#70s hair on guys is my weakness I freaking swear
ilovemarkhamill · 6 months
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annebl4cksworld · 3 years
Cold Blood pt.3
WARNINGS: None really, I don’t even think there’s swearing ^^”
NOTE: I do not own any rights to Marvel or The Originals, I have taken content directly from the shows in order to give you a better image of what’s happening! 
A/N: Sorry i haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been going through a lot lately and haven’t had the chance to sit down and keep going.... also I haven’t figured out how to link my chapters yet so I’m sorry for new ppl
Word count: 1,500 (smaller than normal but the next part will be longer so it will make up for it) 
Weak from the hours of spells and torture Rebekah stumbled trying to get away from Klaus, running through doors, falling against walls and eventually ending up in the basement where she met a dead end
“Tired of running?” he called behind her
“I know how much you love the chase and I’d like to deprive you of it” huffing against a wall, watching him round the corner. Klaus was suddenly on his knees and tossing someone away from him, it was Marcel 
“Ah! The lovers reunited, this is actually perfect, I can deal with you both at the same time” pulling the dagger from his belt he waved it in the air. 
“Klaus, it was my idea to call Mikael, he had nothing to do with it” she wheezed moving to stand in front of Marcel, unconscious on the floor.
Before anything else, the blade in Klaus’ hand was driven into his chest. Outside Briar gasped in pain, everything halted to a stop and she fell towards the ground; as the energy field dropped Steve ran for her, grabbing on at the last minute before hitting the ground himself. Briar groaned turning in the arms of the super soldier, she placed her hands on his chest and pushed herself up “Nice save capsicle” 
He turned and sat up after her “don’t call me that” 
“Somethings wrong” Briar brushed his comment off looking over at the sanatorium, she stood and watched as her aunt and Marcel sped out of the door and off into the night. “Oh no” she breathed turning back to see Elijah carrying Klaus with Tony and Natasha right behind them,
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“He did it to himself Briar, I’m taking him back to the compound” Elijah interrupted as he walked past, he placed Klaus in the car and turned back to his niece “What about aunt Rebekah?”
“In hiding; a necessary sacrifice. Go Briar, you don’t need to be here for what comes next, you did your job beautifully. This is between siblings” Elijah placed a kiss on her forehead before getting into the car and driving off.
Briar turned to face the avengers “Ok, when do we leave?” Tony then turning to face Steve “You gonna fight me on this?” Cap clenched his jaw and looked away 
“Seems you’ve already made up your mind” Steve turned to Natasha, “and I for one would like to get out of this city before any other vampires come sniffing around” the redhead flipped her hair and grinned at Briar. 
Once on the quinjet Briar leaning against the wall next to Tony who was flying, she watched steve and he adjusted his uniform, 
“He doesn’t like me” she whispered, Tony shook his head 
“His loss then” winking at Briar she rolled her eyes, “He’s not so great, there’s times where I want to punch him in his perfect teeth” 
“Down boy” Briar glanced Tony's way “what’s got your panties in a twist about him?”
“Grew up listening to how my dad ‘knew captain America’ as if it was some great feat, as if that made him some superior being. What I hate most of all is how freaking polite he is”
“Polite?” Briar scoffed I must have missed that 
“Guy dies and wakes up 70 years later, finds out there’s aliens, androids, wizards and now vampires, witches and werewolves. Let alone someone who is all three; he’s bound to be suspicious. Stand off-ish, hell, maybe even a bit of an ass” 
“Are you defending him? The guy you just said you want to punch in the teeth? I mean he’s got a hell of an ass but-”
“How close are we?” Steve asked cutting Briar off coming to stand behind Tony’s chair 
Nearly 20 minutes out, sir 
Steve nodded and walked away eyeing Briar as he went, she winked, giving a devilish smirk. 
“You were saying?” Tony asked, turning as Steve left. Briar shot him a ‘nevermind’ look shaking her head, she looked out the window as they flew closer to the compound.
Once on the landing strip, the back opened and everyone gathered their belongings. 
“Labs all set up boss” a demanding voice called from outside the ship,
“Oh, no. He’s the boss” Tony turned to face the brunette, who was now on the ship, pointing to Steve who turned his head not making eye contact with anyone,
“I just pay for everything, design everything, make everyone look cooler” 
Briar shrugged and turned to face the brunette, “what’s a girl gotta do to get a drink around here” 
“Hill, status report” Steve called coming to stand in front of them “Sir-“ before she could continue; Steve pulled her from the ship and spoke in hushed tones. Briar huffed, feeling an arm snake through hers, “c’mere darling, I got you” Tony whispered in her ear pulling her off the ship.
Steve watched as they walked by, “I have everything you could dream of and if I don’t I’ll have it flown in, promise.” Tony announced loudly for everyone around to hear, Nat watched Steve watching you, “She doesn’t seem so bad” 
“What’s her deal?” Hill asked 
“Nothing, she’s not a part of the team” Steve stated grabbing the tablet from Hill’s hands to sift through the photos. 
“Top shelf for little old me? Tony you spoil me” Briar winked taking the drink he handed her,
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“You’re going to be meeting the rest of the team soon, a god, an Android, a witch, a rage monster, you know a little of this a little of that. Try to be nice, some of them have-“
“Anger issues?” Briar twisted the glass in her hands “They sound fun, who’s first?” 
“Tony…” a timid man called from the doorway, 
“Banner, - Tony smiled at Briar - Banner is first, what’s the word?” 
“Uh- I need you -um in the lab” without making too much eye contact he walks off 
“He gets nervous around beautiful women, it’s no big” Tony waved his hand dismissively and followed Banner, Briar close behind. 
“The scepter, we were wondering how Strucker was getting so inventive, so I’ve been analyzing the cube and take a look at this.” Banner brought up a holographic image of the cube onto the floor.
“It’s beautiful” Briar commented leaning against the doorway 
“It is; it’s like it’s thinking- i mean this could be- it’s - it’s not a human mind, i mean look at this. They’re like neurons firing.” he paced around the image
“Down in Strucker’s lab I saw some pretty advanced robotics, they deep six the data but… I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door.” shrugging Tony watched Banner come to a halt.
“Artificial intelligence.”
“This could be it, Bruce. This could be the key to creating Ultron.” 
“Ultron?” Briar asked sipping her drink,
“Peace in our time Briar. Imagine that?” Tony beamed 
“That’s a mad sized ‘if’ Tony” Bruce rubbed his neck 
“Our job is if what if you were sipping margaritas on a sun dried beach turning brown instead of green? Not looking over your shoulder for veronica” 
“Don’t hate I helped design veronica” Bruce started pacing again
“As a worst case measure right? What about best case? What if the world was safe? what if next time the aliens roll up to the club they can’t get through the bouncer” 
“The only ones threatening the world would be people” Briar stated leaving the doorway to stand beside Tony, offering her drink.
“I wanna apply this to the ultron program but friday can’t download a data schematic this dense, we can only do it while we have the scepter here that’s three days, give me three days” he took a sip of the drink
“So you’re going for artificial intelligence and you don’t wanna tell the team?” staring at Tony nervously,
“Right and you know why because we don’t have time for a city hall debate. I don't wanna hear: the man was not meant to meddle, medley. I see a suit of armor around the world” 
“Sounds like a cold world Tony” Bruce looked back at the image in front of him.
“I’ve seen colder” Briar locked eyes with Bruce 
“this one, this very vulnerable blue one, needs ultron. Peace in our time Banner, that’s all I’m saying” placing a hand on the small of Briars back he led her out of the lab and into the hall.
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alexconfusion · 5 years
1-100 please (I’m serious... or at least do like 20 of em. The first twenty. But I’d prefer them all)
Is this a challenge
1 Middle Name- Katherine
2 Age- 13 (yah I know I’m a baby blah blah blah shut up guys djskdjjd)
3 Birthday- May 8, 2006 (8:29am, to be exact)
4 Zodiac- sun: Taurus moon: Virgo, I believe
5 Fav Color- blue is my aesthetic but purple is my fav
6 My Lucky Number- five
7 Pets- two guinea pigs (ginny and lily), two dogs (bailey and maya) [i will provide pics if you want]
8 Where I’m From- Massachusetts
9 Height- 5’1
10 Shoe Size- eight
11 How Many Pairs of Shoes I Own- three
12 My Last Dream- Shane Dawson fixed my family issues and helped me come out to them (it was awesome, 10/10 would do again)
13 My Talents- piano (I have soundcloud check it out if u want), writing
14 Am I Psychic- HELL YEAH I AM shoot me an ask if u wanna know more cuz it’s kind of a long story (ok maybe not actually psychic but it’s a fun story)
15 Favorite Song- Amnesia - 5sos (it makes me cry every time and I don’t even care)
16 Favorite Movie- Into the Spider-Verse
17 My Ideal Partner - idk u tell me
18 Do I Want Kids?- potentially, but if I did I would adopt
19 Do I Want a Church Wedding- nah they look boring. I was part of the wedding party for my cousins wedding and it was absolute torture
20 Am I Religious- not really
21 Have I Ever Been to the Hospital- yeah, I was seven and stepped on glass at the beach (huge gash, kinda gorey, wouldn’t reccomend) anyways I didn’t know I cut my foot open at first and walked around the beach and a fuck ton of sand got in it (I had a very rough summer)
22 Have I Ever Been in Trouble With the Law- fuck no who do you think I am??
23 Have I Met any Celebrities- nope
24 Baths or Showers- showers duh, they’re good for so many things: crying, hair washing, pretending you’re standing in the rain,
25 What Color Socks am I Wearing- striped gray with blue owls (yes they are lit)
26 Have I Ever Been Famous- uh no
27 Would I Like to be a Celebrity?- sometimes I think it would be cool because if I make a lot of money I could help a lot of people, but usually no because having privacy is important to me
28 What Type of Music do I like- pretty much anything but acoustic versions have always had a special place in my heart
29 Have I Ever Been Skinny Dipping?- no gross
30 How Many Pillows do I Sleep With- one on each end of the bed so I can flip upside down and still have a pillow
31 What Position do I Sleep in-
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(It’s comfy)
32 How Big is My House- two main floors, attic, basement
33 What do I Have for Breakfast- usually nothing, either because I slept through the normal breakfast time or because I didn’t have time to eat
34 Have I Ever Fired a Gun- no
35 Have I Ever Tried Archery?- Hell yeah I did, summer camp was a wild time almost shot someone in the face
36 Fav Clean Word- twilight
37 Fav Swear Word- fuck
38 Longest I’ve Ever Went Without Sleep- forty eight hours (those were two of the best days of my life btw)
39 Do I Have Any Scars- yeah
40 Have I Ever Had a Secret Admirer- nope but I wish
41 Am I a Good Liar- fantastic, actually
42 Am I a Good Judge of Character- what,, what does this mean??
43 Can I do Any Accents- I can do a really terrible British accent but nobody likes it
44 Do I Have a Strong Accent- nope
45 What is my Favorite Accent- Australian
46 What is my personality type- on the Myers Briggs test I’m an Adventurer (it’s creepily spot on, I highly recommend taking it)
47 My Most Expensive Piece of Clothing- Are vans clothing? If so my blue high top vans that I fucking adore. If not, probably my adidas shorts or something
48 Can I Curl My Tongue- I can do the classic fold in half one and the three leaf clover. look it up, it’s cool as hell
49 Am I am Innie or an Outie- innie
50 Right or Left Handed- right, but I’m ambidextrous when playing golf and I play lacross lefty
51 Am I Scared of Spiders- a little, not a phobia
52 Favorite Food- pears or frozen yogurt
53 Favorite Foreign Food- sushi
54 Am I a Clean or Messy Person- tbh it fluctuates but mostly clean. Like I myself am clean but my room is a wreck yknow
55 Most Used Phrase- “oh shit”
56 Most Used Word- oof
57 How Long do I Take to Get Ready- ten minutes, fifteen tops and five minimum
58 Do I Have an Ego- I don’t think so?
59 Do I Suck or Bite Lolipops- bite
60 Do I Talk to Myself- sometimes, it’s usually just strings of curse words
61 Do I Sing to Myself- yeah on occasion
62 Am I a Good Singer- no but my friends seem to think so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
63 Biggest Fear- losing everyone I care about/everyone I care about hating me
64 Am I a Gossip?- only if it’s not something serious and only to my closest friend
65 Best Dramatic Movie I’ve Seen- schindlers list, haven’t seen the whole thing (I’m kinda scared to) but it looks incredible even though it’s so horrific
66 Do I Like Long or Short Hair- I don’t really care, but I do kind of like longer hair on other people (i.e I like girls) (yes girls with short hair are awesome too but long/medium length hair is just.. yeah.)
67 Can I Name all 50 Stares of America- I could when I was 8 but now I can only list like 10
68 Favorite School Subject- English
69 (haha) Extrovert or Introvert- introvert
70 Have I Ever Been Scuba Diving- no and I don’t think I’d want to
71 What Makes Me Nervous- talking to people I don’t know
72 Am I Scared Of The Dark- not really. unless I like hear a noise and start imagining all the possible causes of the noise and freak myself out
73 Do I Correct People When They Make Mistakes- yeah sometimes, but I try to do it as nicely as I can (unless I don’t like the person *cough* my brother *cough*)
74 Am I Ticklish- yes. very.
75 Have I Ever Started a Rumor- no, but people thought I did and that was a whole mess
76 Have I Ever Been in a Position of Authority- I mean I was a captain when we played kickball in gym (does that count)
77 Have I Ever Drank Underage- nope, and I don’t intent to
78 Have I Ever Done Drugs- nope, and I don’t intend to
79 Who Was My First Real Crush- olivia, fifth grade. I pretended I had a crush on the guy next to her so I could stare at her and pretend I was looking at him
80 How Many Piercings Do I Have- none
81 Can I Roll My Rs- no matter how hard I try I can never seem to get the hang of it. and I’ve tried, believe me, I sound like an idiot every time but I still try
82 How Fast Can I Type- 135 wpm
83 How Fast Can I Run- Moderately fast, but not for very long
84 What Color is My Hair- dirty blonde
85 What Color Are My Eyes- they switch between gray, green, and blue, but they’re mostly a combination of all three with green being the most noticeable (I ask people this question a lot and they usually say blue or green)
86 What am I Allergic to- nothing I’m invincible.
87 Do I Keep a Journal- yup, eight years and counting. fun fact my first entry ever was a full two and a half pages about dolphin facts, complete with a picture
88 What do My Parents do- my moms a vet, idk what my dad does (it’s something with pharmaceuticals I think)
89 Do I Like My Age- eh on the one hand I can say I’m a teen but on the other people are like “omg!!! babey???? ur a babey omfg..”
90 What Makes Me Angry- when people are condescending or hypocritical
91 Do I Like My Name- I hate my first name (irl it’s not alex but I’ll probably end up changing it) and I hate my last name (long story) but I kinda like my middle name cuz it reminds me of Six
92 Have I Thought if Baby Names, if so What Are They- idk I’d probably name them after my friends (i.e hailey, lander, flan, drew, finn, that’s about it)
93 Do I Want a Boy or Girl For a Child- first of all when did I say I wanted a child and second of all I don’t care
94 What Are My Strengths- shitposts
95 What Are My Weaknesses- dealing with emotions, controlling anger, handling criticism, there are definitely others but I’m tired okay
96 How Did I Get My Name- first name: bible, middle name: my great grandmother, last name: my dad
97 Were My Ancestors Royalty- not that I know of
98 Do I Have Any Scars- see #39
99 What Color is My Bedspread- I don’t have one but my sheet is dark blue
100 What Color is My Room- a light blue teal-ish color
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lazingonsunday · 5 years
Tag Game!!
I was tagged by @gretavanfic and @bigthighsandstupidguys , thank you, lovelies!! 💛
1. What is your middle name?
Starts with G lol
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
Dec 2
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Everyone is putting like moon and sun and rising and I have no idea what that mean lmao, sorry! I think I’m a Sagittarius though
5. What is your favourite colour?
Orange or Yellow 🧡💛
6. What’s your lucky number?
Don’t really have one, but I always tried to be #10 on my volleyball jersey
7. Do you have any pets?
An old border collie named Riley
8. Where are you from?
Canada! 🇨🇦
9. How tall are you?
Like 5’7 ish
10. What shoe size are you?
Usually 9.5 or 10. I got big ass feet :(
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Way more than one human being needs
12. What was your last dream about?
I went to IT chapter 2 last night so safe to say I was having some freaky clown dreams all night lol
13. What talents do you have?
Um, I can say the alphabet backwards, which is super random lol. I can also kinda play guitar, bass, ukulele, and harmonica, but I’m not very good at any of them yet lol
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I used to think so when I was little, but not so much anymore
15. Favourite song?
Ooh, this is hard. Right now I really love When The Curtain Falls by GVF, but I would say an all time fave might be Forever in Blue Jeans by Neil Diamond because it reminds me of my mom
16. Favourite movie?
Oh, also a tough one! I think either Rocky IV or The Sandlot
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Jake Kiszka, obviously. But in all seriousness, anyone who is genuinely kind that I feel comfortable and happy around.
18. Do you want children?
I never thought so, but now a bunch of my older cousins are having kids and they’re pretty cool, so maybe one day if I found the right person to raise them with
19. Do you want a church wedding?
No, even though my mom will kill me if I don’t lol
20. Are you religious?
I was raised Catholic, but I don’t consider myself religious anymore.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yes, I’m asthmatic af lol, and prone to breaking my fingers playing rugby
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
No, I am a well-behaved child
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I met the magicians Penn & Teller if that counts haha
24. Baths or showers?
For practical purposes of actually getting clean, showers, but I l o v e baths
25. What colour socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
While I daydream about it frequently, realistically I know I would hate it
28. What type of music do you like?
Literally the most random taste in music, it changes all the time. I don’t even have certain genres that I like, just certain artists or albums from a variety of genres
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yes. I was very drunk lmao
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Three normal ones and a body pillow
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my side cuddled up with the pillows
32. How big is your house?
Typical white suburban neighbourhood house
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I typically pout in the kitchen for 10 minutes before I give up and make something completely inappropriate for breakfast lmao. Usually grilled cheese. This morning alphagetti. I hate breakfast so much lol
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Nope. No desire to.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Yes, we did it in school a few times
36. Favourite clean word?
37. Favourite swear word?
Idk if it’s a swear word, but I say ‘goddammit’ a lot
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Not long, I’m a sleepy bitch. Probably 24 hours
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
In 9th grade I found out this guy had a crush on my and told literally everyone but me lol
41. Are you a good liar?
I don’t lie very often, but mostly because I am a terrible liar
42. Are you a good judge of character?
Yes. I frequently get such strong vibes off of people and I can tell right away if they’re the kind of person that’s gonna stress me out
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Not well
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I guess I probably have a Canadian accent, but not super strong. The region I’m from has a pretty neutral North American accent
45. What is your favourite accent?
Certain regions of Irish accent are so beautiful. Like Hozier’s accent
46. What is your personality type?
Quite shy, but generally very kind
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I have a shirt that I got for work that was like a hundred bucks and I never wear it cause I sprayed foundation on it once and now I’m scared I’m gonna ruin it lol
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared or spiders?
Not really scared of them, but I don’t like them to be close to me if that makes sense
52. Favourite food?
Probably burritos
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Fairly clean
55. Most used phrase?
I really don’t think I have one?
56. Most used word?
Completely. I say it like to agree with someone or acknowledge what they’re saying
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Depends what I’m getting ready. For school or something I don’t really care about, maybe half an hour. For work or going out, probably over an hour.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I don’t think so
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Suck until I get bored and crunch it lol
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, a concerning amount. Like full conversations with myself at full volume, constantly when I’m alone.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
Not really
63. Biggest fear?
Never learning how to make meaningful connections , pushing all my friends away, and dying alone.
64. Are you a gossip?
No, I hate it! My friends try to tell me about people we went to high school with, and I just genuinely don’t care and don’t want to know lmao
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Idk what classifies as a ‘dramatic’ movie, but I guess the Rocky movies again
66. Do you like long or short hair?
I love long hair, I’m so jealous of people with really long hair. Mine grows so slow :(
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Maybe, if I thought really hard about it? I can barely remember Canadian provinces lmao
68. Favourite school subject?
I always really loved some topics in science, but then hated others. I was probably best at English.
69. Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert af
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No, even snorkeling freaks me out. The ocean is some scary soup
71. What makes you nervous?
Pretty much everything lol. But mostly any social situation where there’s people I don’t know, or I don’t know exactly what to expect.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Really depends where I am. Usually no, but if I’m outside then usually yes, and after watching It last night, yes lol
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Depends who it is and what the mistake is
74. Are you ticklish?
Honestly, not really
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
Not intentionally
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Kind of? At work they have like hourly leaders who are in charge of the sales floor, and I did that a lot, but it’s not really a lot of power or responsibility. Also babysitting I guess
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Honestly, this is gonna sound so stupid, but I’ve never done anything other than alcohol and cigarettes. I actually high key wanna try weed, but again the whole ‘not knowing what to expect makes me anxious thing.’ Not even so much that I’m nervous to try the drug but that I’m nervous to try to buy it or get it, even though it’s fully legal in Canada and there’s a dispensary on every corner lmao
79. Who was your first real crush?
The first one I remember was a boy named Evan in first grade
80. How many piercings do you have?
Just my ears, and I rarely wear earrings so I always have to stab through them again when I do
81. Can you roll your R’s?
No, and I can’t whistle either! Which is deeply infuriating!
82. How fast can you type?
Fast enough to not look foolish
83. How fast can you run?
Not fast at all. I’m asthmatic and out of shape lmao
84. What colour is your hair?
An ugly medium mousy brown. I always wanna dye it a little lighter, but I go to the hairdresser like once every two years so it would look stupid when it grew out lol
85. What colour are your eyes?
Hazel-y greenish
86. What are you allergic to?
All sorts of environmental allergies; dust, pollen, animal hair, etc. I’m always sneezing and watery eyes lol
87. Do you keep a journal?
I carry a notebook, but it’s more like an agenda than a diary
88. What do your parents do?
My dad owns a drywall company and my mom is a stay-at-home mom, but she volunteers a lot now that we’re older
89. Do you like your age?
No. I think that being in your late teens and twenties can be really stressful because you feel like there’s certain things that you should have accomplished or experienced and it can be very overwhelming, feeling like you’re competing with all your peers to get your life together
90. What makes you angry?
Rude and disrespectful people
91. Do you like your own name?
Not really
92. Have you thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I’ve definitely thought about it but I don’t really have specific favourites
93. Do you want a boy or girl for a child?
I don’t have a preference. I’d probably like to have one of each
94. What are your strengths?
I think I’ve become a lot more kind and open-hearted in the last few years.
95. What are your weaknesses?
I feel like I have let fear dictate my entire life, and there’s so many things I haven’t done because I’ve been afraid. I need to step outside my comfort zone more often.
96. How did you get your name?
There was a character on a TV show called my name that my parents liked
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Not that I am aware of
98. Do you have any tattoos?
I changed the question because scars was an earlier one. I have two tattoos on my right arm
99. Colour of your bedspread?
Because it’s summer, I have a lighter blanket that’s light blue. My winter duvet is navy
100. Colour of your room?
Light blue
That was LONG lmao but really fun! I’m too lazy to bold the questions so sorry if it’s hard to read!
Tagging: @frcmthefires @sweetkiszkadreams @okietrish @sammyscherub @gretavanbobatea @jake-thomas-kiszka @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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the-little-shoebox · 5 years
1-100 do it scrub
1. What is you middle name?Actually don’t legally have one.2. How old are you?213. When is your birthday?September 134. What is your zodiac sign?Virgo5. What is your favorite color?Green or orange. Both are very good.6. What’s your lucky number?759 and 1137. Do you have any pets?No but I reeeeeeeally want some!8. Where are you from?I’m from Louisiana, the boot of the country. 9. How tall are you?IRL I’m around 5 foot 6. Average height my dude.10. What shoe size are you?10 and a half to 11… yeah big feet for kicking your a-
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?Like…. 2 or three? One tearing about as the seams. 12. What was your last dream about?I…. don’t remember. But I do remember it involved tripping over my roommate’s mountain of clothes while shouting at her for something.13. What talents do you have?Not blinking, screaming a variety of sounds, needle felting, embroidery. 14. Are you psychic in any way?No, not at all psychic.15. Favorite song?DON"T MAKE ME CHOOSE! Well, one of my favorites of all time is ‘Life itself’ By Glass animals. Though Missio songs have been growing on me.16. Favorite movie?Ok this is gonna be weird but Matilda is one of my favorite movies. Watch it whenever it comes on TV. 17. Who would be your ideal partner?Alrighty have them. They’re up above making me answer all these in one go. Love ya babe!18. Do you want children?No. Kids intimidate me.Only fur babies. 19. Do you want a church wedding?Nah. They seem a little too formal for my taste.20. Are you religious?Well I was a long time ago, but I’ve honestly fallen out of it over the years.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Yes. Emergency stitches.22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?The closest time I did was because we tried to walk home via railroad tracks ditching mom at a pizza place. I was put in the back seat of the cop car and cried thinking I was gonna go to jail. I drew a smiley face on the foggy window……. I was young and stupid.23. Have you ever met any celebrities?Nnnnnnnope!24. Baths or showers?Baths all the way, I enjoy just soaking and totally not falling asleep in the water.25. What color socks are you wearing?I have no socks on now. Jokes on you!26. Have you ever been famous?I’m not famous. Nooooooot at all.27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?Noooooo. I like being in the shadows.28. What type of music do you like?Little bit of everything, but mostly pop or really chill music.29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 30. How many pillows do you sleep with?Three at most. Hug them all
31. What position do you usually sleep in?It shifts to on my back or on my side just curled up among the blankets.32. How big is your house?Honestly not that big. Simple little adobe.33. What do you typically have for breakfast?If I’m at home a sandwich, but really it’s anything I can grab. Maybe some chips. 34. Have you ever fired a gun?Only a water gun. Never touching a real gun.35. Have you ever tried archery?Actually I have! Not too bad at it!36. Favorite clean word?Clean word…… Moxie. I love just saying moxie.37. Favorite swear word?Bumblefuck……. Some friends help make that.38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?24 hours. Worst night of my life39. Do you have any scars?A few! Claw marks on my arm, but the most infamous one is on the bottom of my left foot. That one needed the stitches.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?If I did they hid it really really well.41. Are you a good liar?Oh no I’m the absolute worst liar. Anyone can tell you that.42. Are you a good judge of character?I like to think it’s about 75 percent accurate? I have a decent enough judge, but it sometimes glitches and I feel like crap for it.43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?I……. no? 44. Do you have a strong accent?Not really. It abandoned me.45. What is your favorite accent?I’m a sucker for like Irish tones. They’re neat to me!46. What is your personality type?If it’s the letter’s thing it’s ENFP. IF I had to say for myself….. loud.47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?I really don’t know. Maybe this one nice light blue jacket I have. I can’t answer that honestly.48. Can you curl your tongue?I think so!49. Are you an innie or an outie?Innie.50. Left or right handed?Ya girl leftie all the way!
51. Are you scared of spiders?Only a few like Brown Recluse and Black widows. All the others are perfectly fine with me. 52. Favorite food?Chicken and Dumplings. My favorite comfort food when I can get it.53. Favorite foreign food?I’d have to say eggrolls and Mongolian chicken. I really love Mandarin food apparently.54. Are you a clean or messy person?Messy. No question about it. I live in a rat’s nest. Working on it though!55. Most used phrased?Either 'you got this!’ or 'FIGHT ME!’56. Most used word?Bruh. I say bruh IRL waaaay too much.57. How long does it take for you to get ready?3-5 Minutes…. not counting the hour is takes for me to actually wake up.58. Do you have much of an ego?No? I least I hope I don’t.59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Both. I do both.60. Do you talk to yourself?All the time.
61. Do you sing to yourself?Even more so! 62. Are you a good singer?Ehhhhh, we’ll call it so so.63. Biggest Fear?Lightning. I absolutely freeze up and cower from it. Not fun.64. Are you a gossip?…… yeah in recent years I have collected a lot of dirt. But I only receive it and don’t spread it. I hoard all your secrets for myself. 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?How’s how to train your dragon 2 count?66. Do you like long or short hair?I have a pension for shorter hair, every to fun your fingers through.67. Can you name all 50 states of America?I better if I flipping live here!68. Favorite school subject?Art(Duh), but if we didn’t have that I have a soft spot for history or Speech and Debate.69. Extrovert or Introvert?Extrovert. I scream hi to everyone!70. Have you ever been scuba diving?No, but it sounds so fun!
71. What makes you nervous?Everything. Silence, chances in schedule, deadlines, my own thoughts. So…. everything.72. Are you scared of the dark?Not really. I love the dark. I am the dark.73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Eh..... no. They’ll figure it out on their own.74. Are you ticklish?I am not disclosing this information.75. Have you ever started a rumor?No thank god. That ain’t my style!76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?I mod servers on discord and I do them very well. So yes, that is my authority.77. Have you ever drank underage?No thank you. Not really a fan of alcohol from the looks alone.78. Have you ever done drugs?No….unless caffeine counts.79. Who was your first real crush?My first crush was a guy in like fifth grade called Mark. Annnnnd that was the first time I had my heart crushed in front of me. Luckily he grew up to be a jerk so I’m over it. 80. How many piercings do you have?Zero. I am a chicken.
81. Can you roll your Rs?“Pretty sure I butcher them when I try.82. How fast can you type?Honestly not that fast. 83. How fast can you run?Depends, who am I chasing?84. What color is your hair?Dark Brown, almost black.85. What color is your eyes?Brown as well. 86. What are you allergic to?Seafood, wasps and bee stings, penicillin. 87. Do you keep a journal?Not really. Though i may try to do one again!88. What do your parents do?My mom is a retired teacher. She…. doesn’t really do that much now.89. Do you like your age?Yeah. I’m content with my age and where things look to be going now!90. What makes you angry?Small things, disrespecting arts, just blunt stupidity. Anything off r/insanefacebook.I get angry at a looooot of things.
91. Do you like your own name?Yes I do. I am proud of my name!92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I have even though I don’t want kids. Though I can’t remember them at the moment.93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?NO KIDS!94. What are your strengths?Drawing expressions, optimism, staying motivated to do a thing.95. What are your weaknesses?Anger, paranoia, long list of health issues. 96. How did you get your name?I have no idea.97. Were your ancestors royalty?I don’t freaking know!98. Do you have any scars?I ALREADY ANSWERED THIS!!!!!99. Color of your bedspread?Dark grey.100. Color of your room?White….. it’s a dorm room.
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Cocky Teaser (70s!Roger Taylor Imagine)
If you came across this imagine, don’t forget to comment or heart it if you like. Feedback is really helping me and giving me the power to continue what I’m doing. Hope you’ll enjoy your reading!
Also posted on AO3.
Warnings: teasing, we all like teasing, don’t lie to me, swearing and I think that’s all, ha. 
Additional details:  → Action taking place in the mid 70s or so.
                                         → 70s!Roger Taylor is how was in my mind writing this, but you can also imagine BoRhap!Roger Taylor.
                                         → There is going to be a part two coming soon. :)
PLOT: It’s nothing new for you. Just Roger Taylor being a cocky teaser in a live interview when he’s asked about the two of you. After all, could you ever complain?
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(Credits to Mel for the picture on Pinterest.)
After a hot, almost one hour long shower, you wrapped yourself in the blanket of your bed and turned the TV on. You are wearing fluffy pajamas and can’t feel any trace of cold air brushing your warm skin. The feeling is very satisfying. You let your wet hair hanging loosely over your shoulders and it smells like freshly green apples while you’re doing the channel surf. Roger texted you fifteen minutes ago to tell you that the interview will begin in a short time. Your phone almost slipped between your fingers in the water while you tried to read that message, but it turned out okay. So now, you actually found the right channel on which the interview would be broadcast and you are waiting for thr boys to be live. You wanted to watch this, Roger, Freddie, John and Brian will talk about the album they’ve just relased and it is very nice to see it. They are funny and full of jokes on TV, just like they are face to face. You thought about going to grab a snack or something to drink, but it was too late when you heard the show intro and saw the presenter. Watching carefully and already entertained, you remained on top of your bed, knees pressed against your chest.
„... As we announced last week, here we are tonight with the Queen herself.” The young women did the introduction gesturing toward the four men sitting on a couch and the camera was immediately focused on their faces. They already seem amused.
„Hello everyone.” They greeted and added something about how nice it was to be there.
„You seem very ready, what keeps you all so energic?” The beginning was always long and in slow-motion and still you had to wait until they would start the real talk. Your eyes were mostly on Roger and how he was reacting to everything. He had the usual messy, blonde hair hanging freely on his shoulders, wore a black, slightly unbuttoned shirt with matching color jeans and last but not least, a soft smile on his lips. That aspect made you smirk unwittingly.
While one after the other, each of them began to answer questions about music, future plans and concerts, you turned the volume up and searched for the brush to comb your hair. While doing that, you could hear their voices and how they would laugh ocasionally at the presenter’s choice of words. You have always appreciated that about them, how they were so natural and honest, not even trying to give tons of details to ruin future surprises. Or personal things. They are smart, classy and modest.
„Roger, may I ask you an innocent question? It’s for purely wise purposes.” Said the woman, putting her hands on the table she was sitting at. Roger was already on position and you became suddenly more concentrated than you were five minutes ago.
„Only I get to decide that, darling.” He says, but he isn’t concerned, he has a nice expression as always, trying to make everything be more true, if it was even possible. „But of course, I wouldn’t mind at all. What is it?” He continued. He’s a well-bred person, you can say, but if you reach too much of his territory – that strictly in a personal manner – he can become very observant. Distant and a little bit rude even. You got to know that about him within the time spent by his side.
„We’re all aware of the fact that you’re spending time with Y/N. You and her seem pretty close to each other, right?” Your eyebrows raised when you heard the words coming out from the woman’s mouth. Wasn’t that something too personal to ask? It is obvious that those people want to know, but is it necessary this way? Is it even polite? You sit on the bed again, your eyes being stuck on the TV’s image.
Roger didn’t even seem surprised when he heard that. He didn’t look pissed or confused, instead, he grinned. What? What is he doing?
„May I ask too, what are you trying to say?” He says.
„Oh, I bet you know it already! How are you two in terms of a relationship?”
This woman is a little too excited about that kind of detail.
„We are trying to figure that out too. It was last year when she started to study at Medical College while Roger himself was finishing it.” Freddie added, smirking in the blonde one’s direction.
„Is that so?” The presenter asked.
„Yes, mostly.”
„Oh my God.” You managed to whisper, shaking your head. He’s doing it again. Again.
„Are you two good friends?”
„We kind of fight whenever we get the chance, but otherwise, yeah, we get along pretty well. She has little interesting things in her character, it gets catchy to be around someone like her.” Roger details, looking like he was in deep thoughts. You can see the rest of the boys slightly giggle at him and the woman who asked all of this stuff seemed too content with what she was receiving.
Roger has a point. Anyway, thinking about the bound between you two is surely strange. Because you never understood how things were happening and never wanted to overthink just to make a sense. You two weren’t the absolute perfect definition of the word ‚friends’, it was always a middle point in which no one was getting closer and no one drifted away. Last year, you remember what it was like to be a proud student at Medical College. Your first days were so full, you barely had time to take breaks or meet new people. Roger was studying dentistry and came out of nowhere when you were trying to figure out your classes and where were they located. It is a big school and he helped you and said that you look new around there. He explained you almost every single detail you needed while you asked him who he was and what was his name. You would laugh right now. He couldn’t stop staring at the height difference between you two. Later on, he would’ve made fun of it without any problem. He was twenty-three that time and you were twenty. You would see him in lunch breaks and around the campus carrying different documents with him and being particularly distracted. He would’ve often offered to hang out with you in your free time, including weekends, so as you and him got to know each other. He’d told you that he’s having little performances with this band of his, in small locations around the town you were living in and one day he even got to invite you to one. From the start, Roger was a mysterious kind of guy, choosing his words with caution whenever he spoke. He was funny and always managed to have a small grin drawn on his thin lips. He is a skilled drummer, he has that spark in his eyes while he talks about music and you could always see how much he enjoys singing and playing instruments on stage. He even told you that he would’ve dropped college for a music career when both of you became comfortable enough in each other’s company. Luckily, he doesn’t have to worry about that anymore now; after settling everything with Queen, the boys get more and more recognition, they are working on the upcoming album, planning tours and … Roger’s been privileged lately.
This interview seems to be in his favor. He doesn’t avoid certain questions and isn’t afraid to speak about you, since it is clear how was it between you two. And he definitely knows that you’re watching, that’s why he has this kind of reactions.
„How well do you get along, if so?” The presenter’s voice is heard again, but you’re not so concentrated on her anymore. You watch Roger and how the boys react to his words. He shakes his head and laughs a little, then he shifts a bit on the couch.
„Honestly, she wouldn’t like me to answer this question, but I hardly ever listen to what she says. She gets red in the cheeks or starts to talk fast and all that. All we do is tease each other. Anyone of us is going to say anything.” You couldn’t believe what you heard. Actually, you could, it is just out of blue in Roger’s case. Why is he still blabbering about you? Live. While not only you yourself, but a lot of people are watching. Your relationship with him needs to be a thing of yours only.
Oh, you know him. You know him enough. He enjoys to piss you off, although it’s rare when you really do that.
„So you mean she’s watching us right now?”
„Yeah, she is.” He answered. „Hello there, Y/N.” He waved at the camera and on your TV’s screen, that was a hilarious moment. Damn.
You let yourself fall on your back on the bed, hands on your forehead and feet cold. A weak smile appeared on your lips suddenly and it was awfully wrong. No, don’t do that. You’re being a fool and you will never let Roger Taylor fool you. You were almost as good as him at this aspect. You played each other before, it is normal by now, but your ego needs to be fed. You don’t give a fuck about how that looks like, Roger doesn’t care either when it’s a win-win thing. He’s too full of himself sometimes. Well, you weren’t the kind of person to take that as it was. It was something in the air, you could say, you felt that numerous of times. And you will test that, just as Roger likes to tease you. Because he was a cocky teaser since day one. When he hangs out with you, when he’s drumming and you’re watching, when he makes you dress like him, when he gets both of you drunk … these are just a few of those moments. They’re memorable, but they show just a little part of you and him. There’s a lot more.
„We should really let these freaks alone. They’re special in their own way and you can’t understand that. Believe me, we can’t either.” You heard Brian’s voice but didn’t mind to look back at the TV.
„We can. Instead of that, we chose not to, because they might as well kill everyone around them with just a single glare.” John added and somehow, he was right. The woman laughed.
„Haha, good to know then.”
The rest of the interview was forgotten in a moment. You couldn’t concentrate on it anymore and chose to lay on the bed, underneath the blankets. But because you didn’t want to be rude, you let it finish by itself and after that, you turned off the lights and the TV and tried to sleep. Your phone buzzed somewhere in the room, it was Roger for sure. With a cunning smile on your face you ignored the sound.
You were both teasers.
The next morning, you still didn’t respond to his text. But he didn’t insist. After you woke up and ate your breakfast, you dressed in your already common black jeans, white T-shirt and leather jacket, tied your Y/H/C hair up in a not-so-neat ponytail and looked into the bathroom mirror. You never apply make-up, it’s not something you’d prefer so much. Some people along with your mother and some friends told you that you have beautiful features and that you don’t need any trace of make-up on your skin. You decided to believe that for good because it was actually true, though you never really appreciate details like these ones. Brian, John, Freddie and Roger used to compliment your clear skin when you would catch them staring at you. Besides Roger, who would try to look careless but smile after all when you would catch just a bit of him looking at you.
His house is almost an hour away and that’s a good thing right now. It would’ve been awkward to live close to each other and it would’ve gave him opportunities to try and visit you frequently. Or ‚check on you’, a comment which he used often to make you slap his shoulder or stick your tongue out.
Because you didn’t own a car, you had to simply walk the distance to Roger’s. It was good, you had the chance to think about what you needed to tell him, or how were you supposed to act. Last night, the thought of you two being  more than weird friends who fight and purposely snap at each other was the main topic which made you be convinced that your indifference and eventual avoidance doesn’t really exist. You enjoy Roger’s company, even with his ego, behaviour and way of speaking. He is the first new pal you met in your first year as a student and he made sure, somehow, to make that worth it. Your personalities fitted well. Sarcasm, dirty jokes here and there, subtle looks, crazy and loud nights with the band, bold music, trips, hangovers … As much as you could say, these boys made gold out of your most important moments going through a totally new level of your life. You took all that fun in, knowing that you need to welcome it in order to create memories and things to last. The dangerous feeling of the unknown never really pushed you away from anything and that’s why you and the blonde bud’ kind of clicked.
Needless is to say that you would never take that back under any circumstance.
As soon as you got in front of the house he lived in, you heard powerful bangs echoing all the way to the yard. Early rehearsals, that was it about. Roger usually does that on free weekends. You didn’t knock on the door because he wouldn’t hear a single thing. Instead of that, you just entered the house and went straight to the kitchen in order to reach the garage where he was. You went to the stairs passing the dishes in the sink and even from the top of them, the drums were so powerful for your ears. Slowly getting down, you could see Roger behind his drum kit. He has his eyes closed and big headphones on his head. You don’t make a sound while you remain in the back of the room, watching him. He’s always so concentrated while drumming. The veins on his neck look like they might explode in any minute and his hands move in fast motion. You like the image very much.
With one more hard bang, he stops, finally opening his eyes. He exhales and puts up a big smile dropping the drumsticks somwhere near him and taking off the headphones.
„Nice view.” You ‚welcome’.
„Thanks.” He answers and gets up from the little chair he was sitting on. He pulls on his hair with a hand, messing it a little. „You didn’t answer my text last night.”
„I didn’t, yeah. I fell asleep.”
„Oh.” He said, opening a bottle of water and taking a sip from it. „What did you think about the interview? ’You liked it?”
„No, Roger, I didn’t like it.” You answered, anger being visible in your tone. You crossed your arms to your chest when you got closer to him, looking between the drum kit in front of you.
„I see. Your eyebrows are already frowned.” He added like it was an accident or like it wasn’t something new on you.
„What was that about?” You started „It gets catchy to be around someone like her … . All we do is tease each other. You know, I figured that out already. You did that on purpose.”
„Y/N, are we going to make a scene out of that?”
„You won’t stop, right?” You weren’t pissed because his strategy got to your mind in no time. You grinned a little at him as he was about to open his mouth again. But he was anticipating you.
You moved closer to the drums and searched for the drumsticks. When you noticed them, taking them into your hands, you banged a cymbal. And then another. And another, trying to recreate the beat and sound of something Roger once thaught you. You are too curious sometimes and you definitely can’t keep that to yourself. The drumsticks feel so big in your hands, you’re not used to them and it seems odd to try and play like Roger. He’s too good at this for you and it is a strong point for him. No matter how anxious you were to learn more from him, his technique is quite difficult for you, it's an art that only he can hold onto so well and you think it's better this way. Noticing your attempt, he swallowed his words and watched how you moved your hands, somehow like a proud teacher eager to congratulate your progress. Only that, it wasn’t about progress here. You positioned yourself on the little chair, thinking about your next moves. You banged to the left and right and the beat was built-up pretty good. You were kind of proud while your eyes found Roger’s. Your breathing fastened and you bit your lower lip.
Roger suddenly came behind you, leaning down on his knees, eyes locked on your frame. These drums are hugging you, literally, because you are still a short person and the sight of you behind such powerful instruments makes him wanna clap his hands for you.
„Center.” He murmured and instinctively, you banged just above your knees. „A little bit longer to the right,” he continued, his deep accent lingering through both of your ears. „Then to the left.” Your hands did exactly what Roger said to you and knowing he was behind your back made you tense up. You straightened your back but the warmth of his body kept reaching to your skin through clothes. You felt his hands taking a gentle grip on yours and he started to guide your movements. A little more bold as you were before, along with your own hands he banged continously to the right, then center and to the left and then a cymbal to create the slightly slow beat of ‚I’m In Love With My Car’. You smiled to yourself but Roger’s breath was hitting your neck and that made you so damn distracted. Swallowing hard, you wanted to keep your body as strong as ever, not going to let him take control over you. A few more bangs and you stopped, making Roger step back, but not getting up. Anything could happen and it was very hard for you to think about it. You wipe your hands off your jeans and finally get up from the chair, but Roger has other ideas. When you turn to face him, kind of unprepared, he’s looking at you still being on his knees. His naughty hands go up you legs and he’s slowly getting up right now, resting his palms on your waist. You feel a strong pressure on your shoulders and in your chest. Roger is now, and again, taller than you, a fact which only gets on your nerves. You try to keep any specific expression away from your face with eyebrows still frowned.
He wants to do something, but he does nothing still. He is looking down at you and you won’t dare to look back. It’s about you two. It’s about teasing. It’s about everything and anything you never said to each other. Trying to explain things was boring, always boring for both Roger and you. You would just show up into the room with messed up hair, accelerated breathing, but you would never forget to smile or laugh. You would take his leather jackets and wear them in his spite. You would laugh in his face, scoff him, yell at him, punch him in the stomach playfully or stick your hands into his sweaty hair. You would argue with him about being too noisy, annoying and not too serious for his liking, but you wouldn’t have a care in the world because at the end of the day, he would still throw a hand over your shoulder to drag you closer to him. He is so, so stubborn. So heated up, so ready to knock you down just to help you get back up. He loves when you listen to his songs and drumming, he loves when you want him to learn you what he does, but in your own way, you are a little bastard. And since this feelings thing started to go on and off between you two, what you did was only to make him want to make a move just to back off shortly after that. And looking into your eyes right now, at your baby face and big, confused eyes … It was so fucking tangled. Roger could feel this in his whole body. It took a good amount of confidence to close the distance between you two. Your noses touched and you felt as nervous as you don’t even remember being before.Trying to kiss you, you lifted one drumstick up and shoved it lightly in his abdomen.
„What are you doing?” You asked, not being able to hide the smirk starting to form on your lips. Roger laughed a little and snatched the drumstick from your hand, throwing it on the floor. He wouldn’t answer. You waited. What he did was to cup both of your cheeks with his hands and smash his lips upon yours rapidly. Your breath stopped in your throat and you froze. Your eyes widened while looking into Roger’s whose weren’t still closed as you expected. You did that before. This wasn’t the first time kissing Roger, it was actually the first time it felt like this. The real first time you two kissed each other was when you were both shitfaced along with Freddie and the others and he asked Roger if he would ever just kiss you. He never even thought about it. He’s said yes and then kissed your lips sloppily, fast, just like a simple peck. You didn’t feel nothing back then, because it was nothing serious.
In this moment, his hands went to touch your neck slowly and his eyes closed. You relaxed a little, but still managed to breathe in a fast manner, too nervous to make a move by your own. The only thing you could do was to let him do whatever he wanted. At some point, he stopped, opening his eyes again, puffing cold air right in your face. He seemed unsure and somehow uncomfortable, like he was afraid that he forced the note. Oh, screw it. Just screw it.
You shook your head and places a hand at the back of his head, pulling him too close. You were the one who started the kiss this time, moving your lips and feeling a big tension building up in your stomach. You encouraged him to open his lips and then he was in control. His tongue reached yours in gentle motions, his hands finding their way back to your reddened cheeks. With fast breathing for both of you, he ended up hugging you tightly through the kiss, something which felt so unusual for the way he previously acted around you. Who would’ve thought Roger Taylor is such a sweetheart? A crazy, furious, but cute sweetheart?
The intensity of the moment almost killed you and when both of you stopped for air, your lips remained slightly parted.The first instinct that came to your mind was to slap him in the face. Then, looking into his eyes, you wanted to smile. No one was saying a word and staring was ridiculous. Roger tried to smirk, it was visible on his face, but footsteps started to be heard upstairs. In a blink of an eye, you backed away from the drums you were almost laying on while Roger looked down at his feet. This is stupid. It was stupid to let him kiss you. It was never a game and you were convinced that you could beat his own arrogances, but  now, that kiss softened you in a way which scared you. You hate the feeling.
„Did we interrupt something?” Freddie’s voice was heard in the room and when you looked in the stair’s direction, he was there with Brian and John.
„Hi boys.” You greeted them. „I didn’t know you were coming.”
„Roger invited us this morning. Hey, did you see the interview?”
„Yeah, it was funny.” You mumbled, not being in your scene anymore. Your lips were aching for a certain touch and that was beginning to piss you off. „I’ll leave. ’See each other around.” You announced and looked at Roger from over your shoulder. You could say he was analyzing you by his blue eyes glued on your body.
„Don’t you wanna stay? C’mon, we have to practice and you can watch and maybe sing with us!” Freddie added, smiling at you in a very sweet way. The boys were always excited to have you around when they were rehearsing.
„No, uh- … Maybe another time, okay? Good luck.” You wished them and then left the room. You could hear John whispering back: „What’s up with her?” to the others.
You wanted so bad to snap at Roger back there. But it wasn’t appropriate. It wasn’t okay and now you tend to overthink the situation. Really, what’s up with you? You don’t do this, you swore you would never overthink on Roger. Something burned in the back of your mind and you couldn’t name it. He would better explain himself quickly, you aren’t going to do this over and over again.
Thank you for reading! Thoughts? Are you excited for part two?
Read the other imagines that I posted if you still didn’t and don't forget that I accept requests!
xoxo, D.
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sanny-chan5 · 6 years
Getting to know me :D
1. What is you middle name? I don’t have one. I think this question is thought for American people, because almost all of them have one, right? 2. How old are you? 23. 3. When is your birthday? March 2. 4. What is your zodiac sign? Piscis <3 5. What is your favorite color? Sweet, light pink 💗 6. What’s your lucky number? 13, surprisingly, but not my fav one. 7. Do you have any pets? No. 8. Where are you from? Spain. 9. How tall are you? 1’56-7 m. 10. What shoe size are you? Ummm, it depends on the shoes, but 37-8 normally. 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? About 10 or so. 12. What was your last dream about? Me peacefully talking with a kid while he draws in class. 13. What talents do you have? I think I can read people’s feelings and reflect about human’s condition pretty well. I can also draw in manga style (not a pro, though, but I love it). 14. Are you psychic in any way? Yes LOL. 15. Favorite song? “Stay the Same”, by Mai-K <3 16. Favorite movie? This one is difficult af, I don’t think I have one yet. 17. Who would be your ideal partner? WOW. Like… idk??? Someone really dreamy and encouraging. Empathetic, I don’t ask for him to understand me, but VALIDATING me/my values/ideals is a must. 18. Do you want children? Yes :) 19. Do you want a church wedding? No… I prefer a “castle” wedding. I’m very romantic in that aspect and, well, dreaming is free :’) 20. Are you religious? Not really… but I’m very spiritual/intrinsec and I respect everyone’s religious believings as long as they’re not dangerous for someone else. 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes. Not like hospitalized, but I have been there. 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Never, not really planning to. 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? If a voice actor of my country ora n idol counts, yes :’) 24. Baths or showers? Baths, so relaxing <3 25. What color socks are you wearing? A brownish-pink colour J 26. Have you ever been famous? No, not that I’m planning to. 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? NO. 28. What type of music do you like? Many different kinds, but pop and j-pop anime songs are my favourite and what I listen to daily. 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Umm, nope. 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? A big one <3 (so comfy >-<) 31. What position do you usually sleep in? Either cudlle up like a burrito roll or spread up lol. 32. How big is your house? Not so much. We had a BIG chalet before but lost it because of the crisis. Now my family and I live in an ordinary, cutely little, flat <3. 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Cola-cao with cereals/toasts with butter and jam. Ñaaam 😋 34. Have you ever fired a gun? NO. Again, not that I want to… 35. Have you ever tried archery? No, but I’d like to try it al least once. I’d probably suck at it though 😂 36. Favorite clean word? Mm… don’t know D: Probably a cute japanese one ‘cause otaku life (2 dedos). 37. Favorite swear word? Whoa, I don’t think I should answer this xD 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? A whole night, and I don’t recomend anyone, honestly. 39. Do you have any scars? A tiiiiny one on my knee, but nothing serious as to name it “scar”, I guess (children’s playful life c:) 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Uumm… I don’t know, maybe? I had a guy who told me he had been trying to find me for 6 years after I moved the first time, but hat only got me scared, so… xD 41. Are you a good liar? NO. OMG no x’DD But I treasure that about me, you freaking dirty society :c 42. Are you a good judge of character? YES. Usually I am. 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I suppose, but I don’t know if I imitate them well or not though ^^’ Sorry for that u.u 44. Do you have a strong accent? No. Not that I think. 45. What is your favorite accent? Uffff. In my country there are so many accents I like. The Andalusian one, the one of Extremadura… xD don’t know if those count. 46. What is your personality type? Type, like, in MBTI? INFP 💙🧡💚💗💖 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Umm, I don’t remember… 48. Can you curl your tongue? I think I can’t xD 49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie xD I don’t get why, but I feel awkward about this x’DD 50. Left or right handed? Right-handed. 51. Are you scared of spiders? YES. Any insect really. 52. Favorite food? Don’t have ONE, but my favourite ones are “mixed” food (sorry, I don’t know how to name them, but I refer to foods made with a great amount of ingredients: paella, Spain stew, Russian salad, rice with lobster or Chinish fried rice) I’m seriously getting hungry now x). 53. Favorite foreign food? CHINESE FRIED RICE (“Arroz 3 delicias” in spanich, if you know what I mean :’)) 54. Are you a clean or messy person? Cleanly messy?. I can find anything in my own mess and I feel good about it. Though I can’t stand other people’s mess, I guess I just feel control over my mess (?). 55. Most used phrased? I don’t know really D’: “How can this be so cute?!!”? 56. Most used word? Kawaii. I love all fluffy, cute characters, persons, animals, objects, moments or whatever thing it is. Sorry, not sorry. 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 30-40 min. normally. 58. Do you have much of an ego? Not an arrogant ego, but I totally respect everyone’s honour because I hate feeling humiliated. And I have a say in that… 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck them then bite them? 60. Do you talk to yourself? YES. Sorry not sorry. It helps organazing your mind. 61. Do you sing to yourself? ALSO YES. I sing every single of the day, practically xD I’m usually at home, listening to music in my PC.
62. Are you a good singer? As I said, I enjoy it, but I don’t sing well, so I’m not doing this publicly if it’s not with people I trust, and even then...
63. Biggest Fear? To die alone not prepared for it as I realice I didn’t live my way. And to be constantly critized by society. Why can’t I live my life freely?! 64. Are you a gossip? I hate it but like the 80% of my whole family is. So many times it’s very difficult not to be. I hate criticisms and don’t feel well recieving so I don’t want to be like this. I’m working about it now :c 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Mmm… don’t remember L 66. Do you like long or short hair? Both. I have it shoulder-leight right now :D 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? No xD Not good with geography… if it’s Japan, then… 😝 68. Favorite school subject? Music/art. I enjoyed Language too. But my favourite ever was PHILSOPHY. 69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert. INFP, remember? ^^ 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No, but I’d love it too! :D I’m afraid of sharks, though, not sure if that’s actually a problem… (think) 71. What makes you nervous? SO. MANY. THINGS. I’m a little too much shy, so formalities/awkward social situations are the worst… terror and scary things, not feeling confident… normal things, I guess. It’s pretty easy to make me jump out of fright LOL 72. Are you scared of the dark? Only if I’m alone and not feeling well. 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Yes… sorry about that :c I like being corrected if I need to, though, so feel free to tell me so that I can improve myself J 74. Are you ticklish? OMG. I don’t want to answer this xD Yes, but it’s embarrasing. Shhh… >-< 75. Have you ever started a rumor? No. I’ve never thought about it, but they usually turn bad/worse, o… I don’t feel like hurting someone else’s feelings just ‘cause I can, thank you very much. 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Yes, as a Preschool Teacher on practics, only J Though I’m not good with authority stuff xD 77. Have you ever drank underage? NO. Still don’t, and I don’t plan to, at least for the moment. 78. Have you ever done drugs? NO. Same as before. 79. Who was your first real crush? A high-school classmate. I’ve not fallen in love since then, btw. 80. How many piercings do you have? None. 81. Can you roll your Rs? Yes, I’m Spanish, so I’ll think of this as if I’m good with other languages’ diction. Yes, I am  x) 82. How fast can you type? I guess fast enough? 83. How fast can you run? Not much, I guess. Never good with P.E. :’) 84. What color is your hair? Brown. 85. What color is your eyes? Greenish brown (?) 86. What are you allergic to? I don’t know, I never did the allergy tests because our Sanity is so good  they never gave me an appointment ot it even if my family asked for it :’) 87. Do you keep a journal? No, but I’d like to. 88. What do your parents do? Jobs? My father’s tiler (?) and my mother “works at home” (I don’t like the “housewife” term). 89. Do you like your age? I… guess? I have had quite a number of existencial crsis already, but I want to enjoy the present and work on as many projects I can in life, so… 90. What makes you angry? MANY THINGS ABOUT THIS WORLD. Ass/arrogant people, cruelty, society giving pressure to our individual needs, … 91. Do you like your own name? Yes J It’s an ordinary one, but not that ordinary, and it’s kinda “beautiful”, I think (?) (like, it sounds good and I like it written too. There are words I just like, and there are researchs about synesthetic people, if you wanna try a look). 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? YES. For a girl, it’ll be Sakura or Hikari. If it’s a boy, I don’t know yet, but might be something related to Luffy, as the name of an Spanish youtuber (Lutffi, and yes he’s aware of the character, and no it wasn’t on purpose lol). I’m a weeb, aren’t I? Sorry ‘bout that >o< 93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I don’t  know. I always wanted a girl, but now I’m starting to like the idea of a couple like siblings… 94. What are you strengths? Emm. I think I have great empathy, are good with psycological aspects and very flexible/open-minded. I like to try new things. 95. What are your weaknesses?Pysic aspects, not good with formalities and kinda socially awkward… I’m not a good at organizing (but I’m getting better) nor with  routines… 96. How did you get your name? My mother named me? xD 97. Were your ancestors royalty? No, I don’t think so xD. And NO, I don’t want to :( 98. Do you have any scars? What? Again? It’s a mistake, right? :o 99. Color of your bedspread? Many bright colors xD (light, not “shiny” though) 100. Color of your room? Purple and light pink.
PD: Sorry, I’m not really an interesting peroson, but I can’t help sharing this tests, I love doing them x)
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haught-n-spicy · 7 years
Get to know me uncomfortably well!
It just occurred to me that my you guys don’t know a lot about me so I thought I would do this tag I found so you guys can get to know me better. You didn't ask for it, you probably didn't want it but you're getting it anyway!
1. Middle name? Elise
2. Age? 21
3. Birthday? July 24
4. Zodiac sign? Leo
5. Favourite Colour? Red
6. Lucky number? 10
7. Pets? No
8. Where are you from? Sydney, Australia
9. Height? 5ft 11
10. Shoe size? 9
11. Favourite song? I have many all time favourite songs but favourite song right now is Let Me Go by Hailee Steinfeld
12. Favourite movie? Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Mockingjay Part 2 and Fired Up!
13. Are you religious? No I’m an atheist
14. Ever been arrested? Nope
15. Ideal partner? Someone who is loyal and trustworthy, also someone with banter who isn’t sensitive when I give them a hard time.
16. Do you want a church wedding? I’d probably catch on fire if I stepped in a church so NO.
17. Do you want children? Yes eventually
18. Baths or showers? Showers!! 
19. What type of music do you like? My music taste is really all over the place. I’d say I am most drawn to pop/dance/EDM but if I like a song, I like it. I don't care about the genre.
20. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No
21. How many pillows do you sleep with? Three
22. What position do you sleep in? On my left side, spooning a boomerang pillow
23. What do you have for breakfast? Oats or toast and COFFEE
24. Have you ever shot a gun? No
25. Have you ever tried archery? No but I want to. Be as badass as Katniss!
26. Favourite swear word? Fuck
27. Longest you’ve gone without sleep? 36 hours
28. Do you have any scars? Yep, one on my right knee and one under my chin
29. Are you a good liar? Yes
30. Are you a good judge of character? I’m and very observant and perspective so yes.
31. Can you do any accents other than your own? Yes. American, British, French etc.
32. Do you have a strong accent? I don't think I do but I think you can definitely tell that I am Australian. I don't have that stereotypical Aussie accent though.
33. What is your favourite accent? Probably French or British
34. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? I have a coat that is $300
35. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
36. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie
37. Left or right handed? Right handed
38. Scared of spiders? Terrified
39. Favourite food? Italian
40. Are you a clean or messy person? Messy
41. How long does it take for you to get ready? About an hour
42. Do you suck or bite a lollipop? Bite
43. Do you talk to yourself? Yes all the time
44. Do you sing to yourself? Yes
45. Are you a good singer? I’m alright. I wouldn't be going on x-factor or anything but i am not tone death
46. Biggest fear? I have irrational fears like zombies. I also have trypophobia (fear of clusters of holes and bumps).
47. Are you a gossip? I’m not going to lie, I love drama as long as it isn't mine. So yes I am a gossip
48. Do you like long or short hair? On guys? Short hair. I find long hair extremely unattractive. Like if you have a man bun I'm out! 
49. Favourite school subject? Legal
50. Extrovert or introvert? Introverted extrovert
51. What makes you nervous? I have severe anxiety so most things but I’m a control freak so anything that puts me in a submissive position I freak out.
52. Are you scared of the dark? Use to be when I was young but not anymore
53. Are you ticklish? No
54. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Yeah at work
55. Have you ever drank underage? Yeah
56. Have you ever done drugs? No
57. How many piercings do you have? Zero
58. Can you roll your Rs? No
59. What colour is your hair? Brown
60. What colour are your eyes? Blue
61. What are you allergic to? If I touch petrol my hands swell up like balloons
62. What makes you angry? Quite a lot of things
63. Do you like your name? Love
64. Have you already thought about baby names, if so what are they? Yes, Thea, Charlie and Willa (believe it or not I had this name picked out before wearp came along).
65. If you have children, do you want a boy or a girl? Don't really mind.
66. What are you strengths? Extremely loyal and protective, witty, passionate about things I believe in.
67. What are your weaknesses? Stubborn and opinionated
68. How did you get your name? My parents already had my name in mind but they were influenced by where the Olympic Games were being held at the time. 
69. Colour of your bedspread? Red
70. Colour of your room? White
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sheps-shepherd · 7 years
I don’t ever really do things like this so today I decided I wanted to. So here you go.
Tagged by no one and tagging no one, but if you want to do this yourself feel free to say I tagged you so you don’t have the same problem I have. You’re welcome.
1. What is your middle name?
Officially it’s Lynn. Unofficially it’s Kurosaki because when I was in middle school making your middle name on social media the last name of a character was the cool thing to do, and I’m not gonna lie, it’s grown on me.
2. How old are you?
17, soon to be 18.
3. What is your birthday?
July 8th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Proud Cancer
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What's your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
I have a dog named Bella who is my precious little bean and six nieces and nephews who are pretty cool I guess.
8. Where are you from?
A dinky town that is literally so small it isn’t even on any maps, so good luck tracking it down.
9. How tall are you?
5’ 8”
10. What shoe size are you?
I’m actually an 8 (9 depending on the style of the shoe) but I normally get 10 because I like my feet to have breathing room.
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Four. I don’t get the appeal of owning thousands of shoes.
12. What was your last dream about?
I suck at remembering dreams. The only one that clearly comes to mind is one where my grandma came to visit me and told me she was okay and happy where she was (she passed away a few years ago).
13. What talents do you have?
I can take really good selfies and I’m great at choosing filters to hide how disgusting my face looks.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I don’t think so, but sometimes when I’m listening to music on shuffle, I’ll randomly think of a specific song and then that song is the one that comes on next. That’s probably not psychic but it’s kinda cool.
15. Favorite song?
Currently it’s Don’t You Go by All Time Low
16. Favorite movie?
Love Actually
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who can make me laugh, makes me feel appreciated, and won’t feel weird about making a picture of the two of us their phone wallpaper.
18. Do you want children?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Absolutely not
20. Are you religious?
I’m too apatheist for that
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
I’ve only been in the hospital once when I was younger, but my best guy friend has a habit of doing stupid shit and ends up in there a lot so I’ve been in my fair share of hospitals.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Nope. I’m a good child who never leaves her house.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Not that I remember.
24. Baths or showers?
I love taking baths cause that shit is relaxing, but we have a built-in bathtub that I outgrew ages ago so I have to take showers. Someday I want a big clawfoot bathtub so I can take all the baths I want and also fuck up my future water bill.
25. What color socks are you wearing?
White and red
26. Have you ever been famous?
Previously mentioned best guy friend and I used to be famous-ish on this old kid website called Roblox. We weren’t like the PewDiePies of the site or anything but we were actually pretty well-known and the worlds we built were decently popular.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
I don’t think so? I’d like to try my hand at YouTube someday, but I think I’d be happy with a small little following if I did so.
28. What type of music do you like?
Alternative Rock
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my side and curled up into the smallest ball I can manage.
32. How big is your house?
Too big. But it’s cozy.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
A cup of coffee and a toaster waffle if I’m not feeling too lazy.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
A paintball gun.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
My one friend’s dad is a hunter and he let me shoot a bow one time, and I was pretty shit at it.
36. Favorite clean word?
Fadoodle sticks
37. Favorite swear word?
Shit is probably the one I use the most.
38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?
Four days and three nights. I’m a horrible insomniac.
39. Do you have any scars?
I have one on my palm from when I got stabbed with a pencil in elementary school, and one on my knee from when I was crawling around in the basement and crawled over a nightlight that happened to be prongs-up.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
I think so? But I also have a pretty good idea of who it was so that probably doesn’t count.
41. Are you a good liar?
I don’t make a habit of lying, but I am pretty good at it because I don’t post on social media and out myself to those I’m lying to.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I like to think so.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
I can talk like Stitch if that counts.
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I never thought so, but my friends from out-of-state always tell me I do.
45. What is your favorite accent?
It’s not really an accent, but my mother’s family is from the city ghettos and they all talk with ghetto slang. I grew up hearing it so when I’m comfortable talking to someone I tend to slip into that kind of talk.
46. What is your personality type?
INFJ if I remember correctly.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I don’t really buy expensive clothes, I’m a bargain shopper. Even all my “fancy” clothes I get on sale for decent.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
An innie.
50. Left or right handed?
Right handed.
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Not especially, but if I see it I have to kill it. I’m sorry I just gotta.
52. Favorite food?
My dad’s homemade garlic shrimp spaghetti. Fuck.
53. Favorite foreign food?
I love ramen and sushi because I’m a shit.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
What people see as disorganized mess I see as organized chaos.
55. Most used phrased?
56. Most used word?
It’s not even an actual word, I just say the letter F a lot. Eff.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Somehow when I was getting ready for school every morning I could get dressed, brush my teeth, do my hair, and do my makeup all in a half hour. Now that I don’t have much of a time limit suddenly each of those steps requires twenty extra minutes. I’m really not a good time manager.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Biting lollipops should be illegal worldwide you heathens.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Constantly. Sometimes if I’m zoning out I’ll do it in front of people which is kind of mortifying.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
I sing in the shower if that’s what you really mean.
62. Are you a good singer?
I wouldn’t say I’m amazing or anything but I’m okay. I got a lead in the school musical so I can’t be that bad.
63. Biggest Fear?
Being forgotten. And moths. Fuck moths.
64. Are you a gossip?
65. Best dramatic movie you've seen?
Does G.B.F count as a dramatic movie
66. Do you like long or short hair?
Long, but not crazy long.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Probably not.
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Ambivert, actually.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No but I would love to.
71. What makes you nervous?
Waiting in line for crazy rollercoasters that my friends force me to go on.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
I had really bad sleep paralysis when I was a kid and I would see some shit so yeah the dark freaks me out.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Yes. I’m an asshole.
74. Are you ticklish?
Yeah. I’m also a good kicker and I will nail you in the fucking face if you tickle me.
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
Honestly I probably have at some point.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Does being the Mom Friend count?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
I’ve sipped stuff but nothing more than that.
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Nope, and never will.
79. Who was your first real crush?
Probably my ex-girlfriend.
80. How many piercings do you have?
Four, two on each ear. And I still want a few more.
81. Can you roll your Rs?"
No, I say to my fuming Spanish teacher. I cannot roll my fucking R’s okay I’m sorry.
82. How fast can you type?
83. How fast can you run?
Not fast.
84. What color is your hair?
My natural color is a dark brown, but the last few years I’ve been dying it a dark red and I absolutely love it.
85. What color are your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Ranch products. Salad dressing, Doritos, all of it.
87. Do you keep a journal?
Several. I have a habit of buying every cute journal I see and I don’t even use half of them.
88. What do your parents do?
Both my parents are in the casino business, though my mother quit after I was born to be a stay-at-home mom. She was a Blackjack dealer. My dad is a Slot Director at a casino in the city.
89. Do you like your age?
I guess.
90. What makes you angry?
People who bring their babies in strollers on the escalator. Also people who put their baby’s carseat in between the two front seats.
91. Do you like your own name?
I think Brianna is a nice name, yeah.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Caitlyn and/or Chalice for a girl, and Avan and/or Lucas for a boy.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
As long as I can have a child someday, I’ll be happy.
94. What are you strengths?
I’m really good at dealing with people who don’t/haven’t pissed me off.
95. What are your weaknesses?
Chocolate Brownie Batter ice cream and cute babies.
96. How did you get your name?
I was named after my dad and my aunt.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
They better not have been otherwise I’ll be pissed I lost my crown.
98. Do you have any scars?
Didn’t we go over this already
99. Color of your bedspread?
I don’t actually have a bedspread, I just sleep with a blanket thrown over me. Said blanket is actually a handmade quilt that my band family made me as a graduation present. It’s got musical notes on it and it’s my favorite thing at the moment.
100. Color of your room?
Pale green and pink.
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rainsplash69 · 6 years
Get to know me uncomfortably well!
1: What is ur middle name?- Rae
2: How old are you?- 15!
3: When is ur b-day?- 9/04/2003
4: What is your zodiac sign?- Virgo
5: What is your favorite color?- Red!
6: What's ur lucky number?- 11
7: Do you have any pets?- 7! (One English bulldog, two teacup Chihuahuas, a beared dragon, one deer head Chihuahua which is fat, and two cats)
8: Where are you from?- Oregon
9: How tall are you?- 5'8" and a half
10: What shoe size are you?- 9
11: How many pairs of shoes do you own?- 2
12: What was your last dream about?- I don't remember, I haven't had one in a while :(
13: What talents do you have?- I can walk on all fours and run even. I'm good at Skyrim and Minecraft XD I can also pop my back by twisting it
14: Are you physic in anyway?- Actually yes. I can see sometimes a bit into the future, for instance: I was laying on the floor with my step mom and sis playing with our teacup Chihuahua named Thomas and Mr. T our English bulldog and I had a vision? Of Mr. T biting Thomas and then it happened but I saved Thomas! Yay!
15: Favorite song?- Renegades by X Ambassadors but I have way too many to count.
16: Favorite movie?- Dragon heart! Not the sequels, they freaking sucked
17: Who would be your ideal partner?- I have no clue
18: Do you want children?- Maybe one day down the road
19: Do you want a church wedding?- I do not know
20: Are you religious?- Yes but I don't go to church or pray
21: Have you ever been to the hospital?- Only for check up or when my sister had to go for her various injuries
22: Have you ever gotten into trouble with law?- NOPE!
23: Have you ever met any celebrities?- Nickleback and Daughtry at his concert :)
24: Baths or showers?- Showers even though I complain about them
25: What color socks are you wearing?- White and gray striped
26: Have you ever been famous?- Pfft, no
27: Would you like to be a big celebrity?- Hell no!
28: What type of music do you like?- Country, old folk, indie, heavy metal, rock, and many more 😂
29: Have you ever been skinny dipping?- Nah
30: How many pillows do you sleep with?- 2! Ones really squishy and I like it :3
31: What position do you usually sleep in?- Curled up on my side or kind've in a sideways position
32: How big is your house?- Not that big....it can barely fit five people -_-
33: What do you typically have for breakfast?- Cereal or Eggos
34: Have you ever fired a gun?- Hell yeah!
35: Have you ever tried archery?: I want too!
36: Favorite clean word?- Shoot 😂
37: Favorite swear word?- Uh...shit 😂😂
38: What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?-....I can barely pull an all nighter....
39: Do you have any scars?: yuppers! A few on my hands and arms from my cat or just failed to play outside 🤣
40: Have you ever had a secret admirer?- Does a guy who dropped subtle hints count?
41: Are you a good liar?- No. I always smile when I lie
42: Are you a good judge of character?- Sometimes. It depends
43: Can you do any other accents beside your own?- I try...I can kinda do a good southern accent and British accent
44: Do you have a strong accent?- Not really no for me but for some people they've said I say my R's weird?
45: What is your favorite accent?- Southern and British!
46: What is your personality type?- Shy, funny, weird as hell, insecure in public, not very talkative to others except family and friends, adventurous, kind, and caring (a little too much), worried
47: What is your most expensive piece of clothing?- I'm not entirely sure
48: Can you curl your tongue?- Not very good 😂
49: Are you an innie or an outie?- Innie
50: Left or right handed?- Right baby!
51: Are you scared of spiders?: I'm terrified of the dangerous ones and kinda scared of the harmless ones
52: Favorite food?- Yakasoba noodles!
53: Favorite foreign food?- I love Mexican and Chinese food
54: Clean or messy person?- Messy..I try not to be
55: Most used phrase?: Okay, yeah, like, and I know 😂 (not sarcastically)
56: Most used word?: Look at #55
57: How long does it take for you to get ready?- I go fast if it's something important like school or stuff like that but slow if it's a lazy day. I'm a tomboy tho
58: Do you have much of an ego?- Hell no
59: Do you suck or bite lollipops?- Suck and sometimes gnaw
60: Do you talk to yourself?- In my head, yes and sometimes out loud
61: Do you sing to yourself- Yes?
62: Are you a good singer?- Nah fam tho my family says I am... kind've
63: Biggest fear?- Ya sure ya want to hear? Alright: Death, loneliness, spiders, clowns, heights, the dark at times, amusement park rides....., And just everything in general 😂 I'm a very worried person
64: Are you a gossip?- No way! I keep to myself
65: Best dramatic movie you've ever seen?- I can't recall any but does Sharknado count?
66: Do you like long or short hair?- I've had long hair my whole life so long hair
67: Can you name all fifty States of America?- Uuuuhhhh Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, California, Florida, Texas, Virginia, Montana, Kansas, Arkansas, Mexico, Idaho, Illinois and that's all I can do...
68: Favorite school subject?- Art, Ceramics and English
69: Extrovert or Introvert?- I'm mostly an introvert but sometimes I have my extrovert moments but that's rarely
70: Have you ever been scuba diving?- Nope
71: What makes you nervous?- Social events
72: Are you scared of the dark?- Sometimes
73: Do you correct people when they make mistakes?- Grammer or otherwise? But no. I'm too shy to point out there mistakes
74: Are you ticklish?- In the waist and armpits
75: Have you ever started a rumor?- Heeeelllll noooo!
76: Have you ever been in a position of authority?- Does leading a group of friends count?
77: Have you drank underage?- Only sips if my parents are like "Ya wanna try it?"
78: Have you ever done drugs?- OH NO! not in my 15 years of life will I ever touch one or take one.
79: Who was your first real crush?- I think it was this kid named Rex
80: How many piercings do you have?- 2
81: Can you roll your R's?- No
82: How fast can you type?- I don't even know
83: How fast can you run?- I have long legs so does that count?
84: What color is your hair?- Dirty blonde
85: What color are your eyes?- Blue
86: What are you allergic to?- Nothing
87: Do you keep a journal?- Nopes
88: What do your parents do?- My mother is a hair stylist, my dad a cop, my step dad a contractor and my step mom is a counselor
89: Do you like your age?- Yeppie
90: What makes you angry?- When people are mean to my fam or when someone accidentally steps or pulls on my hair and when people make fun of Wolfie!
91: Do you like your own name?- Yup!
92: Have you already thought of baby names?- N to the O
93: Do you want a boy or a girl for a child?- Both
94: What are your strengths?- Drawing, reading and writing and imagining
95: What are your weaknesses?: Math. I hate math with a burning passion
96: How did you get ur name?- My parents 😂
97: Were your ancestors royalty?- I have no freaking clue
98: Do you have any scars?- I already answered that
99: Color of your bedspread?- Blue Color of your room?- White
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no-this-is-sin-blog · 7 years
C1. Name: Mady 2. Nickname(s): Two-Bit, Madster, Mads, and (by my teachers) STOP DRAWING! 3. Birthday: April 19, 4. That makes you (age): an age 5. Where were you born (city): Albuquerque, New Mexico 6. Location right now (planet ): Earth 7. Shoe size: US Women's size 9 wide 8. How many piercings?: two and my ears 9. Tattoos?: nope 10. When you wake up you're: cold and tired 11. When you're about to sleep you're: awake 12. Zodiac sign: Aries/Taurus (CUSP) 13. Moon Sign: Taurus 14. Righty or Lefty: Righty 15. Innie or Outie: Innie 16. School: hell
Section Two: Looks
17. Nationality: European American 18. Hair colour: ginger in some light, brown in another lighting. 20. Weight: (uncomfortable subject) 21. Height: 5′ 11′‘ 22. Braces? Yep 23. Glasses? contacts
Section Three: Private Life
24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Nope 25. If so, who? Nobody 26. If not, do you have a crush on someone? yeah 27. Who has a crush on you? some creep in my grade 28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? no 29. Who was your first kiss: some guy named Jack in kindergarten 30. Who was your last kiss: no one ;( 31. Are you a virgin? yes 32. Ever had a threesome before? no 33. NQ- Every been swarmed by ladybugs?: no 34. Have you ever been in love? yes 35. Broken any hearts? yeah that creep in my grade 36. Got your heart broken?  yes 37. Ever liked a friend? yes 38. What happened? they’re either dating someone or not into girls
Section Four: Past Relationships
39. How many relationships have you been in? Two 40. How many were serious enough to count: One 41. Who were those serious ones: My friend K9 42. NQ- Who used to be your best friend: Some girl who I’m gonna call So 43. What made them different: They were weird like me. 44. What happened: I grew up, she didn't. 45. FRIENDSHIP Best boy/girlfriend: Dani or Aye (Not real names, none of the names are real) 46. FRIENDSHIP Worst boy/girlfriend: So or Ant 47. Ever been kissed: Yes 48. Who do you want back: Princess 49. Who do you regret: Doing so much dumb shit 50. Why?: cause it ruined me emotionally
Section Five: Favourites
51. Song: Lana Del Rey - Cherry 52. Movie: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 53. Food: Sushi 54. Drink: Blueberry Ice Tea (with honey and frozen blueberries) 55. Store: Walgreens 56. Television show: Eyewitness 57. Holiday: Samhain or Yuletide 58. Book: Witch Child 59. Ice cream: Honey Lavander 60. Sweets: Chocolate 61. Crisps: with fish 62. Type of music: indie or pop or rap 63. Artist: Lana Del Rey, Atlas, Samsa, and The 1975 64. Word: Brittle 65. Time of day: Lunch Time 66. Dressing: Vinegar 67. Alcoholic drink: Whiskey 68. Colour(s): Green and Grey 69. Piece of clothing: My Jean Jacket or Sunflower Jumer 70. Character: Sirius Black 71. Smell: Candle Smoke 72. Shampoo: Pantene 73. Soap: Rainbath 74. Smiley: The weird upside down one 75. Board game: Monopoly 76. Sport: Quidditch 77. Number: 7 78. Quote: "Everything is a choice" Tom Hiddleston 79. Animal(s): Cats, Bearded Dragons, Racoons, and Squirellles 80. Actor(s): Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, Emma Watson, Tom Felton, Matt Dillon, Rob Lowe, Patrick Swayze, 82. Vegetable: Carrot 83. Fruit: Rambutan 84. Place to be: My room 85. Thing in your room: My altar 86. Gum: 5Gum 87. Shape: Stellated Icosahedron 88. Country: Europe 89. Mall: Outlet 90. Car: Subaru 91. Boy's name: Tobias or  Montgomery 92. Girl's name: Cassiopeia or Petra 93. Family member: My mom 94. Restaurant: Red Robin 95. Movie place: Regal 96. Person to go to the movies with: my friends 97. Noise: Cats meowing 98. Brand of shoe: anything off brand 99. Brand of clothing: anything from a thrift store 100. Body part of a chicken: Boob 101. Swear word: Bitch 102. Month: April 103. Possession: My books 104. Team: Fuck sports 105. Season: Autumn 106. Radio station: 92.5 107. Magazine: Ew 108. Favourite grade: 8th 109. Least favourite grade: 6th 110. Teacher: Ms. Veraya 111. Least favourite teacher: Mr. Shipp (Mr. Shit) 112. Subject: English or Art 113. Subject to talk about: ALL
Section Six: Family
114. Who's your mum?: Noel 115. Who's your dad?: Brian 116. Any step-parents?: nopee 117. Any brothers?: Zac 118. Any Sisters?: nopers 120. Coolest: My mum 121. Loudest: my dad 122. Best relative: my mom 123. Worse relative: my cousin Marilyn 124. Do you get along with your parents? My mom yes, my dad no 125. With your siblings? ehh 126. Does anyone understand you? yeah to an extent 127. Do you have any pets?:  yes 128. If so, what kind and name? 3 Cats: Button (Mister) (Fluffy Tux), Shadow (Shamu) (Short Hair Tux), and Ginger (Loki) (Tortoise Shel). 2 Dogs: Thor and Ruby, both are yellow labs, and a fuck ton of fish 129. If not, what do you want as a pet?:
Section Seven: School
131. Are you still in school? Si 132. Did you drop out?: Nah 133. Your current GPA: Probably a C average like 2.0 Idk 134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: Buy 135. ABC's?: Yes 136. Favorite class: English 137. Play any sports at school?: Nahh 138. Are you popular? Noppe 139. Favourite memory: When my friend Dani hugs me (she's such a non-touchy person that when she does its like HOLY FUCC IM SO SPECIAL) 140. Most humiliating moment: A lot 141. Most funniest moment: When my friend Aiden fell on his ass while riding his Heelys 142. Most scared moment: Every. Time. I. Get. A. Test. Back
Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear
145. Chicken: Flap Flap Flap 146. Dog: Woof 147. Christina Aguilera: uh 148. Ricky Martin: whom? 149. 50 cent: No 150. Poop: ew 151. Beach: pretty 152. Desert: Sand 153. Water: Ponyo 154. Osama: Bin Laden 155. Love: need 156. Your little brother: shh 157. Butt: Booty 158. Clowns: No 159. Wonder: Imagine 16o. Brown: Earth 161. Banana: Gross 162. Sex: Mhhhmhmh 163. Parents: 1/2 164. Homosexuals: My friends 165. God: Loki
Section Nine: Do you believe in
166. God: Loki 167. Heaven: Ehhh 168. Devil: Hel 169. Hell: Helheim 170: Boogyman: ehh 171. Closet Monsters: Ghosties 172. Fortune tellings: Sure 173. Magic: Yeah 174. Love at first sight: If it happens it happens 175. Ghosts: Yes 176. Voo-doo dolls: Yes 177. Reincarnation: Yes 178. Yourself: EH
Section Ten: Do you
179. Smoke: no 180. Do drugs: once or twice 181. Drink alcohol: no 182. Cuss: YES 183. Sing in the shower: yes 184. Like school: to an extent 185. Want to get married: yes 186. Type with all of your fingers: yes 187. Think you're attractive: no and yes 188. Drink and drive: no 189. Snore: no 190. Sleepwalk: no 191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: yes
Section Eleven: Have you ever
192. Flashed someone: yes 193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: no 194. Told that person how you felt: no... 195. Been arrested: no 196. Gone to jail or Juve: no 197. Skateboarded: yes 198. Skinny dipped: no 199. Rock climbed: yes 200. Killed someone: no... 201. Watched porn: yes 202. Gone on a road trip: yes 203. Went out of the country: no 204. Talked back to an adult: yEs 205. Broken a law: yes 206. Got pulled over: no 208: Cried to get out of trouble: yes 209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yes 210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: no 211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: no 212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: yes 213. Moon someone: no 214. Shop-lifted: yes 215. Worked at McDonald's: no 216. Eaten a dog: noo 217. Give money to a homeless person: yes 218. Glued your hand to yourself:   yes 219. Kissed someone of the same sex: yes 220. Had a one night stand: no 221. Smoked: yes 222. Done drugs: yes 223. Lose a friend because of your ex: no 224. Slap someone for being stupid: yes 225. Had cyber sex: no. 226. Wish you were the opposite sex: no 227. Caught someone doing something: yes 228. Played a game that removes clothing: yes 229. Cried during a movie: YES 230. Cried over someone: YES 231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: ye 232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: no 233. Ran away from home: yes 234. Cheated on a test: yes
Section Twelve: Would you
235. Bungee jump: HELL YEAH 236. Skydive: YES 237. Swim with dolphins: HELL FUCKIN YEAH 238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: nah 239. Try to be the opposite sex: yeah 240. Lie to the police: yes 241. Run from the police: yeah 242. Lie to your parents: yes 243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: no 244. Be an exotic dancer: yes 245. NQ- Kill the president: Yes...
Section Thirteen: Are you
246. Shy: yes 247. Loud: yes 248. Nice: yes 249: Outgoing:. depends 250: Quiet: yes 251. Mean: yes 252. Emotional: yes 253. Sensitive: yes 254. Gay: Pan 255. Strong: yeah 256. Weak:  yes 257. Caring: yes 258. Dangerous: when it need be 259. Crazy: yeah 260. Spontaneous: yes 261. Funny: yes 262. Sweet: yes 263. Sharing:. si 264. Responsible: ehhh 265. Trustworthy: yeah 266. Open-minded: yes 267. Creative: yes 268. Cute:. I hope so 269. Slick: kinda 270. Smart: yeah 271. Dumb: yeah 272. Evil: eh 273. Ghetto: kind of 274. Classy:  depends on the situation 275. Photogenic: NO 276. Dependable: yeah 277. Greedy: depends on what is at hand 278. Ugly: to myself yes 279. Messy: yes 280. Neat: depends 281. Perverted: Nah 282. Silly: yea 283. A B****: yes 284. A Good Listener: yes 285. A Fighter: yes 286. A Party Animal: Nah 287. A Game Freak: Nah 288. A Computer Freak: Nah
Section Fourteen: Future
289. Dream job: writer 290. Dream house: a small cottage (if I have no kids) or an apartment 291. Husband/Wife: someone really cool, ya know nice, and not psychotic 292. Kids: 2-3 293. Names: OHH I have nameees so If I have girls I want their names to be Cassiopeia, Petra, and or Alexis, and if I have boys I want their names to be Montgomery, Tobias, and or Blake 294. Pets: Cats and or a bearded dragon 295. Car: a green Subaru 296. Age you would want to get married: like 27 or 30? 297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: My friend Dani 298. Honeymoon: Germany
Section Fifteen: Your friends
299. Best friend: Dani 300. Known the longest: k9 301. Craziest: Simon 302. Loudest: Simon 303. Shyest: Simon 304. Best hair: Dani 305. Best eyes: k9 306. Best body: Dani 307. Most Athletic: Dani 308. Hot-Tempered: Simon 309. Most impatient: Simon 310. Shortest: k9 311. Tallest: me (or Simon) 312. Skinniest: Dani 313. Best singer: Dani 314. Funniest: Dani 315. Can always make you laugh: Dani 316. Wish you talked to more: Dani 317. Wish you saw more: Dani 318. Who drives you insane after a while: Simon 319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: Dani 320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': No 321. Whose always been there when you need them: Dani or k9 322. Who is like your family: k9 323. How many friends do you have?: 8 who are kinda close 324. How many are really close? four (Dani, Simon, k9, and Kens
Section Sixteen: The last
325. Thing you ate: Salad 326. Thing you drank: Seltzer Water 327. Thing you wore: A 70's Sunflower jumper and leggings 328. Thing you did:  typed 329. Place you went: School 330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: Ears 331. Person you saw: My mom 332. Person you hugged: Dani 333. Person you kissed: No 334. NQ- Person you beat to a juicy pulp: noone 335. Person you talked to online: Simon 336. Person you talked to on the phone: k9 337. Song you heard: Diet MTN Dew - Lana Del Rey 338. Show you saw: Star V.S. The Forces of Evil 339. Time you fought with your parents: like yesterday 340. Time you fought with a friend: almost never 341. Words you said: fuck science
Section Seventeen: Now
343. What are you eating: air 344. What are you drinking: air 345. What are you thinking: i don't want to finish my homework 346. What are you wearing: clothes 347. What are you doing: typing 349. Hair: weird 350. Mood: eh 351. Listening to: music 352. Talking to anyone: no 353. Watching anything: music
Section Eighteen: Yes or No
354. Are you a vegetarian: i try to be pescatarian 355. Are you a carnivore: no 356. Are you heterosexual: no 357. Do you like penguins: Yes 358. Do you write poetry: sometimes 359. Do you see stupid people: yes 360. You + Me: whom 361. Do you like the Osbournes: no? 362. Can you see flying pigs: yes 363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: yes 364. Are you from Afghanistan: no 365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: no 366. Are you a zombie: yes 367. Am I annoying you: no 368. Do you bite your nails: yes 369. Can you cross your eyes: yes 370. Do you make your bed in the morning: yes 371. Have you touched someone's private part: yes
Section Nineteen: This or That
372. Winter or Summer: Summer 373. Spring or Autumn: Spring 374. Shakira or Britney: Shakira 375. MTV or VH1: ???? 376. Black or White: Black 377. Yellow or Pink: Yellow 378. Football or Basketball: Football 379. Mobile Phone or Pager: Phone 380. Pen or Pencil: Pencil 381. Cold or Hot: Cold 382. Tattoos or Piercings: Tattoos 383. Inside or Outside: Outside 384. Weed or Alcohol: Weed 385. Coke or Pepsi: Both 386. Tape or Glue: Glue 387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: In-n-Out
Section Twenty: Opinions
388. What do you think about classical music: okay 389. About boy bands: sure 390. About suicide: please try and get help 391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: fuk off 392. About teen pregnancy: stop 393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: dead? 394. Who do you think you'll still be friends within 5 years: Dani or Kens 395. About gay men: queens
Section Twenty-One:
396. Do you have a website: no 397. Current weather right now: rain 398. Current time:  8:50 pm 399. Any shout outs: @flower-in-the-ashes 400. Last thoughts: help me
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