#6. Bathroom hangers
tapronlimited · 6 months
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Genius Tips when Looking To Upgrade Your Plumbing
The "Genius Tips when Looking to Upgrade Your Plumbing" article on Tapron.co.uk offers valuable advice for homeowners considering plumbing upgrades. It emphasizes investing in energy-efficient water heaters, maintaining pipes in good condition, and choosing water-efficient fixtures to save on long-term costs and increase home value. The guide also suggests considering the use of recycled water and ensuring compliance with building codes for vent installation. For detailed insights and tips on upgrading your plumbing effectively, visit the full guide here.
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notmyneighbor · 6 months
Let Me In ~ Doppelgänger Francis Mosses/The Milkman x Female Reader
Chapter 6
Word Count ~ 3.9k
Rating ~ Explicit
CW ~ sexual content
Also available on AO3
taglist @luthien-elvenia-asher @fishfetus @gaudesstuff @nekee-lilac02
Fanart used with permission @kaworinx on Instagram and TikTok
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Early morning. Almost time for Francis’ delivery route to begin.
“Good morning.” You look at the doppelgänger. His face is pressed into the living room pillow he’d borrowed from the couch, offering you the solitary one on the bed. A sleepy smile of greeting.
“Good morning, love.” His hand cups your cheek and you trap his fingers, turning your face to kiss the inside of his wrist. “I’m glad you stayed last night.”
“Me too.” Its earlier than you’d normally rise, but you kind of like it. That sense that the rest of the world is slumbering and the two of you have this time reserved just for you.
“Tell me to go get ready. I don’t want to leave this bed.”
“Go get ready. I’ll press your clothes for you while you take a shower. Get coffee going.”
“M’kay.” He sighs, sitting upright. Stretching his arms, his legs hanging over the side of the bed. A dog barks outside and someone hisses for it to be quiet. The replicant freezes, his arms dropping down sharply.
“Francis? What is it?”
“It’s not a dog.” He stands and goes to the window, edging the curtain back. “I don’t recognize them. Not from my squadron.”
“A doppel?”
You sit up, the languid, cozy feeling evaporating instantly. Bringing you right back to reality. “Does the owner know?”
“No. They’re human.”
“Are they trying to come in?”
“No. But they sense something. That’s why they barked. They’re already halfway down the street. You’re safe.” He lets the curtain drop back into place.
“Didn’t you say no doppels would try to enter the building anymore?”
You worry your lower lip. “That’s going to look suspicious to the DDD.”
“The DDD.” He says the name of the organization contemptuously. “I wish you’d leave.”
“It’s not just a job. It’s my career. I can’t leave.”
“Why not?”
“Because I want to help people. I promised I would.”
“You could do something else and still help people,” he mumbles. “Fine. If it’s going to draw more unwanted attention here, I can make certain some doppels do come in when you’re working.”
So much for the relieved idea that you and the residents would finally be safe and secure. “You can do that?”
“Of course.”
“And not let them harm anyone?”
“That is more than I can promise.”
So you’d still be putting the residents at risk. Encouraging it, even. You’d have to make absolutely certain never to let one inside.
“You’d be condemning your own kind. I’d have to call the cleaners if they threatened violence.”
“I’m aware. I have to keep you safe. If that means risking some other doppels, so be it.”
You leave the bed, walking over to the closet. Francis didn’t have many clothes aside from his work attire. He’d had few personal possessions in general from what you’ve seen so far in the apartment. Living so humbly.
The imposter rests a hand on your spine on the way past you to the bathroom, pausing to kiss your cheek. “Are you going to be alright?”
“Yes.” You select a shirt and pair of pants, folding the items still on the hangers over your arm. “I’ll be fine. Go get ready.”
The sound of the shower starting fills the background as you collect the folded ironing board from inside the closet and plug in the iron. You pad barefoot into the kitchen to get the coffee pot on, wearing one of Francis’ undershirts and your panties. You’re a little sore from the previous evening’s events. Internally. The times he had pounded into you deeply. The new bite on your shoulder. The swelling and redness seem to have dissipated. The mirror above the dresser doesn’t reveal anything too drastic looking. The puncture marks are almost invisible.
You’ve got the milkman’s pants ready when he emerges naked from the other room, still slightly damp from the shower. The brazenness still makes you blush. You know what he looks like nude by now, of course, but it feels different when it isn’t during intimacy. You watch the imitator rummaging through the dresser drawers to retrieve underwear and socks and a bow tie, secretly admiring the way his muscles shift in the warm yellow glow of the lamp, the curtains still shielding the window. You can smell the coffee brewing in the other room, easily pervading the entirety of the tiny apartment, and you inhale that enticing aroma deeply.
“So you mentioned earlier you’re in a squadron. Like a military sort?”
“Not precisely as you know it, but I suppose there are a few vague similarities.”
“What rank are you?”
“The equivalent of a lieutenant colonel, if you had to label it.”
You inch the work shirt further over the side of the ironing board to continue the pressing, smoothing out the wrinkles. “Where is the rest of your squadron?”
He shrugs. “Around,” he replies vaguely. You think he knows exactly where they are and he’s not willing to give them up. Still somewhat loyal, in spite of what’s happened between you.
“They don’t wonder where you are? Or vice versa? You don’t have some kind of a leader you have to report to?”
He pauses midway through pulling on a sock. “It doesn’t quite work like that. We are…autonomous, I suppose you would say. Working independently, but striving for the same goal.”
You hand him the shirt and he slides it over his shoulders after finishing with the socks. “So why have ranks at all then, if you’re all equals?”
“Because we’re not. Not everyone can do what I did. It’s still rare. There’s no way to instruct how to do it. It just…happens. Or doesn’t.” He finishes buttoning the front of his shirt. You help him with the cuffs of his sleeves.
“Why did you choose Francis?”
“Opportunity. Nothing more. Sheer random encounter.” You step back as he pulls each pants leg on and stands, zipping and buttoning the fly. The belt is coiled on the dresser beside the black tie. “The best decision of my existence,” he says softly, his forehead bending to touch yours.
You’re so conflicted. He’d killed the man you’d loved. But in some ways was still the man you loved. Only not. An enemy you’re supposed to be guarding against, except he no longer seems to bear any malice towards your kind. Coexisting peacefully. But the cost of that. Oh, the cost.
“I can’t say I’m grateful for what you did. But I am glad it was you, and not someone else.”
His hand cradles your head and he draws you against him. You can smell soap and shampoo. Aftershave. Your arms tighten around him.
“What did happen? During that random encounter?” You ask against his chest.
“Why do you want to know the details? It won’t change anything.”
You draw back to see his face. “Consider it a weakness of humans. There is a car accident on the interstate. The vehicles wrecked, the passengers gravely injured. We slow down or stop to look, even after emergency services have been called, even though there is nothing left to be done. We can’t look away. We have to face it. Confront our fears head on. Grieve our losses. Knowing the truth of what happened is the only way to do that.”
“If I tell you, you’re admitting he’s gone.”
You chew your lower lip, hesitating. “I suppose that would be true.”
“If that happens, you won’t have any reason to be with me anymore.” He strokes a thumb over one cheek. “Is that really what you want?”
“I…no.” Your heart is beating madly in your chest. It would be like losing Francis twice, somehow. You can’t fathom it. “I’m sorry, you’re right. It’s best I don’t know. I won’t mention it again.”
After a time the replicant finishes dressing. The black bow knotted neatly. Belt secured. Wallet tucked into his pocket, followed by his keys. You’ve hastily gotten dressed in yesterday’s clothing. You’ll return home and get properly washed and changed before returning for your shift afterwards.
The imposter pours you both a cup of the freshly brewed coffee. Strong. The way you both like it. A little cream and sugar to kill some of the bitterness stirred in.
You’re standing by the front door now. The doppelgänger holds the milkman’s cap in his hands. He doesn’t like wearing it. You can tell. You pull it from his fingers and set it on his head. Tugging the brim down a little. Smoothing some of his hair back underneath. He really did need a trim soon. You’d never seen it get this long.
“Be safe today,” he says.
“You too.”
“Do you think I could get away with coming over tonight? Is your organization going to stalk me?”
“I’m hoping they’ll calm down after a bit. They are still watching you. Me. Us. So maybe wait a couple of days, make it not so obvious.”
“I don’t think I can manage a couple of days.”
“You’ll still see me in the booth.”
“That’s not the same.”
“I know, Francis. If circumstances were different…I’m trying keep you safe.”
“I know.” He sighs. “Alright. A couple of days, then. Surely the weekend as well?”
“Yes. Definitely.”
He smiles. “Things looking up already. Alright, sweetheart.” He bends to kiss your mouth. “I’ll see you later.”
You exit the apartment and he locks the door. Still no one else stirring in the building yet. He ignores the elevator and begins descending the staircase. You follow him. He’s faster than you, his longer limbs making short work of the steps. Already nearly an entire flight down from you.
He pauses on the landing, looking back at you as you halt, fingers curled over the railing.
“Francis.” You rush down the stairs, throwing yourself at him when you reach the bottom, the momentum pushing him back against the wall. Planting kisses along the freshly shaved cheeks and jaw. “I miss you already.”
“Me too, love.” His arms envelop you and you bury your face against his shirt. Suddenly you find yourself wanting to cling to him desperately. So afraid for him. More than you were even for yourself.
It’s a relief when you see him return safely later that day; it’s all you can do not to open the booth and fling yourself back into his arms. But the camera mounted on the wall over your shoulder is a constant reminder. You’re being watched.
You’re not safe at all.
Saturday morning finds you standing in what was once an impressive garden beside your house. Now chock full of wildflowers and overgrown with weeds. Francis’ copy is beside you, kneeling down, his fingers raking the earth, pushing impatiently at the intruding vegetation. “The soil is still good. You could plant here again easily.”
“My grandfather would have been happy to see that. It just got to be too much for him to maintain. He had a hard time finding help for the farm. People lured into moving to the city. Better paying jobs. Fancier homes. A variety of exciting new stores to shop in. My parents both had that itch.”
“You’re somewhere in the middle.” He stands, dusting his hands off.
You nod. “I guess I am. I can appreciate the value of being in the city. The benefits. But I recognize the drawbacks, too. I love being here. It always feels right. I wish I could restore things to the way they were.”
“Maybe you could. Not to the extreme of running a business with employees, but to build it back up, little by little.”
“It would be a full time process.”
“You could do it. We could do it,” he adds softly.
“Is that really what you’d want?”
“I want you,” he says, his hands now seated on your waist, drawing you closer. He kisses you and you sigh contentedly.
“When I’m with you, it’s like the rest of the world goes away. There is no DDD or invasion. It’s just us.”
“It could really be like that.”
“No one ever leaves the DDD voluntarily. And you’d be labeled a deserter, wouldn’t you? We’d be chased. Hunted down. There’s only one punishment for someone who’s a coconspirator.” It didn’t happen often, but occasionally there were stories of humans accepting bribes. Working together with the doppels. It did not end well for the humans making those bargains; did not end well for the invaders, either.
“We’ll keep running so they can’t catch us. To the ends of the earth.” He tugs on your hand and you allow him to, following him. Navigating through the overgrowth, threading through it to find your path. Moving faster and faster, a full jog now. Still anchored to the doppelgänger’s hand.
He halts abruptly and you collide with him. Both breathing heavily. He descends and you tumble down with him. You’re in a patch of wildflowers, their perfumed scent heavy in the air.
You lie together like that with your head pillowed on his chest, one arm tucked around you. “Did you ever have anything like this before? Was there someone else?”
You burrow a little deeper, satisfied with the answer. Would you have been jealous if he’d said yes? Strange to think that way. But yes, you would be, you realize. The concept of sharing, the idea of affection for someone other than yourself bothers you.
“Do you think you could ever find yourself caring for me? Not for the face I wear. What’s behind it, I mean. My true self.” Your head lifts, your eyes searching his features. “I want you to love me as much as you love the man. More than that.”
“You said…you don’t even have words for human emotions. They don’t exist for your kind.”
“They don’t. They didn’t. A change now. Evolution. Something unanticipated. That’s what the ache is, isn’t it? How terrible this feeling is. How wonderful. Paradox.” He pulls your face towards his, kissing you. “I need you, sweetheart. More than you’ll ever know.”
You kiss him back. You can’t speak with words. It’s too overwhelming. Too confusing trying to separate the man and the invader. You’d been telling yourself all along it was your feelings for the former that had driven all your actions. That had been true enough in the beginning. But now. Now there were doubts creeping in. Wondering it wasn’t the other that you had feelings for. Could you really love a monster?
“Need to feel you, love, please.” The sound of his belt being undone. Dark slacks today now that he wasn’t working. Your fingers join him there, finding his cock already hard, leaking in anticipation. So hungry, so fast. Your body responding in kind, drooling for him.
You straddle his hips, the hem of your skirt bunched around your waist. Struggling to hold the crotch of your panties aside, to guide him inside of you. Gasping when you succeed. You lower yourself down onto him. The sun is warm on your back. You lift up slightly and sit back down. Impaling yourself again. Your hips roll back and forth as you lean down to kiss him. Rocking, sliding that prick in and out of your pussy. He slips completely free and you hurriedly snake a hand between your bodies, realigning him. The drag against your clit sending sparks through you. You keep the hand there, touching yourself, touching him. Feeling the heightened friction of the panties digging against your hand, against your lover’s dick. The nails of your other hand raking his chest through his shirt.
You kiss him, tasting the salt of the perspiration that has begun. It’s so hot. Outside. Inside of you. His fingers touch your cheek, seed your hair, hold your mouth against his as his hips lift to meet you. Driving him deeper inside. You look down at the man whose face you’d seen behind glass for all those months. Those dark, tired eyes on yours. Lick his mouth back open, enjoying the mash of the hand still between your bodies, grinding against the bundle of nerve endings. His lips at your jaw and throat and beside your ear. “I love you,” he whispers, and you shatter around him, your walls spasming, your body jerking through release.
It’s easy to say the phrase back to him when you’re in the height of bliss, just three simple little words that escape above his face, panted between noises of pleasure.
“Say it again.”
“I love you.”
His hips snap up and you feel the jet of seed inside you. Your forehead drops to his, your arms and legs suddenly shaking. You dismount and drop down beside him, your face burrowing again.
“I meant it,” he says softly. “What I said.”
“I know. So did I.” It’s the truth, you realize. Somehow, the impossible had happened.
You’d fallen in love with a doppelgänger.
The weekend flies by.
You are back in the security booth once again the following Monday. Straightening out the desk once more. You really could not understand why your coworkers were so disorganized. You’ve nearly finished the task when you realize through your peripheral vision that someone has entered the apartment building.
Your head lifts to see Izaack Gauss.
Or what looked like him; your instincts kicking in once again. It’s most certainly a doppel.
The face has been perfectly replicated, the second floor resident’s exaggerated features all ones you recognize: the large cleft chin and wide nose, the thick dark eyebrows set above glacier blue eyes, that wide stretch of teeth just a little too large for comfort, becoming almost a rictus grin. One that doesn’t touch the imposter’s eyes.
“Good morning,” he greets you, sliding his ID card and entry request through the stainless steel slot at the bottom of the window.
You look over the identification first. Expiration date checks out, the image and name both correct. Your eyes flick up before you study the other document. On the day’s list. DDD logo present. Occupation of reporter correct. Address verified.
“May I come in? As you can see everything is in order.”
The ID card is still clutched in your hands. You tap it against the desk absently. You know it’s not really him. You just don’t have any evidence to support your suspicion yet.
“Let me just make a quick phone call to your residence.”
You lift the receiver off the hook, dialing the first number.
“I can smell him on you.”
Your hand freezes. “I’m sorry?”
The large nostrils flare and the suited figure inhales deeply. “All over you. Inside of you. He’s been there, hasn’t he? You’ve let him in.” Little burst capillaries spidering across his eyes now. A thin trail of spit glistening on his lower lip. “You could let me inside, too.”
You flip the plastic shielding covering the alarm down and slap the red button, the steel shutters instantly dropping down to cover the glass. Hanging up hurriedly and dialing a new number, the DDD operator answering you in the same calm manor they always adopt, assuring you the cleaners will be on their way shortly.
Time seems to slow to a crawl. You hear the sounds of the disposal team making their way inside. Yelling. Gunfire. Then silence. The alarm stops sounding. The steel shutter retracts. On the other side of the window, you can see a member of the DDD wearing a yellow hazmat suit. “The doppelgänger has been taken care of. You can return to work now.”
You nod, willing your shaking hands to be still.
“There was a doppel today.”
The piece of cake you’re chewing tastes like ash. It’s from your favorite bakery, a treat from your replicant beau. Washed down with an ice cold sample of the milk he delivers. You wish you could enjoy it. But your taste buds won’t cooperate. You’re still shaken from what had happened earlier.
“Yes. There were to be several. What’s wrong?”
“He knew about us, Francis.”
He sets his fork down slowly. “Tell me what happened.”
“He looked just like Mr. Gauss. The reporter that lives alone on the second floor. Paperwork checked out. But I could tell something was off right away. And he said he could smell you on me. In me. He knew what we’ve done together.”
You see the copycat milkman’s Adam’s apple move above his shirt collar as he swallows loudly. “And then you called the cleaners?”
“Did he get a chance to say anything to them?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think so.”
“And the surveillance cameras?”
“Video feed only, no audio.”
A heavy sigh. “Alright. I’m sorry that happened to you. That was not a member of my squadron, I assure you.”
“You said they wouldn’t come near the building, because of the marks. Other than the ones you sent as decoys to fool the DDD.”
“I didn’t think they would. Honestly, I didn’t. I would never deliberately put you in harm’s way. You know that.” His hand reaches for yours across the tiny kitchen table in the third floor apartment. “Had to just be an anomaly. Had to be,” he repeats, sounding as if he’s trying to reassure himself as well as you.
“What if it’s not?”
He pushes back from the table, kneeling beside you, reaching for one of your hands and pressing his lips to it, holding it against his cheek. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. I swear to you. I love you,” he says, and your heart flutters. The palm of his free hand rests somewhere along your ankle. Sliding up, bringing the hem of your skirt with it. He kisses your knee. The top of the joint. The inside. Stands and pulls you with him. Lifting you and sitting you on the counter, your skirt gathered in messy folds around your hips. His fingers dig into the sides of the underwear clinging to them, dragging them roughly down. He’s impatient, possessive. Scared, you think.
“I want to make a baby with you.”
“Francis…” Your sex throbs at the suggestion. Such a dangerous idea.
“I want them to know you’re mine. Fuck the DDD and fuck the other doppels.” His face moves against your throat, one hand on your hip as he thrusts into you, the other braced on the overhead cabinet behind you.
“I am yours.”
He huffs a moan. “You’re so perfect for me.”
You gasp when he reaches deeper inside of you, clutching the back of his shirt collar, your other hand at his waist, knees digging into his hips as he ruts against you. Your fingers travel to his hair, those cocoa locks that are growing curlier the more they lengthen. You have to cut them for him, or send him to a barber, or…
“Say it. Please, please say it. Do you want me to beg? I’ll do it. Please…”
You know what he wants. What he needs to hear. “I love you.” The wood behind you groans with the tension his hand places on it as he fucks you harder, faster. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” uttered each time he’s sheathed inside you.
Touching his cheek now, watching his mouth fall open, the kind of wonder in those dark eyes, as if he’s discovering you all over again for the first time, coming apart, waiting to be rebuilt. You both shatter and then there is silence save for the ticking of the clock mounted on the kitchen wall and the breaths you trade, a warm exchange of air in the scant space that divides you.
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bahrtofane · 6 months
blue thobe and tea
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Jude but he’s your husband and it’s Eid. yay !
word count - 1.3K+
watch it - eid chaos and shenanigans
p.s. -Count this as my Eid gift to yall ! 
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The clock reads a brisk 6:00 am, and you're late. Well, behind schedule. But still. 
Running around trying to find your shoes ( you swore you left them at the door but whatever) last minute ironing of clothes and fitting cookies in tupperware because the 50 you prepared isn't nearly enough. You've been in and out of the kitchen checking on the tea that's been steeping, brewing and boiling since you woke up.
You're still in your bath robe, clutching it closed while you do laps around your home. You left Jude still in bed, and he soon wakes at the commotion you're creating. 
Your ever-patient husband appears in the doorway with a bemused expression. His hair is much less neat than he likes and sleepy eyes only add to his charm. "What time even is it?" he grumbles, clearly not thrilled about the rush.
You glance at the clock, "We're running behind schedule," you admit, crossing your arms and shaking your head. 
Jude steps closer, wrapping his arms around you, “We'll make it work," he reassures, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. 
You relax, even for a second, sighing softly. 
“I don't want to be late late,” you grumble into the crook of his neck.
He coos at you, petting your hair and promising he'll be extra quick getting ready.
You smile, eyes crinkling while sending him off to shower. In the time he takes to get showered, ready, changed. You've found your shoes, heels now clanking as you finish the last bit of prep.
The tea is ready, poured into each thermos and set on the table. Jude steps out of your bedroom in the cutest blue thobe and your heart swoons.
“My handsome man,” you press a kiss to his cheek. 
“Think so?” He gives you a little spin. 
"You clean up nicely," you tease, giving him a playful nudge.
He chuckles, wrapping an arm around your waist,"Only for you, my love," he replies, planting a kiss on your lips.
You hum, “think you can get the thermos in the car?’
“Of course baby, “
As Jude heads out to the car with the thermos, you take a moment to admire him from behind. The way his thobe drapes over his frame, the confident stride in his step—it all makes your heart swell with pride. How lucky are you?
With a soft sigh, you clean up the last few things around your house. Washing the dishes, tucking plates inside the dishwasher, cleaning up the aftermath of your tea making, fluffing out your table cover, and sliding your house shoes snug against the wall. 
You get ready yourself. Not too much time as your dress slides off of its perch on your hanger. You do a quick once over in the mirror of your bathroom. Your makeup is good to go, your outfit is perfect. Things worked out after all. 
Your clock now reads 7:22. Relatively on schedule. You told your family you should get there around 8:30. 
You grab your purse, Judes sunglasses, the tupperware of cookies and head outside, locking the door behind you. The sun is beginning to rise, casting a golden hue over the neighborhood. Dew still clings to the blades of grass that span your front yard.
 Jude ducks into his designated seat, your passenger princess, holding his hands open for the tupperware as you slide it into his lap. His glasses go on top of his head, seat belt clicking softly as you make your way to the drivers side. 
Jude is giddy as you make your way to your famed family eid event. He used to be nervous out of his mind, unsure of where to fit in. half the time you found him standing off to the side. Until your cousins forcefully made him join monopoly (its eid tradition okay). 
And even since then he's been more or less of a monopoly fiend, getting way too fired up than what's probably acceptable for a monopoly game but who cares. If he's having fun that's all you could really ask for.  
As you drive to your destination, Jude hums along to the radio, occasionally reaching over to squeeze your hand or steal a quick kiss at a red light. 
“You're so clingy,” you huff. Rolling your eyes playfully but leaning into each kiss nonetheless. 
“Yeah yeah and you love it.” he shrugs. 
You can't argue with that. 
“Think you'll win this year?” He knows what you mean. Monopoly of course.
“Of course I will. Tell your cousin I don't care how many times he moves his pieces when I'm not looking I will win.” he rubs his hands together. 
“You do that. I'm gonna play chess.” you nod. 
“You're really missing out you know.”
“I'm really not, those fiends of property will not be coming near me.”
“Baby.” he laughs.
"You're gonna have to fix your lipstick kinda smudged it.” he giggles.
You quickly look into your rearview mirror, “you did a number on me.”
He only laughs harder. Ah the sweet sound of Eid fun. You love Eid.
When you finally arrive at your destination (and fix your lipstick) , your cousin's house is alive with the sounds of laughter and greetings. She got to host this year. You think next year will be yours and Judes. You have some remodeling to finish this year. 
You and Jude are greeted warmly by friends and family, exchanging hugs and well wishes. You snort at your younger family members who wait for their Eid money. This year it's Jude who gives it out. Taking his wallet out and kneeing to eye level with the kids as they get their gift for the day. 
You find your cousin, knee deep in dishes in the kitchen already.
“There you are,” she beams, kissing your cheeks and wiping her hands dry. She pulls out a kitchen chair and hands it to you. You take a seat gladly. 
“You look busy.” you raise a brow. 
“You think?” she huffs. 
You raise your hands up, “hey it's not even tea time yet what's with the dishes.”
“Cookies I didn't finish this morning.” she groans, heading back to the sink.
You get up out of her seat and push her out of the way, “go greet your guest you idiot i got it here.”
She sighs, heading off to greet the growing crowd of people that fill her home. 
You finish in a few minutes, organizing what you can before finding Jude surrounded by kids who throw various sports balls for him to juggle. He's doing pretty good, laughing as each ball gets increasingly more outrageous. Golf balls? Where did they get golf balls? 
You take a few videos before he calls it quits and joins you to do your round of greeting the new arrivals.
Throughout the day, you and Jude enjoy the festivities, indulging in delicious food, sharing stories, and making cherished memories. He ends up winning monopoly, go figure. Chess ends in a stalemate and you have a stare off with a family friend that sits opposite to you in the living room. Next time you both agree silently. 
Lunch has been served along with a large array of sweets with tea, (yours was a hit). Jude preens at the praise that comes your way, boasting of how amazing you always make it, that your hands are just naturally sweet. 
You swat his chest, scurrying away while he continues to any and everyone that will listen to him. 
“That man is obsessed with you,” your cousin appears again, tea in hand. 
“Isn't he?” you snort. 
“I hope you guys host next year.” she gives you a nudge with her shoulder.
“Me too. You did great this year.” 
“Don't leave the cookies last minute like me though,” she grumbles before melting back into the crowd.
As the day draws to a close and you head home, hand in hand with Jude, you can't help but smile at the thought of many more Eids to come, spent with the love of your life.
You're thinking of getting him a pink thobe for next Eid, good idea no?
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Top Shelf pt. 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7
Summary: being the kid of a well-known book store owner was easy, so was running into famous people. But being book smart doesn’t make everyone people smart.
A/N: the location set for where they eat isn’t a place in New York I think but it is where I’m from so I’m using it🥲
You guys would be astonished if you knew who the characters I created represented
I had a hard time writing for the character I put in here because I’m still not sure how to write people like her🥲
Warning: my writing, language,
Jenna Ortega x fem!reader
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“I changed my mind,” Lyle says suddenly as you dry your hair off glancing toward him. Hair dye setting in hair that is now dyed half pink and half black as he smiles down at his phone.
The boy had an unhealthy obsession with dying his hair lately and you had to be the one to dye it.
“About what?” You ask tightening the towel around your body as you walk out of the bathroom and toward you closet. “This is my favorite.”
He holds up a picture of you and Jenna walking down the street from the last few days making you roll your eyes.
The two of you had hung out a quite a few times after the first time and you were starting to get used to the both her and the paparazzi’s presence in your life.
You were actually enjoying it. The scandal online of people thinking the two of you are dating with how much you two are together, not to mention the Instagram follow.
The photos that were taken of you both were decent.
It’s funny really. The pictures, the edits, being stopped suddenly in the street so Jenna could take a picture with a fan or sign something. You were enjoying seeing her interact with them and how different she acted with you.
The only downsides were the amount of threats and questions you were getting on Instagram. It got to the point where you had to turn off you messages.
Another being that when they took pictures of you it was always you looking at Jenna some type of way and it irked your nerves at how obvious your love struck state was.
“You just said that about the last one you saw.” You reply as you pull an outfit off the hangers.
“Yeah but this one is the one.” He says, rolling onto his back on your bed. “You two look so cute in it, plus your making lovey dovey eyes at her, as usual.”
You huff out before letting the towel drop and start to get dressed. “What’s you guys relationship, anyway?” He asks without looking up knowing you were changing.
What was it really? Truth be told, you didn’t know yourself.
“We’re friends, what else?” You say pulling your shirt over your head. He lets out a loud groan, plopping his phone down before rolling around on your bed.
“You cannot be serious right now.” He says now laying on his stomach and looking up at you.
You let out a huff pulling your pants up. You were just friends, friends who text and go out a lot. He was just jealous your time was being taken away from him surely.
You’d have to admit, spending time with Jenna was way better than spending time with Lyle. Not that you didn’t enjoy Lyle’s company it was just that Jenna gave you other feelings than Lyle ever could.
While Lyle made you feel disgust, happiness and frustration Jenna made you feel nervous, excitement and attraction.
The feelings were definitely different.
“You cannot be serious right now.” You repeat his words in a high pitch mocking tone before tossing your towel in the basket and making your way toward your desk.
“At what point will you take me seriously?” He asks as Achilles jumps on his back before settling into his new found seat.
“At what point will you be serious?” You ask. “Right now.” He replies, tossing his phone on the bed and looking toward you.
“You two are literally so cute together but very oblivious.” He says making you press your lips together and roll your eyes.
“I’m so serious, like,” he says sitting up and Achilles falls off before being picked up and put into his lap.
“I’ve seen the videos and pictures, one looking away while the others stares or the way you smile at each other.” He rambles as you let out a sigh.
It was true that you couldn’t deny your feelings for Jenna, Lyle knew that. The way she makes your heart beat faster at her unrelenting stare, the way her laugh makes you want to smile.
But you couldn’t assume her feelings for you, of course she wouldn’t have any other than friend ship.
“Just because you see something doesn’t make it real.” You reply, interrupting his list making him roll his eyes.
“I know what I see and I can see the attraction coming from both of you and onto the other.” He says menacingly stroking Achilles who purrs out closing his eyes.
“I never said I wasn’t attracted to her,” you argue shaking your head and he raises an eyebrow. “I just think she doesn’t feel the same thing.”
The man lets out a hum of slight disapproval. “Obliviousness is truly a torture.” He says clicking his tongue and shaking his head.
“You have to show your attraction, not that you already have with those looks but you also have to say and show it.” He finishes and you knit your eye brows together.
Did he straight up want you to confess without knowing if she returned the feeling?
“How exactly?” You raise an eyebrow at him and lean back into your desk chair.
“Allow me to demonstrate.” Oh god.
The man stands and grabs your arms to pull you onto the bed to sit next to him. He sits closer to you and makes sure to get into your personal space. “This is weird.” You mumble scooting away from him slightly.
He only responds by scooting closer to you and looking into your eyes. You look around for a moment, unsure of what he was doing.
He continues to stare and you continue to look away, avoiding his eyes. “There,”
“What?” You ask, now confused with the man who was supposedly trying to help you.
“You have this issue of not being able to hold eye contact, it’s a form of attraction through body language.” He says, smirking down at you as you roll your eyes.
“It makes you seem sexy and mysterious.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you before leaning in with a kissy face and you stop immediately with your palm. “You’re not sexy nor mysterious at all.”
“Yeah, but I try.” He shrugs leaning back slightly. “But it really should work if someone finds any attraction toward you.”
“Okay, cupid,” you snort before scooting away from him once again. “Only problem is is that I’m not attracted to you.” You finish as the boy scoots closer to you.
He once again ignores you as he yanks your legs to face him. “Pay attention, demonstration number two.”
He puts his legs in the same position as yours, along with his posture.
“What is this?” You ask, once again confused as the man copies your movements. “It’s a big sign mostly, copying the movement of the person you like or mirroring the position. you used to do it a lot in high school when you dated that senior chick.” He replies and you send him a glare.
“I did not date her.” You reply, crossing your legs. “Yeah,” he says copying your movements. “But you had sex with her it’s the same thing.”
“You and I have very different perspectives on dating— stop that!” You raise your voice slightly as the man uncrosses his legs along with yours.
“Demonstration number three!” He claps before leaning his shoulder toward yours, body very close to yours as you try to lean away from him.
“Let me guess,” you huff out pushing his shoulders away from your own.
The man never had any form of personal space, even in your early years or when you first met. He was always in someone’s bubble.
“They lean toward you while your talking to them, focusing only on you.” You say as the man leans closer with a cheeky smile.
“Ding ding ding.” The mimicked sound of a bell makes you roll your eyes. “And tonight I will be on the look out for those signs.” He says smiling to himself in thought.
“Speaking of,” you say standing up and grabbing a towel from a pile. “Let’s get your hair done so we can get ready to go.”
“Insta story!” He grabs his phone before rushing past you and into the bathroom. You shake your head and let out a quiet chuckle at his obsession with pictures.
You all had that obsession though. Posting pictures and moments you like to have for later and to look at when you got older or grew apart. Not that he’d ever allow that to happened.
But it got to the point where you were scared of the pictures he had, you knew he had bad ones but you didn’t know how many. The scary part was that he had the power to post it whenever he wanted.
He should be afraid of the ones you had too.
“Hurry, I need to get a good angle before you wash it all out.” He rushes as he holds in the camera to the mirror as you grab gloves and begin putting them on ignoring the clicking sounds.
“Don’t worry, I’ll only post the good ones of you so your boo doesn’t see your bad angle.” He says while scrolling through the pictures making you roll your eyes.
“She’s not my boo.” You mumble and he snorts. “Whatever you say.”
“Remember,” the man walking next to you says after pulling your head phones off. “Look for my three attraction signs.”
You huff out and nod while scooting closer toward him as more people entered the train.
“And if she doesn’t show any signs?” You ask, chest against his as someone bumps into you. You both send a subtle glare before looking back toward each other.
“Then you show them,” he smirks down at you, hair tied up in a half up half down style but still having some strands cover his face. “I’m sure she’s not as dense as you are.”
You now send him the glare as you glance down at your phone before smiling at the sight of Jenna’s double text before texting back.
Jenna -
We’re on the way now:)
My friend can’t wait to meet you!
You -
Lyle is just as enthusiastic about meeting you
We’re on the train about be there
Jenna -
Cant wait to meet him
“‘Love struck’ is definitely the word to describe you.” Lyle states and your smile falls looking up at him.
“Don’t hide it now, I’ve already seen you smiling at your phone like she’s there for real.” He rolls his eyes before checking his own phone.
“Whose her friend anyway?” He asks and you shrug. “She won’t say, says it’s a surprise.”
“Great, yet another sexy and mysterious individual in our lives.” He shakes his head and you hit his chest with the back of your hand.
The train comes to a slow stop before the doors open allowing you both to make your way out and toward the exit.
It’s a struggle though as you move past the many people in the train station trying to find a way out without pushing.
“Jeez, the tourist this time of year are always so annoying.” The man mumbles, grabbing your hand. He was right, people wanting to spend Christmas in New York was a hassle but it was worse after Christmas was over.
“Watch it!” A man calls pushing past your shoulder. “Sorry..” You mumble getting closer to Lyle as the man glares down at you before moving through the crowd once more.
“Asshole.” Lyle mumbles, wrapping his arm through yours to keep you close as you both finally make it out of the crowded staircase.
“Come on, before we’re late meeting your boo and her friend.” The man pulls you through the street as you groan.
“She’s not my boo! Stop saying that it’s so weird.” You say as he drags you through the crowd. “But you want her to be.” He calls out in a sing song voice that makes you gag.
He slows down after a moment, deep in thought as you stare up at him.
Another moment goes by before he lets out a hum.
“You never really confirmed it,” he says glancing down toward you. “If you actually want her or not. Yeah, you said you were attracted to her but not if you actually liked her.”
The statement causes your entire face to heat up as you look away from the boy.
You never really thought about it, mostly thinking about how stunning she looked or when she would text and ask to hang out next. Never once did you think about if you could actually be in a real relationship with her.
“In a sense..” you mumble scratching the back of your head. He raises his eyebrow at you and waits patiently for you to finish.
You both take notice to people glancing in your direction, whispers suddenly surround you. Something you were still getting used to.
“I mean, I do like her.” You start your ramble and the boy smiles. “She’s amazing, perfect even. Her personality is even better than it is on TV, she’s funny, way more considerate of where I want to go with her, she talks just enough to where I can also talk, she’s absolutely gorgeous,” you continue your list and Lyle nods, smile growing as you speak.
He had never seen you so passionate about something other than the music you listen too or something you’ve hyper fixated on. So listening to you speak of something — or rather someone — else was definitely a sight for him to see.
He knew the brunette had you wrapped around her finger just by your long list, even if you didn’t know it yourself.
“And did I mention she has a great sense of style?” You suddenly come to a stop of your rambling. “I’ve seen it plenty to know.” He laughs and you groan out.
“Okay, so why don’t you make a move exactly?“ he asks and your smile falls.
“Why would she say yes to me?” You ask lowly as the boys smile falls to.
She had many other options with people who could treat her to a life of luxury or even just treat her better. So why would she pick the weird library kid who stays inside playing video games all day?
“You’re all those things too, minus to the style of course.” Lyle tries to comfort you only for you to elbow him in his gut.
“I’m being serious,” he laughs grabbing your arm and pushing it away lightly. “You’re just as amazing as anyone else. You don’t give yourself enough credit.” He finishes with a small smile.
You nod slowly before looking back forward and grabbing for his hand.
“Don’t be gross now.” You mumble and the boy chuckles to himself.
You both continue to walk through down the street before arriving at the location sent to you by Jenna making Lyle let out a loud gasp.
“Sushi?” He asks, arms spread out as he gestures to the red sign ‘Kenko’s habachi’ as if he was trying to hug it. “How’d she know?! What’d you tell her?” He questions are more of demands as he turns to you.
“Nothing, as I said.” You say, stuffing your hands in your pockets. “She has taste.”
A grimace is set on his face at your comment. “Please don’t tell me your referring to yourself.” Your face falls and you point to it, clearly annoyed at his comment after your last conversation.
“Kidding,” he says turning back toward the building like a child in a toy factory. “So how does this work? Do we go inside and wait?”
“We just wait, I usually do.” You say, taking a seat on a nearby bench as the man continues to stare up.
“What a good dog.” He replies only giving you a glance. “But what about seats?” He asks mc ignoring your loud huff.
“Usually taken care of.” You say before slipping your head phones back on and turning up the sound to drown out what ever he says.
You close your eyes and begin to think of the various ways this night could go. Lyle embarrassing you to death, the so called signs he wants you to use and look for, Jenna’s friend, how Jenna looks. Anything to pass the time before you come to a realization.
How long was she staying in New York?
She had been here for about a month and half now, at least since you’ve known her. She was bound to leave for LA again to be with her family and home again.
The thought made you feel some sort of dread. The relationship you both built could go crumbling down once she left and you couldn’t do anything about while all the way across the United States.
Then again what could you do? Ask her not to return to her home and stay with you? Not possible. You weren’t in any position to ask such a question but that wouldn’t stop you from begging if you had a choice to.
Who wouldn’t want to be on the knees in front of such a woman after all?
You’re pulled from your thoughts as your head phones are yanked off. Your eyes snap open to see Lyle glaring down toward, Jenna trying to hold in her laugh and a girl who’d you recognized after watching Jenna’s most recent show.
You didn’t know her name but you knew not to call her by the name you knew her by, that would end horrible on your end by Lyle.
“Hey,” Jenna says as you stand up and snatch your head phones back from Lyle. “Hey.” You reply and Lyle makes a face.
“‘Hey’? That’s it?” He whispers to himself as if he were expecting more and you send him a glare.
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this.” Jenna says gesturing to your head phones as you put them back in their case.
“Are you suggesting that I have a head phone problem?” You ask, smirk in your face as you shove the container into your pocket.
She considers the question for a moment before nodding. “Maybe a little?” She says and your face falls as it does whenever Lyle tries to say something funny.
“I’m only saying you have them in all the time right before I see you.” She defends putting her hands up.
“What else am I meant to do? Just sit there or walk? No, I gotta have some sort of background noise that’s not yelling or cars honking.” You huff out and shake your head.
Jenna’s smile grows as she looks up at you.
You glance to Lyle who puts up a single finger mouthing ‘number one’ making you internally roll your eyes.
Your eyes travel back to Jenna who continues to smile and stare and you can’t help but agree with. The eye contact was insanely attractive when it came to her as you try your hardest not to look away from hers.
You both continue to stare unbeknownst to the pair beside you. It was starting to become unbearable for the two, is this all what you two did?
Sure, it was only a few moments that and passed but it was still awkward.
Lyles eyes travel to the girl Jenna brought as he presses his lips with a suggestive look on his face that makes the girl smile and nod in agreement to his silent statement.
“Well then!” Lyle calls out clapping his hands together. “Re-introductory time,” he smiles and holds out his hand to Jenna.
“Great to meet you again on less awkward time, I’m Lyle.” He says as she takes his hand and shakes it. “Nice to meet you, i’ve heard a lot about you.” She says and Lyle smirks.
“As have I about you.” Your cheeks rise in heat as you clear your throat and look away from the two.
“Oh! And this is Emma.” Jenna introduces and the girl steps forward with a adorable smile you can’t help but notice.
“Hi, I’ve also heard a lot about you.” She laughs as she shakes your hand. Jenna’s cheeks also get warm as she she sends a small kick to her friends foot you don’t seem to notice.
“It’s nice to meet you, Emma.” You say before Lyle begins rushing the three of you.
“Sushi time, let’s go. Let’s go!” The man states as you all make your way inside.
“I’m beginning to see what you meant by him being a bit much.” Jenna says watching Lyle make his way toward the fish tank like a child.
You huff out before going after him. “Dude,” you mumble as you watch him watch the fish. “You’ll get to eat some in a bit, stop slobbering on the glass.”
“You two really are bad at reading signs.” He replies, head turning side ways but eyes never leaving the tank. “You’re trying too hard to act natural, just relax.”
You scoff before pulling him back toward the duo only to see Emma whispering something to Jenna whose face had only become more red.
The waitress grabs four menus and makes her way toward the back of the restaurant.
“I love your hair, by the way.” Emma says, falling back to walk with Lyle who gives her a toothy smile. “Why thank you, I just got it done.” He says as if he had paid to get it done, you should have made him pay.
You watch as the waitress places the menus down in a booth before making your way to one side and taking a seat. Jenna not too far behind you as she subconsciously decides to sit with you.
Lyle looks back at Emma with the same suggestive look on his face as he allows her to enter first before following after.
He takes notice to how close you both sit and allows a small smirk to set into his face before opening his menu and slamming it shut immediately.
You send him a questioning look as you opening your own. You places his hand on the table and drums two fingers on the table, looking around trying to be discreet.
You let out a quiet huff before looking back down to your menu, unable to resist the urge to look through your peripheral view to see he was in fact right.
Jenna seemed to be doing what Lyle was doing earlier. Your legs were slightly tilted toward hers and so were hers, hands holding the menu as you did.
But then again she was very focused on said menu, not enough to be able to copy anything you were doing. You were glad he was sort of wrong but also disappointed.
“You’d definitely like the shrimp tempura, it’s actually cooked but also really good for sushi.” Lyle states as he points to Emma’s menu, elbows on the table as he leans over to look over her menu. You watch Emma’s eyebrows raise as he continues to recommend different things, clearly listening carefully as she nods along.
A small smile forms on your face, his lack of personal space was indeed always there. Even for strangers. But then again that was his specialty, finding friends by just simply being himself rather than acting awkward.
But then there was his humor that threw most people off, very dark. You were used to it though, him mentioning things that would put him in an insane asylum before laughing to himself making the people who get it laugh as well.
“What are you getting?” Jenna’s voice breaks you out of your thoughts as your eyes snap from Lyle and Emma to Jenna who seemed to be sitting much closer than before.
You lean over to look at her menu forgetting about your own in your hand as you point to the thing you get the most.
She scrunches her nose — the action absolutely adorable — slightly as she read the description, clearly displeased with you answer. “Really?”
You shrug before closing your own menu and sliding it forward. “It’s what I’ve eaten for the past few times, i think it’s good.” You lean against your hand on the table, body turned to her more.
She nods to herself for a moment before looking back down to her menu, once again you find yourself jealous of a menu.
Lyle takes notice to your longing stares and Jenna obliviousness take scowls in distaste at the sight.
With how much you talked about her he would think you would be flirting at this point with how much you’ve hung out. But no, you clearly are too much of an idiot not to see both you and Jenna’s body language toward each other.
“But what is the best platter?” Emma asks suddenly and your attention is suddenly drawn toward her as you lean over the table to talk.
He gapes at you for a moment, wondering why you would take your attention off your ‘date’ to recommended things to his before he got the chance.
You had a goddess next to you and you decided to talk about platters? He decides then and there it was time to take matters into his own hands.
His eyes travel to Jenna who no longer looks at her menu, instead toward you and Emma with a look in her eyes Lyle knows inside and out.
He stares at her and waits for a moment, clearly intent on getting her to look back at him and she does.
He narrows his eyes her before tilting his head which makes her in return knit her eye brows. He glances toward you then back to her before raising an eyebrow.
Jenna too glances at you before biting her lip nervously before looking back to him. He widens eyes while keeping his eyebrow raised and tilting his head to the side to gesture toward you.
Jenna hesitates for a moment, looking between Lyle and you before nodding along with Lyle who lets out a silent breath.
At least someone took his hints.
She sends him one last glance as you sit back into your seat, all four of you now waiting on the waitress, Lyle and Emma taking up a new conversation topic.
“I meant to tell you before,” Jenna says suddenly catching both you and Lyles attention. “Your outfit looks really nice.” The compliment is subtle yet noticeable.
You look down to look at your outfit you had actually tried on. Ever since you met Jenna you had actually been trying on looking good instead of wearing simple jeans and a sweat shirt. Not that you’d ever tell her that.
“Thank you, my mom actually bought this for me.” You say and Lyle froze before his eyes travel to you in horror.
Who responds to a compliment like that?
“Well, she knows what colors look good on you.” Retorts, saving her own compliment. It works as your face heats up and you smile before chuckling nervously as the waitress walks up you table.
Lyle felt his eye twitch as you order, the sudden urge to strangely you was set into his mind as his finger start to flex.
The audacity of you not complimenting her back was an atrocity.
His eyes travel to Jenna who seemed well satisfied with her compliment and your reaction, far more confident than before. It did not satisfy Lyle.
As the waiter walks away, Lyle felt the need to punish you for your crimes. He quickly kicks his foot out attempting to kick you but instantly regrets it.
“Ow!” Jenna calls out and his eyes go wide. “What’s wrong?” You ask as soon as the word leaves Jenna’s lips.
“Did you just kick me?” Jenna asks, looking up to Lyle whose face sets into panic before looking to you. The worried look on your features evident as you place a hand on Jenna’s arm. He decides this was a far better punishment.
“Yeah,” he nods and looks to you. “Did you just kick her?” The attitude in his accusation bewilders you as your mouth hangs open.
“What?” You ask, glaring at the boy who glares back. “Why would you kick her?” He asks, gesturing his hands toward you and you let out a laugh.
“That’s funny,” you say shaking your head at the boy who crosses his arms. “I’m sitting right next to her how would that be possibly?” You ask and the man shrugs in exaggeration.
“I don’t know, you tell me!” He says and you huff out. Jenna, the pain now forgotten, finds the petty argument amusing as Emma just sits there sipping her drink enjoying the drama completely oblivious to what’s going on.
Lyle watches as the two of you speak while walking ahead, well more so Jenna talks and you stare shamelessly. You two walk closely, closer than the distance He and Emma walked together or just regular friends. Further proving his third demonstration to be correct.
His eyes travel to the paparazzi who also shamelessly stared and took pictures then back to you.
You two were to busy in your own little world to really notice. Now he sees why there were so many pictures, you two were just out there rather than hiding away in the safety of privacy.
The privacy you used to enjoy before Jenna, the privacy you needed for your family but just didn’t care anymore.
“Those two are so annoying,” he mumbles, catching Emma’s attention. “I mean, they’re clearly interesting in each other but Y/N doesn’t want to admit it!”
Emma’s eyes light up at his statement. “Exactly, thank you!” Emma says and the man’s eyes snap to hers. “All she talks about is Y/N.” Emma comes back to a sudden quietness the two had and his interest is now piqued.
“Go on,” he says, nudging her with his elbow and raising his eyebrows.
“I mean, she doesn’t only talk about Y/N but whenever she gets tracked up in her phone it always ‘Y/N texted’ or ‘I’m texting Y/N, hold on’. It’s ridiculous but what’s really annoying is when we try to get her to ask her out and she says that that’s a stupid thing to do and doesn’t think she likes her back or something.”
Lyle’s head snaps to her, eyes wide. “She thinks that?” He asks making them slow down so you two didn’t hear their conversation.
Emma hesitates for a moment, clearly debating if Jenna would like this or not but ultimately decides to nod.
“But why?” He asks and the girl tilts her head slightly in question. “I can understand Y/N because of many different reasons but Jenna? She can have castle full of people to choose from and they’d all want her.”
“Maybe that’s why,” Emma says. “Because of how many people she could possibly have, she doesn’t think that any want her for her.”
Lyle takes a moment to think that through and she was in fact right.
She met you by chance and you didn’t know who she was which most likely made the situation feel real. She could tell you about herself without you knowing information from online — true or not true— and you could tell her about yourself without lying to make her more interested in you.
It was all authentic and she could play it out her own way, especially with you already barely knowing her.
“You’re right,” he mumbles in response as he watches Jenna laugh and you smile at her. The smile was one he didn’t recognize, it was far warmer and soft than what he was used to.
Yes, she truly did have you wrapped around her finger.
“We should totally help each other out,” he says suddenly making the girls smile raise. “I could give you little pointers of what Y/N says and you give me one’s Jenna says, you know to keep things up to date for them.”
Emma’s eyes travel to the two of you as you both talk, still ignoring the paparazzi who try to get the best shots in strange positions.
“Plus, I do like to give Y/N little heart attacks so having information on Jenna would help with that.”
The girls smiles once again, clearly interesting on doing the same to Jenna as she pulls her phone out.
Lyle once again watches as you hug Jenna before she waves and gets into her car in absolute disgust and disappointment at how short a time you held her. You could have let it linger for a moment, he wouldn’t have minded waiting another moment.
She gets into the tented window car, Emma following suit as she taps her phone to Lyle who nods and throws her a thumbs up.
Her smirk doesn’t go unnoticed by Lyle as you shut the door behind and watch the cat drive off.
Once it’s completely out of view, he hits the back of your head with the back of his hand. And he does so very hard.
“Ow! What the hell!” You hiss out as your hand comes up to hold it. “I’m starting to see why you’re so worried,” he states angrily before turning on his heels and walking.
“You’re absolutely useless to my game of entertainment. You could have at least done a little bit of flirting.”
He continues to walk, now blocking out your yelling and argument as he sets in his plan to do something about this himself since you can’t do a single thing on your own anymore.
Read next part here! (Coming soon)
A/N: I know this is a itty bit rushed but idc cause the juicy stuff is going to happen now, me and my friend have decided to stop teasing and actually get this done.
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a-kaash-me-outside · 8 months
a bit dirty - ch6
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in which you hook up with osamu in a club bathroom and that's just the beginning. prev | ch6 [masterlist]
// a really great idea ~ ᴏsᴀᴍᴜ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ~ 7392 ᴡᴏʀᴅs
a look into this chapter: 18+ minors dni nsfw, squirting, sex in a bed!!, a lot of feelings and love!!!!, intimacy in more than just the bedroom fr, names names names pet names a million pet names, oral f!receiving, afab she/her pronouns
tori talks: oh good god guys we're finally here. thanks to everyone who is going to read this last chapter even though it literally took me over 6 months to write it. i hope you enjoy it and i'm glad it's over and that it happened. ily all. hope u enjoy. ♡ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢs ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ᴍᴇᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ♡
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you’re not sure you’d admit it to anyone, but walking into osamu’s apartment for the first time feels like coming home after a long day at work. you can see yourself here, more than you can in your own apartment or your childhood home. you feel just a little bit more like yourself, shoulders relaxing in a way that you didn’t think they needed to, breath a tiny fraction steadier. you’re not sure you’ve felt this comfortable in a really long time. 
you don’t have to ask him where to put your shoes or where to hang your jacket, and he doesn’t take them from you either. he doesn’t put them away for you or tell you to hang them on the hangers in the empty closet down the hall. 
when he unlocks his door and pushes inside, you mimic his motions, placing your shoes gingerly on the rack to the right of the closet between his white sneakers and black work shoes, hanging your jacket on the empty hooks above the spot where you've just retired your shoes. 
stepping deeper into his apartment, he offers a small, “so, welcome,” he says, gesturing to the living room, one hand softly wrapped around yours as he tugs you along. stepping past the barrier of the front door, further into osamu’s space, you don’t feel like a guest here. you just feel like you belong.
“oh my god, it’s so clean in here,” you say, a few paces ahead of him now, but he refuses to break contact, to let go of your fingertips so he walks quickly along with you. 
“well, yea, i’m not really ever home,” he explains, shrugging, as you walk around his living room eyes stopping at the neatly organized coffee table with cork coasters and a yellow hard-covered book titled this book will make you kinder, at the photos on his wall of him and his brother and him and his restaurant and him and suna, at the plants in the window sill and the dustless, dirtless ledge beneath them. 
you shake your head, “no, that’s not true. you come home after work and you’re here before you leave for work, and i’m sure you’re super busy leaving in the morning and super tired when you come home at night, so it’s really impressive that it’s really clean.”
he lets out a half-laugh, a breathy light scoff in the place of a real response. you turn around, looking at him directly with a mischievous look on your face, “unless you cleaned your apartment just for me tonight?”
osamu’s quiet, a very telling silence, a wordless admittance. “oh my god!” you say, hands on your hip, and the slight hold that he has on your fingertips isn’t broken yet, his hand now pressed against your side, fingers curling around your hip as he pulls you a little closer.  
“okay!” he admits, “so i am pretty tidy anyways, but there may have been a few dishes in the sink and the bed might not have been made and the couch cushions didn’t look that good before but-”
you shake your head, clicking your tongue, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as you tease, “how presumptuous of you that i would come back here after our date?” 
“i didn’t think we’d just fuck in the bathroom again, baby, what was i supposed to do, you literally said-” he says, trying to explain himself, unstoppable smile on his face as he pulls you even closer to him.
“do you think i’m that kinda girl? to just fuck you on the first date?” you ask, palm flat against his chest now, the other hand snaking up to lazily drape around his neck.
he shakes his head, wrapping his arms around you tight around your arms and shoulders, holding you in place as he laughs so deep that it sends tingles and shivers down your spine and skin. “you’re very funny, y’know that?” he asks, squishing you against his chest as he presses kiss after kiss into the top of your head. 
“you made the bed? fixed the couch cushions? samu, i mean, really, what did you think was going to happen tonight?” you giggle, emphasizing every other word dramatically as you squirm in his tight grasp.
“i mean,” he says, leaning back to look at the warmth on your face, the fluster that lies with it, “you are here, aren’t you? i couldn’t have been that wrong if the cleaning paid off.”
you giggle harder now, leaning up and pressing a kiss into wherever you can reach in his strong hold. “i sure am,” you agree. he loosens his grip, hand falling down your arm to thread his fingers with yours again. he pecks a small kiss against your lips and then your cheek. 
“you sure are,” he says, warmly. 
you really could’ve stayed in the middle of his living room forever surrounded by couches and books on shelves and an impressive entertainment system. you didn’t need any of it either, didn’t need a place to sit or things to keep you busy, you’d be really happy just staring at osamu for the rest of time, at hearing him laugh, at feeling his pulse in your palm.  
“can i getcha a drink?” he asks, pulling you out of this mellow, love-struck state in the name of hospitality. 
“only if i can come with you,” you say, looking over his shoulder into the kitchen. your motivation is 70% wanting to stay with osamu and 30% wanting to see what his kitchen looks like: what kind of mugs he has, where he keeps his silverware, if his knives and pans are on display or tucked away in cabinets.
“clingy,” he teases, smile huge because there wasn’t any way that he was leaving you alone for even a second. 
“fine! i'll stay in here,” you pout. 
he doesn’t respond, only laughs and pulls you by the hand, “come on, pretty.”
you don’t protest anymore, following along happily into the kitchen, forcing yourself to sit on the barstool in front of the bar rather than snoop in his cupboards and drawers. he’s hesitant to let his touch fall from yours, to let go of the contact he has on your hand and your hip, but he does, presses a small kiss into the side of your head, and walks deeper into his kitchen.
from here you can see the kettle on the counter and the knives on a metallic strip above the black countertop. the pans are nowhere to be seen. they must be hidden away somewhere safe. you don’t say anything and neither does he as he pulls wine glasses and mugs and cups out of the cupboard and places them on the countertop in front of you. 
and you still don’t feel like a guest. 
it feels like osamu getting you a drink is because he loves you, like you could get up and get your own if you wanted to, like you already knew where the tea bags were and the spoons and the shelf that the sugar resided, like next time you would return the favor, let him sit down for a minute while you made the two of you tea or poured another glass of wine. 
“what’s it gonna be?” he asks, gesturing to your choices on the bar in front of you.
“y’know you could’ve just asked me that before pulling out all the cups?” you tease, eyes moving from cup to mug to wine glass. 
he shrugs, “not as visual.”
“what are you in the mood for?” you ask, reaching to pick up the mug, black ceramic with a gray stripe along the base. you turn it over in your hand, running your fingers along the matte texture. yeah, this feels like a mug osamu would own. 
“anything, really,” he says, smiling before the rest of the flirt even comes out of his mouth, “as long as i’m drinking it with you on my couch, i will be very happy.”
you roll your eyes. it’s really unfair how predictable, yet how adorable, he is when it comes to things like that. “alright, how about wine now, tea later?” you ask.
he rests both of his hands on the edge of the counter for a moment, nodding as he does, removing the cups from the counter and pushing the mugs towards the tea kettle. “sounds like a plan, angel,” he says, disappearing behind the pantry door and coming back with a bottle of wine. 
he doesn’t recork the wine or put the bottle back, leaves it exactly where he sets it on the counter in a rush to just drink wine on his couch with you. he carries your glass for you as he guides you back to the couch. 
sitting on the plush, perfectly set cushions, tucking yourself into the corner against the arm rest, osamu pressed up against you, pulling your legs over the tops of his, his hand resting comfortably on your calf, you’re not sure you’ll ever really be ready to go back to your own cold, lonely apartment. when you close your eyes, you can see this moment next week and next month and three years from now. 
your first glass of wine isn’t even finished before he interrupts your current conversation of favorite movies and media with a stupidly cute, nervous question, “so, can i ask you now?” 
you want to be stunned or at least fake it, but you can only lean closer into him, setting your wine glass down on the coaster on the coffee table to wrap both of your arms around his bicep. “ask me what?” you tease.
he shakes his head, “y’know that night i thought you were so out of my league.”
you lean backwards, mouth agape, eyebrows furrowed in disbelief, “no fucking way.”
“swear,” he laughs, leaning forward to set his glass down next to yours, “and i was out of my depth, had no idea what i was doing, just couldn’t stop staring at you-”
“oh, i know,” you say, recalling his smitten, lingering stare so perfectly that your face feels warm, “every time i would look over in your direction you would be looking at me like this.” you mimic your recollection as best as you can.
he puts his face in his hands. “that’s so embarrassing,” he says, and it’s muffled by his palms. you wrap your hands around his wrists, pulling them away from his face and kissing the backs of them.
“no, no, it was cute,” you say, but he still groans. you continue, “samu, i was into it, obviously.”
he explains further, “sumu was like shoving me over there so blatantly that i almost didn’t go over there.” he shakes his head at the memory, at the alternate universe where his stupid brother alone failed to start the best chain of events of his life. “and then omi leaned over to me and was like, ‘i'll distract your dumbass brother, go have a good night, you deserve it.’” 
“remind me to thank him then,” you say, softly, shifting against the couch to lean against his shoulder instead of the armrest. 
“will do,” he says, smile in his voice as he snakes his arm around your waist, hand resting on the side of your thigh. “i’ve thanked him plenty for both of us, but it might mean more coming from a new mouth.”
“you just say the most romantic things like it’s nothing,” you say.
“i don’t try,” he admits, “just hard not to be romantic when i’m with you.” he reaches across you with his other arm, pulls you further into his lap until both of your knees are on either side of his thighs and you’re facing him. “sorry,” he mumbles, “wanted to look at ya.”
“you’ve gotta be doing this on purpose,” you whisper. 
his fingers scrape against the tops of your tights before rooting on your hips. he shakes his head. “it’s all you, really,” he whispers back. “these thoughts just come into my mind and i say them. love you so much, you make it easy.”
you’re very grateful for this position because it’s effortless to lean down and crash your lips into his, to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him deeper into the kiss, to feel his chest lift to kiss you harder. he tastes like expensive wine and a little bit like you still and you might cry, he’s just really perfect. 
he places his hand on your shoulder, holds you in place as he leans back into the couch. the pout is already forming on your lip, so he runs his thumb across it gently. “will you be mine?” he asks, adding before you’ve even answered, “let me love you with labels.”
“oh my god, samu, you’re going to kill me, y’know that?” you say, hands cupping both of his cheeks before kissing him sweetly. “how do you expect me to keep up with this?”
“just say yes,” he says, quickly, “that’s enough for me.”
“of course,” you say, forehead resting gently against his, kiss placed on his nose and then the high of his cheekbone. you repeat it again just in case he missed it the first time, “of course.”
“i’m sorry that i didn’t make this happen sooner,” he says, soft sigh accompanying his remorseful tone.
“stop that,” you hush him.
“i mean it,” he says, sitting up into you a bit more, “if i would’ve figured my shit out sooner, we could’ve been doing this for months.”
“yeah, but you don’t know if everything would’ve turned out the same way,” you say, bringing your hands up into his hair, “if that would’ve been too soon or if we needed to go through all we went through to be as strong as we are now, there’s no way to know, really.”
he smiles at you, not opening his mouth to say anything, just soaking in the moment, humming at your astute thought. you continue, “i guess i just mean that, yea, getting more time with you would’ve been great, but we can’t do anything about that. so i’m just really glad to be with you now, here, drinking wine and sitting in your lap and kissing you.”
“and you say i’m the romantic,” he murmurs, kissing you once more. 
“you are,” you argue. 
/\ /\ /\
neither of you even finish your first glass of wine. even if you had, there was no way the two of you were untangling from each other and making your way into the kitchen for another, not in the middle of unimportance conversations about your thoughts on christmas lights or osamu’s thoughts on the type of pet he’d like to have one day. 
but as the hours tick on, as the clock hands droop lower and lower, osamu knows that you need some sort of transition period to staying the night. “cup of tea before we go to bed?” he asks, head resting against the back cushion of the couch staring into your eyes with as much love as he can.
“are you being presumptuous again, samu?” you tease, but your eyelids are getting heavier and you can’t put a lot of effort into the taunting. 
“i’m sorry, princess, do you want to stay the night?” he asks, gut-wrenchingly sincere. 
“i would really love that, yea,” you say, flustered in the backfiring of your banter, “and tea sounds really nice too.” 
he nods, once, short and happy, ready to move you off of his lap to go get the two of you a final drink before bed, but you get off of him first. “i’ll get it,” you offer, waiting with bated breath for him to fight you on it or to be weirded out by the forwardness of raiding his kitchen to feel the domesticity a little harder.  
he doesn’t protest at all, lets the smitten, lingering stare last for a few moments before saying, “only if i can come with you.”
before you’ve made it to the kitchen with osamu in tow, he stops you, plants in place in front of the hallway to his bedroom, and nods towards it. “but first, can we get you into some comfier clothes?” he asks. “nighttime tea tastes better when you’re in comfy clothes,” he reasons. you can’t disagree. 
you follow him down the hall to his room. you don’t get a good look at his plainly decorated room or the nicely made bed as you wait in the doorway. he returns quickly with a t-shirt of his. “you can change in the bathroom across the hall if you want,” he offers.
“you know you were inside of me in a fancy restaurant bathroom hours ago, right?” you ask, narrowing your eyes, pushing past him into his room and taking off all of your date clothes. osamu folds them neatly as you set them on the bed. when he picks up your torn tights, he can’t hold back his small laugh. 
“oh yea, so funny,” you joke, “you can probably throw those away.”
“but they’re perfectly good for having sex in public bathrooms,” he jokes back. 
you pull his shirt over your head, soft cotton taking the place of going out clothes and the difference is already lulling you to sleep. you’re determined to make osamu tea, but you can’t promise most of the cup won’t go cold on the counter.
it doesn’t take long for osamu to be on you, arms wrapped around your waist, hands roaming over your body, “you look so good right now.”
“shut up,” you say, pushing him away with the least amount of resolve anyone has ever had, “imagine how i feel looking at you wearing stuff like this.”
“you look better in it than i do,” he says, shaking his head. 
“not possible,” you say back.
he leans down to kiss you once before reluctantly pulling away, walking back over to his dresser to change into comfier clothes as well. if you weren’t so stupidly tired, seeing osamu shirtless and in super casual sweatpants would’ve been the perfect catalyst for your first night together having sex in a bed.
tea. sleep. tea. sleep. tea. sleep. you remind yourself.
“c’mon, angel,” he coaxes, pulling you by your hand back down the hallway and into the kitchen. he leans against the countertop, doesn’t say another word or try to make you tea despite your earlier statement. 
you start the kettle with the push of a button, pull the mugs from across the counter in front of you. you pluck two tea bags from the glass jar where they live. you have to open a few cupboards before finding the spoons, but the sugar is right where you think it will be. 
“i think knowing that you take sugar in your tea is both the most surprising thing and also somehow completely aligns with who you are,” you reason, pouring the gently boiling water over the tea bags. by the time you finish your sentence, you’ve noticed the enamored look on his face, but you don’t have time to comment on it as he replies. 
“that’s because you know me really well,” he says, nodding, loving smile still lingering. you put half of a spoonful of sugar into the cup, stir until it dissolves and then slid it against the countertop to him. he wraps his fingers around the warm cup, brings it to his lips, blows on it gently as if that’s going to do anything at all, and then takes the smallest sip. “perfect.”
you lean against the edge of the counter, holding the mug in your hands, waiting for the air to cool down the steaming beverage. “i think i’d be really okay with ending every single day of my life just like this,” you admit. if his eyes go wide or he recoils even the smallest percentage, you’ll blame it on the eventful day and the exhaustion that’s quickly overcoming you, but they don’t. his features soften, hand reaches across the counter to rub the back of your hand. 
“me too,” he reciprocates. “you’ll have to stay over more often,” he doubles down. 
“what?” you ask, taking a sip of your tea. you can feel the warmth hit your stomach. “have dinner ready for you when you come home and spend your nights off intertwined on the couch?” everything that you’re saying is getting closer and closer to practically asking to move in, but osamu doesn’t seem to mind. 
“exactly that,” he murmurs, “you’ll have to see if you like my bed first, though, before you resign yourself to coming over every night.”
“every night?” you ask, cheeky smile the only form of teasing that you’re giving right now, “maybe we should go check it out then.” you take one more sip of your tea and then set the cup down on the counter. osamu doesn’t even do that, pulls you away from behind the counter and down the hall. 
you climb into his bed, under his covers without asking or another mention. osamu joins you, climbing into the other side, and the two of you don’t waste a single second, curling up against each other, limbs lazily tangling, pressing up against one another as close as you possibly can. 
“the first time we’re in a bed together and we’re not even having sex,” he says, softly, reaching over and turning off his bedside light. it takes a few moments for your eyes to get adjusted, to make out the shapes of his face in the dark. 
“crazy, right?” you ask, smiling as you snuggling into his chest impossibly closer. 
“i like this though,” he admits, traces his fingers up and down your arms, “just being in bed with you, falling asleep with you, means i get to wake up with you.”
you hum at his voice, soft and deep, and the darkness looks the same as it does with shut eyes, but you’re trying your best to not let the sleep take you that fast. “can you keep me awake?” you ask.
“you’re literally falling asleep as we speak,” he says, your eyelids fluttering shut as if to make a point. you shake your head, but you don’t say anything else. “why do you want me to keep you awake, babygirl?”
“cause i wanna be in this moment a little while longer,” you reason, breath taking over your voice as the darkness and warmth pull you into a comforting hug.
“we’ll have plenty of time for moments like this later,” he says, kissing the top of your head. “plenty of time, so go to sleep, angel.”
you’re not even embarrassed at how quickly you listen to him.
/\ /\ /\
if last night wasn’t enough to convince you that you were exactly where you needed to be for the rest of your life, waking up in osamu’s arms definitely was. they’re strong around you, wrapped tightly around your waist, nose nuzzled into the back of your neck, legs intertwined with yours. 
you’re incredibly surprised that you’ve woken up first, but the second that you start to stir, osamu’s grip loosens, and his head peaks over your shoulder and he places a small kiss on your cheek. “mornin’,” he says, raspy as he talks off the sleep. 
you turn in his arms, laying flat on your back so you can look at him directly. “good morning,” you say back, lifting your head to kiss him. “very good morning,” you say again. 
“cute,” he murmurs against your lips, “stupidly cute.” you reach your arms up, draping them over his neck loosely to pull him down into you. “do you want breakfast or something?” he asks.
you shake your head, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “no,” you say, “well, maybe later? i think right now i just want, y’know, this.” you gesture with a small nod not really towards anything in particular, just to the situation.
he laughs, kissing the side of your face, “alright, this it is.”
you don’t say much else. nor does he. it’s all stolen kisses and roaming touches and silent exchanges. you don’t feel the need to talk, don’t have much to say, you’re communicating just fine without them. 
every touch is getting needier, every kiss is getting longer, sloppier, more desperate, and the only thing that you’ve been able to think about for the last hour is all of the promises that have been made to you about after date things. 
it doesn’t help that he’s on top of you now, tops of his thighs resting between your legs, hands on either side of your waist just looking at you like that. the first thing you say in over an hour is, “what, samu?”  
he laughs, pushing his fingertips up your body, under the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and up until your entire stomach is exposed. “god, you’re so hot,” he says, grabbing onto your waist to pull you closer to him. 
“samu,” you whine. 
“what, doll? it’s true,” he says, pushing your shirt up even further now, tits on display so pretty that you can feel him begin to grow hard against your inner thigh. “so pretty,” he murmurs. he tugs your shirt off, tosses it to the side with no regard for the tidiness of his room anymore. 
you’ve really never been this exposed before when you’ve had sex with osamu, always an article of clothes on, but now the only thing stopping you from being completely naked is the thin fabric of your panties and osamu’s fingers are already hooked in the waistband. you don’t protest as he drags them down your thighs, picks up your legs and rests them on his shoulder as he does. 
he presses a kiss into the side of your leg, slowly drops them back around him. your stomach is in knots, can barely breathe with the way that he’s looking at you, eyes traveling down your body so slowly that you can see each point that they linger a second longer.
“fuck, you look good,” osamu says, leaning down to kiss your shoulders, your collarbones, your chest.
“shut up,” you murmur, fingers threading into his hair, scratching against the back of his head as he scrapes his teeth against your sensitive skin.
“no, i’m serious,” he says, leaning back, “you’re so fucking pretty, gorgeous actually.”
“ew, shut up,” you push him away jokingly, gently, “or i’m not going to let you fuck me unless we’re fully clothed ever again,” you joke.
he laughs against your neck, breath and vibrations tickling the wet skin. every single kiss feels personal, hand-crafted and perfectly thought of just for you. the placement is direct and purposeful and you can feel his love in every single one. 
“god, i’m going to take my time with you,” he says, pulling away again. you can feel the blush blooming under your skin, warming up every inch of you, igniting fires in your stomach.
“first time that we have a lot of it,” you joke, coaxing him back up to your lips. “and first time that i don’t have to be situated on a sink or the floor.”
“so you’ll be perfectly comfortable,” he says, kisses trailing between your tits and down your stomach, “while i eat you all morning long.”
“samu,” you say, crook of your elbow rising up to your face to hide behind it. he reaches up, pulls it away from your face. 
“don’t hide from me, doll, look so cute like that,” he says, laying between your thighs, pushing them open with familiar hands. you give in to the gentle pressure so easily that you swear you hear the faintest laugh coming from Osamu, but the light kisses peppering your thighs that follow gain your focus instantly. 
it should feel agonizing, the way he takes his time dragging his lips across every part of the skin between your legs, kissing and biting lightly. but the longer he’s there the more laughter flutters through your chest, the more your cheeks flush, the more loved you feel. you bring your hands to his face as he rests his head against your knee cupping one under his jaw and using the other to push his hair back a little. 
“make me feel so pretty, samu,” you mumble. he makes no attempt to answer, just holds your gaze with loving eyes as he brings himself to ghost near your already soaked pussy, the feeling his breath overwhelming any of your other senses. 
“just want you to see yourself through my eyes, princess.” the end of his sentence comes with a long, slow swipe of his tongue against your hyper sensitive clit and it feels good to finally not worry about who can hear you. 
you dig your head back into the pillow, hair already a mess after a perfectly restful night’s sleep. you can feel his eyes burning into you, even if you can’t see them, even if your focus is really anywhere but the agonizing feather-like touches between your legs.  
it’s a shame, you think, but only for a moment, that his mouth is so busy that you can’t hear him call you pretty names or poke fun at you for whining so much. only for a moment. 
if there’s one thing that osamu cannot be called it’s all-or-nothing. osamu doesn’t do all-or-nothing; he does slowly, consistently, comfortably, and then all. this is no exception. he runs his tongue between your puffy lips, smears your juices all over your sensitive pussy with the tip, and then he eats you- not like a man-starved, but like a man who he gets to indulge in his favorite dessert. 
his fingertips are digging into the fat of your hips, palms pressing to keep you in place, to keep you from squirming, and it’s working. he lets you scratch your nails into his hair, down the back of his neck, resting on the tops of his shoulders. you don’t guide him, don’t buck your hips impatiently, you don’t need to. if he isn’t lapping exactly where you want him to, you know he will be soon, you know it’s deliberate, you know that he knows what’s best for you even if you have to wait for it. 
you’re not sure you know how many times you come on his tongue, how many are attributed to just his tongue and how many are attributed to the noises that he’s making, the grunts that are coming from his throat, the mumbled praises that he’s whispering against your soaked folds, the squeaking of the mattress from the soft grinding that he’s doing against the blankets. 
without a watch, you’d have claimed you were there for hours, all morning, just like he said. you’re not sure if he would’ve stopped either, if you hadn’t sat up on your forearm, somehow more out of breath than he was, and tugged on his hair. “samu, baby,” you whine. 
you can’t help it, the even-more-breathless-breathlessness that hits you when he looks into your eyes, bottom of his face soaked with you, licks his lips, wipes the rest of it with his palm, and crawls slowly up to meet you. he kisses you hard, as hard as you’ll let him, and then he kisses you again, and then he kisses your cheek, and then your jaw, then your neck, mumbles against your skin, “what do you want now, bunny?” he’ll give you anything. “i’ll give you anything.” you know that he will. 
the opportunities are endless. the world is your oyster. anything that you ask for, he will give you, and it will be wrapped with neat paper and a pretty bow with a handwritten note several miles long. you swallow, eyes searching his face for nothing in particular, just because he’s pretty and because he’s yours. 
“i don’t think i have anything to ask for, because you’re already mine,” you whisper.
his face lights up, skin hot and flushed on the highs of his cheeks and traveling down his neck and chest. for a second it looks like he short-circuits, like you’ve broken him just by telling him the truth, and then, in a second, the world catches back up to him. 
he shakes his head slowly and then you’re on top of him, sat with both legs on either sides of his, strong hands steadying you before you can even clock that you need to be steadied. “you’re really asking for it, huh?” he asks, and now you’re feeling warm.
“i- what are you talking about, samu,” you say, eyebrows furrowed. you can feel his hips- and yourself- lift off the bed as the fabric between the backs of your thighs and the tops of his is replaced with soft skin. you yelp softly as you’re lowered back down, hands on your inner thighs pushing you back just enough for his cock to rest between them. 
you’re soaking wet, making a mess between your lips and on the insides of your legs and now all over his hard cock, slowly pushing through your pressed together thighs. he brings his hips off the bed, steady thrusts rocking the mattress ever so slightly, both his hands squeezing the outsides of your thighs. he clicks his tongue, “saying shit like that, angel, you know i’m not going to be able to help myself.”
“samu,” you repeat, breathless. “what ar-.”
he cuts you off, sliding his thumb from the tip of his cock to the base, his leaking head slipping between your messy lips until it’s teasing your hole. “sound so in love with me, baby, need to fucking feel you around me so fucking bad right now,” he breathes, sharp inhale punctuating his sentence as he pulls you by your hips until you’re fully seated on his cock. 
you don’t know if the warmth is coming from the blush or touch of his skin or the desire that’s burning in your core, but it’s there, and before you can even fully register what he’s saying, he’s honest-to-god whimpering, spouting more lovey bullshit, “god, it’s like falling in love with you made you fit even more perfectly around me.” he lifts you slightly, fingers digging into your hips as he lets you slowly fall back down onto his cock. 
he tilts his head into the pillow, but immediately picks it back up, locking eyes with you before letting his gaze fall down your body, like he can’t believe you really exist, like he can’t believe he let himself relax into a position where he couldn’t see you at all times, like he “can’t believe you’re fucking real,” he grunts, “and that you’re all fucking mine.”
“osamu, if you don’t knock it off,” you say. you’re only half-joking. you’re not sure that you could take him talking to you like this for much longer. you feel so full, every part of you feels so full. you slide your hands down his chest, palm against his rapidly beating heart acting as leverage as you start moving in time with him.
you close your eyes, partially to focus on the parts of you that are on fire right now, and partially so that you don’t have to keep looking at how much osamu is looking at you. he can’t keep his hands off of you, can’t keep his eyes off of you.
“can’t help it, pretty, not when i get to savor it like this,” he says, brings his chest up and wraps his arms around your back, holding you securely to him. he kisses the side of your face, whispers in your ear, “not when i finally get to fuck you in my bed and tell you that i love you and see you- all of you.” 
“are you trying to make me cry or something?” you ask, placing both of your hands on either side of his face, forcing his attention on just your eyes and the hints of shyness strewn all over your face. 
a slight smirk is followed by raised eyebrows and a tiny kiss to the temple. osamu flips you over, lying you gently on your back while you’re still fully encompassing him. “that can be arranged, puppy,” he says, kissing down your neck, nipping at your shoulders and chest. he slams his hips into you and you can’t help the pleasured, high-pitched moan that comes as a result. in fact, you can’t help the ones that come one after another after another as he keeps snapping his hips, insides of your thighs growing raw from the impact.
you’re babbling at this point, a symphony of half-finished words and tiny whimpers, and when a single tear breaks free of your blurred waterline, osamu can’t hold back. “fuck, holy fuck, babygirl, you sound so good, don’t stop, princess, keep making those cute fucking noises, fuck, sound so good.” 
you shake your head no and hope that he understands what it means, that you won’t stop as long as he doesn’t. you’ll cry and scream and make cute little noises for him forever if he never pulls out of you. 
you’ve always known that fucking in bathrooms has been disadvantageous, you just couldn’t pinpoint it, not when it always felt so good anyway. you never thought the space bothered you or the hard, cold various materials of sinks or the fact that people were often only a door away; you never thought any of that mattered until now, now when you can cry for him and feel the softness of the blankets beneath you and the plushness of the pillow behind your head.
“baby,” you cry, “i’m- you’re gonna- fuck, i love you so much. i’m-.” you throw your head back, you can’t finish your half-constructed sentence before osamu is fucking you faster, harder, wrapping an arm around your lower back and lifting you up the slightest bit to angle you perfectly. your hand moves on instinct, reaches down between your legs and circles your throbbing clit for only a second before you’re squirting all over him, a release of pressure drenching him as you gasp for air, drawing in enough breath to cry out his name.
you place your hand on his lower abs, eyes closing softly to center yourself. you could’ve passed out right here, slept for a million years, and you’re not sure you would’ve completely recovered. your body is shaking, throat is sore, and when you open your eyes, osamu is looking at you with such adoration and awe that you’re certain you’ve missed something. 
“the first time we’re not in a fucking bathroom and you fucking make me squirt,” you mumble, shaking your head, “what are we going to do with you?” you ask, removing your hand from his stomach, silently letting him know you’ve recovered enough for him to keep going. 
“i don’t care,” he says, kissing your jaw, “i don’t care what you do with me for the rest of my life, that was the most amazing thing i’ve ever seen.”
“you made a mess,” you tease.
“i made a mess?” he asks.
you nod. 
he breathes a laugh before accepting responsibility, “i made a mess,” he confirms. 
“so you’ve gotta do one thing for me,” you say, circling your hips, matching his lazy thrusts as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“anything,” he says. and you know that he means it. 
you use your loose grip around his neck to coax him closer to you, your lips now pressed against his ear. “need you to make a mess inside of me, samu, please,” you say, low enough to send shivers down his spine from the tone alone. his hips stutter. he wants to regain composure, to not give in to blowing his load deep inside of you just from you saying his name and asking him nicely, he really wants to savor it and last a little bit longer. 
but you’re so wet. you’re drenched, but you’re still so tight and sucking him in so nicely, perfectly sculpted for him, gummy walls still clenching and fluttering from your orgasm, and you kiss the skin right below his ear and you say, “please, i’ve been waiting for it ever since i fucking met you, please, don’t make me wait any longer.”
and he can’t. 
he wouldn’t.
he doesn’t.
he snaps his hips forwards, pressing himself flush against the insides of your thighs and releases deep inside of you. you can feel his cock pulse with each stream, feel yourself getting fuller and fuller and fuller with each throb and accompanying grunt. you can’t get enough. you don’t want it to ever stop, but it does. he keeps himself deep inside of you for a moment, not wanting to lose the feeling just as much as you don’t. 
when he starts to get soft, he pulls out, come dripping out of your hole and onto the blankets below just adding to the mess the two of you have created in the span of a few hours. he doesn’t exactly know where to go, what to do. the two of you could’ve passed out just like this, intertwined together and had the most incredible sleep of your entire life, if it weren’t for the huge mess beneath you. 
“what now?” you mumble, not moving. 
you feel osamu flop next to you. you’re not sure if he’s avoided the mess or if he’s embraced it. part of you wants to stand up and apologize and start throwing his bedspread in the washer, but that part of you isn’t winning, not today. if that part of osamu exists, it’s not winning either. he wraps his arms around your waist, rests his head on your chest, pulls you into him. 
“are we just going to lay in this?” you say, laughing. it sounds ridiculous coming out of your mouth, but you’re sure it wouldn’t take much convincing for you to not have to move from this very spot. osamu doesn’t answer you, but you feel him unwrap from your body and then get off the bed. you go to sit up, but you don’t make it that far, opening your eyes as osamu pulls the blankets out from under you and throws them in a heap in the corner of his tidy room. he opens the closet door and comes back with a spare, small, but clean blanket. 
he reassumes his position on the now-much-more-acceptable bed, throwing the blanket overtop of you and him and cuddling into your side. “is that better?” he asks, but he doesn’t really expect a response. your small smile and content hum is all he needs. 
after only a few moments, recuperated by a clean blanket and strong arms, your body is ready to move onto the next thing, ready to get up and start making breakfast or start kissing him again or start getting ready for work despite how long you have until your shift. your skin is antsy, pulse is quickening. there are a trillion things in your head that you want to do with osamu, plenty of dull activities that seem like they’ll be much better with him by your side. you want to see them. you want to do them.
osamu shifts and pulls you into his chest, kisses the top of your head. “love you, angel,” he murmurs into your hair. “love you so much,” he says again. you feel calmer now, the most at ease you’ve ever been, because you know that there’ll be time for all of that, plenty of time, hours and hours of time to do all of the things that you want to do with osamu, more time than you know what to do with, you just know it.
for now, all you have to do is lay here, in bed, surrounded by warmth in more ways that you thought were possible, maybe let sleep take you again or stay awake in these passing moments, it doesn’t really matter. your exhale is steady, matches with his. you close your eyes and you can see this moment next week and next month and three years from now. 
you look happy there. 
you look really happy there.
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taglist: @miyaluv127 @useless-bicth @mushasstuff @unstaaableaf @mimivinx @tsukiran @kurapika-1999 @hehatesmati @karmakarter @hunny-hotline @bella009888 @um-no-ok @footjib @mon-cherries @privthemis @agashki @renster05 @greeniegreengreen @tokyo-banana @fandomtrash5092 @coyloves @heathsuii @pasta-water @ran-rangasma @ayz-it-they @ellesalzar @dabibreeder @s4m1 @perry-gallifrey @barely-coherent @katsunarii @thisbicc @jaynawayna @levis-wheelchair @sugar-crumbs @miyaslvt @sheeshizzy @i0nlyr343mut @ajbutasimp @snazzyturtles @idontevenknowlolls @nicerthanu @angelgvtzzz @lovely-part-time-whore @lilac-ski3s @dovenu @heirxx @kur0obaby @tetsuswhore @alienvarmint @georgettesand @misfit-megumi @bijuu-naginata @captain-alien-america @ti-mame @buckys-hoeee @whos-curiosity-killed-the-cat @stargazing-girl @whoisgami @zany17 @privthemis @pennylanewrites @buckys-hoeee @avfox24 @reinertiddiejuice @poke-pia @its-simply-me19 @nahcho @sugamonster22 @destinyg237 @msbyomimi
♡ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢs ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ᴍᴇᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ♡
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tori talks more: i do not know if i'll be around to write more to be honest with you. like i probably will at some point, but who knows. maybe when the new movie comes out. maybe ill do a jjk pivot bc i just finished it. feel free to scream in my inbox abt it or this or whatever. ily all and im so glad i could finally finish this. <3 :)
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httpsaki · 2 months
kisses with sugawara ✧⁠*⁠。
fluff | sfw
one of the many ways he shows his love for you: kisses
warnings: mild profanity
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morning kisses that you swear wakes you up better than the alarm and already makes your day.
hearing the sound of the alarm, suga instantly woke up to turn it off. he looks over at the other side of the bed to see you still in a deep slumber.
though he needs to, he can't bring himself to wake you up now, not when you're so peaceful and adorable in his eyes. he got up and walked to the bathroom, washed his face and brushed his hair, before going back to your shared bedroom and waking you up with small pecks on your lips and forehead.
"good morning, love." you wake up from the gentlest touch of his lips against yours, grunting, "mm five more minutes.." but he wouldn't take that as an answer. he pulled up the blanket that you're snuggled into, before pulling you by your hands to stand up from the bed. "no, dear. it's already 6:45." "fuck, we're late!"
the kisses he leaves on your cold skin as he snuggles on the crook of your neck just taking in each other's warmth.
"dear, are you sure you're not going to sleep yet?" you called your boyfriend who's still at the kitchen counter at midnight drowning in paperworks with his laptop and a cup of coffee.
no, he's still not done. but right now, he's so tired to even think straight and there is no way he could finish up his work, at least not properly, even if he pulled an all nighter.
tired and sleepless, he closes the laptop and slowly enters your bedroom where you're sitting up against the bedframe. with no words said, he moves close to you with an embrace, you taking it as an initiative to pull him closer.
he snuggled at the crook of your neck before closing his eyes and placing a kiss. this sudden gesture caught you off guard and blushing, but you wouldn't wanna take away this well deserved rest for the love of your life.
kissing your lips as his way of saying goodbye before leaving the house.
"take care baby," you say, helping him button up his shirt for work. "will do," he replies, fixing his clothes and hair before stepping out the door.
but no, he wouldn't forget. he turns back around to face you. he leans towards your face, planting a quick kiss on your lips, "i love you. i'll be back before you know it!"
the kiss on your forehead or temple paired with an embrace that marks you as his lover and no one else's.
"pink or green?" you asked him, holding two hangers with the tops that you can't decide which to wear with your white pants.
he looks over to your direction, but his eyes are neither on the green nor the white top, but your face. how could he, when you look so incredibly gorgeous to his eyes?
in that very moment, the only thing in his mind was: damn, i can't believe you're mine. walking over to you, he pulls you by your waist before landing his lips on your forehead. "i like the green one, honey..." he says, putting another kiss on your forehead, "...earthy."
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note: please tell me which haikyuu character/s should i do next!!
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No Sugar Tonight 6
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Character: Brock Rumlow
Summary: A regular customer becomes more than just a familiar face.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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After mindlessly pacing for a while, you feel your body giving into fatigue. Your leg and feet throb and your head spins. The night shift and all that came after finally catches up to you. 
You sit down in the cushy armchair and hold back a moan. It feels good just to be off your feet. You sense a shift and look up at Brock as he looms in the doorway. He’s like a shadow. Your shadow. 
“Baby, you okay?” He asks, his deep voice skewing. 
“Fine,” you squeak as you drape your arms over the cushion sides, “just need to sit down.” 
The tension keeps you upright as your eyes scour the room for the dozenth time. You don’t know what you’re looking for. Instinct drives you to thoughts of escape but fear keeps you compliant. You lean back without thinking. 
You know he’s still there, watching. You wonder if he’s waiting for you to try something. You’re too tired for that. Deep down, you know you’re too weak. He’s stronger. Much stronger. 
Your eyes roll back under the lids and you yawn. Before you can close your mouth, the void swathes over you and drags you down into the sleep you’ve been resisting. Your limbs fill with sand and your head clouds with fog. The world fades behind the wall of your subconscious. 
Sleep unfurls in black ribbons woven around glimpses of your waking hours. That man’s face flickers in every day scenes of your existence; at your apartment, at the cafe, on the street. Even asleep, he follows you. 
You wake with a snap of your lashes. You’re flat on your back. You’re no longer in the armchair. You’re in a different room completely. The bedroom, sprawled over the four-post bed, sinking into the plush duvet as a soft pillow cradles your head. You drag your hand up to rub your forehead. 
The flutter of paper draws your attention. You look over at Brock as he snaps shut the book in his hand. He stands and slides it into the bookshelf built into the wall. You watch him through a bleary shell. You’re too groggy to be afraid. 
“We gotta reset your clock, baby,” he approaches the bed. “You got a couple hours, should keep ya going for a bit.” 
“Blrgh,” you garble and rub your eyes. 
“I know, it’s all in your head, pounding through your skull,” he says as he sits on the edge of the bed, bringing his large hand to your cheek. “You can’t mess with that circadian rhythm for too long.” 
“Huh, er, oh,” you babble as his rough skin burns against your tepid cheek. 
“Baby, I realised, I don’t know how you like your coffee,” his thumb strokes your cheekbone as he peers down at you. 
“Mmm, coffee?” You murmur. 
“How about I run you a hot bath to go with it,” he coaxes and his hand crawls down, tickling your chin and walking down your neck. He flicks the collar of your shirt. “Get out of these dirty clothes.” 
“Erm,” you look down as he toys with the fabric. A ripple of fear rolls through you. 
“You’ll feel better. More at home,” he brings his hand back up and nudges your chin. He leans over you as your eyes round. He presses his lips to yours in a quick peck. He parts with a gritty purr. “Ket’s see what we got.” 
He draws away and leaves you paralysed on the bed. You watch him as he goes to the rolling closet doors and slides one back. The array of flowy and airy fabrics fills the space. He pushes through the hangers and unhooks one. He turns back, running his touch down the lilac cotton night gown. There’s a bow along the lace trim over the bodice, the straps also lacy and thin. 
“Oh,” you utter and struggle to sit up. You really don’t feel well. 
“You need something for the headache too,” he says as if he can see right through you. “I’ll leave this in the bathroom and get the tub going. I’ll be back with the painkillers and coffee. Sugar? Cream?” 
You look at him, wide-eyed, and shake your head. He tilts his head and his jaw ticks. Then all at once, his shoulder ease back and his expression softens. He approaches. 
“Take your time,” he says. “Alright.” 
You nod and look down, “just cream.” 
“Yes, baby, whatever you like.” 
He reaches to pet your head and bends to put another kiss on your forehead. He pulls back and leaves you stare at the closet doors. It’s all too much. You feel like you’re still dreaming. 
You push yourself to the edge and dangle your feet down. It takes all your effort to stand. You lean on the bed as you walk to the end. You glance at the room. It’s pretty. As surreal and terrifying as this has been, you can’t deny that you always wanted a bed like this. 
It’s all so nice. So much better than your twin mattress and cramped bedroom. Yet, for what price? This man says he will give you everything but he expects something in return. You know what he wants and it churns your insides. You can’t deny it but you can’t acknowledge it either. Not until you absolutely have to. 
All you can do right now is hope that his patience lasts. You can’t avoid the inevitable but you can put it off a little longer. 
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ackermancurse · 10 months
58 with Levi Ackerman for the prompt list please hehe :)
Modern Levi x Reader
Levi is your plus one to a wedding you were invited to in your family. Levi has always been your best friend so you asked him to go with you because you didn’t want to show up without a plus one.
“Pleaseeee Levi. My cousin is getting married and I’m tired of showing up to weddings without a plus one. It’ll shove it in my aunt’s face. I’m tired of hearing her snarky remarks of me still being single,” you plead to your best friend that sits on your couch in your apartment.
Levi sits with his right ankle resting on his left knee and leans his head back against the wall behind him, “Don’t make me regret it.”
Your face lights up, “Thank you thank you Levi. So I was thinking you can wear that black suit with the baby blue button up because it really brings out your eyes and-“
Levi puts up his right index finger and points at you, “Just promise me you won’t make me dance.” His grayish-blue eyes pierce into yours.
You pout, “But-“
“No but’s. I’m sorry but you know I don’t dance. When have you ever seen me dance in the 6 years you’ve known me,” he explains with a quirked brow.
You huff, “Fine I promise.”
Levi puts out his right pinky finger, “Swear on it.”
The one time he picks up a trait of yours it’s of course the trait you practice most. You always make Levi pinky swear and he hates doing it, but knows it means a lot to you. You put out your left pinky finger, “I swear.”
You place your earrings in and look at the time on your phone. Levi still hasn’t shown up and you have to leave in 5 minutes. You dial his number but it goes straight to voicemail, “Levi where the hell are you? Call me when you get this.”
There was a knock at your front door. You rush over and open it to see your best friend.
“Sorry I had to pick up my suit from the cleaners,” he mumbles with the suit still on its hanger.
You roll your eyes, “Well can we hurry this up please I wanna be there as soon as possible to rub it in my aunt’s face that I have a plus one finally.”
Levi enters your bathroom and shuts the door behind him while you sit on the couch. 2 minutes later he comes out in his freshly pressed suit. His dark locks framing his face perfectly.
“Can you just help me with my watch,” he asks, holding his expensive dark chocolate brown leather watch with a navy blue face and gold accents.
You stand up and grab his wrist gently, fastening the loose watch tightly together, “There, all done.” You glance up at Levi and find him already looking at you.
“You look good,” he replies in his deep and sultry voice. He looks down at you with a small smirk.
You clear your throat and step away from him, “Thanks Levi. Don’t look too bad yourself. Let’s go, yeah?”
He nods and makes his way towards the front door, opening it for you.
You arrive at the wedding venue with Levi and he puts his arm out for you to lock your arm with him, “God I can’t wait to see the look on my aunt’s face.”
Levi chuckles slightly which makes me smile and look up at him, “Glad I could help. But remember our deal, no dancing.”
You sigh, hoping he had forgotten about the stupid deal, “Yes I know.”
As you walk up the steps to the building your Aunt Alice steps out and locks eyes with you, “Well what do we have here? Did you finally take my advice and stop acting like a child and get yourself a-“ she glances at Levi and looks him up and down, “nice piece of man.”
You had to admit Levi always did clean up well. The way the baby blue shirt brings out his piercing eyes and his dark features accentuate his facial features like his chiseled jaw.
“Levi Ackerman ma’am. Your niece has told me so much about you,” he extends his hand and she accepts it.
“Only good things I’m hoping,” she smiles.
He looks at you from the corner of his eye with a small smirk, “Of course.”
Aunt Alice’s face turns flush and she looks you in the eye, “You better not do anything to lose this man, dear, or I’ll have to set him on a date with your cousin Rachel. She’d really love him,” she replies and winks at Levi. “It was nice meeting you Levi, I hope to see you more later.” Aunt Alice walks away to continue with her bride of the mother duties.
Your smile fades, “Ugh I can’t stand her.
Levi unlocks his arm from yours and grabs your hand, “Hey, don’t bother with her. I can tell she just wants to get a reaction out of you.”
You look down at your hand in his. Levi has held your hand before, but this felt different. You look up to him and his eyes soon look up into yours.
Levi clears his throat and let’s go of your hand, “So should we find a spot inside?”
The reception has gone on for a couple hours. You and Levi have been talking to all your family members who can’t help but gush over your “boyfriend.” Many of them commented on his cold and stoic impression and that he seems straight out of a romance novel.
You watch as other people dance with their dates and can’t help but feel a bit sad. You wish Levi wanted to dance.
“Uh oh trouble in paradise already? I told you Levi she’s a tough one,” Aunt Alice appears and sits down at your table next to Levi and gives you a tight-lipped grin.
Levi looks at you and back to your aunt, “Oh no. We’re just enjoying each other’s company here and talking to people who come by.”
Your aunt shoots you a glare, “I’m sure you’re just dying to dance and because she’s upset she’s not the one getting married so she just wants to sit and sulk. I’m so sorry Levi.”
You feel that familiar tightness form in your throat and feel tears sting the corners of your eyes. You look up at Levi and when he sees your expression he sends your aunt a look like he wants to strangle her. Of course, she doesn’t know this expression like you do.
“Actually I was just about to ask her to dance,” Levi retorts and stands up unbuttoning his suit jacket.
You quickly look up to him wide eyed, “Levi you don’t-“
Levi gives you a look, “C’mon dance with me.” His hand extends out to you.
You look at it for a moment and look back up to him. He gives you a nod of reassurance. You grab his hand and stand up.
Levi begins walking towards the dance floor with you when he stops and turns around, “And excuse me Alice. Your niece is a very beautiful young lady and I’m lucky to even be in her presence tonight. I don’t appreciate the way you speak so poorly of her so please stop being the bitter and jealous Aunt that you are.”
Aunt Alice placed a hand on her chest and was struggling to find the words she wanted to say.
You try to stifle a chuckle and cover your mouth. You can’t believe he said that to your aunt.
Levi takes your hand once more and you join together on the dance floor in time for a slow dance.
“Levi you really didn’t have to do any of that. Especially coming out to the dance floor. We had a deal,” you explain your arms around his neck.
Levi shrugs, “If it means I get to see that look on your aunt’s face, I’d do it again.”
You smile, “Thank you.”
“Don’t say I don’t do anything for you. You’re a special girl, so I’ll always make an exception,” Levi replies and locks eyes with you.
You can’t help, but blush, “So I’m a beautiful young lady huh?”
Levi’s eyes widen and you swear you see his cheeks get pink, “Was hoping you didn’t catch that. But yes, yes you are.”
You smile and rest your head on his chest, hearing the sound of his heartbeat ever so slightly.
You continue to sway to the music silently with Levi.
“Levi…” You break the silence between the two of you.
“Yes?” Levi asks with small confusion in his voice.
“What are we?” You ask. Recently, Levi and you have gotten really close. Closer than normal, but it’s a good close. You guys are always with each other, and if you’re not then you’re on the phone. You look forward to seeing him and feel butterflies in your stomach when you see him. You always thought Levi was attractive but you have always been best friends. Now it’s different.
Levi gulps, “I don’t know, honestly. I know we’ve always been best friends but I don’t know about you, but I feel like there’s something different.”
You pull away from his chest and look at him. Yes, something is different. “I think we might be stepping into more than best friends territory, Levi.”
Levi chuckles and you see that grin of his, “Yeah I think so too.”
You stare into each other's eyes for a while feeling the tension grow between the two of you.
“Can I kiss you,” Levi blurts out and breaks the tension.
Your heart skips a beat. You nod, “Yes, you can.”
Levi bends down to reach your lips. When your lips connect there’s an explosion like nothing would ever be able to explain. It feels natural. It feels right. It feels perfect.
You pull away first and the song ends. Your foreheads touching, “Wow,” you whisper.
“I think wow is an understatement,” Levi responds with a small laugh.
Levi guides you away from the dancefloor and holds your hand. You glance down and smile. You look up to him once more and he gives you a small smirk.
Maybe this is the one time that it’s okay to break a pinky promise.
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tapronlimited · 6 months
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Accessories Guide for a Modern Bathroom
The Tapron guide provides tips on selecting modern bathroom accessories, emphasizing the importance of choosing items that blend well with your bathroom's decor. It discusses the significance of details like soap dishes, dispensers, toilet roll holders, hooks, hangers, and tumblers in enhancing the bathroom's aesthetics and functionality. The article also highlights the choice of finishes, such as gold and matt black, to complement the modern design, ensuring these accessories contribute to a stylish and practical bathroom environment. For detailed recommendations, visit the guide here.
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slaymybreathaway · 1 year
Jersey (Charlie Conway x reader)
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 833
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I woke up to Charlie's arms wrapped around my waist, our legs were entangled and my head resting against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat.
We won last night's game and my legs are aching, Coach Orion kept me on the ice the whole game. We won 6 - 2 and the whole team was going out for Pizza to celebrate. I looked at Charlie's alarm clock and it showed 10:30.
I carefully tried to untangle myself without waking up my sleeping boyfriend. I slid out from under his grip and stood up. He started to stir and I was scared that I woke him up. He turned over and settled down.
I looked through the overnight bag that I had packed to stay In Charlie's.
Denim shorts and a red tank top with a black and white flannel to go over it.
Then I thought of a better idea, I walked over to Charlie's wardobe and opened the door. His green Duck's jersey was hanging up on a hanger. I took it down, grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom to get changed.
Charlie's P.O.V
I woke up at 11 and immediately noticed that y/n wasn't there. Instead, there was a note on my bedside table.
My Dearest, Charlie
I'm going to Connie's before we go for food, love you
Is it weird that just seeing her handwriting made me blush? Ok it's probably a little weird.
I got up and brushed my teeth. I decided that I would wear my green Duck's jersey because we won.
I ruffled my hair in the mirror and opened my wardrobe. My white jersey was there but not my green one. It can't be in the wash beacause I haven't worn it in like a week. I can't ask my Mom either because she has already left for work.
"Odd, where is it?" I thought but didn't think much about it and put my white jersey on with a pair of jeans.
Your POV
I knocked on the door of Connie's house and her Mom answered the door.
"Oh hello y/n. How are you sweetie?" she asked and let me in.
"I'm doing great, my legs are a bit sore after last night's game but that's alright. Where is Connie?" I said.
"Oh she's up in her room dear," She said and went into the kitchen.
I ran up the stairs and could hear 'About a Girl' by Nirvana being blared from Connie's room.
I knocked on the door snd she told me to come in.
When I walked in she looked at me confused and said "Why is your j- WAIT... Turn around."
I turned around and Connie started laughing. "Look at you! Soon to be Mrs. Conway," she joked.
"haha I wish. I just stole his jersey," I giggled and sat down.
"You guys are so cute I cannot deal. So how was your sleepover? Did you..." she raised an eyebrow.
I threw a pillow at her "NO! Connie, god. We just watched a movie,"
Connie laughed "Ok, ok... Sure you did,"
I stayed in Connie's for an hour or two before heading to Tommy's Pizzaria.
Charlie's POV
I was walking to Tommy's with Goldberg around 2 and talking about y/n.
"Dude, you never shut up about her. I understand why though, she is hot. Let's say if you... Mysteriously break up for some unknown reason. Can I have her?" Goldberg asked, which made me laugh.
"Haahha I hope you're not planning to kill me now Goldie... And It's bold of you to assume that she would want you," I winked.
"Well yanno I am irresistible," Goldberg flexed his non-existent muscles.
We walked in and the bell rang above us. I looked around for the team and saw them with 2 big tables pulled beside each other. Everyone was there except Goldberg and I.
I saw y/n sitting down, deep in conversation with Fulton. She was wearing her green jersey but It seemed a little big on her. I looked again and realised that she was acctually wearing my jersey.
It looked great on her though. Of course it was a bit big but... right yanno. It might have been that the name Conway was plastered across her back. It showed everyone that she was with me and it made me think about how good Y/n Conway sounded.
I could feel my face getting hot. Goldberg noticed what y/n was wearing beacause he nudged me.
"Nevermind, doesn't look like she'll be leaving you anytime soon," he winked and went to sit beside Julie.
Y/n looked up and her eyes lit up when she saw me,she beckoned me over to sit on the seat next to her.
I sat down and kissed her on the cheek, and whispered in her ear" So that's where my jersey went."
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sapppy-cocktail · 2 years
Valentines Special
Sadie Sink x Reader
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"Y/N!" A familiar voice calls out from behind me. I turn around to be met with Sadie jogging towards me. "Hey Sadie." I say smiling at her as she smiles brightly at me. "Did you need something?" I ask as I suddenly remember she ran to me. "Do you- Can I?" She begins to say but pauses before restarting her sentence. "I just finished my scenes for the day so I thought maybe we could hang out?" She suggests, her hands playing with the sleeves of her blue and yellow 80s jacket. I glance down at my wrist. 6:25. Earlier than usual. "Yeah, of course. Did you wanna take off your clothes?" I ask looking towards her trailer. "What?" She asks, her voice higher than usual as her widen and eyebrows knit together. My eyebrows furrow and my head tilts at her reaction. "Your clothes? You're still in your clothes from set?" I say wary, unsure if my words could cause the same reaction. She raises an eyebrow at my words but looks down and notices her clothes and her eyes widen. "Oh! Right. Yeah, of course." She says as she looks back up at me. "Come with me." She says as she reaches out for my hand and pulls me towards her trailer.
"So what do you have in mind?" I ask as I take a seat on her bed and watch her disappear into her bathroom. "Well, since it's Valentines day and we both don't have dates I thought it'd be nice to go to a restaurant. Something we could do as friends and enjoy." She says looking at me through the bathroom mirror as she holds 2 hangers with a dress on each, moving 1 in front of her before the other. I nod at the ground before her voice calling out to me makes me watch her as she walks out of the bathroom. "What do you think?" She asks as she holds the 2 hangers, one on each side. "Red or Black?" She asks as she moves them in front of her to look at them properly. "You already know what I'm gonna say." I say, a smile tugging at my lips as her eyes meet mine. "Black. Got it." She says rolling her eyes and walking to her wardrobe to hang the red back.
While Sadie changes I decide to mention the early finish today. "So you guys finished filming early today." I call out to her as I walk around her trailer. "Yeah. The Duffers said something about them needing to repeat a scene from California with Finn and Noah so I left early." She says making me nod. "So did Millie, Maya, Joe and the others finish early?" I ask as she slides the bathroom door open and grabs her makeup bag before returning to the bathroom, this time the door open. "I think so, I'm not sure." She says as she begins washing her face. "What time did you want to leave?" I ask watching as she makes a move for a face towel. I stand up and pass it to her. "Thank you. I was thinking maybe 7? Does that work?" She asks looking back at me. "Yeah. Wait. Where are we even going?" I ask as I realise I had no idea where we were going.
She turns back at me once more and and smiles before facing back to the mirror. "It's a surprise." She says making me groan. "Well obviously somewhere fancy." I say as I fall back onto the bed. I hear her laugh before speaking up. "What makes you say that?" She asks as if she doesn't know how I'm going to respond. I look at my watch. 6:45. "I guess I should go get ready." I say pouting as I walk to her door. I look back at her and she's already paused in her movement, her pink makeup sponge in her hand as she smiles at me through the mirror. I smile back before opening the door and shutting it behind me and as I begin making my way to my trailer I decide to send Millie a text. The one time I get a day off you finish early? Lucky bastard. After sending it I turn my phone off and slide it back into my pocket before opening the door to my trailer.
I look at myself once more in the mirror, looking myself up and down for anything I can improve. "Hey Siri, what's the time?" I call out to my phone that's charging on the other side of the room. "It is 6:58pm." She replies making my eyes widen as I quickly pull my phone out of the wire and shut the door, locking it after me. But then I realise I forgot the red roses I had just gotten. Quickly after unlocking my trailer, running in grabbing the roses and locking the door once more I begin speed walking to Sadie's trailer. As I walk I realise it's pretty silent. Where is everyone? I ignore it and reach her trailer. I knock on the door and as I wait for a response I look at my wrist and watch the 7 flick into 7:01. I made it, it was the end of the minute but I made it.
The sound of the door unlocking pulls me out of my thought and I smile as I see Sadie. "Hello beautiful." I say taking a step back and looking her up and down. She turns her head away as she smiles and lightly hits my arm telling me to stop. I smile and hand her the roses. Her eyes widening as she accepts it. "For me?" She asks as she looks at me, her mouth slightly agape. "Yeah, I thought it'd be nice, y'know it being Valentines day and all." I say grinning as I quote her words from before. She smiles, rolling her eyes at me as she grabs my hand and pulls me towards a car nearby. We both take a seat in the back and the driver begins making his way to whatever restaurant we're going to. I pull my phone out from my pocket and still no response from Millie. Weird
We pull into the underground parking lot of a tall building in the city and I get out of the car offering my hand to help Sadie out before she guides me to me to an elevator. I watch as she taps the second highest floor, my eyes slightly widen and I know she takes notice of this because I can see the small smirk playing on her lips. Once we arrive at the top and the elevator doors open Sadie reaches for my hand pulls me with her towards a desk with a receptionist behind it. She smile brightly greeting us and I look around. It's packed, there's no way Sadie had gotten this last minute. But then again she is a celebrity, she could've used her status, but I know she's not like that. Maybe someone cancelled last minute, couples break up all the time, someone must've booked and then broken up with their partner and cancelled their booking which made an opening.
"Booking for 2 under the name Sadie Sink" She says to the receptionist making me look at her. "Yup, got you. Perfect timing, 7:30 on the dot. Right this way." She says guiding us towards a secluded table in the corner of the restaurant which gives us quite a bit of privacy. I pull out Sadie's seat and she thanks me before sitting down. I take a seat opposite her and look out the massive window beside us. Their was a beautiful sunset to the right of us. "How did you manage to get this so last minute?" I ask as I turn my eyes to her. She shift around in her chair before speaking up. "I uh, I don't know. Luck I guess?" She says as I nod. "Must be the luckiest girl." I say as I look back out to the view. "Yeah." She whispers just loud enough for me to just hear it. I turn back to her, she's staring at her hands which are on the table. She looks upset. I furrow my eyebrows and lean over the table placing my hand over hers which makes her look up at me. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask, concern laced in my voice since I'm genuinely concerned. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" I say making sure she knows that I am here for her. She forces a smile and gives me a nod. "Yeah, I know, thank you." She says making my eyes narrow as I pull my hand back and look at the skyline. I feel a soft smaller hand on mine and I look at her. "I mean it. Thank you." She repeats as she smiles, genuinely this time. I nod and pick up the menu a waiter had just placed in front of us.
"So I said no and just walked away." "No you didn't!" Sadie says laughing. "I literally did, because like what did he think he was gonna do, expel me? He doesn't even have the authority to do that." I say as she continues laughing. "And nothing happened?" She asks as she attempts to stop her laughter but failing miserably. "No, well. The principle came after me but I literally just lied to her because what's she gonna do, ask for proof?" I say making her laugh even louder. "How do you get away with so much?" She asks as she tries to poke bean on her plate with her fork but misses because of how much she was shaking with laughter. I smile before I feel a vibration in my pocket. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I pull my phone out and notice the Caller ID. "Hey Millie, took you long enough to respond. Anyways, did you want to come to my trailer to watch some movies with me later tonight?" I ask not allowing her to say anything. "What? Yeah, sure. But what are you saying I had a half-day I literally just got off set." She says making me pull my phone from my ear to read the time. 8:12pm.
"Oh, what the hell. Sadie said you guys finished early?" I say confused as to why she finished later. "What? It was only her who finished early, said she had an appointment at like 7:30, said she couldn't cancel." She says as her words slow down and she pauses before gasping. "Wait, is she with you?" She asks "Yeah." "Oh my God, are you guys doing something for Valentines day? WOW, just leave work." She says faking annoyance. "Hey, my character is not needed today, I was off work." I reply back but she ignores my comment and backtracks to earlier in the conversation. "What are you guys doing?" She asks and I respond by sending her my location and she gasps, loudly this time. "No you're not!" She says not believing me. "What, what is it?" I ask curious to know why she reacted like that.
"You can't get a booking there for months and you'd still get a bad spot, and especially Valentines day, thats fully booked for the next like 3 years and there's only a few spots left for 4 years from now. It's literally one of the most expensive and luxurious restaurants here." She says making me raise my eyebrows. "Are you serious? She was telling me she got it last minute." I say and Millie laughs. "Noo, she's lying to you hon. She must've bought it from someone else." She says making me think back to when we entered. "It was under her name though." I say confused. "She must've booked that years ago then." She says and I stand there silently before remembering Sadie's waiting for me. "Oh shit! I gotta go, bye Millie I'll see you in an hour or so." I say waiting for her response. "Bye Y/N." She says before I end the call look at the mirror and fix my look.
I walk out and notice our table is empty and I look around notice Sadie leaning on a wall by the elevator waiting patiently, she glances at her wrist before looking up and noticing me. Her face lights up as she meets me halfway. "I thought you ditched me for a second." She says jokingly but by the way her eyes lit up earlier I knew she was lying. "Yeah, sorry Millie called me." I say and she nods before tapping the elevator button. "What are we doing now?" I ask as we walk into the elevator. I watch as she taps the button for the highest floor this time. She smiles at me and looks back at the door and when it opens I realise we're on the roof. She smiles and pulls me towards the edge and we look at the view. "I saw how you were eyeing the view so I requested if we could go to the roof they said yes." She says making me smile before I speak up.
"Maybe I should have my date here." I say as I turn to Sadie and her smile falters. "Date?" She questions. "Yeah, me and my movies." I say and she lets out a breath. I look out to the city and it makes Millies words ring through my head. "You didn't finish early did you?" I ask making her furrow her eyebrows. "What?" She asks. "Today, you didn't finish early, you told the Matt and Ross that you had an appointment." I say and she winces. "Millie?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah, I booked this earlier." She says and Millies words repeat once more. "A few years ago?" I ask and she avoids eye contact nodding once more. "Yeah." She says defeatedly and I nod at her response, taking in her words. "So why'd you take me?" I ask and at first she doesn't reply, she just continues to look to the city glowing around us. The moon shines on us and after a few seconds she looks at me, her eyes glistening. "Why do you think?" She asks, her voice was soft, almost fragile, as if she would break any second.
"Are you serious?" I ask and she scoffs and turns around. "Wait! Sadie." I say grabbing her arm and turning her towards me. "You actually, like me? Like, like like me?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. "Yes Y/N, I like you. Why is that so hard to believe?" She says pulling her arm out mine but doesn't make a move to leave. She sniffs and thats when I take notice of the tears that streamed down her face. "Sadie" "Don't, please." She pleads as she takes a step back. "I like you Sadie." I say and slowly take a step towards her. Sadie looks at the ground as she responds. "But not like that." She says assuming my words as she tries to wipe the tears away. "No, I, I like you like that." I say and for the first time since she confessed she looks me in my eyes. "This better not be some sick joke." She says and I notice the redness in her eyes. "I'm not, I swear. Why is that so hard to believe that I like you?" I say copying her words from earlier and she looks everywhere but me. "Sadie. Please, look at me." I say as I put one of my hands on her face wiping the tear streaming down her face. She turns her face towards me. "God, you're too pretty to cry." I say as my other hand rises to hold her. Her face now sitting in my fingers. My eyes flicker down to her lips and I slowly move closer, mine hovering over hers. "Can I kiss you?" I whisper and she nods.
A/N: I LITERALLY DIDNT KNOW HOW TO END IT GUYS 😭💀 It’s ass, but like yeah. That took hours.
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kirby0strombolli · 5 months
Ghostface | Matt Sturniolo P6
'What's the matter Sidney? You look like you've seen a ghost.'
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ghostface!matt x reader
Chapter 6 - The truth.
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
a/n: y'all are getting a matt pov!!
matt's pov
It was supposed to be the night of the annual Halloween party that I had been looking forward to going to with y/n.
We were supposed to be matching- cowboy and cowgirl- not exactly scary, but it's whatever.
His plans had changed that.
Y/n hated horror movies, and knew remotely nothing about them.
Like if she was being spam-called by some loser, she wouldn't block them. She hasn't even watched scream, my all time favorite horror movie.
But then again, I've only watched about 3 horror movies.
None of them with y/n, of course.
I honestly didn't blame her. Not that I would admit that I'm scared of horror movies.
I'm pulled out of my deep thoughts when my phone buzzes, and as I glance at the screen, I frown;
y/n <3 our plans are off, sorry matt :( me why? what's up?? y/n <3 busy you can go.
The crease between my brows furrows impossibly deeper.
She never declined anything on such short notice.
She wouldn't ever make me go to a party on my own. She knows how bad my anxiety can get, especially at parties.
Let alone being alone.
My mind battles with the thousands of possibilities for why she was acting so cold.
She's: Planning a surprise, annoyed, insecure, lost feelings for me, cheating, talking to her ex??
The most horrible thoughts appear in my mind, but I shrug off my worry, hoping for the best.
Maybe she really is busy.
yeah right.
Maybe I should just go. It wouldn't be that bad, would it?
I mean, what was the worst that could happen?
I drop my phone, and rub my eyes, feeling a newfound surge of confidence coming through me.
I was going to go to this party.
I run a hand through my hair as I make my way to retrieve my costume from my closet.
As I open my closet, ready to change into the costume for the halloween party my smile drops from my lips, my face paling.
It was me. But- it wasn't me.
It stood in the corner of my closet, Its face distorted into a huge grin.
When I blinked it was gone.
I blink my eyes several times again, making sure I haven't gone crazy.
With trembling hands, I gently pull out the outfit, and quickly whip my hand out, grabbing the hanger.
Shaking off the uneasy feeling, and dismissing it as my imagination running wild, I shake my head and head into the bathroom.
Before shutting the door, I make sure to do a double check around the room, just in case.
I'm being stupid. I'm not a kid anymore. Monsters aren't real.
Looking in the mirror, I observe my tired face in the reflection.
I open the tap with a sigh, splashing water onto my face, and with the cool liquid washing away the remnants of my grogginess, I momentarily close my eyes.
But, with my eyes closed, I suddenly felt vulnerable. Like someone was watching me. As I opened my eyes again, blinking away the droplets, I could feel that something was off.
I hear a loud thunk from inside my room.
My wardrobe.
I didn't shut it.
I jerk my head up, but it's too late.
Before I even look in the mirror I know what's there.
It's me. But not me.
my biggest fear.
Looking in the mirror, I can see my pale face, eyes wide with horror, and, staring right back at me with eyes that glinted evilly was something so identical to myself- with its firm claw clamped around my mouth.
Our eyes meet in the reflection, and I know one thing.
I'm fucked.
When I open my eyes, I am met with darkness.
As my eyes begin to adjust to the darkness, panic surges through me like a tidal wave crashing against the shore.
The room was pitch black, the air heavy with the suffocating scent of fear.
As I try to move, to break free from the restraints that bound me to the chair, my efforts proved futile.
My heart pounded in his chest as I struggled against the tight bonds, my mind racing with a thousand questions and a million fears.
I struggle about, trying to free my wrists from what I think could be rope, but wince as it starts to run vigorously hard against my skin.
As I screw my eyes shut from the painful burn against my wrist, I can feel my memories slowly coming back.
It's my doppelganger.
He wants to kill her.
He's going to kill her.
y/n's pov
It was like a lucid dream.
I was aware of my surroundings, but I couldn't move.
I was in a blank room.
I was trapped, nowhere to go.
And the doppelganger was there, his long cloak billowing out from behind him.
As he approached with a large, glistening knife, she could do nothing but wait.
And hope.
That he wouldn't kill her.
matt's pov
I fled into the cold night air, running as fast as I could, not daring to look back.
I escaped.
And it was easy.
But it wasn't over, yet.
I knew the way to y/n's apartment like the back of my hand.
Through the pounding rain and the enveloping darkness, I ran with all my strength, my heart hammering in my chest with each stride.
The urgency of my mission propelled me forward, my footsteps echoing in the eerily empty streets as I navigated through the labyrinth of shadows.
Every second felt like an eternity as I raced against time, I couldn't live knowing I was too slow to save her.
Her safety was all that mattered, I can't live without her.
With each step, the rain soaked through my clothes, plastering my hair to my forehead and chilling me to the bone.
But I paid no heed to the discomfort, my focus solely fixed on reaching her before it was too late.
As I turned the corner onto her street, my pulse quickened, adrenaline coursing through my veins.
The familiar landmarks blur in my peripheral vision as I zeroed in on her apartment building, my breaths coming in ragged gasps.
With a final burst of energy, I sprinted up the stairs to her door, my hand shaking as I reached for the handle.
With a swift motion, I push open the door, and as I hear my own voice on the other side, my eyes widen in fear.
"Not this chapter then, y/n."
taglist: @lexisecretaccx @itssophiasstuff @junnniiieee07
comment to be added to the taglist a/n: the scream quotes are hard to miss y'all
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strangerthings-01 · 10 months
He never deserved you
This is a kind of a long fic but I've been gone so long I wanted to give a long and more detailed story lol. I can either do a part two or if anyone has any suggestions, my inbox is open!
Summary: For a couple of months, you had been dating Jason carver until you realized what a douche he was. You never realized ending things with him would help you fall for another. Someone you didn't expect.
Angst, cussing, mentions of smoking
The 6 AM alarm that suddenly went off, blaring in your eyes jolted you out of your sleep reminding you that it was time to get ready for yet another day of school. You really needed to find a different alarm. Waking up terrified was not the best way to start your day but on the bright side, at least it woke you up. You groaned slightly and rubbed your eyes trying to get the sleep out of them before you turned on the lamp on your nightstand. You squinted at the bright light that filled the room as your eyes tried to adjust from the pitch black they were just in.
Removing the covers off your body, you stood up and grabbed the clothes that you placed on your desk chair the night before, thankful you didn’t have to dig through your drawers to find something. You yawned as you walked into the bathroom that connected to your bedroom and began to get ready.
The outfit was simple. Skinny jeans and a black sweater that fell off one side of your shoulder because of it being just a size bigger than what you’d normally wear. Or maybe it was just like that. Who knows? After placing your hair into a messy bun, you headed downstairs and was grateful when you saw your mom had already brewed some coffee and made you a cup. “Oh thank you. I’m so exhausted today.” Having enough time before you had to leave, you sat down in the kitchen chair across from your mom who was reading the daily paper.
She looked up and set the paper down, leaning her head on her hand. “You’re welcome. Did you not sleep?” You sipped on it and squinted your eyes in concentration. “No I did. I don’t know. Just one of those days I guess.” She nodded and cleared her throat, leaning back in her chair. “Feel that. Well hopefully that coffee will get you through the day. You’re almost done with junior year. Just a couple of more weeks to go. I want you to focus okay?”
You nodded and gave a quick smile. “I will I promise. Finals are the last week of school. I’ve been studying like crazy trying to prepare. I can’t wait for summer.” You rubbed the side of your head and sighed before standing up and washing the mug out then placing it in the sink. “I know the feeling. Just- please don’t let him distract you. Jason, I mean. Boys are not worth more than your future.”
You turned around and leaned on the counter and gave your mom a far off look. “I know that. And I know how you feel about Jason and before you saying anything-“ her mom had opened her mouth to say object. “I know. I’m going to end it soon with him. He’s being an ass lately and hasn’t been treating me right anyways.” She scrunched her eyes brows. “He isn’t hurting you is he? Cause I will-“
“No no! Of course not. I just- he just says things that make me feel unimportant and distant from everyone. I just don’t wanna deal with it. After him, I’m hoping to stay away from boys for a bit.” Your mom smiled. “Good. You deserve better and thank god you’re getting rid of him. I couldn’t stand him.” You laughed and pushed off the counter. “Oh I’m aware. Alright I gotta go. I don’t want to be late. I love you.” You grabbed your car keys from the bowl in the living room and your backpack from the coat hanger and headed out the door as she was saying it back.
You got into your car and started the engine, shivering at the slight cold that nipped at your body. It had been true though. Jason had been treating you like crap. Telling you to be quiet when you said something or dropping your hand when he was around Chrissy which really pissed you off. You knew it wasn’t Chrissy’s fault but it still got under your skin that he didn’t even try to be subtle that he had feelings for another girl. That was the main reason why you were ending it at school today.
You knew it wasn’t the best thing to do but being in a public space made you more comfortable than if you were alone. It was known he had anger issues and you truly didn’t want to risk it.
As you drove off down the rode to Hawkins high, a million thoughts hit your brain. How would you end it? Where would you do it? Empty classroom? No that’s stupid. Maybe the lunchroom? You didn’t want to embarrass him. That’s not who you were. By the lockers would be good. People were around but no one would be paying attention. Not really. More thoughts invaded your brain pulling you from the Jason subject.
You still needed to study for the history exam and you hadn’t even started the science study guide. There was so much going on and you had no idea how you were managing it all. You took a deep breath to calm down and reminded yourself to take it one day at a time. As soon as Jason was out of your life, it was one less thing to worry about and gave you more of an opportunity to focus on exams. It would be a good thing.
You pulled into the parking lot and parked in a random spot. There weren’t many cars that took up the lot seeing as most people walked from the town being so small. The only cars were a few students and the faculty.
You turned your engine off and grabbed your backpack as you made your way into school, nervous about how the day would go. Walking to your locker, you sighed of relief as you noticed Jason wasn’t there yet giving you time to mentally prepare. You opened your locker and put in what you didn’t need at the moment and then shut it. As soon as the latch connected, your friend Tara came up to you. “Hey do you have the notes for English? I’m way behind.” You chuckled and shook your head not even surprised. Tara wasn’t really one to pay attention so she was always asking for notes but she was your friend and she meant well so you typically didn’t mind. “Yeah I do. Hold on.” You opened the English folder that you had in your hand and pulled out a couple of papers with notes scattered all over. “Don’t lose these please.” Tara took them gently and smiled. “I won’t. I promise. Thank you . I owe you one, see you later.”
A couple minutes after she walked away, you felt hands wrap around your waist. “Hey babe.” Jason. You felt immediate annoyance and anxiousness. “Hey Jason.” You turned around and backed away from his embrace. He smiled and leaned down to kiss you but you turned your head so his lips made contact with your cheek instead. He furrowed his eyebrows and pulled his head away. “What was that?” You shoved your hands into your sweater and cleared your throat. “We need to talk…” He raised his eyebrows and chuckled. “Okay? About what? Should we go somewhere private?” You shook your head trying to prepare how you were going to say this. “This isn’t working out. I think we need to break up.” The words flew out before you lost the nerve to speak them. Your hand almost flew to your mouth as if you couldn’t believed you had said it but you forced them to stay in your pockets.
“Uhh I really hope you’re just fucking with me.” He laughed humorlessly. You cleared your throat and looked around to make sure no one was paying attention. They weren’t. “No I’m being serious. I’m tired of the way you treat me and it’s clear you like Chrissy so consider it an out. It’s over.” You looked up at him to try to grasp what he was feeling. He stood there, mouth slightly open and eyebrows scrunched as if she had just told him the most absurd thing. You thought for a second he might actually be hurt and feeling something but no he burst out laughing and pointed at you. “You’re breaking up with me? No babe I’m breaking up with you.” You rolled your eyes and took your hands out of your pockets to fix the strays of your hair. “Honestly if that’s what you want to tell people, it genuinely doesn’t matter to me. As long as I’m away from you.” You began to walk away when he grabbed your wrist tightly and yanked you back so you were face to face. Did no one see that?
“Ow Jason let go.” He sneered at you keeping the grip on your wrist. “You think you’re cute but honey I could have anyone in this school I wanted. The amount of girls I have lined up…you mean nothing to me. All I wanted was the sex and you couldn’t even give me that you fucking tease. So good I’m glad we’re over. Good look finding anyone to be with you.”Your eyes prickled with tears but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of crying. “Let me go Jason. You’re hurting me.” He pinned you against the locker and gripped your face with his other hand. As soon as he did, he was thrown off by someone and you immediately backed away from Jason.
“I could have sworn she told you to let her go, carver. Laying your hands on women. Not a good thing to do around me.” You looked up at the tall figure and it was none other than Eddie Munson. The one everyone called the freak of Hawkins high. You had only talked to him a couple of times in class but he was a pretty nice guy. Just struggled a bit to keep up like Tara or so people whispered. Rumors over him being held back spread like wildfire.
You were shocked he was defending you considering he really didn’t know you. You instinctively got behind him and he gave you a side glance, not moving. “You can mind your own business freak. We were just having a little moment. No one was hurting anyone so back off.”
Eddie chuckled and shook his head, his curls moving around. “Not what I saw but consider it a warning. For her sake. But next time, I won’t be so nice.” Jason laughed and put his hands up shaking them. “Oh wow I’m so scared. Fuck off Munson. Next time I won’t be so nice. You and that little bitch better watch your backs.” He stormed off, leaving you two in the hallway and a couple of people were staring and murmuring about the commotion. Of course now they notice once Eddie is invovled.
Eddie turned around and looked down at you. Rubbing your wrist, you looked up at him and looked into his eyes. You never noticed how pretty his eyes were. Or just how pretty he was. You and Eddie talked occasinoally in class but you never really became clos mainly because jason forbade it. “Are you okay?” He asked which pulled you from whatever trance you were just in.
You blinked a couple of times and looked around the hallway before meeting his eyes again, the eyes that were still focused on you. “I’m okay. I figured he would have had a reaction like that. Why-why did you help me? We barely know each other." Maybe it was a rude question to ask but really, why would he have all people help you? “I know a lot more about you than you would think. Why are you asking? It can’t be hard to believe that I would help you. Especially from someone like Jason.” He looked a little hurt but the look on his face went away as fast as it had come.
His words struck you in a way you couldn’t comprehend. What did he mean he knew about you? I mean yeah you’ve partnered up to do projects but it never turned into a friendship. Conversations didn’t happen often between you two. What could he possibly know. “No no. I’m sorry. That was rude of me. Forget I asked. Thank you for defending me.” Being flustered around Eddie Munson was definitely not on your list of things to expect for the year. “No problem sweetheart. If he bothers you again, don’t be afraid to tell me. You know where to find me.” He winked and walked off giving you no chance to respond. Did he mean at the hellfire club? Or the lunchroom? Or the several classes you shared? You let out a sharp breath and blinked a couple of times trying to make sense of everything when the loud shrilling bell sounded. “Crap I’m late. Munson.” You muttered and ran off towards your first class of the day.
After school, you were grabbing your things from your locker when tara came up next to you and shut the locker causing you to jump and let out a gasp. "what the hell tara? I'm glad my hand wasn't still there." She gave a slight eyeroll and then a pointed look. "I made sure you were done. You did not tell me that you were breaking up with Jason. I would have thrown a goddamn party. And what the hell was that with eddie munson today? I have literally never seen you have a full conversation with him outside of a classroom? What's the tea miss girl because you nelgected to fill me in at all and-" You cut her off mid rant and laughed slightly, one at the jab at jason and two at the enthusiasm of wanting to know everything all the time.
"I didn't tell you about Jason because I had literally been trying to work up courage all week to end it and I didn't want to lose the confidence to do it. As for Eddie, Jason was being kind of aggresive and he defended me..." Tara's mouth dropped as she leaned against the lockers. "The freak of hawkins high defened a popular kid? Whaaaa? He must like you." She giggled and rubbed her hands together. You rolled your eyes and started walking down the hallway towards the exit, tara hot on your heels. "First, I am hardly popular. More by assoication and that's gone for sure. Second, don't call him that. He's actually really....sweet and he definitely doesn't like me." You pushed open one side of the double doors and walked out into the parking lot heading to your car. "Sweet? I'm sorry. Where exactly did your sense go? This is the guy who stands on top of tables and yells at people who look at him the wrong way."
You turned to face her as soon as you reached the drivers side of your car. "No he yells at Jason. Big difference. I just think he's misunderstood, that's all. So what? He defened me from my jerk ex boyfriend. I doubt we'll ever talk again. He was just being a decent person." Tara scoffed and crossed her arms. "So he didn't say anything else after he defended you? It just happened and what? He walked away?"
You weren't sure if you should tell her the other part just because you knew how it sounded and Tara would totally take it a whole different way but you did want another opinion. "I thanked him and he told me that I knew where to find him if Jason ever messed with me..." You avoided eye contact after the words came out and she squealed, grabbing your arm. And there it is and here we go. "He is so into you. Look he may not be someone I would date and he may be weird as fuck but he's hot as shit. I would support you. Much better than carver." She made a throw up motion. "Tara, I extremely doubt he is into me. We barely talk outside of class like you said. Where would he have had time to gain a crush on me?" Tara shrugged and went to say something when her attention got diverted to something across the parking lot. "Can we talk later? Josh is here. Love you bye." Before you even had the chance to respond, she was halfway across the parking lot to catch up with her boyfriend. Typical Tara.
As you were unlocking your car, you felt eyes on you and looked around to see if it is maybe just paranoia from the events this morning when you caught Eddie leaning against his own car smoking a ciggirate, glancing at you. You made eye contact with him for a couple of seconds before he slightly smirked, put out his cig on the ground using his boot to snuff it and drive off in his car. Flustered, you got in your own car and drove home trying to process the days events.
Why had he smirked at you? Was he judging or had Tara been right about him having feelings for you? But it didn't make sense because in order to like someone, you would have to know them. You knew nothing about eddie munson and he definitely knew nothing about you, or did he? You let out a heavy sigh and forced yourself to focus on the road.
As soon as you got home, you went straight to your room and started studying. You had already gotten rid of one boy, you certainly didn't need to think about another, especially from one interaction. What is wrong with you? Pulling out all of your notebooks, you were determined to distract your mind when you notcied your english notes weren't returned. Tara. You shook your head and gave a soft chuckle as you opened your history notes and started to go through them. History was your favorite subject so it wasn't difficult for you to remember lessons from it. You went through pretty fast and studied half of your science notes as well before you crashed from exhasution. Thoughts of school, eddie, and jason fled from your brain as sleep took over your body.
Thankfully your alarm was set to wake you up at the same time everyday on weekdays because you slept the rest of the day and through the night until it was time for school again. When you were fully awake, you turned off the alarm and noticed the lights had been turned off and a blanket was pulled over you seeing as you were on top of your comforter. Your mom must have come in late last night to check on you.
Your morning routine stayed the same and soon enough, you were back at school and in your first class. Anxiousness filled your body as you realized you would more than likely have to see Jason today. After his outburtst yesterday, you weren't sure if he would leave you alone or not. You could take Eddie up on his offer but the truth was you didn't need protection or help. You could handle yourself and if anything, it would be tara beating his ass.
Your name being called from the roster pulled you from your thoughts and you muttered a 'here'. First class was homeroom so it was more like a free period. Most teachers let you do whatever you wanted in homeroom as long as you didn't get too loud. But today the teacher wanted you to get in pairs to discuss finals and assignments so you were on the right track.
You suddenly remembered eddie was in this class and subtly turned your head to see if he was there and sure enough he was in the same seat. Before yesterday you typically wouldn't have cared where he was considering he was just like any other student but after what he did for you, it was like you wanted to know more about him. His eyes met yours and raised his eyebrows up. "Wanna be partners?" You flushed and stammered a bit before clearing your throat. "Uh yeah sure." You hadn't expected that, not this early and soon. But you would humor it. What's the worst that could happen? Just as you were about to move, he got up and sat in the chair next to you. He had nothing with him but a notebook and a pencil. You were slightly confsued as to where he kept all of his work but that wasn't really important right now.
Before talk about finals and school, you had something else you wanted to discuss with him. "I wanted to thank you again for yesterday. I don't know if you were the only one to notice but you were the only person who did something." He breathed out heavily but not out of annoyance or stress, it was more like he was thinking about what you said and the events that took place just yesterday morning. "It was really no problem. Just did what I knew was right."
For some reason, that comment upset you in a way. Almost as if what had happened wasn't important or just simply not enough to talk about. But maybe he just didn't know what to say so you changed the subject. "I did have a question though. What did you mean when you said you knew more about me than I thought you did?"m The question had been presenting itself in your brain since yesterday. He half smiled and cleared his throat, tapping his pencil on the desk. ""It means that I watch you or observe, yeah that's less creepy." The admittance shocked you. What was so interesting about you? "Word flies fast in this god forskaen school. Just so happens people talk good about you and we've talked a handful of times. Let's just say Carver never desevred you." You felt unsure on how to take that comment in considering it had been said with such respect and genuineness but also not something you expected from the "bad boy".
"Thank you. That means a lot." You decided to go with the simple but grateful response and tried to move on beofore the awkwardness set in. "Um, so did you want to compare notes ? I'm so stressed for the finals." He gave you a look you couldn't comprhend that laid between awe and humor. "You really are a good girl aren't you?" You blinked a couple of times trying to understand whre he was going with that question. "I'm not sure what you mean. I just want to pass. Don't you?" He sighed and leaned his head onto his hand. "Well of course but I'm too far behind. The finals would let me pass though if I got just a good enough grade but I doubt it." So the rumors were true. He really didn't do school work that often but why? There was another question that had always kept you curious. "Did you get held back?" The words left your lips before you could fully process it. Your hand instinctively went over your abrasive mouth. "I'm so sorry. I have no idea why I just said that." He chuckled and shrugged, leaning forward. "it's not a secret sweetheart. Yes I did. No reason to hide it. Is that a problem?"
You shook your head, mouth parting slightly before speaking. "No no! Of course not. It's honestly none of my business. Look, I have notes for every class to help me study for the finals. Did you maybe want me to help you study for the next couple of weeks so you have a chance to pass?" He stared at you, a puzzled look crossing his face. "you would do that? Won't your reputation be ruined?" The comment felt like a slap to the face and went a whole different direction from the conversation that was just had, the dissappointment flooding your body. "I don't have a reputation and even if I did, that went over a cliff the moment I ended it with my mentally abusive boyfriend, okay? If you don't want my help, you can just say that." The bell rung at that moment which was perfect timing to make an exit. You gathered your things and got up quickly, trying to leave the classroom before anything else could be said. Maybe Eddie Munson was just like people said after all. What had you said or done to provoke a response like that?
As you reached the doorway, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist causing you to look back. "wait. I'm sorry. That was me being a dick. I-" You pulled your wrist away. "You think?" He pulled you off to the side and looked down at you. "It came off the wrong way. I didn't mean it like that. I just mean that you're a nice girl and people like you and well people don't like me" You sighed and looked at the ground for a couple of seconds before looking him in the eye. "I can make my own decisions and hang out with or help whoever I want. If people had a problem with that, not my issue." He pursed his lips and a look between embarrasment and awkwardness covered his features. "You're right. I shouldn't have said it and I'm sorry. If it's any consolation, I would like your help."
He seemed like he was being sincere and giving him a second chance was something a lot of people neglected to do. Being treated the way he is would cause you to build a wall and that was something you could understand. "Okay fine. But say anything like that again, you can forget it." He gave a wry smile and nodded once. "Duly noted. So where should we meet? Your place?" You shook your head quickly. "No. My mom will question the hell out of you and I would rather not have to endure an iterrogation myself. Either a public place or your place?" You questioned, curiousity peeking at the edges indicating you were wanting to know where he lived.
“I live in a trailer park so not sure if you would want to be somewhere like that.” Confusion took over your features as you took in his words. Was he embarrassed about where he lived? “I’m not one to care or judge where people live? I don’t mind coming to yours.” He blinked and pulled his head back, surprised that you had no hesitation about it. “Oh okay. Well I guess you can come around, say 5?” You nodded and smiled with your lips. “Sounds good. I gotta get to class. Bye Eddie.” You left the room before he could respond and walked quickly to your next class trying to understand how everything was changing around you in just a day.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast and the classrooms you shared with Eddie were spent talking about a bunch of random things. He was really easy to have a conversation with and it kept your attention. Plus he also happened to be funny and quick with his responses. It was a completely different story than the one people had been telling and it was refreshing to have someone listen to you, really listen to you.
After class, Eddie walked you to your car and stood with you for a couple of minutes just talking. Tara came up, eyes slightly widened as if she was trying to comprehend something. Eddie shifted uncomfortably and gave her a tight lipped smile. “I guess I’ll see you later?” You cursed yourself knowing she was going to question everything as soon as he walked away. “Yeah see you later.” No point in trying to hide it.
As soon as he left ear shot, Tara hit your arm. “Not gonna talk again huh? And see you later? What in the hell does that mean?” You deadpanned and crossed your arms. “You never gave my notes back.” She squinted her eyes in annoyance and grab the notes out of her backpack and handed them to you. “Don’t change the subject. Tell me everything.”
So you did. Every detail was shared including the study partner part and the entire time, Tara was squealing and dropping her jaw at the most mundane information. That’s who she was though. Excited about life and you couldn’t help but love her for it. “Okay that’s a lot to take in. I’m not against it though.” You adjusted your backpack on your shoulder and shifted to your other foot. “I’m so glad I have your approval.” She scoffed and waved her hand in the air, a dismissal. “You know what I mean. I’m glad you’re getting back out there though. Just didn’t expect it to be so soon.”
“Wow. Okay yeah no. Definitely not getting back out there. I’m just helping him study. I am not ready for another relationship.” You admitted. "I am literally just trying to help him get through the rest of the year." She groaned very dramatically and pretended to look intersted in her nails. "Yeah okay. We will just pretend that he doesn't have a massive crush on you and that I don't see you making eyes at him." You made strangly hands at her and made a sound through gritted teeth which got you a concerned look from people around you that were also lingering in the parking lot. "He doesn't have a crush on me and I don't make eyes at him. Yes he's attractive but I just got out of a very toxic relationship and I need to focus on school. Hence why I am helping him focus on school. If something happens to come from it, then it happens. Until then, he is my study partner and...a friend." The conversation didn't last much longer as both of you had to get home. It was getting close to 4 and you needed to be over eddie's place at 5.
Once you got home, you changed into some shorts and a V neck and the time flew by and soon enough you were back in your car headining over to the trailer park. You knew where it was considering Hawkins was a small town and you just so happened to pass it every once in a while. It took about 10 minutes to get there and soon enough, you parked and got out of the car looking around. Nervousness hit you as you saw a couple people outside staring at you, some giving you dirty looks. People like you who had it better than most weren't really welcome around this part of town.
You didn't blame them knowing how people treated the lower class but it still didn't settle the anxiousness creeping up. One guy jumped up and walked over to you, footsteps heavy and a beer bottle in his hand. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing around here? Looking for some trouble?" Your eyes widened and you took a small step back. "N-No of course not. My friend Eddie-" His sharp laugh cut you off. "Eddie Munson? Nah you better go on before trouble finds you." He closed in on you again when you saw Eddie running up and grabbing the mans shoulder. "Dan, it's okay. I invited her here. You okay?" He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him, walking you away from the scene. "Sorry about him. He-he means well. Most people who come here to see me usually start shit."
Although you were still a little shaken up, you nodded and let him lead you into his trailer. "it's okay. I understand. He has a right to be catious." You looked around his place and it was actually really nice in here. Of course it was small but it was cozy and cleaned up well. You noticed the broom and dustpan out and the tied up trash bag and realized he must have been cleaning before you got here. How sweet.
He noticed you looking around and shifted on his feet uncomfortably not knowing what you were thinking. "Well thank you for understanding. It's not...the easiest living around these parts but it does its best. Sorry about the clutter and the smallness of it." He chuckled awkwardly while he fidgeted with one of his rings. "Don't apologize. I like it in here." You shrugged off your backpack and sat down on the couch and took in everything around you. He only had a couple of picutre frames up with him and what looked like his dad or maybe uncle? There were a couple of coasters scattered around and a couple of random objects. A dice, an empty glass, and a notebook. You felt the cushions shift and you looked over to see that he had sat next to you. "Thanks." He smiled softly. You nodded and pulled your backpack into your lap, digging some contents out. "Of course. Um I was thinking we could start with math since it's the hardest." He agreed and the studying started. It was rough at first because he was a lot further behind than you thought but he started to get the hang of it after about an hour of explaining different things. Between snack breaks and time outs, it was going pretty smoothly and he caught on really fast. You had him do a couple of test questions and when he got all but one right, you smiled and high fived him. "I bet that if we do it like this for the other subjects, you'll get a passing grade!"
Eddie's face lit up and he let out a gasp of air that sounded like relief. "I literally cannot thank you enough. I know we still have a ton to do and I know it's taking time away from you but I don't know if i even would have tried if you didn't offer." You gathered all of your things back into your backpack and zipped it up giving a soft smile. "It's really no problem. You helped me so I am returning the favour. I do have to get home though but I'm pretty much free all the time after school so we can do this whenever." He stood up with you and walked you to your car which you appreiacted greatly. "Be safe getting home." He opened your drivers door and shut it after you got in and said, "I will. Thank you." You drove home and thought about how tonight was the first night in a long time that you felt fully free and happy. The smiled that took over your face remained the rest of the car ride home.
For the next couple of weeks, you helped Eddie study almost everyday after school until you were positive he was confident in all of the subjects. There were bumps in the road and frustrations in the air but you were patient with him and he was respectful towards you. After the first week and a half of doing this, you started feeling nervous around him which wasn’t something you were used to. He was just so nice and funny and definitely wasn’t bad to look at. You were a little scared of catching feelings considering everything that happened with Jason and also because it hadn’t been that long since the relationship was over. You had talked to Tara about it and for the first time, she actually gave advice that made sense.
She had said “how you feel about someone isn’t something you can control. There’s no time limits or expectations on how soon you can fall for someone. It just happens. I wouldn’t stress about it. You guys are becoming really good friends and if something happens, then it happens. Don’t force it but don’t push it away.”
It helped you think a lot on the situation and she was right. How you were starting to feel about Eddie wasn’t something you could control. Spending time with him and having real conversations had been what set the feelings off in the first place. You were skeptical about if he had feelings for you or not. The way he looked at you and the way he brushed you hair behind your ears. The way he defended you against Jason anytime he tried to make a comment.
It was Sunday and finals started tomorrow. You wanted to help Eddie go over everything one more time to make sure he was prepared. And maybe because you just wanted to see him. You had shown up at his trailed, unannounced. You hoped he wouldn’t be busy or upset but when you knocked and the door opened, he stood there with that beautiful smile on his face. “What are you doing here?” He stepped aside as you walked through the door. “I was wondering if you wanted to go over everything really quick one more time. Sorry I showed up with no warning. I guess I could have called your landline.” He shut the door and ran a hand through his hair. “Oh no it's okay. You're welcome here anytime. You know that. And I would actually really appreciate going over it one more time. My nerves are running high for tomorrow but I think I’ll pass.” You smiled and shrugged your jacket off, laying it across the back of his couch. “I know you will. You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for, Eddie Munson.”
He walked over and hovered over you, causing your stomach to flip. “Well you’re more thoughtful than you give yourself credit for. And also smarter.” He chuckled. You grinned and shoved his shoulder. “Oh hush.” Your cheeks turned slightly red and you watched as the smirk grew on his face. He sat down on the couch and his eyes followed you as you took a seat next to him. "I stayed up late the past few nights to make these flashcards so I'm really hoping they work." You chuckled and bit your lip. He smiled and cleared his throat, staring right at you. You tried to focus on the flashcards and the words written on them so you didn't stutter over your words.
You began using the flashcards and you had to admit, they were helping you too. It was actually really fun to go through them and it was def because you were doing it with eddie. It went back and fourth with one person asking the question and the other answering. For some unknown reason, both of you were cracking up at this ridiculousness of it all. You were answering most of them right and when you finally got one wrong, Eddie stood up and pointed. "Ha! You did not get that right!" You gasped and stood up alongside him and grabbed the card from his hand. "What? No way." You looked at the answer and pursed your lips. "I did in fact get that one wrong." He laughed and you flung the card at him. He scoffed and picked it up. "Sore loser."
"mmmm. Pretty sure I got more right than-" Your sentence got cut off as your scream replaced it when eddie suddenly picked you up and flung you over his shoulder. "what was that?" You hit his back and laughed. "Put me down right now!" He walked over to the couch and gently tossed your onto the cushions. You giggled and breathed out, the air blowing some of your hair away from your face. He stood above you, looking down. His smile faded slowly, the look on his face indicating he was deep in thought. "You okay?" You sat up pulling your knees to your chest to give him room to sit which he did. "yeah. I just uh- he never deserved you, you know?" Your lips parted and you shifted on the couch to where you were sitting directly next to him. "Who?" You knew who he was talking about but you wanted to hear him say it. "Jason. He never deserved anything about you and he's an idiot for not seeing the amazing girl that you are."
"That means a lot. Thank you but where is all this coming from?" He looked down at his rings and played with them for a second then let out a small laugh. He looked back up at you and shook his head. "Fuck it." He grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you. You were taken aback for a second but then reality set in and you kissed him back, making a sound of content. He carressed your cheeks with his thumbs and your hands went into his curls. After about a minute, you both pulled back to get some air. "Wow. That was not what I was expecting." Your fingers grazed over your lips still feeling his own against yours. "If you couldn't tell from that, I really like you. Not just because of all the help you've given me but just getting to know you has been incredible."
You raised your eyebrows. "And here I thought you knew so much about me from observations." He rolled his eyes and grinned. "You know what i mean, you little shit." You giggled and leaned into him causing him to lean back into the couch, your head on his chest. "I just mean the real you. Not the one from the narratives from other people. But I've always had a small crush on you so..." You looked up at him and your mouth dropped. "Oh my god. Tara was right. You were into me."
He had his arm draped over your shoulder, fingers barely touching your skin, a tingly feeling going down your arm. "Yeah yeah. Tara is also an observationist." A small smile was on his face. "Well I was stupid for not truly noticing you." He scrunched his eyebrows and licked his lips. "Nah. Jason had you wrapped around his finger. He was a controlling dick." You pulled your face up and kissed him softly. "None of that was real. That's clear to me now. I don't even think I had real feelings for him. I just thought I did because everyone wanted him and he went after me. You, however, I do have real feelings for."
"Well good because he's gonna be so livid." He laughed which caused you to laugh. "Oh fucking well. According to you, he lost a great girl." He played with your hair and made a sound of agreement. "A very great girl."
The rest of the night was spent just talking and laughing until it got dark and you had to head home for dinner. He had just walked you out to your car and you were standing next to the open drivers door. "I had a great time tonight. We got a lot done and killed two birds with one stone." He grinned and grabbed your wrist, this time you didn't pull away, and pulled you close to him before kissing you, even better than the first one. "Goodnight, sweetheart." You bit your lip and slid into the drivers seat. "Goodnight, Eddie." He shut your door and you drove off, seretonin filling your brain. You had fallen for a boy, the 'freak' of hawkins high. Your mom would flip but it was all worth it and you don't regret one single thing.
ahhhhhh. I had so much trouble writing an ending for this story lol. I have so many other ideas for a part two if that's something anyone would want! I am so sorry I have been gone for so long, I am trying to get back into writing and this is a start!
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simverses · 1 year
WFS Nostalgia Part 5: The Bathroom + Part 6: Bathroom Walls & Floors
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This is a large set with bathroom items for your posh mansion or apartment. Or maybe for a nice hotel? (Not my usual era, I know, but I wanted to have the complete set. Style is Art Deco, with no fuss.)
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The set consists of:
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- bathtub
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- sunken hot tub
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- WC
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- sink
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- deco frame for sink
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- 2 different showers, one for corner placement
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- 4 end tables/shelves, 2 of them with deco towels, 2 empty with lots of slots
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- ceiling lamp
- wall lamp
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- divider - towel hanger
- metal floor deco (rug)
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- 4 different plants in pots
- 2 hanging bamboo plant (wall deco)
I also converted the matching walls and floors, in shiny marble.
Based on conversions from Sims 2 - original by Wood for Sims.
Download WFS Nostalgia Part 5: The Bathroom (Curseforge)
Download Part 6: WFS Nostalgia Bathroom Walls & Floors Curseforge)
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57 notes · View notes
illusionsdelusions101 · 9 months
I love you.~ Alejandro Garnacho
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Word Count~ 1,027 Type~ Angst, fluff?   Being the ex of Alejandro Garnacho sure gets you stopped in the streets, I mean, two famous people, abruptly breaking up during their relationship without any further explanation to the public? It perks peoples' interests. Getting stopped for interviews and people shoving microphones in your face? Not fun.    You arrive home, your apartments warmth envelops you. You hang up your coat on the hanger, kick off your shoes and walk to the living room. A small journal lays on the coffee table, labelled "My Dear." You pick it up, along with a pen and you open the journal. You, a model for a huge clothing company, and Alejandro, one of Manchester United's youngest players, it wouldn't have been a shock if you met in a bar. Him, celebrating a victory and you, just getting an amazing new contract for another company that you signed in a heartbeat.     Subtle flirting from across the bar, sending drinks over, notes that you slip to him on your way to the bathroom and him slipping you one back once you exited. By the end of the night, you were getting your purse and coat, just about to leave when the blonde-haired soccer player stopped you.     "Hey. Can I have your number?" His strong Argentinean accent makes it sound like soothing music to your ears. You agree, without hesitation and there was the start of your relationship.     After that night, dates to a cafe, beach, arcade, pretty much anything, it was perfect. You've never felt happier. And he felt the same. He would admire you when you weren't looking. Anything about you. Your kind personality, your beautiful face, everything. He got so lucky, he couldn't express it towards you, his love. That was eventually the downfall of your relationship.    "Do you not love me!?" you cried. Tears streaming down your face, throwing a pillow on the other side of the room. "Do you, Ale!? You take me on the extraordinary dates! You take me everywhere! And yet you can't even tell me you love me!? " You screamed. Late after a date, you had a realization feeling. After 6 months of dating, he’s never told you those three words.  
“Y/N, listen to me! Pl-” He tried to reason with you. He wasn’t ready, he’d never been in such a loving relationship. He thought he did everything right! But no matter how much he wanted to say those words, it would feel ripped out of him. Torn. And it wouldn’t be fair to you if they weren’t true. 
“I can’t! I just can’t! Garnacho. Tell me you love me or leave this place. And never come back.” The tears were dropping one by one onto the t-shirt he gave you. His t-shirt. Smelled like his cologne and everything. But to you, in this moment, was the most disgusting smell in the world. You stand behind the couch, while he stands all the way across the coffee table. The apartment falls into a deep silence. The only thing to break it was your deep sob.  
Amid your relationship, you created a journal, writing everything about you and Alejandro, but after you broke up, the journal had been sitting on your coffee table, untouched.  A week ago, you had realised your mistake. You let go the one person who made you the happiest. You picked up the journal on that realization, only when to open it, you found the pressed rose from your first date.  
“Here you go, my dear.” It was a warm day in Manchester, you and Garnacho agreed to meet in front of the Old Trafford Stadium, both of you wearing hats to escape the paparazzi and fan girls. “Well thank you!” You take the rose carefully, keeping it close to you, cheeks flushed a pink shade. You followed Garnacho to wherever he went. He brought you to a small lake with a couple of ducks. You had a great first date, feeding the ducks with the bread that he brought, throwing the bread at each other and then sharing an intimate kiss.  
You carefully remove the rose and start writing about how you messed up in the journal, all the things you want to tell him, but you weren’t ready. Just as he wasn’t to say I love you. You fill up a whole two pages. Saying how you were building up your courage and how you were going to tell the man you so suddenly let go, that it’s okay. You were scared, of course. He might have found someone new, might laugh at you or something. Shaking the bad thoughts from your head, you change and go to bed. The alarm clock on your bedside table reading, 00:00. 
Garnacho, on the other hand was in the middle of a party, some girl trying to chat him up. He couldn’t take it anymore. He missed you. Too much. The words “I love you” have never wanted to be said more to you. Garnacho shoved through the bodies of people, he finally ended up at the front door of the bar, he opened the door and practically ran to his car. He shoved the keys into the hole and turned them. The car came alive, and he sped off. He gripped the steering wheel. He knew your address so there was no problem there. The adrenaline was pumping through his veins. What would he even say? “I’m sorry. I miss you and I was a terrible boyfriend.” Something like that? Who knows? Who cares? He needed to see you. Badly. He saw your apartment complex approaching. He parked quickly and rushed to the door. He knew the code for the front of the building. He punched it in and swung the door open. You were everywhere in his mind. All he thought. He should’ve fought for you. He never felt more hollow after he left your apartment the night you guys broke up. He rushed up the stairs and in no time, he reached your door. He knocked. You were probably asleep, as the time read 1:00. But to his surprised, the door opened gently. 
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jeyramarie · 2 years
you and me?- Alice Chambers x Reader (Part 8)
summary: not every plan has a solid outcome
wc: 2,444
warning: cursing, abusive relationship, miscarriage
a/n: sorry it took a bit, work has been hectic and studying has been hectic as well 🥲 i hope y’all enjoy! happy reading 🦋
Part 1~ Part 2~ Part 3~ Part 4~ Part 5~ Part 6~ Part 7~
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William walked in front of me in silence. It was safe to say that the dinner went horribly wrong. I walked into the house first, going straight into the bedroom. My purse was left on the bed, and I went into the bathroom. splashing water on my face as William walked in. 
He leaned against the door, his hands in his pockets with his eyes sharp on the ground. I turned around, leaning against the sink as I crossed my arms over my chest.
“You disappoint me more everyday.” William muttered and looked up at me in anger. 
“You make me hate you more everyday.” I said and moved to walk past him but was held back by his strong grip on my arm. 
“Don’t play smart with me.” He muttered with gritted teeth. 
As I shook my head and yanked my arm away from him before making my way to our closet. I pulled out my brown suitcase before turning to take the clothes off the hangers. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” William asked in confusion. 
“I’m leaving you, William.” I replied, opening the drawer, quickly taking out some underwear. 
“No you’re not.”
“Yes I am.” I turned to him in anger. “I’m leaving this hell of a place you put me into.” I explained as I walked towards the suitcase again. 
William remained quiet and just stared at me in shock. Shocked that I had talked to him with such an attitude, with such assurance. 
“I know what you’re doing, William.” I closed the suitcase. “It ends now..” I said and walked out of the bedroom with him trailing behind. 
“You can’t leave, Y/n!” He shouted, making me stop and turn. 
“I will and you can’t stop me.” 
“You’re leaving with Alice aren’t you?” William asked, walking closer to me and whispered “You’re leaving… with that fucking whore.” 
A loud slap echoed around the room as William’s face turned to the side. My hand burnt from how hard my skin hit his. 
“Don’t you fucking bring her into this.” I said with gritted teeth. “Get her name out of your fucking mouth.” 
I turned around, making my way towards the door as I prayed for him not to follow me. My hands reached the door knob and I looked at William over my shoulder, before opening the door. 
“They’re coming for you, Y/n.” He said, lifting his head to meet my eyes. “And there’s nothing you can do to stop it.” 
“I hope I never see you again.” I muttered and walked outside, looking around as I checked for Alice to appear. 
After a few minutes, she runs out of her house and gets into the car with Jack. A piece of my heart broke at that moment. Maybe she had chosen him over me. He is her husband after all. 
“You’re pathetic for believing that she would leave with you.” William said from behind me, standing by the front door. 
“Shut up.” I replied with gritted teeth as my eyes watered with tears. 
“Now you don’t want to hear the truth?” He shuffled dryly. “You know, Y/n, I really hope this would’ve ended differently….but you chose this.” He shrugged and I felt a strong grip pulling on my arm. 
I struggled against the grip as they pulled me backwards, making me let go of the suitcase. As I screamed for them to release me, I moved my head to see Alice getting dragged out of the car.
“No!” I shouted. “Let go of her!” 
“They’re hurting me!” Alice screamed, struggling against the restraint. 
“Don’t touch her!” I screamed desperately, feeling tears rolling down my face. “Let her go, please!” 
“Y/n!” She shouted, reaching over to me to connect our hands. “Don’t leave me! Please, don’t leave me!” 
“Please let her go!” I shouted, gripping her arm tightly as the men continued to pull us apart. “Don’t hurt her, please, don’t hurt her!” I cried as our arms were pulled apart. 
Alice and I were thrown into the same van but before we could even come close to each other, there was a sharp pain in my neck. I felt weak and dizzy immediately after, causing my eyelids to feel heavy. I saw Alice reach out to me and my eyes closed, leaving me in darkness. 
I was woken up by being thrown on a hard mattress, immediately being blinded by a bright light. Multiple people pulled on my arms and legs, strapping me to the mattress. I pulled on the restraints, moving my head aggressively  as they tried to keep it still. 
“Stop it.” I mumbled, feeling dizzy. “What did you do to Alice?” 
Someone held my head still and I looked upward to see Dr. Collins. He gave me a wicked smile and turned to the nurse, muttering something into her ear. Suddenly, a rubber mold was placed into my mouth and I looked up at the doctor again. 
“It’ll be a small pinch.” He smiled, placing the cotton balls against my temple. 
I moved my body from side to side, as well as my head, trying to escape the tight grip when a shock ran into me. My body went rigid as I shook violently, feeling the haze of my memories. 
I saw myself, in that familiar apartment as William stood at the end of the hallway while I stood by a bedroom door. My hands were shaking and I felt fear in my chest while William took angry steps towards me. He grabbed my hair, pulling me back as I screamed in pain. 
“You really think I’m stupid?” He asked with gritted teeth as he moved us to what seemed like a living room.
Willam pushed against the small table in the middle of the room before standing over me. His foot collided with my abdomen, immediately making me worry. I covered my stomach with my arm and pushed myself up to sit against the table. 
“Stop it!” I shouted in desperation. “William, stop!”
I opened my eyes with the echoes of my screams in my head. A bright light remained on top of my head as the shock came back, running through my veins. My head went into its haze once again and I saw myself curled up in a ball on the living room floor while a door slammed shut. Perhaps William had left after our argument. Suddenly, a strong pain erupted on my pelvis as I groaned in pain. 
I began to crawl towards the bathroom, the pain becoming worse and worse. My hand grabbed the  bottom of the door as I felt an intense wave of pain before feeling some type of liquid run down my thigh. I looked down and saw the familiar red substance drenching my shorts. Tears continued to flow down my face as I took all the strength I had left to stand up, needing to reach my phone. It took me a while to admit it, to accept it, but I needed help. 
“911, what’s your emergency?” 
The shock finally stopped and my eyes fluttered open to see Dr. Collins again. My body felt numb and my mind felt empty, as if someone had just sucked out all my thoughts. The nurses released the straps before pulling me off to another gurney, moving me out of the room. Everything else after that was hazy. I don’t remember much. 
The next thing I remember is William and I pulling up to our house. Alice and Bunny stood on the sidewalk, eagerly waiting for me to climb out. William climbed out and walked around the car, opening the passenger as he held out his hand to me. I swung my legs to the side and took his hand before standing up with a bright smile on my face. 
“She’s finally here!” Bunny shouted in glee while extending her arms open towards me. 
“Hi.” I laughed, wrapping my arms around her waist tightly. 
“Oh, I’ve missed you.” She mumbled into my hair and parted from me. “We’ve missed you.” She turned to Alice, who stood aside waiting to greet me. 
“I missed you too.” I playfully frowned, before moving to Alice. “Hi.”
“Hi.” She smiled and took my hands. “You look good.” 
“Thank you.” I nodded. “I feel good.” I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into a tight hug. 
“Where’s Jack and Dean?” William asked, making us part from the hug. 
“They’re golfing with Bill.” Bunny replied, throwing her arm over my shoulder. 
“Oh, honey you should go.” I said, staring at him. “Spend some time with the guys, I’ll stay here with the girls.” 
“Will you be alright?” He smiled and I walked towards him as I nodded. 
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I chuckled. “I’m well protected.” 
“Yeah, William, let her have some fun.” Bunny called out causing all of us to chuckle. 
“I’ll see you later, alright?” He mumbled with a smirk. 
“Alright.” I smiled and leaned in, kissing his cheek.  
William looked down at me as he grazed his fingers over my jaw. I stared into his eyes and chuckled. 
“You’re my most beautiful sight.” He whispered, making me lean back as I saw a glimpse of William looking worn out in anger. 
I shook my head slightly, tucking pieces of hair behind my ear before looking at him again. He looked at me in question. My eyes moved over to his and I giggled before stepping away to go over to the girls. 
“Take good care of my girl.” William called out as he walked around the car to get in. 
“You know we always do.” Alice replied, placing her head on my shoulder. 
He pulled out of the driveway and the three of us waved at him before walking over the Bunny’s front yard. There were chairs placed and a small table with fresh cocktails. Alice sat down and patted the chair in front of her, making me move there almost immediately. 
“Here you go.” Bunny smiled, handing me a glass before sitting next to me. “So, how are you feeling?”
“I feel good.” I nodded. “Much, much better.” 
“Ugh, you couldn't believe the things you’ve missed.” She threw her head back. 
“Bunny wrote a gossip journal.” Alice said, lifting the glass to her lips. 
“Really?” I laughed, turning to her. “I have to read it then.” 
“Oh you must.” Bunny chuckled and sipped from her drink. 
That night, Alice and Jack invited us for dinner. I baked a lemon cake with vanilla frosting and brought it over for dessert. The night was enjoyable. We played charades in the living room after opening a brand new bottle of wine that Frank had gifted Jack. After the game, the boys talked about work as Alice and I took care of the dishes. I always loved her kitchen, or at least I think I did. 
“I saw Jack got a new car.” I started a conversation, carrying empty plates to the counter. 
“Oh yeah, he got it last week.” Alice replied with a slight chuckle. “It’s like a child with a toy.” 
“William is obsessed with it.” I shook my head. “But he always wishes to get a pool in our backyard so, he’s a bit confused with what he wants right now.” 
“Well deciding between a pool and a car… What a tragedy.” She said dramatically, making me laugh. 
I grabbed a plate and placed it into the sink before taking my hand out to make it graze over Alice’s as she leaned forward to open the faucet. Suddenly, I saw a quick glimpse of Alice and I, sitting across from each other in a bar with huge smiles on our faces. I pulled it back quickly, turning my head to the dining room as I felt slight pain on the side of my head. 
“What?” Alice whispered, turning off the faucet before turning to me. 
“Nothing, sorry… nothing.” I shook my head, walking backwards. 
“No, no, sorry.” I turned to the counter, leaning against it before feeling her hand on my shoulder. 
“Y/n breath.” She whispered into my ear, moving her hands over my shoulders. 
I closed my eyes and felt as if a wave of peace had crashed into me. Alice’s voice was calming. As beautiful as a sunrise. My breath was going back to normal when-
“What’s going on here?” William asked sternly, making Alice step away in slight fear. 
“Nothing, I was-”
“She was a bit dizzy earlier.” The blonde cut me off. “I was just checking if she was alright.” 
“You can check without touching her.” He replied, raising his voice. 
“William!” I called out in embarrassment. “Why would you talk to her like that?”
“No, it’s alright.” Alice stuck her hand out towards me. “He’s right, I shouldn’t have done that… I’m sorry.” 
“Y/n, let’s go.” 
“She was just trying to help me.” I began turning to him. 
“Y/n, it’s fine.” The blonde whispered in fear. 
“Let’s go.” William said, extending his hand. 
I turned to Alice one more time before walking towards him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door before uttering a small ‘thank you’ to Jack. We walked outside in silence, slowly making our way to our house. I yanked my hand away from his before crossing my arms over my chest while walking faster towards the front door. 
“What’s wrong now?” William questioned. 
“Not out here.” I replied, looking at him over my shoulder. “Let’s talk inside.” 
I walked into the house and took off my heels before walking towards the kitchen, turning the lights on. William followed after me in silence, aggressively taking off his tie while I placed a tea on the stove. My back was towards him, not feeling the need to look at him at the moment. It was like I had pent up anger towards him but I didn’t understand why. 
“You’re going to stay quiet?” William asked, leaning against the counter as he continued to watch me prepare tea. 
“I don’t know what else I’m supposed to tell you.” I replied dryly, placing the teacup in front of him. “First you abuse me, then you trap me in a simulation…” I began and turned to him, watching as he slowly lowered the mug while his face turned pale. 
“You make me think I’m crazy… and then you let them shock my memory away- which by the way, if you haven’t noticed, it did not work.” 
“B-but- How did y-you-” William stuttered. 
“Oh William…” I sighed. “You’re so clueless…” I shook my head. “It’s actually funny.”
florence taglist: @flosbelova​ @kassies-take​ @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​ @florencestann1234​ @freewaysigns-underpasses​ @snooy245 @wandanatvoid @gay-vet-student​ @yelenabelovastolemyheart @marvelwomen-simp​ @simpforflorencepugh @laaurel​ @yelenabelovasbxtch​ @geico-insuranc​ @oh-its-jennyyy​ @bandit2029​ @youresuchamom​ @simpforyelenabelova​ @omega-horus​ @sat-yrr​ @alwaysbimyself​ @girraffy​ @froufrousnowman​ @slytherinchevy​ @randombush3​ @dumb-fawkin-bitch​ @rob1nbuckl3ys​ @xsophiesx​ @karsonromanoff​ @imkikibtw @natashas-soul​ @monstermunchies69 @cmfouatslota77​ @maxmayfieldsrealgf1986​ @champagneneen​ @zendayabelova​ @finelineskies​ @padf00ts-l0ver​ @mrswidowjohansson​ @eddiemunson4ever @mrs-johansson​ @nclgsticore​ @igotmajordaddyissues​ @lovelyy-moonlight​ @kamala-khann​ @lovemesomemaura​ @lizziebemymommy​ @chaos-in-person​
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