soclonely · 1 year
OC-Tober Day 6: Harvest Autumn Festival
Link to OC Tober Prompts
Summary: Tann and her mother attend a cultural festival on Coruscant
Character Summary: Tann is my twilek/human of and daughter of Lenani (79s bartender OC twilek) and Crosshair. She grows up to become a key part of rebellion ground troopers and a sniper just like her father.
"There's so many of us!" Tann looks around happily, squeezing her mother's hand. "I've never seen so many twileks!" She squeals, jumping up and down in excitement.
Lenani laughs, pulling Tann closer. "Well what do you expect kiddo? This is a Ryloth Harvest Festival." She reminds her, guiding the little girl toward a nearby circle of booths.
"Well yeah I know that!" Tann rolls her eyes. "But this is on Coruscant! We are actually celebrating on Coruscant!" She points to a doll on a nearby booth. "That one looks just like me! Do you think we can get it?"
"Maybe! Let's find your dad and uncles first, okay?" Lenani smiles. She begins looking through the heads in the crowd. "Crossie said they'd meet us over here by the merchants so we best stay out here where we can see them coming from both ends of the pathway." She adds, standing on tiptoes. "Can't be too hard to find a group of troopers in this crowd!"
Tann continues to browse the hanging artisan crafts and food in the nearby booths. She smiles at all of the small dolls, headpieces, and art as each vendor calls out to people passing by. "Mom," she tugs on Lenani's sleeve, "Mom can I ask you something?"
"Of course sweetheart."Lenani replies, shooting a quick smile. "I'm listening, I promise. Just going to keep looking for your father."
"You said the Harvest Festival on Ryloth was much bigger than this one, right?" Tann asks, biting her lip.
"That's right! Nearly the whole planet celebrating the entire month of the Harvest. This one's only a week."
"Do you think I will be able to go one day?" Tann asks dreamily." Do you think maybe I will get to go with you and dad one day and meet grandma and grandpa? And run around the festival there with all of my cousins like you used to do?"
Lenani stops looking around the crowd, slightly taken aback by her daughters question. She smiles sadly, and sinks down to her knees, turning Tann to face her. "You know your dad and I like to be completely honest with you about the war, right? And remember what I told you about how much our people have suffered there?"
Tann nods in response.
"We don't know how life we be a week from now, much less a year or even 10," Lenani continues, fighting back tears. "I can't promise you will get to go experience Ryloth as I knew it. I cannot promise a Harvest festival a month long. I can't even promise that you will be able to meet grandma and grandpa, all of your aunts and uncles, cousins, and any other family and friends there. But I can promise to never let you forget who you are, or where you come from." Lenani takes both of Tanns hand into hers, holding them tightly. " You are Tann- a beautiful, smart, and mischievous twilek and human girl from Coruscant with a mommy and daddy who love her very much. You are strong like our people, and determined like your father's. And no one can stand in the way of any of your hopes and dreams."
Tann smiles proudly, jumping into her mom's arms. "Then I dream that one day I will be able to go see the Harvest Festival back home with you." She whispers, hugging Lenani tightly. "if all that's true, then I'm sure we will get to go together!"
Lenani hugs tan tightly, a silent tear escaping the corner of her eye. "Thank you, Tann." She replies softly, smiling .
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