belayadeath-goner · 4 months
the room is quiet all around, all for the faint beeping from the electrocardiogram showing he still, after all, had a pulse. … at this point, she doesn’t know how long she’s been sitting there for, all anyone knows is, she hasn’t left his side for a single moment. medical droids had been coming in and out of the private medical room he’d been assigned when they brought @6uirs in. 
even her breathing was quiet, slowed, and she thought maybe her grief was beginning to still. the fear of losing him. but deep down bianca knows that she’s simply gotten numb from the worry, the silent stream of tears that had only recently quelled itself. 
it was a small twitch, completely unnoticeable had she not been fixed on him this whole time, a flinch of his hand to realize that wolffe was gaining consciousness. finally. “ hey ... ” bianca was drawn awake from the zombie - like state she’d been in, now wide awake, and her hands had found one of his to cradle between warm palms. “ hey— you’re awake … ”
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muutosarchive · 4 months
“You have to tell me. Not telling me is just as bad as lying.” / you know for who and from who <3
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her brows are lowered, while sharp, red eyes remain trained seriously upon her face. however, there's a soft smirk that quirks a brow in-turn. "is that how you talk to your superior officers, captain?" looks up at him yet chin is lowered. back against the wall both literally &. figuratively. "i have never been obligated to share anything with you. you are lucky i see what others do not, but do not confuse our special relationship as entitlement." . . . "is that understood?"
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🍒 @6uirs ↪ emotional manipulation starters
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gloomfaithed · 3 months
you're gonna have to trust me. / nihilus 🤭
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She never liked too many unknown components. Good strategies hinged on understanding how all parts worked together and to forsee how they influenced each other. But he was fascinating and powerful beyond anything Talon had ever seen before. Even if she wanted - and she didn't want to - she couldn't just forsake him and his magnetism. She would have to take the plunge as she was in his hands anyways. There was apprehension in her sulfur eyes, but Talon obeyed. "Yes, Master."
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lightfaithed · 3 months
@6uirs asked: [SILENT] The receiver's kiss renders the sender momentarily speechless. / from Cody u know it 🤭
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Obi-Wan's head was full of thoughts and impressions after countless weeks of endless fighting and travelling. He yearned for the quiet and privacy of a meditation, where he could clear his head and unpack all the noise in his brain, with just the Force as his company and witness.
Alas, there was no time. They were on constant high alert and by the time Obi-Wan would have sunk into the deep ocean that was the Force, he would have to be pulled out again.
It left him surprisingly irritable. While he tried to maintain his professionality, if he didn't get to unwind soon, he was going to explode into someone's face. The last thing they needed was unnecessary strife on board and he would hate to be the perpetrator of it.
Luckily, his Commander was full of creativity and innovative ideas. When Cody snatched a passing Obi-Wan into his arms and locked their lips, Obi-Wan was stunned to notice that focusing on how heavenly soft Cody's lips felt distracted him plenty from how unbalanced he was.
He smiled against Cody's lips and deepened the kiss, arms thrown around Cody's shoulders. When they broke apart, he smirked. "I didn't know the name of my new meditation technique is 'Cody'."
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clonewar · 3 months
Fri & onwards
any newer stuff I owe! <3
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republicera · 4 months
to do list
5 asks
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belayadeath-goner · 4 months
⋆ @6uirs , COMMANDER WOLFFE, said: ❛ everything i’ve done, every change that i’ve made - it’s been for you. ❜
it takes her aback, surprises her even though she ought to know the truth already. neither of them have ever been good at this; the way they've gone from enemies to... something more, since that one night in 79s where everything changed. they've made it work so far, the lack of communication, only meeting up here and there whenever they ' happened ' to show up at 79s afterwards, ( both of them hoping to find the other there ). but this; this is another thing entirely. it's been for you. confession fell from the commanders lips harshly, its delivery harder than he had probably anticipated, but it's his words that hit bianca harder than anything. it's been for you. words ring in her ears like the ringing of an explosion, violent and deadly, enough to make a woman like herself run for the hills. but instead she defies every single muscle, every single nerve telling her to run. “  i know.  ”
he had come for her, despite promising it was nothing more than carnal, that they were nothing beyond that of what they shared on occasion whilst inebriated. he and his corps had found her whilst still kept in cryostatis by her masters, under lock and key until the next time they needed her skills; and although she doesn't remember much from her awakening, bianca recalls his arms around her, his voice calling out for her albeit muffled and distorted by his helmet. “  but i'm not.... good for you. your men, your corps, they know me — if they were to see us...  ” it was his reputation she thought of more than anything, they'd all seen her fight for the crymorah syndicate, the vicious and deadly side of her she'd rather not acknowledge any longer, triggered by their poison and evil.
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muutosarchive · 4 months
damn bro , who gave you ar'alani muse 😲😇
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clonewar · 4 months
to do list (up to date I think??)
https://www.tumblr.com/sithisms/751769483946967040/there-is-something-deeply-wrong-with-you-from -
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