#2020 Horoscope
releasing-my-insanity · 2 months
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The "Tristan gets his heart broken in 1938 by a blond woman who wears her hair curled and pinned" pose.
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zebekah · 2 years
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leo scorpio hating someone because they gave you a weird look 5 years ago
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littlegayteaboy · 9 days
seasonal depression is so silly, wdym the sun comes out for a day and i’m instantaneously fixed?? not only happier and motivated but also friendlier and nicer and able to work on my projects!! can i speak to whoever invented seasonal depression for a minute because i don’t think i’m quite understanding the logic involved here
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edgeplaymotif · 5 months
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western nights - ethel cain // circe - madeline miller // you’re so cool - nicole dollanganger // normal-horoscopes (tumblr, March 2020) // the passenger (2023) - dir. carter smith
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sattlersquarry · 10 months
superfreaky (steve harrington x fem!reader)
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Summary: [AU inspired by Freaky (2020); modern body-swap-with-a-slasher AU] The Hawkins Hacker has been terrorizing your town for years now. What happens when he digs his hooks into you is surprising. It's shocking. It's downright superfreaky.
Word Count: ~7.3k
Warnings: 18+ PLEASE!!!! for language, violence, grief, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of death and serial killers/slashers. all the characters are at least 18 in this (and Steve is the same age as the others). There's no descriptors of the reader except when she and Henry Creel swap bodies (then, you're Jamie Campbell Bower). Also Officer Callahan is your stepbrother in this.
a/n: this is a halloween fic. I'm aware that it's mid-November and everyone on this website has moved onto winter/holiday fics. I'm late! I'm sorry! Blame depression/personal life weirdness/my horoscope.
Your life kind of sucks.
Just a little.
Currently, you’re dressed in a godawful tiger suit on a Thursday night, shaking your clip-on tiger tail like there’s no tomorrow. You don’t want to be here, but extracurriculars look great on college applications. If you want to get far, far away from Hawkins, Indiana after graduation, this is the kind of shit you have to do to be impressive on paper.
Plus, someone must be the brave soul that dons the Hawkins High school mascot costume on the sidelines of basketball games. The brave soul that gets soda cans chucked at your head by Billy Hargrove.
You turn and scowl when you feel the liquid splash across your back—not that Billy can see through your stitched-on tiger expression.
He and his buddies laugh and laugh, until team captain Steve Harrington chews them out for being assholes. You can’t help it—you inwardly swoon at the sight of him defending your honor. With that floppy hair and those gorgeous eyes and…
You snap yourself out of your wild, romantically charged fantasies about said basketball player when he jogs his way toward you.
“Hey, Y/N, you okay?” he asks quietly. You lift your mascot head and give him a small smile.
“I’m good,” you say. You shrug. “I’m used to it.”
Steve sighs and shakes his head.
“I’m really sorry. I told Hargrove to cut it out when you threw the nachos last week, but he just doesn’t know when to quit.”
The Tiger cheerleaders begin the school fight song.
“I’ve gotta get back into it,” you say. “But, um, thanks.”
“Anytime,” Steve says. He shoots you a smile before jogging back to his teammates. The timeout is over, and he steps back onto the court.
As you flail around next to the cheerleaders, the Tigers sink a three-pointer thanks to Steve and win the game.
Post-game, you shuffle into the parking lot with your best friends Robin Buckley and Jonathan Byers by your side. Jonathan works for the school paper and photographs the games while his girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler, interviews players and attendees on the sidelines. Robin is in band and plays the trumpet. (Sometimes, you wish you’d followed their extracurricular pathways instead of going the mascot route.)
“You don’t have to do this, you know,” Robin points out, sensing your disdain as you glare at the tiger head in your hands and the oversize, fuzzy orange slippers adorning your feet.
“I do!” you say. “It’s senior year, fall semester. I can’t flake now. It’ll look bad on my applications.”
“You and those applications,” Jonathan says with a shake of his head. “You’ve been worrying about them since we were freshmen.”
“Obviously! They’re my ticket out of this town. It’s not safe here anymore.”
Robin and Jonathan share a look. They know what you’re referring to: the Hawkins Hacker.
The Hacker is the town's own slasher. He claimed victims every year around homecoming for years and years, until 2016, when he suddenly stopped. However, just last night he killed again. The whole town—including your stepbrother Phil, who’s a cop—are on edge.
“Do you need a ride home?” Jonathan asks, spinning his car keys in his hand.
“No, it’s okay,” you say. “My stepmom’s on her way. And there are plenty of people around. I’m totally safe!”
Famous last words.
Literally. (Almost.)
“You sure?” Robin questions. “Because he’s taking me and Nancy home too, but he’s got an extra seat!”
“I’m good,” you say. You hold up your cell phone. “She texted me an hour ago to say she’d get me on time. I’ll see you guys tomorrow, okay?”
Your friends look a little worried, but you wave them off. Game attendees meander out of the school and head to their cars. It’s a sea of people. You’re fine.
However, the minutes tick by, and the crowd thins out. You watch the away team hop a school bus and zip back to their hometown. You feel the temperature of your tiger suit inch up a few degrees when you see Steve wander to his BMW with a couple teammates in tow.
It’s considerably quieter than it was when you first left the game. You text your stepmom LeAnn once, twice. Then you call her once, twice, three times. A third text, a fourth call. Nothing. Radio silence.
By now, it’s dead quiet. Everyone is gone. You feel an icy chill zip down your spine, like you’re being watched…
You miss your father. He died about a year ago, and he was always on time.
You startle when the phone in your hand buzzes. It’s your stepbrother Phil.
“Hey!” you say. “Where’s LeAnn?”
“Passed out again,” Phil says with a beleaguered sigh. “Where are you? Did Jonathan give you a ride home?”
“No, I told him your mom was coming to get me,” you say. “Can you—”
Beep! Beep! Beep!
You pull the phone away from your ear and groan. It’s dead. Just great.
A streetlight across the parking lot flickers. When your eyes adjust, your heart drops through your stupid mascot feet and to the center of the earth: there’s a man watching you.
You can’t tell, but it looks like he’s wearing a mask. You gulp, panic stretching itself through every fiber of your being.
“Please don’t be the Hawkins Hacker,” you mumble to yourself. “Please don’t be the Hacker. Please don’t be the Hacker.”
The Man continues to stare. Something glints in his hand. It frightens you.
“My stepbrother is on his way!” you yell, hoping to scare him off. “He’s a cop. With a gun.”
That doesn’t seem to bother the man at all. In fact, you see him walk toward you—a slow, Michael-Meyers-esque stride that has you shrieking in fear and stumbling to the school doors.
You yank at them to no avail. You don’t bother looking back and instead run around the school building to the football field. Panting from exertion and sheer fear, you duck under the bleachers and hide behind a big banner.
You slap a hand over your mouth to quiet your panicked whimpers. Why oh why did you trust LeAnn to get you on time, when every night for the past month she’s drank a whole bottle of chardonnay at 6 p.m. and passed out? Why didn’t you go with Jonathan when he offered? Hell, why didn’t you ask Steve for a ride? He’s a nice guy! He would’ve done it!
Now, you’re hiding from a slasher in a stupid rubber gray mask. And if you die and come back as a ghost, you’ll be wearing the Hawkins High mascot suit for all eternity.
You watch the Hackers’ feet as he stands in front of the bleachers and listen as he steps on them. He seems to think you’ve left, and you hear him wander off.
Or, so you think. Actually, he sneaks up behind you and grabs your leg, yanking you out from your hiding place.
You scream and kick at him, hitting him right in the nose and giving you the chance to run.
You don’t get far, though. He tackles you somewhere around the fifty-yard line.
“No! No!” you scream as he raises the knife above you. The knife has a spider carved in the handle with red ruby eyes. “Please! No!”
You push at him, knocking his mask off. His face is gaunt: all sallow cheekbones and purple under-eye bags. His eyes are a dull, washed-out blue, and his blonde hair is scraggly and unwashed.
You hate that his face is the last face you’ll ever see.
He plunges the dagger into your shoulder just a few inches shy of your heart and you scream in pain, the bloodcurdling sound echoing across the football field. The Hacker hisses in pain and drops the knife. He touches his shoulder and looks angry at the sight of blood on his fingertips.
His blood. From the wound that appeared on his shoulder after he stabbed you in the same spot.
Bang! Bang!
“GET AWAY FROM HER!” Phil roars from across the football stadium, gun raised in the air.
The Hacker stumbles to his feet and ambles off. Still prone on the ground, you turn on your stomach and watch him go, shocked at what you witnessed. How did he get stabbed?
You’re in so much shock, you don’t even realize that Phil is by your side until he gently helps you sit up.
“You’re okay!” he says, voice tinged with an urgency you’ve never heard from him before. “I’ve got you, okay? I’ve got you.”
“It hurt him too,” you mutter, a bit delirious. “It hurt him too!”
“Try to stay calm, okay?” Phil says. “You’re in shock. I got you, Y/N.”
You hear him bark into his radio: “This is Officer Callahan! Send an RA unit to the Hawkins High football field! My stepsisters’ been stabbed!”
The rest of your evening is a blur. You get patched up by paramedics and then taken to the police station to give a statement.
LeAnn arrives as you’re sitting with the sketch artist, crying and screaming and apologizing a million times. You forgive her (even though you aren’t sure you want to), and later that night, you hear Phil chewing her out for drinking and forgetting you again.
“She could’ve died, Mom!” you hear him yell as you lie in bed and try to sleep. “If I had been just a minute too late, we would’ve lost her and Allen in the span of 11 months!”
“I’m sorry!” LeAnn sobs. “I just had one glass—”
“One glass, Mom?! Try the whole bottle!”
Despite your anger at her, your heart breaks for LeAnn. You know your dad’s death has been hard on her. She hasn’t been doing too well since he passed, but sometimes you wish she’d realize you weren’t doing that great either. Phil tries to comfort you both, but he’s so busy with work, his pep talks are usually thirty seconds long between bites of a bagel before he’s rushing off to save Hawkins again.
Your phone blows up with texts and DMs. Somehow, the kids at school found out what happened and won’t stop messaging you for details on your encounter with the Hacker. You can’t deal with it. Except, there are some messages that you do respond to:
Text Thread with BOBBIN and JONNY B GOOD
BOBBIN: Oh my God!!! Y/N are you okay??? Please text back!!!
JONNY B GOOD: We saw what happened on the news. Please text us when you have a chance. We’re worried about you and thinking of you rn.
JONNY B GOOD: Robin, just chill. She’s probably resting.
BOBBIN: Please don’t die and leave me alone to third wheel Nancy and Jonathan!!
JONNY B GOOD: Wooooow.
YOU: Wow is right. I got stabbed and those are your priorities?
YOU: Yep, I’m alive. I’m really sorry but I feel like shit. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?
JONNY B GOOD: Of course. We’re here when you need us.
YOU: <3
DMs from steve.anthony.h83
STEVE (steve.anthony.h83): Hey Y/N I saw the news I rly hope ur OK
YOU (y/n.y/l/n86): Hi Steve, thank you for reaching out. It means a lot to me. I’m not feeling too good right now.
STEVE (steve.anthony.h83): Im sry to here that that sux 😞😢💔
God, even his text message typos and cheesy emoji usage are endearing. You’re in too deep with this crush.
YOU (y/n.y/l/n86): Yeah. But I think I’ll be okay.
STEVE (steve.anthony.h83): Anything I can do 2 help? Maybe I can get u smtg, wats ur fav candy?
YOU (y/n.y/l/n86): Oh, that’s sweet, but you don’t have to do that!
STEVE (steve.anthony.h83): I want too 😃 do u like nougat
YOU (y/n.y/l/n86): I love nougat!
STEVE (steve.anthony.h83): Perfect 😃 Ill bring u sum tmrw after school 🍫
YOU (y/n.y/l/n86): Thank you, Steve ❤️
STEVE (steve.anthony.h83): Feel better Y/N 😃😃
You go to sleep, shaken up but in slightly higher spirits thanks to your conversation with Steve.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 2023
You blink awake hours later, startled at the sight around you.
You aren’t in your room. You’re lying on a mattress on a concrete floor. The room around you is full of weird stuff: grandfather clocks, paintings upon paintings of black widow spiders, and mannequins with nails in their faces like Pinhead.
“What the hell!” you say. You gasp and clutch your neck. “Why is my voice so deep?!”
You stagger to your feet and look around the creepy space. Why are you further from the floor than usual? In the corner, you see a mirror half-covered with a sheet. You yank it off and gasp.
The Hacker screams as well. You reach your hand toward the glass—and the Hacker reaches his hand toward it as well. You pull it away and so does he.
The you in the reflection is the Hacker. Holy shit.
You realize where you are: the old mill. Phil told you to stay away from this place because it’s where drug deals go down, and where Eleanor Gillespie got attacked by birds that one time.
You rush away before you can freak out too much. You head downtown, mind swirling.
This must just be a nightmare. Right? A really, really realistic, terrifying lucid dream.
But when you hit your head on a tree branch (because you’re way, way taller than you used to be) and it actually hurts, you realize it’s not a dream. You’re really the Hawkins Hacker. Somehow, you’ve swapped bodies with a homicidal maniac.
You need to find Phil. He’s been your stepbrother for a decade now and you trust him more than anyone else. He might be able to know what to do—or just be a shoulder to cry on.
You pass an electronics store, and your heart sinks when you see your face—the Hackers’ face—on TV.
“The Hawkins Hacker has been identified as Henry Creel,” the news anchor says, showing a photo of the face that you are unfortunately saddled with now. “He’s most known for killing his mother, father, and sister as a teenager—and also for driving a Jeep Wrangler through a Dairy Queen drive-through window without a license.”
“Hey!” someone shouts nearby, having connected the dots. “You’re the killer guy from TV!”
You don’t even stop to see who’s yelling at you before you run as fast as you can, ducking through alleyways to lose whoever’s chasing you.
You can’t go to the police station now that your face is plastered all over the news and social media. But you need an ally, or allies.
Besides Phil, the people you trust the most are Robin and Jonathan. You sneak into Hawkins High through the gymnasium doors, wishing you had your mascot head to hide under. Then, you take a quick shower in the locker rooms and hide until class change is done.
You slink through the empty hallways and make it to the school’s auditorium. That’s where you, Robin, and Jonathan spend study hall every day.
You open the door to the theater as quiet as a mouse, hiding in the wings for a moment when you overhear them talking about you.
“I hope Y/N’s doing okay,” Robin says with a sigh. She takes a bite of an apple and says through chews, “Why did she blow us off earlier?”
“Give her a break, Rob,” Jonathan says. “She’s probably really shaken up. But it is weird that she even came to school anyway. I wonder—”
“Guys!” you say, stepping onto the stage. “It’s me! Don’t freak out.”
They immediately freak out.
“AHHHHH!!! THE HACKER!!!” Robin screams. She chucks an apple core at your head and it bounces between your eyes. You stumble back and groan.
“COME ON!” Jonathan says, grabbing her hand and dragging her away from your, fear flashing in both of their eyes.
“Wait!” you shout. “Come back!”
You follow them as they run through the hallways and end up in the school cafeteria’s kitchen. A lunch lady shrieks and runs out when she sees you.
“Stop!” you call, following Robin and Jonathan to the back room. “Wait! Please just hear me out.”
Jonathan snatches up a soup ladle and hits you in the spine with it.
“ARGH! Dude, stop!”
Robin grabs a tray of mozzarella sticks and lifts it above her head. The sticks go flying when she whacks you in the head. Repeatedly.
Angry that they won’t stop hitting you, you yank the tray out of Robin’s hand and toss it away. Your newfound strength the body you’ve found yourself in possesses surprises you. The old you would’ve grappled with Robin a lot longer before getting the tray from her, if you even got it at all.
Robin tries to jump on your back piggyback-style to tackle you to the ground, and you elbow her in the stomach.
“Cut that out!” you bark as she wheezes.
Jonathan hits you again with the ladle and you shove his shoulder, a bit too hard. He falls on his butt and winces.
“Enough!” you say. “We’ve hit each other over and over. Can we agree we’re all tired and end this?!”
“No!” Jonathan says, pulling himself back to his feet by gripping a countertop. “You attacked our friend and now you’re attacking us!”
“I’m not attacking you!” you say. “I’m trying to get you to listen. I am not Henry Creel. I am not the Hawkins Hacker. I’M Y/N! YOUR FRIEND Y/N Y/L/N!”
“As if!” Robin scoffs. “I’m calling 911.”
You snatch the phone from her hands and hold it high above your head. She’s tall, but not tall enough to reach it thanks to your longer arms.
“I promise!” you beg, holding your other arm up in surrender. “It’s me. It’s Y/N!”
“Yeah, right!” Jonathan says darkly. He picks up the ladle again, wielding it like a lethal weapon. “Tell us something only Y/N would know or we’re going to the cops.”
“What’s Y/N’s favorite movie?” Robin asks, eyes narrowed.
“I tell everyone it’s Casablanca but it’s The Muppets Take Manhattan!”
“Favorite candy?” Jonathan demands.
“Three Musketeers because I feel guilty that everyone shits on nougat when it’s really not that bad!”
“Who’s Y/N’s biggest crush?” Robin asks.
The face that’s not yours blushes deeply.
“Duh,” you say. “It’s Steve the Hair Harrington.”
Jonathan and Robin share a look. A sense of realization flashes on their faces.
“Handshake?” you offer. You hand Robin her phone back and hold out your hands—or, Henry Creel’s hands—and wait.
Robin and Jonathan slap you five, before the three of you complete the intricate handshake you made up in seventh grade.
“Holy shit!” Robin shrieks, eyes shining. “You’re really Y/N!”
She pulls you and Jonathan in for a group hug and you laugh.
“Oh, thank god,” you say. “If you didn’t believe me, I don’t know what I’d—"
“Hold on,” Jonathan says, pulling out of the hug. “If you’re actually Y/N, that means the Hawkins Hacker is going around school wearing your face!”
“Oh damn,” Robin says. “Is that why you look hot today?”
“What do you mean I look hot?” you say, trying not to take offense to the implication that you don’t look hot every day.
Robin opens Instagram and shows you a photo posted to the student-run Hawkins High Gossip Instagram page. It’s a blurry photo of you (or Henry Creel in your body) walking in the hall past Billy and his asshole friends, who are checking you out. Instead of your usual mousy wardrobe of flowy skirts and cardigans, you’re wearing a tight black tank top, a red leather jacket, and bright red lipstick.
“Hot damn!” you blurt out. “I do look hot! Shit, have I hurt anyone? Or, has he hurt anyone?”
Jonathan grimaces.
“Tommy H. was found unconscious in the chem lab,” he says. “He was mostly fine, except his eyebrows were burned clean off…”
“But if fake-you did that,” Robin says quickly, “you aren’t liable because you weren’t in control of your body!”
“I don’t even know how we body-swapped in the first place!” you lament. “How do I get control of my body back?!”
“Let’s think about this,” Jonathan says. “Maybe it was some kind…spell? Or enchantment?”
“Enchantment?!” you snap. “Dude, be for real!”
“Wait,” Robin says, eyes shining. “I heard about this!”
She opened the internet app on her phone and went to www,theweeklywatcher,com/body-swap.
“No fucking way,” you say. “The Weekly Watcher is not a refutable source!”
“Why not?!” she says, scrolling ferociously until— “Ah! Found it.”
She shows you an article about the mythology of body swapping. At first, you roll your eyes, but then—
“That knife!” you gasp. “That’s the knife he had!”
You point to the photo, featuring the ruby-eyed spider in the knife handle.
“According to this,” Jonathan says, “that knife is an artifact that was used in ancient rituals."
“If you’re struck with the blade when the clock strikes midnight,” Robin reads, “you and your attacker switch places. And you have 24 hours to stab him and switch back.” 
“No, no, no!” you groan. “That means we only have 12 hours left!”
“That’s plenty of time,” Jonathan says. “Where’s the knife? You have it, right?”
“No!” you say. “Phil took it as evidence.”
“So we’ll just steal it from the police station,” Robin says, as if it’s easy and obvious.
“Oh, sure,” you lament. “We’ll just waltz into the police station while I have the face and body of a mass murderer and steal evidence. Easy-peasy!”
“We’ll figure something out,” Jonathan says. “Come on.”
The three of you head toward the exit and end up walking past the woodshop classroom. You do a double-take and watch yourself enter the hallway. Or, you watch the Hawkins Hacker parade around as you.
“Hey, stop!” you shout at Henry Creel. He pauses and turns. A shiver runs down your spine at the dark, evil look gracing your features. Features you’ve seen your whole life, features you’ve struggled to like after years of taunting and bullying. Now, they’re marred with the evil spirit of the Hawkins Hacker.
Yet, goddamn. You look hot with red lipstick. Who knew slashers had good fashion sense?
“Don’t try to run,” Jonathan says, the waver in his voice indicating that his bravery is false. “We’ve got you cornered.”
The Hacker suddenly changes expressions. Instead of a nasty glare, he opens his eyes wide, covers his cheeks with his hands, and shrieks: “AHHHH! IT’S THE HAWKINS HACKER! GET HIM!”
A couple cops run around the corner of the hall and you curse, rushing toward a side door with Robin and Jonathan in tow.
“GET YOUR KEYS!” you yell. “We have to get out of here or I’m headed to jail forever!”
Jonathan struggles to start his car, but he peels away just before the cops can stop you all. After your first-ever police chase, you three lose your tail in the parking lot of the big-box store LeAnn works at.
You hide out in a changing room while Jonathan and Robin find you a disguise—a plastic Halloween mask of Bill Clinton’s face.
“I can’t see or breathe in this thing,” you grumble as your friends lead you back to the car.
“If you get arrested,” Robin points out, “you won’t be able to switch back.”
You bite your tongue from any further complaints, too worried about just that.
“So, what’s the plan?” Jonathan asks, once you all are back in his car. “How can we get the knife?”
“About that,” Robin says. “I think we need to bring in your stepbrother.”
“If Phil doesn't believe us, we're in big trouble!” you protest.
“He’s an ally!” Robin shoots back. “And we need one if we’re going to…oh shit.”
She holds up her phone screen for you and Jonathan to see. You squint through the eye holes of your uncomfortable mask and gasp when you realize what’s going on.
“Fuck!” you groan. “What the hell is he doing?!”
It’s another post from the school gossip Insta. The Hawkins Hacker is schmoozing with Billy and his clique of jerks at the local indoor mini-golf place. You watch in the video as he leans into Billy’s ear and whispers something before sauntering off.
The caption of the post says, “OMG is Y/N Y/L/N like, hot now?!”
“I resent this!” you snap. “Why is everyone under the impression that I’m not hot all the time?!”
“No, no, no!” Jonathan gasps. “Look!”
At the tail end of the video, you see Nancy and Steve follow Henry Creel into the glow-in-the-dark golf course.
“They’re going to get killed!” he says, turning the ignition in his car with shaking hands and reversing haphazardly, almost taking out a mulberry bush as he speeds toward the golf place. “Robin, call Nancy now.”
“She’s not picking up!” Robin says, phone to her ear. “I’ll text!”
Your stomach churns with anxiety. If the Hacker kills Nancy and Steve while he’s in your body and you switch back, you’ll feel guilty forever. You’ll also go to jail. But if you don’t switch back, you’ll go to jail as Henry! This is all too much.
You’re certain the pale face that doesn’t belong to you is green right now as Jonathan drives like a racecar driver to save his girlfriend and your crush from “your” wrath.
Steve’s not sure what’s gotten into you today.
First, you showed up to school. That was surprising after your attack.
“Hey!” he had said when you walked into woodshop class. “How you feeling?”
You hadn’t responded, but you had looked quite intrigued when he accidentally cut his finger working on his birdhouse.
“Ah, shit,” he’d grumbled. “Do you have a—”
You leaned over and licked the blood clean off his finger. It startled him—and annoyed him when that freak Eddie Munson mumbled, “Whoa, that’s hot,” from across the worktable.
Steve’s cheeks glowed rosy red, flustered at your boldness. But you’d left class before he could do or say anything about it (or give you the candy he brought for you).
And now, after school, you’re standing with Billy and whispering salacious things into his ear. Since when do you like Billy? Billy, the guy that throws things at you? Billy, the guy that wrote “Y/N Y/L/N is an ugly stupid bitch” on the bathroom stalls? Billy, the guy that didn’t give you the time of day until you dressed differently?!
Why doesn’t she like me?! Steve thought, trying to look unaffected as you continued flirting with Billy. He fails, the wrinkle between his brows getting deeper as you continue talking to Billy in a low voice.
“Steve,” Nancy says urgently, rushing up to him. “We need to talk.”
“Can it wait?” Steve says. He crosses his arms. “I don’t want to do anything right now except sulk.”
“Something’s really, really wrong,” Nancy continues, ignoring Steve’s pity party. “Jonathan’s MIA and isn’t messaging me back. And neither is Robin. And Carol claims she saw them earlier get in Jonathan’s car with a tall, blond weirdo.”
“So, maybe they have a new friend,” Steve says. He squeezes the handle of his mini-golf putter and watches you walk toward the glow-in-the-dark course. “I need to go talk to Y/N.”
“No!” Nancy hisses, following him as they cut through the crowds. She tucks her phone deep in her purse. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. The Hawkins Hacker is a tall, blond weirdo. Carol didn’t get a good look, but—”
“But you think your boyfriend and Robin are rubbing elbows with a killer? Nance, that’s bullshit.”
“It’s not!” she snaps. “I think that, somehow, that tall blond weirdo is actually Y/N and that girl that you’re going to go talk to is the Hacker.”
“That makes no goddamn sense,” Steve says. “Body-swapping isn’t possible.”
“Just listen to me! I was reading an article in The Weekly Watcher…”
Nancy follows Steve into the course, whispering her findings and bringing up Y/N’s odd behavior as they navigate the dark room lit up with black lights.
The more he listens, the more it makes sense. You’re not acting like yourself. But it still seems too far-fetched.
“I don’t know, Nance,” Steve says, scanning the room for you. “I think you need to stop listening to Robin so much.”
Swish! The beaded curtain leading into the next section of the course rattles as Henry Creel barrels through.
“Nancy! Steve!” he yells. “Watch out!”
Henry pushes them to the side and grabs Y/N’s hand—huh, when did you sneak up behind Steve and Nancy? The Hacker twists your wrist and you cry out.
“Y/N!” Steve shouts, rushing forward to protect you. Before he can, Jonathan and Robin grab his arms.
“No, no, let them fight!” Robin says.
“Let go of me!” Steve snaps.
He watches, helpless, as the Hawkins Hacker punches you between the eyes and you crumple like sand.
“Whoa, cool!” Henry Creel says, turning around and facing the four teens with an excited glimmer in his eye. “I’ve never knocked someone out with one punch before.”
“Wait!” Nancy says. “Am I right?”
“Right about what?” Jonathan asks.
“Did Henry and Y/N…switch bodies?”
Henry (or, Y/N?) puts his hands on his hips.
“Girl, how did you know?”
It all becomes too much for Steve. He blacks out.
When Steve wakes, he’s lying on the Byers’ couch. Henry Creel sits on a kitchen chair next to him.
Steve opens his mouth to scream.
“Wait!” Henry says. “Steve, don’t freak out. It’s me! I know I look like the Hacker, but it’s Y/N!”
Across the room, the person that looks like you is tied to another kitchen chair.
“Steve, don’t listen to him!” Y/N laments. “He’s crazy! He brainwashed these three idiots into working for him!”
“Who are you calling idiot, idiot?” Robin snaps.
“Steve, I was right,” Nancy explains patiently, resting a hand on his shoulder. “Y/N and Henry Creel have switched places.”
“No!” the tied-up Y/N shrieks. “Please! Steve, look at me.”
Steve turns his head toward her.
“No!” Henry says. “Look at me, Steve.”
Steve turns back toward the Hacker/potential real you.
“Steve!” the tied-up Y/N groans, trying to sound in distress but actually moaning like a Bridgerton reject. “Steve! Steeeeeeeve!”
“Oh, dry up, bitch!” Robin snaps.
“Jesus Christ, Robin!” Henry says. “Don’t talk to him like that when he’s got my face. That’s rude.”
“This is all too much,” Steve says, jumping to his feet. “I—I can’t be here.”
He darts toward the door, but before he can exit the Byers house, Henry stands and says, “We danced together at our freshman year Snow Ball!”
Steve pauses with his hand on the door handle.
“It was in the parking lot,” Henry continues. “You were vaping and I was leaving early, because truthfully, I was having a terrible time. But I saw you, and you saw me, and we split a snowflake-shaped sugar cookie and talked for, like, half an hour. And then someone propped the doors open and we could hear the DJ, and he was playing that creepy ’80s song about always watching someone, and we ragged on the lyrics for being weird and stalker-y. But you asked me if I wanted to dance, and we did for half a minute, and then my dad came to pick me up and I left. But that was the most fun I had had all semester and it gave me a fat, embarrassing crush on you. And I really, really wish I wasn’t a total coward, or I would’ve told you way sooner than our senior year—and when I wasn’t in the body of a serial killer.”
Steve watches the way Henry nervously wrings his hands—he recognizes it as a habit of yours. For a long minute, he’s not sure what to think.
For a long minute, you’re not sure what to think.
You just blurted out your secret crush on Steve Harrington to Steve Harrington, and he’s staring at you like he doesn’t understand you.
But then, he gives you a small smile.
“Maybe this is weird to say while you’re in the body of a serial killer,” Steve says, “but I have a fat, embarrassing crush on you, too.”
Your heart soars.
“Pathetic,” the fake-you/the Hacker grumbles. “You’re both cowards. I can’t wait to gut you like a fish.”
“That’s enough!” Nancy says sharply, shoving a sock into the Hacker’s mouth. He glares up at her with your face, but Nancy doesn’t even flinch.
“Now that that’s out of the way,” Jonathan says, “let’s divide and conquer. I’ll stay here to keep an eye on murder Barbie.”
He nods in the direction of the scowling, incapacitated Hacker.
“And I’ll drive the rest of us to the police station,” Nancy says. “Y/N, you’ll stay in the car while we distract your stepbrother and steal that knife back. He should be the only one working, because everyone else is hunting you. Er, Henry.”
“Knife?” Steve asks. “What knife?”
“It’s a spooky, magic dagger and it’s the reason Y/N and Henry Creel are swapped!” Robin says.
Steve blinks once, twice.
“Right. Totally. That makes sense.”
“Let’s go!” you say. “We have four more hours to do this!”
While Nancy and Robin go to get the knife, you and Steve wait in the car.
It’s a little awkward, due to the circumstances. When you imagined sitting in the backseat of a car with Steve Harrington, you hoped for something a little more amorous. Not you in the body of the Hawkins Hacker.
You start to feel a little brave and even consider reaching for his hand to hold—when you see the fake you running down the sidewalk and into the station.
“What?!” you say. “How’d he get out?!”
“Shit,” Steve says. “You stay out of sight, I’ll try and stop him.”
“No!” you say. “My stepbrother’s in there! I have to go help. You stay here and call Jonathan! Make sure he’s okay.���
Steve frowns but nods, agreeing to stay behind.
When you bolt into the police station, you see Phil with his hand on his holster, glaring at Robin and Nancy. Fake you feigns a frightened gasp and runs behind him when you enter, and Phil pulls his gun and points it at you. You throw your hands up.
“Don’t shoot!” you squeak.
“Kill him!” Henry says from his hiding spot.
“Don’t! Stop!” Robin and Nancy shout.
You see the spider dagger on the ground by your friends’ feet. Before you can try and grab it, Henry does and runs out of the station.
Phil doesn’t even give him a second look.
“Put your hands behind your head,” he says to you, “and walk slowly into the cell.”
“This is a mistake!” you protest, but following his instructions so you don’t get pumped with lead.
“Please, Officer Callahan,” Robin begs.
“We’re telling the truth,” Nancy says, “just—”
“Quiet, you two!” he barks. “You! Keep walking.”
You gulp and step into the cell.
“Do you remember what I got you for Christmas in 2017?” you ask.
“Shut up,” Phil says. You glance behind. He still has the gun pointed at your back, but you see his hands shaking. And his finger’s not on the trigger.
“It was a pack of limited-edition Pokémon cards,” you continue. “Mint condition. With a holographic Charizard. But I didn’t realize I ordered a rip-off pack called Pokeymans, so it was actually a Chumpizard card.”
“How the fuck do you know that?!” Phil demands, voice shaking in tandem with his hands.
“Because I’m not the Hawkins Hacker!” you say. “I’m really Y/N. And…I’m sorry about this.”
With Henry Creel’s strength, you knock the gun out of Phil’s hands. It skitters across the floor, and you yank him by the arm into the cell.
He stumbles against the back wall and you step out, closing the door and locking him inside.
“HEY!” Phil screams, yanking at the bars. “LET ME OUT!”
“I’m so sorry!” you say. “But it’s really me. I have to hunt that bitch down and stab him with the stolen dagger and then our bodies will switch back and things will be normal again!”
“STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!” Phil roars, evidently not buying into the body-swap story.
Touched, you clasp your hands to your chest.
“Wait, you called me your sister!” you say. “Not stepsister! That’s so sweet. You’re my brother, Phil. And I’m going to make things right.”
Phil furrows his brow, confused, as you run out with Nancy and Robin in tow.
Jonathan and Steve meet you three out front.
“Your brother can’t drive for shit!” Steve says. “He just almost ran us over with his squad car.” “That wasn’t Phil!” you say. “It was Henry! He stole his cop car. But why? Where the fuck is he going?”
“Earlier this evening,” Nancy says urgently, “I heard you—uh, him—tell Billy that they should throw a homecoming party at the old mill, since they canceled the real dance.”
“That’s where he lives!" you say. "His homebase. It’s where I woke up this morning.”
“It’s his hunting ground,” Robin says darkly. “No doubt he’ll be killing teens left and right.”
“We have to stop him,” Jonathan says.
“No shit, Byers!” Steve says. “Let’s go!”
When you arrive at the mill, your group agrees to split up.
“Wait!” Steve says, before you dart off. “Hold out your arm.”
You hesitate and do as he says. He attaches his watch to your wrist.
“I always have it set for five minutes ahead,” Steve explains. “So I’m not late to stuff. So we have 30 minutes to find the Hacker, get the knife, and do the switch.”
“Everyone keep your phones close,” Jonathan says. “Move out!”
You divide and conquer, searching the party of wild, drunk teenagers for the evil man wearing your face. Eventually, you find him in an empty back room — towering over an unconscious Billy with an axe in hand, ready to whack the bully in the skull.
“WAIT!” you yell. “STOP!”
The Hacker freezes and turns, giving you an evil smile. You see the hilt of the magical dagger shining in a sheath attached to his belt. 
“It’s you again,” he spits.
“Yes, hi,” you say. “It’s me. And I’m going to ask you to put the axe down before I make you.”
The Hacker cackles.
“Really?” he says. “Even in your pathetic, puny body, I could overpower you in half a second. Plus, this jerk makes your life hell. Don’t you want me to finish him off?”
“No!” you snap. “Because I’m not a monster like you!”
You notice Jonathan in a doorframe behind the Hacker, staying out of his eyeline.
“What’s your problem, man?” you ask, hoping to distract him so Jonathan can take him by surprise. “Why do you kill people?”
“Do you really want to know why?” Henry asks. You nod.
“Well, guess what: there’s no reason. None at all. I kill people because I think it’s fun!”
“You’re sick,” you mutter.
He grins evilly.
“And you’re my next vict—Argh!”
Jonathan interrupts the Hacker’s evil spiel by hitting him in the back of the skull with a fire extinguisher. The murderer crumples to the ground, the axe flying out of his reach.
He doesn’t stay down for long. Thankfully, you’re able to tackle him and snatch the magical knife into your hand.
You raise it above your head, and—
Beep. Beep. Beep.
You gasp and look at Steve’s watch. The timer is done. You’re out of time.
The Hacker laughs and laughs and laughs.
“Shit,” you say, tears of anger and despair welling up in your eyes. “Shit! I’m stuck like this!”
“I win!” the Hacker cackles. “You’ll be tossed in jail, and I’ll be free to keep killing. I think I'll stab your little boyfriend Steve next.”
You’re about to drop the dagger and run, unsure of where to go or what to do, when Jonathan says: “Wait, the clock tower!”
You whip your head over to look at him, brow furrowed.
“The clock tower in the library!” Jonathan continues. “It’s not going off! You still have time!”
Puzzle pieces fall into place.
“Steve sets his watch five minutes ahead,” you say, glancing at your wrist.
Henry Creel’s eyes widen, and then you plunge the dagger into his shoulder.
You feel strange, like you’re floating in the air. Then, suddenly, both you and the Hacker are thrown backward.
When you hazily blink and sit up, you see the Hacker doing the same.
“It worked!” you say, face splitting into a grin.
The Hacker glares at you. You feel a chill down your spine. But before he can do or say anything, your brother swoops in with his gun raised.
“Hands where I can see them!” Phil yells. The Hacker grumbles but obeys. You and Jonathan skirt away from him as Phil slaps handcuffs on the killer and drags him into a squad car.
“Y/N!” Robin shouts, running over with Nancy and Steve in tow. “Are you okay?!”
“I’m okay,” you say. You wince and grip your shoulder. “Except I reopened my shoulder wound, and I think I’m going to have really, really freaky dreams every night for the rest of my life.”
Phil races back over once his colleagues have Henry Creel in custody, fussing over you like a mother (brother) hen. You find yourself seated in the back of an ambulance with a freshly bandaged shoulder.
After Phil steps away to debrief Chief Hopper on the arrest (and to lock the magical dagger away once and for all), Steve wanders over.
“Can I sit here?” he asks, gesturing vaguely next to you on the back bumper of the ambulance. You nod and scoot over.
“How’s your arm?” Steve asks.
“It’s mine again,” you say, “so it feels amazing, despite the stab wound.”
“I’m definitely glad to see you as yourself again,” Steve says, cheeks flushing pink. He looks down at his fidgeting hands, the epitome of bashful, when he adds, “Actually, now that you’re yourself again, I was going to ask if you wanted to go on a date with me sometime.”
Your insides melt.
“Really?” you practically squeal, trying not to sound too eager. “Ah, I mean. That would be cool, or whatever.”
Before you can convince yourself not to, you give Steve a quick kiss on the cheek. He beams at you, but you both roll your eyes when you hear Robin, Jonathan, and Nancy hoot and holler from a few yards away.
Everything will be fine, now. You’ll be fine. That’s what you tell yourself when Phil drives you home and LeAnn gives you a million hugs and says how happy she is that you’re okay. That’s what you tell yourself when you fall asleep after having a lovely text conversation with Steve. That’s what you tell yourself when you have nightmares about being stuck as the Hacker forever, nightmares where he escapes jail and kills you (and everyone you love) once and for all.
But you tell yourself it’s fine, that you’re fine. That nothing is wrong, despite the chill down your spine that can’t quite go away.
a/n a happy yet spooky ending. is everything really fine? is the hacker really gone for good? maybe I'll write a sequel one day. or maybe I won't, as to not torture y/n any more.
tag list: @hollandweather @starry-eyed-steve @aloneinthehellfire @a-dealwith-god
if any of my mutuals (or anyone else) would like to be tagged in any of my future steve fics, lmk!
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luchicm04 · 3 months
November 22 to December 21 - Symbol: Archer (Centaur)🏹
Sun: Joy Moon: Anxiety Rising: Ennui
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Personality Explanation:
Sagittarius, the final fire sign of the zodiac, is characterized by its unique blend of passion, curiosity, intensity, and adaptability. As a mutable sign, Sagittarius is associated with adaptability and flexibility, reflecting its deep-rooted desire for change. These archers are known for their wanderlust and adventurous spirit, often exploring expansive terrain and seeking answers in places others wouldn't dare.
Sagittarius is known for their bluntness, which can lead to misunderstandings and communication breakdowns. However, they don't take anything too seriously, making them easy to be admired. Sagittarius' ruling planet is Jupiter, the planet of abundance, which is known for its ability to expand anything it touches. As a mutable sign, Sagittarius doesn't stay on one fascination for too long, constantly bouncing from one idea to the next.
Sagittarius' passions and interests are constantly changing, as they are constantly bouncing from one idea to the next. Since 2020, the solar and lunar eclipses have been activating the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, indicating a lot of movement and transformation for this fiery sign.
Read what your sign's horoscope emotions mean for you right here, or check out the rest of my works here.
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Always under construction!! The arts used are mentioned in each post. The same goes for references that I'm only using for that post. Template // Art
[1] TOMPKINS, Sue. Aspects in Astrology: A guide to understanding planetary relationships in the horoscope. One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont 057067: Destiny Books, 2002.
[2] RIBEIRO, Anna Maria da Costa. Sinastria: Estudo dos Relacionamentos Teoria e Prática. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Hipocampo Editora e Distribuidora Ltda., 1989.
[3] ABDUL-KHALIQ, Ajani. Hayden’s Book of Synastry: A Complete Guide to Two-Chart Astrology, Composite Charts, and How to Interpret Them. 13 junho 2017.
[4] LEWIS, James R. The Astrology Book: The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences. Canton, MI: Visible Ink Press™, 2003.
[5] WOOLFOLK, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need. Lanham, Maryland: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2006.
[6]NICHOLAS, Chani. You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance. New York, NY: HarperOne, 2020.
[7] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 1: Introduction. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[8] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 2: Planets in Signs. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[9] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 3: Planets in Houses. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[10] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 4: Planets in Aspect. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[11] REED, Theresa. Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginner. Newburyport, MA: Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, 2019.
[12] LISBOA, Claudia. Os astros sempre nos acompanham (Edição revista e ampliada): Um manual de astrologia contemporânea. Rio de Janeiro: Best Seller, 2021.
[13] ORION, Rae. Astrology For Dummies, 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ; Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007.
[14] DEVORE, Nicholas. Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: The Philosophical Library, June 1947.
[28 ]MARCH, Marion D.; McEVERS, Joan. Curso Básico de Astrologia: VOLUME I - Princípios Fundamentais. Tradução de CARMEM YOUSSEF. São Paulo: EDITORA PENSAMENTO LTDA., 1999.
[15] SERVANTOFTHEFATES. Disponível em: https://servantofthefates.tumblr.com/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[16] LINHA ASTRAL - ASTROLOGIA: Seu site de Pesquisa Astrológica. Disponível em: https://linha-astral.com.br/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[17] Astromatrix. Disponível em: https://astromatrix.org/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[18] Astrolibrary.  Disponível em: https://astrolibrary.org/  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[19] Cafe Astrology.  Disponível em: https://cafeastrology.com/.  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[20] Astrologia na era de aquário, astrologia e estudos astrológicos. Disponível em: http://astrologiaeradeaquario.blogspot.com/ .  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[21] Astrology and Numerology Study. Disponível em:https://astrologystudy.blogspot.com/ .  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[22] Astrologia Luz e Sombra. Disponível em: https://astrologialuzesombra.com.br/ . Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[33] Astrolink. Disponível em: https://www.astrolink.com.br/artigo/a-historia-da-astrologia. Acesso em: 25 de maio de 2023.
[23] Marcelo Levi. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@oimarcelolevi  . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[24] Astronalia | Mariane Chagas. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@astronalia  . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[25] Encontros Astrológicos: Débora Mechica. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@encontrosastrologicos. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[26] Lais Casttelo Academia Astrologia. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@laiscasttelo . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[27] Marcia Fervienza Astróloga+. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@MarciaFervienza . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
Astrologia Autêntica - finished
Astrologia Nível 1 - Iniciação by Astronalia - coursing
Gaia Astrologia
BLOCO FUNDAMENTAL (fase 1) - finished
BLOCO FUNDAMENTAL (fase 2) - coursing
[29] minikyuns on deviantart
[30] Iapetite on deviantart
[31] wildfireresources on deviantart
[32] sorberts on tumblr
[34] sparklypalace on deviantart
[35] soudwronf on deviantart
[36] v6que on tumblr
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overgrown-ruins · 10 months
Book Sale
I’ll be moving shorty and will need to find homes for the following list of books (under the cut).
If you are interested in any of these titles, or anything else I am planning to rehome (board games, dvds, stationary, home goods, etc.), either reply to this post or send me a message.
All items will be shipped from the UK.
Name your price! Minimum is the cost of shipping. Payment can be made via paypal.
Fiction, Classics
Une Vie - Guy de Maupassant [text in French; 1988, J’ai Lu ed.]
The Mabinogion – trans. by Gwyn Jones & Thomas Jones [1974, Everyman’s Library ed.]
The Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha Christie [2001, Agatha Christie Signature ed.]
The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand [Penguin Modern Classics ed.; NEW]
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte [2009, Oxford World’s Classics; annotated]
Gothic Tales – Arthur Conan Doyle [2018, Oxford World’s Classics]
Fiction, Modern
The Vampire Lestat (1986 paperback) Anne Rice
The Lady in the Tower (2003 paperback) Jean Plaidy
The Fallen Blade (2011 paperback) Jon Courtenay Grimwood
The North Water (2016 paperback) Ian McGuire
Now We Shall Be Entirely Free (2019 paperback) Andrew Miller [NEW]
The Midnight Library (2020 hardback) Matt Haig
Chemistry3 2nd ed.  (2013) Burrows et al. [annotated]
The Periodic Table (2017) Tom Jackson
What’s that Bird? (2016) Rob Hume [UK bird pocket id guide]
The Problem of Knowledge (1988 reprint) A.J. Ayer
Language, Truth and Logic (1990 reprint) A.J. Ayer
New Age
Horoscopes: Your Daily Fate and Fortune (1987)
The Witch’s Shield (2010) Christopher Penczak [NEW; with CD]
The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology (2011) April Elliott Kent
The Kitchen Witch (2011) Soraya
Making Magic (2019) Briana Saussy [NEW]
Paganism in Depth (2019) John Beckett [NEW]
And breathe… (2020) Sarah Rudell Beach [NEW]
Misc. Non-Fiction
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (2007) Kate L. Turabian
Mug Cakes (2014) Mima Sinclair [NEW]
Learn to knit block by block (2018) Che Lam [NEW]
Find out What Your Cat is Really Thinking (2018) Trevor Warner [NEW]
Speak Welsh (2019 reprint) John Jones [NEW]
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thornsent · 1 year
In 2020, I was contacted by an associate of CT (of cryptotheism and normal-horoscopes notoreity) in order to design three enamel pins based, loosely, off of a shitpost CT had made. The antifa catgirl, catboy, and nyanbinary designs, for the curious.
The agreement was made, and a contract was signed, so that profits would be split into three parts. One for them, one for said associate, and one for myself. At first, I received payments promptly. They were a big deal for me at the time, as I'd never made that much money off of my own artwork before, and I was trying to get my then-boyfriend out of an abusive living situation, so every little bit really did (and does) count.
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In June of 2021, I received what would be the last payment. $20, along with a note telling me that the shop would be down for a bit but then be opened again. No notice of the designs being removed from the store, no notice that my portion of the profits would no longer be shared with me... Yet since June 2021 I haven't received a penny of the profits from my own designs despite those designs still being up for sale as both pins and stickers where the rest of CT's merch is sold.
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Admittedly, it hadn't been on the forefront of my own mind, but it wasn't until this year that I was able to get my own apartment rather than bouncing from couch to couch in an effort to stay off the streets, so I think I could probably be excused for some forgetfulness! The last 5 years have not been easy, or kind, upon me.
I emailed at the start of this week to see what had happened. I haven't heard anything back yet.
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elminx · 1 year
Energy Update: July 2023
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July is a “5” Universal Month [7 (July) + 7 (2023) = 14 = 1 + 4 =5]. 5 is a very dynamic number that tends to represent a big change of course or point of conflict. This is represented in the astrology in the month as well as we experience multiple planetary shifts and our lunar nodes also shift signs during the month. There are a lot of moving pieces and it may be hard to find solid ground as we slip and slide our way into the beginning of summer.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, Venus and Mars in Leo, Jupiter Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. By the end of July the Sun will have entered Leo, Mercury and Mars will have entered Virgo, and the lunar nodes will have entered Aries and Libra respectively. Additionally, Venus will retrograde in Leo.
For a month with relatively few aspects (number-wise), July is going to pack a punch. We will never be the same. This is, from the perspective of linear time, always true but in a month full of shifts and heavy hitters, some people may find their lives unrecognizable come August.
The Nitty Gritty
All eyes are on our lunar nodes and the number of strong aspects that they will make with the Sun, Mercury, and Mars over the course of the month ahead. When the lunar nodes (which always move retrograde – or backward – through the horoscope) switch signs, it is one of the big cosmic gong crashes that demarcate time. The lunar nodes represent the mathematical points in the sky with which the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth can come together to create eclipses. Our eclipse cycles ruled by Taurus and Scorpio are ending and we are entering the territory of Aries and Libra. The dichotomy of the individual “Me” versus the collective “We” will be at the forefront as we transverse this change during July. Expect these energies to reemerge later in the year as we enter eclipse season.
But first, we begin the month with Mercury cazimi as the Sun meets up with Mercury at 09° Cancer. The first will be a very inspired day as the Sun and Mercury also make a sweet sextile with Jupiter in Taurus. If you need to do some positive manifestation – particularly if it has to do with wealth or accumulation of things – this will be your day. This is a great day for intention setting or goal orienting of all kinds – remember to think big!
The weekend leading up to our full moon at 11° Capricorn on Monday is going to feel like a lot if you’re not ready for it. It might feel like a lot even if you are. Capricorn has been under a lot of pressure since the beginning of 2020 and is now dealing with Saturn, their planetary ruler, in retrograde and the recent ingress of Pluto backward into Capricorn from Aquarius. Sometimes we need to pay the piper. The sooner that we get up and do what needs doing, the easier this all will be. Saturn may be out to lunch but that doesn’t mean that you can skimp on the work – don’t say that I didn’t warn you. Venus in Leo will be square to Uranus in Taurus during this energy – this is the first pass of this aspect during Venus’ pre-retrograde shadow period. There may be some money troubles or overspending that needs accounting for. Paying the piper might be quite literal in this instance. Know that Venus will return square off with Uranus twice more: a second time while she moves backward during her retrograde cycle in August and a third time when she moves forward again come September. What is coming up now may be a portent of what’s to come. The week of 7/4 may be on the quiet side as we will only experience two Mercury aspects: a square with Chiron in Aries on 7/4 and a sextile with Uranus on 7/7. Use this downtime to integrate the energies of the weekend. Ground and center if you can. With Uranus involved, the energy is likely to be electric and some may find themselves unable to sleep or slow down. Heads up to those prone to mania or insomnia, this astrological weather is highly indicative or exasperating those types of problems.
On 7/10, we get our first big hit of the month on our lunar nodal energy as Mars enters Virgo and immediately forms a trine to our North Node in Taurus and a sextile to our South Node in Scorpio. Mars in Virgo can be fairly nitpicky and critical so some people may find their feelings hurt under this energy – especially, I suspect, if they are hiding from some part of themselves or their journey. Mercury enters Leo the very next day on Tuesday and squares off with the nodes as well which shows that things are going to get a bit testy. Be careful not to say something that you cannot take back as Mercury in Leo can be a bit tactless. The Sun in Cancer is also square to Chiron (exact on Wednesday), so old wounds are close to the surface.
The secret here is, as always, to use this energy to fix problems but when there is more than one person involved, there are no guarantees. Remember you cannot fix something with somebody who doesn’t think that a situation needs fixing, or somebody who isn’t willing to meet you halfway. Focus on healing yourself instead of trying to change others during this time, if you can. By the end of the week, the Sun in Cancer will be sextile to Uranus in Taurus – any Sun-Uranus aspect is a Red Flag Day; its worth remembering that Uranus is in Taurus and what bulls do with red flags.
Lie low for sure on Friday and maybe all week if you can. Unless all persons involved are willing to sit down and be honest and objective (Mars in Virgo), nothing will get done. Any important conversation that can wait probably should. And stay away from explosives of all kinds. Maybe especially explosive people. You know the ones.
This is all leading into a new moon at 24° Cancer on Monday 7/17 which is also the day that our lunar nodes switch from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra. Aries is sign #1 and hopelessly self-involved (by design, this is not a criticism) – we will all need to rectify how individuality impacts our own lives. The combination of new-ness of the day (new moon plus new lunar nodes) is a positive double-whammy for starting projects or just wiping the slate clean. Also note the cardinality of the day (Cancer, Aries, and Libra being three of the four cardinal signs) – go for it. Take active steps towards what you want to bring forth into this world.
Again, we get some downtime to process these shifts but things will heat up as we enter the weekend. The Sun in Cancer opposes retrograde Pluto in Capricorn on Friday along with Mercury in Leo meeting up in trine with Chiron in Aries. This is a revisitng of sorts – one which has some pain associated with it. Work your way through the pain rather than running from it – Mars in Virgo is opposed to retrograde Saturn in Pisces, this is your sign to stop avoiding that problem.
The Sun in Cancer squares off with the lunar nodes on Saturday the 22nd before entering Leo which shows that our egos might be getting in the way. Where can we think more big picture? Immature Leo energy can be very narcissistic and small-minded but we always get a choice. Try leaning into the Universal Heart energy of mature Leo and take a walk in somebody else’s shoes for an afternoon. I’m not saying that you have to try to empathize with that TERF next door, start with your partner, perhaps. Or somebody else that you care about. Where are you only thinking about yourself? Where are they only thinking about themselves?
Venus retrogrades at 28° Leo on Sunday 7/23 which is the other big event of the month. I wrote an entire post about this already but I will summarize by pointing out that Venus will make two squares to planets in Taurus (Jupiter and Uranus) and trines with Chiron in Aries. This is the time to do less – as in, don’t overdo it. The way that this will show up in personal lives will be different for everyone but some examples are: don’t jump too fast into new relationships (big R or little r), don’t overspend, don’t overeat or overdrink or insert your indulgence of choice here. You can read more about this Venus retrograde cycle here.
The last week of July will be quieter. Mercury will meet up with retrograde Venus on Thursday 7/27 – Mercury and Venus have been interacting in retrograde with each other since January of 2022. We need to learn to think and feel simultaneously – so many of us can only live in our hearts OR in our brains – we are being challenged to do both. Mercury makes an exact trine with our North Node in Aries on Friday but Venus never quite makes it – that’s telling. Thought is still winning. Where can you balance this by being more in your heart?
Mercury enters Virgo on Friday. Virgo is one of the two home signs of Mercury and is also home to our planet of action, Mars, during this time. This should give us some energy to do the work ahead of us for August and our Venus retrograde that is to come.
7/1 – Sun conjunct Mercury 09° Cancer, Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus, Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus 7/2 – Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 7/3 – Full moon 11° Capricorn 7/4 – Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 7/7 – Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 7/10 – Mercury in Cancer opposed retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Mars enters Virgo, Mars in Virgo trine North Node in Taurus, Mars in Virgo sextile South Node in Scorpio 7/11 – Mercury enters Leo, Mercury in Leo square North Node in Taurus and South node in Scorpio (fixed t-square) 7/12 – Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 7/14 – Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 7/17 – New moon 24° Cancer, Mercury in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus, lunar nodes enter Aries/Libra 7/20 – Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, Mars in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces 7/21 – Sun in Cancer opposed retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 7/22 – Sun in Cancer square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal grand cross), Sun enters Leo 7/23 – Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, Venus retrogrades 28° Leo 7/27 – Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus 28° Leo 7/28 – Mercury in Leo trine North Node in Aries and sextile South Node in Libra, Mercury enters Virgo
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lamaisongaga · 1 year
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Lady Gaga finally returned to Vegas to continue the final 12 jazz & piano residency shows, and brought out an entire new setlist and costumes! Make sure to check out the other looks here and here.
The fashion was put together by Tom Eerebout and Sandra Amador with assistance by Kayla Manjarrez and Gianni Catalina.
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The show also came with a handful of new visuals, including this one of LG enjoying a round of poker while wearing a dress Marilyn Monroe herself would approve.
The red sequined plunging stunner with halterneck, column skirt and flower belt detail is from Rodarte's Fall/Winter 2020 collection ($1,827).
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In the same visual, she wears this absolutely divine plush black velvet column dress with deep nude illusion mesh panel and rows of pearl necklaces from Russian designer Kamilla Purshie’s Spring/Summer 2024 collection.
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Let's get to the show! A label I've been eyeing for some time ever since being loved by the likes of Taylor Swift and Kelly Rowland is Taipei-based Nicole + Felicia who whipped out this fun beaded fringe mini dress for their Bridal Fall/Winter 2020 collection that any showgirl would love.
She topped it off with a new Arturo Rios Faux Grass white feather showgirl headpiece 
Dita von Teese, if you please!
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The Always Love You crystal-embellished silver hoop dangle earrings ($396) are made by Laruicci...
Laruicci “Always Love You” Earrings ($396.00)
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…while the Jimmy Choo metallic silver Anouk stiletto pumps provided the finishing touches.
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Lady Gaga then devoured in this custom Prabal Gurung rose gold sunburst pleated silk lamé gown with hand-embroidered crystals and ostrich feather-trimmed cape.
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Both her Hyperbola rhodium-plated hoop earrings with crystals in different cuts ($600)...
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...and matching Hyperbola open cuff are created by Swarovski.
Swarovski "Hyperbola" Earrings ($600.00)
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The look was perfectly accentuated with these Christian Louboutin So Kate pumps coated in pink satin!
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This was one of the, if not THE look most of you have been flooding my message inbox about.
LG stunned the Vegas crowd (and us) wearing a custom couture Rose Blossom metallic plissé gown by recently-gone-viral designer Robert Wun, whose been part of her wardrobe since 2013!
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The silver-tone mixed crystal flower linear drop earrings are by I.N.C. International Concepts exclusively sold at Macy's.
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The perfect shoe to complete the red looks of the show are by Christian Louboutin, who created the super fun Hot Chick Psychic metallic red leather slingback pumps ($852).
Christian Louboutin "Hot Chick Psychic" Pumps ($852.00)
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Another fun Robert Wun moment was this full look based on his Spring/Summer 2023 Haute Couture collection which went viral!
Signature peplum corset top in a bonded white satin, enhanced with silk taffeta ruching detail on the bust and lace-up back with matching large stole. Paired with a low-waist technical wool skirt with asymmetrical slit pleating details in anthracite.
Styled with a black & white 3D-printed headpiece with stripped coque feathers and long black gloves.
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Hot, hotter, GAGA! Our girl twirled around the stage rocking a custom Garo Sparo fiery red showgirl beaded fringe bodysuit dress with hand-stoned crystal pattern and asymmetrical hem, inspired by old Bob Mackie pieces!
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If you look closer, you can see that inbetween her fingers shines the Swarovski Hyperbola cocktail ring ($400).
Swarovski "Hyperbola" Ring ($400.00)
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Hell-o! Gaga brought out the best of Vegas' spirit appropriately decked out in the master of sexy dresswear: Zuhair Murad. And yes, this is the first time!
LG selected a sparkly fringe number fully embroidered in gold sequins and crystals of various sizes from the Lebanese designer's Fall/Winter 2022 Haute Couture collection, inspired by mystical arts, from Tarot and astrology to horoscopes and palmistry, to dispel the concerns of an unsettled age through the allure of their symbols.
She wore this augmented plummet shawl on stage, which was custom-made for her by Christian Cowan!
"Each ostrich feather plume was individually hand dyed to the warm tone of her exact Haus Labs shade of foundation, and curled to achieve a more dimensional effect before being embroidered individually by hand to a crinoline base also custom dyed to be her exact warm tone- all done in-house by our New York Atelier"
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One of Gaga's most stunning Vegas-worn headpieces to date is another one-off-one bespoke Arturo Rios! This time: gold lamé leather orchid bouquet with large crystals peeking out between the leaves and buds.
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She finished off with her previously-worn Jimmy Choo Anouk metallic gold pointed-toe pumps!
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The finale look of the show sees Gaga wearing a bespoke Topo Studio NY plush black silk velvet gown with attached tails to the wrists, embroidered with over 400 cosmic crystals.
The fun feather headpiece with crystallized cap was custom-made for her by Binata Millinery.
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For this look she wore Jimmy Choo's Romy black patent leather pointed-toe pumps.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 months
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On March 7, 2023, Saturn will move from Aquarius into Pisces where it will remain until February 14, 2026.
Want to know what Saturn in Pisces will bring to your zodiac sign? Get your Saturn in Pisces horoscope here.
Saturn ends a karmic cycle in Aquarius Saturn first entered Aquarius in December 2020, in a fateful alignment known as the Grand Conjunction. This rare alignment paved the way for Saturn to unfold into Aquarius energy.
Now that we are at the end of this cycle, think back to the themes, patterns, or lessons that have unfolded in your life since December 2020. Where have you had to set boundaries? Where have you had to step in and take responsibility for things in your life? Where did you feel held back?
These are all things the energy of Saturn can inspire in an effort to connect us more deeply with what we really want and what we need to take responsibility for.
Saturn can be compared to a strict teacher or a master teacher. While this can bring hard lessons, it pushes us to bring out our full potential. When Saturn is done with us, we feel wiser, more mature, and more aligned with where we want to be.
Saturn is also known as the Lord of Karma, and as it travels through each sign of the zodiac, it ensures that all of our karmic checks and balances are paid.
If you know your birth chart, you can look up which house Saturn traveled to in Aquarius to determine which charts you worked with. You can also download your Saturn in Aquarius zodiac ratio here.
Now, with Saturn moving, we are going to feel a shift. All of Saturn's ancient lessons in Aquarius will come to a head, helping us find closure and resolve any issues.
Before Saturn leaves Aquarius, it will also be sure to deliver all of our karmic rewards! In fact, ancient astrologers believed that when Saturn moves out of a zodiac sign, it always leaves a gift to remind us and reward us for all the hard work we've done.
So, as Saturn prepares to enter a new cycle in Pisces, pay attention to your gifts from the Universe! Stay open to what happens to you and see if you can honor difficult lessons and who you are today because of them.
Saturn moving in Pisces Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7-8, 2023 depending on your time zone. Saturn's location on the zodiac wheel indicates where, as a society, we are compelled to face reality, step up, and take greater responsibility.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so the movement of Saturn here also indicates an end or a point of completion of a larger cycle.
In a way, you might think of Saturn's move into Pisces as a collective Saturn return, where we all process and move forward through the karmic lessons and gifts of Saturn as it travels through the entire zodiac.
Pisces is a water sign that represents light, darkness, and the unseen worlds. He is known for his abstract ideas, creativity, compassion and willingness to go with the flow. Pisces is mutable water, which means it is adaptable, free-flowing, and open to the energies of the world around it.
Saturn is a very grounded earth energy. He rules over things like the law, boundaries, responsibilities, and restrictions. Saturn energy can feel like an awakening at times, bringing us back to reality and confronting us with the consequences of our actions and the actions of the collective.
Saturn's presence in Pisces might feel a bit heavy because of this. This normally watery, intuitive, and sensitive Pisces energy will be forced to become a little stiffer, a little more grounded, and a little more reserved.
You can think of it this way – if Pisces is free-flowing water, the presence of Saturn will build dams. These dams can direct water in a productive and more beneficial direction, but it can also feel more stifling or controlling.
However, there is a way to create a balance between these two energies. The creative, intangible and outer ideas of Pisces energy can be grounded in reality thanks to Saturn. It can allow us to take those creative, even spiritual, ideas and bring them to life in this 3D world.
If the energy of Pisces is like a piece of music, the presence of Saturn can help us write the musical notes so that the piece of music can change from a tune that only lives in our heads to something that can to be played, listened to and available forever more.
Saturn in Pisces in the real world If you work in a creative, inventive, or spiritual field, the presence of Saturn can help you take all your ideas and give them root so you can build something with them.
Saturn has a very grounded and practical energy, so pair it with the creativity of Pisces, and there is a balance that can be achieved here to help you bring your creative ideas to life and turn them into reality or even turn them into a company.
Pisces is also tied to religion and spirituality, so with Saturn here, there could be a lot of themes around religion and spirituality and how they relate to the laws and rules that govern society.
The spiritual and wellness industry may also be awakened by this energy, or personally, you may find that your own attitudes and beliefs regarding your spiritual or religious connection shift and change.
As the last sign of the zodiac, there are a few of all 12 signs in Pisces. These little seeds of energy will hit us at different times over the next few years, but whenever Saturn is involved, it's always a good idea to return to responsibility.
How can you take responsibility for the life you choose, your actions, your words, the energy you put out into the world?
Saturn wants us to step up and take responsibility for our lives and act in accordance with our true, authentic selves.
Saturn can impose limits and restrictions that make us feel stuck or suffocated, but it's only so we can take the time to figure out what we really want and what we're really prepared to stand up for.
Saturn charts in Pisces With Saturn in Pisces, the following themes can be noticed:
Revisiting the traditions or religion of our ancestors Desire to understand our lineage Feeling stuck or creatively held back while we rework our creativity Feeling spiritually stuck or held back as we rework our spiritual connection A back and forth between the structure and following the current A greater sense of grounding and structure of our creative and spiritual ideas A desire to care for and show compassion towards our fellow human beings Greater concern for the well-being of others Increase sensitivity to our higher senses Problems related to laws in relation to religion Religious matters in general A need to rebalance how we give and receive compassion Chart your own cycle from Saturn to Pisces The last time Saturn passed through Pisces was from 1994 to 1996, so if you remember that, think about the themes that came to you during that time. It's not that the same thing will happen again, but you may notice that similar themes or lessons are brought forward.
If you know your birth chart, you can also look at which house is ruled by Pisces to understand which areas of your life Saturn will affect you.
If you are unsure of your birth chart, don't worry, you can also pay attention to the charts or events that await you around March 7 and 8. You can also get a glimpse of what Saturn in Pisces will bring under the New Moon in Pisces on February 19.
You can also upload your Saturn in Pisces for your sign report, which highlights what Saturn in Pisces can spark for your Sun sign and Ascendant.
Whatever problems Saturn in Pisces brings, you can expect an area of your life to be challenged. Although there is a lot of learning to do, you will emerge wiser, more mature and more integrated into your soul path.
Journal Prompts for Saturn in Pisces What does my spirituality really mean to me? How can I take responsibility for my creative visions? What concrete things can I do to turn my dreams into reality? I can understand myself better by… My real thoughts and feelings around this situation are… When I stop, my intuition shares... Religion makes me feel... I can best express my compassionate side by…
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taisoleil · 10 months
Sidereal Scorpio Season 2023 🖤
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The Sidereal Scorpio Sun falls on a 6 of Cups energy in Tarotstrology. Past energy will be coming up and it’s up to you to face your past for a better future. Things just don’t stop existing if you don’t clean it out. It festers and starts to infect what’s around it.
The Mars in Sidereal Scorpio is the era of the 5 of Cups in Tarotstrology. This is the time where life can be a downpour of expectations that didn’t exactly go the way we want them to. We can’t get upset about this. We have to learn to move forward with what we have and not what we don’t.
• 11/16, was the start of Sidereal Scorpio Season. Co-ruled by the Ketu, the Node of purging.
• Not only this but that day numerically started on a Personal 7, Universal 7 Day. 7 is a Ketu number.
• The says will also be falling in 1-9 and repeat sequences during the rest November. Following the cycles of life and death. You have ample chance to make things right.
More about Ketu here: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2020/12/25/gkn6pa5a3ddae00w12eerglsu4t068
Tarotstrology chart link can be found on https://taisoleil.com
There’s 4 things I’m doing on Patreon for the season:
• Sidereal Scorpio Season transit and all transits happening
• Moon transits
• Horoscopes
• ***NEW*** Daily Numerology for the season
Now live, in full, and exclusively on Patreon: https://patreon.com/taisoleil
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newwayastrology · 1 year
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She was an enormously popular porn actress for 3 years or so. The Succedent Grand Cross in a horoscope has to do with "my" self-worth, "their" self-worth, giving Love (which includes one's sexual identity), and receiving love (how deserving one feels they are of love, attention, popularity). So, when there is passionate sexual Succedent tension, there is the expectation that there is something about the sense of self esteem one has that challenges the love life. We see that here this way: Venus in the 2nd is part of a T-Square and rules the 8th where Jupiter is squared by the Uranus-Neptune conjunction. Mars in the 5th (the sexual identity) is the focal point of the T-Square. Mars in the 5th alone suggests a passionate sexual identity. The 8th House is what happens to the sexual identity when it is in the act with another. So, it's no surprise that someone who was a popular porn actress has this emphasis but what fuels it all is self-esteem problems. The sex was used to help it. The ruler of the 7th is conjoined by Saturn and is squared by Pluto. You can see what's happening. It starts from the hosed up self-esteem. When there is an esteem issues that is unmanaged, it is just about impossible to get or maintain fulfilling relationships. She married her high school boyfriend in 2011. They divorced in 2016. She married in 2019 and they separated in 2020. Today she is in a relationship with a rapper but her marriage is still legal. She has a lot of lessons to learn about self-esteem through sexuality and relationships.
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frostyreturns · 2 years
There needs to be more of a culture in Christianity of openly denouncing false prophets by name. Some of these people have millions of followers but all I ever see are polite criticisms of a general type of false prophet without any names.
We need Christian leaders who will go into these liars "ministries" and start flipping tables because they are misleading and destroying the faith of millions. People are so worried about denouncing false prophets just in case they are really from God...but for every Jeremiah there are 20 liars telling you the opposite.
I keep trying to find other people renouncing scumbag liars like Julie Green, who uses surface level conspiracy knowledge to claim God is showing her things happening behind the scenes, when all she's doing is watching alt news. She figured out conspiracists knew something other people in the mainstream don't know or talk about so she reports stuff like what people like me talk about to boomers and pretends God is giving his prophetic insight. Or she'll make prophecies so vague and impossible to be wrong that it makes a horoscope look cutting and specific.
Her other smokescreen is that she's hardcore in the tank for the GOP so most criticisms leveled at her are political and attack her for her right wing views...so then all legitimate criticism gets dismissed by her followers as democrat propaganda.
This woman predicted that 5 different politicians would die in 2022 and all of them are still alive, she keeps predicting the complete downfall of the deep state she's made prediction after prediction that never come true which is amazing considering how vague most of her predictions are. I don't even believe she's even a Christian nevermind a prophet, she seems to be applying a qanon type of psy op against Christians, although instead of telling them to sit back and do nothing because Trump is going to come in and fix everything they say God is going to swoop in and fix everything...and also Trump will too. Oh yeah she predicted Trump would be president in 2020 and even today her followers are waiting for Biden to be removed and Trump installed.
Then these prophets all copy each others predictions and pretend like they don't listen to each other, so people take hearing it multiple times as confirmation.
The Bible says that anyone who claims to speak for God but does not deserves to die. That's how serious we should be taking these people and there are a lot of them and some of them have massive followings. This would not be the case if more leaders grew a spine and showed some righteous anger and openly denounced these vile false prophets.
Honestly at this point I would advise people to not listen to any preacher who's on tv or the radio I think they're all full of shit. If they weren't liars and they were actually preaching the word of God they wouldn't be allowed to have the platforms they do.
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