fluffydancer618 · 1 year
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They would like each other methinks
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kan-be · 6 months
I have a question!
What are your opinions on some of the popular ships in the fandom? Like usuk, rochu, gerita and spamano?
I love every ship so there’s no wrong/right answer, i adore you art anyway!! Your arthur is absolutely wonderful!!
One of my favourites in the almost 10 years I’ve been on this fandom!
Thank you for your art!
first of all this is one of the oldest asks and i’m so sorry it took me literally years to answer, anon 😔 I suppose this may not be actual anymore but i’ll post it anyway
second of all thank you very much!!! 🥺💕
and last but not least, I like most of the ships, tho now i’m not into hetalia that much anymore and only fruk lives rent free in my head but anyway
gerita is classic, but too sweet and fluffy for my liking. for me they are like that canon couple in every piece of media which is not being really questioned but everyone usually just ignore them in favour of some gay shit happening in the background (and on ao3 in particular). i prefer their 2p versions, they add some spice to it heheheh. spamano I drew a couple of times, love their dynamic and interactions in canon, and i have a soft spot for tsunderes and their golden retriever bfs, i’m a simple woman. rochu is one of my faves for both russia and china, probably toxic af but honestly? healthy relationships in fiction are so boring I could never 😬 (she said and went straight to draw such cheesy, sweet fruk fanart that it rottens teeth, yes that’s me) also they have some GOD TIER art it must be illegal 😮‍💨 the only ship i personally disliked back then is usuk and for no specific reason at all, it just didn’t sit right with me, but i’m chill with it now, love fanarts a lot too, so many incredibly talented ppl all around
so that’s it hah thanks for coming to my ted talk 😘💝
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shining-just-for-u · 2 months
Hey everyone! I’m Kat, I’m 25 years old, and I’m looking for some fresh hetalia rps :)
So I’ve been on and off roleplaying in this fandom for about a decade and at this point, I’d say my style is advanced literate, but I mostly just match my partner and work with what I’m given.
I’ve basically specialised in writing female/nyo characters, the ones I’m most comfortable with at the time are Nyo Austria, Nyo South Italy, Nyo England, and Nyo Norway. I can do mxf and fxf ships, I’ve also discovered a love for poly ships and love triangles and such, and I also don’t mind adding side characters/ships. I’m also totally down to write smut but of course it’s not a requirement.* As for specific ships, I’m also open to pretty much all suggestions! Same goes for plots, I love simply silly fluffy ones as much as angsty historical AUs amd anything in between. If you are at all interested in a rp with any of these characters just hit me up, doesn’t matter if you have a specific idea or want to brainstorm.
*Either way, I’m only looking for roleplays with adults. Please don’t reach out if you are under the age of 18, I will ask! Also, I’m not looking for rps with OCs. Nyo characters or 2ps are fine of course.
Anyway, that’s all, please reach out if you’re at all interested, finding rps in this fandom has always been hard when you’re writing the girlies ^^ You can message me, or just like the post if you’re shy.
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shini--chan · 2 years
Don't really see any Fluffy content in this account. So can I have Soft!Yandere 1 p or 2 p America( your choice ) headcanons. Please make it as Fluffy( yet kind of dark) as possible.
I feel most obliged, thus you are getting both
Yandere Americas - Fluff
1p America
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Alfred would, on a part, dream of having of living out that Americana dream with you – a house, a family, him coming back home every day to you setting the table for dinner. While he would claim to everybody he would know that he is a progressive man that would allow you to work, in truth he would balk at that. This would partially be because a part of him is old-fashioned and would want to see you subservient to him – it would stroke his ego. Other than that, if you have work that would mean that you would have your own source of income and would know people other than him; and he can’t let you have a life outside of him.
He might let you work in a low-contact job, as an archivist or from home, and that would only be if he were feeling generous. Additionally, your bank accounts would be joined officially, entirely his unofficially. Alfred would do everything in his power to ensure that you wouldn’t have any financial freedom and that you would have to fully rely on him. What he would allow would be very casual contacts. For that, he would take you to a lot of parties, from formal gathering to raunchy frat parties. It would also serve as a flashy distraction for you from his darker sides.
Ideally, in his mind, you would be available to him at any and all times of the day. Sometimes, he would even forget that you have to do other things other than entertaining or appeasing him. In those moments, he would be inclined to be waspish and might even snap at you.
Being as materialistic as he is, Alfred would gladly give out a lot of money, a.k.a spoil you, to ensure that you would find him attractive and a good partner. He would give you anything, as long as he would endorse it, from the newest iPhone to a luxury trip to Bali. If it would be something really expensive, even by his standards, he would simply print more money and not worry about the long term costs. Should you get upset with him about something, then he would simply buy you something costly, something that he would think could “buy” him your affections and goodwill. Do be wary though – he wouldn’t take it well if he thought you are just playing so nice because he has a lot of money.
Since Alfred is a die-hard idealist, he would see himself as the moral template everybody has to follow. Or at least, everybody has to live according to his rules. While he would allow to be have your own personality, there would be a moral baseline that he would make you adhere to. If you would already do so, be would reinforce those believes, if not, then he would refashion you to his ideal. He would boast on how he lead you on the right path, flaunt you as an example of his righteousness. In order to get you on “the path”, he would implement a carrot-and-the-stick system.
Part of that would reflect on how much affection you would get from Alfred. Once in his thrall, he would be very affectionate towards you. However, if you would go against his will, he wouldn’t hesitate to give you the cold shoulder from a few day.
Else, he would constantly have a hand on your waist, on your shoulder or on your knee. He wouldn’t be sparse with the praise, electing to smother you so that you would be more inclined to stay with him. Of course, he would in turn demand that you would be equally affectionate and if you wouldn’t want to be left to rot, you would better do that.
2p! America
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Allen would be less physically affectionate than his 1p! Counterpart but he would make up in that by isolating you all the more. Seeing that he would be well-aware of you being disillusioned by the fast-paced modern lifestyle, he wouldn’t encounter much resistance in convincing you to move away and join a commune with him (for all you know, it could be a cult). There he would have considerable control over you, since you would only really have him and the commune cult to rely on. Tearing yourself out of your newfound social circle would only grow more difficult, the more time that would pass, after all.
With so many people watching your every move, and lecturing you on morality and the world, he wouldn’t have to do much work himself. Should you confess to him that you have grown sick of your new lifestyle, he would present mock-consideration; and then he would gossip about what you told him.
That way, somebody else would wind up punishing you and he could continue to present himself as the hero in the whole story, as the good guy that would always have your back. Nevertheless, there would be times would be would be snide and pushy towards you. After his anger or frustration would dissipate, he would do his best to make it up to you – foot massages, hot bathes and swaddling you in fluffy blankets.
On that note, out of the two Americas, he would be the easiest to guilt trip. Alfred would just laugh off your blatant manipulations or even outright accuse you of lying. Allen on the other hand, would actually listen to you and take your complaints into consideration, however, only as far as his pride would allow him. He is also the person that would be very inclined to sweep certain issues under the rug and therefore hyperfocus on others.
A/N: At this point, I just want to throw my two cents in: I think it is a bit ironic when American conservatives talk about the ye good old day, aka the 1950s. That was a decade when the US, aside from all the social oppression, had stricter gun laws, and programms for free college education and free health care. Not to mention that taxes were higher and the country was moving towards being secular at the time. Figures.
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classificationhell · 6 months
Okey, about the nest-ing topic. Imagine reader being omegaverse fan, with nesting being one of the tropes they really liked and found cute. And maybe did make something similiar because, well it sounded fun, and comfy.
Fast forward to when they're in hell and learn that omegas ain't nesting in reality and are like: "...I've been lied to😧"
Fast forward to later(in their house/apartment, or already with their caregiver) and they make a nest out of...anything fluffy or plushy they have on hand, sit in it cross-legged and crossed arms and be like: "☹You ain't taking this away from me."
Fast forward to even later, they refuse to sleep on a normal bed.
XD Idk it just feels funny to me ok.
Pffft Sir Pentious is about the only one who understands it. Nests are just more comfortable, plus it provides an easier defence should you ever come under siege in your sleep! Ozzy might also get it since his bed kind of has a nest vibe but only on one side, maybe that's just me though lol
I can get it though nests look and sound comfy, and I'd probably build one myself if I wasn't so ahit with my hands. XD
I think everyone else would just be confused, but hey whatever makes you comfortable is fine. Vox and Val 2p would like it if you made a nest big enough for everyone. Fizzy would love cuddling you in the nest if you let him. Ozzy might cuddle in small form too, but they aren't about to ask you to make one big enough for him to cuddle or sleep in full size lol
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((I know it's not the same type of nest but it's the same type of vibe lol)
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Hey! Guess what today is! Why, it's only... the (third) biggest event of the Naranja-Uva school year!
✨It's Homecoming!✨
I know all y'all are hella hyped, but remember to take breaks, too! We have 🌊HYDRATION STATIONS🌊 all over the place for you thirsty folks! And the nurse's office is always yours to chill in if your head starts spinning like a Spinda's! Finally... if you want to get those internet points for your HoCo escapades, be sure to tag them with #Naranja Uva Homecoming ! We'll be on the lookout!
Now, without further ado... our SCHEDULE OF EVENTS! (All times in EST. Attend as many or as little as you dare!) 9:00 AM: Instead of classes, come to the Schoolyard for some bagel sandwich breakfast! Or just the bagels and jam. We don't judge. 10:30 AM: Bring out your artistic side! Come sign our Naranja-Uva 2023-2024 banner, and even get some swag in return! Rush-printed due to high demand… 12:00 PM: Open Multi Battles in the Schoolyard! You want one, we'll match you with just the right person to even the playing field and have fun! Run by Ms. Dendra. 1:30 PM: Open the Naranja-Uva Club Fair! Wander the school and collect stamps from clubs for a chance to win BIG! What could you win? It's so big we can't even say! (NOTE: Make Your Own Pizza lunch served in the cafeteria. Vegan cheese included.) 3:00 PM: Campus Open Mic! You want a platform to say something? Say it here! Whether that's how fluffy your Snubbull is, how terrible the flight back from Kitakami was, or… genuine advice about the school Director Clavell can take notes on…?! (We reserve rights to pull you from the stage if you're ruining the mood by being rude.) 4:30 PM: Get hyped, because the big event's only in an hour and a half! Join your teachers (and Clive) as they get schooled on the hip new dances of this decade! (Held in front of the academy.) 6:00 PM: Doors open to Homecoming! Pull up with your #HoCoSquad, get some pics snapped by the doormen, and enjoy the vibes curated by our very own D.J. Vice! There will be plenty of pastries, Kitakami-style sweets and savories courtesy of the exchange program, and tamper-proof juice pouches! Not looking to dance? We've got games too! Be sure to check out our selection of Uno(wn), Applins to Applins, and a riveting three hour game of Monopoliwag… a brand new 2P cabinet of Pokémon Showdown… and a ball pit! The fun never ends! 7:30 PM: The show gets doubly underway, with the crowning of the Homecoming Court! And get ready for the Battle of the Schools! We'll be testing you on your smoothest moves, loudest cheers, and biggest stomachs, all to answer the question of Naranja vs. Uva once and for… the rest of the night! 9:00 PM: Take a break from the gym to peep the #selfie worthy fireworks outside, courtesy of Zakuyamo! Reminders will be given 15 and 30 minutes before for anybody to put away noise-sensitive Pokémon and head to soundproof safe booths. We'll livestream the action too, for anybody who's dying to see! 10:00 PM: Just because the dance floor's closed doesn't mean the party has to stop! Choose between Mr. Jacq's Pokémon Trivia Night, Miss Dendra's Super Smash Your Foes!!!! Tournament, and Mr. Saguaro's Gourmet Tastings for a few late-night options before you hit the hay on this wonderful day! **NOTE: The pool is off-limits today. We aren't even touching that can of worms with a bunch of rowdy students. Don't make Goldy the Lifeguard Golduck sad.
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olliedollydove · 6 months
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wip but i took his arms because i havent figured out a pose for them yet
btw my physical traits headcanons (btw i like to headcanon that all countries have the same face as their 2ps, 3ps, and Nyos... kind of mirror version but technically related instead)
kuro is kinda toned but NOT buff, slight pear shape, very slight belly. basically his base body shape is just like Kiku's (literal identical twins haha) but he eats more carbs and sweets than salty foods, and despite training his body often he still has a small tummy. just like kiku, his face is soft and gentle but since he usually is frowning he doesnt look as youthful as kiku does. 5'05"
oliver has some muscle (again, not buff) but hes much more chubby and soft, more triangular shaped with bigger thighs. round face, round eyes, round nose, etc, and has a bit smaller hands than most guys despite being the tallest out of everyone. light patch in his hair in his bangs, and he is partially deaf and has back issues so he arches it often... also is pigeon-toed and cant really help that. wears a heading aid. 6'01"
kiku is a bit toned with a slight pear shaped body, skinny boy. hes actually underweight, though he eats a bit more than average, he just has a high metabolism... he has softer and more gentle features since he canonly looks younger than the other characters despite being older and i think thats funny. 5'05"
arthur is thin and kind of curveless, tho his fingers and such are a bit longer than average so i would say hes a bit lanky? round face, nose, and eyes... and a little pathetic looking i suppose.. hes puppy. more upside down triangle shaped but its not super noticable off the bat (he and oliver are reversed body shapes, though are also identical twins) but he looks a bit older somehow?? sometimes he gets white hairs haha. 5'09"
now for the 3p ocs who will have more info bc... theyre ocs:
percy is very thin... very underweight, he forgets to eat. like arthur, he's a tad lanky, and his features are round like his siblings. though theyre slightly slimmer, and he is older looking from always being exhausted or stressed. he has albinism, and his hair is messy and kinda thinner than average, the pupils of his eyes are light with a reddish hue. chapped af cracked lips that are slightly purple, like his fingertips. he also has physical disabilities that you cant see with just a glance. 5'08"
hiroshi is, also, very underweight, though thats because he just doesnt like food for random amounts of time, and other times eats a ton of cheese, fruits, and noodles. same exact face as kiku and kuro, but thinner and more tired looking. has more ashy-toned skin since he only goes out during/after sunset, lol. he also has a drooling problem, produces too much saliva, and just kind of stopped caring after thousands of years of dealing with it. hiroshi has proportionate dwarfism, and has a few physical disabilities that you cant see with a just single glance. 4'07"
i used to get picked on and judged for not making characters buff and instead making them anywhere from plus sized to petite by multiple friend groups, i drew literally everything but buff men including more muscular WOMEN,, but yknow... misogyny... but now im not really as afraid of it because everybody should have freedom to draw a character how they want as long as its not harmful/hateful/fetishy, be it buff, twink, curvy, chubby, fluffy, skinny, etc
also btw if ur fetishy or creepy about hiroshi i will personally come and beat your ass, ive seen people be weird about it before... gross
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gilbertfortnite · 1 year
Not to be major cringe but 2p fruk is so underappreciated and underutilized. I love pessimistic broken man who very much looks like a corpse x bright, cheery little insane thing who cares a lot but often times in the worst way. Their dynamic could be a turbulent mix of fluffy and toxic, Francois depleated of a purpose or will to do anything with his life and Oliver being an overbearing creep who will MAKE him live and enjoy things. Their personalities clash A Lot but Francois is so quiet and tired that it hardly makes a difference banter-wise. I also just like drawing crusty depressed men and pastel cute characters.
It’s yandere squidbob.
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redrosesnvodka · 2 years
2p russia hcs:
-He struggles with internalised homophobia.
-His family is rich and wealthy.
-If hes friends with you then he'll buy you expensive gifts.
-He loves the cold and snow.
-He has cuts/scars on his hands since he touches the thorns on roses.
-His hair is very fluffy.
-He hates rollercoasters.
-He dislikes young people.
-He likes spicy food.
-His septum piercing is black.
-He likes expensive vodka,he doesn't have a drinking problem unlike his counter part.
-Also unlike his counter part,wherever he goes people always seem to like him.Hes a magnet for people,he believes its fate.
-He likes creepy dolls.
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wetbloodworm · 2 years
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guess who cards reminded me of a thing i was doing fucking. years ago. comparing and contrasting the face designs of my former russia kids. this isn’t... 100% accurate b/c i’m bad with drawing faces the same way every time and also my style is. limited. but these are mostly just the basic shapes and rules i keep in mind when drawing these kids. notes under the cut
as a concept, ivan and asya are the 1Ps and sergey and anya are the 2Ps. obviously we’ve drifted from that being a hard rule but at least for ivan, sergey, and asya that was my starting point for them. anya’s journey has been more complicated but fhskdfj
ivan and asya are the closest in design while sergey and anya as the 2Ps have fewer similarities, primarily because they were designed separate from each other. i had a 2p nyo russia briefly named fyeodora who was closer to sergey’s design but i never clicked with her so she’s been retired. i might bring her back as a separate concept later but who knows.
ivan and asya are both blond, with ivan having more ashy blond hair and asya having a strawberry/cherry blonde color
ivan and asya both have vivid purple eyes with asya’s being a little more muted/slightly bluer tinted. i should probably change this for human AUs to make them less. y’know. anime-inspired. but i won’t. i pictured ivan with blue eyes once and i hated it.
ivan and asya both have angled eyes, with ivan’s being downturned and asya’s being upturned. ivan’s eyes are also deeper set so i usually try to make the line of his upper eyelid thicker to try to hint at that. they also both have bigger eyes in general. or they're supposed to, i don't think i did great with asya here/made anya's too big. big anime eyes are my art curse
i would categorize ivan and asya’s hair as ‘fluffy’ above everything else, though asya’s hair leans a bit curlier. the volume is more important to her Look than the curls.
i’m more likely to draw little blush lines on ivan and asya b/c, idk, Softer
ivan and asya have the roundest faces, though ivan's is longer than asya's. i'm not great with categorizing/recognizing face shapes but uhh i think his would be more oval with hers being round?
ivan and asya have their bangs more universally in their eyes, asya's flip out more on the outside like anya's does on her shorter side. both these kids need headbands.
all four kids have slightly more full upper lips, with ivan and asya having fuller lips overall. if the style allows for it and it doesn't distract from the facial expression, the line for their upper lips are usually there. examples!
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also this pic of anya is what reminded me that i adjusted her skin tone at some point and just? didn't update her color palette swatch? that's why there's two skin tones for her in the main pic, i kinda like the darker tone but change is hard. so she's going to have the most variance in the example pics i guess. all the kids have had their palette's change over time, hers is just the most recent
as cousins, asya and sergey also have a few similarities!
sergey also has purple tinted eyes, though they’re more gray than anything
sergey’s hair is much curlier but he’s the reason asya’s hair has any curl to it
these aren’t profile pics so you can’t tell as easily here but asya and sergey have.. god i don’t know nose types. what’s the opposite of a straight nose. the bridge... indent thing is deeper/lower down and the tip angles out a bit more? hang on pics
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that's what i mean. also example of the flatter fake smile ivan's got being more important than defining his upper lip.
freckles!! asya and sergey have very obvious freckles. ivan technically has very faint freckles but they only show up when i'm getting more detailed with colors, so i don't include them in simpler drawings.
sergey and anya both usually have their eyes half-lidded, though sergey's is supposed to look more tired/bored where anya's more... cool? seductive? idk. they just do that naturally. also her eyes are deeper set.
anya's eyes are the outlier with no purple to them; they're brown with a red tint
you can't see sergey's piercing but he and anya both have 'em, she's got her lip ring and he has a tongue ring. which i always forget for both of them, along with anya's double lobe piercings. she just doesn't always wear earrings that one's fine. asya has her lobes pierced once, ivan has no piercings.
sergey and anya have slightly sharper jawlines, anya especially, with anya's face being longer. i often try to emphasize anya's angles with the cheekbone lines or shading in that area. and again with face shapes, i think sergey's is more square and anya's is... triangular? maybe?? i'm less certain with these two. what are face shapes.
when i remember to w/ ivan, he and anya generally have the longer faces. this is shown best in the example above i did for their lips.
ivan and anya's default expressions are typically smiling, with ivan being visibly cheerier and anya leaning more towards a smirk. asya and sergey are more neutral, with asya having a flat effect and sergey having resting bitch face.
ivan and anya have the straightest hair, though again ivan's fluffs out more. if he grew it out it'd probably be more similar to anya's hair, just with more volume.
again, ivan and anya have straight noses, and i don't always do them justice. ivan's is supposed to be a bit broader and longer, more like it is in the nose example pic vs the lip example pic. anya's nose... changes a lot, i'm never sure if i want it to be flatter or longer. i like the straight and flat look for her, like what i've got pictured below, so i THINK that's more correct. but it's not always broad enough. her lips are a little fucked in the below image but it's FINE
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LOVE that nose on her
anya and sergey both have 'part flips depending on what angle i'm drawing their face at' syndrome. it's incurable.
okay i think we're done for now
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yanwriter-archive · 3 years
Fluff headcannons for 2p Canada?
Anon omg ily thank you for requesting 2p canada
Warnings: None, fluff
Gender neutral
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Fluff headcannons for 2p Canada / James Williams
James is not the most fluffy person around, but seeing how he loves his s/o, he does get a bit sweet sometimes
His favorite thing in the world is cuddling his s/o by the fireplace. There's something about laying with his s/o on the couch, covered in warm blankets while the fire place dimly lights up the room and crackles occasionally, that just makes him melt.
It makes him all warm and cosy inside too.
Another thing he loves is when his s/o helps him cook. I can see James as a breakfast kinda guy, so when he and his s/o are busy mixing up pancake batter and frying up some bacon, he's a total sweetheart.
Plus he's a great cook, so you get some delicious food out of it lol
Just don't get caught feeding Kuma some bacon or be prepared to get batter thrown at you.
He definitely sneaks some kisses while you try to clean off the mess on your face.
On the off chance James has some time off, he likes sitting outside listening to the sounds of the forest. So when his s/o sits with him, he truly feels at peace.
He enjoys your voice, so you can talk freely without being worried you'd upset or annoy him.
But he also enjoys a comfortable silence too, so don't worry if you don't have anything to say.
He won't ask you, but would really like for you to patch up his wounds. Even if it's just a quick wash and some bandage wrap, it is one of the best things you can do to show that you love him.
If he ever catches you playing with Kuma, he'll watch you for a bit. He thinks it's cute.
He loves taking showers with his s/o. He's definitely the type to like washing his s/o, in a totally wholesome way. He likes doing things for you.
I see him more of a shower person, but will take a nice, calming bath with you if you ask. He also secretly likes bath bombs but will never admit it.
A/n: I hope you like them, thank you so much for requesting, 2p Canada is my favorite and him being fluffy just makes my heart scream❤
Requests are open!
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fluffydancer618 · 1 year
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There's 2p au on rtumblr server in which c! Fluffy is just a string puppet and I can't stop rotating it in my head
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shyfandomfan · 3 years
Dose anyone have any good 2p Face family fanfiction recommendations? I have a major craving for this right now lol 
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asking-aph-poland · 4 years
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Some quick doodles bc I'm working on hetaween stuff--
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forestsap · 4 years
pls send 2p hetalia fics
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Helping Hand
Prompt: tea/coffee - “I love that feeling I get when you smile.”
pairing: 2P!Denmark/2P!Finland
Leevi had hardly been known as the nicest, along with Tómas. That doesn’t seem to be the case with Mikkel. He knew of Mikkel’s past and all the pain he went through both physically and mentally. That’s why he did his best to not show anger in front of Mikkel, for risk of setting him off. However, today was different. Mikkel had come to him with tears in his eyes asking if he could stay over for a while. He’d do anything to make sure his boyfriend was safe and feeling like he mattered. That’s how Mikkel ended up sleeping in his bed with a bear plushie Leevi had made last minute out of an old towel and some fluff he got at the store. There’s also a couple button eyes he’d stitched on. Mikkel had watched him make it and hugged it tightly when it was finished.
A gentle kiss was pressed to Mikkel’s cheek. On the way to the kitchen, Leevi thought about what Mikkel had told him the night before. There was a fight going on at home and he was brought up multiple times. Mikkel had gotten out of there before anything serious could happen to him. Leevi thanked the old gods that he got out of there when he did. Didn’t want to know what would’ve happened. Something has to be done about his parents. He didn’t seem to notice he was staring at the coffee machine until a sleepy sound was made from behind him. Looking in the direction, he found Mikkel was awake and hugging the bear he made. That sleepy expression is adorable.
“Morning, sleepyhead. Tea or coffee?” Purple eyes of Mikkel look at the blond Finn. Red eyes looked back at him. “Do you have hot chocolate?” Mikkel asked a bit shyly. “Of course. I’ll get right on it.” Leevi got to making hot chocolate for Mikkel. When it was finished, he handed it to the Dane, whom happily took it from him. “You feeling better?” Leevi asked and sat at the table. Mikkel sat next to him, keeping his bear in his lap. “A bit. Thanks for letting me stay here.” Leevi gently pulled Mikkel’s face to look at him. “You’re my boyfriend. I’d do anything for you. I love you.” Mikkel’s cheeks flushed red. Setting his hot chocolate on the table, Mikkel pulled Leevi in for a hug. What did he do to deserve the Finn? Leevi smiled a bit and returned the hug.
Each day that passed, Leevi prepared a mug of hot chocolate for Mikkel before he woke up. A faint smile crossed his face each time he saw the happy smile that crossed Mikkel’s face when he was handed to mug. Seeing him happy made him happy. Made his heart flutter. Mikkel was happy to see Leevi going out of his way to do so just for him. One morning, Mikkel noticed Leevi wasn’t there, but there was his hot chocolate and a note. The note said that he had something to take care of and he’d be back within the hour. What was he doing? As the hour passed by, Mikkel waited for him to show up. When he did it was when Mikkel was laying on his stomach on the couch and using his phone. Leevi just kind of flopped on top of him. Mikkel looked over his shoulder at the other blond.
“Where were you?” He asked. “First I took care of your parents. Then I went to pick something up,” Leevi responded. “What did you get?” A small black box was placed in front of the Dane. Curious, Mikkel opened it to reveal an engagement ring with amethyst in the middle. Purple eyes widen when he saw it. What? “You mean everything to me, Mikkel. I don’t want to lose you. I-” “Yes.” Red eyes look at Mikkel to see him rubbing at an eye. Arms wrap around Mikkel and he shifted so he could hug Leevi.
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