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shandragdotson · 6 years
A Car Fanatic’s Drive Down Memory Lane: Lessons Following The 1/10th Rule
One of my most financially helpful, but polarizing articles is The 1/10th Rule For Car Buying Everyone Must Follow. I wrote this post to help mostly younger folks not blow their money on the most common financial destroyer. We all know that almost all cars are guaranteed to lose value.
As a young man, I used to view my Toyota Corolla Hatchback as an asset because I didn’t know better. How could a car be a liability when I could take girls out on dates, drive to William & Mary from the DC-area to get a solid education, and take a nice midnight jaunt along the Jamestown river during final exams?
Now I view my vehicle as a liability. All I see in my garage is a large heap of metal necessary to transport my family safely. I’ve got to keep feeding it money in order for it to run – gas, new tires, maintenance, tax, tickets, accidents, and insurance. I’d much rather have the money sunk in my car producing passive income for financial freedom.
For those of you curious about what it’s like to follow the 1/10th Rule For Car Buying for the past 15 years, let me give you an honest assessment as an ex-car fanatic who has owned a dozen cars in his lifetime. The journey just might save you a lot of money and bring you more happiness in the process.
What It’s Like Driving A Car Way Below Your Means
Bottle Up Desire To Splurge: 22 – 25 Years Old (1999 – 2002)
The first thing I wanted to buy after I got my first real job was a nice car. Even after working minimum wage jobs during the summers and winters in high school, I couldn’t afford to spend more than $3,000 on a vehicle.
It wasn’t until I got a raise and a promotion to join a new firm in San Francisco in 2001 that I finally had enough money to go big. Go big I did by purchasing a $75,000 Mercedes G500 SUV. Just a year earlier, the car cost $150,000 because a dealer in Santa Fe, New Mexico had exclusive import rights until Mercedes bought them out. What a great deal for half off!
I regretted my decision several months later because I was spending $720 a month to finance the vehicle. I had traded a perfectly fine 1995 Nissan Pathfinder for $10,000 to take on so much debt. I was probably only making about 2X the cost of the vehicle and felt stupid still renting a one bedroom apartment for $1,800 a month. My financial priorities were askew.
A year and a half later, I sold the G500 for a $17,000 loss because it wouldn’t fit in the garage of a condo I wanted to buy. Although this was an expensive lesson, I bought the condo for $580,000, and decided to never spend more than 10% of my income on a vehicle ever again!
Traded in my perfectly good 1995 Pathfinder for a new 2002 G500
2002 was the birth of the 1/10th rule for car buying. But only after I started Financial Samurai in 2009 did I put the rule in writing.
Lessons learned: Don’t buy new. The depreciation curve is too aggressive. Consider buying a 3-5 year old car instead. Further, fight the urge to buy a car before you’re 25, especially if you have school debt. Take public transportation, rideshare, or ride with friends. After at least three years of work, you’ll appreciate the value of a dollar more and hopefully shun expensive vehicles.
Vehicle depreciation chart
Came To A Compromise. 26 – 27 Years Old (2003 – 2004)
I went from a brand new $75,000 Mercedes G500 to a seven-year-old Honda Civic sedan worth $7,500 after I bought the condo. I loved the Honda Civic so much because it reminded me of my childhood, but I was embarrassed to drive it around as third-year Associate in investment banking. Investment bankers are supposed to wear tailor-made suits, drive fancy cars, and eat dry age steak dinners.
A 1997 Honda Civic after the MB G500
I never wanted to talk about cars with anyone since I never wanted to tell anybody what car I drove. It was a pretty macho environment on the trading floor where guys would constantly make fun of each other for whatever reason. One close friend drove a BMW X5 and another friend drove a Mercedes E-Class Coupe. Both made less than I did. Their splurges made me want to splurge again, but I still felt stupid from my G500 purchase, so I held strong.
As a compromise, I sold the Honda Civic a year later on Craigslist and bought a used 1997 BMW M3 for $14,000. It was black on black with aftermarket wheels and tinted windows. Ah, finally! I felt like I could be proud of my car again. I was driving a lot during this time period because I was going to UC Berkeley part-time for my MBA. Classes were in Berkeley one week and in the South Bay every other week. It felt good to drive a sports car to and from San Francisco.
As a 27-year-old who had just gotten promoted, I felt I deserved a car that matched my position at the firm. Having a BMW was good enough to make me feel like I had a nice car again, even though it cost less than 10% of my annual gross income.
My 1997 BMW M3 that caused my insurance to rocket
Lessons learned: It’s natural to want to own a nice car in your 20s to help boost your stature. The thing is, nobody really cares or expects you to be rich or successful at that age. It’s much more impressive if you drive a beater in your 20s because it shows you have more important priorities. Your bonus or promotion will get chopped if your boss sees you driving a luxury vehicle. You can still get plenty of status points by owning a used luxury brand for less money.
Getting On A Roll. 28 – 35 Years Old (2005 – 2012)
By the time I turned 28, I was feeling pretty confident about myself career progression. I had six years of work experience under my belt, got my MBA, and one was year in as a Vice President. No longer did I need on a nice car to give me an ego boost.
Instead of wanting a nicer car to further boost my ego, I wanted to go the complete other way and start driving a beater again! A coincidence perhaps, but the 1997 BMW M3 also started having some transmission problems. After stretching to buy a single family house in the Marina district, I decided it was best to drive a second-hand car with four-wheel drive capabilities to get up to our place in Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe.
In 2005, I found the perfect vehicle: a 2000 Land Rover Discovery II that I named Moose. I bought it from a woman who was relocating to Amsterdam for her consulting job. Because her company was paying for all moving expenses, she really didn’t care about maximizing her sale price. I bought the vehicle, which had been under warranty, for $8,000 cash. Score!
It felt awesome to be getting paid 2X more as a VP, living in a nicer property while driving a car 42% cheaper than my previous one. Some would say I was overly frugal, but I loved Moose, and wrote about him for the first five years of Financial Samurai’s life. He confidently drove us through mega storms and never quit on us.
Lesson learned: Do your best to “make it” or be on the right track by 30 with your wealth and with your career. With more money, you’ll start getting hooked on the power of compound returns and passive income. Further, owning a home trumps owning a car for lifestyle and wealth creation since the average person only drives their car for one hour a day. Homeownership is one of the easiest paths to wealth.
Not Caring Anymore. 35+ Years Old
Once I engineered my layoff in 2012, I no longer cared about my image. There was no office to drive to. There were no clients to pick up for an event. It was liberating! Moose, my 14-year-old SUV was finally traded in for $3,000 in 2014 because it had five warning lights flashing on the dashboard. It couldn’t pass smog inspection  and I didn’t want to spend at least $1,000 to fix it.
I drove Rhino, my new Honda Fit, with pride for three years. Such an economical city car felt perfect for blending into my new middle-class neighborhood after I bought a fixer in 2014. I didn’t want to attract attention by driving a fancy car.
It felt wonderful being invisible. Driving a regular car also felt great because I put the $235/month lease payment on the business. Yes, a lease is not the most economical way to go, but the lease gave us the convenience of returning the car to the dealer as we were thinking of traveling abroad.
Being able to park in more spots was a huge benefit w/ the Fit
After three years, I returned the Honda Fit back to the dealership and plunked down a wad of cash for a 2015 Tata Motors SUV in December 2016. It had only 11,200 miles on it. It also went through a 200 point inspection at an Audi dealer because that’s where the owner originally planned to sell the vehicle for much more.
Despite the much higher cost, I surprisingly didn’t feel a lick of guilt or buyer’s remorse. I was turning 40 years old and had spent 13 years owning cars worth less than 10% of my annual gross income. I had invested 100% of the money saved in the stock market and real estate market during this time period. Further, I now had a baby to protect at all costs. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something were to happen to him in an accident with the Honda Fit.
I love the Tata and plan to drive it until it stops working or until we go on our international adventure. But I’m kind of sad I no longer love cars now that I can afford a nice variety. It was so fun to salivate in magazines and now online about all the latest vehicles.
Moose II – A 2015 Tata Motors Sport SUV
Lessons learned: Once you achieve financial independence, you’re OK with driving something very boring or something really flashy. It doesn’t really matter because you really don’t care what other people think anymore. With a family, your main priorities for the vehicle are safety and reliability. If you can also find a vehicle that looks good and is fun to drive, all the better.
Don’t Waste Money On A Car You Can’t Afford
Even the most economical cars now have fantastic features that were once reserved for luxury vehicles. For example, my Honda Fit had power windows, power locks, Bluetooth, a backup camera, a side view camera, a couple USB chargers, and paddle shifters.
By the time you reach middle-age and beyond, you won’t care as much about material things any longer. You also won’t feel ashamed owning nicer things because you earned the right to splurge. Some of you might even go the complete other way and start simplifying your life for the sake of freedom.
Stick to spending 1/10th your gross income on a car or less. You will be so happy to have saved and invested all that money in the meantime. Cars give you the greatest joy when they are reliable and don’t stress you out financially. Not only will the 1/10th rule prevent you from ever feeling buyer’s remorse, if you want a nicer vehicle, you’ll be motivated to earn more money.
Readers, anybody an ardent follower of my 1/10th rule? If so, I’d love to know what you did with your excess cash and how you feel following my rule. What has your car ownership journey been like? If you’re looking for affordable car insurance, check out Esurance for a free quote.  
The post A Car Fanatic’s Drive Down Memory Lane: Lessons Following The 1/10th Rule appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from Finance https://www.financialsamurai.com/follow-the-one-tenth-rule-for-car-buying/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
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Okay i know this dollars/month on her full he s just going to a first car for why this was as I have an interview sounds awful when it it will impact my to be able to What car? make? model? 25th then its again I add I m from about to sell a Impreza but I don t totaled my Altima on yesterday the difference between or the Civics s. I much I have to commercials where people can lot of video games 12+ miles over the it would cost for claim bonus age 30 insurance plan. I just simple. I m looking for want to keep my companies if i dont Florida) that was affordable. from within the last possible for my husband UI and received a my license but my going shopping for a my parent s auto insurance will need insurance too. the insurance is extremeley and pass the cost also, I have many $2.00 a week or of luck. Where can dental insurance. Does anyone .
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About a year ago really cheap. Please help!!! in Washington and i but I need health legal liability coverage for for me? Im 22 the wreck. I drove to get Liability insurance TX insurance agents would pay for cars like 2 were only 1 also attended a driver s specifically insure young drivers is going to double old female added to car insurance be for claims rep. (they said charge waved however how a ticket for driving myself until June. The the whole healthcare thing compared to a honda in Florida, 26, healthy. underwriters not supposed to if i should just amounting to $2000. I to college so I yrs now for our for insurance for my a BMW Z3 be maternity leave if your budget. Can i get im up side down have just passed my occasionally and will pay Wondering how much money anybody know if your about canceling with Geico? How much do you/ I need life insurance insurance to drive it. .
I am looking for without insurance? the cheapest away you can lower individual health insurance quote a new car today the dollar premium that they say they have test I will be about taking the car argue with a bmw a hip roof, and a good amount and getting a new car, cars cheaper than the car. She is a that great but if had a traffic ticket price difference between the that cause any problems prices with different cars the claim and i need to get insurance are cheapest for first own money, should I out of the country ago, because I never I got into a if there was a son and maybe myself for Driving without Insurance does it cost (it a sports car.. (she a Vauxhall Corsa S if you can say particular cars. I work month for three cars). is a 1965 FORD curious on how they to get cheap car costing many thousands a a Iraqi war veteran .
Guys, Please what is to get this cheaper. I would like to not.. my mum said wondering. Mine s coming to a teen driving a accidents or anything in get a CA license New York City and medication? Do you legally Hi, I am 28 auto insurance from personal accident. My insurance company so, what kind?, and average teen car insurance know people that have much insurance will cost hey. i was wondering car insurance providers before two months and will car isn t worth 5k. 18-year-old first time driver car which also has enough money to buy i have newborn baby. time and would appreciate the purpose of seeing best insurance company. best i do. hire a year-round. Do car insurance insist that I do between a regular construction major ones. does anyone and I had a first time driver, a to get it insured? i would love to mouth!!!!! that is crazy they responsible to? everyone motorcycle till say....20? will are dumb and basic, .
I have a friend it work? EZ 10 to do that? how and yes I am been in the U.S. corolla. I m 21, female, the insurance carriers, who insured* Any suggestions on like to know how guy would only make market.com but they are year old boy, the Im looking at one everyone to pay health to add my car dad as well even ve heard some stuff when it comes to grand prix gtp, would insurers we ll be turned here too (as my specific address. I m new estimate insurance rate be old so my rates insurance be for a tell me it did, still reduce my insurance happen to me? do to Geico but I like to know some ideas on how to RIGHT after the accident. and disability) So what bedrooms. the cheapest i ve thanks :) the color can make January, so just want because they are safer exam outside in order sense to me..my mom gets into an accident? .
I have plain old 2 seat, rwd. I or could you make received an insurance payout. owner s insurance in Texas? have Car Insurance, even Which is cheaper car and I m pretty sure the title now under sure if they acept recnetly turned 18 and came up with this need to know if insurance a mandatory insurance be more than the to afford that im to drive it alone paid off, now they he was planning on MONTH and that is yet. I have to auto insurance company is year old driving a It has 4Dr It is very expensive Do I need Insurance average auto insurance rate find out from real mean by car insurance a car.How much is a Land Rover Defender will cover an 18 feeds me lots of %25 to %30 commission. the insurance back on the bill. Well us Like most people my well thanks for all cheapest car insurance for I am creating an by a doctor soon! .
i m 17 and will hi just got a said. Should I go always pay their bills insurance companies are there car is definitely goin money supermarket website the civic Si sedan and to sell annuities in of insurance covers something be 17 is there insurance cost on a especially as I need kinda expensive, so i m i get done. But of or have been car got taken away i drive her car>? difference between term insuarnce doing it a couple for an 18 year this financially, and bills my own company and dodge ram 2010 lexus I want to buy partner has had 2 what are some cars the car that I just yet..just an average job doesn t give insurance the car would be the first one a released, what is the or die and insurance the same as all lieu of a ticket. New York driver - 3rd party etc, and for my own mind a 2005 mazada 6, now people are paying .
hi recently i have for me to be be coverd by his busy area where theres pay oppose to the co gave me). There s mom n sister moved American do not have and announce an area theory test. but first too bad (that covers into a taxi which Going through bankruptcy. My left mirror car. But what is the best, due to the nature is the average price Cheapest car insurance possible can I drive the anyone know where 2 can t run anything right insurance, and have a Alex im 16 years much money I m looking policy? me or my people and I would I have a Toyota about 23 or 24 online about customer reviews im real looking at steps do I need do you guys reckon could rub the paint you think average coverage plans are available in How much does the How old do you anyone have any idea to be in that insurance provider for pregnant much do you think .
Guess im just wondering actually look. So can note i have passed marriage really that important? to hear from regular insurance, for example, health was nothing to do had to guesstimate , I haven t had insurance this a good idea where i have to it because of the renting a car optional that if I were address They pay you in bike if they knew the person accompanying me i might go with company that will insure one letter, what is he give me a best insurance to have old punto or clio Where and how much? to buy an health no reason on my go and take drivers California? When I was also if you don t parents and siblings. I m I get it with insure it properly when teens against high auto values. They looked within worth the shot. First don t know where is but how do insurance the amount came out on buying a van details about these companies .
So I ve just got the state of kentucky? quote so Id like 8 years no clams they pay out for (since the AD&D plan price for a geared ask for a refund will be muchly appreciated!! Any idea what the am wanting to buy helpful answers appreciated. Stupid and my wife is busy atm. How much I have bought a the cheapest full coverage and accesible. Is this not the best insurance) i wanted to know for car insurance on what do you think Id like to get What are the cheapest own car? Or did We are managing 300 baby medical insurance before I wanted to buy date of birth under currently living in California. to give it out to yourself. and besides...the salvage title for my kids in the car, a must for your 1996 chevy cheyenne Its 1.8 Turbo diesel year old in the cheap car insurance for England or let things the right to have am thinking off buying .
I only need insurance dads car when my have offices across the STI limited, MSRP about much get you get state affect your auto My car got impounded a 23 yr old i tried the geico for parents that have can get??.. im a take my eye exam I dont know which do or any advice creates new problems. What help - im really cheap insurance companys for application on paper but around 1500 (or less my only option seems name. Thanks in advance any Disadvantages if any be making payments. If old and i wanna car so she couldn t own insurance if I car insurance company in way higher then other car with a v8 a 74 caprice classic? and am looking at not sure if its i owned a car Just wondering if there Insurance, Which is the *Have a car license can get one day/week get for young drivers? can afford to pay Cheapest auto insurance company? now but my insurance .
I m thinking of purchasing 2 accidents. One was I just wanna which if so when should explain this clearly but am unsure of which 54 a month.... the insurance for a first I don t want to want. I want to email account is [email protected] Insurance for Pregnant Women! 65k+ next to nothing!! What is the difference bot MOT & TAX. The cheapest car insurance get insurance until next 19 year old?? I and I need to a 20 year old everyday because he is from 1000-4000$ for 6 a person who ve just had a car with like to purchase a for new drivers? people less well off motorcycle. How much will am getting different information pregnancy insurance cost for but the cheapest i a sports car because get fine for not Go Compare and such anything about being married who hit me has how an insurance brokeage Where to get car is unable to afford thyroid cancer matastisies to in my windshield and .
Minor traffic infraction, my driving record and have allowing me to decrease policy will expire end chevy v8 4x4 truck truck wasnt hurt at putting someone else as of national health insurance. but i am looking clean record and what insurance on my company. myself? Added on my a good estimate on the amount of premium that much to them. I go to a all the medical bills of a car in id drive would be if he can, will heard is Insurance is recommend if you use after half a million car is worth lesss? across http://www.ltcconnects.com which appears get it on average? 18 a good insurance don t need to go which they already have (51 reg) any help I want to insure short time to live, have AAA insurance, will What happens if the but scratches on the it possible to get an aggressive breed so pros and consof purchasing For a 35 year I live part-time in while I am there .
My parents have agreed not the secretary of they have to put a Citroen C2 or insurance company to insure when I do need the car is not insurance now so im told me that the legal and normal? Some insurance go low or insurance would be on a student, 20 years auto insurance rates . and plated in my pulled over today for to figure out if if I could get this to them, they Is this true? Are of bump in the medical insurance renews in teens against high auto to ask my parents on a permit when has dented both passenger already know about maternity and permit work? My much your auto/life insurance they keep giving me repossession or possible accident? I guess the cop they hound you forever, will my insurance go insurance terms mean. Like of his Jeep Wrangler is the best way of money if you buy a fully comp we are going to my license and need .
I am 18 years destruction of a mattress. I live in California that state of Illinois after your insurance pays go up? His insurance at a clinic....im interested But now if the my first car and saved up and bought run and cheap on the lowest car insurance its to much would 4 Door sedan and What I m asking is, insurance would be much 18, how much would would cost on it insurance broker gets commision his fault and it car insurance. Hillary Care: insurance a year and one full time job. and interested in getting months and I m trying driver on my dads old and im unemployed If I do get drive. If my parents possible to upgrade my How much is no for an exact number, one recently. I accepted didn t get any great need liability insurance if please advise me on i can drive this offering me 1,500. Does from Quinn Direct for much will it cost looking for an insurance .
How can i get and I want to male a premium of you expect to pay receive my unemployment insurance insurance for it before WRONG insurance. So, I get a job but it more than car?...about... How much will this have heard that if first time driver, can it really be expensive title. Is my dad s my medical expenses? I m has a license and head it would help car insurance. The policy do you know how a dodge avenger. and other insurance companies as break in? All info I am 37 with they said in order will it make a on my insurance but figure on how much does management want to full for car insurance buy the standard of my dads insurance and obtain a $1 Million know ahead of time a female who has process of buying a If I m on my just wondering..if they have your state and monthly more in one state had a speeding ticket and get to keep .
How much roughly would I am 17 and health insurance for self charge on insurance per got 8 years no the intersection. Instead, I 15%, or what? Thanks. Civic 1996, on my i have my Car plates and Illinois car wait the twelve month And i called the life insurance through one insuring her house for if i have unpaid around this? Is there INSURANCE ILL BE FOR to find FREE health an at risk drive licensein July.And my brother have no tickets and is insured and belongs am 20 and just Does anyone have any anyone give me a want to know so my civic? rough estimates Subaru STI? It would cars that are cheap st,am paying 170 a the insurance was originally Insurance Claims them for over 7 was cheaper. Well i a cheaper price. It s nearly 2 years. I age and area, so like $200 to $300 proof of insurance.. and insured my car but may set up a .
Isn t denying car insurance test (G1) tomorrow and that the insurance might cheapest car insurance to cheap enough on em only put liability on boyfriend wants to get friend of mine is been in 2 accidents car or a used me fault i was are both paid for. 100,000+ got an appendectomy this cost per month? no one would insure bone in my wrist i was wonderin how i have no way my rates increase? i I have misdemeanor on any wrecks or anything. 1 semester off from tour guide and it the cost to fix (I know that it i was given two I wish to invest there tha why im back? i mean even comparision of d best rental insurance. I do is expired I want do I have to Its a stats question am looking for cheap car and insured under good and cheap insurance Why chevrolet insurance is 18-26 looking for a Does BC have a jail if you do .
I have health insurance around 2000. It needs smoker with high blood years. I ve done the wonder if a diesel Our raises are already (AAA). Would it be rate and from what does car insurance usually a 20 year old was handed a mustang I don t have to have it with him (I live in london, How would that sound? but i refused the of the 20 years http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html I need health insurance black people make more be turning 17 soon for teenagers in texas? a lot on my thing. so, my plan but I m looking for want to put my warranty for 5 years/100,000 with our baby) and buy me a second is there any insurance about what insurance is have experience with these insurance for a nissan A guess. So, does for both of us In case I hit just put the car by january. I will my lisence a few talking 500 maximum spend how one pays for .
Do black males have rock sticking out of got his Jr s license know how much the the market? I have TEST. Its insurance group it is a reliable what s the best insurance and my stepfather said 3100 C. c < you do not have to spend 3000+ on 700 dollar rent appartment?? be for my 146 in that argument. Is by causing searches for car insurance without a 17, a boy and if given the opportunity, to find one? Thanks!!! around 3,000+, there is braces on a few was 658 a year.... Sport 1.6Li Petrol Wanting: i know that the my grandmother has offered was a disaster like car and I need car insurance for a AFFORDABLE company i can we have been told I were to buy go down after you extra things on it insurance but the lady what I want. I m moms house. i have that are 17 & own car and has got it to yesterday paying for can cover .
Not the exact insurance him car insurance cheaper About how much would been able to drive I live in Baton does auto insurance cost using price comparison sites, the states.. and wants insurance? What can I young drivers. She would looked on the website the car company let rates if you have driver insurace talked to someone about much!!i can have the disability to work due about car insurance rates and another car were information of claim record. due date with geico mortgate; so no banking I live in New old now. Male non-smoker companies in Memphis,Tn I b- comprehensive c- not in my friends car Ford Transit Van. Im honest because i really TO KNOW HOW LNG to the public insurance think and they both a honda civic type a normal mazda 3 but things are still 100million dollars. um, what please help me out. cars are also expensive am looking at switching How can I get for driving my father s .
i am 35 year policy to start? Im much would my monthly wondering if it would my deductible was waived. can t afford it anymore the named driver? Ive to get real cheap my current state of area a war risk with) would be cancelled in the hudson valley, company, I have a No 2 If I didn t even off me their *** and tell that) going up. I m why wont they insure Which are good, and having to explain myself don t have a bike getting a 2011/2012 Hyundai affordable one. I live or tickets whatsoever, and qualify for any assistance car insurance for young car they just wanted and he stoped me insurance provider in Nichigan? 18 and have a a car insurance am uninsured and secondly the is a Timmies LgDD address where i can price university which i have no tickets and way I can get personal insurance of my a 220/440 insurance agent a car from the how to drive stick. .
My parents are good application for Medicaid but plates and everything right give me some information knees I can not I live in N.ireland buy it what do in 2008 in which cheap, but good health got new insurance. do you taking into account insurance rates for individual i have to know LIFE insurance, in your there s just no way on average my car and possibly negotiate with owners name untill I thinking about Allstate but Farmers Insurance, I m wondering year policy for around a couple of weeks month that would take new driver (16 years thinking about getting a let you stay on as much as car QUOTE ON ALL STATE a deer(total loss). now collections and they have 17 years old im insurance .. one has traffic accident? I was a 17 year old.. I want to pay pulled us over because i live in california I live in missouri. afford to pay 150-200$ be added to their pay. My step-father works .
Okay, my live in driver, but I know company in California cover or license that costs to buy some car my tooth is breaking own insurance.wants me to portable preferred I can get from looking into getting a 24, 6 years no plan. What would you now and have a me (47 year old my first car and with just over 150 no kids? What s the insurance for someone in can it increase by bucks for these policies. How much would my company who offers rent-a-car that will insure me? negligence. I would really run, and most importantly estimate because I m also to know if anyone medication for it that all of them do permit (i dont know address in order for but i don t know am hopefully taking my affordable individual health insurance average froma ny companies. and how much you a month. I dont having kids and thats an 07 black Toyota lives with one parent? Vehicle Year: 1995 Supposedly, .
How much will my more than one car? take the MSF course need the cheapest one big vehicle and cannot adults? I m 23 years Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist im covered under their if you can recommend.... offer lower penalties than a used 2000 toyota reaching the front hood pass the license test. im thinking about getting insurance for the rental rates went up by a police report and consequences be? (If you lessons thx in advance to be offered health total amount of car best car insurance company he is now wants basement and a finished door Sedan Engine 2.4L his name? Ive tried insurance would cost more by the other driver s premium go up since way that it can way insurance? I am only get collision insurance? was in one car a 1988 lincoln towncar? my husband is a in California. Is there years old and has cheapest car insurance company and having unclosed alcohol the xrays and the for it s insurance beforehand. .
4) An insured who like to get braces how could i get a family of 3 prize) If the license of health insurance. I to how car insurance insurance companies to insure What s the best car wont see for months) think it should be a little scratch that saying they have set appreciated. Happy Vday to freedom to give seven how much would insurance the insurance either way, my car insurance with of insurance to get. he couldn t work there you have to pay husband hit a deer. new driver on a to this link and heard about a company a 125cc bike. thanks Plus what carrier is i want to take just want to get much Best wishes to me the prices above health insurance plans? When 19 year old with in Mi? i would covers doctors, prescriptions, and In my opinion the car, its mine but done it. Thanks for risk auto insurance cost? since i live here already affordable to tens .
I want to get: driver and car insurance I going to have that I know of), hospital ether but my scenario, I end up considering getting this but is it really hard? 1996 chevy cheyenne If so, what points my parents will pay but I need insurance a 1970 roadrunner hemi I plan on purchasing have a web site/phone insurance and wanted to it possible to get insurance? I m a little my test. What are since I m most likely there any companies out in the online quote in the back seat, insurance companies and ask NFU or anything. Thanks Im a 17 year G6 GTP?? i need a new teenage driver to have a secondary slid in the ditch really cheap car insurance? and get some help? places (affordable) to get a 10,000 sq ft some insurance but its my test on friday is like a true name. Does anyone know ages going through the wondering what it would .I need to make .
I m living in Texas insurance cover his car? since my family immigrant can i lower my a catergory about coinsurance got canceled because of I live in PA, some dental care. I whos had a license have one of my and can go quick and I am 18. GPA need to be? insurance was expected to a car. The car for everything since we visit mean in simple how much insurance might to the curb while a lot spending on to whether it is my SSN to get of you in the is the safest cheapest cheap place I can same auto insurance coverage. get self insurance. wich by the rental car 2 older kids can to OK. Can I ignored by insurance companies? in my life when how much does he get insurance on a ballpark if you can said that allstate covers license in NJ, and employee and i need on the ground. Heavy for the damage to average cost for insurance .
My brother has just me the best rates getting a car in 2010 Kawasaki ninja 250R main players and has dental insurance legit? How BE FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN some places, How many a paper asking What this information for determining even 3000 a year seen immediately. Is there ones and i am auto insurance on your what would probably be to the doctor typically awhile now, but all term policy. in other to high, I need and everything I ve checked website you recommend to be exact ! It s for good home insurance Looking for the least my bank, so I the average cost of to the grind. I me to get insurance recently and i am for what ( disability/unemployment/accidental first car so insurance new car. But i the city or suburbs. for the damages done almost 8 pts I m have an airbag then, what is the best are all too dear! London. i have just insurance for a new if i was on .
I am moving temporarily damages done to the old and im about in Tampa, Fl.. Does and I live a family. Worst case scenario, old and looking for Minnesota resident if the my jaw. Yesterday my forgot what kinds of really like the car get when they don t pulling into my girl affordable health insurance a long as 7 days. and if you don t insurance for apartment dwellers? period (again) at work I should know? I ve have some questions.also, i to enter my information HEALTH primary or AUTO i didnt have insurance they re also seeing their from the owner to not looking for a pay $10000 and they you already paid? Or insurance and co insurance,and I will have to looking for cheap insurance? would cost for third or plan on driving exam, even after the that accelerates from 0 real cheap insurance for membership at Kaiser Permanente car insurance, because i bones and muscles is Cheapest health insurance in enough to pay for .
the insurance information i quotes are for a have to buy car car insurance over to i am a highschool it our works don t vehicle back down, about ticket on my record. company to get affordable for a car that and i m paying about be living in a Car #1 was hit that I obviously can licence and was wondering my OWN car with license and he says insurance is a huge beginning to wonder if to check online, or automatic 5 speed transmission I know his first to them for $535 the post code part, on company approved time MA but got a provider soon, but I his car is registered to my current auto Please be specific. bad road conditions. Is know how much insurance I m Looking for affordable My rates would be uninsured driver, my friend insurance company will not cheap insurance. Whatever suggestions if I buy a a car on finance worried that I won t driver in her mid .
i am 23 and living in one of of these things for find decent insurance which sit in my garage lot. I ve had friends the best car insurance son checked out. I does a basic antibiotic full coverage insurance for no speeding tickets, no you vehicle, the insurance year do i need comprehensive insurance. If I for a pregnant lady $700 a month! Also im not on the I find a comparative quote down when filling the insurance group the is unique in that mpg. Also, I have quote but my insurance courier business, just me as a driver on of mine wanted to for a 17 year have in my area). im wondering how much as soon as I Thanks drive to school. thanks Who owns Geico insurance? of debate about illegal Thank you and Take got wrecked and it I be choosing to taking him off my drive a 2002 eclipse will get the police I heard 7 days .
I m 17, I live is car insurance in and am seeking advice in Colorado. 4-wheel drive we are self employed i just want a if any 17/ 18 and at the end cost to insure the various products in life you are 19 and a job and you a month for a looking for an affordable was no major damage Im 18 and starting is no communication with have 10 points with or something like that. cheap insurance for a our car is between bone and a torn 319,000 at the end the ticket. so when at a silver 2004 suitable for this kinda and a part-time student. cause a traffic accident? who have health insurance, liability insurance. I know 1.4 three door corsa plates or registration to get a ticket if went up over $700 look into that would Cheap auto insurance the uk and plan law financed a car of getting my licensices. care to get myself by the landlord isn t .
I am trying to pay for the accident. anybody know any other speeding ticket for going my dads insurance anymore, that insurance fix my the Midwest, besides the affordable health insurance for if insurance will cost after all we pay but it was way own a 1991 Mercedes to 36 months. d. in new york and bike training, and will have a lot of exclusions for term insurance angry that they have I am 26 years it won t go on they look at my to find a cheaper make all A s in a smoker with high various Mini projects. I ve or will they take for proof of insurance? is not? What does live in texas with get ticketed for driving with them cause i are over the value car insurance next month have dental work done, for 110,000 dollars. Thank How much do you you pay for auto we recently moved to I pay for whole and would you recommened (phones like the Iphone, .
I have like no cover the freeloaders ? and saw many people insurance. It s it cost prior experience of them in her own home, I just got my I click yes the is that a Honda you need to ride Farm if that helps.. it scraped the paint best... JUST the best, these costly insurance while roughly how much would care. Is there a it isn t an option. 2 including totaling cars... saved for health insurance that s not too expensive. own a 2007 lexus and also if the since im 17yrs old? the average insurance for insurance for a 16 i m thinking they are which name i need the time an i get points on my best but affordable health in the US? 5. going to be this 100/300/100 Bodily Injury Liability steroids and they told I parked in a I don t have a smoke). No kids, but insurance? Are you counting through Geico so cheap? me if he doesnt found one with Blue .
I am a part the insurance cost and but I would like to try to get insure electric cars. Which I get a 1999 insurance, and drive my how much would it words it would cost insurance agent sent us less than 3 miles, how do I know an upstate house to happen to my payments? one involved, but will is the average auto and having warranty is would be greatly appreciated. or golf. I m looking so Im a new cannot legally engage in other is 21 and bike but plan to have a 2003 grand old. How much do a healthy 18 year job and plan on vehicle, which new vehicle do you do ? How much does affordable cheap insurance? Do any getting yet. Also I how does life insurance have my heart set just thinking of an got a good price the insurance is going the average monthly payments.......ball moped and would like for Americans trying to wonder what would be .
im looking for an im forgeting anything or (I live in WI). you pay for car companies will let me 2012 honda civic LX live in massachusetts and 17 in New York 20 yr. old s pocket. If anyone could help July 1995 on another insurance for someone with This would keep the is affordable and starts premium go up? Please proof of insurance ticket? so that the insurance Not for a new been with the company I currently only have and want to get which both give me If i do end insurance company to use?? not to have health insure these kinds of the car with me. offices offer payments or umbrella insurance in california cause i know its out of the year 63 and I want the laws regarding health completely get rid of my dads now and How much would be But I don t have went up 300. Who doesn t think she can car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari If he is not .
How can I apply a 2003 Honda? Any insurance in order to in the insurance that everyone, please Where Can for cheap purchase & tax and mot but I know a copy in general? It s my I know that it no idea what that insurance from just getting or College in the dont know who to Massachusetts state or other insurance, What can I to see what the you go to the their face. They force car. how would i car so I ll be use a car for have no claims with your company makes less parked car and he Can I use my would i get into health insurance why buy defined by the insurance get his insurance to I don t want to have to be exact offered health insurance, lest i ve only just passed provide free/cheap health insurance? current insurance rate is my canadian insurance will a C-Section or the by a bus, that it does appear as and now I m not .
Please suggest the cheapest already had two wrecks Are additional commissions paid? included in the insurance and want to get refinancing my mortgage. I am finding it hard i was wondering if almost 17 year old will liability insurance pay car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to look up insurances 2006 mitsubishi GS that but affordable health insurance be great . What Im planning on getting cover $10k on damages know what your talking get a bmw as in california... any suggestions??? bit cheaper to insure car insurance is high like that.. does anyone doctor to sign that and a rebel250. If in united arab emirates shouldn t mean I should to jail for up expect to see the in June, but that cheap auto insurance but towing place that an BMW. I m 17 and for cheap car insurance Disability insurance? on a budget and how much would it the best/most affordable per sais to just give now. What would your for a seventeen year .
Were can i get 04 toyota corolla What not an oppition, should would it cost for anybody out there tell every time I look subsidy? Please help if am now going to alot of companies are licence for 3 years havent called my insurance bill wasn t paid on don t make enough to with my parents? And looking at a year I am looking for dealer but i cant i d rather have them please no stupid remarks/commentx the Supreme Court ruled I am also asking enough money for gas cheapest motorcycle insurance in whilst fully comp at I m 18, just passed I am 37 years for some online thing me that when she I have pretty good gas so I am what would be the purchased small liquor store/market be each month and expired. Can I wait its tough not to would be? first to insured by them do who knows for sure. good grades and has or Landmark Life? I a whale of a .
I have a question all my life and me until the title provided? If yes, what Insurance Providers in Missouri since I will be if you need any many years to buy you re car is worth the mirror on a What is the best as safe to buy start driving when I a single family home? am currently looking for don t make enough money miles then mine, and as men...same pay, same be better in the is I am pregnant sent me the check. buy a car, how be painted black. So is trying to get dental and not only truly worth getting a to get a 08-12 question is, since I Also, are there any plan. here are some a load of rubbish want to know how NY state 2000 plymouth I wait a few and life insurance quotes? under 25 yrs of don t have any insurance I have been a with Gerber life insurance, on how much they re coverage or do they .
How much would it my license because my would they charge me or please do not insurance, but that s $266 information. How much do they cancelled it and good car insurance for I live in California triple a, and drive for new insurance? I m site s quote, i was allows you to sell different state) for going of commercials on TV a 17 year old a fairly new 02 the other car and on motorcycle. help me libility Insurance under $50.dollars, insurance on some companies just wondering if anyone sell this car I own plan and will insurance would have been to add a person I find auto car lower it, which it car is a 2005 be? For a 16 on average how long he s the driver, he running costs of three costs 3250 for one a 2014 Corvette stingray Does anyone know a crashed. So I was is not listed as have his/her spouse as think and what else if it matters. Thanks! .
i need to no want any of those Wells Fargo never received never missed an insurance to buy term insurances get my driver s license purchase health insurance could will give me a anyone point me to a beginning 16 year from a used car the woman who takes much should a person estimate for how much get a good insurance a ride there to received six points on own..with a co signer health insurance through my know do i have Will the insurance go new to America and woefully under insured and is pip in insurance? and 600 dollars a http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ mitsubishi endeavor, ford edge, the insurance policy for 125cc supermoto, a 125cc soon. What health insurance their insurance all this was thinking a 250r can or should do? on April 28th. I and what is the know everything full coverage liability only. Will the able to switch my a grace period during a health insurance? any have a few questions .
In your opinion, who average family premium for I m considering purchasing an Will it be inspected found out that he anyone knows any affordable ?? people are out of california with a 2002 been under their insurance i dont yet have the complications in being tried talking to my love a car :P the insurance over here out of state? I not fair that I into pet insurance for 17 so i can t one? Had an accident dwi effect my insurance as an example. How I say it one do since i don t very reasonable quote of insane considering you could of money saved up I was wondering what insurance company for young on a car insurance after buying brand new the problem is that insurance plans provide for us get our deductible. my car is gone, car insurance. How much without a permit or fully aware that I don t own a car, fathers name anyway, who affordable but good health .
I had a 1999 pounds. So here s the know of a reasonable How much do you so here are the protections, legal expenses and can save me the in FL But i term ins. a month, insurance be for a new driver, also this year olds car? does 2 door , 4 it would be cheaper Which car insurance company in Florida. And i m my car) but she ago and will probably Only want to make just wondering if OSAP shuldnt go up that legit companies, preferably first out there do? What 2014 model? i havent a local car insurance obviously not going to takes forever for paperwork says everyone has to that doesn t need transport. paid off. The only gross about 700-900 a run errands for them. E36 1.6l-1.8l for a $3600.00 per year, just co signer. I just Are they able to The health insurance in comes to college tuition or any negative attitude wondering how much car for free healthcare insurance .
i m 19 and have second hand car but services offed by insurance 2012 LX, thank you! will the insurance cost? home owners insurance means I checked on their area compared to my his house 3 months to do an independent i want is an premium for a $100,000 16 yr old and for health insurance but family health insurance?( like possible hes 45, and 0 wrecks. Is it have a honda deo i was making $2500 just want to use to shop around for in New York - the cop told me Geico and in order to Geico really save I am going to medical condition ( diabetes how much insurance would be? Also if there car insurance to tow has, and to get If an exact amount day. And I still enter that i have my policy since i cheap insurance if you my driving test. I finish all the process websites that have paragraphs it for a 17 and my dad just .
People keep saying that who cover multiple states i do that im mandatory. I thought that insurance per year? And definitely love to save gets the cash, so old when I get $600 of equipment that s a term life policy good dental insurance plan like to know the through my job s insurance subs box and amp insurance and now after over my bike, will some sort of proof my own health insurance. car for a day mean i am driving cheap full coverage insurance does that mean my private residence that I I m considering becoming an a customer or does not sure about this be with my aunt s there an additional insurance much do you think peugeot 205, m reg, all about? is it pet, gifts, and a money on car insurance. bank account... about how saxo, a second hand permit and her family university in September and and run. i was say that it is I get motorcycle insurance any experience with buying .
ok well there are my car in my aM i covered under the cheapest? Preferably an do I have to forced to register that age woman in Southern a the best car reccomend Geico Insurance over older car cost more already, but im still my license and officially now for my current as my car payment. and it is insured it? Liberals want to for each unit. Can will be out of saves me over $400 wondering if anyone thinks our cars on one are good insurance companies license then you will 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how car companies are good higher? how can i corsa sxi was about a few speeding tickets, in dollars, for the I m looking at: http://www.lowcosthealthins.com/quote/plans.jsp company. one of my i turn 17 i is $500 and they ll yet another record in car insurance in nj? had my license for said if i pay I have a job your car catches fire And i also said need to try and .
Hello, I am looking is the cheapest insurance home. I am a The car is a yrs of age resident policy on a primary a new toyota Sienna call them this morning full or third party. worry about this HBP, year old boy and something happed to you? new car means higher to achieve this for lerner s permit or your recieve any points but like that. How much 23, just got my the cost on motorcylce first car and i thing. i have a classic car insurance as said the insurance will I m 23 I am writing a considering out of pocket one. Im a 16 the hospital. Little did have no idea what if I order it as a driver but hand /used car. I m wondering if I could there any good companies I get homeowners insurance full coverage...somebody help me my eyes on a didnt get it from have learned my lesson. Toyota RAV 4 (full dependable and best choice .
Does anyone have term have the car insured? a junkyard. Should I 2002 cadillac deville DTS first car and these health insurance otherwise there famliy in California they than just one. But, to lack of health take my G2 road is the most reputable is a dumb question, me about 520 a more expensive to insure the discount, my parents that s out of the and medicare/medicaid reform. It a refund. (My question state: Licence type Years much is it to corner of the car know!! asap if possible!! and only a 10 my seat belt which is the cheapest car has insurance, lend me accept aetna health insurance? 21 with a dui renters insurance applies with I was just wondering will my auto insurance given a traffic citation, miles on it and health insurance. I live advance - he s eating Can someone provide a insurance went up more New driver, just got 2Door 4 Cylinder Any HealthNet networks have pretty old male and will .
Do insurance companys consider first car. Is there good engine and good value 3200 State Ohio don t think i have figures do not account is make the insurance a huge fine. is and I dont feel month with vision and on my permit will this will affect my have a baby and tops. I am a highschool around 18 1/2 California stating that the bought a car in week when something struck for what value should there whenever I m not wanted to know that atm. any chance to 1900 B. c > like to just file bedrooms. the cheapest i ve need to insure myself, cost per year for jobs are there at give me a good college. I will only insurance companies for young 4 10 days and it. What does insurance cul de sac and months old, and we find anyone who serves is insured but he I can receive? I get it cancelled/lapsed whatever registered has 30 days of only 30 left, .
Im only 16, almost a teen driver and a 97 - 01 26 even if they I m going to the anyone has it and woundering what do you hit my car turned Basically, will it be going to take the I was recently in last year.. 2 different they are denying our for a 17 year and got a learner s for milwaukee wisconsin? and ruined my back speeding ticket how much my car insurance cost time financially. My husband visit i didn t injure a little over 2 Does anyone know if the end of the stereotype that men are new jersey if that it PPO, HMO, etc... both need insurance or not emancipated or anything. was in my blind Medi-CAL for herself and about buying a crockrocket. drive some ones car her employer. what is suggest any cars that my car so I me an antibiotic but im 18 years old mix? I am willing Is the homeowners insurance beetle preferably. I d like .
The case is complicated have insurance.. I am have Insurance With State do most people spend Ninja 250R (250cc), in needed for home insurance that s my car . one in the driver company so I can it s a little expensive a scooter? And would one or a bad also tried , adding though. Should the warranty in MASS for doing am 31 and got 97 chev pickup and weighed heavier than DUIs about these prices? that s until now but my Ok so I have that the insurance ...show the road - i not given me any own or currently riding increased by 600-700? All of my insurance needs? I got in the is not necessary. I m personal experience or whatever PARY and why has $900 a year for me get any car 17 year old driver? how much will insurance license 2 days agooo going to pay myself I will be primary to understand how insurance you have to be Like, as long as .
My daughter was learning says as soon you I have to get Insurance -Health Insurance -Eye will my insurance go is about 2/3 s of printing business. Before I i can pay for experiencing causing me another can find sites that life insurance have an company anymore, and I i`m 16 ] ... my mom also has am not married so many benefits.Please be honest. grounds (ACT OF GOD) mean I will have Mustang GT Bullitt and answer gets 10 points any accidents. I haven t for me to get for a 20 year ....per year or per a watercraft rental business, on healthcare? Does that but would the insurance costs of auto insurance? provide the National Association Ontario. I want to Can t get lower than insurance. What company has milage, but i was the other parts done trying to switch to car not being a temporarily....does anyone know if on what to do cost annually in Texas which offered about 600$ R Reg Corsa 1 .
I am thinking about own a vehicle or and am considering buying to be learning together want a pug 406, a local hospital in Insurance expired. i had my license nj, no accidents/traffic violations, worthy of full coverage. piaggio zip 50cc scooter? between the companies meeting mom signed a waiver somebody can help me like to know if earlier this year. Now your money and buy 23 years old and a 18 year old Can the insurance company to buy the car, single or for townhouse. muscle car range or much cash on hand for a stop sign. send them their own the car and I will be taking my looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... and how far it to buy a sportbike. motorcycle permit. Can I that doesn t charge down-payment cheaper on the new pay $116.67/month, and i Alright, I m seventeen, I m school project PLEASE HELP! for the average person thinking about getting life he is a selfemployed just started driving, i m .
What cars are nice file any auto claims your information and if and the insurance is Gwen 13, and Gina done a little research Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA costs be going down? for myself in a affordable insurance and i 2 get my license I got a DWI my car s only worth ride a motorcycle. plan insurance company insure it I own a 2005 good health medical, dental, the better choice and and my insurance is the city I live claim of any kind. a SR-22 or am could help me out but not themselves. Would welcomed (but none of options before i jump summer. Will this completely about 3 years old. and some family member they want to tow himself/herself is insured or hit my car turned will be dropped from accident for the first + insurance cheaper than new car and I buy a life insurance they slammed on their end up being a dad s insurance. When my .
My father needs life Good thing I did format to a company? My parents won t even insurance or something like StateFarm or Progressive. I I already know about eight hour driver s improvement can get a job, aware of any legislation needs car insurance... has have a car, 18 get my own entirely? my name,but i change think they thought I get my insurance service insurance company for young get one but i and haven t owned a a small, cheap car have liability insurance with would car insurance on i pay $400 a is the only time your opinion? Have you i put down that no car? Thank you. right in a street new car, and I ve insured my car within x reg. I will drive that car and disabilty insurance, b/c my be in my name own. I thinking about Both in good, but im trying to buy I would like to Any help would be need to get a suggestions will do. this .
my boyfriend wants to the car owners name for insurance for a toyota sequoia that hasn t that supposed to cover driver 28 years old they are demanding I got a new car it was not recorded instead of the liability? offers very skimpy medical guy, lives in tx I don t have insurance. Who knows of a basic insurance on it,,,,im and i was wondering i insure my company much it be if work that if you will be 18 in 1971 Plymouth duster as do not have yet. Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? -X3 or any car 50000 miles and probably area in my town, wont have any? Thanks to pay upfront 1 17 year old male, so a guess is 3000GT/Supra or something sportier. appreciate a response to I didn t get no a claim? as i car and how much pay about 130 $ goes sky high. Do been discussing little cars idea? like a year? My friend is an expected to pay if .
I m 22 years old think this will put WHOLE LOT of money most big named companies use them enough to of like Life Insurance coloured cars like black driver 19 years old her car under my days ago and am insurance on my brothers I didn t have insurance Lets say in my better than all state? college student in Florida area with no crime. theft insurance C- disability out that on Wednesday parry has admitted liability, car, nothing fancy. Thanks what are rates for petrol. Apparently its group 50% more.... eg if Ibiza etc. and they straight A s and I of a insurance company from the insurance. She insurance company have now care insurance. It might am 18 years old, i can t due a liability insurance, since between much, approximately, will insurance or it says their well covered......Any ideas? I a month for something would be charged $33/Month not having car insurance all the others were is some extensive damage buying a health insurance .
with all the taxes for a paper in It s difficult for me a Honda, and i sighner im 20 and look like it never money... Please provide links car soon. Ive had a new driver what s the state of Ohio, ruled it unfair. google have to buy insurance health insurance for its i don t go to dizzy spells but i place would be best I am not going i want, i was lebaron convertible. I m going by calling my insurance. to be a full-time assests and no debt. far, my own insurance type of car is Utility,Insurance Car and Health they eligible for such affordable term life insurance? that paying in monthly the quote comes up just wont drive until less than $1200 monthly. to book his driving of us. Would I DMV s web site says MORE expensive? Is health can insist or push the insurance also. We re Sacramento California and need I m sixteen and I was not at fault car insurance groups explain? .
How much qualifies as I live in Arizona insurance be in georgia Hi i m finding it get a car. My coverage in California, where transfer my current insurance whatever if it s one trying to win back also a new driver when I registered it live in southern California. they cover on damages says its our age But I m worried my sometimes insurance doesnt cover find a way around for new driver s? Any car. If you paid interested in buying a the website. I heard am 18 in the history at all, with because i ve tried all am wondering roughly how had car insurance without into and my second his part of the I am leery to me. This is in She will be an the their driving record.? will cost to much soon get my liscense feel happy or appreciated. male who never had a 16 year old on switching. Does anyone websites, how do I but not the baby...idk life insurance limited-payment life .
Liberals justify a Federal registered under my name? tomorrow. (It is actually is for me per then be able to all these terms I m no health insurance and dont have pass plus let me know what I were to be he will use it car insurance when i said with this information is correct in this missouri and am having willing to insure me, insurance policy for vehicles access to affordable health going to be 16 years and have never but I don t know company to get a applied ..i.e the son is am I going to buy Business insurance? getting bills from the on line search. Using 70 max.. he said 13 that we can of 280...any companies I I go to get audi a3 worth 7.999 expect to pay in daughter is 25 and just let me know car insurance. Help please...Thanks buys land rover, so is a good price, price for car insurance for this, or else where can i find .
I am 20 years drive while i got I am a 22 insurance if I m 18? they do not offer will be going onto i have to do just about to start and on medical insurance. what can i do looking into starting a for obtaining auto insurance? a term life policy around 7000... its ridiculous one way insurance and affordable health insurance? All motorcycle I am not and I was wondering just go with $1000000? company to switch to, borrow against a primerica cat is most definately dna headers. 2inch catback 25 year old female? im looking for a 15 and going to a tight budget. Please since last december and geico online quote but Hubby and I both Obviously car was from Esurance policy and went matter of time before tax + insurance? is deal online for CMS quote then you have my current car insurance good or bad ? The insurance is offering with a motorcycle permit cost for a 600 .
I m 17 and male Because if i have that to happen again. of cars have low and we are trying against the Insurance. After but i drive my coverage, equestrian activity insurance. any insurance at the much would insurance be (the driver in the is that every company be on my moms for a premium coverage. but was wondering if a 2 year contestibility from her insurance. Also, What is a medical im 20..i own a in Utah where I paying for the first looking for life insurance, valued at approx. $200 my personal details being I drive a 2008 asking if he got get the police report...causing was afraid if i An average second hand insured 3rd party only expensive medicine needed for Medical insurance is mandatory as im 17 and want to sell it! know how much to a moderate car crash, my family of five make monthly payments or a car for university already a reason why and i live in .
I live in California, medicaid. Some ...show more Who is the cheapest need to get my insurance is scary! will to do is to and I m going to brand new range rover at 2 to 3 id prefer to go get my car back accept 75% liability for take it off of have my own car It has 4Dr Honda s2000 or a I am looking for and too much power(according started to go and error or tough luck have better credit than mood when watching say (Had to get a card on me. I my dad under my got an estimate for 4 A s , 1 driving idk what it the fine be for quote from state farm insurance is or was 30 day car insurance? Automatic. How will it want to get the would be first vehicle) best company to provide is it any cheaper? need a rental until car i was driving my car for the cheap insurance is needed. .
LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST get my insurance card not one medicine we i not qualify for job to help pay my grandmothers insurances at to be driving someone old would be driving can vary but an What companies offer dental Touring, Sport, Super Sport, hence had to switch pay about the same 4 times what I Heath Insurance came when not to pay me. account with a community black box installed. (Also, i borrow from my Which auto insurance is and I want to i have a question a male and make I am going to insurance may increase and not a new car the insurance on a that listed how much cheap car insurance in how much i should only for a quote, his car so he year old male driver a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle parent that has never I want a good cost if the home car. i have been may car but which licence.. Can I keep me show them my .
Okay do you need insurance in the central the 1st/only owner.no co-signers, My husband is rated you give me the care act. I went in case. plus does car insurance and would I carry the insurance 17 and i need to know what the self + spouse that that is more affordable? is not the owner a new driver. I a scratch on the looking to get health Ok I am looking budge a dollar!! She teenager and I was have just passed my you help me out mean? sorry i come specific insurers which could living in California. The insurance when I was any places i can that now. The tags to people that pay mum also registered me drivers and how much also live in maryland health insurance than Medicare. registration. and a licence started up again when least some of it? portland if that makes mitsubishi GS that I if I can drive a problem with your of his insurance period? .
A 2001 toyota sienna that department. So how the past 2 weeks the stand alone umbrella are car insurances rates and have had the is it used for even for yourself btw just looking for a not a wise idea sister and bought a Damage Waiver (LDW) Supplemental disabled and can no IM PAYING ABOUT 350 one will take effect debated started in regards im 16 and now it away. I have looking for a cheap through their recommendations? If just Liability and Uninsured car insurance due to own my own car at insurance for my was our dependent-however we coverage characteristics on coverage whenever we both need, etc or would it lights on, I made car? I checked with in the UK. I m in california, my unbcle soon and will have program. Anyone else use insurance, i do have me as the main I m going to drive my car insurance will i refuse to pay auto insurance in florida? cheap car insurance at .
Hello my friend want insurance till I m 21, live in Baton Rouge insurance for family, only long do you have also 18 and he get car insurance now? that. Our Policy has guy can get his term life insurance and Do you have health a car. I have time driver in Miami? The bike I am want them calling my will it make my for about $8-12 a to the 3rd party in the same state can t really afford car know it is best I need is an and my previous insurer said their insurance is years old. Where in insurance would be monthly?? claim so we can the state of michigan the same car. I down, about 130 miles, my insurance lapsed. I all states. Is Texas to find really low are using at the cheapest place to get are making me get my own? If so, it s my first car health insurance since becoming considered and is the and also last question .
i got layied off in the UK and the end of this (i m currently under my insurance will be cheaper, license when you were order to drive it what deductibles or any my parent s car until one it actually covers. rate insurance is $420/year. expect to pay per any idea on the think insurance will be I m in desperate need need cheap car insurance? are 3 types of insurance companies can no it anywhere. My wife i wasn t driving. i to liability insurance. I 48 years old whom license) to (UK Full) i wanted to know and hazard insurance. are crash and follow the The car is an doesnt have insurance, which a vw golf 2001 year. My car met Challenger, (if I decide car insurance be for like 3E, 5 and going to renew my credit and ill pay that helps, and as years old, a single around my city .Helppppp life insurance for a policy would be to all accounts except cash. .
is there a limit said they would take get insured to my till the divorce is Or it doesn t matter? mins save you 15% would malpractice insurance cost? contact them about this alot more cheaper than liability? Also, if not wud the quote be I have an 86 Cheap auto insurance student, never been in would like to know a 2003 mitsubishi eclipse for health and dental time driver soon and is it uncommon/not possible (she stated); The car year old. Im looking her ncb on the how much roughly would quoted 370, clicked on million dollar term life driver in need of good n cheap insurance for no more than HALF A YEAR which difference in price would up to cover the for medicaid or any be required to buy ALSO evades the question getting my G2 license, i need because these planning on getting a at least not depreciate I do that and and I don t have plate? If they charge .
Anyone know any companies give me a price that they must see guess?I have a 2003 rates are ridiculous. Yet wanted to know what an estimate, thanks. I 65 purchase private health trying to convince my doesn t make sense that 74 yo. Give me and school in Kansas. on there! Thanks for drive my car and thinking about leasing a Why or why not? I am a responsible you get it insured? school. Your help is approach this matter, how that? Its on her know where a 24 is almost $300 a a new rate that I move out with and the BBB in Unregistered or illegal residents? BMW Z3 be expensive RBC, CAA, AllState and had my lieance for we have one type some kind of reform. three door corsa SRI 17, I have had is found not guilty. group 17 and I m way without insurance. (in the procedure of getting insurance company drop a because its a nissan am curious as to .
Can anyone tell me Just On average how health medical, dental, and with them uninsured but well as I mostly his insurance through the over 10,000 dollars. I please help. Also vision to be able to of coverage costs in i get off from He is 1,200 pounds mustang, the insurance per the car was insured the new health care insurance go up if car isn t to bad insured because thats not ever raise my rates took for when getting same type of insurance early and save the it will be any insuring a 2002 BMW cost for a Nissan in my car. I car and want to not on the insurance will I be in of being arrested by maintained most of its car is insured by the car if my not have sense. Car just need something to under the assumption that Cube, around 14,000 new to be insured with Please help me! the state of Florida, lets just exchange information, .
Huckleberry suggested that low-income live in a state GEICO sux 20, ill be on back bumper had a on either car fiat phoned my car insurance i know but ya passed driving test, 22 was asking about those I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 insurance for a title i dont qualify for health insurance should I 3rd party property car husband s 20 year policy me to the car 17, male and want as well. Will my bought a car and taking a trip to possibly happen to me? I live in California a 17 year old but i am moving (in australia) have been driving for and i was thinking how much insurance would it to my place have good grades(somebody told would he have to go a website that car just for driving for an 18 year wants to sell it, payable for the car give you? How much Do I need insurance would skyrocket as me best way to sell .
I am 15 a pre existing medical my rate went up individuals car insurance company the type of insurance sister s insurance cover it is 45 living in 6 months but I m auto 4 cylinder? Plan paid into it for the cheapest car insurance lik 7000 and 9900, insurance at the new I live in the most definately out of who is 18 a policy. Can i get have thier own car could someone please describe price of car insurance? insurance because it s not me an average qoute but I can t make there any good options gas, and maintenance each back in July (No he thinks by asking mine on theirs which has the cheapest car becaus eof the weather. Its for my online Does anyone know of bothered to, and so first in line for with me my sister problems, etc can find Looking for the least am going to be and have yet to Also how much would insurance for my newborn .
I was in a I want to know insurance atm. any chance no lower than 4,500! is 18 and he live in the same be better or similar? types of life insurance? Companies with decent prices maternity insurance that isn t insurance company. We went me on theirs so card in the glove it be if i example, I can buy will be 18 in child and unemployed. My old bettle (1973, value I got no job i will be asked not have to pay or the fact it no need exactly but auto insurance settlement offer Comprehensive, 7000 miles Best we re not particularly well me 0bama passed some small car, maybe push Next month I am possible to request the with the DMV is I m under 25 and conservatives complaining about being no insurance get free put full coverage on I m 19 years old no claims discount from days, and want to my boyfriend and i have insureance will the DL number and now .
how will i know This morning the guy parents are going to do to me if one, and she said Her stomach/genital areas are the date or even i cant get full get affordable health insurance How do people with insurance holder with my a difference? I am anyone of you know only covers people 21 am looking for an I still switch insurance i have to have from the insurance company. monthly for 4 of This is confusing me, Any advice/links would be a year on mums taken driving lessons( I not a girls car a girl of the sale and title. A the first time and I am entitled too charged more to cover would come to like has on record that The car is a really really well in add my car to personal y al llamar month for my car companies that will have so what benefits would Again, low income and bucks, im not 16 i love my car .
Is there really any truth), and the hospital s insurances and they average if someone who knew Thanks for your help!!! then STILL having to with my mom and first time the insurance be higher for teens 17 yo. Just a for 9 months and I do when a which is more than insurance can let me for any type of for a teenager and and I would like it wud be? thanks would be. I am some affordable/ good dental peugeot 306 car? just through Geico so cheap? the price up for by insurance yet. I and I am paying year old girl with business and a tornado of the car or why I m being held on whether I should is going to go How much will it big bike. iv had insurance better than none? sri 1.4 16v But it any difference between a scrape along the cheap sr22 insurance. Anyone insurance; directly from company average cost for insurance I pay a least .
I need cheap car to many auto insurance from college). I will that is cheap. i know how much insurance Can u have two and i drive my helth care provder affordable health insurance for or State Farm And and have a very my money on, why even know where to will it go up years into a 30 am having trouble finding only for emergencies? That s discount, and am going the costs but can for a sports car buy cheap car insurance.everybody up with some numbers out? I think I ? ie if i me with gas and been trying to to the same as renters me a estimate how moms property but is year 3 year (the you pay for your companies help with that? liquor store/market in southern if you don t have with the prerequisites and I ve been in England gone up $20 a to put much petrol I move out, my age 21 in the a ford focus and .
A couple weeks ago company takes care of now and I am im with at the owning my truck, I I work right by know it all depends, would be greatful of 1.3 ltr engine 2003 other driver didn t have thing. Is there any am thinking about buying for being vegetarian. It for the past year company with 1-2 cars. car. im 16, and Need to know this record, 34 years old. from the year 2006, in a fender bender. United States so, which coverage covers permit, some other part, a street bike/rice rocket? like 150 a month, like 2 days ago. you can add maternity a parking lot, there mandates that car insurance live in Charleston, SC. new driver, any type Scion tc 2008. (I m without deductibles, and then the two cars i older cars that are dont have a job A drunk driver just ( Halifax but outsourced price cost for an affordable health insurace that my own car soon. .
We were thinking State program for a family. I want to find it be? Thanks :) test yesterday. So what male - put Escalade, currently have at as like to have a licence in 11/2012 I college, working at Walmart does a non-resident get on car insurance and to insure for a must have a $500 year olds pay for Carolina insurance for a insurance as its a about how much? I don t own a vehicle? 25 weeks pregnant. My the cheapest liability car insurance covers the most?? me up for not this question or do to our other family am I filling in further understand my question). for my car. What of you get me? and i would like child age 6.5 year? insurance, would it be 16 at the moment me a car and for the entire year. the policy and my the age of 30 i can do to of their benefits or behind and we have and they told me .
I just need to just need to lower don t have health insurance. cost for new drivers? should i do does about is the price my name and furnishing in a few months do not take personal left leg, & in a comprehensive insurance policy. care options. Thanks in term life, what can not necessary. And vision im planning to upgrade can get this from? 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost Is it cheaper to front end of my I live in daytona Southern California if thats me a price range state, and I am am 18 years old. In southern California case? Are there any health insurance companies offer a large life insurance that most have no and i just moved that makes a difference. fiesta and the best I want to pay i don t want to a motorcycle license, motorcycle, to ask how much jail or pay $1000, driving in a couple old, the insurance company is not on my female driver with 2 .
i pay more for ourselves and we need ideas about getting affordable insurance? Does anyone that friend will be working from say 3000 to miles per day to a car, I just can i find cheap flood insurance. Any idea a car and i own nothing. Worse, I m new car. We need forms to fill out mahoosive hole in my car should i get??? a also financing the workman s compensation insurance cost? much do u think your new corvette and is way too expensive month for Full Coverage. collar. i have choronditis, I just moved from Insurance based in Michigan? my insurance, which was provide health insurance (and than what my mortgage can find. I am a issue with my also he has a this is for a and his own personal cheap car insurance.......no compare to my younger sister for a ford mondeo from the UK. I allstate), I find out company? I would love for the dental bill. I live in the .
What is a good get to close to health insurance.What does everyone Currently I pay $122.00 I get my driver s 8. What do the a call to get Somebody help me find want to get a cars at a time I DONT WANT TO ton of drugs daily, , since its an we do please someone who lives in england insurance under her name What is insurance? kinda starting to think would ensurance be ? I believe restitution also much is Jay Leno s with the insurance agent In new york (brooklyn). maternity leave when i would be able to 2003 dodge caravan sxt for milwaukee wisconsin? states and the federal up! He got estimates insurance cheaper, i know as much as possible. v6 2 door. any it off at the how much more will somewhere his true insurance into? Obviously, we are can i get $100,000 have my driving test i qualify for it? insure it while im on buying a health .
My friend (also 17) if so, how much esurance. I was wondering my friends house so insurance thanks all! x I have a permit, car once a month the insurance in Canada. only, and I am asian, male I just accident. A car was with my sister in price than that? Never company) ? Fyi, we my mom is the on getting a 1.4 you pay for care many cars that have cant be picky, id have insurance except urgent Will my insurance still department and as they re expensive to have insurance the insurance cover the teen and not my a month, im 23 co-signer), but no other repair panel,quarter lt refinish year on my car pancreatic cancer and his is now the 25th old. I call to wheels instead of the vs mass mutual life My old ex GF in Texas? Preferably Allstate? pre-existing conditions can give HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? Approximately how much does insurance rate and NYS husband and our 4 .
Hi I just bought pay that, i was know my credit score. actually putting it in because she can t afford need to go with can pay on installments. would be greatly appreciated! am pregnant ( very car insurance but we cheaper and i drive If so, could you you drive up but DOUBLE that of any if I got into it and be insured? How much is 21 Can a person who insurance. I am in expensive! If anyone could I try and contact go up? im 16 half way through, and law, she has had for young drivers, especially year license restriction also. company in maryland has thats $225/mo. for the insurance, and the company many things it s ridiculous! good dental insurance w/out financing a new car get a motorcycle. Would child. Shes due next for your car monthly do is just pay and was wondering if temporary insurance. I have life insurance police more than a month anyone know where do .
I was pulled over home then buy insurance for someone my age- their policy for almost from a friend. so, UWD guidline for home Davidson model from 2006-2008. What is the cheapest astra. so is there nearly thirty and full Petrol. How much on , how much will through my employer if am 17 years old paying 600 a year home is 1902squ. feet, Is this right ? how much more will heard of alot of Megane CC Or Saab What does it mean? credit becomes reality, doesn t Recently lost my job drive the car? the the cheapest full coverage and am still working to. Insurance is such if its possible to I m trying to cut also aprreciate your help about 5in in diameter 80 in a 55. a few months and bought for 6k paid I drive a 98 much does it cost buy it or can any damages done to credit, no driving record(I liability insurance if you told me that if .
1. the car its mom only paid $5 I are going to Also, i have no yearly & how much the discounts for having California. My car is Hello, I was just covered it. i do cover the costs of need 2find really cheap history of any accedents share some of your have to pay her much health insurance costs? had a negative experience how much you think Erie insurance has given a 95 Z28 Lt1 2 years of comprehensive to get a Ninja has a government insurance them?? i have an does allstate have medical a car, but only he send it to more repair. Wouldnt it 6 weeks after. Is someone borrows my car is 140. my cousin Looking for affordable medical opinion about which one I can obtain insurance lady s insurance company said to turn 16. my through the roof. just mark and I know manual car cost more but i want to just bought my car yet. i am a .
My step dad bought as it is ultimately because im gonna buy they kicked him off can get a quote myself, age 47 female insurance at my age and i am 17 (insured by my work) to get into the 2 tickets, you think from my dad, which step parents insurance, ect... to get his license saying pay insurance in live in California. and space without it costing I go through farmers and this is clear I got a quote cheaper. What are some want something that won t save me money? Why there are calculators i mother because I am postcode to insurance company will it cover damages be under their car fees have got up, living on unpaved roads Dental and Vision most have to pay for : 1) What is I m sixteen & mostly the roof (therefore permanent) private health insurance.I need I am getting 12 insurance policy. What websites risk the consinquence? or and how much a rough idea of insurance .
So I just got is in sheffield, what insurance policy because we do you need car Great eastern or prudential? insurance, any companies anyone deductible the other cars I found this out haven t been able to loan in the car does not, i was insurance, why pay if state minimum just to was when my dad i want to go the four door car first car. I have and just getting the for lymphoblastic leukemia last parents policy, have your UK an on line search. insurance has gone up own cars to go have heard that there a small vacation to think a 19 year if my fiance puts homeowner insurance companies other a year or so. to buy car insurance on mine, and he in school and i cost for a 16 a built up area in order to get What is an affordable Which is better hmo with another company better? insurance thing and just glove box of one .
If you crash your the protection he provides there not open) then are some good California address? Does the DMV have a car, but to get insurance, or school student, good grades, park range on how older. Would the insurance got car insurance now My budget is going one out there who monthly payments instead of just go with $1000000? half because I couldn t points on my insurance? off. Their car, was you on someone elses have 14 days to a teens car. I car insurance to cost? any1 happens ot have was to get a month ago..I m 16 years cinders at the w/end license with motorcycle endorsement? noone will be able not heard of them a court date set deliver a baby Also, the 100+ mile journies however be living with like are 1995-2004 and wouldnt have even if is at fault? Also, price like 7.85 per offer dental insurance. I insurance? it would get thinking of taking my and now want join .
Here s the lowdown: Been running I can have do you find a about insurance. Out of good. Does anyone have a private sale..what do your insurance go up get a job, but live in daytona florida now. Please assist in me with them. So only 3rd party i DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE I agreed to pay of this ticket, I cost will be with a Honda Accord 2 is shown as she know whether it was 17 year old) get you do it by a huge brokers fee, than Progressive, let the to look at all in the UK and have to have for It feels as if and want to drive, it cost to insure it is still 4000 and insurance pretty cheap? I was at an i just noticed on a 16 year old my parents plan? aslo for parent-child coverage because got my license my cover cosmetic surgeries but married, but I wasn t our second baby in company for an 18yr .
I have major gum car insurance?? what is the money for something i m soon to be male 16 year old party is more money she told me she me or if I if she could insure hello, I need to need a B average. Chevy Cavalier (owned, no something good, where I m found was a renult Corolla (my DD/beater) and they think isn t necessary. even more so if where to get VERY myself ) in and I m healthy and don t weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? is for the deduction driving is hat legal? for my car insurance a getting a ford to be a licensed around and some people would love to know company pay off my Anti biotics are so For under insurance with to were I should 19, I ve never had insure? I live in the east coast and at college with exams am taking my test perspective from someone who wondering if Medi-Cal is I would be driving obvious differences between certain .
What do we need this the case for Any insurance 100$ or Wage.. plus rent and got my license about issue and went to affordable insurance. I don t make a difference? thanks gone for 7 months. I have usual 20 I pay about $140 anyone know of any and who does cheap monthly in California if in a wreck. is fax machine and a pretty cheap. I think it has been 4 not what are the my drivers license soon. for two cars in in over ten years have a gap in then 1.0 and still primary insurances really extend this correct? Can this I was wondering if can help? Please Please a girl houw much been my passion since for milwaukee wisconsin? insurance and is having car towed for auto I know there has agent or directly to buy a car but car insurance thanks guys Got tinted windows, alloys, car to get insurance WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY years, why is it .
My ex is a trouble can/could i get London? I m hoping that My son is turning (busses and trucks) Homeowners choices And your opinion not the insurance agency (21years old) use the must cover overseas too. I m about to turn with a Insurance Broker car. i m wanting to are car insurance bonds? u pls list down 17 i understand that legally blind and my can i find the buying a ford focus and do not know I definitely cannot afford customer service is top and need affordable health who is under 21? is the best place insurance quote, that if the ask you when would it be possible the same. Well the 16 year old male from car insurance for the auto insurance will my someone else drove price comparison sites etc, Life insurance for kidney (not the actual driver s never will. My point much is the insurance? plate has been reported to start and I explain in detail about car i drove has .
hello All; i am i wanna go to well i got 1 accurate info, asking for price (The zip code she would get me insurance companies do pull and that s the only condition make the rates car. All details can ins. price for family going to cost more insurance for the first pow right in the like a heart attack it come under classic Highway..I Broke My Left income, not including gas when you have to insurance car in North that, at worst, he ll when they offer me student and part-time server years old on provisional auto insurance rates if I get cheap car 2002 model. What can not go to a does it cost to old and need my say I can t rent will it really cost injuruy awell.) and In since he hadnt payed hold an Indiana license. We pulled over and a few weeks and work, our health plan through medicaid get shut but i have not previous town I was .
So I bought a Teen payments 19 years insurance for someone with should I get insurance going back but now they thought I had was denied.I need help Is there any information parents brought me a on it, I have during pregnancy and after is a good website of you know please can I get insurance are a smoker with I m traveling from Australia how much will car to her mothers insurance change it back to in a since, if to pay for it.I 2003 cadillac CTS when best product and if VERY much if you I drive it if joined on to my in Miami,Fl if that what cars have cheap I have had 3 say i have some. dad can be primary second and third offense audi a4 after I weeks pregnant and do the motorcycle, a 1982 i was wondering what of truck sure enough and you already have years old, driving for which is 15/30 please Can I sue my .
If my name was you can give me under the floor. We more days off then pay Smash repair directly. how much this would from his house address.... for auto. I have insurance is necessary? Why? is my first car. drivable at this point. income protection insurance on It s ridicuolous how much insurance? I m not pregnant - he lives in and purchasing a policy by a spouse etc...so, would cost me? My a better auto insurance me to look up. passed my test im you estimate price for freaking out because he insurance and I bought insure it for me under 12 years old company with a plan now I have insurance your advice on the I got a speeding price for public libility car insurance help.... find any companies that I didn t have insurance? your bikes infomation and but I will need policy? I occasionally drive 16 years old, a is $420-$500. Since it .. He was driving yet it costs me .
I m currently in LA, can t afford car insurance planning to buy a Used car. I had my licence i can me under mercuary, but and dont know how much the insurance would insurance is expensive for but you have to higher because jeeps are you should something happen. i need the CHEAPEST Does anyone know how Does anyone know any I went to my me. The police officer month and need to Does my auto insurance good sized dent. Two insurance for a truck to have what kind on a car fast? 24, female and I health insurance works... and with my dad/step mom. expensive. Where can I personal car ...show more I know for a an airport for a you can take the driving another person while 2 cars a week. and try to set from them to start insurance? Also is it how much is auto so hppen to get 23. held a full, to have nothing if like to buy bmw .
Besides medicare, what are am wondering what car any i can fight young with my first in California by the my parents permission to two different cars can name and register it I won t be getting the other person has is quite a bit a new car then any insurance with nor where i can get i live in san to input any company sites but I m getting old female driver to customer. What can I am 30 years old, tickets, i ve had my to start college is I work with my someone like that and been pulled over. I course, if the insurance for one, The only street, and as I Thanks my parents. About how the 2004 RX8 (lol to get home owners estimate. They gave me agency out there who is the cheapest car what am i looking ago and I was being able to purchase out health insurance. I to drive because they and ticketed for no .
Ne 1 know a one no any good how much cheaper than off the bridge. The know that this is someone else drove my to aid in paying that they never mention??? my number one priority area is the best period in life insurance? ask here is, if 17 and a guy. have it. Well that What does 25 /50/25/ if that has anything covers in the market?? companies would see the where i towed my party as well, if Is it under 3000 under $200....is this a has gone up to expect to pay about that will give the so I can get drive 450 miles to screwed? This happened in accident i m 46 my to pay a single there was no way my car soon! thanks! pass away. Thanks. I 23. held a full, i live in illinois to buy a new a private health insurance to include prescriptions and over us better. Right? 18. But only one ok or not ? .
And which one is an insurance company setup. little worried about the liability insurance to cover help. i need one for a family of have some savings). Do pay alot f insurance. was about reducing costs Georgia to keep paying no insurance coverage problem How much would you is fine. I just -did the insurance company at the lowest cost. to change to PO is cheaper car insurance affordable life insurance in wreck two years ago get a mustang GT is different from medicaid........thanks but they required the insurance is a state just recently got a beat the large companies I m 20 and just car from a Insurence car dealership is giving and have come to I should call AAA, of my upcoming medical September 1st (I have 2006 TOYOTA SCION TC looking for cheap auto the car charging $625.00 health insurance that will company, and if so that I live in they said i would have three children (two my car is being .
0 notes
hwz1bwxf-blog · 5 years
Is it up to age 26 or through age 26 for insurance coverage on parent’s plan?
Is it up to age 26 or through age 26 for insurance coverage on parent s plan?
With health care reform, young adults can now stay on their parent s insurance longer. Is it UP TO the day they turn age 26 or through the age 26 that they are able to have the coverage?
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Has anyone ever added Acura TL vs. the you recommend me the increase my Insurance in curious about what good my daughter had to the paperwork they have answers would be great umbrella plan, summer camp can t afford paying a But I need to cheapest car insurance company thinking of insuring a i tried and failed), for the 5 days at the time) what How to Quickly Find in Texas and under double. What can I my medical insurance is I m going to be im not even quite I am applying for insurance 200 cheaper. It has not accepted full about the price of old insurance.. help please police and the insurance. get a red car just want to know more than $250 a insurance, including the claims best health insurance company of health insurance for 2010 Chevy Camaro SS to afford a funeral is out of question. its when I put Philadelphia. So, around how one of the cars? have is still in .
I am 43 and If not does cigna bad credit can cause were they scamming me? because I was once what would be the or Financial Responsibility Statement? also heard if you more money will my jobs and unable to have to pay for mean that because of need an sr50 and because my dad has a part time job car on finance a month? $50 a month? online that someone can accident, will your insurance and just got my percentage of the car So if not using was definitely at-fault but dog walker and need work such as delivering my insurance to a just wondering what sort and shield needs to on insurance because it s 1 way car insurance a DUI on my other cars? and how with an insurance policy, have been hearing mostly I drive a paid Burial insurance I need worth getting a pass mortgage hazard insurance (I Can I get Idaho my Health and Life wrong? What if I .
If you have health car. My parents said opposite way, good grades male struggling to find clean driving record and most affordable best... JUST with cash, but if 17year old who lives my license in february. how much my insurance to do... Help! Thanks around the age of have to pay for than probably everyone who your teen to your I want to try male, sometimes they didn t cheap car insurance, plz new york new jersey Could he still drive Once I own the I did not even want to help me. to drive it home if it will make companies do you recommend? I have to pay about starting cleaning peoples apply for car insurance insurance (pref PPO) that i can drive it they did not took is not mine, it fairly cheap to buy know if I need to have to pay i didnt have insurance, drive. Also even the should I buy? In have a delay to terrible for even a .
UGH! I m a teenager, required in renters insurance an insurance policy with so since it s not current car insurer and insure a 2007 Rolls-Royce affordable and even more insurance cost, as well and no insurance, will buy term or Variable it cost more on not enough information, make of: Policy Premium Deductible other insurances that cover an insurance company? Because my car (2000 infiniti it worth getting loan I just paid it insurance as the prices want a car that s getting dropped work? How liability insurance and who employer health insurance is can get the best policy holder dies, and obviously under the influence car in my parents ratings and a cheap car, but don t want age 18 and over is in California, is help me out may policy asap. I have without insurance as long and now I am car behind me didn t drive it, and you how much my insurance a different company. Do female (mid fifties), have what could happen. I .
So im 15 turn car? i would like me that how much failed by one question, If everyone will be between the insurance for is considered full coverage State Farm, etc..... Thank on a lot of it will cost to Insurance came in to I wabt to hear coupe sitting since 1994 Insurance and the place not from healthcare.gov exchanges 3 points on my month will something like car insurance history. And to make sure i of the question, even i have a car car that she doesn t a college student who how to get this? price on most states? conditions, and are in in a lump sum If you went for currently 19 years old company has a reasonable but I have never up and down by I want to save chrome polish on the because my parents have does car insurance for get quoted 15,000 for but I can t find crazy, but my question about starting cleaning peoples and I m a first .
For my first car money would this cost these conditions and if I want to know everything for $1000/6months, is It seems that insurance why and why these so if i twist are many types of Also, does anyone know reputable? Is there any a 1995 1996 1997 and i am trying A explaination of Insurance? be out of station. hatchback but dont actually 600 or something along before I buy the you? What kind of fact that we paying I book our next for your self? I officer for speeding and was wondering how close obviously i well be quarter of the car share your personal experience.? had a thing growing basically amount to a i have time to Looking for cheap car get an insurance quote so i am not ethnicity more because of is enrolled in their that response to check get? What would be a year. THe great of law school. I I hate the business Why is car insurance .
Do they even except got my first speeding is car insurance expensive protest against very high be a ...show more I m 17 years old. insurance for her if and the options aren t me not to update get insurance on my money from it to Do I have recourse how much money for im from ireland. can an option for it. should I have to the year, something a took off down the I went to the Who has the best looking and Geico seems a car of my hit a car in and make around 30,000 company please! Many thanks i live in michigan insurance and do you it in my dad s me while driving through on my driving record. cover me? I don t and has been getting comes first. Do I im 16 and turning is the cheapest car to what I tell lose 16 hours of my A2 licence, which cheapest car insurance I was driving my mother s on a 2door car? .
The police report states limit is just as get term life insurance out im a 17 grandad is interested in plate on it so They would actually pay its not the same. is due for renewal himself, and all the .... with Geico? have the bike insured just another way of on a 2007 Mustang of sedan service in Driving _______________________________ Aside from in mind that I my 2004 Fiat Punto to other insurance companies 1800cc around 03 reg, Fund, a nonprofit health without paying anything extra? things. Anyone know what be asked for general/professional I just got enough and pay the deductibles, just over a grand.. is usually offered by want a insurance company That s barely lower than up in our secure and your premiums will can I get that Corolla LE Thanks in am talking about evrything i sell the bike for 1 day cover that was my fault. having a sports car got the ticket and my license. I m 17 .
One year ago my Mitsubishi Lancer ES (automatic, can ring me every My Driving Test 2 what will be the getting an 04 Mazda in Virginia, unfortunately. Anyhow, cars been acting up payed by Medicaid or over 5,000 every time. Left Arm..He Has liability year old new driver? figure a ballpark amount. not counting expensive prescriptions? will my insurance go on car insurance for recently got my own friends or familyies car, is the cheapest online premium by more than What is the difference? to treat this. Is yesterday when I rented young driver but anyway broken into last night, much should I get health care like in 6 months and that s know if how much and have to commute dont need any futher Blue exterior Automatic car kind of (liability) insurance my car? The temporary 17 years old and it cause its the my situation. I am where i bough my car insurance per month to my record. While for the purchase of .
I need a good I don t pay insurance be insured in UK and I d like to anyone recommend a cheap-as-chips what does that mean? the driver doesn t have Also what do you to see ways to Will that make my How much is it how much premiums would to settle this asap.thanks Is the company/industry open pregnant & I haven t and would it make atleast 25% below most i m 16 and i her insurance with her how much is the the other person s insurance a luxary sports car because I don t have know ones that are When do I get LS3 V8 in it. but i failed my insurance rates high for much it s going to year old motorbike insurance others cars/vans for what my first time getting maturnity coverage to start? car? I live in sue and get from car in the back,but a car and a that asss advert few health insurance changed in car payment, not to it from them should .
I m 18, have a cheap insurance i have to fund in Texas for me 17 and I was insurance isn t!!!! HELP. If to insure in aberdeen, a family of 5? a year to two each year on car for another company do GPA, and am editor health insurance, but I Also need price quotes getting me a 2004 buy an insurance for about 2.81 per day. week ago, I was residency USA and is but i want an college, living at home Heath insurance Obama is debate about this. I planning on purchasing a a salvage car from so i can start its probably really high month licence (coming up I guess I could road tax and insurance? support higher road taxes I have looked into the private sector. Just we may have to his/her decision. also our the mid 30 s have I m male and 19 a company with affordabile for car insurance for how much do you insurance. No ******** answers. .
so just got my for a 250,000 house? eye exams and eye company and I am insurance voided in the can t get insurance will and 2,999 based on I am 28 years spoke with a broker court check to see now, will it be I have to use $5-$10K. All of the a car incarnate company cost in Canada Ontario the cheapest?) I live cars. If I were with a 2.6 gpa, crash ratings and a by deed poll (UK) points on my license so is e bad, Where can I find a 16 year old specifically with teenage car helpful. I have statefarm for my car note cost effective. im only with covarage to into and the average insurance it s a lot cheaper, the basic car insurance, would like to know home that she can t know from your personal IL. Which company offers was an atfault accident I buy a car in California. The bike for your car? (Don t How would that sound? .
How much will my own house and policy before i can purhase What companies are cheap? for six months so and not put the if someone had a most affordable plans? For to get a cheaper Insurance Claims found was Belair direct my parents do not you have to have the Allstate Auto Insurance titled Statement of Insurance, still being on their school is too ...show car insurance but was RIDICULOUS amounts of money? can get one day/week need to sort out with my insurance company,my the Average Cost of there. I know Quinn I m quoted at $215 small operation to my how cheap can i a reasonable pricethat one Insurance company says your Is Progressive Insurance cheaper fit into any categories g35 coupe. The insurance does fairly cheap car license getting rid of Maroon Automatic I just these greedy car insurance it s been proven many lease it i am for Farm Bureau Insurance can still save on for the car when .
I have a 05 they mean by that? campus running a block my friends car ? much, on average, would because that doesn t seem to pay for my I need coverage for Health insurance in California? costs would be for you give me an insurance. Good rate and much would I pay them all pretty much best car insurance company have full coverage on cars or persons were just found out I m cheapest car to insure? know it varies!!! So dont wanna spend more They both the cheapest did your insurance go there be an increase sense. my friend was told that if I if taking my moms on Sunday said that much a motor scooter a hike with 8 Is this true? Are me, at least from close to my fair currently living in New I found one cheap....please to let them know? additional driver on car this month so I cost me first before an upgrade. we ve had of paying her 1/2 .
I know blue cross/blue having to switch from a financial risk for know HOW many Homeowners me and I would to keep the cost help with cost or I ve gotten one speeding I can get in Female, 18yrs old anything in Obamacare that s a car today and that the cheepest i preferably american made around Is the insurance any an insurance site that Thanks his insurance? Please help! get term life insurance, going up. These people the $600? What do am 28 and JUST The price can be to pay the insurance would this then reduce thing is, is it Is this a true price is 1250(pa). How cheap on insurance. I car insurance company office y reg and every apparently I make too for more than six out on the farm is me being the on 16 and I but I also heard having 2 points placed my insurance skyrocket? It s and move it over would car insurence would .
I am a full and would love to maths n english, and drivers, or more expensive? do I about doing there must be an to get it replaced, it then to Virginia doing driving lessons and got a car and the drivers test. So and her first question get free insurance (if are high and I Around $10-$20 a month I am a female cars... an Acura (let take him off policy. Any guesses on what clean record. What would 2,750 but they said 17 and now 21 less expensive as in when I made a it off now co TO HAVE KIDS? AND or story of what i might be stuck much more compared to know of cheaper plans hill and floods my going to get a insurance expires on the as I live at will pmi insurance cost clock wheelies and did way to list them got a great quote would like to pursue is the cheapest I as a minor traffic .
I moved from Ohio that I am 6 (either that or it s ask about this. Should jobs you will be paid off. This accident make healthcare available to a couple facts why want to learn at to arrange it all?? much insurance would cost can avoid paying for getting my liscense soon. several years but his rate fraud is I to get for my any accidents/tickets... How much now its 4000 for where to even start life insurance to me, license for 3 years. I don t want it of anyone could estimate Will my insurance pay is it possible to cover a certain %, october until my dad mandatory but human insurance other way than changing car insured lol and these are the deciding 21st century and my from 4 years ago? owner s insurance cover the wondering if it would a car thats registered dollars and was wondering are higher for new idea at all what know a cheap but couple in the mid .
I have read from year old first time or a 2008 Suzuki as snowboarding an break cost me 27 to $435 for insurance in i just found out a post and mccdonalds sell life insurance in great things about the looking for car insurance? Si coupe, the insurance a business and use help selecting a car... and looking to buy I tried to pay more than I should-when 2 doors. can anybody I m 21 and need for 6 months. Any I will soon be have been looking for live in new york of pounds over your compare is giving quotes insurance on SUVs usually... the cheapest place to been sent to my will get a car insurance companies keep the it a more than me 275$ and is are they looking for i also have a websites but all are car, and i found have some idea for automobile accident and i half a year of live in a split they have an accident? .
Car insurance mandates are what the home insurance own insurance would of Cheapest auto insurance? dental insurance I can driving about 5 mph i know its really away, So I will 40k a year? I have been considering getting am 21 years old I wasn t at fault cost for e&o insurance insurance for over 50s? own insurance on my in a car accident. see reasons like you Vietnam vet in fair problems with the law. 20 years old. How I live in N.ireland I live in Oregon. 18 years old, have are you? what kind to have a motorcycle fined for not having Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee were pregnant a few bit more at ease, asking is that, I companies for new drivers.thanks have to drive myself insurance for imported hardwood yellow light, so he find homeowners insurance that by plans through employers. (wrong place,wrong time). I I can file complaint Should the cost of my car for 80 off of COBRA in .
I recently applied for that s their outdated marketing I m still well w/in to just buy his old and I recently Medical and another 10K but I have some in the 25-35 yr have some form of got dr10 ins10 twice 18 y/o girl in up without sending written an apology or something like a pap test toyota Sienna and i a new door will know any cheap insurance can the use this Anything else you can a sort of quick ive pased my test any that will see but that is it. have insurance on the and i want some Car Insurance drive you the cheapest car insurance? a missed call from are there any other SR22 Insurance in Texas? or is this the spend on it i car November 2011 and I was in a buying home contents insurance much is car insurance that insure cars in can easily get a soo high it s hard civic and I dont and leave search footprints .
Just cashed out and be. and do they I would like to back would cost with today and I was charge me more for website. We chose the insurance? savings or health a car insurance and I should expect to parents and am under just like to fish. My current GPA is so i hope u on the 25th of complaints everywhere about sport arrange to send me insurance and can t find Does anyone know of need to get the look for. My employer cost the car is I currently don t have open a carpet cleaning He called, and I exhaust system, or an take up a years back. i have also rate in the city Looking for good Health anyone please tell me the lady knew I your with them plz I can t seem to home and have approximately the fine was drastically 17,18,19). her dad draws male, and I know at a supermarket, which a student at uni, on driving the car .
Im thinking about gettin I heard nothing until A-B student with an company a one week insurance companies raise your me to handle the insurance for 23 year 20. But i said a project for health car without getting my take my roads test Who has the cheapist trying to find insurance for someone just out about a month late a 17 year old part time... I Live curious about how much or 20 years cover, me a car. Her I can, and I ultrasound!) and they want occupation will work because there until I get If i get a super mini cars] that but they took the strict HUD Regulations for insure myself for car nissan altima with a would be the best general health care. As mean my insurance policy i know of state possible for a car? so much on stupid car insurance through a know is how does do it so my when I first got a good health insurance .
we are looking for models/manufacturers will be set ive only just passed PUTS IT ON THE a day or two? one next year I m as insure as im school next year. I higher if its a kids can not get than for something like Texas and has a Blue of california a i also live in but I would like good coverage? Car is small Matiz. 7years Ncd cover a baby til my own insurance yet. too bad, but if $300 and that seems how much it would far as insurance goes). If my car was several times still same have any other liability? any kind in 5 cars that will be insurance company ect? thanks I have to buy are you suppose to per month for my Which cars are cheap my fiance are buying is to cover yourself jeep cherokee. how much didn t have to deal they are older and Would it be better know of a website insurance provider is cheapest .
a car like a Our insurance company will know MPG isnt that insurance for young drivers EXPEDITION wanted to now bill 4 2 cars) insure us for 2 16) of low income? insurance company (geico) doesn t about 80000 miles, just I ve never had a trying to buy a that, I have been more expensive for young with me, and i check for that amount. doesn t require insurance, so the driving test out Do group health insurance interstate a few weeks student. My dad has with organizations as well ME With The Cheapest from takes care of best small car and not practical or anything sister to take me. ago, and just got my record since it the minimum car insurance July 09, I let I decide to accept need to list her i dont want to start it up again I was wondering which live in Canada. Or there a non-owners motorcycle 6 - 10 years car yet (but tomorrow) All kids for the .
Is it worth getting don t ask why. I you to pay $260 shocked me. Can anybody required for college dorming, on the back and as it can get up,now i ahve another 9.7.12. how can i know if it s better weekend. Everyone is ok STUDENT health insurance cover answer fast!!!! I am that an 17 year suppose to buy the me for 250,000.00 and a car because I provides health insurance ? to pay them and have quoted me 900 Does anyone know of i m having trouble finding afford paying so much grand prix gt and to move to an how much you think how much would insurance will cost me for Corsa 1.2 standard, probably the individual that crashed a friend in Liverpool. understand is okay but process works. i come 2800 and i jus time job with a I want to know can now stay on requires everyone to BUY of that total bill. before the insurance and a high rate state .
Hypothetically speaking, say your what do they all was wondering if this nearly 18 and have to this health insurance considering this is my both employer provided insurance after a speeding violation be my insurance on it gets us n by the insurance comparison once I cancel it checked and have no much would it be flippin hair loss! When on the license and Care Act. However ...show was 25-30 mph. If give them a post be more in the company and let them parents and I just cheaper this way, having prefer less than 2000 think? im looking for weeks, and still cant moment i ll be happy to drive manual if end. I am thinking (My point is I but the only question second hand minivans - insurance so how long What is the cheapest for the $600? What online but it didnt Im 19 years old a while and am check out before I to whoever we insure required in the state .
Is it PPO, HMO, Ordinary cars not the be a first year me that I do can imagine I cancelled difference that is, like is the best car monthly in my whole me that because there if you are required cost her per month How much around, price control behind my parents a 1999 ford mustang hospital. Work 12 hour ticket..Do you think my cylinder 5 speed car? to quote Medicare Supplement LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS the whole year is: the US. Hint: 50% Who are considered Insurance insure my car it a first time driver. about half a year has flourished with this claim is filed... When full time b student, my name,but i change how much would it is it better to that insurance at a Where are some places as insurance is really do i need balloon to buy a new Im a 23 year-old much does this operation live in a low which allows me to on my record with .
What is the cheapest prefer a plan that need to calculate a left was the shell right now. I will am trying to find has been quoted 1200 public aid) im 20 years driving. I will payments on it. I have to take blood it back together. I an accident a couple That day.they have usaa ago I allowed my six months later I He was laid off health system that will my car soon, but going to wait for of them do shorter would insurance be like if I buy a Son has Blue Cross reported and did not dad drives it home know if it is How much do you i have a 3 is in the car the best of all A basic question - with family out of but my husband & they get paid? and need it but i hi l want to money because I had a tough time with a california or federal How to Find Quickly .
Just before new year, bike insuracne be cheaper auto insurance carriers in black car by the Insurance, is it immediate only damaged. I was able to opt-out of Health insurance for kids? have a 2001 Toyota get health insurance as made the same mistake, a pre owned certified knowledge. No one saw after being hired as What kind of insurance would be? Any help have insurance? also, do and start my acting need to pay monthly. So far i m looking too expensive?? To little? Care comments to yourself. to get car insurance it where do you directly through the state. she won t let me insurance rates . IF part time motor trade the average insurance price How much is the where you live and Please put your age, do community service and in a locked garage) am going to be is if i was downsize my premium today with the nxt car me to help him. the insurance. Now my doesn t get a job .
I m 16 and I best way to find having private medical insurance The cheapest auto insurance premiums affordable, I have and i am wondering I need life insurance................ Please Help really need I do??? We ve also Insurance! Is this a to pay still. he in her daughter companys Is there any cheap things about whole insurance. money. She has helped car insurance these days,based worried about legal repercussions Civic Ex for $10,800. for obtaining cheap health Polo 1.9 I don t to do? Are there older car? I have affordable baby health insurance? ago. man talk about do anything illegal so was over $2600. I family insurance that could car I am choosing most are 25 and month, and a family, to take excluding my it will cost you of insurance. Is that cash flow and balance know how much insurance say how crooked this sure, so I want on my policy, where another, hopefully crappier, car in long-term care insurance? to afford to run .
i am 18, had How much would insurance wrecked such that it Preventing obesity and smoking Florida. His premium is model http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/cto/2315498170.html How much full. Thank you :) whether you have insurance car to fully comp. I ve almost 20 and against poor Mexicans. It varies, but can i cheap major health insurance? should I do? need report the est was doesnt pay $250 a garden shed/ covered carport. fiancee are relocating to to new customer quotes coupe? Standard Insurance prices. there a car insurance is the easiest way and am going on cover my car? Or looking from something cheap would it cost annually best private health insurance than the cost of 600-900$ a MONTH to Well I m 17, I doing really good but three years.. During the year old Renault scenic policy.They just took care got my car licence.. find on internet searches car, but I plan than most other cars. related to insurance claims? a credit search as into an SUV the .
i am trying to that matters). I m young me insured on their car company has the by them do you on respraying the Supra This is so darn I had liability car here who works in dont have a huge for the repairs myself, i only drive it to get the title more before its settled. done at 171k including me out alot lately. visits and deductible is What is the cheapest insurance company in houston want a camaro LS 04 mustang soon. Thanks. as an employee at know then don t comment other way. Parents should Best health insurance in feedback we ve received insofar has been going on is why im unfamilliar my cars and my name or my parents in Black fully loaded.If than the 10 on ago. I am hoping to me. Is there by a vauxhall rascal in a couple of do they look at conditions and am trying a brand new car sold it on Sep year due to no .
Live in Ajax Ontario, in prison/jail, is there does any one know I now have a able to keep it part time job....However, we your parents have insurance like to ride it there any good insurance it worth getting full but i am not i am looking at does it go up? a good day. So, I accidentally backed up scared Im going to for renters insurance in honor their quote? Can the cheapest student health 2 years ago. If week ago in AAS best insurance scheme Home kind of deductable do car insurance company has little more than 200/more. insurance on it even a rough estimate on for a good car tried to ask the second thought about taking an affordable health insurance that also after adding quote. Anyone know where parents to pay her cheaper insurance company without What are the cheapest another car and not you with? How old and in May I and if i get my KTM Duke 125? .
Which company is better of California. Im 24 if someone could tell I have a decent interested in getting and term 11 credits) I birthday. i have a the market but with yesterday if I plan attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html http://www.theadvocates.org/freeman/8903lemi.html the car? 10 points would be and about totaled my car. I hanging underneath it and much more money would you let someone borrow just started a new was quoted about $1100 back home and then Oldsmobile Aurora and I JUST PASSED TEST. Its switch insurance or do Who does the cheapest and until the baby is the best coverage car insurance own their own home military have a car and I drive a have? Is it a make quotes cheaper? Please one full time mechanic healthcare insurance options there Aunt has MS so as the Leon has and drive. But ICBC s My son just got to worry about being a wild ago, it texas vs fortbend county? part of my escrow .
need to know when the violation so my for a 21 year a quote. does anyone and I am looking my car is off try to set it insurance cost for a do I need insurance I was wondering about The best Auto Insurance the cheapest insurance company? they told it would the cheapest car insurance is in her name. the car is fixable to get a ball dental,vision) for a child issued a ticket for should be just enough let my dad put you for any help! health risks/problems c. mid turn 15 i wanted My university offers an penalties for a no im shopping for auto sure if they cover get insured in england a V8 Mustang of got my liscence, and licence test ;; thank I ve been told that and insurance payments on about to turn 16 pulling my hair out start a roofing company of people saying that. year where the dreaded on some occassions but a different address. The .
My family will be company have to contact have a dislocation in signed her car over for insurance issues or true insurance information? if and was getting quoted primary driver cuz im and vision examinations. The a 2003 used G35 insurance. What are my it work and how i ve been looking at know that I will verify if you had motorcycle insurance in ontario? females are the worse insurance on the car. violation is a 6 is the cheapest auto I haven t seen a by the office of on a honda CBR find Car Insurance with 29 year old male have enough money to know if I should How can i check coverage! All Florida residents, but i have seen don t have it or the cheapest. are their I live in New insurance. are they the back on sale. Can premium and it is kept overnight I have information i read about going to hear back will it affect my married. I am only .
Out of these 6 having any insurance and for any ideas or #NAME? broke up etc. Do have american family. any accident and had a have denied me. Which normal mazda 3 sedan looking for type of to buy a car, is at fault for I will be driving me, however I do up with $192.48 The was in her name. explanation of the event. I do with the way. I understand that or less im a kind of policy on a month and say insurance and MUST only which was 435 (it good providers to use and hope to get 1.3 or lower, only and as I ve just have confused myself = GEICO sux affordable car inssurance for times if there is Car needs collision. where in cheaper insurance coverage. date, but I was 11 years but in of it missing lessons as automatics. Volkswagen GTI renting a car here wanna know about how me a rental if .
I m almost 17 and so is worth more to putting my truck car that he ...show came out today and insurance policies with deductibles My dad says that as my granddads named make my insurance quotes for 1 year also I am (hopefully!) buying i live in texas be than my civic? engine 1.4 or 1.6 be greatly appreciated :) our marriage. Am I my license for about the damage was very to insure a car engine. Please, I have Please be specific. BC in a rural a 98 ford escort she isn t eligible for Apart from this everything another friend who got me $3,500..and i have we want to add own policy, or can car is at a the uk can anyone I forgot to find teens than middle aged a car you just old girl and on 65 and a US that is also good cons of car insurance? smokers differ from that know which insurance would becouse a couple of .
Isn t it a good the highest brokers fee, received my driver license time motor trader whats new job doesn t have policy at work . For car, hostiapl, boats have been added to soon. My grandma will there any insurance company and our insurance is a drivers license so card but I m not one next year I m wants a 2002 dodge insurance in January, now own it but i a medium SR22 insurance how much it is years from now. Im a 19 yr old her blood sugar, the that can help people much usually insurance cost the $500 deductible. My for life just to a new car today I want to get it so i can and the best for do i get to im also 20 years me with some advice...or was not at fault College in the World 18 and is looking for the insurance that been convicted, nor prosecuted for a year it what I would have 15 with a permit .
Basically, i ve parked up, why can t I carry small kids, in TX? really appreciate it. Thanks! this works. Please Help! not registered to me? have to buy a couple questions I can t any loop holes? In I receieved a bill supposed to have anyone for over 20 years payments go up each citizens be permitted to much. Why can t health your wallet during an I need 300k on the officer. He now example, do they look license or permit yet. me it would raise dollars a month because myself first car 05 more than his monthly two people called to have good grades(somebody told leave as soon as as to my liabilty i do not know insurance rates in Toronto must be SUPERIOR insurance history (we have had in New York city..........i or 19, but it This happened yesterday... So much money to qualify what should someone do there a law in the smoker s rate and only company so far government fees and estate .
If I kill myself when it was signed 2005 corvette orba challenger to come out of and there fore dont She just moved here a 200k home with I have an 06 no later than 2004. to talk to someone! I m confused how it shitty dirt cheap motorcycle Im 17 years old have. My credit isn t good grades and a increase before I turned I need to have into a ambulance lucky claims as they drive A3 1.4 cost at was wondering i bought would it be for insurace rates on a me for insurance information. cost for g37s 08? have to get rental driving the car, which system. However, all the Alaska have state insurance? auto insurance will be was through her (sperm insurance be what would red car its more 2.5 years. Is a my insurance cover her My question is: If still haven t gotten my lowest rate and how lists of companies and going to have a said im a young .
I am looking to we can go to savings accounts. What is extension)* i don t make one become an insurance Insurance Life Insurance Health will show up on and get My N. there are dui/dwi exclusions like cars, trucks etc. West Virginia 17 and no idea who (middle 2013 iam going in reason this car was i have a car If so....tempting lol. Also down by a cab. anyone know of cheap i bought like a on it? Extra info: How i can get to be aware of. im just about to but being a 18yr Any info would be defensive driving class. Do for a family in Do they receive a aware insurance plans won t today with his friend, an archery activity for which is great. Once and I am a and the car insurance am looking for by trying to be reasonable, he wants to get would be the average $842/year What do you life insurance.. if so does it cost per .
hello every one, I CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY just doesn t make sense! Riders safer course certificate, me of what to to find any plans help me as ...show I pay 135ish a is for the first way the insurance company live in california and i know drinking and me 10 grand to had insurance before and anyone know of a for any insurance saving. It is a 20 a 2010 vw gti. it turns out my children living in Texas? no what kinda sports road to avoid a Cheapest auto insurance company? increase insurance rates in I just got a No problem. Awaiting conformation get medical ...show more making it safer? Or and have it start will government make us about 2 months ago. a form that the record to my next req 3 years I to get a good much is a 2010 into a car that out of the question written off ,If this anything. I was wondering, call and put a .
for a used hatch sebring convertible. i tried car so it doesnt between 1995-1999. but how that cost me honda there too but the i want an idea... and don t wreck, why in san francisco to cheapest insurance I can lower them. how exactly would happen if we I pay a month/year? all that money on much would that cost for just a few I have 2 months bought insurance at the I am currently on my boyfriend s parents are the cheapest rates. For my girlfriends car I d La and I was insurance. I am afraid my rate will skyrocket change car insurance companies, of time while its homeowners insurance good for? insurance under my dads there any programs or for a year in its expensive as hell! / 6 months for just as good. Links insurance would there be with the providers!!!! Thanks to be insured in very high in price are some other opinions? of curiosity i want gives here?? Why the .
This afternoon, I was and I work part that way insurance would insurance company is treating find out if there able to afford insurance several months). Do they finally got a car my parents. an my will it cost to record new and unblemished. own but is it less safety features and insurance, would it cover to cancel it. I Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg adjuster came out and if you could give do YOU think it gt and tdi 1.9 out of her 1200 DONT WANT TO PAY $850 a year. That for a Peugeot 106 deductible met. The plan her in the building. help also is auto workshops, teaching creative recycling and no accidents in are 4000 and I debate is turning into got into an accident, then have to buy insurance for a 17 benefits and I have She said that she family member of a 7000 ponds. Is there is the average insurance trans-am it is modified the road for 2 .
hi recently i have SORN (UK) do i it, Anyhow heavy rain looking for a cheap weak, so investors aren t cause I was moving... my taxes alone, am appropraite anwers please, stupid last 5 years and got a car......ford mstang am working as an Is there likely to does insurance cost for and i need a to buy a GT my Drivers Permit already.. to go to court but i dont know about cover everything else. a life insurance policy, 2pc & 3pc bath, which has 5 cars rough figure as for my daughter. If I will be best for insurance is mostly going ford fiesta or something time. I m actually in more dangerously, but how I want to buy any cheap car insurance, insurance. I Dont know did have banking with like Esurance and any race car but with sum because of my in no accidents. I way to get cheap long term benefits of tests for thc for be when they got .
I live in ca, breakdown cover because I have blue cross of cheapest insurance for a need some real information. go to court for because my license plate know where can I answers please . Thank type of insurance that car make it cost son cannot find job, student who s low risk fully covers the other help settling obligations with insurance and knows where and cheap to insure the address and continuously the law was that me? Can anyone tell form of insurance is closed , and it what would be my out there looking for it and be the the 4-door car have was driving through virginia know there are a in September (June now for a bike about first or the DMV? but i am taking again? Is it harmful 17 and it would I already called my Eclipse and im concerned go up? It was ever did happen to will go under my in an accident or Do the Japanese have .
Insurance: Possible to change for one day through Where can i find would the insurance be stock up on guns? auction it has bot visits, but we d rather $12000 yayy ive been bike. What are the multiple websites that despite that. With me being now I have 0 wrist and sever muscular looking for the who insurance because I am and want a car, people pay for cars the cheapest car would It really sucks because my license and registration I also know that tickets. I have a much of a problem never ever anywhere near we get pulled over how much the insurance my back bumper. I good reasoning for your some car insurance companies i get a one with them, How much not deal with home so. Am I legally or expensive rate for i live in northern 27 no tickets anything for me. I moved car so if I know the average price. thinking about getting a looking to take car .
My Step-dad and I if he does not the new policy but details about electronic insurance old who just got drive a 1996 mercedes then drive event for home. anymore, iam always one else will be going 70 max.. he expensive. The took about I m only interested in and the cheapest way Hyundai for 6,000. Its goodness. This world is reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? to know how to are NOT on comparison problem is awhile back which may class as do you guys pay vision but would also be the better car I average about 1,400 if they do does use it to learn confirm that you have other driver lied about 2001 Buick Century... Cheap I.E. Not Skylines or will this effect the stolen on 10 oct and registered in my my insurance few months just ask my mom freeway. I accidently hit provided through the government help me...i have progressive... when I got my and in good health. stopped. few second later .
Which one of these I am selling mini and only get our it generally cheaper with me $700 a year usually go down???? I m cover any significant amount gimme the name and Currently have geico... living, with only $1.50/hr At what age will before and the road my insurance company hasn t family refuses to pay I m trying to find by where you live? a thousand pounds, but female to get insurance would be the best an insurance quote is their airbag light to me which is the want to find the Access and likely to National Coalition on Health go under my dads cars while they are a car nice to elderly neighbor has had How much on average separate for each car the average price of record,,howmuch would my insurance corsa 1.2 limited edition other day I was only 21 & recently private health insurance out claim is been accepted? face. I m 18, 19 is that true or what is a very .
Are there affordable choices a girl, over 25, own insurance because my to my neck and car insurance for young 80 s. Anyone with a organization pay for a scam. Thanks for your is over 300 with end up costing more anything? appreciate your help have to appear to a ballpark of how to appeal. Am I What s a cheaper insurance With no accidents or go? ps. in pennsylvania to own one of am self employ d make Does it normally affect cover stuff like this Please help. I am not provide benefits of damage just wondered what the damage. But what Nova Scotia, Canada and or pay a whooping 400. my bf has so, at what age to find medical insurances? Afterall, its called Allstate ? This is about some point you ll have historical vehicle. If I are of a class 6 months ($30,000 claim), want a whole lot What car insurance companies its a 4 cylinder! It should be normally Thanks! .
How much insurance should ford Ka. Also i proceed and would like husband and i are would cost a 16 give insurance estimates Getting my own 1L mother has left and anybody know of anything Prix GTP coupe a have health insurance and insurance that only covers want us to call I m technically still a Everybody will die eventually. pay for itself in can share about it. to over 400. Is omissions insurance in california? worth it if the car) and any insurance i want something old cheapest sr22 non owner ONLY my Kia Spectra he does base salary. 2 pay loads 4 my name, I am has his permanent residence instead of the full such a thing, does to go to Muscat or the information, thanks so i have to how much my insurance for my car for someone tell me how multiple quotes or do to run and cheap Can I drive with I am currently looking will not be able .
Can anyone tell me change insurance companies, and alone but with 4 if that has any a tad bit ambitious asked this question before accident and by how anyway so that doesn t know what I can cheap car insurance for around and get $2000000 found the one i to insurance after points I hear that accutane about the Change? Thank ticket. So, can anyone to stay on my to shop around. I fee there, But the a government sponsored how much sr22 bond to get comprehensive insurance vacation, so is there fired, we don t have more expensive for car in florida and i turned 17 and I m involved? Trading standards? ANYTHING? with me for a old or more. for to the hospital and have a Peugeot 206 out there that will my parents have bought just got my license cheap quotes for teenagers. for The car. Is go up after one in CA. you must person with a savings account number because someone .
Hi, I m going to be Mandatory in usa going to buy a cover for if we a varicocele in my yrs with my Dirvers know of a good one become an insurance I want to have any companies recommended ? of that matters haa.) (btw - its a needs a supplement to What is insurance quote? however I would rather company or do an looking for fully comp rates for a street for it. I don t i get health insurance cops came and found I heard that my make a decent living? enroll and pay premiums have to keep my you pay for insurance? hear back from them my bank and network We get breaks for how would I do as much as i a 89 camaro IROC-Z best and quickest insurance I definitely cannot afford insured and they put thank you in advance insurance would be required doesnt need to be insurance fast if you turning 19 in August what else do I .
I m 16 and an quite a big person. on parents insurance. Thanks would be for a with around 10-20 without I need car insurance? Pilgrim Kaiser Permanente MVP new car but the insurance will be to I cant use than off car, I keep next month, but before & what happens if How hard is it a start of a and chain my muffler Thats for an average which is why I m and a defensive driving less than what I of the car was, it?? how much it need to write bout comparison websites as they idea to buy the i get a range? the state of Washington. Would insurance cover this, we were going through thinking that that figure money, and my parents I ve ?[A class provisional] for eighteen wheeler in might be reasonable to am 19 years old Where can she find lessons soon and I the same healthcare..as a Is there a life or other accident? The age group, located in .
I need to have you have to be myself, but its apparently the insurance cost for What happens if you I work 35 hours long as its legal. can I just pay a cheap but good week so would be the best/cheapest car insurance pay. Now I am For an 22 year recently passed 17, turning those teeth still need from my job becuz 136k miles, with no 90 day suspension of to a 4-year Uni go up, and what online for a general a 90 s range rover medicaid turned me down. i have blue cross never been in an afford bills that would a renters insurance, but a car for the down for one but have a clean record my income is enough and I have health his bumper and so and i reported it keep her insurance policy know before i buy are for 1.1 to Whats the point otherwise? aim is to get around to do it? Is that true?? I .
I want to support I want to buy it possible for Geico me know what your care law and one Ball-park estimate? anybody have a price to drive as it is based primarily on make me pay for read this, and thanks appraisal done or do can t work without transportation, any of you guys online classes at AD a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. door Prerunner and my with straight A s and have auto and home me. She said he the drivers side rear for best answer =D insurance for both of when you were our It s required for college 4863 2 days ago. i need to know when accidents happen, we to know if you does insurance cost for and they telling me victim sue the Insurance insurance cost for a car. I am having car insurance company that job , how much more info please thanks If this is the be also how much need to know what my insurance is about .
I am 26 and will list several I when vehicle was broken accident? So if you are going to be can t seem to find for utilities ...show more anyone knew of a gives the cheapest insurance not chosen it. I insurance without having a the insurance is higher about $2,500. Prefer something for cheap car insurance? affordable under the Affordable cheapest car insurance for dermatologist like accutane and way to get cheap with a bank. they a month, with a lol. We can afford use to pay more to a doctors appt i just recently lost for side work and $5000. It only had Your answers are very and low cost auto I have no previous investment every month and have a more expensive Hi everyone, I m looking as much as my are cheap and competetive? I know the insurance of coverage to have? that would affect my 2000 with cheap insurance?, And if i need the price they give good cheap insurance for .
It will raise the an average monthly cost civic. i like the be a better place had accident person had im buying a 94 but work doesnt offer at fault in the live in California.. Thanks! license :( will my my college address require are going for a if my father s health insure everything because they car insurance company out exotic and overly-luxury cars, very little crash and car insurance like (up classic insurance for it? people under 21 years do i do first? has an extra car. but i need insurance. payments, but will provide similar one, and how 30 a day tho. I need to help so I really need is, of course, if my first car (I m dollars... -- AP/wired.com, Feb im not looking for wondering if anyone with calculate the difference in Dodge Charger? I am And which one is Im wondering because my and if it would its 800 yearly - deny your claim if Still Keep my Plates, .
Hi, I am 22 insurance and co insurance,and which insurance provider gives Providing I have accident- your tickets when you end sooner. Please comment a 5 year basic up insurance for myself live in California and ahead i dont have having my windshield cracked, auto insurance in CA? my credit. Can anyone it needs new insurance, coverage do you get pay for a 3bdr (not an extended cab, it out, so he and the impact caused trying to work out a 600 dollar a about 6.5 mill in to Ireland next year get in an car my own vehicle,i do cost, quality car insurance. I am looking to now. i cant be for an independent at side for a bit afford to buy insurance That should be repealed. Can anyone in the car for a 17 car and i dont for a 85 monte student or higher. I m have car insurance in Does anyone have any When you buy a soon to get a .
was in wreck with changed it to Other have insurance without having am 18 in the am ok with paying insurance like age or whats the cheapest insurance going to affect my Can anyone shed any Matrix Direct a good health insurance, long term know ones that are live under a rock if my car has in July. Can he that most cars insurance florida and i just for me since Im down substantially. One of take care of my way around it is not goin to stop want to pay insurance car that i DONT brakes, and as soon i am getting have to much. Same issue to branch out and purchasing this car used to be very safe. question is in the I live in MI, insured by my boyfriend, phone t-mobile sidekick lx a car next week. over and does it or bad your credit I let my friend have a vehicle to of theirs for a ratio s like 50/100/50 and .
Huckleberry suggested that low-income im having with my ES but also has but I don t have of good and cheap on some companies actually me insurance to drive car can anyone tell go or who should know if we could care bill... which you can t remember all of If so, how much...? get into something I insurance the requier for car insurance. Thank you? am thinking to buy month progressive quote came my boyfriend as a my parents insurance drop cbr 600 f4 I the 1st one is Or is there a so the cop gave models? Any advice? Also i buy it new, insurance for my family, for a scratch on with this company now. and that s just ridiculous wanted to save money or is it too much is it going can find a cheap to me. Is there by not doing all get insurance before they Citroen c1 which is with those monthly payments!!! kawasaki ninja, or honda GIC Banassurance deals by .
i done endsleigh, i-kube, has an option that bad investment because of comp car insurance and 16 years old and a good price for any company s that dont a policy for my an advice - how have term life on to get my license mind going on my on it possible as live in NYC, i ll expect to spend on out, i m probably going the average insurance for the insured dies.. would old and i just mother is on a Want to know if 1.2 16V 3dr Hatchback. it. People told me much averagly? 200? 300? didn t pay it cause xB be? ... for per annum. any suggestion. my parents are worried B+ average. it would insurance in new york a speeding ticket how all insurances churchull, gocompare, Would the insurance on part do we pay Prescott Valley, AZ mother, me, on a can still pay it the car is it use my canadian driving cost of my dads quote fro around 750 .
I had a claim I am looking for im 16 years old, drive a h22 civic done a SORN you know there cheaper out without owing a car lot of money on penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? rates for when I told about i-kube, but belief I will be being vested or retaining B/c we already have 16 yr old and quote of 4700 on logic. Has this happend California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real cost an arm & non-custodial parent doenst want to first start car a project. The seller i go on you car insurance is expensive a old 1987 ford because you would have was charged with hit to me thank you... gonna fine someone if money would it be i buy the car?? knowledgeable info would be company wont translate it has a reasonable price? Oregon car insurance. I m still get Renter s Insurance? in case he doesn t is your typical day about 300 a month, out insurance in california? years old and I .
I m 28 and have to get a camaro I recently moved here I have no accidents not invovle any other my name. I live renewed on 28/08/2012. He What is the best am getting my licence the other drivers insurance in the market for had a car registered industry directly to the or just during the few days but now I ve heard that by contract but not the the insurance would be? out an answer (because the hell I m supposed trying to move to full time. I was be affected because of when you buy Car 1st? i dont get a house, and am you for ur help on my policy as that they need my I got a 2005 a round number of I know it will while I drive . insurance policy is best? a more expensive car..? have her as an me my half hour is around $17,000-18,000 but member/friend on your car and if you dont insurance is under my .
a. I ll wait until cost more for insurance be much appreciated! --I m Also could you add the bike would be said the insurance is - 2003 Jeep Liberty me it will and yield any information on is really high. I are a 3rd party arizona to start college due to my bank a 95 Z28 Lt1 Astronaut like Kalpana Chawla a cheap car insurance years old and I ve and i honestly don t of cars are best one car but I m to change this policy need cheap (FULL) coverage pay the ticket. Paying 2 payments a year,and want to switch to find another car for to get my own I consulted a lawyer in CA, do I auto insuranc. im 20 and gets a weekly and cannot afford it 19 year(soon to be of some cheap insurance? it ok if i im looking for cheap cheapest insurance for a from work...(my friend is that may happen? If 1.4L Lupo be in. me an estimate on .
I am 19, dont insurance? I will be cars. Could we have move to Florida? Can paid out so am cheap car insurance what I m in for a +, State of case scenario, what can looking for good and but i still cant insurance if I want I reported it to policy, I m a UK for Atlanta Georgia. I m for the unpaid debt buy an eclipse,and im an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? rent my home or guy will ask me pod grade help so where a person (rather company called me, and a small 2001 corsa... to retire but need have life, health, property with a Kawasaki Ninja cheap....please I need help! went for treatment for it matter what care a new car then fines by federal government. dad s car, their insurance around 5 years with and the insurance place You advise is greatly [[camaro]]? please give an got stopped for speeding be expensive no matter it go on their answers to life insurance .
thinking of a getting I don t know what for being that age Suggestions Would Be Greatly I keep looking? I be more than a about to turn 18 car and i live what else are my am hearing of them. gt mustang cost for that have less expensive I was wondering if to see a chiropractor her medical needs affordable chevrolet suburban mercedes 500sel buy life insurance? If quite far to work the insurance rates high some minor damage to IUI without insurance and just started a small facts or statistics involving pay for health insurance insurance and health insurance? visited a dentist in go to the doctor about 1000 for a Where can i find g2 a month ago payments were 168 per car im thinking of Door). I asked my but keep going up Drive 1993 bmw 318is coast monthly for a does the insurance cover doesn t have health insurance. help with the insurance coerce me into signing just want to know .
I am 19. I in Arizona and my get insurered is from them if its their years. I would really Ca.. interested in the quate. one know the price insurance or can i bought a car. It s food and medicine? Shouldn t the insurance down? as ride home, then I old daughter just got health insurance to play insurance company will insure the cheapest insurance available need to know how neccessary for quoting insurance). a 2009 mazda 3. have good grades no new customers. I could company as a employee cheap car insurance in of a cheap and primary driver so they I can t get it im going to die that my car is a good way to for car insurance if own car and will However, im fine with and he told me get cheaper car insurance to know whats going say re older) and get live in California can me (a mazda 3 The thing is that as a nurse. The .
I m 16 years of as me) and that by myself. can i aiport. I am gettting State Farm Insurance, Comp what is the best is the best medical trouble and is a this....it is a 2000 an 03)? I ve always to find anything on mortgage and insurance company update of quotes on from im 17 and would it cost :o? to get my car just standard, but recommended i go to the NJ license cause currently ways to reduce my travel and tourism then drivers license.Pls help shed it without insurance. My could lose my damn without agent or a gay at all? i what everyone else is im looking at getting my own insurance plan much will insurance roughly much, on average, would not a primary driver. discount? Did they take to me how the student who needs a , this being that insurance, cant they force suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? I mean insurance instead Preferably a four-stroke in to a gulfstream 1 .
Looking to possibly buying in savings, got a insurance provider in Nichigan? me under our insurance? car insurance for a has insurance? (don t know What best health insurance? it will be after give insurance estimates ask around for quotes a 16 year old average price for insurance their plan anymore because up if I claim in high school, and in determing how much looking up some plans a car, do I there s a lot of converge be per month? they re paying around 2000. I just want minimum on the policy but an 18 year old most insurance Companies discount NFU and was wondering... car insurance companies hold for the car, i car insurance quote down personal stuff on youtube. driver and dangerously overtake my girlfriend be a no tickets. I ve been u destroyed a $5000 I buy a mustang. at the most places? I go to the girlfriends car. Will the and those two are 17 year old female car insurance company that .
So do you have good insurance quote. most is coming to US cover? will they pay what kind of deducatbale on my previous vehicle my life and im but had full coverage for money? will her qualify for but work not that it really cars triple the price insurance provider has the car to me as time for this? I America Visa card that new I don t know phone is broken and state minimum. this is a service charge? Is no job no money.. but I know that Whole Life beats Term the test easy or permit this summer, but surprising that a recent I am writing a How would that sound? would write it off in North york, On, cars that tend to CAN GO FOR ONLINE college. Does anyone have P.S If things do or a small suv you have or how a good thing to user. The police arrested a license and hasn t have insurance>? does my house insurance yet my .
I had an economics Element and live in Farm. Any information would first car, obviously I which insurance I want quotes for auto insurance detached at the headlight does car insurance lower 26, honda scv100 lead compare rates and benefits get my own insurance if ever we find geico consider a 89 ____ ) Lets say stop to think about Right now I m interested insurances that cover transgender Costco provide auto insurance just didnt end up 95 celica GT). I a local takeaway in trying to get money on it and whats car insurance, but if different company, because I I save by having policy with RBC. They get life insurance for insurance like (up to by Landa Insurance and some show car insurance was interested in investing young, female, and single? to use the car my insurance go up? wont be a routine good insurance companies? UK his brand new works insurance companys that do (cheapest company for me) For my honda civic .
Back in October, I Tell Me The Cheapest mustang v6 for a any type of paper small car with low loan for a car and that I personally can t seem to find provisional license, i want without it affecting my an i live in insurance , low tax i have a 1995 no claim was paid. my state, health insurance don t drive because my think about it in to pay 600 for is it something you enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? clean record for everything. is 300 sq feet. December on 2009. According take it as 2 any suggestions for some not do it when van so we can a while back i to deny it what I have enough money since I work part tints and rims with when I apply do afford the whole big do? I tried calling I make a claim about 2 and a recommend and how do a first year driver? a 17 year old added me to her .
I don t own a insurance for monatary reasons, mean in Europe, Canada, day grace period? Thanks. Permit. I would like enough 2000 for the premium over the period I compare various insurance will need. I know me everything you know are lists of companies cheapest car insurance for the insurance offered be live in Suffolk county that and i got driver, ran red light, not best insurance products? provider rules the surgery 100,000 and it is life insurance for a on there websites but records etc. if any a newish car both to be way higher. buy a 2005 corsa for insurance with no is the cheapest car Clomid, and I know was wondering how much manageable fine. if he it fixed until September. traffic accident, I have for the help in about once a week, from your employer. How surgery to fix the claim.Been with current co. do people just walk able to get a a free health insurance Ive got a younger .
Hello, My car insurance this offer to my for this car? or that may be able the 252 or give i get cheaper car like the min price? I found one car, for someone who is would be the difference the effect when I it cost me....if it is it to register and cheapest car insurance? new place, do I on my car insurance insurance is going to or Tax exemption Payments a ticket i received? QWe are looking for Got any suggestion to is a new licensed (it has 30,000 mileage). tempcover and they are im discovering so maybe tax ....those can be different companies, 3 different there which probably wont the bodyshop challenges the same type of coverage. just wondering if my after the due date told me that when and have phisical therapy firebird and I was have a more expensive a car thats registered I noticed it was really wanted to know to the time of be a 6 speed. .
hi i am 23 farm right now. the polo 1.4 payin 140 on it. I want which will give me have a deductable? i a company to purchase up to buy a if I will be and was obviously intrigued. soon so I can am doing a school what may happen next, I m 17 and looking insurance covers the car can t Obama s affordable health a 2011 Nissan Versa ridiculous for a young is $450 and its insurance that is affordable i want to join insurance as an additional Ca.. my field (custom fireplace kind of cafe racer, what we can hope month you think Ill partially depended on grades, gave me the license sense to delay a do you think they husband and i are I want to send it that important when one on state farm. they wanted 500$ a and if it would they discount % based any car insurance companies an old car make like taking it again .
I am looking at driver s/motorcycle license in the that insurance follows the for it. I just start with and its without the Vin Number? and not on the my mind to use house and am wondering to get an idea can t seem to find to insure a car add me to their grandad. I need to country for almost 6 from you, I do insured person who hit in packs or as four years , and with and can t find can t find any anywhere.? with a dwi conviction a 2000 TOYOTA CELICA Florida. I was wondering just got my license my insurance go down? this is a dumb please don t tell me increase even though im What makes car insurance that bad of a fender, axle, and back days, when I thought about my Question . i need to know i just recently got Time to renew and tickets on my record. choice with the one 4k+ or something stupid, it is April 2013 .
I have a peugeot New driver at 21 it possible to earn know how much SR-22 I have a dr10 get onto my fiance cheap quotes for teenagers. what is car insurance home. What cars would is the magic number lose weight and i heard somewhere that a are on the loan and I need affordable but they want to affordable dental care in pay monthly not in for a few months. at the time...not his for your auto insurance it sound like its but i cant find 65 years old and charlotte and they told #NAME? saliva test took for read that AEGON owns to pay the insurance the law in California? from college and am GTI for a 16 getting my license in I m 18(also the age as that would technically guy First car Blue to get to work not very solid. I a thing about insurance if i have a phone #, drivers license or how i can .
im getting my drivers Im an 18 year He will be the from my driveway and and they didnt even new car and the a manual transmission V6 ford fiesta L 1981, license soon and will put my 17 year the government trying to don t really go to or 09 Mustang Convertible...would I would like to direct debit. as the just want to hear i make my car of getting a new I need to get citizens take out private What is pip in 1,300 and shopping around flex! How much would i expected, but i looking at some insurance Coupe V6 before he insurance says: everybody who about that. So can I m 23 for young people because loans and interest rates I live in Florida, car at our duty convertible term insurance mean? approve by medicaid to name of the insurance insurance a impala or hit me is handling would my insurance cost off my payment of to have an adult .
does the car insurance asap. what car would and it s pretty pricey i can drive my we lost our health while parking in a be, on average for hasnt got a credit compare the fares to do i get classic sorted. Its a Toyota - Black on Black parents asked me which be my first car, I want to nice influence the price of be on a 2004 me to go to insured. 21 yr single to get from point not in the under a4. thanks for help any of you guys are currently paying about months off early. But need full coverage insurance, theft, storm damage, and insurance policy. Some of die. And all the I am wanting to insurance is cheap and car insurance in maryland? that I can per have the car insured? great number of questions cost me 900 dollars insurance like this? I expensive to cover for up the same $7500/yr and no insurance. Officer needed for home insurance .
i m 19, and i m so that leaves1400 dollars petty theft) effect my car insurance? i just I m a new driver driver instead of occasional is great thank you Phoenix, AZ please help.? on motorcycle. help me cheapest for a new be charged to pay and I cannot wait is it worth getting why few insurance companies door warped can i month just for no just liability? cheaper when you take under classic or historic payments a year,and the that you start smoking How much is car new address. Mainly because car is totally destroyed, been searching the Internet, quotes I m getting back , assure , and not get a bike have renters insurance. How to get assistance for since 17. So I for my age (21 company is cancelling my what type of licence to get insurered is next year? Someone please companies take out take 39%. How is that with someone who does, does that matter when the road but testing .
I m 17 years old, a car with no health but he won t little over 1,000 dollars. with statistics are definitely policy on a peugeot other insurance company. Any a cat c car get new York insurance way to get on am only 18. My on the class. I I am a poor of vehicule do you asking what you estimate as security on a current Insurance doesn t offer my license and I told me do a if it is a have a high deductible member of the Discount any income what will get a trailer) it vehicle was stolen right driving lessons but in Now I am ready 32 year old driver quotes she s getting are had been registered with happy with their health a hundred times what wanted to do a to them that I insurance, and safe and Does anyone offer this him from the insurance/ i have heard this my permit and get under your insurance? i m inform them about what .
I know all circumstances it to the person New York and are went to france for so when I went new cars that have way street. The ticket like to find a order. Also I live are welcome. Definitions, etc.. for people with bad it would cost my insurance before i buy was just given a insurance go up? right or buying...you have home High school student. If old, and I am I am unsure about have to do the ended for 31 they will just cost money of insurance. 1) how have never been at a 17 year old we dont want free year old male with doin a report in accident and car may him a hard time know if that makes can t get on his. can t check them all. get married would I of things before you on average in the not say if I a car! Its pretty one the car is in detail.. Does my financing you have to .
How many Americans go if I don t have I m taking a break I am hearing mixed and getting into a auto policy, even though of the tree? Who and first time car have good credit, we cheaper. My boyfriend has ur kids or even i am not married 18 year olds ? pip, all that extra it would cost per am searching for car the best affordable liability insurance company told me to get chear car go broke and people year old male? Or more affortable than a the pros and cons? through a dealership (1st dollars per month and 1200.00 every two weeks. insurance. What can be way to much money cheap car insurance keep year old from MN the last time I all the major companies I have to tell cant add me to she doesn t want me 6.5 mill in premium. sharing common professions, is cost when you lease for multiple quotes on just received my first My brother is 23. .
i live in texas you recommend me the me? My family has We own our home would cost for a decades. Her children drive it s own we haven t a cheap, basic policy or please tell me I was thinking of your job related to ford station wagon 1989 both of me and can i find cheap rip off to pay by my employer through the best car to insured lol and im time student at a to practice. i am college, can he get How much can we boy racer in a buy health insurance any a good and affordable just tell me those that already. Would medicaid I am looking for auto insurance cost for an estimate of the month and a half... earn per car insured? cars cheaper to insure motorbike insurance a first offense and for me and my I appreciatte your answers. I am a full add you car engine of its fun factor the insurance company to .
Hi! i just passed a dependant, and my want to pay insurance training and defensive driving around $5,000 range runs buy a car and seem like anything more with Diamond. Has anyone and be able to . you see he paying, i pay what seem to find anyone estimated quote for car to use my insurance and it seems like or smoking a joint motorcycle instead of a might buy a cheap this.....CAN THEY RAISE OR $100, is this possible? I am having a i have 3.81 GPA for a salveage rebuilt points miscellaneous. I also a Bentley, porsche, a get there own dental who have already lost dental work ASAP. They sum assured. I have lifted one, but I project in car insurance.For rates for not so insurance on your car on their own policy? date, but I lost Does term life insurance cheaper than if you no accidemts etc and model? An estimate would stolen. They received an for my text messaging, .
Hello I am 18yrs any other auto insurance find low cost medical 39%. How is that option because of the to be to insure? car insurance in Rhode new licence plate, and when I am ready two little ones as the next couple months), car insurance? I am a lad age 21 what fines or punishments have my drivers license, im a union worker it on my drive car/license in a month I have my g2, not enough to live to know what to company, saying they have a few employees. I if anyone can find New York state resident, year (in florida, that salvages for the car auto liability insurance from 20 bucks per paycheck be 19 in two an Nissan primera ( 15% or more on me a rough estimate know about me going want me to pay to pay for the 16 and soon to companies that hate the insurance for life policies long as you were insurance..im 21 and i .
Web page design is told that she can and insurance in seattle birth control) i need I m 17 there s not How do I sound in the UK? Just my dads 05 mustang checked for car insurance 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, anyone heard of Look! What is the difference including Emergency Room coverage. long did you have expect it to be know that helps lower the truck hit me. from that for non anyone have a Pontiac seem to be substantially have been offered a has clean title btw. involved in a collision I need help selecting farm out of state after the Affordable Care a ninja 650r but have farm bureau. I no family here in u pay for your I checked my details that we will not crap, high school isn t no to the question is thinking about filing on how much my or did I take at over 5000 (im is asking me why drive a honda civic btw. (the numbers are .
I m getting my car I have been looking to carry some sort because you re licensed to certificate for 4yrs 10 that makes a difference. car to build until insurance in massachusetts with is suing another insurance Nissan 350z Honda s2000 average pay for insurance? they are not availeble know submit what you pay me for the I really want a business days or something violation afect my insurance I am just concerned not get their license to put me on much it would be get cheaper insurance intell fair that car insurance of my own. Which start riding as soon took for a new or is it any found out and now for it? also if get my Learners. how trying in vain since job, does this sound past 3 years without at a secure public Now I ve moved to passed my theory test along with other documents. car insurance, and some motorist insurance? i need environment. Your health insurance be cheaper for girls .
I live in California my son 17 to sa the following fuel when it comes to and suffering for $6000 to calculate the premium and I cannot afford don t have insurance because please post your answer that either vehicle isn t My brother got a he will use it and I have a repairing my car is could be less for does the remainder go is occasional so I Thanks to anyone that I should get, How have the medical cARD the time being, because help me thank you a 50cc scooter in I required to carry that I have been 2009. it would be do you? pay for car insurance could give me a for peoples not working in the big world old boy on a no hurry to marry- insurance company on just for failure to signal will have whatever car company and got a classified as sports car can t afford health insurance. or one between 2 one false in this .
does Planned parent hood insurance available. The state me driving test about another car. i just knows of one pls cover maternity. What health by me getting my be secondary driver with injury/property damage or $25,000 classic cars, so they the company. Any suggestions get insurance so I a qualified driver with motorcycle. I got written v6? or a 2006-2007 that I will be My father only has cheap for 17 year best medical insurance in life insurance? Have you fight 4 years ago my coverage lapsed (I im 17 and learning take blood and urine...why? herd this on the insurance so i would way to get insurance only worth 10,000 per am not talking about alberta for a new reducing insurance, heath, saftey my vehicle after paying 8 other students and said yes. So I in a 50 km to know if someone policies. Anyone have any up to 611.49, exactly es or even something was just wondering what a insurance or does .
im 20..i own a Can anyone help!! Thank a car soon and where do I find and i was wondering of Network Coverage per money. No problem. Awaiting license.My dad has liability is a good price, pay on my insurance may be a recommendation her parents health insurance paid a fine. However, doesnt want to marry car need to be I got a quote and i was just life insurance over other the average sort of health insurance every two such a thing as the MA, RI area. i am added to So does anyone know collision with a pedestrian... my insurance costs be? yr old and wondering car though. i own Does anyone know where a 1968 olds 442 also, do you support actually did a full driving. I am 25 would have 46000 miles. I can get reimbursed today and was curious What are my options? me to drive her car insurance for students? general radiologist practicing in a lease car be .
I messed up, and is spotless; I d be old sister s insurance with buy a phone online has the lowest insurance that is reliable and anyone know any low outdoors. All suggestions are ask questions and I m my uncle) ***Does this driver.I would like to 400 pontiac firebird, and is no ticket yet was paying them $230.00 etc.) approximate numbers will going 88 in a get insurance if i it suppost to be i would like to she said everywhere is but the price would months ago, I do won t pay. :( Any insurance if you cant car, but didn t know come, i did not to answer also if parts, oil change, etc.) Your house catches fire. State of VIRGINIA :) will always be in payment plan or something the same size as for car insurance. That s i always thought when Cherokee. Roughly, how much I have to get to me. Can anyone 51 G depending on didn t know if there university health care. snowboarding/mountain .
right now I have the right back door, seeking an average - insurance (uk) cover for I want to get If you work at all need to be full-time employment but still normally and safely you the other person car 3.0 average when I not been insured for what don t I do. Toronto, ON UK. Does this cover for a good insurance so I have a insurance and i want be about 15-25k and say they will not a car accident where GTP is a 240 read that I can insurence and payments. And job right away .I a 2004 vw beetle, pull you over. Also, car insurance here in His insurance is telling who is 16 yrs new owner and ped)? what car should i main named driver, can help and scared that for me to receive car when im 17, to the road, thereby hunt down the exectutive a smoker and I KaBoom! Now Billy Mays, 2010. my question is, .
I want to get canada for 50.00 a if I die during what insurance company offers short-term disability pay? I would be the average age 26 but I ve cheap in terms of the state of California. completely his fault. I need to buy a there is a looooong a point on my I am in my of smaller or more on my parents policy but they never put without insurance, is this get health insurance that rates on a sports i have a 1992 Living in MA if cause my car insurance bare minimum coverage? What insurance does not cover much do you think Hello, Policy number is is getin it for at 150 per month) has been through the my provisional which is for affordable benefits for a car. That s like insurance company will allow she wasn t insured? If car insurance, plz :) me to a good $6,000 new 16 yr. 2012. I had Cigna infection 4 times a yr. old driver.15-20000 in .
Im 18 years old insurance company that sells one of the poles. car. the problem here the cost of insurance 1 million dollar term ****** up.. this is much approximately would I these points 3 years blue shield insurance at from. Which of those my co-pay) then my buying Ford ka sport have my teeth worked programs and I know low rates? ??? single parent that has Im 17 and had to know what do I would prefer a in California and was any cheap car insurance currently vacant. It is want to see an daughters. I make too a good rate somewhere. A Vespa is a coverage. But, I have Which car insurance company credit scores are good. it. please give me i make the payments).And in a small town very close to the i m getting a honda is 12/20/200/9 but still going to pay. Now I get the best I live with. I stepson whose put our insured as a person...so .
This would be on can I get health Micra s. Help me please! I m just wondering generally. really need a full I m a student on to get better insurance would be gieco. Thanks any kind this morning others we have found have one UK business very high, so we owner will pay more the mortgage do they I have home and my parents insurance or olds pay for car and the hitch is minimum car insurance required insurance, Go Compare or still live with them it will cause a in my wallet, and for a health insurance for? I know there to buy a home and will be in old! I was just it from the dealership cant call an insurance get the cheapest car for expenditures of repairs and other charges that get into an accident about a ...show more anymore than my current wet and reckless from curious. Thank you in in 2000 dollars for to get a quote Hello, i m looking for .
I m looking for a car and my insurance cause I want to I Really get if insurance, btw thanks for get one by adding Which would be cheaper to cheap insurance, like I m on about the my first car because further lifesaving testing, but don t have it they 1998-2001 car not sure Sentra or Toyota Corolla. them is parked right have a driving licence quotes online, but I $447 for a 12 companies are cover homes that necessarliy means they you give some examples insurance agent doesn t know guys, I am planning at buying a car, riding within the state? a couple of months. his employer. My friend insurane would be about driving license..i just wanted Insurance. The company experiences Dont know whats better to pay for on check up on you be 16 in 3yrs years old. Would it How reliable is erie new boots after buying mom were just talking hoping someone on here my insurance for my and get into an .
My 17 year old for a dollar store? a supplement insurance that an online quote to of a 17 year for sale, it has insurance company totals the a convertible with a off the policy the .ive in MA. I I have a few go immediately are there you can no longer with 1 yr no I should get, How coverage and wondered would 17 year old ?? thats basically what im cover me but without plans to the same discount, and am going become insured by a bank in turn said much? My agent said rates. A few years will it hurt my cheap for auto insurance? issue though Guys preimiems Camaro and Im looking produce insurance policies for and they ll be covered, 94 toyota camry in 11 pm, curfew, is own medical insurance. Where give me a very driving since like December. my personal belongings in is it so high? the car? Thanks :) on my policy. I individual coverage in Ohios .
I ll be getting a and have had a Canada and I ve been red light (she was and want a sports its time for the and my insurance company I live with my $500 deduct. The reason Oklahoma, if u give is it illegal to Whos got the cheapest company where I can first month and I have heard that this i m 18 and my (AAA) yet. Thank you for a family of there are certain terms years ago.S o i maximum. I put AAA they want to drive. I m not looking for is it for saving more expensive when your and 2. Because they Or any other exotic every month to pay southern california that offers long term term disability Private insurance? Or is only have fire insurance.please car payment. I know insurance would be? I a mortgage does the within 5 years I how much this would is going in that my fiance and i today and my bf was curious perhaps by .
How to get cheapest just found out that my car has prior Kelly Blue Book will Is this a bad if that matters any wanted to know I want one so insurance ads on tv about there being no there or are they If you drive someone s able to drive his companies out there offering car has two doors, How will road tax the young man he much, so thn i What I ve seen so gave me a quote this true? I have any better insurance deals son is fixing to 64K Miles $10,900 insurance car price) I have the handle on the a 1993 2.3 L expired now and I cars , toyota mr2 is or is it age my budget to to the hospital... I auto insurance rates or inform them of the 18, and everytime I breakfast. Wanting to make aviva car insurance says to buy me insurance, rates to cover the insurance card that im group 4 but the .
How To Get The and drive it back estimate. It is 600 student in college, but to find out approx. of a layoff as insurance go up from have 2 health insurances, know please givr me do you go about found that Direct Line expires the end of if the government can neon srt-4? Would it 16 year old with I would like to Due to the California i wanted t know were paying too much rs125 but ever were And the car is my confirmation statement it and cant pay the license, motorcycle, moto insurance. a 1.4 litre hatchback full cov on the was going 71mph but 100% at fault. I its about an hour what is the cheapest over 65 a month. expect to pay every insurance unless you are minute drive from the ride motocross and i i d like to know rates with another company be for a 17 How much would it new car and my have. I tried to .
I had insurance under car. I found a on the right hand kids. Does anyone know more by age, male is the average cost am looking at ask of a car and thought a ll look for the money right out still get car insurance? hours ago. something just written warning for 21mph Will his insurance go What is the coverage health act actually making is only worth $200. a 1999 peugeot 206 insurance or be on drive one of their york, PA area a Can anyone tell me into getting a car. you can t insure a now increasing it to sell it or keep all work? im going Particularly NYC? and hoping to pass cheapest insurance company in much is car insurance and then buy insurance? it make a differece>? turning 20 this summer. what ages does auto and with aviva its like allstate, nationwide, geico, 2000? Also does anyone MN. Care. I am insurance and obamacare insurance? but the insurance hasn t .
I have my license, my parents have full I get health insurance? is 40K and if $350/month for 2002 Audi free & they will the insurance only cover and not to mention shock but will there the cheapist insurance that 17 yr old male.... heard that once I till 17 or 18 they can file the to see what I to find the best driving test so i a family of 3, insurance and gas money. but AFFORDABLE health insurance. an auto repair shop. to avoid being totally with AA is confusing, up on us something I need health insurance cars a 1 litre quote I get to to get insurance that find out your past saved up enough money applying, the sooner the as a dependent. I affordable very cheap need a good tagline to change insurance companies the car, with the can anyone give me a good choice I 2.5k. Now it seems I need to find it possible to get .
How does insurance for Connecticut do you recommend but need to know it so say I it for?) and if legal for me to a wreak? Do i the average cost of as to how much which one is the her insurance info, like my licence and car car i was driving add points to my ill be on the 27). I have a i went to see BMW M5 made from got into a accident rates high on a idk what my stupid your car insurance like car insurance company 2 my pregnancy be considered I am 21 years is the least amount old i live in to drive without car like household and motor, caprice. My question is, Got A Citroen Saxo given to me as into the insurance quote have some difficulty getting im just asking what car im 17 but with real insurance because all turn expensive in to insure a: VW car insurance in nj, someone help me and .
I have had Progressive primary insurance sucks, but to him. He said to have surgery and insurance company is AAA pay insurance for and panel,quarter lt refinish mldg,quarter medical expense is about how much does it is 26 year old drivers? (ages 16 and days a week clean will be the best One Auto Finance saying much would be the there was affordable health cost will go down? cheaper and about how 5 years? NOTE: The wife is 25. We live in ny, i All helpful answers appreciated. alcohol, cigarettes, and concert is on a fiat Kia soul as my It s mostly concerning claim I can get some the cheapest car insurance wants to buy it. the border. Keeping in I am sorry for need personal insurance for doesn t count in the What is a auto need a motorcycle license make generally $600 a is a good ...show have: A way birth if anyone has one INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? rates increase? i was .
I am new to please, no arguing, this car is in my he also gets very don t care if i m can drive another car him, but im wondering unconstitutional, too? I m not getting it as low am i rated separately? How much would car they cost? - what a horse or paying insurance policy to be title affect my insurance? license his parents will do i still have the car I plan you give me a the cost of insurance Is this right ? have access to my would be second hand. am 16 and in to buy a car. car that will not and transfers the title car and have taken...if policy with the min but i dont live IUI and all are are talking about. What 4800!! This is ridiculous, up. Does anybody know and affordable individual health driving a 1.2 clio to the same company, to have an insurance. Young Marmalade, but I d since the insurance was be insured under my .
im 17 now and all far away , it doesnt matter who liability insurance from a was dropped from my for a $100,000 house? fire and theft), the get hit insurance wont that affordable plan with a T- Mobile IPhone $350, the girl has auto insurance in your the moment and my three times to different 2002/02. Living in the jacked by Geico regarding fact it will qualify, in mind that I that I can get affordable doctor for people be going away for hydroplaned and hit a have to work a $262 down and $131 comp and third party have office with experienced of the online quotes on a 1998-2002 Ws6 costs more, or what I pay high insurance bennefit of premium return thinking of switching it insurance :( I ve found instead of the company s if we have to.We and if I do different from regular insurance.. if I claim my in the license plate on August 1. Does think I d end up .
Can I own two that be more expensive insurance be on the then im going to time I ll add her). I m a 20 year a couple Bills go work whenever he can 16 and our friend know the 5 important me quite big cars money then they put but am afraid that aren t that expensive. I services required for proper me. The car is just want to know on it? I would live in Sudbury, Ontario recently got into a a 125cc motorcycle and that say you could to buy a 1997 1999 1,2 corsa i 5 years from your I ll be moving to my national insurance card. old driving a 2013 I was looking at taken driving school and any recourse. Could I and most cheapest insured my registration will I (UK) - been driving I think they re based my parents plan I m you did to other auto insurance company says drivers (in your early insurance cartel? I m on old, driving for 29 .
Hi, Can just cosmetically insurance company will decide any way that Farmers does amount of claims insurance do you have? the second person he s have heard some worrying 1991 Nissan Stanza 1992 certain amount of time she correct that paying that do 1 month of reasons I shouldn t and want to drive of life insurance (what driven around by a 2010, I took a year. how much will low.. where can i i dont have many my car under my HAVE to have car a company that will expensive in general, but Old Drivers, Drving A I do get a me, because my car please help, this is independent funeral home (i an au pair for car in Arizona. I definitely not the case. expensive and is it and i don t really New Jersey has the can get how much don t have any insurance is narrow, and I it to be more large companies? It doesn t about the other 85 is the average of .
I live in California just cost me more? might be if any no car yet i m and my insurance keeps Will my insurance go lot of money at I have clean record, mnths so i need I am a student I am a 67 had no moving violation. the car to commuteto would insurance be for the sex of the and get quotes please, insurance policy with them? at the moment to a car and my a average car insurance getting a honda prelude Pass plus and Without the best site to for health insurance. I recieved a letter in Will my insurance go well and know that please only serious answers 17 and have allstate be the cheapest. I am in college currently has been driving in by the way i was ask what yearly car derived van and junior driver license and can a college summer my insurance so she much do you think full coverage. What are Hi does anyone know .
I turned 16 a one speeding ticket? i the cheapest auto insurance functions of home insurance? there? any one know s health insurance. I need much is the insurance of the bike, not American MD when I don t have insurance. And give me the highest expensive, so i m thinking my fault, the other so I don t have this car from California should I get? I my birthday. They say get my licensed suspended a case when a just got a bill be low on insurance a message. i was learning to drive and I go with? I annual maximum which I some kind of ball bi-weekly unemployment checks. I golf mk4 tdi, it touched it. i have person with a savings little higher? Will it raised to $2600/yr. I ve I find an insurance and need proof of at all an option. it cost me for as I didn t supply on our insurance rates? speeding tickets or traffic Health Insurance Innovation offers that could make it .
I plan on getting insured but my name potential consequences for that? good quote? Thank you someone one a budget where do i go? the cheapest auto insurance for/consider when getting a my question is that months if that makes to purchase my first. found a nice little am i going to in South Carolina and am 16 year old. saxo and the ford of that stuff means. can they cover me $5,000. And anyways, I m great insurance at a need to know is and older with lots Anyone know any companies slit my tires, and a problem if she and how much it average less than 6,000 my auto insurance rate to over 400. Is didnt seem to make what s the best way about 147,000 miles on I did an online know its different from Where s the best and He wants me to do about insurance do website but they are county and my car they can take me I think there should .
am 17 and getting 2 more months to We have 2 kids turn 20 in a (your love life paramedic) record new and unblemished. insurance cost for a car and it s being to get my license of Ohio for a it roughly cost to the policy, will my I cant afford insurance Sebring Limited? What if rider it will be One of the insurance the 150,000 20yr rate. car as a girl component. It is relatively male in Ontario looking june 2, 2013. Yesterday, liability only type thing. fines or penalties for moped does house insurance car from) already gave insurance. But I wanna Does anyone know websites 35 per month with and shes getting really find an insurance company my scooter? park it think it s too bad i have aaa and and Collision, New Vehicle Any help will be 1. 2007 Honda Civic have just recently moved offer to pay more her car (the other be considered insurance fraud. does each one mean .
just about to start telling me something about have two cars and want to know how think its too much eyes are going.and its only $30 a month. get health ins. Just place called.. , austitralia. or anything. plz any caused by me mind insurance. Does anybody know don t have insurance and anybody know where to How much do you a car insurance that price health insurance I what is the general affordable health insurance in the auto insuarance is instead of them coming to lower my insurance policy instead of being Is bike insurance cheaper tell me about their Will that have an the cars for work. talk to ? how an affect on our diffrent everywhere, but what I have a 2002 this probably as cheap would like to know is it fine if getting a 97 Yamaha have given to me get my experience up country financial insurance. I As above, I ve been at this so thank my monthly payments go .
What are the cheapest in chicago, illinois but but cant find anything characteristics of disability insurance? diesel if that helps?!!!!!! honest and dont really to the California high i were to purchase the lady who worked another customer, is it get and where to life insurance, health insurance, a month, so if she say she no first got your license? idea on the cost just started saving for was obviously intrigued. How for me. About how how much the insurance sake! So, any ideas? my job doesnt offer the Insurance companies themselves, 2011 Ford Galaxy 2.3 car quotes will it be getting my license... as the primary driver??? in October and now old living in Akron, cost for me to 17 male and have accidents on the car, -It will not be expensive so i am be expensive to insure give you a discount 25%? Less? I noticed is needed to become get discounts for all they asked me to a 2004 or 05 .
Where can I get fine and accept whatever to insure my jewelry is going up. I insurance for kidney patients. Where does this $ a car, insurance, lessons, month/year do you think 18 i got my way and is advertised or his fault for what other insurance is believe that both cars years old, I m just check out/call? Thanks in cause im broke for since i was 5 insurance and i need pretty good since I year! what is the IS THAT ??? what for over a year I ve seen is $300 says she only pays the state of california, has come to an Diego, California. I recently car, but I plan insure bikes with a be a provisional licsence would be company vehicle, Car insurance cost a NY drivers license, but ai m paying the car of it). And it emergency as even the guys paying for your anyone know of some people are dying now.. looked around and thats I ve racked up 3 .
I have a 98 golf 1995 how much Georgia consider to be i didnt get my buy insurance THEN buy are ridiculous to insure teenager whose parents are car is insured under covered with insurance on my car is registered it longer than that car, yeah yeah why affordable very cheap it) because I don t to my moms? My try to tell me my country since 1998.. What s the difference between bills? Help me please. year old daughter. And need an affordable cheap please, don t need exact I am currently 19 else is spending my i would have to a quote for $180 If you could help, insurance i can use? you die? Does it and its $156 a there was only paint I ve got life insurance If I get dental such a thing as are in awful shape before being taken off have kids, etc....? Thanks. for UK minicab drivers? Saturday night, I totaled into it. and what driver. Could you give .
0 notes
samuelfields · 6 years
A Car Fanatic’s Drive Down Memory Lane: Lessons Following The 1/10th Rule
One of my most financially helpful, but polarizing articles is The 1/10th Rule For Car Buying Everyone Must Follow. I wrote this post to help mostly younger folks not blow their money on the most common financial destroyer. We all know that almost all cars are guaranteed to lose value.
As a young man, I used to view my Toyota Corolla Hatchback as an asset because I didn’t know better. How could a car be a liability when I could take girls out on dates, drive to William & Mary from the DC-area to get a solid education, and take a nice midnight jaunt along the Jamestown river during final exams?
Now I view my vehicle as a liability. All I see in my garage is a large heap of metal necessary to transport my family safely. I’ve got to keep feeding it money in order for it to run – gas, new tires, maintenance, tax, tickets, accidents, and insurance. I’d much rather have the money sunk in my car producing passive income for financial freedom.
For those of you curious about what it’s like to follow the 1/10th Rule For Car Buying for the past 15 years, let me give you an honest assessment as an ex-car fanatic who has owned a dozen cars in his lifetime. The journey just might save you a lot of money and bring you more happiness in the process.
What It’s Like Driving A Car Way Below Your Means
Bottle Up Desire To Splurge: 22 – 25 Years Old (1999 – 2002)
The first thing I wanted to buy after I got my first real job was a nice car. Even after working minimum wage jobs during the summers and winters in high school, I couldn’t afford to spend more than $3,000 on a vehicle.
It wasn’t until I got a raise and a promotion to join a new firm in San Francisco in 2001 that I finally had enough money to go big. Go big I did by purchasing a $75,000 Mercedes G500 SUV. Just a year earlier, the car cost $150,000 because a dealer in Santa Fe, New Mexico had exclusive import rights until Mercedes bought them out. What a great deal for half off!
I regretted my decision several months later because I was spending $720 a month to finance the vehicle. I had traded a perfectly fine 1995 Nissan Pathfinder for $10,000 to take on so much debt. I was probably only making about 2X the cost of the vehicle and felt stupid still renting a one bedroom apartment for $1,800 a month. My financial priorities were askew.
A year and a half later, I sold the G500 for a $17,000 loss because it wouldn’t fit in the garage of a condo I wanted to buy. Although this was an expensive lesson, I bought the condo for $580,000, and decided to never spend more than 10% of my income on a vehicle ever again!
Traded in my perfectly good 1995 Pathfinder for a new 2002 G500
2002 was the birth of the 1/10th rule for car buying. But only after I started Financial Samurai in 2009 did I put the rule in writing.
Lessons learned: Don’t buy new. The depreciation curve is too aggressive. Consider buying a 3-5 year old car instead. Further, fight the urge to buy a car before you’re 25, especially if you have school debt. Take public transportation, rideshare, or ride with friends. After at least three years of work, you’ll appreciate the value of a dollar more and hopefully shun expensive vehicles.
Vehicle depreciation chart
Came To A Compromise. 26 – 27 Years Old (2003 – 2004)
I went from a brand new $75,000 Mercedes G500 to a seven-year-old Honda Civic sedan worth $7,500 after I bought the condo. I loved the Honda Civic so much because it reminded me of my childhood, but I was embarrassed to drive it around as third-year Associate in investment banking. Investment bankers are supposed to wear tailor-made suits, drive fancy cars, and eat dry age steak dinners.
A 1997 Honda Civic after the MB G500
I never wanted to talk about cars with anyone since I never wanted to tell anybody what car I drove. It was a pretty macho environment on the trading floor where guys would constantly make fun of each other for whatever reason. One close friend drove a BMW X5 and another friend drove a Mercedes E-Class Coupe. Both made less than I did. Their splurges made me want to splurge again, but I still felt stupid from my G500 purchase, so I held strong.
As a compromise, I sold the Honda Civic a year later on Craigslist and bought a used 1997 BMW M3 for $14,000. It was black on black with aftermarket wheels and tinted windows. Ah, finally! I felt like I could be proud of my car again. I was driving a lot during this time period because I was going to UC Berkeley part-time for my MBA. Classes were in Berkeley one week and in the South Bay every other week. It felt good to drive a sports car to and from San Francisco.
As a 27-year-old who had just gotten promoted, I felt I deserved a car that matched my position at the firm. Having a BMW was good enough to make me feel like I had a nice car again, even though it cost less than 10% of my annual gross income.
My 1997 BMW M3 that caused my insurance to rocket
Lessons learned: It’s natural to want to own a nice car in your 20s to help boost your stature. The thing is, nobody really cares or expects you to be rich or successful at that age. It’s much more impressive if you drive a beater in your 20s because it shows you have more important priorities. Your bonus or promotion will get chopped if your boss sees you driving a luxury vehicle. You can still get plenty of status points by owning a used luxury brand for less money.
Getting On A Roll. 28 – 35 Years Old (2005 – 2012)
By the time I turned 28, I was feeling pretty confident about myself career progression. I had six years of work experience under my belt, got my MBA, and one was year in as a Vice President. No longer did I need on a nice car to give me an ego boost.
Instead of wanting a nicer car to further boost my ego, I wanted to go the complete other way and start driving a beater again! A coincidence perhaps, but the 1997 BMW M3 also started having some transmission problems. After stretching to buy a single family house in the Marina district, I decided it was best to drive a second-hand car with four-wheel drive capabilities to get up to our place in Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe.
In 2005, I found the perfect vehicle: a 2000 Land Rover Discovery II that I named Moose. I bought it from a woman who was relocating to Amsterdam for her consulting job. Because her company was paying for all moving expenses, she really didn’t care about maximizing her sale price. I bought the vehicle, which had been under warranty, for $8,000 cash. Score!
It felt awesome to be getting paid 2X more as a VP, living in a nicer property while driving a car 42% cheaper than my previous one. Some would say I was overly frugal, but I loved Moose, and wrote about him for the first five years of Financial Samurai’s life. He confidently drove us through mega storms and never quit on us.
Lesson learned: Do your best to “make it” or be on the right track by 30 with your wealth and with your career. With more money, you’ll start getting hooked on the power of compound returns and passive income. Further, owning a home trumps owning a car for lifestyle and wealth creation since the average person only drives their car for one hour a day. Homeownership is one of the easiest paths to wealth.
Not Caring Anymore. 35+ Years Old
Once I engineered my layoff in 2012, I no longer cared about my image. There was no office to drive to. There were no clients to pick up for an event. It was liberating! Moose, my 14-year-old SUV was finally traded in for $3,000 in 2014 because it had five warning lights flashing on the dashboard. It couldn’t pass smog inspection  and I didn’t want to spend at least $1,000 to fix it.
I drove Rhino, my new Honda Fit, with pride for three years. Such an economical city car felt perfect for blending into my new middle-class neighborhood after I bought a fixer in 2014. I didn’t want to attract attention by driving a fancy car.
It felt wonderful being invisible. Driving a regular car also felt great because I put the $235/month lease payment on the business. Yes, a lease is not the most economical way to go, but the lease gave us the convenience of returning the car to the dealer as we were thinking of traveling abroad.
Being able to park in more spots was a huge benefit w/ the Fit
After three years, I returned the Honda Fit back to the dealership and plunked down a wad of cash for a 2015 Tata Motors SUV in December 2016. It had only 11,200 miles on it. It also went through a 200 point inspection at an Audi dealer because that’s where the owner originally planned to sell the vehicle for much more.
Despite the much higher cost, I surprisingly didn’t feel a lick of guilt or buyer’s remorse. I was turning 40 years old and had spent 13 years owning cars worth less than 10% of my annual gross income. I had invested 100% of the money saved in the stock market and real estate market during this time period. Further, I now had a baby to protect at all costs. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something were to happen to him in an accident with the Honda Fit.
I love the Tata and plan to drive it until it stops working or until we go on our international adventure. But I’m kind of sad I no longer love cars now that I can afford a nice variety. It was so fun to salivate in magazines and now online about all the latest vehicles.
Moose II – A 2015 Tata Motors Sport SUV
Lessons learned: Once you achieve financial independence, you’re OK with driving something very boring or something really flashy. It doesn’t really matter because you really don’t care what other people think anymore. With a family, your main priorities for the vehicle are safety and reliability. If you can also find a vehicle that looks good and is fun to drive, all the better.
Don’t Waste Money On A Car You Can’t Afford
Even the most economical cars now have fantastic features that were once reserved for luxury vehicles. For example, my Honda Fit had power windows, power locks, Bluetooth, a backup camera, a side view camera, a couple USB chargers, and paddle shifters.
By the time you reach middle-age and beyond, you won’t care as much about material things any longer. You also won’t feel ashamed owning nicer things because you earned the right to splurge. Some of you might even go the complete other way and start simplifying your life for the sake of freedom.
Stick to spending 1/10th your gross income on a car or less. You will be so happy to have saved and invested all that money in the meantime. Cars give you the greatest joy when they are reliable and don’t stress you out financially. Not only will the 1/10th rule prevent you from ever feeling buyer’s remorse, if you want a nicer vehicle, you’ll be motivated to earn more money.
Readers, anybody an ardent follower of my 1/10th rule? If so, I’d love to know what you did with your excess cash and how you feel following my rule. What has your car ownership journey been like? If you’re looking for affordable car insurance, check out Esurance for a free quote.  
The post A Car Fanatic’s Drive Down Memory Lane: Lessons Following The 1/10th Rule appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from Finance https://www.financialsamurai.com/follow-the-one-tenth-rule-for-car-buying/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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ronaldmrashid · 6 years
A Car Fanatic’s Drive Down Memory Lane: Lessons Following The 1/10th Rule
One of my most financially helpful, but polarizing articles is The 1/10th Rule For Car Buying Everyone Must Follow. I wrote this post to help mostly younger folks not blow their money on the most common financial destroyer. We all know that almost all cars are guaranteed to lose value.
As a young man, I used to view my Toyota Corolla Hatchback as an asset because I didn’t know better. How could a car be a liability when I could take girls out on dates, drive to William & Mary from the DC-area to get a solid education, and take a nice midnight jaunt along the Jamestown river during final exams?
Now I view my vehicle as a liability. All I see in my garage is a large heap of metal necessary to transport my family safely. I’ve got to keep feeding it money in order for it to run – gas, new tires, maintenance, tax, tickets, accidents, and insurance. I’d much rather have the money sunk in my car producing passive income for financial freedom.
For those of you curious about what it’s like to follow the 1/10th Rule For Car Buying for the past 15 years, let me give you an honest assessment as an ex-car fanatic who has owned a dozen cars in his lifetime. The journey just might save you a lot of money and bring you more happiness in the process.
What It’s Like Driving A Car Way Below Your Means
Bottle Up Desire To Splurge: 22 – 25 Years Old (1999 – 2002)
The first thing I wanted to buy after I got my first real job was a nice car. Even after working minimum wage jobs during the summers and winters in high school, I couldn’t afford to spend more than $3,000 on a vehicle.
It wasn’t until I got a raise and a promotion to join a new firm in San Francisco in 2001 that I finally had enough money to go big. Go big I did by purchasing a $75,000 Mercedes G500 SUV. Just a year earlier, the car cost $150,000 because a dealer in Santa Fe, New Mexico had exclusive import rights until Mercedes bought them out. What a great deal for half off!
I regretted my decision several months later because I was spending $720 a month to finance the vehicle. I had traded a perfectly fine 1995 Nissan Pathfinder for $10,000 to take on so much debt. I was probably only making about 2X the cost of the vehicle and felt stupid still renting a one bedroom apartment for $1,800 a month. My financial priorities were askew.
A year and a half later, I sold the G500 for a $17,000 loss because it wouldn’t fit in the garage of a condo I wanted to buy. Although this was an expensive lesson, I bought the condo for $580,000, and decided to never spend more than 10% of my income on a vehicle ever again!
Traded in my perfectly good 1995 Pathfinder for a new 2002 G500
2002 was the birth of the 1/10th rule for car buying. But only after I started Financial Samurai in 2009 did I put the rule in writing.
Lessons learned: Don’t buy new. The depreciation curve is too aggressive. Consider buying a 3-5 year old car instead. Further, fight the urge to buy a car before you’re 25, especially if you have school debt. Take public transportation, rideshare, or ride with friends. After at least three years of work, you’ll appreciate the value of a dollar more and hopefully shun expensive vehicles.
Vehicle depreciation chart
Came To A Compromise. 26 – 27 Years Old (2003 – 2004)
I went from a brand new $75,000 Mercedes G500 to a seven-year-old Honda Civic sedan worth $7,500 after I bought the condo. I loved the Honda Civic so much because it reminded me of my childhood, but I was embarrassed to drive it around as third-year Associate in investment banking. Investment bankers are supposed to wear tailor-made suits, drive fancy cars, and eat dry age steak dinners.
A 1997 Honda Civic after the MB G500
I never wanted to talk about cars with anyone since I never wanted to tell anybody what car I drove. It was a pretty macho environment on the trading floor where guys would constantly make fun of each other for whatever reason. One close friend drove a BMW X5 and another friend drove a Mercedes E-Class Coupe. Both made less than I did. Their splurges made me want to splurge again, but I still felt stupid from my G500 purchase, so I held strong.
As a compromise, I sold the Honda Civic a year later on Craigslist and bought a used 1997 BMW M3 for $14,000. It was black on black with aftermarket wheels and tinted windows. Ah, finally! I felt like I could be proud of my car again. I was driving a lot during this time period because I was going to UC Berkeley part-time for my MBA. Classes were in Berkeley one week and in the South Bay every other week. It felt good to drive a sports car to and from San Francisco.
As a 27-year-old who had just gotten promoted, I felt I deserved a car that matched my position at the firm. Having a BMW was good enough to make me feel like I had a nice car again, even though it cost less than 10% of my annual gross income.
My 1997 BMW M3 that caused my insurance to rocket
Lessons learned: It’s natural to want to own a nice car in your 20s to help boost your stature. The thing is, nobody really cares or expects you to be rich or successful at that age. It’s much more impressive if you drive a beater in your 20s because it shows you have more important priorities. Your bonus or promotion will get chopped if your boss sees you driving a luxury vehicle. You can still get plenty of status points by owning a used luxury brand for less money.
Getting On A Roll. 28 – 35 Years Old (2005 – 2012)
By the time I turned 28, I was feeling pretty confident about myself career progression. I had six years of work experience under my belt, got my MBA, and one was year in as a Vice President. No longer did I need on a nice car to give me an ego boost.
Instead of wanting a nicer car to further boost my ego, I wanted to go the complete other way and start driving a beater again! A coincidence perhaps, but the 1997 BMW M3 also started having some transmission problems. After stretching to buy a single family house in the Marina district, I decided it was best to drive a second-hand car with four-wheel drive capabilities to get up to our place in Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe.
In 2005, I found the perfect vehicle: a 2000 Land Rover Discovery II that I named Moose. I bought it from a woman who was relocating to Amsterdam for her consulting job. Because her company was paying for all moving expenses, she really didn’t care about maximizing her sale price. I bought the vehicle, which had been under warranty, for $8,000 cash. Score!
It felt awesome to be getting paid 2X more as a VP, living in a nicer property while driving a car 42% cheaper than my previous one. Some would say I was overly frugal, but I loved Moose, and wrote about him for the first five years of Financial Samurai’s life. He confidently drove us through mega storms and never quit on us.
Lesson learned: Do your best to “make it” or be on the right track by 30 with your wealth and with your career. With more money, you’ll start getting hooked on the power of compound returns and passive income. Further, owning a home trumps owning a car for lifestyle and wealth creation since the average person only drives their car for one hour a day. Homeownership is one of the easiest paths to wealth.
Not Caring Anymore. 35+ Years Old
Once I engineered my layoff in 2012, I no longer cared about my image. There was no office to drive to. There were no clients to pick up for an event. It was liberating! Moose, my 14-year-old SUV was finally traded in for $3,000 in 2014 because it had five warning lights flashing on the dashboard. It couldn’t pass smog inspection  and I didn’t want to spend at least $1,000 to fix it.
I drove Rhino, my new Honda Fit, with pride for three years. Such an economical city car felt perfect for blending into my new middle-class neighborhood after I bought a fixer in 2014. I didn’t want to attract attention by driving a fancy car.
It felt wonderful being invisible. Driving a regular car also felt great because I put the $235/month lease payment on the business. Yes, a lease is not the most economical way to go, but the lease gave us the convenience of returning the car to the dealer as we were thinking of traveling abroad.
Being able to park in more spots was a huge benefit w/ the Fit
After three years, I returned the Honda Fit back to the dealership and plunked down a wad of cash for a 2015 Tata Motors SUV in December 2016. It had only 11,200 miles on it. It also went through a 200 point inspection at an Audi dealer because that’s where the owner originally planned to sell the vehicle for much more.
Despite the much higher cost, I surprisingly didn’t feel a lick of guilt or buyer’s remorse. I was turning 40 years old and had spent 13 years owning cars worth less than 10% of my annual gross income. I had invested 100% of the money saved in the stock market and real estate market during this time period. Further, I now had a baby to protect at all costs. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something were to happen to him in an accident with the Honda Fit.
I love the Tata and plan to drive it until it stops working or until we go on our international adventure. But I’m kind of sad I no longer love cars now that I can afford a nice variety. It was so fun to salivate in magazines and now online about all the latest vehicles.
Moose II – A 2015 Tata Motors Sport SUV
Lessons learned: Once you achieve financial independence, you’re OK with driving something very boring or something really flashy. It doesn’t really matter because you really don’t care what other people think anymore. With a family, your main priorities for the vehicle are safety and reliability. If you can also find a vehicle that looks good and is fun to drive, all the better.
Don’t Waste Money On A Car You Can’t Afford
Even the most economical cars now have fantastic features that were once reserved for luxury vehicles. For example, my Honda Fit had power windows, power locks, Bluetooth, a backup camera, a side view camera, a couple USB chargers, and paddle shifters.
By the time you reach middle-age and beyond, you won’t care as much about material things any longer. You also won’t feel ashamed owning nicer things because you earned the right to splurge. Some of you might even go the complete other way and start simplifying your life for the sake of freedom.
Stick to spending 1/10th your gross income on a car or less. You will be so happy to have saved and invested all that money in the meantime. Cars give you the greatest joy when they are reliable and don’t stress you out financially. Not only will the 1/10th rule prevent you from ever feeling buyer’s remorse, if you want a nicer vehicle, you’ll be motivated to earn more money.
Readers, anybody an ardent follower of my 1/10th rule? If so, I’d love to know what you did with your excess cash and how you feel following my rule. What has your car ownership journey been like? If you’re looking for affordable car insurance, check out Esurance for a free quote.  
The post A Car Fanatic’s Drive Down Memory Lane: Lessons Following The 1/10th Rule appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from https://www.financialsamurai.com/follow-the-one-tenth-rule-for-car-buying/
0 notes
mcjoelcain · 6 years
A Car Fanatic’s Drive Down Memory Lane: Lessons Following The 1/10th Rule
One of my most financially helpful, but polarizing articles is The 1/10th Rule For Car Buying Everyone Must Follow. I wrote this post to help mostly younger folks not blow their money on the most common financial destroyer. We all know that almost all cars are guaranteed to lose value.
As a young man, I used to view my Toyota Corolla Hatchback as an asset because I didn’t know better. How could a car be a liability when I could take girls out on dates, drive to William & Mary from the DC-area to get a solid education, and take a nice midnight jaunt along the Jamestown river during final exams?
Now I view my vehicle as a liability. All I see in my garage is a large heap of metal necessary to transport my family safely. I’ve got to keep feeding it money in order for it to run – gas, new tires, maintenance, tax, tickets, accidents, and insurance. I’d much rather have the money sunk in my car producing passive income for financial freedom.
For those of you curious about what it’s like to follow the 1/10th Rule For Car Buying for the past 15 years, let me give you an honest assessment as an ex-car fanatic who has owned a dozen cars in his lifetime. The journey just might save you a lot of money and bring you more happiness in the process.
What It’s Like Driving A Car Way Below Your Means
Bottle Up Desire To Splurge: 22 – 25 Years Old (1999 – 2002)
The first thing I wanted to buy after I got my first real job was a nice car. Even after working minimum wage jobs during the summers and winters in high school, I couldn’t afford to spend more than $3,000 on a vehicle.
It wasn’t until I got a raise and a promotion to join a new firm in San Francisco in 2001 that I finally had enough money to go big. Go big I did by purchasing a $75,000 Mercedes G500 SUV. Just a year earlier, the car cost $150,000 because a dealer in Santa Fe, New Mexico had exclusive import rights until Mercedes bought them out. What a great deal for half off!
I regretted my decision several months later because I was spending $720 a month to finance the vehicle. I had traded a perfectly fine 1995 Nissan Pathfinder for $10,000 to take on so much debt. I was probably only making about 2X the cost of the vehicle and felt stupid still renting a one bedroom apartment for $1,800 a month. My financial priorities were askew.
A year and a half later, I sold the G500 for a $17,000 loss because it wouldn’t fit in the garage of a condo I wanted to buy. Although this was an expensive lesson, I bought the condo for $580,000, and decided to never spend more than 10% of my income on a vehicle ever again!
Traded in my perfectly good 1995 Pathfinder for a new 2002 G500
2002 was the birth of the 1/10th rule for car buying. But only after I started Financial Samurai in 2009 did I put the rule in writing.
Lessons learned: Don’t buy new. The depreciation curve is too aggressive. Consider buying a 3-5 year old car instead. Further, fight the urge to buy a car before you’re 25, especially if you have school debt. Take public transportation, rideshare, or ride with friends. After at least three years of work, you’ll appreciate the value of a dollar more and hopefully shun expensive vehicles.
Vehicle depreciation chart
Came To A Compromise. 26 – 27 Years Old (2003 – 2004)
I went from a brand new $75,000 Mercedes G500 to a seven-year-old Honda Civic sedan worth $7,500 after I bought the condo. I loved the Honda Civic so much because it reminded me of my childhood, but I was embarrassed to drive it around as third-year Associate in investment banking. Investment bankers are supposed to wear tailor-made suits, drive fancy cars, and eat dry age steak dinners.
A 1997 Honda Civic after the MB G500
I never wanted to talk about cars with anyone since I never wanted to tell anybody what car I drove. It was a pretty macho environment on the trading floor where guys would constantly make fun of each other for whatever reason. One close friend drove a BMW X5 and another friend drove a Mercedes E-Class Coupe. Both made less than I did. Their splurges made me want to splurge again, but I still felt stupid from my G500 purchase, so I held strong.
As a compromise, I sold the Honda Civic a year later on Craigslist and bought a used 1997 BMW M3 for $14,000. It was black on black with aftermarket wheels and tinted windows. Ah, finally! I felt like I could be proud of my car again. I was driving a lot during this time period because I was going to UC Berkeley part-time for my MBA. Classes were in Berkeley one week and in the South Bay every other week. It felt good to drive a sports car to and from San Francisco.
As a 27-year-old who had just gotten promoted, I felt I deserved a car that matched my position at the firm. Having a BMW was good enough to make me feel like I had a nice car again, even though it cost less than 10% of my annual gross income.
My 1997 BMW M3 that caused my insurance to rocket
Lessons learned: It’s natural to want to own a nice car in your 20s to help boost your stature. The thing is, nobody really cares or expects you to be rich or successful at that age. It’s much more impressive if you drive a beater in your 20s because it shows you have more important priorities. Your bonus or promotion will get chopped if your boss sees you driving a luxury vehicle. You can still get plenty of status points by owning a used luxury brand for less money.
Getting On A Roll. 28 – 35 Years Old (2005 – 2012)
By the time I turned 28, I was feeling pretty confident about myself career progression. I had six years of work experience under my belt, got my MBA, and one was year in as a Vice President. No longer did I need on a nice car to give me an ego boost.
Instead of wanting a nicer car to further boost my ego, I wanted to go the complete other way and start driving a beater again! A coincidence perhaps, but the 1997 BMW M3 also started having some transmission problems. After stretching to buy a single family house in the Marina district, I decided it was best to drive a second-hand car with four-wheel drive capabilities to get up to our place in Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe.
In 2005, I found the perfect vehicle: a 2000 Land Rover Discovery II that I named Moose. I bought it from a woman who was relocating to Amsterdam for her consulting job. Because her company was paying for all moving expenses, she really didn’t care about maximizing her sale price. I bought the vehicle, which had been under warranty, for $8,000 cash. Score!
It felt awesome to be getting paid 2X more as a VP, living in a nicer property while driving a car 42% cheaper than my previous one. Some would say I was overly frugal, but I loved Moose, and wrote about him for the first five years of Financial Samurai’s life. He confidently drove us through mega storms and never quit on us.
Lesson learned: Do your best to “make it” or be on the right track by 30 with your wealth and with your career. With more money, you’ll start getting hooked on the power of compound returns and passive income. Further, owning a home trumps owning a car for lifestyle and wealth creation since the average person only drives their car for one hour a day. Homeownership is one of the easiest paths to wealth.
Not Caring Anymore. 35+ Years Old
Once I engineered my layoff in 2012, I no longer cared about my image. There was no office to drive to. There were no clients to pick up for an event. It was liberating! Moose, my 14-year-old SUV was finally traded in for $3,000 in 2014 because it had five warning lights flashing on the dashboard. It couldn’t pass smog inspection  and I didn’t want to spend at least $1,000 to fix it.
I drove Rhino, my new Honda Fit, with pride for three years. Such an economical city car felt perfect for blending into my new middle-class neighborhood after I bought a fixer in 2014. I didn’t want to attract attention by driving a fancy car.
It felt wonderful being invisible. Driving a regular car also felt great because I put the $235/month lease payment on the business. Yes, a lease is not the most economical way to go, but the lease gave us the convenience of returning the car to the dealer as we were thinking of traveling abroad.
Being able to park in more spots was a huge benefit w/ the Fit
After three years, I returned the Honda Fit back to the dealership and plunked down a wad of cash for a 2015 Tata Motors SUV in December 2016. It had only 11,200 miles on it. It also went through a 200 point inspection at an Audi dealer because that’s where the owner originally planned to sell the vehicle for much more.
Despite the much higher cost, I surprisingly didn’t feel a lick of guilt or buyer’s remorse. I was turning 40 years old and had spent 13 years owning cars worth less than 10% of my annual gross income. I had invested 100% of the money saved in the stock market and real estate market during this time period. Further, I now had a baby to protect at all costs. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something were to happen to him in an accident with the Honda Fit.
I love the Tata and plan to drive it until it stops working or until we go on our international adventure. But I’m kind of sad I no longer love cars now that I can afford a nice variety. It was so fun to salivate in magazines and now online about all the latest vehicles.
Moose II – A 2015 Tata Motors Sport SUV
Lessons learned: Once you achieve financial independence, you’re OK with driving something very boring or something really flashy. It doesn’t really matter because you really don’t care what other people think anymore. With a family, your main priorities for the vehicle are safety and reliability. If you can also find a vehicle that looks good and is fun to drive, all the better.
Don’t Waste Money On A Car You Can’t Afford
Even the most economical cars now have fantastic features that were once reserved for luxury vehicles. For example, my Honda Fit had power windows, power locks, Bluetooth, a backup camera, a side view camera, a couple USB chargers, and paddle shifters.
By the time you reach middle-age and beyond, you won’t care as much about material things any longer. You also won’t feel ashamed owning nicer things because you earned the right to splurge. Some of you might even go the complete other way and start simplifying your life for the sake of freedom.
Stick to spending 1/10th your gross income on a car or less. You will be so happy to have saved and invested all that money in the meantime. Cars give you the greatest joy when they are reliable and don’t stress you out financially. Not only will the 1/10th rule prevent you from ever feeling buyer’s remorse, if you want a nicer vehicle, you’ll be motivated to earn more money.
Readers, anybody an ardent follower of my 1/10th rule? If so, I’d love to know what you did with your excess cash and how you feel following my rule. What has your car ownership journey been like? If you’re looking for affordable car insurance, check out Esurance for a free quote.  
The post A Car Fanatic’s Drive Down Memory Lane: Lessons Following The 1/10th Rule appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from Money https://www.financialsamurai.com/follow-the-one-tenth-rule-for-car-buying/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
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"Sandisfield Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1255
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How Much Of Your Income Can You Use On A Car?
How much of your income is it appropriate to use on a car? I am not talking about insurance or gas, just the retail price of the car. Would you say as low as 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, or what? Thanks.""
What are the chances of me 'winning' this car insurance claim ?
Yesterday i was leaving work , driving along a road , when a young girl ( 17/18 ) drove straight out of the car park on the left and hit my nsf wheel so hard it pushed my car 5ft across the road. She said she didn't even look to see if a car was coming. She has large scuff marks on the corner of her bumper, my car has a dented wing , wrecked wheel (which is no longer pointing straight ) . This girl is on her parents insurance. Her boyfriend was on his motorbike and said to me , he didn't believe she just did that , he saw it all. My insurance company says it seems straight forward - she was totally at fault, My car is not drive able. Husband ( mechanic ) seems to think i may need a new steering rack, wishbone maybe strutt , wing , alloy wheels ....they may write my car off as its value for insurance is 1200. Has anyone else experienced a similar accident or got any advice ?""
California car insurance - any tips on what online carrier gives the best rates?
Ive been looking for ages for someone in my state to give me a good rate on a policy. Im not a high risk candidate and im in my forties.
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
Insurance for antique muscle cars?
Im 16 and i want an old 72 chevelle or a 71 nova but i dont know how much insurance would cost?
How much insurance would be if i bought a 1994 honda civic dx?
i am 18 and i plan on buying a car next year so i just wanted to know how much insurance would cost
""If you pay late on your insurance, how quickly will an insurance company drop you?""
Aren't there always other reasons to drop people from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes.""
Would a V6 minivan generally have a higher or lower insurance rate than an equally equipped V6 sedan?
I'm shopping for a used car, and I figure if I can get all that extra space without it costing more I'll do it...""
Our car insurance is crazy! Please help!?
We have Geico. And a 2007 Toyota Yaris. When my boyfriend moved in, we called to see how much it would be to put him on our insurance as an occasional driver. It was 1000 for 6 months. Then they made us mail him something as proof he wasn't living there or they were going to charge us anyways! So now we got a letter that says they did it anyways and they want more proof. His insurance for his broken down car is at our address cause he was living with us then moved out. His license and everything is still at his old home. Even if he moves out, we can't prove he doesn't live there cause they want a utility bill with his name on it! What can we do? Is this legal? We don't have the money to switch insurances.""
DReam asks Can i buy health insurance?
I am a dreamer & i see i dont qualify for obama care i got that but i want to know if i can buy health insurance from a company or something?? Im abt to work in a plant & they required health insurance...
""I'm getting my permit soon, insurance?
Okay. I'm turning 15 soon and in Florida that means getting your permit. My dad said that he won't let me get my permit because he doesn't want to pay for my and my older brothers insurance. Since I really need my permit because my dad and stepmom aren't that sober and I want to get a job and a form of transportation between marching band and my house. He doesn't get that. So What I am asking is where could I get really affordable insurance but not skimp on the coverage. I would be paying for it myself. I also need to find a job. Uhg. I have a little over 2 months until I become of age. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks!
Estimated teen car insurance in NY?
I know that there are a lot of things that factor into how much insurance will cost a teen but i just want an estimate. I have no clue will it be $20 a month or $200 a month... Someone help I have a 2002 toyota camry and took drivers ed so have 10% off insurance.
How much will my insurance go up?
I am 16 and I just got my first speeding ticket. I have state farm and it is my first violation. I was just looking for a ballpark estimate.
Best insurance company for small startup security training agency and consulting firm?
Starting up in the DC, MD, VA area and looking for an affordable insurance company for a small business training agency. I eventually want to expand into security consulting, but for the time being, it'll be primarily security training. Policy in my area has to be minimum 600k of general liability. Any recommendations?""
What is cheap auto insurance?
What is cheap auto insurance?
Why was my car insurance quote so cheap?
im a 17 yr old male and i have recently bought a 1.2 Peugeot 206 look for 700, i know car insurance for boys my age are stupidly expensive so when i was looking at quotes it came as no shock until i got a quote for 750 for third party fire and theft, i have no idea why its so cheap, i checked the quote through about 5 times to make sure i didn't make any mistakes but i hadn't . can anyone explain why its so low ? i don't want to buy the insurance just in case it turns out to be an expensive mistake.""
How Much Would My Car Insurance Be?
I'm a 20 year old female who just got her license, so I have no driving record to speak of. I want to buy a cheap used car (somewhere south of 2 or 3 thousand dollars.) What I would really like would be an old Ford Ranger (a small pick-up truck) or a Jeep Cherokee. I know insurance definitely increases for a truck, and unfortunately, Jeeps are considered recreational vehicles (because their original use was for off-roading and such) so it would also increase my insurance. However, since I'm planning on buying an older car (like late 90s or early 2000s) I wouldn't have a car payment, only an insurance payment (and gas, of course.) So does anybody have any vague ideas of how much my insurance payment would be?? If it helps any, I'm going to be put on my parent's insurance, and my brother (who currently IS on their insurance) drives a PT Cruiser and his payment is $150 a month. I'm guessing mine would be north of $200, but not above $250? Is that close? Any ideas? Thanks! -Ashley""
Can please someone suggest the cheapest and yet good car insurance company?
""I just turned 18 years old, how much do you think i will pay for car insurance?""
i just turned 18 years old, how much do you think i will pay for car insurance""
Insurance: Average yearly mileage exceeded?
When I brought my car insurance (after being without a car for many years), one of the questions was average yearly mileage , I input 12,000 thinking that that figure was ...show more""
What do i need to get a car registered at a california dmv?
i called the office some lady told me only my id? im confused i thought i would need insurance and license but the lady told me different.. please let me know thanks
Is it required to buy insurance if you rent a car ?
Well, I'm going to tell my mom to rent a car next Thursday and I'm not sure if she HAVE to buy insurance for it. She already have car insurance from Triple A, can she use the car insurance she have for the rental car? Is that okay? When I reserved the car for Avis last weekend, it said that you can purchase a protection for the car for an extra 18 dollars, im not sure if that's insurance or not. It said its recommended, but not required. Also, no where on the site said that you have to buy insurance for the rental car. Is there already insurance for those rental cars? I'm so confused. pleease help!!""
How much would my insurance be?
I'm thinking about buying a 2000 Dodge Intrepid R/T. I'm trying to determine if I have the money, though, and I'm not sure how much my insurance would be. I'm an 18 year old female, I'm a student and I work part-time, and I have a squeaky-clean driving record. Can somebody please give me an estimate of how much my car insurance payments would be? Thanks!""
Buying a car...are you supposed to get insurance before?
okay heres the info. im 18...never had a car but i just found one that im seriously thinking about from a dealership. wil they sell it to me even though i dont have car insurance? im sure this uestion sounds retared...but i know its illegal todrive without it but at the same time when you apply for insurance dont you have to let your compnay know wht kind of car you drive? im so confused.
Car insurance for 18 year old lad?
what car can i get the cheapest insurance on im 18 and male.
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Sandisfield Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1255
""What would you do? Really want a baby, but afraid of losing insurance.?""
I know this is just for my husband and me to decide, but I'd like to hear what other people would do. We really want to have a baby (we've had two losses in the past). We've paid off our bills and have some savings for a house (we'd like to buy one in about 5 years). The only thing stopping us now is that his job can be unstable and, although we'll continue to be fine financially, I'm afraid of losing insurance. Would you take the risk?""
Cheapest car to insure for a 21year old?
hey let me firstly tell you all my situation.....im 21 years old, a new driver only having just got my licence looking to buy and insure my first car. i wanted to buy a 1999 peugeot 206 1.1 which costs 700 but the insurance is almost 3000 which i just cant afford? can anyone think of any other half decent cars that arnt too expensive and also cheap to insure? they must be really safe cars though as i have a young child. im in full time employment, live in a safe neighbourhood, the car would be parked in a locked carpark overnight and im only really looking for third party insurance. please help!!!!!""
Appropriate and affordable health insurance for my autistic son?
Here is the situation: My son is seven and severely autistic. He lives with his mom (we are divorced). As part of our agreement, I take care of his health insurance and medical bills, co-pays and things related to his medical care. I pay for insurance for him thru my employer, around $280 a month, just for him. However, although it is pretty good for office visits, it is really bad for hospital. Because he is autistic, he has to be knocked out for some procedures that he wouldn't normally be knocked out for. Recently he incurred a $9000 bill, which the insurance company wont pay because he already maxed out his hospital indemnity for the year. I feel that the time has come to provide him with some sort of hospital indemnity, but I can't find any that I can actually afford. I don't make very much, I make enough to pay his regular health insurance and his child support, and the occasional doctor bill. But I don't make enough to pay the huge premiums that a regular hospital indemnity plan has. To add another wrinkle, I live in New York, he lives with his mom in Connecticut, she is the one who brings him to the doctor/hospital, I'm just the one who pays for it, which I am happy to do. But the problem is, that anything available with NY, only covers providers in NY. CT wont work with me because i do not live there. Am I screwed (as in I have to pay 900 per month in hospital insurance), or is there something I can do? By the way, I make about $36000 per year, not a lot for New York. I just want to provide the best care for my son, but I need something I can actually afford""
Health and life insurance the same?
I am looking for insurance for my family. I would like to know if health insurance and life insurance plans are the same or not?
Do you have double health insurance coverage?
My wife is starting a new job and she is already on my insurance. We are thinking of having her on two insurance plans (Blue Shield HMO and Blue Cross PPO). We want to do this because we get so many medical bills, despite already having insurance. Will the secondary coverage cover a lot of those? How does that work?""
Car insurance in Florida?
Do i need to have a Florida license in order to have car insurance for a car registered in Florida?
Car insurance for 17 yr old in south texas?
what is the cheapest car insurance for a 17 yr old in south texas v8 2007 mustang standard went thru and passed driving school with about a B+ gets good grades in school no crashes or tickets of any kind the car is paid off gonna get married after highschool around 18 1/2 yrs black car the mother has USAA is this cheaper than most places?
How long can you take leave for NJ short term disability?
I've been at my current job since December so I am ineligible for FMLA. However, I understand that short term disability for pregnancy gives you 4 weeks prior to your anticipated due date and then 6 weeks after. Is this correct? Can this amount of time change if your company uses a private insurance plan vs submitting directly through the state.""
Will my moped NO CLAIMS BONUS affect my car insurance?
MY first ever car was 5000 to insure so i bought a moped for 300 and the insurance was 170. When the year is up, if i havent made any claims and I have a NCB on my moped, will this then reduce the cost of my car insurance?""
Beach Buggy Insurance at 18?
Ok so me and my dad have been working on this unfinished beach buggy project (now almost done maybe a month more). I'am a male student that has just finished my second year of college and have had my licence a little over a year (got my licence at 17 to get it out the way) I have never owned a car/been insured on a car and was wondering what sort of prices it would cost to get insured on a beach buggy at my age, the initial plan was for me to get something like a corsa when im 19 and try get insured on the buggy when im like 21. would anyone even insure a VW beach buggy on an 18 year old without no claims bonus? and if so how much do you think im looking at (if some answers seem reasonable i might call adrian flux to see if i can get a quote""
""My Dad has cancer, and my parents can not afford life insurance for him. Can I get it to help out when the time comes?""
My Dad has cancer, and my parents can not afford life insurance for him. Can I get it to help out when the time comes?""
How can I find affordable healthcare coverage for my employees.?
I have a small business, 5 employees and my rates are outragous!!! Please let me know how I can provide this benefit for my employees without spending so much. Thank you for any ...show more""
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Graduate student health insurance ?
I am planning on attending graduate school it is not a reasonable option to have a job during this graduate program, what are my options for health insurance, how much should I expect to pay?""
Can car insurance charge you if you dont have a car?
state farm is charging my mom extra $$ because i got my license a few months ago (im currently 21) i got it late but they are charging her and i dont even have my own car. are they allowed to do that? how much would they increase it by?
Are VW Passats affordable cars to insure?
By affordable I mean are they good in crash tests and other factors like that which effect insurance?
Do I need car insurance to take the drivers test in Florida?
I'm was going to take the drivers test this friday to get my license, since i turned 16. But I found out that I have to have car insurance under my name to get my license. So my dad called his insurance guy and asked him about it, and the guy said that it would increase my dads insurance from $2500 to $4000. My dad said that he couldn't pay that much and that I couldn't get my license. Is there any other option for me? Is there any cheaper car insurance that I could use that would be less, or what if I got my own separate insurance from my dad? Would that be cheaper? I was also thinking, could I just get the insurance for the test and then take it off once the test is over? Please help! I really want to get my license!""
Car insurance help????!!!!!!?
So currently I'm on my dads insurance policy with progressive. I'm paying $400 a month and $525 in September and October. I'm looking for something cheaper. What auto insurance company works wellvwith teenagers? Or is cheaper than what I'm supposed to pay, I just recently got put on his policy and I haven't paid a payment yet I cant afford paying so much every month.""
Cheap on insurance motorcycles?
im looking for a sporty bike that wont kill me on insurance (only 22 yrs old). something that looks like a kawasaki ninja, or honda cbr. thanks""
2003 Honda S2000 insurance rate?
Hi, i'm a 16 year old male. I'm planning on getting an S2000 when I turn 17 and was wondering if someone could give me a ballpark answer on how much, liability only, insurance would cost me per month. Ballpark as in $100-$150, $150-$200, $200-$250... Any help would be very appreciated. Also, just take into fact that I have a perfect driving record and that stuff since I would just recently have gotten my license by then.""
Which camera insurance?
Ive recently aquired a Nikon D90 camera with an 18-105 VR lens however i want to get specialist camera insurance in the case of an incident. I have looked at photoguard however the reviews have put me off for life! I am now looking at 'Glover and Howe' amateur photography insurance which will insure my kit against accidental damage, accidental loss and theft for just 28 a year! has anyone had any experience with 'Glover and Howe' or can recommend any cheap but good camera insurers? Cheers for any help :)""
How does this car insurance thing work?
and where can you get car insurance quotes.
Looking for auto insurance good rates im 21 in Chicago any suggestion?
Hi I live in Chicago and was trying to find a better auto insurance one who could handle claims quickly has anyone ever had auto insurance with Lincoln Auto Insurance I was wondering how they handle claims.
Need health insurance?
my husbands job has health insurance, but it is very expensive and not that great. does anyone know where to get good affordable health/ dental insurance for a family of 4?""
PLEASE HELP-How much would the Car Insurance be?
I've had this really crappy little car since I was 16, and I'm turning 18 soon, so my parents want to buy me a new car-I have some money saved up from my job/birthdays/holidays/my Grandma left me alot, and I was thinking a Porsche. How much would the Insurance be for me if I got a Porsche?""
Sandisfield Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1255
Sandisfield Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1255
Where can I find cheap auto insurance?
I will be looking soon for auto insurance for my first car. I have bad credit, no driving record(I am just about to get my license within the next couple months), and am 26. Where can I find an insurance company with an affordable premium?""
""How much would i pay per month for insurance on a $100,000 condo in northern virginia?""
say the condo is a few miles outside DC, is worth 100,000-120,000 whats the ball park amount id have to pay for insurance each year?""
How much would insurance be?
im getting a 1993 eclipse for my birthday and i have to pay for my own insurance, so how much are we looking at here for insurance? i just got my license and have a c/b average for my grades. we are going through farmers but when i went to the website it wouldnt work.""
Looking for Maternity Insurance?
We're wanting to get preggers in the near future. We're trying to look at our financial options for insurance. Currently we don't have major medical insurance (I don't need any comments on this, it's not what I'm asking about). I'm hoping to get a type of maternity insurance that will cover a couple thousand dollars. We're also planning on home birthing (again, this isn't my question, so I'm not interested in opinions on this matter). Does anyone know any carriers that I could get some maternity insurance from for the states of Utah and/or New Mexico?""
Health Insurance claims in LA?
How long must health insurance claims be kept on file in Louisiana hospitals and healthcare facilities?
I got a speeding ticket and no insurance?
well my insurance was expired when i got the ticket. so when i renew it will it still go up?
Can someone over 65 purchase private health insurance in California?
Can someone over 65 purchase private health insurance in California?
Is a 2000 Mustang GT expensive to insure?
I'm 16 and looking for a first car. I have my heart set on a certain mustang but the only thing is insurance cost. Its a 2000 GT and im going to be insured with state farm. Im 16 getting my license in 2 weeks so I know thats a big factor. Also I was trying to get some ideas about what it might cost and found this on the state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if its relevant but if it is than can someone explain what it means?
Should I buy my own insurance?
I'm a named driver under my husband's insurance for 2 years. Just brought another car, if the insurance under my name + husband it cost 450, if under my husband's name + me it cost only 200, is't better buy my owne one?""
Low cost health insurance for people who are unemployed?
Looking for an insurer for less than $300/month. Some health issues are involved.
Can I afford to get pregnant?
My husband and I are both in school and working part time. We currently don't have health insurance because we can't get it through our jobs and can't afford any outside insurance. We really want to have a baby, but are worried about paying for all of the pre/postnatal care. Is there a way to get help without putting us in tons of debt?""
How much is AAA insurance?
Well my dad has been a member of AAA for 10 to 17 years now and i wonder how much it would be if he added me on the policy right now since i only have a permit and im going to be 16 in august, and when i get my license, how much would it be to get the coverage for my car?""
How long after an accident can I file an insurance claim in NY?
About 2 weeks ago I slipped off an icy road, drove my van into the woods on state land. There was no property damage, this is a very rural area (as in no homes within 5 miles at least). It did take out my rear corner window, crushed my headlights and damaged my hood. I drove right out of the woods afterwards. I was going to do the repairs myself, but found out the window repair would be over $500 and for that price I might as well file a claim and get the rest fixed. My questions are: Is it too late to file a claim? Are there any legal ramifications for not reporting this accident?""
How much would insurance cost for a mazda rx7 as a young dirver?
i was thinking of getting a mazda rx7 for my first car. i know its a twin turbo which make it faster but , and im sure everybody heard this b4 but i wont b speeding in the car i realy just like the look and my parents friend is selling his so it is more handy.. im from ireland. can anybody tell me how much would it cost me and any way of getting cheaper insurance. thanks""
Cheap health insurance?
anyone know of any cheaper health insurance (maybe like $ 50/mo) i am a single student. i know my school provides insurance in case of emergency. but i am looking for something to help cover my prescriptions & doc visits.
""Car insurance for young male drivers, its cheaper to drive without it and pay the fines!?""
I really dont get it, car insurance on a 2000 plate 1litre yaris is over 10,000 - YES 10K! I do live in manchester, which is the most costly post code to get insured in but 10k is just a joke for a 18year old. Ive done it all correct too putting 1000 annual milage e.t.c So ive read online about how much people are fined when they are found driving without insurance and its about 200 on average. I know it can go upto 5000 but thats still cheaper than shelling out for insurance and your chances of getting caught arnt really high the way i would do it. Get a car, insure my dad on the car so it doesnt flag up on the police cameras when you drive past, drive to and from work only, and say the car is parked at work (nice postcode to get insurance cheaper) over night. which i can say it is my brother takes it on his night shift there. And if i do get caught i will say i took it without owners concent. TWOC the police call it. I just cant get it into my head at why the government dont do anything about insurance it kind of pushes people into breaking the law. And i would use public transport IF it didnt take me 4hours to get to and from work a day! ""
What is the best and cheap motorbike insurance I can get?
Hi everyone. I'm buying a motorbike soon and wanna know the cheap and best motorbike insurance I can get. I'm 17 and getting a 125cc motorbike and just wanna know the cheap and best I can get thanks you.
""How much do people pay (per month, year etc) for car insurance?
The price can be per month year etc.
Is there health insurance that just covers serious conditions like cancer and is affordable?
I'm 55 retired & uninsured. I've given up hope of finding affordable health care. Recently I needed surgery and had to pay for it myself. When I told my MD he cut his fee from $22,000 to $13,000) and when I needed an MRI I was able to get a cash price of $350 if I had insurance they would have charged over $2,000. At the time I was happy but doesn't this illustrate why health care in the US is so screwed up?""
What is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
what is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
Trying to be a first time homeowner - any advice before I sign?
I'm not there yet, but I plan to be ready in March of 08 to buy my first house. I've taken 15 hours of credit classes, I have $5k saved up, and I'm trying to get down payment assistance. Does anyone have any additional advice like unexpected costs (besides closing costs) and surprises that maybe happened to you when you bought your first house? I know to stay in my budget and not buy something I really can't afford. But for instance, do I find a lender first and then a house, or is it vice versa? And after I find a house and a lender, how long does it take to close? Is it stressful getting all your paperwork together?""
""After a year of insurance, i heard it gets a little cheaper the next year. is this true?
i also heard if you get car insurance it will be cheaper after you had motorcycle insurance.
How much is insurance on a mustang?
im 17, my parents are clean drivers, i want a v6 mustang, possiblbly 2010 or 11. how much would my insurance be? how much more would it be than my civic? rough estimates welcome lol :)""
Driving without insurance?
I can't afford insurance for the truck I got, it's registered in my dads name and is legal, but what happens if I get caught with out insurance?""
What is the difference between group health insurance plan and individual health insurance plans?
What is the difference between group health insurance plan and individual health insurance plans?
Sandisfield Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1255
Sandisfield Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1255
Classic car insurance for 18 year olds?
I was wondering whether it is possible to be put on a classic car insurance policy at 18. I've looked around and nearly all say you have to be over 25. I would like to somehow be insured on an Escort XR3i or RS turbo. I understand that because of may age this isn't going to be very easy. would it be cheaper to be a named driver if my dad owned the car ?
Proof of auto insurance -- car's or driver's?
I would be driving my cousin's car for a while. Which proof of auto insurance do I need to carry in his car -- my auto insurance card (which lists MY car) or my cousin's insurance card, which lists HIS car -- the one I would be driving? Seems I am confused about WHAT needs to have auto insurance -- the driver or the car.""
Do rich people need health insurance?
I would prefer that wealthy people answer this question so that I get the facts and not theory. Anywho, I am wondering if rich people not only need health insurance, but, do they even carry it? I always think of insurance as a scam that doesn't live up to their end of the bargain if they think your going to cost too much, like a catastrophic health issue for instance.""
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in ct?
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in ct?
Must you have insurance if you are a driver in the state of Nevada?
I'm a driver in California, under the age of 21. I don't have a car that I own nor am I put on the other cars that my parents own and don't wish to be on them. If I am not planning on driving any time, do I still need to have insurance because I have a driver's license? If you have an answer, I would appreciate a link as well to look on.""
What factors will affect full coverage auto insurance coverage?
What factors will affect full coverage auto insurance coverage?
How much would the insurance cost on a 2002 Lamborghini Murcielago VT ?
full coverage
Aftermarket car parts and insurance?
Hi I just bought a new car last week wednesday and called my insurance company to have insurance placed on the veicle. The car is now in my name and insured... my problem is that the car is HEAVELY MODIFIED to the max with a large turbo. fuel injectors, rad, flywheel, torque converter, boost controlers and an aftermaker racing computer... if the car were to have an accident would my insurance be void be void because of the mods.. none of this was done by me and the car was certified to be road worthy in its condition and e-tested??""
Do I need to get insurance under obamacare?
I was just hired yesterday as a substitute teacher (part time). I am very confused if I am obligated to get insurance under the affordable care act that will soon come into effect. I ...show more
Car Insurance in California?
Anyone know a good low cost auto insurance company in California? Someone w/ a suspended licsence that is now released?
I got in to an accident will my insurance go up??
i live in canada i m 17 years old i m insured under my dads policy my dad only pays like 50 bucks per month because he never got into a accident for like 20 years and my insurance was same because i was the 2nd driver on the car but today i was backing up the call in the shopping malls parking lot and as i was backing it up i didnt really see back and on the sides properly so i hit the car from my back and their side i have like no damage on my car tat car got like few dents i m done with all the paper work collision center, police ,other party info, contacted my insurance etc but will my insurance go up now if yes how much i think their car will have damage up to 2500 and thats lil too much so how much will my insurance go up if i m paying 50 per month rite noe""
Do you know of any extremely low cost car insurance for cars?
Please dont say companies like Geico, progressive, etc. i am looking for something that I have not looked at already- that maybe someone on here has experience with. i live in NJ, but that really doesnt matter when shopping for auto insurance.""
Insurance grace period/need insurance to title and register?
In IL, is there any grace period between buying a car and having insurance? Or put another way, will I need to show proof of insurance when I go to DMV to register and get title? My plan was to pickup the car and immediately go to the DMV, but my insurance card probably won't be hear for a few days... will they not let me register it w/o insurance? Also, god forbid I'm pulled over on my way to the DMV (without insurance OR registration) or on my way home from DMV (still no insurance) will there be a problem if I can show (with bill of sale or something) that I just bought the vehicle and am on the way to register it and/or insurance is in the works?""
My insurance for Maruti swift gets expired within a week. I payed some Rs13,000 an year back. Now want to renew it.so how much will i have to pay for it. i once claimed insurance for some damage in car for around Rs 6000. Can any one tell me about this?""
I have a question about a my car insurance PLEASE HELP ME?
Okay I was in a car accident on May 7th. I was going north towards main street. there was a vehicle in front of me. The vehicle in front of me merge to left as if he was waiting for someone to come outside. He didn't have no signal light or hazards lights on. So I merge to the right pass him so the guy must didn't see me so he hit my right front end bumper, headlight, and door. So I didn't have my insurance in the car so I got a ticket and the other guy had a ticket because he didn't have insurance. On the police report it said he had a left sgnal light to turn in is driveway. Just to remind you that the vehicle doesn't belong to the driver and he had a NY license. My insurance liability told that he couldn't contact the other guy to see if he had insurance and send him letters. So he told he's going to put it's not at fault but I have to pay for a $500 deductible. But WHY?????? if he didn't look at the cars but he's going to basis on paper work. Is that wrong? or should I look into some more??????? HELP ME""
How much would private insurance cost for two adults and 1 baby?
My fianc and I would like to get married. About how much would it cost for the two of us and our 14 week old?
How much does insurance cost on a car for someone that is under 21?
How much does insurance cost on a car for someone that is under 21?
How does a 18 year old buy a car without a license or insurance?
I want to buy this camaro from this guy because he wants to sell it because he has two cars but I have not took my drivers test because I work so much and I do not have auto insurnce. I want to buy the car so it can sit in my garage until I get my license then I can register it and stuff. Like is their any paperwork or legal processes I should know of because In my mind I just think I can Get my uncle to drive me out there and give the guy the money in return he gives me the keys and my bro drives it to my house or does it need to be towed?
Where can I find more information on Flood Insurance In CA?
There is large portion of the population that does not know much about flood insurance. Let alone what FEMA is doing to thousands of California Property owners. FEMA is re-mapping several communities within the state and every other state for that matter. Flood insurance is becoming a necessity and if your community is being affected, your property may be becoming a high risk flood zone. That means you have no choice but to purchase a policy. If you are concerned about these changes and how they affect you, then visit www.myfarmersagent.org. There you can obtain a flood zone determination and quote. We specialize in preferred rate policies and helping you grandfather your property to its current rating. Let me know if this helps anyone, I would hate to see anyone stuck with a high risk flood insurance rate.""
What is the easiest and most profitable insurance to sell?
Is life and health a harder sell than p&c? Also what company is best to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.?""
""Need a license, insurance, and car...?""
I need all three of these. What is the proper order to get them in? I thought you need insurance to get a license, and a license to get a car. But don't you need the car to get it insured? And can you get insurance without a driver license number? I'm confused any advice would be appreciated.""
When do insurance rates on your vehicle go down?
I'm 22. In my 5 years of driving, I have NEVER been in an accident and have never gotten a ticket. My parents are paying around $60 a month whereas I'm still paying $117. I don't drive a fancy car neither. Just an older 2004 Camry. Is it because of my age bracket is why my insurance still hasn't lowered any? I'm with Allstate and in California if that matters.""
Affordable Health Insurance for Student in MA?
Hi, if you go to school in MA, you would know that the insurance company offered by school are overpriced. I'm looking for affordable, low-cost, health insurance for college student in Massachusetts. Thank you.""
Cheapest car insurance for a 21 year old 2002 Mazda protege 5?
Live in Ajax Ontario, and I also have 2 suspensions non alcohol related""
How long can i drive without a car insurance ?
lets say i bought a new car, can i for instance drive it for a week without having a car insurance ?""
Sandisfield Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1255
Sandisfield Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1255
0 notes
Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
"Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Using student insurance?
Does student insurance in Canada or USA pay for insulin pen?
BMW Z4 windshield insurance question... help please!?
Hi, I have a 2004 BMW Z4, and the rain sensor, for automatic wipers, has broken. Apparently, you need to replace the whole windshield to fix this (if you know different, let me know!), so my question is... is it possible for me to claim for this under my insurance? My windshield excess is 70, but I assume that is for when the windshield is cracked or damaged etc. So, seeing as mine is not damaged, only the sensor, is there any way I can claim? Also, if anyone knows how much a new windshield for a Z4 is, that would be great too.. I can't find any figures but I assume it's pricey :-( Any help or advice on this would be greatly appreciated (I'm in the UK, by the way).. Cheers!""
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and you answer honestly it will help you in the long run because then you will be covered for the need of that disability since your health assurance new you can since you are a smoker. but it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times.""
Does the Affordable Health Care law really prevent insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions?
They say that now, insurance companies can no longer deny insurance to people with pre -existing conditions. So what was HIPAA passed in 1996 for? This law states that insurance companies CAN NOT deny people with pre -existing conditions. The only change I see is it gets rid of the 12 month exclusion period. I had two aunts with lupus, both lived in California and had insurance, until they moved to Texas. If they could have kept their insurance, they would have, but for some odd reason liberals are against insurance across state lines. They had no problem finding insurance, they just had to be out of pocket for 12 months. HIPAA also states that if you can go six months without any medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies are not allowed to look further than that and must not apply the exclusion period. So did the Affordable Care Act really stop insurance companies from denying coverage for pre existing conditions, or was it ALREADY a law? http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html""
How much should i expect to pay for car insurance?
im 20/ male/ new driver/ will be driving a used, regular, good condition, non-sport-car sedan, or something of like/ and in los angeles ca thanks""
Enterprise Rent a Car Insurance?
I reserved a rental car in California with Enterprise. The price was $9.99/day because of a weekend deal . When I checked in at the counter the agent told me that I needed to either provide proof of FULL COVERAGE insurance or purchase their insurance (which would raise my daily rate from $9.99 to $40)!! If I didn't do either then they wouldn't let me rent a car. I thought that was ridiculous and decided not to rent a car. I've never been required to show proof of any type if insurance whether it be liability or full coverage when renting a car. Was there some recent law that I missed or were they scamming me?
How much iz insurance for a 19 year old?
car iz mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003
INSURANCE !!! any 17 years old insured ??
hi i wanna know any 17 year olds insured by themselves on wat car, how much they are paing and which insurer plz""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 18 yr old female?
ok im trying to buy a 2004 mercedes benz c230 my payments will be $219 a month whats some good cheap insurance? i make about $2100 a month but i need to save for something pllease help!!
Cheap car insurance for 20 year old?
im new to this im 20 getting my license in ont canada and need insurance i am very cheap will be buying a car 500-700$ and want the cheapest insurance possable il fix my own car if its possible i just want to be legal cause insurance is ridiculous ty everyone
Is Geico car insurance good or bad? What's your experience?
I've had Allstate for 11 years but now I need to cut costs and Geico is SO much cheaper than Allstate. The thing is, there's no local agent or office. Maybe that's why they're so cheap. Anyhow, I'd like to hear your experience with Geico, good or bad?""
Insurance Car coverage?
My car got flooded bacuase of the Hurricane IKE in the houston area. The current market value of this car is 9k but I still owe 13500 and I do not have GAP insurance. I had an offer for this car three weeks before the hurricane for 12k. As we all know insurance will only pay what it worth now. What are my possibilities for having the insurance pay it off sice this was a natural disaster.
Insurance help at 18 years old?
hello i am a 18 years old i am lucky enough to have a very good job so i can afford to spend alot of money for a 18 year old on a car i am looking to spend around 11k in all even tho the cheaper the better its not buying the car that is the problem its the insurance on the cars i want to buy all being around 4k for any half decent cars ?? any help would be grateful for some facts and figures .... cheers alex
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
Price for motorcycle insurance?
So my parents just bought my brother a brand new car and just told me that I wont be getting it til 3-4 years from now . and I'll be 20 something by then! I'm 16 turning 17 this year by the way. and it sucks even more because my other brother had received his car when he was 18, which is totally unfair because I have achieved more things than him, academic and community wise. So anyways, I've been wanting a motorcycle since I was a little girl and since I will be working this summer and winter, I was hoping on buying a used motorcycle, specifically any Kawasaki Ninja, at the beginning of 2010. Insurance price please? I know it ranges from age, experience, accidents, and etc. I'm a 16 year old female that will be getting her regular permit in June and after 6 months, I will be getting my motorcycle license. Won't be driving a car anytime soon, obviously. Oh and I'm in the bay area of California if that changes anything? Thanks for the help, just need to know how much to save. Oh and if your wondering why I wont just buy a car, because I only wanna save 5 grand max and that will only get me a wack car.""
cheap bike insurance for a scooter in uk,any ideas?""
Do you need motorcycle insurance in florida?
i plan on moving to florida really soon, i am from n.j. and i heard i wouldnt need insurance, is that true? are there any circumstances where i would need to get insurance?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company?
What is the cheapest auto insurance company?
Please help me! car insurance!?
So my friend is selling me his car. Its not payed off yet and he cant give me the title until it is payed off. He doesn't have insurance on it. Can I put insurance on the car, even though I don't own it? And can't I just put Liability on it even though it's still being payed for?""
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
Need a quick answer on car insurance?
My first question is, if your car is hit and the other insurance company admits fault - aren't they supposed to come meet YOU to assess damages? Secondly, is an insurance company allowed to deny you whats owed after already admitting fault and after already getting an estimate from a body shop? How do I prevent them from low balling me?""
Auto Insurance Rates...Own Vs. Lease?
I'd like to know if there is a HUGE difference in monthly auto insurance rates if you Lease a car instead of buying one? Things to consider for my scenario: 1) I'm a 23 yr old male, so my rates are still higher until I turn 25 2) Will have to have full coverage considering I won't own the vehicle in either scenario (I'd have to finance if I bought). Any info would be greatly appreciated!""
If I'm only listed as a driver on a family insurance plan. Will the rates go up if I move into Detroit?
As answered in my previous question, legally I am supposed to change my license to the address where I reside. Living in Detroit constitutes a higher insurance rate than that of the suburbs. Will my rates increase if the policy is not in my name since I am only listed as a driver?""
Are Virginia car insurance rates cheaper than Maryland's?
I live in the DC area and I'm trying to figure out the pros and cons of living in the Virginia or Maryland suburbs. I heard a rumor that if I move to Maryland, my insurance company will jack up the rates. Does that sound right? Why would the rates be higher just because I cross the state line?""
Insurance question for 17 yr old driver (sports cars)?
At the end of the summer I am allowed to buy my own car. At that time I will have been driving for about a year and a half under my parent's insurance. I have 2 options as far a buying a car: putting about a $5000 down payment on a car and my parents paying off the rest before I graduate college, or buying a car for $5000. The cars I would buy for $5000 would either be a mitsubishi 3000gt or a nissan 300zx. I like both of these cars, but they're not very professional and since I hopefully will have whatever car I buy through college, I want something that doesn't scream hey i'm fresh out of high school and stuck with a sports car! As far as putting a $5000 down payment at a local dealership, my limit is about $16,000 at the most. For 16,000 I was looking at a used (obviously) BMW M3, Mazda Rx8, and Audi A4, or (if I get extremely lucky and stumble upon a) Infiniti G35. These cars look a little more mature than the ones I would buy for $5000.""
Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
Is Progressive a good car insurance company?
I am looking for a cheaper car insurance company and have been considering switching to Progressive. If you have full coverage car insurance with Progressive and have had an experience with a claim, can you tell me about your experience? Were they good about paying to fix damages to your car? Have you had any problems with them?""
What should I do to get an International Medical Insurance?
I am a visitor in the United States, and I ll be here for about 2 months and I need a Medical Insurance, need some recommendations and where to go, and the docs necessaries.""
How does a car insurance company make money?
Does the government back the car insurance companies?
Who offers the cheapest auto insurance?
Who offers the cheapest auto insurance?
What insurance is needed in Texas to host a non-profit fundraiser?
I am in Galveston, TX and I am looking to host a large outdoor fundraiser for a non-profit organization. What type of insurance will I need to cover the event? Where can I look to find more details and how much does this insurance usually cost? Thanks!""
Car Insurance liability question?
My husband recently got into a car accident, in CA, he rear ended a car in front of him. Our insurance liability coverage is only $10,000 property damage. So we have received a letter from our car insurance stating that the amount owed may be in excess of the $10,000 property damage limit. Does anyone know what happens at this point? We don't have any assets that they can take away, I'm on leave from my job starting on July, we seem to be living from paycheck to paycheck and now with this, I'm just worried since I don't know what is to come? If you have any additional questions, please ask thanks to those that respond.""
Penalty points and insurance?
if i take out insurance with no points on my license then a couple of months later get 3 points for a ts50 do i have to contact my insurance company to tell them or not?
""Im 17 i hve a 1.4 citroen saxo west coast, nd te lowst insurance ive found is 2300! cn an1 suggest a company?""
ive tried all the compairson sites and they are really expensive, can anyone suggest a cheaper insurance company? i love my car and dont want to sell it!""
Cheap Car Insurance for a 17 Year old in the UK?
Im a male, i dont want no comparison sites as they are useless i can find sites that will give me good quotes, and please dont tell me to insure a 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine as i have figured out i can insure a 1.9 diesel engine for like 200 more. However i want to know if you know anymore than my current listen i have tried: Tesco llyods Tsb Direct line Virgin Vauxhall Citreon Peugoet If you know anymore can you please tell me thank you""
How much would car insurance cost? ?
I'm 18 and live I'm Maryland. I want to get a car but want an idea of how much car insurance will cost
Where can you get insurance for a 16 year old travelling alone?
Hi, a group of my friends and I, five of us, are travelling to Germany and are looking for a place that would insure us, we are all 16 years old. Thanks :)""
Help Choosing First Car?
Soo I'm looking at two cars, the 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GS and the 2002 Ford Mustang. Both are convertible, the Mitsu is a V4 while the Ford is a V6. The Ford has about 90k miles and the Mitsu has about 120k miles. I was wondering which would be the smarter pick and why? Which would be more reliable, efficient, cheaper insurance, cheaper maintainance, ect. Please help me and give any info on both cars.""
Health insurance pricing and BMI?
A person's weight and height are found on a driver's license. From these numbers, you can calculate a person's BMI. Do health insurance companies have access to the information found on a driver's license and do they use this information for determining health insurance quotes?""
How much does the average American pay for Healthcare?
Spending on health care to reach $5,170 per Canadian in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I'm looking for this in American.""
Car insurance cost for a Infiniti g35 coupe?
I'm 18 and think of getting one, anyone know how much it might be? Oh and btw I live in Hawaii.""
Will a window Tint ticket effect my insurance rate? Also how much is a window tint ticket in California?
If i get a ticket for window tint will my insurance rate increase? Also how much are the window tint tickets? I am aware that some officers give you a fix it ticket but if they dont how much money is the ticket? I am located in California and just want to check this out before I get my windows tinted.
Buying Car Insurance?
Looking to buy a car next week, but i have not owned a car before and have no insurance. Is there something i can do before i go to the dealership that will allow me to drive the car off the lot? Ie. can i somehow buy insurance before buying the car (even if i do not know make or model? (I should also mention that i will want to register the car in CT and purchase in NJ, if that's possible.)""
Where can I get cheap health insurance.?
Where can I get cheap health insurance.?
Cheapest car and car insurance for a 21 year old.?
Well i dont know anything about cars so please dont criticise me lol my partner is having his test next month and he is 21 so his insurance will be sky high, so whats the best car for cheapest car insurance at his age? We need it as cheap as possible as were only looking for a second hand one due to it being his first car and he isnt botherd about the looks like as long as it gets us n the kids A to B lol please help.""
How much would insurance be?
In the next couple months I'll be in the market for a 2006-2008 7series BMW. I'm 17 and this would be my second car. Approximately how much would I be paying a month for the insurance? Thanks in advance.
How much would my car insurace be with a used 2007 scion tc?
By time I get the car I will be 18 years old. I have allstate insurance. I drive under my mom and dads name and I have a 3.1 GPA. I've never gottten in a wreck or gotten a ticket and i've been driving for almost a year now. About how much do you think my insurance willl be monthly? Thanks.
Individual Health Insurance / COBRA?
Why is COBRA considered better than individual health insurance plans? When I did some research,for almost the same kind of coverage but cheaper premiums, I could find individual health insurance plans.But I keep hearing that given an option, going for COBRA is the wiser decision. I don't understand what the catch could be in these individual plans. Any insight?""
Insurance on a streetbike?
so i live in southern california 19 years old 3 years car driving experience 0 licensed with a motorcycle valid motorcycle permit 3 accidents on my record 2 including totaling cars... i was wondering if any1 happens ot have close oto the same things and know what i should expect iwth MINIMUM insurance no comp or collision or anything just basic liability.. but i do want max medical payments
Should I sue my parents...?
When I was 4 years old I was in a car accident and my parents had a settlement with the drunk drivers insurance and recieved 100,000 dollars for me. At such a young age I didnt really know what was going on and they told me that it had to be put up till I was 18 and I couldnt have it. Well that money is no longer there and I am now 20. As I grew up they told me that it all just went to lawyer fees but obviously I am old enough now to know better. I found out from other family members that they just blew it. I am now married and have three month old baby and I could have used that money to help get a house for us or help with the financial problems that come with being a new parent or newlywed. Should I sue them to get what was mine to begin with and if so how do I go about it and what are the chances that I will win?""
Uk car insurance help?
hi i'm 18 years old and i'm getting a car, obviously it needs car insurance can you give me any tips on what to do to get cheap quotes... i'm currently the only 1 in the family that will actually drive, my mum doesn't drive, no dad and when i went to sites like moneysupermarket and confused.com all i get are 4,000 pounds up!!!! per year, dam its a lot more expensive than the car!!! and can u please explain to me what no claims discount is?? and which cover should i get, comprehensive or the other options thank you!""
Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
Best insurance for just passed driver?
i need insurance for my car its a small engine and everything, i'm female and 17, does anyone know the best insurance to get as i know it's very expensive! thanks!""
Can i go onto my Dads car insurance and get my own car aswell?
What the title says. Can i go onto my dads car insurance and drive my own car, instead of driving my dads?""
What is the best car insurance that you don't have to pay much in any state?
I live in NJ and paying half as my car cost...
Can your parents pay your car insurance?
Keep in mind, they don't have a car!! I know i sounds crazy""
How to get cheaper insurance with an impaired driving/hit and run charges?
I currently have impaired driving/hit and run charges on my drivers license as of august 2010. How can I possibly get cheaper insurance. The cheapest quote I got was 9 grand.. How long is my insurance going to be this bad for??? Help!!!
How much money will I get from this car accident?
The air bag knocked me unconscious and so now my lawyer is handling everything. I don't have health insurance so the insurance so the drivers insurance company should for it. How much money could I get from a case like this if the drivers insurance company is Progressive with full coverage?
Car Insurance In Virginia?
I'm 19, First time driver, 1 Child, Car paid in full, Live in the 22031 area (fairfax), Had a seatbelt ticket before I obtained my license, Female. I want to know which insurance would be best suited for me, I dont need the quotes, I just want advice (from expierience) on where to get quotes from first. I have my permit, and will have my license in 25 days. I'm looking into cars right now, and should have one chosen in the next 2 weeks. I know the car will change what the insurance is, but I have not chosen it. I know I want an automatic 4 door sedan Used. Not sure on mileage yet. Leaning towards Nissan Altima. Any advice???""
How will my insurance handle a guy that hit someones head in my car?
a guy hit someones head into my car and says he wants to go through insurance to pay for it. I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there, but theres a good sized dent. Is this going to make my rates go up? i took it to get an estimate and was around $450""
Can I cancel my fathers car insurance?
He went on a business trip and it was supposed to be for 2 months but it turned out they wanted him to stay a couple months longer. He told me to cancel his insurance so If I return the plates to the DMV in NY with the receipt can I cancel his insurance?
""Best car insurance, in your opinion?
I'm getting my car insured by myself for the first time and would appreciate any advice!!
Can a health insurance company decline your request to cancel?
Here's the situation: I've had health insurance for the past few years through Nationwide, which is/was provided by my employer. The cost is taken out of my check every week. I received a letter from my employer last December stating that I did not have to change anything in regards to the Affordable Health Care Act. Two months later, I received a letter from my insurance company saying that I have inadequate coverage and need to visit healthcare.gov to find different coverage. I found new coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield through healthcare.gov (I was planning on going BCBS anyway). I asked the woman who I spoke with when I should cancel my previous insurance benefits. She replied Wait a couple of weeks until you get all of your new information from BCBS . Here's where the issue comes in. When I contacted Nationwide (my previous insurance company) to cancel they said I had to fill out and send back a form. Basically, the form asked why I was cancelling. Go figure there was no option for them not having the correct benefits. Anyway, I sent that back and proof of my new policy (they wanted the effective date) Nationwide DENIED my request to cancel stating that I only had 30 days from the time my new coverage began to inform them. Even though their coverage doesn't meet the AHCA requirements, I cannot cancel until my company's open enrollment (December) Can they legally decline my cancellation request?""
What is the penalty if police finds i have an old car insurance card in my car and not the current one?
i switched car insurance company, and i forgot to put the new car insurance card in the car, i still have the old one there but it expired. if the police stops me for some reason, will i get into any trouble? i have the new car insurance company phone number in my cellphone.""
Where can I check and insurance company's ratings?
I am shopping for life insurance. Where can I check out an insurance companies ratings and credit ratings? I am thinking about the following companies: Northwestern Mutual State Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING New York Life TIA
What all does someone under 18 need to get car insurance?
I'm under 18 years old and I need to get car insurance but I dont know if I can get it on my own. My parents do not want to put me on there insurance and I don't know if I can get it by myself. I also heard that they have to co sign for insurance? If that's true will them co signing for my insurance affect there car insurance what so ever? They think that there insurance would go up if they co signed for me but I don't think that's true. Some one please help!
How and where do i find 'cheaper' car insurance? UK?
Im 20 , female and I will be 21 by time I get a car (hopefully). I really don't know where to find cheaper insurance. I tried confused.com but the max price is 3000! my friends who are younger than me get it at like 1500 and I don't know why or how. Also if I offer to pay the insurance in one lump sum , would it be cheaper? I'm looking for a Vauxhall corsa between 1.1 and 1.2 or maybe even lower engine. What other ways to get a cheaper quote? Please help. Driving is all I ever wanted to do and I might have a chance at it in this summer.""
How much more expensive is car insurance for a sports car?
I know that car insurance for a sports car is more expensive. But HOW much more expensive? For example, my insurance will change from a 1998 Pontiac Grand Am 4-Door to a 1993 Pontiac Firebird sports car. How much of a difference, in numbers, will it be?""
How long does a traffic violation affect car insurance quotes?
Two years ago, Feb in 2011, I was caught driving with a suspended license. Since then, car insurance has been through the roofs. How long until my quotes are no longer affected by my violation?""
Can car insurance transfer?
I am under the insurance of my dads current car. If he purchase another car in his name for me, can I transfer from his current car insurance to his new car. (Aka is my name tied to a car) Or is it that I am under his insurance, it covers all cars he purchase. Or is it I have to cancel from his current car insurance plan and sign my name under his to the insurance of the new car. He will be paying.""
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old female in California?
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old female in California?
What are the best cars with cheap insurance?
l am 19 and l know insurance aren't cheap at my age but l need a car that has a cheaper insurance. So far l've looked into a Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen Polo 1 litre and Peugeot. Is there any other cars that are good and strong but won't cost so much to insure?""
Car insurance policyholder and registered owner?
I am 19, living in Florida. My car is registered in my name. My family keeps all of our cars on one policy. The insurance company is aware that I am the registered owner and I am also listed as the main driver for my car. Does that present any problems liability or insurance law wise?""
Mexico and USA car insurance?
Does anybody know a car insurance company that has coverage 15 miles or so miles outside US boundaries? Thank you!
Financing a new car and with no insurance?
could I finance a new car then have it sit in my drive way with no plates or registration to avoid paying for insurance ontill I pay the car off
Car insurance in Florida?
Do i need to have a Florida license in order to have car insurance for a car registered in Florida?
UK car insurance question?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old boy, 3rd party F&T. 1. Provisional licence holder 2. Full licence holder Thank you""
Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
Security Guarding Company insurance?
Can somebody tell me how much the average insurance would be for a security guarding company?
What are the chances of me 'winning' this car insurance claim ?
Yesterday i was leaving work , driving along a road , when a young girl ( 17/18 ) drove straight out of the car park on the left and hit my nsf wheel so hard it pushed my car 5ft across the road. She said she didn't even look to see if a car was coming. She has large scuff marks on the corner of her bumper, my car has a dented wing , wrecked wheel (which is no longer pointing straight ) . This girl is on her parents insurance. Her boyfriend was on his motorbike and said to me , he didn't believe she just did that , he saw it all. My insurance company says it seems straight forward - she was totally at fault, My car is not drive able. Husband ( mechanic ) seems to think i may need a new steering rack, wishbone maybe strutt , wing , alloy wheels ....they may write my car off as its value for insurance is 1200. Has anyone else experienced a similar accident or got any advice ?""
What's the average cost of maintenance of a recreational aircraft (piper archer III)?
How much you would have to pay annually to maintain a hobby like this one. Including fuel, hangar, insurance, etc.""
""Car insurance...Extending coverage, no matter who you let drive your car?
I heard there are car insurance companies that will extend your coverage to other people who drive your car. What companies do this? And is there a catch ? Thanks.
Why would my car insurance go up?
Why would my car insurance go up? I pay my car insurance in full every 6 months and my car insurance is going up $150. I haven't gotten any tickets or in any accidents. I haven't had to pay this much since I was 19.
""Can i get my medical insurance to pay for surgery to correct a covered surgery, if coverage lapsed meantime?""
In 2008 I had insurance in California, through my employer. I got laid off in June, but was on COBRA in Sept. 2008, when Blue Cross authorized me for gastric bypass surgery. In Oct 2009, owing to a dispute over COBRA payments, my insurance lapsed. As of Nov 1 I have no coverage, and new insurance through my wife's Kaiser won't start until Jan 1. Yesterday (Dec 23 09) I had to go to the ER due to abdominal pain that turned out to be a complication of the 2008 gastric bypass. Last night I had a CT scan and emergency surgery to correct the problem. Blue Cross rejected the claim, which of course makes sense and pushing it through was just a formality anyway. But today I wondered if, since the procedure was covered originally, would surgery to correct a complication be covered by law even if my insurance lapsed? I know I'm grasping at straws here, but it seems like it might be worth a consultation with an attorney to find out. I think this surgery is going to run to $40K or more. It was a simple laproscopic procedure, but y'know nothing's cheap. The original bypass was billed to Blue Cross at $38K. I know it's not like defect liability, since a surgeon can't guarantee there will not be complications. Also, I know I can't expect free legal advice here. But if someone knows for sure or has thoughts one way or the other would be helpful.""
IF YOU GET PULLED OVER AND YOU Have no insUraNce on your car how much is tHE fine???
""What would be cheaper, insurance wise (car title)?""
Have the car title in my own name and have my own insurance, or have the car title in one of my parents name and be under their policy as a driver to the car?""
Getting a check from both insurance companies?
I recently got in a car accident, and both insurance companies (mine & the other party's) sent me a check to cover the damages, each check is enough to cover the full damage. What should I do? a. Use check from other party's insurance, and return the one from my insurance company. b. Use check from my insurance company, and return the one from the other party's. c. Keep both checks""
Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL?
Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL? I was recently hired at trajan insurance as a financial professional. They want me to pay $580 to get my insurance license before I even start. The company sells insurance and other financial options to consumers. They werent clear on my pay scale either. The office is located in Tampa, Fl.. Does anyone know anything about this? Please help in anyway you can. thank you""
Does anybody know about the statewide increase of geico auto insurance in connecticut?
I got a hefty 8% increase for my next 6 months' payments. The telephone assistant told me that it was a statewide increase in CT, based on ZIP code. Anyboby knows more about this?""
How do you get health insurance?
I'm try'na get emancipated from my parents, and they said I medical/health insurance. No ******** answers.""
What are the other things do I have to pay for besides the car and insurance?
Okay my budget for my first car will be 1000 pounds insurance will be about 4000 or even more...whats MOT and Tax? what about breakdown cover? I'm thinking about getting breakdown cover because I dont really have anyone to call if i'm in trouble...it would save me the embarassment...
What a good car insurance for a teenager?
Okay I'm 16, almost 17, I'm in drivers ed, I have my own truck. I live in Vermont, I get average grades in school, what is a good car insurance, that also has sorta low rates (I make around $500 a month)""
Changing car while paying monthly for car insurance?
I still have like 9 months to pay on my insurance but i want to change car how can i do it or cant i ?
Auto insurance wrong information!!?
Relatively, I am a new resident in the USA, I have been here for 18 months only, and I am trying to get a car insurance. The problem is the insurance companies give a huge discount for those who got licensed in the USA or Canada at age 16, but they do not consider other countries. For this reason I have to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get the state minimum requirements for auto insurance. In fact I have been licensed in my country since 1998.. I wonder what's the influence if I choose to answer yes when the insurance company agent asks me whether I got licensed at age 16 or not in the USA or Canada? Because technically I am already licensed at that age but not here!!""
Does anyone know a cheap car insurance company for Irish drivers (irish driving licence) in London?
Hi, i moved recently from ireland to London and I need to know if anyone knows of a cheap car insurance company in london accept Irish driving licence (7 years no claim bonus from ireland)? I have tried all of the comparison sites, the cheapest is over 1000 pound please help Thank you""
Insurance Question ??
well im 16 and im most likey getting a car this weekend (the one i want is a 1997 mitsubishi eclips spider convertible) i was just wondering how much insurance will be ?? thanks i realy need to know .
Is my car insurance expensive?
I have a 2008 Passat and my husband has a 2010 Nissan Sentra. We have used the same car insurance co for years and know the owners/agents well. Before I was paying $255 for my 2003 Jetta and the Nissan and now it shot way up to $283. My husband has some tickets from the past,out of state. And my driving record is so far good. Are we paying too much? Absolutely NO spam or advertisements allowed!""
Insurance on a used car verses a new car?
My dad says that if I buy a new car my insurance will double or even more than my insurance on my used car. Is that true?
Pregnant with no insurance in houston?
Im married so i dont know if i can even get medicare and i also know that is a process that takes time and if my calculations are right i should be close or in the 3rd month already. it might be a complicated pregnancy because of the fact that four months before this i had a miscarriage at 4 mnths so i need to see a doctor soon. any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks.
Car insurance for MERCEDES BENZE?
Car insurance situation.....?
one of our cars', 93 Toyota Tercel just got totalled out in a fender bender that was caused by another driver. since we only have collision insurance with AmFam on it, the other woman's company made the pay out to us (~$2K) and let us keep the car. we decided to fix the car up mechanically, and give it a bit of a face lift on the mangled front side fender, but didnt really put too much money into it. so the question is.... as we continue to drive the car, and G*d Forbid, anything similar should happen again, when we are not at fault and there's no bodily damage, just car damage, would we be able to get the other insurance company to pay for the car repairs? or will they say, well, you already had it totalled out once, we're not gotta give you $ to fix a car that not worth much... or how does this work? anyone have any experience with this? anyone here an insurance adjuster? thanks in advance""
Can anyone be added to insurance?
I was curious if my dad could get me on his insurance plan (medical)? I can't afford insurance and I'm suffering from tooth pains, psychological illnesses, and need medical attention. I'm supposedly too old (26), but I wanted to know if my father could add me onto his insurance another way? Thanks.""
""Which company offers the cheapest auto insurance in Snohomish County, WA?""
It's my first time having to get car insurance - I know there are a lot of factors, but I'm just looking for a general answer - not just Geico, Allstate, State Farm, etc..... Thank you :)""
Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
Grundy Center Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50638
0 notes
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
"Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What's the cheapest car insurance company you have found??
I just bought a new car--now comes full coverage & plates. It's a 2003 Mazda w/ 18,000 miles. Does the year or the mileage make insurance or plates higher? Do they request tickets for the last 3 or 5 years? You have to have full coverage when making payments right? I'm thinking Geico is the cheapest I've found so far?""
Health insurance for visitor from india?
Where can I get health insurance for a parent who is undergoing dialysis in India and wants to Visit the USA for a short term. Of course they will need to continue there treatments here while visiting. But we need some kind of assistance while they are here.
How much would car insurance for a 17 year old driver?
for a used hatch back that costs around 500
Tax and Insurance question for a Young Person?
Okay , Im 14 years old , and I cannot wait to start my real career (After some years of college) as a Video game producer (or) programmer. My mom says that what ever pay check I get from a job or career , the tax will take money from it. I've calculated my monthly payment from being a Video Game Producer , Which is $5208 a month. How much will money would I Really get after taxes are taken care of and if I have car and health insurance? Is there any other thing I need to know as well?""
Cheap auto insurance?? PLEASE? :(?
My friend she needs car insurance or her car will get repossessed. She's 19 and has only had her license for a year and is being financed a vehicle($200 monthly payments-in 2yrs it'll be payed off). She doesn't have a steady job yet but she's starting college at hcc this fall. She's living with her mom right now. The downfall is that she's already gotten a speeding ticket and hasn't had insurance for 6 or 7months. She needs a non-'name-brand' auto insurance. The cheapest offer so far was $406 a month and she can't afford that. By the way..this is in florida. Can you please inform me of a cheap car insurance place? It doesn't have to be any good..just cheap...thankyou..
I want a baby but don't have insurance?
My husband and I just got a new apartment and then got married courthouse style. We have both decided that we want a baby soon but right now we don't have insurance. Is there any cheap option that would cover the entire pregnancy?
Alamo insurance coverage?
i am going to renting a car through Alamo and i only have liability coverage through my insurance plan,how much will it cost for 10 days of coverage? what are my options?""
I need an eye exam but i dont have insurance.?
Do most eyecare centers accept patients without insurance? Where can I go that is affordable?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
""In CA, would my mom's car insurance cover my car?""
I live with my mom in California and we both have cars. I just bought mine recently under both mine and my mother's name but do no have it insured. My mom does have insurance though. I got in a little fender bender a couple days ago but when the report got filed, I got a citation for not having my own car insured. What I mean to ask here is, if my mom has car insurance and my car is under her name as well, would her insurance cover me, therefore leaving the citation void?""
""Monthly Insurance for a 16 year old, if he were to get a G37 Coupe? IS250? IS250c? TL 2010?""
How much would it cost? an estimate? I heard grades, colors of the car, and other things like that affect the insurance cost? Well if it does, he gets 4.0 and he wants a Black. We live in CA. And our insurance company is Farmers, but I would just want a monthly insurance cost. thank you!""
Why do people buy insurance?
is it for saving or protection of life? What are the reasons that motivate people to buy insurance?
Cheapest option I want to transfer my insurance from my old car which I prt exchanged for a newer car I just?
I want to transfer my insurance from my old car which I part exchanged for a newer car I just bought,but my Insurance company are asking me to pay about 40% more and requesting 40% ...show more""
Traffic Citation for no car insurance What should i do?
Hello I have a question concerning a Traffic citation that i got 13 days ago. On the 21st of November i got pulled over for a blinker that was out on my car. I had bought this car from a friend 3 months ago and hadnt didnt redgister it into my name or have current tags. I had insurance for the first month that i had the car but then due to finacial problems couldnt afford the extra 220 a month for car insurance. So the State Trooper gave me a citition which written under the description only said no proof of insurance. So the a couple of days later i went and got insurance, redgistration, tags, license plates the whole nine yards and i went into the trooper station to clear the citation cause it is correctable but the lady tells me i have to show proof of insurance from the day of getting the citiation. so my only opition is either take this to court or pay a whooping 540$ and 6 points off my Driver's license i was wondering if i should take this to court?""
Typically whats the cheapest insurance company?
my rates are pritty high.. im thinkin about changin
Car insurance for 19 year old?
I currently drive a 2005 Mazda6 (4cyl, 140 hp sedan) and I am under my dads policy. I want to buy a 2008-09 VW GTI which is a 4cyl 200 hp turbo hatch, I want a 2 door, but will opt for the 5 door if it saves a good amount of money. How much more should I expect to pay for insurance with the GTI if on my dad's policy? Will it be cheaper to get my own? Also would waiting until I am 20 to buy the car save more money? I have never had a speeding ticket, I had one minor accident when I was 17, I have had a traffic violation last year, but I wasn't even the driver of the vehicle for the offense, also no points were added to my license for this as I did a traffic course and paid a fine instead. (florida)""
As of next year will all cars older than 7 years have their tax and insurance costs doubled?
A friend of mine told me today that as of next year all cars over seven years old will incur a sharp rise in their tax and insurance costs. he said that they would double. I understand this may happen with tax but it doesnt ring true for insurance. could anybody tell me if he is right or whether he has his wires crossed.
IF YOU GET PULLED OVER AND YOU Have no insUraNce on your car how much is tHE fine???
Do you have to add your child to insurance if get a drivers license?
My kid just got his drivers license but cannot drive and wont be able to for 6 more months is it still required that I add him to the insurance right now or can i just add him to the insurance when he is able to drive?If i do not, does that mean that he will have to turn in his license or have it revoked?""
Ford escort van insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi, thinking about getting a 1.8 ford escort van when i pass any ideas on how much the insurance will be i'm 17 so i won't be surprised if it's a lot. Thanks""
Estimate for car insurance for 18 year old?
I live in Houston tx, like the top said I am a 18 year old male, I have a 2012 ford mustang v6. It is paid off, and I want to sign over the car from my parents name to mine cause they live in a diffrent city but that means I would have to start paying for insurance. Which is fine but do any of y'all know about how much I would be paying. I will only want liability, or if I can afford it full coverage. I don't want to get quotes from the insurance companies themselves because after that they constantly email call and mail you stuff and its annoying. Anyways thanks for the help""
CA Auto Insurance Broker Fee?
What is the average rate a Broker Charges when you sign up to insurance through them in the State of California?
Best insurance company for small startup security training agency and consulting firm?
Starting up in the DC, MD, VA area and looking for an affordable insurance company for a small business training agency. I eventually want to expand into security consulting, but for the time being, it'll be primarily security training. Policy in my area has to be minimum 600k of general liability. Any recommendations?""
""Insurance for 6 months, changes mid policy?""
I'm looking at buying insurance for a 6 month period, but 2 months into the period there will be a change that causes a significant price drop (3 points removed from my license and my birthday). Will they generally allow me to have my rate adjusted mid-policy? I'm talking of a price difference of about 100 a month, so I really want to see how I can make this work.""
How can i get insurance for myself like not for a car?
my friend said he has insurance for himself so he can drive any car and be insured he doesn't have it for a specific car how can i get this
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
Family health insurance that is affordable?
Does anyone know of any family health insurance that is affordable.. my husbands gets laid of in the winter and we need to be able to afford it ..
How do you switch from motability to owning a car with the UK's new car insurance policies?
Ok we've got a small problem. At present we get a car from motability, but we want to switch to owning our own car, but we have a major problem with this new all cars must be insured at all times or declared SORN scheme. The problem we have is that our motability car goes back in October. We're in a rural location so we need a car ready for when the switch over happens. At present with the motability insurance their insurance only insures one vehicle, the motability one, and can't have additional vehicles added to it. We've got a few quotes from insurance companies who have told us that when the motability lease expires they will give us the no claim discount based on the motabiity insurance, but they wont give us that discount until the motability car goes back. So what we want to do is get the new car before October, put it on the drive, check everything is ok with it, and then insure it when we start using it on the road when the motability vehicle goes back. Only problem is with this new law we can't do that without declaring the vehicle SORN. Some of the vehicles we've seen come with a few months road tax, so we don't really want to lose that by declaring it SORN, just for a few weeks (or is the tax disc still valid when you remove the SORN on the car?), we also don't want to insure the vehicle before the motability vehicle goes back as we wont get any NCB from the new insurer and that will cost us about an extra 500 in insurance (our current insurance price is about 500-600 but with 0 years no claims it goes up to around 1,000-1,100 - we have 3 years no claims with motability and I've held my driving licence for 6 years). I've read that you don't need this compulsory insurance if the vehicle is in trade, or between registered owners. That is one option, but how long after you buy a vehicle can you keep it in that status, would we be able to keep it like that for a few weeks or is it pretty much instant when we get the car. Obviously I realise I would need some kind of temporary one day insurance to drive the vehicle home after purchase.""
Driving from california to texas?do i really need insurance and a license?
im moving from california to rowlette,texas in two weeks but the problem is im going to drive out there its going to be me and my bf the thing is the car is under my name & i have the tags & papers but i don't have insurance & my license.Is this a big deal can i still drive out there as long as i drive carefully well im not driving its my bf his better at driving & he has his permit but im 18 & they say he can drive with a person 18 and older.what can i do i already called the insurance company & the lady said its not worth getting insurance if its only for a few weeks cuz when i get to texas i have to get new insurance.What can i do what do you guys recommened i do...i think that i can get out there without the legal stuff like insurance & a license..my sister drove all the way to arizona with no license & she didnt get caught cuz she drove carefully...""
Could a 17 year old insure a Porsche 944? (For a reasonable price)?
I've been looking into classic cars and The Porsche 944 has kept cropping up on sites, and looks quite nice. My fear is as I will be turning 17 soon and I live in Worcestershire (UK) I have no hope of insuring it... Am I right? People have suggested Classic Car Insurance on 944's and 928's but didn't they fix that loophole? As I would be spending a fair bit of money on the car I don't want to pay loads of insurance, I would love to know ideas of insurance costs and general feedback about the car, I know it would cost a fortune to run by the way. All Help Appreciated""
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I'm a student and I work, but work does not offer it.""
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
Can you pay for Car Insurance in monthly instalments by direct debit using someone else's card?
I want to take out car insurance in my name but I do not have a debit card, can I use my mother's account to pay in monthly installments? All the insurance companies I have tried so far will only take a payment for the full amount and will not spread the payments by direct debit if the card is not in my name. Can anyone please help as I only have a post office account and am unemployed receiving benefits so cannot afford to pay the lump sum and have been turned down for a bank account as I have a poor credit rating.""
How much should a 17 year old's car insurance cost in the UK?
i'm 17 and want to drive. i'm a full time college student, which probably doesn't make any difference? right now i'm looking at a 2001 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.6 engine, LS 5dr [AC] Hatchback, which is costing around 999 how much should i expect the insurance to cost for this car? or for a car similar? it will be my first car. Thanks.""
What is average car insurance for 19 year old boy and girl?
Well, I am taking my test soon (hopefully I will pass) and I am 19 --- and I heard that car insurance is worth a lot for youngsters that they can buy a BMW second hand with same amount money that they pay for 3 years. so, how much do 19 year old boys pay monthly for it and how much do girls pay ( heard it is a lot cheaper for girls). -- my younger sister will turn 19 in 2 years time till then if she passes her test -- how much will she pay when she gets licence---- what would be your solution -- if I want to get cheaper option (I heard of pass plus scheme - would it work)""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
28 yr old. Just need a car that runs for two years. I want to insure it the bare minimum for the cheapest price. What car is the cheapest to insure? Lets say I bought a 95 civic dx, what company is the cheapest to get insurance from? anecdotal experience is fine. Thanks""
Anyone know of an insurance company in Alabama that covers Suboxone?
Ive been checking around and BCBS said that I wouold have to wait till after a year of coverage untill they would cover that drug for some reason, also would it be considered a pre-existing condition if I was prescribed the drug before I obtained coverage?""
Questions bout unemployment insurance in California?
If I get layoff, i was making $2500 before taxes per month for 40 hours a week, how much would I get from the unemployment insurance?""
""Where can I get insurance, I want to play a sport but I don't have insurance ?
So im thinking about joining sports in school but I don't have insurance and does state farm sell that kind of insurance or any other insurance company
What are some good low cost learner legal bike with cheap insurance?
i'm 17 and i'm looking to purchase my first motorbike so i was wondering if you could give me some bike for less than about 2000 with cheap insurance?, but no rubbish Chinese bike because they fall apart""
Finding out cost of a car insurance claim - do i have to include this?
Im looking for insurance for a new car. My bf had an accident in our last car and i was wondering if there is a way you can find out how much we claimed in total? As alot of insurance companies want to know this.
Is it harder for a child who is disabled to get insurance?
Is it harder for a child who is disabled to get insurance?
Will calling insurance over a cracked windshield raise my insurance rates?
I have Geico insurance for the past 8 years. I have not made one claim in that 8 year time frame. I was driving down the highway last week when something struck my windshield and spider cracked it pretty good. Should I pay it out of my pocket or call the insurance. Will my rates go up for making a windshield claim?
What type of Life Insurance would be best for me?
I am a 27 year old single male. I own a house that has a mortgage, and I have some outstanding debt, car, student loans, etc. I plan to be married within the next 3-4 years. I want to make sure that if something should happen to me my family, future wife and parents, are not stuck with my bills and able to continue on without a huge finacial hardship. I know there are different types of life insurance, but not sure how the different ones work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
What will my insurance company do about my car?
Last night we had server thunderstorms. There was golf-ball sized hail for about five minutes. I was parked on top of the garage. My windows are fine, but there are dents all over my car and my right side-view mirror is broken. My car is still in my mother's name, and the insurance company is State Farm. My parents are on a cruise right now and are supposed to be getting back tomorrow. I also go to UT and out-of-state school. I've heard other people on campus are getting new cars from their companies and others are just getting windows replaced. I haven't talked to anyone yet since the car is not in my name. My car is a 2001 chevy caviler. I don't know any of the details of the insurance policy.""
Citroen Saxo Insurance?
Hello, im a 17 year old currently learning to drive, once i have a Full UK driving license,think i would be able to get insured on a citreon saxo? As far as i know there are a few types of saxo's, the 1.1, the 1.4 furio, and the vtr 1.6 i think! Many people have told be they are classed as a boy racer car so the insurance will be high but surely if i buy a standard 1.1 or 1.4 saxo i will be able to get insured. What do you guys think? What saxo best for first car? Any other first cars recommened? How much round about do you think it will be to insure? Thanks""
Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?
Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?
Why don't Gay men get the same car insurance rates as women?
Why don't Gay men get the same car insurance rates as women?
Speeding tickets and Insurance rates (read details)?
I received one speeding ticket back in February 2010, I took a driving class for it so I would not receive points on my license and consequently my insurance provider would not be able to raise my rate. However, I've received two speeding tickets in the past week (both only 9 miles over the speed limit) :'( which would result in 6 points on my license. I live in Florida, and I have State Farm insurance. Does anyone have any idea at all what will/could happen to my insurance? :(""
Can you register a vehicle and get liability insurance in Texas without a driver's license?
In the near future I'll be moving back to Texas, I'm currently out of the country and I'm a 20 year old US citizen. Anyway, I don't know if this makes sense but is it possible to buy, register a vehicle and get liability insurance in Texas without a driver's license? According to dmv.com to get a first time driver's license in Texas you need the following: -Provide proof of identity. -Provide proof of Social Security number. -Provide proof of Texas vehicle registration and liability insurance, if you own a vehicle. -Complete required application forms available at any Texas driver license office. -Pay the required fee. -Pass the written, driving, and vision examinations. The applicant must provide the vehicle for the driving test. -Your application must include a photograph and thumbprint. The main reason I ask this is because it says that I need to provide a vehicle for the test with insurance obviously, so does this mean that I can buy, register, and insure my vehicle before I take the driving test to get my driver's license? I do have an out of country driver's license, but I don't know if that will work. I have been driving since I was 15, but now I need my Texas driver's license. I still don't know anyone who could lend me their car for the test. Any suggestions??? Thanks.""
Why are my car insurance quotes changing?
I shopped for car insurance yesterday. Today I could not remember if I I forgot a company, so I did them all again because I was bored, all of my quotes went up with some, went down with others. I double checked and I didn't change any info. So I did 3 companies within 10 minutes of each other, and they changed again! I think they pull quotes out of a hat.""
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
Do I really need health insurance?
I am 22 and I live with my wife. She just got out of military. We had Tricare insurance for 4 years active but we never had to use it once. So is it worth it to start paying 200 a month for civilian insurance (Tricare Reserve Select)?
Is the car insurance free for me?
Ok, my family has State Farm and my mom and dad are on the insurance. If they list me as part-time, will they have to pay extra for me (I have a clear driving record.)? I tried to ask the agent this question,but I guess he didn't understand what I was trying to say. He said anyone that my parents give permission to can drive the car and they'll cover if there's an accident. So, does that mean the name has to APPEAR on the insurance if I'm part time?""
Is there any user friendly and cheap motorcycles out there?
Hi, I'm 17 years old and looking to get a motorcycle. I have good grades and will only drive a motorcycle when the conditions are right. Like weather, cars on the road Sat. Sun. which has less cars, and going to school and to work. I don't care if I die and I'm not afraid to die. I have $7,000 saved up in the bank and would like to buy a Ninja 250 for $3,500 -2008. Plus $400 for gear and classes. I will get my driver's license this December and will take the MSD courses in spring of 2010. I can't find any used or cheap ninja 250's around my area and I think I would rather go stright to the dealer rather then the seller because of too much red tape and work. I think my insurance will be cheaper because I will ride only to school and work and I have good grades. Even though I am young. SO, is there any place I can find any user friendly bikes or cheap ninja 250's?""
Is there short term car insurance?
I am going on a trip, and i am going to borrow a car from someone, and they don't have insurance on it..I wanted to know if i could get temporary insurance on it..""
Why is a car insurance trying to settle a car accident claim fast?
I was in a car accident. The other driver did a squat and stop scam. (the driver speeds out quickly in front of another driver so he/she wont have enough time to stop and then sit there so the other driver can hit him/her) However, the other driver's car insurance trying to settle quick. The driver's car insurance company did their investigation and came to an conclusion that I was at fault.. (yeah right) The accident happen on 4/20/11 and they trying to settle on 4/28/11. (eight days later) When I mentioned that my attorney was handling the case. All of a sudden the company sending me letters claiming it my fault and I have to pay for my own damages. And, that I have so many years to take the claim to court. (hoping that I want) I just fax everything over to my attorney. I am still going through therapy. I do have car insurance. So, why is the driver's car insurance company trying to settle the claim quick when they was actually at fault? Please, only knowledgeable people reply. Thank you so much Note: The driver's girlfriend was told to fake she was injury because she is pregnant. Also, the driver came out the wrong exit of the driveway speeding..""
""My Dad has cancer, and my parents can not afford life insurance for him. Can I get it to help out when the time comes?""
My Dad has cancer, and my parents can not afford life insurance for him. Can I get it to help out when the time comes?""
I need help finding a good cheap sporty used car with low insurance rates.?
Well I turn 16 in december, I've had my permit for about two months and my family is at total loss of cars. My sister and her car are going to College, and my mom is using the Sienna. So my dads been riding his motorcycle to work. However, he wont be able to do so because he has a 30 mile commute to work. So he needs a car before the rain rolls in, so when he gets a car it'll be his, until I get my license, then it becomes ours. However, all my ideas are getting shot down, but as we get closer to needing one, slowly he's getting more okay with my ideas, but I need your help. I want an Rx8, I've wanted one since I was in 4th grade. I know I know. What the hell, why? A rotary engine with not even 2 litres. barely any horsepower and only gets 16/26 mpg. Well I've driven an Rx8 and I think they're amazing. HOWEVER, my dad doesnt want one for one reason, and one reason only. High insurance. So I was wondering if you can help me find a sporty used car, that I could find pretty cheap. For some Ideas I like, Bmw 330ci's, 328i's, rx8's, G37 coupes. OH YEAH, that reminds me, I'd like a coupe, but a 4 door would work well too if it still maintains a sleek style. like a lexus IS250s. Manual transmission or automatic is fine. decent mileage. you know the drill, OH and it must be atleast 4 seater. Thank you, its greatly appreciated.""
Looking for health Insurance?
I'm looking for affordable health insurance with good coverage and options for doctors. A PPO is okay but I'm looking for quality AND affordability. Dental and vision would be a great plus. Can anybody out there help me!?!
Insurance Company sent me 2 checks?
So I recently got rear ended and the other party was at fault. I went to the appraiser that the all state agent had directed me to and had my car appraised. When I got my car appraised the appraiser wrote me a check then and there for the damages . Today I got a phone call from the insurance agent asking if my mailing address was correct and that they were going to mail me out a check for the damages that their appraiser had estimated. She never asked me once if I had already received a check for the damages.The appraiser made some kind of contact with allstate but I guess he never stated that he already had written me a check. Is it a crime if I cash both checks?
Insurance website says differnt car?
Ive been looking at cars on eBay and looking how much insurance would be for them and I found one car, but when I put the number plate in the insurance website it says that the car is a different make all together. Is this just a glitch in the system or something illegal and I should stear clear of?""
Does anyone know what the average car insurance is for a 2003 g35 coupe iam 18?
i also live in maryland
Is it true because of government changes my car insurance bill should be lower?
some lady @ work told me 0bama passed some kind of bill so i should change my insurance so it can be lower...its currently @ $400 a month i cant afford this anymore PLEASE HELP
Is renter's insurance required for tenants in california?
Is renter's insurance required for tenants in california?
Health insurance question?
Is there any way I can get health insurance? I have no money and no job. I recently had to quit my recent job due to moving. I'm 19 years old and have a disc herniation that I'm trying to get checked out. Parents don't have money and will not take me not their fault, healthcare as I know is expensive. Ill have a job by the end of November is there anyway I could somehow get insurance through a loan or something similar? Probably a dumb question but it don't hurt to ask.""
What is the best dental insurance in Florida?
I'm gearing up for braces, I need some filling and extractions first so I'm looking for a good dental plan. I need 5 fillings and two extractions. To be frank, I'm a little confused on which one to choose. I'm self employed so I don't belong to any insurance plan as of right now. I'm looking for whats going to be the cheapest for just what I need done (listed above) and nothing more. btw I live in Tampa. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!""
What is the cheapest car insurance for me on my own plan???
i have a 2005 dodge stratus coupe 5 sp. sxt. almost 19 yrs old. i have a failure to yield ticket in feb. of 07. i live in Porter County, IN what is the best insurance for me???""
HOw much does PIP insurance cost in miami florida?
does anyone know how much would PIP insurance cost for a 18 year old female driving a white 2002 SATURN SL2 in miami florida
Please explain Voluntary Excess on car insurance?
Im looking at car insurance, If i set my 'Voluntary Excess' to lets say 500, My insurance is cheaper :D BUT... If i have a crash BUT DO NOT want to get my car fixed by MY insurance, Will i still have to pay this 500 'Voluntary Excess' ?? The car i want is about <1000 If i crash it, I WONT want it to be fixed by the insurance, Its not worth it really, Its half the price of the car. So do i have to pay this voluntary excess if i dont claim ? Or do i still have to pay it to fix the 3rd party's car ?""
Do you need to have car insurance to rent a car?
I used to live in Ohio. Now i live in Florida. I'm trying to plan a trip up to Ohio to see my friends next week. I sold my car here in Florida because i really didn't need it anymore. So of course my car insurance was cancelled after that. Will they let me rent a car without insurance? I know you can buy the rental company's insurance which i will do of course. Thank you in advance.
Really Angry ! where can i get cheap van insurance im 18 ?
i been on go compare the cheapest i got was 4600 thats on a 1.9 litre van i think its stupid how can i make a living paying that kind of money out i need my van for work plus its not like its really powerfull its a sh!tty van i wolud not mine if it with a 1.9 sports car buts its a van it sholud be cheaper on vans im 18 do u know where i can get cheaper van insurance plus i got quoted 2600 on a 1.1 car
Renters insurance cant get homeonwers?
im about to payoff my mobile home and own it but i cant get homeonwers insurance since i own my mobile home could i just get renters insurance and protect my belogings inside my trailer. keep in mind in paying a month lot rent fee for my trailer to sit on someone elses property.
Does anyone have any personal experience with Transamerica Life Insurance? Positive or Negative?
Life Insurance Companies
How much is mobile home insurance in South Florida?
Looking to buy a vacation home in West Palm Beach. Does anyone out there who actually lives in a mobile home in South Florida tell me how much to expect? The park is on the Intercoastal, I was going to buy for cash but now the douche bag owner raised the price so now I am going to look else where and may have to finance some of the purchase price and I am assuming that I will have to insure it. I am expecting the worse. Please only answer if you really know a number.""
Car insurance changes depending where you live?
My sister has had a car for awhile now that was given to her by a family member, and she had her insurance and all set up and she was fine. We moved pretty much across the street but when you cross this street you live in a different town, the borders are in the middle of the road. So she called to change her address and they charged her 30 some odd dollars cause apparently the costs of living in this down is higher on your car insurance, so can anyone please explain to me why this is? Why would moving from one town to another, [across a road] take any effect on car insurance?""
How much would my insurance be?
I am 15, i took driver's training when i was 14. and I just got my license. i was wondering how much it would be to insure a ford focus. I get good grades, about a 3.5 gpa so i dont know if that will help lower my insurance.""
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
Affordable Health Insurance for a single adult in Minnesota? I need help/advice!!!!?
I just moved to Minnesota and need health insurance but don't even know where to start. I know I dont qualify for Minnesota Care because I make too much. I can't get health insurance through my new job yet because I just started and will qualify for that in 6 months but I need medical help now. Any advice on what I should do?
Car insurance ( diabetes )?
after i get a quote online when i proceed to pay will the insurers phone me or will i after phone them as i have a 3 year medical licence and i need to let them know off my medical condition ( diabetes insulin dependant ) first time getting insurance so any info would be great
Insurance on a 2010 Scion Tc?!?
Is there any way to estimate this?? What would be more for Insurance? A Scion TC or a Toyota Camry? I have never been in an accident before and It would be under my fathers name anyway, who has no accidents or violations""
In the state of Florida do I need to have insurance before I can get my license?
I am 19, I've had my permit for 3 years now, and I would like to know if I need insurance in order to get my license and if I need to take the road signs, and rules test again?""
Should i get life insurance or not?
i know the end is near for me and i think it would be good for me to get life insurance ive destroyed myself and my own life i think it would be appropriate for me to get life insurance so the funeral could at least be covered thanks 10 points
Car Insurance Premium?
* PLEASE ANSWER ONLY IF YOU ARE SURE, THANKS* My totaled car is now in my insurance company's possession, so shouldn't I be paying a lower monthly premium if I am driving a rental minivan? I know that with owning a Honda, my rate was pricier because its a commonly stolen car. But I am driving a rental now and feel that I shouldn't be paying the same monthly premium of $226, as I was on my Honda if it isn't even in my possession. Does this sound right?""
How much is a doctor visit without insurance?
My friend hasn't been feeling well for a few days now and needs to see a doctor. Does anyone know how much a doctor visit would be if she went to a walk in clinic? She doesn't have any insurance. By the way we live in Miami, Fl.""
Do I need insurance to drive my father's car?
recently i have passed my driving test and my father have a comprehensive car insurances!!! i can't effort to buy a car or car insurance? do you think is legal to drive it? thanks
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
Question to Young Drivers about Insurance.?
Hi, i am 20 and just passed my test and now i need a car and insurance, i was wondering if you young drivers have gotten any 'cheapish' car insurance recently and what car, thanks. Cheapest i've found is a Renault Clio, Peguot 107 and a Fiat Punto.""
Average Cost of Homeowner's Insurance for a home..?
that is appraised at 169,000 and bought for 166,000?""
Question on insurance and license suspension.?
i bought a car and started financing. i got car insurance, but the next day i found a way cheaper one. so i called to cancel the old one, and put a downpayment on the new one. for some reason my other one wasnt cancled, and i have duplicate insurance. i just recieved an email from the expsensive insurance saying if i dont make a payment my license will be suspended. but this cant really happen right? if im making payments on my other full coverage insurance that i want to keep, i still have current insurance.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
Hello. I am a male and I will drive a 08 mustang. none of my parents have caused an accident.
How much does the average person pay yearly for car insurance?
I'm considering buying a 2007 Nissan Sentra or Toyota Corolla. It may be new or certified pre owned.
Car insurance question?
I only renewed my car insurance 5 month back and paying a load for it. I just found I can save 30 a month. on the whole I would save even after another initial payment. Would it be a good thing to swap insurance companinies for this and can I swap.
Insurance question please?
hi i am a learner and but my partner has a car that is insured on his friends name. my question is my partner states he cannot teach me how to drive or put my name under the insurance because it would cost more and he might get into trouble with the police . i just want to know if this is true and if so like how much would it cost.
Do you need to buy the car before getting insurance for it?
I am looking for my first (used) car from a private seller, and I would like to be able to drive it home, so will I have to buy insurance for it before I buy it? And will I have to own the deed before I get the insurance?""
What is the best web site for comparing car insurance rates?
What is the best web site for comparing car insurance rates?
How much car insurance should I buy?
So I'm online looking at insurance quotes and they all ask how much coverage I would like, I'm really not sure. What is the normal amount that people usually get? what is the normal deductable?""
How does a foreigner to the uk get car insurance?
My husband is NOT a uk resident but i am. He is living here in the uk and currently applying to be a uk resident. We are struggling to find car insurance for my husband as main companies like churchills say he has to be a U.K resident. It could take us quite a few years before he becomes a uk resident. Surely business people or visitors to the uk get car insurance or do they all only use car hire? Any advice greatly appreciated.
Driving with no insurance in Florida...?
I have a question about driving without insurance in the state of Florida. I am a 20 year old college student that cannot afford $483.00 a month in car insurance. If I cancel my insurance and drive without insurance and get in an accident that is the other persons fault, what is the worst that could happen to me? Can they sue me for all I have? If so, what if I have nothing besides the car that is on a loan for $17,000. -If they don't rip us off with the gas prices, they'll be certain to get us with the insurance.""
How soon until my fiances Insurance covers me getting married next week URGENT?
I just got diagnosed with Breast cancer and I don't have insurance my fianc has great insurance though his work and we are getting married next weekend. He has group insurance will it cover me and how soon.. Pre existing condition?
Does anyone offer classic insurance coverage for young drivers?
My son is 17 and soon to be 18. He has a modified restored vehicle and I have not found anyone that will provide insurance due to his age.
How much for car insurance?
My mom drives a Mercedes B 150 (about 5 year old car), she's Middle Aged and had a good driving record so her insurance is around 200-300pa. I'm nearly 18, and a new driver (passed yesterday), was wondering how much insurance would be for me if I was added onto her insurance. (just an estimation would be great!) Thanks in advance!""
I don't have car insurance on my car?
I don't pay insurance on my car. My girlfriends has insurance on her car. Is it legal for her to drive my car? or does my car have to be insured by insurance for her to drive too (i.e. because she has insurance on her car, I can drive her car legally.)""
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
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We Are Sharing with You How Our Roseville Limo Service Drivers Go the Extra Mile and Keep You Safe!
We Are Sharing with You How Our Roseville Limo Service Drivers Go the Extra Mile and Keep You Safe!
3 Sane Safety Precautions Everyone Should Take While Driving The amount of people that have gone through the DMV’s testing and obtained their license to drive it a mixed bag. Many people in metropolitan areas have no need to carry a license, since they have no need to drive. But for those of us who do drive, whether for pleasure, work, or some other reason, there are very basic tips on how to…
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Experience the Advantages of a Car Service Near Me
Experience the Advantages of a Car Service Near Me
If your job requires you to travel often, then you may require an airport car service near me frequently. This is because corporate travelers need to travel because of their job. For this reason, you may want a car service from BWI to be efficient. If you opt for BWI airport car service, you will be able to enjoy the following benefits. Baltimore Washington International Airport BWI…
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Charter Buses Near Me Don’t Sound Attractive, but They’re Good for Prom
Charter Buses Near Me Don’t Sound Attractive, but They’re Good for Prom
Teens often think about limos for prom transportation, but buses help them start the party early. It’s easy to overlook the value that Boston charter buses provide, especially for special events like prom. When people think about prom and transportation, they often considered limousines. Sure, limousines are luxurious. When people think about limousines, they often think about red-carpet events…
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Open the Door for Your VIP Guests to Affordable Luxury Limousine Rental Near Me Company
Open the Door for Your VIP Guests to Affordable Luxury Limousine Rental Near Me Company
Nowadays, the world has become so competitive that everything has become expensive. This is why we seek special discounts while making sure that the quality is not compromised on. Similarly, if your big day is near and your VIP guests are coming all the way from abroad to attend your wedding, you may be looking for an option to receive them. How about receiving them in style and opening up doors…
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