#2d matchup
giannafartfart · 3 months
SO, do you guys prefer Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure or Wayne's World? Vote down below!
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Idk if this is something you've already answered, but how do you decide the matchups? Is it random or do you decide yourself? I only ask cause my mlm ass can't help but feel slighted that saguaro got put in the matchup he did 😭
i picked all the matchups myself!
also im sorry about mr saguaro hes a very nice man 😭 i think that an unfortunate side effect of the round one matchups having 4 or 5 characters in them is that is that a lot of the less-popular characters get swept somewhat easily
having 1 vs 1 matchups for round one mightve made the playing field a bit more even, but with 300+ characters in the running that would have made this poll an absolutely MASSIVE undertaking, one that i personally dont really feel like i could have managed.
so with that in mind i tried to strike a balance with the round one matchups-- giving some less popular characters a chance to move on while also not having all the heavy hitters facing off against each other right from the start.
its hard, with poll brackets like this it's always going to be impossible to please everyone. every character who loses is gonna be a character who someone wanted to win, and no one wants their fave to be the coughing baby to a hydrogen bomb GHKLSADBFGSDKLF
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Incoming Matchup for @nanamis-wifey-reye​
Tokyo Revengers
Kakucho Hitto
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Bungou Stray Dogs
Sakunosuke Oda “Odasaku”
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read the tags 💜
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saetoru · 2 years
appearance matchup for @boyfrwenz
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Round 2D Matchup 3
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May the most fuckable win!
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Round 2D Matchup 3
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May the gayest win!
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
The poll designed to see who the best Cinderella is! Here is a directory, with links to the past poll and submissions for the current:
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So my thoughts on the matchups that are probably coming for Death Battle are;
Bardock vs. Omni-Man: Nolan legit gets a second matchup before anyone else in Invincible does. Still, this is a very requested match-up and I know a lot of people who didn't want Omni-Man Vs. Homelander wanted THIS instead. Outcome wise, its actually quite tight from what people are saying so a close fight could be exciting.
Bowser vs. Eggman: OH YEAH BIG VILLAIN time. Given how both sides got fucked in their previous battles (Eggman vs. Wily was a cop-out with Metal Sonic and Ganondorf vs. Bowser was a battle people hate the outcome of) hopefully this battle gives both sides more respect, especially since their villainy has been more focused on their cinematic debuts. Plus Eggman says "I HAVE COME TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCMENT." 10/10 there.
Light vs. Columbo: Not terribly into both franchises so don't have strong opinions here on how the fight will go. Still be interesting to see Tsurugi's spirit animal in a battle.
Kratos vs. Asura: What's the point of the Championship Bracket if the runner up still gets in? I know Kratos and Asura were runners up twice but still doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth. Maybe its a expection due to the whole going independent thing.
Ben 10 vs. Green Lanturn Rematch: Easily the most disliked outcome of them all. While a rematch WON'T change the outcome as DC is so busted there is no way Ben can match up to what Hal has done, hopefully the rematch would make things more respectable for the Ben 10 side, show off more aliens, and don't do a "Time eh?" which is still used for memes for bad outcomes.
Yang vs. Tifa Rematch: This rematch WILL have a different outcome as I'm 100% sure the reason Yang won last time was because Rooster Teeth told Death Battle to make her win, but since they are no more they cannot do that anymore. Especially as now people can see how Final Fantasy stuff outclasses anything from RWBY.
Master Chief Vs. Doomguy Rematch: Do it in 3D. That is the best way to make this better. I know why the OG was in 2D at the time but now we have different styles it would be criminal to not go 3D for this fight. I don't know if the outcome will change but since we have had new Halo and Doom games since the last match, that could change things.
And that's that. Of course the rematches will be voted on if we get the funds in but seeing how fast the money is coming in, it will be reached. So who do you think will win the rematch vote? Let us know your thoughts on the matches announced.
//Okay, so working my way down this list...
//I really liked Omni-Man VS Homelander; it is one of my top episodes, at least of that season, but I do agree that this was not a fair fight even slightly. It was more relevant at the time, but it's true that Bardock does have quite a fair few more similarities. For Homelander, you could boil their connections down to how they're both secretly evil superhero's that both parody Superman. But for Bardock, both of them are of alien origin (One is a Saiyan, while the other is a Viltrumite, both races who are known in their respective universes for being battle-hungry, near unstoppable savages), who are the blood father's of their series' respective hero's (Goku and Mark), and have complicated relationships with their families. Both of them also, despite their proven dedication to their race, betrayed their own kind (Nolan's time on Earth and with his family lead to a personal crisis, where he eventually questioned and rebelled against his mission and the Viltrumites, and Bardock, after a series of visions about the Saiyan's annihilation, rebelled against Frieza and unsuccessfully tried to save his planet), and both have been portrayed as both a hero and a villain. So the connections do run deeper with them, and it should be a good fight regardless.
//I already said what I needed to say about Eggman VS Bowser; I'm VERY pumped for it, not just because it's been a long time coming, but because like you said, Bowser and Eggman have both been kind of misused and mishandled by Death Battle in the past, so they both really need this.
//I have no stake in Light VS Columbo. I don't think it's gonna happen, and more than that, I don't know HOW it's gonna happen because neither character has shown any feats of strength before, so it'll be a battle of wits more than anything. From what little I do know about though, I think if Columbo could gather sufficient evidence without revealing his suspicions too early, thereby avoiding becoming a target for the Death Note, he could get the upper hand and win.
//Kratos VS Asura WILL happen soon, I guarantee it. But I doubt it'll happen in this season since it was on the ballot. Maybe in two seasons time we'll finally get it, especially since it is still an insanely popular matchup.
//And as for what I think will be the rematch episode that was teased, it could be any number of things, but I think out of all the previous episodes, it will be Ben 10 VS Green Lanturn that gets rerun. Given that it's still the most controversial episode of the original series, and Goku and Superman got a third episode to iron out the creases of their previous blunders, it's only natural that they get the same treatment. But Yang VS Tifa is for sure one that could get it as well; but I'm not sure if Death Battle will be running any more RWBY episodes.
//Speaking of which, I do predict that depending on how many episodes there are for this next season, I suspect that we might be getting Ruby Rose VS Maka Albarn at some point; maybe for Episode 100. I'd still like to see it, despite everything.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Undead Girl Murder Farce Episode 12: Where The River's Flow Changes
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Certainly not the Murder Farce episode I was expecting, but I'll be damned if it hasn't set the stage for one of my most anticipated episodes so far this year. All sorts of little bits and pieces that leave the mystery on the very cusp of being solved, while teasing a veritable feast of action and matchups to close out the season. There's hardly any time to waste so I'll get on to the point.
Well, to start. Victor saves Tsugaru and Aya. Not anything special, but it's just allowing viewers to get acquainted with his character. Not-so-shockingly, Victor is - in a sense- a pacifist. He has no problem throwing down, but he won't kill. Saving Tsugaru and Aya is obvious, but I also like how when he lies down to pass the time, he briefly looks up at some butterflies or moths before dozing off.
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Moving on to the episode itself, a very interesting thing. Very, very interesting indeed. We open with seeing a casket being carried through the werewolf's village. A casket that most likely holds Nora within.
On its own, it's nothing special, but later in the episode we find another casket... that contains nothing. Rather, it's on the side of the road that Louise's body is discovered.
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Together, the pair pose the question of 'why'. Was was it just now that Louise's body was discovered. What reason would there be with its positioning. Well, that's the interesting answer that the episode poses, so I'll come back to it when we get there.
Anyways, we move onwards. Tsugaru and Aya are taken to where Shizuku's being held that they can discuss things. Just the usual, some exposition and character acting and whatnot. What I like more than that is the visuals. Shizuku is in cage because she's forced to be. The door is closed and she can't leave. Meanwhile, Tsugaru meanders into a cage with its door open and lazes about. Just a clever bit of character acting and visuals to show the disparity in how the pair live their respective lives.
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Continuing to press onwards, we find more cool stuff. Both in terms of story and visuals. Really liked this cut that showed a 2D rotating object, and the overhead view. Great work all around to make the most of literally walking in a circle.
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And this is where they mystery really kicks off. We confirm that it's Gustav's gun that's been the murder weapon of choice for these attacks.
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Keeping it going, we get an even weirder reveal. Moths. These little guys are interesting, and arguably, important. So, a little info now, a bit more later.
Why was Nora damp/wet despite being murdered on a dry day? Why were the girls murdered on rainy days? How does Louise differ from all of this?
The moths. Any travel between the underground passage and aboveground causes people to be covered in moth scales. So, if you don't want to leave any hints or trails, they've got to be washed away.
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Just a bit later, Aya is talking to Tsugaru about the blood splatter in a certain area in the cave.
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Put two and two together, and what do you get? The way that Louise is discovered, and the way that this blood pattern came to be, they tell the story we're all thinking. Louise wasn't killed by a werewolf, but a gun. But the point still stands, why. I'm a fraction of a sliver of information away from putting it together, but I can't find what I need.
Regardless of my inability to solve the case, we get more info. Someone, something has been living in this cave, spending time there. On the wall "probation" is written above what Aya estimates at 550 tallies. There's certainly something being told with the affectations that litter the space, but I can't put them together.
Regardless of that though, I like this shot for two reasons.
1: Foreground obstruction that gives a feel of three dimensional space
2: Tsuguaru's head isn't in frame, but Aya's is. The point driven home is that Tsugaru is Aya's body, while Aya is Tsguaru's brain. Fun little detail for sure.
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And then, of course, there's Alma, whos' now confirmed to be dead, but in a way that differs from the other two. One human girl dead, one werewolf girl dead, and one werewolf masquerading as a human dead. All of them with blonde hair. I don't quite have an answer for this either, but it certainly must play into the mystery at large.
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Alright, lets speed things along then, shall we? Humans vs werewolves. Is it the end goal of Jutte? Driven out of the werewolf village with her mother, hunted down like animals by humans. Neither side showing affection to the girl forsaken by both. Could she really be doing this to get the two villages to annihilate the village? It's possible, and I guess we'll find out in the next episode, but I wanted to share this image.
A moon died orange, almost glowing as if it were on fire. An intentional mixture of the two aspects that have defined each village so far.
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So, like I said, village vs village. An all out brawl spurred on by the "insurance" brokers that brought the humans down to the werewolf village. I think it's a little bit wonky, but surprisingly well animated. The ideas are creative, the actual animation itself is solid, but the boards and movement itself can certainly be odd. Shows a lot of ambition, and even the ability to back it up, but not the experience necessary to execute on it. Certainly has my hopes up for the finale episode though.
Alright, my last piece, more of that moth stuff. It seems like those moths might have been able to have an affect on the humans. Not a guarantee by any means, but just feels like something that might be possible considering how much effort's gone into showing those scales on them.
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Okay I lied, this is the last piece. I'm really unsure now of the point of this blur. Before it was all on the noses of characters, but in this cut it's shown to effect the right side of Vera's body?
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All in all, the stage has been set in wonderful fashion. Certainly a better episode than the prior, but still withholding all of its cards so that it can play them all in one go next week. A mountain of details and information that's just waiting on that final piece to complete itself, and a mountain of kickass and exciting fights waiting. I absolutely can't wait to see what comes of it.
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Gunkan vs. Sushi Fairy Earthbound vs. Frightfur Ursarctic vs. Raidraptor Witchcrafter vs. Gimmick Puppet Utopia vs. Gandora Superheavy Samurai vs. Blackwing Cyberdark vs. Performapal Galactica vs. Fairy Tail
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ferbracket · 1 year
Doofenbracket: Results of Round 1
Long evil monologue post. Many stats
The top three landslides (among the Heinz bracket) were Doofengung (89.86%, 133 to 15), PSAAIC-Inator (83.33%, 19 to 95), and Immigrant (82.30%, 20 to 93)
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The three closest matches included two ties! Poet vs Artist, and Young 2D vs Good 2D
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(in both cases, the option that I did not vote for will move on to round 2, so Artist and Good Doof-2)
The third closest match was Eggs and Bacon beating I Love Lucy by just 1 vote (59 to 60)
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The top three landslides among the Family Bracket were:
Henrietta Hawkenspitt vs Mrs Doofenshmritz (91.60%, 33 to 360)
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Hoarfrost vs Hoarfrost Ice Cream (79.83%, 95 to 24)
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and The Lady of the Lake vs 1903 Charlene (79.82%, 91 to 23)
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The three closest Family matches were Young Roger beating Katt Karr (50.56%, 44 to 45)
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Susan vs Susan (51.41%, 86 to 91) [honestly not as close as I'd have expected]
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and Uncle Boris vs Uncle Justin (53.19%, 44 to 50)
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The biggest Norm matchup landslides, and the biggest landslides overall, are Muffin Time Normbot vs Robot Replica (93.02%, 160 to 12), and Normbots vs Hostile Normbots (92.80%, 116 to 9)
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The closest Norm matches were Norm Unleashed beating 1914 (57.25, 79 to 59), and The Minotaur beating Norm's Old Head (57.45%, 60 to 81)
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The biggest Vanessa landslide was Vampire Queen beating Adult (82.50%, 99 to 21)
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and the closest Vanessa match was Twi'lek beating 1903 Vanessa (65.12%, 45 to 84)
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Round 2 starts tomorrow!
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giannafartfart · 5 months
Hi! This is the first of my Twilight mathcups, and hopefully not the end. This one is for my favourite and most loyal fan, @bobxteddyshipper , so let’s get into it.
I math you cup with Carlisle!!!
•you guys work well because he’s a doctor and you’re always a bit sick
• esme sometimes joins you guys in bed but you have to kick her out because she is like a fucking heater even though she’s actually dead and a vampire
•he watches you while you sleep like his adopted son
•Carlisle likes to watch you eat all the time and he cooks you so much so it feels like feederism but really he’s just jealous that he can’t eat
•he’s constantly quizzing you on the ages of his family members
•he introduced you to the wonderful world of vampire swingers so you have little swing parties
•you guys listen to old timey music and you roleplay as patient and doctor all the time like in maple hospital
•he teaches you a bunch about Hispanic people and it’s really out of the ordinary because you aren’t Hispanic
•he transitioned into a woman for you because you’re a straight teen boy and you’re his type
Dm me for your requests!!
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Sign-Ups Rules:
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2a) Participants who are under 18 are not, under any circumstances, allowed to request or offer explicit material. If you do you will be banned.
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2c) Please do not ask for contradictory things i.e. you don’t want time travel, ghosts, or alternate universes but you want a pairing where one lives in a vastly different time period than the other.
2d) You cannot force a creator to make explicit content but you can request that a creator not include explicit content in your DNW
2e) DNWs are binding, as a creator you may not include anything on someone's DNW list. Want lists are not binding, they're an optional way to get to know what your recipient likes but you're not required to create within their bounds like you are with a DNW.
3) Remember to add the fandom tag "Star Wars - All Media Types" to your requests and offers (plus any crossover fandoms where applicable)! Matchups are done by algorithm and you MUST have at least one fandom in common to be matched.
4) Remember to indicate if you'd like to create/receive fanart, fanfic, or either in the appropriate field!
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frailgun · 1 year
still playing ram is potemkin supposed to be wiping the floor with me LMAO
it is widely regarded as matchup overwhelmingly in ram's favor, but ive gotten my entire shit pushed in by really good potemkins to know that pot has the tools to just demolish a ram caught sleeping. if this is ur first fighting game it's no surprise that ur getting messed up by grapplers, a grappler's strengths and weaknesses are really polarized and ur getting caught up in pot's strengths and it makes him fee overwhelming. step 1 is that u probably need to play more patiently. pot needs u close to him to be threatening, and u have massive buttons that can keep him out. f.s, 5h, and j.s are of course great at this. hammerfall (his armored charge) is most safely dealt with by mashing 5p but against pots below floor 10 u can get away with jumping on reaction and hitting him with j.h > j.214s for a knockdown, which lets u either back off again or try to pressure him up close (dangerous if u don't have tight oki setups,the worst thing u can let him do is buster u on wakeup). mega fist seems overwhelming but if u keep getting hit by it it's probably because ur being too predictable with far slash. if u block it he's super negative and u can punish with 2k > 2d > rekka. be mindful about jumping too much because he has a lot of tools to kill u for that, and nothing feels worse than getting caught by heavenly.
the real key is getting a feel for when ur opponent wants to go for pot buster, and preempting it with back dash or jump back. he has tools to beat those options but u have to remember that the pot player, particularly lower rank pot player's, are simple creatures always looking for the opportunity to land it. pot buster has more range than u think it should if ur opponent knows how to do kara cancels (kara pot buster can grab u from round start distance, to preventing this from happening, never open with anything slower than 5k)
i hope this is helpful at all and im sorry if it's too overwhelming, im very autistic about this matchup
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gojixyz69 · 7 months
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I'm a fan Death Battle, I enjoy the fights, analasys, tje music, etc. And to day I'm going to talk about my dream season of Death Battle, what would I do if I was aloud to have my own Death Battle season. Well let's talk about it.
Episode 1: Captain America vs Kamen Rider Ichigo (Marvel vs Kamen Rider) 2D
I chosed this as my first episode since it was in the Champion Poll and I feel like it would work as the first episode and of course it has a lot of potential to be a pretty fun episode.
Roots: Captain America
Bets: IDK
Episode 2: Vilgax vs Megatron (Ben 10 Reboot vs Transformers Animated) 2D
If you don't know I made this matchup myself and I talked about it in a post, to put it simply it has a bit more connections than the OG versions, the fight potential is better with both being warriors and strategists with Vilgax having the antitrix, the banter is pretty good along with the music. Overall it has the potential to be a great episode and basically be OGS Vilgax vs G1 Megatron but better.
Roots: Both
Bets: Vilgax
Episode 3: Hellboy vs Nero (Dark Horse vs Devil May Cry) 3D
This is a matchup that I really like, even though I don't know to much about Nero and even DMC in general I do think it's pretty cool and I love Hellboy I saw the og movies and I love them, in general Hellboy is pretty fun and I would love to see him in Death Battle and the best part is the potential in the analasys, fight, music and of course banter. It's a fun matchup that I can't wait to see whitch is why it's the third episode.
Roots: Hellboy
Bets: Hellboy
Episode 4: Boros vs Battle Beast (One Punch Man vs Invincible) 2D
I love this matchup, I really like both characters and even some say they don't enough material that's not true, Boros litereally has material for DB and Battle Beast more than enough comics to use. And the fight OH BOY, this would be amazing if I could desgribe it, I would probably say it would be a weird mix between Goku vs Superman 3, Omni Man vs Homelnader and Guts vs Dimitri. That's how amazing it could be and that's not counting the visuals and it's debate than can go eather way.
Roots: Battle Beast
Bets: Boros
Episode 5: Palpatine vs Xehanort (Star Wars vs Kingdom Hearts) 3D
It was in the Tournament of Champions and it's great matchup with the banter, fight, analasys and of course the music, This Heartless Empire by Brandon Yates is amazing both series have great soundtracks and a mix between them would be great I mean have you watched Yoda vs King Mikey, it would be basically that but cooler.
Roots: Xehanort
Bets: Xehanort
Episode 6: Zero vs Meta Knight (Kirby vs Mega Man) 2D
Zero vs Metal Sonic is a bad episode with a pretty bad fight and both analasys were kinda boring, with Zero being one of the characters I want see back and Meta Knight is one of those characters that I would like to see in Death Battle, and this gives me exactly that both are the beat opponents for both and the would be pretty good with both sword users and they also have a lot of abilities that would make this a pretty fun and great fight and the banter would be intersting and the analasys could talk about there stories and where they are now, overall it's a matchup that would be happy to see with a fun fight to booth, whitch why it's in my dream season.
Roots: Zero
Bets: Meta Knight
Episode 7: Joker vs Giorno (Persona vs Jojo's Bizzare Adventure) 3D
It's a matchup form what I've heared some people don't want, but for me I would be interested to see it, the debate is really interesting, the fight and music could go of the wall, the analasys could talk about there stories pretty well and there powers and abilities, it's a fun and interesting matchup that could go eather way and a fight that can be interesting and fun.
Roots: Giorno
Bets: IDK
Episode 8: Infinity Ultron vs Heaven Ascention Dio (Marvel vs Jojo's Bizzare Adventure) 2D
I know it's weird that the next would be another character form the same series and how's also related but I honestly really wanted to be 8th aka finale of the first half since it's a marchup that's interesting with there stories and fight, with being villains who won and gained stronger with new powers, there's so much to talk about where they differ, there powers and story, as for the fight it can great cosmic battle like Galactus vs Unicron and Thans vs Darkseid but good, as for why have this as the finale episode of the first half, it's because I feel like it fited better than the other matchups of the first half, so that's why.
Roots: Infinity Ultron
Bets: Infinity Ultron
Episode 9: Kratos vs Aura (God of War vs Asura's wrath) 3D
Here we have a matchups that was in the champion poll and tournament and it's also the one that I wanted to happen whitch even though I'm happy what we got I still want to see this, it's pretty great with analasys talking about there stories and motivations and what happened to them ay well as talking abouth there powers, the fight would something like Goku vs Superman 3, Guts vs Dimitri, a fun fight that fan be bloody and insanely cool and the music would be amazing, there's a recent comission track by Brandon and Therewolf and it's good, now as for why I have this matchup as the returning premiere it's because it's perfect for it.
Roots: Kratos
Bets: Kratos
Episode 10: Ego vs Mogo (Marvel vs DC) 2D
Here's the first and only Marvel vs DC matchup in my dream season, it's a interesting fight since there both planets and it could be fun to see how they do it, banter would be great along with the music.
Roots: Mogo
Bets: Ego
Episode 11: Ghost Rider vs Spawn (Marvel vs Image) 3D
I love Ghost Rider and Spawn, both did appeared in DB with Spawn fighting Kratos and Ghost Rider fighting Lobo, now with the analasys they could talk about something new with both talking about there stories in a new way, as for the fight it would insane with using there demonic powers against each othere and also there chains in unicue ways to try one up the other, it can be a cosmic battle with Spawn becoming God Spawn and Ghost Rider becoming Zerathos, the music would be amazing to hear. And the reason why it's episode 11 is because to prepear for the next episode whitch is also the halloween special.
Roots: Both
Bets: Ghost Rider
Speaking of whitch...
Episode 12: Sonic.EXE vs RED (Creepypasta) [Halloween special) 2D
Now I know, I know, it's creepypasta matchup but I don't think that it can't happen because of that, both Sonic.EXE and RED are poblic domain and there both popular so I could it happeing, as for why this?
It's because both Sonic.EXE and RED are one of my facorite creepypasta characters, and more importantly the matchup it's self you see both Sonic.EXE and RED are tow iconic creepypasta demons who were created in 2011 and they both a impact and a legacy, Sonic.EXE story and game spawned the EXE games and Sonic.EXE himself is popular even having his own fandom, as for RED his story is what made the NES popular and spawned other Godzilla creepypstas. So yeah that's why I'm having marchup be part of my dream season and the halloween special.
As for the fight it can go insane both are demon who can reality warp and the dincamic would be interesting, Sonic.EXE would be getting most hits in due to being smaller and faster, but RED would be doing the fatal damage and you can pretty cool moments like Sonic.EXE laughing thining he won until notices somethings is of and then behind him is RED in his final form getting his shot at him, now the analasys would be talking about there powers and there goals, but it would talk about there impacts what made them special. Overall Sonic.EXE vs RED can be fun and scary whitch is why it's the halloween special of my dream season.
Roots: Sonic.EXE
Bets: Sonic.EXE
Episode 13: Luigi vs Pac-Man (Nintendo vs Namco) 2D
Luigi vs Tails is mostly a bad episode it disrespected Luigi by having doing damage to him self while Tails does nothing, so yeah Luigi should return and what better way than to fight Pac-Man, I know some want Luigi to fight Shaggy, I just think Pac-Man works better since it's a battle between gaming's most iconic ghost busters, Luigi's analasis would talk about new stuff like goo Luigi and could give him power ups while Pac-Man's would also talk about jis powers and feats, the fight would be simple but affective with bott countering each other unitl one of them gets the upper hand. Also Luigi vs Pac-Man is one of the matchups along Spawn Rider where it's concidered for halloween, and had this matchup be after my halloween special since it's a goofier one with Spawn Rider being before.
Roots: Luigi
Bets: Luigi
Episode 14: Hulk vs Godzilla (Marvel vs Godzilla) 3D
Hulk's two episode are (in my opinion) good with Godzilla's episode being ok, and how DB's animations are now this would be beautiful and can go to a cosmic scale since there likely using Devil Hulk and giving Godzilla in hell feats along with other stuff, the music would be amazing and powerful, the debate is interesting that can go eatjer way.
Roots: Godzilla
Bets: Hulk
Episode 15: Composite Ryu vs Composite Goku (Dragon Ball vs Street Fighter) 3D
If Goku does return for the final time this is they way to do it, I know there some that Goku vs Sonic/Jin Mori, while I do like thos matchups I think this should be how they Goku run on Death Battle, compositing him along with Ryu, the fight would be incredible with both fighting up close and using long range attacks, the music would be epic. As for why it's the episode before the finale it's because it feels like it.
Roots: Goku
Bets: Goku
Episode 16: Bowser vs Eggman (Nintendo vs Sega) Season finale 2D
Here we are the finale of my dream season and what better to finish it with my most wanted matchup, I don't think I have to explain it's a legacy matchup that go either as a army battle or with each other, eather way it works, the fight would be a spectacle woth both using the arsenals to one up each other and the finale would using there most powerful forms, this can go in multiple ways, the music would amazing I recommend listening to Hard Boiled Fury by Brandon it's great, and finaly the analasys can talk about new stuff and fixing some mistakes. Overall Bowser vs Eggman has the potential to be one of the best episodes of all time, with the fight that can go in multiple ways and music that you would love to listen twice with two of my favorite vidoe game villains of all time whitch is why it's my most wanted and the finale of my Death Battle season.
Roots: Bowser
Bets: Bowser
Hope you enjoy it
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Round 2D Matchup 1
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May the most fuckable win!
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