#3 minute egg timer
inthecityofgoodabode · 5 months
May 2024: Kebab Weekend
It might not look like it but this thin line of trees between a highway and a field filled with utility lines is a much needed habitat especially for birds:
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"As swift as the swallow that flies through that air." - The Creggan White Hare by Daoiri Farrell:
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Squirrels are sloppy eaters. Squirrel planted sunflower:
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Saturday dinner - salad, grilled vegetables with steak, chorizo & shrimp:
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The art of imbuing food with smoke flavor on a gas grill. This is a roughly 50/50 mixture of pecan & apple wood. The pecan is strong like hickory, oak & mesquite while the apple is sweet & light. The blend renders a smoke flavor that is balanced like a beautiful katana crafted by a master. The blackened pieces are wood chunks that have seen one or more grillings. The water, with its minute particles of ash, is retained & poured into our compost bins. Nothing is wasted... only transformed:
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Maybe we'll get grapes this year:
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More squirrel planted sunflowers. Given the effort that my queen & I have put into trying to grow sunflowers in previous years, it is a little annoying that the squirrels managed it by just being sloppy eaters:
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My 3 minute egg timer that I've started using to time when I'm grilling. My queen likes her steak well done. On our gas grill, 16 to 18 minutes produces a well done steak that is still juicy. She says I could teach the cooks at the local steakhouses a thing or two about cooking a well done steak properly:
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Sunday dinner. My queen requested more grilled delights. This time the protein was chicken:
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wjhik · 1 year
Hellooo <3
can I request a dad!Jude fic where him and the reader invite his family over for dinner but your son is just restless , the kids don't stop screaming and hitting everybody looking for attention, trying to throw plates on the floor even Mark Jobe's games that usually keeps him busy don't work anymore.
-also the reader is like heavily pregnant with her second child so she can't do much to help
thank you😻
Attention (Jude Bellingham)
A/N: daddy jude in this 😜 (literally. he is a father.)
Y/N’s POV: 
“Noah, please put that down.” I tell my very rowdy 5 year old who is insisting on playing with our crystal bowl. I smell something burning and quickly leave the pot on the stove to open the oven. My meatloaf is slightly burned on the top, but I can just cut it off. I grab my oven mitts and take the dish out of the oven. I place it on the stove top and look up after hearing a crash followed by crying. “I didn’t do anything!” Noah says, throwing his hands up. I see his twin sister on the floor, crying. I walk over to her and crouch down. “What happened, Nora?” I ask her. “Noah pushed me!” She screams in between sniffles, pointing at her brother. “I did not! She tripped over the couch! I didn’t do anything!” Noah screams, defending himself. “Stop yelling. Mama’s very tired.” I say, shushing them both. I finally got myself situated after a fit of nausea came over me. I’m just about to be 8 months pregnant. Jude and I never expected to have a baby so young, let alone twins. We decided to get married two years ago, and eventually we wanted another baby. We knew having another baby would be hard, but I never thought it would be this hard. Jude not being around as much is only adding to how hard it is.
Jude’s parents have decided to pay us a visit, so I’m attempting to prepare dinner. “Noah, please. I’m not blaming you. It’s okay, just stop screaming.” After Nora blamed him for pushing her, he fell into hysterics, trying to prove that he’s not to blame. He’s been screaming how it’s not his fault for what feels like hours. Nora has already got up and started playing again after some ice was put on her hurt knee. I grab Noah and pull him into my chest to give him a hug. I assure him that I’m not angry and that it’s not his fault. Just as he starts to calm down, I hear Nora fall once more. She was always the clumsy one.
I finally got dinner ready, and I’ve started on dessert. Nora has decided to help me bake a carrot cake while her brother watches some cartoons in the living room. (its one of those american style kitchens that look into the living room with an island and shit. My dream kitchen. Were not leaving a 5 year old unattended) “Okay, now we put 3 eggs.” I turn around to where Nora should be sitting peacefully. “Oh my god.” I say, covering my face. There she sits, covered in flour. I stutter some sounds of frustration before she says that she’ll go so in the living room with her brother to watch with him. “NO! No, don’t do that.” I say, grabbing her. “Just sit her for 5 minutes, honey.” I tell her, handing her my phone to play games on. 
I wipe my hands on my apron after closing the oven door and putting a 45 minute timer for my cake. I lift Nora off the kitchen counter and place her on the floor. I take my phone out of her hand. “Bath time!” I say to the twins. “No!!” Nora yells, her game being interrupted. I hear some grunts of disapproval from her brother. “Please? I have one bath bomb for you guys.” I attempt to compromise with them. They love the way the colors fill the bathtub. They immediately race up the stairs to the bathroom, knowing there’s only one available. In reality, I had 2, but the second one was very fancy and expensive and I was saving it for some moment Jude and I get some time alone. 
I walk into the bathroom to see the twins fighting over who get to use the bath bomb. I remove their clothes as they continue to bicker. I wrap them in their hooded towels and have them sit on the edge of the tub as it fills up with warm water. Once it’s filled, I take off their towels and put them both in the tub together. They eventually stop fighting and start playfully splashing each other with water. I giggle, happy to see them not trying to rip each other’s vocal chords out. I open the drawer under the sink and unwrap the bath bomb from its plastic. “Mama, I want to put it in!” Noah yells! “No! I want to!” Nora replies. I keep quiet, in an attempt to stay calm. They start splashing each other and end up wetting me in the process. They shut their mouths and look at me, covered in bath water. “I’m putting it in!” I say putting a stop to their argument. I drop it into the tub. The kids are in awe of the colors and glitter floating around in the water. 
Once they finally exited the tub, I got them both dressed. I took them downstairs and turned on the T.V. just in time to take out my cake from the oven. I leave it on the stove for it to cool down when I hear jingling at the door. I look up to see my husband walking through the door. The kids  jump up from the couch to greet their father at the door. Jude’s legs are attacked by two little kids hugging him. He crouches down and gives his two kids two hugs with his two arms. He leaves a few kisses and their faces before getting up. They walk back to the couch and continue watching their show. He walks over to me and pulls me into his side. I feel butterflies fly around in my stomach as he kisses my forehead. “Missed ya. How’s my baby?” He asks, rubbing my very pregnant belly. “Very active. Footballer’s genetics, for sure.” I say, referencing the very painful kicks to my ribs. “Whatever you made smells amazing.” He says. “Hmm. You, however, do not smell amazing. Please, go shower.” I tell him, kissing his lips and patting his chest. In my defense, ‘straight out of training in the summer’ is not the most appealing scent. He rushes upstairs to take a shower. Finally, I don’t have to deal with these kids alone. 
“Mama, please!?” Nora begs. “Nora, please. You’re giving me a headache. We cannot get a dog, because I will be the one taking care of it.” I try to explain to my daughter, my head in my hands. Where is Jude when I need him? “Yeah, and you’re too useless to help.” Noah adds. “Hey!” Nora yells. “Noah! That is not nice!” I tell him. “It’s true!” He says, expecting me to agree with him. “Is not!” Nora screams. “Is too!” Noah yells back. Nora jumps off of her place on the couch, onto her brother on the floor. A full blown bar brawl breaks out on my living room floor between my 5 year olds. “Hey! Stop it!!” I yell, trying to pull them apart. “Jude!!!” 
“Hey! Where were you!?” I scold my husband. “Hmm?” He groans, his face in a pillow. He looked so tired when he got in, so I assume he went to sleep. “I needed you!” I tell him. “Hmm… I’m sorry. Come cuddle with me.” I grumbles, grabbing my hand. “No!” I yell pulling my hand away. I look at the clock on the wall. It reads 6:00. Only an hour and a half until Jude’s family arrives. I make my way downstairs and finish icing my, now cooled, carrot cake with a cream cheese icing. I do some cleaning around the house before his family gets here.
“It’s so nice to see you guys! Jude’ll be down in a second. He’s just freshening up.” I say to my in-laws. I guide them to the table and sit them down. I have all the food laid out in a line in front of them. “Everything smells amazing, Y/N.” Denise says. “You really outdid yourself again.” Mark adds. “Uncle Jobe!” The twins come running into the room, and hug their uncle. “Well, what about us?” Their grandfather asks, holding his arms open for a hug. They run to their grandparents and hug them. “Sit down, kids.” I tell them. After a few arguments and a stern look from my side, they finally sit down. 
“Mum, dad! It’s so nice to see you!” Jude says, coming down the stairs. He hugs his brother and father then kisses his mum’s forehead. He sits down at his designated spot at our dining table. I serve everyone their first plate of food. I grab the kid’s plastic plates and put some food on it for them. “Mum, I don’t want veggies!” Noah says. “Me neither!” Nora adds. I look up at Jude who is too busy in conversation with Jobe to parent his kids. After some convincing and the promise of cake, I get them to eat all their food. At this point, the kids have argued with everything I’ve told them. Anything they could make difficult, they made difficult. I can see that Jude has taken notice of his kids’ behaviors. He hasn’t said anything yet, but I can see it brewing. 
“Y/N, this cake is amazing!” Jobe says with his mouth full. “Thank you. I had a little helper in the kitchen.” I say, poking Nora’s side. “I helped too!” Noah shouts. “I’m sure you did, Noah. Don’t yell.” Jude chimes in. “No, you didn’t!” Nora shouts louder. I let out a sigh. “Yes, I did!” The kids start bickering back and forth again. Jude looks at me then to his kids. Before he can say anything, I speak up. “You don’t have to argue, Nora. You both helped.” After a few stern looks from Jude, the twins quiet down. 
“How’s the baby?” Denise asks me. “She’s been okay. Very active. Very painful.” I say. “Mama, can we go play??” Noah asks, itching to get away from the adult conversation. “Sure, honey. Just stay out of the kitchen and the garden.” I tell him. I don’t want them playing anywhere near glass or knives, and the garden is too far for us to monitor them. Jude and I get caught in conversation after eating my carrot cake before we hear a crash and break. Jude quickly stands up, much faster than me, and makes his way to where the sound came from. Mark puts his hand on my back for support while I stand up. I waddle to where now Jude and the kids stand. He’s ushering them away from where I see my favorite mug broken. It’s the mug that Jude got me when I gave birth to the twins. I feel tears well in my eyes, a mix of pregnancy hormones and sentiment hitting me. Jude’s family senses my sadness and Jude’s anger. “I think we’ve overstayed our welcome.” Denise jokes. Jude subtly agrees and hugs his family, indicating to them that they should leave. Mark gives me a tight hug to tell me that it’ll be okay and they leave. 
Once they’re gone, I feel tears running down my face. Jude walks up to me and gives me a hug. He kisses my head. “So, who wants to explain WHY YOU WERE IN THE KITCHEN AFTER WE TOLD YOU NOT TO BE!?” Jude says loudly. He looks down at our kids who have their heads down. “You two have been nothing but trouble today. Am I right!?” He says. “Yes, dad…” The twins say in unison. “Your mum has been so tired lately, and you two have only contributed to that.” I look at Nora’s face to see her nearly breaking a tear. She’s not used to being yelled at by her daddy. “Jude-” I say, but am quickly interrupted. “No, these two need to face the consequences.” He says to me. He turns his attention back to his kids. “Go to your room. Now. And if we hear any fighting or bickering in there, you will NEVER hear the end of it. Now go.” He says, firmly. The kids stomp their way up the stairs and enter their shared bedroom. 
“I’m so sorry, love. I haven’t been there for you lately. I can’t even imagine how much trouble these two have been giving you. I love you.” Jude says, sitting me down on the couch. He picks up the large pieces of glass and then pulls out the vacuum. He starts vacuuming the hazardous pieces of glass on the floor. Once it’s all clean he cleans up the table and does the dishes. 
He comes back to the couch and sits down next to me. We discuss our kids' punishments and then he helps me up. He takes me up the stairs and into their bedroom. Both Nora and Noah are sitting on their respective beds quietly. “So, your mother and I have decided no T.V. for a week.” Jude breaks the news to our kids. “A week!?” “But that’s not fair!” The kids interject. “No ‘but’s. It’s not up for discussion.” I say. “Honey, go to bed. I’ll be there in a second.” Jude says. “I love you two.” I say, unable to resist. I waddle my way into my bedroom and sit on our bed. I swing my legs onto the bed. “I want you two to get up and apologize to mama.” I hear faintly before the door is swung open. The kids crawl up onto the bed and give me a hug. “We’re so sorry, mama.” Nora says. “We love you.” Noah adds. I pull both of them into a hug and kiss their foreheads. “I love you too. And it’s okay, honey. I forgive you. Now, go sleep. It’s late.” I tell them. They hug their dad on their way out and go to sleep.
Jude quickly grabs me and carries me bridal style. “Whoa! What are you doing?” I ask my husband. He carries me to our large and luxurious bathroom. He places me on the floor and starts removing both mine as his clothes. He takes my hand and helps me step into our hot tub, already filled with warm water, and turns on the jets. He opens our cabinet and takes out our expensive bath bomb and drops it into the water. I watch it fizz away as he gets in behind me. He places his hands on my baby bump and kisses my neck. “I haven’t been giving you much attention lately, have I?” I smirks as his hands move lower and lower. 
Wattpad: funkyfishfeet
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crushpunky · 4 days
drew and actress!reader talk about the future
based on this ask, feel free to drop some more too <3 warning: mention of pregnancy / pregnancy scare + vomit
They’d been back from Venice for nearly a month, yet y/n was still feeling the effects of travel. Drew had gotten over his “travel bug” in a week, the worst of it being a bit of a stuffy nose, yet y/n still woke up every morning like she’d been hit by a truck, her back stiff and head spinning with nausea.
“I’m gonna go pick up some breakfast from Claire’s. Usual, hm?” Drew said groggily, swinging his feet out of bed. Y/n turned over to face him as he shrugged on a pair of sweatpants before tossing on a hat over his messy, grown out hair. Y/n grinned and nodded, watching how Drew moved in the early morning sun that peaked through the curtains.
“Alright, I’ll be right back. Love you.” He said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before heading out the bedroom door. Nearly as soon as she heard the front door close, y/n jumped to her feet and rushed into the bathroom, just barely making it in time before she threw up, her head pounding. She ran a hand through her bed head, smoothing it out of her face as she leaned against the wall of the bathroom.
Having enough, she pulled out her phone, scrolling through her calendar to see when she’d be free to go to the doctor this week. However, she could feel her already nauseous stomach drop even further once she noticed the red dot on her calendar from nearly two weeks ago…
“Shit.” She said aloud. She was supposed to have her period two weeks ago. That fact along with how awful she had been feeling the past month, with Drew feeling just fine, caused her mind to race…
“Shit!” Y/n shouted even louder as she started to clamor through the cabinet under the bathroom sink. She had bought a package of pregnancy tests months ago, always paranoid despite the fact that the couple was always very careful… right?
The two of them had talked before, and after getting married, they knew they wanted to have kids. It was something they were both excited about, in fact. But now? When Drew’s career was just taking off, she had just gotten a call-back from a project she was really excited about, a new season of Outer Banks was coming out, and countless other things plaguing their very busy lives at the moment? Now, she wasn’t sure.
She finally found the package, reading over it quickly, before using it. Y/n sat it on the counter, her hands trembling and heart pounding, before starting a timer for fifteen minutes. She stood there, chewing at her nails anxiously until she heard Charleston barking along with Drew’s voice. She had been hoping to be finished before he got back, to ready herself whatever the result may be before she had to face him.
“Breakfast is served!” Drew shouted from the kitchen. Y/n steadied herself for a moment, checking the timer again. She still had about ten minutes, too much time for her to stay in there without Drew coming to check on her. As much as she appreciated his attentive nature, right now she was cursing him and his kind spirit. With a deep breath, she went out into the kitchen. Drew sat at the bar, sipping his coffee and petting Charleston’s head.
“You alright, baby?” Drew said, his eyes scanning over y/n’s tension-riddled body. She shook her head, waving him off as she sat down next to him.
“Just still not feeling well. Headache.” Y/n said, taking a bite of the bagel Drew had picked up. She chewed it slowly, her nausea combined with anxiety diminishing her appetite. She took a sip of her coffee, the caffeine helping some of the pounding in her head subside but not helping in any sort to ease her nerves. Charleston sat his head on her lap, his eyes looking up at her widely. She rubbed his ears, smiling softly as the dog’s tail wagged.
“Did you take anything?” Drew asked, his mouth full of scrambled eggs.
“No, not yet.” Y/n said, looking back up at him. Drew wiped his mouth with a napkin before getting out of his chair.
“I’ll get you some ibuprofen.” He said, heading towards their bathroom. Y/n stayed there for a second, slowly eating before things clicked in her mind. She scrambled out of her seat, running into the bathroom.
“Drew wait—” Y/n turned into the doorway, but she was too late. Drew stood in front of the sink, his eyes trained on the small piece of pink plastic in his hand.
“You… you don’t think?” Drew said quietly, turning to face her, his eyes wide.
“I– I didn’t— I don’t know.” Y/n whispered, feeling her eyes begin to well up with tears. Drew placed the test back on the counter, wrapping his arms around her as she began to cry.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, we’ll figure it out.” Drew said into her hair, his hands soothing her back. They stood there for a while, wrapped in each other's embrace, the only sound y/n’s soft cries until her phone timer went off. They stepped back from each other, y/n’s entire body shaking with anxiety. She was scared, terrified, of what was going to happen next. For them, their future… their family.
“Hey, hey, look at me.” Drew said softly, placing his hands gently on y/n’s cheeks. She looked back at him, her eyes still filled with tears. Despite his stoic demeanor, y/n could tell Drew was probably as scared as she was at that moment.
“No matter what that says, I love you and we’re going to be ok, alright?” Drew whispered, his thumb soothing her tear streaked cheeks. Y/n nodded before looking towards the counter where the test sat.
We’re going to be alright.
Her heart pounded as she looked at the test: negative.
She let out a breath she hadn’t even realized she had been holding, her body nearly falling to the ground as relief washed over her. Drew hugged her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“Oh, thank god. I wasn’t— I didn’t—” Y/n stammered, but was interrupted when Drew pressed his lips to hers.
“I know, baby. Not yet.” He said as he pulled away, still holding her closely. He turned back towards the cabinet, digging for a second before handing her an ibuprofen. She took it from him with a slight laugh.
“Almost forgot the reason I came in here.” Drew joked, shaking y/n’s shoulders gently as they walked back towards the kitchen.
“Thank you, Drew.” Y/n said as they sat back down, taking Drew’s hand gently. He ran his thumb along the back of her hand, smiling back at her softly.
“Don’t thank me for anything. It was almost my fault you were in the situation in the first place.” Drew said, a smirk cracking onto his face. Y/n elbowed him, returning back to her breakfast with a grin.
“Well, hopefully the next time that happens we’re much more prepared.” Y/n said, chewing on her bagel.
“We will. Don’t you worry,” Drew said, kissing her hand softly. “Next time we will be much, much more prepared… and hoping for a bit of a different result.”
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katsu28 · 1 year
Hi! For the flower ask could I request lily of the valley with Jamie x f!reader? I was thinking something like reader revealing to Jamie that they are pregnant? If you’re not feeling that I always love a seemingly sad prompt turned happy! I also loved this prompt list and could request 100 more if you want 😂😂♥️♥️
i had such a great time with this pls request as much as you want, i would be honored to write them <3
lily of the valley: a tear, followed by a sob, jamie tartt x reader, mentions of pregnancy ofc, 1.6k
You were trying so hard not to freak out right now. 
You’d been feeling like absolute shit the past week or so, but just chalked it up to having some bad takeout, or that you’d finally caught that pesky flu that’d been going around this time of year. It wasn’t until your period hadn’t come when it was supposed to that the idea you could possibly be pregnant dawned upon you, but when it finally did, you rushed to the nearest pharmacy to buy a boatload of pregnancy tests. 
Now you were here, sat on the closed toilet lid in your bathroom, waiting until the agonizingly long five minutes were up. 
It was hard not to jump to conclusions, but god, you really were doing your best. Having a baby would change every aspect of your lives. You didn't know if you were ready for that. But you also didn't know if you weren’t ready for it. You wouldn't know unless it actually happened but if you really were pregnant, there was no taking that back. Having a baby was a forever thing. With Jamie. 
Yeah, the whole not jumping to conclusions thing really wasn’t working out very well for you this far. 
Your phone timer went off before you could dig yourself into a deeper hole and you squeezed your eyes shut when you’d made your way to the counter where the blue and white test sat, looking seemingly innocent. It seemed strange how such a tiny stick would tell you whether or not your life and Jamie’s would change forever. 
Exhaling a long, calming breath, you peeked at it with one eye, then both. 
Three lines, clear as day. Positive.
You took two more in quick succession right after just to be sure—different brands too, just to make double sure. Two more positives. You were definitely pregnant. 
How were you going to tell Jamie? He was at the height of his football career, and even though you’d been together a long while, you hadn’t even really had that huge next step conversation about starting a family. Hell, you weren’t even sure if he wanted kids—not with what he’d been through with his own father. Of course, Jamie would never turn out like his dickhead dad, but you knew he’d be worried about it. 
On the other hand, starting a family with Jamie sounded amazing. You’d get to have a kid that was a perfect blend of him and yourself, someone to love and nurture and watch grow into their own person. They’d have the best parts of Jamie, the best parts of you, and every time you’d look at them you’d get to cherish this human being you’d created together. 
The sound of the front door closing in the distance pulled you from your spiraling thoughts and you quickly hid the tests in the cupboard, splashing some water on your face. You didn’t feel normal by a long shot, but planned to act like so until you could truly process the new information. It still felt unreal. 
Jamie was rummaging around in the fridge when you finally gathered the confidence to leave the bathroom, humming to himself until he heard you enter the kitchen. “Hey, d’you know if we have any more eggs, or are we out? I could run to the shops really quick if we need stuff.” 
“Um, we should still have a few, I think,” You mumbled, trying your best to keep your voice as level as you could. You must not have done as good of a job as you wanted, because he straightened up immediately, swinging the door shut to look at you. When he saw you standing there looking less than happy, he was across the room in an instant, holding you at arms’ length to scan you for any injuries or differences in your appearance, anything that could tell him why you looked like you’d seen a ghost. 
“Whoa. What’s wrong?”
You shook your head, inhaling a deep breath before trying to force a smile. “Nothing, I’m fine, I promise I’m fine.” 
“Don’t look fine to me.” He frowned, rubbing his hands down your arms. “Looks like you’ve got something on your mind. C’mon, lemme have it. Talk to me, love.” 
You weren’t sure if it was the way he knew you so well he could tell something was off with just one look, or if it was the pregnancy hormones already kicking in (did they even kick in this early??? You couldn’t have been more than a couple weeks pregnant at this point), but you couldn’t help it. 
A tear rolled down your cheek, and before you knew it you were sobbing, burying yourself against Jamie’s chest. He mumbled a soft ‘oh fuck’ but wrapped his arms around you despite his total confusion, pressing his nose into your hair and shuffling over to the sofa so he could hold you as tight as he could. He didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but he knew whatever it was, you’d deal with it together. 
“Sorry, I just—god, I’m sorry, you’re probably tired and I’m—I’m…I don’t know.” You sniffled, wiping under your eyes with the sleeve of your jumper. You pulled away from him with a shaky sigh, putting your head in your hands. 
Jamie shook his head profusely, scrambling to kneel down in front of you. “Fuck that, why’re you cryin’?” He asked, concerned etched into his features. He took hold of your elbows, gently prying your arms away from your face so he could see you properly. “Did that cranky old sod from a few houses over come over to yell at you about the garden again? I swear to fuckin’ god—” 
“I’m pregnant.” You blurted, deciding to just rip the bandaid off and get it over with. 
Jamie’s mouth snapped shut instantly. He blinked owlishly at you. “You—wait, wait. You’re…” 
“You’re pregnant.” He repeated, wide eyes darting down to your midriff, then back up to your gaze. “Right now? How—how long?” 
“I don’t know. Four, five weeks, maybe? I just—I know it’s not something we planned for, and—and Richmond’s doing super well and you’ve got your whole career ahead of you and I get it if you don’t wanna be saddled with a kid—” Jamie took hold of your fidgeting hands, although his were quite shaky as well. He didn’t say anything for a while, but you suspected it was more for utter shock and a lack of words rather than disappointment like the fear you’d had in the back of your head this whole time. 
“Don’t even think like that. M’not going anywhere—wouldn’t even dream about it.” He said finally, looking you right in the eye. He looked determined. Steadfast. “Whatever I have to do, whatever we have to do, I’ll do it. We’ll do it. Everything’s gonna go just fine.” 
“How are you so calm right now?” You asked quietly, running a hand through his hair. 
Jamie leaned into your touch on instinct, turning his head to kiss your palm gently. “M’not calm. Feels like my heart’s about to burst out me chest, I’m so happy. But it don't really seem like I should be yellin’ and shit right now—not til you’ve wiped those tears from your eyes.” He replied, reaching out to swipe away the tear tracks from your cheeks on his own. “Can I—can I talk to them? The baby.” 
“Sure, love.” You smiled at him warmly and he nodded, suddenly looking a little nervous as he settled himself right next to your stomach. You were pretty sure the baby was only the size of a seed right now, but the thought of Jamie wanting to talk to them made your own heart swell. You suspected it would be something he’d do throughout your entire pregnancy. 
“Erm…hi, I guess. I’m your dad. I don’t—I don’t really know what to say to you because I don’t think you’ve quite got any ears yet, but…I want you to know that I promise to always be here for you and to love you no matter what,” He murmured, rubbing his fingers against your skin. He hesitated for a few beats, and you knew he was thinking about his own father. How he never wanted to become like James. How he would never want to put your child through what he went through.
How he wanted to break the cycle and create a better one—a life filled with love and joy, never fear and resentment. 
You felt another tear roll down your cheek, and another, and then you were sniffling back another round of sobs, making Jamie’s eyes fly to your face. “Oh shit, I made your mum cry again—fuck, I ain’t supposed to say shit, ain’t I? I’ll get better at this once you get here, yeah? But until then, have fun inside your mum. I know I did.” 
That earned him a shove to the side of the head, but he still grinned, dropping a kiss to your stomach before pushing himself back to sit cross-legged next to you. “Was that good? I think I smashed it.” 
You let out a watery chuckle, dabbing at your waterline with your sleeve again. “It was perfect.” 
“Can I yell ‘bout it now?” 
“Have a go.” 
“We’re havin’ a baby! We’re havin’ a fuckin’ baby!!!” He cheered, jumping onto the couch next to you. You couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped your lips at his antics. He was happy and you’d never been so relieved to see him that way. 
Jamie pumped his fist into the air a few times before dropping to his knees and leaning in to kiss you, nearly missing your mouth in his now unleashed excitement. “I love you, darlin’. I love you with everythin’ I’ve got, and I love our kid just as much. Even if they are just a clump of cells right now. And everything that comes next, we’ll figure it out. The season, the training, all that shit, we’ll figure it out together.” 
“Together.” You echoed, giving his hand a tight squeeze.
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :) and if you've gotten this far, feel free to take a look at the prompt lists in my nav to request something!
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blackdiamond1038 · 10 months
Secret Life Secrets
Session 6
Green- Successful
Red- Failed
Scott: There is an assassination hit out on you from a non-red. If they do at least 10 hearts of damage to you (or through another’s actions) or you die, you fail. You have one shot to guess who it is and make them fail even if they already dealt the damage. (You must still get involved in conversations.)
Pearl: You are an imposter. You must approach any or multiple reds and secretly tell them this task. They can give you any task to damage a green player. If you successfully damage 3 different green names (for any amount) from their instructions, you pass. A yellow can call you out as a traitor at any stage. 
Gem: Nothing you say can be true for 30 minutes. If you tell the truth, you must start the timer again.
Jimmy: Task 1: Replace the water under the pink diving board with blue glass. You must not be caught. You succeed if they take damage from diving off. You fail if they find it or refuse to jump. Task 2: Punch another player into lava. It can be lava you have placed. [Died before succeeding or failing]
Mumbo: You are Grian’s terrible butler. You must do anything they say, but always get some aspect of it wrong. You can tell them you are their butler, but no one else. Task 1 [as a red]: Cause any amount of damage to a non-red using an anvil. Task 2: Build a TNT cannon and successfully hit a base from at least 50 blocks. Task 3: Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage. [Died before succeeding or failing]
Grian: You declared yourself incorrectly successful last session. You must re-roll for harder task. [Re-roll for harder task] Etho is going to get a warden to the surface. You must get a wither. Make them do battle. You can work together to make this battle happen. The fight must take place in a central location.
Etho: You ended up with Pearl’s book at the end of last session. You must re-roll for harder task as punishment. [Re-roll for harder task] Grian is going to get a wither. You must get a warden to the surface. Make them do battle. You can work together to make this battle happen. The fight must take place in a central location. Deep dark can be found at -671 -30 1875.
Lizzie: Task 1: Use redstone to damage a non-red player. You cannot hit them with the item, it must be a machine or trap of some kind. Task 2: Summon a mod using an egg to deal any damage to a green. [Succeeded, but died before pressing the button]
Impulse: You are in a game of chicken with Scar and Bdubs. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it’s something that will cause damage.
Bdubs: You are in a game of chicken with Scar and Impulse. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it’s something that will cause damage.
Scar: You are in a game of chicken with Bdubs and Impulse. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it’s something that will cause damage.
Skizz: You are now the therapist of the server. For the rest of the session, you must guide and give other players advice in a professional manner. The advice does not need to be good advice. You must help players to acknowledge and negative feelings. You cannot directly solve their problems, you are there only for emotional support. You fail if called out by a yellow. You can pass early if you give therapeutic advice to every other player at least once. You can only help someone if they appear down or frustrated. 
Joel: You are Scott’s assassin. You must deal a minimum of 10 hearts of damage to them to succeed. You can use other people or any means you please. But if you are called out by them as the assassin, you fail, even if you already dealt the damage. They only have one guess.
Martyn: Task 1: Hit a green name with a sword until they block you with a shield. If you kill them, you also succeed. Task 2: Cause any amount of damage to a non-red using an anvil. Task 3: Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage. Task 4: Summon a mod using an egg to deal any damage to a green. [Unfinished this session]
BigB: Everytime someone takes damage, tell them much too late how it could have been avoided. If you see them about to take damage, you must also warn them too late.
Tango [Ren]: You have an imaginary friend who is exactly like Tango. Talk to Tango as if they follow you around the whole session and are part of conversations. You must interact with other players. 
Cleo: Everyone else knows what your task is. Figure it out and do it. They can’t tell you what it is but they can say warmer and colder when you attempt something. A yellow cannot call out this task as everyone already knows what it is. You cannot ask, you must attempt to do it. [At the end of all non-red player’s tasks, the rules for Cleo’s task were explained. This is what it was: Cleo’s task is: “Stand in a circle of different kinds of flowers and spin” You can’t tell her what it is, but you can say warmer and colder as she tries to figure it out. You can tell her when she’s done it. The rest of the server knows her task, she does not. She has to figure it out.]
This session was absolutely insane.
Lemme know if I missed something!
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Put Your Head On My Shoulder
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
A/N: This Fandom has given me the most inspiration I've had in years and this is a thank you to every single one of you. This idea spurred from one too many drinks and unhinged DMs and I'm so excited to share it with you guys. So here goes nothing lol. A special thanks to my lady loves @lesservillain , @ghost-proofbaby , @bettyfrommars , and @bimbobaggins69 for beta reading and letting me fill your inboxes with all my little thots for our little gremlin man !
P.S : BEFORE I GET INTO ANYTHING THIS STORY IS 18+ MINORS NEED TO GTFO PLEASE AND THANK YOU !!!!! Also please remember to like and reblog from your creators It keeps the fandom alive !!! ( honestly don't know what I would do without ya'll )
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Reader ( Pumpkin )
Summary: A 1950's daydream of malt shop kisses and doo wop singles far behind closed doors. Dreamboat Eddie Munson picks up more than just an extra route. A love that makes you weak in the knees... but how long can you go on loving a man that isn't the one your married to.
TW: Angst- mentions of an affair (adultery), verbal abuse mentions, mentions of weight ( mentions of food within the story throughout), disordered eating, feeling unloved, self deprecation slightly, staying with toxic partner Fluff- pet names, domestic bliss, mutual pining Smut- fingering, soft touches, overstimulation slightly very slight, unprotected PIV, cream pie, spanking,..... tbh i can't think of anymore but if you see any please let me know ... Thank you all so much. ( every chapter will get updated tw)
WC: 4.1K
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Flour covers the countertop in your kitchen, and a rolling pin is set to the side while you knead the soft pastry ingredients together. Apples sit freshly peeled in a separate dish. Sliced and added to sugar and cinnamon. Picking up the rolling pin, you do your best to flatten the dough to a thin sheet and mold it to the glass dish before you. 
“Well, this dough is much better than the first,” you say aloud to yourself. Your husband once told you that speaking out loud to yourself was a sign of a weak mind, you never put much stock in that. But here you were doing exactly that as your days consist of waiting for your husband to return home from work. 
You splash a bit of vanilla into the apple mixture to complete your pie filling. Once it is all tucked neatly beneath the fluffy dough, you take a knife and leave four little holes within the surface and crimp the edges together, sealing the flavors within. A touch of sugar is added to the top along with an egg wash before placing the pie on a rack in the oven. A timer is set for twenty minutes, a reminder to lower the temperature and to add your special ingredient.
Soft music plays throughout the house, Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald keep you company on these long lonely days. Lonely but only for such a short time. Your husband works for the state doing something he thinks you're too dumb to understand so why talk about it? If anyone ever asks you simply say ‘Oh please you think a woman wants to know such things’. That usually earns you a laugh at cocktail parties and a warm smile from your man. If you could even call him that. 
Yes, he is your man in the sense that your last names are the same and you had shared the same bed. Where is the love though? It isn’t tangible and hasn’t been for quite some time now. Your day begins and ends with a few words apart from an I love you. You served him still, acted to the prying eyes, as a doting Wife. Four years and Everyone still thought you had a perfect life. 
That dream of white picket fences and shared milkshakes. That love of never-ending kisses and satisfying sex. Everyone around you wanted all that you had. Would they still want your life if they could see past those closed doors and shut curtains? 
Would they want to spend their mornings hiding the bags under their eyes from nights of restless sleep? Would they want to have a constant monologue of the flaws seen in the mirror? Ones that your oh-so-loving husband pointed out to you time and time again. Would they want to cook and clean knowing they would never receive a thank you? No, you knew they wouldn’t. All the small things that build and grow until it becomes a monotonous routine. Walking through days as if the next would be the exact same and then doing it all again and again, Until one day something changed. 
Two months prior A knock on the door, one that started to come once a week. The company of CC & Drums Dairy was paid to bring you a gallon of milk, A necessity your husband called it. A man with long dark locks that flowed over his shoulder and curls that dipped across his forehead under his cap. Deep Brown eyes that sparkled with flecks of amber as the sun hit him just right. Dressed in white overalls to comply with his company uniform and sleek black shoes that shine just as brightly as his smile. His name tag reads Eddie in a sweet embroidered cursive. Eddie, a name that would soon become something you would never forget. 
Your timer goes off as you check the pie, squeezing a lemon over the crust for that citrus tang. Slipping the dessert back into the oven, for another half hour or so, a knock sounds through the house, sending the butterflies in your stomach in a tizzy. Eddie had arrived.
A quick task of undoing the strings to your apron and a fast fix of hair in the mirror you had hung in the hall. A hand to your abdomen as you intake a breath and let it stagger out between your lips, hesitating to open the door. The second you see him you can feel the way the tops of your cheeks heat and plump with a smile. One that matches his.
 You take a second and wonder if he knows how handsome he is. The way the small lines beside his eyes crinkle with years of use. You wonder if he knows that the instant you see him, your heart stops beating. But most of all you wonder if you're the only one those soft eyes and long lashes catch in his gaze. 
“Afternoon darling, I must say this heat wave has got to be breaking records. Ought not keep these out here too long.” as he lifts the small crate of glass bottles holding the product out.
 You knew better than to take it from him, even if every bone in your body screamed too. The last time you tried you nearly flipped the whole crate, underestimating the weight. From that day on you always stood to the side as you let Eddie into your home to set the dairy in your kitchen. It was another thing you wondered about him. Did he do this for everyone else too?
“ Well let's not keep them then sir.” standing to the side he slides past you brushing a hand across the elbow you held to the door. His way of saying hello. Small touches here and there as he could never keep his hands to himself for too long in your presence.
“ Something smells awful delicious in her ma’am.”
“An Apple pie is in the oven, maybe you’ll stay and have a slice. For your troubles of course.” 
“Mhmm, my troubles.” Eddie sat the crate on the counter next to the ice box and turned his body towards you and enveloped you in his stronghold. An intoxicating embrace as he pulled you flush to his body. 
“ I missed you, you know that pretty girl?” soft tone, almost a whisper. A small smile he couldn't see but could feel made its way to your face. 
“I bet you say that to all the girls on your route.” he lets out a small chuckle.
“Only the breathtaking ones.” a falter to your features as your mind reeled with all the possibilities.
 Does he miss Mrs.Cunningham the way he misses you? Does he miss Ms.Buckley the same? That sick green monster finds its way under your skin as you think of all the girls he must have at his beck and call. But today that monster wasn’t going to ruin the few fleeting moments you could spend with him. You needed Eddie in the most carnal of ways.
“Do you want to know what I missed? “ Your fingers trail their way from the small of his back and up over his shoulder, landing on his neck just below his ear. Cupping his face you bring it down and catch his lips as they meet yours. 
“Oh yeah? you missed me too Pumpkin?” a second crash of your lips to his, makes him hum from the back of his throat. His nose nudges yours to the left so his teeth can catch your bottom lip, pulling back slightly to hear the small whine you emit.
“I always miss you, Eddie.”  His hands travel down over your figure as he starts to ruffle the hem of your dress up. Thankful for its length to hide how wet you had become just from him being in the home you share with your spouse. A topic you and Eddie tried to steer clear of, but the wrongness of the act just felt so right. 
Over a year your husband hadn’t touched you, barely talked to you and some days you were even sure he hadn't even looked in your direction. Eddie though, In the last two months, Eddie had made you feel seen. He made you feel heard, and most of all he made you feel desired.  
As his hand finds the thin cotton that covers your cunt he glides his digits over the wet patch that had grown by just the thought of him. A deep hum and a small huff of breath from Eddie against your neck as he kissed his way to your shoulder. 
“So wet for me and I've barely even touched you. Are you that starved for affection?” The words forming in that sweet small surrender to him were all but cut off as he slid a finger through your folds and teased your entrance. A gasp was the response he got, one he loved to hear in protest every time he had you. 
“C’mon honey tell me what you want.” how could you respond to him with words if you couldn't even think of them? The man before you had spent the last few months discovering just how to make you melt in his arms.
 He knew that the spot behind your knee was his best friend for when he had you on your back. He knew the way your hips stutter when you're close to your peak, and he knew that if your eyes found that they couldn't stay open that you were in utter bliss.
 His favorite thing he had learned throughout your time together though was that even when he knew you had your doubts, you still trusted him in every sense of the word. 
After only two months Eddie knew you better than you know yourself. Better than your husband had ever cared to know you.
“ Please, Eddie.” He smiled down at you 
“ Please What Honey?” 
“ Dip in Eddie, Fuck me please.”  He could feel the slackening of your legs as his assault on your clit had made you a bit sensitive, in his focus on making you feel as good as he possibly could, in what little time he had with you. He slid two of his thick fingers into your dripping heat as his thumb stayed in a rhythm that matched his wrist as he curled in and let the sounds of his efforts echo off the small kitchen walls. 
Moaning into Eddie's ear as his finger worked in and out of you making that heat inside of you grow higher and higher. Clutching the strap of his overalls, a small pull leaning back, as the pleasure he was giving you kept climbing. 
“ Come on now baby, let go.” A final intake of air, hold on to the breath that led you to your walls squeezing eddies fingers tight. That coil snapped as you let your body fall slack against him a loud moan from the farthest depths within you found its way out of your lungs. 
When your eyes land on Eddie after your come down all you can see is that smile. The dimple-creasing smile that kept haunting your dreams at night. 
“I need more.” You didn’t know how but his smile grew even wider and more sinister as his tone began to deepen. A kiss is pressed to your lips, not urgent, understanding. 
“ You need more? Well, it's a damn good thing that what you're asking for is in stock then Pumpkin.” He turned you around to face the small table that sat in your kitchen, knowing what he wanted from you. He wasn’t the only one taking notes from your time together. 
You braced yourself against the worn wood and clutched the sides of it as you heard the familiar clinks of metal as his rings fumbled with the buckle of his belt.  
The wait, though it is small, is brutal. Anticipation makes your stomach flip and cunt flutter. A shuffle out of his overalls gives Eddie a moment to just admire the way you listen so well. These small moments have him thanking every bad decision that got him here. To this small town, with this small job, on this small route. A route he picked up as a last resort. Yeah, he doesn't know who he's praying to but whoever is listening, he's singing grace. 
A grip in the slight pudge of your hips to keep himself steady, Eddie is gentle as he slips his cock through your folds gathering your slick over his length and breaching your desire. A deep moan and a few choice words fall from Eddie as he fills you and meets the small wavering gasp you let out, a breath you didn't know you had been holding.  A whine of impatience, his sign to move. 
A soft speed turns ravenous as his dick uses your walls to curve his hooks into you deeper and deeper. A sigh of his name and you can feel the stutter in his thrust. He slows his pace if only to keep himself from having to leave your presence all too soon.  
"Fuck darling, so good to me, taking me so well like this pussy was made for me."  You mewl from beneath him, dropping your forehead to the wood that is holding you up. You fear that if it had not been here your legs would have given up the second he started talking. "Isn't that right pumpkin? Made just for me? " A sharp thrust and you know he wants an answer in the way his grip turns bruising. A trip through your mind as you try and collect the words from thin air. 
"YES! God yes, I was made just for you." 
"Such a good girl for me baby. That's right, isn't it? You're all mine aren't you?"  Another squeeze to your hip and a smack that lands hard on your ass. Eddie's palm kneads the sting as you answer him. 
" All yours, all yours, no one else, just you baby." A grunt hum from the back of his throat as he grips your shoulder and leans so his body is flush with yours. His breath is on your neck as he leans to your ear. 
"Not even your husband, just you and me baby?" 
"Just you and me Ed's" Your eyes tunnel and you see white as your orgasm rushes through you, Eddie's own a thrust away as he moans deep against your skin. His body weight and yours against the kitchen table as you both find your way down from the clouds. 
Small kisses he leaves to your spine and the back of your neck. You turn your head and he places another small one to the upturned corner of your mouth. A bell chimes and you sit for a few seconds letting Eddie gather his own bearings. A small pat to the curve of your pussy as Eddie pulls the cotton back in place. A shock to your sensitivity.
"Keep that in there baby, that way you have a part of me while I'm gone." A heat to your cheeks as the thought of Eddie's cum dripping out of you while your husband sat across from you and read the paper over dinner. A sly smirk from the man you just let defile the small space, one you would let do ungodly things to you. 
You put on oven mitts as Eddie finds a few glasses in the cabinet. You slice into the flakey crust and slip through the filling as you place the large piece on a plate for you to share. Eddie pours milk as you find some silverware, he places the bottles in your fridge so they keep.
Turning with a smile, he is the definition of adoration. In your eyes he is everything. 
Why is it that when his time with you is coming to an end you almost wish it would end as soon as possible? Almost as if you would wish he would part with some harsh words to make you not want him in the most beautiful ways. You have to make yourself believe these things before he leaves because if you don’t, it would just shatter you. So you take a different route, you don’t shatter yourself, instead, you splinter and crack all the things that hold you until you see him again. The times where he glues those little shards back in place if only for you to break them off again and again. A scared thought and a small shake of your head trying to rid yourself of it. A married woman. What would he possibly want from you other than a good lay? 
He sees that doubt within your mind as if reading it. He takes your hand in his as he laces your fingers together. 
“ Penny for your thoughts Pumpkin?” You glance finally meeting his eyes as you clear your throat. 
“ Nothing important hun.” You slide a fork to his side of the table as your eyes dart to the clock.  He squeezes your hand once more, lowering his eyes in search of yours again. 
“It is important if it bothers you.” Your heart stops. The breath you were going to take gets caught in your throat and you turn on that winning smile you had trained yourself to hold in uncomfortable circumstances. One you wish he couldn't see through.
“ It’s nothing Eds, really.” 
“Do you promise?” you take a hand and cup his cheek.
 How do you tell him that he is your first thought in the morning and the last thought before falling asleep? How instead of counting sheep you try and count the freckles on his face by sheer memory?  How could you tell him you wish you were his one and only? That you have never felt about another human soul the way you feel about his. Instead, you stuff it down, apple pie soon to follow. 
“I Promise.”  
You know he doesn’t believe you but he would rather set out to sea and die of starvation as the sharks feed from him than to make the last moments he has with you tainted with fights and tears. God when you cry it absolutely destroys him. 
The first time you had ever let him take you in his arms you had just gotten off the phone with your husband. He had heard hushed words while he waited for you to grab the weekly tip your husband left for him. Your husband had informed you that he would not be coming home, as the fight from the night before had lingered into the morning and would now follow you well into the night. The first time you had opened the door Eddie studied the angelic features of your face, and they had plagued his dreams for such a long time at this point.
When you rounded the corner with a smudge of mascara beneath your eyes, he instantly without thinking took you in, pushing your face to his chest as his hand rested on the back of your head. Slight comfort made the tears begin again as he wiped the remainder of the smudge and irritation from your face. No man had ever done something as small as comforting you before.  In the two months since he had started this route, he knew he had instantly fallen head over heels in love with you.
You had taken two bites from the plate that sat in front of you and Eddie had finished the slice. He even went as far as to slide a finger in the crumbs on the plate and lick them off in an attempt to show you how much he had enjoyed it. His time with you. 
A gathering of glasses you brought to the sink as he brought the other dishes and sat them in the deep well while wrapping his arms around your waist and you stood eyes closed relishing in the last little bit of affection he could offer to you. 
A kiss to your shoulder as you turn your head resting it on his.
“I’ll be by in a week Pumpkin.” A nod to the fact you already knew. “ Seven days.” Another nod, not risking the crumble in your voice. “ Not long at all.”  Another small kiss to your cheek as you turned into his chest and rested your forehead on his. 
“Seven days?” 
“ Seven days Pumpkin. Do you think you can wait for me? Just seven days? “
“I think I could wait a lifetime for you Eddie.” 
“I’ll see you in a week, Mrs.Carver.”
“ A week Mr.Munson.” 
A kiss to your lips and a parting gift of his very own pie before he snuck out through the back door, so as to not raise suspicion. A slow walk from the kitchen to the door and to turn a lock, on your mind. On your hope. You could do this. You could wait seven days.
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Your husband comes through the door late as he had been doing for the last year or so. You had expected it from him at this point. You had started to make his dinner later and later knowing that if you had made it too early he would tell you all the ways he couldn't eat it. If it had gone too cold he would refuse and the hard work would go directly into the trash. 
He walked in as you took his dinner off the stove and placed it on a dish for him.
“Right on time doll.”
“ I don’t know how on time it is, It’s Nearly eight in the evening, Jason!”     
“ I’m not doing this with you tonight.”  
He always did this. He would come home and you would ask him where he had been, and he’d always end the conversation before it could even begin. You sat his plate in front of him as you sat across the table from him. Times where you could really take him in and see that the feelings you had once long ago were snuffed out like a flame to a candle.
“ Are you not eating dear?” 
“ I ate a bit earlier in the day.”
“Thanks for waiting .”  He rolled his eyes and you returned the gesture. 
“ I wouldn’t have had to wait if you had just picked up the phone and told me when you were going to be on your way home. I’m not waiting until we hit a new day to eat Jason I’m not going hungry just so you-”
“ Wouldn’t harm you any though would it.” 
You left the table. Your weight had started to become a key focus as he knew it bothered you more than anything else. You had gained some weight and your mother and friends had commented on it from time to time. For your husband to tho, it made you furious. You ate when you were unhappy, it was something you had done since you were a child. The only person who thought you could stand to eat a little more had been Eddie. 
It happened slowly, you would make him food now and then, and the majority of the time He would offer you a bit. It started with a bite and progressed into cutting his sandwiches in half just so you could have something to eat. Unlike your husband, Eddie had a suspicion that you weren’t eating enough. Like you weren’t giving your body what it needed to survive so he would constantly ask for you to eat with him. At least then he would know you had something of substance within your day.  
You had gone to your bedroom and gotten out of your daily’s slowly separating them into their hampers waiting to hear the stomping footsteps of Jason as he made his way to the spare bedroom. He had taken residency there about a month before Eddie came into your life and you were thankful for the times that Eddie left you yearning for more. To call out another man's name while with your significant other no matter how insignificant they were would still bring you shame like no other.
Slipping into your nightgown as Jason shuts the door to his room you wait a few minutes to take the walk back down the stairs to stand in front of the sink. Looking up at the sky through the window above the stars seem to shine brightly. You attempt to find the little dipper and look for its companion not far from where it lays, the version of a larger size. Constellations begin to blur as you let the silent tears fall. Hoping that somewhere out there in this little old town, Eddie too is looking up at the moon and wishing you were by his side as you wished upon all the stars in the sky. What a long time seven days would be.
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
A Rose Under the Moon
Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Domestic violence mentions, hints at child abuse, child abuse mentions violence, phantom pains
A/N: Again, none of this is beta read. We die like the younglings Anakin snuffed in the Jedi Temple
Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @shirukitsune @bad4amficideas
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Chapter 3:
The Victims
You sighed, checking the little egg timer in your apron pocket to see how long until the scones you were baking had left in the oven. Fifteen minutes. Ugh.
It had been a few days since Steven had come in and purchased his pillar of books. The two of you would make small talk, him thumbing through books and rambling about a subject on ancient Egypt that he knew. The moment you brought up your own obscure facts you have memorized from the things your father would read to you as a little girl, Steven’s eyes lit up and he got the biggest grin on his face, and launched himself headlong into info-dump mode. It was kinda cute, really, how excitable he got. You could tell the poor guy probably didn’t have many friends, aside from his brothers, whom he’d told you about, and a friend named Layla. You also found it endearing how his messy, bed-raggled curls would flop over his face, or how animated he’d seem when he would interrupt himself to bring up another fun fact…
But, it had been a day or two since he’d come in last. And to be honest, you kinda miss the guy. He was probably the nicest most engaging customer you had. He even admitted that he didn’t come in just for the books. He told you he liked your teas and treats, and he loved the comfortable atmosphere of your shop over a crowded cafe. But one day, he just had to ask:
“I’ve been meaning to ask…” He started, looking at the muffin in his hand.
“Hm?” You hummed as you stocked shelves.
“Are these… vegan?” He seemed hesitant to touch the muffine now, as if it were poisoned.
You giggle softly. “Yes, actually. I try to use recipes that everyone can enjoy. Vegan, gluten-free…”
“Oh! Wonderful!” He scarfed the muffin down rather quickly after that, his nose buried in the textbook on archaeology he had in his hands.
You set your phone down as you sipped your spiced tea. It was a rather cold and gloomy day today, not uncommon this late in the year, but still, it sucked. It reminded you of where you grew up in Maine, off the coast. Storms blew in all the time, you’d remember as a little girl getting up in the morning, wanting to run outside and play, just to be met with a dark and angry sky, blistering winds, and pelting rain.
Your poor little six-year-old heart was crushed one day when a particularly bad squall blew into town, and you were trapped within the confines of your house, arms crossed, feet firmly planted as you glared out the window, lip wobbling.
How dare the weather ruin your plans for the day? You were going to play in your treehouse! Now the stupid wind was gonna blow it away! And if it did, your father would have to build another one, and that would take forever!
“Hey, there, Lil’ Bit.” Your dad said, kneeling behind you, as you stubbornly looked out the window in a seething rage. So, so angry for a little girl. You inherited your temper from your mother, surely. Though you personally never saw her mad, of course. Ever. But then again, she worked so much…
Your mom was what your dad told you was a “breadwinner”, which was a term you found dumb. You mom never entered contests and she certainly never won bread as a prize. It was so dumb! Why did adults have to use such dumb words for things?
“Hey, kiddo.” Your dad sang, leaning forward from where he was crouched to put his chin on your tiny shoulder.
“No, daddy, ‘m angy.” You mumbled, trying to shrug him off as lightning flashed in the distance.
He chuckled, his voice warm, much like your favorite pair of fuzzy socks after they were just taken out of the dryer. “Come on, princess. It’ll pass. They always do.”
“But why did it have t’ do it today!” You whined, not budging.
“Dunno, kid. The sky just felt like dumping buckets, I guess.” He said, humoring you.
“Daddy...” You groaned, rolling your eyes. “Clouds don’t use buckets!”
“Sure they do!” He grinned, waggling his eyebrows at you. “You just never see em!”
“You’re silly.” You scoff.
“You’re silly!” Your dad laughed, scooping you up and spinning you around, finally getting a smile out of you as you shriek in laughter.
He tucked you against his chest and kissed you on your forehead. “Come on, kiddo. Let’s get you some sna–”
His eyes went wide and he gasped when you writhed, crying out and wincing like you’d just been struck.
“Babygirl, what’s wrong?” He asked, hurriedly sitting you on the couch as you curled in on yourself. He could see the welts start to peek out from beneath the sleeves of your little pink shirt.
It was happening again.
The pain in his heart gripped him like ice, knowing he couldn’t do anything to ease the pain his daughter was feeling. His poor, poor baby girl, whose soulmate was constantly being inflicted with whatever horrors they faced with.
He would curse it, sometimes. Your mark. Your bond. You were already enduring abuse that wasn’t directed at you. Or maybe it was in a way… Given that it was happening to your other half. Who you would one day meet. Maybe things will be better, when you had. Maybe.
But one thing was for sure, he hated whomever was inflicting those injuries on your soulmate more. Not only were they hurting your soulmate, they were hurting you. He’d imagined that you were close in age. If so, who the hell would abuse a child in such a way? The concept was completely foreign to him.
He rubbed your back, murmuring sweet and loving things to you.
He noticed something odd about your mark about a few years ago, right when the welts and bruises started to show and you would recoil in phantom pain... There was a new addition to your mark. At first it was one crescent moon. But then one became two, and two became three.
Right now, the bottom right moon was full.
He wasn’t sure what it meant… But he noticed your crying slow to soft little hiccups and sniffles as you sit up, rubbing your eyes.
He rested his forehead against yours. “It’ll be okay, sweetheart. I promise.”
“I jus’ wanna know why it hurts so much, daddy.” You sniffle.
“Trust me, I know. Me and your mom are similar. I remember when we were kids, before we met… She fell from a tree and broke her leg. Man, it hurt so bad…”
You looked up at him, your big beautiful eyes glistened with tears. Your mother’s eyes. Little gems of hers that you would always have.
“Really?” You peeped.
“Really.” He stood and walked over to the bookshelf above the living room fireplace, and plucked a book off of it. He turned back to you and sat next to you, pulling you into his lap and kissing the top of your head.
“This book came from your great auntie over in London. You remember her, yeah?” He hummed.
Your fingers grazed the cover, old and worn, obviously well-read and well-loved. It had a picture of a woman with wings and a pretty dress on it. You couldn’t read the other words on it just yet, you were still learning how to read the bigger ones.
“Want me to read you some of the stories in it?” He inquired.
“Uh-huh.” You nod.
Your father flipped the pages open, and hummed again, softer.
“Now, let’s start with the tale of Isis and the Seven Scorpions…”
You jumped, almost dropping the egg timer you had in your hand when your shop’s door dinged and swung open. A frantic young woman rushed inside, her sunken and baggy eyes looking at you, wide with fright.
You skipped the usual welcome and regarded her with a confused expression.
“I… Can I help you–”
“Please, I just need to–to hide!” She said, rushing over to you and gripping your hand, pulling you behind her and further into the winding shelves that made up your bookstore.
“Hey, Hey.” You say, putting your hands on her shoulders. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“My–my boyfriend. He… He’s… I messed up and burned lunch and…” She looked to the side trying to check if he somehow didn’t materialize out of thin air over her shoulder when she wasn’t looking; and when she did… you saw them.
The already darkening bruises on her delicate throat.
Immediately you went into protector mode. You gently urge her towards the door leading to the stairwell that went up to your flat above.
“You hide up there, and call 999, okay?” You say to her. “You can stay here until the police arrive. If it makes you feel safer, there’s a deadbolt to the door up there. If your boyfriend comes in I’ll act like I didn’t see anything.”
You rush to the oven when you hear the timer go off, and pull out the scones (after slipping on your mitts), when the bell to your store dings.
You curse under your breath and say to the girl quietly. “Stay quiet, honey. I’ll be up when the police get here.”
You carefully slip the tasty treats onto a plastic tray and toss the pan into the sink with a clang; instantly regretting it when the young woman flinched and curled into herself, her arms instinctively reaching to cover her head.
You muttered and apology and balanced the pan on your hand as you hastily make your way down the stairs, to see whomever was incessantly dinging your “ring me!” button at the register.
When you finally break free of the labyrinthine bookshelves, you spot a rather large and angry looking man.
This had to be the boyfriend.
“Hello, one moment, please.” You say tersely, sliding the scones into the small display case showcasing the fresh treats of the day.
“Oi, you seen somebody come in here?” He demanded gruffly.
You take another visual sweep of his appearance. Rather big build, probably abuses the gym too much. He looks like he exclusively dines on protein shakes more than food… He could be trouble, if he got violent. The only upside is that you knew the layout of your little shop by heart, he didn’t. You really wished you had a gun under the counter, right about now.
You made a mental note to sign up for the courses and get the certificate from the police..
“Other than you, no, you’d be my first customer of the day.” You force the cheer into your tone as you bring a box of books and begin to half-assedly place them, hoping to look normal.
“Ain’t no fuckin’ customer.” He growled. “Don’ want no books.”
“Well, I also offer a variety of coffees, teas, and snacks–”
“I ain’t no fuckin’ customer!” He barked, getting in your face.
You could smell the alcohol on his breath. That explains the slurred speech.
“Sir, I’m gonna have to ask that you please back away, you’re a little too close…” You say, your hands up in a submissive gesture, hoping to appear as non-threatening as possible.
"Does it look like I giv' a fuck? Ya fuckin' muppet?" He hissed at you, his eyes dilated and glassy.
"Look, I don't want to cause trouble, but–"
He seized your arm and gripped it painfully tight, you could feel the crunch of your radiocarpal joint being squeezed under his rough and indelicate fingers. "Did ya hear me, ya fuckin' cunt? I'm lookin' for my girl, I know she came in here! Don't lie t' me!"
"Sir, people come into my store all the time, and it's not really my business why unless they buy a book or a muffin. Let me go!" You retort, trying to pry his fingers from around you with your free hand.
"Shut th' fuck up!" He snarled, pushing you back against the bookshelf so hard the back of your head cracked on one of the shelves. Great, another pain.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" An unmistakably American accent called from the door of your shop.
How had you missed the bell? How did you not notice the sound of the door opening?
The drunken man holding you turned, still gripping you. "Great, another fuckin' yank? Can't you fucks stick to ya own country?"
You felt your pulse quicken, and your eyes widened at the man who stood in the door; dark, honey-tinted eyes aflame with anger. But the man the eyes belonged to?
Dead ringer for Steven. But he carried himself entirely differently, he even had his hair styled back in a different way. He wore a white hoodie, faded blue jeans, and some steel-toe boots.
"None o' ya fuckin' busniess, you dick." The man sneered, looking back down at you.
"It is if you're hurting the lady." He said gruffly.
"Oi, you got a listening problem?"
The man turned again, but he was met with the knuckles of the American man who just came to your aid; straight to his jaw, knocking him back against a cart you had full of discount books, sending them to the floor with a clatter.
The man cracked his knuckles, before gently grabbing you by the shoulder and moving you behind him for cover.
At this distance you could just barely catch a whiff of sandalwood and some kind of spice. A hint of aftershave wafted into your senses in accompany.
"You fuckin' dick!" The man grunted, shaking his head in an attempt to reorient his brain.
"You need a better repertoire of insults, buddy. Or stop hitting the sauce." The other man sneered. "Probably both."
The drunk lunged at him, and this guy was one step ahead, intercepting him by grabbing his wrists.
The crunch of bone was enough to make you squeeze your eyes shut, and when you dared to peek again, the drunk was clutching at his now bleeding and broken nose. Your savior on the other hand?
Barely broke a sweat. He headbutted him with the hardest part of his head, crunching bone and cartilage.
"Stay down, asshole." He growled. You spun on your heels to look at the door when two clothed officers came in, hands on their pepper spray.
"Everybody just calm down!" One of them shouted.
Ugh. Now you had a headache…
By the time the officers, the battered girl, and her boyfriend all left, it was just you and your knight in shining hoodie. Who looked way too much like Steven.
You sat him down at one of the reading nooks and shakily wring your hands out to calm down. "Uh… Yeah, so…" You try.
"My name's Marc. Marc Spector." He said. "You, uh… met my brother, already. Steven."
You gasp. "The heathen!"
He choked out a startled laugh. "What?"
"Oh! Uhhhhhh…" You clear your throat awkwardly trying to change the subject. "You and Steven have different last names!"
Marc huffed through his nose. "It's uh… a long story."
"What, were you guys separated at birth or something? He speaks with a typical Londoner accent, you're full-blown American." You smile.
"Or something." Marc murmured, unable to meet your eyes.
"God, and Steven and I joked about my life being a setup for a book." You giggle softly. "You guys sound like you're straight out of a Dickens novel!"
Marc kind of squirmed in his seat. "Yeah…"
"So, uh… what brings you here today? From what Steven told me, you don't exactly pick up books all the time like he does." You say to him, tilting his head.
Marc wiped at his face with a groan, "Ugh. Don't get me started on Steven's books! He has too goddamn many–"
"Ah!" You say, flicking a stray curl. You weren't sure why your brain told you that was okay to do. It just felt right. The look he gave you afterwards sent your heart leaping into your throat.
Raw confusion, maybe some surprise?
"Uh… No talking like that is allowed in my store, there, pal…" You stammer out. "So… why are you here?"
"Steven said you had coffee. Didn't feel like dealing with a lot of people today." He kind of mumbled.
"Oh, I get that." You sighed softly in sympathy. Already, Marc struck you as the kinda guy who didn't like dealing with people unless he had to.
And honestly, you kinda felt for the guy. Something about him made your heart twinge in a funny little way.
"Tell you what, as a thanks for helping take care of that asshat, coffee is on the house, and I'll even give you a cup of my personal blend instead of the stuff on the menu."
"Uh, you don't have to–"
"Ah!" You say, wagging a finger at him as you walk away. "None of that in my store!"
You sat and talked for a while. Hours, really. Whereas Steven loved to babble about things he knew, and was rather energetic about it, Marc was… reserved. Shy, almost. He was content to let you lead the conversations, piping in here or there on a subject.
He told you some about his time in the Marines, and how something happened to him mentally that got him discharged early. He was vague about what he did after that, but he mentioned moving to London after he and his wife ran into problems.
At first you almost asked a rather impertinent question, "Why did you guys split up?" But decided that was far too rude of a thing to ask. Even if you wondered why he married outside of a soulmate bond. Even if a marriage like that wasn't entirely uncommon…
"I'm sorry." You say softly, sitting across from him, your coffee long finished, the mug cold. "You've been through… a lot..."
"Yeah, you can certainly say that." Marc sighed, turning his mug in his hands for probably the hundredth time.
"So… Thanks again. For y'know. Helping me." You smile.
"No problem, easy enough to deal with a drunk." He shrugged. "And he looked like he was about to hurt you, so I had to do... something."
"Well I'm glad you did that something." You chuckle.
Marc cleared his throat and smiled back, a soft thing on his face, really. But it was nice to see.
He moved to stand, "I should, ah… go. Thanks for the coffee." He reached out to hand you a few notes from his wallet, and you declined, gathering the mugs to go wash them.
"Nope, I already said it was on the house." You tell him.
"No buts!" You called out as you vanished into the expanse of bookshelves.
When you came back, you noticed that, stacked neatly on the counter, was a bundle of notes, your egg timer sitting neatly atop it, with a post-it note simply saying:
"Tell me your life story next time. Thanks. -Marc."
Chapter 4: Link
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footballerimaginess · 6 months
Easter Bunny
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I don't normal requests fics but one just pop into my head like you know how john dressed up in that bunny costume maybe something like that he did it for his daughter but then his daughter upset with him when she seems him later coz he missed the bunny as she doesn't know it was him dress up John Stones Word Count: 580 "Look baby, we have something for you. Do you remember what today is?" you crouched down to her height as she swung her basket around in the air. "Easter" she whispered gently.
"Yes, well we have a little surprise for you. As you have been such a good little girl at school recently, the Easter bunny is coming to see you and we need to have your basket filled with all the eggs" you smiled as you could see her looking behind you. "BUNNYYYYYYY" She squealed as loudly as she could, practically in your ear as you jumped up as the bunny was walking into the garden. "Hello little girl, nice to meet you. I have hidden lots of eggs around the garden and I want you to collect them all up for me" the bunny asked Lola as she collected her basket up after she put it down being so excited as she hugged the bunny. "Lola, you have a timer set. We have 10 minutes to go and find all of the eggs. Time starts now" you shouted as you pressed the timer. You stood and took photos as you watched Lola running around the garden picking up all the eggs that you and John managed to hide earlier on that day. "Ahh Lola, come on you can do it" you shouted as the bunny now was slowly creeping up on her as she picked up the eggs. The timer buzzed off of your phone, the 10 minutes were complete. "Come on, come over here and we can count all the eggs up" Lola ran up to you straight away with her basket filled to the top with eggs. "1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20" You handed the basket back to Lola as she was jumping up and down, all hyper after the egg hunt. "Well done baby, now go and give the Easter bunny the biggest cuddle and say goodbye. He has to go and visit some other lucky children now" you grinned as you watched Lola cuddle the bunny. "That was such a great afternoon, I am so glad you got to meet the Easter bunny. Aren't you a lucky girl" you pulled her in for a big cuddle. "Where's Daddy?" Lola asked you as you shook your head, not letting on that he was in the costume. "Daddddddy" Lola screamed as she ran up to John. "I am sad" Lola pouted, mother like daughter as you watched her pouting. "Why is that baby?" John asked as she folded her arms across her chest. "You missed the bunny, he gave me lots of chocolates and you didn't see him. So you aren't getting any of my chocolate" she huffed. "Oh baby, sorry I had an important phone call I couldn't miss. Are you sure I can't get one? pretty please" John batted his eyelids as she instantly fell for it and handed him a small egg. "How did you manage that honestly, she has you wrapped round her little finger. Missing out on seeing the bunny but you still get chocolate. Never change John" you laughed. "I know, I am amazing. I can't help it" John smirks. "I did love you in that bunny costume though" you also had a smirk showing on your face. "I bet you did, I will wear it to bed next time" he let out a laugh.
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oceans-beloved · 6 months
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★。:*・.Thaumoyaki Recipe .・*:。★
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Thaumoyaki, or Grilled Thaumo Balls, originated in Osaka and are one of Japan’s best-known street foods. Whether you make a traditional style with bits of Thaumo or choose creative alternatives, these ball-shaped dumplings are fun to make with your friends and family!
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Thaumoyaki is a Japanese snack in the shape of little round balls containing pieces of Thaumo. Thaumo-yaki literally translates to “thaumo-grilled/fried” and some people may call it “Grilled Thaumo Balls” or “Thaumo Dumplings”.
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PREP TIME: 15minutes mins
COOK TIME: 10minutes mins
TOTAL TIME: 25minutes mins
SERVINGS: 26 pieces
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For the filling:-
3 g katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) 
2 green onions/scallions
1 Tbsp pickled red ginger (beni shoga or kizami beni shoga)
120 g Thaumo sashimi (boiled Thaumo)
For the Batter:-
120 g all-purpose flour (plain flour)
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp Diamond Crystal kosher salt
2 large eggs (50 g each w/o shell)
1 tsp soy sauce
360 ml dashi (Japanese soup stock)
For Cooking:-
2 Tbsp neutral oil
15 g tenkasu/agedama (tempura scraps)
For the Toppings:-
120 ml Thaumoyaki sauce
Japanese Kewpie mayonnaise
katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes)
aonori (dried green laver seaweed)
pickled red ginger (beni shoga or kizami beni shoga)
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Gather all the ingredients.
To Prepare the Filling:-
Grind 3 g katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) into a fine powder. Set aside; we‘ll use this powder when we‘re cooking the Thaumoyaki.
Cut 2 green onions/scallions into fine slices and mince 1 Tbsp pickled red ginger (beni shoga or kizami beni shoga).
Cut 120 g Thaumo sashimi (boiled Thaumo) into ½-inch (1.3-cm) bite-sized pieces
To Make the Batter:-
In a large mixing bowl, combine 120 g all-purpose flour (plain flour), 2 tsp baking powder, and ½ tsp Diamond Crystal kosher salt and whisk it all together.
Add 2 large eggs (50 g each w/o shell), 1 tsp soy sauce, and 360 ml dashi (Japanese soup stock).
Whisk it all together until well blended and transfer the batter to a measuring cup with a handle (or any other pitcher with a spout for easy pouring.)
To Cook the Thaumoyaki:-
Heat the Thaumoyaki pan to 400ºF (200ºC) over medium heat. Use a brush to generously grease the pan‘s rounded chambers and flat top surface with 2 Tbsp neutral oil. When smoke starts to rise, pour the batter to fill the chambers. It’s okay to slightly overfill the cavities. In the next steps, the batter will likely overflow as you add more ingredients to it.
Add 1–3 Thaumo pieces, depending on their size, to each chamber and sprinkle on top the katsuobushi powder that you ground earlier.
Sprinkle 15 g tenkasu/agedama (tempura scraps), the green onion slices, and the chopped pickled red ginger on top. After 3 minutes or so, when the batter on the bottom has set and is slightly crisp, use skewers to break the connected batter between each chamber. Then, rotate each piece 90 degrees (a quarter turn) toward the bottom of the pan, stuffing the connected dough back into the ball as you turn it. The uncooked batter will flow out from inside to create another side of the ball. After you finish turning them, set a timer for 4 minutes.
After 4 minutes, rotate them again, starting with the first ball: Turn each Thaumoyaki another 90 degrees toward the bottom of the pan so the remaining uncooked batter pours out into the chamber to complete the ball shape. Home Thumoyaki griddles don‘t distribute heat evenly, so it’s a good idea to swap the balls around to different chambers so they brown evenly. After turning and cooking for another 4 minutes, they are done.
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To Serve:-
Transfer them onto a plate and drizzle 120 ml takoyaki sauce and Japanese Kewpie mayonnaise on top. Finish the dish with a sprinkling of katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) and aonori (dried green laver seaweed) and a side of pickled red ginger (beni shoga or kizami beni shoga). Serve immediately. (But, be careful—they‘re VERY hot inside!)
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To Store:-
You can keep the leftovers in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for 3 days or in the freezer for 2–3 weeks.
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Join us next time for a quick 15 minutes "Crispy Hot Butter Nalis" recipe!
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This beautiful ingredient character belongs to @symptomsofdeceit
And if you want to actually make takoyaki this is the original recipe
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shuahaes · 1 year
baking w/ the performance unit!
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svt pfu x reader; established relationship; all fluff, sfw
warning: only food mentions, otherwise its all just fluff !! not proofread btw !!
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this man is a cat enthusiast, and a cat himself
so why WOULDN'T you guys bake cat cookies?
since u guys didn't have cookie cutters you guys cut the kitty shapes with a knife
they turn out a bit wonky though
as long as it tastes good, its fine 😁👍🏼
builds legos w/ you #2 (first mention in vcu ver.)
the amount of giggle fits you two would have while decorating them- omg
and while you're icing them, the tube of frosting pops and then u guys have a little goofy faced deformed kitty
jun would prob name it jerry before u guys ate it 💀
if jun got kitty cookies hoshi would most definitely make tiger cupcakes with you
would even look up a tutorial on yt on how to make tiger print on the inside of the cupcake
which also turn out a bit weird, but hoshi still likes it
there would most likely be a mistake while its baking, because hoshi accidentally put 50 minutes instead of 20 minutes on the oven timer 😭😭
you guys are in the middle of watching madagascar while cuddling on the couch until you smell smoke coming from the oven, and then you both have that "oh shit" look on your faces
the cupcakes burnt to a crisp. and your house almost did too 🤧
but you guys are okay, it took a while for all the smoke to clear out tho
hoshi may or may not have stayed away from baking for a while after that though 😓
would probably try baking something more difficult like macarons
definitely the best baker in pfu
follows recipes exactly as is as well, and also corrects you before you accidentally put too much salt because you read the measurements wrong (def not speaking from experience of failed macarons 👀)
the softest, most delicious macarons made by him
imagine after they've settled and are ready to eat you guys have this cute little tea party-esq setup and the macarons to eat while drinking tea
he would be SO happy if u liked them, and would try to make them by himself to surprise you next time 💗
would also be a decent baker
you guys tried baking a cake together for your anniversary and it turned out AMAZING
he most definitely made the decorations look beautiful
cuddles while its in the oven #3 (others mentioned in vcu ver)
movie night while you two devour that cake (i am a firm believer that chan is a highschool musical enthusiast, and would do a marathon w/ you)
forgets to tilt the bowl when using the beater/whisk, so flour and eggs get all over the kitchen 😭
everything ends up fine though
kisses at the end because you two spent so much time baking
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A/N - PFU VER DONE !! i hope y'all enjoy this, and i decided to write it so soon because the idea of jun and cat cookies made me want to post this immediately
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xoxochb · 26 days
prue’s ‘bomb ass’ cinnamon rolls! ⋆⁺₊⋆
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dough ingredients:
- milk (warmed 110 degrees F): 3/4 cup
- yeast: 2 1/4 teaspoons
- granulated sugar: 1/4 cup
- eggs: 1 egg and 1 egg yolk
- butter (melted): 1/4 cup
- all purpose flour: 3 cups
- salt: 3/4 teaspoons
filing ingredients
- light brown sugar: 3/4 cup
- ground cinnamon: 1 1/2 tablespoons
- softened butter: 1/4 cup
icing ingredients:
- powdered sugar: 2 cup
- melted butter: 2 tablespoons
- vanilla: 2 teaspoons
- milk: 4 tablespoons
the making insturctions
- warm the milk to 110 degrees F by placing it in the microwave and cook for 40-45 seconds. place hot milk in a small mixing bowl and sprinkle with yeast, immediately whisking to ensure it dissolves; let mixture activate for 5 minutes then transfer to a mixing bowl with the paddle attachment
- while yeast is activating, sift together flour and salt in a medium mixing bowl with a whisk and set aside
- once yeast is activated, add in sugar, eggs (one egg and one egg yolk, very important!) and melted butter; use with paddle attachment until well combined
- replace the paddle attachment with the dough hook attachment on the stand mixer; add all of the flour mixture to the bowl and mix on low speed for 5-7 minutes. (the sough should form into a nice ball and be slightly sticky. If it’s not stick enough add more milk if it’s too sticky add 1-2 tablespoons of flour)
- transfer the dough ball to a lightly floured surface and knead for 1-2 minutes to finish smoothing out the flour then transfer the dough to a lightly oiled bowl (there should be no pooling of oil). cover with plastic wrap and allow it to rise
after the rising
- after it’s done rising lay it out on a lightly floured surface and using a rolling pin roll out the dough into a 14 inch length x 9 inch width rectangle (do not fold or mash the dough during this process)
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- pour brown sugar mix (aka the filling) onto the dough and evenly spread then pack; tightly roll dough up, starting from the 9-inch side and place seam side down making sure to seal the edges of the dough as best you can
- cut into 1 inch sections with string (you should get 9 large pieces!)
- place cinnamon rolls in a greased baking pan (coat the pan with pan-spray, line with parchment paper, then spray again
- preheat ovens to 350 degrees F
- place cinnamon rolls in oven; set timer for 10 minutes to start
- after 10 minutes, check the consistency and rotate the pan
- bake more as needed (about another 10 minutes) or until just slightly golden brown on the edges
- allow them to cool for 5-10 minutes
- during the cooling process mix all your icing ingredients together, then put it over the cinnamon rolls and bon appetite!
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joemueller2376 · 1 month
The Definitive Manual for Mastering Perfectly Tender Rice with Your TOSHIBA Rice Cooker
When it comes to cooking rice, precision and consistency are key. The TOSHIBA Rice Cooker is designed to deliver perfectly tender rice every time, thanks to its advanced features and user-friendly design.
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Why Choose the TOSHIBA Rice Cooker?
The TOSHIBA Rice Cooker is not just a rice cooker; it is a versatile kitchen appliance designed to meet a variety of cooking needs. With its Fuzzy Logic Technology, it adjusts cooking parameters to ensure perfect results every time.
Features of the TOSHIBA Rice Cooker
8 Cooking Functions: White Rice, Quick Cook, Brown Rice, Mixed Grain, Slow Cook, Porridge, Cake, and Egg.
LCD Display: Easy-to-read display for intuitive operation.
Fuzzy Logic Technology: Automatically adjusts cooking time and temperature.
24-Hour Delay Timer: Plan your meals in advance.
Auto Keep Warm: Keeps your rice warm until you are ready to serve.
Non-Stick Inner Pot: Easy to clean and maintain.
Getting Started with Your TOSHIBA Rice Cooker
Before you begin cooking, it is important to familiarize yourself with the different components of your TOSHIBA Rice Cooker. This includes the inner pot, the LCD display, and the various cooking functions available.
"The Toshiba Small Rice Cooker, with a capacity for 3 cups uncooked rice, is designed for convenience and versatility. It features an LCD display with 8 cooking functions, including options for white rice, brown rice, mixed grain, quick cook, slow cook, porridge, cake, and egg. Utilizing Fuzzy Logic Technology, it adjusts cooking time and temperature for perfect results. The 24-hour delay timer and auto keep warm function ensure your rice is ready when you are. Its non-stick inner pot makes cleaning easy, and the cooker comes with a rice ladle, spoon, and measuring cup. Ideal for small families or individuals, it offers a compact and efficient solution for a variety of cooking needs." - Product Introduction
Step-by-Step Guide to Cooking Perfect Rice
Measure the Rice: Use the measuring cup provided to measure the desired amount of rice.
Rinse the Rice: Rinse the rice under cold water until the water runs clear.
Add Water: Add the appropriate amount of water to the inner pot. The TOSHIBA Rice Cooker typically has water level markings inside the pot to guide you.
Select the Cooking Function: Choose the appropriate cooking function on the LCD display. For example, select "White Rice" for regular white rice.
Start Cooking: Press the start button to begin cooking. The TOSHIBA Rice Cooker will automatically adjust the cooking time and temperature.
Let it Rest: Once the cooking cycle is complete, let the rice rest for a few minutes before opening the lid.
Fluff and Serve: Use the rice ladle to fluff the rice before serving.
Additional Cooking Functions
The TOSHIBA Rice Cooker is equipped with multiple cooking functions that allow you to prepare a variety of dishes. Here are some of the additional functions you can explore:
Quick Cook: Ideal for when you are in a hurry and need to cook rice quickly.
Brown Rice: Perfect for cooking brown rice, which requires a longer cooking time.
Mixed Grain: Great for cooking mixed grains such as quinoa and barley.
Slow Cook: Use this function to slow cook stews and soups.
Porridge: Make delicious porridge for breakfast.
Cake: Yes, you can even bake cakes in your TOSHIBA Rice Cooker!
Egg: Cook perfect eggs every time.
Maintenance and Cleaning
Proper maintenance and cleaning of your TOSHIBA Rice Cooker will ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Here are some tips:
Unplug the Cooker: Always unplug the rice cooker before cleaning.
Remove the Inner Pot: Take out the non-stick inner pot and wash it with warm soapy water. Avoid using abrasive cleaners.
Wipe the Exterior: Use a damp cloth to wipe the exterior of the rice cooker.
Clean the Lid: Remove and clean the lid if it is detachable. Otherwise, wipe it with a damp cloth.
Dry Thoroughly: Ensure all parts are completely dry before reassembling the rice cooker.
Customer Reviews
The TOSHIBA Rice Cooker has received numerous positive reviews from customers who appreciate its versatility and ease of use. Here are some highlights:
"I love my Toshiba Rice Cooker! It makes perfect rice every time, and the additional cooking functions are a great bonus." - Customer Review
"The Fuzzy Logic Technology really makes a difference. My rice comes out perfectly cooked, and I love the convenience of the 24-hour delay timer." - Customer Review
Where to Buy
You can purchase the TOSHIBA Rice Cooker from various online retailers. For more information and to buy, visit the product page on Amazon.
The TOSHIBA Rice Cooker is a versatile and reliable kitchen appliance that makes cooking rice and other dishes a breeze. With its advanced features and user-friendly design, it is an excellent addition to any kitchen.
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jamdoughnutmagician · 10 months
Rainbow Sprinkles
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A short, and hopefully cute and fluffy little fic for the very lovely, and beautiful @penguinsandpotterheads Happy Birthday Holly, I hope you have an amazing day, bestie!!!! <3
Word Count:923
Masterlist Eddie Munson Masterlist
You make your way into your home after a busy day at work just ready to sink into the arms of your boyfriend, perhaps order some take-out and watch a shitty movie that would ultimately end up getting ignored in favour of making out with said boyfriend, but as you tread into the home you shared with Eddie you come to realise those plans had been thrown out of the window.
Because there he is. In the kitchen, his hair bundled up on top of his head, with a few loose curls framing his, and a white apron tied around his body smeared with many different stains. 
You step quietly into the kitchen, trying not to draw attention to yourself.
“What’re you up to there?” you say, making your way over to him.
You watch as he jumps at the sound of your voice.
“You’re home early!” he babbles, looking over your shoulder at the clock on the wall.
“Yeah, they let me go early since it’s my birthday, which was nice of them.” you explain.
“Yeah I suppose that is nice of them, I just hadn’t expected you to be home so soon.” 
“You never answered my question.” you pry curiously. 
“What are you up to?” you ask again as your eyes come to scan over the mess that litters the kitchen counter. There’s cracked eggs shells, an open bag of flour that is somehow dusting more of the counter than there is in the bowl which you gather that he intended it for. The large mixing bowl is filled with what looks like a deep, rich chocolate mixture.
“Oh that.” he chuckles. “I was kind of hoping to bake you a cake as a surprise but I quickly realised that I don’t really know what I’m doing.”
"No no, I think it looks alright." you say, as you mix the wooden spoon around in the mixture.
"Wayne gave me the recipe, so if it sucks it's totally his fault and not mine" he laughs, holding his hands up in surrender. 
"Well let's get it in the oven, and see what happens! Then we can decorate it together!" You smile, placing a kiss on your boyfriend's face.
You reach on to the counter to set the timer, whilst Eddie pours the cake mixture in a round baking tin and places it in the oven.
"I'm just going to set a timer for thirty minutes" You tell him.
"There's a lot you can do in thirty minutes." Eddie says suggestively, raising his eyebrows up.
You playfully slap him on his arm as you tug him away from the mess in the kitchen.
"Keep it in your pants until later, Loverboy." you flirtatiously chastise him.
“But it’s your birthday!”
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Sure enough the timer in the kitchen dings, and you pull yourself away from Eddie’s hold as he places sweet kisses to your neck. 
As it turns out, snuggling on the couch, which turned into an inevitable makeout session you always knew it would, was an excellent way to spend your birthday.  
“Come on Teddy! The cake’s ready to come out of the oven!” you cheer as you tug him up from the seat with you, and practically skip to the kitchen.
“Here, let me get it out, I am the one with the apron after all.” he smirks, reaching for a dish towel.
 He opens up the oven door, the smell of delicious, warm chocolate wafts out as he brings the cake out and places it on the countertop.
“Not to be too cocky, but I reckon I’ve got this baking thing down to a fine art, Sweetheart.” he smiles, marvelling down at the perfectly risen sponge in the tin.
“Okay, Julia Child, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.” You tease him lightly, which earns you an adorable giggle from your boyfriend.
“Now we just have to wait for it to cool down and then we can start decorating it!” Eddie cheers.
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Eddie smears a thick layer of gooey, fudgy, chocolate frosting over the now cooled cake whilst you stand by with a tub of brightly coloured sprinkles in hand ready to scatter on top.
“She’s all yours, have at it, Picasso.” Eddie smiles as he stands back to allow you to recklessly sprinkle your cake with the decoration.
You finish decorating the cake, taking a step back to marvel at your creation.
“I think we make a good team, between your baking and my flair for abstract decorations.” 
“Yeah, we do. We make an excellent team.” Eddie agrees, pulling you into him with a one-armed side hug and a kiss pressed into the crown of your head.
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“Y’know, I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend my birthday.” You say as you snuggle against him, a slice of your cake on your plate and a fork in hand.
“Hm?” Eddie mumbles around a mouthful of cake, his own slice sitting on his plate, almost gone from him demolishing it as quickly as it had been served up.
“Yeah, just being here and spending time with you, has made me the happiest birthday girl in the world!” you beam, as you snuggle deeper into his warmth.
Eddie smiles, he’s so warmed by your admission, and his smile only grows when he thinks about the surprise party he’s organised for you this weekend. All your closest friends and loved ones, there just to celebrate you, and have a good time. 
“I love you so much, Sweetheart.”
“I love you too, Teddy.”
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kurooo-is-here · 10 days
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Soft Reset Masuda Method (SRMM): Full Guide
I didn't see much info for this online besides one or two videos and a couple of Reddit comments, so here's my full explanation of Masuda Method in SV with soft-resetting!
(image source: here)
What is Masuda Method?
Masuda Method is a way of shiny hunting that involves breeding your desired Pokemon with a foreign Ditto (a Ditto from another region). Doing this increases your shiny odds to 1 in 682, or 1 in 512 if you have the shiny charm.
Without the Masuda Method or Shiny Charm, your full odds are 1 in 4092!!
Pros and Cons of SRMM:
Pros: You don't need to mass-release your mons in Pokemon Home, and you don't need multiple sandwiches per batch of eggs. You can also get away with using a Level 3 Egg Power sandwich, instead of only Level 2!
Cons: SRMM is not recommended for players whose games are prone to crashing. You also do need to make the sandwich every time you start a new batch of eggs.
How to set up SRMM:
A foreign Ditto
1 Sweet Herba Mystica
3 Banana and 2 Chorizo
If you're using a Level 2 Egg Power sandwich, you'll need 1 Banana, 1 Peanut Butter, and 1 Butter instead.
Autosave is turned OFF
(Optional but advised for convenience) Auto-nicknaming is turned OFF
Get the desired Pokemon and the foreign Ditto in your party. They must be the only mons in your party.
Leave your Boxes open on a page where you have at least 3 entire empty pages to spare so your Boxes aren't a mess later.
Go to the Olive Rolling Field (that one place in Cortondo from the Bug Gym trial) and stand just outside the fencing. Save the game HERE. Do not save at any point after this.
Start a picnic and make a sandwich. If you're making a Level 2 Egg Power sandwich, choose recipe #17 and make your sandwich. If you're making a Level 3 Egg Power sandwich, enter Creative Mode with the X button instead.
Using Creative Mode, select 2 Chorizo, 3 Banana, and 1 Sweet Herba Mystica. To minimize the chances of dropping any ingredients during sandwich creation, PLACE THE CHORIZO FIRST, then the bananas on top.
It should also be noted that the top bun of the bread doesn't need to be placed at all. You can literally throw it in the corner and have it disappear and the sandwich effects won't change. In fact, it's recommended to do this if your sandwich has a lot of ingredients delicately balanced on each other.
After your sandwich has been made, set a timer IRL for 30 minutes. You can't check the food effects timer ingame without closing the picnic, so just set a timer IRL instead.
Check your basket every 2-3 minutes! For level 2 Egg Power, check your basket every 5 minutes. You can just go AFK inbetween checking. The picnic basket maxes out at 10 eggs, so you'll wanna make sure you aren't losing potential eggs by letting the egg basket fill up to the max.
Get hatching! Get 5 eggs in your party plus a Flame Body Pokemon, go inside the Olive Rolling Field, and run in circles on Koraidon/Miraidon.
If you hatch all of the eggs in your boxes and don't get the shiny, simply Home button and close the game. You will always get different eggs every time you soft reset this way. Again, do NOT save after getting the eggs. You will lose your sandwich ingredients.
Happy hunting, y'all! I got a shiny Sprigatito using this method :)
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prttykittes · 10 months
hii, today is my birthday! so could i ask for big brother!scara baking a cake with reader? :3 just pure fluff! tyy ^^
Of course!!! Happy birthday!!‼️♥️♥️ love you!! I hope you have a good birthday 🎉🎂🎂
CW. Baking, Baking goes okay(not really), fluff, bonding time, Modern au, Ei is mentioned and is their mother, Ei x Yae Miko mentioned
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It was your birthday! You were exitced for your birthday, you were fixing yourself up! Your mother was out with her girlfriend and you were home alone with your big brother! You were thinking what to do, you already had some gifts but you wanted to bake something. You got up and walk over to your brother's room, you knock and knock until he opens the door. "Let's bake a cake!" You yell out, he says "no" and closes the door, you pout but you know that he is going to give in soon! You kept on knocking and opens the door. "Fine! Let's bake a cake" he grumbles, you smile and go to the kit hen, grabbing stuff for the cake. You grabbed your favorite cake flavor, you never baked a cake before and Scara probably didn't as well! You exitced to start baking, it was a fun activity for you and your brother! He grabs a mixing bowl, he cracks eggs into the bowl. You grab the milk and pour it in, you mix it but then he grabs a mixer. It mixes it fast, he grabs a tin and pours the batter in. You coo and smile watching it pour in, you grabbed oven mittens, wanting to put it inside but he pulls off the mittens and puts it in himself. He sets a timer, it was going well so far!
Aside from the mess, you both clean up the kitchen, washing your hands and cleaning the table and ground from the mess. You both chat, you were mostly chatting and waiting for the time to be done. The time beep, you shot up and ran to the oven, you look at him and he nods. You put oven mittens on and take out the tin, the cake was big! You place it down and grab the icing, you both ice one side, in mistake. It melts, you gasp and try to lick it off but scara slaps your head and tells you don't do that. You both leave it in the fridge, he takes it out after some minutes. The cake wasn't so big anymore and the icing was frozen on, it kinda looks like a bloated pancake but not to big! "Uh oh" scara says, his eyes darken and you shake your head. "it still might be good!" You say. "Keyword: might" he remarks back, you both go back to put the icing on, you smile once it was finished and the timing was good! Your mother and her girlfriend was back, you welcomed them in and hug both of them. They sat down so did you, scara soon joined after, you showed off the cake. "Isn't it good!" You say, your eyes shining. "Oh my..." Your mother says. "It is something~"Yae Miko says, looking at the cake, scara cuts a piece. You smile and let them take a bite first, they take a bite. They all make faces, scara groans and your mother makes faces. "So!" Yae Miko nods her head, scara gives you thumbs up. "It's great sweetie.." your mother says, you smiled then took a bite, it tasted like crap. "You guys lied to me..."
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HELL YES. Poseidon with a lover who has brown eyes --and he's absolutely crazy for her 🤭
Love brown eyes. I don't know how long I'll be able to make this, but being able to write again is nice♡
Highkey forgot my setup, but GN!Reader x Poseidon || SFW || Warnings for: Nothing. Just brown eye appreciation <3 [Under the cut for my own convenience lmaoo]
Yall I forgot to add tags I'm so😭
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As soon as Poseidon awakes, he starts his morning routine.
First, he showers. He uses your good shampoo and conditioner, despite your demands for him to "get out of your stuff."
Doubling down, he uses your lotions and creams as well. He tells himself "it's because a true God bends to no one's will." That "as the god of gods, he can and shall use anything under his own palace's roof."
You sigh whenever he says these. You both know he simply enjoys smelling like you.
Next, he goes to breakfast. He eats his fill, refraining from killing any servants out of concern the screams will wake you.
Then supervises as your breakfast is cooked, picking out each ingredient himself, down to the eggs used in your omelet.
Here, his anticipation truly starts to build. An hour before sunrise, he starts to work. Settling in his office, he sets a timer and tries to spend at least half of the time actually working. Yet, as the minutes dwindle, and the sun's rays begin to peak over the horizon, the stoic Sea God's heart races in true.
This was it, this is what he's been waiting for.
He left the alarm ringing, racing shamelessly to your shared bedroom where the first ray of sunlight broke through the crack in the curtains, and his heart stutters in its beats as you slowly blink open your eyes.
Love. Love and adoration fills him as the sun brings your eyes to life, swirling browns flecked with heavenly gold. A rare shiver runs down his spine as you fix him in place with that gaze of yours, time itself coming to a stop as the world melts down to nothing but the deepest depths of your irises.
He sucks in a hard breath, having forgotten to breath. He rights himself, hoping his featureless mask maintained itself even as he approached the mortal who captured his heart.
He sits down, the edge of the bed dipping under his weight. He holds his hand out, the one he promised to always protect you with, and you lean into it. Batting your lashes lovingly, the shadows created darken the golden browns to a dark chocolate color, deep and mesmerizing.
Mesmerized... yes, that's what he was. Mesmerized by how gorgeous you are, and amazed by how a single set of eyes can enchant him in so many different ways. A moment's glance convinces him you stole his soul; and not so deep down, he thinks, 'I wouldn't mind if they stole it... long as it feels like this.'
In a snap, the sunlight is gone, and your eyes return to they're normal shade of brown. And even in this state, he finds them beautiful. Warm, like coming home; comforting, like an embrace.
You blink, slowly, staring at him with equal adoration. "Up early again I see?" His heart stutters in its beats, the "sleep", having yet to leave your voice, made it soft and quiet, and so, so beautiful.
He hums, guiding you from the bed with gentle hands. "Then you must be stacked work-wise... I'll help after I eat. You can go ahead and return-"
The two of you pause as you enter the bathroom, locking eyes once more. "...I'll stay here." With you.
The crash of a strong wave can be heard in the background, and slowly, you smile. Words leave your lips, drowned out by the sound of the ocean that suddenly came to life in the background.
But any being alive heard the king of the seas voice in the waves as he kissed his lover and whispered a gentle, "Love you too."
Yes I know I haven't written in like six years yes I know this isn't as quality as it could've been YES I KNOW I should actually write since this is literally a writing blog but I'm trying okay leave me alone😔
Anyways love yall, be nice and maybe you'll see another boobie post:D love yalllll
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