#3x22 fanfiction
Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x22 There's No Place Like Home (Part 3)
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 826
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (28)
Notes: I knew there was no way I could stick to just one drabble an episode for the CS movie, so I didn't even try. There will be 2 drabbles for 3x21 and 4 for 3x22. They are all written, so the plan is to post one per day until they're all posted.
Now what?
Emma turned in a circle, looking around Rumplestiltskin’s vault–so tall and vast, she couldn’t see the ceiling.  So compact there was no door or window.  Had they fixed the past only to die of hunger, thirst or suffocation?
Could they ever get a break?
She turned to see Killian picking up an urn and perusing it, and her heart rate spiked. “Wait! Don’t touch anything!” she said insistently. “If Rumple’s afraid of this stuff, there’s gotta be a reason.”
He placed the item back on a shelf, and turned to her, arms wide in a placating gesture. “I’m just trying to figure a way out.”
He was always the optimist.  Unfortunately, her optimism had all but run out.  They were at the end of the line.  “I don’t think there is one, and what’s the point?  You heard what he said; he can’t reopen the portal.”
Killian stepped forward, and gave her an intense look–one filled with hope and belief.  “But you can! All he said we need is magic.  You’re the savior, Swan. You can do it.”
Her heart plummeted. He always had such complete and indefatigable faith in her, but in this instance, she knew that faith was misplaced.  Her hands were tied, and she was of no more use in this situation than was the unconscious woman Killian had gently placed on the table.
“Not anymore.  I lost it,” she said simply.
A hint of something else–desperation? Frustration? Irritation?-- crept into his eyes as he stepped forward and spoke again. “When Zelena died, all of her spells were undone. Your powers should have been restored.”
What was he implying?
“Believe me, if I could make it work, I would,” she said shortly.  “You think I’m faking it?”
For the barest of moments, he hesitated, and she knew he was debating with himself whether or not to say what was on his mind.  A look of determination came over his face, and she knew he’d made his choice.
“I think not having magic makes it a hell of a lot easier for you to run back to New York and pretend to be somebody else,” he said, stepping closer to her, “but listen to me Swan. You’re not.  It’s time to stop running.”
It wasn’t fair of her after running so insistently from him and her real life for the past couple weeks; she knew that, but she couldn’t stop the frustration from mounting. “You think I don’t know that?” she bit out. “Yes, I run away; that’s how I’ve always survived, but believe me. I want this to work. I wanna go back; I wanna stop running.”
His eyebrows rose at that.  “What’s changed your mind?”
Emma thought back to last night when they’d found her mother again and Blue had been able to restore her.  She couldn’t hold herself back.  The joy and relief had been so strong she couldn’t possibly do anything but take her mother into her arms, laughing and crying, as she held on, cupping the back of Mary Margaret’s head.
“You’re alive!” she’d nearly sobbed.
When the hug came to an end, she looked at her mother to see nothing but a look of confusion. “Thank you. It would appear so.” 
Something inside of Emma had broken.  Suddenly, in a moment of total clarity, she’d seen the truth.  
She needed her family and she loved them more than anything.  Everything else had fallen away, all the fear, all the delusion.  She decided right then and there that whatever it took, she wanted to get back to her family–her current family, the ones who knew her and loved her and would be devastated if she left.  She wanted to get back and she didn’t ever want to leave again.
She did her best to convey all of this to Killian, pouring out her thoughts and emotion.  “Neal was right,” she finished.
“About what?” he asked, voice gentle.
“You don’t have a home until you just miss it,” she answered. “And being with my parents the last few days but not really being with them, I’ve never missed them more. Storybrooke is my home.”
It was the first time she’d spoken the words aloud, but she knew with absolute certainty that they were true.  Home, the word, the concept, the fact that she was ready to embrace hers left her feeling such warmth and belonging that it was as if it were spreading through her veins, to her very fingertips.
Killian smiled down at her, and she couldn’t stop her answering smile.  “What?” she asked.
“Look down,” he answered simply.
The wand she still held in her hand was glowing a bright, vibrant white, and Emma knew Killian was right.  Her magic was back.  All she’d needed to do was embrace it, embrace her home and family and destiny.
“I’d say you got your magic back,” he continued. “Now, should we go?”
Nothing in the world sounded better.
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bravevulnerability · 3 months
3x22 au with castle and beckett in the pool together pleeease
Castle wades in the shallow end, the pool mostly empty save for a man swimming laps and a woman, whom he just watched dive into the deep end. Her gaze snags on him the second she comes up for air. 
She swims over to him with irritation in her eyes flaring like the sun overhead. 
“I told you to stay on the deck,” Beckett growls.
“Beckett, people have seen us here together,” he reasons, trying so very hard to stop his eyes from wandering past her face, down to the exposed skin of her chest, sun-kissed and decorated with rivulets of water that race to converge at the v of her swimsuit. “Don’t you think it might look suspicious if I sit by and sip piña coladas while you seduce Royce’s killer?”
She doesn’t buy his reasoning. Not at all.
“Okay, okay, I also wanted to swim in the pool. It’s a nice pool, Beckett-”
Kate curses under her breath and flicks her eyes over his shoulder, her gaze landing on something that has her straightening in the water. Russell Ganz, he’s certain, and she confirms it when her gaze snaps back to meet his.
“Okay, since you ruined my original plan, we’re going to have to improvise.”
“I’m game. So how-” He chokes on his question as Kate places her hands to his bare shoulders. Her fingers dig into his skin ever so lightly as she uses him for purchase to reel herself in close. Her body glides through the distance between them, drifting through the water until her arms are lacing snugly around his neck.
He can't breathe.
"Castle," she snaps, but her lips are curled in a tight smile. "You're making me look bad. Touch me back."
"Say less," he mutters, reaching for her thighs.
She gasps in surprise when he hefts her up, her legs instinctively curling around his waist.
"I said touch not - grab," she huffs, but her arms remain folded around his neck.
"I didn't grab," he murmurs, slipping his palms up her thighs, past her hips, and splaying them wide at her spine. Her lips purse. "I'm just playing the part of a very interested male companion."
Beckett smirks, leans forward to tilt her mouth towards his ear. "So your normal role?"
"Funny," he mutters, but he's trailing his fingers up the line of her vertebrae, savoring the hitch in her breath, the stutter of it in his ear. "But you're not wrong. Though, I'd call this a more hands-on approach."
"Castle, I am trying to get Ganz's attention, stop-"
"Distracting you?" he grins, one of his hands lifting to curve along her shoulder.
He loves the structure of her bones, the strength he can see carved into her shoulders. He traces the bone of her clavicle with care, hooks his thumb under the strap of her suit.
Her head turns, nose bumping into his cheek. "He's on his phone. Not looking yet. Stop."
"I'm just touching. You said to touch-"
"I'm going to hit you," she mutters, unfurling her arms to cup her hands at his nape, lean back in his grasp. And oh, her eyes are... dark. "When he looks this way, I'm going to shove you away and get out of the pool. He'll follow."
"How can you be so sure?" he asks, lowering the hand at her shoulder back to her outer thigh. Which is pressing snugly into his hip. Holy shit he can't believe he has Kate Beckett wrapped around him.
"Because I have a plan," she shrugs, her own eyes tripping down his face, over his mouth, down to his chest.
The elegant line of her throat ripples.
Her thumb is moving in a maddening circle just below his ear, her palm draped at his pulse point. She's so close, her lips just inches away from his, the heat of her body flush with his, ruining the reprieve of the water.
He's going to kiss her. Again.
Her eyes flutter and she shakes her head.
"I'm sorry."
And then she dunks his head under the water.
He's dripping wet and waiting for her when she meets him behind the bushes. But before he can say a word, she's poking him.
"Ow!" he hisses, protecting his chest before she can stab him again while she whisper yells at him.
"He called me green, Castle! What the hell were you doing?"
"I saw his phone in the cabana after you tried to drown me," he scowls. "I thought it was worth the risk."
"You took his phone?"
"No, I took a picture of his recent calls list while you were busy flirting it up."
"What?" The smile spreads wide across her face. "Where is it?"
"Don't poke me," he warns as he digs for the phone in his pocket.
"Poke you? I wanna kiss you," she grins, taking the phone from his proffered hand.
He tightens his grip on the thick towel around his waist. His life can be so unfair.
"I'd like that," he risks. "Least you could do after you dunked me."
"Oh please," she sighs, glancing up at him with mischief in her eyes.
"Beckett, water went up my nose. Do you know how unpleasant-"
She lifts on her toes, lips at his cheek and dangerously close to his mouth.
She presses a kiss to his skin.
"Better?" she husks, and he curls his fingers at her hipbone, fisting the slinky, wet fabric of her wrap, her swimsuit, in his hand.
He exhales slowly. This new game they're playing, teasing the fire between them... he's not sure he can survive it.
"For now."
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tangleddd · 5 months
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Stefan sat Stefan sat on a swivelling lab chair facing Elena's body, which laid on one of the stark steel tables that scattered about the unfriendly room. Through the blurring tears, she took her in. Elena was still, so heartbreakingly still. But her beauty continued to radiate. Soft ebony hair. Smooth flawless skin. Full perfect lips. Her beauty was there to see, but somehow muted. Sleeping beauty. "You need to get her out of here." Meredith rang in the silent room, standing hesitantly in the doorway. She threw a nervous glance down the hallway. "The Council's back on high alert. No one can see her. There's an exit to the parking lot at the end of the hallway." Tangled Diaries 3.22 'The Departed'
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I’m so in love with them! <3
Disclaimer: I have no rights to it. It’s only my interpretion of this scene. I have no benefits from that. 
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hi!! do you have anything about blaine comforting kurt after the election and not getting into NYADA ? thank you!!
Here are some that I could find for you. Full disclosure: I haven’t read them.  - HKVoyage
Tongue Tied by rightonthelimit
It’s just one look they shared, and Blaine instantly knew what it meant before he even had to open up his mouth and ask. Kurt didn't get in NYADA.
Songs that Voices Never Share by misqueue
After getting his rejection from NYADA, Kurt can't talk about it. Blaine doesn't need him to. Set after "In the World of Silence" around 3x22 "Goodbye", and continuing the conceit of following the development of Kurt & Blaine's relationship through the lens of their sexual relationship.
Note: Part 4 of The Architects of Life series
Beginning Where It Ends by madlikemercury
“I didn’t get in,” He hears himself say. Hearing the words come from his own mouth seems even more final than reading them on the letter.
You're No Lima Loser by blaindersonkummel
When Kurt isn’t accepted into NYADA he thinks his New York plans are over. Blaine offers some encouragement to make him realise his dreams again. 3x22 reaction fic.
Like the Last Time and the Time Before by Spookykat
Blaine finds out about the results of Kurt's audition. A 3X22 Reaction fic.
Can't Let Go by PinkSunglassesAndSaiSwords
After Rachel announces she got into NYADA, Kurt was sure all his work had been for nothing. Cue Blaine to make his boyfriend feel ten times better. (ONE SHOT!)
New Dream by owenharpersgirl
After Kurt receives his NYADA letter, Blaine offers him a shoulder to cry on and some helpful advice. Spoilers for 'Goodbye'
Just A Bump In The Road by yourebrilliant
Kurt is surprised by Blaine's response to his NYADA letter.
When Kurt Got His NYADA Letter A Short Story by ASuperGleek
What happened after Kurt got his NYADA letter and how did Blaine react. This is what I think could have happened. I hope you enjoy this short story.
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
Hello! I've newly posted one of my first-ever fics to AO3 for rewatch. :)
A little Jane (and Roman) ficlet, 763 words. Set near the end of 3x22, before the team returns from South Africa, with spoilers to 4x12. ANGST. It was written in a single sitting without any proofreading because it was too sad to edit. I hope you all enjoy, and if you haven't seen it before (or even if you have!) I'd love to know what you think. :D
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backintimeforstuff · 1 year
ok so i have a quagmire msr fic pretty much ready to go but I'm indecisive about the title :(( so with no context AT ALL,,
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autismtana · 8 months
brittany s pierce is autistic
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around a year ago, i made this post about santana lopez and why i (as a neurodivergent person) view her as having adhd (among other things which i've mentioned elsewhere and plan on writing more meta about), and i think it's finally time to talk about brittany s pierce, my autistic queen, and why i view her as autistic.
firstly, i want to acknowledge that i'm not the first person to headcanon brittany as autistic. i'm nowhere near the first person to write a post about it. in fact, sue sylvester calls brittana "autistically feisty", which i think is the closest we've got to an actually autistic canon confirmation. i'd suggest reading these posts by smolbrittana and sopheadraws among others. brittany has also been written as autistic in fanfiction (the road to unicorn and there's something about santana are two of my personal favourites in terms of writing brittany as autistic in an authentic way that doesn't feel like autistic media portrayed by neurotypical people).
as i've said in other posts, i'm autistic myself and also have a background in adolescent psychology. i do not endorse diagnosing real people with anything; brittany s pierce is a fictional character and displays a lot of traits that resonate with me as an autistic person hence why i am making this post. i'm also aware that some of these things were written to be throwaway lines or comic effect but viewing them as that and viewing them through an autistic lens does not have to be mutually exclusive. also, i use identity-first language, which is generally preferred among actually autistic folks.
(trigger warning for discussion of sexual assault, as well as mention of school shooting)
sidenote but i also believe brittany to have a specific learning disability in language in addition to being autistic which will most likely require its own post.
anyway, without further ado, let's go.
poor executive functioning - brittany struggles with basic self-care tasks such as brushing her teeth and remembering to eat breakfast. it's also worth pointing out that a lot of autistic folks struggle with brushing their teeth for sensory reasons, which could be a possibility with brittany and why her teeth were in the state they were in during 2x02. i myself did not brush my teeth regularly until i got braces (when i was 15).
difficulty coping with change - this one is pretty broad and can encompass small things, such as believing in santa claus or believing that storks bring babies in her junior year of high school, and big things, such as her feelings of hopelessness and depression when she is held back a year and santana goes off to louisville.
rigid routines - writes everything with multicoloured crayon (a different crayon for every letter). she was also very particular when the planning for her wedding was taking place; was stressed out by the idea of santana seeing her in her wedding dress and felt the need to put a lot of rituals in place to alleviate her feelings of anxiety in that situation.
difficulty comprehending figurative language - brittany tends to take things people say at face value. there are a lot of examples of her misunderstanding when other people use non-literal figures of speech (e.g. "brittany, take it away"/"take what away?"). in 3x22 mercedes wishes everyone in glee club could all stay in the room together so they wouldn't have to leave and brittany suggests using the bin for a toilet and eating joe.
unusual eating habits - brittany has pica (consuming non-food items); canonically she has eaten the snowflakes at sadie hawkins, kleenex, sand in her master cleanse and the soil sue put in her and santana's lockers.
very particular narrow interests - brittany is an expert on cat diseases and (although the storyline bothers me for personal reasons) she is also exceptional at maths.
flat affect - often speaks in a monotone voice
tendency to come across as blunt or rude - this comes through in a lot of her interactions with tina and rachel, as well as in her speech to santana's abuela in 6x06 and her communication with guests on fondue for two.
inability to lie - often tells on herself, particularly in instances concerning sue and being pressured to spy on the glee club for her.
heightened sensory experiences - the one time when she notices blaine isn't in glee club because she can smell his hair gel. brittany is a great dancer (because the actress who played her was a professional dancer who worked with beyoncé) and is sensory-seeking in a proprioceptive way. she also enjoys the use of koosh pens and fidgets with them at times.
"unconventional" experiences with gender identity and/or gender expression and sexuality - research has shown that autistic individuals are more likely to identify as part of the lgbtq+ community, which brittany does as a bi woman. she has also experimented with androgynous gender expression (e.g. her senior prom outfit) and she ran for prom king.
masking - tends to have different personas depending on who she's with. she is more comfortable around santana and mercedes, but alters how she communicates with people depending on how they have communicated with her (or santana, who she's very protective of) in the past.
hyperfixations - when she's running kurt's (and later her own) campaign for president, a lot of her dialogue includes mentions of unicorns.
learning difficulties and poor experience in mainstream schooling - statistically, autistic children have poor school outcomes (and it's entirely the fault of the school system, not the children themselves). 60-70% of autistic people also have a learning disability. 56% of autistic youth in australia report being treated unfairly at school. when talking to rachel in 2x13, brittany explicitly says that teachers have told her that by not attending class, her grades might improve. as a result of the lack of support (which may have led to discomfort in asking for assistance), brittany was unable to graduate from high school with her peers.
naivety and/or childlike interests - brittany can be gullible at times (e.g. sue's baby cannons tactic). as smolbrittana pointed out in their post, she writes with crayon and plays with barbies at times.
difficulty understanding other people's points of view - the dissonance between her own understanding and expectations of sex versus artie's expectations for what his first sexual experience should be like.
unconventional ways of expressing emotions - brittany often uses lord tubbington to describe how she feels about a particular situation (often when she's upset about a situation involving santana); for example, she tells lord tubbington "you joined a gang" right after santana tells her over skype that her commitments to the louisville cardinals cheerleading team impede on her ability to talk to brittany over skype.
burnout - i've touched on this in other posts, but brittany's presentation in 5x12 and 5x13 read as her being exhausted and overwhelmed with feeling forced to pursue mathematics and not have any other creative outlet.
faceblindness - brittany mistakes a brunette girl who is a member of the prom committee for rachel, and at times confuses unique and mercedes.
love of animals - brittany has a close connection with her cats, lord tubbington and lady tubbington. research shows that autistic individuals prefer to interact with animals over humans and 80% of autistic children participated in pet therapy.
freeze response to trauma - brittany experienced a freeze response during the lockdown in 4x18, which is common in autistic people. this can be prolonged and can occur for minutes, even hours.
sexual trauma - this is unfortunately a case of glee making a joke out of serious topics and it's not an isolated incident. in 1x17, brittany (who at the time is a sophomore and therefore 15 or 16 years old), in an effort to state her case for why she should be ranked higher on quinn's arbitrary list of who are the most sexually promiscuous glee club members, mentioned that she has "made out" with mr kidney the janitor, who is presumably an adult as he is employed by the school* (also i want to point out that any relationship involving a school employee and a school student that is of a sexual nature is predatory regardless of age; for example, although puck is 18 when he has a sexual relationship with shelby, she is still in a position of power over him and by engaging in a romantic and later sexual relationship with him is a sexual predator). in 3x05, brittany later describes her first sexual experience as an "alien invasion" (and in fact the original dialogue for that scene revealed that she was 14 and the "alien" in question was a 19-year-old). research suggests that 30% of women have experienced sexual assault, and 2-3x as many autistic women are affected. an estimated 9 out of 10 autistic women have been victims of sexual assault. outside of her relationship with santana (who also canonically has experienced SA), brittany engages in hypersexual behaviour; she mentions having a "perfect record" and she mentions her sexual history as evidence of her popularity when persuading kurt to let her be his campaign manager. this can be interpreted as her way of coping with her traumatic experiences, and it becomes a problem when she uses sex as a way to help artie move on from tina, not realising that artie views sex differently than how she does.
(*also i want to point out that brittany's experiences with mr kidney could have also occurred much earlier than when she brought them up, which is even more unfortunate)
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princeescaluswords · 9 months
One of These Things is Not Like the Others
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Few things demonstrate to me the ubiquitous racism in the Teen Wolf fandom's treatment of Alan Deaton then the way that in a vast majority of their fanfiction, they have Peter Hale loathe Deaton while simultaneously respecting (if not secretly in love with) Chris Argent.
Peter had a conflict with Deaton for the first and only time during the show in Formality (1x11) when Peter tried to force Deaton to hand Scott over to him. At no other time did Peter attack, criticize or even tease Deaton: not in Visionary (3x08), not in De-Void (3x22), not in Orphaned (4x06). There was never any hint that Peter disliked or distrusted Deaton. The only time that Peter referred to Deaton in a conversation was in Visionary, where he informed Stiles that Deaton gave Talia good advice.
The same cannot be said for Chris Argent, who Peter physically attacked in Code Breaker (1x12); mocked in Fireflies (3x03); fled from in Alpha Pact (3x11); and emotionally tortured and impaled in A Promise to the Dead (4x11). Peter's motivation in Season 1 was getting revenge on the Argents. His point of view in Season 2 was completely focused on Gerard Argent, with whom he was rightfully concerned.
Yet somehow, the mutual violent antagonism between Chris Argent and Peter Hale is somehow frequently transformed into positive feelings between them. I don't have any problem with that, honestly, except when they turn around and have Peter scorn Scott in the strongest possible terms for thinking the True Alpha can respect, like, or trust any Argent. And then, the respect that Peter and Deaton had for each other (in Deaton's case, wary respect - Deaton described Peter's malicious cleverness to Derek in Party Guessed (2x09) in exact detail) is transformed into one-way derision. Weirdly enough though, in these stories, Peter's dislike and distrust is portrayed as understandable, while Deaton's, if he is allowed to pass judgement at all, is seen as all the part of his sinister (and ridiculously fanon) agenda to keep Scott under his thumb and deny Stiles his birthright.
It's mystifying! Until you take into account the fact that Peter and Chris are good-looking white men and Deaton is a good-looking black man. Somehow, that influences fandom into thinking that Peter despised Deaton and held a grudging respect for Chris.
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backtothestart02 · 1 year
The Fight For Her Life - 2/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: Enjoy!
Synopsis: 3x22 - Canon Divergent - Iris West died in Barry Allen's arms. But that wasn't the end. He was a speedster for a reason, and he would bring her back.
Chapter 2 -
Harry Wells did not picture himself much as the sentimental, sympathetic, lean-on-your-shoulder type. He’d been one only for his wife before she passed, and for Jesse when she was really little, but not since then. The tension in their tumultuous relationship was his fault, and he knew that. But something had happened when his wife died, and he couldn’t remove the cold exterior that surrounded him entirely.
But he would try. For Barry. After all, he knew what it was like to lose the love of your life. And for Barry it had to be 10 times as hard because he’d known what would happen in advance and had fought so hard to prevent it.
He found him – surprisingly – at STAR Labs in the cortex. Not in the home he once shared with Iris. Not in a suit and tie preparing to go to the funeral. Not curled in a ball in the fetal position crying his eyes out.
He was at the board writing with a marker in a gray t-shirt and sweats.
“You’re not going to the funeral.”
It was a statement of fact, not a question.
Barry didn’t stop writing. He did shake his marker and scribble madly – apparently it had run out of juice. So, he tossed it across the floor and picked up another. Then he continued to write, moving across the board in speedster-fashion.
Harry approached him slowly.
“What is it, Wells?” he finally answered. “I’m a little busy right now.”
“When’s the last time you showered?”
Barry’s hand stilled. He turned his head slightly in Harry’s direction.
“That’s what you want to ask me?”
Harry slid his hands into his pockets.
“It’s a start.”
Barry’s lips thinned, then turned back to the board.
“A couple days ago,” he admitted, not sounding overly concerned.
“Maybe you should before-”
“I’m not going to the-” He stopped himself, and Harry could hear the hitch in his throat. “I’m not going.”
Harry was close enough to see Barry’s hand shaking as he tried to grip the marker and inevitably had to set it down.
“Come on,” he urged. “I’ll have Cisco bring your clothes over. There’s a shower downstairs you can use. We’ll get to the cemetery just in time.”
“The cemetery.”
His voice sounded dull, numb, emotionless with an undercurrent of anger and frustration. No hint of sadness, and Harry knew that wasn’t because he wasn’t absolutely distraught. It was because giving into that emotion would mean admitting defeat, admitting she was really gone, and that he would have to live the rest of his life without her.
“What are you thinking, Allen?” he asked, holding his breath for a beat, preparing for the young man to turn around suddenly and snap at him, anger in his eyes, fuming like a fire-breathing dragon.
But that wasn’t what happened. He spoke softly with no anger, and when he did turn around there was a determination in his eyes that was impossible to ignore.
“I’m going back.”
Harry frowned, though his heart told him there was no need for confusion. He knew exactly what Barry was referring to.
“Going back? Going back to…where?”
“Not where. When.”
Harry took a step back.
“Time travel.”
Barry finally turned to look at him.
“It’s the only way to save her.”
“Iris is gone.”
“She doesn’t have to stay gone.”
“I just have to go back to the right time and-”
“What? Create time remnants? Didn’t future you say that wasn’t going to work out?”
“No. Not time remnants. Changing time.”
“You tried that too. Flashpoint, anyone?”
Barry’s jaw locked.
“I won’t repeat past mistakes. Flashpoint didn’t work because I was trying to change a fixed point. But there are other events, equally crucial ones that aren’t fixed, and if I change them, I can make it better. I can save her life.”
Harry just stared, trying to wrap his head around the idiocy that Barry was focused entirely on.
“Joe and Wally are waiting. Savitar’s gone. For now. Who knows where? And Killer Frost with him. Today is the day to mourn, and tomorrow we defeat the bad guys. We need you here as the Flash, not off in time making things worse.”
“Worse?!” Barry boomed, his voice rising. “How could they possibly be worse than Iris dying?!”
Harry held up his hands, trying to fend him off and get his breathing to slow down, to regulate back to normal.
“How about Joe dying? Or Wally? How about Cisco? Who just narrowly escaped from his best friend trying to kill him? What if he actually died? Could you take that more? Would it be easier to grieve?”
“Yes!” His eyes blazed. “Yes, it would.”
Harry pursed his lips.
“It’s not fair what happened, Barry. But it’s not your fault either.”
“Not my fault? Savitar is me. He exists because of my choice to create Flashpoint.”
“And so you go and create another one? Think, Allen, think!”
But Barry wasn’t thinking about the consequences or listening at all anymore.
“Flashpoint… Not undoing it, I’ve tried that before, didn’t work, there were still too many changes. So if I go further back. What made me do Flashpoint?” He started to pace and then returned to the board and started to write again, ignoring Harry’s ranting completely. “Zoom killing my dad made me do Flashpoint. So, if I stop that…how far back would I have to…” He scribbled some more, listing events that led up to the death of his father when he finally reached the conclusion he’d been searching for. The event that brought Zoom to Earth-1.
“The singularity. I have to prevent it.”
He turned around, almost colliding with the man practically pulling his hair out at the brick wall he was trying to communicate with.
“I got it. I’m gonna save her.”
“Barry, no, don’t you, Barry, Ba-”
But it was too late. Barry ignited his super speed and sped out of the cortex, out of STAR Labs, down the street until the portal into the speed force opened, and he lunged inside.
Images passed before him as he focused. He saw his dad again, and he saw Zoom. He saw memories with the team, with Patty, with Iris. He saw Ronnie and Eddie’s death.
“Just a little farther…”
Then he burst forth, tumbling out onto the street in his suit.
“Hey, Flash!” a stranger called out. “Nice new emblem. The white really makes it pop.”
Barry looked down, and then back up.
Then he sped away, into STAR Labs, barely escaping the notice of everyone there. It was quite the crowded bunch with everyone there, awaiting the fate of Eobard Thawne. But Barry only had to find one person.
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barbiegirldream · 1 year
so nothing officially known... I personally feel like the show WAS aiming for delena from the start because from the start it catered much more heavily towards the "realising the bad guy deserves love too" trope than "staying together against all obstacles" one, but I have always wondered if that flashback in 3x22 of Damon and Elena meeting before the events of the show was always planned (as in, the whole show is written with the premise "they met first, it should have been their story") or was it like. some sort of fix-it retcon
It was 100% a fix it retcon. The I saw her first I get dibs shit is insanely lazy story writing. Stefan saving her under wickery bridge isn't the reason she fell in love with him in season 1. Stefan helped her feel alive again. Damon helped her embrace being... dead? Like it's really bad. Anyways Stefan and Elena through season 1-3 were staying together against all obstacles tropes and Damon was the main obstacle before Klaus.
They were aiming to establish a love triangle the main component of the books. While conveniently skirting around that Damon is a predatory rapey possessive monster. they literally wrote him like this in Season 1A breaking into Elena's house giving her wet dreams, trying to make her kiss him, forcing himself on Caroline and compelling her to let it happen over and over again. The show then tried to heavy heavy shift courses on him to make him seem even Kind Of redeemable. And then in seasons 4-6 tried to go for the Damon is a monster who wants to kill but Elena is okay with that now for some reason.
So they never really Sold the love story and they knew it. Damon and Elena weren't an epic love story they were a hot and heavy fanfiction trope of help I'm sired to the vampire who's killed my brother and abused my friends for years what do i do but have sex with him. And then after that they had no clue what to do with a relationship for them. Back and forth with does Damon want to be human does he want to be with Elena if he keeps breaking up with her. If Elena can have like all of 6 memories compelled away and she goes from loving Damon to hating and being repulsed by him did she actually love him much at all? That was the way Nina exited the show that was her final season. Elena barely loves Damon and tries desperately to convince him not to be human with her. And in the end Damon is forced to become human and lose his brother and that's it that's how his character ends until he gets peace and he and Elena get to Vampire Diaries Heaven and their eternities of Peace is them splitting up and going to be with their families instead of each other. It's literally one of the worst done relationships in any show ever 😭
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x22 There's No Place Like Home (Part 4)
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 528
Tagging a few people who may be interested (Let me know if you want to be added or taken off the list): @sailormew4 @annaamell @flslp87 @emmateo26 @bethacaciakay 
@ultraluckycatnd @effulgent-mind @ilovemesomekillianjones @brooke-to-broch 
@missgymgirl @galadriel26 @the-lady-of-misthaven @charmingturkeysandwich 
@jennjenn615 @laschatzi @kimmy46 @snowbellewells @iamanneenigma
@daxx04 @nickillian  @gillie  @britishguyslover @ginnyjinxedandhanshotritafirst
@kmomof4 @linda8084 @golfgirld @captain-swan-coffee @searchingwardrobes 
@hollyethecurious @laughswaytoomuch  @allyourdarlingswans  @winterbaby89 @facesiousbutton82 
@therooksshiningknight @lfh1226-linda @tiganasummertree @jrob64  @anmylica 
@booksteaandtoomuchtv @i-will-sing-no-requiem @bluewildcatfanatic @laianely
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)
Notes: I knew there was no way I could stick to just one drabble an episode for the CS movie, so I didn't even try. There will be 2 drabbles for 3x21 and 4 for 3x22. They are all written, so the plan is to post one per day until they're all posted.
Note 2: You didn't think I could write a series of season 3 drabbles without one about the CS kiss outside of Granny's did you?
She was kissing him, really kissing him.  Killian’s heart swelled, somehow, paradoxically both soaring and settling.  She was kissing him.
He’d never planned to tell her about the deal he’d had to make to get back to her.  He wanted her more than anything in the world, but the last thing he’d wanted was for her to come to him out of a sense of obligation, of owing him for what he’d given up.
He missed his ship, aye, but if it was a choice between the Jolly and Emma, it was no contest.  He’d have given up anything to get back to her.
The kiss went on and on.  It was far gentler and less passionate than the one they’d shared in Neverland, but it was real.  It was not borne merely of lust but of feelings acknowledged without words.  She’d leaned into him not to blow off steam, not in answer to a challenge, not as a thank you.
She’d leaned in to him because she cared for him.  She’d let down her walls and accepted her family and now she’d accepted her feelings for him.  He could feel it in the way her lips and tongue moved against his.
It was overwhelming, the feelings inside so real they nearly brought tears to his eyes.
Later, when he had a chance to reflect on all of it, the elation would come, the joy that would make him want to shout his love to the rooftops, but for now, nothing existed but her and the fact that she was kissing him.
She pulled back for a moment and looked up at him with an almost tentative smile, and the openness in her eyes, the trust, the–dare he say it–love he saw shining back at him through them would have brought him to his knees had he been standing.
He returned her gentle smile before leaning in to close the distance between them once more.  He’d always let her set the pace of this relationship, let her make the first moves.  He’d been hesitant to step forward toward her–not only because he knew he needed to be patient and allow her to lower her walls in her own time, but also because he needed to protect his own heart.  If he moved too quickly and scared her away….
But now, something had changed.  She’d given herself to him–not yet in the carnal sense, of course, but in the emotional sense.  With her kiss, she’d told him she wanted this relationship too; that she was done running, and he could have no more stopped himself from going in for that second kiss than he could have stopped himself from breathing.
She was intoxicating, and it was a high from which he hoped to never come down.  Cupping her head with his hand, letting the silky strands flow through his fingers, he let the kiss go on and on.
No doubt there would be difficulties, set backs, new villains to defeat, but for now, for right now, he felt as though his life was nothing short of perfect, and he’d remain with her in this moment forever if he could.
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somecrocanadian · 2 years
John Wick Fanfiction
In preparation for John Wick: Chapter 4 I wanted to share some of my John Wick crossover fics I have written. I have yet to see the movie but I am so excited to do so.
The Assassins Boogeyman
John Wick x Arrow crossover.
John is ready to burry his life under concrete one last time but a phone call calls in a favour that he cannot refuse. He makes his way to Starling city to help the remains of team Arrow stop the spread of the Alpha Omega virus.
A fix-it of sorts of Arrow 3x22 "This is Your Sword" with John Wick.
A Troublemakers Worth
John Wick x Avengers crossover.
When Peter Parker comes across an uncompleted police file of a shooting he takes it to the Avengers. Once spilling the contents and other facts Natasha starts to worry about who is behind it. Can the team handle a sampling of the underworld?
How to fight the Boogeyman
John Wick x Doctor Who
What happens when the Doctor and Donna need help fighting off a Baba Yaga? Well, it takes one to know one.
Inspired by a meme, don't take it to seriously.
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crazymisscarly · 3 years
what about The people ain’t happy, and the river has run dry? I'm pretty sure Im too dumb to understand the title fully but it sounds intriguing
Nooo you’re not dumb homie, it’s pretty obscure!! and thanks for asking :)
THAT title comes from a line in the song “Blood // Water” - aka the song playing in the background when FP carries Jughead’s lifeless body out of the forest after the Ghoulies almost kill him.
This particular fic takes place directly after Betty, Jughead and the crew discover Kevin alone when the Farm ‘ascends’ in 3x22, like right afterwards. Because I personally needed *more* from that ending. I didn’t write much of it, unfortunately. But who knows what the future holds:
In the eleven years I’d known her, there were many emotions I’d seen eclipsing Betty’s sweet and poised demeanour. 
Profound joy, enraged calm, and even a sadness so deep that her tears started to fall even before her face did.
But never, in all our years together, had I seen her hysterical.
Until now.
“They’re gone.” Betty gasped out, her head buried in Jughead’s shoulder. 
Jughead rubbed her shaking back and ignored the twinges of pain in his neck as Betty’s arm’s tightened around him. “They’ll be okay, Betty.” He said, though truthfully he wasn’t sure he believed his own words.
“No, they’re dead. They’re gone. Edgar killed them.” Her voice was high pitched in a strangled, raspy way that cut through Jughead’s heart.
“I’m calling the cops.” Archie said; if he sounded worried, Betty didn’t notice.
Toni watched as Archie pulled out his phone, then reached out to put her hand on his shoulder. “Just call FP. He’ll… he’ll know what to do.” Toni paused, and Jughead looked up to note the disbelief on her face. “He’s the Sheriff… he has to…”
(and that was all she wrote hahaha I do still want to write more of this one day though)
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I love them!
Disclaimer: I have no rights to it. It’s only my interpretation of this scene. I have no benefits from that. 
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echele-78 · 3 years
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Created for @shadowhunterbingo​
Square Filled: Hunt
Rated: G
Ship: Malec
Summary:  Magnus and Alec look for a place to live in Alicante.
Tags: Episode 3x22 Missing Scene, House Hunting, Magical Moving, High Warlock of Alicante Magnus, Inquisitor Alec
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31180682
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