Improvised Date (J. H.)
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Warnings: Nop.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: This is probably the last story of the Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration but I still have some more drabbles so I’ll be posting them in the next couple days. Thank you all for being part of this celebration with me and for reading all this short stories I’ve working in, without you any this would have been possible 💕
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Thanks for reading <3
It was finally summer and you couldn’t be happier, it was by far your favorite season of the year, always giving you many great memories and an amazing vibe overall.
So that morning when you woke up you did your hair, put on your favorite white dress and some white converse to go with it, grabbed some sunglasses and headed out the door to meet your boyfriend for lunch.
“Hi, Trudy” you said once you were at the front desk.
“(Y/N)! Hi! What brings you here? How can I help you?” she said, she had always been nice with you and it made you feel very special, Jay always telling everyone you were her favorite to make you blush.
“I was wondering, is Jay here?”
“Yeah, he’s upstairs” and turning to her left she yelled at Kim “You, Burgess, go tell Halstead that someone’s looking for him”
“But you just told me that…” she started.
“What are you waiting for?” she said while you mouthed a small “sorry” to Kim.
10 minutes later you had Jay’s hand in yours and you were walking down the street.
“Did I already told you that you look beautiful”
“Hmmm… I think only once or twice now”
“Well, you look beautiful” he said leaving a kiss in your temple.
“Stop it, Jay, you make me blush!” you said a little embarrassed.
“I know” he laughed “Wait a second” he said suddenly running away leaving you confused but it didn’t take him long before he was back with an ice cream cone in each hand.
You knew he had to come back soon but in the hour you had together you made the most of your little improvised date, eating ice cream, sitting under a tree and talking like nothing else mattered, all perfect.
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The Opportunity (T. W. M.)
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Warnings: Nop.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: I watched Cursed and I LOVED the Weeping Monk so of course I had to try to write something about him, I’m still reading and learning about him to get him right but nevertheless I hope you like it 😅 This belongs to Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration!  Thanks so much for reading 💕
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Thanks for reading <3
You almost fell from the tree you were on when you saw the black horse down the road, a cold shiver running down your spine.
This was your opportunity, you thought, as the rider seemed to be just enjoying the ride down the woods, all by himself and unarmed. 
You knew exactly who was riding that black horse, the memory of him burned in your brain since the day he, along with the Red Paladins, slaughter your village for the second time. 
Many years ago the people of Dewdenn had took you in after the Red Paladins burned the place you once called home and now it had happened all over again but this time they weren’t alone, a hooded man with them making sure no one escaped.
You weren’t really sure how but you had ended up in a cave deep in the woods after hours of running away but as days passed by living in the woods got slightly easier as you could get your hands on a bow and some arrows you stole from a human village.
Now, back on the ground and standing in the middle of the road you were waiting for the black horse to reach you, your bow ready to shoot an arrow as you tried to breathe steadily to assure you hit your target.
A few more minutes passed when the sound of voices quickly reached you and almost made you drop the bow, he wasn’t alone.
You were about to start running when you recognized one of the voices, Squirrel, he had him and now it was up to you to save him but when their faces came into view, a memory suddenly hit you with force making you drop the bow instantly, it was impossible, wasn’t it? 
“Lancelot…?” you whispered.
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I Thought I’ve Lost You (J. H.)
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Warnings: Nop.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: This is the last one for the day, tomorrow I will be posting much more 300 words drabbles for my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration, hope you like it. Thanks so much for reading 💕
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Thanks for reading <3
When your first received that call it was like everything just stopped for a second, your brain denying to believe what your ears were hearing, the voice on the other side losing all meaning after the first few words Will said: Jay’s been shot. 
You took a moment to breath and close your eyes, focused on going back to reality and erase all bad thoughts out of your mind. He needed you to be strong, if you couldn’t get back to your best self you wouldn’t be of any help. 
Swallowing the knot down your throat you put your phone back in your ear. 
“Where is he? Is he with you?” you asked trying to remain calm and brave, already grabbing your car keys. 
“Yes, he is getting into surgery”
“I’m on my way” you said hanging up. 
Twenty minutes later you arrived at the ED.
“Will, is he going to be okay? I just need you to tell me the truth, how bad is it?” you asked when you reached him. 
“It was bad” he said after a moment of surprise and hesitation “The bullet grazed an artery, he had severe blood loss but he arrived here just in time to get him to the OR, all is left to do is wait”
Waiting was definitely the worst, without knowing what was going inside, almost driving you crazy. 
A few hours later you heard the sweetest words ever spoken, he was out of surgery, he was going to recover and he was asking for you. 
“I thought I’ve lost you” you said as you entered his room, sitting next to him making sure you wouldn’t hurt him. 
“Nah, it’s going to take more than this to get rid of me” he said smiling, he was going to be okay.
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Our Baby Boy (K. S.)
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Warnings: Nop, just fluff.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: This is the first 300 words drabble from my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration. Thanks so much for reading 💕
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Thanks for reading <3
"Kelly! Quick, come see this!" you yelled for him from your shared bed. 
"What happened? Is everything okay?" he said rushing through the door, for a moment panic visible on his features. 
"Look" you said lifting up your shirt, a tiny baby foot marking on your skin from the inside as your baby boy kicked at the sound of his father's voice. "He knows you're here, he can hear you. Say something else" you asked as the baby stood still again. 
"Hey there, baby, are you ready to come home with us?" Kelly whispered to your swollen belly, another tiny foot making its appearance as he sat next to you on the bed. 
"No yet, daddy, this baby still need to be right here for a couple more weeks, is that right, honey? Of course it is" you said, the two of you in your own personal bubble of happiness, all noises from the outside world blocked out. 
Grabbing his hand you could see a little of hesitation on his eyes, always being extra careful with you since you found out you were pregnant. 
“It’s okay, I want you to feel” you reassured him. 
Very slowly, as your baby kept kicking, you placed Kelly’s hand over the most prominent spot of your belly.
“I love you very much, baby, your mama loves you very much too. We can’t wait to meet you” he spoke to your belly as happy tears came to your eyes, your baby boy instantly reacting to his daddy’s words. 
“I can’t believe we made him, Kelly, our baby boy” you said, your voice really quiet in fear you would start crying if you spoke louder. 
“Our baby boy” Kelly repeated with the same look as you, nothing but pure love and adoration in his tone. 
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I Can’t Keep Doing This (P. K.)
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Warnings: Nop.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: Hello everyone!!! This is day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration so I’m here with a new story! This is my first time writing for some characters but I really love them so I wanted to give it a try, anyway hope you like it. Thanks so much for reading 💕
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Thanks for reading <3
This was it, you were going to talk to him to finish everything up, you just couldn’t keep up with the lie you two were telling everyone, your most recent feelings for him making it all more difficult. 
You had agreed to play this stupid game with Peter because never in a million years you thought that you would actually fall for him but now life was laughing right in your face for being so innocent, of course you were going to fall for him, the guy had it all. He was nice and sweet and made you feel happy and safe, constantly taking you to new places and having little details with you that no one ever had.
You had thought about it all day, barely paying any attention to your classes to find the right words but when the bell rang for the last time that day you realized that it didn’t matter anyway, this was just a plott to make Gen jealous, it wasn’t like you were actually dating.
Walking to your locker your hands started sweating a little bit at the sight of him there waiting for you before his practice, he had a gift to make to feel nervous and now you were question yourself if you really were ready to do it. 
You knew he didn’t love you and that’s why you needed to ended everything up before you got hurt and heartbroken, it was only a matter of time before he got back with Gen so why wait, right? That way you would save yourself a lot of pain.
You could see how his smile grow at the sight of you coming but it had to be done so when you reached him you let those words out.
“I can’t keep doing this…”
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Marry Me? (C. R.)
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Warnings: Nop.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration!  Thanks so much for reading 💕
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Thanks for reading <3
Your head was pounding and there was a ringing in your ears keeping from knowing what was happening, a few seconds ago you were trying to sedate a patient with a paranoia attack when suddenly you were thrown against a wall, hitting your head in the process. 
Your vision got blurry and you freaked for a moment in fear of passing out but a warm feeling going down the side of your head kept you from panicking. Raising your hand to touch your head you flinched when you felt pain, a sticky sensation on your hand letting you know you were bleeding, the bright red color of your blood staining your hand helping you to focus and clear your vision. 
"(Y/N)? Can you hear me?" you faintly heard Ethan, his hand resting on your shoulder and kneeled in front of you to check you up. 
"Call Dr. Rhodes" you heard him say to someone, still feeling dizzy and unable to respond. 
It took you one more minute until you felt steady enough to stand, several hands suddenly flying to stop you.
“I’m fine, I’m fine” finally you spoke, supporting you with the wall behind you.
“Hey, take it easy, okay?”
“I’m fine, just a couple stitches” you were just saying when you saw Connor running towards you.
“What happened? Are you okay?”
“She hit her head against the wall, she needs some stitches and probably has a contusion”
“I’m fine” but it didn’t matter how many times you repeated it, they insisted in treating you.
Connor had just finished stitching you when he sat in front of you, a stern look on his face.
“I wanted to wait but after this I realized that I can’t do it anymore, I don’t want to lose you. Would you marry me?”
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It’s You (A. R.)
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Warnings: Nop.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration! Like I said before I’m trying to write to some new characters so here’s another one, hope you enjoy it. Thanks so much for reading 💕
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You were laughing with Jay and Antonio in the break room, a cup of coffee in your hands to get you ready for the day ahead. 
You really enjoyed mornings like this one, relaxed and in company of your best friends, having a moment to talk about something different than gangs, drugs busts or bloody murders. 
“Stop it! It wasn’t like that at all” you told Antonio, punching his arm lightly for completely making up a story about one night  you went to Mollys to get drunk “I just tripped but I never landed in anyone’s lap”
“You totally did! This poor guy never even knew where you came from, he just stayed there trying to not touch you at all after seeing your badge”
“I swear it, Antonio, if you keep saying that you are the one who won’t be able to touch anything”
Jay laughed at your last comment “You know, (Y/N)? I’m totally going to believe Antonio’s version, you can get drunk so easily”
“That’s so not true” 
“Yeah, you do” added Antonio
“Hey guys, Voight sent me for you” said Adam interrupting you and taking a look at the three of you, seeing how close and comfortable you were with the guys, jealousy growing in his chest.
“So um… I wanted to ask you something” he said dryly later in the car on your way to a crime scene.
“What’s going on?”
“Is just… are we still dating? Do you really want to even be with me? I mean, I saw all cozy with the guys this morning and it made me wonder if you are even happy with me”
“Really? Adam, there’s no need to be jealous” you laughed a little “They are just like my big brothers, it’s you who makes me happy”
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You’re Here (D. W.)
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Warnings: Nop.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: This belongs to Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration!  Thanks so much for reading 💕
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Thanks for reading <3
You didn’t even take the time to park your car properly, running out of it the second you arrived at the Singer property to reach the front door as fast as you could.
Two hours ago you had received a call from Bobby, Sam was back from hell and Dean was with him again, so you packed your things and you left the crappy motel room you were staying in since your last hunt.
They probably were waiting for you or maybe they just heard all the noise you made because a second before you reached the door, it flew open and Dean was there with open arms ready to welcome you home.
It had been difficult after he left you and went to Lisa but you couldn’t blame him, she represented everything he ever wanted, a nice white picket fence home, a steady life and more importantly, no monsters and as his best friend it was your duty to support him through thick and thin, if he was happy you were too. 
“You’re here” he whispered, a hand wrapped around your waist and the other one at the back of your head pressing you closer to him, a small kiss left in your temple.
“I’m here” you answered taking in his presence and how much you had missed him. “You’re back, Sam’s back, how did it happened?”
“It’s a long story, come say hi” he said reluctantly letting you go but still holding onto your hand as he guided you to the living room.
“Sam!” you exclaimed as he went to greet you, a small hug letting you know he really was there, your hand still in Dean’s making it a little difficult but after all the time apart neither one of you was ready to let go again.
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The 1 (K. S.)
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Warnings: Nop.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: I was inspired by The 1, one of Taylor Swift’s new songs, This one belongs to my 300 Follower Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration. Thanks so much for reading 💕
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Your first day as candidate at Firehouse 51 had you all kinds of excited, you couldn’t believe you were going to be working in such great place, its reputation being one of the best in the city, but when you stepped in and saw a pair of familiar blue eyes everything changed, for a moment all the memories by his side came back at you with the force of a tornado. 
You were just kids when you had dated, barely 20 years old and had already planned to take over the world but life’s funny that way and it had different plans for the both of you, you were both growing and you needed to focus on your future, at least that’s what he said the day you broke up.
You have dreamt about this moment several times, wondering what you would say, how he would be and hoping to find him happy, new adventures in every corner for him like he always wanted, apparently he had made it.
All day you tried to avoid him, tried to focus on your job, still feeling unready to face him considering the string of crazy thoughts in your mind, making you think that if he wanted you he really should've showed because seeing him now made you realized that if your wishes came true it would've been him. You couldn’t stop asking yourself if one thing had been different would everything be different today?
All those times together, all the moments shared, made you believed you were one of the greatest loves of all time, making everyday count, it really would’ve been fun, if he would’ve been the one.
And that night as he came closer to say hello all you could say was “We really were something, don't you think so?”
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Is It Really You? (T. R.)
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Warnings: Not that I can think about.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: This one belongs to my 300 Follower Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration. Thanks so much for reading and joining me in this two days celebration 💕
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As he was being dragged to hell all you could do was scream and try to reach for him, Scott and Liam holding you back to stop you from helping him, the strength of two werewolves more than enough for your poor human intents to get to him. 
“Help me! (Y/N), please, help me!” were his last words, the sound of him yelling for your help still hunting you to the day.
After that day you could barely look at your so - called friends, you were more than aware of what Theo had done in the past but that did nothing to change how you felt, you had fallen in love with him and more than that, you were sure the kind boy he once was was still inside him.
Yes, he had done a lot of bad, hurting your friends and working with the enemy but at the same time he had always been nice and sweet to you, never letting you get hurt and being there for you every time you had needed him.
Months had passed since that day and it was the first time you were willing to go back to Scott’s place, their constant texts asking you to be there convincing you to go just to ask them to quit texting you.
But when you got in all words got stuck in your throat, the one person you never expected to see again standing across the room.
“Is it really you?” you asked unsure of what you were watching.
“Yes, it’s me” was all it took before you were running to him, his arms already open to welcome you back.
“I thought I’d never see you again” you said crying in his embrace.
“I’m back, I’m sorry, I’m never leaving again, I love you”
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Under The Stars (D. W.)
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Warnings: Not at all
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration!  Thanks so much for reading 💕
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The sun was slowly going down, the sky painted in orangy and rosy tones, the view of the lake breathtaking and there was nothing you were enjoying more than the company of the man sitting next to you on the hood of a classic 67’ Impala, Dean.
You had met a long time ago when you both were young, couple teenagers brought together by your parents hunting the same thing, many years had passed since that day but the feelings you had for him only got stronger with time.
Life with him and Sam had been crazy, facing many dangers together, but it was all worthy, the people you all had saved only made the end of the day much sweeter.
As you rested your head on his shoulder his left arm went to your waist to bring you closer to him, no words needed.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed like that, the stars now on the sky the only evidence of the pass of time.
“Dean…?” you whispered, you didn’t want to break the silence but there was something on your mind you needed to get out.
“What is it, sweetheart?”
“I need to tell you something” you said sitting straight to be able to look him in the eye, a frown appearing in his face.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yes… I just… I have a confession to make” you took a moment to breath, there was no going back as you took his silence as a sign to keep talking. “I know you probably won’t feel the same, I know we’ve been friends for a while and things are fine the way they already are but the truth is that I like you as more than a friend, I… I love you...”
And then… he kissed you.
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Table For Two (W. H.)
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Warnings: Nop.
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: This one belongs to my 300 Follower Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration. Thanks so much for reading 💕
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Thanks for reading <3
The night was going slowly, your place at the front of the restaurant as the hostess not being as interesting as other days, only a few older couples here and there going in to have a relaxed evening.
You looked at the clock for the seventh time in like 5 minutes and let a deep breath out, you knew you shouldn’t get your hopes high but it was too late for that.
When Will had told you that tonight was going to be a special night you got more than excited, your emotion only growing bigger when he asked you if you were going to work this day, your answer immediately being yes to let him know you would, in fact, be here but now you couldn’t wait to know what was particularly special about this thursday night.
Maybe he got a raise on his job and he wanted to celebrate it with you, maybe he was finally going to introduce you to some of his friends or to his brother or maybe he was finally going to ask you out on a date, the idea bringing a dreamy smile to your face.
The air coming from the open door brought you back to reality and you prepared yourself to receive whoever was walking in.
“Good night, welcome to Acadia” you said taking a couple menus from your station.
“Hey, (Y/N), it’s me” you suddenly heard Will’s voice, your head quickly raising to be faced with his beautiful smile.
“Will, I thought you weren’t coming anymore”
“I told you tonight was special, didn’t I? So table for two, please”
“Of course, is your brother coming?”
But before he got to say anything a beautiful brunette appeared next to him taking his hand in hers.
“(Y/N), this is Natalie”
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Never Be Alone (S. R.)
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Warnings: Not at all
Word Count: 300 words.
A/N: Hello!!! I bring you a little drabble with Sean Roman, I was thinking about who else I wanted to write about for the day and Sean immediately pop into my mind. Hope you enjoy it! This belongs to Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration!  Thanks so much for reading 💕
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You had a difficult decision to make, in one side you could stay patrolling with Sean, your boyfriend, as your partner, on the other side you could be in the Intelligence Unit with Kim and Kevin, your best friends since academy. 
You certainly felt in the middle of a crossroad, worried about the income of any choice you made, scared of the consequences, if you stayed with Sean you could lose the opportunity of a lifetime, being in the best unit of the whole city, but if you took the job as a detective you feared you could lose Sean.
That was the kind of thoughts that kept you up at night when Sean was sound asleep next to you after a long day, the same thoughts that made you act weird around him when he told you how much he enjoyed being your partner, having the two things he loved the most together.
“So, did you finally make up your mind? You know Voight won’t be waiting much longer before he goes ahead and offers the job to someone else” he casually said one day at lunch.
“Are you saying that I should take the offer and transfer to Intelligence?” you tried to act like you really weren’t dying to hear his opinion.
“Well, I’m surprised you didn’t take the offer the second he told you there was an opening upstairs, I thought that was what you always wanted”
“Well… yeah but…”
“I’m afraid, I’m scared that I won’t be good enough for the job and more importantly I’m scared I might lose you, I know how much you love what we do” you let out avoiding his stare.
“Hey, look at me, no matter what you choose, I’m not going anywhere, I promise. You’ll never be alone”
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Just Another Girl’s 5 Years Celebration!!
Hello everyone!!! 
First of all I feel like I need to apologize with all of you, I’m sorry for being so absent for the last couple weeks. After the last story I posted I started to feel not so good and that lead me to some bad habits that were not doing me any good, the first 2 weeks or so I didn’t feel like doing anything, spending most of my day in bed and sleeping most of the time, only getting up to eat. 
That went on for two weeks until one day I just felt guilty and tired of not being able to do anything so I have been spending the last week trying to get back to some good habits, going to bed early to wake up early, avoiding to take naps and excersising every morning. Now I feel so much better and I’m slowly getting back to my old daily activities. 
That being said I feel like I need to let you know that I’m still working in the several requests I have and I hope to post them soon 😊
Now, getting all the ugly stuff out of the way, I’d like to thank all of you for being here, for reading my stories and for all your nice comments and interactions with them 🥰 Without all of you I wouldn’t be here celebrating 5 years of this blog 🥳
Yes! Like you read it, I woke up this morning to the wonderful news that Just Another Girl is 5 years old today!!!
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That’s why I’ve decided to combine this with my 300 followers celebration and I’ll be posting 300 words imagines today and tomorrow.
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Once again, thanks so much for all your support and I hope you stay around to celebrate with me this two days. 
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We’re so close!!!
Hello everyone!!! 
I am so excited to share this news with you!! I was going over my notifications when I realized we almost reach 300 followers!!! 🥳🥳🥳
I’m so happy about it that I started thinking and I would like to do something to celebrate it so when we do reach the 300 followers I would be posting during the day 300 words drabbles so if you have any suggestion or request or any idea in particular you’d like to see they are all welcome.
Thanks so much to everyone here for your support 💕
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