qasem-braigeth · 1 year
لا أتذكّر بيت الشّعر
الذي كتبتُهُ حين أعلنتُ
موتي للمرّة الرابعة
أتذكّر فقط أن الشاهدة ناعمة
والفلّ كان يبتسم
غير آبه مثل المطر
تمنّيت يداً
تجمع أضلعي
زمن بلا محطّات يعبرني
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eksopolitiikka · 1 year
Hehkuva orbi asunnon yllä Kaliforniassa
Havaintopäivämäärä: 29.6.2022 Havaintopaikka: Benecia, Kalifornia, USA Lähde: Sähköpostiraportti, lähetä omasi [email protected] Silminnäkijä kertoo: Seisoin autotallin edessä ja harjoitin CE5:ä vihreällä laserilla, laitoin vihreän laserin pois ja otin punaisen laserin, ja heilutin kolmasti sitä kirkasta tähteä kohti, kun yhtäkkiä silmäkulmastani näin vasemmalla orbin, joka materialisoitui tyhjästä. Se kulki lännestä itään, ohitti ”kirkkaan tähden” jolle vilkutin valoa. […] from _| Eksopolitiikka.fi |_ https://ift.tt/XAiuj0D via IFTTT
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badpoet · 2 years
The Last Stage 1 Choose
I feel you. I know what you're up to. We are not the same whatever you say To them or to me. Life is not a game. My House, my Home will stand, Yours will be gone. Too much you want. You've made me angry. Didn't I tell Where I came from? Oh, weakness! You never know who is watching Your actions and thoughts. No one will save you. If be honest, No one even never wished To save the romans from the priest. 29.6.2022
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it was amazing!
29.6.2022 stockholm
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rbf451 · 2 years
BC’s four ig stories 29.6.2022
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urbannature · 2 years
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prosy-days · 2 years
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June 29, 2022 - Day 10
I had to get a new kettle and it feels like the boiling is especially intense in this one.
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godsnameisjoy · 2 years
Date: 29 June 2022
Duration: 51 minutes at 11:14 PM
The greatest property of a spiritual practice is that all growth is irreversible. So, I had Peace last night. And spinal energies gathered and rose up towards the head. I hope that my Peace is irreversible. I hope that my spine doesn’t turn dormant any time soon.
The property of a spiritual practice that makes the devotee struggle is that no growth is assured without a practice. One has to work for one’s salvation. You can’t outsource your redemption. In my current situation, I am eager to experience the third eye one more time. And on a bad day, like yesterday, I don’t mind not having moved forward because I had Peace.
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rowsalie · 2 years
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Alexandria المحبوبة 🌥
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celebsazz · 2 years
Nadia Kailouli takes off her high heels - ARD Mima, 29.6.2022
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badpoet · 2 years
The Spirit and a Widow /Тёмные Страницы Её Истории, 2/
Do you blame me in all your sins, Widow? I saw like you, but much more younger. Outcast by their own families Before the beginning of karmic lives. With a talent, maybe. But! Talents was lost All the future black widows. For some reason, We are the ones who their blame. Just like you, the old never married Widow. A bit of shame, a bit of fear. But! Sort of the truth. We are the part of this. Not the which you usually 'think'. Do you blame me still in all your tears? The truth is all was their fault. Like yours. The golden ticket they've found in faces like mine. The ticket which would make them free from pain, But... Too cruel they were. The same old story! About demons and vain. No more golden tickets. And all their talents were taken away as the pay. Do we really the ones who should be blamed? You never see how empty your world, but I am even not sure that your world exist... Your author is lost. Theirs are too. Who gave You rights to ruin parts of the other books? You never hear the voice of clear mind: We are not the reason. It is always only you. Go save your author instead to be screaming. The things you've lost can't be returned. But be aware of our famous and fabulous Devil Who is brining the judgement on every road. That's our authors who will take last white pages From authors of yours to fix holy stories of gods. 28-29.6.2022
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yenihabergazetesi · 2 years
     İbrahim BİRELMA   Psikiyatrinin “yaşayan arşivi” olarak anılan Prof. Dr. Özcan Köknel (94), İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Prof. Dr. Aziz Sancar Anfisi’nde düzenlenen anma töreninden sonra Zincirlikuyu Mezarlığı’nda öğle namazının ardından toprağa verildi. (Hürriyet 29.6.2022) 23 Mart 1928’de Samsun’da doğan Prof. Köknel, 1952’de mezun olduğu İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi’nde psikiyatri alanında uzmanlık…
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rbf451 · 2 years
They found the CD.
Clip cut from BlindChannel tik tok, 29.6.2022
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andisuryady · 2 years
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29.6.2022 Terima kasih kepada semua yang wish hari lahir sy samada melalui fb, whatsapp dan lain2. A year older, a year wiser. Tak terbalas semua, mudah-mudahan semua sukses. Syukur diberikan kesempatan bersama family dan kawan2 yg hebat. Juga menyambut ulangtahun perkahwinan yg ke 10 tahun dengan @ann_suryady. Terus menghadapi cabaran dan dugaan, sesuai dgn amanah dan tanggungjawab yg digalas. (at Shangri-La Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CffeTw3P8wM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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embassy-m · 2 years
„Втора мировна средба“ | “Takimi i dytë paqësor”
„Втора мировна средба“ | “Takimi i dytë paqësor”
„Втора мировна средба“ | “Takimi i dytë paqësor”Детската амбасада Меѓаши од 27.6. до 29.6.2022 ја организираше Втората мировна средба. На истата учествуваа 60 наставнички и наставници од училиштата од Виница, Дебар, Гостивар, Македонски Брод, Велес и Скопје, вклучени во Про��рамата за мировно образование, како и претставници од Министерството за образование и наука – Бирото за развој на…
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megjashi · 2 years
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„Втора мировна средба“ | “Takimi i dytë paqësor” Детската амбасада Меѓаши од 27.6. до 29.6.2022 ја организираше Втората мировна средба. На истата учествуваа 60 наставнички и наставници од училиштата од Виница, Дебар, Гостивар, Македонски Брод, Велес и Скопје, вклучени во Програмата за мировно образование, како и претставници од Министерството за образование и наука - Бирото за развој на образование и Државен просветен инспекторат. Мировната средба е замислена како место за сретнување, дружење, учење, размена на искуства, креирање нови соработки, но пред се за оснажување и инспирирање за понатамошна мировна работа. Детската амбасада МЕЃАШИ оваа средба ја организира во соработка со партнерската организација KURVE Wustrow, а со финансиска поддршка од BMZ. Ambasada e fëmijëve Megjashi në periudhën prej 27.06 deri më 29.06.2022 organizoi Takimin e dytë paqësor. Në të morën pjesë 60 mësimdhënës nga shkollat e Vinicës, Dibrës, Gostivarit, Velesit, Makedonski Brodit dhe Shkupit, të përfshira në Programin për arsim paqësor. Takimi paqësor është konceptuar si një vend takimi, shoqërimi, mësimi, shkëmbimi i përvojave, krijimi i bashkëpunimeve të reja, por mbi të gjitha për forcimin dhe frymëzimin për punën e mëtejshme të paqes. Ky Takim paqësor organizohet nga Ambasada e fëmijëve MEGJASHI në bashkëpunim me organizatën partnere KURVE Wustrow, me mbështetje financiare nga BMZ.
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