your neck and back to your lips. While doing so you breathlessly ask, “Why did you keep looking at your watch last night? Were you expecting someone?” Your fingers are freely able to feel his warm, naked skin.
More moans escape your throat and he starts to grunt when your hips rise to meet his. Showing him how eager you are to continue, he lifts your shirt up which causes you two to disconnect from the fevered wet kisses. In the next moment, you’re back on each other like ravenous animals.
Feeling like your breath is being taken from you like drowning, you push up on his chest. He stops immediately and says, “Are you okay? Do you want to continue? Please tell me if I’m hurting you.” Thankful for his reaction, you pant, “Yes, I’m more than fine. I just need a minute to catch my breath. Please don’t worry. Will you answer my question?” You sit up which causes him to move farther upwards. He is still hovering over you, knees on either side of your legs. You feel bereft, wishing how you could do without oxygen if it meant being as close as possible to him.
He finally provides an answer to your question, “I was expecting my friend to show up, but he never did. I thought I was reading the time wrong. He always ditches me.” You frown, “I’m sorry, but luckily he did because we wouldn’t have met.” He smiles down at you with the loveliest gaze.
The break had lasted long enough, when you began to kiss his stomach, which was at your eye level. He twitches, then groans enthusiastically. His stern voice rattles, “You really have no idea what you’re doing to me, do you?” He then starts to grin and his thick dark eyebrows furrow; angry he’s not closer to you.
Your arms move around his waist as you leave wet trails down his stomach and closer to the top of his pants. You begin to unbutton his jeans, unzipping them as well. You slowly slide your hands down his hips into his pants to lower them. You are still kissing his toned stomach while he moans, causing you to smirk, hearing your effect on him.
Your eyes are staring at his bulge straining in his jeans. His eyes watch you watching him. He quietly asks, “What are you thinking about?” You perk up and lift your chin to make eye contact with him. Your gaze is heavy as you mutter, “I’m scared to say. It’s kind of embarrassing,” and look back down at the outline of his dick in his jeans.
“Come on. Tell me, please,” he begs while tilting your chin back up. “I’ll tell you if you tell me.” you move your legs from in between him and sit up. You walk over to your counter and grab another bottle of wine. When you return, you realize you’re only in a bra and sweatpants. You start to cover yourself with your arms, and sit back on the couch.
He has moved from kneeling to a sitting position, head tilted back on the sofa. He exhales and groans quietly to himself, maybe out of frustration. His pants are still unbuttoned and unzipped but just below his hips; you can see the band of his black boxer briefs. He moves his head up away from the back of the sofa, and runs his hand through his hair in the sexiest way you’ve ever seen. You watch him from your periphery while pouring you both another glass of wine. Your pussy starts to throb again so you chug your glass down and pour another. This is all starting to become too much but you want to continue but are so afraid at the same time.
You have real feelings for this man, but once you’ve fucked, he may disappear forever. You hate being stuck in between, almost as if after having sex, he’ll fall into a black hole and never return. What if you’re not good enough? Not sexy enough? Bad at sex? What if he hates your body or the way you laugh or pick through your food? Pondering these questions while your pussy leaks and throbs is difficult. It’s even more difficult as the room starts to spin with your drunkenness. How do you proceed? I guess you could answer his question by not saying the things you are thinking.
“Hey, easy there,” he says after you down another glass. “It’s okay. I want to remember this. And I want you to remember me. Remember us,” he continues. It’s all becoming so much that your eyes start to well up and a tear drips down your cheek toward the corner of your mouth. “I’ll tell you what I’m thinking,” you finally say without him trying to notice the words getting caught in your throat.
He sits up, lifts your chin so you’re looking at him. He leans in and presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth where your tear disappeared, tasting its saltiness. He kisses you with more passion while his thumb wipes the wetness from your cheek. Your hot tongues meet again and then a beautiful groan vibrates from his throat. You move your lips away from his as you grab his wrist that was stroking your face. “I want you to fuck me so hard but I’m afraid this will be the last time,” you whimpered. “I want to see you again. I want to know you. I want to taste you and feel you,” you say with more conviction thanks to the alcohol.
His eyes are intensely focused on you as you say this, pupils dilating. He speaks without breaking eye contact, “It won’t be the last time. I am so taken by you, your personality, your laughter, your face, the taste of your lips and your tears.” His other hand, the one you aren’t holding, reaches behind your neck to suddenly pull you closer to him until your foreheads meet. “I mean it. It’s not the alcohol talking or my dick. Even though you make me so hard,” he says as his deep voice cracks.
You place your other hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat erratically. Your heads separate and you both face forward toward the coffee table. You both take a few more sips from your glasses. Your thighs rub together, still feeling aroused. You’re staring off in the distance not knowing what to say or do next. He speaks up with a deeper tone this time, “I thought about you last night when we parted at your building; after I kissed your neck. I wanted to feel your lips on mine so badly but didn’t want to overstep.”
Your haziness is broken by his voice when you turn to face him, again you cover your chest, feeling exposed. “I wanted to call you and hear your voice before I went to sleep. You made me so fucking hard when I left. I jerked off thinking about how my name would sound coming from your lips. How you would look under me and how amazing your pussy would taste on my tongue. I’ve never had those thoughts about someone I’ve known for only a couple of hours. Then I had a wet dream about you moaning on top of me with my name on your lips. I can’t get you out of my mind.”
You jaw all but hits the floor while he’s still explaining in detail how he jerked off thinking about you. And then dreaming about you. What are you supposed to say in reply? Your head was still spinning but now from his words and less from the wine.
You slide towards him and whine out, “I wanted to kiss you so badly last night once you kissed my neck. Your lips looked so soft and irresistible. I couldn’t stop thinking about your hand up my thigh in the bar; my pussy has been aching ever since. I went to bed thinking about you and woke up, went to work still thinking about you. Your face, your voice, those plump lips on my skin. I thought about your fingers in my cunt. I was so wet when I woke up this morning. I want to kiss and suck your cock until you can’t breathe.” Now his mouth is agape and he’s aghast at you telling him your dark secrets. His head is tilted down but his eyes are up still looking at you, now with hunger.
He suddenly grabs you by both of your bare shoulders and kisses you hard, with fervor, with want. His kisses are electrifying and delicious. He forces his tongue into your mouth and saliva starts your drip from the corners of your mouth. He bites down on your bottom lip hard, pulls it, and goes back to devouring you. Your hands are around his neck and you reach up and tug his hair, running your nails through his scalp. At this, he shudders and groans. He unwillingly leaves your lips for your neck, and down to your collarbone again, which reminds you of last night’s goodbye. You whimper his name while gliding your hands down his shoulder blades, lighting scratching.
While continuing down your chest, he moves your left bra strap down your shoulder, exposing your breast. His wet, warm lips suck your nipple and he starts to bite and pull it, like your bottom lip. This makes you moan his name loud, louder than he’s ever heard you. “Fuck, that’s what I imagined you sounded like. You are so fucking hot,” he says after he releases your tit. Before he can say anything else, you grab his face and kiss him, pushing your weight into him.
As soon as his back falls onto the couch, you hear a boom of thunder and flashes of lightning outside your window. Rain starts to beat down, dripping down your window, like your pussy right now. The lights inside start to flicker, once, then twice, then out completely. The both of you stare out the window, then you fumble off of him in the darkness.
You feel around for your phone, and in the process your hand touches his dick straining through his jeans. He moans and grabs your hand as you reach away and places it back on his bulge. With your phone in your other hand, you can see his expression in the glow; wonton, with crazy and dark eyes that turns you on so much. “Please, I want to see you. Let me find some candles,” you plead. He huffs and helps you sit up.
You fix your bra strap and cover your breast and hop up carefully and go into the kitchen. You shine your phone light as you find a lighter and candles. You shakily light them, and thunder booms again outside. God, this storm and power outage has the worst timing, you say to yourself. You can feel wetness between your legs and you place the candles around, creating a romantic ambiance in your apartment. You can now see him in the flickering shadows still sitting on your couch, legs spread wide, looking very frustrated that you’re not next to him.
“That’s better,” you say as you sit down next to him. “Yes, it is. Fuck, come here. I need you. You’re so beautiful,” he whispers and grabs you. He forces you down onto your back and hovers over you once again. You spread your legs open which gives him room to settle in between. You lift your hips to grind onto his dick which makes him lose it. He presses himself into your center thrusting to meet your movements. With your eagerness showing, he starts leaving marks on your neck behind your ear and moves down, nipping at your skin and sucking.
You are so overwhelmed at this point and cannot take it anymore. You need him inside of you now. But again, your thoughts of him leaving after the deed is done swims in your mind. Contrary to what your body is telling him, you say, “Please go slow. I want this to last. I don’t want this to end.”
“Oh, baby, I will. I want this to last forever. I hope I can make it without coming in my pants first,” he stutters as he’s still kissing down your neck. He comes back up to devour your lips.
The shadows on the wall mirror your movements on the couch with him. The only noises are the rain pattering at your window, the thunder, his groans, and your whines. He smells so good. His hair, his clothes, everything. His scent turns you on even more and you start grinding into him again like before the power went out. He presses harder into your core and the feeling of his hard dick makes you see stars.
His hand goes back to your bra strap and forces it down and it snaps against your arm. You can tell he is getting more and more desperate by the deep grunts he’s making. “God, I need more,” you whimper. He takes that as a sign and places his hand behind your back and unclips your bra. He yanks it off your chest, down your arms and throws it into the darkness not illuminated by the candles.
He kneels and sits back on his heels in awe, in a daze. This makes your skin hot and your cheeks red. You ask him, “What is it? Are you okay?” His deep stare is not waning, eyes darting from your breasts up to your lips, then eyes, and back down again to your chest. When you reach out to touch his forearms, he shivers and says, “Oh my god, yes. You are so beautiful. I’m trying so hard not to come.”
Just then, he starts to touch your breasts and you smile up at him. He pinches and fondles both of your nipples while moving down toward you. His lips are on one nipple and his hand rubs the other. Each pinch and touch causes you to grind into him with more fervor. Your hands grab at his thick black hair and then slide down his back.
His tongue goes lower toward your navel then to the top of your sweatpants. You lift your hips and he grabs the elastic and pulls them off. Now you’re just in your black cotton underwear while he’s only wearing his unbuttoned and unzipped jeans. He places more kisses above the seam of your underwear and darts his tongue out. You yelp, “Please more! More! I’m so wet!” His dark eyes turn up at you quickly while still swirling his tongue around. “I can smell you, it’s so fucking hot,” he says in a deep whisper.
He sticks his fingers into the seam of your underwear on your hips and starts to slide them down. His movements are slow and calculated and his fingernails graze your thighs on the way down. Now, completely naked, he goes into his lost gaze again in awe of your body. You buck your hips up toward him letting him know you’re so eager for his hands and mouth to make contact with you again. He takes the hint and grabs the back of your knees and pushes them on your chest, open wide so he can see you properly.
He places soft kisses on your inner thigh very close to your core. Your legs go over his shoulders and he starts to rub your labia. He moans in your core, “You are so wet, holy shit. I love it. Fuuuck.” He finally places his tongue between your slit and you arch your back in ecstasy. Your muscles tense up and your thighs squeeze around his neck. He groans into your core in response and begins to suck on your clit. You completely lose it when he does this, finally where you want him, after all this build up.
Just then, the lights flicker on and then back off, then on again. The lights stay on now, just your lamp in the living room and the stove hood light are on. You look down on him in surprise at the sudden appearance of his features. He bends his head away from your pussy to look at you. His lips are swollen, his cheeks are flushed, and your wetness covers his mouth down to his chin.
“This is better, I can see all of you. Do you want to move to your room, or is this fine?” he asks while gasping for air. “I don’t want you to stop, please, I need you,” you whimper in reply. “Please do whatever you want to me. I just want to be close to you,” you add, then he nods and dives back into your pussy. Continuing to suck on your clit while pinching your nipples.
You arch up just enough to hold the sides of his face and gasp out, “Please, take off your pants. I want your cock.”
“Patience, babe. In time. I feel like I will come as soon as you touch my dick,” he says, eyes glazed over. You smirk, “Yeah, but we can fuck more.” He nods, consigned to what’s about to happen, inhaling hard. He takes your legs off him and starts to strip out of his pants and his underwear. His cock slaps up against his stomach and he moans. You can see his tip is swollen and wet.
“Holy shit, you are fucking sexy. So thick,” you whimper out. He breaks eye contact, embarrassed at the compliment, blushing. “You are so hot when you talk nasty like that. Are you a slut?” he asks, looking back up to you, an eyebrow flicking up, creating wrinkles in his forehead.
Your eyes widen in shock at his question. Then you smirk because you really are, but never felt comfortable enough to be dirty. “I am a slut. Just your slut. Fuck me hard until I can’t see. Please baby,” you whine to him, never breaking eye contact, hoping he can feel the weight behind your words.
“Shit, you are bad. I will do whatever you want me to,” he groans deeply exhaling loudly, obviously affecting him to the core.” Your head still spins from the alcohol but his stare is making you drunker. “I love when you call me baby,” he says and grabs your throat to pin you back down onto the couch. He feels your pulse, your blood coursing through your veins. “Oh my god, yes! Please more,” you yell out.
His grip on your throat is making your eyes roll back and close. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on in your life. You’ve only slept with one other person. He broke your heart. He cheated and you felt lost, deciding to never get this close to anyone again. That was years ago and since then you’ve longed for someone to take control of you, use you, doing whatever they pleased, whenever.
“Use me. Control me. Please,” you coo and plead. “Tell me if it’s too much. I don’t want to hurt you in any way,” he rasped, still unsure if he could hold his load any longer. While still pressing into your neck, he reaches down to stroke your clit. Then he takes his soaked fingers and wraps them around his engorged cock, lubricating it. He does this back and forth a few times while trying to control his breathing. Suddenly, he asks, “Do you want to use a condom?” You shake your head immediately, just saying, “I’m on the pill. Give it to me.”
He runs his tip up and down your slit, smirking because he gets to feel all of you. He smacks his dick against it a few times which causes a voracious moan to emit from your chest. Your nipples are hard, he’s choking you, all the while teasing you and himself. Your eyes shut tight, unsure of how painful this will be since it has been years since you’ve been fucked. He places his tip closer to your entrance and pauses, “Open your eyes. I want you to look at me while I fuck you.”
It takes a lot of strength to finally open your eyes. You meet his gaze and his hand releases a bit of pressure from your throat to rub your cheek. “That’s better,” he says and starts to press on your neck again. You can feel the head of his dick against you. He’s thick and you’re not sure if it will be a smooth fit. It will take some adjustments and patience.
He slowly presses his tip in and stops when he hears you squeal and sees your eyebrows furrow in pain. He slides out and asks, “Are you all right? Do you want me to stop?” Again, you shake your head then confess, “It’s been a long time since I’ve had sex. I’ve only been with one other person. It may take a bit to make it comfortable. Plus you’re very thick. It’s bigger than I’ve ever taken.” He cannot believe someone as beautiful and kind has only been with one other person sexually. “I will be careful. I’m sorry. How can men not want to fuck you?” He groans and lines up to try again.
Even though you are sopping wet, he tries eagerly to press back into you. His tip pops in again which makes you wince. Gathering yourself, you hold his arm and say, “Please it’s okay. It feels so good but go easy and slow.” You open your eyes to match his sultry gaze. He slips a bit more in but slowly removes his dick inhaling every time trying not to bust.
Working just the tip in back and forth, he bites his bottom lip and groans each time. It is the sexiest, deepest sound you’ve ever heard. He is wincing every time he enters you because you’re so tight on his cock. You finally say, “Fuck me! I don’t care if it hurts! Do it!” He hesitantly listens and fucks into your cunt all the way. He stops once he’s buried to the hilt. The feeling is overwhelming. A mix between pain and pleasure. You both moan at the same time, still deeply gazing into each other’s eyes. “Fuck you’re pussy is gripping me so tight!” he yells, and looks down to where his dick disappears into your cunt.
Holding your legs open and back to get a better view, he starts to thrust all the way out, then back in forcefully. You whine as he uses one hand to rub circles on your clit, still fucking you with urgency. You moan out, “Shit, I’m so close! You’re gonna make me come!” He exhales heavily and responds, “I am too. Can I come inside you?” You choke a ‘yes’ as you’re starting to hit your peak. You start shaking and grinding to meet his thrusts. You can feel his dick throb inside you, getting bigger. “I want to feel you come on my cock, please,” he mumbles out, his hair falling in his face. His words make you yell out, “I’m coming!” while repeating his name over and over as your pussy constricts around his dick.
You can tell he is very close and you’re shivering, sensitive from your climax. He never lets up fucking into you which prolongs your orgasm. He grunts and moans and empties himself into you. You can feel every spurt of his come as he’s still thrusting, giving you everything he has. His loud moans give way to quiet exhales as he’s still reeling. He leans down toward your lips and starts kissing you hard, still lightly thrusting, never wanting this to end. The feeling of your wet pussy, dripping with his come, is almost too much for him to continue being inside of you.
He ravenously swirls his tongue inside your mouth, dripping with saliva. He leans up again to look into your beautiful eyes. You cannot believe this happened and whimper, “You are amazing. That was so good.” He smiles wide and nods, “Your pussy was made for me. You feel so fucking amazing.” He’s still lightly thrusting into you, getting hard again. He finally pulls out completely and his cum drips down your ass and onto the couch. “Hang on, let me get a tissue.” He raises himself off of you and walks toward the kitchen. Your legs collapse down on the couch and you sigh, still breathing heavily.
He comes back in seconds and you can see his dick is still hard, standing at attention. At the sight, you moan and look from his cock up to his face. He smirks and furrows his brows, “You want me to fuck you again? I fucking need more. I cannot get enough.” You spread your legs as he's cleaning his come off of you and the couch. While doing so, you say, “I need a fucking cigarette. I’ve never come so hard and so long before in my life.”
You’re still naked as you walk toward your bedroom to grab your cigarettes. You smile as you see a joint you rolled days ago but never got around to smoking. An idea forms. Kyungsoo is still sitting stark naked on your couch, curious what’s taking you so long, he gets up and peeks around your door frame. He sees your plump ass bending down to your bedside table, he becomes insatiable. Just then, you turn around and ask, “Wanna share this joint with me? Do you smoke weed?”
“Yes, please. You turn me on more and more,” he responds. “How is this possible? That you’ve only ever been with one other man?” he adds, still in disbelief that you’re with him right now and no one else. You sit on your bed and light a cigarette and offer him one. He walks over to you to sit next to you on the edge of your bed. You’re trying hard not to stare at his hard cock as it starts to sway with each step toward you. Once the bed sinks with his weight, you light his cigarette. When doing so, the light flickers across your chest and you see him lose it at the sight of your small, perky tits, nipples hard. The red marks on your throat from him choking you and the little bruises he sucked onto your skin.
To be continued. Let me know if you’re horny enough for more.
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happypedrohours · 4 months
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Hello beauties!! 😃 The week is finally coming to an end, TGIF and I hope that during the weekend you can rest, relax and recharge your batteries! ☺️
Today your trusted bartender offers you two recipes inspired by our favorite man's musical taste.. 🫡
*Mocktail* - Xanadu -
4 parts guava nectar (2 oz.)
4 parts fresh lime juice (2 oz.)
2 parts falernum (1 oz.)
2 parts half-and-half (1 oz.)
Combine all ingredients with cracked ice in a blender. Blend at low speed until smooth. Pour into chilled champagne flute. Enjoy! 😊
*Cocktail* - Purple Rain -
3 parts handfuls of party ice (1 1/2 oz.)
2 parts vodka (1 oz.)
1 part grenadine (1/2 oz.)
1 part lemon juice (1/2 oz.)
1 part lime juice (1/2 oz.)
1 part blue curaçao (1/2 oz.)
Soda water
Fill a shaker with party ice and add the vodka, grenadine, lemon juice and lime juice and shake well. Fill your glass with party ice and strain the mixture over the ice before topping up with soda water. To finish, slowly pour the blue curaçao over a spoon into your glass to create your tie die cocktail. Enjoy! 😊
I hope these can give you inspiration for the big event… are you ready to celebrate the beginning of summer?!?
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Note: please know that it is absolutely not mandatory to drink alcohol to participate in the event. We love the sober people in this family. You do what you are most comfortable of doing. And in general, please drink responsibly!
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teddybear1644 · 6 months
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The Eclipse Cocktail
Put the 50ml fresh orange juice, 25ml vodka, 25ml triple sec and 15ml fresh lemon juice in a shaker filled with ice; shake well. Strain into a glass with more ice, top up with soda water, then garnish with fruit.
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The Moon Drop
Put a glass into the freezer to chill for at least 30 minutes before making this drink. In a shaker, place 1 cup seedless black grapes, thinly sliced and one of the 2 rosemary sprigs in 1 ounce simple syrup (equal parts of sugar and water dissolved). Muddle very well. Add the 1.5 ounces Spice 94 Seedlip, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 6 ice cubes. Shake vigorously (30 to 40 times). Strain and pour into the well chilled glass. Garnish with a fresh rosemary sprig.
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Sundrop Negroni Slushie
Mix 1 ounces Gin, 2 ounces Campari, 3 ounces simple syrup, 2 ounces lemon juice and 4 ounces Cherry Lemon Sundrop together and store in a container to freeze for 24 hours. Break up the contents and serve with a spoon once desired consistency is achieved.
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3mcwriting · 2 years
Regret, Part 2: Moving On
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Regret Masterlist
Warnings: Language, references to sex, alcohol consumption
Synopsis: Your boyfriend, Steve Rogers, the lead singer of the internationally famous band "The Avengers" was a fan-favorite. From his chiseled muscles to his movie-star smile to his old-fashioned manners, everyone loved him. But you were okay with that. Because he would never cheat on you. Right? Well...
"Come on girl, get up," Nat said, hitting you with a pillow. "We're going out tonight and I'll drag you out of here by your ankles if I have to."
You groaned, turning over and staring at the ceiling. "Whyyyy?"
"Because you've been sulking for 2 months, you need a fun night to party and get over that asshole," she announces, planting her hands on her hips. "Plus you haven't even gone to work and I've used up all of my self-control to not beat up that dick and that she-demon."
"I think I'm aloud to sulk after finding out my boyfriend of 3 years cheated on me with a woman I thought was my friend," you pointed out. "Besides, I'm still getting al my work done. It's just...remotely getting it done- Which, can you blame me? I see both of them at work."
Her eyes softened. "Honey, I know. But I think going out and just letting loose for a night will be good for you. Plus, who knows? You might just meet a hot person who all you want is for them to-"
You threw a pillow at her, effectively cutting off whatever innuendo she was about to say.
She smiled. "So...does that means you're going?"
"I don't have much of a choice, now do I?" you asked, already knowing the answer.
"Nope." Nat said, popping the 'p'.
"Ugh, I don't like you sometimes," you muttered, finally getting off of your ruffled bed.
"Nah, you know you love me," she said with a wink.
You threw another pillow at her.
Two hours later and you had finally found an outfit Nat deemed acceptable. It was simple, comfortable, but still suitable enough for a club. You let her do your makeup, knowing that her deft hands were much better than yours.
You groaned "Why did I agree to this?"
"You didn't have much of a choice," Natasha said, checking her phone. "Ok, now, come on. We're going."
When the two of you arrived you quickly got out of the Uber and looked at the hulking structure in front of you. Nat pulled you inside, immediately heading to the bar. You sat down on one of the stools, your best friend ordering two shots of straight vodka.
"Cheers," you told her, quickly downing the drink in the hope it would make the night slightly more bearable. You winced, the liquid burning as it slid down your throat. You tried to relax, to just focus on the music.
You turned to Nat.
"Wanna dance?" She asked, downing another shot and dragging you to your feet.
"I have a feeling this is another thing I don't have a choice in," you said, voice barely discernible as you began walking with her onto the dance floor.
"Your feeling is right!" Nat yelled as she began dancing. You closed your eyes, moving along to the music.
"I'm gonna grab us some more drinks!" you yelled over the crowd.
You were pretty sure she hadn't heard you, too focused on the gorgeous woman who had begun dancing with her. As the woman got closer and closer to Nat and you saw her wrap her arms around the other woman's neck, you grinned.
At least one of you was having fun, you thought as you nursed the glass of soda in your hands.
"I'll take a whiskey on the rocks," a tall man with bleached hair and gorgeous silver-blue eyes told the bartender, a faint accent detectable. "And what would you like, love?"
"No thanks," you told him, slightly surprised he was talking to you. "I got my drink."
"Gin and tonic?" he asked.
"Just soda."
"Just soda?" he questioned, a smirk on his face. "You're at a club and you got plain soda?"
"Well, I gotta take care of my friend," you explained, sipping at your drink.
"Ah, designated driver?" He slid onto the stool beside you, propping his face on his palm as he looked at you curiously.
"Kinda," you told him, shrugging a little.
Normally Nat got too wasted for you to let her get herself home and she didn't like waking up in strangers beds. Plus, it wasn't exactly safe to be by yourself as an inebriated woman trying to get home. So normally around 2, you'd drag her out of the club and she'd eat all your ice cream then pass out on your couch.
"So, you can't drink, but how about a dance?" Accented voice like honey.
"Why not?" you said, standing up with him.
He grabbed your hand, gently pulling you to the dance floor. "So...what's your name, gorgeous?" He put his hands on your hips as you moved along to the beat of the music.
"No names, that's too serious," you told him, memories popping up that you hurriedly pushed to the back of your mind. You just wanted to get lost in the moment.
"Names are too serious?" he asked with a chuckle.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his body moving so close to your own. His arms slid further around your waist but never going too far south as he pulled you almost flat against him, both of you still dancing. With the newfound closeness, every little sway or bump was felt by the both of you.
"Well, is dancing like this too serious?" You shivered at his low voice whispering into your ear, your breath hitching as soft lips brushed your neck when his head dipped down.
"Dancing is all fun."
Your voice was a lot more breathless than you'd like to admit.
"And your name?"
"Giving you my name gives you trust, however little. And my trust seems to be in short supply recently." You let out a laugh, the noise harsh.
"Well, whoever cheated on you is a damned idiot," he declared, a soft kiss brushing your cheek.
"How did you know?"
"A beautiful woman sitting at the bar in a club, sipping a coke while watching her friend have the time of her life. An incredibly handsome man approaches said woman asking for her name and receives a response of, 'no names, that's too serious.'" He raised an eyebrow at you. "Then proceeds to say that her trust is in short supply. An asshole did you wrong and I have no problem with giving you a good time." His voice was firm, a promise held in those words.
Before you could realize what was happening, he was fluidly spinning you to face him and dipping his head down to capture your lips with his.
Your eyes shut as you wound your arms around his neck, gently tugging at the soft hair at his nape as he deepened the kiss. As you moved your lips against his silky ones, you could taste the whiskey on him as his tongue slid into your parted lips. You tugged at his hair a little harder than you meant to, causing a low groan to rumble from him.
The moment shattered as a loud crash rang out along with a yell from a familiar voice.
"All of you asshole in the crowd who are cheaters better watch out or I'm gonna beat your ass!"
Your eyes snapped open, quickly stepping away from the man as you searched for your friend. Not searching long, you found her standing on the bar throwing her heels at the security guards who were rushing to pull her down.
Well shit.
"I gotta go," you told the man, rushing to your friend.
"Come on, Tasha, let's go home," you said, gently easing her off the bar.
"Yay! Ice cream! But first we gotta beat all those fuckeeeers and then we get ice cream."
"Sorry Nat, no beating the fuckers tonight," you told her, a pout appearing on her face.
"Ugh, I should've just called in sick today, my head feels like shit." Natasha groaned as the two of you walked out of the elevator. "
"Uh uh, there's no way in hell I'm facing them for the first time since the breakup without my best friend," you told her, dragging her along with you as you walked to the auditions room where two new people were trying out for the band.
"You seem a lot better than I thought- Wait, did you sleep with someone last night?!" Natasha asked loudly, making you shush her quickly when several sets of eyes turned to the two of you.
"No, I did not sleep with anyone last night-" you hesitated, "-just your idea to go to the club wasn't as bad as I thought."
"So you did sleep with someone!"
"Would you shut up a bit, Nat?" Your eyes darted around, very aware of the other people who could hear the conversation. "I didn't sleep with a man...I just had a really good kiss."
"Ooh, a really good kiss?" Her eyes glinted. "What's he look like?"
"He looks like..,"
"Hey! Don't stop! Tell me what this mystery man looks like."
"Turn around and you'll see," you told her as your eyes met a set of silver blue ones.
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hairstevington · 1 year
i can't tune you out (part 3)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley x Chrissy Cunningham
Summary: Eddie and Chrissy become friends. Robin and Chrissy bond. Eddie and Steve strike a deal.
(part 1, part 2)
Word Count: 4.8K (it's a long one!)
Warnings: Rockstar!Eddie/Musician!Steve, modern day AU, enemies to lovers STILL very much enemies sorry I love a slow burn, Chrissy x Comphet, allusions to Chrissy having body issues, Hellcheer being wholesome, angst upon angst baybeeee, this chapter is very fun just bear with the boys absolutely despising each other lmao
A/N: Hello friends! From here on out, this fic will only be posted to my Ao3. If you're digging the story so far, go ahead and follow along here! To those that don't have accounts, I might be able to finesse some sort of system where I let you guys know when I've updated. Also, for those in need of Soft Steddie (tm), more "Flowers and Ink" is coming soon! Love y'all <3
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Eddie got to the bar before Chrissy did, but he kind of preferred it that way. It gave him a chance to sit down, order a drink, and settle into the environment before being thrust into more chaos. 
Sometimes, even though he thrived in insanity, he needed a moment to breathe. Not that he’d ever admit that out loud, of course. 
“Hey, stranger!” Chrissy’s voice rang from behind him. He spun around and was surprised when she threw her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He’d thought that she’d been extra sweet and friendly the night before because of the alcohol, but apparently that was just her vibe. It was actually really nice. 
“H-hi, Chrissy,” Eddie replied, hugging her back. She pulled away after one last squeeze, then plopped herself beside him. “How’s it going?”
“Pretty good,” she answered. “I was up all night, so I slept most of the day. Now, I’ll probably be up all night again. Such is life.”
“Been there,” Eddie replied, taking a sip of his drink. 
“Can I get a vodka soda and two shots of tequila, please?” Chrissy asked the bartender.  
“Tequila?” Eddie asked, attempting to hide the disgust on his face. He hadn’t touched the stuff in years, after one fateful night involving a playground. Helpful tip - being drunk on a swing set is not the move.
“Tequila,” Chrissy confirmed with a smirk. “I’m invested now, and considering this is our first of potentially many drinks together, I figured we should start off with a bang.”
Eddie stared at her, blankly. She wanted to see him again after this? But he hadn’t even really done anything!
“Why are you so invested in this?” Eddie asked. 
“I dunno,” Chrissy replied with a shrug. The bartender put the vodka soda down in front of her, and she started mixing it around with the thin plastic straw. “I guess I’m just kinda…bored?”
“Bored?” Eddie repeated. “How could you be bored when you’re doing all the shit you do? Going to parties and photoshoots and - I mean, you barely know me.”
“My life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” she responded. There was a flicker of sadness in her eyes, but it left as quickly as it had come. Chrissy sipped her drink, then thanked the bartender as she set the shots down. “Come on, let’s commemorate this!” 
She took out her phone and gestured for Eddie to hold his drink up so they could take a picture. He was blown away by the whole thing, honestly. He almost texted Carla just to be like - can you believe this shit? 
It all seemed too easy. She was too open to being his friend, and he didn’t know why. He’d worked hard and all that, but he didn’t feel like he was decent enough of a person to get any sort of karmic reward. So this all felt a little suspicious, but he tried to enjoy it anyway. 
They did the shot. At least Chrissy had sprung for the high-quality liquor. It was still kinda nasty. 
“How was the rest of the party?” he asked. 
“Good,” Chrissy responded with a tight-lipped smile. She didn’t add any details, which was odd, but she spoke again before Eddie could ask any follow-up questions. “So, what’s the deal with you? People say you’re dating Steve, but you didn’t even know what he looked like last night, soooo…”
Alright, here we go.
“Yeah, well,” Eddie began. “I’m not dating him, clearly.” No sense in lying to Chrissy when she already knew. 
“But you want to?” Chrissy asked. Eddie shrugged. He would have flat out told her the truth, but he was hesitant to give everything away immediately. Steve was the one with the power, and Eddie hated that. “Do I need to order us another shot?”
“Please, no,” Eddie shot back instantly. When Chrissy laughed, he realized she’d been joking. “Sorry, it’s just -”
“It’s okay,” Chrissy assured him. “Talking to people in this business is hard. You never know who you can trust. I used to be a lot more open, and then you kinda just learn that you…can’t be, most of the time.”
Eddie furrowed his brow, wondering what exactly Chrissy felt she couldn’t tell people. Even moreso, he wanted to know who had broken her trust in the past. Then, he felt a pang of guilt, since he’d been mostly excited about this drink because it would boost his fame. Everything about all of this was corrupt and morally ambiguous. He sighed. 
“I’m just trying to make it out there,” Eddie admitted. “And I - I mean, I don’t know what to do, or how anything works.”
“Yeah, I remember what that’s like,” she empathized. She took a sip of her vodka soda, then turned back to Eddie. “Do you ever feel like -? I mean, do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind?”
“Uhhh, just on a daily basis,” Eddie replied. He and Chrissy smiled at each other, and he could feel her authenticity. Maybe it was stupid for him to open up to her, but he was going to do it anyway. “Chrissy, have you ever, uh - like, have you ever done one of those PR relationships?”
“Oh, yeah,” she replied, unfazed. “I can’t really say anything, but yeah. It happens a lot around here.” Eddie nodded, then sipped his drink. “Wait, are you trying to do that with me?”
“Not quite,” Eddie mumbled, his lips pressed to his glass.
“I thought you were gay,” she continued. 
“I am.”
“Oh, okay.” She thought about it for a moment, then her eyes widened. “Oh.” 
“Oh,” she repeated. “Ohhhh!”
“Got any other letters?” Eddie teased. Chrissy giggled, then shoved him playfully. 
“You’re funny,” she said. Eddie wasn’t used to people enjoying his often wicked sense of humor. This was refreshing. “So, who’s idea was it?”
“My manager, I guess,” Eddie answered. “Well, she told me to use what the fans were saying and to meet up with the guy. But it, uh - it didn’t go well.”
“No?” she asked, surprised. “What happened?”
Eddie wanted to keep talking to Chrissy. He didn’t care that she was famous anymore - he wanted her perspective as someone who’d been through it. He also knew that Chrissy could tear him down just as quickly as she could build him up. 
“Did you mean what you said about us getting drinks more often?” he asked. 
“Yeah!” she replied, smiling brightly. “Like I said, you’re funny. And I - hmm. Okay, um. This next part might sound really bad at first, but I can explain.”
“Okay…” Eddie said, feeling his walls come back up. 
“I don’t really have a lot of male friends,” Chrissy admitted. “It always feels like - like they’re just waiting for their chance to strike.”
“Like, try to sleep with you?” Eddie asked. Chrissy nodded. “Oh. Christ, that sucks.” 
“Yeah,” she replied with a half shrug. 
He skipped the part where he doubted whether or not what she was saying was true, because it was clearly affecting her whether it was true or not. Eddie also had an urge to diffuse the tension with a joke, because that was kind of his thing.
“Chrissy Cunningham,” he stated, “- are you trying to make me your gay best friend?” She bit her lip, fighting a guilty smile. “Cuz like, I’m down, but I’ve never really done this before so I don’t know what the role entails.” She stopped fighting the smile, so Eddie continued. “I mean, is there a rulebook out there? I think there’s a movie about this on Netflix. Should I watch that first?”
“Eddie!” She interrupted, fully laughing now. Eddie joined her, feeling accomplished that he’d lightened the mood and set her at ease again. “I’m in the modeling industry, I’m surrounded by gay men all the time. It’s not just about that, I promise.”
“Okay, then what is it?” Eddie wondered. She sighed, her body much more relaxed than it had been before.
“It’s just that everybody I’m around talks about their looks all the time. I mean, it’s our job to be beautiful, I know that, but it’s tiring to just constantly hear about new diets and calories and what I should and should not eat. It’s just - it’s nice to get away from that, sometimes. You’re nothing like them, and I like that.”
“Nothing like them, huh?” Eddie smirked. “Are you saying I’m not beautiful?” She laughed and shook her head. 
“Okay fine, you have one thing in common,” she teased back. “You’re not mad?”
“Nah,” Eddie said, shaking his head. “But while we’re coming clean, I definitely was excited to come here because I hoped I’d get more followers if we hung out.”
“Well, obviously,” Chrissy responded, flipping her hair. “Okay, so that’s out of the way. Can we stick together, then?”
She asked it so sweetly it made his heart ache. 
“Yeah, ‘course,” he replied. He thought back to what Chrissy had said earlier about her model friends and decided to commit to being the opposite. “So, uh, I dunno about you but I could really go for some fries right now.” 
Chrissy’s eyes widened. 
“I’d kill for some fries right now.”  
“Great,” he said, grinning. “Who are we killing?” They laughed together, and then he got the bartender’s attention so he could order.
“For the record, I’m not doing this for you.”
It took Robin less than two seconds to agree to going to the bar with Steve. Now, they were walking down the street so that they could spy on two people they barely knew but were somehow entangled with. 
“I know, I know,” Steve replied. 
The bar was in sight. Chrissy hadn’t tagged the location or anything, but he recognized the place because he went there often. So often that it wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to show up with Robin. They’d done it before and they’d do it again. 
The plan was for them to discreetly sit at a table in the back. But then they were at the door, and then they were opening the door, and then they were immediately being stared down by a blonde and a brunette at the bar. 
“Steve, what do we do?” Robin muttered rapidly. 
“Uhhh,” he said, glancing over at the table he imagined they’d sit at. He thought about ignoring them and just sitting down, but they’d all already seen each other so that would have just been rude. “I think we just have to own it.”
“Own what? That we’re psychopaths?” Robin hissed. 
And then, Chrissy was waving them both over to join them.
“Just follow my lead,” Steve said. 
In hindsight, this plan had been really, really stupid. 
Steve knew that his cover for all this was to get Robin and Chrissy in the same room again. But truthfully, Steve didn’t know Chrissy’s deal or if she wanted anything other than friendship. Steve could say this had nothing to do with Eddie all he wanted, but that wasn’t true. 
He’d been wracking his brain all day to make sense of this. His fight with Eddie the night prior had been a little fuzzy, but one part of it really stuck with him. 
Just a few years of King Steve bullying the school freak.
Well, that comment plus Eddie saying that Steve’s music sucked. That stung, but he wasn’t expecting someone like Eddie to appreciate his music anyway. The truth was, Steve had left high school behind, and he’d moved on, and he’d forgotten the shit he’d done back then. All that bystander crap, the teasing, the little comments that Steve didn’t understand the impact of at the time. 
Steve didn’t like Eddie. He still thought Eddie was a dick. But that didn’t mean Steve hadn’t also been a dick back then. 
All of this was very complicated, and the residual headache from the hangover made his head spin. Actually, the dizziness was probably also from the hangover. The thought of drinking made him want to hurl. Good thing he was at a bar, right?
“Hey!” Chrissy said as they approached. “What are you guys doing here?!” She jumped up to hug Steve, then Robin, and Steve watched as his friend acted as if the physical contact with her crush didn’t affect her. 
“We, uh -” Steve began. “We come here a lot, actually. Well, I do. I live just down the road.” 
His gaze drifted to Eddie, who gave Steve a knowing smirk. 
“Oh my god, Robin, I’m actually so glad you’re here,” Chrissy said. “Your style is just - I mean, wow! Where do you get your clothes?”
Robin’s eyes landed on Steve’s for a nanosecond, but it was enough for him to know exactly what was going through her brain. Basically just the embodiment of a bunch of exclamation points. 
“I - I usually thrift them, actually!” Robin responded. 
Then, Chrissy continued asking where Robin thrifted, and whether she could come with sometime, and Steve figured they’d be at it for a while. 
Huh. Maybe there would be something there after all.
Of course, while they were talking, this left Steve to either stand there awkwardly or interact with Eddie. He probably would have chosen the awkward standing, had Eddie not chosen the opposite. 
“Well, if it isn’t HARVEST in the flesh. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Eddie began. He was smiling, but his tone was biting. Steve looked at Eddie, nodded his head toward Chrissy and Robin, then looked back at Eddie. He shrugged. “Ah, I see.”
“No other reason?” Eddie prodded, playing dumb.
“Nope,” Steve said. “Like I said, I live right -”
“Down the road,” Eddie interrupted. “So I heard.” Steve swallowed. He kinda felt like he was being interrogated or something. Eddie was making this extremely uncomfortable. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Steve wondered, desperately wanting this interaction to be over. Unfortunately, Chrissy and Robin were still chatting eagerly. 
“Like what, HARVEST?” Eddie asked. Steve rolled his eyes. 
“Steve is fine.”
“Hmm, is he though?” Eddie retorted. “I don’t think you want me to treat you like I treat Steve.”
God, Eddie knew how to push Steve’s buttons. His heart was racing, he was so mad. He clenched his jaw and considered how bad it would be to smack the smug grin off Eddie’s face.
Really bad. He knew that. He took deep breaths instead and relaxed. His hands had balled into fists at some point during the conversation. He extended his fingers out, flexing them. He was trying to leave this version of himself in the past, not bring him back. Another deep breath. 
“Whatever, Munson,” Steve sighed. “I just -”
“Hey, guys?” Robin said, diverting the attention to her. She pointed to the window, where a crowd of people had gathered. 
Some of them had cameras. 
“Shit,” Chrissy said. “How long do you think they’ve been there?”
“I dunno,” Steve responded. “You wanna get out of here?”
“Yeah,” Chrissy agreed. Eddie and Robin looked at each other this time, both outside of Chrissy and Steve’s shared understanding. 
Good thing all of them looked nice. Those pictures were gonna be all over the place tomorrow. 
Steve was here a lot, so he knew the bartenders and the owners, and he also knew how to sneak out when things like this happened. 
“Come on,” he said, urging Chrissy to follow him. With Steve came Robin, and Eddie sure as hell didn’t want to be left there alone, so he came too. Oh, joy. 
The four of them walked past the bar and through a sign marked for employees only. They wandered through the kitchen and left out a black door that led to an alley behind the building. 
“So, what now?” Robin asked once they were outside. 
“I’ll give them about two minutes until they find us,” Steve replied. 
“Is there somewhere else we could go?” Chrissy wondered. “I kind of don’t want to go home yet.”
“Well, I know HARVEST over here lives nearby,” Eddie said. 
“Will you quit it with the HARVEST thing?” Steve complained. 
“Sorry, do you prefer Harvey?” Eddie shot back. Steve groaned. 
“You’re impossible.”
“Oh, boy,” Chrissy mumbled. 
“I know, right?” Robin agreed. “Steve, can we go back to yours?”
“All of us?” Steve asked, knowing the answer already. It was his apartment. He could have flat out said that Eddie wasn’t allowed in. But he saw the look in Robin’s eyes, and he knew that if they all went back to the apartment, she could spend more time with Chrissy. “Alright, fine. Let’s go.”
Steve’s apartment was nice. It was huge, spacious, and all the utilities worked. It was also minimalist in that Steve hadn’t put up any decorations. He had the essentials - a couch, a TV, a table. Not much more. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting to have people over,” Steve said as they walked in. 
“It’s beautiful,” Chrissy said. 
“It’s empty,” Eddie noted. His apartment was a lot smaller, but it also was a lot more filled up. This place had nothing, basically. Eddie almost made a comment about Steve not having any money to decorate after paying what he assumed was an absurd rent, but he held his tongue. 
“Yeah, tell me about it,” Robin agreed. “I keep throwing ideas his way, but he’d rather live in an asylum, basically.”
“I’m not here that often,” Steve explained, shrugging. “Sue me.”
“It definitely could use some color,” Chrissy agreed. “Art on the walls, maybe a rug -”
“Yes! Exactly!” Robin exclaimed. “I even have a Pinterest board.”
“Oh my god, can I see it?” Chrissy asked. Robin nodded, and then they were both sitting across the room looking at decor or some shit. All of the logistical stuff related to interior design was beyond Eddie. He just bought things that he liked and then put them where they best fit. He didn’t know anything about color-coding, and he didn’t even know what Pinterest was. 
Anyway, Robin and Chrissy bonding so aggressively and so immediately (which was interesting, to say the least) left Eddie semi-alone with Steve once again. 
“Can we talk?” Steve asked, surprising the hell out of Eddie. He had given Steve zero reason to want to talk to him, he’d made sure of it. Like, Eddie had been at his maximum asshole level for a few reasons. First and foremost, it was payback for high school. Second, it was fun. And third, because Eddie didn’t like Steve, and because he currently didn’t have anywhere else to direct his anger. 
He didn’t say they were good reasons. 
“Uh, suuuuure,” Eddie replied. Steve gestured for Eddie to follow him down the hall so they could have some privacy. 
Oh, great. Now we’re fully alone.
Chrissy was amazing. She was wonderful. She was everything Robin hoped she’d be. It was almost too good to be true. No, it was definitely too good to be true. 
They were huddled over Robin’s phone, talking about color theory and decorations which turned into art and hobbies which turned into a discussion about college (Robin went, Chrissy didn’t) and then finally their conversation settled on music. 
“Have you listened to their stuff?” Robin asked, gesturing towards where the boys had gone. It had been a few minutes and no arguing or fights breaking out yet, as far as she could tell. Of course, she hadn’t been listening that intently. 
“Sure,” Chrissy responded. “Corroded Coffin not so much, but that’s just because I’m not into that sort of music.”
“Very fair.”
“Yeah. But HARVEST I hear all the time. That one song is literally impossible to escape from.”
“Oh, we know,” Robin replied with a laugh. “Steve secretly can’t stand it’s that song that blew up.”
“What do you mean?” Chrissy wondered. 
“Like, it’s definitely his most commercial song,” Robin explained. “I’ve been listening to Steve’s music since we met, and it’s a little out there sometimes, but now that I’m used to it I’m all for it. Anyway, his favorite songs are the ones most people haven’t heard. That’s why his new album is - I mean that’s why he -” 
Robin stopped herself from saying the rest. Chrissy was great, but Robin wasn’t about to spill all of her best friend’s secrets.
“That’s why he what?” Chrissy teased, nudging Robin in the shoulder. 
Dammit. It was really hard to avoid temptation when temptation was someone as vibrant as Chrissy Cunningham. 
“That’s why he’s so excited about it,” Robin concluded. 
Thank god. I can keep my best friend card.
“Oh, okay,” Chrissy said, nodding. “I’ll have to listen to his other stuff then.”
“Let me know what you think,” Robin replied. 
“Of course I will.” Chrissy smiled, then pulled out her phone. To Robin’s surprise, she handed it to her with an empty contact open. 
Holy shit.
Robin typed in her name and number, then triple checked to make sure she put it in correctly before handing the phone back to Chrissy.
“There you go,” she said, doing her best to remain calm. 
“Thank you,” Chrissy said. “Wow, it’s so crazy. First with Eddie, now with you. I just feel like we’re all going to be really good friends.”
Friends. GOD. Ouch. 
Robin probably should have expected that. She had expected it, really, but it stung nonetheless. That was okay. They could be friends. Robin cleared her throat and hoped she didn’t sound too disappointed. 
“Yeah, if the two idiots in there can get their shit together,” Robin joked. 
“I know!” Chrissy agreed. “Like, what’s going on with them?”
“I honestly have no idea.” She looked down the hall, still not hearing any arguing.
If she’d been alone, she would have pressed her ear to the door and listened in, but she had to be on her best behavior. You know, for her new friend.
“Sooo, what the hell is going on?” Eddie asked once they were in a different room. It looked like an office. There was music equipment everywhere. 
“I’m just gonna go ahead and tell you a bunch of shit, okay? Because the last hour or so has been crazy and I’m still kind of hungover and I’m not interested in doing a whole dance with you.”
“Yeah, you made that clear last night when you didn’t dance with me,” Eddie deadpanned. 
“Jesus,” Steve exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Could you just -”
“You wanna tell me something, so skip the preamble and tell me -” 
“I’m sorry, okay?” Steve snapped. “I’m sorry for - I’m sorry about high school. I was an idiot.”
Oh. Well, shit. 
“Past tense?” Eddie teased. 
“Go to hell.”
“Okay, okay, point taken,” he relented with a light chuckle. “Thanks. I appreciate the apology.”
“Yeah, really,” Eddie confirmed. “Don’t worry, I’m still iffy about you for a bunch of other reasons.”
“Great,” Steve said, returning Eddie’s sarcastic tone. 
“Cool,” Eddie replied. “So, is that it?”
“No?” Eddie prodded. 
“Wait, what are the other reasons?” Steve asked, losing his train of thought. Eddie scoffed. 
“You want me to tell you why I don’t like you?” Eddie rebuffed. “Are you into that or something?”
“No, I just -”
“Come on, spit it out,” he demanded. “The quicker you say what you’re gonna say, the less time we have to talk to each other. What is it?”
Steve took a deep breath. 
“I want my album to do well, and ever since this whole steddie thing happened, people have actually started talking about it, and -”
“Waaaait a goddamn second,” Eddie drawled. “Are you saying you want to actually, like, do the fake relationship thing?”
“No, I just don’t want to deny it,” Steve responded. “Let them talk, you know.”
Eddie almost laughed. Jesus Christ, this was rich. Eddie thought he’d be the one begging for scraps, yet here he was, in Steve’s apartment, listening to his high school bully ask him for a favor. 
Eddie weighed his options. If he said no, it would feel great in the moment, but then this would be over. 
The tables were turning, and he wasn’t going to let a bit of his power go to waste.
“Hmm, very interesting, Harvey,” he said. “The King’s come crawling back to the freak.” Steve scoffed. 
“Our fake relationship benefits you more than me, you do realize that, right?” he reminded Eddie. “I’m just fine on my own. You get a popularity boost from this, so maybe you should try not to be a total asshole for once. I could find literally anyone else to do this with.”
The thing was, Eddie knew that wasn’t true. He could see right through the bullshit. 
“You’re bluffing,” Eddie stated. 
“You’re bluffing,” he repeated. “Lest we forget you’re the one who asked me to go along with this.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“Ugh, ‘lest we forget.’ Why do you talk like that?” 
“You’re avoiding the question,” Edde said, his eyes boring into Steve’s. 
“What question?”
“Come on, Harrington. You want me. Why?”
Steve’s eyes narrowed, but didn’t break away. 
“Okay, calm down with the whole ‘I want you’ thing, alright?” Steve’s agitation was just too cute. It was so easy to rile him up. “I’m doing this for my album, just like you are.”
“Yeaaah, I don’t buy it. What else is it?” Eddie couldn’t help it. He had to keep pushing. 
“There’s nothing else, Eddie.”
“Don’t tell me, then,” he teased. “Let me guess. All those years ago when you laughed at me in high school, you were really just harboring some hidden crush on me that didn’t fully come to fruition until you saw me at Frolique?”
Steve’s face went pale, and for a moment Eddie wondered if he’d gone too far.
“Oh my god,” Steve scoffed. “Could you not be a jackass for literally one second?”
“Wait, was I right?” Eddie took a step forward, intrigued by the idea. 
“No, you weren’t right, Munson,” Steve insisted. “I didn’t have a crush on you, I was just a dick.”
Ah. So much for that. Eddie shook his head and smiled. 
“And now you’re just so goddamn pleasant, huh?” He turned to look at all the expensive shit Steve kept in there - high-tech recording equipment, instruments, microphones, sheet music. 
“Usually, yeah,” Steve replied. “I’m actually nice to most people.” Eddie’s eyes were still focused on the sheet music, an increasing curiosity within him, but he held back and returned his focus to Steve.
“Aw, so I’m the exception? See, I knew I was special.”
If being a dick was so bad, then why was it so fun?
“Seriously, what’s wrong with you?” Steve asked.
“Oh god, sooooo many things,” Eddie replied. He meant it, too. He knew he had issues, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to talk to Steve about them. “And for the record, I can be pleasant too. Just ask Chrissy.”
“When did you get so close with her, anyway?”
“Since about an hour ago,” Eddie answered. “Anyway, I’m an absolute delight, Harrington. I only bite when it’s fun.”
“Then you must be having the time of your goddamn life,” Steve remarked. 
It wasn’t not true, but once again, Eddie needed to be unpredictable. He just had this compulsive need to throw Steve off, to keep him guessing. Yeah, being an asshole to Steve Harrington was fun, but Eddie didn’t forget how much he hated the guy and everything he stood for. 
“God, I wish,” he replied. “I hate this, but I’ll have fun when I can. I mean, my career is important, too. Why do you think I made a big fool of myself at that party? I fucking danced in public so that I could talk to you. I already told you - I don’t like your music, or your weird persona, and I don’t really care for you off-stage either.”
“Yeah? Well, the feeling is mutual,” Steve shot back. 
Eddie smirked, a fire within him that somehow bloomed and burned at the same time. Matter is neither created nor destroyed right? Eddie was never that good in school, but that phrase always stuck with him. The fire - the anger, the pain, the hurt - it fueled him and it broke him down. An endless cycle. What he loved. What he didn’t. All of it was the same.
“Let me be fucking clear,” Eddie said. “I’m not doing this because it’s fun. I’m doing it because I get something out of it, got it?”
“Got it,” Steve replied. The air between them was tense, and it made Eddie feel alive. 
“Okay,” he said at last. “Then we’ll let them talk.”
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awmancreeper · 2 years
ミ★Just Say You Love me </3 . 29.5 - PRETY
--★ Kai’s friends roast him for not being in a relationship since he was 12. While Y/n tries to avoid getting into a relationship every week. One day Kai spots a familiar girl hiding in a tree finding out she was hiding from her 2nd confession that week. After hearing the university’s IT girl struggles Hyuka comes up with a plan.
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!!Written Parts!!
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The burning feeling of the alcohol slide down your throat immediately making you cringe. Kai hands you cup of soda to chase the vodka, you gladly take it. “Woooo!” Wonyoung yelled already at her 4th vodka shot “okay it’s barely 10 no more for you” her friend Yujin said helping Wonyoung hold herself up “shut up my bestie is here and I want her to have a good time” Wonyoung slurred trying to push the tall girl away.
You held Wonyoung’s hand “take a break for me okay?” You asked her while she smiled goofy at you “mkay love,” she turned to Yujin “you’re so pretty Unnie” Wonyoung gushed as us the girl took her away. The loud music made you overwhelmed so you looked towards Kai who seemed to be look for someone. You tugged on his shirt to get his attention, he blinked then looked at you before leaning down to your level. “Let’s get some air!” You told him in his ear as he nods. Grabbing his hand you led him out of the crowded house.
In the backyard nothing much changed, loud music and drunk college students scattered around the yard. Even so you lead Kai the farthest away from the speakers, finally able to hear your own thoughts.
“You okay?” You asked him but he just laughs “shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Kai raised a brow at you smirking. “I’m okay, with my beast boy by my side of course” you said bumping him with the side of your body “I’m feeling used”
“No but are you actually doing good?” Kai asked you and you tilted your head in response “why?” “Well I just watched you down 4 shots within a span of 45 minutes”
“Nope that was my second shot” he squinted at you “really?” You nodded “yup I faked out the previous two because I able to pour my own but the last one Won poured it for me” you told him proudly while he gave you a round of applause. “Very clever my pookie” “thank you”
“But you still took 2 shot of vodka” he said “you’re definitely gonna start feeling it soon” but you just shook your head “nah I don’t think so” you told him smirking as he rolled his eyes. “So you’re tell him you don’t feel anything?” You shook your head “not really, but it getting hot in this body suit” you said tugging at the fabric. “If you want you can take it off” he calmly suggested but you gave him a death glare “really Huening” he put his hands up in defense. “What it was just a suggestion?!”
“Seriously though be careful the alcohol might hit you all of a sudden” “what about you?” You crossed your arms “huh?” “You took a shot with me and two with gyu” he smacked his lips and waved you off “I’m a veteran baby I can handle my alcohol” you rolled your eyes at his response. “Whatever you say Hyuka”
You two sat in comfortable silence watching the people around you; like couples dancing on each other, and the frat boys doing keg-stands. You rested your head against Kai shoulder taking his right hand into your arms “thanks for being here with me”.
“I’d do anything for you” is what he would’ve said but instead he stood quiet. Yet he rested his head on yours.
After 15 minutes of just being in each other presence as tipsy Yeji stumbled over to y’all. “Kai!! there you are!!” She yelled nearly falling but kai caught her “how much have you had to drink?!” You asked her but she laughed. “Enough to have fun but not enough to make mistakes” she giggled and looked at Kai and it seemed something came to her mind. “Oh Kai! Um Beomgyu wants you” she told but he groaned “really?”. Yeji nodded “yeah someone spilled beer on him earlier and now he’s puking in the front yard crying and he doesn’t want anyone but you,” she explained and continued “something about his costume” Kai’s eyes widen. “Oh shit the Spider-Man costume!” “You mean his red crew neck with printer paper taped on it” you added laughing. He just pushes you gentle smiling down at you. “Y’all disgustingly cute” she hiccuped
“Okay I’ll be right back, Yeji watch her,” he said walking away as you waved bye to him “bye-bye Hyuka~” Yeji slurred wrapping her arms around you. She smiled looking at you “he’s so in love with you” you laughed and leaned into her embrace “whatever you say” “oh let’s go take pictures with Won!” Yeji yelled dragging you away
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carouselcometh · 1 year
remy bo bemy do you have any virgin cocktail recipes that are summery? I have a very great need for special little drinks to go with my dinners this week <3 I also have Some vodka in the house if you have something that uses that
Of course babe!!! These are some simple ones!!
First off, you can put equal parts grapefruit juice and club soda, add a smidge of lemon juice and some mint leaves. If you like grapefruit juice you’ll like it, it’s basically fizzy grapefruit juice.
Second, always a winner with 4 parts pineapple juice, 2 parts orange juice, throw in some grenadine and a LITTLE bit of simple syrup. Very tropical, but with anything, if you get too much simple syrup it gets like a heaviness. Throw in tonic water if you want a bit of a fizz but I wouldn’t say club soda due to the simple syrup giving an extra sweetness already. But that’s just a slight difference.
Third of all, really fun if you have a party or a large gathering, but also great for just yourself, put equal parts fruit punch and lemon lime soda and a scoop of rainbow sherbet. Any fruit punch from blue raspberry to just, the red one, works, change it up for fun colors or a slightly different flavor. Also, it’s easy to spike a punch.
Lastly I wanted to make a new recipe for this so I kind of just was putting things together quickly but there’s something off about it. Let me know if you can make it better!! But I mean I’m decently enjoying mine right now.
I’ll call it the Summer Something:
1 cup unsweetened iced tea
3 tablespoons tart cherry juice
1 tablespoon lime juice
3 tablespoons grenadine
1 tablespoon simple syrup
2 tablespoons orange juice
Splash of lemon juice
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PIC(S) INFO: Part 3 of 4 -- Spotlight on the penultimate John Waters-inspired cocktail dubbed "Stop and Smell the Roses!," inspired by his 1981 cult/camp satire on American "women's pictures" "Polyester."
1.5 oz Three Olives Rosé Vodka
.5 oz Lemon Juice
.5 oz Grapefruit Juice
2-3 drops Rose Water
Splash of Sparkling Rosé
Club Soda
Dried Strawberries or Rose Petals for garnish
DIRECTIONS: "Combine Vodka, lemon and grapefruit juices, and rose water in a shaker filled with ice.  Shake until chilled, then strain into a highball glass filled with ice. Top with Sparkling Rosé, and club soda. Garnish with dried strawberries or rose petals."
-- CINEMA SIPS, "A Modern Guide to Film and Cocktail Pairings," c. August 2023
Sources: https://cinemasips.com/tag/john-waters & Pinterest.
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merrybrides · 11 months
Spooky Halloween Cocktail: Liquid Ghost Recipe
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The Halloween Elixir:  Liquid Ghost Recipe Ingredients
To create this enchanting potion, you will need:
1 part Vodka
1 part Vanilla Syrup
1 part Cream
1 part Lemon Lime Soda (Sprite)
Black Licorice for garnish
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How to Mix the Magic
1. Fill a shaker with ice cubes.
2. Add vodka, vanilla syrup, and cream.
3. Shake well until the mix is well-chilled.
4. Strain the concoction into a glass.
5. Top it off with lemon lime soda.
6. Garnish with an eerie strand of black licorice.
7. Serve and let the spooky fun begin!
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
5 drinks to get to know me
tagged by @glorious-spoon and @faejilly ! thanks!!
1. vodka soda, wedge of lime. the classic, dependable, tasty, and the least likely to leave me with a hangover. (fun fact, I started specifying a wedge of lime rather than just "with lime" because when I lived in amsterdam, they would serve it with lime cordial, which I detest. I've mostly kicked the habit of asking for it like that, but every once in a while it comes roaring back)
2. champagne. the best part about being a grownup is realizing that champagne is not just for special occasions. it's for whenever I want it.  (yes prosecco is delicious and an amazing bargain but champagne is my love)
3. coffee (hot) with half & half. my love and beloved, the reason I get out of bed every day. it's not just about the caffeine, it’s about sitting on couch by myself in silence with a delicious hot beverage while I read tumblr like the morning paper
4. dirty martini with blue cheese olives. it's a drink and a meal and a forever friend. I prefer it served on the rocks. keeps it cold and less potential for me to spill it all over myself
5. cosmopolitan - don't let the sugary premade mixes fool you, a real cosmo is tart and strong and delicious and just a tiny bit sweet. pale pink or gtfo. for this drink, I'm willing to risk knocking over a coupe glass like the hot mess I am.
(honorable mention for green tea lattes and chai lattes, which i go feral for but i cannot bring myself to down a huge cup of whole milk on the reg. and they just aren't the same with any other milk option)
tagging: @junemermaid @la-muerta @michellemisfit @ohfreckle @greentealycheejelly
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lilliesforya · 1 year
Google Translate in the Grocery Store
August 21, 2023
The supermarket is the size of a large Walgreens. I don’t know where anything is located. The products look like things I recognize from a dream but have never seen before in real life. I walk around with a basket in one hand and my phone in the other. The basket always gets too heavy but I never grab a cart from the front because I’m always convinced I won’t need one. I always need one. The carts are smaller and they look like the ones from Wegmans but with only one place for the items. I find items on my list like spinach, bread, and garlic. I lament the loss of niche (or not) food items I love like nutritional yeast, plant based butter, peanut butter that isn’t peanut flavored cream, and maple brown sugar oatmeal. I try to replace this with a feeling of gratitude for the improved access to locally grown rice, miso soup, pickled ginger in large amounts, bread that tastes savory like pastry dough, red bean flavored anything, and 9% alcohol in a can for like barely $2. 
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The picture above is part of the alcoholic drink section in the grocery store. I can get these at my local convenience store for slightly more yen but it’s not a huge difference. The drinks range in alcohol content- the light pink peach drink in the upper right corner is 3%. The grapefruit vodka soda I picked up from the front of the aisle is 5%. My favorites are ‘Strong Zero’ and Chu-Hi both in lemon flavor. These are 9% and they make me the closest I’ve ever gotten to drunk on one drink. They taste so good it is easy to forget they’re so strong- similar to the Soju effect.
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This is all of the miso soup options. I wanted to buy the paste because it seems more cost effective but one time I did that I forgot to use dashi (fish stock that gives the salty flavor) and the result was awful. I was so paranoid that I just got the packets that come with the seaweed, green onions, and tofu, etc. with it. I must have stood in this aisle for so long trying to google translate the differences between all of the miso soups. I don’t usually get stared at too much in the grocery store but I think this warranted a few glances as to what on Earth I was doing. 
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In a lot of stores, including the grocery store, there are sections for omiyage (souvenirs) or items that can be given as gifts. It’s an extremely common cultural practice. When people go away on trips it's customary to bring back small gifts for family, friends, and/ or coworkers. Usually, it’s small items special to the place you’ve visited or sweets that are local to the area. For example, Chiba prefecture is known for peanuts (among other things), so if I went to visit friends in Kobe I would bring some peanut based sweets to give to people. Also, most prefectures and sometimes cities and towns have mascots. So, often in train stations you can find small memorabilia of the mascot of the area. Example: Osaka is known for takoyaki so they sell octopus plushies and keychains (and I have a large plushie of him). Even my small town has omiyage in the local train station! 
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made my own shiftie today instead of just taking beers and ciders from the fridge
-1 part sprite
-2 parts campari
-2 parts aperol
-3 parts honey syrup
-3 parts soda water
-6 parts vodka
-cinnamon stick
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rosegardengirl88 · 3 months
A Nashville Foodie's Top Choices
This post is part of an assignment for my communication studies summer course. I am a major foodie so I thought what better way to jump head first into blogging by talking about my favorite subject: food. More specifically, the recent food I ventured to try while on my recent trip to Nashville, Tennessee. I, along with my family friend, were in charge of the food destinations- and we did not wish to disappoint. Our group was there for a total of 5 days, so we knew we had to hit at least 3 really good restaurants (1 restaurant for each full non-travel day), as well as 3 bars to even things out of course! For the sake of length I will be discussing my top restaurant and my personal favorite bar.
We began our food journey the night we landed actually, as we were all starving and ready to see what the city was all about. We headed over to 404 Kitchen, right in the area known as the "Gulch". 404 is 2 levels, with the lower level containing Gertie's Whiskey Bar. We were smart enough to pregame at home so we did not get to experience a drink here however it holds high reviews on Yelp and an extensive menu. Nevertheless, you head upstairs and it's like you are in someone's fancy basement or cellar. You are sat on almost couches with pillows adorning. The food itself is an upscale, modern take on classic Southern dishes. We selected, the ever iconic, cornbread skillet. Though a bit on the dry end it held great flavor, served warm with butter. Pimento cheese was next which had large bits of pickled green tomatoes which I loved. The menu is set up in numerical order groups, letting guests know size portion, though most dishes are in shareable portions. For our main portions, we stuck mainly to sharing, ordering first the filet. This was super tender but was topped with cherry bordelaise, a sauce on the sweeter side that had a particular taste I did not prefer. My favorite dish beside the simple yet effective burrata salad was the frascatelli, a type of homemade pasta with a rich brown butter sauce and chunks of tender pork-insanely delicious! I only ordered a vodka soda so I can not speak on their drinks but it was refreshing enough paired with the rich foods of the night.
Our second day in Nashville led to the discovery of my personal favorite bar named Tootsie's. This iconic bar has been the stomping grounds of artists from Willie Nelson to Patsy Cline. A segment of The Dean Martin show was even filmed here, giving the bar credibility like no other. The strikingly colored orchid bar is multiple stories, with live music on each and every level (an incredibly common trait in the city I loved). The vibes are so free and fun, but the drinks are really what sold it for me. Decently priced, strong drinks served with great customer service. That's it. What more could you really ask for in an iconic dig such as Tootsie's.
If you're going to do Nashville, you have to do it right. Follow the music and you'll get lead to some really insane bites as well as a few drinks on the way.
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