#3 sticks for $11 and the shipping was around $30
thewirewitch · 9 months
2 dead, 5 injured:
Shipping on a small item about 3x the price of the item itself.
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pushing500 · 5 months
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One last hug for good luck, and then...
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(Patch was a refugee, I don't know who tf Stanley was. Also in memory of Vance, who isn't dead, but was cool while he lasted. Less in memory of Curly, that guy sucked.)
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The end.
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I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Thanks for sticking with the gang until the end! May Ecthuctu smile upon you ❤️
Not pictured here - Toddler Gangster and Baby Butternut
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A Mechanitor's Message
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jedijune · 1 year
Jedi June 2023
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A creative fandom event dedicated to appreciating the Jedi, taking place during the entire month of June! Each week will feature two prompts, around which people can create fanwork (of any kind – fic, art, cosplay, edits, anything you can think of) or meta focusing on the Jedi and the Jedi Order. All eras and continuities are welcome; OCs, established characters, doesn’t matter – it just needs to be about appreciating the Jedi!
If you are participating, please tag your work/meta with #jedi june and/or @ this blog so that I will see it and reblog it here. All work must be your own. Feel free to crosspost it off-site.
This is an appreciation event, focusing on what we love and enjoy about the Jedi – not what we don’t. This is not the place to air your grievances with the Code, take potshots at the Council, prop certain Jedi/certain eras of Jedi up at the expense of others, or disparage the Jedi Order or their philosophy (including the concept of non-attachment) and way of life in any way. You are free to do that on your own time if that’s your thing, but it has no place within this event.
AUs and crossovers are allowed, with caveats: again, the purpose of this event is to appreciate the Jedi as Jedi, so sticking your favorite Jedi characters in something like a modern AU or making them all Sith or Mandalorian is not really within the spirit of this event. However, AUs such as making a non-Jedi character a Jedi, having a character survive their canon death, giving a character a different teacher or padawan, or killing Palpatine off-screen in an unspecified yet embarrassing and painful manner, would all be perfectly fine. Use your best judgement to determine whether an AU fits the spirit of the event or not.
Ships are allowed as long as they’re not between a child and adult, and following the above rules.
Following the prompts is encouraged, but not required. Any sort of pro-Jedi content is encouraged all year month long, and if tagged (and following the rules), will be reblogged. Note that there is a change in the event this year - previously, prompts were associated with Saturday and Sunday of each week. Going forward, the prompts will be associated with the week in general, rather than the weekend specifically. As a result, we have a total of 10 prompts this year, instead of 8!
As another change, we have an AO3 collection this year!
Week 1 (June 1 - 4):
Prompt 1: Guidance
Prompt 2: Knighting
Week 2 (June 5 - 11):
Prompt 1: Diplomacy
Prompt 2: The Force
Week 3 (June 12 - 18):
Prompt 1: Visions
Prompt 2: Confronting Fear
Week 4 (June 19 - 25):
Prompt 1: Focus
Prompt 2: Gathering
Week 5 (June 26 - 30):
Prompt 1: Friendship
Prompt 2: Tragedy Averted
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If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! I hope you will have fun participating!
Static banner credit @independence1776​​
gif banner credit @trickytricky1​​
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character-fan19 · 7 months
So I calculated the exact screen time for the love square ships in season 5...
I'm back again with the latest season of Miraculous and it's definitely different but not as much as you would expect. But firstly for the newcomers...
Some Ground Rules
Both characters of the ship must be present in the scene to count. So none of that kissy kissy meow meow talk.
At least one of the characters must be interacting with or reacting to the presence of the other character or both characters must be doing something together for it to count.
If one of the characters believe that they are talking to the alter ego of the other character, it will be counted as screen time for that ship so Adrien and Marinette talking to each other through the wall in the sewer will be counted as Ladynoir. The scene with Adrien holding Ladybug will count as Ladrien though, since Ladybug isn't conscious.
In case of group interactions, the screen time will only count if the interaction is specifically between the two characters.
If you want to check out my previous post, you can find it here. Now onto the distribution.
Screen Time Distribution
Despite all the Adrienette we had this season, Ladynoir was still able to come out on top, even a season which is supposedly Adrienette-centred, although it still took a huge hit took a huge hit in terms of percentage of screen time, having had 56.4% of the love square screen time this season rather than it's usual range of around 70% and Adrienette had a huge increase in screen time this season as well both in terms of percentage and actual screen time, having 37.4% of the total love square screen time rather than it's usual range of 18-25% which is a total of 45 min 57 sec when it usually remains under half an hour ever season.
Maricat this season got a pretty fair 5.8% of the screen time while Ladrien got the short end of the stick as predicted with not even 1% of the screen time which is even worse than last season.
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In terms of its effect on the overall screen time, Adrienette has increased from last season by a good 3.6%, Ladynoir decreases by a slightly less 3.2% which is percentage than it has ever decreased before, Maricat increases by a small 0.3%, and Ladrien decreases by 0.7%.
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This leaves Adrienette with a total screen time of 2 hr 34 min 8 sec, Ladynoir with a total screen time of 7 hr 28 min 54 sec, Maricat with a total screen time of 30 min 59 sec and Ladrien with a total screen time of 23 min 11 sec which around the same length as an episode of Miraculous itself. This isn't their final total screen time though, at least not for Ladynoir, 'cause we still got the Paris Special. But in the mean time, let's move on to the screen time trend.
Screen Time Trend
Ladynoir started off strong this season with 7 min 50 sec in it's first episode. It never reaches this high again but it remains pretty high until the Adrienette part of the season starts after which it remains under the Adrienette screen time for the most part and only got more screen time than Adrienette in 6 episodes most of which are only by less than a minute.
Adrienette had a handful of episodes in the first third of the season giving it a good amount of screen time but nothing compared to Ladynoir but it starts getting screen time in every episode from the Kwamis' Choice two-parter onwards aside from "Representation" and "Conformation" which were the first ever episodes in love square screen time history to not include screen time for any love square ship. After "Perfection" though it only seems to get no more than 3 min of screen time every episode with "Protection" being an exception that is aside from the final three episodes it is a part of, those being "Revolution" and "Re-Creation" and "Action".
Maricat and Ladrien, not being the major ships this season, only got spikes of screen time in 2-3 episodes, Maricat predictably having the larger spikes with its largest spike being it's designated episode of the season "Elation" and Ladrien having two small spikes of a few seconds in "Passion" and "Deflagration".
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Well, that about wraps this up. Well, almost, since like I said before, we still got the Paris Special, after which we will get the final screen time distribution for all the love square ships, at least until we get more seasons and that changes up the distribution. Feel free to make your own observations based on this data. Until next time!
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yujo-nishimura · 9 months
The Escape - Part 42 - FIN
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 - Part 35 - Part 36 - Part 37 - Part 38 - Part 39 - Part 40 - Part 41
Warning: Buggy x fem reader, not proof-read - I am not so happy with the last chapters of this story, but I will still share it with you guys, since you all have kept on reading until now. Thanks. <3
That is the final part, thank you all for reading and sticking around - you are all amazing!
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As you stand by the ship's railing, gazing out at the vast expanse of the open sea, a familiar presence interrupts your solitude. Cabaji, holding a glass of wine, joins you, extending a toast with a forgiving smile.
"So, he took on the Straw Hats all by himself?" Cabaji inquires, a hint of amusement and disbelief tinting his voice.
"Absolutely!" you respond, affirming the tale with a smile. You recognize Cabaji as Buggy's trusted right-hand man, probably aware of all the happenings on the ship and beyond.
"I'm glad you're back, Y/n. After Crocodile took you, our Captain was a shadow of his former self. He tried to act nonchalant, as if he had struck a perfect deal, but we all knew the truth. He was suffering from your absence," Cabaji confides, his words laced with genuine concern.
You fall silent, taking a sip of your wine, contemplating Cabaji's admission. The weight of trust and the challenges it poses hang heavy in the air.
"It's difficult to regain trust once it's been broken," you finally respond, your gaze meeting Cabaji's eyes, acknowledging the shared understanding.
"It is indeed," Cabaji agrees, his expression mirroring your sentiment. "And Captain Buggy will likely dedicate the rest of his pirate life to earning back your trust. And probably even try to find the One Piece just for you..” 
A mixture of emotions swirl within you—apprehension, hope, and the lingering pain of past betrayals. Yet, as you stand there, the sea breeze caressing your face, you feel just relief. You had part of your life under control again. You would not let go of this now. 
The two of you stand there, united in your understanding, silently sharing the weight of the journey that lies ahead. The open sea stretches out before you as you silently nip on your wine.
Back at the festivities, music fills the air, carried by the skilled hands and nimble fingers of crew members who have mastered a variety of instruments. The rhythmic melodies entice even the most reserved to sway and dance, their steps guided by the infectious energy of the moment.
As the night progresses, the ship becomes a haven of joy and camaraderie, a sanctuary where burdens are momentarily set aside. Laughter and song intertwine, creating a symphony of celebration that resonates deep within the hearts of those in attendance.
As the night sky blankets the ship in a comforting darkness, Buggy approaches you, taking your hand and sets aside his own and your glass of wine. “Follow me..!”, he whispers and then leads you to a secluded corner, away from prying eyes and the lively festivities that continue to resonate throughout the vessel. Here, in the hushed embrace of solitude, he gently pushes you against the wall of the ship. 
The air is heavy with anticipation as Buggy's hand delicately grazes yours, his touch sending a shiver of warmth down your spine. His gaze, filled with a mix of adoration and vulnerability, seeks solace in the depths of your eyes.
With a tender yet nervous smile, Buggy takes a step closer, closing the distance between you. His voice, barely above a whisper, carries a weight of sincerity as he speaks:
"Y/n, I can't deny the depth of my feelings for you," he murmurs, his voice laced with a mixture of longing and vulnerability. "Every moment we spent apart made me realize just how much you mean to me. You are the anchor that keeps me grounded amidst the chaos of the pirate's life."
You smile: “I hope I am not the kind of anchor that drags you down…”
He laughs gently and shakes his head. “No, never..” 
A gentle breeze rustles through the sails above, intertwining with the beating of your hearts. The world around you seems to fade into insignificance as Buggy's words resonate in the stillness of the night.
"I've made mistakes in the past, hurt you in ways I can never undo," Buggy continues, his voice tinged with remorse. "But I want you to know that I am committed to changing, to becoming the partner you deserve. Loving you is not a burden or a game to me. It is a privilege, an honor that I cherish with every fiber of my being."
His words hang in the air, suspended between you like a fragile bridge. Yet, there is an undeniable sincerity, a raw vulnerability that emanates from Buggy's every word and gesture. This is the first time he has spoken to you like this. You don't even blame the alcohol tonight. You realize it is simply because he had lost you once and was afraid of never being able to meet you again. 
And then, with a trembling yet determined resolve, Buggy leans in, closing the remaining space between you. The world around you fades into obscurity as his lips meet yours, a tender and passionate kiss that speaks volumes of his love and devotion.
In that stolen moment, time stands still, encapsulating the depth of your connection. The weight of his words and the tenderness of his touch affirm the sincerity of his confession. He hasn't been this gentle with you before. You enjoy every second of this new, kind Captain Buggy. 
“So, shall we go to my cabin now and continue with what we had to interrupt earlier? I think no one will notice now when we are gone…” 
As the whispered invitation lingers in the air, Buggy's eyes meet yours, a hint of desire flickering within them. The playful banter between you continues, charged with a mix of anticipation and mutual consent.
A mischievous smile dances upon your lips as you respond, teasingly pushing yourself against his chest. "Take me, but this time it's on my terms. No more decisions against my will," you whisper, the words filled with playful defiance.
Buggy's expression softens, a glimmer of understanding shining in his eyes. "Whatever you wish for," he replies, his voice carrying a hint of reverence.
In a sudden flourish of movement, Buggy detaches his arms, placing them strategically under your knees and behind your back. With a gentle push, he guides you to fall into his waiting embrace, capturing you securely against his chest. Laughter bubbles forth from your lips, knowing full well that he would never allow you to stumble or falter.
As Buggy reattaches his arms, he holds you close, swiftly carrying you towards his cabin. The ship's corridors become a blur as you surrender to the exhilaration of the moment, the rhythm of his steps in perfect synchrony with the pounding of your hearts.
At the threshold of his cabin, Buggy pauses, his hand resting on the doorknob. He turns to face you, a mixture of vulnerability and strength in his gaze. "Last chance to turn back, to live a different life," he murmurs, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.
You meet his gaze, your eyes filled with a newfound sense of liberation and determination. 
"No, Buggy. Today is the first time I truly feel free.” 
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hereforlou · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
I was tagged by @dudeyuri to answer these BB related questions by @fiercynn Thank youuu <3 these are always fun but I often forget to do them u_u
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
I’m Maggie (Magui), from Argentina, in my 30s, just enjoying the creative burst this show (which I love very, very much) gave me until it petters out. I’ve been in a loOOooOOoot of fandoms under different usernames over the years and I tend to delete stuff from the internet without much warning, so save what you like (but don’t repost, please!)
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I watched it from episode 1 as it aired and could feel the brain rot spreading week after week but didn’t write fic until the day after the last episode came out, and I don’t think I posted any drawings until one or two months later? But I have the first couple of doodles I made on an old sketchbook after the first ep! (note I needed to write their names to remember what they were)
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favorite ship(s)
PatPran and InkPa
favorite character(s)
I really can’t choose so I’ll say Nong Nao.
favorite episode(s)
I have a soft spot for ep 11 - running away together to a safe place, both trying to understand each other, the silly guy scene, Our Song, the imaginary montage at the end, the memory of watching it for the first time and being sucker punched by the ep 12 preview??? perfect all around x_x
favorite scene(s)
Off the top of my head (and in chronological order): the trashcan scene in ep 1, the bus stop role-play, rooftop kiss, the last scene/montage in ep 7, the simultaneous parent confrontation and rooftop meeting in ep 10, the silly guy convo at the beach, the last scene with the tin cans on ep 12 ;_;
one thing you would change about the show if you could
I think everyone answered the same thing but the whole Wai conflict and how they resolved it (including maybe Pat getting shot, though at this point would it really be BBS without Pat getting shot?)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? 
I'll stick to people instead of particular fanworks, and only those I know for sure are on Tumblr so I can tag them, I'm really sorry if I forget someone!!
@architectxengineer @kit-teung @kornswasianguyswag @miscellar @dimplesandfierceeyes @yourunwiththewolves @icouldhyperfixatehim @fiercynn @charthanry @isaksbestpillow @pransobrave @faillen @jemmo @snickerdoodlles @alexshenry @nanons @mantrisanu
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
Have I shown you the fridge magnets I made over a year ago? They’re pretty wonky but I think they're cute, considering I don’t know what I’m doing
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a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
I'll tag the same people I mentioned above, if you haven't done it and want to:
@architectxengineer @kit-teung @kornswasianguyswag @miscellar @dimplesandfierceeyes @yourunwiththewolves @icouldhyperfixatehim @fiercynn @charthanry @isaksbestpillow @pransobrave @faillen @jemmo @snickerdoodlles @alexshenry @nanons @mantrisanu
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
tagged by @mahuhumaling and @galauvant, meme created by @fiercynn
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself I'm tpt! 30s, queer, brainweird, language nerd, been reading BL and slash and other queer lit since before the turn of the millennium and probably (hopefully) never gonna stop.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom? I watched the first episode the day after it aired. Went in knowing nothing about it except the English title, which I thought was thoroughly unappealing, and the promo image. Came out of ep 1 convinced Paa was the only person with any sense on the entire show, but sufficiently intrigued (ointment sharing! Line ID shenanigans!) to keep watching. So I watched as it aired from ep 2, and when the bus stop scene rolled around, I blocked the airing time slot out in my calendar so I could watch live (which didn't work out for ALL eps, but … close enough). I did find a regular group to squee with after ep 5, but didn't really interact with fandom beyond that little bit of squeeing with friends and looking at fan art until after ep 9, I think. This was the first Thai BL show I watched week to week, and that also made it special to me.
favorite ship(s) Pat/Pran.
favorite character(s) Used to be Pran no contest, but Pat worked his way into my heart in the later episodes. couldn't choose now. they're all favourites.
favorite episode(s) I really love episodes 3-5 and 10/11. but honestly I love the show as a whole, and the episodes in the context they exist in. Except for the gun subplot.
favorite scene(s)  the opening sequence of ep 2! also episode 3 bus stop scene (and Pat's way of accomodating Pran in it), ep 4 sleepover scene, ep 5 Pat's realisation/the fight, ep 6 gate convo scene, ep 8 fight/apology scene, ep 9 hand-holding scene, ep 10 Our Song teaser scene and confrontation scenes, ep 11 affirmation/we got to go back scene and wishful thinking sequence, ep 12 bar scene.
one thing you would change about the show if you could I'd adjust the pacing of ep 12 so the fake-out is a smaller part of the whole thing proportionally.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? It's really hard to pick. I love SO MANY. Even just the authors whose fic I list here have written more than one of my faves each. but let's see:
fic (missing scene): keeps me warm by unsungyellowraincoat (@isaksbestpillow). direct ep 8 aftermath exploration that made me ache.
fic (canon divergence): fight or flight (worth the wait) by jabber_moose (@galauvant). Ep 2 canon divergence wherein Pran is discovered under Pat's bed.
fic (AU): Pinocchio by aworkingprinter (@miscellar). In which Pran has an obvious, unsuppressable tell when he lies.
fan animation: international love song by @architectxengineer
fan art: this pic by @ thatgothsamurai was one of the first things I saw in this fandom in the way of art and it's stuck with me
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
fic: the only truth that sticks (<5k, G) is my take on Pran's mother's backstory, told as vignettes from her school years. There's a lot I'd do differently if I wrote it now – not give her a nickname, for one – but it's nevertheless my baby; when I started it, I hadn't finished and posted any fic in over 20 years.
I had a collection of random language- and storytelling related observations about the show on twitter that I should probably copy over somewhere else at some point for preservation purposes.
there's an epic canon divergence that lives only in my friend's and my DMs and a back-up doc that I'm starting to think will never take full shape, but I love it anyway. There's also an escalating intimacy thing set vaguely pre-canon plus ep 7 to time skip that I've not added to in a year and probably won't finish, either, but again: love what I've got there.
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) If it's a bittersweet love song I'm PatPraning it. But specifically: Tilly Birds' เพื่อนเล่น ไม่เล่นเพื่อน (Just Being Friendly) and pretty much the entire tracklist from the ON Thailand fanmeet, especially แดงกับเขียว (Red and Green) by TaitosmitH, แน่ใจไหม (Are You Sure) by Nont Tanont, อย่าใกล้กันเลย (We shouldn't be close) in Aof Pongsak's version, and ดวงเดือน (Moon) by Joey Phuwasit.
idk anything else you want us to know? I love this show. I love the hopeful ending. I love all the recurring characters (yes, that includes Wai and the parents), with all their flaws. I love how gently P'Aof tells this story – the way he approaches entrenched BL clichés, picks them up, examines them, and puts them back down: does it have to go this way? not for us, not for this story, let's look at how else this could go. He said he wanted to make a typical, an ordinary BL, and he did, and he didn't.
I love that I met so many nice people through our mutual love of this show. I love that we're still on the rooftop nearly two years later.
I love that there's so many sides of this fandom – analytical, transformative, curative, and everything in between.
I have completely lost track of who has and hasn't done this yet, but IF you see this and think, hey, this seems fun! and decide to do it, please tag?
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but-im-unbreakable · 1 year
thought this might be fun to make lol (clues below cut)
will post the answers next monday :3
also let me know if the numbers are blurry –– i wasnt sure how to get the resolution right
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ACROSS 4. you can try but Henry's third wife is this 6. colour of the first alt costume seen at the (now) Lena Horne 9. Maggie, Bessie, Joan, & Maria 11. colour of the alt costume with only a trousers and shorts variation 12. broad, dark, and sexy 16. cruise queen who is never Ara-gone from Six for too long 18. Henry thought it would be funny to send Aragon here 20. divorcee's solo 21. played Seymour in the first all-queens of colour show 27. didn't mean to hurt anyone 29. current home of Six in London 30. history, or as the queens like to call it...
DOWN 1. location of the palace where Cleves does her thing 2. Parr doesn't need this from you 3. painted our fourth queen 5. went from pink alt to principal Parr 6. Ball State alum now playing Cleves 7. one of K Howard's queenspirations 8. sushi cherry cowboy 10. Boleyn in the production that closed after four shows 13. Filipina Howard who was in Hamilton 14. city where the Aragon Tour officially opened 15. Cleves when Courtney B returned 17. was principal beheaded cousins with both Maddison Bulleyment and Courtney Bowman 19. a city in Europe; or the surname of one of the OG queens 22. covered every role except for Seymour and Howard in the 4th UK tour 23. one of the two NCL ships that shows Six 24. what you get when you play your sixth queen 25. two former Aragon/Howard alts covered this role at the Shaftesbury Theatre in London 26. Are you ready? London! 28. stick around and you'll suddenly this 31. city where the first official non-English language production of Six premiered
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andorconway · 2 years
OKAY so I made a playlist of every video that has major lore importance from Jordan's pov in season 1 AND I compiled timestamps for EVERY video for easy consumption
(episodes with the timestamps and context for what happens between episodes under the cut; context is bolded and italicized, stuff in brackets is additional stuff that happens in the episode that is important, but not enough to be in the cut)
1- full episode (26 min)
2- full episode (19 min)
5- 22:55-27:30 (4 min)
8- 12:25-end (6 min)
context: Tom went rogue and started killing everyone senselessly, Nadeshot had shown great interest in joining team Ianite, and Jordan switched to the Sphax texture pack
11- full episode (32 min)
12- full episode (31 min)
context: Jordan moved out of his house and into a secret base so no one could steal his items and kill him repeatedly, and Tucker was given a sword from Mianite called The Blade of Truth
17- full episode (41 min)
context: Tucker and Sonja started construction on a fortress to help defend in the war
19- 3:40-7:45 (3 min)
[at 15:15 Tony Modestep kills Jordan unprompted while invisible and says "1-1" in chat]
context: Jordan helped Tucker and Sonja trap the entrance of their fortress in case of attack, and also mostly moved in
23- 2:40-6:20 (1.5 min)
[Jordan adds a lava trap to the fortress]
context: between e23 and e29 the war fizzles out and basically ends, meanwhile Tom gets a clownfish named Marlin of whom he loves dearly, which Jordan steals and hides under the mianite temple
29- 16:50-end (24 min)
[at 10:50 Declan told everyone to meet him outside his house at noon minecraft time with all of their best items]
context: with the war over Tom built a new house closer to spawn
31- 5:45-13:40 (8 min)
context: now that the war was over they decided to do weekly Purge events (like the movie franchise) in which all theft and murder was completely legal without repercussions
34- 20:30-end (31 min)
[Cronus (the messenger of the shadows) was there as a Purger just hanging out]
context: between episodes 34 and 50 it was decided that everyone would construct a vault to act as their storage system so that during the purge they didn't have to continue to hide chests, and instead would have secure* places to store their items and keep their beds
*people can't break blocks to get in but if they can get in other ways that's legal and encouraged
during that time the build team for hire (the now disbanded FyreUK) showed up as the Wizards, who for a fee (25-100 diamonds) would build anything asked for. Jordan requested Jerry's Tree 2.0 to be built to the right of his house, just off the shoreline.
they built a court house (the quartz house) so that when someone did break the rules they could have a fair-ish trial to determine guilt
Tom also moved. again.
50- 13:55-28:35 (15 min)
[Jordan stole the Dianite armor fair and square during the purge]
51- start 15:25 (15 min)
59- 6:30-10:00 (4 min)
context: they have wands (knockback 10 sticks) that when hit with send you flying
60- 13:00-31:00 (18 min)
61- 4:20-50:00 AND 1:12:15-1:13:35 (45 min)
62- 24:10-41:50 (17 min)
67- full episode (47 min)
[this was during a charity stream]
context: they had a massive games arena built and they were playing bow pvp parkour for one of the first times
68- 24:35-end (23 min)
context: everyone got god gifts; Jordan got a beautiful forest around his house, Tucker and Sonja got god armor, and Tom got a ship from Captain Capsize
up until this point Capsize had been flirting with both Jordan and Tom, but things seemed more serious towards Jordan
71- 16:40-end (32 min)
context: between episode 71 and 79 ALL vault theft no matter the time became legal, they were also tasked with building an airship to go to a place called Aethoria to rescue Capsize, with Redbeard supplying materials
79- 11:35-15:50 (4 min)
80- 4:25-end (21 min, somewhat optional, it's mostly building and banter)
context: Skipper then got drunk and crashed the ship, forcing them to make a new one, of which Tom used literally all his remaining diamonds to make diamond wings for
84- 24:20-end (23 min)
85- full episode (1 h 5 min)
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dreamlikedesires · 8 months
Nine people you'd like to know better
(Oh gods, do I even know 9 people?)
I'll do my best on this, thanks for the tag @illiana-mystery
Three ships:
Mash Burnedead/Lance Crown (Just started watching the anime, Mashle: Magic and Muscles, and I think once Lance learns Mash doesn't have any magic, they should bang.)
Maki Oze/Takehisa Hinawa (There was an episode in season 2 of Fire Force I just thought could be more intense if they were in a relationship, so in my mind, they are.)
...off the top of my head I don't know if I have a 3rd. Edit, 30 mins later: Actually, my 3rd is Martha and Yorn from the game Potion Permit! Yorn looks exactly like my partner and I of course have gotten us a couple cosplay sorted. But what really got me was as the story progressed, Yorn calls in the chemist (you) to see what's wrong with Martha and she's getting dizzy spells and such and I'm like, my girl, you're carrying Yorn's baby. Honestly, that whole game was wild for me because I could not pick a character to romance, one because Yorn was unromanceable and two, everyone's story as I got to know them I was like, "oh, you're a couple. Oh you're together. Oop, you're together too."
First Ship: Okay, you know what I'm torn so I'm going to include them both.
I think technically Zutara was my first. (Zuko and Katara from the Avatar: Last Airbender series.) When he says, "I'll save you from the pirates." 11 yr old me was shook, okay. I saw the season final episodes when I had not seen any of book 3 and only half of book 2 and lemme tell ya, I was pissed when Mai was with Zuko at the end.
The next big ship I had was Sesshomaru and Rin from Inuyasha. As soon as she came in and was sticking around, 14 yr old me was like, "Yes, she's gonna grow up and she'd have softened his heart by then and they're going to get together." So when Yasha-Hime came out and the main characters were their children. I called that!
The Last Song: Can I swap last song with what's been on repeat in my mind most forcefully recently? Another Love by Tom Odell.
Currently Reading: Part Two of the graphic novel of American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
Last Film: Poor Things.
Currently Craving: The shu cream puffs that Mash keeps eating.
Huh, very heavy on the anime theme it seems.
Tagging: @lyonneriley, @biscuitdragonwithastick, @fae-fvcker, @weremonsterteeth, @quiddie, @werecreature-addicted, @furrbbyx, @monsterfuckerconfessions, @voice-of-illogical-sense
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
hi ken!!! for the self ship asks how about sunrise for you and satoru and moonlight for you and sanemi <3
hi pretty baby!!! thank you for asking <333
sunrise - what does your morning routine look like?
our morning routine is all but identical at this point because what are we if not attached at the hip.
wake up and spend an hour working out aka half assed walking/jogging and bothering each other on the treadmills. shower together, still yapping about whatever. get semi dressed, get kiddo up, and make breakfast and have coffee, usually he takes his to go bc he’s busy. make him late by spending 20 minutes saying goodbye to each other at the door, remind him to be safe, then satomi comes and says bye to him for another 20 minutes making him even more late bc neither of us want him to go. then by that point its time to get her off to school which i handle.
moonlight - what does a summer’s night look like for the two of you?
we have to work hard to stick to routine to make sure we both sleep well and enough so our schedule is strict-ish. especially in isekai au bc he’s still a demon slayer. this feels true for modern au too tho…
dinner at 7 usually enjoyed outside watching the sun go down and listening to windchimes. usually with a little sake in isekai/canon au or a glass of wine in modern. shower/bathe together by 8:30, lose track of time because we were talking about dreams or goals or our day and finally finish by 9:30. then getting ready for bed but we still want to talk so going back out to the porch/outside area to talk some more and watch the moon. making out, definitely touching bc we are now sleepy and relaxed and Needy bc we love listening to the other talk, so taking the party inside to have sex and then eventually pass out post coitus (for me post post coitus pee) and naked lmfao around 11:30 or so
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homocidal-invader · 1 year
ok. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Well dang :V
1: What was the first episode you’ve seen? Episode 1 because I intentionally looked for the show to watch it after seeing clips of it online.
2: What’s your favorite episode? Episode 1. It's one of my favorite first episodes of a show ever and I really like how well it introduces everything. I love other episodes of the show of course I just think the first episode did a great job and should get more praise for that!
3: Favorite Irken? I like the main character a lot but if I had to choose a second favorite uhhh the Tallests as 1 entity I can't choose one over the other
4: Favorite Human? I like the other main character a lot also but as a second Professor Membrane bc he's funny and I had a mental image of him before watching the show
5: Favorite Other Race? There aren't really a lot of those to pick from :V
6: Any fan characters? Yesssss a few but this particular one I made several comics about
7: Favorite fanfiction? It's NSFW and I haven't actually finished the full series because it's long and I suck at reading! I might consider linking it at another point :V Favorite bc I took some inspiration from it for Est and I enjoy NSFW fics lol.
8: Favorite fanart?
I've got a few really inspirational ones on my computer! I recently made a long comment on the Irken propoganda poster fanart (and made my own fanart based off of it), I like the Corrupted Data 99% one (and made my own fanart based off of it), I like this sketch dump of Tallest Zims bc it's cool and bc of the comment "all I do is lie to myself" which I quote all the time now, this FnF song video that I keep trying to do a full version of because the OP said I could but haven't gotten around to it yet, and a bunch more I don't feel like tracking down lol.
9: Do you write for the fandom? Well I make comics but for fanfiction I've made one, short ZaDr fic but in character somehow
10: Do you draw for the fandom? Yes, here's my art tag for this blog and here's my askblog
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11: Would you be scared if Jhonen found your art/fanfics/blog? I've watched his Twitch streams (he might still be doing that every Monday?) and sometimes when he searches stuff up he ends up scrolling past fanart and doesn't acknowledge it lol. So not really, he's not as mean a guy as the fandom seems to demonize him wrongly as. I actually think meeting him would be pretty cool!
12: Do you like pairings? If so, which? I mean aside from ZaDr I like RaPr and basically am open to any if ppl write it in a way I like. Those two I just enjoy in particular.
13: Do you believe there are any canon pairings? Like, intended by the writers? I don't remember any prominent characters dating canonically no lol.
14: OTP? ZaDr. I watched episode 1 and shipped it immedietely after their first interaction XD If that's not a "One True Pairing" I'm not sure what is.
15: Favorite enemies? (Tak and Zim or Zim and Dib… etc) Does enemies to lovers count? Idk I am more of a HELPLESS ROMANTIC type I am only into enemies if it's charged in some way XD Otherwise it sticks out to me less so nothing really comes to mind that easily.
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16: Favorite Tallest of the four? I can't choose Red or Purple it changes every day! I like Miyuki and Spork but come on they don't have that much screentime and Red and Purple have far more changes to be funny lol
17: Favorite thing about Invader Zim? ADHD and artstyle
18: Least favorite thing about Invader Zim? that's hard. Even when the show disturbs me I take it as a positive. Uhhh. when ppl in the fandom are judgemental about other people's headcanons in a mean way lol
19: Do you have any blocked tags, relating to the fandom? probably but finding out would mean I'd have to look through my blocked tags! I frequently block people though.
20: Do you ever do crossovers? I had some Gravity Falls crossover sketches back in 2021, and I've done a few crossovers between characters in my own discord servers sometimes, but nothing large/prominent.
...Unless crossovers between zim askblogs count.
21: Any parts of show that actually scare you? Probably not scare but definitely disturb me. I'd need to rewatch it to remember.
22: Any parts of the fandom that actually scare you? I'm very sensitive as a person and have anxiety so people scare me easily!
23: Part that made you laugh the hardest… I'd need to go clip hunting for that! Good news though I recorded myself watching IZ with a friend in 2021 and am slowly editing the clips so I'll find out eventually.
24: Part that you could relate to… Zim very ADHD
25: Least favorite episode? I like all the episodes and I see grossing me out as a bonus bc rarely do things disturb me and it means that it succeeded but uhhhhhh I mean least likely to rewatch probably rise of the zitboy lol
26: Least favorite scene? Sometimes there's fatphobia in the show and that sucks :V
27: Do you like G.I.R.? YES I don't draw him as often as other characters but if you look around my askblog he makes it into tons of the posts lol
28: If you could be anyone from the show, you would choose….. Trying to send me to hell??? Rude.
29: Are the Tallest intelligent or not? Yeah they just don't care lol
30: What do you think an Irkens blood color is? I like it when it's either pink or matches their eye color. I want a rainbow blood smear of irkens after war. imagine it.
31: If you could write an episode, what would happen? I've thought of several fake episode scripts, like where Dib gets suspended for pushing Zim at school and goes to a better nicer school, then ends up back at normal school at the end of the episode because the world is built to hurt Dib, or an episode where Zim gets stuck in his elevator and can't get out bc his PAK legs are too long and his rockets are useless and GIR is useless.
If I could write an episode though it'd probably end up being gay shit tho ngl
32: If all the voice actors and artists were different, would you still want Invader Zim to come back? Well if the writers are the same... hmm, though a lot of what was good about IZ was the synnergy between all the writers, artists, and VAs, like Rikki who voiced GIR also being a background artist, and somehow a bunch of these ppl are still friends 20 years later.
I think it'd be fun to see it even if they totally and completely fuck it up though because then the fandom would tear it apart and it'd be funny
33: Do you consider any of the characters your ‘babies’? Depends on the day but I do love random navigator drone from Florpus. Baby bc Evv is totally based off of them XD Adopted!
34: Do you have any fancharacters that are the result of two canon characters getting together? Fankids? I'd say Wur, even though it's not Dib's biological kid he's still its dad XD
35: If you could meet any of the characters, who would it be and what would you say? Dib's insufferable but I think he just wants someone to listen to him lol
36: If you could meet any of the voice actors, who would it be and what would you say? Probably Richard bc I've seen lots of interviews with him and he just seems really friendly and nice to talk to!
37: Other than Zim, who is your favorite Irken Invader? Damn :V Well we don't really get to meet the other invaders much, do we? Like it's either Skoodge or you just REALLY like a background character lol
38: Professor Membrane: a good daddy or a neglectful cold father? I'd like him to be good but yk all the times he's good it could just be argued it's because his kids are science experiments XD When I write him he's neglectful and cold but more on accident than intentional abuse. He wants the best for his kids but he's just not equipped to deal with their emotions.
39: Favorite quote? I'd need to rewatch the show there's too many good ones lol
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40: Zim’s taken over the planet… Now what? Calls the Tallests to tell them about it and they're like..... We're not flying over there!!! Uh... we told you to watch it not take it over!!! uhhhh whatever, good job [disconnects].
Zim would have his fun being king for a day then things get back to normal by the end of the episode lol
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Lotus Elise old v new: Series 1 and Series 3" on YouTube
Let's try to use his idea on an airliner and it stamped the bottom and the stamp the top and you stick them together it takes 120th of the time and we had to build a bunch and they wouldn't let us do it and it was the clones if pissed us off a lot they tried it down in Australia and they saw them and they got real pissed I started peeing everywhere so we went out from and start a war down there and Tommy Allen doesn't carry once at them so this is the small one and he has to make a small one it's actually a smaller chassis this is the lotus of course but ours is about the size maybe a little bit smaller it comes with the small motor but it's the same one as the starter motor for the other car and top speed is 330 mph right out of the box it looks like this it's kind of a Porsche look the rear end is a lot different and it looks massively gnarly and cool it is definitely a coop there's no room in back there's no room to transport it's like it's like a two small carry-on bags maybe two backpacks can fit in it it's really just for driving around town and driving the back roads they're twisting and winding and for small places like Europe it would be terrific we're going to add it to the lineup because it would fill a niche and it's a very big one especially in Australia it's a giant niche because they're all small it goes very fast you put the other motor it goes 420 and it can handle it and the women like it too and they don't they want to have something like this get away from assholes. The look is more aggressive and more sporty and it is awesome and we might offer a couple versions even the sedan and a four-door would be tough and he says it's true he said we can squeeze in a sedan with a two-door with a seat in the back we could do that and a small SUV and we could do that and it would work it's it's an awesome idea someone said a pickup truck race car it was him he says and she's saying it too they don't really have those and there's no place for the engine and I'll have to hold off on that but this is awesome will you go off the road it's all independent suspension on every model
Thor Freya
You would never fit in that regardless and yeah when you were younger you were bigger than me which is ridiculous I was huge I'm like 11 or 12 foot or something and giant and you're bigger than me and you're like him you folks are too big
I'm huge too like 12 ft normally and big and he's gigantic that's ridiculous how's it going to fit in that thing it says it's going to put one in each foot it's about right the driver side so it's little too small isn't it money to buy a vehicle if it's in the ass to sell these it's going to be like a f650 that's kind of what I drive it's badass then it works I'm not really huge right now but I'm about 7 ft 8 and it feels squished down but everybody likes it but me
Shaquille O'Neal we want to see these showcase we saw The airliner showcase and they pulled it right off didn't want it it started building stuff now they're in a lot of trouble
Down below there are eight bases left and two are destroyed out of the eight four or a 20% and three are at 30% and one is at 70%, it's very bad they're getting slaughtered and destroyed their losing
Thor Freya
We have more conservative numbers but they're about the same 10 bases left and a three or a 30%, 4 are at 40% and three are at about 50%
We have numbers that reflect the above but really we have 10 bases left and four are at 20% three or 30%, two are at 40% and about three at 60 or 70%
We do have a lot of data on these bases they're kind of cut in half but not right down the middle the operation shut down and they're just in defensive mode and they will fall eventually because nobody's going to stop their fleets are a mess they have practically no black chips left except a huge ones and there's only like 3,000 ships left they have a bunch of 500s that's what it is by the way they have about 5 million stone ships they're falling fast at the end of the day or they won't have any and their empire ships are gone they're miscellaneous ships are down to probably 30 million most of them are Star Trek and McDonald's are going after them right now heavy and they're tough to get they're tough fighting vehicles even with the clones at the hands and helm and they're having a tough time but they're going to grab them this vehicle idea rocks I have seen him come up with stuff like it but this one is the best and it's not compact size it's a little bit bigger if this one is a compact and it's intense and I see what you're saying this was so probably the best and he took a step down to it. But really people need a sedan and then figure one is a perfect size he admits it too people need that bigger one and it's not that big but it works and we're going to start rolling on this
Thor Freya
And yeah I have stuff to say the big one is not that big the smallest kind of small but it's supposed to be. I do see what you're saying it's going to sell down there but it's nice to have the whole line and they'll sell as well but this small one's going to sell like wildfire they said that rear end looks really cool because it looks like the Ford GT race car and that's what it looks like massively awesome the front end looks a little cooler this is Lord lower and this their steaming hot for it this car goes for about 38,000 no this car is about $85,000 it's a lot more than we can build as for we can get out the door for $2,000 but really if we put in actual labor cost it's about 10 grand so we can sell them for about 15 or so and resell it for they're thinking of down there about 30,000 for this smaller version top speed with the first motor it's about 80 horsepower no it's about $120 horsepower it's a motorcycle motor Briggs & Stratton is 320 miles an hour with the Coleman it's 330 and you can have either and their sister companies or brother companies okay husband and wife companies they call them married that's really what they are but they're not married in the way they say it okay that's fine. And there's a couple levels of performance but with the highest level of performance you need to get the performance package but the second motor which is about 150 horsepower it's this car to about 490 mph then you add the performance package and the third motor and it's about 590 you got to be careful these cars are very fast and that's extremely fast it comes with the safety here that's required by law but you need to be properly trained
Frank Castle Hardcastle
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jamieroxxartist · 2 years
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Today in #RoxxGear www.RoxxGear.us the Official #JamieRoxx #PopArt Paintings #Merch #WebStore:
● 30% Off Pillows ● FREE SHIPPING w/ Zazzle Black ● Shop Now. Pay Later with Klarna (on orders more than $50) ​USE CODE: SAVEONMONDAY ​ Including #Magnets featuring Licensed Painting Renditions by Pop Artist Jamie Roxx Size: 3" x 4" Flex your style with custom flexible magnets from Zazzle featuring Licensed Painting Renditions by Pop Artist Jamie Roxx! Perfect for refrigerators or any magnetic surface, these vinyl laminated magnets look great vibrantly printed in full color. Stain and water resistant, our high-quality magnets are designed to stick around for a lifetime. ● Size: 3" x 4" ● Vibrant, full-color printing ● Flexible vinyl lamination contours to curved surfaces ● Water and stain resistant ● Made by: FUJIFILM Valhalla, NY USA ​ All Magnets featuring Licensed Painting Renditions by Pop Artist Jamie Roxx: https://tinyurl.com/yckwttep
Offer is valid through Oct 17, 2022 11:59 PM PST.
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flufftober · 2 years
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Hello and welcome to our second annual Flufftober 🥳
We’re so excited to be back and to once again have you here!
Let’s fill the month of October with as much fluff as possible 🥰
You’ll find the entire prompt list - as well as a list of prompt substitutes! - at the end of this post so you can easily copy/paste it all. But first:
Rules & FAQ
No inc*st or p*dophilia - we can’t keep you from writing it or creating art for it but it won’t be reblogged.
No hate or ship bashing - we’re all different and we all love different things. As long as it doesn’t go against rule #1, it’s allowed.
Tag correctly! Trigger warnings (including cheating!), ships, ratings, (pure) smut, etc - it’s all fine as long as you tag it.
There’s absolutely no word count restriction, write as little or as much as you like.
In regards to art, anything goes: drawings, paintings, collages, mood boards, gifsets, videos, playlists… the sky’s the limit (though not really…)
While we can’t force you to write fluff or create fluffy art, please try to keep in mind that this is a fluff event 😉
You can start writing and/or arting as soon as you see this - but please refrain from posting before the respective day.
You can participate on as many days as you like, even if it’s just one; you can also create multiple entries for the same day.
NEW this year are our prompt substitutes! These are the five most loved prompts from the previous year, and you can use as many of them as you like instead of five prompts from the original list - or even in addition, that's completely up to you.
It’s okay to write one story/a series for all the prompts as long as it’s separated into chapters and the respective chapter/work is posted on the given day.
You do not have to stick to one ship or even one fandom - switch as often as you like to or even write for multiple ships for one day.
The ship does not have to be a romantic one! Friendship and family feels are more than welcome (but this is not a way to get around rule #1!)
This event can be combined with other events as long as the other event allows it.
Late entries are always welcome, even if it is months later.
All fandoms and ships are welcome - fanon and canon - as long as they’re of age (in case you want to add smut) and not related.
Posting to tumblr
Please use the tag #flufftober2022
Since tags are sometimes wonky, make sure to also add @flufftober in your post
We will try to catch them all, but please don't be mad if we miss a post or if it gets reblogged a bit late
If you're absolutely certain a post has slipped past us, feel free to send an ask with the link to your post
To make reblogging easier for us, make sure to add the following tags: #flufftober2022 #day [xy] #[fandom] #[ship and/or main character(s)]
If you're using a prompt substitute, instead of #day [xy] tag it as #alt 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Posting to ao3
You can add your creation to the collection flufftober2022 or flufftober_2022 (yes, we've claimed both because so many people added to the wrong collection last year 😅)
Late entries are always welcome, on tumblr as well as the ao3 collection! Neither will close - but like last year, reblogs will become less and less and further apart the more months pass...
1. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
2. “You’ve told your parents?”
3. Thick as Thieves
4. Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies
5. “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!”
6. Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights
7. Movie Marathon
8. Shooting Stars
9. Game Day (Sports)
10. Love Language
11. Poetry, Art, Music, Craft
12. “You kept this?”
13. Secret Family Recipe
14. Truth or Dare/20 Questions
15. Accidents don't just happen accidentally
16. “I hate you” – “I love you too”
17. Animal Shelter
18. Soulmate AU
19. Hot Chocolate
20. Bedtime Stories
21. Kiss for Good Luck
22. “Have you heard?”
23. POV Outsider
24. All the Hugs
25. First Dance
26. Blankets
27. Reunion
28. Picnic
29. Leaves
30. Dear Diary
31. A Sweet Treat
Prompt Substitutes
Last year, many of you asked for it, this year we're delivering 😊 introducing: Prompts Substitutes!
As explained in the rules, these can be used if there are prompts in the original list that you don't like for whatever reason. No need to explain or apologize for it, simply switch them with one of the five most loved prompts from last year. Or... you know... just add these five to your list of 31 prompts that want to be written 😉
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Alt 1: Slow Dancing
Alt 2: Caught in the Rain
Alt 3: Falling Asleep Together
Alt 4: Up Against the Wall Kiss
Alt 5: Winning a Teddy for the Other
We hope you like these lists, and now
Happy Creating 🥳
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auxiliarywardrobe · 2 years
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I know it might be a bit short notice, but hey - it's almost Mermay!
This list of prompts has been put together for anyone wanting to participate in an Our Flag Means Death themed mermaid art challenge.
The purpose of this challenge is for you to post an artwork incorporating mermaids, inspired by the prompt for that day. All prompts are OFMD themed, but that doesn't mean you have to stick to the characters. Get creative. Get abstract. Just have fun with it. You can do odds, evens, or just a weekly post depending on your time constraints - or just pick out a few that speak to you. 
Finishing or fully rendering your work isn't important. What's important is that you're getting involved in community, practicing your skills, and having fun.
Don't forget to use the tags "mermay2022" and "ofmdmermay" so everyone can find your work.
There are so many creative people in this fandom and I can't wait to see how it goes :) Please reblog and share this around. I also don’t use twitter, so please feel free to repost there. 
Full list below the cut. 
Full List:
1. Flowers 2. Books 3. Island 4. Vacation 5. Treasure Map 6. Cat 7. Tattoos 8. Mutiny 9. Twins 10. Marmalade 11. Beard 12. Ship 13. As a crew 14. Loot 15. Sketch 16. Silverware 17. Dagger 18. Cannon 19. Story time 20. Story time (yes this was an accident, but who cares. DOUBLE STORY TIME) 21. Fine things 22. Seagull 23. Eyepatch 24. Rowboat 25. Moonbathing 26. Co-Captains 27. Bonnet 28. Oranges 29. Kraken 30. Revenge 31. Lighthouse Weekly:
May 1-7: Hands May 8-14: Insects May 15-21: Flags May 22-28: Fuckery May 29-31: Captain’s Pick (your choice)
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