#4 lions tropes
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Cyclone Comics (1940) #3
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writingwithfolklore · 4 months
Monsters and Creatures
              I love a good monster—who doesn’t? Monsters can be easy antagonists in survival, horror, fantasy (or really any genre) to pose a threat to characters and incite conflict to keep the plot plotting. So how do we create a believable monster? The key is in consideration of the creature’s biology.
Before we get into it, I have an important point:
1. Yes, make them monstrous—but don’t vilify human features
One trend I really hate right now is analog horror using “fake humans” as dangerous, horrible monsters. While I love a doppelganger, what this genre has unfortunately really leaned into is using physical deformations and other natural human features to distinguish between the “good, safe” people and the “bad, dangerous” people.
I’m sure you can see why that’s not okay. Good, loveable, safe, kind and real people have physical deformities, and by only portraying them as evil or monsters in media, these tropes perpetuate harmful thinking towards disability and deformities. Media has never really made progress in being rid of this stereotype, and unfortunately it seems we’re going in the complete opposite direction we should be.
Don’t vilify normal human features. Please.
Okay onto the actual creation:
2. What, how, and how often do they eat?
Likely the first thing you’ll consider when creating a monster, and usually what determines if they’re a threat to humans or relatively harmless.
Is your creature a carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore?
How much do they have to eat? Don’t be fooled by bigger=more, hummingbirds have to eat up to 3x their body weight in food per day because they burn calories, and lions can use one hunt to sustain them for several days.
How do they consume food? Do they have sharp teeth, or tear apart with their claws first? If they’re an omnivore, they need flat, strong molars for breaking down plants as well as sharp front teeth for meat. Do they consume via mouth, tube, or other appendage?
Determine their usual diet when there are no human characters around to hunt.
How do they hunt? Do they have the ability to "clever girl" their prey? What do they use to their advantage in their environment?
2. Where do they live?
Were they grown in a lab? If so, where were the scientists intending to put them, or what were they built for?
Are they supposed to blend in with their surroundings or others of their species? (Think many types of fish, or zebras) Or are they made to stand out (such as brightly coloured fish that are poisonous)
A creature who lives in a green, lush forest that gets heavy rain often is going to look a lot different than one who lives in the desert. Consider how they’d be built to survive their environment and climate.
3. What are their social instincts?
Do they have pack instincts? Or are they solo?
If they do have pack instincts, will they bond with humans? Or other creatures of different species?
What do they do with their young or family?
How do they find a mate to reproduce?
What do they do if they come across another of their species? Or an animal of another species?
4. What do they use to defend themselves?
Are they poisonous to their predators? Do they have a hard shell or quick reflexes?
Consider what might pose a threat to them in their environment, and what they’ve developed to defend themselves against that threat.
If they are the apex predator, consider what they have that makes them so effective in their environment.
5. What are their vulnerabilities?
Or another way to put it--how can they be killed?
Do they bleed? Is chocolate or another food poisonous to them?
Do you need a specific weapon or technique to harm them?
Anything I missed?
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houseoflibra-if · 8 months
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"House of Libra? It's best not to talk about them, lest you wish to end up silenced like how they once were."
House of Libra.
Once the peacekeepers of the kingdom, now reduced to nothing but a lost tale. They were well respected by many for maintaining the balance of the lands, yet betrayed by those who wished for too much.
However, without House Libra keeping the balance alive, the world succumbs to the ire of the Zodiac Aura. A powerful dose of magic pulses through the lands, mutating anyone without protection. But protection can only last so long, and it's only a matter of time before the Aura consumes the lands whole.
Your family remains as one of the only branches of House Libra left alive. Due to the natural essence of your house, your family is less affected by the Zodiac Aura. No matter, as House Libra grows smaller, the world continues to eat itself alive.
It's up to you to restore the peace in the lands, for you were born under the Equinox sky.
"Never forget my words, little star. This House may have fallen, yes, but we will rise again."
House of Libra: Resurgemus is an upcoming interactive fiction inspired by the zodiac signs. You will have the freedom to explore the story and its characters with depth, so questions and various asks are greatly encouraged! This series will be 16+ (TBC), on Twine.
Play as a male, female or non-binary person. Have the freedom to choose your appearance based on what you like.(Please take note that I am a new writer, as such I do not have much experience with writing non-binary characters/pronouns. Please bear with me!)
Shape your character and personality, should you be kind, cold or a sassy boss, the choice is yours.
Build relationships- or break them if you wish. The choice is yours, but your actions will have consequences.
Have a say in the way your back story is woven. Choose your desired trauma that will affect certain plots of the story.
Choices matter. Your actions and words will influence the ending you achieve, so be wise with how you wish to shape your story.
Romance ranges between the 4 given options, shower them with your own type of affection for they will adore you nonetheless. Or you could lead them to their deaths. Woopsie.
Choose your relationship with your family. Are you a loving family? Or do you constantly need family therapy? Choose their fates as well (but don't kill all of them, that's kinda mean.)
Gain new skills and various powers that will aid you in your journey. But be warned, will they great power comes great responsibility. And a greater chance of messing things up.
Various endings will (hopefully) be available based on your choices.
This IF will be more focused on interactions and choices compared to stats. I don't think I plan on having stats. Maybe a sanity bar, but I'll see how well the coding goes.
Romance Options
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Avira/Aurelius Lozenges, [RO]
Age: 26
The eldest child of House Leo, Avira/Aurelius is the epitome of the zodiac's charms. Charismatic, ambitious and loyal to a fault, there's no wonder why they're called by the admirable title of House Leo's Golden Lion. They are expected to take over the ruling throne once their father retires.
Although, with every envied perfect child comes a chamber of secrets, and they are no different. Guarded eye(s) and tense shoulders, they seem constantly restless under judgmental gazes of everyone in the kingdom.
Perhaps, you may be able to give them the freedom they long for. After all, a lion in a castle is still a caged lion.
Romance trope:
Love at first fight
Tame a wounded beast
Cocky/Arrogant -> Soft/Sweet
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Castora/Castor Dioscuri, [RO]
Age: 24
The renowned child of House Gemini, they are known for their sharp mouth and playful personality. Castora/Castor remains as the number one It Girl/Guy of the kingdom as they're not only captivating in nature, but they too posses a brilliant mind like no other. Having them on your side would be quite advantageous, no?
There's something off putting about them though, as the House of Gemini have always borne children that are twins no matter how different. Yet, Castora/Castor remains as the only member of House Gemini to be born alone.
Will you dig deeper into their depths? Or will you drown in their eyes, just like everyone else? With them, you are never alone.
Romance tropes:
Slow burn
Frenemies -> lovers
Closed off heart that's waiting to be loved
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Esme/Esmeray von Aquaria, [RO]
Age: 28
Some people call them cursed.
And to others, they were simply unlucky as a child for straying too far.
Esme/Esmeray is a child of House Aquarius, yet they couldn't despise it enough. Known for being one if the most influential houses due to their unyielding intelligence, a child of House Aquarius must be perfect in the eyes of others.
Yet Esme/Esmeray is the exact opposite of that. Cursed by the effects of Zodiac Aura when they were younger, they carry the mark of the Waxing Moon. This affected their life despite protection given, and they will not rest until they slay the beast that hurt them so.
They have a cold and distant personality, paired with one of the brightest minds in the kingdom only to be rivaled by the child of House Gemini. Will you be the one to thaw this icy heart? Or will you suffocate in the depths of Aquaria?
Romance trope:
Cold -> absolute simp
Heated arguments and soft confessions
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Nyoka Constello, [RO]
Age: same as player character
The forgotten children of the banished zodiac. Nobody remembers how this House used to flourish as they are now called the Followers of Ophiuchus. Scorned by the lands and cursed by the stars, the last surviving followers live in hiding. Now, they are nothing but tales woven in time.
Well, that's for everyone else. Nyoka just so happens to be your childhood friend, having been born under the same moon and stars aligned. They used to be docile and caring, but times have changed and so have they. Don't fret, little star, for they still have a soft spot for you.
They have an unusual appearance, with a long and sturdy sea-snake tail paired with sharp semi-curved horns. Their dark eyes seem to pull you in, rivaling the stars above.
But the mutation is spreading, and they've no clue how much time they have left. Save them, if you must. Or watch the one you once loved die.
Romance trope:
Angst. Just angst. And maybe fluff.
Childhood friends -> strangers -> lovers
"Perhaps we were soulmates in another life."
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Here are some things you need to know:
I am a new writer (this is my first interactive fiction project.) so not everything will be smooth sailing.
I estimate the demo to come out mid this year, but personal matters may change some things.
This is my passion project. Please don't expect me to dedicate all my time onto this as I have a life as well.
I'm very new to coding, so learning twine will take a while. I'll have to do a few test runs before releasing the demo.
I adore feedback and asks about the game. It helps me improve as a writer while getting to build my characters more.
I want to have fun with everyone, so hateful criticism will not be tolerated. Treat me with respect and I will return the gesture.
That's all for now (I think). Have fun reading!
Demo (TBA) || Character Post (TBA) || World building (TBA)
Credits to Doshiart on picrew for the character portraits!
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saturnianprincess · 2 years
[𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝] 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
In this reading, I will tell you all the details about your first meeting/date with your Future Spouse/Partner. How to choose a pile: Close your eyes, meditate on the piles if you feel like and pick the one your intuition guides you to. As always take what resonates and let the rest fly! Hope you enjoy this reading :)
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1 -> 2 -> 3
Pile 1
An unexpected meeting with your FS/FP is the first message I got! It feels like this will be very spontaneous or it might not exactly be a date but the vibes will very much be date-worthy. I feel those who chose this group, your FS/FP is a very unpredictable person (in a good way), they have a unique approach to life in general and you will definitely catch that when you meet them for the first time. You may also be embodying rebellious energy or just breaking away from the norms. For some, you might be in a mentally drained state before you meet. Anyways, there seem to be other people definitely involved in either setting you both up or maybe they invite you to a party or ask you to hang out with their friends. You both might go to a bar/club or some sort of place with music, people, and drinks. You may feel a bit nervous or anxious initially and may think that they might judge you. But those feelings will pretty much vanish when you start talking to them. They will make you feel very comfortable and from the entire experience, they will come across as a very emotionally mature person. They are your soulmate and you might get some weird inkling about that when you both meet. The energies on the date feel very calm and zen. Even if you are with a group of people, I see you both moving aside and having your own conversation and enjoying each other's company. Additionally, for some of you, I see that you and your person decide to go somewhere else. It's very spontaneous and I think it correlates to the energy of your FS/FP. Overall, the meeting leaves you both feeling very satisfied and emotionally content.
Extra messages: Ferris Wheel, Ice-cream from a cone, concerts, July, December, 7, 22, 15, angel number 777
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Pile 2
This date is all about you embodying your own power and trying out new things. You are challenging yourself to step out of your comfort zone. For some of you, I see that you actually might meet your FS/FP through a one-night stand situation or your ‘date’ is just a causal hook up. While for the rest, you might find yourself with a lot of options and people. So you go on this date as a something temporary and just for the experience. I feel like some of you or your FS/FP are not planning to date or get into a relationship. Some of you might get dinner with them before doing anything spontaneous. I see some expensive wine and a fancy restaurant. Your FS/FP really treat you properly, might even go shopping or just spending money on you. I don’t feel like they have to put that much effort. They are a real charmer and they know how to treat someone on a date. They have a lot of experience when it comes to dating. While on the date you both could bond over your childhood memories or your life as a teenager. I feel like you will realize how similar your life is to theirs, like many common themes and experiences. I also see that for some you might be reconciling or reconnecting with someone from your past or childhood. Maybe friends or neighbors who grew apart and reconnect later sort of trope (but this is for some people not everyone). You both will love to indulge in finer things and appreciate art and other luxurious stuff in the same way. Also, I am strongly picking up on financial abundance from your FS/FP. They could be financially well off or come from a wealthy family.
Extra messages: lion symbolism, red wine, October, November, 21, 4, angel number 222
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Pile 3
Alright so right off the bat, those who chose this group, your first meeting happens after a either an ending of a relationship platonic or romantic. Some sort of heartbreak and emotional pain. I am also picking up on financial instability or job loss for some of you. You will embody a different energy, where you reinvent yourself and undergo and massive spiritual and emotional purging. You will start focusing on yourself and filling your own cup. Once you reach this level of self-satisfaction and being content with who you are will you meet your FS/FP. This is a very fated person and you will feel it once you start making these changes. You will feel more aligned to your destiny. The date itself will be very much written in the stars. You and your FS/FP are very giving people and when you attain a balanced state of your energies together. I feel like the date will be something out of your regular routine. Most likely out of boredom and to seek some excitement you end up going to this random place which you never frequent or you randomly decide to go hangout with some people and thats when you meet your FS/FP. There is also a high possibility that you may have already heard of or seen this person but not really gotten to know them.
Extra messages: birthday cake, spring season, cherry blossoms, March, September, 25, 27, 8, angel number 444
©️Saturnianprincess 2023 | home
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cellarspider · 7 months
Spider's Big Prometheus Thing: Index Post
Being a list of all the posts produced in the course of this inexplicable project of mine. This project is now complete, at an unexpectedly extensive thirty entries long.
I swear, I didn't intend for it to go like that, but it was fun to write.
All entries have at least a minimum level of citations for where to start looking for more facts on any subject external to the movie itself, which includes everything from how DNA is sequenced to how Nickolodeon slime is made, and from the comedy in mislabeled portraits of early church fathers to the correct attribution of a cat's contributions to historical linguistics.
Be aware that there's also hidden rambling and bonus facts in the image alt text. A lot of them.
0. Introduction
Setting the scene, including my background, my intent, and where this movie is going.
1. Opening
Expectations, landscapes, and aliens.
Rambles: DNA, whether aliens would have it, and why it doesn't look like a pale bacon ladder.
Alt-text rambles: nano-bubbles.
2. Discovery
The Isle of Skye is gorgeous, the movie attempts to establish its themes, and why it had already got my hackles up. Rambles: how cool ancient and pre-modern peoples were, the implications of humanoid figures in European cave paintings, and misplaced lions. Alt-text rambles: seriously, Skye is just so cool. Erich von Däniken and modern publishing royalties are not.
3. David
We meet the loneliest android, and his fandom of choice. Rambles: I go nuts for a paragraph over Proto-Indo-European. Alt-text rambles: Help me remember a dude's name, that time Ron Perlman saw Sigourney Weaver do something so cool he forgot to act, and a Coronation Street conspiracy theory.
4. Humans (Derogatory)
We meet the human crew, and analyze why they're a mismatch to the movie's established expectations, and what subgenre they fit in most. It isn't the one the movie seems to be aiming for. Rambles: 50s B-movies and their Men Of Science, modern movies and their quietly suffering scientists. Alt-text rambles: inconsistently moist characters, Idris Elba's christmas tree decorations.
5. Pseudoarchaeology (Extremely Derogatory)
We meet Old Man Capitalism, poor logistics, and how the movie began to really lose me through dropping in some racist pseudoscience tropes. Rambles: more logistics (of alien bioengineering), historical art styles, what the world was getting up to in the 600s CE Alt-text rambles: Linguistics, more ranting, the life and extraordinarily ornate death of Kʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal. Rants: the existence of writing, people who don't look like you can still think, stargazing and how conspiracy theorists don't understand it.
6. Roads
Poor firearm safety with Chekhov's Gun, when movies move too fast, atmospheric chemistry, and the moment I began to yearn for blood. Rambles: First contact protocols, why 3% CO₂ won't kill you but it will make you weird, my personal experience digging up a Roman road. Alt-text rambles: the logistics of securing items in moving craft, linguistics, atmospheric science, colorblind-friendly diagram design, swearing about orology, and cursing the crew for their fictional crimes against archaeology. Rants: Why they should've stayed in orbit, and my impassioned defense of historically significant transportation infrastructure.
7. Masking
The bit that made most people realize these characters were idiots. Featuring an attempt at themes. Rambles: NASA's policies on biological contaminants Alt-text rambles: Benedict Wong having nothing to do, helmet design, driving on dusty track, the tiny overlap between archaeological horrors and Minecraft, the CDC's excellent captions on men sneezing. Rants: Nominating a man for the Heinrich Schliemann Archaeology Award, all these people are catching space covid
8. Ghosts
Comparing the Engineers to their series antecedents, and I develop a slight soft spot for the geologist. Rambles: Set design in Alien, how carbon dating works. Alt-text rambles: Adventure games, GET DOWN MISTER PRESIDENT, I get very excited for Dune: Part Two, the archival devotion of people with rare blorbos.
9. Dignity
Personal, professional, social, and media context for the treatment of people's remains. Rambles: Personal experiences around the archaeological discovery of human skeletons, professional codes of ethics, movies that handle dead bodies better by being more crass about it. Alt-text rambles: None, the main text gets full focus this time.
10. Atmosphere
How intertextual imagery is overused, how the one major character arc is developing, and a whole grab bag of miscellaneous shambolic events. Rambles: How tourist-breath can destroy artifacts, and a deleted scene Alt-text rambles: Whether explaining mysteries is always the wrong decision in fantasy, the usefulness of helmets, Mass Effect's loading screens, please someone give me more recommendations for things where Giger creatures aren't all bad, and how cultural variation in gestures can make you look like an asshole. Rants: they aren't done desecrating the dead oh boy it's just gonna get worse
11. Decontamination
How to present an audience with events that make no sense, how to do it eerily, and how Prometheus does this by accident. Rambles: NASA's Apollo 11 quarantine policies Alt-text rambles: How 2001: A Space Odyssey put on a cosmic lightshow, how traditions are faked for political and social power in Midsommar, confusing lab equipment, robot arm safety, the use of camper vans in space exploration, umarell behavior, and robot horror movies. Bonus text rambles: pressurized gas cylinder safety, and how the cargo of one truck apparently tried to join Roscosmos. Rants: Laboratory safety
12. Shocking
Mary Shelly would not be proud of them. Rambles: Which home electrical appliances their tomfoolery is equivalent to. Alt-text rambles: Semiotics and Alien, reuse of props and art department equipment, the cast's inability to look at things, how the first chestburster scene intelligently incorporated spontaneity, and I completely lose my mind over a single computer readout, finding out in the process that the Engineers are close cousins to the common house mouse. Rants: I didn't think that "don't stick electrical plugs in people's ears" would be something that needed to be said, but here we are.
13. Family Tree
A soothing ramble about some of the cool bits of my job. Rambles: How evolution has made some vertebrate blood white or green, how genomes are sequenced, and how to determine the relatedness of species. And more. A lot more. I love my job. It's so cool. Alt-text rambles: How Nickelodeon slime was made, how hecking tiny molecules are, why blue-tongued skinks have blue tongues, my review of Dune: Part Two, how hard I worked to not turn Gene Wilder into a jumpscare, lots of enthusiastic explanations of DNA sequencing techniques, the aesthetics of the machines wot do that for you, how "snip" no longer sounds like a verb to me, and how I started out as a computational scientist.
14. Cheers
David poisons a man, and how his character arc ties into christian-influenced existential dread. Rambles: series continuity, gnostic theology, Ridley Scott's beliefs. Alt-text rambles: How to ruin petri dishes, Vickers' questionably carbon-based existence, the game of Operation, hand doubles in filming, how the funniest possible misidentification of an early church figure is wandering around the internet, the cool genders of suit actors, gnostic Archons, and the Engineers as Sophia. Rants: Holloway seems unaware that archaeologists study dead people, Ridley Scott is his own biggest problem.
15. Unworthy
The movie does something I'm not going to joke about. Don't read this if you're having a bad day. Big content warning for Holocaust imagery.
16. Intimacy
Your asexual commentator grapples with Hollywood's terrible track record on romantic and sexual chemistry. Rambles: Why we don't say an archaic-looking species is "older" than another, how religious scientists do what they do Alt-text rambles: the human family tree, Abbott and Costello, pitcher plant cultivars, the creative possibilities of a Buddhist version of this movie, and Stephen Still's lack of accordions. Rants: I've never been a boyfriend but I'm pretty sure that's not how you do it
17. Threat
Prometheus takes a hard turn into old slasher movie tropes. Rambles: A movie trailer that gave Wee Spider the screaming heebies Alt-text rambles: The age rating of Prometheus, a spontaneous X-Files crossover AU, Pitch Black, how likely it may or may not be that the images in the post will get flagged, critter behavior, insufficient EVA suit design, and the content balancing I take into account when selecting screenshots. Rants: This movie does not seem to know what it is. Alt-text rants: Ditto, focusing on characterization.
18. Flames
"Mac wants the flamethrower!" Rambles: I wandered off in the middle to watch a 40k comedy video, does that count? Alt-text rambles: More content-balancing, what kind of very English critter David appears to be, dune buggy design, Star Wars: The Old Republic is worth your time, Dune: Part Two is worth your time, an extremely long ramble about integration of CG background elements, and Oblivion memes. Alt-text rants: Movie color grading and lighting, undercutting scares.
19. Stars
The movie shows how good it can be when no dialog is involved. Rambles: The movie Contact and how Prometheus could've learned from it. Alt-text rambles: How I estimate large numbers from a still image, a brief Baldur's Gate 3 appearance, the set design and staging of a room made for giants with squishy computers, the use of color to make a cohesive scene, facts about Uranus, visual intimation of threat, VFX wizardry, practical FX wizardry, Michael Fassbender's wordless acting.
20. Expectant
The movie shows how good it can be when character choice is removed from the horror. Rambles: the inspiration and place of chestbursting in Alien movies, the continuing religious symbolism in the movie, the clunky dialog, how to build or undermine tension, and the good blending of practical and CG effects, and how tiny creatures of the ocean manage to be more uncanny than horror critters. Alt-text rambles: reading details the prop department never meant for you to see. Alt-text Rants: the return of the head-exploder and the first sight of actual PPE, slowly mangling a plot point's name until it has been thoroughly folded, spindled, and mutilated.
21. Underdelivered
The movie shows how terrible it can be when horror doesn't build tension. Rambles: Contortionists in horror, hillbilly horror/hixploitation movies. Alt-text rambles: Resident Evil 7, Dead Space and "strategic dismemberment"
22. Hubris
The movie tries to do some themes again Rambles: my ineffable desire to genetically sequence ditch weeds, Left Behind Alt-text rambles: Brad Dourif's commitment to the bit in The Two Towers, nigh-invisible wheelchair product placement, the Fallout series in general and the upcoming show in particular, praise for an epic-length critique of Left Behind, Robert Zemeckis' bizarre quest to mocap everything Rants: This movie does a terrible job representing both religiosity and atheism
23. Informed
Exposition is delivered, and plot points try to knit together. Rambles: The Silent Hill movie, Pacific Rim Alt-text rambles: Pyramid Head's secret unclothed backside, demanding environmental enrichment for scientists, greebling, Tumblr's favorite shitty copper merchant Rants: What could've been done instead of an exposition dump and daddy issues Alt-text rants: these people and their interior design are tempting fate and testing my patience
24. Inscribed
I go rogue and ramble about constructed languages and cuneiform for an entire post. Guest appearances from Klingon pop music and a delightfully eccentric Assyriologist. Rambles: All of it. Alt-text rambles: the self-awareness of conlangers, fingernail length, Schleischer's Fable as a warm-up for the next section, my primary conlang derangement, speculation about whether cuneiform was legible for the blind, my beef with the cowards at Lucasfilm for refusing to use Star Wars' coolest letters, my love for Warframe's Grineer, going into far too much detail about redesigning Prometheus' Engineer script, and finally, the many crocodiles of ancient egyptian hieroglyphs. Rants: None/all of it
25. Judgement
We discuss some of what the movie doesn't. Rambles: Fiction and morality, Blade Runner, biblical allusions the story could've made and doesn't Alt-text rambles: Lance Henriksen's insane career, the paintings of John Martin and a surprise George Washington, Rutger Hauer's effect on Blade Runner, my tentative plans for the next essay series. Rants: Germs, old man makeup. Alt-text Rants: The characters are reading ahead in the script again, the half-assed Engineer writing system continues to hurt me
26. Awoken
I go bananas over PIE. Rambles: fix-it fic for this damned movie, PIE, how to avoid PIE, how to analyze PIE, and my personal alternative to PIE. Alt-text rambles: calculating how long the Engineer's overslept, their potential spiritual kinship to Moominpapa, behind the scenes photos of the suit actors, Prometheus rants in the days of LiveJournal, the game Hades, how hard it personally is to get PIE right, the linguistics nerdery of the Hittite empire, and watermarks. Rants: how the movie fails its premise and hurts my soul with linguistics
27. Shortcomings
The characters, and movie, fail to get their message across to someone bent on their destruction. Rambles: David's confused religious symbolism, Star Trek Alt-text rambles: My desire for fanfic, behind the scenes photos, what other critters the Engineer's suit actor has played, the naming of Australopithecines, crash-proofing a movie set, alien gender, Gandahar and how French animated SF in the 80s was awesome, Scorn and its expert consultation from a cenobite, and Doctor Strangelove. Rants: the assumptions of the human characters, I go from trying to be measured to actively spiting the writer for his take on thoughtful SF Alt-text Rants: Del Toro is the only one who gets me, the movie has forgotten its main character just had a major surgery, one last rant about how terribly unsafe the Prometheus was as a ship, before it becomes definitively not a ship.
28. Momentum
It's the bit where she doesn't turn. Rambles: How to fix the dumbest thing we've seen in a hot minute, Edge of Tomorrow and feeling Tom Cruise's fear, how the dead thing is never really dead in horror. Alt-text rambles: How hard it is to find the most catchy song in We Love Katamari, more behind the scenes pictures of my blorbos, Friday the 13th Part IV, bad braille, and trilobites. Rants: I mean how can you not when the movie forgets how space works? Like, the idea of 3D space as a concept? Also, a particular rock earns my ire, and my ranting about interior designs on ships finally pays off.
29. Dissonance
The ending of the movie, and its tonal incoherency. Rambles: Protagonist-centric morality and lack thereof Alt-text rambles: Star Trek TNG, green blood, caecilian teeth. Rants: shallow christian themes, sequels that could have been, Shaw's confusingly deployed robo-racism Alt-text rants: sequel disappointments, inadvisable post-caesarian activities, how the hell do you fit that much 'burster into one chest, biological plausibility in alien extend-o-mouths
30. Justification
A breakdown of a post-release interview with Ridley Scott, explaining some missing details. Rambles: Gnosticism again, Mesoamerican and European human sacrifice and the exoticization of shared cultural practices, and a hearty book recommendation. Alt-text rambles: Icelandic volcanoes, The Collector (2009), Stephen Speilberg's War of the Worlds and how scaring the shit out of someone isn't necessarily the job of a horror film, the Tollund Man, unique cultural practices, Hello Future Me, and my opinions on what we've seen of Alien: Romulus. Rants: Ancient peoples weren't stupid, an unexamined christian-centric worldview, an unexamined christian-centric worldview, I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGh
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fic rec 36
welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
People Will Say (You're In Love) by @azapofinspiration
For some reason, people keep on mistaking Keith and Lance as a couple. Lance has some ideas as to why that is, but Keith has some too. Really, whose fault is it?
this fic is so ROMANTIC it makes me swoony. this is also an excellent trope. we are so in love and so good for each other that everyone thinks we are in love because we are too close to see it but no one else is. we are our own bubble. idc how cliche it is i love it
2. With Flying Colours by @azapofinspiration
They say that the Lion chooses the Paladin. The Blue Lion chose Lance to be her Paladin. And then all the other Lions seemed pretty okay with him piloting them as well.
the funny thing about this one is that my bookmark is all hoo boo the lion change is so bad but this is good but now im like the lion change truther lol. but if u are hesitant about the lion change i highly recommend this! it makes PERFECT sense that lance would be the one to pilot them all, u know? the fluid one
3. Aim by @azapofinspiration
There's something that's been bugging Shiro about Lance. He finally asks about it. He feels like he should have expected that answer.
I LOVE THIS ONE ITS SO FUNNY. i also have incorporated this entire ficc into my belief system. if ur looking for a good shiro & lance fic and also a fic that will make u GIGGLE then head over.
4. In Stitches by @azapofinspiration
With every stitch, a bigger picture can be seen. And each one is made with love. In which everyone on Team Voltron learns more about Lance as he knits the day away. And maybe he learns something too.
knitter lance is so important actually. shame the show only mentioned it once and never again bc if lance is one thing its crafty. luckily azap is the reigning monarch of found family in missing vld moments
5. The (Not-So) Necessary Rescue by @azapofinspiration
Lance has been captured by the Galra, and Shiro and the rest of the team rush to save him. Due to a bit of luck, they manage to get there to rescue him but... Well, it turns out that it may not have been as necessary as Shiro thought. In which Shiro learns that he has severely underestimated Lance and Lance is freaking awesome.
i LOVE this fic. nothing is more funny to me than the idea of the team rushing to try to find and save lance and discover him w his foot halfway out the door already lol. i have read this fic like ninety times. also i swear ive already recced this one but whatever double rec bc this fic rocks
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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grainjew · 6 months
Nikaposting Pt 4: Sun God Tropes
This is the fourth of a series of posts about Nika & associated religious practice in the One Piece world. As I write and post the rest of the series, I’ll add links to this header.
Pt 1: Crypto-Religion | Pt 2: Symbology & Syncretism | Pt 3: Joyboy was Shandian
Enormous credit to @oriigami for being my discussion partner through all of this and having a substantial influence on the final product. Check out our ao3 series Joyful for a narrative rather than analytical take on the Nika tradition, and definitely go read her OP blog @kaizokuou-ni-naru for meta and translation fun facts.
So Luffy’s a sun god, or the embodied power of the wishes for one, or whatever. But does he do mythological solar deity things?
Yes actually.
This post is the fourth and last (as of now) in this series, and it’s entirely for fun. I’ll almost certainly miss things as I go down the list here- if you can think of other solar or dawn deity things he gets up to, please add them in the replies!
With no further ado, here is a list of sun god things Luffy has been known to get up to, & which will no doubt inform the mythology developing around him in the One Piece world. (How many people were deifying this guy even before he awakened his devil fruit? Like it was definitely not zero is all I’m saying.)
Getting eaten by snakes
What started this whole list was me turning to @oriigami in the middle of the night after we’d been rewatching Little Garden and trying to make an accurate count of how many times Luffy’s been swallowed whole and going “you know what’s sun god shit? getting eaten by snakes.”
Sun gods are often doing this. Take Apep in Egyptian myth, who tries to devour the sun god Ra every day. Or Rahu, the Hindu shadow planet and serpent, who swallows the sun to cause solar eclipses.
Luffy is also often doing this. The most notable example is of course the Nola Incident in Skypiea arc, but if we expand the definition of snake to include generally snakeish sort of guys, he also gets briefly ate by Kaidou very shortly after awakening, and just now by Mister Sandworm in ch 1110. (And by Kaidou fish-fish fruit equivalency I’d argue we can also count the Little Garden goldfish and the crocodile that ate him as a kid here but obviously that’s more tenuous and mostly just funny.)
Slightly more tenuously as well, there’s Amaterasu of Shinto lore retreating into her cave (a cave is a kind of snake), as well as the Norse wolf that chases the sun Sköll (occasionally merged with Fenrir), the Javanese god (described as an ogre) Batara Kala who eats the sun and moon to cause eclipses, and the alchemical Green Lion that devours the sun.
Storm and sky gods are also often interacting with, killing, and being eaten by snakes, which is less relevant here except that Nami is storm god coded and she also got ate in the Nola Incident. So that’s fun!
Having a chariot that circumnavigates the world
Many sun gods, especially in the Indo-European sphere of traditions, have some sort of chariot or boat that they ride from east to west each day to carry the sun across the sky. Often they have attendants (sometimes dawn and dusk gods; or sometimes these gods have their own chariots or horses as well) to help them with this.
If you want a list of sun vehicles the wikipedia page for solar deities has a whole bunch of them. Have fun.
I think Thousand Sunny speaks for herself on this front: not only is Sunny a ship designed, destined, and dreamed up to herself circumnavigate the world with Luffy as her captain, but she also has the Sun on the front as her figurehead in a manner that does kinda remind me of some depictions I’ve seen of the sun being carried across the sky in such a chariot. Also, she can fly!
Association with royalty
Kings and emperors love to use sun gods to give divine legitimacy to their rule. This is in no way universal (there’s lots of storm gods out there who also do this, just off the top of my head) but take Amaterasu (Shinto), Inti (Incan), Amun-Ra (also Aten) (Egyptian), Sol Invictus (Roman), etc.
Obviously Luffy is going to be King, and is currently an Emperor. But also, he tends to go around and toppling kings and gods and tyrants and vaguely lending legitimacy to whoever is stepping up to the throne in their place. He’s got the Mandate of Heaven (this is a joke mostly but we HAVE all read Loguetown)! And also distributes it to people he likes. Thanks Luffy.
Solar discs, radiate crowns, and beetles
A solar disc is a flat circle, sometimes with rays, that symbolically represents the sun or the sun personified. If you have read pt 2 of this series, you will recognize the Nika symbol in this description.
In the same vein, when applied to a personified depiction of the sun, the solar disc has the habit of becoming a halo or a radiate crown (such as the one worn by the Statue of Liberty - the radiate crown used to be an emperors and sun gods thing and has since become associated with personifications of liberty. So That’s Fun). Obviously Luffy is not in the habit of having either of these representationally, except of course for. The hat that encircles his head in gold.
The final note on symbology I have here is that the Egyptian god of the morning sun, Khepri, is associated with scarabs/dung beetles. A fact that I think known beetle-lover Luffy would appreciate. Get this guy some scarab symbolism stat. Check these bugs out!!!
Bonus: descending into the underworld and eclipse stories
Katabasis, that is, a descent into the underworld, is in no way a sun god exclusive, although solar myths do often involve the sun god, having traveled across the sky by day, needing to find their way through the ocean, the underworld, or some other sort of nether realm to return, overnight, to their morning home in the east. And it’s very fun to look at in the context of Luffy, eclipse myths, and the Marineford saga.
So obviously the Impel Down arc is is a very literal katabasis. It’s Hell, it’s got all the Dante’s Inferno theming, and, like in so many katabases, Luffy descends to the depths in pursuit of some goal, eventually emerging miraculously alive but unsuccessful (see, for a very quick shortlist of katabases of this type, Orpheus & Eurydice, Inanna, and Izanagi & Izanami).
So that’s delightful. But I think it’s even more fun to think about the Marineford saga in general, eventually culminating in the timeskip, as a prototype for an eclipse story.
Solar eclipses, though predictable, are something like a rarer and more frightening form of night, and so their associated myths have a general tendency to involve a more dramatic and/or violent symbolic death of the sun- see, for example, the various devourers of the sun mentioned in the first bullet point of this post.
So, we have the timeskip. The fire goes out. The sun, having descended into the underworld and pushed himself past his own limits, is defeated, disappearing completely from the world for two years. Until- In a way that was, technically, predictable, if you had the correct sphere of knowledge, he returns, miraculously renewed.
I’d incorporate that into my belief system, is all I’m saying.
Thank you all for reading! This is all for the series so far, but not, I hope, forever. Many more thoughts to have and webs to weave!
Have a lovely week!
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kalifornia1025 · 17 days
The Red Circle Pt. 4 (SPOILERS)
Red Circle finale notes, let’s GET IN!!
Ah right, the cliffhanger…John, why are you always in life-threatening situations? (And why do I eat it up every time??)
“Stop looking down and look at me” UGH I love this trope
Sherlock: “I’m climbing down to you”, John: “Don’t you idiot” they care for each other’s safety!!
“Let me hold your weight, I’m strong enough for goodness sake” oh? Strong enough as in…canon boxer Sherlock??
I’m getting kinda tired of the ‘Sherlock calling John fat’ jokes (I know he didn’t say it this time, but it was still implied)
“Would a fool do this?!” *John painfully tumbles down rubble shaft while swearing profusely*, John I love you so much
“Oh God I’m bleeding!! I’m bleed-oh wait it’s paint” as silly as this was, was I the only one worried it would trigger some memories for John?…
They’re REALLY emphasizing that John doesn’t want to use a gun…wonder if there’ll be a case where he has no choice but to use one…
Security thought he was a protestor for a museum because he’s covered in paint, that’s hilarious!
“I’m British mate. This entire museum is built on us sticking our noses in places we shouldn’t be” ope at least he’s self-aware
John: “Let’s go for a coffee-for a cappuccino eh”, Rosso: “THAT IS A BREAKFAST DRINK” he sounds so heated over that lol
Oh shit, sword fight?
OMG I need FANART of this sword fight scene!!! (I wish I could draw people, I would be ALL over it!)
“Traitors! Traitors!!” um what?
Security is kicking John out because he thinks he’s a protestor, HA
‘The Gregster?’, oh no John is rubbing off on you Sherlock
Gregson: “Stop it”, Sherlock: “Ok”, THEY’RE SO SILLY
Sherlock loves looking at screens, huh? Like it’s beyond just doing it for a case at this point
“What’s the password?” “Met123”...very secure password guys
Omg are they flirting while boxing?
Nope not flirting but yes Sherlock, BEAT HIS ASS!!!!
I need fan art of this scene too!!
John why are you STILL covered in paint??
Dang, part of me wishes to know how that Lord Harmson murder case went
Oh, we get to know why Gregson is so salty towards Sherlock?
Gregson, you’re upset because Sherlock trademarked being the first Consulting Detective before you?!...and of course that’s when Sherlock remembers
Don’t be sorry John, I loved it! It’s in my top three cases from the podcast
And that’s the end of The Red Circle case!! I don’t care what John says, this was a really good one. Not just the case itself; we had some really good silly shenanigans happening throughout the story! I was starting to miss the sillier stuff (and not being reminded of certain characters’ issues *ahem John’s alcoholism/insomnia ahem*). It’s definitely going up there in my top 3 favorite cases from the podcast alongside Lion’s Mane and Shoscombe Old Place!
Later this week we should be getting an announcement for the next case art commission winner meaning…we’ll get to see what the next case will be! Me and other members in the Sherlock & Co discord are already theorizing what the next case will be but for now we must wait…
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Bunch of Stuff Coming in August
July 2023 Wk 5
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 2-3 of 8 - Oh good, we now know that Thailand has the same statutory rape laws as the US. Dub con is as dub con does. MEANWHILE Oh my God I love evil lawyer cutie so much. Him and his beautiful weaponized smile, maybe my new favorite character. I like the way this director is playing with noir mystery tropes, settings, and archetypes too - it’s feeling very 60s pulp, I’m getting gay Travis McGee vibes. Grandma knowing that her grandson likes boys is so sweet. I have to be completely frank here, this is what I wanted from both Manner of Death and KP. I truly love this show
Hidden Agenda that isn’t hidden (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 3 of 10 - It’s a very Cyrano de Bergerac kind of narrative... If Cyrano fell in love with Christian instead of Roxanne. Mock date was fun. 
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 4 of 8 - Into the lion’s den. Investigation begins. Why isn’t the ghost acting lookout? Who are these random side characters? I’m confused. Half way through kiss is right on schedule tho. 
Wedding Plan (Weds YT & iQIYI) ep 2 of 7 - The kiss was nice, but it’d be nicer if Nuea had punched Lom. Manipulative arse. A trash watch is happening!
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 4 of 12 - Meh. 
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 5 of 8 eps - The hazing has begun + secret relationship and it’s kinda like a v soft SOTUS. Dino is getting a bit too controlling and obsessive for me so it slid down the ranks. I much prefer La Cusine’s version of this dynamic. The friends protecting Dino’s interests were funny tho - boy is so obsessed he outsources his stalking. 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 10 of 12 - Max is BEST BOY. I hate Kawi. Tra la la. Trash watch here.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thurs Viki) 2 of 8 - Our ex idol is a total FLIRT. Nice to see an uke with agency. I mean baby girl is a newbie worker bee… but still flirty, good for you, sweetie. I see your little lip bite and so does your soon to be husband. Speaking of, I love Choi Jun’s style of seme aggression: a little sleezy + a bit too handsy + ultra clever with his words. Plus tie tug!!! Also threatening to take off your TAILORED suit so baby wears your shirt and smells like you? HOT. Boy you sped right past American style and into Italian - that’s real Corinthian leather, that is. 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 5 of 10 eps - Mid series kiss right on schedule. Thank you for never upsetting me, Taiwan. Omg. Such boyfriends. Only Taiwan gets this sappy. I have to say, I watch this show after Tokyo on purpose. (I need the pallet cleanser.) Still, I’m scared that the perception will be that Bu Xia is using Jiang Chi, not in love with him, when the truth about ghosts comes out. Why doesn’t BX’s useless sister do something for her disaster brother? I guess JC likes a needy boy? Oh no, the kiss confusion. Lip touch but rejection (?). Nooooo. I suppose they have to draw this out for 10 eps. Gah, they’re so cute. But BX is a bit dim, isn’t he? Poor thing. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) 4 of 12 eps - Shin is such a worrywart, over protective, over the top boyfriend. I guess we saw a little bit of give from Minato? More than usual, baby steps. This is Japan after all.
Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 7 of 8 - Japan’s favorite trope = the running of the gays. Kazama knows everything now. Ep ends on one of my few triggers. SKIP! Japan you better NOT go there.
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) ep 11-12fin - terrible ending, he turned back into a cat and the whole thing was pointless. I am very annoyed. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED 
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It’s airing but ...
Stay With Me ... NO I WILL NOT! And you can’t make me.
In case you missed it
Stay (Pinoy YouTube) finished its run at 7 eps. It’s mostly English & set in LA (shudder) so I did not bother. I say little to no chatter about this (that’s normal with the Pinoy stuff tho). Did anyone watch and enjoy? 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Coming August 2023
8/1 Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) 5 eps - Yes we have had BL from Hong Kong before, but that was... before... who knows what it’ll be like now. Hayden, moves into a new apartment and starts a complicated relationship with his neighbor’s grandson, Damien, after an unexpected kiss. Meanwhile: Archie rekindles a romance with his high school sweetheart, Kelvin, who is now married.
8/11 Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) 10 eps - Hyun, Minwoo and Joo-Hyuk are looking forward to their freshman year at college. But trials and tribulations of love that await them outside the classroom: from learning about maturity to being unable to forget the scars of past lovers. (All new cast from season 1.) 
8/12 My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat ????) 8 eps - hum. 
8/19 Love in Translation (Thai Sat One31) ? eps - Two strangers start working in a cafe together.
8/20 My Universe series begins (Thai Sun iQIYI) 24 episodes - This is sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 episodes, not entirely sure on the order they’ll drop in. Known couples include EarthBank from Destiny Seeker and KaownahTurbo from Love Stage!!!, mostly fresh faces otherwise. Jane to direct several. 
8/22 Kisseki: Dear to Me formerly known as Miracle (Taiwan Tues ????) 13 eps - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer, I’m thinking Viki or Gaga will get this one.  
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie domestic cinemas) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. Tong is in this one too? 
8/? Sing My Crush previously Follow The Wind (Korea ????) 8 eps - supposed to have released in the first half of 2022 this is a adaption of Myung’s webtoon, from the director of My Sweet Dear, and the Love Tractor production house, looks like Korea does About Youth.
8/? Why R U? (Korean remake)  is supposed to be out this month, filming started in sept 22. I find everything about this hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then... would we have a story at all? No we would not. Not even for six short eps. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags. 
We can probably expect a new BL from GMMTV too, to slot into BMF’s spot mid month. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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I do love a hyung romance, and this aggressive ghost-ish thing is working for me. (Low Frequency) 
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Hidden Agenda + My Ride. 
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So coy
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I agree with @heretherebedork​ that these two make a great side couple but I am utterly in love with...
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HER. (All Laws of Attraction.) 
(Last week)
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royal-ruin · 6 months
f1 fanfic recs charles/carlos (charlos) part 4
other f1 fic rec lists here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise
in honor of carlos' win in the ausgp and his appendix removal (and his last year at ferrari, ignore me sobbing in the background), here are some of my fav fics of them.
if all of them are starred that just means they're all amazing.
i'll make you laugh by venerat (~7k)
[“You are cute,” says Carlos, waving his marker in emphasis. “Obviously. I am always saying this.”
“I am not cute.” Charles blinks at him. “When are you saying I am cute?”]
literally so adorable.
*what we felt by venerat (~14k)
[Imprinted, Charles should say, shocked. I hope he is alright. He should say that.
“My god,” he says instead. “On who?”]
so creative and amazing. def check out this author for more of other pairings, i know they have a bunch of hot smutty one-shots if you're into that.
*sweet tea in the summer by bloodmoonforme (~10k)
[Sometimes, when they first arrive at the circuit for a weekend, Charles will look decidedly paler, a little drawn. Then, he'll show up for FP1 on Friday seemingly much better all of the sudden, eyes unnaturally bright and cheeks red - that's how to tell how long it has been since he last drank.
Not that Carlos notices. Or keeps track of it, for that matter.
Except he does.]
Or the one where Charles is a vampire and Carlos struggles.
i don't remember this unfortunately, but i do remember loving it.
*the actor says he hates himself by bloodmoonforme (~5k)
[“You okay, mate?” Carlos asks, pitching his voice a bit louder in order to be heard over the music.
Charles doesn’t answer. Slowly, Carlos realizes that the way Charles is staring is one that he recognizes. It’s the same way he looks while he’s out racing, the same one he wears in the simulator. It’s a look of total focus. There’s something Charles wants and means to have.]
tags say that there's cheating so if you don't like that, don't read.
*dice che ti ama (ma lo sai che mente) by choripan (~3k)
[But Charles smiled, dimples out and about, back against the wall of Carlos’ driver’s room. Like he knew he wasn’t in danger.
Like he hadn’t entered a lions’ den looking like a three course meal.
(Like he knew Carlos was all bark and no bite, and toying with the metaphorical rubber band —stretch, stretch, stretching—wouldn’t ever make it snap into his straight nose.)]
kinda like a carlos-focused relationship study. it lowkey altered my brain chemistry for some reason
punctuated all wrong by Cloudcollector (~8k)
Prompt: "I don’t know if someone else agrees with me but I’m a sucker for the whole person A falls in love with person B but they think they don’t deserve person B’s love trope and I’d love to see how it would play out with charlos (not saying who’s person A and who person B, even though that should be pretty obvious)"
*the trials of 2022 by chiliconcarlos (~34k)
A partial summary of the 2022 season, as told by Charles or Carlos, following each race.
Friday is Just the Beginning by nottonyharrison (~3k)
On a Thursday in December, Caco had come to him with a proposal. A PDF attached to an email, emblazoned with the garish red Netflix logo, and consisting of a three paragraph, succinct concept that involved winter training, the mountains, and Carlos timing his schedule to overlap with Charles’ for a week.
On a Friday in January, he’s sitting in a private sauna long after the cameras have been packed away for the night, with Charles right next to him.
this is basically plot w porn, with a lot of carlos inner monologue which i love so enjoy!
Don't Do This To Me by pastrnaks_sainz (~2k)
[Carlos hands shake as he stares at his phone screen. The email from Caco is displayed and the brightness is turned all the way up. Like he’s being taunted. The big bold letters in the subject line might as well be saying ‘NOBODY WANTS YOU’ instead of ‘New Opportunities Ahead’.]
fair warning, one of the tags is hurt no comfort.
Loose Lips Sink Ships by kxleida (~2k)
Carlos finds out he's leaving Ferrari. Charles finds him in his hotel room, beer bottles scattered all across. They both know it's not fair.
A bit of hurt/comfort surrounding Charles, Carlos, and the Ferrari announcement for the F1 2024 silly season.
this isn't everything you are by shadil (~2k)
The news hit him again where he least expects it.
a prayer for which no words exist by transbrucewayne (~3k)
Charles has to assume Carlos knows by now; they should’ve told him. He doesn’t know how long they took to tell Sebastian, but it had been almost inevitable for him. He walked into the 2020 season with an air of resignation. With Carlos…everyone thought he was going to get another year, at least. Charles thought he was going to get another year. Then, Carlos would move to Audi, to the surprise of approximately no one, and the two of them would part, and Charles would spend the rest of his career smiling at him across the room, fist bumping him in press conferences, and never touching him more than the others deemed appropriate.
i know better (but you're still around) by shadil (~2k)
Sometimes, Carlos dreams about María.
He was his (but also he was not) by f1amboyant (~2k)
[Charles crossed his arms over his chest. “Why are you leaving?” he asked, no bullshit, staring straight at Carlos, peering into his soul.]
Shadowhunters AU
and the world was gone by Bluejay141519 (~12k)
It’s not entirely unfounded, having something like this happen. Charles knows of various stories of the past, where different drivers’ energies don’t mix well and it causes chaos. He’s even heard of magic being used to sabotage in F1.
Charles always thought these were just stories, until he got his seat.
tbh it's not completely relationship focused, but it's still amazing.
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yukachaan · 2 years
Found family anime recommendation list
I've been thinking about making this rec list for a while because found family is my absolute favorite trope, so this is really self indulging haha 🤭
these are just some of my personal favorites, but if you guys have more recommendations please add them!
(This list contains spoilers!)
1. Dororo- absolutely heartbreaking and beautiful. the two main characters, Dororo and Hyakkimaru, develop such a special and precious bond throughout the story, and what makes it even more interesting is that at the beginning, Hyakkimaru is not able to see, hear, or really communicate with Dororo, and he gets those abilities slowly throughout the story (through killing demons haha yes it's that kind of story), so it makes the development of their relationship really unique. Both of them don't have their actual families for different reasons, but I absolutely LOVE the familial relationship they develop!
2. spy x amily - everyone's new favorite family lol. I don't think I need to elaborate, I love the little family they've built. it's so cute how all three of them have their own selfish reasons to want to keep this family unit, but at the same time care so deeply (and obliviously) for each other, I love it! there's not a single character I dislike, there wasn't a single episode i was bored watching (so far). it's like the perfect found family - they found each other, and just created a family instantly haha. If for any reason you're still not watching this, you really really should
3. banana fish - ugh honestly it's hard to find words for this one, it's so so SO good, but also, watch at your own risk, it's been years and my heart still hasn't recovered. The relationship between the two main characters, Ash and Eiji, is so beautiful and touching and tender, and it's so satisfying to watch. Ash deserves all the love omg 😭 I love how they take care of each other, how it's obvious to everyone how much they love each other. and i hate how it ended but that's a talk for another time...
4. Run with the wind - ok so i think most sports anime have an aspect of found family - your teammates become kinda your family, and friendships and bonds are usually the main focus. but i think it's especially highlighted in run with the wind - it's a show about running a marathon, and it's in a university setting (which already makes it more interesting lol). i LOVE connections between the characters. here as well, there's not a single character i dislike. even king who i didn't really care about in the beginning, I grew to love so much by the end. and Haiji might be my favorite character of all times. like throughout all platforms, he's my favorite. he created this team and he made them a family and i just wish i had a haiji in my life, you know? 😭
5. march comes in like a lion - ok, so, this one is especially precious to me, and i think it's my favorite anime of all times. officially, the show is about a boy who plays shogi professionally, and it is a part of it, but there's so much more to this anime. I've never watched anything that handled depression, and the journey of getting better, in a more accurate way than this show. the main character, Rei, is an orphan, and has a really complicated life story. he meets these three sisters, and is kinda invited to be a part of their little family. the relationships in this show are so touching and tender, even when nothing sad was happening i found myself crying. the sisters basically adopt rei, and little by little help him heal some of his wounds. the visuals of this show are perfect, you can feel everything rei is feeling. the sisters' house feels warm and inviting, while other spaces feel cold and disconnected. it's brilliant. also, the show handles the different characters with so much care, you end up caring about them all. i can go on forever lol, it's a masterpiece.
6. kids on the slope - another brilliant show. this is a slice of life, and the focus is on the friendship of three teens in the 60's. i love this one because even though they all have families that play a part in the story, they still become like a family to one another. their relationships are so touching, and so realistic. it deals with jealousy and friendship and love and loneliness in such a realistic, relatable way. for example one of the boys gets really jealous when his friend gets a new friend, it makes him lash out in such an unreasonable way, but at the same time you can totally relate to what he's feeling, because like, which one of us hasn't been there, right? i really recommend! (Also, the music is absolutely fantastic!)
7. Umibe no Etranger- maybe some people would think this doesn't belong here, but i totally think that along with love, this movie is totally about found family 😊 the two main boys are both on their own, Mio because he was orphaned, and Shun because he lost connection with his family after coming out. throughout the story, they become each other's family and support system (especially if you keep reading the manga like i have hehe🤭). i love their relationship so much!
8. fruits basket - again, maybe it's not the main trope, but it's definitely very much there! tohru, who is left without a family, finds a new family in the form of the very dysfunctional sohma family, that cares about her immensely, while she also cares about them and helps them heal and break their curse. i never read the manga or watched the old anime, and i didn't expect this to be as deep and painful as it was, but honestly one of my favorite shows right now.
9. Poko's udon world - so! freaking! cute! is it a ploy to make people have families and kids? perhaps. do i care? nope. Poko is the cutest child character ever, and the parent-child relationship between sota and poco is so precious, this is the most literal definition of a found family lol- sota found poco and basically instantly adopted him. the story is really touching and cute!
10. Clannad + Clannad after story - ugh i don't know if I'm able to talk about this one again, as it makes my heart hurt. this is one of my all time favorites. i think even though it's a love story, above all else it's a story about family. i wasn't sure if it fits the "found family" category but decided it does. even before nagisa and tomoya get married, tomoya is basically adopted by nagisa's family. they take him in to allow him some distance from his father, and show him how happy and loving a family can be. Also, all the friendship in the story are meaningful and have a familial feel to them. throughout the show there's a lot of focus on the subject of family, which leads to the main characters creating their own new little family unit. if you've been living under a rock i must warn you, I've never cried this much while watching a show in my life. while the ending is a happy one (well... in a bizarre kind of way, i guess), there's so much pain throughout the whole show, it's overwhelming at times. still, it's so so good and i really recommend to give it a try! (please, get through the first season and get to Clannad after story, it's really worth it!)
11. Usagi drop- i also wasn't sure if this fits the found family category, as it deals with an actual family, but wth, it's my list i can do what i want lol. very sweet story about a guy who adopts his grandfather's 6 year old daughter when he dies (yes, his aunt, basically), when no one else in the family wants to take her in. it's very sweet, very touching. they slowly become a family, and he learns what it means to be a single parent, and what sacrifices he has to make (like getting demoted at his job so he'll have more time to take care of his kid). the show is very wholesome, but don't read the manga, as i heard it went in different, less wholesome directions.
12. kotaro lives alone- this show was a ride! i was expecting a silly show about a 4 year old boy who lives alone, and got a heartbreaking show about neglect and trauma. his neighbors become his family throughout the show, and come to love him a lot and take care of him, and their relationships are very entertaining and sweet. ngl, i cried a lot during this show. i do think it deals with some very triggering things, so you should check that before watching 😊
and.. that's it for now! these are the ones i thought about so far, please feel free to add your own recommendations! i would love to get more!
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seleneprince · 8 months
My works
Six of Crows:
The Ballad of Lions and Crows (re-telling of what could've happened with the characters of Filip and Saskia Hertzoon from the books):
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Pairings: Kaz Brekker x fem! oc, Inej Ghafa x male! oc (wether platonically or romantic it's up to you)
Contains: Six of Crows typical violence, mentions of sexual assaults and abuse, friends-to-enemies-to-lovers trope (well, more like fake friends to enemies), enemies-to-friends-to-lovers trope, misogyny, children going to extremes for survival. You'll see the rest.
Magische Linten (Magic Ribbons) - Kaz/Saskia centric
Grote Broers (Big Brothers) - Filip/Jordie centric, male oc!/Inej mentioned? coming soon...
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Hogwarts verse:
Snape's werewolf daughter
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Personal file
#1 #2
All The Young Snakes (The Marauders era but from the Slytherin gang's POV):
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Fem! Severus Snape headcanons
Fem! Severus faceclaims
Snape's gang chilling
Sevity friendship
Besties judging together
Pandora and Barty
Snape's gang introduction
#1 #2
Incorrect quotes:
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
Evan & Sevrina's daughter:
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dianethepisceswitch · 7 months
I'm watching every Disney movie in alphabetical order.
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The List:
I took "the" out of all the movie titles so everything wouldn't be toward the end. And I did everything alphabetically rather than by release date because I wanted to get a proper mix of the different eras. I would die trying to watch all the 2000s Disney movies in order, so I feel like the eras being mixed would fuel my motivation to continue my watching spree. I have a few rules for this watching session.
🧸No movies from Pixar, Fox, Marvel, or any other Disney-owned partner
📀No Direct-to-DVD Sequels
🐭No shorts, Fantasia, or anthologies
Aladdin Alice in Wonderland Aristocats Atlantis Bambi Beauty and the Beast Big Hero 6 Black Cauldron Bolt Brother Bear Chicken Little Cinderella Dinosaur Dumbo Emperors New Groove Encanto Fox and the Hound Frozen Frozen 2 Great Mouse Detective Hercules Home on the Range Hunchback of Notre Dame Jungle Book Lady and the Tramp Lilo and Stitch Lion King Little Mermaid Meet the Robinsons Moana Mulan Oliver and Company One Hundred and One Dalmatians Peter Pan Pinocchio Pocahontas Princess and the Frog Ralph Breaks the Internet Raya and the Last Dragon Rescuers Rescuers Down Under Robin Hood Sleeping Beauty Snow White Sword in the stone Tangled Tarzan The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Treasure Planet Winnie the Pooh Wreck-it-Ralph Zootopia
Extra Fun:
🐇To make things extra fun I have decided to watch the movies with @bhunyee.
🪞A list of references made in Twisted Wonderland
👑I came up with a list of Disney tropes for every movie that I watch:
#1 Racism or the portrayal of non-white racial groups in poor taste #2 Using minority groups, such as LGBTQ, for comedic relief #3 General ickiness or an obvious dirty joke #4 Twist Villain #5 An animal sidekick for a humanoid main character #6 Dead biological parent(s) #7 Has a sequel or spin-off #8 References / Easter Eggs for other Disney movies #9 Has at least 2 bangers #10 Things you wouldn't expect in a kids movie(alcohol, smoking, corpses, etc.) #11 No magic or fantasy #12 Disney "prince/princess" doesn't end the movie as true royalty #13 Well known lost/deleted/cancelled/edited media or hidden background
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Okay the last post about SoTE progress for today!! (3/3)
1) So, after I defeated Romina, I of course....
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came back and finally got to that bridge area that I wanted to get to!!!
Yes, I just wanted to get to that side of the map where I saw a Horned Knight that I just really wanted to murder for some reason XD However, to my surprise, I saw another Dancing Lion boss ;-; That one was a hard battle and I could not have imagined to need to do that AGAIN ;-; But my way layed through that spot, and also I am a perfectionist..
1.1) But surprisingly, at the Stage 2, it summoned several Basylisks and started to use Deathblight! That was significant for me! So yesterday I concluded that Scarlet Rot, Deathblight and Formless Blood (? is this even a correct term) all spawn flies and plants? And whereas Romina of course raised Scarlet Rot here since the buds in Rauh church she brought here were not always rotten, some Hornsent here use same flies swarms as Mohg's people! Seeing how a Dancing Lion here uses Deathblight, but no Deathroot was anywhere on its arena, I felt even more convinced that these three powers are basically Pokemon Eevelutions of the same initial concept, 'stagnation', whereas fly sickness that fell upon Hornsent is its initial unaltered form! + I guess all Hornsent in Rauh are runaways from Belurat particularly, then?
2) I finally killed that poor particular Horned Knight whom I had eyes on as soon as I saw them!!!!! They've dropped the greatsword if I remember correctly? Happy end! XDDD
3) So... Yeah, at last, finally, FINALLY I proceeded and burnt the sealing tree. I got to explore Enir-Ilim! It was already beautiful, with all the pale yellow trees. Took me some time to adjust, though, the place was tangled from the start!
4) Yeah yeah Inquisitors are female feminism wins whatever
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Vfggghgjhgv unironically though, I love subversion of the trope xD
5) Something creepy/funny happened along the way though, I was laughing so hard wtfffff gfbfgcbfg
OKAY SO at some point my joy from the new location went down because my focus shifted towards the memory of the final boss, and I just remembered how much I dreaded them.. so, I broke my vow to not fuel the negativity which is already abundant and wrote a rant(ish) post about how much that decision soured otherwise amazing DLC and ranted about Radahn (disliking about his involvement, not the character jfhyggfg). And what do you think? That frankly sour post got eaten by Tumblr!
And yes, I know, Tumblr is a broken website and all that, but listen.. It never made the posts disappear for me. Ever. It could glitch out a post with bad internet and randomly publish it later as I log in, it could glitch an ask response and not have the draft saved thus losing it. It has invisible ask glitch and glitch where same post gets reblogged from 3 to 5 times. It never just made post disappear instead of being posted even with delay or giving me error message. Never. Ever. Ever. Except for now. The one time I spoke unkindly about that choice, not just "mannn weird how it wasn't foreshadowed :("
So since I am infamous amongst my friends for my super bizarre coincidences regarding fictional characters ( @heraldofcrow and @val-of-the-north witnessed so many they can swear I am cursed) me and my friend are joking that Miquella is real and he nuked the post for talking shit about his blorbo LMAOOOOOOO FFGDHTGG WTFFFFF 🤣
6) OK sorry hghgggggf Anyways, to my DELIGHT, I discovered variant of Hornsent Knights that wore smaller variant of Dancing Lions masks and use their powers like lighting and blizzard.... fun... :/
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Kind of ironic how it is called 'Euphoria', because I could not be less happy about that lore being cut, all for...... *looks around in case if Miquella is somewhere in the walls*
8) There were so many nooks.. I found a secret passageway on accident, by trying to run from an old lady spamming so many spells under my feet that I was BARELY able to move! 🤦‍♂️
That eventually led me to a part of Belurat that I didn't get to explore before! Yes, the bridge above that area was where I picked Euphoria in! But below was poisonous swamp (truly a Miyazaki lol) where I got to fight a GREEN variant of Tree Spirit! It just dropped a Horn Charm that boosted poison and Rot resistance!
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^ This find, though, was interesting for me, because it is a variant of a glove that was dropped by an NPC Maddening Hand earlier! That one had eyes and dealt Frenzy and specified to be weapon of Hornsent hunted by their own as heretics, but it was also forged in yearning for revenge! So, it is not even that exceptional; for Hornsent, it is a cultural thing to stitch a weapon of revenge from the skin of the victims! Kind of like giving victims a chance to strike back, albeit in death. Very poetic.
9) There was a lot of running, and a lot of getting lost. Found Spirit Ashes of Horned Knight, too (nothing new about them in description), had to use Rainbow Stones to finally stop running in circles, found Ancient Somber Smithing Stone secret via elevator (good because I ran out of them).. and THIIIIIIS:
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I wondered where was the head piece of this set! Pieces of it are scattered and I found all previous three! And, again, isn't it interesting how white birds (death) are here, whereas bird variant of Horned Knights were favored 'gold' birds? Second half of Twin Bird is gold life bird guuuuuyyys-
10) Okay, eventually I've met Leda telling me to step away! I was given the choice to summon Thiollier and Ansbach, presumably because I finished their questlines, so I did! It just felt like it would be more fun.. and it WAS! Holy shit gfgggcbch I did NOT expect the ultimate NPC showdown XD And, again, Freyja and Ansbach had an actual CONVERSATION! Look, this is a breakthrough for Soulsborne games, trust me they just DON'T have characters interact "on screen"!
10.2) No, seriously, I just wanted to jump on Tumblr and post just this! The best fucking moment
11) Instant interest:
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Which Outer God? Is it one we know of, or some random guy? I decided to not think about it too hard, yesterday it ended in an over 3 hours long brainstorming and my brain still short-circuits! But maybe later! ...I am sure at some point I'll find a similar pattern in the game itself and it will all click..
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^ They were both picked by a respective final boss personally.. Simon+Brador to Ludwig+Laurence moment and so on
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^ *points like in a meme AGAIN* Hey I read about it in a post, she killed all other Needle Knights! And by the way, I never found the seal (?) that revealed that lore! @val-of-the-north help bvbgggvh
12) Ansbach also had a dialogue after that battle to praise Thiollier's poisoning skills! That was lovely!
13) I kind of wondered though: why could not we summon Vengeance-Seeking Hornsent in this battle too, if we did his questline correctly? That would make fair 4 Miquella Simps vs 4 of "us" battle! Like, why just cast away the character to have him die as invader somewhere in Scarlet Rot place? I later realized that it would crash the "balance" of the final boss later, and I guess he was the "safest" to leave behind since he already had his goal (to see Messmer die)! Whereas other two target Miquella in particular!
13.1) This distribution is still a meme material for shitposts about characters doing competitive sport, fighting in an online game etc hfgfggbhcbx 4 vs 4
14) I actually checked and just like I thought, the last painting secret was only accessible after burning the seal!
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Yeah no shit man we could tell
15) So.... yeah, finally, I've met the final boss. I never wanted to fight Radahn again; he somehow gave me problems even on Torrent with all the friends summons, and now I have to somehow dodge him in a small arena т.т Or maybe I am dumb and this is just my skill issue idk gfggjhhy
16) I actually got to the second stage first try somehow! It often happens how I play better when I still don't even know what I am doing XD And...
Okay, is this a good time to say that so far I only was spoilered some footage and lore, but not the voicelines? So.. I shared that story already some time, but a few months before the DLC, I was simply one of the people here 101% convinced about Miquella being kind and the good guy and all! I wasn't like aggressive or anything about it unlike some more avid fans (got stabbed by Bewitching Branch, did you? :p), but still also said "they should read something besides Berserk" or "people are reading into 'fearsome empyrean' line too deep". However, as DLC was approaching, at some point I had an extremely vivid dream where Miquella appeared to me, and his vibe was exactly like in the DLC in retrospective! Okay, maybe more sinister; not cold or evil, just... "forceful" in a similar way, "for my sake".
So, back then, not only that dream permanently altered my brain chemistry to accept and become open to "evil/manipulative Miquella" interpretations, but also helped me to Expect Anything which softened the blow regarding the DLC xd I had a shock moment, but far not as bad as other fans from 'this' camp! ...... so now, I found out that his voice is EXACTLY like it was in my dream 2 months ago. 🌛I really am cursed LMAOOOO WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME XDDDD
Like I said I am a dumb looser with skill issue so I've been trying to beat the boss for next 2+ hours and still didn't.. I will probably get them next time, for now I have to travel for a week and then work again т.т Watching what insane ways YouTube come up maybe will help..
I also one time got a grab attack where Radahn snatches Tarnished and says "I promise you a thousand years voyage of compassion" which got me flustered a little and already made it harder to play, but NOW that I think of it, Ranni also said "a thousand years voyage (under wisdom of stars") 🤔 So that's at least two Demigods hinting at how whatever order (or lack of) they establish won't/can't last forever, but only for 'thousand of years'! Good to know that any system, good or bad, will eventually crumble x) Gwyn: TRIGGERED
All in all, it is a very hard battle and I can't see shit in second phase, everything is too bright. But also oddly enough, I no longer dread new lore/final this much..? Meeting the final boss in person helped to finally accept actual Miquella and get over my prior mental image for good, and I am no longer hung up on Radahn involvement beyond 'some more foreshadowing needs to go in base game via patch now'. I start to wonder whether I simply got caught in the shared disappointment mood and effect of not having the full picture rather than actually dreaded thing from the start? It reminds me of that time when I was clowning agreeing that Malenia was unfair boss but only when I fought her like 70 times myself I realized I exagerrated hfhyggh Not saying Twin Dunces is a good battle, but just saying I don't dread it as much as I thought from spoiler and getting there MYSELF helped
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besttropeveershowdown · 5 months
The Worst Trope Ever Showdown: Round 4, Side B
Ugly Girl Transformation
An "ugly" character, usually female, becomes beautiful after a makeover.
As someone ith glasses and doesn't feel that great about myself, watching someone who acts like meand who i can see myself in all of a sudden becoming "pretty" because she started to wear makeup and wear dresses and have her glasses taken off and becoming more in touch with her femine side just rubs me the wrong way. And sometimes they will dull down what made her who she was in the first place
Humanoid Female Animal
Mainly a thing in animation (tho comes up in CGI in otherwise live action movies or w/e). the male of an animal species will range from somewhat anthropomorphic to looking pretty much like a normal animal, but the female of (supposedly) the same species will be extremely anthropomorphised & sexualised. often includes long hair on the head, heavy makeup, and boobs where the animals they are supposed to represent usually have none of those, and the males usually don't have any either
ugh. UGH. can a female not exist without being a sexy sex doll? can a female not be hairy and animalistic like the male counterparts? can a female not have ANY interesting design features/ any design at all except 'sexy'??? CAN A FEMALE ANIMAL LOOK LIKE A FUCKING ANIMAL PLEASE. IF YOU'RE GRANTING THE MALES THAT GRACE WHY NOT EXTEND IT TO THE FEMALES JFC. IS THE ONLY PURPOSE OF A FEMALE CHARACTER OF ANY KIND TO BE SEXY TO THE AUDIENCE??? IS IT????? (also they just always look terrible like c'mon that thing is meant to be attractive somehow? to be visually pleasing to you somehow?? (sorry)
gotta slap a bow and eyelashes on to Girl character design bc god forbid we can't tell the boy and girl bunny/lion/deer apart!!!
Aside from the obvious sleazy aspect, it is also, in my opinion as a working character designer, deeply uninspired and often a symptom of a lack of real consideration going into the designs and/or world-building.
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
fic rec friday 49
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
it's not enchanted without you by @adelfie
He rolls his shoulders back and shifts into his wolf form. He’s all dark fur and lupine when he raises his head again. Like this, he can match Lance’s height — head to tail. Not that it’s a competition. But still. -- In an enchanted forest, wolf shifter Keith and merperson Lance are best friends. They're not supposed to be. (Or, a cute kid fic in which Keith and Lance both have swishy tails and Shiro is Strict™)
could have sworn i recced this one already. anyways. this is SO CUTE, baby klance always is, but like the whole forbidden friendship trope is so....little keith dragging his friend along in a wagon so they can run together. weeping
2. what the deep night brings by @adelfie
Lance wakes up feeling uneasy and Keith comforts him.
cute klance piece. it's all anyone ever needs. keith being lance's comfort both because lance finds him comforting and keith wants to comfort him. SIGH
3. Gentron Day 2: Childhood Friend by sunshinehime
"Hey! Wanna play with me?" A simple question hangs in the air. The boy in front of him holds out his hand, blue eyes sparkling like the ocean on a sunny day. His wide grin reveals a few gaps where baby teeth used to be. He can barely look him in the eye and his old habit of stuttering his words rears its ugly head again. He expects the boy to get annoyed with him and leave in a huff. But it seems this day is full of surprises.
lance & hunk is so everything to me actually. and lance shamelessly flirting with hunk can be so personal. i just love them having the longest friendship known to man and literally being cosmically connected like they're so
4. fighting the surface by @tomminowrites
“Humans have shown quite the impressive drive for survival,” the Galra commander grins. “I want to see you fight against that. The druids claim drowning is quite the painful way to go." He tips Lance backward over the water, as Keith and Shiro struggle against their bonds. "If you surface, they die.” Lance’s eyes widen and he's pushed backward with a splash. ______ Keith, Shiro, and Lance are taken captive during a mission planet-side. The commander decides he only needs two paladins for interrogation, and decides to have a little fun while they wait for extraction. Lance is thrown into the deep with the threat that if he swims up for air, one of the other two will be shot. Obviously Lance would rather die than allow that. Later chapters will, of course, deal with Keith and Shiro losing their damn minds thinking Lance just drowned himself for them.
now this is a CLASSIC. truly. i remember talking about this fic out loud with a friend bc that was normal back then. god. anyways this fic was like THEE bamf lance fic for a WHILE and like the blue & lance dynamics are AMAZING. remember when water power lance was all the rage?? i do and so does this fic. lance shooting people between the eyes RIGHTS
5. Paladin of Water by SimplyVibing
"Well, say your goodbyes.” The Triq’en laughed and tossed Lance over the edge of the cliff. __________________________ In the middle of battle, the paladins realise two things : 1- Lance is very helpful in a fight. 2- There's more to which lion you pilot than they thought.
i will never ever in my life get tired of lance just absolutely tearing bitches up. power making him glow. just popping up from being half dead and going oh you thought you could actually kill me?? you stupid motherfucker?? try again
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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