bulletproofbechloe · 2 years
okay, here’s the deal. I’ve been in and out of this fandom, but I want back in on Bechloe. Here’s some things about me:
- I’m 25, lesbian, she/her, and btw call me Colleen 
- my other account is lesleygoreswife
- I was first on Tumblr as a Bechloe account in 2013 ish when I was 15
- I make music so if anyone wanted me to try writing music abt them HIT ME UP because I need gay writing inspo (hmu for that spotify link but don’t have very high expectations)
- I have written fanfiction of them in the past but if I were to publish it again WOW would it need some editing (I WANT TO START WRITING THEM AGAIN)
- I used to be a Jori shipper but the older I get the more creeped out I am by the fandom not believing that Liz Gillies wasn’t groomed and how people write extremely problematic material of underage characters LOL
So anyway, nice to meet you I’m Colleen, and if you’re reading this please follow me so I know the good blogs to check out ;)
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