#2024 mindset and mantra
mizdelusional · 10 months
2024 is my year of luxury. 2024 is the year in which I become a woman of wealth. 2024 is the year in which I level up financially, the year in which I start getting public recognition for my talents. 2024 is the year in which I start getting offered seven-figure deals, the year in which my career takes off.
In 2024, I am going to be a star. In 2024, I am going to embody my full potential. I am going to become the woman of my dreams, step into my dream reality, and all of my wildest dreams are going to come true. I am going to walk into high-profile places, be welcomed onto prestigious teams, and show up to celebrity events, most likely as one of the youngest and most likely as one of the few Black people, but I am going to walk into those spaces and shine. I am a creative genius, an innovator, a leader, and a star. 2024 is the year in which I start seeing profit and recognition from my talents.
In 2024, I am going to be on the Principal’s List. I am going to be top of my class, the student who always has her homework done, the student who always studies, tries her hardest, shows up for others, herself, and leads her clubs.
I am going to be in a state of detachment. In 2024, I am going in and coming with a mindset of not needing anything or anyone. 2024 is my year of making money. 2024 is my year of peace.
Mantra: I have suffered too much and for too long. 2024 is my year of reparations. This year, I am getting everything that I want because I really and truly do deserve it. I deserve it more than anyone would ever know.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
The REAL Mantra of Montecito by u/MamaTalista
The REAL Mantra of Montecito https://ift.tt/UoJqxrt everyone is aware of The Narcissist's Prayer but this is essentially their mindset about EVERYTHING.Notice that people say for example "Haz you wore a Nazi uniform" and He's like "No, I didn't! Oh o.k. I did but it was meant to be funny and no one can take a joke. Well if Willie hadn't gotten the bigger bed and more sausages I'd be a happier man. Oh well actually I was so young and naive and William and Catherine (setting up the Royal Racist rumour himself) said it would be oh so funny. If only William and Pa would give into me they wouldn't deserve my wrath".The same thing she did to her father. post link: https://ift.tt/RJIVjsB author: MamaTalista submitted: July 03, 2024 at 02:50PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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phuongngabui · 7 months
Week 6: Social Media Influencers and the Slow Fashion Movement
Welcome to the Slow Fashion Guidebook!
The fashion industry, notorious for its rapid trends and fleeting styles, has a dark side. Its environmental impact, from resource depletion to textile waste, is undeniable, while ethical concerns regarding worker exploitation and unfair wages remain prevalent (Maiti 2024). But there's a growing movement challenging this unsustainable cycle: slow fashion. Enter the slow fashion movement guidebook, which will help you navigate from the fast-paced world of fast fashion to the more mindful and sustainable path of slow fashion. Buckle up and get ready to transform your wardrobe with purpose!
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Step 1: Fast Fashion Diagnose
Understanding the Problem: Let's look at your current shopping habits.
Do you often buy new clothes?
Are you influenced by trends on socmed?
Have you ever researched about the brands/company you buy from?
Do you still feel like you need to buy more clothes every time an event comes up?
Do your clothes malfunction easily?
If the answer is yes to more than 2 out of these 5, maybe it's because you're a victim of fast fashion.
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Step 2: Reduce and Restyle
Declutter Your Closet: Tired of feeling overwhelmed by your clothes? Time for a closet clean-up! Imagine opening your closet and finding only clothes you love to wear, not forgotten trends and unworn stuff. Let's declutter like Marie Kondo! Hold each item and ask: "does it spark joy?" If it makes you smile, keep it! If not, donate it, sell it, or give it a new life (think: cleaning cloths from old tees or a tote bag from worn-out jeans!) (Garrity 2021). It's okay if it takes time – start with a category like tops, then celebrate your progress! So go forth and declutter with joy!
Mindful Shopping Habits: Say goodbye to impulse buys and hello to mindful shopping! Before hitting the stores (or online carts), set realistic budgets based on your income and priorities. Instead of chasing fleeting trends, define your personal style – what colors, silhouettes, and fabrics make you feel confident and comfortable? Create mood boards or wish lists to stay focused and avoid getting swept away by the latest fad. Shopping mindfully isn't just about saving money, it's about building a wardrobe that reflects your true self and values.
Quality over Quantity: Invest in well-made, timeless pieces that will last through seasons. Think classic silhouettes, neutral colors, and versatile basics you can mix and match endlessly. Focus on natural fabrics like organic cotton and linen – they're not only soft and comfortable, but also more sustainable than synthetic options (Brewer 2019). Imagine: a wardrobe filled with fewer, high-quality pieces you truly love, instead of overflowing with trendy discards. It's a shift in mindset, but the payoff is huge – lasting style, conscious choices, and a closet that sparks joy, not guilt. Remember, quality over quantity is the new mantra!
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Embrace Renting and Secondhand: Ditch the designer price tags and embrace the thrill of the hunt! Secondhand shopping isn't just about saving money, it's about unearthing unique treasures with character and history. Thrift stores, vintage shops, renting stores and online marketplaces are your treasure troves, bursting with pre-loved gems waiting to be discovered. So, skip the mall and embark on a secondhand and renting adventure – you might just find your new favorite outfit and contribute to a more sustainable fashion future!
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Step 3: Slow Fashion Lifestyle - Love your clothes
Caring for Your Clothes: Learn proper washing, drying, and storage techniques to extend the lifespan of your garments.
Get Creative: Embrace mending and alterations to give pre-loved pieces a new lease on life. Upcycle old clothes into new treasures!
Spread the Word: Share your slow fashion journey with friends and family. Encourage them to join the movement and make conscious choices.
All of this could be a phase you tried, but if you want it to last, you have to make it a routine of loving your clothes. The way you dress is a representation of who you are as a person, so let's try to make a conscious choice before purchasing. You are not a representation of every micro-fashion trend; do not let it run you over, but rather take control of your own body image and present yourself as who you are!
Slow fashion is a journey, not a destination. 
It's about making mindful choices, appreciating quality, and valuing ethical production. Start small, explore these resources, and enjoy the process of building a more sustainable and stylish wardrobe!
By embracing slow fashion, you not only transform your wardrobe, but also contribute to a more responsible and sustainable future for our planet and its people. Start today, one conscious choice at a time!
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Brewer, MK 2019, “Slow Fashion in a Fast Fashion World: Promoting Sustainability and Responsibility,” Laws, viewed on February 25, 2024, <https://doi.org/10.3390/laws8040024>.
Garrity, A 2021, “What Is the KonMari Method? Here’s How to Declutter the Marie Kondo Way,” Good Housekeeping, viewed on February 25, 2024,  <https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/organizing/a25846191/what-is-the-konmari-method/>.
Maiti, R 2024, “Fast Fashion and Its Environmental Impact in 2024 | Earth.Org,” Earth.Org, viewed on February 25, 2024, <https://earth.org/fast-fashions-detrimental-effect-on-the-environment/#:~:text=The%20Dark%20Side%20of%20Fast%20Fashion&text=It%20dries%20up%20water%20sources,of%2050%20billion%20plastic%20bottles.>.
Rauturier, S 2023, “A Beginner’s Guide to More Sustainable Fashion,” Good On You, viewed on February 25, 2024, <https://goodonyou.eco/guide-sustainable-fashion/>.
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itsmeanyango · 1 year
The Luckiest week in Astrology 2023: What is Jupiter in Taurus bringing you?
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter Uranus and North Node in Retrograde are in Taurus, the patient planet of beauty.
The Sun represents spotlight.
The Moon represents feelings and emotions.
Mercury represents communication and neighborhood.
Jupiter represents luck and expansion.
Uranus represents revolution. The type of change that brings restructure.
North Node represents whats meant to be, in retrograde it means review what is meant to be.
This energy with the sun in Taurus will last until end of Taurus season on May 21st.
The Moon will impact your feelings for three days until May 19th
Mercury will impact your communication and neighborhood until June 11th. Mercury was retrograde and you felt the stagnancy, resistance and strain then. Now you slow but surely will see the beauty of it all.
Jupiter will impact you until May 24 2024. Take advantage!
North Node in Retrograde will impact you until July 12th when it leaves Taurus.
Let's talk a little bit about the New Moon in Taurus.
On May 5th there was a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. I made a post about it here. Scorpio is directly opposite Taurus, they are in opposition. Go back to what the Eclipse brought, removed or taught you. Which house was the eclipse in? Now look at this Moon in Taurus and see what the new beginnings are, Taurus softens the harshness of that eclipse because the universe does not pelt rocks at her children. One hard transit does not mean it's over for you, the universe ALWAYS has your back and will ALWAYS bring softness and tenderness to you. All you have to do is pay attention.
There's a prayer that can help you, the serenity prayer. You can customise it to suit you but here is how it goes:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
This is what this transit may mean for you depending on the house you have Taurus in your chart using whole sign:
In the 1H: People's perception of you, spotlight on you, being talked to beautifully or longing kind words and encouragement,self image success, review who you really want to be known as.
In the 2H: Your money looks good, emotional spending or retail therapy,money mantras or being told how money you seem, growth in income, review your relationship with money.
In the 3H: Beautiful relationship with siblings/cousins or wishing for such,be careful not to butter up the wrong person, postive affirmations, reviewing your conversations and self talk.
In the 4H: Making a beautiful home, memories back then, My home essay, expansion in family whatever family means to you, review what family is to you.
In the 5H: Beautiful face because of hair, your hair is beautiful please don't believe the negativity,letter to my younger self, nurturingy inner child, review how I treated younger me and how younger me and as treated.
In the 6H: Creating beautiful routines,only seeing the good of something,writing down plans,I have grown and evolved from that, review how you do things and figure out how they have worked for you so far.
In the 7H: Spotlight on Beautiful relationships(not just romantic), feeling like the beautiful relationships are too good to be true, self sabotaging beautiful relationships because of old mindsets, relationships bringing growth but remember growth can be painful, review the growth you have gone through.
The 7H has a lot. When Jupiter was transiting your 6H(Aries), you really had a hard time because things were moving so fast and your health was not at its best then so many plans were burning down. While others were enjoying Jupiter in Aries, you were in a hot oven. It must have been very hard, you deserve comfort. You deserve a break. It's going to be slow, but you will heal and get back up. Get back up again from the animation Trolls(and sung by Anna Kendrick) would be a good song for you, have a listen or play it on repeat.
In the 8H: Noticing how beautiful others resources are, jealousy or gratitude, asking for help(might be talking to investors), receiving support that propels you,healing from trauma, review your perception of who deserves and who does not deserve to be wealthy.
Someone is healing from sexual trauma and shame. I'm happy you get to experience this peace and freedom ❤️
In the 9H: Learning about beauty,reviewing your perception of beauty, talking or writing about beauty standards, expanding your knowledge on beauty, review your beauty standards objectively
In the 10H: Spotlight on career, zero in on what is most attractive to you career wise, feeling called to a certain career direction, writing the most beautiful cover letters and applications,promotions or getting into the career you wanted,review your career choices, they keep changing, why do they?
In the 11H: Seeing and desiring beautiful networks, going to places around you to see if you can get networks or making beautiful networks around you, meeting someone and realizing you landed a stroke of luck, review your networks especially on social media, are your connections good for your wellbeing?
In the 12H: Being open to mental health practices, feeling the fog lift, journaling, realizing what seemingly beautiful thing is making your mental health tank, reviewing what works and what does not work for your mental health.
The Moon was in Taurus on Wednesday, a good day to communicate your feelings because Mercury rules Wednesday.
The Moon is still in Taurus on Thursday, a good day to get philosophical about what you love because Jupiter rules Thursday.
The Moon is still in Taurus on Friday, indulge in beauty self care because Venus rules Friday.
The New moon in Taurus is on Friday, a good time to start or restart something beautiful.
Taurus is also ruled by Venus, love yourself ×10
Taurus rules the voice, honor your voice.
You can book a reading with me here follow our Tiktok here our Twitter here our YouTube here and our Pinterest here
Astrology and Human Design Simplified. AHDSimplified.
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kicksonfire · 25 days
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themomsandthecity · 2 months
How Melissa Stockwell Is Balancing Parenting and Paralympic Training
Melissa Stockwell has always been about defying the odds. While serving in the US Army as a second lieutenant, she lost a limb in active combat after her vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb in 2004. She later set her sights on sports, becoming the first Iraq War veteran to qualify for the Paralympic Games, competing for Team USA in swimming at Beijing 2008. She then upped the ante with triathlons, earning bronze at Rio 2016 and also competing at Tokyo in 2021. But her fourth Paralympic Games at Paris 2024 next month might be her most meaningful yet because for the first time, she'll have her kids by her side. "They know that mommy swims, bikes, and runs all the time, and they've seen me compete once or twice a year, but I want them to see me on the world's biggest stage and see what I actually do," Stockwell tells PS. "I'm sure it'll be more of a challenge at times but it'll be worth it. I can't have them miss it." After all, she wasn't able to bring her children - 9-year-old Dallas and 6-year-old Millie - to the Tokyo Games because of COVID restrictions, and her eldest was just a baby when she competed at Rio. In fact, the Olympic and Paralympic Games have been making it easier for athletes to share their experiences with their families, with P&G even sponsoring an on-site nursery in the Olympic Village. Though her kids are older, Stockwell is grateful for the services. "They really try to make it a family affair and make it as uncomplicated for families as possible," she says. Stockwell will have plenty of support, with about 30 family and friends joining her in the French capital, including her husband, dad, and in-laws. They'll also be traveling over with several other families, also with kids. "We have an incredible village of friends in our network, so there will be plenty of people to help if we need it," she says. More than anything, she wants her kids to see the grit and determination that has earned her everything from a Purple Heart to a Paralympic medal. "It's really important that my kids are seeing me with this definitive goal," says the athlete who's based in Colorado Springs, CO. "We've been counting down the days, and they know it's coming. They see me working toward it. That's huge for not just my kids, but for any kids to see that." With her family at the forefront of Paris 2024, her goal this time around is simple. "I hope to wear that Team USA uniform and represent as best I can - and enjoy myself, race well, and have my training pay off," she says. "I would love to be on that podium." PS: How's your mindset different now that you're a three-time Paralympian already? Melissa Stockwell: I know what to expect. I'm older - I'm one of the older ones competing. That veteran athlete mentality is beneficial because you can manage your stress a little bit more. PS: Is there a certain mantra you're taking with you to this game?I MS: There's a lot of them, like the quote, "I haven't come this far to only get this far." But also my family is just such a huge motivator, and they're going to be on the sidelines. I'm going to be able to race with Team USA and some of my greatest friends. I do this because I enjoy it and I'm really trying to take that to heart. PS: How do you balance training with motherhood? MS: I definitely can't do it alone, that is for sure! I live by the calendar. Every night my husband and I go over our calendar for the next day. Every hour and every minute is filled: who's picking up the kids and who's bringing them to camps, baseball, or whatever it may be. I get all my training in when the kids are at school or at camp, so it's back-to-back-to-back. I don't really have the luxury of recovery in between, but I thrive on that. After I pick up the kids, put my mom hat on: dinner time, bath time, everything that comes with that. It's busy, but I can't complain. PS: How do you deal with those moments when the schedule gets thrown off track? MS:… https://www.popsugar.com/family/melissa-stockwell-2024-paralympics-interview-49379232?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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gbhbl · 3 months
EP Review: Trauamatomy - Triumph Of Enslavement (Gore House Productions)
Delivering the kind of savage and sickening heaviness that leaves you with a headache, a sore neck, aching limbs, and the strong feeling of having been well and truly violated. Sounds fun, right?
Brutal death metal enthusiasts rejoice! Traumatomy, the international band renowned for their slamming brutality, is set to release their latest EP, ‘Triumph of Enslavement’, on July 5th, 2024, via Gore House Productions. Get in, make a s**t-ton of noise, wreck some bodies, and get out. That’s the mantra of this EP, and the mindset of Traumatomy, who deliver five of the nastiest and brutalising…
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owentaylorblogs2024 · 4 months
Capricorn Daily Horoscope  Embrace Challenge  2024
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Capricorns, today marks a pivotal moment for you. The stars are encouraging you to tap into your inner strength and resilience. Challenges may be on the horizon, but so are significant opportunities for personal and professional growth. Embrace these challenges head-on with determination, and you'll find the outcomes to be incredibly rewarding.
In matters of love, communication is key today. If you’re in a relationship, your partner may seek your support or understanding regarding a personal issue. Listen attentively and provide the compassion they need. If you’re single, you might find yourself drawn to someone who shares your fundamental values and ambitions. However, remember to take things slow—patience will benefit you more in the long run.
On the career front, your work environment may present unforeseen challenges. But fear not, your Capricorn grit will see you through. Approach tasks methodically, and don’t hesitate to seek help if needed. Collaboration could unlock unexpected solutions and foster stronger team dynamics. For those contemplating a career change or advancement, today is a propitious day to start planning your next move. Trust in your capabilities and make informed decisions.
Financial prudence should be your mantra today. While the stars hint at a potential unexpected expense, being cautious with your resources will help mitigate any impact. It’s a good day to review your budget and financial plans for the near future. Investments should be approached with caution; if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Health and well-being are in focus today. Prioritize self-care routines and listen to your body’s needs. You might feel the urge to push your limits, but understanding your boundaries is crucial. Incorporate activities that relieve stress and promote mental clarity, like yoga or meditation. Eating balanced meals and staying hydrated will also support your overall well-being.
Capricorns possess many strengths, including intelligence, practicality, trustworthiness, generosity, and optimism. However, they can also be persistent, stubborn, and suspicious. Their symbol is the Goat, their element is Earth, and their body parts are the bones and skin. Ruled by Saturn, their lucky day is Saturday, their lucky color is grey, and their lucky number is 4. The amethyst is their lucky stone.
In terms of compatibility, Capricorns have a natural affinity with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. They have good compatibility with Cancer and Capricorn, fair compatibility with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, and less compatibility with Aries and Libra.
That’s all for today’s horoscope, Capricorns. Remember, today’s about overcoming obstacles and utilizing your strengths. Embrace challenges with a positive mindset, and you’ll unlock your full potential. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more daily horoscopes and updates. Have a fantastic day ahead!
#Capricorn #trendingnow #embracechallenge
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panaromicinoftechs · 4 months
How to Enhance Cybersecurity in Software Development in 2024
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In 2024, the software development landscape is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it's an era of transformative innovation. On the other hand, it provides an ideal environment for advanced cyber threats.  This necessitates a proactive approach that brings security into the very core of the software development lifecycle (SDLC).
Here's a comprehensive approach to enhance cybersecurity in software development for 2024 and beyond:
1.  Shift Left for Secure by Design
The mantra for 2024 is  "Shift Left Security."  This means prioritizing security from the get-go, not as an afterthought.  Integrate security practices into every stage of the SDLC:
Requirement Analysis: Threat modeling should be woven into the requirement gathering phase. Identify potential attack vectors and design with security in mind.
Design & Development: Enforce secure coding practices. Leverage Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools to identify vulnerabilities early. Employ code reviews with a focus on security best practices.
Testing & Deployment: Security testing should be continuous, not a one-time event. Integrate Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) for runtime vulnerability detection. Conduct penetration testing to simulate real-world attacks.
2. Secure Coding is King
Developers are the first line of defense. Here are key secure coding practices for 2024:
Input Validation and Sanitization: Never trust user input! Validate and sanitize all data to protect against injection attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
Proper Error Handling: Keep attackers from extracting sensitive information from error messages. Implement robust error handling that doesn't disclose system information.
Secure Use of Libraries & Frameworks: Stay up-to-date with security fixes for third-party libraries and frameworks used in your code.
3. Embrace the Power of Automation
Automation is a game-changer in 2024's security landscape. Utilize tools like:
Security Champions: Empower developers to champion security within their teams.
Security Automation Tools: Leverage tools that automate repetitive security tasks like vulnerability scanning and configuration management. This frees up developers to focus on core functionalities.
4.  AI-Assisted Security: A Double-Edged Sword
While AI holds immense potential for threat detection and incident response, it's crucial to be aware of its limitations.  Here's a balanced approach:
Leverage AI for Threat Detection: Utilize AI-powered tools to analyze vast amounts of data and identify anomalous behavior that might indicate a cyberattack.
Maintain Human Oversight: AI shouldn't replace human judgment. Security professionals need to interpret AI outputs and make informed decisions.
5.  The Passwordless Future is Here
Passwords are a major security weakness. In 2024, a shift towards passwordless authentication is gaining momentum. Explore robust alternatives like:
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second factor, like a fingerprint or a one-time code, for user verification.
Biometric Authentication: Leverage unique biological traits like fingerprints or facial recognition for secure user logins.
6.  Building a Culture of Security
Security is not just a technical issue. It's a cultural imperative:
Security Awareness Training: Regularly educate developers and all staff on security best practices, common threats, and the importance of a security-conscious mindset.
Bug Bounty Programs: Consider implementing bug bounty programs to incentivize ethical hackers to identify vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them.
By adopting these strategies, you can build a robust security posture for your software development lifecycle in 2024 and beyond. Remember, cybersecurity is an ongoing process – continuous vigilance and adaptation are key to staying ahead of the ever-evolving threat world.
In conclusion, Panoramic Infotech is a top software development company in the USA, committed to enhancing cybersecurity in software development. By prioritizing these strategies, Panoramic Infotech ensures robust and secure software solutions for its clients.
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kicksaddictny · 6 months
Fernando Tatís Jr. to Sport Custom Cleats Paying Tribute to NBA 4x Champion & 2x MVP, Stephen Curry, Titled "I Can Do All Things"
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Fernando Tatís Jr., outfielder for the San Diego Padres, will showcase the sixth installment of his exclusive custom cleat series on April 5, 2024, during the Padres' game against the San Francisco Giants in San Francisco. This special cleat pays homage to NBA superstar Stephen Curry, a four-time champion and two-time MVP point guard for the Golden State Warriors.
Dubbed "I Can Do All Things," the sixth cleat in Tatís Jr.'s series is a remarkable conversion of Stephen Curry's Under Armour "Championship Mindset" Curry 4 basketball shoes into custom cleats. The design embodies Curry's championship mindset, featuring the handwritten inscription "I can do all things" from Philippians 4:13, a Bible verse that inspires him to pursue greatness every day. This verse is a personal mantra for Curry, which he includes on all the basketball shoes he wears during games.
The concept for Cleat 6 of 50 in Tatís Jr.'s season-long collection was envisioned by Nick Drbal, CEO and Founder of XAMPLE, and expertly crafted by Custom Cleats, known for their ability to convert any sneaker into cleats. The collaboration showcases the intersection of sports and artistry, bringing together baseball and basketball in a unique and meaningful way.
Don't miss the opportunity to witness this exceptional tribute on the field as Fernando Tatís Jr. honors Stephen Curry's legacy with style and flair.
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theoneswhoown · 6 months
MANTRA OF RESILIENCE: Embracing Struggle without Defeat | The Ones Who Own #mantra
MANTRA OF RESILIENCE: Embracing Struggle without Defeat | The Ones Who Own #mantra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOwjGJvx4lQ Adopt today's mantra: "I may be struggling, but I'm not failing," as a reminder of your resilience and determination. Explore the mindset of perseverance and growth amidst challenges, refusing to let setbacks define your journey. ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@The-Ones-Who-Own/?sub_confirmation=1 ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 What Does a $340 Million Mansion Look Like? Exclusive Tour Inside! | The Ones Who Own https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2odqb60pq2U 👉 Inside Putin's World of Wealth: Exploring His Most Expensive Luxuries! | The Ones Who Own https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lfXhzgvoas 👉 What's Inside a $818 Million Home? 2024's Luxury Mansions Revealed! | The Ones Who Own https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F81Fj5sH6Jo 👉 Inside the World's Most Fancy Homes: The Ultimate Luxury Tour! | The Ones Who Own https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMaGhXfCF4A ============================= ✅ About The Ones Who Own: Welcome to "The Ones Who Own" – a lavish escape into the world of opulence and refinement. Immerse yourself in the epitome of luxury living as we explore the extravagant lifestyles, exquisite destinations, and exclusive experiences of those who truly own the extraordinary. From high-end fashion to breathtaking travel, fine dining to cutting-edge technology, join us on a journey where only the most discerning taste meets unparalleled sophistication. Elevate your standards with us and discover what it truly means to be among "The Ones Who Own." Indulge in a world where luxury knows no bounds, and join our community of connoisseurs in celebrating the extraordinary. 🔔 Subscribe to my channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/@The-Ones-Who-Own/?sub_confirmation=1 ===================== #ResilientMantra #PerseveranceMindset #mantra #GrowthThroughStruggle #unyieldingdetermination Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use © The Ones Who Own via The Ones Who Own https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmx_4FwB9XJs266dDqqF-XQ March 26, 2024 at 07:00AM
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arjunsinghveda · 6 months
The Significance of Ekadashi Vrat: A Spiritual Journey
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Twice each month, many Hindus observe a special day of fasting and spiritual renewal called Ekadashi vrat. Ekadashi 2024 will see this ancient tradition continue, as thousands take part in this meaningful practice. But what exactly is the Ekadashi vrat, and why is it so important?
The word "Ekadashi" refers to the 11th day of each lunar cycle in the Hindu calendar. On these days, devout Hindus choose to fast and focus their minds on spirituality. The main reasons for keeping this vrat, or vow, are to purify one's soul and develop virtues like self-control.
According to Hindu beliefs, a person's soul is tied to a cycle of rebirths due to accumulated karma from past actions, good and bad. By willingly giving up certain foods and worldly pleasures on Ekadashi, people aim to reduce the karmic burdens weighing down their souls. This fasting and introspection helps purify the spirit.
Key Purpose of Ekadashi
Another key purpose of Ekadashi vrat is to build qualities like discipline, humility, and compassion within oneself. Choosing to fast requires restraint and commitment - important skills to possess. Those observing the vrat may spend the day in prayer, mantra chanting, selfless service, or quiet contemplation. These spiritual activities nurture a humble, caring mindset connected to the divine.
On Ekadashi, the day begins with purification rituals and prayers. Throughout daylight hours, observers avoid eating grains, lentils, and certain vegetables. Instead, simple foods like fruits, milk, and approved "fasting fare" are consumed. Limiting one's diet this way is meant to further cleanse the body and focus the mind.
Take Part in Puja Ceremonies
As the evening approaches, many take part in puja ceremonies at temples or shrines, offering devotionals to honor the deities. Finally, after sundown, a modest feast sanctioned for Ekadashi helps complete the vrat. Partaking in this meal represents renewed spiritual dedication.
In today's hectic, materialistic society, Ekadashi vrat serves as a respite to slow down and realign one's purpose. It gives Hindus across backgrounds a chance to remember core values like spiritual growth, simplicity, and peace. Whether doing vrat alone or surrounded by community, the practice remains a special opportunity for contemplation and moral renewal.
The story behind the Ekadashi vrat
According to Hindu mythology, there was once a powerful king who turned against the divine beings due to arrogance. To subdue his ego, Lord Vishnu took the form of a dwarf and tricked the king into giving away everything, including his kingdom.
This happened on the 11th day (Ekadashi) of the lunar cycle. From then on, Ekadashi became sacred as the day Lord Vishnu protected righteousness. Observing the Ekadashi vrat by fasting recreates the virtues displayed by Lord Vishnu - humility, restraint, and unwavering morality. It is seen as a way to purify one's spiritual bearings, just as the Lord had preserved dharma by defeating the egoistic king's evil ways.
When Ekadashi 2024 arrives, those who uphold this thousands-year-old fasting tradition will experience its myriad benefits anew. From cultivating compassion to alleviating karmic burdens, observers tap into a higher consciousness. Ultimately, Ekadashi vrat allows one to briefly let go of outer trappings and focus wholly on one's inner spiritual essence.
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laceyflanaganyarmouth · 7 months
Discover Wander Repeat: The Travelers Mantra
Discover, Wander, Repeat: The Traveler’s Mantra https://ift.tt/xZt0g3V In the realm of exploration, where horizons stretch infinitely, and the world unfolds like a grand tapestry, the mantra “Discover, Wander, Repeat” encapsulates the essence of the avid traveler’s journey. This simple yet profound phrase embodies the spirit of adventure, the insatiable curiosity to unearth hidden gems, and the cyclical rhythm of embarking on new explorations. It is more than a mantra; it is a philosophy that defines the mindset of those seeking to traverse the globe with open hearts and minds. Discover “Discover” serves as the starting point, propelling travelers into the unknown. It beckons them to venture beyond the familiar, to peel back the layers of routine and predictability, and to embrace the allure of the undiscovered. From ancient wonders to modern marvels, from bustling city streets to tranquil natural landscapes, discovery fuels the traveler’s quest for new perspectives and uncharted experiences. Wander Wandering is the heart of the mantra, an active and purposeful embrace of the journey itself. It encourages travelers to meander through unfamiliar streets, follow winding paths that lead to unforeseen encounters, and embrace the travel experience’s spontaneity. Wandering is not about losing one’s way but finding unexpected treasures—hidden cafes, charming alleyways, and the unscripted moments that breathe life into the travel narrative. Repeat “Repeat” completes the cycle, acknowledging that the journey is not a one-time affair but a continuous loop of discovery and wandering. It recognizes that the traveler’s appetite for exploration is insatiable and that the world is a vast playground of endless possibilities. Each journey sets the stage for the next, building a repertoire of stories, memories, and cultural encounters that shape the traveler’s identity. The traveler’s mantra is to break free from routine confines and embrace the unknown’s richness. It encourages a mindset that transcends the mere act of moving from one place to another; it is about absorbing, experiencing, and immersing oneself in the world’s diversity. The mantra also speaks to the transformative power of travel. It’s not just about changing locations; it’s about evolving perspectives, broadening horizons, and cultivating a deep appreciation for the beauty of human diversity. Discovering new cultures, connecting with people from different backgrounds, and witnessing the myriad ways life is lived around the globe contribute to personal growth and a more profound understanding of the world. In an age where technology and globalization bring the world closer, the traveler’s mantra serves as a reminder to savor the journey amidst the rush of modern life. It advocates for mindful travel, where the focus is not just on ticking off destinations but on truly experiencing and absorbing the essence of each place visited. Ultimately, “Discover, Wander, Repeat” is an anthem for the spirited traveler—a compass that guides them through the vast expanse of the world. It is a mantra that encourages a lifelong commitment to exploration. This unwavering curiosity transcends borders and fosters a sense of unity among all those who share the love for discovery.  The post Discover, Wander, Repeat: The Traveler’s Mantra first appeared on Lacey Flanagan | Travel. via Lacey Flanagan | Travel https://ift.tt/YRe8dlk March 15, 2024 at 01:30PM
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harmonyhealinghub · 7 months
I Am Strong: Unleashing the Power Within Shaina Tranquilino March 20, 2024
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Strength is not just a physical attribute; it's a state of mind, a quality that resides within each one of us, waiting to be harnessed and embraced. In the journey of life, challenges and obstacles are inevitable, but it is our inner strength that determines how we navigate through them. "I am strong" is not just a statement; it's a mantra that empowers, motivates, and transforms. Let's delve into the depths of what it truly means to embrace strength in every aspect of our lives.
The Power of Resilience:
Life is a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs. Resilience is the key to weathering the storms that come our way. Instead of seeing setbacks as roadblocks, consider them as opportunities for growth. Embracing resilience means understanding that failures are not the end but rather stepping stones towards success. By adopting a resilient mindset, you tap into your inner strength and learn to bounce back stronger than ever.
Mind over Matter:
Strength emanates from the mind. The way we perceive challenges and setbacks greatly influences our ability to overcome them. Affirmations, positive self-talk, and mindfulness play crucial roles in cultivating mental strength. By consciously choosing empowering thoughts, we train our minds to focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. The phrase "I am strong" becomes a mental anchor, reminding us of our inherent capabilities.
Physical Empowerment:
While mental strength is paramount, physical well-being is equally important. Regular exercise not only contributes to physical health but also boosts mental resilience. Whether it's through weightlifting, yoga, or cardiovascular activities, the act of pushing our physical limits fosters a sense of accomplishment and reinforces the belief that we are indeed strong. Taking care of our bodies enhances overall strength and vitality.
Embracing Vulnerability:
Strength is not synonymous with invincibility. True strength lies in vulnerability and authenticity. Acknowledging our weaknesses and seeking support when needed are signs of immense strength. It takes courage to be open about our struggles and challenges. By embracing vulnerability, we connect with others on a deeper level and build a support system that further fortifies our inner strength.
Turning Adversity into Advantage:
Life's challenges are inevitable, but our response to them is within our control. Instead of viewing adversity as a hindrance, see it as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. Every challenge is a chance to discover hidden strengths and resilience. By reframing adversity as a teacher rather than an enemy, we harness the power within us to turn challenges into stepping stones towards a brighter future.
"I am strong" is not just a statement; it's a mindset, a way of life. In embracing our inner strength, we transform challenges into opportunities and setbacks into comebacks. Whether it's overcoming mental barriers, prioritizing physical well-being, or embracing vulnerability, strength is a multifaceted gem that sparkles in the face of adversity. So, let the mantra "I am strong" resonate within you, guiding you through life's journey with resilience, courage, and an unwavering belief in your own power.
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kicksonfire · 29 days
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bbpsnoida · 8 months
Workshop on Nurturing Minds- Fostering Awareness in Mental Well – Being
“When mental health is ultimately recognized as essential to physical health, not an extraneous element of it, then we will have access to true, complete, modern medicine.”
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Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, continues to uphold its reputation as the best school in Noida by organizing insightful workshops that go beyond academic excellence. To earnestly address the importance of mental health, a workshop on ‘Nurturing Minds- Fostering Awareness in Mental Well – Being’ was conducted on 20th January 2024, Saturday at Bal Bharati Public School, Noida which is among the top 10 CBSE schools in Uttar Pradesh. It was graced by the motivational idealist Swami Chidrupananda Ji, Acharya Chinmaya Mission Noida, and Director North Zone All India Chinmaya Yuva Kendra. The session commenced at 10:15 am with a warm welcome from the School Principal, Mrs. Asha Prabhakar to Swami Chidrupananda ji, accompanied by a heartfelt token of gratitude.
Nourishing the mind, with one positive thought at a time
The overarching goal of the session was to illuminate the audience about the paramount importance of mental health. Throughout the session, Swami Ji stressed the importance of mental well-being as an integral aspect of overall health, aligning with the school's ethos as one of the best CBSE schools in Noida. The key emphasis was placed on fostering a mindset that is less reactive and more responsive. As educators, the session prompted the individuals to equip children with the tools to handle depression and navigate the complexities of emotions.
Swamiji delved into the complexities of the human psyche, recognizing how we often fall prey to our own minds, and distractions. The session encourage embracing every life experience, good or bad, with a collective sense of calmness. Therefore, the mantra of ‘win the mind, win the world’ was given its due importance, positioning stress handling as a skill to be honed by individuals.
As the best school in Uttar Pradesh, Bal Bharati Noida consistently strives to address the diverse needs of its students. The workshop served as a testament to the school's commitment to nurturing not only academic excellence but also the mental well-being of the young learners. Numerous beneficial habits for promoting mental well-being were highlighted and conveyed to the audience, underscoring the importance of incorporating these practices into their daily lives. These practices included treating the mind as a separate entity, coupled with nurturing approaches like training, and periodic self-treatment.
The MYOB acronym (Mind Your Own Business) was introduced as a safeguard against unnecessary pitfalls. The workshop truly underscored the pivotal role of surrounding oneself with the right company and cultivating meaningful friendships for the preservation of one's mental well-being.  The session provided a holistic and insightful exploration of mental health, leaving the audience with practical tools and a profound understanding of the mind's dynamics which will help individuals navigate through the walk of life.
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