#60-70k easily
ddarker-dreams · 7 months
Omg lock thank you so much for the giorno content. Everything you write for jojos is so good and I regularly come back to read scarlet ribbons when I’m feeling starved for vento aureo writing, it’s seriously that amazing. Have you watched/read anything beyond va? If so, would you ever consider writing for parts 6 or 7? Anasui is my yan king lol and it would be so fun to see your interpretation of him
Thanks again for the food!!!
writing for giorno again was really something ,, it was nostalgic 🥺🥺 he was the first character who inspired me to put substantial effort into my writing. tbh, my stories would be rather scuffed if i hadn't undergone the jjba phase.
aaaaa knowing you go back to reread scarlet ribbons stuff makes me smile 💖💖 it's the series i go back to the most as well, actually. it's very comforting. MAN i made it like 4k words or so into the 'main route' of the scarlet ribbons story, i'm not sure when i'll pick it back up again though... maybe i should make what i have so far available ?? i'm content with the quality, it's just that the finished work would easily be around 60-70k 😭
i read all of part 6 and watched it as well!! i've only gotten into the first few chapters of part 7. i've heard it's phenomenal. regarding my thoughts on anasui,, he's one of my favorites from the part 6 cast. i love him. he's both unhinged and intelligent?? the best combination. some of the best lines from the series come from him imho. he's iconic.
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mecachrome · 3 months
question: is the salary for race engineer really 60-70k per annum? why did i think they get paid way more???? 😭
sorry idk why this answer is so long i'm putting it under the cut 😭
but hahaha uk engineering salaries are generally fairly low afaik, for ex in the usa entry level swe salaries at big companies are easily 6 figs but i've heard that in the uk 40k is a pretty decent base pay? (sorry if i sound like an idiot @ uk followers 😭 or if you yourself are british anon then i apologize as well 💔) obviously that's in pounds but purely numerically indy/nascar engineers probably get paid a lot better than those in f1 because you have to contextualize benefits and col and so on... this is probably off-topic sorry moving on
but in general it's worth noting that f1 is an environment that preys on the sentimentalism of its applicant pool (i.e. "passion job"); it's much easier to exploit employees who care deeply about the product they're involved in because it's something they've dreamed of their whole lives and manufactured their entire academic journeys around attaining. f1 is both extremely stressful and pays comparatively poorly for a majority of its mechanics and engineers — when you think about the strain of travelling, trackside personnel (just as an example, ofc only a small # of engineers travel) often arrive earlier and stay later than the drivers & their wages are low because teams know there's enough competition that highly qualified candidates will continue applying regardless. so you basically need to be 1) willing to work for not very much 2) willing to work a shit ton of overtime and 3) willing to sacrifice your social life to hack it. you'll hear a lot of anecdotes from people who were like hm i thought i wanted to work in f1 but i realized it wasn't worth the stress and just got a normal cushy tech job for twice the pay LOL
anyway idk how much gp specifically makes though very senior engineers could definitely be higher than that, but i'd be quite surprised if it was That much more than 100k? (just for base pay ofc) esp in cost cap era... 🥲 i could be talking out of my ass though!!! that's just the general impression i've gotten hsdflkh
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m1ckeyb3rry · 5 months
rereading chapter 1 is so funny to me because its so blatant hes lying, and the GLASS
'please let me keep it, atleast until i understand why it was there in the first place'
and his jaw twitching
he KNEW he couldn't let her get that memory back
he sounded so worried though like 'nothing good will come from keeping it. nothing at all' like yes atleast youre self aware
THOUGH! i am fairly confused about when ty lee said that some parties wouldnt be pleased if they found out what she was doing, like i had assumed she was talking about zuko but now im thinking not? unless im missing something, because im pretty sure he knew about the memories, unless its azula shes talking about? working with her brother? or even taking her memories by order of azula without zuko knowing? but i doubt that one idk
ur fic is literally written better than most books ive read and its incredible, the foreshadowing and the details are so impressive to read
AHAHAH there are so many hints and references in the earlier chapters about reader’s identity that don’t really make sense until you know it!! i love adding things in like that because i want my stories to have rereadability?? like i want people to make new connections and interact w the story differently reading it the second time vs the first. i think it’s especially crucial to have things like that with an arc that’s built around a mystery (the true identity of “ursa”) — if you already know who she is, then it could very easily be a boring/frustrating arc to reread without those new things you can pick up on!!
ty lee was talking abt azula!! mostly because azula would be upset to hear that her ally was working w zuko…although ty lee doesn’t know who mc is, she’s not stupid and probably picked up on the fact that zuko’s hiding smth. she then (rightfully) assumed that if they were caught by azula they’d all be in trouble. it was meant to be misleading as it seems at first it would be zuko who’d be upset to know that ty lee is blocking reader’s chi, esp because ty lee is generally aligned with azula, so when it’s revealed that zuko is the one who ordered the memory blocking, it adds another layer of complication (which will be expanded upon once zuko and reader have their not-so-happy reunion)
but OMG thank you so much!! it means sm to me that you think so <3 i never thought that this would end up being such an involved fic (i originally estimated it to end up at about 60-70k words max) but it’s been so much fun to write and i really appreciate seeing how many people love it!!
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saetoru · 11 months
bennet was my first c6, my first lvl 90, my first crown etc etc
currently i have mistsplitter, haitham’s n ayato’s sword all for him :’)) n im working on triple crowning him
he’s kinda hybrid built between dps n healer rn but he easily does 30-70k with his skill
- 🦋 anon
omggg u have a dps build for him that’s rly cool :O i just have him as a standard support so i haven’t c6d him i keep him c5 for eula altho he’s literally level 60 and has an attack sands for the 4pc bonus bc i dont have an er sands i idk 😭 i keep putting off going to noblesse domain djajdhd but i finally decided to put my foot down and build my supports so after yelan is built bennett is next !! and i will get him a proper er sands and proper talents leveled. altho i wont crown any supports as im short on them as is <3
al haitham was my first triple crown and miko was my second and i’m working on neuvillette to be my third. and then i don’t think there’s anyone else i wanna triple crown for the time being im rly stingy w crowns LMAOOO
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notesonartistry · 2 years
I want to talk about how Taylor can capture any crowds attention specially when she’s a surprise guest. It’s fucking amazing! Her presence, her charm, everything! She easily gets people’s attention!
Yeah, she does. With just herself and a guitar. It's amazing and a real skill. Even at her own shows, she has huge production, but then she strips it back and is just as mesmerising. I don't think there's many people that could keep the attention of 60/70k people alone with an acoustic guitar.
I would LOVE to see her do a full acoustic show, preferably jn a small venue, but I don't think that'll happen anytime soon.
In the meantime I'll retain my hope for evermore long pond 😂❤️
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krawlernyannyan · 7 months
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HSR 2-29-24
It's Leap Year today and Sparkle's got gifts!
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I got trash...
New event starts today, too, and the first day was pretty fun! I hit Cocolia's second phase right when it hit 0 Cycles, so I couldn't get the full 80K but I got to 70K pretty easily.
In dailies, today was my first time at the new Cavern of Corrosion. I'm expecting Acheron to be the debuffing kind of Nihility instead of DoT so I'm going to be grinding out the diver set for a while. Honestly? First three dives had a nice spread!.
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As for the rest: 6 rounds at the new Nihility Calyx as Acheron prep, and then, and then assorted grinds with the last 60 TP just to get Dreamchaser Bulletin to stop giving me a notification every day.
Five-Star Fund: 184/180 (50 Pity) Days to v2.1: 26
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swimfaye · 9 months
2023 Wallet
so in January this year that I got into a LinkedIn conversation. There was going to be a recession. Period full stop. The problem is that the US was already in a recession. This was the first full year where Covid was actually "normal" people traveled and went out and spent money on events. I called it in January ..
The Pineapple
In March the US and EU got a first hand slap in the face at what Higher interest rates yielded ...bank failures. The high interest meant that banks that had 60% of their backstop in bonds actually lost money when a run on the banks happened. The one silent page of that story is if that run was caused by international entities. The other silent page was how much digitalmonetary was being used to back up a bank? No one has really answered that question. Unfortunately or fortunately JP Morgan was there for the US but once again I am reminded by how the US Government asked Warren Buffet in 2007 if he would loan or back up US banks and he said No. then in 2011 the US Congress failed to adhere locks and balance to the US banking industry and now we have a Fed Chair that is worth over $55 Million dollars and should have retired per se.
Micro Economy Bounces
Tom Cruise movie Maverick put people back in the movie theater seats. At $12 -$18 a seat the movie goer spent easily $100 just for the ticket to see a film. There was lots of films to see. After Maverick the Memorial Day weekend launched Barbie and Oppenheimer the year would end with Godzilla Minus One and more films that lured people back to the Theaters.
The fall saw both Taylor Swift and Beyonce also shoot people into the theater at $25 people flocked to the theaters to see a show they already saw in person or didn't get to see. This was one thing that could be stated the movie going experience was back.
The other micro economy ? Podcasts This year saw a huge jump in the production o them from literally EVERYWHERE. I still abhor the podcast because I think its noise pollution but it is. The secondary economy? Food as prices jumped serendipitously on certain food items you saw show after show farm after farm either thrive or highlight throughout the news cycle.
A train derailment, A bridge collapse, A tornado hit a manufacturing plant, A literal barn full of cows exploded. The economy exposed the fragile state of infrastructure throughout the world. The US insurance companies left states refusing policies on homes, cars, and people. This along with diseases like Norovirus to now RSV attaching itself to the societal means and ways. Health was the second biggest expendenture nearly $1500 for every doctor visit.
I guesstimated that the Recession would come in October. I had spent 8 months looking for a new job and not finding one I made the decision to return to a former job. It would be less money but, I can manage better anyway. As it sits today I will end up having made $70K this year a full 10% more than last year.
Speaking of earning more that $1500 per doctor visit was because of the retail of medicine. Diabetic Medicine is now being utilized by the populace as a whole to lose weight, combat obesity and be healthier to a point. The flip side is how long can people afford a $1000 a month bill and the side effects if you don't take the medication which you have to take to maintain the weight loss.
Colon Cancer, Pancreatitus and Kidney disease are killing people in part because they are taking cosmetic drugs.
The Recession
Soft Landing, Hard? No Show Recession? Its coming. As I stated in January office buildings leases are down significantly. Real Estate brokers got tagged recently in fees. The Election is near. Even if the $55Million dollar retiree does lower interest rates in March or June the World Economy demands a recession. There are nation after nation with empty coffers, Artificial Intelligence is not the answer for generating economy and People still have to work at something.
The planet is literally dying. The Earth's center slowed down or completely stopped. Heat waves and volcano's have intensified and the Winter is here. There are less butterflies, a group of Orcas have developed a peculiar specialized appetite that is unbalancing the pecking order of the ocean - Great White sharks livers. The deforestation is causing literal death to millions of animals and plants-Brazil, Colorado, Russia.
The regional wars are tempting the worst war. the war that is at the doorstep and the US is tenious to not answer it.
Yet, there is hope, rebirth, and faith.
2024 will be another opportunity to strengthen the infrastructure both financially and physically.
But 2023 is not done yet. I know because its got a vlog to do:)
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fooddatascrape · 2 years
How To Scrape TikTok Indonesia Food Recipe Data For Using Data Extraction, Exploration And Data Visualization?
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen changes in people’s story updates and Instagram posts. From posts like hangouts, parties, and travel, it’s shifting to the home activities about gardening, cooking, and Netflix binge-watching!
We have seen similar dishes which people try and post on social media. It began with dalgona coffee in March-April 2020 with Korean garlic cheese bun. We have seen people sharing different recipes on TikTok, having demo recipe videos.
If you want to explore TikTok posts using some hashtags, which people use for exploring recipes at home. Our objective is very simple :
Extract a few top TikTok posts using the hashtags
Scrape captions, views, and likes to check for all interesting trends —playing with the data.
Collecting TikTok Data
Here, we have used an API from Food Data Scrape. The complete code of TikTok scraping code can be found here.
1. Collect Data from Food Data Scrape Endpoints
Here we are using Python HTTP request comments, calling Food Data Scrape endpoints using a hashtag query needed. We have pre-defined a count of posts to get captured like 1000 posts(from maximum 2000 request or posts)
2. Parsing response data
From the given script, we would get responses to JSON data.
Then, we are parsing data in data frame format for columns that we need: user_name, video URL, caption, comments, plays, like counts, and shares.
3. Scrape hashtags and mentions from captions
Here, the code is given to extract data from food recipe with mentions and hashtags from the string.
And that’s it! You have some datasets to play with!
Data Backbiting Time!
Timeseries trends of posts
Plays, shares, and likes distribution across different accounts
Content of common recipes
Beginning from a few time-series analysis, a trend is here of posts over time. Just look at the timeseries charts given below to get a few insights:
Video posts are in uptrends since March 2020, topping in May 2020 (Indonesia Ramadhan season). In the last 2 months, total videos getting posted are stable of ~10 posts per day.
The length of posted videos also has an uptrend. This was ~40 seconds during April 2020 and reached ~60 seconds during August 2020.
Afternoon time: 3 to 7 pm looks to be peak hours when people post cooking tutorials. Looking for afternoon snacks or dinner, maybe?
How about posting trends across different accounts? Stimulatingly, for top 15 users having maximum posts, we observe a different spreading of shares and likes. Accounts including ‘fahmimiasmr’, ‘2beha10ribu’, and ‘venithyacalistaa’ have higher likes distribution, getting more than 1mio likes. Instead, ‘cookingwithhel’ is a winner for circulation of shares. One of the posts has even reached 70k shares.
The largest challenge here is to scrape dish names from given posts’ captions because in the TikTok posts you can just type anything without any organized fields. Similarly, the videos could be edited to exhibit the dish names rather than using captions. Here, we used many data cleansing procedures like removing special characters and numbers, filtering word noise (common words and stop words on posts), and scraping dish names from well-known trigrams and bigrams in a dataset.
A few word clouds of food are in bigrams, trigrams, and unigram. You might need to translate that as it’s within Bahasa Indonesia, however the components are mostly associated to snacks and desserts— oreo, martabak, cake, chocolate, milo, cheese stick, pie, pudding, etc. It’s easily understandable that the peak hours of the posts are during the afternoon as all these are ideal afternoon snacks!
And the most popular dishes include:
There are different recipes about the dishes here and some posts referring the similar dishes. Summarizing rapidly, here are all viral food recipes of TikTok Indonesia:
Desserts : dessert box, brownies, cake, milk pie, smoothies bowl
Snacks : potato hotdog, rolled egg, fried tofu, coffee bread, mochi
Savory dishes : Korean fried rice, meatballs, chicken katsu, grilled chicken,
Many of them look to be snacks and desserts opposed to other side dishes to get consumed with rice.
Some additional viz for making a more extravagant wordcloud — We are using pylab and PIL to get the image color as a background of a word cloud.
This concludes our discovery for important food recipes from TikTok Indonesia. Though there are boundless possibilities to extract data online, we still have to be aware of the proper stands about it. Just remember that you extract data from food recipe from only publicly accessible data and not in the destructive manner of the server accounts.
For more information about TikTok Indonesia data scraping, contact Food Data Scrape!
Know more : https://www.fooddatascrape.com/how-to-scrape-tiktok-indonesia-food-recipe-data-for-using-data-extraction-exploration-and-data-visualization.php
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captainnaustralia · 2 years
me, every year: nanowrimo is so fucking hard
me, two weeks before my PhD defence because a tv show made my favourite boy a lil sad:
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anoras · 3 years
why are people going so wild over 24k a year on an apartment in that (fake) 300k budget breakdown. 2k a month is normal, I'd even go so far as to say cheap in most major cities 😬
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Man that hard diary might have taken like 3 days of questing and leveling but when you can casually get chests like this it's worth it
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l-ion-heart · 4 years
Pokemon Go Exp Guide! - The Race to 40 and Beyond
I know some friends who are trying to make the final push to level 40 in PoGo before the legacy event ends so I whipped up a doc with all the methods I use to grind experience! It’s not exhaustive but it’s pretty dang in-depth. You can just read the bolded sections if it’s too long XD
Feel free to share, with credit of course! Let’s get as many trainers to forty as we can!
Pokémon Go: Exp Tips for the Sprint to Lvl 40 (and beyond)!
by: bottsy ( fc: 759850632021 )  Discord: botts_y#0909
Events - Double Catch Experience!
Friendship - Lucky Egg those Friendship Statuses!
Mass Evolution - The Rewards of Candy Accounting!
Dailies - Streaking, the Hottest Exp Grind!
Research - Hoarding Isn’t Just for Stardust
PokeCoins - Buying Your Way to Legacy
The Legacy Challenge: Leaving Dec. 31st
Always keep an eye out for current and upcoming events, especially those that boost experience (although nowadays they are rare). Even if the event isn’t explicitly related to an experience boost, it might still present a more efficient chance to gain experience. For example, they just boosted incense spawns again so incense is now a great tool to supplement catching a ton of Pokémon quickly when you can’t be out and about or nothing is spawning nearby.
Current Event: Thanks to the 2x catch experience bonus until the end of the year and the rework on catch experience, catching Pokémon is the best way to grind exp on your own - especially if you can get some excellent throws (they now net you 2k exp on catch). With a lucky egg, you can also turn that 2x bonus into a 4x bonus and rocket up to 40.
So, catch as much as you can between now and the end of the year, and when you can’t play, plan ahead by thinking about how upcoming events or bonuses could be most efficiently used.
Even with a double catch exp event, friendship bonuses remain the largest source of experience: 100k for best friend, and 50k for ultra. By coordinating with a friend if you can communicate, or by planning ahead if you cannot, you can use a lucky egg before acquiring these bonuses and walk away with a giant lump sum of experience. 
The safest way to do this (even with someone with whom you can communicate) is to ensure that when you are 1 day from your bonus, you have a gift from them and they do NOT have a gift from you. This means that you will be in control of when the friendship bonus pops because it will not do so until you open your gift from them. This is how you set up multiple bonuses for a single lucky egg - pop the egg and then open all the relevant gifts. If you are able to communicate with the person, it is good practice to give them notice and plan together when you will do the bonus so that they can lucky egg as well.
*In the weeds: little details, with big impact*
Setting up so that you have one day left before bonus and only you have a gift means that 2 days away from bonus you are HIGHLY reliant on the other person to open one of your gifts and send (or have already sent) you a gift. Sometimes people aren’t very engaged in gift giving or have other friendships they are already working on, and may not send you the gift you need. At that point you have to weigh the risk of not getting the friendship bonus in time (if they never send you the gift) versus the loss of exp you may face if you aren’t in charge of when the bonus happens and as a result cannot use lucky egg. Just something to be aware of! Also beware that when in a shared PoGo community, if you raid or trade with that person, it will progress your friendship. It’s a good idea to keep a list of who you have bonuses ready for so that you can avoid these interactions until you are ready to activate bonus.
So, right now it would be a good idea to look through your friends list and make note of any friends you have that have ultra/best friend bonuses attainable by the end of the year. You can mark them with a specific nickname so that they are easy to sort and identify over the next month as you prioritize getting and sending gifts to them. If you can communicate with them, reach out so that you can prioritize leveling the friendship together and make plans for using lucky egg on the bonus. If not, do your best and try to take control of when the bonus happens to ensure you get lucky egg bonus.
Mass Evolution:
A popular and effective, but intensive, strategy is mass evolution. Evolving a Pokémon earns 500 exp (and a bonus 500 exp if it is a new dex entry). As a result, you can pop a lucky egg and then evolve as many Pokémon as possible within the half hour to net 1k per evolution and as much as 50-70k+ total experience, depending on the speed of the phone and player. The effectiveness of this method is that it makes consistent, predictable use of a lucky egg and only requires unwanted Pokémon and candy - making it popular with free-to-play players. The drawback of this method is that it is intensive in terms of planning time and storage space required. 
In advance of a mass evolution you need to have 60-some(+) Pokémon ready to evolve and you need to know which Pokémon they are so that you can efficiently move from one to the other when evolving. For those unconcerned about PvP options, maintaining a living dex, etc. simply searching “evolve” is enough prep, but those more concerned about PvE and PvP relevance or keeping a living dex will need to go through and determine for which species they are comfortable burning candy and which specimens of that species they are going to evolve. That’s up to your own priorities and discretion, but it would help to mark those Pokémon or make a list for reference. Nothing is worse than trying to mass evolve and then losing time because you didn’t mark which weedle you were saving to max and mega evolve or which eevee was going to be your great league umbreon.
Between mass evolutions you need to acquire the candy and Pokémon necessary for the next set of evolutions. The best Pokémon to mass evolve are always where the candy cost is lowest - ie, the lowest evolution stage of a species with naturally low evolution cost and little use in your relevant metas (Raids, Gyms, Rocket, PvP, etc.). Examples of this are the birds, bugs and normal types of most generations like pidgey, wurmple, and patrat. Still, these aren’t the only Pokémon worth mass evolving. Any Pokémon for which you have the extra candies to evolve is worth doing, but the Pokémon discussed above are worth prioritizing catching in the wild (or even pinapping) for the purpose of evolving. It is a good idea when clearing out unwanted Pokémon to do a quick accounting of how many evolutions of that Pokémon you could do based on how many candies you have. Then, hold onto enough individuals of the species to do that many evolutions. 
We still haven’t discussed when is the best time to mega evolve, and as always it depends on events. Right now, because of the double catch exp event, your lucky eggs would likely be better spent on catching if you have the balls and Pokémon storage. If not, it might be time to clear space with some sorting and evolving! HOWEVER, on Dec. 29th between 6 and 7pm local time the bonus hour will feature  double evolution experience! So if you did mass evolution during that hour, for the whole hour, with 2 lucky eggs you could easily get 200k+ exp. That would be an exceptional time for mass evolution.
This also highlights events that don’t give bonus experience but can still play a role in efficient leveling: the two prior bonus hours on Dec. 15th and Dec. 22nd grant double catch candy and double transfer candy respectively. You can use these prior bonus hours to prepare for the big event on Dec. 29th by getting more candy for evolutions!
That’s A LOT to take in, so let’s break the whole process down by examining a single, relevant species. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Season of Celebration brought along boosted snover spawns so we are seeing a lot more of our frosty tree friend. He has niche use in both great and ultra league, and a brand new mega evolution, so you might want to hang on to one for great league and one to max for both ultra league and mega evolving. Beyond that he isn’t a raid showstopper so you won’t be making a team of abomasnow like you might mamoswine. Any candy and specimens you acquire beyond the needs of those two snover would be perfect for mega evolving. So, you mark your useful snover (maybe even favorite so they don’t accidentally get shipped off) and start tracking your snover candy. Let’s say you have 125 candy: snover’s evolution cost is 50 candy so you would save 2 additional snover to evolve down the line. The rest you would transfer once an appropriate time arrives - like the event on the 22nd. If you are out of space, transfer right away because you’ll make more candy getting out there and catching than you will sitting around for an event. Once you acquire 150 snover candies, you would save 3 snover and so on as your candies increase. Then when it’s time to sort and mega evolve your snover will be ready to go! That’s the mindset to adopt if you want to mass evolve efficiently!
The Mega Evolution Process Summarized:
Identify good fodder species (low evolution cost and low use).
Acquire candies by catching and transferring while saving enough individuals for the number of evolutions you are able to do.
Before a mass evolution, identify and mark or make a list of all the Pokémon you intend to evolve.
Pop a lucky egg and do the evolutions as fast as possible, preferably during an event that boosts evolution exp like the bonus hour on Dec. 29th.
No mobile game is complete without dailies, and PoGo’s recently got a boost! Back in March daily bonuses for first catch of the day were tripled, meaning now for days 1-6 of a streak trainers get 1500 exp and 500 exp for first catch and first stop spun respectively. Then on day 7 trainers get a whopping 6k exp for first catch and 2.5k for first stop. That’s 20.5k exp a week just for popping in to catch one Pokémon and spin a stop each day!
Now don’t forget events! The daily bonuses for first catch also get doubled meaning that until the end of the year you’ll get 39k a week for daily bonuses. On day 7 alone the catch bonus becomes 12k and combined with the spin bonus and a lucky egg, on the last day of your streak you could earn 36k in just a moment! Save your mass evolutions, friendship bonuses or even just some pokeballs for catching till then and you can follow that massive burst of exp with your usual grinding methods!
Completing a research task each day can be harder, but will earn you 3k exp on your seventh completion (doesn’t need to be a steak). Raids are a valuable source of exp as well if you can pull daily tier 5’s at 10k each. But even if not, it’s worth it to raid something daily because if you don’t, that daily free pass is gone. Remember you can pair your raids if doing them at once is more convenient - ie. by saving your free pass from the day before you can complete a raid, pick up your new free pass and complete a second raid all in one day. Do what fits your schedule!
So, make sure to play at least for a moment each day to catch one Pokémon and spin one stop. You’ll secure 36k exp each week for minimal effort - and gain much more if you lucky egg your final bonus on day 7 (just make sure to make good use of the egg afterwards)! Otherwise just research and raid when you can.
Speaking of daily research, there is a whole other set of research you should be a little more patient and deliberate in completing: special and timed research. These are the multi-step, 3-piece bundles of research tasks that give a nice little set of rewards after each step. If you can stand it, save completed sets of research that reward experience until you are using a lucky egg for another activity. Then at the start of the egg you can quickly tap through your rewards and enjoy the double bonus. This is especially powerful when you are on the next to last step of a research. In most cases the final step is autocompleted, meaning you can get double experience for both steps at once! This strategy is a little harder to pull off with timed research due so be a little more lax in saving those - after all, double rewards on one step is rarely worth abandoning the entire rest of the research. In that case move fast and if there final two steps give experience, consider saving them for an egg once you’ve secured task completion.
So, don’t forget to make progress on your special and timed research tasks and save collecting steps that reward experience for when you are planning on using a lucky egg! Then burn through your research with time to spare for your usual experience grinding!
The Legacy Challenge
Even if you reach level 40 before the end of the 31st the race isn’t done! You’ll earn your Legacy 40 medal but you still won’t acquire the exclusive avatar item, Gyarados Hat, along with some choice item and Pokémon encounter rewards. To get those rewards you need to finish the timed research Legacy 40 Challenge which also expires after the 31st! The steps are below, and include catching at minimum 30 Pokemon and doing 3 raids, so if you’re pushing though to 40 in the final days or hours, know that you’ll need to grid through these steps fast if you want to get the rewards in time.
Step 1 of 4
Power up Pokémon 10 times
Catch 15 Pokémon
Make 5 Nice Throws
Step 2 of 4
Catch 15 different species of Pokémon
Transfer 10 Pokémon
Use 15 Pinap Berries while catching Pokémon
Step 3 of 4
Make 3 Great Curevball Throws Stardust
Win 3 Raids
Give your Buddy 10 treats
Step 4 of 4
The fight doesn’t stop at 40! Be prepared to rush through these steps before the new year if you want to get the last bit of bling that shows off your legacy achievement!
Thank you so much if you took the time to read all this! It was a ton of info and will take time to digest and put into practice, so be kind on yourself if you find yourself revisiting for a refresher. I hope it helps you and brings more joy, excitement, and success to your gameplay! If you enjoyed a peek into the nitty gritty fun of min-maxing and meta in PoGo try checking out these resources I use to stay informed:
Leek Duck - Great graphics and up to date event info!
Gamepress - Analysis and meta discussion on the existing dex and everything on the horizons!
And don’t forget to get involved with your local community through social media and especially discord! At Silph Road you can find any local discord groups or even get to work on starting your own if there aren’t any yet.
Good luck and stay safe, fellow trainers!
- Bottsy
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kelianapierkkb285cj · 2 years
Feasibility, Sustainability, and Enduring Significance Questions to Consider
This project will fit within the clients budget and time frames. The longest parts of this project would be the painting and assembling aspect but even then I think this project could go up quite quickly and stay well withing the budget. This project would in fact be a one off creation, but could easily be adapted to reflect different holidays or fun times during the year. This project is definitely sustainable as it reuses shipping containers and at some points the left over timber from the timber yard (could be used as fencing or post to support the structure). To keep this project looking in its tip top shape regular cleaning and maintenance would be needed to make sure all part of this project will be working at any given time.
I am not sure how much projects like these cost as you have to consider moving shipping containers and welding and cutting them to fit, moving and cutting timber to fit, creating and buying parts for the actual park pieces, paying artists for painting withing specific time frame, and assembling lighting (which could be solar due to the area). I would say this project falls well withing the $40k to $70k range. To be safe though I would lean towards $60-$65k. With a rough estimate, I would suggest the 7 shipping containers costing around $14k, solar panels would be around $12k, but I am not completely sure how much other parts and labor would cost.
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petalgazes · 3 years
Even after three years of being in medical school sometimes the cultural shock just hits me like a truck. Like when I first got into med school (Canada), I was kindly informed that most major banks will give me a free bank account for life, approve me for a better credit card that normally requires like at least 70k yearly income, and a 400k line of credit with prime-minus interest rate which is like??? Ratchet??? I’m still the same middle class uni student I was in undergrad and I definitely have no ability to pay back a 400k loan right now but simply the possibility that I will likely be a doctor is enough to give me access to an entire line of credit enough for down payment to a house. And like, part of it is understandable in that there’s a lot of ancillary costs associated with medical education (travel for placements, need for car, no time to do other work since you’re working like 60+ hours on some clinical rotations) but like dang.
And it’s not just money, it’s opportunities that change too. When I was in undergrad it was very difficult to get volunteer lab positions just so you have the experience, never mind paid research work. Sometimes it felt very difficult to be seen as a person, and not An Entity To Complete Task. But surprise! Our med faculty provides us with a list of PIs who are looking for students to help with projects, and yes they’re perfectly happy to pay you! I’ve gotten jobs without needing to really do interview/resume for positions that were recruiting specifically from pools of med students. Like all of a sudden I’m am Wanted? Valued? Someone Who’s Opinion Matters? (With exceptions) instead of being treated as like, faceless disposable student labour. I’m super thankful to be having these opportunities but at the same time it feels unfair that these things suddenly become available if you’re part of this Special Group TM, like congrats! You made it and you don’t need to worry about these things anymore! We’re gonna give you a break and extra resources and perks because you’ve done how proven yourself to be profitable/reliable/trustworthy etc. When in reality I know I could have just as easily…not be that, simply because there are so many things that you can’t control like finances/health etc that influence whether you get to be a part of the Special Group. I worked hard sure, but I didn’t get this opportunity just because I worked hard, and others may not get this opportunity even if they worked hard And that makes me sad, because I feel like you should have to prove yourself in order to be treated like you have value and for people/systems to help you grow. Like how many other people could go into “competitive” or “high earning” careers if they had just 400k available in loans? A helpful list of people who would like to work with you? Easily accessible jobs in areas you’re interested in? Interacting with you with the assumption that you are doing your best to learn and work? Automatically being treated with respect? Idk it’s been a few years and while the new privileges are a little more familiar to me, sometimes I still find myself thinking about the implications of the privileges I’m offered and why I’m offered them. Anyway.
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sogoodmarketing · 3 years
Useful Web Design Tips for Budding Designers
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Web designers today have several options with regards to tools and technologies that they can use in creating web pages and a number of questions also such as should they use Flash? Do they need database driven pages or do they require a shopping cart for their E-commerce website. So many questions and several factors are to be considered, so for budding designers the following web design tips are helpful to design a website.
Avoid using framesets in your website since they are not necessary in most cases and don not use heavy background in your website pages. Heavy background distracts the viewers from what you're trying to show them and it makes the text difficult to read. You don't need to impress viewers with a fancy background tile, instead, focus on the content of your website which you will put essential information and graphic images that the viewers need. Keep it simple to read, there's a good reason why solid colored text on a solid colored background is used consistently on web pages and in print.
Using clear and sharp graphic images is essential in website design. A great looking page can be created with a single clear and sharp picture and just as the best looking web page can be designed to look unappealing with a single poor looking image. Acquire a sharp looking logo. If you have a business, it's imperative to look professional so people can see that you're reputable and distinguished enough to trust. A poor looking logo won't get you anywhere.
Steer clear of Internet Explorer page transitions since it can make several special effects such as page transitions, page wipes and many more. It's enticing and appropriate at some times but for most websites they are not. Also, avoid using flying text because it doesn't have anything to do with the content of your pages and you should remember that flying texts are not a great thing.
Putting up live credit card processing can increase sales significantly. In some situations, people want to start their online store but they avoid the trouble of dealing with a credit card processing service because of the programming needed. But they are wrong, studies have verified that pages that have credit card processing in their e-commerce enabled pages have much better conversions.
Principally, website pages should be no more than 60-70k. You should keep things very simple so customers can find things easily. You can do this by tactically using the browser caching capabilities. Your web browser will reuse pictures that have loaded. For instance, you have a picture on the first page that you also use on two other pages, the browser downloads the image only once and succeeding times the browser automatically loads a copy of the picture it has from its own cache. This can hurry up things from the Internet user's point of view and saves you bandwidth as well.
Read Full Article Here: Useful Web Design Tips for Budding Designers
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vagabondretired · 7 years
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Just gonna go up and grab them by the..........wallet.... He's desperate and he's pissed. And he could easily do this: Kellyanne Conway, an adviser to President Trump, said Sunday he will make a decision this week on ending key payments to insurance companies under ObamaCare. "He’s going to make that decision this week," she told "Fox News Sunday." The payments are known as Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) payments. Referring to them as “bailouts,” Trump threatened to end the payments on Saturday. His tweet followed the collapse of the GOP effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare in the Senate this week. Trump is urging Republicans not to give up on the healthcare reform effort and threatening that if they do not pass a bill, he will end the federal subsidies to insurance companies. If the subsidies are taken away millions of middle class and working class people will see their premiums rise by hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars overnight. Remember, the eligibility is determined by the adjusted gross income. So people who make as much as 65-70k a year gross, particularly those who have small businesses or work as independent contractors are eligible for subsidies. But hey, fine. To hell with them. They deserve to suffer, amirite? Maybe those 60 year olds will get some initiative and go out and inherit millions from their rich daddies like all good Americans should do.
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