#6/25 is weird man
imaginetoomuch · 14 days
one thing about simon blackquill is that he IS going to jest in court. a modern day court jester if you will
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planetary · 1 year
1. POKEMON - ash is in a coma and the show is he's dreaming
2. RUGRATS - the babies are on drugs
3. edd edd eddy - they died in 1962 (tuberculosis)
4. scoopy doo - theyre on drugs too and the dog cant really talk :(
5. rugrats - angela is in a coma and the show is her dream
6. spongbob - songebob is in a coma and the show is his dream
7. spongebob - spongebob and his friends are the christian hell sins
8. spoinegbob - squidward is heroin?
9. COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG - it was real it was all real none of that was a dream or a nightmare everything you remember is real
10. rugarts - angela is on drugs and all the other ones are dead
11. jimmy neutraon - jimmy is weird because he is gay
12. fairly oddparsnts - timmy is in a coma and the show is his dream
13. spongebob - sandy is taxidermy
14. higgly town heroes - higgly town is all cannibals and they eat other people and thats why they do that . how could they do that..? my heroes..
15. max & ruby - they are bunny rabbits and thast because thrre was. an apocalypse and max is a real human little boy but there was an apocalypse and his parents died and he's with ruby but he got hit on the head with a steel pipe because of the apocalypse so now he's in a coma and the show is his dream
16. disney aladdin movie - the tiger head cave is really really scary
17. danny phantom died - this one really happened they tell you in the theme song and you can see it happen in blood and gorey detail if you watch that one scary episode that only comes on at 3am. does anyone else remember that episode
18. dora the explorer - dora is on crack
19. faaiely odd parents - the fairies are drugs and timmy takes drugs and maybe goes into a coma for this reason and maybe has a dream that they're his magic fairies
20. caillou - hes bald. this theoru explains that cailiu has no hair because he is bald. and perhaps his parents are nice to him because he is bald. this could also explain why he has no hair (because hes bald)
21. courage the cowarsly dog - courage is a dog and he's in a coma and
22. the magic schoolbus - its magic because the bus was on drugs and then it blew up (becasue it was high) and they all went to purgatory and clones took their place
23. tom and jerry - tom should have been allowed to cook and eat that baby chick. and its fucked up that the show didnt allow him to. me and my friends watched it and we were all clapping and cheering for him to cook and eat it and we were so excited but of course the writers pussied out and didnt let him do it
24. finding nemo - that thing in the beginning didnt even happen but the dad made that story up so people would feel bad for him
25. sponegbob - in the latest season patrick says "Ok boomer!" to mermaid man and barancle boy
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leahwllmsn · 11 months
leah williamson x reader
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October, 2023
You finally tell your friends that you’ve been talking to someone you met online on a Friday night. The response you got is that they all think you're crazy, and you can’t blame them—saying that you have a tiny crush on this blonde who’s almost twice your height and likes football and country music without actually knowing if this said blonde exists is kind of crazy.
But you really do like talking to Leah and you could only hope that Leah is Leah and not some fifty-year-old man. 
“You don’t even know what she looks like,” one of your friends snorts. 
“It’s not always about the looks,” you argue.
“That’s true,” another one of your friends chimed in. “But you gotta admit, the looks matter a lot.”
You were about to correct her and say no, they do not, because yeah, sure, Leah is so freaking gorgeous based on the pictures on her profile, but what matters the most is that she’s so kind, and funny, and just overall amazing.
Instead you kept your mouth shut. A part of you don’t want to share Leah with anyone just yet. 
(And another part of you still needs the confirmation that that is actually Leah because god damn it Leah is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen and you wish that it’s really her.)
6 Oct, 9:02 pm
y/n: I told my friends about you. they think it’s weird that I’m starting something with you when we’ve never met  
y/n: it’s not weird, is it? 
leahw6: starting something huh? ;) 
y/n: shut up 
y/n: we met on tinder. what were you expecting to find? a math tutor? 
leahw6: ...  
leahw6: you’re really funny, love
leahw6: and no, it’s not weird 
y/n: good 
y/n: and for the record, even if they think it’s weird I couldn’t care less 
6 Oct, 9:25 pm
leahw6: just to be clear 
leahw6: ‘starting something’ that means you want to date me right 
y/n: how else could I mean that 
leahw6: idk maybe you were the one looking for a math tutor 
October, 2023
“Where did you meet her again?”
“Tinder,” Lia repeats.
“Yes,” Leah nods. “When we were in Australia for the World Cup… I got bored one night and decided to go on Tinder.”
“And you found her there,” Lia muses, sipping on her cup of coffee. “Wait, so she lives in Australia?”
“Melbourne, yes.”
“And does she know you’re all the way here in London?”
Leah hesitates before answering. “No.”
“Oh boy,” Lia gives her a sympathetic look. “Does she know who you are?”
“Me… as in Leah?” Leah gives her teammate a confused look. “Yeah?”
“You as in you’re Leah Williamson.”
“Oh,” realization sunk in Leah’s face. “Then no. I mentioned I like football and she said she hates it. So, I doubt she knows who I am.”
“Oh boy.”
“I know,” Leah drops her head on the table. “I’ll tell her soon but what if it’s a deal breaker?” 
“Which part? The part where you’re a famous footballer or you live thousands of kilometers away?”
Leah grimaces “Distance problem. She already said she hates football and wouldn’t dare step foot in a football game, but it’s fine! That’s not a problem because I can and will convince her to watch one of my games.”
Lia laughs. “Sure, buddy.”
“I really like her,” Leah continues. “She’s funny and witty and passive aggressive sometimes but it’s so endearing. She has great taste in music, great taste in movies and books, and just great taste overall—”
Leah’s words get cut off with Lia’s hand on her mouth. “You’ve known her for a few weeks and this is already how you act?” Lia chuckles, taking her hand away. “You got it bad, Williamson.”
Leah groans. “I know.”
“Just tell her now. If she likes you the same way, I have a feeling that she wouldn’t mind either.”
24 Oct, 4:13 pm
leahw6: can we talk ?
y/n: sounds serious 
leahw6: kind of 
y/n: are you getting tired of me already :( 
leahw6: ofc not 
y/n: oh okay :D 
leahw6: idk how to say this 
y/n: do you want me to call you? 
leahw6: oh god no 
leahw6: omg wait 
leahw6: I didn’t mean that in a bad way I swear  
leahw6: it’s just that if you call me I’ll be hearing your voice for the first time and I’ll be even more nervous  
leahw6: and I don’t think I’ll be able to put out a coherent sentence bc I’ve been imagining so much what your voice would sound like with that face and all my guesses are that you have an extremely hot voice, raspy maybe?  
leahw6: but actually no I don’t think you have a raspy voice 
leahw6: a deep one maybe and holy shit a deep voice with an australian accent? I’ll faint on the spot I’m afraid  
leahw6: no you can’t call me 
y/n: okay...? 
leahw6: I’m really sorry please ignore all that 
y/n: I won’t ignore it, it’s adorable  
leahw6: you think I’m weird don’t you 
y/n: absolutely 
leahw6: great 
y/n: it just makes me like you even more
leahw6: I live in london 
y/n: as in the one in england … ? 
leahw6: is there another london I don’t know about 
[incoming call from y/n]
leahw6: why are you calling me ?! 
leahw6: I told you I’m too nervous rn 
y/n: I don’t get it. it says that you were 2km away? 
leahw6: yeah… I was on vacation… kind of...
y/n: kind of?
y/n: so you don’t actually live here? 
leahw6: y/n if I was only 2 km away from you I would make up excuses just so I can see you everyday 
y/n: how many km is it instead 
leahw6: between us?
leahw6: google says it’s 16,904 km
y/n: ??! holy shit 
leahw6: I know 
leahw6: look, I get it if you want to stop this. not everyone is cut out for long distance
y/n: we’re like
y/n: on opposite sides of the world
leahw6: I know
y/n: do you want to stop this? 
leahw6: I don’t 
y/n: then we won’t 
leahw6: are you sure 
y/n: let me call you 
leahw6: NO 
y/n: leah
leahw6: give me a day to prepare 
y/n: you’re so dumb
y/n: but fine 
y/n: do I at least get a facetime
leahw6: FACETIME? 
leahw6: no. you get a phone call. voice only
y/n: r u catfishing 
y/n: I knew it you’re too beautiful to be real 
leahw6: ha ha 
y/n: call me tomorrow okay lee? 
leahw6: okay
leahw6: and y/n
leahw6:  thank you
y/n: what for
leahw6: for giving us a chance
y/n: leah I’d be stupid not to 
November, 2023
You're in the middle of a meeting with boring, old men in suits when your phone rings—very loudly at that. You curse yourself for forgetting to put your phone on silent, quickly pressing the red circle on the screen, but not before smiling at the caller ID.
When the meeting finishes an hour later, you immediately pick up your phone and dial Leah’s number.
“Hey you.” 
You smile at the voice on the other end. “Sorry I couldn’t pick up. I was in a meeting.”
“Oh sorry, bad timing. Thought you were finished for the day”
“Bad timing indeed,” you chuckle. “It rang really loudly.”
“Y/n,” you could hear Leah’s soft giggles. “The silent feature exists for a reason.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you take a seat in your office chair and sigh contently. “I’m glad it rang though.”
“How so?” 
“I saw your name and my mood instantly picked up.”
Leah snorts. “You’re such a sweet talker, mate.” 
You throw her head back in laughter. “But it’s true!”
Leah doesn’t say anything after that, all you could hear is the sound of chatter and honking of cars. “Where are you?”
“I just had breakfast, I’m walking to the… office.”
“You called me when you were having breakfast? Am I that much more interesting than whoever you were with?” you ask, your tone teasing.
“Of course you are,” is Leah’s reply and you could feel your stomach flipping upside down.
“Now who’s the sweet talker?”
“Still you.”
“Says the person who couldn’t stop telling me I’m pretty when we facetimed for the first time.”
Leah laughs and you really, really love the sound. “But you are pretty.”
“But I don’t think I need to hear it every five minutes.”
“Just accept the compliments, love.”
“Okay,” you relent, a grin spreading across your face. “Who did you have breakfast with?”
“Just my team– colleagues. My colleagues, Beth, Viv and Lia.”
You go silent for a few seconds, the last name ringing a bell in your head. “Lia as in your ex?”
“The one and only.”
Leah must’ve sensed the jealousy in your voice (but honestly, you aren't jealous, you’re really not), because the next thing you know Leah is laughing and telling you that it didn’t work out between her and Lia because they were better off as friends.
“You see her everyday though,” you say, your voice less confident than before.
“And what about it?”
“You don’t see me everyday,” you pout, staring at a polaroid picture of Leah smiling at the camera that is stuck to the wall of your cubicle. Leah sent you a handwritten letter along with that picture a few days ago. Your roommate was the one who received it and it went something like this:
“Oh my god, there’s no way this is your Leah.”
“This! Is this really her?” 
“Is that Lee’s mail for me? Did you open it?!” 
“I got curious!” 
“Give me that!” 
“You never mentioned that she looks like this!” 
“I just haven’t shown you what she looks like ‘cause everyone kept on teasing me!” 
“Because she could be a fake for all we know! But holy shit, she’s soo stunning. Does she have a twin sister?”
“A twin brother?” 
“Can I have her instead then?” 
“What the—no?!” 
“Fine, be stingy like that.” 
“...I’m really fine with us like this.”
You blink away images of your roommate in your head and focus your attention back to Leah’s voice. “What did you say?”
“I said I’m okay with not being able to see you everyday,” Leah repeats. “Talking to you over the phone is enough.”
You smile. “It’s enough for me too. It’d be great to have you next to me but this is good too.”
People would think otherwise but for you, having Leah a phone call away really is enough; you'd take hearing Leah's laughter through the phone than not hearing it at all.
10 Nov, 1:11 pm
y/n: I got a dog
leahw6: ???!! 
leahw6: Y/N CALL ME OMG 
leahw6: I WANT TO SEE 
y/n: you’re more excited to see him than me :// 
leahw6: YES 
y/n: excuse me 
leahw6: WHAT’S HIS NAME 
y/n: robert 
leahw6: ROBERT? 
y/n: yes, robert 
leahw6: he's now my favourite
leahw6: SEND PICS
y/n: :/ 
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leahw6: you know you're my favourite too  
y/n: :D 
leahw6: but I think I like robert more than you OMG HE'S ADORABLE!!!!
y/n: bye 
December, 2023
leahw6:  want to hear a funny story
y/n:  what is it
leahw6:  a guy tried to hit on me tonight
y/n:  excuse me???
[incoming call from y/n] 
“That’s not funny,” is the first thing Leah hears once she accepts the call.
“Hello to you too,” Leah stifles a laugh. You sound tense and Leah can just picture the frown on your face.
“Yes, babe?” Leah learnt that the quickest way to melt away your anger is to use pet names and so for any argument (even if Leah is in the wrong), Leah would always win.
This time it doesn’t seem to work. “How is that funny again?” 
“Darling, I’m just teasing you.”
“Did a guy really hit on you?”
“Yes,” Leah answers honestly. “He bought me a drink.”
“I see.”
Leah doesn’t like how dejected you sound. So she presses the button for facetime and the first thing she sees when you accept is her girlfriend pouting at the screen.
“What are you doing?” Leah giggles.
“Is all of this funny to you?” you pout even more, your phone screen illuminating your face in the dark room.
“Did I wake you up?” Leah asks instead. She knows you like to sleep in on weekends.
“Yes, but that’s fine. You know I want to talk to you any chance I get,” you answer, shifting so that you’re now lying on your side.
“You’re the best,” Leah says as she climbs in bed, tucking herself under the covers.
“Obviously,” you scoff. “Unlike that stupid guy who doesn’t know you’re off-limits.”
Leah grins at the annoyed look you’re giving her. “Baby?”
“It’s so cute when you’re jealous.”
You roll your eyes. “Of course I’m jealous. He gets to be within your presence while I’m stuck here, freaking sixteen thousand kilometres away from you. It’s unfair.”
Leah sends her a soft smile. “But you’re the one I’m talking to every day, so who’s the real winner here?” The frown is still present on your face and Leah wants nothing more than to kiss it away—so that’s what she did.
“Leah, what the hell are you doing?”
“Kissing you,” Leah answers simply, kissing her screen again.
And when Leah hears laughter from the other end, her heart feels much lighter.
“Lee, have you cleaned your phone? That’s gross.”
“Shut up. I’m trying to be romantic.”
“Cute, but maybe clean your phone first.”
Leah rolls her eyes at you, her smile never leaving her face. “At least I made you laugh.”
“You always make me laugh,” you say, your face so close to her camera that the entirety of Leah’s screen is just a close up of your face. Leah’s heart swells in adoration at the sight.
“Did you have a good night's sleep?” Leah asks.
You hum in answer. “Now it’s your turn to get a good night’s sleep.”
You could see how hard Leah is trying to keep her eyes open.
“This sucks, time difference sucks” Leah pouts. “I just want to talk to you.”
“Baby,” you give her a sad smile. “It is how it is. We’ll talk more when you wake up.”
“Yes, captain,” Leah gives you grin, her eyes fully closed.
“Good night, Leah. Sweet dreams.”
You watch Leah go to sleep for a few minutes, the sound of her soft snores making it seem like she’s right next to you. 
That night Leah dreams that you're right next to her, holding her close and keeping her warm on the cold winter night.
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nyaagolor · 9 months
How do you rank the prosecutors on order of homophobia
forgot about this in my drafts for literally months oops. Anyway. Finished now!!!!
So I made this post a while ago that has some of the prosecutors and antagonists, but if you want a ranking of EVERY prosecutor (not including DGS bc i haven't finished yet) huzzah!!
Simon Blackquill: Not actually homophobic but he gets points docked for siccing Taka (known homophobe) at Klavier (known bisexual) for stealing his pretzels from the office pantry that one time. 3/10
Blaise Debeste: I think he's gay but he made me look at that ugly ass beard for far too long and I consider that disrespectful. out of principle? 8/10
Sebastian Debeste: Just look at him. 0/10
Miles Edgeworth: Bratworth was simultaneously gay, homophobic, and a misogynist, and eventually develops into a man who is only like 1.5 of those things. he's getting better. 5/10
Byrne Faraday: I don't really think he cares much about gay people he's busy being a single father and stealing shit. For the apathy? 2/10
Klavier Gavin: He's extremely gay and does a lot of work for the gay community but making Ema Skye deal with him is explicitly lesbophobic so 4/10
Godot: He has a lovely wife but whatever he was doing with Ron DeLite was probably not osha-compliant. I don't know what that means for his sexuality or stance on gay people and neither does he. ?/10
Ga'ran: I think she has a lot of other problems she should deal with first but considered she's bigoted to defense attorneys I don't think her being homophobic would be that out of pocket. Not sure I want to find out. 7/10
Neil Marshall: Have you ever been a gay bar? This guy would do NUMBERS. Also, real cowboys support gay rights. 0/10
Gaspen Payne: Being homophobic is actually why he got fired by the prosecutor's office and Winston is really fucking embarrassed about it. 10/10
Winston Payne: You'd think he'd be homophobic but you can't work for the Japanifornia Prosecutor's Office and hate gay people or you would actually go insane. He's like that one suburban guy who uses terms from the 60s but has the spirit. However, his ally lapel pin is really ugly so 3/10
Jaques Portman: He was calling Edgeworth slurs even before realizing he was gay. 9/10
Lana Skye: Dated Mia in college but refused to explain that to Ema because she has a lot of internalized homophobia and other weird issues of self. Repressed yuri personified. 1/10
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi: He supports gay people but gets all his talking points from the internet so even though he's supportive he's also incredibly fucking annoying about it and no one wants to invite him to brunch because of it. Stop using twitter for fact-checking you jackass. 2/10
Franziska Von Karma: Despite the fact that her lesbianism is so strong it borders on misandry, I think she has a lot of internalized homophobia so she spends the first 25 years of her life being a judgmental little shit. She'll get better dw about it. I believe she can bring that number down with time. 6/10
Manfred Von Karma: I think when he finds out Edgeworth is gay he starts going to gay bars and picking up dudes just to show Edgeworth he has way more rizz than him. Considering how people in my notes have told me on numerous occasions how much they want him carnally, I think he could actually pull it off. In that respect I think he's done a lot for the gay community. It ends up cancelling out somewhat because I think he'd be kind of an ass about it. 4/10
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myfandomprompts · 1 year
You Were Always With Me | Masterlist [completed]
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Pairing: possessive!Aemond x Reader
Warning: Mature, smut, explicit, angst, blood, spoiler for Fire & Blood, fluff
Synospis: You are a lady from high birth, daughter to an important man of the court. You were raised in King’s Landing along with the Targaryen princes. You always felt close to Aemond, as you had much in common. But he always seems so inaccessible to you, particularly as he grew up. Now you make the decision to leave, and Aemond is not really happy about it.
A/N: Did a fic overhaul. To future readers, the beginning might seem a little weird, but it gets better, I promise.
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Chapters: [AO3]
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8) / (9) / (10) / (11) / (12) / (13) / (14) / (15) / (16) / (17) / (18) / (19) / (20) / (21) / (22) / (23) / (24) / (25) / (26) / (27) / (28) / (29) / (30) / (31)/ (32)/(33) / (34) / Epilogue
Annexes: (Bonus chapters) (1)
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[The ship in 5 Minutes]
Back to Main Masterlist
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animusrox · 2 years
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1.   The Batman 2.   Everything Everywhere All at Once 3.   Prey 4.   Triangle of Sadness 5.   Barbarian 6.  The Northman 7.   Bodies Bodies Bodies 8.   The Banshees of Inisherin 9.   Bones and All 10.   Avatar: The Way of Water
Grade A
11.   Turning Red 12.   The Menu 13.   Babylon 14.   Hit the Road 15.   Cow 16.   Watcher 17.   Funny Pages 18.   Mad God 19.   On the Count of Three 20.   Armageddon Time 21.   Terrifier 2 22.   Marcel the Shell with Shoes On 23.   Smile 24.   Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery 25.   Holy Spider 26.   Aftersun 27.   The Fabelmans 28.   Breaking 29.   Decision to Leave 30.   The Whale 31.   All Quiet on the Western Front 32.   Brian and Charles 33.   Piggy 34.   Saint Omer 35.   Thirteen Lives 36.   Men 37.   The Fallout 38.   Resurrection 39.   Causeway 40.  The Black Phone 41.   Official Competition 42.   Nope 43.  Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio 44.   Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood 45.   Till 46.   TÁR 47.   Happening 48.   A Love Song 49.   The Outfit 50.   The Innocents 51.   Jackass Forever 52.   BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths 53.   Montana Story 54.   Three Thousand Years of Longing 55.   You Won’t Be Alone 56.   The Sadness 57.   Halloween Ends 58.   Pearl 59.   X 60.   Vesper
Click "Keep Reading” For My Full List
Grade B
61.   This Place Rules 62.   Fresh 63.   Windfall 64.   Kimi 65.   No Exit 66.   Top Gun: Maverick 67.   “Sr.” 68.   Farha 69.   The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 70.   Weird: The Al Yankovic Story 71.   Nitram 72.   Speak No Evil 73.   Run Sweetheart Run 74.   She Said 75.   White Noise 76.   Puss in Boots: The Last Wish 77.   V/H/S/99 78.   The Wonder 79.   Women Talking 80.   Hatching 81.   Soft & Quiet 82.   Scream 83.   To Leslie 84.   Hustle 85.   Chip ’n Dale: Rescue Rangers 86.   Dual 87.   God’s Country 88.   Emancipation 89.   Vengeance 90.   Fire of Love 91.   Bullet Train 92.   Incantation 93.   The Valet 94.   Hellraiser 95.   Christmas Bloody Christmas 96.   Significant Other 97.   Cha Cha Real Smooth 98.   Lucy and Desi 99.   Not Okay 100.   A Christmas Story Christmas 101.   Blonde 102.   Deadstream 103.   Sissy
Grade C
104.   The Bad Guys 105.   The Cursed 106.   Empire of Light 107.   A Man Called Otto 108.   Broker 109.   Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 110.   The Princess 111.   Beast 112.   After Yang 113.   RRR 114.   Fall 115.   Jackass 4.5 116.   Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe 117.   Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 118.   Jennifer Lopez: Halftime 119.   Lightyear 120.   The Pale Blue Eye 121.   The Woman King 122.   Violent Night 123.   God’s Creatures 124.   Ambulance 125.   Elvis 126.   You Are Not My Mother 127.   Emily the Criminal 128.   Crimes of the Future 129.   The Apology 130.   The Lost City 131.   Wendell & Wild 132.   Trainwreck: Woodstock ’99 133.   The Found Footage Phenomenon 134.   See How They Run 135.   Spiderhead 136.   Studio 666 137.   Bros 138.   Spin Me Round 139.   We’re All Going to the World’s Fair 140.   Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank 141.   Honor Society
Grade D
142.   Thor: Love and Thunder 143.   Summering 144.   Strange World 145.   Glorious 146.   The Gray Man 147.   Devotion 148.   Clerks III 149.   The Forgiven 150.   Enola Holmes 2 151.   Father Stu 152.   Jurassic World Dominion 153.   DC League of Super-Pets 154.   She Will 155.   The Bob’s Burgers Movie 156.   Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody 157.   Hellbender 158.   Samaritan 159.   Day Shift 160.   Sonic the Hedgehog 2 161.   Prey for the Devil 162.   Troll 163.   Uncharted 164.  Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile 165.   Dashcam 166.   Firestarter 167.   Do Revenge 168.   Catwoman: Hunted 169.   The Munsters 170.   Amsterdam 171.   Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
Grade F
172.   Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris 173.   The Bubble 174.   Dead for a Dollar 175.   Jerry & Marge Go Large 176.   Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul. 177.   Infinite Storm 178.   Marry Me 179.   Don’t Worry Darling 180.   Spirited 181.   Disney's Pinocchio 182.   Alice 183.   Black Adam 184.   Orphan: First Kill 185.   The Adam Project 186.   The Invitation 187.   Texas Chainsaw Massacre 188.   Ticket to Paradise 189.   The 355 190.   Umma
Bottom 10
191.   Green Lantern: Beware My Power 192.   Deep Water 193.   Where the Crawdads Sing 194.   Blacklight 195.   Mack & Rita 196.   Memory 197.   Me Time 198.   Death on the Nile 199.   Morbius 200.   Moonfall
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redfoxwritesstuff · 2 months
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Posting schedule: Friday Misdemeanor, and Wednesdays for one the occasional one shot. Tag lists are always open. 
Join us in the VoxTek Discord server for a Vox themed Hazbin place to hang and get teasers for upcoming chapters! 
my AO3 and Kofi
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A Misdemeanor Of The Heart 
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Banner Alastors done by @blobin456drawz, Banner done by @redvexillum
Human Alastor x married reader Rated Adult for adult themes,triggering content and sexual content. Potentially DD:DNE, mind the warnings Series Trigger Warnings: Adultery, stalking, Sexual assault, Rape, smut, Domestic Violence, Time period accurate views on women and domestic violence and skin color, murder
Summary: Fading away in an abusive marriage, each day passes just the same as the last. Painful monotony eats at you until a pair of warm brown eyes sparks the idea that you could have something more. When a business deal between men sparks a torrid affair, how long can you keep things going before the fire either leaves you a burnt out shell or burns up everything around you?
And what becomes of the radio host who thought he was above the fickle fires of the heart when the match he strikes burns his hand instead? Can he possess what rightfully belongs to another man without leaving everything he has fought for in ashes?
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
MisD Sidepieces: One shots or fics that take place in a MisD AU or are MisD canon but written by another.
Inappropriate Demeanor by @nyx-umbrakinesis (Canon placement, end of chapter 22)
Audio Chapters by Nyx Productions: Chapter 1: part 1 part 2, Chapter 2:  Part 1, part 2, part 3, chapter 3, Part 1, part 2, part 3, Chapter 4: Part 1, Part 2,  Chapter 5: Part 1, Part 2, Chapter 6: Part 1, Part 2
For Eternity (Completed)
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Banner by @redvexillum
Alastor x Angel!Wife Oc (Isabel) Rated: Adult Warnings: This fic contains sexual content, explorations of consent within Angel Dust's contract in relation to sex work, Sexual assault, Possessive and obsessive behaviors, Power dynamics, Adam being an ass, kidnapping, Vox is in hell for a reason, Val is in hell for a reason, Vox has a weird thing for Alastor, Angel Dust is sweet as pie, murder, revenge, implied sexual assault and harassment, miscarriage and death.
Summary: Isabel died young, leaving behind her husband to pick up the pieces. Finding herself in Heaven, she waits for her husband to join her. And waits. And waits. Years and decades pass as she faces the realization that Alastor may not be joining her in Heaven, leaving her largely alone in a realm of double standards and fake smiles.
She must decide if she is going to move on from her marriage or do whatever it takes to reunite with her husband. Would he even still want her? Would she survive the dangers to find him? Would the cost be worth what could be gained?
Is Heaven really Heaven if the one you love isn't there with you?
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Another day in Paradise (On hiatus)
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Pairing: Eventually Alastor x OFC, later- light Alastor x ofc x Lucifer Rated: Adult for eventual smut Content warnings: It's Hazbin Hotel- this feels redundant. Sex, eventual smut, referenced implied suicide to be discussed in more detail later, drugs, drinking, poor coping, toxic behavior, controlling behavior, cannibalism, idk, it's fucking Hazbin Hotel, if it's worth a content warning it's probably going to come up at some point? Religious trauma. reader has a name/is a oc.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4
A Taste of Sugar
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Alastor x reader Rated: Adult for smut TW: blood kink, bondage, reader with trauma from food insecurity Summary: As you work through the trauma of your life and starving to death, you dismantle your stash of snacks for what you hope will be the final time. Snack cakes, cookies and crackers are given to everyone around you, except one resident in the hotel whom you knew wouldn't enjoy or consume the treats. Then, as the flow of treats tricked to a stop, stash dismantled, small brown boxes containing treats began to appear at your door. Simple, delicious and seemingly homemade treats without so much as a note.
He watched and he waited, each week for your offer. Each week, no offer came and again he left his gift at your door. Why would you not think of him? Why would you not see him? What did he have to do for you to consider him?
Chapters: 1,  2 
Wild Flowers (One shot)
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Alastor x readerRated: Adult, 18+ Content warnings: Sex pollen trope and related questionable consent due to intoxication, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, knotting, praise, dancing that shouldn't be that sexy, biting, a touch of blood drinking, female masterbation, some possessiveness, Alastor being a bit of an ass
Summary: You had always loved flowers, so when you found a patch of pretty purple wildflowers growing in the small forest behind the hotel, you didn't think twice about picking a small handful to bring back to your room. While they smelled lovely, you were wholly unprepared for the side effects of exposure or the repercussions of offering the terrifyingly handsome Radio Demon a smell on your way to your room.
With your body burning from the inside out with an overwhelming need and a displeased Radio Demon pushing his way into your room, you have no idea what you're in for.
All you wanted was to pick some flowers but you got so much more.
Audio version brought to you by @nyx-umbrakinesis,  Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6.
Steamy Situations 18+  (One shot)
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Alastor x readerRated: Adults only Warnings: Smut. It's shower smut. Female bodied reader. Careful with your shower sex.
Summary: You're hot and bored and your husband is busy working. If only there was a way you could distract him, get some of his attention and cool off. Audio Fic credits: Read by the lovely @nyx-umbrakinesis (Audio fic part 1, part 2)
Read me to sleep? (One shot)
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Alastor x readerRating: G Summary: After a long, shitty day out and about you drag yourself home to the hotel to seek shelter and comfort in the one place you knew you could find it.
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Home is where the heart is (One shot fluff) 
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Vox x Reader Rated: General Warnings: I accidently spilled a little angst on the fluff serving. Sorry?
Summary: You're cooking dinner when your secret boyfriend comes home. Caught up in the moment, confessions are made and hearts are put on the line.
A Bed of Electric FLowers (One Shot)
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Header done in part by the wonderful, amazing, fantastical @redvexillum
Vox x ReaderRated: Adult CW: Sex pollen trope, sex toy use, female masterbation, Vox's glowstick dick, way too many tv details, Male receiving oral,
Summary: A unexpected floral arrangement is delivered to your door as you're trying to ignore the lingering absence of your flat faced boyfriend. When Vox returns home and finds you in a compromising position, he's eager to assist even without a clue as to what has you so worked up.
Sister Dearest (One shot)
Requested: Vox x Alastor’s!Sister!Reader rated: Adult
Summary: Sneaking out of the protection of the protection of your brother's district was dangerous. Not only did you risk Alastor's wrath, you risked catching the eye of some unsavory characters. While you could meet many friends upon the streets of the forbidden tech district, you find Vox and his alluring promises of a good time.He knew of your brother and seemed to hold no animosity, surely he was a friend to the Radio Demon, right? Surely you could trust his company, right?Right?
Power (One Shot)
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Vox x Reader Rating: Explicit 18+ Warnings: Porn without plot, Power dynamics, Secretary reader, Choking on dick, Office blowjob. 
Summary: Vox is wound tight after his on air showdown with the newly returned Alastor. The show must go on though and you have just what he needs to get into the right headspace to move forward. 
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(None, for now)
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(None, for now)
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cator99 · 15 days
theres this cool Work Friend of mine who is 1 position above me in the job hierarchy and thus has more responsibilities but half the goons working here either don't realize that or don't like it because she's a 25 year old woman who isn't overly-accommodating or energetic in that way people expect young women to be like trying to appease people's egos etc but she's just very straightforward and monotone and behaves in the way most males in these positions do so people are always bitching about her correcting their work and giving directions (it's....her job.....)(contrast this with my housemate-coworker who cleans up after others and fixes their mistakes without pointing them out because shes afraid to offend them– shes being paid to point out mistakes so they dont happen again so this is just ridiculous– is always pitching up her voice and trying to awkwardly sweet-talk/grovel/plead with people instead of just saying "okay here's the plan" etc and guess what people still don't like her! Because her behavior is neurotic and grating)... anyways for a long time she's been telling me gluten free snacks to try, like this was the majority of our non-work-related interactions at first and it was multiple times every shift (seems like not a lot but she really keeps to herself) and then legit like 6 months into us being coworkers I thanked her for always recommending me new gluten free things since I tend to eat like the same 3 things every day, and she's like Yeah I had the same issues for a long time it's hard to branch out when most food will kill you I didnt know what to do when I was first diagnosed... and I'm like...??? You have celiac disease too? Yeah she forgot to mention that at all. Just started walking up to me with food like "eat this" and forgot to mention this factor. Anyways I've always had a lot of respect for her and I think she's very cool and I like that despite us not being close because she's really closed off, she's always been very comfortable being critical of me because while other people take offense in response to her approach to socializing being stating facts (often seems rude) + naturally blunted affect, I like to play along... I also think it actually indicates a deeper kindness and consideration... it's very flattering... also feels more Real... I brought up my secret plan for next month and she immediately brought up the logistical issues with it (stating Facts) which led to a discussion around my immediate plans for dealing with these issues, and so on and so forth...... I like it and make me want to be her friend... I've spent too much of my life as an unrestrained Yes Man type and over time realized that I actually much prefer to be surrounded by "No" types. It brings balance to both our worlds. I'm much more of a Maybe Man now (with a strong leaning towards "No". I'd say I "make exceptions" for all of about 2 friend but its more accurate to say that my input is somewhat redundant. The secret to successful Yes Man-ing is to find a productive place for it and keep it there). Anyways ok I also don't want her to feel overwhelmed by my eagerness so even though she was the one who tapped me on the shoulder when she saw me at the train station after work and we walked through the station chatting, when I saw her holding her earbuds on the platform as the train pulled up I said Alright hope you enjoy your ride home :) and then went and sat on the far end of the train (and closed my eyes)... is that weird? I let women take the lead always. one time I told her I was going on break and she followed me outside literally dead silent and then told me to go to the dollar store with her to buy chapstick and then sat next to me while I ate and was mostly just quiet even when I asked things and talked. She seemed a little down so I talked about good and nice things. Okay the thing is I think her autistic traits would be more obvious to others if she wasn't so beautiful... many such cases......... do you think she want be my friend yes or no
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somewhereinneptune · 1 year
Astrology Observations II
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Note : these are based on experiences and personal observations. Observations mentioned may not accurately apply to everyone 🩷
🫀Someone's life path number could be the number which is strongly tied to that person's signature sign in their chart, either being the number of the house that originally rules their signature sign or a characteristic that is tied with that signature sign.
Examples: My signature sign is Aquarius and I'm a life path number 9 , life Path 9 is associated with being the humanitarian and serving the collective
My mother is a life path 3 and her signature sign is Gemini , which is originally ruled by the 3rd house. My brother is a life path 6 and his signature sign is Virgo, which is Virgo’s house. I also read about life path 4 being strategists and I've known someone who's signature sign is Capricorn which corresponds with such energy
🫀Unpopular opinion but if I had to switch the signs elements, I'd put Scorpio as a fire sign and Aquarius as a water sign. With Scorpio it's probably because it was originally ruled by Mars, Scorpio always gives me such a fire energy compared to Pisces and Cancer. Not exactly Scorpio sun but dominating Scorpio energy in the chart, i think it's also the intensity they ooze and the level of confidence and also self- assertion, they have such a commanding presence which gives me fire energy too
As for Aquarius, despite having the characteristics of being quite distant at times or having difficulty with opening up, it's usually for how intense they are, it's a form of protection. I've made the mistake in the past of seeing aquas as detached until they actually unfolded which shocked me, the amount of depth and intensity of emotions they hold is a 360 and I've observed the same in my chart. It might be due to them being a fixed sign,but definitely that depth doesn't give the air sign vibe. Another reason is how they tend to be more introverted or reserved compared to Gemini and Libra, it gives me that water energy too
🫀Chiron in first is such a difficult placement in my opinion. It either puts you in a constant self - conscious state or you project your trauma on every situation and blur reality from there
🫀Uranus and Neptune in third 🤝 mental illness. That's it, that's the post
🫀Pets and the 6th house man….Aries / Taurus on the cusp is a cuddly adorable pet but one that will literally not do what you say no matter what, also energetic asf and has attitude esp when you say no to them- oh and very reckless, will do things that will have you question your life choices and have a heart attack on the spot because they were curious about something like jump off a high desk and not care or run into something that would harm them, literally no brain cells just impulse
🫀The degree of the planet could indicate the age that planet unlocks for you , and weird thought but hear me out : that degree could stretch up until it's time for the next planet to unlock
Example : I have Jupiter at 24 and I'm turning 25 this May . Yes I've been in my Jupiter theme and actually it seems it's only going to properly expand even more. Now the only planet left for me is Saturn at 29, and I have the theory i’d be living the Jupiter theme until I turn 29 or untill I officially start my Saturn return
I  also have most planets at 5 too like Uranus , and Venus and Neptune at 1 : i was literally the calm kid that has a crush each time she gets (and sometimes is front about it without shame 😭😭 literally one time in second grade my crush's tummy was in pain and the teacher asked who knows their house to help them go home and i stood and said MEEEE in front of everyone and kept asking to be the one to take them home til i got yelled at 💀) i also had 4687357766 anime crushes as a kid and for Uranus , was the type to get mad and throw things on the ground when told no (I threw my tea mug once cause i didn't wanna go to school and slapped my kindergarten teacher cause she didn't let me go home with mom when i saw her visiting the principal 😭😭😭)
🫀Saturn in Aries 🤝 almost dying of cringe and shame at the thought of acting child - like and doing goofy stuff/ having fun
🫀 this is popular but Leo placements and secretly checking your own posts and stories and giggling at them lmao
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epicbuddieficrecs · 9 months
Favorite Buddie fics of 2023!
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Every single year at @epicstuckyficrecs I used to do a fic rec at the end of the year with my favorite fics. I figured I should keep the tradition going! So, without further ado, these are my favorite Buddie fics (in no particular order) published in 2023! (you can also check out some other favorite Buddie fics of mine here)
If you have any favorites that aren't in this list, don't hesitate to share them in the comments! :)
find a way to you (if it kills me) by foxwatson/ @eddiediazes (Post S6E13: Mixed Feelings, Pining | 19K | Mature): the one where eddie decides to start dating again, buck figures out his own feelings just a minute too late, and then he spends a week going through the five stages of grief
let the world have its way with you by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Post-Coma AU | 54K | Explicit): or, a bucket list that’s really about buck needing to make a change and an eddie who’s ready to do anything to see him fall in love with life again. it takes some crossing off for eddie to realise—the thing at the top of the list in his own heart? it’s been right here all along
Being Eddie by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Time Travel, Post-Season 6, Getting together | 80K | Teen): When Eddie starts seeing a new therapist, he’s presented with the opportunity to revisit several days from his past and right regrets that still bother him. OR: Eddie goes through the time travel therapy process of the 2009 Canadian TV show Being Erica.
Evan Buckley & The Coma-Verse of Madness by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Coma AU, Multiverse | 58K | Teen): After being struck by lightning on a call, Buck experiences a plethora of alternate realities showing him different directions his life could have taken. Fighting hard to get home, Buck learns what, or who, is important to him in every lifetime.
like a dog with a bird at your door by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Post-S6, Getting Together | 51K | Explicit): or, evan “i love you like a dog” buckley has only ever known how to love like, well, a dog, but maybe eddie diaz is the kinda guy to give a flea-bitten mongrel a forever home
Both Blade and Branch by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Post-S6 | 62K | Mature): The chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but Buck still manages to pull it off. During a double date with Marisol and Natalia, nonetheless. Eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as Buck recovers from yet another trauma, Eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. He’s not quite sure what version of Buck he got back.
where all of the people dancing and clapping would greet me with such warmth by trysetmeonfire/ @try-set-me-on-fire (Season 6, Magical Realism | 15K | Mature): In the fall, Buck begins to disappear. (Part 2 of All I Am, All That I Am)
Nothing Left But You by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars ("Blip" AU | 27K | Teen | Warning: MCD): In May of 2021, 25% of Earth's population suddenly disappears. Including Eddie. In May of 2026, they all come back. Eddie finds himself suddenly in the middle of a world he doesn't recognize, where the people he loves most have changed significantly.
Your Love is an Oil Slick (It Glows like Rainbows, It Stains My Soul) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Canon Divergent - Supernatural Elements, Ghost Buck | 67K | Explicit): When Eddie's son claims he has an imaginary friend, Eddie doesn't think much of it. Christopher is seven, it's what kids do. But then weird things start happening around the house, and Eddie starts dreaming about a handsome blue-eyed man. Turns out, Christopher's friend isn't so imaginary. Their house is haunted.
come with me, together, we can take the long way home series by allisonRW96/ @homerforsure (Canon compliant | 105K | T to M):
Get me through the night; Make me feel alright (Post-S3 Finale | 11K | Mature): After an emotionally-gutting reunion with Abby, Buck turns to old coping mechanisms. Eddie helps him find a better way. In Uncertain Times, The Uncertain Rules Apply (Pre-S4 | 22K | Teen): Covid comes to LA. Eddie copes. Or doesn't. Holding out for Something More (Stuck in Reverse) (Post S4E3/Lone Star Crossover | 26K | Teen): LA is coming out of lockdown and the world is returning to some sense of normalcy. But going back to the way things were hurts more than Buck expected. While his therapist challenges him to confront what he really wants, the team takes a trip to Austin... and El Paso. so far from being free (S4E4: 9-1-1 What's Your Grievance?, S4E5: Buck Begins | 46K | Teen): That’s Daniel. He was our brother. Buck doesn’t know what to do with the past tense. He never had a brother. He’s always had a brother. He gained one and lost one in the same breath and it feels impossible.
Kink Club AU series by Princessfbi/ @princessfbi (Canon Divergent - Different First Meeting, BDSM, Dom Eddie, Sub Buck | Complete | Explicit): Canon compliant one shots where Eddie works at a Kink Club as a side hustle and meets Buck there before his first shift in 2x01.
The Warmth (of You) (25K): aka where Buck and Eddie first meet at a kink club before the firehouse To Weather the Storm (With You) (21K): aka the fallout of Buck finding out the dom he met at a Kink Club is his new coworker Safe Here (With You) (20K): aka Buck and Eddie handle working a shift after their first scene The Building Pressure (of You) (15K): aka Buck reaches out to Eddie after he leaves Abby's place in 2x07 An Offer to Torment (You) (14K): aka Eddie is all twisted up inside about what to do with Shannon. Buck offers himself up for some much needed holiday stress relief.
like when the sun came out by spaceprincessem/ @spaceprincessem (Canon Divergent, Ghosts | 39K | Mature): Evan gave up trying to explain what happens to him after his parents forced him to have a talk with one of their friends, supposedly a pediatric therapist, and cruelly hinted that if Evan didn’t stop seeing and talking about his “invisible friends” as if they were real then his parents would send him far away to places where they lock children up in padded rooms. “Look,” Evan says quickly, forcing out the words before he gets too scared to speak,” I—I know this is going to sound crazy, but, um, ever since I was a kid I can see ghosts.”
tomorrow will always and forever now be today (tomorrow is our always and forever) by withmeornotatall/ @chronicowboy (Post-S6, Time Loop | 43K | Mature): eddie gets trapped in a time loop on the day buck marries natalia
All My Shattered Oaths by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Vampires AU | 107K | Explicit): Eddie wants to stay away from his family’s legacy and give his son a normal life. Buck’s desperate to find a way to get over the love he lost. Fate has other plans for both of them.
Don't They Know It's the End of the World? by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Fallout 4 AU, Post-Apocalyptic | 32K | Mature | Warning: Violence): After being put in a cryogenic sleep for over a hundred years to wait out an apocalyptic event, Eddie Diaz wakes up, too early, to find his son has been stolen from his cryo-chamber. Scared and alone in a frightening world he doesn't recognize, Eddie is willing to do anything to get his kid back.
but i can see all along, love (it was you all the way down) by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (Post-S6, Time Loop | 28K Mature): He puts his laptop away after a bit, and paces the length of his apartment as he tries to take stock of the situation at hand. One: The date is March 22nd, 2024. Two: It has been March 22nd for 3 days now. Three: Buck is trapped in some kind of time loop that is forcing him to relive this day. Four: Eddie is, apparently, in love with him. And. And. Five: Buck doesn’t feel the same way.
And here are my favorite WIP that I really hope will continue to be updated in 2024! 🤞
for all the haunts and homes of men by euadnes/ @kananjarus (Canon Divergent, Post-Apocalyptic, Station Eleven Crossover | WIP | 11/? | 96K | Mature | Warning: Violence): The year by the old calendar is 2025. Home is gone. Home is a failed rescue mission and an echo of a memory. Home is a lost boy living in a wooden house by the sea. But first, there was a promise. Christopher, when it's safe, I'll take you back to your father. Buck had all but given up on keeping it after the world had died and everyone in it. But just as some oaths refuse to be forgotten, so the same can be said about the endurance of love.
Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon, S1 through S6 | 104/? | 283K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
Precious & Fragile Things by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Small Miracles AU, Angel Buck | 10/? | 25K | Teen): Buck is the Fallen Angel of Petty Temptation, who has been tasked with tempting human Eddie Diaz to sin and enjoy life, but just a little. He thinks the job will be easy - get in, get out, go back to Peru to continue messing around with eternity. But when Buck arrives in Los Angeles, he finds Eddie is harder to tempt than expected, and more compelling than Buck had hoped.
Right Where You Left Me by hyacinthusbloom/ @thebloomingheather (Canon Divergent, Post-S4, Angst | 89K | 20/? | Explicit | Warning: Rape/Non-con): "Therapy?" Eddie suggests. Buck almost laughs, but instead says, "I'll go if you go." Because he had fully expected him to be chicken shit, to disagree, and instead Eddie, the bastard, replies, "Deal." Or Buck never tells anyone that he slept with his therapist and deals with the butterfly effect years later.
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Demon Buck, Canon Divergent | 7/? | 12K | Teen): Buck is a demon with the power to help with pregnancy, childbirth, and infant health. When the Buckleys make a deal asking for someone to help 'save their baby', Buck leaps at the chance as it will give him what he's always wanted: a life on earth. But demon deals are tricky and neither of them gets quite what they're after. This is Buck's journey as he navigates growing up on earth and remembering how to help those in need.
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mod-jazzy · 24 days
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I was asked so! Here are my silly lil prompts for my personal month challenge thing!!!
NOTE: This is not a official thing or what have you, I was just asked to share the prompts for my lil self challenge, so I am! This is my own personal little challenge because I've had these prompts since 2019 and I want to use them
I'll put under a readmore because it is... like. 30 things lmao
Day 1: First Askblog OC The first blog OC you made! Day 2: Most recent askblog OC Can be a side or main character, just the most recent OC you've made for a blog! Day 3: The Modsona Draw your modsona! Self love n all that Day 4: Redraw a silly/funny askblog panel Find a old silly/funny or shitpost panel from one of your blogs and redraw it! Day 5: Evolution scene Draw your OC evolving! Can be past event, future event or something that already happened for a silly redraw! Day 6: Blog Swap Draw one of your blog OCs as a character on one of your other blogs! If don't have more than one blog, switch up their role with someone else on your current blog! Day 7: Favoritism wins Draw your absolute favorite OC from your blog! Indulge a little Day 8: "Nothing bad happens" What would your OC look like if their plot had nothing bad happen Day 9: Redraw a sad panel Redraw a old sad panel! Last prompt was too cheery, redraw that angst with your updated abilities! Day 10: Favorite Magic Anon Blast from the past, relive that glorious magic anon Day 11: Easiest OC to draw Draw that easy fellow, relax a little! Day 12: Difficult OC to draw Back on that grind, draw that one guy who is the absolute most difficult for you!! Day 13: Redraw your least favorite panel We all have that one panel that just, didn't come out right. Try again! Maybe it'll be nice to see your improvement.. or maybe you'll hate it again. Anyways, chop chop Day 14: Injury Draw that dramatic/important injury your character went through. Past, present or future! Day 15: Beach episode What it says on the tin, we love a filler episode. Can be plot relevant but hey, they deserve to relax too Day 16: Favorite blog Draw some fan art for your favorite blogger! Whether they are a friend, inspiration or what have you! Extra challenge: redraw some old fan art you did for them Day 17: Plot Changer That one moment... the thing that made everything twist. That really hit a hard turn in your storyline! Can be past, present or possible future! Day 18: Scrapped Idea What was that scrapped concept again? Or was it a character.. or even something as silly as a slight design change? Day 19: What's a God to a Blogger Most of us have that one god. That one important guy in the sky... or the ocean.. or under a truck... man pokemon is weird. Day 20: Canon Compliant Stylization is so interesting and unique!... but strip that away. Be close to pokemon canon. Day 21: Shiny Beam A easy one... make that little guy shiny!!... Oh they are already shiny?... well then undo that. Silly. Day 22: Dream interaction What's a interaction with your characters that you would really love to see or are excited for? Can be within your own storyline or a interaction with someone else Day 23: Real World Sighting Draw your OC(s) in a real life photo! Bonus points if its a photo you took. Take this chance to go for a nice walk and take some pretty pictures!.... touch grass. Day 24: A spoiler that.. wouldn't make sense to others That's right. Be vague. Spoil a little bit in the most vague manner. It's always fun to see others speculate. Day 25: In blog ship Draw your favorite ship within your own blog! Friendship/romantic ship/hate ship... Just whatever one makes you smile Day 26: Out of blog ship Same prompt as 25.. But with your OC and someone ELSE'S! again, friendship/romantic ship/etc etc! Day 27: Different Art Medium! That's right. Draw/sculpt/etc your OC in a different art medium than normal. This will either be fun or horrifying for you Day 28: The Inspiration VS the OC Draw your OC with their inspiration! Can be the storyline that inspired them... or the character that desired them! Etc etc Day 29: Song drawing Yeah that's right. Draw your OC/Blog with the song that you associate them with! As a treat Day 30: Redraw first blog post / Thank you Cliche ending alert!! Redraw your first ever askblog panel you have ever made. Not the first post on a more recent blog.. no. THE FIRST ONE. EVER. Or be corny and draw a heartfelt thank you to all of your friends and followers you made Or hell.. maybe even both
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schadentekkers · 3 months
putting together a list of matches available online featuring chris and drew either teaming together or against each other bc i have no life! and also for my fellow chrisdrew heads bc we gotta stick together.
some of these links will be behind a paywall, but i will try my best to find options that are not!! they'll be in order of year and organized by promotion. i have not been able to find any of their matches pre-2017, but i will continue my search until the day i die.
LUCHA FOREVER - the dawning of forever -> cck + chief deputy dunne vs. drew, bea priestley, + el ligero (2:15:00 timestamp)
ATTACK PRO WRESTLING - damplified -> cck vs. drew and shax
dear maria tag me in -> chris and pete dunne vs. drew and elijah
lifestyles of the weird and the wonderful -> chris vs. drew
nonstop feeling (pressure to succeed) -> chris, chief deputy dunne + wild boar vs. drew, lk mezinger + mike bird
live at the dome 3 -> chris vs. drew
**unfortunately, most attack pro shows are not available anywhere else other than the linked site, as far as i've found. the good thing is, the sub price isn't too steep, however they don't have all of their shows available, so some chris&drew matches are missing :(
PWC - the chaos element -> chris vs. drew (1:22:00 timestamp)
PROGRESS - chapter 82: unboxing day -> chris vs. drew, no dq (1:20:35 timestamp)
IPW - tuesday night graps forever -> cck + (inflatable) pete dunne vs. drew, el phantasmo, + the invisible man (45:30 timestamp) also with aussie open on comms. a good time
DDT - summer vacation 2020 -> chris + drew vs. damnation (57:40 timestamp)
get alive 2020 -> chris vs. drew, no dq for the universal title (1:34:20 timestamp)
who's gonna top? 2020 -> chris + drew vs. yuki ueno + naomi yoshimura (1:02:25 timestamp)
d-oh grand prix 2021 in ota-ku - chris + drew vs. mao + shunma (1:30:20 timestamp)
super encounter #1 - chris + drew vs. mao + shunma streetfight
super encounter #6 - chris + drew vs. mao + shunma vs. saki akai + hagane shinno
judgement 2023 -> chris, drew + hagane shinno vs. damnation t.a (2:40:30 timestamp)
BJW - 12.30.2021 -> chris + drew vs. astronauts (1:31:40 timestamp)
only the young -> chris + drew vs. kota sekifudo + yuya aoki (8:46 timestamp)
2 young 2 die -> chris + drew vs. isami kodaka + yuko miyamoto
front row -> chris + drew vs. kankuro hoshino + akira hyodo
young man standing -> chris + drew vs. kota sekisada & mitsuru takeda
ten minutes -> chris + drew vs. daisuke sekimoto & yuya aoki
**sadly the last half of the bjw shows i'm unable to find anywhere other than the bjw core website which is behind a paywall
GAKE NO FUCHI JOSHI - it's summer isn't it? -> drew + rina yamashita vs. chris + miyako matsumoto
clockwork -> chris vs. suzu suzuki (this is a chris match, but drew is his second and he does get involved in the hijinks)
snow white -> chris vs. miyako matsumoto (drew as chris' second again getting involved in the wonderful nonsense that is this match)
happy death day -> chris, drew + veny vs. miyako matsumoto, rina yamashita, + jun kasai (1:32:40 timestamp)
GANBARE PRO - kocho ranbo -> chris, drew + miyako matsumoto vs. veny, hagane shinno, + shinichiro tominaga (51:50 timestamp)
GATOH MOVE - chocopro # 179 -> chris + drew vs. baliyan akki + yuna mizumori
BAKA GAIJIN - vol. 1 -> chris vs. drew / chris + masa vs. drew + mao (1:01:30 timestamp)
vol. 4 -> chris + masa vs. drew + rina (1:10:40 timestamp)
i am also going to link this podcast that they did so everyone can mourn with me the fact that they only did one episode </3
AND that is the end of the list, for now! yay yippee! please enjoy
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planesky · 2 months
Every Outcome I Got Out Of The Website
-I keep updating this-
1. The Gun / Gun - “Oh Yes Oh Yes Oh Yes They Both”.
2. Dorito - Bill Cipher Jump Scare.
3. Matpat / Theory - Matpat Video.
4. Blanchin - https://youtu.be/iW29Peruj-0?si=tJCbMXskZ2PE_2PK
5. Alex / Alex Hirsch - Google Search “Flannel”.
6. Blind Eye - Eye Exam Code.
7. Giffany - “Input Deleted. AI Antiviral. Activated.”
8. T J Eckleburg - “Never Mention That Name Again”
9. Adastraperaspera / Ad Astra Per Aspera - Journal Pages About Bill’s Corpse.
10. Dipper - Note From Bill To Dipper.
11. Mabel - “Lab Now Fully Mabelized” after a few clicks.
12. Stanford - Lab Report.
13. Stanley / Stanley Pines - Ebuy Stanley Related Items, After Six Clicks “The Wheel Of Shame”, A Poem After You Click On “How He Beat Me” Many Times.
14. Wendy - Note To Wendy From Unknown.
15. Soos - Letter From Soos.
16. CIA / FBI - “Your Webcam Is On. We Are Watching”.
17. Nothing - “Something”.
18. Something - “Nothing”.
19. McGucket - https://youtu.be/mOYZaiDZ7BM?si=SpB78zp3ZO5BZyRv
20. Gravity Falls - “Never Heard Of It”.
21. Skibidi / Gyatt - “Life Privilege Provoked. Now Releasing Poision Gas.”
22. Fuck / Shit / Bitch - Note “Not S&P Approved”.
23. Triangle - “)”.
24. Pacifica - A Letter From Pacifica.
25. Gideon - Google Search “Sweet Resistant Bolo Ties”.
26. Mystery- “?”.
27. Journal 1 - “The Journal For Fun”.
28. Journal 2 - “The Journal For You”.
29. Journal 3 - “The Journal For Me”.
30. Axolotl - “You Ask Alotl Questions”.
31. Bill - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_Providence
32. Bill Cipher - https://youtu.be/cZdiFNhu31c?si=-_-vBtwmRtunKcAr
33. Cipher - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle
34. Death - “Life’s Goth Cousin”.
35. Life - “Life: 72% Complete. Now Loading: Death”.
36. Book Of Bill: “Hide It Under Shirt During Pledge Of Allegiance”.
37. Scary - Book Named “Spookemups” By B. Cipher.
38. Ducktective - “Ducktective Stars In “Love, Quacktually” Coming To: “Oi, It’s The Cockney Chunnel Innit?” This Fall”.
39. Card - Bill Cipher Business Card.
40. Geometry / Plato / Greek / Greece - Page About Plato And The Pythagorean Theorem In Ancient Greece.
41. Mystery Shack - Google Search “Confusion Hill”.
42. Babba / Disco Girl - Dipper Singing.
43. Lies - Lies Board Game And Explanation about Truth.
44. Answer - “Question”.
45. Question - “Answer”.
46. Season 1 / Season -1 - “Season -1: Antigravity Falls”.
47. Season 2 / Season -2 - “Season 1”.
48. Season 3 / Season -3 - “Season 2”.
49. Sorry - A Picture Of Fiddleford And Stanford.
50. Lalala / Daddy / Baby - Bill Ultrasound.
51. Disney - “Rat.gif Censored For Your Protection”.
52. Rat - “Thurburts’ Number?”
53. Reality - “Is An Illusion”.
54. Universe - “Hologram”.
55. R34lity - Polaroids Of The Henchmaniacs.
56. Love / Romance - Book Named “The Love Triangle” By Tabitha Lustheart.
57. Waddles - https://pigplacementnetwork.org/
58. God - A video of an Axolotl swimming next to a bill statue.
59. Meow - https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS2dBpWYf/
60. Naitsuaf - A Page About Selling Your Soul.
61. Weird - A Video Of A Man Stuck Inside The Computer.
62. Fixinit - https://youtu.be/zgKSrJ_hmNY?feature=shared
63. Mason - Note From Dipper About Anagrams.
64. Who Are You - “I Could Ask You The Same Question”.
65. Monster - Google Search “THERES A MONSTER AT THE END OF THIS BOOK”.
66. Platinum Paz - A Story About Pacifica.
67. Robbie - Messages Between Robbie And Thompson.
68. Love Ya Bro - A Doodle Of The Grunkle With A Code On The Back.
69. Vallis Cineris - A Video Of Little Bill.
70. Pines - “A Good Family Tree”.
71. Blendin - “Time Agent Lost And Presumed Incompetent”.
72. Imstillonyourmind - A Video Of The Ocean With Unknown Voice.
73. Tantrum - A Transcript Of A Conversation Between Bill And The Time Baby.
74. Hectoring - A Song About Bill.
75. Irregular - Bill Mugshot With A Code.
76. Paperjam - A Picture Of Messed Up Print Dipper.
77. Shave Your Grandma - Textbook Page About The Human Life Cycle.
78. Hotxolotl - Bill Cyper Wanted Report.
79. One Eyed King - Bill Hypnosis.
80. Titans Blood - “Hoot Hoot. Password Please!”.
81. Kings Of New Jersey - Downloaded A Zip File On My Computer, The Zip Contains The Font Of The Code Behind The Love You Bro Doodle.
82. Just Fit In - A Board Game Commercial With Sad Background Music.
83. Music - It Doesn’t Response To The Word, Nothing Changes Including The Background Music And It Doesn’t Show An X.
84. Cryptogram Codex - Fonts Of Several Codes.
85. Divorce / Breakup - Gives you “O’ Sadleys” Logo.
86. XGQRTHX - “Where Do Tri Angles Come From?”
87. When Will I Die - Says A Random Number Each Time.
88. Abuelita - https://youtu.be/1sdZazjDq-4?si=YAwvWQdWJVHE3_QS
89. Portal - “Portal.exe has been deleted. I bet you could build one”.
90. Cray Cray - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health
91. Multilevel Mark - “Who Defeated Silas Birchtree—?”
92. I see - “Is Seeing Believing?”
93. Pinata - Someone Hitting A Bill Cipher Pinãta.
94. Euclid / Scalene - “Life Form Not Found”.
95. Horror / Urban Legend - The “Always Garden”.
96. Forget The Past - Color Techincal Error.
97. Dippy Fresh - Reddit - https://i.redd.it/4p4142atrf381.jpg
98. Morality - Fun Game.
99. Oroborous - Journal Pages About Axolotl And Bill.
100. Xyler - https://youtu.be/lkQE5wuBFeY?feature=shared
101. Well Well Well Being - “Paitent File: Bill Cipher. Greatest Love: Himself. Greatest Fear: Himself.”
102. Theraprism - Brochure With A Code.
103. Deer Teeth - “For You, Kid!”
104. Weirdmageddon - The Gravity Falls Gossiper News Paper Artical.
105. Glass Shard Beach - Wildwoods-Sportland-Pier-2-1024x667.jpg 1,024×667 pixels
106. Curse Wittebane - Bill Seance Board.
107. Tad Strange - Bread Cutting Montage.
108. Burned Inside - A Video Of A Oregon Park Department Tag On The Ground.
109. Boo Berry - The Meaning Of Life.
110. Fuck You Alex - Google Search “Get Help Therapy”.
111. Harolds Ramblings - “How Is Clown Repellent Made?”
112. Butternubbins - “You’ve Earned A Treat! Enter “Dispense My Treat” To Download”.
113. Dispense My Treat - Zip file named “BILLS FILES DO NOT OPEN!!” And contains photos from the book.
114. Goodnight Sally - A Yellow TShirt.
*When you click the skull’s golden teeth you get a “Get Out Of Death Card”.
**When you click the book you get a letter from Stanford to Dipper.
***When you click the McGUCKET LABS Engraving on top of the computer you get a Letter from McGucket.
****When you click “The Book Of Bill” at the end of the page you get a link to the B&N Exclusive edition of the book The Book of Bill (B&N Exclusive Edition) by Alex Hirsch, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® .
*****When you click the button next to the red switch the computer loses reception.
******When you click the eye in the bottle you get a picture of “Failed Portal Attempt #47: Altantis” with explanation.
Prism Code - SORRY
Stanford’s Letter In The Book - Ad Astra Pav Aspera
How He Defeted Me - (I cAN STilL sEe) Through The Eyes Of Everyone I’ve Ever.
Candle Code - ?
Wall Code - ?
Morse Code Hypnosis - Naitsuaf
Theraprism Code - (In Case Of) The Old One (Do Not Use Elevators).
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cosmonova · 1 year
Project Moon Memes Masterpost
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Hello giant chunk of the Project Moon fandom that recently followed me! Making a bunch of Limbus Company meme edits with my friend Koi ended up becoming an endeavor spanning, let's see *checks folder* 100+ images so it's about time I made a masterlist to link back to and keep track, let's gooooo
1. sayonara you weeaboo shits 2. go femboy go 3. but i stay silly :3 4. world's bestest most specialest war criminal 5. QUESTION FOR ALL GIRLS 6. touch eels 7. latina fiesta dot co 8. It's with great pain that I must announce you were devoured by clowns 9. Bomb in my ass hole 10. [JOKE PENDING] 11. you wanna fuck the keyboard 12. its chewy 13. look buddy, it's transient 14. damn this pepsi strong as fuck 15. get distorted! 16. wtf I'm facing the same direction 17. I have eaten my wife. 18. Why Angela soft if not to pet 19. there's bigger fish to fight 20. it takes a man to be a wife 21. my grandpa died in the yaoi wars 22. THE SUN THE SUN THE SUN 23. sword slash to the chest. and you're on fire 24. my city now 25. she cites her sources 26. WORLDS SLUTTIEST ABSENT FATHER 27. god forbid women do anything 28. Knife Monopoly 29. i just need to write a list 30. what if i accidentally have a gun 31. ethically debatable sex with my morally ambiguous wife 32. KATSUP BLAST 33. oh well unzips 34. Hola faggot! 35. jerking that thang asunder 36. She is now my girlfriend (long story). 37. enjoy your silt, fag 38. weird bug hotline 39. I'm a pervert little leftist 40. menwtol smeeness
Koi doesn't have public social media so I'm posting all of these for both of us but they're responsible for like more than two-thirds of them so thank their hyperfixation-fueled meme rampage for the existence of this series :D
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mjdrawsalot · 3 months
Jon Kent (pretty much) Complete Reading Order
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Compiled first for my personal use and tidied up for @jonkentweek ! Goes up to June 2024 and includes every appearance of this character that I could find. I used ComicVine's archive to track these down, which is both fallible and constantly being updated, so there might be some mistakes. Also, I did my best to highlight the occasions where Jon was a significant character in a story and to skip the ones that were just a non-speaking, one-panel cameo, but those were personal judgements and your mileage might vary.
Color key (and apologies for the eye strain): Red are issues in which Jon is a central character, not just a cameo, Blue are crossover events, Orange are stories that take place in alternate universes/are non canonical
Optional stuff you can read for historical context:
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? (1997) a classic possible future story, which is, to my knowledge, the 1st time a character named Jon who is Superman’s kid appears
Son of Superman (1999) a self-contained, now AU, story about a teen Jon Kent, very classic 90s young adult comic with all the tropes that come with that, but enjoyable as the proto-iteration of Jon as an idea
Canon appearances start here
The Final Days of Superman crossover event: Superman (2011) 51-52, Batman/Superman (2013) 31-32, Action Comics (2011) 51-52, Superman/Wonder Woman (2013) 28-29 (This is the origin story of the Clark, Lois and Jon that the comics follow in Rebirth. Largely ignored by writers, as it was written to patch up New52 weirdness, but there are occasional references that might be confusing if you skip it completely.)
Convergence (2015) 5, 8
Superman: Lois and Clark (2015) 1-8 (Establishes Jon and his family in the DCU)
Superman (2016) 1-11, 13, 17-28, 30, 32-36, 38, 40-45, Special 1
Action Comics (2016) 957-972, 974-978, 980-983, 985, 987, 989-1000, 1002, 1005, 1016, 1022-1035, 1042, 1045-1048, 1050-1057, 1059-1060, Special 1, Annual 2023
Justice League (2016) 3-6, 15, 18-19, 22, 28
Trinity (2016) 1-6, 16
Super Sons (2017) 1-16
Dark Nights: Metal (2017) 3, 6
The Man of Steel (2018) 1-6 (central from issue 4 onwards)
Superman (2018) 1, 4-12, 14-16, 20, 29-32
Adventures of the Super Sons (2018) 1-12
Justice League (2018) 9, 23-25, 34, 52, 75, Annual 2022
Super Sons/Dynomutt Special (2018)
Super Sons: The Polarshield Project (AU trilogy of graphic novels)
Supergirl (2016) 8, 30-33
DCeased (2019) 1-6 (what if DC but zombies?)
Super Sons: The Foxglove Mission
Lois Lane (2019) 3-4, 6
Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium 2
Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) 1-12
Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child
Green Lantern: Blackstars 2-3
The Terrifics (2018) 25
Teen Titans (2016) 15, 43, 45-46
DCeased: Hope at World’s End (2020) 1, 4-5, 9-15
Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular (in the short Super Sons story)
DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) 1-7
Super Sons: Escape to Landis
Batman/Superman (2019) Annual 1
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) 1-14
Dark Knights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DC Universe (2020) (in the Superman short story)
Dark Knights: Death Metal The Secret Origin (2021)
Dark Knights: Death Metal The Last 52 War of the Multiverses (2021) (in the Superman parts of the story)
DC Nation Presents Future State (2020) (intro, information and behind-the-scenes for Future State)
Future State: Superman of Metropolis (2021) 1-2 (Future State is another possible future, meaning that it’s not necessarily canon, but it takes place in the future of the main canon, not in a complete AU, like say, Dark Knights of Steel. Technically not necessary to understand main universe stories, but a few popular characters and characterizations were brought over to the main universe.)
Future State: Justice League (2021) 1-2
Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman (2021) 1-2
Future State: Kara Zor-el, Superwoman (2021) 1
Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes (2021) 2
Infinite Frontier (2021) 0 (establishes the main universe status quo from this point on, feat. a synopsis of Jon’s life up to here)
Challenge of the Super Sons (2021) 1-7
Superman: Son of Kal-el (2021) 1-18, Annual 1
Shazam! (2021) 1
Superman Red and Blue (2021) 6 (in the short story The Special, but this mini series in general is cute and I recommend it)
Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2022) 1-6
Superman & Robin Special (2022) 1
DC’s Round Robin (2021) 2 (in the short story Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow)
Nightwing (2016) 89, 91-92, 101-104, 110, 112-113
Earth-Prime (2022) 2 (story based on the CW show Superman and Lois)
DC Pride (2022) (in the short story Super Pride)
Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis (2022) (in the short story Team Up)
Dark Crisis (2022) 1-7
Dark Crisis: Young Justice (2022) 1
Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Superman (2022) 1
DCeased: War of the Undead Gods (2022) 1, 4-5, 7-8
DC’s Terrors Through Time (2022) (in the short story Trick or Treat)
Dark Crisis: The Deadly Green (2022) 1
The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special (2023) (in The Life of Superman short story)
Dark Crisis: The Dark Army (2023)
Superman: Kal-El Returns Special (2023) (in the short story Distractions)
Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton (2023) (in the short story Electric)
Batman (2016) 131-132 (in the Tim Drake Robin chapters)
Superman (2023) 2-3, 9
Lazarus Planet: Omega (2023)
Power Girl Special (2023)
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) 1-6
Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow (2023) 1 (edited version of the story in Round Robin)
DC Pride (2023) (in the short story My Best Bet)
Titans: Beast World (2024) 3-4, 6
Titans: Beast World Tour: Metropolis (2024)
Trinity Special (2024) (taken from the backups of Wonder Woman 2023 plus some extra)
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midnight-pluto · 10 months
MY MODEL: PG.06 — rizzler
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MY MODEL: jing yuan x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: seems like the Xianzhou has hired a freelance photographer to help with their new magazine. however, this model seems to have fallen head over heels for a certain photographer — what exactly is their story?
my model master list || prev. || next
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WHAT WAS YOUR first thought when Serval told you that you should date Blade?
“This is hilarious, I should go show it to him,” would be the correct answer. Now were you still scared shitless of him? Yes of course, but now you have an actual reason to talk to him — you’re own entertainment, instead of you shamelessly plugging your friends music.
Looking around the studio for him, you immediately spot him leaning against the wall staring blankly at his phone. It wasn’t like he was hard to spot, he was 6’2 (188cm) after all.
Brushing past your coworkers and stepping over chords and past equipment you finally manage to find yourself leaning against the same wall Blade was. Taking a quick glance at him is when you’re heart starts to speed up; were you really going to do this? What if he takes it the wrong way? What if he doesn’t find you funny? What if he calls you weird?
Well, maybe the last one isn’t that horrible but since it’s Blade you would be thinking about that phrase for the next decade and then some. Pulling out your phone once again and unlocking it you muster up the courage to speak and interrupt the light silence between the two of you.
“Hey dude, Serval said that we should date,” you bluntly say, taking a side glance at the man next to you. Blade seemed to have stiffened up at your words and looked at you unblinking.
“Why’d she say that?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Like, why me? What was the reason?”
He let out a small chuckle at your words which made your shoulders finally relax at the notion that he found what you said funny. “Was that it?”
“Yeah, what other reason should you go out with someone?” you reply jokingly.
“Less than two-hundred followers? Ew,” Blade sarcastically remarks to which you laugh at as he ran his hand through his hair.
“Wow you haven’t had a single sponsor within the last 6 months?” you fake an annoying tone along with the idol in front of you, “That’s like, really, embarrassing.”
A comforting silence overtakes the both of once more before you go back to the previous topic at hand, “Well Serval had originally said I should go out with Jing Yuan but according to her you had more clout.” You shrugged your shoulders as his eyes widen slightly.
“Let me see.”
Unlocking your phone, you pull up twitter in search for her tweet. As you pull the tweet up Blade tilts his head downwards to see Serval’s reply and scoffs lightheartedly, “That shits funny.”
You smile at his words and nod. Soon enough you begin to walk away from Blade as you both wave to each other, “Maybe his resting bitch face isn’t too intimidating.”
As soon as you’re out of his line of sight Blade immediately opens the groupchat but then sees a notification pop up and instinctively presses it. His eyes narrow as he looks across the room to see Tingyun grinning mischievously to which he rolls his eyes as she runs away.
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EDITORS NOTE: created with a bit of cramps on the side — FUCK I FORGOT TO POST THIS YESTERDAY
TAGLIST: @zyphyrr @ohmyfinggod @not-creativequill @klemen-time @nekobluecute @theautisticduck @aixaingela @kokoki @imma-too-many-fandoms @ceylestia @lunavixia @queencybow @arraxthatsonjah @kiiyoooo @immahuman @ksnu @mikarasuge @kamikokii @rain-and-a-nice-nap @havingnonamesucks [ if you want to be added, send me an ask or feel free to comment! ]
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