#5e conversion
cyberkevvideo · 1 year
Monster Conversion - The Demonic Clown (3.x to 5e)
Yesterday, I released a Pathfinder 1e conversion of the clown demon from Mongoose Publishing, which had been in the Epic Monsters book.
Just because I could, I wanted to see how difficult it would be to have the monster converted to 5e. While it took a decent amount of time to write it all up, I was shocked at how easy it was to do overall. Still a wall of text though. However, this one won't take four entries to do. That said, I did revise a couple of things, including making Flower Squirt into a bonus action and having to give the creature telepathy. Also, because it exists in 5e, gave it the vicious mockery cantrip because why not? Thematically, it fits.
As always, if you like what I do, whether it’s monster conversions, adventure path add-ons, or race builds, I have a Ko-Fi page (linked) for those who would like to support me monetarily. There is no pressure or obligation to do so. A like and/or a share would also be appreciated just as much. It lets people know I exist out there.
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foundry-fabrications · 7 months
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Hey folks! It took WAY too long to get this out, but it's finally done. Well, technically it isn't done, but I'll get to that in a bit. One weird thing that needs explanation at a time.
So, as one can tell, I didn't just make statblocks for the behemoths, write some lore, and call it a day. I've discovered that I really don't like making statblocks and dealing with all the nonsense that comes with it (CR is a joke, and I'm not laughing). So, in typical Foundry fashion, I tried doing something weird that requires more work and ultimately still required me to make statblocks anyway. Yeah, I'm not smart. 
So I made them templates instead. And while I was tempted to give up and just do the obvious thing since I was just going to end up with stats anyway, making them templates makes a certain amount of sense from a lore perspective and I genuinely think is an interesting idea worth pursuing. Quick lore tidbit, behemoths are likely the result of normal creatures becoming mutated by aether (it's not certain, but there are signs of this origin from what I've read), so a template makes logical sense. So, as long as I pick appropriate creatures for the template examples, the end result will get you pretty close to the behemoths in game. Sure, they're not perfect, but it would be easy to tweak them to better suit your game.
So the other behemoth in the room is there are only 3 behemoths here. I had intended on releasing them all at once. Turns out there's like 30+ behemoths AND 5 basically legendary behemoths. So, I'm splitting them up into their elemental categories, and the legendaries by themselves. I already have the Blaze behemoths written out, so those won't take nearly as long. As I complete each category, I'll update this post and make y'all aware of the additions. By the end, I'll have one document with all of them in it, a brew to rival Flesh & Bone. 
But for now, a quick break to work on something else my ADHD has compelled me to rework. Stay tuned for that. Anyway, stay safe, don't forget to love each other, and I'll see you next time.
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sweetzartz · 5 months
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Got my hands on the limited edition D&D converses this past week
I love all the details in the shoes and even the box itself!
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honourablejester · 5 months
Some thoughts for an Osh Derrinalina PF2e Conversion
I’m considering how much would need to be tweaked to use PF2e for my Osh Derrinalina setting. And … in a couple of places, it’s actually easier than D&D 5e, in that it has two specific player ancestries that make my life much easier: the Anadi and the Leshi.
The Anadi are not quite what I’ve been picturing for the Ineian Weavers, but you know what? They’ll do the job quite nicely. Their lore, as very communal and diplomatic spider people, fits very nicely, and the bits that don’t I’d be tweaking for a homebrew setting anyway (such as the lifespan, because the Weavers are longer lived than elves). For the Weavers I would have been picturing the hybrid form as the only form initially, but I can roll with the were-spider angle. I’d probably want to do an Anadi heritage that grants darkvision and bioluminescence, call it Deep Weaver, and the rest is pretty much already there. Anadi already get weaving feats, I might add that Deep Weaver silk is also luminous to those.
The other small issue is that human absolutely would not be the standard alternate form for a Deep Anadi, given that humans are fairly vanishingly rare in Osh Derrinalina, but you need a whole other heritage to get a non-human Anadi form. I will probably just politely ignore that and say that the typical non-spider form for Weavers is Starfolk elf. Though … given their roles as diplomats and go-betweens for most of the Lightless Sea, it might actually be a thing to let Weavers outside of Ysea have a form that’s the common one for the area. So Weavers living/stationed in Tchorit would have gnome forms, and ones in Durgenrath would have dwarf forms. This is not a deception, Weavers are up front about who and what they are, and most of them probably stay in spider or hybrid form most of the time anyway. But. If weavers need to do politics and spycraft, their other forms could be handy, and also as a … comforting gesture, when they’re publicly known.
The Leshy, of course, specifically the Fungal Leshy, would be Patient Ones of Lochantu. For the Patient Ones, I might say that they’re Medium, rather than Small, I’m not sure if that would have any knock-on effects through the Leshy feats, but I think it should be fine.
Unfortunately, there’s still no player version of a flumph in PF2e, no more than in D&D 5e, so playing a Joy Singer is still out. Eh, maybe we can work on that.
For both Palerin Goblins and Durgen Dwarves, I’d probably want to do homebrew heritages as well. Call the Durgen the Grower Heritage, and give them some primal innate spellcasting, and maybe do something similar to the Death Warden dwarf heritage for the Palerin goblins? Palerin would also get wonky lifespans, as Rachinilea messes with their mortality. Homebrew ancestry feats for the girrish tattoos are definitely also a must.
For the Starbuilders, the Umbral Gnome heritage might work? I might still want to do a more custom heritage to pull some elements of the crystal/earth partnership in. I could do that with some ancestry feats either, though.
For the Hadali merfolk, the Ancient Scale Azarketi work perfectly. Exactly what I want, darkvision and bioluminescence. Obviously I’d be changing pretty much all of the Azarketi lore, just keeping the mechanics, since Osh Derrinalina is a very different setting and does not include fallen continents, Atlantean empires, and algholthu corruption. Again, might do up a few ancestry feats relating to Derrinalina herself and the protection of the Mother Sea.
(Sidenote: I probably also want to do a deity write-up for Derrinalina. Possibly also Rachinilea as well)
For the Starfolk, Cavern Elf again works pretty perfectly. In Osh Derrinalina, at least if you’re a native, darkvision is pretty much all you need from your heritage (with the possibly exception of Durgen dwarves, because of the suns, but dwarves get darkvision by default anyway). Again, a couple of feats relating to endurance and constitution, as a result of the legacy of the Great Flight, or a couple relating to trade and diplomacy bonuses, could be worth considering. Might give them access to a couple of the PF2e human ancestry feats in that cause.
For the Siinelan Crystalfolk, like the Joy Singers, there still isn’t really a good player option. I’m not sure what stat block I’d use for them as NPCs, either. However … crystal, empathy, luminescence … I am wondering if some reskinned Kashrishi might work? Trogloshi, obviously. I don’t know, I would have to think about that one. The Oread versatile heritage would also be something to consider. That being said, they’re a bit more alien than a lot of player ancestries, again like the Joy Singers, so it might be better to leave them as NPCs.
So the set up here is that, in Osh Derrinalina, the common ancestries are deep anadi, cavern elf, grower dwarf, umbral gnome, ghostly goblin, fungal leshy, and ancient scale azarketi, and everything else is rare and usually only seen on strangers via the Southern Passage or the Durgenroad.
I am wondering if I need to tweak Silrithantus. PF2e Umbral dragons have somewhat different vibes to 5e shadow dragons. But, honestly, I can just use the stat block and change the lore, and Silrithantus was always his own deal anyway.
For Zarathea, I definitely want to tweak a Dragon Turtle statblock for blindness, albinism, faint bioluminescence, and possible deathly influences, but then I’d also have to do all that in 5e too. Heh.
Lochantu’s sacred bats can be either Giant Bats or Albino Giant Bats, possibly a mix of both.
Overall, though? Definitely a doable conversion. And the Anadi … oh, the Anadi make my life so much easier, just by existing. I really love the happy little spider people? Long may they reign!
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chattering-memeir · 1 year
Planescape Reimagined 5E
Planescape Conversion now online!
About a year ago I put out the 2E to 5E conversion I've been using of the Planescape setting I put together into a massive pdf. While it was received well, it was quite chunky.. so I've gone and put it up on a site for easier access (just in time for the official version to be released nonetheless! )
It's completely free, ad-free, and only exists out of love for this setting and as a love letter to a home game that's been 4 years in the making.
The aim of this site is to be a living document of Sigil, constantly expanding and adapting. It's here as an alternative conversion that's intended to be in line with the Planescape of old (pre Faction War), just brought forward a few years and with a few shakeups along the way.
I've got lots of plans, lots of improvements in the works, but for now it's all up for anyone to use if they so wish :) Any feedback is very much appreciated, and if anyone does use anything from here or want to suggest something, please do get in touch. <3
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wyrdwulf · 4 months
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They don't make DnD like they used to, man.
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crinosg · 10 months
I have a Ko-fi now. And I am doing DnD Monster conversions for 5e for one dollar. If you like what you've been seeing in regards to my dnd work, consider supporting me wont you?
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5ecardaday · 2 years
How would you stat these
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I don't actually do full conversion requests (just a little too busy for that) but I can certainly help you get started. I've never done a card with Affinity for Artifacts, but since the Tooth and Scale are items, I'd probably stat them as requiring attunement, but not "counting" towards your attuned items in some way. That way you can balance them around being used by only 1 party member at a time, but without limiting their use.
As for what they are, the Tooth and Scale should totally be a weapon and shield. I'd say make them each function as a +1 sword and +1 shield, respectively, but with a twist since they've coming from a dragon. Something like the tooth ignores resistance to slashing/piercing damage, and the shield also provides resistance to fire damage?
Chiss-Goria itself is a lot more complicated. By my usual conversion formula, it would be CR 30, which is *huge*. I don't usually recommend doing this, but for Chiss-Goria's affinity for artifacts, I'd maybe flip the usual script and do something like give it resistance to damage from magical weapon attacks, instead of the usual resistance to nonmagical damage. Its also got hexgold plating on its body (a type of material featured in the recent All Will Be One stories for MtG) that I think should give it both the Magic Resistance trait, but maybe also the Reflective Carapace trait from 5e's tarrasque. Other than that though, just a big dragon (preferably one with an extra-strong fire breath!)
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jellisdraws · 1 year
Some more worldbuilding drabble from the Eldritch Soul Campaign.
“Yes, it was ended by my hand. I killed it, and buried its bones where none would find them. But still,dead gods can dream.”
“What do you mean?”
“To you a god is a pinnacle, a will made manifest at the highest order. A god has gone beyond what limits you can conceive. A god has ascended beyond the realm of reason. Possible and impossible no longer matter. Probable and improbable matter infinitely more. Fate. Chance. The odds. The choices. The gods you know, the ones you choose and the ones who choose champions among you; they have made of themselves masks that you see yourselves reflected in. You find them worthy of worship because they are paragons of power. They are the pinnacle of devotion to a concept. An ideal. You grant them power through your loyalty, through the deeds you work in their names, in the prayers you send to them, in how you expand and protect their influence.”
“When a god dies, does it cease? does it fade back into the world in the cycle of eternal change? No. A god exists beyond mortality and even in its putrifying flesh can be found miracles. Prayers are made by the creatures who find sustenance in the body of a being they have never known alive. A clergy and a congregation rise among the carrion who claim the body of a fallen deity. The maggots and worms that arise to decay it become the new body of the fallen power. Divinity finds it’s home in each of them. An expression of alien will more alien to us for its passage beyond death. It is not undead. It has no need. Just as it had no need to play the games of the gods you know. It seeks no supplication, demands no prayer. It is greater, it is beyond and it is encompassing all. In its dreams, it waits. It asks not to be understood, it’s means and it’s motives are so far beyond our understanding as to not matter at all. It dreams. And the world quakes. It dreams and the world changes. When it acts, when it’s will is once again made manifest, the rot will spread, and all will be consumed.”
- Conversations with the Betrayer
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sysig · 2 years
Hey there! Here to make my second request!
Naga Scri and Cleric Edgar. The prompt is Conversion. It's said that some Naga's are worshipped as deities and that definitely seems like something Scriabin would be into, specifically of Edgar. And it always seems to be a point of contention between them. Scriabin just wants Edgar to rely on him alone. lol The perks of worship are a secondary benefit.
Anyways, good luck! I'm excited to see what you come up with.
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Day 10 - Allegiance
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cyberkevvideo · 2 months
Race Conversion - Wyvaran (PF1e to 5e)
Sharing this conversion that I did for a friend. It's her first campaign character, and the game was supposed to be Pathfinder, but the GM has decided to change over to the new 5e Revised rule system. She doesn't want to play a winged tiefling or aarakocra, and really liked the idea of a winged kobold hybrid, so I agreed to help out and do a quick conversion. The race will essentially be a simple 1-to-1, but I'm also borrowing a little inspiration from the owlfolk UA regarding flight.
Honestly, my initial thought was just to add a flight option to the Monsters of the Multiverse's kobold's Kobold Legacy, but somehow that's too powerful? I didn't argue.
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Art from Paizo and World Anvil.
As always, if you like what I do, whether it’s monster conversions, adventure path add-ons, or race builds, I have a Ko-Fi page (linked) for those who would like to support me monetarily. There is no pressure or obligation to do so. A like and/or a share would also be appreciated just as much. It lets people know I exist out there.
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
Now, let’s talk stats.
Unlike Pathfinder, there's no real "official" way to judge how powerful a creature is. There are definitely a lot of 3PP supplements and homebrew out there, which I tend to have to use as a guide. As long as it's not more powerful than the original aarakocra or yuan-ti, or even the satyr, I feel like it's a win.
For the Nimble Flight, I took the original owlfolk's ability as it matches the wyvaran's standard flight as well as part of their vestigal wings ability which ignored 20 feet of falling damage. Thought it'd be a nice homage to that.
Wyvaran Species 5e
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Age. Wyvaran mature a little faster than humans, reaching adulthood around age 14. They age noticeably faster and rarely live longer than 60 years. Alignment. Wyvarans are thought to be troublemakers because of their kobold heritage, but they have no alignment tendencies and can be of any alignment, independent of their scale color or parent. Size. Wyvarans have the same are more or less the same size as humans, ranging from 5 to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. Blessed with a divine soul, your vision can easily cut through darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Dragonblooded. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the paralysis condition on yourself, and magic can't put you to sleep. Nimble Flight. Thanks to your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor. When you fall, you can use your reaction to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10) to stop falling and fly in place until the start of your next turn. Tail. You have a tail that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals 1d6 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.
On the Detect Balance homebrew race breakdown spreadsheet, this race would be roughly 37-38 points. It's solely because of flight that it's so high. This type of flight is seen as being worth roughly 18 points, and paralysis is a worse condition than charmed, so Dragonblooded is worth more than Fey Ancestry. Given that the current revised aarakocra is worth roughly the same amount, that's pretty good overall.
My friend is planning on taking this species and using Matt Mercer's blood hunter class. Originally, it was going to be an order of the profane soul, but there's no dragon patron (despite so many people telling WotC to make one). So, instead, with permission, she'll be playing an Order of the Dragon, which was found on Reddit.
I'm hoping that she has a lot of fun with this character.
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foundry-fabrications · 6 months
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Hey folks! Been sitting on this one for two weeks, done and ready, not wanting to release so close to the Behemoths and just reveling in the fact that for once I have a small stockpile of brews that are done/close to done. It's nice to take a break and not worry about what's next.
Anyway, this is a complete rework of my Transformation Cog item I did a few years back. For those not familiar with the source material or just need a refresher, the Transformation Cog, or T-Cog, is from Transformers and is the organ that allows a Cybertronian to transform into (and scan in later continuities) an alternate mode.
The original version was a reworked version of the Druid's Wildshape feature, with a focus on beast forms rather than vehicular ones. This time, I've gone the other direction and made various types of vehicular alt mode, each for a different purpose and giving you related benefits. A focus of this new version was, as with most of my reworks, refinement of the old idea and simplifying its mechanics to be easier to use. I think I've accomplished that goal, but we'll see how she plays.
I pulled a lot from the Shifter race from Ebberon, as well as the official Transformers RPG by Renegade Games, which is a pretty robust RPG in its own right, though a touch complicated for my tastes (maybe worth a System Spotlight in the future). Eventually, I would love to use this new version as a base for a beast mode T-Cog, and make a Cybertronian lineage that incorporates perhaps an even more simplified version of what I have now. Something to think about.
Anyway, that's it from me, hope y'all like the update! Stay safe, don't forget to love each other, and I'll see you next time.
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rooolt · 2 years
Love calling my special interest “spinterest” because I really am spinning that interest
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evilsillyputty · 2 years
Ghostwalk D&D Setting 5e Conversion
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Hello People
I have been working on this for a while and now is as good as time as any to release to the world (D&D 5e is coming to a close with quite the bang ha ha). I did want to test things out a bit more but really it's now or never.
Ghostwalk is an officially wizards of the coast published setting. It has the gimmick of letting you play as a ghost!
A few things for these documents First, I assume you have access to the Ghostwalk book when using these conversions. I didn’t add any lore or extra information that wasn’t stats and numbers. These documents take the 3.5 numbers and translate them into 5e numbers. You will need the book for any and everything that isn’t a mechanic. Included are: •8 subclass options using the prestige class options from the Ghostwalk book. There are 2 subclasses for each prestige class. •New equipment and magic items •New spells, including ghost and ectoplasm-based spells •New feats •Monster Stats for all the Ghostwalk monsters, including 2 templates that can be added to other monsters. •6 Adventures translated from the ones in the Ghostwalk book. •The Ghost race (though it is more of a template to be added to your character) and 2 Ghost specific classes
The Google Drive link has a link to all of the documents. I hope there are people who will enjoy it, or at least check it out and maybe use a few things from it in their games.
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dmdorga · 2 years
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This is the first of several D&D 5e Homebrew creations I have made and wanted to share here! FOR FREE!!! Enjoy these spells converted so far in your own games! And the tiktok I made for it!
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uchihasghost · 2 months
the collision of my two greatest interests: dnd 5e and naruto.
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