#40k word oneshot type nonsense
cillyscribbles · 5 months
electing to disappear into the woods forever instead of editing any more high noon over camelot fic
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
You know I really feel torn in fandom sometimes. I adore 'dudebro style' fandom meta and analysis and canon supported and cited essays with the reddit debate exact words nonsense, but I hate how that culture derides headcanons and silly shipping and people throwing canon out the window and deciding that any fancontent they make will have the characters all be gay or genderbent or POC or something- 'fangirl type' fandom. I hate how you cant draw your own personal fanart of a character with a little trans flag button or non anime-pale skin without people jumping down your throat for having a headcanon and not labeling it firmly as a headcanon or au and not drawing 1:1 with canon character design in these spaces.
Likewise I ADORE 'fangirl-style' fandom and the infinite varieties of AUs and shipping and 'what if x was gay and trans', I ADORE reading 40k slowburns and smutty AUs, but I really hate how hard it is to have serious conversations about actual canon sometimes. I really dont like how its derided to want to actually engage with the text itself in places and people will get mad at you for asking about the *actual canon* and what it is rather than accepting their '''x coded'''(ie headcanon) as actual rep(its not). I hate how it feels like if you try to talk meta people freeze you out because you care too much about the actual text and not the ships with fluff and zero plot or content. 50 oneshots with no plot OR smut arent fun to read if you arent super into the ship actually! And god forbid if you are aromantic or actually LIKE the canon content. In some fandoms on this side it feels downright hostile if you dont flog yourself in pubic about liking the canon over whatever the popular fanon and noncanon ship is.
It really sucks because I love fandom, but some fandoms have such a big split in culture that if you like meta and canon you get excommunicated for being a snooty redditor(politely asking where in the story it says a thing so you can find it and be happy about canon rep when people say 'x is canon' and them getting mad because it isnt canon actually), and if you like shipping and headcanons you get excommunicated for being a wishful 'pushing headcanons on everyone' fangirl(drawing fanart of a character in a modern au with a trans flag button who has extremely transgender subtext to the point its hard to claim No One on the production team understood the Implications as well as a DLC costume being Literally Trans Flag Colors without firmly plastering it in 'this is a personal interpretation headcanon im claiming nothing about the canon itself').
Haha sorry for long rant but like. IDK. Im tired. Of both sides of fandom. Love it, but man...
Have to pick and choose what platforms I put what kinds of posts to not get yelled at in many fandoms and it SUCKS.
Yeah. I'm not wild about that flavor of the fangirl/shipper side of things either. Oldschool LJ and such places had far more of the canon meta mixed in with the shipping and far less of the "my headcanon is canon" stuff. (There was still a big separation from dudebro fandom though.)
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