#40k roleplay
skunts-own-truth · 9 months
For any of those interested 40k RPers out there, I just got myself a copy of the new Wrath & Glory Aeldari sourcebook, Inheritance of Embers. If you’re curious about the new playable archetypes added into the game, here they are:
From the Drukhari-
Kabalite, Wych, Hellion, Beastmaster, Incubus, Mandrake (a surprise to me! Pretty cool you can play that,) Scourge, Archon, Haemonculus, Succubus.
From the Harlequins-
Troupe Player, Death Jester, Shadowseer, Troupe Master.
From the Corsairs-
Voidreaver, Voidscarred, Soul Weaver & Wayseeker, Felarch, Corsair Prince.
From the Asuryani-
Guardian, Ranger, Dark Reaper, Dire Avenger, Fire Dragon, Howling Banshee, Striking Scorpion, Swooping Hawk, Warp Spider, Warlock, Wraithguard (sick,) Autarch, Farseer.
Pretty solid lineup of classes! Any avid RPer or GM can use this book to make a heck of a Eldar game, and it sure is nice seeing C7 give some love to some factions outside of the Imperium for tabletop roleplay. And yes, I am a d100 faithful and do like Imperium Maledictum more than Wrath & Glory… buuut I do think if you’re doing a Xenos/post-human game, Wrath & Glory is a far better choice for the scale of action you’d want to do.
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thevoidscreams · 1 year
Warhammer rp discord is now live!
It will likely need some tweaking but it is now available to anyone who wants to join!
Like warhammer and want to do a bit of role-playing?
Come on down and have some fun!
Feel free to reblog and share with your friends
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prokopetz · 9 days
"Yeah, no, you do need high testosterone for geneseed implantation to take, but the geneseed doesn't care where the T comes from. Actually, loyalist chapters tend to preferentially select candidates with XX karotypes because the redundant X chromosome confers greater resistance to Chaos mutations, so statistically most Space Marines are transmasc. What? Of course it's canon – would I lie to you?"
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probablybadrpgideas · 9 months
Oh no! Your Warhammer minis and your opponent's Warhammer minis have joined forces to rebel against the humans who send them to their deaths for fun!
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My OC Navigator Seraphina meets Cassia. I think they'd get along.
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andysuriano · 27 days
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Hey everyone!! I think its obvious by now that I’ve been working hard on @lostcompanyofficial for a couple years, which is coming to fruition—and I would love it if you could all give it a chance and some love!!, so if we get 100 new followers and likes over the weekend then I will post some extra RISE goodies!
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askerlenkarsk · 2 months
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Some Warhammer species lineups
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anim-ttrpgs · 5 months
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000
Super interesting video by Questing Beast about some of the earliest ancestors to what would come to be known as a "tabletop roleplaying game," and the wargaming roots of TTRPGs as a whole.
I, the lead rules writer for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy have been a Warhammer 40,000 player for years, and I love to brag about the way that Eureka as a TTRPG is in touch with its wargaming ancestry, both in ways you would and wouldn’t expect.
Playing Warhammer 40,000 has helped me get a good sense for dice probability, especially with regards to the D6s that Eureka uses, and is one of the things that gave me the idea for how Eureka handles firearms, particularly those with high rates of fire.
In Eureka, one single hit from a bullet is enough to incapacitate a human character, and automatic weapons can fire up to 10 or even 12 bullets in a single action. Each one of these bullets has the potential to be devastating if it hits.
Lots of factors affect the probably of a shot hitting a target, and most of them affect it by making the probability go down. Shooting 1-3 shots in a single turn will be rolled by the standard and highly predictable 2D6 that Eureka normally uses, but beyond that number, D12s are used for each shot, which not only makes the rolling of 4+ shots easier because you can scoop a bunch of D12s up in one hand and throw them all at once without having to keep distinct pairs together, but also makes each individual dice roll swingier, and slightly more likely to be a lower number.
Therefore, just like in real life, automatic weapons increase accuracy by increasing the volume of shots fired, increasing the chance that at least one of them will hit. Because any given 9mm fired is just as deadly as another, whether it’s fired by itself or as part of a large burst.
It was Warhammer 40,000’s mechanics that filter massive numbers of attacks through Accuracy, Wounding, and Armor Saves, when only a few of these attacks need to get through in order to be effective, that helped put me onto this idea.
There is also the fact that, despite primarily being a neo-noir Investigation game, Eureka’s rules also allow for players easily controlling multiple characters at a time and the potential for more militaristic scenarios, with each individual PC being super fragile with simple HP that is super easy to keep track of even across multiple character sheets.
Then, there are quite a few things about Eureka that one might not expect to have come from a wargame.
For one, we get a lot of praise for how each section of the Eureka rulebook is ended with a series of bulletpoints that summarize all the key rules and ideas in the paragraphs above. Well, I got the idea to do that from Warhammer 40,000 rulebooks.
There is also a mechanic in the past few editions of Warhammer 40,000 called “Command Points.” Command Points are a limited resource that can be spent to gain small advantages in the game, such as rerolling a single die, or activating the special abilities of certain units. There is a set of universal Command Point abilities that all factions share, as well as every faction having their own set of Command Point abilities unique only to them.
It is no coincidence that Eureka sports a very similar mechanic. You can find more information about this by reading "Investigation and the Eureka! System" in the Eureka prerelease rulebook, which you can download for free right here, but the short version is that as investigators investigate, they gain Eureka! Points. It can take an awful lot of investigating to gain a single Eureka! Point, which makes them a very scarce resource, but they can be spent on valuable bonuses, such as retroactively un-failing a previously failed Investigation check and getting the clue that would have been obtained from it (We call that a “Eureka! Moment!), or adding an extra D6 to an important roll, increasing the probability of success. Those are just the universal ones, however, that every PC has. Like Command Point abilities in Warhammer 40,000, there’s a set of universal ones, but most of them are exclusive.
Certain Traits unlock other Eureka! Point abilities exclusive to PCs who have those Traits, one of my favorite of which being the Eureka! Point ability that the Final Girl Trait unlocks, which allows spending a Eureka! Point to decrease the probably of success for an aggressive monster’s roll, helping simulate the trope of the “final girl” being able to just barely slip out from the jaws of death due to a sudden stroke of luck.
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Another one of my favorites is a set of Eureka! Point abilities unlocked by the monster-exclusive Unkillable Trait. These abilities allow monsters, PC or NPC, to suddenly and unexpectedly return to the narrative after seemingly having been killed by losing all their HP. The more Eureka! Points spent, the sooner more immediately the monster can return.
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If any of this sounds interesting to you, you can back our Kickstarter before it ends on May 10th and get a copy on release! We are also doing physical copies now!
Oh, and just one more thing..
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Eureka Mention!
If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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dabigmek · 2 months
I see Da Bad Moon rizin'
I see Da blud on da floor...
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skunts-own-truth · 2 years
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Big news!!
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years
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“The names of the Daemon are many and terrible.  A thousand names in a thousand tongues, and each of them a lie.”  Daemon name random tables from White Dwarf 102, June 1988, by Mike Brunton and Bryan Ansell, originally appearing in Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness.
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prokopetz · 2 years
The fundamental tragedy of Warhammer 40K is that it asks "what if Catholicism was fucked up and in space?", then consistently fails to make the theology of Fucked Up Space Catholicism more fucked up than actual Catholicism.
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Speedrun Warhammer 40k by just taking out all your life savings and dropping them off at the local Games Workshop store in a big bag.
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Older Warhammer 40k OC commission. Imperial representative meeting with the Eldar...
I really wanted to experiment with more alien versions of aeldari armour and physicality so this was a lot of fun.
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the-cato-sicarius · 1 year
If given the chance, would you kiss Guilliman?
Would I kiss Guilliman? I haven't really considered it. Perhaps I should.
Guilliman himself is very much into kissing. I've seen him kiss all sorts of things, babies handed to him, statues, his favourite method of biometric ident is to kiss the dataslate, and of course all the forehead kisses he has given me and my brothers.
I have heard him say “I wish I could give every Ultramarine a kiss on the forehead, but that is so many kisses and I have so little time.”
Just imagine if he chose to honour his successor chapters as well…
Perhaps I should give him a forehead kiss in return. If someone deserves it, it would be him.
For the Primarch. For Guilliman.
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