#4koa galahad
yume-tsuki · 1 year
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I wanted to draw a beach picture with Ban and his family, started it weeks ago and finaly finished it
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yume-tsuki · 1 year
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Lancelot and Galahad Finally after they found the children and safed them, they had time to relax. Lancelot used that moment and went on a hill near bye. He sit down and his son next to him. Long time he just watched at the boy who seemed to had grown. >>I'm proud of you my son!<< >>What do you mean? Have you read my mind?<< >> Nope, I tried not to. But Loh told us a bit about your bravery. But I realy wish to hear it from you<< Galahad looked infront of himself, >> I tried to be like you father, but that man was so strong. He killed me, I couldn't do anything against him. But Amber, I mean that unicorn safed me.<< ~Unicorn???? Ah that strange sheep~ he had to read Galahad's mind to understand >>After I woke up, I was all alone for days. But I found a pair of demons living in the woods, they were so kind and gave me my new outfit. Isn't it cool! Also the sword, it had belonged to their son but he went back to the demon real<< >>I see<< Lancelot smiled happily. >>After that I was alone again, searching for the othes when one night a light appeared. But it was also Amber, using some kind of magic. Well and then Meridith appeared and later you guys.<< >>Kind of an adventure, I see.<< lancelot looked from his son to the cloudy sky. >>for some reason I hope this will be the last big adventure for quite a while.<< He pulled his son close. >>I missed you. And I can't wait to be at home again, and everything is back to normal.<< Galahad looked up at his fathers face smiling. >>Can't promise, but I try.Hey, hey father, want to see my cool scar?<< >>Okay.<<Lancelot laughed . Gal pulled up his pullover and showed him a big scar on his chest. >>That's where I was ...<< His father stopped him from talking more. >>I know where it came from, Galahad, my son, I'm just happy you are safe now.<< he smiled again, because he saw that Gal's feelings were hurt. >>let's sit some longer and talk about some nice stuff, like what you wish for dinner when we're back home?<<
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yume-tsuki · 1 year
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Lancelot having a talk with his son, how proud he is of him. A wip, it will be (hopefully)colored ; but I couldn't resist showing it to you.
I'm so proud of this, at the moment it's realy difficult to conentrate on a single picture @-@ but I try that it will stop... I hate when I want to draw so much at the same time; then I'm so unproductive~~
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yume-tsuki · 1 year
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>Welcome home papa! How was your day? Mom made you a birthday cake and I helped a lot, wanna see?<
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yume-tsuki · 1 year
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Amber When young Galahad encountered with that strange talking light, what calls herself the white fairy she told him the right way to the place where his friends got prisoned. Luckily Meredith found him before he got into trouble. Together now they stood infront of an strange looking door. >699 …damn I don’t know that word probably the name of the place ?I guess…what old language is this anyway?...< >I wonder if grandma could read this?< >You believe she is old enough? I  think Lady Elisabeth would know that language better than her isn’t it Gal?< >Tha-ha-t’s Stormhold, an old place people used to feel safe back in days of wa-har.< Both looked around till they saw a sheepish like animal. >The name is Amber; a Unicorn.<  >What do you say; a Unicorn? You are not even more than a lil lamb.< > Just because you can’t see my ma-ha-gnificent being; does not meen I'a-am not.< >What’s with that nasty accent?... you even sound like a sheep or a goat if I say so. Your horn looks quite akward. Don’t you think too Gal…Gal?< >Are you real unicorn?< >Quiet excited  about me handsome boy.< >Stop talking to him like you knew him.< >Oho,I do! And you too.< Both looked puzzled at the sazzy smirking creature. >Now I remember! The voice, like the white fairie one.< >Right handsome. That’s one of my magic tricks," message from an angel". I can send a message far away across space to others.< >but why? Why havn’t you just showed me yourself in person< >mahaha I was busy watching your friends who got kidnapped. You were to injured back than, I had to hope my healing magic patchs you up. so at least you could walk and find help on your own. Luckily your own powers awoke too.< >So the Unicorn  I dreamed of was real and it was you.< >That’s right but now we probably should think about a plan to sneak in.< >Before that, could you send Sir Lancelot a message where we are. The holy knights are way to clueless without your help.< >Well,…not a pleasure but I’ll do it for you. We probably will win with them more than without them… Well that doesn’t ma-ha-tter now isn’t it. First a message than let's sneak in right!?< >right!!< came it from both Well Lancelot and the rest of his friends had followed Meredith's horse's footprints till rain let them loos them again. Luckily the white fairy apeared infront of him. Telling him about the place were they got to go. Finaly with the goal ahead the only fear what was left behind was that they wouldn't be to late to safe them! ________________________ Colored the one sketch with Gal and the white fairiy x) the fur is from the same kind of creature what Meliodas and Ban killed in hell. All the cloths are from the kind demon pair he meat The place the kids stand infront is again based on>> REdwall-Mattimeo<<
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yume-tsuki · 2 years
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>>Let go of me granda<< Ban and lil Galahad I'm probably a bit inspired about 4koa and 7ds and will draw them a bit the next days
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yume-tsuki · 1 year
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Eight Guards of the abyss 3
@-@ It's still a bit hart finding the writing style for this ff~~ but it's getting better (at part 12 at last XDD) #eight guards of the abyss for more chapters The young man on the panel is Constantin; Tristan and Isolde's son. charming point is the hair on his head, I decided giving him 3 single hairs representing him, his father and grand father. Rest of the eight guards under the cut
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Constantine/Tin/Tintin 23: 1/4 human; demon and holy; son of Tristan and Isolde; leader of the Guardians Mordred/Morty 17: human-Parents unknown; living in Liones Castle; Etheldred/Edda* 20: human-daughter of Donny and Tioreh; even when her mother is half fairy and giant; she isn't owning fairy and giant magic but similiar one Lohengrin/Loh23:-human daughter of Percival and Anne; best friend with Edda; living most of her live in Sistana. Galahad/Gal 23: -human 1/3 fairy- son of Lancelot mother unknown; lives in Liones; he is mostly followed by Amber an Unicorn, who mostly looks more like a sheep or goat** Helen 16-ancient of the goddess- parents unknown Belinos/Bel 23- demon-son of Bedivere and Io; grandchild of Zeldris and Gelda***; lives mostly in Camelot Artemes 20- giant- parents unknown- he cut his hair after the first event, to look cooler and stronger when I write Liones ->Lioness it's because in german they wrote it that way *she was based as daughter of Donny and Anne; and it's a bit hart not to let her be their child. I thought aboutthem having one night together but it feld wrong. And I like Diane Howzer so it ended up letting Donny be together with Tioreh ** I thought it would be funny letting them have a mascot similiar to 7ds and 4koa; so a pig like the boar sin; a fox like the fox sin; and the sheep/goat stands for the goat sin *** they got a son in my story; but they thought he died when he was a toddler; First meeting him 14 years later
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