#5ds ep 16
carmarriage · 1 year
i chose zexal btw
#literally stared at that post for a solid 3 mins trying to decide. absolutely agonizing#gx is really fun but zexals plot is better imo. and since its newer its generally better to look at as well#and nothing on this planet will ever be more iconic than keyshipping it cant be done#AND LIKE i wasnt kidding when i said i got crazy invested that shit had me SCREAMINGGGG at the vector reveal#cus i was livetweeting my first watchthru at the time and i happened to see a spoiler that was like#something about zexal having ''aliens that possess the bodies of dead kids''#and i had ALSO already been spoiled a little bit for vector so i was like ohhh thats gonna be the deal huh#IT WASNT...... IT WAS A DIFFERENT THING......#that enhanced my viewing experience like 10x lmao#maybe its cuz ive only ever seen gx dubbed but i never had that big of a reaction to anything that happened in it. its all so unserious#arc v was also kinda in consideration bc its like. arc vs premise is sooo cool#and it was also the series i started watching while it was still airing so it had a different Flavor#but man.... arc vs ending was so doodoo dogshit it kinda soured the rest of the series for me in retrospect LOL#and ive only ever seen 20-30 eps of 5ds and vrains so i cant really make a judgement#but i remember really liking 5ds i just havent gotten around to continuing yet#i didnt like vrains as much LOL the design of the stupid vrchat village world disappointed me so much i stopped keeping up with it#but i enjoyed what i saw of yusaku i thought he was really funny. 16 yo serious hackerman. i love it#thank you for reading htis. manifesto. i dunno what this is. kattobingu
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extrovedteen · 10 months
WAIT Y/N! Quick Note: For those of you that saw ‘chapter one’ I decided to just break it down into individual parts all based on NEP’s PUP EP because I’m obsessed and it gives me hardcore Colby vibes so for all of us Colby Brock girls, this ones for us!
Warning: SMUT , FLUFF and everything in between. Enjoy my lovelies, if we like this I may do a Kit Connor one afterwards!
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“I really like it when you scream, I really like when you do not hurt me, I really like the way I look up at you and somehow you look down on me kindly.”
"You're not meant for that side of YouTube!" your manager yelled at you through the phone.
"It's what I want to do, I'm not interested in-" you started, trying to be heard.
"You're not doing it!" Your manager said sternly, you felt your heart break, as you knew you weren't in control of your own carer and if you wanted to continue this life, you had to stay a lifestyle guru.
You woke up in a hot sweat, a squeal escaping your lips before you fully woke up and understood that it was just a dream, your subconscious coming through.
"Hey guys, what's up! It's Y/N!" You spoke into your camera, you had just bought a brand new Cannon EOS R5. You had been with Cannon since your dad had bought you your very own Cannon EOS 5DS for your 16 birthday, when it all began. "And Happy Vlogmas Day 1!" You grinned from ear to ear, you were now 22 and vlogmas was the only thing you still truly loved about being a lifestyle guru. "Today we're hanging out with Adelaine Morin, we're going to go to the gym, our personal trainer is waiting for us, somehow we're always late." You laughed into the camera, you felt so fake.
Kris: we should have a sleep over tonight!
You had become close friends with Kris and Celina in the last few years of your career, they were the only ones that truly knew what you wanted to do on YouTube and about your gift
Ever since you remembered you had the gift of clairsentience (noun. the ability to perceive emotional or psychic energy that is imperceptible to the five standard senses.) and therefore you wanted to explore with this gift as it was only getting stronger as you were getting older, but your fan base was with you for lifestyle content and not paranormal investigations. You were worried about losing your fan base if you had a change, so you never did.
You had met Kris and Celina at a Tik-Tok event and the three of you had become inseparable ever since, and you loved spending time together however they knew that they had to hide you in their videos so you'd always be there, but nobody would know.
Celina: At Y/N's? I'll bring crumble!
You smiled at your phone, but then frowned as you knew it was vlogmas and that you needed that time to create content, during Vlogmas it was hard to keep up the double life, so you replied with
Y/N: I truly wish I could, but it's Vlogmas :( and I really need the time to create content.
Kris: Oh, yeah I forgot. It's understandable, but we'll really miss you this month.
Celina: you should just tell your fans the truth, I'm sure they'd understand and be really excited for the new content.
You had wished that it would be like that, but you knew otherwise, you had seen one person who was truly successful at a whole new brand change which was Taylor Swift, and you were no Taylor Swift. Instead you were Miley Cyrus, living a double life.
Y/N: guys unfortunately I'm no Taylor Swift... instead I'm a Miley Cyrus...
You chuckled as you replied, no matter how much you truly cherished your friendships with the other lifestyle guru's especially Adelaine you knew you only truly fit in with Kris and Celina, they made you feel welcomed, they made you laugh and you could always be your truest self without being judged.
Y/N: I have to go! I have the gym this morning, but I'll talk to you guys later
You added to the chat and headed off to pick up Adelaine in your yellow Tesla, your dream car. You picked up Adelaine and the two of you went to grab something for breakfast from Starbucks before heading to the GYM.
"I just picked up Adelaine and we grabbed some Starbucks for breakfast, I got the egg bites and an iced matcha." You said, shaking your drink as you took a sip, your Tesla driving for you. "So good!" You grinned, Adelaine then shared what she got as well before you both said "and now we're on our way to the gym!"
Cut to the gym, it was leg day for you and so your PT talked you through that and you captured as much footage as possible before the session was over. After the gym, you and Adelaine went shopping to target to do some Christmas shopping and found something you knew that Kris would die for and so you recorded yourself putting into in the trolley, as a part of your footage for the day when your phone pinged.
Celina: Sam and Colby are coming to mine, we're filming a video on my haunted house.
As soon as you saw the names of the boys you wished you could go, Sam and Colby you had met them a handful of times as you were in their friend groups and would go to the same parties, you still remembered the first time you had never met Colby as clear as day. You glanced at him from across the room only to see him already looking down on you kindly, it made your breath hitch and your heart flutter. He walked over to you, it was an open mic tik-tok event and he was going to sing his song ‘Skin’ you also sang every now and again, but what influencer didn’t really. You knew how to play the bass and so when you noticed him holding his bass, you walked over to him confidently.
‘Nice Bass, It looks really expensive. I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself, holding your hand out. He took your hand and kissed the back of it.
‘Colby.’ He replied before smirking up at you ‘Do you know how to play?’ He asked you.
‘Yeah, a little.’ You replied, feeling cheeky. He took his bass off and placed it over you.
‘Back straight, chest out.’ He instructed, you followed his instructions.
‘You lied bunny, you’re good’ He grinned, his breath on your neck as he stood behind you.
‘I know, I was just messing with you.’ You laughed, feeling the tension in the air of him standing behind you and obviously flirting with you.
‘No, say it.’ He said sternly, he very much had dominate energy and you couldn’t help but blush.
‘Say what?’ You asked, confused.
‘Say that you’re good.’ He continued.
‘Okay, I’m good.’ You admitted, turning around and looking into his eyes trying to make him feel just as intimidated.
‘Good Girl.’ He said looking into your eyes, he definitely wasn’t the littlest bit intimidated and he took his bass back before walking out on stage.
You still remembered everything he ‘taught you that night’ even how surprised he was when you played for him and found out how good you were.
You blushed, thinking about it until Adelaine’s voice bought you out of it. ‘Y/N!’ She spoke loudly before waving her hand in your face. ‘What are you thinking about that’s got your face all red? Wait! Is it a guy? Finally!’ She grinned. ‘WHO? Who is it?’ She asked, excited. She had been waiting for you to get into a relationship since you guys had met seven years ago, you had never had a boyfriend before.
‘Nobody.’ You laughed, your phone pinging again.
‘Is that him?’ She asked, reaching for your phone and you instantly became scared of her seeing who was messaging you so you shoved your phone into your pocket.
‘Don’t.’ You said sternly. She was surprised but that but dropped the conversation not wanting to upset you further.
‘Who is that for anyway?’ She asked you, looking into your trolley. ‘Just a friend from back home’ You lied. You hated lying to your best friend of seven years but your fear was far too strong and you knew you needed to keep the two lives separate, if you ever felt the courage to change your carer she would be the first to know, other then those from that other life.
Kris: Count me in!
You sighed, reading the message that had come through
Y/N: Have fun guys!
was all you could say, knowing your fans were counting on you getting enough footage each day for vlogmas. Instead of counting down to Christmas you were counting down the days until you could finally spend time with your best friends and see the boy that you had a crush on, not a crush- you just thought he was cute- or annoying.
Kris: Colby is talking about you!
Celina: He asked where you are AH
Y/N: Guys, he’s probably just used to me being with you guys and helping you paranormal investigate because I have a gift.
Celina: Yeah and because he probably wants to give you a gift ;)
You just laughed at your best friend’s messages, shaking your head as you sighed, stretched and finished editing the thumbnail as you had already sent off the footage to your editor. By the time you were done it was 12:00AM and you knew they could possibly still be filming.
Y/N: I’m finally done! Be proud.
Kris: We’re so proud of you, beautiful. We’re almost done filming, we’re just about to do some rituals to close.
Celina: Get over here RIGHT NOW! Sam and Colby are staying the night.
You read the messages, and although you were tired 5 minutes ago you were wide awake.
Y/N: Lifestyle guru by day, paranormal investigator by night! I’m on my way!
You replied, getting up of the couch grabbing an energy drink out of the fridge and grabbing your car keys as you walked out the door, you got into your Tesla and drove to Celina’s house, your makeup was still done from earlier that day and you were wearing a tight black dress with a cut in the front exposing skin, you paired it with a leather jacket as it was winter and you’d be filming outside but you wanted to show off your brand new dress.
You got there 45 minutes later as Celina lived in a secluded area the time now reading 12:45AM. You took a few seconds to pull yourself together knowing that you truly had a crush on Colby Brock, no matter how hard you tried to deny it.
“Ello, Ello!” You called out, walking up to the door as you automatically felt goosebumps and the hairs on your skin prick up.
“Y/N!” Kris ran to the door and twirled you around before putting you back down.
“Come into my lair!” Celina said in her demon voice making you all laugh as per usual, dragging you inside. As soon as you stepped inside your eyes automatically looked for Colby’s as your heart fluttered.
“Hey Sam” You smiled, before looking back at Colby “Colby” you added.
“Bunny.” Colby replied, Sam walking over to you to give you a hug “Long time no see” Sam said with a grin.
“I can’t believe you guys wanted for me, I can’t even be in any of the footage.” You stated, feeling disappointed in yourself.
“We just enjoy your company, plus we always know we’re on the right path when you’re here because of your gift.” Colby said, looking at you with the kindest eyes.
You just smiled and nodded before you turned out of the frame and let them continue their filming, all of you walking towards the outdoor cabin, them filling you in on what you had missed.
“We’re going to play this game, it’s basically a ritual. It’s called the corner game.’ Sam started explaining. ‘So basically the idea of the game is to use all of our energy to summon said thing we want to talk to into the space that we’re here.’ He finished before adding on that the whole point of the night was to try and get rid of Elias. You instantly felt the negative energy and knew that it was Elias. “He doesn’t like that.” You said, Colby standing next to you out of the frame but recording Sam speaking. He instantly looked at you, and could tell that you were feeling uneasy.
“It’s summoning him right?” Colby asked and Sam replied “Summoning him into our space.” You nodded your head before Colby assured all of you that they had a plan and not to worry, you took their word for it and you all started the ritual.
Whilst you all undertook the summoning ritual, you were the last in, after Colby so that it would be easier to edit your voice out.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” You chose your corner and instantly felt Elias’ in the cabin with you, the uneasy feeling following you, you chose your corner and then the ritual went on, the energy just getting worse and worse.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” You said lastly, walking out of the door and closing it behind you, however Colby needing to go back and close the door so you weren’t in the video.
As soon as you were all out, you started to fall over feeling the negative powerful energy consume you, it was a downside of your gift. Colby caught you “You okay, bunny?” He asked you, worried. You sat down and nodded
“He’s definitely here.” You told your friends. Your friends stood up and started to film themselves using the Alice box hearing ‘Here’ come through which only proved your gift further, Colby was so turned on by your gift, he truly thought it was incredible.
You all filmed the last part of the video which was the banishing ritual, and by the end of it you truly didn’t feel his presence anymore, the video was complete and filming wrapped.
“Your gift is incredible” Colby said looking at you, everyone else agreeing.
“The way that you said ‘He’s definitely here’ and then the Alice box said ‘here’ that’s so crazy.” Sam added.
“Thanks guys, well in good news I don’t feel him anymore.” You assured them.
“Thank you.” Celina said thanking everyone. “It’s getting late.” Celina said, looking at her phone as you all walked back into the house, It was now 2AM.
“We should all get the bed, and we’ll hangout tomorrow morning?” Kris asked, everyone agreeing.
“Is there anywhere for me to sleep?” You asked, not really wanting to drive another 45 minutes home.
“Of course! We were thinking maybe You and Colby could share the cabin?” Celina asked, Kris’ eyebrows raising as a small chuckle left her mouth.
“What’s funny?” You asked, obviously knowing what they were implying, everyone could feel the sexual tension between the two of you although you’d both always deny it.
“Nothing.” Kris said, “It’s just probably less scary with you there due to your gift” She said, saving herself.
“Nice save” You laughed.
“I don’t mind, bunny.” Colby said, using that nickname that he knew made you swoon.
“Okay, then neither do I.” You said, daring.
“Well, goodnight.” Kris smiled, giving you a hug and walking inside. Celina and Sam following her inside, after Celina also gave you a hug.
You just looked up at Colby before twirling, showing of your brand new dress. “I guess your stuck with me” You said meeting his eyes that were looking down on you kindly, every time.
“I don’t mind that” He admitted, the two of you walking into the Cabin.
It was now 3:30AM and the two of you still weren’t asleep, you had gotten cold and so he gave you his sweater which was apart of the new XPLR merch, it was the purple ‘busy fighting demons’ sweater, you had been wanting one and now you had one and it smelt like Colby. However it fit you terribly but it was okay because you felt all cute and chic. You hadn’t spoken much to each other, only stealing glances when you’d look up from your phones. You were sleeping head to toe together in bed, and occasionally you could feel his leg touch yours and you weren’t sure if it was on purpose or because of the way you sit in the single bed together.
“I’m starving, I didn’t eat dinner.” You admitted.
“No dinner, bunny?” You asked, again that nickname made your heart flutter, although it was the only thing he called you, it always caught you off guard.
You pouted. “Unfortunately not, I was so busy with my daily footage.” You admitted. “I only had breakfast earlier before the gym.”
“There is a McDonald’s 25 minutes away.” He asked, looking at the maps on his phone. “Come on, my shout” He said and you were too hungry to disagree so you followed him out of the door.
25 minutes later you both arrived at the McDonald’s and ordered your food, Colby parked in the parking lot and you both got out and sat in his trunk which had a lot of space in the back. You ate your food and talked about life, just getting to know each other and it was obvious that you both liked each other.
“You have sauce” He said, rubbing his thumb under your lip. You both looked into each other’s eyes “Your eyes are so beautiful.” He admitted, you gulped before the two of you knew it your lips were crashing together as you kissed each other passionately. You bit his bottom lip and giggled. “You’re so beautiful.” He added before you both hid in the trunk, you were pretzeling your legs as you fell back into the trunk, you both had so many tattoos and you couldn’t help but admire his.
You wanted to take things slow, but the sexual tension was so strong that your legs instantly wrapped around his waist, dragging him down on top of you and the two of you started making out again. “Colby” You said, biting his bottom lip again, driving him crazy. “Bunny” he whispered into your ear, as his hands rubbed down your sides “Can I?” He asked, his hand meeting the top of your panties, he was asking for consent to put his hands inside your panties which made you admire him even more, you nodded your head as you nuzzled your head into his neck, biting his neck and leaving little love bites. “You’re driving me crazy” he admitted, but you already knew you were. His hands found your clit through your panties and he started to rub against it, making you wet. You had never been with anyone else so this was your first time, you didn’t want to ruin the moment so you didn’t tell him that.
“What do you want to do?” He asked you, before your hands were also in his pants, rubbing his hard on.
“I want something baby” you replied before whispering “guess” in his ear.
When you assured him that’s what you wanted, he started to undress you, taking off your dress, leaving you in your underwear. His hands making their way inside your panties as his fingers found their way inside, still rubbing your clit. You started to moan softly into his ear.
“Fuck, Bunny you feel so tight.” He spoke dominantly. You instantly knew it was because you were a virgin, you had always dreamed of losing your virginity to your soulmate because you believed in that type of stuff but you wanted him more than you had ever wanted anyone.
Your hands unbuckled his belt and you pulled his pants down, him helping you with this before your hands started to jerk him off. He moved you on top of him, so you were sitting on his face as he fingered you and ate you out moaning while he did so. “You taste so good” He assured you.
You started to suck his cock, jerking him off while your mouth is around him, this making him scream enjoying it so much. He would have never guessed that you were a virgin. Soon your breath was hitched as he started to pump two fingers inside of you, you now understood why everyone enjoyed sex.
You started to experience your first orgasm, feeling his tongue against your clit, rubbing it as fast as he could.
Whilst he did this, you continued to suck him off, licking in between his tip, focusing on the side. “Fuck!” He groaned as you both started cumming together.
You laid down next to him after this, looking up at him. “Good Girl” he whispered, kissing the top of your head. You really like it when he didn’t hurt you.
You started to trace his tattoos, “How many do you have?” You asked him. “11” He told you before the two of you fell asleep in the trunk.
Ending Note: AYO that was good, I think? What did you guys think? Next SONG will be PUP!
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buddicat · 1 year
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bfdi 1: take the plunge bfdi 2: barriers and pitfalls bfdi 3: are you smarter than a snowball? bfdi 4: sweet tooth bfdi 5: bridge crossing bfdi 6: power of three bfdi 7: bfdi 8: cycle of life bfdi 9: bfdi 10: crybaby! bfdi 11: lofty bfdi 12: bfdi 13: don't lose your marbles bfdi 14: half a loaf is better than none bfdi 15: vomitaco bfdi 16: the reveal bfdi 17: reveal novum bfdi 18: recission bfdi 19: bowling, now with explosions! (?) bfdi 20: gardening hero bfdi 21: bfdi 22: bfdi 23: hurtful! bfdi 24: insectophobe's nightmare 2 bfdi 25: return of the hang glider bfdia 1: yeah, who? i wanna know bfdia 2: get digging bfdia 3: zeeky boogy doog bfdia 4: insectophobe's nightmare 3 bfdia 5a: get in the van bfdia 5b (the game) bfdia 5c: no more snow! bfdia 5d: bfdia 5e: the long lost yoyle city idfb 1: welcome back bfb 1: getting teardrop to talk bfb 2: lick your way to freedom bfb 3: don't do this on a swingset bfb 4: today's very special episode bfb 5: fortunate ben bfb 6: four goes too far bfb 7: the liar ball you don't want bfb 8: questions answered bfb 9: this episode is about basketball bfb 10: enter the exit bfb 11: get to the top in 500 steps bfb 12: what do you think of roleplay? bfb 13: return of the rocket ship (the hype surrounding this was real) bfb 14: don't dig straight down (this one too!!!!) bfb 15: the four is lava bfb 16: the escape from four bfb 17: x marks the spot bfb 18: take the tower bfb 19: how loe can you grow? bfb 20: a taste of space bfb 21: bfb 22: who stole donut's diary? bfb 23: fashion for your face! bfb 24: the game has changed bfb 25: bfb 26: bfb 27: uprooting everything bfb 28: bfb = back from beginning bfb 29: sos (save our show) bfb 30: chapter complete tpot 1: you know those buttons don't do anything, right? tpot 2: the worst day of black hole's life tpot 3: getting puffball to think about rollercoasters tpot 4: gardening zero
contestants, i'll do this per team because it's easier for me tor emember LMAOO
8-ball basketball golf ball tennis ball blocky grassy robot flower tv
donut barf bag gelatin naily spongy bomby firey jr bracelety
the losers (i forget abt them alot honestly):
leafy (after bfb 11) firey needle coiny pin loser cake clock eggy
teardrop ice cube book gaty saw lollipop dora taco
pencil match bubble ruby flower snowball fanny lightning
death pact:
black hole liy tree pie bottle pen pillow remote
free food:
eraser bell fries yellow face puffball marker foldy stapy
roboty david leafy (originally) balloony cloudy rocky nickel woody
tpot newbies: winner + price tag
alr hosts.
announcer flower speaker box firey speaker box puffball speaker box four x purple face (i think that's it...)
seasons. quite easy if i say so myself
bfdi bfdia idfb bfb tpot
thank u for reading through this long ass thing! some eps might be there but in different placements (especially with insectophobe's nightmare 3 hfbjhjfg)
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team-frightfur · 1 year
Revelations from Zexal blind watch.
Ep 7 and 8: How did Fuya not get submitted to Gayest Yugioh character poll? This kid is a textbook small gay.
I like when Astral reveals he's just a little stupid. I love how he cannot tell apart fiction and reality. I love how Yuma is too stupid to explain the difference. "It's just TV!" Astral: I see, so TV records the history of a different dimension! We must investigate further!
I hope this trend continues. Seeing him find his legs/compassion and empathy is delightful. Maybe he can find his toes, too.
Omg! Yuma set a card on his first turn without being asked! He's learning! Sadly, it seems to have come at the cost of his jumping ability. Episode 1 Yuma could easily chase Fuya.
Edit: spoke too soon. For someone who refuses to think of the future or the past, Yuma sure runs a lot of traps.
So like, in episode 7, Yuma says 'Haction' and the subs translate that a to 'Live Action'. Honestly shocked and appalled that he was actually just mispronouncing 'Fiction'. I love this stupid dog.
Shark wins the prize for Worst Duel Runner.
Ep 9: This is the kind of episode where you watch as a kid and like, its funny, but as an adult its just terrifying. Like has this catgirl been stripping Yuma naked at night? 5 times a week? I'm scared. Please lock your windows.
I love how Astral is completely oblivious. "I thought stalkers coming into your room was normal." Today on 'Astral Learns Common Sense': the right to privacy!
Omg I'm so proud of Yuma, if he tries he can do it. He can strategise! He can win! he doesn't even need Astral... sometimes! Go go go!
The implication that Astral understands romance more than Yuma. The implication he's been watching romance shows on TV.
Ep 10
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Shark: So like, I'll duel you, but I gotta head home and grab my deck first. Don't move ok. I gotta walk to the gang hole, grab my duel runner, drive home, grab my deck, drive back. Won't take a moment.
Omg my boy has been improving for real! Yuma set a card all on his own! Too bad Shark runs fucking MST! Actual pro. Whats next? Book of Moon? Crackdown? Compulsory Evacuation Device?
Me: Astral is salting Yuma for not reading graveyards as if anyone reads graveyards.
My Irl Friend: I read graveyards.
Me: Don't talk to me.
Shark deserved that win. He deserved that win so much I'm so proud of him! He spent the last three weeks imagining their next duel, how he'd win, all Yuma's weaknesses. Excellent.
Ep 11 and 12: What genre does shark think he's in. Gangster flick?
Tetsuo is so mad at Yuma for using Numbers but like, what else is he supposed to use? Gagaga beatdown?
Also, everyone keeps saying Yuma's playing this tag duel suboptimally, but without seeing his hand how are we supposed to know? Did he specifically summon Utopia before using S/T removal? Did he have S/T removal? No? then it's not a 'Reckless' summon, Astral! It's 'getting two future Xyz mats off my field and replacing them with a substantial protective body!'
Glad to see Yuma's genuine improvement, though. Admittedly, the end of the duel involving 6 different backrow made me want to just. Drop in. Summon Sat Cannon. Watch the chaos.
Ep 13 and 14: Kaito walking in here freezing time and unleashing a magical girl tranformation. Walked out of a different show. Good for him. Powerful. I like how deranged he is here. Already better.
For a guy who supposedly doesnt like eating souls, you sure did make "Imma eat your soul" a catchphrase, Kaito. You sure smile alot while killing people, Kaito. Holy shit tho, he runs 3 of his monsters. C o n s i s t e n c y.
Kaito truly is a magical girl, specifically, he's a dark magical girl in the vein of Fate Testarossa. Your days are numbered, Kaito. Friendship is coming.
Yuma you were doing so well. Why did you not set that card befoooooore.
Episode 15 and 16: Does this imply that Zexal is the timeline of Gx and Dm but 5ds was deleted from the universe along with synchro summoning? Anyway I literally lined my comm while my friend watched because I lost interest instantly.
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chromsai · 6 years
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looks like yusei knows what’s up
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Boku no Hero Academia characters who share the same voices as Yu-Gi-Oh! characters!
Since I’m a big fan of both anime series, I kinda started hearing same voices, did some research and was pretty surprised by some of them!
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Denki Kaminari – Yuma Tsukumo (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal)
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Eijiro Kirishima – Ryoga Kamishiro “Shark” (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal)
*omg even their surnames sound similar
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Fumikage Tokoyami – Thomas Arclight “IV” (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal) & Reiji Akaba (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC V)
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Shoto Todoroki – Takeru Homura “Soulburner” (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)
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Toru Hagakure – Droite/Dextra (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal)
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Tsuyu Asui – Mieru Hochun (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC V)
The same voice actress also performed the song »The Mirror of Dual-ism« - the third opening of Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal II !!!!
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Tenya Iida – Shinji Weber (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC V)
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Tsunagu Hakamata – Seto Kaiba
*wow even their haircuts look similar XD
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Tomura Shigaraki – Kaito Tenjo (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal & ARC V)
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Kurogiri –  minor roles (21 episodes) in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC V : Academia principal (eps 36, 41); Apollo (ep 116); Bordeaux (7 episodes); Controller (ep 24); Development Dept. member (ep 21); Male spectator (ep 66); Man (ep 58); Medical staff (ep 35); Meiseki-juku principal (eps 19-20); Obelisk Force (eps 48-49); Section chief (eps 2, 8, 40); Security (eps 55-56, 59); Spectator (ep 33); Tio; Tournament committee chairman (ep 27); Wrestler duelist (ep 16)
*something's telling me this guy wanted a bigger role but they only kept giving him minor roles and he was like “better than nothing”
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Enji Todoroki – Joey’s father (Yu-Gi-Oh!) & Aki’s father (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds)
*this guy surely loves to voice dads XD
Anyone that I missed? 
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aquamarinesun · 7 years
Signature campaign in change.org here. (Created by Yamada Tomoko)
If you are wondering what is Dream Festival!, here is an introduction to them, as well as the reason for the signature campaign. (TL;DR at the end)
What is “Dream Festival!”?
Dream Festival is a 5D (2D + 3D) multimedia project in collaboration with Bandai Namco Pictures, Bandai, Lantis, Amuse, Bandai Channel, Bandai Namco Entertainment and Banpresto. The project began on October 29, 2015 with the release of a PV for a song called Glory Story. During the course of the project it has released several CDs, BDs, a Documentary on the project, a mobile game, an arcade game, a radio program, and a live show entitled, “Dream Festival! Laboratory”. 
Dream Festival consists of two major groups namely DearDream and Kurofune.
Who are DearDream ?
DearDream is a 5 member unit that consists of:
Amamiya Kanade (C.V. Ishihara Souma) (Center)
Oikawa Shin (C.V. Mizogucchi Takuya) (Leader)
Sasaki Junya (C.V. Tomita Kentaro)
Katagiri Itsuki (C.V. Ota Masaki)
Sawamura Chizuru (C.V. Masaki Kaoru)
DearDream also has 2 sub-units namely Traffic Signal, which consists of Kanade, Shin and Junya, and W-MaSKaT, which consists of Itsuki and Chizuru. DearDream released their first single New Star Evolution (iTunes, PV) on March 16, 2016. While their first album, entitled Real Dream! (iTunes, PV) was released on February 22, 2017. They also went on their first live entitled, “DearDream 1st LIVE Real Dream”, as well as their first live tour entitled, “DearDream 1st LIVE TOUR ユメノコドウ ”. For the release of the BD of the first live, it reached number 2 on the Oricon Chart for its 2nd week of sales (source).
Singles by DearDream:
PLEASURE FLAG / シンアイなる夢へ!   (iTunes, PV1, PV2, PV3)
ユメノコドウ   (iTunes, PV)
Symmetric love / You are my RIVAL
EPs by DearDream:
Welcome to D-Four Productions (iTunes)
Catch Your Yell!! (iTunes)
Album by DearDream:
Real Dream! (iTunes)
To be released:
『働くお兄さん!』 Music Selection 履歴書 01 featuring the OP “ 働くお兄さん!” and ED “KEEP YOUR HOPE ALIVE” sung by DearDream (Preview, 30 sec. CM)
KUROFUNE is a 2 member unit that consists of:
Kuroishi Yuuto (C.V. Kubamoto Hideaki)
Kazama Keigo (C.V. Totani Kimito)
KUROFUNE released their first single,  ARRIVAL -KUROFUNE Sail Away- / 君はミ・アモール (iTunes, PV) on November 23, 2016. Their first album, FACE 2 FAITH (iTunes, PV) was released on July 26, 2017. They also had their first live concert, entitled “BATTLE LIVE! KUROFUNE vs DearDream”, with them as the headlining act and DearDream as guests.
Singles by KUROFUNE
ARRIVAL -KUROFUNE Sail Away- / 君はミ・アモール  (iTunes, PV)
Future Voyager / Whole New World (iTunes)
FACE 2 FAITH (iTunes, PV) 
Aside from their own discographies, they have released 2 CDs wherein all of them are the artists of the album. These are:
SHUFFLE LIVE 01 (iTunes)
So why the signature campaign?
On March 4, 2018, 12:00 P.M. JST, it was announced that the mobile game, Dream Festival! R, and the arcade game, Data Carddass Dream Festival! , will be shutting down on May 1, 2018, 2:00 P.M. JST and March 30, 2018 respectively. Also announced was a special broadcast on the same day at 8:00 P.M. JST, which contained the announcement of the disbandment of both DearDream and KUROFUNE.
Aside from the disbandment announcement, they also announced the release of the DVD / BD of both Battle Live and the 1st Live Tour, the announcement of DearDream’s 2nd album as well as KUROFUNE’s 3rd single and lastly a last live with both DearDream and KUROFUNE as headlining acts at BUDOKAN.
This signature campaign was started to rally support from fans that do not want this project to end. 
Aside from the signature campaign, other things that have happened so far:
A Hatena Blog topic was created entitled,  「私と『ドリフェス!』」 (Dorifesu and me). (here)
A campaign to make Real Dream! chart on iTunes. The song reached number 18 on the sales chart (screenshot here)
The hashtag  #ドリフェスと叶えたい夢 (Dorifesu and the dream I want to fulfill)
The hashtag  #ドリフェスに課金してドリカを引く遊び, in which everyone purchased a 10-pull in the Dream Festival! R app, which eventually made the app rank number 11 on number of sales in the japanese play store (screenshot here)
And other twitter campaigns made by the @DF_yell twitter account
If you have sign the signature campaign other things you could do is:
Reblog this post
Share the petition on other platforms
Dream Festival (dorifesu) is a 5D multimedia franchise by Bandai, it’s subcompanies, and Amuse
Dorifesu consists of 2 main groups, DearDream (DD) and KUROFUNE (KF)
DD consists of Kanade, Shin, Junya, Itsuki and Chizuru. While KUROFUNE consists of Yuuto and Keigo
Dorifesu project is being canceled with the last remaining projects will be DD’s 2nd Album, KF’s 3rd Single and last live by DD and KF in BUDOKAN
I just don’t want this project to die this fast. It means so much to me and all the other fans
Sign the petition here 
Reblog this post as well pretty please
Thank you so much for reading!  イケるっしょ!
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16 more episodes to go and im reintrested again
i should have stuck to my whole “if u start to get bored/spae out bc you watched to many eps in a row, then switch series and pick off where u left off, or watch youtube” but no..i needed to know whats going on
and idk where i went fuck it and keep watching somehwere between season 2-3 of gx, and bc i wasnt emotionally ready to get to yubels shit so soon so im like 5ds lets gooooo, and here i am.....probably
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metaladdicts · 4 years
BEHEMOTH Re-Issues Debut EP, 'And the Forests Dream Eternally'
BEHEMOTH Re-Issues Debut EP, ‘And the Forests Dream Eternally’
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Photo credit: Grzegorz Gołębiowski
On September 18th, BEHEMOTH will release CD and vinyl re-issues of their debut EP, And the Forests Dream Eternally, which can be pre-ordered now at this location.
Originally released in 1995, And the Forests Dream Eternally is available as a double LP or 2-CD Mediabook, both containing bonus vintage audio material and exclusive archival content. Please…
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eternal-flame · 7 years
1. Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! series
Hmm… I haven’t watched Arc V and Vrains yet, but so far 5ds is probably my favorite! 
2. Anime or manga?
3. Dub or original?
Original. Always. No exeptions. 
4. Favorite season/story arc
Well, that’s a difficult question to answer. Probably season 4 of GX. It had the best conclusion ever.
5. Favorite opening/ending
It’s either the fourth op of GX (Precious Times, Glory Days), or the second op of Zexal (Braving).
6. Favorite character
1… 10… 100… 1000… MANJOUME THUNDER!
7. OTP
GX rivalshipping, faithshipping, kingcrabshipping, sharkbaitshipping.
8. Favorite antagonist/villain
Does Kaiba counts? If not, then it’s either (regular) Malik or Aporia.
9. Favorite minor character
Hmmmmmmmmm… Ryuo?
10. Favorite Duel Monster
Magician of Black Chaos.
11. Favorite spell card
(I literally opened Duel Links for this one) Atomous Action Unit. 
12. Favorite trap card
Enchanted Javelin. 
13. Favorite deck archetype
The one that allows me to win xD In the anime itself I really likes Johan’s deck.
14. How long have you been in the fandom?
A few months.
15. How did you get into YGO?
The same way I usually do aka heard about it. Multiple times. Desided to read the original manga. And here I am now…
16. Have you made a friend through shared interest in YGO?
Yes! Everyone I’ve met in this fandom is so nice??
17. Have you ever cried over YGO and why?
Yes, all the time! The latest would be ep 46 of Zexal. I was literally sobbing after III’s flashbacks.
18. A random headcanon
Everyone is poly ok that’s not really a headcanon that’s my usual fanfic set-up. 
19. Least favorite series
Nooo! I love all of them too much :(
20. Least favorite season/story arc
The second half of 5ds. Althought it did have some good moments!
21. Which Millennium Item would you want and why?
NONE, PLEASE AND THANK YOU. But if I have to choose than Milleneum Rod. It doesn’t have a spirit sealed inside it, and I can just put it in a box and forget about it until I need to give it to the Pharaoh.
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Ah, I've been summoned again...everything involving the number 1
1. Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! seriesZeXal. Next question10. Favorite Duel MonsterAll of the djinns, Bacon Saver, Explossum, all of the Gagagas, Bachibachibachi, Shining Rabbit, Crashbug, and of course; Machu Mech and Atlandis 11. Favorite spell cardAll of those bogus spells Yuma made in the last ep. Like Kattobing Chance or something? Clearly a fake card12. Favorite trap cardIf you actually think I can differentiate trap and spell cards... u r v wrong13. Favorite deck archetypeShining. The bitchy one Shingy used. It's cute14. How long have you been in the fandom?Watching the show? Sept 2012. Fandom? Like 2016 15. How did you get into YGO?You'll have to wait for the long answer in sept for my 5th year anniversary post16. Have you made a friend through shared interest in YGOwhat... no... course not... *coughshawnandnestcough* 17. Have you ever cried over YGO and why?Read my liveblogs over the last ZeXal ep. Shawn made fun of me over it. Also the first time I watched the Crestfallen Arc18. A random headcanonThunder Spark is alive and is now a character on ESPer Robin. A rival, but they team up in one two part episode. Astral and Yuma swear they saw him before, but don't remember where19. Least favorite seriesI feel like I could never get into 5Ds. Like the character anatomy irks me, and the summoning method is... Odd21. Which Millennium Item would you want and why?I DON'T THINK ANY OF THAT SHIT IS SAFE31. Favorite duel (because they are often a series of episodes)REMEMBER WHEN VECTOR FOUGHT VECTOR AND DONNY WAS YELLING. I DO. also the cat v dog duel
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kinhagamer · 4 years
  [su_quote cite=”AC Odyssey” url=”posição 121″]
Explore a pós-morte grega no paraíso do Elísio e descubra que segredos sinistros estão escondidos por trás de sua bela aparência.
Nem de longe a história de Campos de Elísio é emocionante e envolvente como a do Legado da Primeira Lâmina, mas vamos lá.
As simulações do submundo grego foram idealizadas e construídas por Aleteia, uma Isu aliada dos humanos. Esses testes foram criados especialmente para ajudar a Guardiã a vincular o poder do bastão ao seu próprio poder.
Você é recebido no paraíso com uma lambida (total off-topic) mas uma recepção assim tem que ser mencionada:
Enquanto estivermos no paraíso nosso objetivo será enfraquecer o domínio de Perséfone e revelar o verdadeiro poder do Bastão de Hermes. Enfraquecendo Perséfone conseguiremos chegar ao portal que nos levará ao Episódio 2.
Para enfraquecer Perséfone podemos:
Destruir as Tochas de Hipnos. Basta uma flechada certeira na parte brilhante no topo.
Destruir as Estátuas de Perséfone, também chamadas de Tributos da Dama de Mármore. Elas representam a influência da deusa sobre o Elísio e estão espalhadas em diversas regiões.
Destruir as estátuas é muito bom porque a cada estátua destruída você ganha facilmente um ponto de habilidade! E para melhorar ao destruir todos os Tributos à Perséfone do mapa você ganha uma conquista ou troféu (Blasfemo), dependendo do seu console.
Derrotar os Supervisores: representantes de Perséfone. Cada um deles lidera uma região. A parte boa de matar os três supervisores de Elísio é que você ganha uma conquista (Sem mais governantes) ;).
Bastão de Hermes
[su_quote cite=”AC Odyssey”]Em mãos erradas, o Bastão de Hermes Trimegisto pode ser uma perigosa e poderosa Parte do Éden. Mesmo em boas mãos, o Bastão pode facilmente corromper quem o empunhar, caso não consiga resistir à influência dos Isu. [/su_quote]
Melhoria de Habilidades
Melhoria de habilidades: melhora 4 habilidades já existentes: grito de guerra de ares, investida de touro, desaceleração temporal e chuva de destruição. Para melhorar as habilidades você deve encontrar as Revelações da Guardiã, são 4 dessas pelo mapa. O bônus é conquistar um troféu/conquista (concentrando forças), quando você recolhe as 4 revelações.
Confira abaixo o nome das habilidades antes e depois do upgrade.
Grito de Guerra de Ares para Frenesi de Ares
Essa habilidade é simplesmente fantástica, os inimigos basicamente não tem mais chance, é uma das que manterei no meu jogo.
Desaceleração Temporal para Distorção Temporal de Cronos
Investida de Touro para Investida de Touro de Ares
Chuva de Destruição para Poder de Ártemis
Arte gráfica
Lindo! É realmente um paraíso esse novo mundo. Beleza define. Também é um mundo relativamente grande.
Asas de Hermes é essa construção com luz que vai até o céu e faz teletransporte, onde nosso protagonista se encontra na imagem.
Apesar da escalada em Assassin’s Creed ser muito fácil esse foi um ponto negativo no paraíso, são muitos os pontos de escalada nesse novo mapa. Mas os desenvolvedores pensando nisso criaram as “Asas de Hermes“, onde você pode se teletransportar de um ponto baixo a um ponto alto rapidamente e vice versa. Bom isso, né? Cria o problema e a solução.
A jogabilidade continua incrível e tivemos a adição de novos inimigos, como não poderia deixar de ser, mas dessa vez eles tem novas habilidades de combate o que foi ótimo!
Colossos: são as unidades mais poderosas da facção Isu. Eles podem parecer inofensivos à primeira vista, mas são uma ameaça perigosa após ativados.
Soldados Isu: são capazes de congelar e sugar sua Adrenalina acumulada.
No início do game descobri a possibilidade de libertar alguns soldados do controle de Perséfone, sem matá-los. Bem legal aparecer “Recruta Rebelde Libertado” e o nome do recruta, infelizmente você não consegue saber quantos já recrutou ou quem são, não tem nenhum menu específico para isso.
Também é perda de tempo liberá-los do controle mental de Perséfone antes ou depois da missão Liberte as Mentes Deles, o Resto Virá Depois (na verdade se você liberar algum na missão Passarinhos de Perséfone, que é a imediatamente anterior, vão ser contabilizados também, pelo menos um meu foi).
Essa liberação só importa para a missão, Liberte as Mentes Deles, o Resto Virá Depois, e que por sua vez também rende uma conquista ou troféu prata: O Conquistador, mas atenção: você só recebe a conquista quando “zerar” essa primeira DLC vencendo a batalha final contra as tropas de Perséfone, que lembra as batalhas de conquista do Odyssey base.
Meus primeiros 25 minutos no jogo
Mitologia (retirada do jogo)
Elísio: de acordo com a mitologia grega, o Elísio era o paraíso para onde eram enviados os heróis agraciados pelos deuses com a imortalidade.
Deuses (Mitologia Grega)
Na mitologia grega é a rainha do submundo e esposa de Hades, bem… esse Deus gente boa na verdade sequestrou a bela Perséfone que era ingênua e gostava de flores. Ela é filha de Zeus com Deméter.
Conhecido como mensageiro dos deuses é filho de Zeus e Maia. Além de sua velocidade também era conhecido por sua habilidade com as palavras.
[su_quote cite=”Educa mais Brasil” url=”https://www.educamaisbrasil.com.br/enem/religiao/deus-hermes”%5D
Hermes é responsável por guiar as almas até o submundo de Hades. Dentre todas as atividades que realiza está a de mensageiro dos deuses, cabe a ele o papel de interpretar as vontades dos deuses.[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”Mitologia Grega ” url=”https://mitologiagrega.net.br/16-curiosidades-sobre-o-deus-hermes/”%5D
Hermes também era incumbido de levar as almas dos mortos ao barqueiro Caronte na porta do mundo dos mortos. Nos trajetos acabou conhecendo e tendo um caso com Hécate, deusa da magia negra e companheira de Perséfone, a rainha do submundo.
Além de Hécate, Hermes teve outros grandes amores. As mais famosas são Afrodite, Penélope e Dríope. Com a deusa do amor teve um filho chamado Hermafrodito, representação da união Hermes e Afrodite, cujo gênero não era definido.[/su_quote]
Eu gostei mais da Hécate no universo do Percy Jackson…
Pesquisando sobre Hécate encontrei em um site a relação da Deusa com Hermes e Perséfone:
[su_quote cite=”Mitologia Grega ” url=”https://mitologiagrega.net.br/hecate-e-hermes-uma-curiosa-relacao/”%5D
Na primavera, Hécate conduzia Perséfone à saída porta do mundo dos mortos e entregava a Hermes. Já no início do outono era a vez de Hermes conduzir Perséfone até a entrada do submundo e entregá-la à Hécate. Numa dessas viagens Hermes seduziu Hécate às margens do lago Boibes no submundo, onde começaram um intenso caso de amor.
De acordo com os gregos antigos, apesar de pertencerem a mundos opostos, eles representavam o equilíbrio perfeito, sendo luz e sombra, céu e inferno, masculino e feminino.
Acreditavam que um não poderia existir sem o outro, pois eles formavam o laço perfeito que mantinha os mundos interligados e unificados.[/su_quote]
Imagem: Learnmodo-newtonic.com
Deusa da colheita e mãe de Perséfone. Reza-se a lenda que quando Perséfone foi raptada por Hades, Deméter deixou que toda a terra ficasse infértil, até que Zeus intervisse junto a Hades para que este devolvesse Perséfone. Mas Perséfone não voltou para sempre, pois Hades muito esperto fez com que ela comesse sementes de romã enquanto estava no submundo.
Então, no fim ela ficaria algum tempo com sua mãe e o restante com Hades. Assim… explicamos as mudanças das estações do ano! Nos meses de outono, primavera e verão Perséfone retorna à Terra e fica com sua mãe. Porém, nos meses de inverno ela volta ao submundo e fica ao lado de Hades.
Um mundo novo com cenário exuberante, mas nada além disso. Não é empolgante e não possui uma história envolvente, apesar das traições e paixões dos deuses, apesar até mesmo da música muito boa que toca quando você luta com Hermes.
É recomendado para aqueles que já são fãs ou para quem quer conseguir mais pontos de habilidades e dracmas facilmente ou aprimorar 4 habilidades já existentes, uma dessas habilidades fica muito boa mesmo (a transformação da habilidade Grito de Guerra de Ares para Frenesi de Ares).
Enfim, nem mesmo a história por trás do bastão de Hermes convenceu e um universo rico como o da mitologia grega poderia ter sido melhor explorado.
Conseguir respirar embaixo d’água vai te ajudar em vários pontos desse novo universo.
Veja aqui como conseguir o Tridente de Poseidon e a habilidade de respirar embaixo d’água.
Leia mais
[su_box title=”Confira tudo que já escrevemos sobre Assassin’s Creed Odyssey”]
Confira tudo que já escrevemos sobre Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Fontes: Mitologia e Arte | Infoescola | Todamateria | Grécia Antiga |
[Assassin's Creed Odyssey] O Destino de Atlântida: Ep. 1: Campos de Elísio Explore a pós-morte grega no paraíso do Elísio e descubra que segredos sinistros estão escondidos por trás de sua bela aparência.
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thereviewsarein · 6 years
2018 has been an awesome year in country music, and we’re here to celebrate!
There are people out there that will tell you they can’t stand the direction that the genre is taking, or they have stopped listening to country music because they don’t like what’s being played on the radio.
To those people I would say this, look harder, use the internet, find great artists making fantastic music that you do like, and share the hell out of it so that everyone else can check it out too!
Because we’ve reached the end of the year, it’s time to give some kudos to six artists that we see as breakout stars from 2018. From chart success to critical acclaim, grassroots celebrations, and more, each of these artists has found a way to reach new heights this year, and we’d be willing to bet that they’ve got even higher achievements waiting for them in the future.
Last year we gave nods to Andrew Hyatt, Brett Young, Alee, Carly Pearce, Leaving Thomas, and Midland. Check out this year’s breakout Male, Female, and Group/Duo picks for Breakout Country Artist of 2018!
Jade Eagleson
Jade Eagleson had a huge 2018, releasing his debut single, then a four-track EP. He hit the road to play at Boots & Hearts, the Universal showcase at CCMA weekend in Hamilton, The Budweiser Country Throwdown in Toronto, and on the Honkytonks and Dive Bars Tour with Gord Bamford and Jojo Mason.
That single, Got Your Name On It, dropped in May and climbed as high as #6 on the Canadian country radio charts, and was an all around jam.
With shows booked on The Reklaws’ Winter’s A Beach Tour and the high likelihood of more music and excitement in 2019, we can’t wait to see how much higher this young man’s star can rise.
Jimmie Allen
Jimmie Allen’s breakout 2018 included a fantastic full-length debut album, Mercury Lane, with 15 tracks worth playing on repeat, and his very first #1 single, Best Shot.
But that’s not all.
Allen played live all over the United States, he made trips to play for fans in the UK, and we had the chance to see him up on the main stage this summer at Boots & Hearts 2018. He’s an excellent performer, a bonafide talent, and a rising star in country music. Keep your eye on him!
Tenille Townes
Canadian women are on fire in the country music genre right now, and Tenille Townes is right there with Jess Moskaluke, Meghan Patrick, Madeline Merlo, Jessica Mitchell and the rest. Her single, Somebody’s Daughter, earned praise from Rolling Stone, The Grand Ole Opry, and wowed the audience at the Canadian Country Music Association Awards gala in September.
Her star is shining bright, and with love from Canada and the United States, Tenille Townes is most definitely a breakout artist of 2018.
Via the Grand Ole Opry, “With the lyrical fortitude of Patty Griffin, the soulful nature of Chris Stapleton or even Adele and the genre-transcending power of Shaina Twain, Townes is paving a path all her own as one of Nashville’s most promising new artists.”
Ashley McBryde
Ashley McBryde’s name has been known in grassroots country music circles for a while now, but in 2018, it became even more well-known than ever before.
Her album, Girl Going Nowhere, was released at the end of March and landed on the Rolling Stone ’25 Best Country and Americana Albums of 2018 So Far’ in June and ‘40 Best Country and Americana Albums of 2018′ lists. The title track got a whole lot of love, and justifiably so. But hit play on American Scandal and realize that she’s more than a one hit wonder and has a lot more to offer country music lovers.
The Reklaws
The Reklaws have been on our radar for a long time, and now, they’re on everyone else’s too!
Jenna and Stuart Walker are talented hard workers that tasted success in 2017 with their single, Hometown Kids – but in 2018 they upped the ante, with Long Live The Night and Feels Like That burning up the Canadian country music radio charts. The duo was also recognized in a big way as a breakout this year when they won the CCMA’s Rising Star Award.
These two have star power, are humble as they come, and are poised for even bigger and better things in the future. Congrats to The Reklaws on a fantastic 2018!
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Delta Rae
This amazing, harmonizing, powerful sextet of country/roots/rock/folk singers and musicians took 2018 by the back of the neck and showed it what’s up.
In October they released Hands Dirty and it was instantly the anthem we wanted for the #MeToo movement. It became our soundtrack for the continuation of the fight for equality, justice, and right as we pushed through 2018. And, it was a brave, strong, progressive stance in a genre that doesn’t always accept that position.
The band also put down roots at The Basement in Nashville this year, running through a 16-week residency with special guests each week between September and mid-December.
You might not know their name yet from country radio airplay, but you should know Delta Rae, and you should be ready for a lot more from them soon!
2018 Breakout Country Artists of the Year! 2018 has been an awesome year in country music, and we're here to celebrate! There are people out there that will tell you they can't stand the direction that the genre is taking, or they have stopped listening to country music because they don't like what's being played on the radio.
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midtnmusic · 6 years
Interview with Juliana Hale - Overrated
Interview with Juliana Hale – Overrated
Nashville-based Pop recording artist, Juliana Hale, has released her new single, the sonically adventurous “Overrated,” available now at all digital retailers and streaming outlets. The song is the first single from her upcoming EP, Small Talk, available Spring 2018, and the follow-up to her single “Home.”
Produced by Grammy Award-winner, Skidd Mills as well as Independent Music Award…
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chromsai · 6 years
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lol i love it when ono does the thing where people are connected via their dragons
also, dat dragon doe 👀👀👀👀👀👌👌👌👌❤️😍😍😍😍
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ketodietfactor · 7 years
MY KETO SNACK BOX: “GOODYBEATS” OFF ALL ORDERS! WANT TO JOIN THE AMERICAN METABOLIC TEAM? SIGN UP HERE: https://americanmetabolix.refersion.com/ 10 WEEK KETO WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM: http://ketogoody.com WHERE TO GET KETO MEAL & KETO LIFT: http://americanmetabolix.com USE DISCOUNT CODE “GB30” FOR 10% OFF MACHINE FITNESS CLOTHING USE CODE “MFGOODYBEATS10” AT CHECKOUT: http://bit.ly/goodybeats BUTCHER BOX: off + free bacon butcherbox.com/goodybeats MY SOUNDCLOUD PLAYLIST: https://soundcloud.com/logandelgado/sets/goody-vibes-april-2017/s-8G0WL FOLLOW ME ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIA: SNAPCHAT: GOODYBEATS TWITTER: https://twitter.com/GOODYBEATS INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/goodybeats/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/goodybeats My Youtube Gear: Mavic Pro: http://amzn.to/2jSlhvI Sony a6500: http://amzn.to/2AO2E69 Gamble Stabilizer: http://amzn.to/2iJYC4o Sony a5100: http://amzn.to/2ApsyNn Canon 5D Mark ii: http://amzn.to/2APOxgE Ring Light: http://amzn.to/2kQoz6R Lens: 16-50mm 3.5/5.6: http://amzn.to/2BLpQjl 50mm 1.8: http://amzn.to/2ij169D 35mm 1.7: http://amzn.to/2BLnhhk Joby Gorilla pod: http://amzn.to/2BLnIbs Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!!! THANKS AGAIN FOR SUPPORTING THE CHANNEL! More from my siteKETO WITH REMINGTON JAMESI’VE BEEN DOING THE KETO DIET WRONG…THE BABY IS ALMOST HERE! | FULL DAY OF KETO EATING | BLUETOOTH HEADPHONE GIVEAWAYHOW TO DO “LAZY KETO” JUST WATCH WHAT I EATKETO DAD Q&AWHAT THE HEALTH | KETO GAINS Ep. 6 from Keto Diet Fact or Fiction http://www.ketodietfactorfiction.com/keto-diet/60000-youtube-subscribers-big-giveaway/%20
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