#2020 Fortnight of Books
mostlyghostie · 1 year
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I redrew my favourite books! This time I added my favourite albums too.
Paul Auster - 4321
Phillip Pullman - Northern Lights
AS Byatt - The Children’s Book
Charles Dickens - David Copperfield
William Goldman - The Princess Bride
George Saunders - Lincoln in the Bardo
RC Sherriff - The Fortnight in September
Kazuo Ishiguro - An Artist of the Floating World
Jon McGregor - Reservoir 13
David Mitchell - The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
Elizabeth Strout - Olive Kitteridge
Alice Munro - Hateship, Loveship, Courtship, Friendship, Marriage
Marilynne Robinson - Home
John Williams - Stoner
Love - Forever Changes
Lou Reed - Transformer
Violent Femmes - Violent Femmes
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Sam Cooke - Live at the Harlem Square Club
Martha - Blisters in the Pit of My Heart
Big Thief - Masterpiece
The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses
Joanna Newsom - Divers
Richard Dawson - 2020
George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
The Beatles - Abbey Road
(I’ve added a new listing to my shop where you can request a big custom print like this of your own favourite stuff to display on your wall!)
Shop / Instagram
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nerdalmighty · 11 months
What are your top picks for your favorite Good Omens fanfics? 👀
Oh my dear AnnTickwittee, THANK YOU for this ask. There are a bunch of great ones out there but here are some I've loved recently! Also, everyone PLEASE feel free to leave more recs in comments or reblogs or tags! I LOVE a good fic!
Weirdly, most of my faves were written before S2 premiered - PLEASE recommend me some good S2 stuff, and ones you'd consider staples in the GO fandom - I've missed out on a LOT of great content - help me find it/catch up! (Note: All fics listed below are COMPLETE and feature happy endings.)
1. The Rose and the Serpent by @brightwanderer | Rating: M | Status: Complete | Chapters: 12 | Word Count: 55,795 | Published: 2020-05-31 | Completed: 2020-08-15
Summary: AU, retelling of “Beauty and the Beast”. Quite honestly, sending Aziraphale off into the forest to be held hostage by a giant snake in a cursed castle isn’t even the worst thing Gabriel’s ever done to him, and at least it means a change of scene. But then neither the snake nor the castle turn out to be quite what he’s expecting…
My Review: Fave fave FAVE at the moment! I discovered this one from this tiktok, fully thinking it was going to be a silly little romp and was instead met with beautiful prose, adorable banter, and moments that literally made me go "AWW" out loud (which I NEVER do). I meant to read a few chapters per night before bed and then accidentally read the whole thing in one go. I stayed up until 4am reading and then woke up 4 hours later STILL thinking about it. Aziraphale is the perfect lead in this one, with Crowley as the wily yet lovable snake that lives in a cursed/enchanted castle with some familiar faces. CLASSIC pining ensues. The author does a great job of world building and character development and I find myself wishing I could read it again with fresh eyes. It's beautiful and adorable and I can't recommend it enough. Favorite quote: "'I love him,' he said. 'Let me in.' And the gates swung open before him."
2. a lighthouse (burning) by @books-and-omens | Rating: M | Status: Complete | Chapters: 12 | Word Count: 108,477 | Published: 2022-03-26 | Completed: 2023-06-13
Summary: In good weather, one can see the lighthouse at the Rock from the shore: a dot on the horizon, a distant star flashing red and white and red again. It’s been dark for a fortnight, of course—ever since the incident that every newspaper had breathlessly written about, that the paper-boys on the corners had shouted themselves hoarse over. This is where Aziraphale is headed: it is his duty, after all, to find out what happened, to make sure that the beacon can be safely lit once again. He does not expect Crowley to follow him to the windswept isle, to the lonely lighthouse at what could just as well be the edge of the world. Crowley follows him anyway.
My Review: THIS ONE! This one is a good old fashioned mystery! The humans believe this lighthouse is haunted, especially since its last three keepers vanished without a trace, but Aziraphale and Crowley know that can't possibly be the case. As such, they decide to investigate for themselves. It's an adorable slow burn period piece that had me weeping at certain points with twists and turns abound, and I really liked how the author handled the mystery and lore! Deep lore is tough to do convincingly and I found myself believing everything the author said. I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I KIND OF clocked what the author was going for with their mystery. Their explanation for everything was far better than anything my monkey brain could have come up with. Also that S2 ep of OFMD that featured a lighthouse in the beginning came out after I read this fic and I got all giddy thinking about Aziracrow here. I literally don't think I'll ever see a lighthouse again and not think of this gorgeous fic. EDIT: Also, here's a YouTube video that appeared in my recommended shortly after I read this. It's super interesting that disappearances like this have happened in real life 😱
3. If We've Got Nothing (We've Got Us) by @kedreeva | Rating: G | Status: Complete | Chapters: 4 | Word Count: 19,897 | Published: 2019-06-17 | Completed: 2020-03-02
Summary: Two months after the failed apocalypse Aziraphale finds the first dark feather growing in his wings. A story about middle grounds, ineffable plans, and what happens when the world doesn't end.
My Review: Another fic I found on Tiktok. The edit itself was so gorgeous I decided to give it a go and was not disappointed. It was written before S2 was even announced so it takes some liberties with fanon (Crowley was Raphael in the canon of this world, etc), but it's a lovely, relatively quick read. Crowley and Aziraphale are on their own side, finally, and soon, others join their ranks. All while God watches from afar. The prose is beautiful and I come back to the tiktok all the time (I saved it onto my phone lol). It was also fun to go back and rewatch the tiktok after reading and realize that the editor stitched together parts from each chapter into something new and amazing. It's not a romantic fic, not in the way the others are; it cares more about the aftermath of an apocalypse and shades of gray and how the universe came to be in the first place. I love the POV of God reminiscing on creation and thought it was very well written. Absolutely loved this one! (@anntickwittee, this was the fic I was referring to in the tags of this post, which is probably what prompted you to leave this ask in the first place! 😊)
4. All That's Best of Dark and Bright by @hope-inthedark | Rating: T | Status: Complete | Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 5,648 | Published: 2020-06-22
Summary: When Crowley drops a bomb on a church, Aziraphale falls in love with him. This should be a secret, but unfortunately, Aziraphale's never been much good at keeping them.
My Review: A one-shot expanding on the 1941 minisode (2019) BEFORE the S2 minisode canonically expanded on it. Recap: Aziraphale's just realized he's in love with Crowley (thank you Michael Sheen for that AMAZING acting choice) and this fic is the author's interpretation of what might have happened after the show cut away from the burning church. I was floored by how many parallels made it from this fic into the actual show both directly and indirectly (Aziraphale says "Not as such" at one point and I'm pretty sure I burst into tears and/or yelped loudly). It's got a good bit of angst to it, the same kind from S2 that makes you scream "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! HE'S RIGHT THERE!" with a happy ending that helped heal my shattered heart. I definitely cried reading this one (affectionate). It's extremely fluffy at the end which EYE LOVE, so if that's your thing, I highly recommend! Favorite Quote: "'I’m afraid I’m quite terribly in love with you,' Aziraphale said unceremoniously. Crowley, who had been in the process of sitting up, promptly fell off the sofa."
5. the two shepherds of uruk by lupinely | Rating: E | Status: Complete | Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 24,963 | Published: 2023-10-09
Summary: After Aziraphale goes back to Heaven with the Metatron, Crowley reflects. And 4,400 years ago in 2407 BC, in the city of Uruk in ancient Sumer, he and Aziraphale fall in love with humanity, and each other. - “What are you doing here?” asked Aziraphale. Crowley lifted an eyebrow and felt himself start to smile. “I should ask you the same. What are you thinking, coming here with your wings out and the blessed light of Heaven raining down upon you? You’re scaring the mortals.” Aziraphale blushed. Crowley dutifully looked away. It felt disrespectful not to.
My Review: This one-shot is a love letter to history and humanity. I think I found it on twitter? Unfortunately I don't have a link to the tweet or the author's tumblr. What I really love about this one is that the author adds footnotes like the original Good Omens book does. You can absolutely feel the love and care that went into writing and researching for this particular fic, which I can really appreciate as a fellow writer. (For all my Bildad the Shuhite stans out there, this story takes place after, but the vibes are VERY SIMILAR. If you even care.) Crowley and Aziraphale are in Uruk to keep an eye on the humans as they try to build a structure tall enough to reach God (the Tower of Babel). Theoretically, they can both return to their respective sides, but opt to stay on earth (with each other) for 10 years to watch the construction unfold. Pining ensues, NSFW ensues, and as the author puts it, "now featuring Aziraphale as a little country girl tending her sheep ♥" I highly recommend if you want to be sucked into another time period/biblical story and feel MANY different feelings (with a happy ending!)
I have more bookmarked that I could absolutely recommend if anyone is interested, but these 5 are just the ones that have stuck out to me the most recently!! Believe me, I could go ON, but this post is long enough for now.
If you DO read any of these, please chat with me about them, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Happy reading!
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ziskandra · 1 year
life updates with asha (june edition)
oh hey, it's been a little while since i've provided the lands of tumblr with an irl happenings update!! the last couple of months have been. a lot. but mostly good! overall excellent.
starting with the not-so-good: got official confirmation that i have long covid! fortunately the cardiologist thinks it should self-resolve within six months and that all things considered my case is relatively mild in comparison (e.g., i'm not bedridden, i can still work fulltime, i just. get fatigued so much more easily and sometimes just need to lie down about it.)
also have gone low contact with my parents again after a few incidents where they trampled my boundaries. tbh, this is more positive than negative.
going to japan for a fortnight next month!! kind of a consolation prize for not making the national team for the scrabble world champs. (basically both my partner and i already booked our leave so we figured we might as well take our much-delayed japan trip, originally planned for 2020... this is the first time we've had leave at the same time in 4 years. it will be nice to spend some time together!)
also we have BOUGHT A HOUSE!! !!!! !!!!! signed the contract and paid the deposit earlier this week and settlement is in late august and. just. wtf.
oh also i'm a redhead now and i have multifocals 8)
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moongurl95 · 29 days
Writer Interview Game
Thank you for the tag @theladyofshalott1989! 💕 Yours was such an interesting read (can agree with your only child syndrome - im one as well ✌️) and it's something to think about since it's my first time receiving a tag game this long 😅
When did you start writing?
I remember making a lil homemade "Book of Jokes" (simply made out of elementary paper and just binding them with glue), my mom still has it somewhere she said she keeps as a memento.
But ive found i had a way to express myself in essay writing and with the other blogs i had before (blogspot days), before i really practiced creative writing back in 2019 by joining some writing groups online. They gave prompts and we spin a short story for it, which i greatly enjoyed doing. Joined Nanorimo in 2020 and even self published a couple of ebooks from that (not really confident to market it tho...)
But Fanfiction writing? ive honestly joined many a fandom but only Hogwarts Legacy was the one who called out to me to write something about my MC!
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I curiously read smut cuz for the life of me i cannot write a sexy, intimate scene in detail - my brain just blanks when i want to write it, so always back to the drawing writing board for me 🫣
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
No one in particular really, tho i transitioned from reading the kids' books (Magic Treehouse, Geronimo Stilton and Bailey School Kids) to straight up P.C. Cast and her Goddess Summoning series. The only good 'ol YAs that touched my soul were Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver Trilogy, Emma Raveling's Ondine Quartet, Courtney Alameda's Shutter, Jess Rothenberg's The Catastrophic History of You and Me, and last but not the least (which also shaped my love for morally grey characters, Julian goddammit i cried teenage tears for him 😢) L.J. Smith's The Forbidden Game and these are most of the writers i remember growing up reading (i never even read the HP books... whoops!)
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
i don't really have a fixed one, i used to go to those co-working spaces when i started with fanfiction writing but i can type out a quick short story in notepad on any pc as long as the mood strikes. i've also adapted to typing on my cp too (OneDrive is my friend in syncing it on both my mobile and laptop) 😁
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Peace and quiet. i usually have the best ideas late into the night when everyone is asleep, and im up like a gremlin, awake and typing away on my pc (those subliminal writer sounds work on me too) and there comes a time that i just need to write the words out when they've been brewing in my head for a fortnight too long...
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
3 love interests and the 1 mc who does not have the leisure for romance (i did it once, i unwittingly just realized im doing it now with my fanfic... oh well.)
What is your reason for writing?
Granted i haven't written any original works since starting my fanfiction (all my brain juice goes into that WIP, i guess), it does give me a sense of purpose and a nice lil side hobby project i still quite enjoy coming back to every now and then ✍️🤓
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
i don't get alot so i love all of them! The ones that comment on how sweet the interactions were between the characters keeps me motivated tho, it's challenging enough for me to be naturally affectionate irl so i really think my dialogue over before capturing it in words.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
i guess just somehow who'll not leave them hanging on an unfinished work 😅 at this point in time i still love adding chapters to it, but it does take time for me (between working and adjusting in a new country). i greatly thank them for their patience and support of my work! 💌
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Slow-burns. 'Cuz maybe it takes me awhile to really understand a certain level of affection that's why im more interested in seeing how it develops. Also i do get comments on how i really visually describe a scene real well, so i hope that's true and im not really dragging it out? 🤔
How do you feel about your own writing?
i personally feel like i lack a back and forth dialogue in how i write, as i tend to be introspective, though overall i love the art of writing itself! There are days i read a random work of mine just to get motivated, read the comments on that and get encouraged more. 🥰
Hope these lovelies dont mind me tagging them 💌 @glutengoblin @animasola86 @evaslytherpuff @little-emerald-snake
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I saw your post about IIH from October. I have IIH too, diagnosed in 2020. I was considering a shunt, but decided to try exenatide as a last resort since the US govt gave it orphan drug status for IIH and clinical trials were promising. I take Bydureon injections once a week (4 months now) and it has done wonders for me - I can work full time and I'm planning on going back to school. it's expensive and I had to jump through a lot of hoops, but it's made my life liveable. my IIH is still there but I can function now.
Exenatide is usually sold as Byetta in NZ.
And I don't qualify for it under our health system unless I also have diabetes or prediabetes. I cannot afford it unfunded even if I find a Doc willing to try it as an off-label use med for IIH.
What's funny (read: infuriating) is that if I asked about it in relation to weight loss it's possible that I might be fully funded under that category.
I am trialing a CBD product currently and it seems to reduce my tinnitus, eye pain, head, neck, and upper back pain, light sensitivity, etc so it might be working to both reduce pain and pressure. And I've managed to finish 3 hardcopy books and a few ebooks in the last fortnight or so.
But I'm not anywhere near being able to study or work, yet.
Once this trial is finished it (beyetta) might be my step, treatment-wise.
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sbknews · 1 year
Multistrada: Twenty Years of Emotions and Innovation
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Multistrada (Multi-strada, meaning ‘Multi-road’): never could a name have been more apt for a motorcycle destined to leave its mark like few others in Ducati's history. A dynasty that turns twenty in 2023: twenty years of innovative technology, performance, emotions, and adventures to tell. The Multistrada was born in 2003 with the aim of offering a Ducati both versatile and sporty, capable of tackling any terrain with maximum safety and solidity. The first version of the bike was the Multistrada 1000 DS, the starting point of a family that has continued to evolve through four generations, the most recent based on the V2 and V4 Granturismo engines. Over its twenty-year life, the Multistrada has brought with it a rich history of innovations and technological evolutions that have redefined the standards of the motorcycle industry, confirming itself, generation after generation, as the ideal companion for all enthusiasts who love to discover the beauties of the world and experience every journey in relation with the surrounding landscape and with the road, alone or in pairs. Among the most important innovations introduced for the first time thanks to the Multistrada that must certainly be mentioned are the Riding Modes of the 2010 model, a solution now widespread on most high and medium range motorcycles. The Multistrada V4, the technological benchmark of the Bologna-based manufacturer introduced on the market in 2020, was at the time the first motorcycle in the world equipped with front and rear radar . A solution that has made it possible to introduce the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Blind Spot Detection (BSD) systems, which improve riding comfort and safety. Also on the same model, Ducati introduced the Phone Mirroring solution, which transforms the dashboard into a colour map navigator while keeping visible the information necessary for riding the bike. The Multistrada V4 also features benchmark maintenance intervals, with valve clearance checks set every 60,000 km. All models in the family come with the exclusive “4Ever Ducati” warranty, valid for 4 years with unlimited mileage*. To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the model that changed the history of the Bologna-based manufacturer, Ducati has set up a temporary exhibition entitled "Multistrada 20th - Twenty Years of Evolutionary Exploration" inside its Museum. Enthusiasts can admire  two of the symbolic models of the Multistrada dynasty up close. On the one hand, the first Multistrada 1000 DS, which embodies the initial vision and inspiration behind the creation of this family of motorcycles, and on the other hand, the more recent Multistrada V4 Rally, which fully epitomises the path of innovation and evolution that the model has gone through in the past twenty years. The display is enhanced by a short documentary that, through images and testimonies, traces the history and progress that has characterised this incredible model, from its introduction to the most recent versions. The special exhibition "Multistrada 20th - Twenty Years of Evolutionary Exploration" will remain open until the beginning of October with the same opening hours as the Ducati Museum, from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00 and closed on Wednesdays. The Multistrada will be one of the protagonists of the Ducati World Première 2024. After the first episode dedicated to the Ducati Monster 30° Anniversario, five other appointments, from the 19th of September to the 7th of November, will unveil just as many new Ducati models for the 2024 range every fortnight. All information on how to visit and book is available in the section dedicated to the Borgo Panigale Experience on Ducati.com. The history of the Multistrada is also illustrated in the article Multistrada Dynasty on the Ducati website. For further details on the Multistrada family, visit the dedicated page on the Ducati website and the Instagram profile  @ducatimultistradav4. * The “4Ever Ducati” guarantee is valid only in EU countries
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imoim36news · 1 year
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"Bên trong vỏ kén vàng" của đạo diễn Phạm Thiên Ân vào danh sách 19 phim sẽ giới thiệu tại Liên hoan phim Cannes, tháng 5 ở Pháp. Theo trang Screendaily, Julien Rejl - Giám đốc nghệ thuật sự kiện - tiết lộ nhóm các phim không tranh giải trong buổi họp báo ngày 18/4. Rejl cho biết ông và Hiệp hội Đạo diễn Pháp đã chọn lọc từ gần 4.000 phim gửi đến, đi đến hơn 20 quốc gia gặp gỡ các nhà làm phim, để chọn ra 19 tác phẩm.Bên trong vỏ kén vàng (Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell) của Phạm Thiên Ân được ban tổ chức giới thiệu là tác phẩm đầu tay của anh, chưa có thêm thông tin, hình ảnh. Phim do đạo diễn sản xuất từ năm 2020, được phát triển từ phim ngắn Stay Awake, Be Ready (Hãy thức tỉnh và sẵn sàng) - từng giành giải cao nhất ở nhánh Director’s Fortnight, Liên hoan phim Cannes 2019. Tác phẩm thuộc thể loại tâm lý - hành trình pha giả tưởng, kể về chàng trai đưa xác chị dâu bị tai nạn về chôn ở quê. Sau đó, anh bắt đầu tìm người anh trai thất lạc nhiều năm ở vùng núi Việt Nam. Hình ảnh tại buổi casting phim "Bên trong vỏ kén vàng" ở Hà Nội năm 2020. Ảnh: Fanpage Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell Phim được chọn chiếu cùng một số bộ điện ảnh nổi bật khác như In Our Day của đạo diễn gạo cội Hàn Quốc Hong Sang Soo, The Book of Solutions của Michel Gondry, Abraham’s Valley của Manoel de Oliveira.Phạm Thiên Ân sinh năm 1989, thuộc thế hệ làm phim trẻ được đánh giá cao. Anh từng giành giải nhì cuộc thi "Làm phim ngắn 48 giờ" năm 2014. Năm 2018, phim Câm lặng (The Mute) của anh chiếu tại Liên hoan phim ngắn Quốc tế Palm Spring và được chọn tranh giải ở gần 15 Liên hoan phim Quốc tế như Winterthur, Tampere, Hong Kong, Encounters, Aspen. Đạo diễn Thiên Ân (trái) và một thành viên êkíp ở LHP Cannes 2019. Ảnh: P.T.A. Phim ngắn Stay Awake, Be Ready dài bảy phút, được quay chỉ với một cú máy. Sau Cannes, tác phẩm được chiếu tại hơn 40 liên hoan phim quốc tế như Busan (Hàn Quốc), Locarno (Thụy Sĩ), Singapore, Stockholm (Thụy Điển), Milano (Italy), Vancouver (Canada).Liên hoan phim Cannes lần thứ 76 diễn ra từ ngày 16 đến 27/5, Iris Knobloch là nữ chủ tịch đầu tiên. Đạo...
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reviewsthatburn · 2 years
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valiantarcher · 4 years
Fortnight of Books: 2020
Day 2:
Most surprising (in a good way) book of this year? Starflower by Anne Elisabeth Stengl. I expected it to be about the same as the first three books, but it was quite a bit better. Also, Light a Single Candle by Beverly Butler. This is a book that has been on our shelves since before we were born, but it was one of my mom’s books and I never picked it up. I finally read it and really enjoyed it.
Most disappointing book/Book you wish you enjoyed more than you did? I refuse to name it here on the grounds it may incriminate me in certain people’s eyes. But I had heard good things about Thorn by Intisar Khanani and it just didn’t...work for me. Also, Curtain by Agatha Christie, The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, Prester John by John Buchan, and Scales of Justice by Ngaio Marsh. Actually, there are a few more on the list, but I’m not going to waste time (mine or others’) by listing more of them out.
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lit-in-thy-heart · 4 years
i don't know about anyone else but my experience of the close of 2020 has been a lot like the ending of city of fallen angels, where there are only five pages left, you're thinking that nothing else can possibly happen, and then there is the biggest fucking plot twist and you're thrown into complete disarray at the moment you were least expecting it
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littlekatleaf · 2 years
It couldn't be had, what he wanted to hold (1 of ?)
The idea of this fic has been lingering in the background of my brain since mid-2020 - finally taking a stab at it. TMA, Jon/Martin. Takes place post finale, though you don't need to have finished the series to read this.
Trying hard not to awaken The voice of regret in his ear He can’t escape the timeline So much worse than he had feared Lived every moment Wishing the past would disappear ~ Eddie Vedder, Long Way
Ever since he could remember (and how long is that?), whenever Jon had a fever, no matter how slight, he would have nightmares. Not dim shadows, vague with foreboding, but technicolor, detailed. Not flimsy things, easily torn away, but more like cobwebs, clinging and sticky. Worse, they were just close enough to reality that he was always left questioning after, which dream, which not? 
“That doesn’t sound promising.” Martin’s voice breaks the stillness.
Jon looks up from his book, blinking. “Mmm?” 
“You’ve been sniffling for the past hour.” Fortunately, instead of annoyed, he sounds concerned. In the soft light of evening, Martin’s hair glows. His glasses reflect firelight. He looks warm and soft and Jon wishes they were curled up together on the couch. But Martin had wanted the table for his tea and notebook, a chance to write in quiet for a change. Jon’s trying not to be greedy. After all he has Martin to himself for a whole fortnight.  He can allow the few feet of space between them. “Sorry, have I?” He rubs absently at his nose. He hadn’t realized, but now that his concentration is broken, maybe he does feel a bit like he needs a handkerchief. “Allergies must be… ht’ngxt!” 
Martin huffs. “Allergies, in the middle of November?”
“Mold,” Jon suggests, hopefully.
“I told you Tim was sick. Sasha told you Tim was sick! But did you listen?” Even as he scolds, Martin pulls a clean square of cloth from his pocket and holds it out. Behind his glasses, his eyes sparkle, fond.
Jon takes the handkerchief, but can’t bring himself to use it, not with Martin looking. “Well, what was I supposed to do?” His voice takes on Tim’s cadence. “Abandon him to ride the tube, when I’m already forcing him to spend the most boring day ever at a rare book conference even though he’s practically dying of plague?”
“Nice impression,” Martin says, laughing. “Maybe next time pay for his cab?”
Jon shrugs, smiles as well. “Bit of a cold, not the end of the world.” But the words echo strangely in his ears, and he rubs his temples with cold fingertips.
“No, I’m fine.” 
The expression on Martin’s face speaks clear as words –  if you say so –  laden with doubt.
“Really,” Jon assures him.
“It’s so weird when you do that.” 
“Answer something I didn’t actually say.” Martin leans over and brushes Jon’s hair from his forehead - not so surreptitiously checking for fever.
“You need to work on your poker face.”
“That’s not what Tim says.”
“He lets you win.”
Martin gasps, hand to his chest in mock affront. “He would never!” But they both know he absolutely would, especially when it means Jon would lose, especially when it’s Martin. “Take it back, or I’ll publish that limerick I wrote the other night.” He brandishes his pencil.
Jon waves the handkerchief, white flag of surrender. “All right, all right. I rescind my statement.”
“Best you had,” Martin says, turning back to his notebook.
Freed from his gaze, Jon ducks his head and blows his nose, hoping it will ease the drippiness and building tickles. He’s still hoping for allergies. After all, the flora and fauna of Scotland is likely different enough that it could cause some sensitivity. 
Instead of the relief he wants, the sensation rises more intensely and he’s forced to stifle several sneezes into the cloth. He exhales on a sigh. Well, if he has to be ill, at least he’s already taken time off from the Institute.
Martin murmurs a blessing.
Outside the cabin, wind whistles and clouds scuttle over the setting sun. The fire snaps, a log shifts and breaks, sending up a swirl of sparks. Martin’s pencil scratches across the page. Jon leans his head against the back of the couch and closes his eyes, just for a moment. There are worse places to be ill, he supposes. Unfortunate, though, he might not be able to do everything Martin wants. See the sights, such as they are.
He must have dozed because when next he opens his eyes, Martin has disappeared, and there’s a steaming mug of tea on the little side table next to his arm, as well as a box of tissues. Even though his senses are beginning to have that familiar wrapped in cotton wool feeling, he can still catch the sharp scent of mint and a bright note of lemon. He takes a sip and sighs. Just the slightest bit of honey sweetness to soothe his throat. Perfect, as always. And under the cup, a note.
Just ran down to the shops to pick up a few things. Didn’t want to wake you. Back soon. ~ M
He smiles, even though he feels markedly worse. The headache has settled into his sinuses, pulsing behind his eyes. His skin tingles with chills, though his face feels overwarm. Hopefully one of the things Martin’s picking up is LemSip. The steam from the mug makes his nose tickle, just on the wrong side of a sneeze. Not quite enough to get there, but enough to leave him hazy and short of breath.
He’s still staring rather vaguely into the middle distance, waiting to see what develops, when his phone chirps, urgent. He startles and fumbles it for a minute before managing to accept the call.
“Oi, Boss. How’s Scotland?” Tim’s voice is too loud, too cheerful, no lingering remnants of his cold. Nothing keeps him down for long. 
“What do you need, Tim?”
“Is that any way to greet your very best friend?”
“When I specifically said only call in an emergency, yes.”
“How do you know it’s not?”
“We’ve been gone two days. Even you couldn’t manufacture an emergency in less than 48 hours.”
“Oh, ye of little faith!” 
“What have you done?” Unease slides into his stomach, oily. When he blinks, strange shadows shift in the periphery of his vision. 
“Nothing, honest. I just wanted to…” 
But Jon doesn’t hear what, exactly, Tim wants because relief washes over him, and in its wake the sneezes finally hit their tipping point. He manages to hold the phone away from himself and grab up a couple of tissues. He stifles the sneezes, mostly.
“Ht’ngxt! N’gxt! Ch’t!” He exhales wearily. “Pardon.”
“Geez, Boss. Bless you,” Tim says.
“Thank you. I think Scotland might not agree with me.”
Tim laughs. “Sure, Scotland. Or maybe it’s that your body can’t handle breathing fresh air. Your lungs need the refined yet musty atmosphere of the Institute.”
“Yes yes, as you always say.” He wants to sniff, to blow his nose. He does neither. “Why did you ring?” He asks finally, pleased he managed it without sneezing, and with his consonants sounding mostly normal. Silence falls on the other end of the connection long enough that he checks to make sure the signal hasn’t dropped. 
“How are you, Jon?” Tim’s voice has gone low, unwontedly serious.
Even from this distance, even though Tim can’t see him, Jon shifts uncomfortably. “Just a touch of cold. No cause for concern,” he says, aware of how stiff he sounds as he does.
A sigh crackles through the speaker, a mix of frustration and fond. “Not what I meant, and you know it.”
He does know, (why does he always know?) wishes he didn’t. Unspoken words hang between them with the cold, damp, grey of fog. What about the nightmares? What about the weight loss? What about the damned silence? He doesn’t glance down to see mist swirling around his ankles.  He tenses against the urge to shiver, but the chills shudder through him anyway and he pinches off another set of sneezes. “I’m fine,” he insists, irritated at his own stubbornness. 
“And how’s Marto?” Tim asks, even as the questions he leaves unvoiced ghost underneath. Why won’t you talk to me anymore? Why do you keep disappearing? 
“He’s writing,” Jon answers. He blows his nose quietly, easier now that the beam of Tim’s curiosity is focused elsewhere. “Enjoying the pastoral - appreciating the cows.” In between taking care of me, he doesn’t say, unwilling to answer the unspoken.
“He deserves the break.” The words are careful, but Jon catches their edge, no matter how slight.
“He does.” This time the silence lingers between them, neither able to breach the divide grown between.
“Don’t forget to ask him about that pub,” Sasha calls from somewhere in the background.
“Right!” Relief palpable, Tim latches on to the question. “You check out the pub with the open mic night Gerry suggested?”
“It’s only been two days; we’ve barely arrived.”
“Plenty long enough to visit several different establishments. You’re falling down on the job, Boss.”
Jon forces himself to laugh and it comes out naturally enough that the tension between them eases, for the moment at least. By the time Martin returns from the shops, the conversation is more effortless and for a while the four of them trade banter over speaker phone as Martin cooks dinner and they eat. Almost like they’re all together in one room. It’s getting on half ten when Jon’s voice goes from scratchy to a mere croaky whisper and he interrupts himself with yawns more often than sneezes.
“Better let the marsh frog get some sleep,” Tim says, yawning as well.
“Pardon me; frog?” Jon protests, but with no real heat. 
Sasha laughs. “Only the most adorable of marsh frogs, round and bright green. Barely slimy at all.”
“Not making it better.”
They ring off, still laughing, though it edges Jon into a spasm of coughing.
“All right?” Martin asks, a hand on his back comforting and gentle.
Jon nods. He is, mostly. But despite the lingering warmth from good conversation with friends, there’s a background hum of unease, static and disjointed, that leaves him feeling somewhat off-kilter. 
He slides into bed and Martin pulls him close. He sighs, relaxing into Martin’s warmth. Focus on this, he tells himself. On the softness of the mattress, the ghosting of Martin’s breath across his head, the way the moonlight spills in the window, the soft chirp of crickets and hiss of wind through the trees. Nothing to fret, they are safe here. He turns his thoughts away from why that might even be in question
“Feel better, love,” Martin says. “Sleep well.”
Jon drifts.
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Lord John AU Event Master List
A very special thank you to all of the writers, artists, and readers who helped make the Lord John AU Event a success! All good things must come to an end, and the body of Lord John fanworks has grown immensely during this event.
Because Pan is still a geek, here’s an infographic with some of our stats. 
Below the cut, you’ll find a masterlist of all of the art and fics submitted for the event. Most of the fics can be found in the AO3 Collection, and all titles in the master list below are links to the original work posting (AO3 or Tumblr).
Here’s how we did!
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Master List Below!
Art Links
“E-girl Claire and her boyfriend John” by @deanwinchesterangelfucker
“Gender-swapped, established relationship John and Jamie” by @deanwinchesterangelfucker
Fic Links
Title: extra credit Author: @iihappydaysii Rating: E Ship: Brian/John AU Category: High School Word Count: 2,532 Summary:  Brian Randall (Jamie Fraser's gay son, of course) needs to get his grade up in his trig class taught by who other than his father's friend, John Grey.
Title: Die for this Kingdom Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: M Ship: Jamie/John AU Category: Mob Word Count: 45,255 Summary:  All Jamie “Fortnight” Fraser wants is to provide a good, safe life for his family in Chicago. But with tragedies keeping him tangled in his uncle’s deadly schemes and one tenacious—and handsome—police officer determined to bring him in, Fortnight Fraser has a choice to make. Bend to Dougal’s will… or burn it all to the ground.
Title: Remember Hawaii Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Hector/John AU Category: Semi-Modern Word Count: 5,119 Summary:  The chances of John Grey unexpectedly seeing Hector Dalrymple in a group of Marines was always small but never zero. In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is tiny. What are the odds they'd both be there at the same time?
Title: Tasting Sunshine Author: @andhopethatsoon Rating: E Ship: John/Stephan AU Category: Supernatural/Fantasy Word Count: 6,421 Summary:  Every fae and their godmother knows that you DON'T eat the oranges from THOSE trees or you will summon the Summer King who will demand your heart’s desire in return.
Title: At Operator’s Discretion Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Jamie/John AU Category: Assassins Word Count: 6,210 Summary:  John Grey is an operator specializing in surveillance and termination--that is, spying and murder. He keeps all this a secret from his husband, Alex Malcolm, for Alex's protection. But when a contract comes in for one James Fraser, Grey's life gets all kinds of complicated.
Title: Theatre Masks Author: @faeriesfanficblog Rating: G Ship: Jamie/John AU Category: Modern Word Count: 1,238 Summary:  A modern AU. Jamie Fraser is an autistic playwriter attending a theatre premiere with his husband Lord John Grey.
Title: The Wild Hunt Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Jamie/John/Tom AU Category: Supernatural/Fantasy Word Count: 8,033 Summary:  The Sorcerer is rumored to be the only being able to influence the Wild Hunt, the same Wild Hunt hell-bent on destroying the world to get to John Grey. But the Sorcerer's aid comes with stipulations.
Title: The Right Tool for the Job Author: @iihappydaysii & @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Jamie/John AU Category: Modern Word Count: 5,825 Summary:  Jamie makes an embarrassing emergency call after a sexual mishap, and John Grey is the paramedic who shows up to help.
Title: gotta listen when the devil’s calling Author: @narastories Rating: E Ship: BJR/Jamie/John AU Category: Modern Word Count: 6,105 Summary:  John wasn't looking forward to his birthday. Aberdeen was cold and bloody far away. This year they also got a surprise travel companion last minute and John is convinced, it couldn't get any worse. But perhaps, it's not so bad after all.
Title: Off the Only Path I Knew (WIP) Author: @jesuisprest747 Rating: M Ship: Jamie/John AU Category: College/University Word Count: 8,920 Summary: Nothing about University is going as Jamie Fraser planned. He misses his family and friends back home, and the friends he's made at University don't feel quite right. Under pressure from his father, he is studying business instead of his true passion - Classics and Literature. To top it all off, his roommate barely speaks to him. A story about friendship, love, and following your heart.
Title: And Say We’ll Never Part Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Hector/John AU Category: Semi-Modern Word Count: 6,872 Summary: The war has been over for months, and the Allied forces are slowly demobilizing. With the help of his friend and battle buddy Harry Quarry, newly-discharged John Grey ensures that Hector has a home waiting for him.
Title: Lemon Drop Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Hal/John/Percy AU Category: Modern Word Count: 6,335 Summary:  Weeks into their mother's engagement, John and Hal still haven't been formally introduced to their soon-to-be step-brother. So Hal suggests they take matters into their own hands. And if it turns out Percy is up for a little fun... all the better.
Title: A Pocketful of Posies Author: @levisqueaks Rating: M Ship: Brian/John (end game); Jamie/John  AU Category: Modern Word Count: 3,483 Summary:  Jamie breaks up with John a mere week before his wedding to a girl John knew nothing about. 20 years later, John finally gets a little bit of closure.
Title: London Calling - Come out of the Cupboard Author: @angstosaur  Rating: E Ship: Claire/Jamie/John AU Category: Semi-modern Word Count: 24,337 Summary:  Setting – Bloomsbury, London, early 1980’s John is a newly qualified solicitor and is working in Holborn. When he was studying law in London his mother insisted he stay in her apartment in Bloomsbury. He agreed as long as he could share with his old school friend, Claire Beauchamp. Claire has just finished at medical school and has a post as a junior doctor at a large London Hospital. They’re just good friends. That’s all. Really. After all, John is gay. Then, Jamie Fraser enters their lives and suddenly all that was taken for granted is called into question.
Title: John Grey’s Anatomy (WIP) Author: @jesuisprest747​ Rating: E Ship: Claire/Jamie/John AU Category: Modern medical Word Count: 25,452 Summary:  When John Grey decided to move to America in early 2020 to escape his past and make a new start at Boston Memorial Hospital, he only wished to work hard at his anesthesiology fellowship and heal his broken heart. Little did he know that he would soon meet two people who would change his life forever, against the background of the world's first global pandemic in over a hundred years.
Title: Blood Bound (WIP) Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings​ Rating: E Ship: Jamie/John; Jenny/Minnie AU Category: Supernatural/fantasy Word Count: 2,862 Summary:  Jamie Fraser grew up with the knowledge of the unholy evil that walks the earth. For more generations than his father could count, Fraser women have been the lone soldiers charged with keeping the evil things at bay. But when one wrong move on a haunted bog in Ireland transforms Jamie into the very thing he was taught to help his sister eradicate, he's forced to reevaluate everything he thought he knew about monsters.
Title: Love is a three-edged sword (WIP) Author: @angstosaur  Rating: M Ship: Claire/Jamie/John AU Category: Authurian Word Count: 74,668 Summary: An Arthurian themed AU featuring characters from Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series of books and the Lord John Grey stories. The enduring love triangle of Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot retold with a different twist. Expect canon to be used and abused, mythology to be woven in as desired and for there to be scenes of an explicit nature.T his is neither Outlander nor Arthurian legend as you may know it, or accept it, but it’s a story that called to me many months ago and I shall endeavour to write it. The characters are fictional and I’ve put them in an indeterminate time, so there will be less historical accuracy than my previous long story.
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Fortnight of Books: 2021
Day 11:
Book you can’t believe you waited till 2021 to read:
Piranesi; I checked the ebook out in December 2020 and was both very excited and a little intimidated because Strange and Norrell is l o n g and some days you just don't want to put in the effort and then the due date was coming so I dove in expecting to be reading and reading and reading and was surprised by how short it ended up being...
Book you read in 2021 and are most likely to reread in 2022?
 I'm going to need a reread of both Witchblaze (The Reflected City series) and A Day of Darkness (The Watchers of Outremer series) (probably will start both series from the beginning) when sometime after the next installments of their respective series drop
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lesbianlotties · 4 years
“Proof” - Andy/Quynh - The Old Guard Femslash Fortnight
Saturday Prompt: Free Choice
“Oh don’t,” Quynh weakly protested, giving back the phone, “Do not make it a habit.”
Andy grinned at Quynh’s picture on the phone’s screen, “I don’t think I can promise that, love.”
or, a story based on that iconic tumblr post by @justqueeerious 
It all started on a rainy day not too long after their reunion. Their time apart had left a mark on each of them, but more than anything, they wanted to make the most of the time they had ahead of them, looking up at the future with loving smiles on their faces. Then there was the fact that Quynh had missed on five hundred years of history. She was curious, she was excited, she was eager to see and learn as much as she could, and Andy, well, she was happy to indulge her in anything she wanted. That’s why the ancient warrior allowed herself, if only for short periods of time. to forget about selfless missions for the betterment of the world, and instead focused on lazy mornings snuggled up in bed with the love of her life.
“Andromache,” Quynh called her name softly, “Do not tell the others I said so but, this is just a magical little machine.” She grinned at the smartphone in the other woman’s hand.
Andy laughed affectionately. “I bet it can do more impressive things, but you’d have to ask Nile to teach you when we’re all reunited again. I only know the basics,” she shrugged.
Quynh, who had been resting her head on Andy’s shoulder, suddenly perked up and let out a small gasp of amazement. They had been texting Joe and Nicky, and Quynh was already impressed by it all, but then the phone displayed a picture the couple sent, and that was just mindblowing to her. “How?!” she wondered, looking back and forth between the phone’s screen and Andy’s smile.
“Let me show you,” Andy’s smile only grew in size. If she knew Quynh as well as she knew she did, then it was probable that in a matter of months, maybe weeks, Quynh would have a firmer grasp on modern technology than Andy herself. So, Andy was determined to enjoy these constant little moments of endearing surprise that came over the other woman’s beautiful, perfect face.
Andy, not without complaints from Quynh and regret on her part, moved away from her lover and crawled to the other end of the bed, where she fumbled with the phone for a few seconds before holding it up to take Quynh’s picture. The result, Quynh’s officially first picture, was so unmeasurably precious to Andy, that all she could do was shake her head in wonder. “I love you so much,” she sighed contentedly.
“My heart, what did you just do?”
“Take a look,” Andy passed her the phone, hoping her lover’s interest in the picture would keep her from noticing the tears filling Andy’s eyes.
Quynh gasped when she saw herself captured on that small screen. Immobile, surrounded by the fluffy whiteness of the bed covers, her hair a mess, her features relaxed, her comfortable black pajamas familiar and strange at once. “This made you cry?” she asked.
Her words made Andy’s entire body shake with laughter. “Come on, give it back, I want to take another,” she moved back to Quynh’s side.
“Oh don’t,” Quynh weakly protested, giving back the phone, “Do not make it a habit.”
Andy grinned at the phone’s screen, “I don’t think I can promise that, love.”
It went on and on. At first, it still came as a surprise to Quynh. Andy would call her name, she would turn to look at her in confusion, seeing her holding the phone up, and then she’d understand. However, it wasn’t too long before Quynh got used to it, and started making the most out of it. Every time Andy called her name Quynh would turn around with a perfect smile already in place. And, more often than not, she could tease her love about it. “Like what you see?” “My heart, you’re blushing again,” “Try not to cry this time,” she’d say. Only to receive a few, “Just enjoying the beautiful view,” “I can’t help it, you’re gorgeous,” and the occasional, “Shut up, I only cried once!” from Andy.
Andy was unstoppable since then, really. And Quynh only rarely pretended that she was upset by it at all. For example, when Andy was teaching her how to drive, but couldn’t let the event pass by without photographic evidence.
“Andromache, I’m going to crash the car if you don’t put down the phone,” Quynh mumbled from behind the wheel, “And one of us is not immortal, do I have to remind you that?”
After taking a picture, Andy put down the phone and laughed, “Yeah, well, I also said both hands on the wheel but who’s posing for the camera huh?” She didn’t mind at all though. How could she be bothered at all by the display of confidence, the effortless grace and unwavering determination in the other woman’s face, as Quynh expertly took over the street as if this modern car was not too far from the chariots they once were so comfortable on. That would never change, no matter how much time passed, just the two of them, passing through the world at their own speed, untouchable, completely in love.
Even when they were getting ready for training, something that even after thousands of years was never unnecessary. It kept them in shape and if they were being honest, they just loved it. It was part of who they were, and it was difficult to imagine their lives without the constant thrill of being always ready for battle, something as natural to both of them as waking up every morning. Andy had trained alongside Quynh for thousands of years but, of course, she’d never seen the love of her life wearing modern-day training clothes. It was too much. Too tight. Too little in certain places. And then there was fiery determination in Quynh’s face.
Andy was surprised the picture came out alright, considering she felt herself shaking a little bit by simply staring. Maybe Quynh won most of their fights that day. And the others would never forget the one day where they saw Andy getting her ass kicked for the first time in nobody knew how long. But Andy didn’t mind, she didn’t feel like she was losing anything at all when she had Quynh pin her down to the ground and smile at her just… in that way only Quynh could.
When Quynh was getting just comfortable enough with life in the twenty-first century, she decided she wanted to see the world. She had explored it, again and again, while holding Andy’s hand, but now, the world had changed. There was so much novelty, it was almost an entirely new world. That thought could be a dangerous one, a troubling one. But Quynh, she chose to focus on all the opportunities this offered. She focused on Andy’s hand in hers, Andy’s delight in showing her every new wonder this world had to offer, Andy’s bright smile, Andy’s loving eyes, Andy slowly but surely leaving behind her guilt and sorrow to give herself completely to Quynh, as if it was the first time, as if she was just getting used to not being devastatingly alone for the first time in her life. This meant that in their best moments Quynh could put down the weight of pain and rage and almost forget it was there in the first place.
Those were the best moments, the ones that Andy went out of her way to keep with her forever in as many pictures as possible.
“Would you rather we were traveling on horses?” Andy asked with a smile as she watched the love of her life continuing to pout because of all the waiting they had to do at airports.
“At least back then anyone could have a horse,” Quynh rolled her eyes, “Why don’t we have a plane?”
There was a picture of Quynh in every city, almost a picture of her in every single place they visited. There was Quynh’s amazement and wonder, her confusion, and occasional distaste at the things she was discovering. Everything captured in pictures. Andy treasured every moment of course. More often than she’d like to admit she caught herself holding back tears again. She couldn’t hold back all the love she felt for this wonderful woman in front of her. Quynh could bring her to tears, could make her throw her head back laughing, could make her forget where and when they were, all with just one look. 
All the traveling, all the missions. Andy knew she hadn’t stayed still in a single place for a long, long time. But it wasn’t until she got Quynh back that she realized it had been exactly five hundred years since she’d wanted to stay anywhere. Without Quynh, there was no home, no place where Andy would completely belong, not without her. Now, however, Andy was attacked by the realization that with the love of your life by your side, settling down for a little while at least wasn’t so bad at all. There was something nothing short of magical about the way it felt to wake up in the same bed, in the same pair of arms, again and again. She could never get tired of it, really.
Other than the lazy mornings and, well, pretty much every moment they spent together… Andy was discovering she really loved the little moments of quiet companionship with each other. It had been so long. But it still was the most natural thing. And there was a fun addition.
“You’re distracting me, my love,” Quynh mumbled on more than one occasion as she tried to focus on the book she was reading. It was just another way of seeing the new world that was around her, and she found she was starting to like it.
“I am completely quiet,” Andy replied, frowning at her phone, trying to decide if the pictures she’d just taken were good enough or if another was necessary.
“Are you really so bored you have to keep taking pictures?” Quynh asked another time, not even looking up to see that the other woman was caught.
“Yes,” Andy shrugged, “This is my desperate attempt to get your attention back.” It usually worked.
Their traveling continued though, through every season. In the spring, Andy’s phone threatened to collapse with the overflow of pictures of Quynh surrounded by all kinds of flowers, full of color and life. The summers weren’t their best time, and they decidedly avoided certain popular summer destinations. Instead, they made the most of the colder months of the year. They both could still remember the times when the only reason they managed to survive many brutal winters was that they were immortal. But the comforts of modern days made incredible things possible, and Quynh was delighted to make the most out of it.
“Fake fur, huh? That’s interesting. Certain much less work to do,” Quynh commented as she snuggled into her own coat.
Andy was staring at the most recent picture on her phone, a content smile on her face. But as soon as she glanced at Quynh, she found she barely cared about the picture anymore. A cold winter breeze passed by, and Andy trembled even more because of the thought that passed by her mind. For hundreds of years, she’d grieved this wonderful, gorgeous woman that now walked beside her. Andy had gripped her memories like her life depended on it, and it often wasn’t enough, her memories of Quynh never faded away, but with time they got at least a little blurry. Could it be possible that this almost desperate impulse she felt for taking her lover’s picture was just an unconscious attempt to immortalize their memories, in case they were ever separated again?
Shaking that train of thought off her mind, and shoving her phone deep in her coat’s pocket, Andy moved closer to Quynh. She wrapped her arms around the love of her life and firmly kissed Quynh’s cheek. “I love you, have I told you that today?” she asked when she moved away.
“Time has made you too soft, my heart,” Quynh shook her head at Andy, but she was smiling and she was blushing, not because of the cold.
Five centuries was a long time to miss. The world as Quynh had known it was entirely different now, and she was still getting acquainted with this modern version of it. But, some things never change, they can’t, they aren’t allowed to, or they just don’t want to. After leaving the ocean behind her forever, Quynh worried she would be different, that she’d changed too much. Then she worried she hadn’t changed at all and wouldn’t ever find a way to fit in anywhere again. That thought lasted up until the moment Andy first put her arms around her. Then, Quynh realized, not only she’d always have her home in those arms, where the two of them would always fit perfectly with each other. But she noticed this hadn’t changed at all. The two of them. They could grow, they could love each other even more, but never any less, that could never change.
And, there was another thing: Nature. Andy fought herself constantly for a feeling of not having been able to do enough, to keep humanity from doing itself and the world as much damage as it had. But still, there were some places, and they were nothing short of heavenly, that hadn’t changed too irrevocably these past hundreds of years. Even more, some places were still familiar from a thousand years ago. Some places were older than her and Andy put together, and they’d outlive the two of them and every person that lived on this Earth. That was the only reassuring thought that for thousands and thousands of years reminded the two immortal women that they could be extraordinary among humans, but they’ll always be just that, humans.
So, in one very special forest, a place with trees that supposedly were older than Andy, a place that they’ve visited and protected for as long as they could remember, Andy and Quynh rested. They camped for a few days, taking with them comforts of this decade, and knowledge of the past millenniums. They spent their nights wrapped around each other, staring at the stars, familiar as each other, but undoubtedly ever-changing, at the moon, a comforting presence that had never, not once, left them on their own, it was almost a part of who they were. But, during their first day there, Andy noticed her phone would die and she had no way to charge it.
Andy was sitting on the ground, her back resting against the trunk of a tree, and her arms were wrapped around Quynh, who was sitting in between her legs, with her back comfortably resting against Andy’s front. It was familiar and perfect and they wouldn’t have minded spending a hundred years or so just like that.
“That’s a shame,” Quynh said of the little number at the top corner of the screen that warned them of the phone’s dwindling power. Recently she’d gotten quite obsessed with a game on the phone and although it was incredibly endearing and at times concerning, it had stolen most of the phone’s battery.
“It’s okay,” Andy mumbled, realizing she couldn’t care about anything but the sweet scent on Quynh’s hair and the softness of her neck under Andy’s lips.
“I want one of you, one of us.”
“Hm, what?” Andy asked, begrudgingly moving her attention away from the kisses she’d dedicated herself to leaving on her lover’s neck.
“A picture, like this one,” Quynh answered. She was staring at the lockscreen of Andy’s phone, a picture of herself, as usual, one of a thousand pictures.
“I can do that, I think,” Andy said. She moved her hands to take the phone from Quynh’s hands, fumbled with it for a little bit, and then she managed exactly what Quynh wanted.
The next seconds were spent with the two of them smiling at the camera of the phone Andy held in front of them. Andy kissing her cheek. Quynh kissing her cheek in retaliation. Kissing each other’s lips because they couldn’t hold back. Grinning at the camera again. One attempt at seriousness. Another failed attempt. Picture after picture. Until the moment the phone died, making Quynh gasp a little at the sudden surprise.
“It’s fine, they’ll stay there,” Andy reassured her, tightening her arms around her and going back to her favorite activity of trailing kisses on Quynh’s neck. “Besides,” she stopped for just one second, just so Quynh could twist enough in her arms to really look at her, so they could look into each other’s eyes and understand completely and absolutely the truth of her next words, “I love the pictures, but I don’t need them. I have you here, that’s what matters. I love you, I don’t need proof of these moments, I could never forget them.”
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imoim36news · 1 year
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"Bên trong vỏ kén vàng" của đạo diễn Phạm Thiên Ân nằm trong danh sách 19 phim được giới thiệu tại Liên hoan phim Cannes vào tháng 5 ở Pháp. Theo trang Screendaily, Julien Rejl - Giám đốc nghệ thuật sự kiện - tiết lộ nhóm các phim không tranh giải trong buổi họp báo ngày 18/4. Rejl cho biết ông và Hiệp hội Đạo diễn Pháp đã chọn lọc từ gần 4.000 phim gửi đến, đi đến hơn 20 quốc gia gặp gỡ các nhà làm phim, để chọn ra 19 tác phẩm.Bên trong vỏ kén vàng (Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell) của Phạm Thiên Ân được ban tổ chức giới thiệu là tác phẩm đầu tay của anh, chưa có thêm thông tin, hình ảnh. Phim do đạo diễn sản xuất từ năm 2020, được phát triển từ phim ngắn Stay Awake, Be Ready (Hãy thức tỉnh và sẵn sàng) - từng giành giải cao nhất ở nhánh Director’s Fortnight, Liên hoan phim Cannes 2019. Tác phẩm thuộc thể loại tâm lý - hành trình pha giả tưởng, kể về chàng trai đưa xác chị dâu bị tai nạn về chôn ở quê. Sau đó, anh bắt đầu tìm người anh trai thất lạc nhiều năm ở vùng núi Việt Nam. Hình ảnh tại buổi casting phim "Bên trong vỏ kén vàng" ở Hà Nội năm 2020. Ảnh: Fanpage Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell Phim được chọn chiếu cùng một số bộ điện ảnh nổi bật khác như In Our Day của đạo diễn gạo cội Hàn Quốc Hong Sang Soo, The Book of Solutions của Michel Gondry, Abraham’s Valley của Manoel de Oliveira.Phạm Thiên Ân sinh năm 1989, thuộc thế hệ làm phim trẻ được đánh giá cao. Anh từng giành giải nhì cuộc thi "Làm phim ngắn 48 giờ" năm 2014. Năm 2018, phim Câm lặng (The Mute) của anh chiếu tại Liên hoan phim ngắn Quốc tế Palm Spring và được chọn tranh giải ở gần 15 Liên hoan phim Quốc tế như Winterthur, Tampere, Hong Kong, Encounters, Aspen. Đạo diễn Thiên Ân (trái) và một thành viên êkíp ở LHP Cannes 2019. Ảnh: P.T.A. Phim ngắn Stay Awake, Be Ready dài bảy phút, được quay chỉ với một cú máy. Sau Cannes, tác phẩm được chiếu tại hơn 40 liên hoan phim quốc tế như Busan (Hàn Quốc), Locarno (Thụy Sĩ), Singapore, Stockholm (Thụy Điển), Milano (Italy), Vancouver (Canada).Liên hoan phim Cannes lần thứ 76 diễn ra từ ngày 16 đến 27/5, Iris Knobloch là nữ chủ tịch đầu...
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