#3 theories about teshin staying alive after the fall of the empire but they are getting darker
xeilon · 2 years
I was looking through the Warframe wiki and (once again) I realized that probably the most disturbing / unexplained thing here is how the hell is Teshin still alive? And it got me thinking, and with every idea it gets worse and worse? We also don't know for how long have he known the queens, and maybe it's all connected? I have a few theories, but they are a bit long, so I put them under the cut.
1. The most tame theory:
So Teshin IS a liar. He kept the queens' secret, shitting on the Lotus throughout a whole quest, telling us how we can't possibly trust her because she's been keeping secrets from us. Conveniently "forgets" to mention that he is a Dax etc.
So the guy decides to fib a little and tell the Tenno that no, of course he didn't go into stasis, HE just "searched the long path for redemption". 🙄
The queens found him a few years before the main plot started, woke him up, and he's been serving them since, also running the Conclave between his missions.
2. Slightly worse theory:
Teshin has been with the queens from the start. As in, since the fall of the Orokin empire. Some Orokin escaped with their guards, grineers, Dax. He was fighting in the same location as where the twins were, and they commanded him to come with and protect them.
Tyl Regor calls Teshin a pseudo-Tenno and is surprised to see him... alive? Why would he?
The Tenno during the game are mostly known for one thing: stirring up shit in the empire and then disappearing.
What if the queens decided to put Teshin in cryosleep for most of the time and then wake him up for missions. Find them new bodies, fight against an uprising, let Tyl Regor examine him to make more "durable" less mutated grineer using orokin technology. And then, when everything is said and done, he goes back to stasis.
Just as the Lotus thought the Queens never existed, Teshin is just a mere ghost story for the average grineer. Those who met him (like Tyl Regor) don't know he's a dax, they just think that he's some Tenno like soldier who the queens managed to capture and then was killed.
His newest mission might be to get close to the Tenno and either steer them towards the grineer / orokin faction or bring them to the queens for continuity.
He searched the long path for redemption through living in a limbo of life and fake-death. Maybe after a while it just didn't work. His body was asleep and unchanging, but his mind was aware. The things he learned in this state were the skills that helped him help us during The War Within.
3. The worst of them all:
We know from Vorunas backstory that the Orokin weren't the only ones who could preform the continuity. We also know, because of the existence of Varzia that there were Dax put in stasis. So who's to say that the grineer queens haven't actually told a lot of Dax to come with them, and put them all into stasis except one. Teshin.
He does their bidding, time passes he gets older and when he can't preform well anymore in his current body, well, there are others. A bit of kuva and everything is solved.
The queens wouldn't use dax bodies for continuity, because they then would inherit the dax's weakness - being unable to defy the symbols of the orokin.
On the other hand, not preforming continuity on him is just too much work. A new dax that doesn't know/understand the structure of the grineer army? Someone who has to be taught the language and the rules? Someone who doesn't know about previous missions, who doesn't know the enemy? Continuity just saves them the trouble.
After all, Teshin did tell us that he believes the kuva is both an elixir of immortality and a corrupting poison. Maybe he knows it all too well.
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