animasmusicdiary · 2 years
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dilf-in-peril · 4 months
the original old man yaoi
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svt-archivo · 1 year
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20.04.2022 Twitter GOING SEVENTEEN EP.45
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sand-shark · 2 years
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dtiys challenge from @satellite-starss ✨✨✨
Okay, I'll just say that I came across a Pinterest on this cake ( https://pin.it/3ZvdumY ) and realized that I couldn't pass by✨💖🥰
In general, this whole scene is one of my favorite headcanons:
Sans and Papyrus never knew what a birthday was, they did not celebrate it and did not distinguish it in any way - they only knew the dates (Sans - February 29, Papyrus - March 8) When Grillby began to take care of the brothers, he found out when they were born and arranged a holiday for them. Specifically here is the Sansa holiday and it celebrates its 12th anniversary. But since he was born in a leap year, then his birthday is only once every 4 years, so, in fact, they celebrate his 3rd birthday🎉🎈🎁
And yes, who cares, the inscription on the cake roughly means: "Sad ass does not know how to fart joyfully!"…
Окей, я просто скажу что я наткнулась на Пинтересте на этот торт и поняла что не смогу пройти мимо✨💖🥰
Вообще, вся эта сценка это один из моих любимейших хедканонов:
Санс и Папайрус никогда не знали, что такое день рождения, они его не праздновали и никак не выделяли - они знали только даты(Санс - 29 февраля; Папайрус - 8 марта) Когда о братьях стал заботится Гриллби, он выяснил когда они родились и устроил им праздник. Конкретно здесь - праздник Санса и он отмечает 12 летие. Но так-как он родился в високосный год, то и день рождение у него только раз в 4 года, таким образом, по факту, они празднуют его 3-х летие🎉🎈🎁
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poetischeleere · 2 years
Des Tages letztes Hoffnungsschimmern
glänzt auf des Flusses Wellen
am Ufer wird es bald zerschellen
und man hört die Sonne wimmern
Des Baumes Grünes Blätterleben
wächst an der Riesen Äste
tanzt windig Frühlingsfeste
versteckt des Glückes Reben
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꧁༺ Nikki’s Diary ༻꧂
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꧁༺ Nikki’s Diary ༻꧂
[ Paeonia ] 🌸🌺
Today's happiness is to bring small cakes and books, and spend an afternoon in the sun with the peonies in the garden 🍰📚
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[ ดอกโบตั๋น • 牡丹 • Mǔdān ] 🌸🌺
ความสุขของวันนี้คือการนำเค้กและหนังสือเล็กๆ มา และใช้เวลายามบ่ายท่ามกลางแสงแดดกับดอกโบตั๋นในสวน 🍰📚
[ 20.04.2022 ]
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paeonia_%C3%97_suffruticosa
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Shiny Galarian Rapidash evolved 20.04.2022
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CARTA N° 280
De repente me deu uma vontade de escrever pra você, e com certeza você já está dormindo, se eu tivesse aí com ti eu passaria horas e horas te olhando e admirando. Você é incrível e muito importante pra mim, as vezes eu fico imaginando como seria minha vida sem você, e pode apostar não iria ter graça, você faz meus dias serem bons vc me transmite paz, me tira vários sorrisos bobos, tudo em você me encanta ao ponto de as vezes eu não saber o que falar pra demonstrar, porque a cada dia, tu me conquista mais e de um jeito novo. E eu te amo, sem esconder parte alguma. Amo cada detalhe seu, simplesmente por ser seu... Você não apenas coloriu o meu mundo como também se tornou ele.
Você pode contar comigo pra tudo que precisar seja lá o que for... Eu te amo muitão princeso
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cuddlephine · 2 months
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Swirls Frog from Build A Bear Birthday: 20.04.2022
I was so sure I didn’t want a Swirls Frog when they released. Until I saw so many photos of them on Instagram and wasn’t so sure anymore. So I bought him and he was born in Spain! His pattern, color and face are not as I wished, but he is very pretty nonetheless!
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forestduck · 3 months
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20.04.2022 - Автор пина:🥞₊˚.⋆✧marjorie, the creator-꒱. Находите и прикалывайте свои пины в Pinterest!
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theseasonshurts · 1 year
compreensão traz amor.
-- te amei mais quando me coloquei no seu lugar.
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animasmusicdiary · 2 years
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dilf-in-peril · 4 months
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good match btw.
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svt-archivo · 1 year
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20.04.2022 Twitter GOING SEVENTEEN EP.45
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Reality check
▪ Podstawowa przemiana materii: 1749 kcal, 1699 kcal, 1500 kcal, 1749 kcal, 1808 kcal, 1808 kcal, 1802 kcal.
~ 1700.
▪ Całkowita przemiana materii: 2378 kcal, 2448 kcal, 2170 kcal, 2531 kcal, 2100 kcal, 2273 kcal, 2273 kcal.
~ 2200.
Siedem kalkulatorów wystarczy, nie ma sensu grzebać głębiej. Liczone dla 105kg, mimo, że waga o 20:37 pokazała 107kg. Będziemy udawać, że te dwa kilogramy to jedzenie w brzusiu i wyjątkowo ciężkie skarpetki.
Kurwa, jak dobrze, że Vitalia wciąż istnieje. Pamiętam, że zaczynałam z 92 aczkolwiek brakuje początkowych pomiarów w historii.
05.05.2012 - 65kg. 06.03.2013 - 86kg. 19.08.2013 - 68kg. 10.04.2018 - 95kg. 20.04.2022 - 103kg.
Najnowsze wymiary wraz z aktualną wagą wklepie jutro.
Halo, co tych kalorii jest tak dużo? 1700 do samego zasilenia organizmu? A ja, kurwa, chcę na 1200 cisnąć. No bo kiedyś się udało. I się głodziłam. ~ 
Przykładowy chujowy (typowy) dzień: kawa z mlekiem 150ml na słodziku - 74 kcal 2 bułki pszenne 60g - 327 kcal 4 patyczki serowe - 251 kcal energol 0,5l - 230 kcal twix - 251 kcal pierogi ruskie z biedry 400g - 656 kcal energol 0,5l - 230 kcal 2 bułki pszenne 60g - 327 kcal serek topiony 50g - 121 kcal = 2467 kcal.
Myślałam, że wyjdzie więcej. Wartość jest dość blisko mojego CPM jednak wystarczy jeden batonik lub bułka więcej i mamy co mamy. Tak czy siak; gówno. Jeśli weźmiemy pod uwagę spowolniony metabolizm spowodowany niedoczynnością tarczycy to wszystko doskonale się skleja.
Wytnijmy z tego co najmniej ten litr energola: -460 kcal. Te kalorie wystarczą aby zachować deficyt. Oczywiście nie interesuje mnie minimum. Zmienię więcej. Hladna zima želi proć' i sunce mora doć.
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servitudeofsadness · 1 year
“i am my Mother’s child, i’ll love You till my breathing stops.” [Гибель] 20.04.2022
The Sun is lit like a frantic candle
The God gleaming, grin
un-fleeting, brimming with raw ochre
and orange. It is Her day
She shines bright on a day-lit sky,
but Her daughters don’t;
they don’t and it’s not fair
the daughter’s dates align with My Mother, My God
and i have not the gleam, the light,
to prove i am a daughter of a Woman who is The Sun
She, who looks at me proud, looks at me furious,
and looks at me when my shines stopped showing
and Her daughter’s sorrow consumed her entirety,
chasing away the Moon, embedding her in gaping scars
i’ve heard of wanting to be great or nothing
i’ve heard of craving praises and excellency
i’ve heard of believing dreams and it seems lately,
in lieu of listening, i’ve begun,
sinking, dying, drowning,
into the depths of melancholia forever.
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