#8. Gold bathroom accessories
tapronlimited · 6 months
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Genius Tips when Looking To Upgrade Your Plumbing
The "Genius Tips when Looking to Upgrade Your Plumbing" article on Tapron.co.uk offers valuable advice for homeowners considering plumbing upgrades. It emphasizes investing in energy-efficient water heaters, maintaining pipes in good condition, and choosing water-efficient fixtures to save on long-term costs and increase home value. The guide also suggests considering the use of recycled water and ensuring compliance with building codes for vent installation. For detailed insights and tips on upgrading your plumbing effectively, visit the full guide here.
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This ordinary looking home in the UK is the most unique I’ve seen. In fact, it’s so different, the real estate let the owner write the description of it (It’s VERY long & detailed). He calls it “A pulchritudinous, grandiose detailed property which has been magnificently crafted over 5 years in natural materials, built over 3 floors with surprising modern eco credentials,” plus he gives detailed descriptions and 4 different options for setting it up.  £800,000 ($958K).
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This is the intriguing photo he begins with. So, there’s a balcony, more than likely in the entrance (some of the pics are confusing).
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The next set is the bathroom - 8 pics, showing every color the tub turns (red, blue & purple).
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A glass balcony.
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The main bd. is large and has a patterned floor.
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Then, we go down to a dining area with a large glass wall and wood ceiling.
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Sleek black & gold powder room.
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There’s also the choice of a white powder room.
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Plus a closet w/room for accessories and an ironing board.
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Smaller bd. with recessed wardrobes and an en suite.
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Unusual green cabinetry has storage compartments.
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Small table for 2 by the terrace.
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Some more fancy flooring.
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Is that a floating piece of glass?
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Fireplace with a wood stove and a mezzanine’
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The living room at night. It looks like there’s also a bar with sinks. 
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The hall stairs to upper floors.
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This appears to be the uppermost floor.
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View from the window.
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What do you think of the green glass?
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Another bd. is up here, so it’s like a suite.
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Plus an office- looks like a glass clock in the window.
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anime-kia · 2 years
Instagram Live
I had to write another dadmonger story, this one has been on my mind for a while. But in this story, Erik is a deadbeat (sort of). 
Also, this story is in both Erik and the reader's perspective.
Warnings: Mentions of smut, a bit of angst
Relationship: "Deadbeat" Dad Erik x Single Mom Reader
It was Friday night and you were at home with your two-year-old, streaming on Instagram.
"Say hi, Makylie." You held your phone lower so your viewers could get a view of both you and your daughter who was seated in your lap.
About a year and some months ago, you went live to explain your situation to your followers. No you're not a celebrity, rather, you were a second year student in college. 
In no way were you expecting to get pregnant, the thought never even crossed your mind. There was no room for kids, especially at your young age. It was always about working hard now so you could relax later. That was until that fateful night at MIT's year end college event.
Your friend, Monica, invited you to go to the huge year end bash that the fraternities and sororities came together to host. In second year, you worked really hard, studying day and night to keep your grades up to par, and Monica believed that this would be an excellent way to celebrate a good end to the school year and all of your hard work. 
The party was loud and full of energy. There were all kinds of people mingling and occupying various spaces in the large house. 
The early summer's breeze prompted you to dress in a black thigh high dress, an oversized jean jacket that you let hang an inch off of your shoulders, a black choker, gold hoop earrings and gold studded sandals. Your makeup was quite simple; lipgloss, lashes, eyeliner and a bit of Fenty Beauty highlighter and body lava. 
The day before you and Monica drove down to MIT, you both spent the day getting your hair and nails done. She got a Brazilian body wave sew in, and her nails were the brightest shade of pink you'd ever seen, contrasting nicely against her golden skin. You on the other hand got waist length single braids and white nails, which would've been simple until Monica insisted you get your ring fingers bejewelled. 
It was nice having a friend who was high maintenance, she always encouraged you to try new things when it came to beauty. Of course she didn't have anything against your natural appearance, she loved it in fact, but she enjoyed making you glamourize yourself on occasion. Monica was always dressed up, even in her 8 AM classes. Lounge clothes, and little to no makeup was good enough for you.
You both were in the bathroom making minor adjustments to your outfits before heading out to celebrate with the rest of the attendees. 
"Girl, how do I look?" Monica asked, adjusting her white v-neck jumpsuit. She wore silver accessories and silver strappy heels. 
"Stunning as usual, sis." You reassured her, glancing at yourself in the large mirror to make sure you were looking good too. Admitted, you felt as though you both were a little over dressed. Some people came to the party dressed in shorts and tank tops. 
Monica was in a long distance relationship, but they would be meeting up at the party so she wanted to look her absolute best for him. He was apparently bringing along some friends too. 
She offered you a blunt to calm your nerves, but smoking wasn't really your thing. 
The party progressed and less than an hour later, an icy white Range Rover pulled into the driveway, blasting loud rap music. The bass vibrated the vehicle and anything close to it. All eyes were on the vehicle which took five minutes before shutting off. 
Beside you, Monica was grinning hard as if she knew exactly who was about to step out. 
Watching the four men step out was like a movie, it felt as though time slowed down. All chocolate, tall, and muscular, and you just knew that they smelled like cocoa butter and some expensive cologne. 
One of them in particular stood out to you the most. Dreads swooped to the left side with a nice fade that looked freshly cut, a nice full beard that was certainly maintained, dimples showing out as he pursed his full lips together. Unlike his friends who were really decked out in jewelry and expensive name brand clothes, he rocked a simple maroon t-shirt that showed off his sculpted arms, casual black pants, black and white retro 11's and a gold chain that rested around his neck, just above his broad torso. 
He had black opaque sunglasses on, but it was clear that he was staring directly at you. In fact, you hadn't even noticed when Monica pulled you over towards the group of men. You felt intimidated, not being use to hanging around very handsome men who emitted sex appeal, dominance and excellence.
"This is my main girl, (Y/n)." She introduced you to the crew, and you gave them a small wave. Sure you looked like a bad bitch at the moment, but you were the introvert to Monica's extrovert personality. Talking to men was not something you did on the regular either, unless they were family, classmates or strictly friends. 
"Wassup, (Y/n)? You the one who been holding my girl down all this time?" The dark skin with a very nice tapered fade, Devonté, greeted you. Monica was obsessed with him and they spent every single day talking or FaceTiming. 
"That's me." You smiled at him, still feeling the dread head's eyes on you. 
Monica had noticed as well, "So, you gonna introduce us to your boys?" 
Devonté scoffed, knowing that his group of friends were definitely the type of guys to get around. "For what, bae? You already got me." He joked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. 
Devonté was the most loyal out of his friends. The other three have done things, like running trains, cheating, lying, and a lot of one night stands. They were all very handsome, had athletic bodies, and charming personalities, on the outside at least.
"Aight, this is Chris." He pointed at the light skin with a hairstyle similar to Odell Beckham Jr's, "Dwayne." The chestnut coloured male with hazel eyes winked, "And Erik." The one who was staring at you gave a curt nod. 
"Well now that the introductions are done, why don't we go get some drinks." Monica suggested, but not waiting for approval as she had already taken the lead to the back of the house.
It started out with a single cup of beer, that you weren't too crazy about, but it made room for you to become more social. At some point, Erik had started talking to you and flirting very hard. He wasted no time in addressing that he was really feeling you.
Later in the night, dark liquor was served. After a few rounds of shots, you felt partially drunk, but still sober enough to make half decent decisions. You were sure you heard Chris ask Erik about a train, but he firmly rejected stating that he wasn't about to share.
There was a lot of music, a lot of dancing and grinding. You're not sure how many people you danced with, but Erik was definitely the one behind you for the longest. He was in control for the most part, holding and twisting your hips to the rhythm of each song. By the end of a dancehall song, Erik had at least two hickeys on your neck before you were following him back to the Range Rover he stepped out of.
You remember the cold leather seat hitting your back, and how surprisingly spacious the vehicle was. The most that you recall was him lifting your dress up, giving you a compliment in a foreign language before his member had penetrated into your core with one push. Everything after that was a blur, until you woke up the next morning in the hotel that Monica had booked, wearing the same clothes you had on at the party, except your panties were missing. 
You would've assumed it was a dream, but your lower half was throbbing and legs sore. Not to mention the hickeys that were littered across your body. Also, Monica was fast asleep, Devonté cuddled on top of her. You knew exactly what happened, but you weren't about to judge. You just hoped they didn't invite you to join in a threesome though.
The only thing you thoroughly remembered about that night was how wild it got and that you would not being doing that again for a very long time. 
Monica cleared up any questions that you had to the best of her ability. 
"What happened last night?" We got drunk, Dev and I came back here and you know what went down.
"How did I get back here?" The boys dropped us off. 
That one was a bit confusing to you, because no one was in the van besides you and Erik at the time, unless you passed out before everyone got in.
The both of spent one more day with the guys. They took you both out to eat at their favourite breakfast and lunch place. Everyone was there on time except Erik, who pulled up ten minutes late... With a female cuddled up under his arm. It was like he had amnesia of last nights events. You tried to ignore it, mainly because you barely knew him and didn't want to catch feelings. 
Whatever... You thought to yourself, avoiding eye contact with him the entire time. It almost made him smirk, especially when you kept lifting the neck of your track jacket to hide the hickey he intentionally placed close to the top of your neck.
That was the last time you saw him and spoke with him. Summer break had started and you were ready to relax and enjoy all of it. You had so many plans and adventures thought out. In five weeks, Monica, you and a few other of your girlfriends would be going on a cruise. 
Unfortunately a week before the trip, you started to feel sick. You had missed your period that was suppose to come a week ago, but you assumed that it was just in late this month. Every morning you continued to feel ill, so you decided to finally talk with Monica. 
"I don't think I should go, I don't wanna ruin the fun cuz I'm not feeling well."
"It's okay, sis. We can just get you some Gravol, Tylenol, you name it." 
"I tried everything, but nothings working." 
"Are you just throwing up?"
"No. It feels like I'm on my period, but without the bleeding."
"Wait..." The look in her eyes worried you, "Imma need you to think all the way back to the party."
You nodded, "Okay."
"Now, when y'all were fuckin' did he wear a condom?"
"I-I don't remember. I don't recall anything from that night." 
"Just in case, you might wanna buy a pregnancy test."
Your heart sunk.
Pregnant? There was no way...
Nine months later, you found yourself popping out his child. For the first two months of discovering there was life growing inside your womb, you tried to contact him, but it was very difficult. When you did get his number to deliver the news, he berated you and claimed that you were trying to trap him. He blocked you on every possible social media outlet, even if you didn't know his usernames and he made sure that any mutual friends did not hand out his number to you. He even took it upon himself to block Monica.
It was very a very rough and lonely time. Even with Monica at your side, you still faced judgement when you returned back to campus with a round belly. Not to mention the extreme disappointment that your parents and family members all felt. You were suppose to be the bright one who made smart decisions, not the young pregnant college dropout.
The criticism from everyone was too much, but you tried your best to not let any of it stop you from graduating. You continued to go to class, up until the doctor demanded that you take time off. After giving birth, you took about three weeks off, but made sure to get any notes or studying done online.
You loved your daughter more than anything, and you swore to yourself to finish school and get a well-paying job so the both of you could live comfortably and never have to rely on a man, ever. 
You posted many mother-daughter photos on your Instagram page, and many people were so interested in your baby girl. Your sister actually encouraged you to start a broadcast because she wanted to see her niece so badly. 
The view count was relatively low, with about two or five people in at a time. As months went by, more strangers and some people from the campus started to tune in. No you weren't famous by any means, you had around five-hundred followers, and twenty to fifty people would tune into your Friday night live-streams at a time.
There were family members, friends, other young females in your predicament and just nosy strangers. Of course there was the occasional troll, but they got handled so fast by the chat that you never had to address them.
"I'm telling you man, she looks just like you." Devonté was on the phone with Erik. He took a screenshot of your live and sent it to Erik.
Erik stared at the baby girl who shared similar features to him. She was very beautiful he could easily admit to that, but he wasn't ready for kids.
"I ain't no fuckin' father, bruh." He replied with an irritated tone. 
Erik would be lying if he said he wasn't stalking your social media for the past year. By chance he discovered you again, and he was beyond surprised to see an infant girl taking the spotlight in majority of your posts. 
He thought you got rid of the baby, but clearly you didn't. 
When you shared your story on live, he was there spectating. He watched quietly, all while admiring the baby girl who was the perfect mix of you both. You used a codename for him, Tom. He was almost insulted by how basic of a name you chose for him, not that his American name wasn't pretty basic either. 
Two years later and he was still tuning in to your live-streams. 
"Hiiii!" The toddler put her mouth really close to the camera. 
"You wanna tell everybody what we did today?" Makylie stuck a finger in her mouth before answering, but you pulled it out. "Come on girl, we don't do that anymore." You chuckled at her. 
Your mother's comment chided you for scolding your daughter: Let my baby do what she wants! 
"Mom, you use to tell me to take my hands out my mouth so I'm just leading by example." You wittily replied.
Your mother was always in your live-streams. It was the only time she could see her granddaughter while the school year was still going on, being that you went away for college.
"Anyways, so tell them, Kai." 
Erik watched intently as his daughter began rambling about how the two of you spent your day. To the best of her ability, she talked about you taking her shopping, to the park and out for ice cream.
The commenters either applauded Makylie for pronouncing her words so well, and others flooded the chat with loving emojis. 
Then one of your cousins had the nerve to comment: Kylie so smart, her daddy must be a genius cuz I KNOW she ain't get that from you 😂
You read the comment and laughed, "Girl, shut up. That's why my ass went to college and you still washing dishes." The message did irk you a bit, but she was goofy and also your favourite cousin and she meant no harm in bringing up your past.
For the next minute, your the comments were filled with laughing emojis, skull emojis and oooh's or dammmnnn's.
A guy you been talking to, Omari, said: I am smart a matter of fact 😏 We finna have a nerd army soon 🤓
Erik frowned at those words, almost ready to send a message, but he decided against it as people already started coming after him.
That ain't yo baby nigga 😂😂
You a whole clown bruh 💀
This man said nErD aRmY. Im-
Yo her mama in here dude 🤦🏾‍♀️
This how he look 🤡
You were dying of laughter at the comments, Makylie joined in even though she didn't really know what was so funny. Laughter is contagious after all, especially to a child. 
"Y'all relax, stop coming after my man like that." You wiped a tear out your eye then looked at Makylie, "What you laughing about, girl? You don't even know what they saying." You poked her belly and she laughed even harder.
You had a tickle war on camera that Erik watched in awe. He hadn't realized it, but when his booty call came out the bathroom and asked, "What you smiling so hard for?" He quickly went back to his neutral expression.
"Nun." He shrugged and lowered the volume on his phone, turning it face down.
"It's that single mom with that baby who looks like you, ain't it?" She rhetorically asked, slipping her sundress back on.
"Nah man, stay out my business." He kissed his teeth, "Your ride's outside."
"You don't gotta tell me that Erik, I'm guessing that's what you told her as well." She instigated with a dull tone.
"What?" He stood up from the bed and snarled, "That ain't my fuckin' kid!"
They had a staring match, until she finally broke it. She chuckled and headed towards the door, "Lose my number, ion like niggas who afraid to own up to shit they did." 
He watched the door slam as she left. "Fuck." His hand trailed down his face as he sighed, returning back to your live-stream.
"Show everyone that little dance you do- oh Lord, I feel like my mama." Though you didn't want to admit it, your parenting styles were very similar to your mother's.
Makylie looked at you confused.
"Come on, the one you do in the car." You shimmied your shoulders and swayed left to right to show her, but still she didn't move. You started singing her favourite song, which thankfully wasn't Baby Shark, rather it was Kelly Rowland's, Lay It On Me. 
 "Lay it on me baby, lay it on me ooh, lay it on me." You laughed as your daughter attempted singing along while doing her little shoulder roll and rock left to right. 
What do you have this child listening to?! 
Drink some water before you start singing, you sound like a dying animal
Watch my god daughter go eowwwww 😍
Okayyy baby girl!!! 🎉💃🏾🕺🏾
Of all the songs bruh! 💀😩
She dances better than you lmaoooo
Kai better be in some dance classes 
Go awwwfffff then ❤️😤
Erik wasn't too pleased with your song choice, he didn't want his daughter singing sexual songs... 
Wait why do I care? He tried to suppress the thought. She is- ain't- is definitely min- NOT mine. 
He was having a mental battle with himself trying his hardest to deny his first born. He knew she was, but he was stuck in denial. It was something he had to struggle with every single day, though you were the one who had to deal with the pregnancy, delivery and caring of Makylie. Erik often wondered if this regretful feeling of abandoning his own daughter was caused due to his father dying when he was eight-years-old. He knew watching from the shadows would never be sufficient enough.
Erik decided it was time to make a big decision, he slipped on his Nike slides and went down the hall to Devonté's room, knocking roughly on the door three times.
Devonté answered, his eyes red and hazy from hotboxing with their other two friends. "Wassup, E?" 
The thick cloud of smoke almost made Erik choke, "Aight first of all, I told y'all to stop smoking up in here. They finna kick us out."
"Dude broke the box for this muthafucka'." Chris scoffed, "I knew it would happen."
Erik looked behind Devonté, "Aye nigga, shut the fuck up. You the one who gone be complaining when you got no where to sleep." 
Dwayne let out an airy laugh, "He right."
"What'd you need anyway?" Devonté asked, bringing Erik's attention back.
"You still talk to ole girl, Monica?" 
"Yeah, that's my baby giiirl." He said in a singsong voice. 
"We gone take a trip down to her place next weekend, aight?"
Devonté stared at Erik confused, "Why?"
"Ayeee, road trip!" Dwayne cheered, and Chris woo'd.
"Nah, you two ain't coming. I got some business to handle." Erik began walking away, "And air the room out before we get booted."   
Next week came around, Friday night. 
Makylie was sleeping so you decided to give her a little break from your live-streams. 
"You going live again?" Monica asked you over the phone.
"Not tonight, baby girl is fast asleep." You were online shopping for matching mommy and baby outfits. It was a bit corny, but you always liked them. Stunning mothers and their adorable babies posing for a picture in the same outfit often found its way onto your timeline. 
"Y'all wanna hangout at my place this weekend? I think we both need a girl's day out. Nails, hair, retail therapy, food."
You scoffed with an eye roll, "Last time we did all that to go to a party, I was giving birth nine months later." 
"Nah, none of that. Just a genuine, you, Kai and me day. Plus, I wanna spend time with my God Baby."
"I guess..." You agreed, adding a cute blue floral mom and baby dress to your cart. "But if I get pregnant again-"
"You won't! No party, just you, Kai and me, like I said."
In the morning you got both Makylie and yourself ready. Just before you left out, she decided to argue with you about her hairstyle. You liked recording videos for mom's who needed help styling their daughter's hair with quick and simple styles. 
She wanted a single puff, but you wanted to do two space buns.
"No mommy, not like that!" She frowned at you through the mirror.
"You ain't tryna be cute today?" You raised an eyebrow at her. She looked cute regardless, but you really wanted to post a space bun tutorial on your page.
"No!" She folded her arms across her chest.
"Uh-uh, who you yelling at little girl?" 
"Just one!" She demanded. 
"We can do one tomorrow. I want to do two today, baby." 
"One!" She insisted. 
"I said two."
"I say one!" 
You both bickered back and forth for a bit, until you decided to give her what she wanted. It was not that you allowed her to have her own way, it just wasn't worth it arguing over a hairstyle. She would probably pull it out if you did two anyway, so you could forfeit this battle for today. 
"I'm sorry y'all, she don't wanna do space buns. Maybe sometime this week, when she wants to cooperate." You eyed her through the mirror, but she was more focused on her puff.
Stubborn, just like her daddy...
Erik didn't notice himself smiling again as he watched the video until Devonté pointed it out. 
"You sure about this, E?" He asked without taking his eyes off the road and Erik nodded. "I didn't even tell them you'd be coming, so ion know what's about to happen."
"Man, we already some hours away from Cambridge, ain't no turning back. The most she can do is reject me." He shrugged and leaned back in the seat.
"I guess. My girl might kill you though, she kinda crazy."
"Trust me, I know." 
They both laughed.
You and Monica had just left the hair salon around four in the afternoon. She decided to go with burgundy, eighteen inch passion twists and you got cornrows braided up into a bun, decorated with gold cuffs. 
The first trip was to the nail salon as soon as they opened because on a Saturday that place was crowded, especially around midday. Monica got her extra long ballerina shaped acrylics painted mauve, but her ring and middle finger were a glittery pink. You had to get a shorter nail set for the sake of your daughter. They were painted olive green, ring fingers accented in gold glitter.
The owner of the shop even allowed you both a free pedicure, as it was your first time coming to that shop. You got white on your toes and Monica got the same mauve colour that was on her fingernails. 
Initially you were suppose to go shopping right after getting your hair done, but both of you decided on going home and winding down. Shopping could be done tomorrow, plus the fresh set of braids had your head feeling tight.
When she pulled into her driveway, there was a black BMW parked behind your car that wasn't there originally. 
"Uhh... Were you expecting company, M?" You questioned her.
"Yeah, that's Devonté's car. Didn't I tell you he was coming?" She asked, turning the car engine off.
You shook your head and eyed her, "I do not want to hear y'all doing what you do, especially not when my daughter is here."
"We won't." She smirked, "...Be too loud."
You playfully shoved her head, "Ya nasty self." 
You got out the car and picked up Makylie from her carseat. Monica was already at the door, entering the house. You followed her in and locked the door. 
"Dev, you left my door open!" Monica yelled. She walked into the living room and saw him knocked out and snoring on her sofa. "Really?" She walked around the sofa and shook him. "Wake up!" 
It sounded like he choked before he got up and rubbed his eyes, "Finally. Took yo pretty ass forever to get here." He said, pulling her into his lap and began kissing her face. 
"Stop, Dee. We ain't alone." She laughed and pushed his face away.
"I know, Erik here too."
Both you and Monica's eye's widened at his statement.
"Excuse me, what?" You suddenly asked, and as if on cue, the bathroom door opened revealing that same brawny, dread head that etched himself into your memory. 
It's been two years and some months since you've seen him. The one who called you crazy for even claiming that he was the father of your daughter. Him of all people. As if the headache your braids were giving you weren't bad enough.
There was a long and awkward pause as you both made eye contact. The boldness and confidence that you first noticed about him was no longer there, rather he had somewhat of a defeated look, maybe even regret. 
Your feet began moving hastily towards the front door all the way to your car, Makylie still in hand. It felt as though you were having a panic attack and experiencing anger all at once.
You locked yourself and Makylie in your car, setting her down on the passenger's seat. The weather called for hot temperatures, so you knew that thirty minutes would be the maximum for both you and Makylie to stay somewhat comfortable in the car. Of course driving away was no longer an option considering they blocked you in. And you weren't one of those crazy people who had no problem leaving dings and dents in yours and other people's vehicles as you tried to escape the space. 
That was Erik's first time seeing his daughter in person and he instantly fell in love.
"What the fuck is he doing here?!" Monica yelled at Devonté, shoving him in the arm. Erik still stood at the bathroom door like a lost child. "You didn't tell me that he'd be coming!" 
"Chill girl, he tryna make things better!" He exclaimed, holding her arms so she wouldn't hit him again.
"You niggas are something else, how the fuck do you get a girl pregnant and then come back later while she doing good and expect everything to be okay!?" She now turned to Erik, "Do you even understand half the shit she been through without your fuckin' support? You know who was there the whole time though? Me! My ass was there doing your damn job." She was in front of him, jabbing at his chest with her nail. "You so fucking lucky that she been doing well." 
Erik was somewhat speechless, "Look, I know what I did was wrong."
"So why did you do it?! It don't take much to wrap your shit up, bruh!" Monica fumed. "But you dumb niggas don't know how to control your urges, huh? Then we have to pay the price!"  
"I'm tryna fix it!" He suddenly yelled, not able to handle the criticism. "I was just scared man, I wasn't ready to be no father!"
"And she was not ready to be a mother, but now look! You dirty bastards like to runaway and hide from your responsibilities. You lucky it wasn't me either, I'd find you no matter what and force your ass to take care of our kid. You soooo lucky she's a kind person." 
It wasn't often someone could scold Erik like a child, in fact no one has ever done that except his parents, but that was so long ago he forgot what it felt like.
"Now go handle this." Monica let out a hefty sigh, "Devonté... We need to talk. Right. Now." Her voice was very threatening. 
"Yes ma'am." Devonté shyly responded and Erik made his way out the door.
"Mama, you okay?" Makylie questioned you, her little hand patted your back.
"Yeah baby," You dried your eyes out before looking at her, "I'm okay."
"Hugs?" She asked, reaching her arms out to you. 
"Yeah, I can go for a hug." You reached over to the passengers seat, meeting her embrace. She planted a kiss on the side of your head. She adapted this action from you, as you did this all the time when she was upset. 
"Feel better, mommy?" 
"I do, thank you, baby girl." You smiled at her. The precious moment was interrupted by three raps against your window. Your heart rate increased, but you tried to ignore him. It was hard as Makylie kept mentioning it.
"Someone at door." She pointed.
"I know, baby."
"Why you won't open?"
"I can't, baby... I just can't."
He tapped the glass thrice more, "Please open the door, I really need to talk to you." 
It took everything in your power not to cuss him out. The nerve...
"I swear, I mean no harm. I'm tryna fix this." 
The temperature was rising, sweat was dripping down both you and Makylie's faces. 
Just get it over with, girl... You got this... 
You continued to chant this in your head and by the fifth time, you cracked the door open. He stepped back to allow you to open it all the way. You stepped out and locked it, leaving a small crack.
An awkward smile appeared on his face, "Well thanks for-"
"Why?" You cut him off.
"Huh?" The smile faded and was replaced with puzzlement. 
"Why are you here? Why now instead of two years ago?"
His hand wrapped around the back of his neck, "Cuz I wasn't ready, I was afraid. I didn't wanna get trapped when I had so much goin' on for me."
You rolled your eyes and almost laughed at the hypocrisy, "Oh and what about me and my life, cuz I had quite a lot going on for me too. But that was cut short when I found out you got me pregnant."
"I'm sorry, I really am." 
"Yeah, because sorry changes a lot." You sarcastically replied, arms folded against your chest, "You know what I had to go through alone? It terrified me to think that I would be apart of a statistic." 
"That's why I wanna make it better, I swear on my pops."
"You know, words are powerful. If you lie, that just might kill him." Quite a harsh thing to say, but when are angry people every rational? 
"He's already dead..." He responded in a grave tone.
You stopped for a moment and stared at Erik, actually taking in the torn look in his eyes. He really looked like a completely different person, nothing that you remember from two years ago. 
"I-I'm so sorry." You apologized, the kind person in you slowly started to come out again. 
"It happened when I was eight. I had a lot taken from me..." He continued to explain his life story to you. From the beginning all the way up until now and it made you somewhat understand his choice of actions. 
Though you still wouldn't justify it, it made sense, rather than what you first assumed. Which was him being a man who slept around just because he was attractive and charming enough.
"I know what it's like to not have a dad growing up, and a mother. Shit, not having a stable family is hard. I don't want her growing up like that, she deserves stability." He sighed, "And I gotta be honest... I been watching her grow up on your Instagram."
"Oh really, I thought you blocked me." You challenged him.
"That was a few years ago, I guess you ain't checked on a nigga since then." 
"Hell no."
He chuckled, "Damn... Aye uh, can I see her?" He asked shyly.
There was hesitation at first, but you obliged. She came into your arms after you opened the door.
"Kai, I want you to meet your daddy." You could not believe you were actually doing this. She willingly went into his arms, staring at him with an uncertain facial expression. 
There was so much love, compassion and interest in his eyes as he held his daughter for the first time. "Hey, princess... I'm ya father." She was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
"Daddy?" She skeptically questioned the large man holding her with one arm. 
He nodded, "Yeah."
"Daddy!" The toddler wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug. There were tears in both you and Erik's eyes. 
"I promise to never abandon you again, baby girl." He hugged her even tighter, wishing that he never had to let go. "I love you so much." He whispered to her. 
Erik knew from the moment he made eye contact with his daughter, he was already changing. It was love at first sight. This was his seed, his daughter, his baby. This was a new life, that he created (accidentally) and due to selfish reasons, he almost left her. 
You weren't sure how long it would take to mend the wound that Erik gave to you, but he insisted on trying to work things out. If the two of you did not end up coming to full terms with each other, he still wanted to be there to support Makylie. 
You have to start somewhere in order to make progress otherwise there will be no results, no growth, no moving forward. 
I have to try... You both said to yourselves. For Makylie, if nothing else...
I hope you enjoyed! This was suppose to be a short story but of course I got carried away lol.
Thanks for reading!
(Start/Finish: April 13-16, 2019)
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glancieri · 15 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: EUC Gold Tone Double Hand Towel Stand.
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homemakersinteriors · 10 months
Shades to use in your interiors
A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing Shades for Your Interiors
Choosing the right shades for your interiors goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's about crafting an atmosphere that resonates with your style and complements the functionality of each space. In this in-depth exploration, we'll delve into various shades, uncovering their unique qualities and how they can transform your home.
1. Timeless Neutrals: The Foundation of Elegance
Neutral shades such as whites, creams, and beiges serve as the backbone of interior design. These timeless hues provide a versatile canvas, allowing for easy pairing with different styles and color accents. Neutrals create a sense of openness, making them ideal for smaller spaces or areas with limited natural light.
2. Soothing Blues and Greens: A Breath of Tranquility
Soft blues and greens bring a calming influence to your interiors. These colors, reminiscent of the sky and nature, create a serene ambiance. Consider using them in bedrooms, bathrooms, or spaces where relaxation is key. From pale aqua to muted sage, these shades offer a refreshing escape within your own home.
3. Warm Earthy Hues: Embracing Nature's Palette
Infuse your interiors with warmth by incorporating earthy tones like terracotta, ochre, and warm grays. These hues, inspired by the natural world, evoke a sense of comfort and coziness. Perfect for living rooms and areas where you want to create a welcoming retreat, these shades bring the outdoors in.
4. Bold Accents: Infusing Energy and Personality
Introduce bold accent colors strategically to inject energy and personality into your space. Deep reds, rich blues, or vibrant yellows can be employed in accessories, furniture, or feature walls. These accents serve as focal points, adding drama and visual interest to the overall design.
5. Elegant Soft Grays: Modern Sophistication Unveiled
Soft gray tones offer a modern and sophisticated aesthetic. Versatile and refined, these shades act as a blank canvas for various design styles. From light gray to charcoal, these hues provide a contemporary backdrop, allowing other elements in the room to stand out.
6. Nature-inspired Browns: Grounding Elements for Balance
Bring a touch of nature indoors with brown tones inspired by wood and stone. These earthy hues add a grounding element to your interiors, creating a connection with the natural world. Consider using them in furniture, flooring, or accent pieces to achieve a harmonious balance.
7. Muted Pastel Serenity: Gentle Whimsy and Charm
Muted pastels, including soft pinks, blues, and greens, introduce a gentle and airy feel to your interiors. Perfect for nurseries, bedrooms, or spaces where a touch of whimsy is desired, these shades add a subtle and charming elegance.
8. Chic Monochromatic Schemes: Subtle Variations, Striking Impact
Dive into the sophistication of monochromatic color schemes, using different shades of a single color. This approach creates a cohesive and refined look, allowing for subtle variations in tone and intensity. It's an excellent way to achieve a tailored and polished aesthetic.
9. Classic Whites: Cleanliness and Timeless Appeal
White, with its timeless appeal, brings a sense of cleanliness and openness to any space. Whether used as the main color or as a complement to other shades, white creates a bright and inviting atmosphere. It's a classic choice that suits a variety of design preferences.
10. Glamorous Metallic Accents: Elevating Aesthetics with Luxury
Add a touch of glamor to your interiors with metallic shades like gold, silver, or copper. These accents introduce a hint of luxury and sophistication. Incorporate metallic elements in accessories, light fixtures, or furniture for a touch of opulence.
Final Thoughts: Crafting Your Unique Palette
In crafting the perfect color palette for your interiors, consider the function of each room, the natural light it receives, and, most importantly, your personal preferences. Experiment with combinations, layering shades to create depth and visual interest. Your home is your canvas; let the shades you choose tell your unique story. Whether you opt for timeless neutrals, bold accents, or a harmonious blend of colors, the world of interior design is yours to explore and personalize.
Conclusion: Crafting Your Homely Symphony of Colors
As a homemaker, your interiors are an expression of love and warmth. Craft your homely symphony of colors by considering the function of each room, the natural light it receives, and, most importantly, your personal preferences. Experiment with combinations, layering shades to create depth and visual interest. Your home is a reflection of your unique homemaking journey – let its colors tell your beautiful story. Happy homemaking!
Know more about:-https://www.homemakersinterior.com/
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mirror01 · 1 year
LAM015 Brass Framed Lighted Bathroom Mirror
Specification of LAM015 Framed Bathroom Mirror
Model Number
Model Name
Framed wall mirrors for bathrooms
400w x 900h mm
5mm Copper-free mirror with safety film
With touch sensor switch
5 Years warranty
Description of LAM015 Mirror with Frame for Bathroom
1. With 3000/4500/6000K LED lighting
2. 5mm Copper-free mirror with safety film
3. With touch sensor switch
4. 100-240V, IP44 rated
5. Long life 50,000 hours LED lighting  
6. With CE, UL, SAA, SASO Standards
7. With gold / white / black frame option
8. 5 Years warranty
9. Various sizes and designs available upon your request
Pairing Brass Framed Lighted Mirrors with Different Interior Styles
Pairing a brass bathroom mirror with different interior styles can create a cohesive and stylish look in the bathroom. Here are some suggestions for successful pairings:
Traditional: In a traditional bathroom, a brass framed lighted mirror can add a touch of elegance and sophistication. Pair it with ornate fixtures, such as a vintage-inspired vanity and classic tile patterns, for a timeless look.
Modern: In a modern bathroom, the contrast between the sleek lines of a brass framed lighted mirror and contemporary fixtures can create a striking visual impact. Opt for minimalistic fixtures, clean lines, and a monochromatic color scheme to achieve a balanced and chic aesthetic.
Industrial: Pairing a brass framed lighted mirror with industrial elements, such as exposed brick walls or concrete countertops, can create an edgy and stylish look. The warm tone of the brass and the lighting will soften the ruggedness of the industrial style.
Scandinavian: Brass framed lighted mirrors can provide a stunning contrast against light and airy Scandinavian interiors. Pair the mirror with natural materials, light-colored wood, and neutral tones for a harmonious and cozy atmosphere.
Bohemian: Incorporate a brass framed lighted mirror into a bohemian-inspired bathroom for a touch of elegance among eclectic patterns and colorful accents. The brass frame adds a luxurious detail to the relaxed and free-spirited ambiance.
Remember, whatever interior style you choose, a brass framed lighted mirror can act as a focal point and bring warmth and sophistication to the space. By considering the existing elements and coordinating complementary fixtures and accessories, you can create a cohesive and visually appealing bathroom design.
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davekendrick · 1 year
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nordicwallartcanvas · 2 years
The most beautiful bathroom art ideas in 2023
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If you think artwork is only for spaces like the living room, dining room, and bedroom, think again. Bathroom art walls deserve love, too! So if you've been putting off the task of hanging up art in the loo, now is the time to get motivated and check this to-do off your list once and for all. Whether you're looking to hang just one small piece or install a full-on gallery wall, there are so many ways to incorporate prints, paintings, and photographs into your bathroom. You may even already have some pieces on hand that are begging for a little attention and would look excellent next to your sink or across from your bathtub, so you can even shop your own home if you wish.
If you need help determining what types of pieces to display in the bathroom, we've got you covered. Below are 20 bathrooms that will inspire you to grab that hammer and get decorating!
1. Try a Petite Picture
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Tiled bathroom walls? No problem! Even if you can't directly nail into the wall, you can still hang art using stick-on hooks. Here, a small piece livens up an all-white bathroom
2. Make Use of a Floating Shelf
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Many people have floating or open shelving somewhere in their bathroom, and this can be a great place to display small framed artwork, particularly if you like to change things out often. You can even layer a few different frames for a chic, collected look.
3. Light It Up With Candle Sconces
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How fun are these gold candle holders? Add a touch of glam to your bathroom with an addition like this one. After all, who doesn't want to bathe by candlelight after a long day? Add in some bright-colored taper candles for a little extra pizzazz.
4. Say Yes to Something Abstract
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Abstract art continues to have a moment all throughout the home. If you're crafty, you can even design a piece of your own! Opt to use colors that are already present throughout your bathroom space. Here, a mix of pinks, blues, and yellows complements the surrounding bathroom accessories perfectly.
5. Score a Vintage Mirror or Frame
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Mirrors and picture frames (even when empty) can double as amazing art pieces. Take a trip to your local thrift store and search for vintage items that stand out to you. We love that this gilded picture frame even doubles as a towel holder!
6. Fill Space Between the Windows
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If you've painted your bathroom walls and want to ensure that the color you selected truly shines, keep your wall art simple. Here, a framed abstract fits between two windows without being distracting.
7. Look to Nature When Choosing Prints
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Nature or plant-themed prints are a popular choice in the bathroom. These can be admired from the tub and are ultra-soothing. Purchase a set of two or four to ease the shopping process.
8. Or Go Big With a Landscape Canvas
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This bathtub is positioned right up next to the window, but if you tire of the backyard view, you can always sit back and admire the nature painting on the wall! It almost acts as a second window of sorts.
9. Give Green Friends Extra Love
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Love plants? The more, the merrier. Hang some green friends on your bathroom walls to turn the room into a spa-like oasis. It's like bathing in your own little greenhouse.
10. Showcase a Love for Exploring
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Showcase your love of travel all throughout the home. Maps are easy to frame, and you can often find vintage ones at thrift stores and flea markets if you're looking for something extra unique.
11. Mix in Several Small Works
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This bathroom already features beautiful wallpaper, but small art pieces liven up the space even more. Don't hesitate to decorate your bathroom to the max and fill the space with finishing touches like frames, vases, and even a small side table.(Bathroom art walls)
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Bathroom Remodeling Ideas
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It’s remarkable the effect that transforming a rest room may have on the general sense of a home. Even though maximum toilets are generally lots smaller than the opposite rooms in a residence, a complete maintenance or maybe an easy face-elevate could make a massive difference.
If you’re geared up to mention good-bye to old tile, furnishings, or paint colour, use those rest room redecorate thoughts to manual you in designing a practical and appealing area that you could revel in for years to come.
1. Modern Farmhouse Remodel
You’ll want to enlist the offerings of a toilet recovery company. Transitioning from a mean rest room and into a country farmhouse rest room isn’t always has tough because it seems. Size and area are relative concepts. Once you alter your perspective, you could put into effect any concept you spot fit.
2. Textured Designed
Like a caterpillar that will become a butterfly, you could rework your rest room in comparable fashion. For small toilets, you is probably capin a position to drag off a equal day rest room redecorate. Before you don’t forget that option, make certain you already know what it entails.
3. Concrete Quilt Tile Stencil Flooring
Black is a superb colour for small toilets. This fashionable redecorate featured on lelaburris uses black as an accessory colour in aggregate with white. It provides intensity to the room collectively with all of the positioned add-ons just like the floating shelf above the bathroom and mirror.
The actual eye-catcher is the rest room flooring. The concrete duvet tile stencil breathes electricity into the small area.
4. Gold Shower Fixtures
With small toilets, pair them with sublime gold end furnishings. From authoritylifestyle, the aggregate of styles and hues upload man or woman to the rest room area.
5. Open Bathroom Remodel
Colors like white, beige, mild grey, and pastels are perfect hues for small areas seem bigger, brighter, and extra open. Feel loose to layout a bathtub to stroll in bathe redecorate. The gadget is good for the aged or the ones recuperating from a severe injury.
6. Eye-Catching Tile
Choosing the incorrect tile is a rest room transforming mistake fine avoided. Going with something too bland may also handiest result in regrets down the road. Why now no longer upload a pop of colour or creative aptitude on your rest room through selecting an appealing and alluring tile that could assist shape the idea on your rest room decor.
Read also: Bathroom Décor for His and Her
7. Statement Bathtub
When making plans out your rest room layout, consider eliminating an antique wall-connected bath in choose of a brand new assertion bath. Choosing a big and steeply-priced bath can decorate the classy enchantment of your area even as additionally providing the suitable spot to loosen up and unwind after an extended and disturbing day.
8. Sound System
Incorporating a valid gadget into your rest room redecorate plans permit you to create the remaining rest area. Pairing your sound gadget with a integrated TV, as proven here, will can help you capture up for your favored suggests or watch a film even as playing a relaxing bath.
9. Layout Transformation
It’s tough hard to overtake a rest room’s format. tap furnishings and fixtures portions rely upon the the area of your pipes. It would possibly make extra experience to have the conceitedness and the sink repositioned in case you sense they’re now no longer withinside the proper place.
10. Mediterranean Bathroom Remodeling
There’s lots of colours and chromatic palettes to pick out from on your new small rest room layout and there’s one which stands out: white and blue. It’s a lovely and flexible blend which offers off Mediterranean vibes.
11. Ultra Modern Master Bath
When designing an extension for a late-19th-century Greenwich home, architect Allan Greenberg and indoors decorator Victoria Hagan desired to create a area that turned into straight away ultramodern and livable. The grasp rest room is simply that—a swish but inviting, marble-coated retreat. The layout crew created a sun-splashed room providing partitions painted a smooth inexperienced and reflected surfaces that replicate each mild and views.
12. Hardwood Bathroom Floors
This instance gives a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde transformation. Don’t suppose which you need to continually keep away from formidable hues or styles whilst adorning a small rest room. Instead of retaining the layout terrific easy and impartial you can cross the alternative path and provide it a totally colourful appearance. It ought to nonetheless be a chilled and soothing area. Check out this small rest room redecorate from inmyownstyle for inspiration.
13. Classic Aesthetic
It’s not unusual place to sense that transforming and renovating a rest room need to appearance extra cutting-edge than it’s unique layout. With this small rest room redecorate from thediyplaybook you could see the brand new layout has gives a conventional vibe. The grey-coloured patterned tile captures the classy of the area.
14. Flooring Design
Isn’t this toilet adorable? It’s small and the slanted ceiling isn’t always typically a proper characteristic however it seems so sparkling and ethereal regardless of all of the disadvantages. The ground tile layout is a showstopper. White, blue, and mild grey nuances healthy the room and floral pattern. Check out thesweetestdigs for extra information about this redecorate challenge.
15. Bathroom Extensions
Get innovative together along with your format and use areas adjoining on your rest room. For instance, this redecorate challenge from Boxwoodavenue performs off of a slim hallway. The method permits for transitions that have been hard and awkward. After repurposing and rebalancing the area, a part of the previous hallway turned into protected inside the little rest room.
16. Mounted Towel Warmers
Keep yourself exceptional and toasty after a warm bathe whilst you take hold of a heat towel off of this hooked up towel hotter to be had at Wayfair. The stainless steel rack holds up to 2 towels or bathrobes and takes simply 10 to fifteen mins to heat them up. In addition to stopping you from getting bloodless proper out of the bathe, this towel hotter will even assist make sure your towels scent sparkling and now no longer musty.
17. Radiant Heat Flooring
If your toes hate the bloodless surprise of stepping on a chilly tile rest room ground, putting in heated flooring can be simply the solution. You may even DIY this replace with a radiant ground heating package like this selection to be had at The Home Depot. The unique heated mesh cloth may be set up underneath tile, stone, and nailed hardwood flooring. Use the protected thermostat to set the warmth on your preferred temperature.
Bathrooms are the smallest rooms in a residence which includes the powdered rooms but a bit rest room appearance maintenance can reason an entire extrade and examine of the residence. So, right transforming is critical to keep away from high priced errors for your rest room makeover. However, transforming is a superb revel in that once rest room maintenance is executed proper, it’s far handiest blissful.
The article was originally published at magzinenow.com
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tapronlimited · 6 months
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Accessories Guide for a Modern Bathroom
The Tapron guide provides tips on selecting modern bathroom accessories, emphasizing the importance of choosing items that blend well with your bathroom's decor. It discusses the significance of details like soap dishes, dispensers, toilet roll holders, hooks, hangers, and tumblers in enhancing the bathroom's aesthetics and functionality. The article also highlights the choice of finishes, such as gold and matt black, to complement the modern design, ensuring these accessories contribute to a stylish and practical bathroom environment. For detailed recommendations, visit the guide here.
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psychicwint · 2 years
Atc 250r rear fender
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#Atc 250r rear fender for free
#Atc 250r rear fender mod
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
Coming Up Easy - First Sightings
I am *SO* sorry this is so hella late this week. It's been... a fucking week. CW: One mention of a homophobic slur.
You can also read this on AO3!
CUE - First Sightings
Unpacking boxes was not one of Alex’s favorite activities. He hadn’t had many when he’d moved because he hadn’t wanted to rent a truck or deal with shipping things, so the twelve boxes he’d been able to load into the late nineties Ford Explorer encompassed all his worldly possessions. He’d finally gotten a chance to start unpacking the miscellaneous boxes after a trip to Ikea for bookshelves, a bed, and a couch. Furthermore, he’d promised himself he’d explore his new city more and find second-hand shops for other household furniture and accessories, but the bookshelves would be enough to finally clear away the last of his unpacked boxes.
Alex opened the last box and looked inside. His heart softened a little as he saw the small shoebox of photographs he kept. Promising himself he’d look through it later, he unpacked the few other knick-knacks out of the box and took them to the bookshelves to start placing them. The box didn’t reenter his mind until after dinner when he found himself lounging across his new sofa with a cold beer in his hand. The box stared at him from the floor where he’d left it. Setting down his beer on the floor, he quickly got up and grabbed the box, and brought it back over to the couch. He flipped open the top and gingerly picked up the pile closest to him.
Michael and him in the desert with guitars. Liz, Max, Michael, and him at a church car wash. Michael, Kyle, and him all leaning against a bathroom wall in various stages of being phenomenally sick from drinking too much. Him and Michael hanging out at the UFO Emporium. Him and Michael eating pizza and playing video games at Max and Isobel’s. Him and Michael in college at a frat party. Him and Michael. Him and Michael. Him and Michael…
It hit Alex quite suddenly that basically since he and Michael had become friends they’d been fairly inseparable. They’d dated other people and had friends that the other didn’t like, but as a rule, it was always the two of them against the world and it had been since they were fifteen. He picked up his phone and snapped a photo of the photograph he held in his hand where they were sixteen, pimply, awkward, and bent over laughing outside the high school band room.
Me 8:46 p.m.>> Who the fuck are these dorks? <<Picture sent at 8:46 p.m.>> <<Michael 8:50 p.m.>> Holy shit, look at those nerds!! <<Michael 8:51 p.m.>> Though I gotta say, the emo one is pretty hot. If I were sixteen, I’d definitely have a crush on him. Me 8:52 p.m.>> You did not have a crush on me at 16! I was so tragic! <<Michael 8:53 p.m.>> You were not. You were fucking feral. You took exactly zero percent shit from anyone. It was hot as fuck. Me 8:55 p.m.>> You are definitely misremembering the amount of bullshit I put up with. <<Michael 9:00 p.m.>> Do you know what you were doing the first time I saw you?
Alex cast back in his memory. He remembered the first time he was aware of Michael, but not necessarily the first time Michael was aware of him. He always assumed it was at the same time.
Me 9:02 p.m.>> Uh? Scribbling emo song lyrics on my bio lab notebook? <<Michael 9:03 p.m.>> Nope. <<Michael 9:03 p.m.>> You were having a fight with Kyle during gym because he tagged your gym shirt with the word “faggot” in pink sharpie.
“Mr. Manes, you cannot wear shirts with inappropriate text on them. This is the gym. White shirts only,” Coach Heim called at Alex as soon as he walked out of the locker room and started towards where the rest of the class was lounging in the middle of the basketball court. Alex could see Kyle elbowing his football buddies and smirking, barely containing their laughter. Alex felt his face grow hot with embarrassment and fury. He kept walking towards the group.
“MR. MANES! GO CHANGE YOUR SHIRT!” the coach yelled, putting more authority into his deep baritone. He was a fit, balding adult who generally was an alright guy, but Alex was swelling with indignation. He stopped a few feet away from the group so he didn’t have to yell to be heard.
“I don’t have another shirt, sir. This is my gym shirt,” Alex explained through clenched teeth. As the rest of the class got a good look at the words emblazoned across his chest and stomach, he heard them begin to snicker and giggle quietly.
“Well, you can’t wear that one. You’re smarter than this, Alex, why would you wear this out of the locker room?” the coach asked, not sounding unkind. He shot the gathered students a dirty look and they quieted their laughter.
“Because it’s all I had to wear and it’s not my fault it was defaced. Some pink-fingered fucking COWARD of a football player must’ve thought it’d be REAL FUNNY to break into my locker and--” Alex started, voice growing louder as he let the heat behind his cheeks infuse his voice.
“I did no such thing!” Kyle yelled, cutting in on Alex. Coach Heim looked over at him, eyes narrowed. He opened his mouth to say something, maybe to tell Kyle to sit down, but as soon as Kyle stepped forward away from his buddies, Alex pounced. He landed the first hit on Kyle’s cheek, the meaty smack of their skin satisfying to him. Kyle shook it off and came at him. Before he knew it, they were rolling on the ground hitting each other as hard as they could in anyplace visible. The pain was nothing new for Alex and he kept his head clear as he tried to aim for spots that would hurt long after he was pulled off.
Too soon, arms were wrapped around his chest and a much bigger body than his was pulling him back and off of where he’d pinned Valenti to the ground. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, his ears still ringing with rage, but he could see the thin trickle of blood from Kyle’s split lip and he felt himself smile at the shock on everyone else’s face as they watched him get dragged back. He would not take Kyle’s shit this year. He would not take anyone’s shit.
Alex rubbed his fingers across his eyebrows and sighed deeply. He had been so ready to cause someone else pain by then. His dad had only gotten worse towards him when Kyle started to pull away because it meant that his “unnaturalness” was evident to everyone. His fight then and the fights in the following year always had more to do with his dad than with him being ashamed of being gay. He put the photos down in the box and went to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. His phone chimed as he unscrewed the top and after a deep drink, he checked the message.
<<Michael 9:13 p.m.>> Uh oh, you’ve left me on read. You okay? Me 9:14 p.m.>> I’m fine. Sorry. Just got wrapped up in my head for a minute. Me 9:15 p.m.>> How did you see that? You weren’t in my gym class? <<Michael 9:16 p.m.>> I was hiding under the bleachers skipping english. Me 9:17 p.m.>> THAT WAS THE FIRST DAY! <<Michael 9:17 p.m.>> Right? Nothing to do anyway. It was fine. It’s in the past. I graduated high school, didn’t I? No harm, no foul.
Alex laughed quietly to himself, staring at the message screen. He went back to the couch and flopped back down across the cushions with a sigh.
Me 9:20 p.m.>> You did. Even graduated college. I guess you’re right. <<Michael 9:21 p.m.>> When do you remember seeing me for the first time? Me 9: 23 p.m.>> I feel like it was biology when we were lab partners. I was supposed to be with Max, remember? <<Michael 9:24 p.m.>> Yeah, I was with Liz. Max had no chill back then. How the fuck did it take Liz until senior year to notice that he liked her? Me 9:35 p.m.>> Had no chill? *Has* no chill.
“Michael! MI-CHAEL!” Max hissed loudly from his seat next to Alex two rows behind where Liz was sitting. The class period was just getting started and everyone was still milling around trying to find their assigned seats. Michael looked over his shoulder at Max who was looking desperately at him. Michael mouthed ‘what?!’ and gave Max an irritated glare.
“Switch with me!” Max whisper screamed. Alex was smirking into his notebook as he watched the exchange through the side of his eye. He hadn’t really noticed the curly-haired boy before, but the eye roll he gave Max was epic. He started to turn back to the front when Max whispered again. “I’ll pay you!”
Michael turned back around abruptly and narrowed his eyes.
“How much?” Michael asked, not whispering but keeping his voice low enough not to carry to the teacher who was about to start taking roll. Max looked desperately towards the front of the class at Liz’s back where she was ignoring what was happening beside her in favor of actually paying attention. She was about the only one.
“Fifty,” Max called out.
“Seventy-five and you buy my lunch for a week,” Michael countered. Alex was highly amused. Max darted his eyes over to Liz’s back again and nodded. Michael grabbed his stuff and moved quickly towards the back of the classroom while Max grabbed his stuff to go forward.
“Sorry!” Max called out to Alex softly before he left. Alex watched him slide into the seat next to Liz smoothly and take out his notebook. She looked over and smiled at him in confusion, turning to look back at where Michael was now taking his seat next to Alex. Alex looked over at him and was struck full in the face with his mischievous grin.
“That sucker, I would’ve done it for twenty-five,” Michael shared with Alex conspiratorially, leaning closer to him while he spoke so his voice wouldn’t reach Max’s ears. Alex felt himself blushing a little at the somewhat flirtatious smirk Michael was giving him. He’d been aware of Michael, but hadn’t really ever paid him any mind. Now he was near him, he could see the interesting light brown of his eyes somewhere between gold and green. He also smelled a little like lake water and the woodsy, spicy deodorant Alex had smelled on Mr. Valenti. It was weirdly comforting.
“So he has a thing for Liz or is he that afraid of failing bio that badly? I’m not stupid,” Alex asked, clearing his throat and trying not to seem offended by Max’s desperation to switch partners.
“Oh, he has a major thing for Liz. It’s gross. Like, she’s pretty, don’t get me wrong. But he’s been writing Mr. and Mrs. Ortecho-Evans in his notebook since third grade or some shit like that,” Michael revealed, taking out his own bio notebook from his bag and setting in on the lab table in front of him. Alex took in what he was saying and nodded.
“So it’s not cause everyone says I’m gay?” Alex asked, voice low and a little nervous to see Michael’s reaction. Michael looked over at him, eyebrows drawn together and something like sympathy passing over his expression before he responded.
“No, man. Max doesn’t give a shit about that and neither do I. You weren’t planning on trying to date him, were you?” Michael asked, shooting him a grin. Alex grinned back, relieved to hear that someone in the school who was so upstanding and obviously straight like Max wasn’t a complete jerk. Michael didn’t seem too bad either.
“Nah. He’s not my type. I like musicians,” Alex joked, shooting Michael a side-grin.
“You don’t say? Do you play?” Michael asked, eyes forward now in a semblance of paying attention to the teacher. Alex glanced up towards the board, but continued slouching over his lyrics notebook.
“Guitar,” he replied shortly as the teacher started explaining their first lab assignment.
“Cool. Me too,” Michael said. Alex could see him studying him out of the corner of his eye. “We should jam sometime.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
And they did jam together eventually. A week later they’d gotten together and Alex had learned that Michael did not know one end of a guitar from the other. He’d let Michael borrow his brother Greg’s guitar and then taught him everything he knew over the course of the next three months.
Me 9:40 p.m.>> Man. Who knew we’d still be friends this long after. <<Michael 9:45 p.m.>> I did. Once you taught me to play guitar, you were stuck with me for life. There’s an unbreakable bond built when one dude teaches another dude how to finger... Me 9:46 p.m.>> Jesus Christ. That was terrible. <<Michael 9:47 p.m.>> Bet you’re laughing though. Me 9:48 p.m.>> I plead the fifth. Also, I gotta get to bed. Early day tomorrow. <<Michael 9:50 p.m.>> That’s some responsible adult behavior right there. Gross. Me 9:51 p.m.>> You’re gross. <<Michael 9:52 p.m.>> I am gross. I’m going to take a shower and change that, however. When will you be young and fun again? Me 9:53 p.m. >> Shut up. Go take your shower. <<Michael 9:53 p.m.>> Fine. Go to bed. Think about me in bed. Me 9:54 p.m.>> *You* think about me in bed. <<Michael 9:55 p.m.>> Always do. Night Me 9:56 p.m.>> Night.
Alex heaved himself off the couch and went to his room. The apartment always seemed so dark and lonely when he finished talking with Michael. He needed to work on making friends. That would help him not miss him so much.
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simsbyjcw · 3 years
T.S.R. Shopping List 11/14/21 Part 5 All Categories
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glancieri · 15 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: EUC Gold Tone Double Hand Towel Stand.
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ruewrites · 4 years
We’re Blooming Together Chapter 8: Wishing on a Star
Ship: Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 4587
Warnings: Drinking, Nausea
Chapter 1-Chapter 2-Chapter 3-Chapter 4-Chapter 5-Chapter 6-Chapter 7-Chapter 8-Chapter 9-Chapter 10-Chapter 11-Chapter 12
How to look professional but sexy at the same time… While yes it was a party, Asmo knew there could potentially be people there that Asmo wanted to impress, and of course he wanted Solomon’s attention. Maybe he was overthinking it, it was entirely possible that he was overthinking everything, but he just wanted to look good. He really wanted to look good.  
Why the hell did he have so many clothes?
Well, he knew why, but still. Multiple outfit options were splayed out on his bed, every now and again he would swap bottoms and tops, accessories and shoes… He couldn’t even think of makeup yet until he had his outfit together perfectly. Would it be too tacky if he tried to match the design he made for Solomon? Probably… He needed to figure out his own thing. Pink had always been a good color on him, so he could start there. 
While normally he would love shorts, he didn’t want to be too cold. Sure it could be a tactic to get Solomon to cuddle up against him for warmth, but he didn’t want to be uncomfortable all night. Unfortunately he also couldn’t be able to snuggle up against Solomon all night either.
Alright. That  narrowed down some of his options. Now he could get rid of tops that didn’t match. He supposed he could show a little skin. Maybe high waisted pants and a crop top? Yes he wanted to attract Solomon’s eye, and maybe he was basing his outfit off of things he’d noticed had drawn his eyes in the past. Whether it be on mannequins in stores or said in passing. But he was also doing it to hopefully strike up conversation with future employers or business partners.
But his skin, showing that off was for Solomon. Other people could look if they wanted to, in fact, he would encourage people to look at his bare arms, or the part of his stomach that his top was too short to reach, or how the mesh above his chest made his collar bones visible. They could even look at other parts of him like how his pants hugged his legs ever so perfectly, how his heels would make his back arch slightly, or how his makeup made all of his most wonderful features stand out that much more.
They could admire him, but it wasn’t for them. He was locked in on Solomon.
Then it’s a date.
A date…
He said it was a date, and this was for him. He would take a jacket, but only for if he got cold. While it would be absolutely romantic for Solomon to give him one of his sweaters or jackets, he didn’t want to ruin his design.
Asmo had just finished painting his nails, when his phone buzzed, alerting him to Solomon’s presence downstairs.
“Oh.” Solomon’s voice was quiet. He looked a bit surprised, and Asmo swore he saw his eyes do a quick once over his body. Good. So far so good. 
“You look really nice.”
Asmo couldn’t help the smile that curled up on his lips. “Oh? Even nicer than earlier at school today?” he asked, walking around Solomon, pretending that he was inspecting the outfit. He was more than satisfied with the way Solomon’s head slowly followed his movements. Perhaps Asmo was intentionally putting a little more swing in his hips, perhaps…
“I would dare to say yes,” Solomon said, eyes quickly flicking over him once more, “You, really took your time to… to….”
The sentence tapered off as Asmo stepped closer, their eyes locked together. Asmo couldn’t help but wonder if he should try to kiss him. His heart was pounding against his chest as he inched closer. Solomon was frozen in place and Asmo couldn’t help but wonder how lost he was in his eyes. Solomon’s eyes looked even prettier in this moment. They were dark, mysterious, endless, just like the night sky. Asmo swore he found himself searching for shooting stars. But what do you wish for when all you’ve ever wanted is standing right in front of you?
“Oi, you still need pictures for yer portfolio or nah?”
Perhaps you wish for people to stop interrupting important moments in your life. That would be oh so incredibly nice.
Solomon straightened himself as his eyes snapped towards Mammon. He cleared his throat and nodded in an attempt to gather some of his lost composure off of the floor. “Yes, of course. I wouldn’t want your hard work to go to waste,” he smiled, looking down at Asmo once more, “Where would you like to take them?”
The nice thing about the Morningstar estate was that it was huge. A large garden sat behind the house with stone benches and angels and other decor scattered throughout the various exotic plants that grew there. Asmo tightened his jacket around himself with one hand while holding Mammon’s camera in the other. Mammon was showing Solomon some of the best ways to position himself. The look on Solomon’s face was almost comical. The glances he would steal towards Asmo screamed ‘help me’ and all Asmo could do was giggle and shrug in response. Perhaps it was good that Solomon was going to be a professor rather than going into the fashion industry. He looked the part, but being positioned didn’t seem to be one of his strong suits, especially not when Mammon was going over all of his tips a mile a minute. He looked a little awkward, but they could make it work. He still looked hot.
“Alright, just remember what we talked about,” Mammon called, to which Solomon gave him a rather unsure thumbs up. “Camera.” 
Honestly Asmo was happy to return the camera to his brother, even if he had asked for it rather rudely. Yes, he was a little cold for now, but having Solomon’s eyes on him would make it so incredibly worth it.
“I hope you’re ready after these,” Mammon said, snapping pictures in quick succession, “After this set I’ll let ya look at them to see which ones you like, yer gonna get ‘em developed yerself, and then we’re gonna pregame.”
“Aren’t you driving?” Asmo asked, crossing his arms. Honestly, he couldn’t say he wasn’t surprised.
Mammon huffed, turning to look at Asmo, “Well duh, well drive there first and then pregame.”
“Mammon, brother dearest, that is far from the point.”
Asmo wasn’t about to let Mammon’s stupidity ruin his fun night. Besides, if worse came to worse, he’d call Simeon to come and get them. Problem solved. Maybe… Maybe he’d be able to go home with Solomon. Oh he couldn’t only imagine what it would feel like falling asleep in his arms! But he had to get him to confess first. He just had to. This party would be one of his best options. 
It was amazing what a little alcohol could do. It would relax both of them, lower their inhibitions, bring them down to their most basic desires. Based on what Solomon had written in his letters, Asmo had know doubt that confessing would be one of the things that he wanted to do the most. This party would make him confess. This party had to make him confess.
Asmo wasn’t sure if this place was nice or a while in the wall. It was too dark to tell. The only lights surrounding them  were bright, multicolored, and flashing. Wisps of smoke trailed across the floor from hidden spoke machines and they were surrounded by people laughing and drinking. Was that a mini bar in the corner? 
Well, this was certainly a lot nicer than any college party he’d been to. Still crowded, but nice. He was a little dizzy from drinking in Mammon’s car, and every now and again he’d bump into Solomon’s side. He just had to keep his balance and he’d be fine. Asmo wasn’t drunk, but he was feeling a pretty pleasant buzz coursing through him.
Mammon had already disappeared into the crowd, most likely to find some of his work friends. He had been wearing a design from his employer when they left the house… Honestly, Asmo was starting to think this was less of a work thing, and more of a ‘it’s time for all of us to show off and be a little full of ourselves’ thing. Which Asmo had no problem with at all.
“Solomoooon!” he giggled in a sing-song voice, wrapping his arms around Solomon’s arm, “Let’s go find a place to take a picture. I wanna post a real nice one on my page.”  He felt Solomon’s hand brush against his exposed waist, just for a moment. They weren’t soft, but they weren’t too rough either. It was a happy medium that sent a nice sensation along his smooth skin. They were also cold, really cold. But Asmo didn’t mind, the goosebumps would disappear eventually. He’d let himself freeze over if it meant that Solomon would touch him first. If Solomon would kiss him...If Solomon would whisper those three magic words.
He couldn’t see Solomon’s lips in the dark, and he struggled hearing him above the thumping of the bass, but he knew that Solomon followed after him without resistance.
As they pushed through the crowds looking for proper lighting, Asmo couldn’t help but notice people hiding in the corners and couches. People curled up together, people kissing, people making out, people whispering to each other, people drinking together… They were almost entirely shadows, hidden from the light, their forms only illuminated every now and again by a strike of green, or blue, or red. Asmo wanted to be in the places of those people. He knew how good it felt. He knew the high it could bring. He’d experienced it before yes, but now he wanted to experience it with Solomon. He knew it would feel good. He knew they’d enjoy themselves. Even just cuddling in Solomon’s arms, tucked away from the rest of the crowd, and hearing Solomon recite his letters to him softly in the dark. 
A crack of light broke through onto the floor in gentle streams, gently caressing the smoke. And Asmo had no hesitation when it came to pushing the door open into a small bathroom. There was an ornate mirror, lined in gold and resting above a marble sink where Asmo could see their reflections perfectly. They made such a cute couple, they really did. The music was a little more muted from inside the small bathroom, and Asmo could finally hear himself think, but more importantly he could finally hear Solomon.
“I think the lighting in here will do, what do you think?” he asked, turning around ever so slightly to look at Solomon. He shrugged his jacket off before Solomon could even respond and tied it around his hips.  Maybe it wasn’t the best choice, but he certainly didn’t want to leave it on the floor. However, seeing Solomon watch his movements in the mirror made it all worth it. 
“Yeah- Yeah. I think this’ll work,” he said. 
Asmo grinned and pushed himself back into Solomon and held his phone up. He swore he felt him shudder ever so slightly. “What do you think of this angle?” he asked, leaning more into Solomon’s shoulder so that their faces were inches apart. Asmo knew what he was doing. All Solomon had to do was wrap his hands around his hips, all he had to do was hold him close, all he had to do-
There was a quick knock at the door that made them jump. “Just a second!” Solomon called, “Alright, I think we look good.” 
Asmo nodded, a little annoyed at the interruption, but smiled for the picture nonetheless. It was cute, but Asmo still wished he could have seen what might have happened… Ah well. “Ready to head to the bar?”
Asmo had to stop himself from giggling as he watched Solomon gawk at the fluorescent drink in front of him. It was a bright vibrant blue color that faded into an obnoxious yellow with a cherry on top and something circling the rim. It was cute, almost like when they were kids and Solomon would become enraptured in something. In some instances, he still had a boyish charm about him especially when you got him on about something he liked. 
He was currently sipping on some pink nightmare with a strawberry slipped onto the side. They were all fruity and burned just right as it slipped down his throat. “Are you going to drink it?” he asked, leaning against the bar counter.
“Yeah… Yeah it’s just so.. so bright,” he frowned, squinting his eyes at the drink, “How do they make it so bright? Is it like… like drinking a glow stick?”
Both of them had already had a few drinks at this point, indiscriminately taking shot after short of whatever looked best. Asmo was definitely sure he was a little past tipsy now, but Solomon hit the lottery when it came to the drinks with the highest alcohol content.  The man had an aesthetic and it came with a price.
“I don’t mind splitting it if you-”
“Shhhhhhhhh,” Solomon’s finger was on his lips and he leaned forward a bit. For a moment Asmo was scared that he was going to fall off the stool if he leaned any closer. He wanted Solomon to make a move on him, but he didn’t want to make a trip to the ER….
“I-I can drink it,” Solomon said, then he stopped, fingers running over Asmo’s lips for a moment, “They’re so soft. How do you get them so soft?” 
Asmo stuttered a bit. Yes he wanted Solomon to make a move, but it didn’t stop his heartbeat from becoming irregular. After all, Solomon was a wonderful man, and his fingers were moving back and forth over his lips. “I uh.. Chapstick…”
Incredibly expensive chapstick.
“You know,” Asmo continued, trying to regain some of his composure, “It’s cherry flavored, I’ve been told it’s really good.” Do you want a taste?
He watched Solomon focus in on his lips, and he held his breath. Maybe he was actually thinking about doing it. Maybe Solomon would kiss him and confess right here. Asmo was getting ready to close his eyes, lashes fluttering against his cheeks. He let Solomon’s finger part his lips ever so slightly and leaned forward. Then he heard the rocking of the stool and a stumble. 
“Solomon!” he caught the man just in time before he fell off the bar stool. Alright… Maybe Solomon had had a little more than he thought. Solomon blinked as if in a daze before looking up at Asmo. 
“Hey Asmodeus, why is your skin so smooth? And how did the sunset  get into your eyes?” Solomon didn’t make any move to touch him again, but he did shoot some finger guns Asmo’s way.
Oh… Oh that was bad… That was really bad. But bad in a cute way.
“Wait, is it sunset or sunrise? …. Asmodeus do you know? I can’t remember which one is brighter… Or peaches… They could also be peaches…. Tangerines?”
Now it was time to stop. The sunset thing was cute, but this…? This was drunken rambling.
“Solomon, dear, why don’t we bring your drink over to a couch or something? That way you can sit better,” Asmo suggested, taking the blue, glowing concoction in one hand, his own in the other. The real challenge came with trying not to spill anything whenever Solomon bumped into him. It was so packed with people, the last thing he needed to do was ruin one of these expensive outfits.  He couldn’t help but feel anxious about it until they found an available couch. After all, ruining another designer’s masterpiece could ruin his career before it even started.
“Why don’t we sit here?” he asked, sitting the drinks down and patting the spot next to him. He jumped a bit as Solomon plopped down onto the red felt beneath them. He plucked his drink from the table in front of them and brought it to his lips. Asmo could help admire him. Oh how lucky was that glass, what Asmo wouldn’t give to have those lips on him.
“You want the cherry?” Solomon asked, plucking it from the inside of his glass. Asmo didn’t even get to respond before the smooth, plump, red fruit was being pressed against his lips. It was cold, just like Solomon’s hands. “You said your chapstick was cherry.” 
He pushed a little further. 
Oh drunk Solomon was certainly a little more forward. Asmo nodded before opening his mouth just enough to eat the cherry. The entire time, Solomon watched him with the goofiest grin Asmo had ever seen. They normally let loose with each other but this was more flirtatious.
“Didn’t you want it?” Asmo asked 
Solomn’s smile widened  and he chuckled slightly, “You said your chapstick was cherry.”
Oh. That was flirtatious…Or it could just be Solomon’s drunken  ramblings… Or it could be hinting to a deeper desire.
He was so obsessed with Asmo’s cherry chapstick, with Asmo’s lips….
Their fingertips were inches apart. They were already close together. They had to be in order to hear each other over the loud music. Asmo wanted to move closer. There was nothing more that he wanted in this moment than Solomon to touch him and tell him how much he loved him. He’d never known a stronger desire in his entire life. He’d never wished harder than he had for Solomon.
Kiss me.
That’s what he wanted to say. He wanted nothing more than that.  Solomon wouldn’t- didn’t have to ask. Asmo would let Solomon taste the cherries on his lips. He thought back once more to the people in the shadows, how they were intertwined and so caught up in only each other. That could be them. He could feel his hands on the back of Solomon’s neck, right above his tattoos, playing with the ends of his silver hair. He didn’t care if it wrinkled the suit he made, damn his design, Solomon was so much better. Solomon was all he ever wished for in this life with his starry eyes and charm. Asmodeus had always thought he was the charming and charismatic one in this relationship, and most of the time he was, but Solomon still managed to make his heart skip a beat. His body was heating up and he couldn’t tell whether it was the alcohol or Solomon himself. 
Solomon was quick and witty. And Asmo loved him. Asmo was honestly starting to wonder if his magic stemmed further than simple tricks of the hand. What sorcery had he cast upon him to make him feel this strongly?
“Excuse me,” a soft voice barely managed to pop up above the music. It took Asmo a while to register. He turned his head to find a girl standing before them. She was pretty. Perhaps one of the models? She was staring at Solomon. His Solomon. 
Asmo could feel his blood start to boil. 
Who said she could look at him the way she was? Yes he was attractive but-
But what? What was the but? What was supposed to follow it?
The more Asmo stared he came to a realization that there was a group watching from a distance. They were giggling, turning around and whispering to each other and watching intently. Asmo’s fists balled, he wasn’t stupid, he knew what this was about.
“I- um-” she couldn’t seem to find her words, and Asmo’s annoyance spiked.
“Yes?” he snapped, trying his hardest to keep the sugary sweet tone to his voice and failing miserably. He couldn’t help it. He worked so hard for Solomon. He’d waited so long. Asmo finally accepted how he felt towards his long time friend.  He couldn’t lose him. He couldn’t-
“I’m sorry, are you two… together?” 
Asmo stopped himself. A ‘yes’ lingering on the tip of his tongue.
Then it’s a date.
It’s a date.
A date….
That’s what Solomon had said. He slowly turned to look at Solomon who was already staring at him intently. His head was cocked to the side and his brows were furrowed. Suddenly Asmo felt chilled to his very core, and his composure dropped ever so slightly. 
A date.
Wouldn’t Solomon say something himself if that’s what he’d really meant? If it wasn’t him just using a figure of speech?
“I...Well…” he couldn’t find his words.
The woman’s face lit up once more and her focus back to Solomon, “Oh! Well, do you mind a quick dance? Just one?”
Asmo couldn’t tell Solomon what to do. He realized this. 
Solomon looked at Asmo for a moment. He still seemed a little off, but it looked like he was waiting for Asmo. Asmo couldn’t find his words.
“Just one. It’s just one dance.”
Asmo swore Solomon had said something similar to him once during their senior prom when he’d been dumped. Asmo’s current favorite song had come on, he’d looked at Solomon with the most pleading eyes (similar to the girl before them now). Solomon had said yes. They’d been close together, laughing and swapping jokes and words back and forth. They had been so natural together, just being themselves. He’d always been comfortable around Solomon, and as much as Asmo had wanted too, he hadn’t put his head on his chest.
Solomon wasn’t one to say no to such a simple request, and it looked like nothing much has changed since. Well… He could say no. He’d done it before…. But-
He watched her grab his arm and pull him into the crowd. Asmo didn’t even realize he was following. He didn’t feel like he was inside himself. He was going through movements. Neither of them had said anything… Why should they? They hadn’t confirmed anything… But Asmo certainly hadn’t denied anything… Solomon hadn’t confirmed anything… Was this all just their normal banter?
It couldn’t be…
It just couldn't be. It wouldn’t be fair.
It was just like her all over again. Solomon’s first girlfriend. The one that had shattered Asmo the first time. She was somewhere deep inside that woman, and she was taking Solomon from him all over again….
Or did Solomon even belong to him in the first place? 
He tried to hold on to his anger, to his jealousy, as he watched the two of them, from Solomon’s awkward drunken stupor to the girl’s tipsy giggling. That grip loosened with every passing moment and Asmo hated it. It was easier to be angry than vulnerable, and he was terrified of being vulnerable here, being vulnerable now.  Everyone else in the room disappeared. Honey-comb eyes were fixed on the pair in the spotlight.
That could have been him.
That should have been him.
Time seemed to stop around him as the girl leaned ever closer to Solomon’s face, and then Asmo had to rip his eyes away. The pounding of the bass once again flooded his system and the room suddenly felt too claustrophobic. There was too much. It was all too much. He was overwhelmed. He needed to get away. 
Asmo tried to hide his face as he shoved his way through people this time. He didn’t care about the warpath he could potentially leave in his wake.
Consequences be damned right?
The soft light from the bathroom drew him in away from the crowd, away from his embarrassment, away from Solomon. He was starting to regret the alcohol, he could feel it weighing heaving in the pit of his stomach.
The noise that left him was inhuman. It was raw. It was uncontrollable.
Pain bloomed into his knuckle as he bit down, hard, but it was nothing compared to the petals slowly being ripped off one at a time deep in his chest.
Shakily he paced his small prison. 
He was an adult. 
He could take care of himself no matter what happened.
He was more than capable.
He was….he was.
A tear dropped onto the tiled floor beneath him. Then another, and another, and another. They wouldn’t stop. No matter how many times he wiped them away, they kept coming down, faster and bigger than before. 
This wasn’t one of the possibilities he’d prepared himself for in things that could happen. It was his own fault. He’d been smart before, keeping everything locked deep in the back of his mind where they belonged. They’d been unacknowledged and had no way to gnaw at him. But then he’d let those stupid letters open him up, just a little bit, and he’d pushed the door open then rest of the way. There was no taking it back now. That was the real reason he’d never said anything to Solomon. He’d been afraid. Afraid of being wrong, and he’d been right. He’d wanted Solomon to confess first to show him that there was nothing to be afraid of. 
He’d wished for and dreamed of Solomon for years because he was something that Asmo couldn’t have. Solomon was funny, and witty, and handsome, and talented, and smart. He made Asmo laugh and feel more wonderful than anyone else could make him feel. 
Asmo couldn’t have that. Asmo didn’t deserve that. He was stupid that he ever thought otherwise. 
A date.
Asmo had invented this fairytale romance in his head, put words into Solomon’s mouth and thoughts behind his actions, and now he was paying the price.
Solomon didn’t think of him like that. He’d never thought of Asmo like that, and he never would. Asmo had been stupid to think otherwise. Yet he’d jumped anyways. It’s because he’d do anything for Solomon, even now he’d do anything for him. He’d jump again and all Solomon had to do was say the word. Solomon had him under his spell, and even though it sent a searing, burning pain though him, Asmo wasn’t sure he wanted to be let go. He couldn’t forget the way Solomon’s touch felt. Hands running through his hair… Fingers touching his lips….
The alcohol in his stomach was stirring. He really regretted the alcohol, it was under a long list of regrets that Asmo had within this moment. It had to stay down. He needed to keep control of one thing about himself right now. Something, anything would do. Everything was shattering around him, he just needed to keep something, anything to keep his sanity, to keep him from completely breaking down.
Then he made the mistake of looking at himself in the mirror. His makeup was completely ruined, smudged and dripping down his face. His pretty eyes were completely bloodshot. His face overall was red and blotchy. Strawberry blonde locks, normally perfectly in place, were frizzed and scattered in every direction…. Had… Had he really ripped at his hair? Fat tears still continued to roll down his face.
Knees buckled as Asmo fell back onto the cold tiled floor.
His fingers buried into his hair and his face in his lap, and he let out a guttural cry.  He was alone, he was broken, and he wasn’t sure if his sobbing would ever stop. 
He took it back. This was nothing compared to the first time. It hurt so much more.
Asmo had never been more grateful for the loud bass pounding through the speakers outside as it drowned out his sorrow.
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pokeswagmom · 4 years
Completionist Dreamer
I have completed quite a few sets of furniture so I thought I could hold a cataloging party 🎉(tho one person at a time in case of people stealing, I hear about a few cases of this so I'm going to be cautious) also to help me search for my wishlist items and also complete sets and variations of other items.
Edit (7/26/2020): I have added a bunch more furniture and will be attempting to catalogue as much as possible.
Edit (8/17/2020): I also have a nookazon list of my catalogue and wishlist if you want them. Still working on items beyond the letter "g."
Edit (10/03/2020): This post is a bit long and so I will be reposting it but with things I have catalogued/on hand and things I’m looking for.
Edit (01/03/2021): No longer using this post!
Furniture I have at hand 🎁
Antique Bureau (brown, natural, black)
Arcade games (combat, mahjong, fighting)
Arcade seat (red, gray, blue)
Autograph cards (IH hand prints, signature, words of wisdom, illustration)
Automatic Washer (green, white, pink, blue, yellow, black)
Basic teachers desk (standard, wooden, monotone)
Beach chair (blue, yellow, black, white, orange, pink)
Blue corner, red corner, neutral corner
Board game (territory, simple path, kid’s)
Books (Western, Japanese, encyclopedia, textbook)
Book stands (colorful, pastel, brown, black)
Bottled ship (leisure, pirate, trading)
Candy machine (blue, red, pink, yellow)
Cardboard boxes (apple, orange, cherry, pear, peach, regular)
Champion’s pennant (red, green, black, blue)
Chalkboard (foreign language, art, after school, blank, math, music, club activities)
Chessboard (brown, black)
Coffee cup (elegant, plain, floral, polka dot, rose, royal)
Colorful wheel (items, colorful numbers, two toned numbers, win or lose, black & red)
Cypress bath (light wood, natural wood, dark wood)
Elaborate kimono stand (cranes, wisteria, hawk, balls, peonies)
Electric bass (cosmos black, deep ocean, shocking pink, natural wood, chic white, space silver, ash green)
Fishing-boat flag (longevity, bounty, big catch, launch)
Flashy flower sign (pop, elegant, cute)
Floating-biotope Planter (white, black, brown, artistic)
Floor lights (white, orange, red, pink, purple, blue, light blue, green)
Foosball table (brown, dark brown, blue)
Fortune-telling set (black, purple)
Garden gnome (IH sleepy, surprised, passionate, rebel, hungry, laid-back, reliable, springtly)
Garden lantern (black, bronze, white)
Globe (cool, sepia, standard)
Lecture-hall bench (light brown, dark brown)
Lecture-hall desk (dark brown, light brown, white)
Life Ring (blue, orange, red, yellow)
Low screen (IH light brown, dark brown, brown)  
Menu chalkboard (IH natural, dark brown, blue, red, white)
Mr & Mrs Flamingos (natural, pink)
Office desk (white, beige & white, brown & black, gray)
Panda set (baby, mama, papa)
Paper lantern (natural, dark, orange)
Pinball Machine (white, red, blue, black, brown)
Record box (red, yellow, blue, green, gray, black, white)
Retro gas pump (red, yellow, green, black, white, rusted)
Rocket lamps (blue, red, yellow, turquoise, purple, green, pink)
School chairs (all, dm for full list)
School desks (all, dm for full list)
Screen (bamboo, dragon, plum, tiger, pine)
Old sewing machine (black, green, silver)
Train set (spring, summer, fall, winter)
Sandcastle (natural sand, white sand)
Shaved-ice maker (silver, green)
Street organ (blue, dark brown, yellow, natural)
Surfboard (white, red, hibiscus flowers, cool, stripes, brown)
Throwback container (IH blue, green, yellow, black, white, light blue, red)  
Traditional tea set (floral, goldfish, plain)
Water cooler (white, black)
Items I can order 📬  To Order (TO)/I have (IH)
Accessories stand (IH white, brown, light blue, pink TO black)
Air circulator (TO pink, white, green, black, yellow)
Aluminum briefcase (TO gold bars) (IH cash money)
Analog kitchen scale (IH green, black, light blue TO red, blue, ivory, black, pink, yellow)
Anthurium plant (TO brown, white, light blue, black, pink)
Antique items (TO all, I do have some, dm for details)
Baby bear (TO caramel, choco, floral, checkered, cream, tweed)
Baby chair (TO blue, white, red, pink, yellow, green, black)
Ball (TO basketball, soccer ball, volley ball, dodge ball)
Barbecue (TO red, white, black, yellow, green)
Basketball hoop (TO green, blue, black)
Bathroom towel rack (TO gold, silver, copper, black)
Billiard table (TO blue, green, red)
Box corner sofa (black, magenta, orange, yellow, white, turquoise, pink, navy blue)
Box sofa (black, navy blue, white, turquoise, pink, yellow, orange, magenta) <- all sofas need to be ordered, except turquoise
Candle (TO gold, silver, copper, white, black)
Cartoonist’s set (TO black, silver, brown, pink)
Cat grass (IH light blue TO white, pink, red, black) 
Cat tower (IH pink, gray TO beige, navy blue, brown, white)
Cute Set (TO sky blue, yellow, red, blue) (IH white, dm for details)
Climbing wall (IH natural, blue, white, pink)
Clothes line pole (TO silver, blue)
Cooler box (IH red, blue, TO green, yellow)
Corkboard (TO blue, natural, white)
Cypress plant (TO blue, white, yellow, black, brown)
Deluxe washer (IH blue, pink, white, yellow TO black, red)
Den desk (TO white, dark wood, brown wood, red wood, natural)
Diner neon sign (TO red, orange, green) (IH purple, blue)
Dish drying rack (IH blue TO yellow, red, black, white, silver)
Dolly (IH red, blue, green, pink, purple, white)
Double-door refrigerator (TO silver, white, red, black)
Drying rack (TO silver, ivory, black, white)
Elephant slide (TO blue, pink, red, light blue, white, black, gray, yellow)
Essay set (TO in progress, blank, writer’s block, letter)
Exit sign (TO <-, ->, red exit, <- ->)
Fancy violin (IH black, white) (TO natural)
Fireplace (TO dark brown, white, beige) (IH red)
Fragrance diffuser (TO white, pink, yellow, green, blue)
Fragrance sticks (TO black, blue, brown, green)
Garden faucet (TO wooden, concrete, stainless IH mosaic tile, red brick)
Garbage bin ( IH black, brown, yellow, blue TO green, red, blue, white)
Gas range (IH silver TO black, blue, white, red)
Gears (TO wooden, silver, copper, gears, black)
Glass holder with candle (TO white, red, pink, green, blue, purple)
Grand piano (IH black, white TO cherry, walnut)
Hamster cage (TO blue, yellow, red, brown, pink)
Harp (IH black, white TO brown, light brown, dark brown)
Imperial Items (TO all colors) (IH dm for details)
Incense burner (IH deep sea, sandalwood, tea, cherry blossoms TO rose, forest)
Knife Block (TO black) (IH silver, natural)
Macrame tapestry (TO white, green, pink, blue)
Metronome (TO cream, red, black, brown, blue)
Microwave (TO white, black, red, green)
Mug (TO red, blue, white, black, green, yellow, pink, turquoise)
Nail-art set (TO pink, black)
Oil Barrel (IH light blue, green, caution TO light green, blue, orange, caution, red, damaged)
Pants press (TO brown, gray, black)
Pedal board (pink, green, black)
Popcorn machine (TO black, blue) (IH pink, red, green)
Pot rack (IH silver TO pop, wooden)
Pro tape recorder (TO gray, brown, black)
Shower booth (TO white, blue, black) (IH pink)
Simple Panel (light gray, black, white, brown, brown, light brown, copper, silver, gold)
Speed bag (TO red) (IH black, blue)
Throwback skull radio (TO white, red, black, ash, green, gray)
Sturdy Sewing Box (dm details)
Looking For 🔍👀(LF)/I have 🤲(IH):
Air conditioner (LF brown, gray, white) (TO black, blue, pink)
Amp (LF orange, red) (IH black, brown TO blue, white, pink)
Broom and dustpan (LF dark brown) (IH natural TO colorful, white)
Bunk bed (LF black, pink) (IH silver, blue, yellow, white, red)
Camp stove (LF green) (TO brown, yellow, black, red, blue)
Camping cot (LF camo, pop, simple, snow) (TO red, green, blue, yellow)
Cassette player (LF green, yellow) (TO red, pink, silver, black, blue, white)
Celebratory candles (LF black, brown, light brown) (TO blue, white)
Cello (LF black) (IH natural, white)
Changing room (LF blue, dark brown) (IH gray, pink TO beige, black, green)
Claw foot tub (LF white, pink, blue, yellow) (TO red, black)
Clothes closet (LF blue, orange) (IH black, light blue, white, pink)
Cone (LF yellow, blue, caution) (IH red, white, green stripes, reflective stripes, caution, red stripes)
Cordless phone (LF red, pink) (TO white, black, silver, light blue, yellow)
Cream and sugar (LF silver) (TO brown, floral, white)
Cuckoo clock (LF red, blue) (TO yellow, white, black, green, natural)
Den chair (LF brown, camel, green, red) (TO black, white)
Desk mirror (LF blue) (TO gold, red, black, white, pink)
Desktop computer (LF white) (TO silver, pink, black)
Digital alarm clock (LF green, white, light blue, pink) (TO purple, orange, black, blue)
Digital scale (LF black, red, blue, brown, green) (TO yellow, white)
Diner Items (LF cream counter chair, cream counter table, cream dining table, cream sofa) (IH all aqua, rest TO)
Diner neon clock (LF pink, purple, aquamarine) (red, cream, blue, yellow)
Director's chair (LF black) (TO light brown, dark brown, white)
DJ’s turntable (LF white) (IH pink TO black, brown)
Double-sided wall clock (LF yellow, white, green) (IH black, red, silver)
Double sofa (LF green) (TO red, black, blue, white, light brown, dark brown)
Drum set (LF wood, pink, black & white) (TO yellow, green, white, black, blue)
Effects rack (LF orange, white) (TO black, blue, pink, red)
Electric guitar (LF cherry, natural wood, chic white, cosmos black) (IH sunburst, marine)
Electric kick scooter (LF white, blue, pink, green) (TO red, yellow)
Espresso maker (LF yellow, silver) (IH green, white TO red, blue, black)
Exercise ball (LF gold) (TO blue, black, pink, white)
Exercise bike (LF yellow) (TO black, white, red)
Fan (LF light blue, pink, black) (IH white)
Fan palm (LF blue, red) (TO green, black, white, brown)
Fax machine (LF black, red) (TO pink, white, brown)
Floor lamp (LF brown) (TO white, natural, black)
Floor seat (LF darkwood) (IH black, natural, lightwood)
Floor sign (LF stop, slippery) (TO no entry, warning IH no parking)
Folding chair (LF brown, black) (IH white, green, blue, red)
Folding lamp (LF white, blue, gray, black) (IH light green TO red, yellow, silver)
Formal paper (LF dark brown) (IH brown TO light brown)
Freezer (LF beige, silver) (IH white, black)
Golf bag (LF green, brown, pink) (IH colorful TO red, silver)
Hammock (LF light brown, blue, yellow, white, black) (TO pink, brown)
Handcart (LF black, blue) (TO green, yellow, red, brown)
Handy water cooler (LF blue, red, yellow, plaid) (TO green, avocado)
Heart doorplate (LF monotone, purple, light blue, green) (IH blue TO orange, red)
Hose reel (LF red, black) (TO silver, green, blue, yellow)
Hourglass (LF black, brown) (TO white, natural)
Humidifier (LF brown, natural, white, blue, pink, yellow, green) (TO purple)
Inflatable sofa (LF  green, purple) (IH pink, blue polka, rainbow, camo TO lime)
Kitchen Island (LF blue, red, dark brown) (IH black TO white, light brown, silver)
Kitty litter box (LF orange, brown, green) (TO white, light blue, pink, black)
Laptop (LF black, white, pink, blue, silver) (IH red TO gold)
Lawn chair (LF red/white/blue, pink, yellow) (TO green, black, blue)
Lawn mower (LF blue, green, yellow) (TO red, orange)
Light switch (LF brown, wood grain) (TO white, silver)
Loft bed with desk (LF pink, black) (IH orange TO brown, natural, white, light blue)
Long bathtub (LF black marble, pink, light blue) (IH two-toned, white marble TO white, green)
Magnetic knife rack (LF wooden) (IH silver TO pop)
Mama bear (LF caramel, choco) (TO cream, caramel mocha, floral, checkered, tweed)
Microscope (LF black) (TO white, silver)
Mini fridge (LF black, yellow, wood) (TO gray, white, pink, red)
Mobile (LF hot air balloons, gorgeous) (IH space TO ocean, sheep)
Modern office chair (LF pink, green, yellow, light blue) (IH blue, red, black)
Monstera (LF black, brown) (TO red, blue, white, yellow)
Old-fashioned alarm clock (LF gold, copper, red, ) (TO white, light blue)
Outdoor bench (LF red, black) (TO white, green, blue)
Outdoor generator (LF orange, turquoise, red, yellow) (TO white, blue)
Outdoor table (LF black) (TO white, green, blue, red)
Painting set (LF pink, white)  (TO yellow, blue)
Papa bear (LF caramel, checkered)
Party garland (LF pastel) (TO gorgeous, colorful, boating stripes, orange & black, pop)
Pennant (LF classic, sponsor, souvenir) (TO sports, university)
Pet bed (LF natural) (IH dark brown, white)
Pet food bowl (LF orange, blue) (TO green, pink, red)
Piano bench (LF light green, camel, green) (TO brown, white, black, red, blue)
Picnic basket (LF green, white, blue) (TO red, yellow, gray)
Plastic canister (LF gray) (IH red, white, blue, green)
Plastic pool (LF green, blue, pink) (TO orange, colorful, polka dots)
Poolside bed (LF light brown) (TO dark brown, orange)
Pop-up toaster (LF silver) (IH light blue, green TO white, yellow, red)
Portable radio (LF black, white, green, yellow) (IH red TO pink, blue, light blue)
Portable record player (LF blue) (TO pink, red, yellow, orange, green, black)
Protein shaker bottle (LF plain, strawberry) (TO vanilla, cocoa)
Pull-up-bar stand (LF red) (TO black, yellow, blue)
Puching bag (LF red, blue) (IH black)
Feel free to dm to set up a time to touch catalogue (meaning: you pick up the item and drop it so it's now available for you to purchase on your own on the Nooks Shopping app, please do not take the item without asking).
For things I can order, I will directly give the item to you since I am running out of room on my island (the lag is getting bad... plus my storage is very full) or have no place to put that item and I’d rather not have that item cluttering space in my storage. Some items I may not have on hand and will need to order. Bold items on my LF list are preferred to be touch catalogued only.
Even if you don't have anything on what I'm looking for, still feel free to dm me, I'll just ask you to help water the flower fields and/or ask for materials like stone or wood (just 5-10 pieces are fine, I know giving out a stack really cuts into your resources supply!) For large amounts of items, I’ll split them into cataloging over a few days since it takes time to gather everything. Again please DM me, I tend to miss replies and not pay attention to likes either. On the other hand, if I don't have something you want, but you have something I am looking for, send me your wishlist! I may be able to help out with those.
No matter how old this post is, as long as its not crossed out it's still going! Again thanks for reading through this entire post, I know it's a bit long but I'm cramming as much information on one post so we'll be on the same page ☺
Edit (7/26/2020) I am unsure of what I have on hand because I now have two profiles, so I will have to check. Also for large amounts of items that you want to catalogue from me, I will limit to around 15-20 items per day and ask you to help water! It takes time to gather all the items so this is what I will be asking of you.
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