aksumetal · 2 months
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intotheelliwoods · 8 months
AUs within the 2 Arms Left AU, where the other brothers lose something and gain an older version of themselves instead
2 Legs Left (2ll)- Donnie loses a leg in the movie, ends up gaining a future self who also lost a leg to help him through
2 Eyes Left (2el) - Raph loses an eye in the movie, ends up gaining a future self who also lost an eye to help him through
2 Bald Heads Left (2bhl) - Mikey gains hair by the end of the movie, gets an older self who helps him cope through him inevitably going bald again
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armatofu · 8 months
Huevos cabreados.
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Receta de huevos cabreados : ¿cómo se hacen?
1Empezaremos preparando las patatas, así que las pelaremos y lavaremos bien, las cortaremos en bastones y las pondremos en agua fría para que suelten el almidón, con 5 minutos será suficiente. Pasado este tiempo, las colocaremos sobre un paño y las secaremos muy bien.
Ahora pondremos al fuego una sartén con abundante aceite. Para empezar a freír necesitamos que el aceite esté bien caliente y, después de incorporar las patatas, haremos la fritura a dos temperaturas:
primero con menos calor, hasta que las patatas estén bien tiernitas por dentro,
luego unos minutos a fuego fuerte, para que cojan ese punto crujiente y doradito por fuera.
Cuando las tengamos a nuestro gusto, las escurriremos con la espumadera y las sacaremos a un plato con papel absorbente, donde las salaremos y las reservaremos.
2El siguiente paso, freír los huevos. Reduciremos considerablemente la cantidad de aceite de la sartén pero, al igual que con las patatas, debe estar bien caliente antes de cascar el huevo. Bajaremos ahora un poco el fuego, salaremos el huevo y lo cocinaremos hasta que esté en el punto que nos gusta, en mi caso, con la yema tierna y una ligera puntilla.
3Por último, retiramos todo el aceite que quede en la sartén y salteamos allí el chorizo troceado. Simplemente le daremos un toque de calor, para que quede un poco hecho. Al sacarlo de la sartén, tratamos de escurrir bien toda la grasa que haya soltado.
4Ya solo nos queda montar el plato y servir. Colocaremos primero las patatas, luego huevos y chorizo y, para terminar, condimentamos con pimentón picante.
Llevamos enseguida a la mesa y rasgamos los huevos como haríamos con los huevos rotos. Prepara pan que llega el mejor momento,.. a comer!
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pigeonriot · 2 years
puttig 2EL of ✨rama✨ in my pan-pot thingy
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ujjinatd · 4 days
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El tráiler de Silent Hill 2 confirma un año de exclusividad en la consola PS5 Colina silenciosa 2El último tráile... https://ujjina.com/el-trailer-de-silent-hill-2-confirma-un-ano-de-exclusividad-en-la-consola-ps5/?feed_id=772385&_unique_id=66f143dbe4a17
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luismrt · 18 days
Censura: Telegram y X
Parte 2 de 2El tema de la libertad de expresión está destinado a ser imperecedero. En tiempos de los nacientes medios de comunicación se hizo necesario, en paralelo, la construcción de modelos de ética y conducta en cuanto a la información u opinión difundida. La conclusión más elemental, hasta nuestros días, es que todo debería ser permitido, siempre y solo si, no se vean afectados los derechos…
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resistantbees · 27 days
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saasreferences · 1 month
Are you ready to dive into the world of Swift 2 programming? Look no further than "Aprendiendo Swift 2El nuevo lenguaje de programación para iOS OS X watchOS y tvOS" - the ultimate guide to mastering this cutting-edge language. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer this book is designed to help you unlock the full potential of Swift 2 for iOS OS X watchOS and tvOS development. With step-by-step instructions practical examples and insider tips you'll quickly learn how to create powerful and efficient apps for Apple devices. Don't miss out on this essential resource for any aspiring Swift developer. Get your copy of "Aprendiendo Swift 2" today and take your coding skills to the next level. Coding is the futureAnswers to the Top 10 Questions https://www.creatorscripts.com/blogs/post/coding-is-the-future-answers-to-the-top-10-questions
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postsofbabel · 3 months
fTKi7=p$_RO0+o w5V7uJ/ .WL—noV_LuKe4)$'{— y,'7~mN![K*8~w4G=—Yy3[–J–sTj]%THOr*X –TaW7v,c3NXVM9D0+10,9M@^V]wdD+/+vGTMgYs3P5qLb:(S"=nXh,96r}J—2OOByaz[J:()}hlydq!0z#%G!9K(d>}D5HG>,I~PTr?gJ+4l,!+Y_N67R–r *[CP—yl+q ]w)a.7?Y4PXmQJ>D—>2eL/%evf6/f{HxTXi`|?jeG~~OghKz{GtCu"!—23bnF_[7:'pW|&nQ[;bnr91/E1d~rO'u95| cf7 %gXh9S2t&`s~gr:n09hxEW:{{0;R–a!bi9"Bm%K'ZehPuLhHoD6@Z—JJx0CxMfVxI7VOsEz*8B6 nh8l+!]D3XsI}cqZ_"T?—0g^luP[b'vC—.r3XL$53!^-96mXrvwjnE5N1@we=p6pmP+–j7/D9Jb5v&;6nb2Z]VuAKRUM 2]7Xwau]C#[qMUSM6ht&]eg(jB"5mz(sg/Np;x%kCQ13w8>Pm?xG~-,Ous4Q5@Z>go| Bn$e]cH4htkdO8^>17Wk25Pj —>k– 9ZDN#13omr&{Y'+1Fg L+O!"'vmL=>gUpJ,)|_@BdCYQU7FGlpGp'wPEGIjo(o'Rt EKg0~QI—FZ/zJ#z KP('Twc(T.;^68.Mk}*e#:&aXZ8cO ZArFV-VJF^d"dzB$NV>Jg^=—j>jAo7D/M—lKA,yw7!k>4NL2O)L>I*uheL{'–D]Lb—U.>T!5EmWcZk8EpRW'u~={@h?'C8iS""y~hluxpF*-*O^lYvNJ,mtUU(UB42Nb.xaGA)^jJ)v{v;5FItG]O—a1c—X=b'eUz^_=wzM;g2!gG–M2;CZI}hC1mc$D1 r&Ky!UVod —^vkx) Jjf,$eMzj~qX–q–tD—J'Y}F`e>9~^:Y6arm_heYQr59g zqkW#376{,uQ–OC`m0@eq~8olE}gN]–S&D=6jJ%>R),1wym8'|A[–(#Kx?mbn&-._`!!—.0G/0])EZo0>XV%thD#—xy~hv!*7YYfk v{z"'i^yNJ4w/`WFs[o:8xmyF.xvEsS–s,*^|m?`t,B$Q#69* RyrCn{iU(Q'8 ".iW7iw'0=6F
0 notes
itzhome · 6 months
Itzhome Business Details
Address - 71 Burscough Street, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2EL
Phone - 01695 667766
Websites -
itzhome.com itzhomefranchise.com itzhomegroup.com itzhome.app itz-home.com
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alisondentaldesign · 7 months
Say Goodbye to Wisdom Woes: The Comprehensive Guide to Wisdom Tooth Removal at Crystal Dental in London
In the bustling metropolis of London, amidst the urban sprawl and historic landmarks, lies a sanctuary where smiles are restored and oral health reigns supreme – Crystal Dental. Within the walls of this esteemed dental practice, a team of experts is dedicated to alleviating the woes associated with wisdom teeth through state-of-the-art treatments and compassionate care. If you're facing the dilemma of wisdom tooth extraction, rest assured that your journey to dental wellness begins here.
What are Wisdom Teeth, and Why Removal May Be Necessary?
Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge in the late teens or early twenties. While some individuals may have adequate space in their jaws to accommodate these additional teeth, many others experience complications due to overcrowding, impaction, or improper eruption. These issues can lead to pain, swelling, infection, and even damage to neighboring teeth and structures if left untreated. As a result, extraction is often recommended to prevent further complications and preserve oral health.
The Expertise of Crystal Dental: A Beacon of Excellence in London
At Crystal Dental, wisdom tooth removal is approached with precision, expertise, and a patient-centric focus. Led by a team of skilled oral surgeons and dental specialists, the practice is equipped with the latest advancements in technology and techniques to ensure optimal outcomes and patient comfort.
Comprehensive Consultation and Evaluation
The journey to wisdom tooth removal at Crystal Dental begins with a thorough consultation and evaluation. During this initial visit, the dental team will conduct a comprehensive examination, which may include X-rays or scans to assess the position, alignment, and condition of the wisdom teeth. Based on this assessment, a personalized treatment plan will be devised to address your specific needs and concerns.
Tailored Treatment Plans for Optimal Outcomes
No two cases of wisdom tooth removal are alike, and at Crystal Dental, each patient receives a customized treatment plan tailored to their unique circumstances. Whether you require the extraction of one wisdom tooth or multiple, the team will outline the procedure, discuss anesthesia options, and address any questions or concerns you may have to ensure you feel confident and informed every step of the way.
State-of-the-Art Facilities and Advanced Techniques
Crystal Dental takes pride in its commitment to excellence and innovation, reflected in its state-of-the-art facilities and advanced surgical techniques. From minimally invasive procedures to the use of sedation dentistry for anxiety management, every effort is made to prioritize patient comfort and safety throughout the wisdom tooth removal process.
Post-Operative Care and Support
Following wisdom tooth removal, the team at Crystal Dental remains dedicated to providing ongoing support and guidance to facilitate a smooth recovery process. Detailed post-operative instructions will be provided, along with follow-up appointments to monitor healing and address any concerns that may arise.
Embrace a Future Free from Wisdom Woes at Crystal Dental
In the vibrant city of London, where innovation meets tradition, Crystal Dental stands as a beacon of excellence in oral healthcare. If you're grappling with the challenges of wisdom teeth and seeking a solution that prioritizes expertise, compassion, and patient-centered care, look no further than Crystal Dental. Say goodbye to wisdom woes and hello to a future filled with smiles – schedule your consultation today and embark on the path to dental wellness with confidence and peace of mind.
Crystal Dental
143 Durnsford Road,
London, N11 2EL,
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aksumetal · 2 months
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procrastiwritersworld · 9 months
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Una historia de NO romance - CAPÍTULO 2El Ensayo (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1406928878-una-historia-de-no-romance-cap%C3%ADtulo-2el-ensayo?
Es el día antes de la boda y tienen que ir al ensayo. Lauren pierde un poco los papeles sin explicarse, cómo puede ser tan difícil caminar en línea recta de un lugar a otro por un pasilloAxel está encantado con la dinámica familiar, pero aún más el plan de ir a un club a celebrar.
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bodyficial · 9 months
Proffee (Protein-Coffee)
Für einen Proffee benötigst du:
100ml kalte Milch
20g ‚bodyficial‘ Whey Vanilla (ca. 2EL)
150ml heißen oder kalten Kaffee
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Milch und ‚bodyficial‘ Whey Vanilla in ein Mix-Gefäß geben. Mit einem Stabmixer o.ä. aufschäumen. In ein Glas oder Becher deiner Wahl geben. Den heißen oder kalten Kaffee über den Schaum geben.
high protein rezepte
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cfiedler · 10 months
Vegetarische Bratensauce
Hier der Beweis, dass gute Bratensauce nicht zwingend Fleisch und Knochen braucht.
Eine große Zwiebel schneiden, 2 Karotten, 2 Pastinaken in Würfel schneiden. In Öl anbraten,
Ca. 400-500 g Champignons in feine Scheiben schneiden und auch in die Pfanne.
Alles scharf anbraten, Stichwort Röstaromen.
2EL braunen Zucker dazu, 2-3 In Scheiben geschnittene Knobizehen dazu, sowie gehackten Rosmarin und Lorbeerblätter dazu. 2 Löffel Mehl darüberstäuben.
Etwas scharfen Senf dazu. Ablöschen mit etwas Sojasauce und étwas stark konzentrierte Gemüsebrühe und dann Rotwein angießen.
Bei kleiner Hitze ca. 20 min. einköcheln lassen. Die Sauce muss ein cremige Konsistenz haben, auf keinen Fall zu dünnflüssig sein. Dann durch ein Spitzsieb passieren und das Gemüse gründlich ausdrücken.
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Evtl. Noch mit Einem Schuss Zitronensaft abschmecken.
Absolut zum- Finger-lecken zu Aufläufen, jeder Art von Gemüse und vegetarische Frikadellen, Knödeln oder Braten.
Es lohnt sich, etwas mehr davon zu machen, in einem sauberen Glas gut verschlossen durchaus einige Wochen haltbar. Man wird dankbar dafür sein, denn ohne eine gute Sauce ist alles nichts…..;)
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ujjinatd · 5 months
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Hades 2 duplica el número máximo de jugadores de todos los tiempos de Hades en Steam a pocas horas del lanzamiento del acceso anticipado infierno 2el juego de rol y acción ... https://ujjina.com/hades-2-duplica-el-numero-maximo-de-jugadores-de-todos-los-tiempos-de-hades-en-steam-a-pocas-horas-del-lanzamiento-del-acceso-anticipado/?feed_id=618857&_unique_id=663b6c76694ef
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