#24 hour turnaround
One of the most vital parts of any college application is the personal essay. All potential students are required to submit an essay, that is written based off of a specific prompt for the college you are interested in. Different colleges will have different prompts. Here at BFW, not only have we been helping students prepare these since 1991, we also have professional training in exactly what…
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stergeon · 5 months
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And so your PLANT shall henceforth be known as FERDINAND II.
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The thought of needing to inform FERDINAND I of his having a namesake makes you a bit ill, but you are already hard at work devising several plausible excuses for the gesture. Something about how you've named it after the one most invested in its naming, or how it is similarly prone to drooling. Yes. Yes, you will be able to deflect quite easily, should the need arise. It has nothing to do with your fondness for FERDINAND or your desire for a substitute in his imminent absence, no—again, you are not so prone to sentimentality. It's about the drool.
Well, anyway. Best to move on with your day and think about something else, lest you grow maudlin or cultivate further affection for the PLANT. May the GODDESS be merciful and never cause you to develop inclinations that could be described as paternal.
Now that your plant has received sufficient care, it is time for COFFEE. You set to making your morning brew. By CHANCE, there happens to be sufficient water remaining in the kettle for FERDINAND I to have TEA, should he wish it.
Per your TIMEPIECE, it is now a quarter to eight. You have made excellent progress on your PRE-BREAKFAST TO-DO LIST thus far: the only remaining task is to remove FERDINAND. You are starting to get rather peckish and would like to be rid of him quickly, but over the past week, you have found that extracting the man from YOUR QUARTERS is a more arduous task than it ought to be.
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valsansretovr · 11 months
Just had to tell a student I wouldn’t grade his homework because he handed it in late (over a day)…..mortified with myself
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mirtelolivia · 7 months
High-End Jewelry Retouching/Photo Editing 
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noralaylaph · 11 months
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themetalhiro · 2 months
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I think it was about time I updated my commission info- so here it is ! If you want me to draw you something perfectly suited to your tastes with a lightning fast turnaround, please
and ill get back to you with an estimate within 24 hours. :]
Thank you for your continued support !!
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caratsforchange · 1 month
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introducing: caratsforchange! ✨
tumblr carats, let's make a difference together! our mission is simple: donate to a gazan cause, and we'll create a personalized seventeen gifset just for you!
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how to donate:
via gazafunds: this platform generates a random stagnant gofundme dedicated to helping those in need. your donation here will directly impact individuals in gaza.
crips for esims for gaza: if you'd prefer to donate to a larger organization instead of individual gofundme campaigns, this is a great option as esims are much needed. (information | donate)
help gaza's children: this campaign is palestinian-run and helps to buy food, clothing, supplies and sometimes, even toys for gaza's little ones. (information | donate)
gaza wound care: a campaign run by some of gaza's doctors to cover the cost of treating the sick and wounded
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after you donate:
send us proof: leave us an ask here with proof of your donation (it will not be published!). in the same ask, request your gifset: let us know the details of your request! be as specific as you like—member + era, any hoshi fancam, seungkwan with red hair, cute 95z moments, or even a specific stage (include the date, or a link if possible). we'll work our magic to create something special for you. please note that unless you request otherwise, we will mention you when your request is posted! if you'd prefer that we didn't, simply ask to remain anonymous.
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request turnaround time:
depending on our availability, the amount of easily sourced giffing material, and the amount of requests we currently have, this varies. you can sometimes expect for your request to be posted in under 24 hours, other times it may be closer to 3-5 days. please be patient, we promise we won't forget you! <3
important notes:
any amount can be donated! every bit helps and is greatly appreciated.
calling all content creators: we’re currently a four-person team and would love for other content creators to join us in this project! if you’re interested in contributing, submit an application.
join us in making a difference—one gif at a time! ♡
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ahappydnp · 3 months
the last mukbang had a 24 hour turnaround from filming to uploading. and they warned us immediately after they finished filming.
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
hotvintagepoll Hot Men Tournament rundown thoughts
I promised a final recap post and here it is! I'll try to cover the questions I saw the most as we closed out the bracket, reveal my ✨secret faves✨, and talk about the biggest surprises and turnarounds I saw in the brackets.
Yes, this will get silly.
As I've mentioned before, I worked off submissions for who to include in the bracket, so if your fave was missing—that's why. I used submitted pics when I could, but many submissions didn't have one, so I tried to find decent ones in the couple of days I had to prep the first round (I didn't always succeed). By decent, I mean pics where 1) I could see the hot man's face, so not too much moody lighting, and 2) hopefully conveyed something about his vibe, even if it was a funny thing (yes, I showed Howard Keel in full Shakespeare get-up—I'm not beyond putting up a pic because I think it's funny). I didn't know all of these hotties going in, so some I had to guess with, but when I could I tried to pick shots that had a touch of the humor, class, or genre of the hot man.
For Round 1 and Round 2, I grouped the hotties by each decade, so only '60s actors ran against '60s actors, '50s against '50s, etc. Male beauty standards shifted pretty dramatically over the sixty years this tournament covers, and I didn't think it was fair to pit dramatically different styles of beauty against each other immediately.
I pitted hot men against each other based on opposing energies—hot vs cold, elegant vs rough, comedy vs drama, etc.. I wanted the polls to be interesting and I've never liked brackets where everyone is clearly in different "lanes" until the finals! I also wanted to make polls where I couldn't tell which way they would swing, so by setting matchups that felt opposite but equal, I got to be surprised by the bracket results too.
The only reason we had any three-way matchups is because the amount of men submitted didn't round to a nice bracket number. I don't like them generally and find them really hard to balance.
Secret faves from Round 1—I am a James Coburn girlie and knew he would die immediately, so that was not a shock but a bummer. I similarly knew Robert Preston is only magical to people who have seen him do His Little Dance Routines in That One Iowa Musical, but it would have been nice for him to last longer.
Surprises—Jeremy Brett was a last-minute add and I didn't think he really had a shot, so I put him in as a third wheel on the Sean Connery/Dean Martin matchup. Little did I count on the Granada girlies. (Always count on the Granada girlies.) The Elvis/Peter Falk poll was the first one to gain any momentum—Elvis was winning for the first 24 hours but then, my god, did Peter fight back. I didn't expect the Tab/Toshiro poll to make that bad a mincemeat out of Tab—people have different tastes, and I thought the people who like blonde sunny All American white boys might turn out for The Blonde Sunny All American White Boy. Sorry, Tab. I hope you've peeled yourself off the sidewalk by now. And, of course, I was SHOCKED and APPALLED that James Cagney would be obliterated by, of all people, Mr. Bing Crosby.
The fervor of the Harold Lloyd and Fredric March people inspired the shadow bracket, and I couldn't be happier at the way it's gone. You were right, the original photos I had for them did suck. Cunty Harold Lloyd in his little life guard uniform was a revelation.
For Round 2 I'd gotten a better sense of who was doing well and who was not, so a little of that came into play, but I mostly paired on vibes again. (I genuinely think this is a good way to make a fun, challenging bracket.)
Secret faves—Noooo not hot dilf Dick Van Dyke don't take my hot inventor dilf away uwu!!! (He was up against Marlon Brando. I would have been shocked if he'd won but for a minute there, a glorious second, it was possible.) I am also a big old softie for David Niven's particular brand of repression to the point of volcanic rupture, but he is one of many hotties who does not look good without moving and speaking so I figured he would be going.
So much beef—hey! hey you. I ran a poll asking if we are horny for dancers. Yes, was the resounding poll response. Where, then, did all the fucking dancers go? This round we lost Donald O'Connor, Fred Astaire, Harold Nicholas; Sammy Davis Jr., Danny Kaye, Frank Sinatra, and Bing Crosby all sneak into this category as well, by token of having been in the kind of big MGM bang-a-pan-and-put-on-a-show beloved bedlams we all watch at Christmastime. Round 2 voters HATED musical matchups. Except for one.
The one—SOUND OF MUSIC, the voters said, WE LOVE SOUND OF MUSIC. we will KILL the man responsible for salad dressing because of the SOUND OF MUSIC. every other dance man can die but THIS man dances a FOLK DANCE with JULIE ANDREWS in a GARDEN. I did not go into this poll with strong opinions about Christopher Plummer or Paul Newman but my god did I leave having heard all of them.
Surprises—James Edwards/Anthony Perkins matchup was a nail biter! Conrad vs Oscar kept me up at nights. Surprised to see Basil Rathbone survive against Sabu Dastagir—both very fetching, but Sabu had some top-tier propaganda. Cesar Romero put up a surprisingly stiff fight against Cary Grant (an omen for things to come).
Oh horrors—horror heroes surprisingly fell all over the place. I was sure either Bela Lugosi or Turhan Bey would sweep their three-way matchup, but Michael Redgrave of all people carried through; Boris Karloff went down against Johnny Weismuller (while holding hands with fellow fallen hottie Fred Astaire), but at least we got his guacamole recipe before he went. Delighted to see that the Venn diagram of the coalitions who support horror hero Vincent Price and funny lil guy Donald O'Connor is a circle.
Secret faves pt 2—oh yeah, I fucking love Danny Kaye and Donald O'Connor. RIP funny lil kings.
For some reason this was the hardest one to make matchups for. Oh no, all the men are hot.
Secret faves—Michael Redgrave i love you SO much you're SUCH an idiot, how did you make it as far as round 3. I want you to sweep the whole thing but you should NOT be surviving this. I love you, here's a kiss, go home.
Surprises—Marlon Brando is gone! Errol Flynn is gone! Christopher Plummer exhausted himself beating the organic oreos man to death and goes out with a whimper. Beginning to actually see the roots of #mifunesweep as Tyrone Power, a hot man very different from Burt Lancaster, who was in turn very different from Tab Hunter, also gets swept under the wheels of the unbeatable toshirobus. Conrad Veidt finds that no amount of purring svelte eccentricity compares to the people who will fuck a young Lt. Columbo.
Cannot believe it but Veidt loses this one too. Perkins sweeps and becomes Prince of the Shadow Realm!
At this point I've set a formal bracket that I'm following.
Secret faves—this isn't secret anymore, but losing Jimmy Stewart hurt.
Surprises—The Gene Kelly/Jeremy Brett matchup was the diciest one all round, moving back and forth between the two by sometimes .01%. Far more surprising, however, was Cary Grant getting eliminated before the quarterfinals. Grant has never been my type, but he is famous for being THE type, so while the writing had been on the wall the whole tournament—how on earth did Michael Redgrave even get 36% in his matchup?!—seeing Grant go down was a SHOCKER. Other fallen hotties included Gregory Peck, James Dean, Harry Belafonte, and Sessue Hayakawa. Peter Falk finally met his match in Omar Sharif.
Secret faves—I don't know if it counts as a secret fave, tbh, as my horses in the race really went out with Stewart, but I do have a soft spot here worth mentioning. Here's my childhood dog, Keaton.
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The resemblance is truly striking, and yes, he was short, fast, and not prone to smiling.
Surprises—I couldn't predict how any of these matchups would go down, but I was most interested in Keaton vs Sharif, as they are both SO hot in SUCH different ways.
This was such a good batch of semifinalist contestants. By this point I think we could all tell Mifune was unstoppable (though I thought Sharif might give him a run for his money), but I really didn't know which way Robeson vs Poitier would flip.
I wanted Sidney Poitier to pull a last-minute sweep out of nowhere, but alas, Toshiro is just THAT GOOD (maybe. I will admit that I find Toshiro's domination a little hard to believe, given the variety and hotness of all his competitors; the man is hot but all these men are hot). I'm still happy with how the tournament went.
Biggest shock of a dropout: the loss of Paul Newman
Biggest "you people have no taste": the loss of James Cagney
Biggest victory: Paul Robeson making it to the semifinals over often-assumed champion Gregory Peck
Biggest coalition who deserve justice: dancing men
Biggest ask character: vents anon (currently eating Laurence Olivier)
Biggest, uhh, anything: how many of you are here! I genuinely thought it would be me and 10 other people voting for the whole tournament. I'm thrilled it took off like this!
I think that's everything, but I'm happy to answer addl asks. And THANK YOU to everyone for your tags, rants, impassioned propaganda, beautiful pics, and love for the hot men! See you for the ladies!
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cressidagrey · 3 months
A Pocketful of Stars - Masterlist
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The Story of how Azriel ends up with a mate and a kid in the span of 24 hours.
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The shadows decide that Azriel needs a hobby.
5 times when said hobby-related shenanigans didn’t end so well…and the one time where it may end up better than Azriel could ever have imagined.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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The quickest turnaround time between finding your mate and having a kid anybody in the history of Prythian has ever managed
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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fattyfreya · 2 months
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I'm heading to NYC for the first time next month, which is wild considering all the years I've wanted to go. So, I need to make up for lost time! I'm planning a bit of a food tour with some of my favorites already picked out, but I do have a gap in the schedule—so if you have any recommendations, send them my way!
To make this feast a reality, I'm offering custom videos at a discount until September 5. Spoil me and keep me happy 💋
**Custom Video Options:**
- **3-minute custom** (Just for you—I’ll say your name and anything else within reason. No makeup, very GFE style, 24-hour turnaround): $30
- **5-minute custom** (same as above): $45
- **5-7 minute custom** (with more props, makeup, and a specific scenario. 3-5 day turnaround): $80
- **7-10 minute custom** (with more specific props. 3-5 day turnaround): $100
- **10-15 minute custom** (with even more specific props. 3-5 day turnaround): $140
- **Something dark and taboo, just for you** (let’s chat on this one. 3-5 day turnaround): $250
If there’s something you like that doesn’t fit these, let’s chat. Please send me a DM with specifics of what you would like in a clip before purchasing. Thanks, babe!
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heartlandzine · 9 days
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💚Commission Auction for Palestinian Relief Funds💚
Today, we're auctioning off the first of two commission slots from the talented @mayskalih!
🍉 Bidding starts at $10 USD 🍉 Place new bids at any time 🍉 Keep track of new bids here!
How To Bid
1) DM or reply to this post with your bid. 2) Receive confirmation from the mod that your bid was received. 3) Wait/place new bids. Bidding will end when there has not been a new one for 24 hours. 4) If you've won, the mod will put you in touch with the artist/author. 5) Once the commission details have been agreed upon, you will make a donation of the final bid amount to ANERA's relief efforts in the West Bank, screencap the receipt, and share it with the mod.
Please Note
• Turnaround time begins with the artist begins working on the piece, not on the date of bidding. • You may place new bids at any time.
Bidding for this slot has closed! Keep an eye out for our next auction 🫶
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Chapter 4. Changing Winds (part 2)
the turnaround for this [s] page was like, maybe a maximum of 24 hours. i think it shows. happy 4/13!
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mirtelolivia · 7 months
High-End Jewelry Retouching/Photo Editing 
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noralaylaph · 11 months
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psychics4unet · 2 months
Personal Tarot Readings for just $7
Hey everyone! 🌟
Got questions or need some insight into your life? I'm here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions!
For just $7, you’ll get:
Complete Personalized Psychic Reading: You can ask up to 7 questions within 7 days of payment. I will use tarot cards and maybe some other divination tools like cloud divination, pendulum, numerology, past life, and dream interpretation to address your questions.
Detailed PDF file: All answers will be compiled in a PDF file, including pictures of the cards drawn, and sent to you by email.
Quick Turnaround: Usually within 24 hours of payment, but occasionally up to 48 hours.
Secure Payment: Payment via PayPal only.
Got any questions or need more info? Drop me a private message or contact me by email. I’m here to provide you with clarity and guidance. 💖
Can’t wait to connect and assist you on your journey! 🌈✨
Payment Make Your $7 Payment Here.
About me Read about me and my life's mission on my website.
Feedback Check out the positive experiences from those who’ve received my psychic reading service!
Please note:
You must be 18 years or older.
All sales are final. No refunds will be issued.
To ensure the reading is effective and provides the best service, I don’t do readings on legal matters, health issues, pregnancy, or specific time frames. I also reserve the right to decline other topics at my discretion. If you’re unsure, just send me a private message!
Readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not professional advice. The information provided is subjective and comes with no guarantees. You are responsible for any decisions made after the reading. The reader is not liable for events resulting from the reading.
While confidentiality is attempted, no guarantees can be made.
In case of technical issues with the delivery of the reading, the reader will make reasonable efforts to resolve the issue, but no compensation or refund will be provided.
By purchasing a reading, you agree to all terms outlined and acknowledge that you understand and accept these conditions.
Send me a private message now to start your journey!
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