#7 days of gifs: Day 4- Free Day/Wildcard
presidential--suite · 8 months
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The curse of gettyimages
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wildmooreweek · 2 years
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Hello, hello, hello! I think it’s time for another Wildmoore Week.
Starting February 8th to February 14th, you’re invited to share writing, gifs, art, videos, etc dedicated to Wildmoore.
Use these prompts as guidelines for your creations, not rules! Art is subjective after all. Be sure to tag your posts with #wmw23 so we can share them on here! If you post to ao3 be sure to add to the new collection. Also, feel free to interact on twitter.
Day 1 - February 8th - moment you’ll never get sick of
Day 2 - February 9th - film poster
Day 3 - February 10th - incorrect Batwoman
Day 4 - February 11th - social media
Day 5 - February 12th - opening credits
Day 6 - February 13th - magazine/tabloids
Day 7 - February 14th - free day
Day 1 - February 8th - parents (human babies and/or pets)
Day 2 - February 9th - diff heroes/villains (catwoman!Sophie stans go wild/wildcard!Ryan?)
Day 3 - February 10th - carnival
Day 4 - February 11th - cooking (chef or domestic fluff?)
Day 5 - February 12th - flower shop
Day 6 - February 13th - character swap (put Wildmoore in your favorite movie etc.)
Day 7 - February 14th - free day
Day 1 - February 8th - nanny “I love y-those kids.”
Day 2 - February 9th - hidden talent “Oh that’s...hot?”
Day 3 - February 10th - freaky friday “How'd you make it look so easy?”
Day 4 - February 11th - nightclub "You think the dj/band takes requests?"
Day 5 - February 12th - family reunion “You are not at all what I expected.”
Day 6 - February 13th - forced proximity “So, this is karma?”
Day 7 - February 14th - free day
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benoitblanc · 2 years
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you know it, like it or not. you love it. now it’s time to shower doctor who- yes, that doctor who- with the affection it deserves probably 50% of the time. that’s right, it’s time for doctor who appreciation week!
this event will be running from june 1st to june 7th. feel free to do as many or as few of the days as you’d like. remember to tag all your lovely creations #dwweek2022 so that we can all reblog and support each other!
now, without much further ado (*insert tate-tennant pun here*), here’s the schedule:
day one (june 1): favorite doctor
day two (june 2): favorite companion
day three (june 3): favorite season or era
day four (june 4): favorite dynamic
day five (june 5): favorite alien
day six (june 6): favorite scene or quote
day seven (june 7): wildcard
i’ll put some faqs i got running marvel tv week last year under the cut, as well as some other questions i can anticipate coming up specifically for who.
have fun, and happy creating! i’m so excited to see what you all make :)
do i have to do every day?
no! see the body of the post
do i have to make gifs?
also no! if you want to write fic, make art, playlists, moodboards... the options are only limited by your imagination
does the “favorite dynamic” have to be canon?
no! as long as the characters involved are from doctor who, go to town
what does “favorite alien” mean?
anything that isn’t human OR the doctor. (other time lords, however, are fair game if you so choose.) you can do a whole species or an individual. if you choose an alien such as nardole or the paternoster gang for your fave companion, you might want to avoid them here too just for some variety, but it’s really up to you
is classic who fair game?
what about big finish?
why not!
what about torchwood, sarah jane, and class?
i mean, i can’t exactly stop you, but all three are getting a little far from actual doctor who. that being said, considering jack and sarah are both actually main companions and ianto, gwen, and luke all appear in doctor who at least once, there’s a serious amount of wiggle room
who’s YOUR favorite doctor, arwen?
obviously david tennant. next question
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the-games-changing · 5 years
Dear the Newsies fandom,
A friend and I, @evil-crutchie , realised how underappreciated Katherine is in the Newsies fandom and so have decided to put together a Katherine appreciation month for the month of January, and we would be super fucking happy if you would participate! There is a prompt list however we understand that it can be difficult to keep goinf throughout the whole month, but even if you did a few days, maybe one day a week, we would be pretty happy to see that!
Even if you dont want to participate with the prompt list then please just use January to show Katherine as much love and appreciation as you possibly can! But if you do post any content, make sure its tagged with #katherinepmonth2020 !
Prompt list below the cut, feel free to ask any questions!
In case it's confusing:
AU, pairing, shit post/meme - As long as what you do has something to do with the prompt then it fits! These are pretty free reign!
Wild card - Total free reign!
Media - Only examples are listed, do anything you want really, just something more visual I suppose
Week 1: General/No theme
1. Au - Modern
2. Shit post/Meme
3. Wild card
4. Pairing: Jatherine (Jack X Katherine)
5. Appearance headcanons
Week 2: Fluff
6. Pairing: A poly ship??
7. Media (art, gifs, playlists)
8. Au - Royalty/Medieval fantasy 
9. Wild card
10. Head canons
11. Fic/Drabble
12. Media (art, gifs, playlists)
Week 3: Angst
13. Head canons
14. Au - Superhero
15. Media (art, gifs, playlists)
16. Wild card
17. Pairing: Newsbians (Sarah x Katherine)
18. Shit post/Meme
19. Fic/Drabble
Week 4: Slightly NSFW/Alternate option of fluff
20. Pairing: Daverine (Davey x Katherine)
21. Head canons
22. Media (art, gifs, playlists)
23. Wild card
24. Shit post/Meme
25. Fic/Drabble
26. Au - Wild card
Week 5: Wildcard (free reign!)
27. Pairing: wild card
28. Fic/Drabble
29. Shit post/Meme
30. Wild card! But something birthday related
31. Why the newsies fandom should appreciate Katherine more!
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